PH Pandemic Efficiency, Ranks As 79th Out of 98 Countries: CCG Law Implementation Burden For Filipino Fisher Group
PH Pandemic Efficiency, Ranks As 79th Out of 98 Countries: CCG Law Implementation Burden For Filipino Fisher Group
PH Pandemic Efficiency, Ranks As 79th Out of 98 Countries: CCG Law Implementation Burden For Filipino Fisher Group
A healthcare worker performs a swab test to a vendors at Pritil Public Market amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Tondo, Manila
t he Philippines ranked
as second to the last coun-
first time that the Philippines
has entered the bottom half
of the surveyed countries
try in Southeast Asia out and has been rated as per
of 98 countries that were its pandemic response. The
assessed for their efficien- Lancet, an international
cy in the fight against the medical journal, said in Sep-
corona virus pandemic. tember 2020 that the Philip-
Based on the analysis of pines was ranked 66th out of
Lowy Institute, Philippines 91 countries in terms of how
ended up with a total rating well administrations have re-
of 30.6, followed by the two sponded to the health crisis.
worst-hit European coun- The Department of Health
tries, Spain and Italy. Indo- defend that the performance
nesia reached in 85th place of countries should not be
while the United States compared due to the avail-
was in the 94th place. New ability of different health
Zealand, Vietnam and Tai- care capacities. “The per-
wan gathered a scores of formance indicators used by
Photo by: Eloiza Lopez, Reuters
94.4, 90.8 and 86.4 hav- the Philippines are multidi-
ing the best performances. other countries such as turned inwards to fight an tors point to how well or mensional, with both strate-
The ratings are focused on Brunei, Cambodia, Timor invisible enemy, exposing poorly countries have man- gic and operational indica-
how countries treated the Leste, Laos, and China are competing structures, vul- aged the pandemic in the tors of health and economic
typical life-changing pan- not included in the analysis nerabilities, and political 36 weeks that followed their performance and across the
demic, collecting statistics due to lack of public data. priorities,” the institute said. hundredth confirmed case Prevent-Detect-Isolate-
from suspected cases, inju- “Coronavirus continues to “An average across those of COVID-19,” it added. Test-Treat strategies.” it
ries, cases and deaths per spread worldwide with more indicators was then calcu- According to Department of added. Despite almost a
million, confirmed cases in than 90 million confirmed lated for individual countries Health, the country now has year of globalization due
relation to tests, and thou- cases across 190 countries in each period and normal- a total of 518,407 confirmed to the pandemic caused by
sands of tests, which came and two million deaths as ized to produce a score COVID-19 cases of which COVID-19, many countries
in 36 weeks prior to Janu- of mid-January 2021. For from 0 (worst performing) 32,384 are patients with ac- including the Philippines,
ary 9. Some of the coun- nearly a year, governments to 100 (best performing). tive cases, while 475,542 are still struggling to get
tries in Southeast Asia and and societies have been Collectively, these indica- have recovered and 10,481 the country back to normal.
Farmers cries for mercy and solution CCG Law Implementation burden
opposing Rice Tariffication Law
By: Joanne Mae Bau
for Filipino Fisher Group