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A B % A

1. If decreasing 120 by x% gives the same result as % B %

increasing 40 by x%, then x% of 210 is what
percent less than (x + 20)% of 180? (CGL 2018)
x% (a) 64 (b) 55
x% (c) 60 (d) 70
x% (x + 20)% 5. When the price of an item was reduced by 20%,
(CGL 2018) then the sale increased by x%. If there is an
𝟏 increase of 60% in the receipt of the revenue,
(a) 33 𝟑 (b) 18
𝟐 then the value of x is:
(c) 16 (d) 20
𝟑 %
2. The income of Raju is 20% more than his x% %
expenditure. If his income increases by 60% x
and his expenditure increases by 70%, then by (CGL 2018)
what percent does his savings
(a) 120 (b) 96
(c) 100 (d) 80
% % 6. Sudha saves 15% of her income. If her
expenditure increases by 20% and savings
(CGL 2018) increase by 60%, then by what percent has her
(a) It decreases by 10% income increased?
(b) It decreases by 2% %
(c) It increases by 10%
% %
(d) It increases by 2%
3. The income of A is 25% more than that of B and
(CGL 2018)
the income of C is 65% less than then the sum (a) 26 (b) 35
of the incomes of A and B. Income of C is what (c) 24 (d) 30
percent less than the income of A? 7. A is 20% less than B and C is 30% more than D. If
B A % C D is 25% less than A, then which of following is
A B % C A ture?
A, B % C D %
(CGL 2018)
D A %
(a) 28 (b) 32
(CGL 2018)
(c) 35 (d) 37
(a) B = 0.39C (b) C =0.78B
4. The income of A is 50% more than that of B. If
(c) B = 0.78C (d) C = 0.39B
the income of A is increased by 40% and the
income of B is increased by 90%, then the 8. A is 20% less than B while C is 20% more than D.
percentage increase in their combined income If D is 25% less than A, then which of the
will be: following is ture?

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

A, B % D,
A %
(CGL 2018) (a) 10% (b) 7.8%
(a) B = 0.675 C (b) C = 0.72 B (c) 8.2% (d) 8.6%
(c) B = 0.72C (d) C =0.675 B 13. The price of sugar is increased by 17%. A person
9. The income of A is 40% more than of B. If A got wants to increase his expenditure by 8% only.
25% rise is his income and B got a 40% rise in By what percent should he decrease his
his income then the percentage increase in the consumption, nearest to one decimal place?
combined income of A and B is: (CGL 2018)
A B % A % %
B % %
(CGL 2018)
(a) 7.9% (b) 8.3%
(a) 28.25 (b) 34.5
(c) 8.1% (d) 7.7%
(c) 24.5 (d) 31.25
14. The price of sugar is increased by 24%. A person
10. The price of sugar is increased by 18%. A person
wants to increase the expenditure by 12% only. wants to increase his expenditure by 15% only.
By what percent, correct to one decimal place, By what percentage, correct to one decimal
should he decrease his consumption? place, should be reduce his consumption?
% (CGL 2018)
% %
(a) 5.3% (b) 6% (CGL 2018)
(c) 5.1% (d) 5.6%
(a) 7.3 (b) 7.1
11. The radius of a sphere is increased by 140% By
(c) 6.9 (d) 7.5
what percent will its volume increase?
% 15. If 85% of a number is added to 75, then the
result is the number itself. The number is:
(CGL 2018) (CGL 2018)
(a) 1282.4% (b) 1382.4%
यदि किसी संख्या िा 85%, 75 में जोडा जाता है , तो
(c) 274.4% (d) 174.4%
12. The price of sugar in increased by 22%. A परिणाम स्वयं संख्या है । संख्या है :
person wants to increase his expenditure by (a) 500 (b) 200
12% only. By what percent should he decrease (c) 300 (d) 100
his consumption, nearest to one decimal place? 16. The price of sugar is increased by 15%. By what
(CGL 2018) percentage can a person increase the
% consumption so that there is no change in the
% expenditure:

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

चीनी िी िीमत में 15% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई है । किस 20. The radius of a cylinder is increased by 150%
and its height is increased by 50%, what is the
प्रततशत से व्यक्तत उपभोग में वद्
ृ धि िि सिता है
percentage increase in its volume?
ताकि व्यय में िोई परिवततन न हो:
(CPO 2018)
(CPO 2018) एि ससलेंडि िी त्रिज्या 150% ति बढ़ जाती है औि
𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝟑𝟎𝟎
(a) % (b) %
𝟐𝟑 𝟏𝟕 इसिी ऊंचाई 50% बढ़ जाती है , इसिी आयतन में
𝟓𝟎 𝟐𝟎
(c) % (d) %
𝟑 𝟑 प्रततशत वद्
ृ धि तया है ?
17. If A’s income is 40% more than the income of B,
(a) 375% (b) 625.5%
then what percentage of B’s income is less than (c) 775.75% (d) 837.5%
income of A? 21. If the income of A is 40% more than the income
यदि A िी आय B िी आय से 40% अधिि है , तो A िी of B, then by what percentage is B’s income less
आय से B िी आय िा कितना प्रततशत िम है? than that income of A?
(CPO 2018) यदि A िी आय B िी आय से 40% अधिि है , तो B िी
(a) 𝟐𝟕 𝟕 %
(b) 𝟐𝟖 𝟕 %
आय A िी आय से कितने प्रततशत िम है?
𝟓 𝟒 (CPO 2018)
(c) 𝟐𝟕 𝟕 % (d) 𝟐𝟖 𝟕 %
(a) 230/7% (b) 56%
18. The radius of a cylinder is increased by 120%
(c) 25% (d) 200/7%
and its height is decreased by 40%. What is the 22. If the income of A is 24% less than the income
percent increase in its volume? of B, then what percentage is B’s income is
(CPO 2018) more than that of A?
एि ससलेंडि िी त्रिज्या 120% बढ़ जाती है औि इसिी
यदि A िी आय B िी आय से 24% िम है , तो B िी
ऊंचाई 40% ति िम हो जाती है । इसिी आयतन में
आय A िी तुलना में कितनी प्रततशत अधिि है ?
प्रततशत वद्
ृ धि तया है ? (CPO 2018)
(a) 180.6% (b) 212.8% (a) 600/31% (b) 600/17%
(c) 190.4% (d) 175.4% (c) 600/29% (d) 600/19%
19. The price of sugar has increased by 18%, by 23. The price of sugar has increased by 14%, by
what percentage can a person decrease the what percentage can a person decrease the
consumption so that it, no change in the consumption so that there is an increase in the
expenditure? (correct to one decimal place) expenditure by 8% only?
(CPO 2018) (CPO 2018)
चीनी िी िीमत में 18% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई, किस प्रततशत चीनी िी िीमत में 14% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई है, किस प्रततशत
से व्यक्तत उपभोग में िमी िि सिता है ताकि व्यय से व्यक्तत उपभोग में िमी िि सिता है ताकि व्यय
में िोई बिलाव न हो? में 8% िी ही वद्
ृ धि हो?
(a) 15.9% (b) 15.7% (a) 5.9% (b) 5.3%
(c) 15.5% (d) 15.3% (c) 5.7% (d) 5.5%
BY Gagan Pratap Sir
24. The radius of a cylinder is increased by 60% and 27. Nidhi got 62 marks in Mathematics, 70 marks
radius of base is decreased by 20%. What is in English and 74 marks in Science. How much
percentage increase in its volume? does Nidhi score in Social Science if se got 68%
(CPO 2018) marks overall?
ससलेंडि िी त्रिज्या 60% ति बढ़ जाती है औि आिाि ननधि गणित में 62, अंग्रेजी में 70, ववज्ञान में 74 अंक प्राप्त
िी त्रिज्या 20% ति िम हो जाती है । इसिी आयतन ककए| िामाजजक ववज्ञान में उिका स्कोर क्या होना र्ादहए
में प्रततशत वद्
ृ धि तया है ? ताकक उिे कुल 68% माक्िच प्राप्त हो?
(a) 105.2% (b) 104.8% (CPO 2018)
(c) 105.8% (d) 105.6% (a) 67 (b) 65
25. The population of a town is increased by 5% at (c) 66 (d) 68
the end of the first year and decreased by 4% at 28. The price of petrol was raised by 15%. by how
the end of the second year. If the population at much percentage should motorist reduce the
the end of the second year was 55,12,248, then consumption of petrol so that the expenditure
the population at the beginning of the first year on it does not increase?
पेट्रोल िी िीमत में 15% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई। मोटि चालि
एि शहि िी आबािी पहले वर्त िे अंत में 5% बढ़
िो पेट्रोल िी खपत िो कितने प्रततशत िम ििना
जाती है औि िस
ू िे वर्त िे अंत में 4% ति िम हो
चादहए ताकि उस पि व्यय में वद्
ृ धि न हो?
जाती है । यदि िस
ू िे वर्त िे अंत में जनसंख्या
(CPO 2018)
55,12,248 थी, तो पहले वर्त िी शरु
ु आत में जनसंख्या 𝟐 𝟑
(a) 𝟗 𝟏𝟏% (b) 𝟏𝟓 𝟏𝟑%
थी: (CPO 2018) 𝟏 𝟕
(c) 𝟏𝟑 𝟐𝟑% (d) 𝟔 𝟖%
(a) 55,72,950 (b) 56,23,012
29. A marketing agent earns a commission of 2%
(c) 54,68,500 (d) 53,00,420
on first ₹2,00,000, 1.5% on next ₹2,00,000 and
26. From his monthly income, A spends 24% on 1% on the remaining amount of sales made in a
household activities, 16% on entertainment,
month. If the sales achieved by the agent for
12% on education and saves the rest amount. If
the month of April 2018 are ₹5,68,000 the
he saves Rs.3,288, then his monthly income
commission earned is:
एि मािेदटंग एजेंट पहले Rs.2,00,000 पि 2%, अगले
A अपनी मासिक आय िे, घरे लू खर्च पर 24%, मनोरं जन पर
Rs.2,00,000 पि 1.5% औि एि महीने में िी गई त्रबक्री
16%, सिक्षा पर 12% वह करता है और बाकी बर्ा लेता है |
िी शेर् िासश पि 1% िमाता है । यदि एजेंट द्वािा
यदि बर्ा ₹3,288 है , तो A की मासिक आय ककतनी होगी?
अप्रैल 2018 िे महीने िे सलए हाससल िी गई त्रबक्री
(CPO 2018)
Rs.5,68,000 है , जो अक्जतत िमीशन है : (CPO
(a) ₹6,654 (b) ₹6,480
(c) ₹6,323 (d) ₹6,850 2018)
(a) ₹ 8680 (b) ₹7,730

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

(c) ₹ 8,240 (d) ₹ 7,105 35. A number is decreased by 10% and then
30. Rs. 49.60 is what percent of Rs. 124? increased by 10%. The resultant number is 100
₹124 का ककतना प्रनतित ₹49.60 होता है ? less than the original number. Find the original
(a) 16 (b) 40 (CPO 2018) number.
(c) 123 (d) 250 एक िंख्या में पहले 10% की कमी की जाती है और उिके
31. Convert 𝟐𝟓 into percent: (CPO 2018) बाि 10% की वद्
ृ धि की जाती हैं इि तरह िे प्राप्त हुई िंख्या
प्रनतित में पररवनतचत 𝟐𝟓 है :
मूल िंख्या िे 100 कम है| मूल िंख्या ज्ञात कीजजए?
(a) 2.56 (b) 256 (CPO 2018)
(c) 0.256 (d) 25.6 (a) 100000 (b) 10000
32. A saves 12% of her income. If she spends (c) 1000 (d) 100
Rs.2,16,128, then her income is: 36. A man spends 72% of his income. If his income
A अपनी आय की 12% रासि बर्त करती है | यदि वह increases by 28% and his expenditure increases
by 25%, then what is the percentage increase in
₹2,16,128 खर्च करती है , तो उिकी कुल आय हैं: his savings (correct to one decimal place)?
(CPO 2018) एि आिमी अपनी आय िा 72% खचत ििता है । यदि
(a) ₹2,43,560 (b) ₹2,42063 उसिी आय में 28% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है औि उसिे
(c) ₹2,45,600 (d) ₹2,48,000
व्यय में 25% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है , तो उसिी बचत में
33. In an examination, Shreya scored 84 out of 90
प्रततशत वद्
ृ धि तया है ?
in mathematics, 44 out of 50 in science, 23 out
(a) 26.9% decrease (CHSL 2018)
of 25 in computer science and 68 out of 80 in
(b) 38.4% increase
English. In which subject did she score the (c) 35.7% increase
highest percentage? (d) 26.3% decrease
एि पिीक्षा में श्रेया ने गणणत में 90 में से 84, ववज्ञान 37. A is 20% more than B, B is 25% more than C, C
is 60% less than D is 20% more than E. Based on
में 50 में से 44, िंप्यट
ू ि ववज्ञान में 25 में से 23 औि the above information, which of the following
अंग्रेजी में 80 में से 68 अंि बनाए। किस ववर्य में is true?
उसने उच्चतम प्रततशत प्राप्त किया? A, B िे 20% अधिक है तो B, C िे 25% अधिक है| इिी
(CPO 2018) प्रकार C, D िे 60% कम है और D, E िे 20% अधिक
(a) Mathematics (b) English है | ऊपर िी गई जानकारी के अनि
ु ार, ननम्नसलणखत
(c) Science (d) Computer science में िे कौन िही है ?
34. If 20% of a = b, then 20% of b = ? (a) D is 60% less than B (CHSL 2018)
यदि a का 20%= b है तो 20 का b%= _______ होगा| (b) E is 28% more than A
(CPO 2018) (c) A is 40% less than D
(d) C is 24% less than A
(a) a का 16% (b) a का 4% 38. In a constituency, 40% of the voters are senior
(c) a का 8% (d) a का 2% citizens. 40% of the senior citizen voters are
illiterate and 25% of the non-senior citizen

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

voters are literates. By what percentage is the िि
ू रे वर्च के अंत में कीमत का 40% (₹ में ) होगा:
number of literate senior citizens voters less (CHSL 2018)
than that of illiterate non-senior citizen voters? (a) 484 (b) 432
(CHSL 2018) (c) 384 (d) 472
ककिी ननवाचर्न क्षेत्र में 40% मतिाता, वररष्ठ नागररक है | 42. Sudha decided to donate 12% of her monthly
वररष्ठ नागररक मतिाताओं में िे 40% ननरक्षर है और 25 income to an orphanage. On the day of
donation, she changed her decision and
% गैर वररष्ठ नागररक मतिाता िाक्षर है | ननरक्षर गैर
donated a sum of ₹4800 which was equal to
वररष्ठ नागररक मतिाताओं की तुलना में िाक्षर वररष्ठ 80% of what she had decided earlier. What is
नागररक मतिाताओं की िंख्या ककतने प्रनतित कम है ? 27% of her monthly income?
िुिा ने अपनी मासिक आय का 12% ककिी अनाथालय को
(a) 40 (b) 48
(c) 50 (d) 46𝟑
𝟐 िान करने का फैिला ककया| िान के दिन उिने अपना
39. Anu spends 90% of her income. If expenditure फैिला बिल दिया और ₹4800 की रासि िान की, जो उिके
increases by 25% and savings increased by 30% द्वारा पहले तय की गई रासि के 80% के बराबर थी| उिकी
then by what percent does her salary increase? मासिक आय का 27% क्या है ? (CHSL 2018)
अनु अपनी आय का 90% खर्च करती है | अगर उिका खर्च (a) ₹13959 (b) ₹11934
25% बढ़ जाता है और बर्त 30% बढ़ जाती है , तो उिके (c) ₹14040 (d) ₹13500
वेतन में ककतने प्रनतित की वद्
ृ धि होती है ? 43. A Number is increased by 30%, then decreased
(CHSL 2018) by 25%, and then further increased by 25%.
(a) 25.5% (b) 24% What is the net increase or decrease percent in
(c) 22.5% (d) 20% the number (correct to the nearest integer)?
40. The price of a commodity is increased by 36% एक िंख्या में 30% की वद्
ृ धि हुई, 25% की कमी आई,
and the quantity purchased is decreased by 25% की वद् ृ धि हुई| िंख्या में ककतने प्रनतित की
30%. What is the percentage increase/decrease
in the amount spent on the commodity? िुद्ि वद्
ृ धि/कमी (ननकटतम पूिाांक में ) हुई?
ककिी वस्तु की कीमत में 36% की वद् (CHSL 2018)
ृ धि हुई और क्रय की
(a) 22% decrease (b) 22 % increase
गई मात्रा में 30% की कमी हुई| वस्तु पर व्यय की गई रासि
(c) 21% decrease (d) 21 % increase
में ककतने प्रनतित की वद्
ृ धि या कमी हुई है ? 44. A number is decreased by 30%, then increased
(CHSL 2018) by 30%, then further decreased by 10%. What
(a) 6% increase (b) 4.8% increase is the net increase / decrease percent in the
(c) 6% decrease (d) 4.8% decrease number (correct to the nearest integer)?
41. The price of an article increased by 20% every (CHSL 2018)
year. If the difference between the prices at the एक िंख्या में 30% की कमी हुई, कफर 30% की वद्
ृ धि
end of third and fourth years is ₹259.20, then
40% of the price (in ₹) at the end of second year हुई और कफर उिके बाि 10% की कमी हुई| िंख्या में
is: ककतने प्रनतित की िुद्ि वद्
ृ धि/कमी (ननकटतम
एक वस्तु की कीमत हर वर्च 20% बढ़ जाती है | यदि तीिरे पूिाांक में ) हुई?
और र्ौथे वर्च के अंत में कीमतों का अंतर ₹259.20 है , तो (a) 18% increase (b) 19% decrease
(c) 19% increase (d) 18% decrease

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

45. Two students, A and B, appeared for an sum of their marks. The sum of the marks
examination.A secured 8 marks more than B obtained by A and B is:
and the marks of the farmer was 55% of the िो ववद्याथी, A और B ककिी परीक्षा में िासमल हुए| A को
sum of their marks. The marks obtained by A
B िे 8 अंक अधिक समले और पूवव
च ती का अंक, उनके अंको
and B, respectively are:
के योगफल का 55% था| A और B के प्राप्तांकों का योगफल
2 ववद्याधथचयों, A और B ककिी परीक्षा में िासमल हुए|
है :
A को B िे 8 अंक अधिक समले और पव
ू व
च ती का अंक,
(a) 100 (b) 80 (CHSL 2018) (c) 75
उनके अंकों के योगफल का 55% था| A और B द्वारा (d) 90
प्राप्त अंक क्रमिः है : 50. If each side of a rectangle is increased by 13%,
then its area will increase by:
(CHSL 2018)
(a) 44,36 (b) 36,28 यदि ककिी आयात की प्रत्येक भुजा को 13% बढ़ाया जाय,
(c) 38,30 (d) 40,32 तो इिके क्षेत्रफल में वद्
ृ धि होगी:
46. If x% of y is 150 and y% of z is 300, then the (a) 21.69% (b) 13% (CHSL 2018)
relation between x and z is: (c) 27.69% (d) 26%
यदि y का x% 150 है और z का y% 300 है , तो x और z के 51. Two students, A and B, appeared for an
बीर् का िंबंि है : (CHSL 2018) examination. A secured 8 marks more than B
and the marks of the former was 60% of the
(a) z=x (b) z=x/3
sum of their marks. The sum of the marks
(c) z=x/2 (d) z=2x
obtained by A and B is:
47. If each side of a rectangle is increased by 22%,
then its area will increase by: िो ववद्याथी, A और B ककिी परीक्षा में िासमल हुए| A को
यदि ककिी आयात की प्रत्येक भज
ु ा को 22% बढ़ाया जाए तो B िे 8 अंक अधिक समले और पूवव
च ती का अंक, उन िोनों के
इिके क्षेत्रफल में वद्
ृ धि होगी: अंको के योगफल का 60% था| A और B द्वारा प्राप्त अंकों
(a) 44% (b) 50% (CHSL 2018) का योगफल है :
(c) 46.65% (d) 48.84% (a) 45 (b) 50 (CHSL 2018)
48. The sum of salaries of A and B is ₹43000. A (c) 40 (d) 75
spends 95% of his salary and B spends 80% of 52. If each side of a rectangle is decreased by 13%,
his salary. If their savings are the same, what is then its area will decrease by:
A’s salary (in ₹)?
यदि एक आयात की प्रत्येक भज
ु ा 13% कम कर िी जाए, तो
A और B के वेतनों का योगफल ₹43000 है | A अपने वेतन
इिका क्षेत्रफल ककतने प्रनतित कम हो जाएगा?
का 95% खर्च करता है और Bअपने वेतन का 80% खर्च
(CHSL 2018)
करता है | यदि उनकी बर्त िमान है , तो A का वेतन (₹ में )
(a) 26% (b) 21.69%
ककतना है ?
(c) 13% (d) 24.31%
(a) 10600 (b) 8000 (CHSL 2018) (c)
53. The sum of salaries of A and B is ₹45000. A
35000 (d) 34400
49. Two students, A and B, appeared for an spends 85% of his salary and B spends 70% of
examination. A secured 8 marks more than B his salary. If now their savings are the same,
and the marks of the former was 55% of the what is B’s salary (in ₹)?

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

A और B के वेतनों का योगफल ₹45000 है । A अपने वेतन (c) 68 (d) 67
57. Price of tea has increased by 20% but I have
का 85% और B अपने वेतन का 70% खर्च करता है । यदि
decided to increase my expenditure towards
अब उनकी बर्त िमान है , तो B का वेतन (₹ में ) क्या है ? tea by 15% only. By what percentage should I
(CHSL 2018) reduce my consumption (correct to one place
of decimals) in order to be able to maintain the
(a) 30,000 (b) 18,000
same level of expenses towards tea?
(c) 12,600 (d) 15,000 (CHSL 2018)
54. If each side of rectangle is decreased by 11%, र्ाय की कीमत में 20% की वद्
ृ धि हुई है लेककन मैंने र्ाय के
then its area will decrease by:
सलए अपने खर्च को केवल 15% बढ़ाने का फैिला ककया|
यदि आयात की प्रत्येक भुजा 11% कम कर िी जाए, तो
र्ाय के सलए खर्ों के िमान स्तर को बनाए रखने में िक्षम
इिका क्षेत्रफल ककतने प्रनतित कम हो जाएगा:
होने के सलए मझ
ु े अपनी खपत (ििमलव के एक स्थान
(CHSL 2018)
(a) 21.69% (b) 20.79% तक) को ककतने प्रनतित कम करना र्ादहए?
(c) 13.13% (d) 26.78% (a) 5.4 (b) 4.2
55. If the length of the rectangle is increased by (c) 5.6 (d) 4.8
11% and breadth is by 11%, its area will 58. The price of sugar got raised by 25%. To
undergo: (CHSL 2018) maintain the same level of expenses on sugar
by x%. The value of x is:
यदि आयत िी लंबाई 11% औि चौडाई 11% बढ़ जाती
र्ीनी के मल्
ू य में 25% की वद्
ृ धि हुई| र्ीनी पर व्यय का
है , तो इसिा क्षेिफल होगा: वही स्तर बनाए रखने के सलए, एक व्यजक्त ने अपने
(a) 13.13% increase उपभोग में 4% की कमी कर िी और र्ीनी पर अपने व्यय में
(b) 1.21% increase
x% की वद्
ृ धि कर ली| x का मान क्या है ?
(c) 1.21% decrease (CHSL 2018)
(d) 13.13% decrease (a) 19.5 (b) 21
56. For an examination of a practical based subject, (c) 20 (d) 18.75
the total marks is 100. The break-up for theory, 59. A rectangular portion of an airport runway was
practical, project and viva voce is 40%, 30%, getting repaired for which an estimate was
20%, 10%. A candidate scored 80% in theory, made on the basis of a rate ₹R per square unit.
70% in practical, 60% in project and 50% in viva But while doing the work, the length of the
voce. What was her aggregate percentage? portion got increased by 10% and the breadth
व्यवहार-आिाररत ककिी ववर्य की परीक्षा का पि
ू ाांक 100 by 8%. Over and above this, there was an
है | िैद्िांनतक-परीक्षा , व्यवहाररक-परीक्षा, पररयोजना- increase in the cost of the repair work to the
extent of 15%. What was the overall
कायच और मौणखक-परीक्षा हे तु अंकों का ववभाजन क्रमिः
percentage increase in the cost repair of over
40%, 30%, 20%, 10% है | ककिी उम्मीिवार ने the estimate?
िैद्िांनतक-परीक्षा में 80%, व्यवहाररक-परीक्षा में 70%, एक हवाई अड्डे के रनवे के एक आयतकार भगबकी
पररयोजना-कायच में 60% और मौणखक-परीक्षा में 50% अंक मरम्मत की जा रही थी , जजिके सलए व्यय का आकलन ₹R
प्राप्त ककए | उिका कुल प्राप्तांक क्या था? प्रनत वगच इकाई की िर के आिार पर ककया गया था। ककं तु
(a) 70 (b) 72 (CHSL 2018)

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

कायच करते िमय, उि भाग की लंबाई 10% और र्ौड़ाई 8% पेट्रोल के मूल्य में 24% की वद्
ृ धि हुई है | एक व्यजक्त अपने
बढ़ा िी गई। इिके अनतररक्त, मरम्मत कायच की लागत में व्यय को केवल 14% बढ़ाना र्ाहता है | उिे व्यय के िमान
15% की वद्
ृ धि हो गई। मरम्मत की लागत में िुरुवात के स्तर को बनाए रखने के सलए अपने उपभोग को ककतने
आकलन के उपर ककतनी कुल प्रनतित वद्
ृ धि हुई थी? प्रनतित( ििमलव के एक स्थान तक) कम करना र्ादहए?
(CHSL 2018) (a) 8.3 (b) 7.9 (CHSL 2018)
(a) 36.62 (b) 34.58 (c) 8.1 (d) 7.8
(c) 33 (d) 33.24 63. 32% of a number exceeds 17% of the
60. With reference to a number greater than one, same number by 120. What is the
the difference between itself and its reciprocal value of the number?
is 25% of the sum of itself and its reciprocal. By 32% 17%
how much percentage (correct one decimal 120
place) is the fourth power of the number (CGL 2017)
greater than it's square? (a) 900 (b) 860
एक िे बड़ी ककिी िंख्या के िंिभच में , इि िंख्या और उिके (c) 940 (d) 800
व्युत्क्रम का अंतर, इि िंख्या और उिके व्युत्क्रम का योग 64. The present population of a town is
फल 25% है | इि िंख्या का 4 घातांक, इिके वगच िे ककतने 26010. It increases annually at the
rate of 2%. What was the population
प्रनतित अधिक है ?
of town 2 years ago?
(CHSL 2018)
(a) 57.8 (b) 62.5
(c) 64.5 (d) 66.7
61. For a number, greater than one, the difference
between itself and its reciprocal is 20% of the (CGL 2017)
sum of itself and its reciprocal. By how much (a) 25000 (b) 25100
percentage (nearest to an integer) is the square (c) 25200 (d) 25500
of the number less than its cube? 65. 50% of a = b, then b% of 40 is the
एक िे बड़ी ककिी िंख्या के सलए, उि िंख्या और उिके same as ________ of a.
A 50% = b 40 b%, a
व्युत्क्रम का अंतर, उि िंख्या और उिके व्युत्क्रम के
______ (CGL 2017)
योगफल का 20% है | िंख्या का वगचफल, इिके घनफल िे
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.16
ककतने प्रनतित (पि
ू ाांक के करीब) कम है? (c) 2 (d) 0.2
(CHSL 2018) 66. If the price of pen decreases by 20%,
(a) 122 (b) 18 then a man can buy 10 more pens for
(c) 81 (d) 33 Rs100. What is the new price (in Rs)
62. The price of petrol is increased by 24%, a of each pen? (CGL 2017)
person wants to increase his expenditure by 20%
14% only. By what percentage (correct to one 100
decimal place), should he decrease his
consumption in order to maintain the same
level of expenditure?
(a) 1 (b) 2

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

(c) 4 (d) 5
67. After deducting 60% from a certain (CGL 2017)
number and then deducting 15% from (a) 230 (b) 295
the remainder, 1428 is left. What was (c) 240 (d) 290
the initial number? 71. Amit donated 20% of his income to
60% a school and deposited 20% of the
15% remainder in his bank. If he is having
1428 शेर् Rs12800 now, then what is the
(a) 4200 (b) income (in Rs) of Amit?
3962 (CGL 2017)
(c) 4150 (d) 4300 शेर् 20%
68. A person scores 45% of the total 12800
marks in the exam and still fails by 40
marks. The passing percentage of the (a) 18000 (b) 20000 (CGL 2017)
exam is 55%. What is the maximum (c) 24000 (d) 32000
marks of the exam? (CGL 2017) 72. a% of b + b% of a =? (CGL 2017)
45% b a% + a b% = ?
40 (a) 2a% of b/ b 2a%
(b) 2a% of 2b/2b 2a%
55% (c) 2a% of 2a/2a 2a%
(d) 2b% of 2b/2b 2b%
(a) 300 (b) 350 73. If the radius of the cylinder is
(c) 400 (d) 500 increased by 25%, then by how much
69. If A has got 20% more marks than B, percent the height must be reduced,
then by what percent marks of B are so that the volume of the cylinder
less than the marks of A? remains same?
A, B 20% 25%
B A श श
(CGL 2017)
(a) 16.66 (b) 20
(c) 33.33 (d) 14.28 (a) 36 (b) 56 (CGL 2017)
70. A, B and C are three students. A got (c) 64 (d) 46
18% more marks than B and 12% less 74. 30% of a number exceeds 25% of the
than C. If B got 220 marks, then how same number by 27. What is the value
much marks C has got? of the number?
A, B C A B 18% 30% 25%
C 12% 27
B 220 C (CGL 2017)
(a) 540 (b) 270

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

(c) 108 (d) 90 20%
75. In an election between two प्रततशत
candidates, the winning candidate
has got 70% of the votes polled and
(a) 20 (b) 36.25
has won by 15400 votes. What is the
(c) 56.25 (d) 65
number of votes polled for loosing
79. After deducting 12% from a certain
sum and then deducting 25% from
the remainder, 2508 is left, then what
70% is the initial sum? (CGL
15400 2017)
(CGL 2017) 25%
(a) 38500 (b) 11550
2508 शेर्
(c) 26950 (d) 13550
76. Due to increase of 33.33% in the
price of apples, a customer can (a) 3500 (b) 3450
purchase 4 apples less for Rs16. What (c) 3970 (d) 3800
is the original price (in paise) of an 80. A man wills 25% of his wealth to
apple? charity and rest to his family. What
33.33% percent of the wealth willed to
16 4 charity does the family get? (CGL
(CGL 2017) 25% शेर्
(a) 100 (b) 125
(c) 150 (d) 400/3 प्रततशत
77. Due to increase of k% in the side, the
area of a square increase by 69%. (a) 200 (b) 33.3
What is the value of k? (CGL (c) 300 (d) 25
69% k

(a) 30 (b) 33
(c) 34.5 (d) 35
78. If the radius of the cylinder is
decreased by 20%, then by how much
percent the height must be increased,
so that the volume of the cylinder
remains same? (CGL

BY Gagan Pratap Sir

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