PH Pandemic Efficiency, Ranks As 79th Out of 98 Countries: CCG Law Implementation Burden For Filipino Fisher Group

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Battle Against COVID-19
By: Renzo Gaddi
In 2020, Philippines was
shocked after hearing the spread
of Virus across the country, called
COVID-19. It was first identified in
Wuhan, China, it became serious
and a very uncontrollable one until
it has reached another country to
another. Though people who... The Official School Paper of Don Honorio Ventura State University
Bacolor, Pampanga Page 4
Turn to Page 3

A healthcare worker performs a swab test to a vendors at Pritil Public Market amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Tondo, Manila

PH Pandemic efficiency, ranks

as 79th out of 98 Countries
By: Nathaniel Calara
were assessed for their ef- of 30.6, followed by the two Zealand, Vietnam and Tai- typical life-changing pan-
ficiency in the fight against worst-hit European coun- wan gathered a scores of demic, collecting statistics
The Philippines the corona virus pandemic. tries, Spain and Italy. Indo- 94.4, 90.8 and 86.4 hav- from suspected cases, inju-
ranked as second to the Based on the analysis of nesia reached in 85th place ing the best performances. ries, cases and deaths per
last country in Southeast Lowy Institute, Philippines while the United States The ratings are focused on million, confirmed cases...
Asia out of 98 countries that ended up with a total rating was in the 94th place. New how countries treated the Turn to Page 2

CCG Law Implementation burden

for Filipino Fisher Group
By: Christal Cutie Callano China passed the Coast
The new law plucked by China has added to the Fil- Guard law and will become
ipino fisherman’s burden and worries. January 22, 2021, in force on February 1. This
Law allows China Coast
Guard (CCG) ships to use Widespread Protests were organized by various groups to ask
lethal weapons and violent government for price increase of Rice products.
force on foreign ships that do Farmers cries for mercy and solution
not obey conditions to leave opposing Rice Tariffication Law
their water geographically. By: Joanne Mae Bau
“Our Philippine gov- President Duterte comes and livelihoods are
ernment should decisively has signed the Rice Tar- now hurting, are at risk of
denounce this CCG law... iffication Bill into law last losing their jobs. Unless the
Chinese Coast Guard ship 6307 patrol the sea, Yantai City, Shandong
Province, China, September 1, 2020
Turn to Page 2 February 14, 2019. The law government takes the nec-
seeks to ensure sustainable essary effort to completely
Making Nation Secure: Terrorist Attacks food supply through remov- achieve the land reform and
By: Jamaica Cachuella ing quantitative restrictions to effectively aid the farm-
We happen to think animosity and extensive for the prosecution of those or limits to rice importation ers with sufficient and sub-
of a question; What is the grievances against the bill, individuals who commit ter- and making farming glob- stantial agricultural support,
need for the anti-terror bill President Rodrigo Duterte rorism or/and those individ- ally competitive- and many the Rice Tariffication law ...
proposed? Or, maybe more was signed the “Anti- Ter- uals who participate in con-
Filipino farmers, whose in- Turn to Page 2
precisely, what is so import- rorism Act of 2020 Bill” into spiracy to commit terrorist Be a Power Saver
ant that the law has to be law in the midst of global acts, particularly to individ- By: Jhenica Mercado in it? Well, Earth Hour
urgent so as the country’s health crisis and pandem- uals who has criminalizes What does Earth binds individuals interms
constitutional specification? ic. It seeks those powers intent to endangers lives of Hour plan to maintain? May- of protecting our world.
With that, somehow, as it that are already given, in citizens, perilous to public be we’re wondering what it’s Earth hour is com-
all about, what effect could monly proved as a lights out
delineates us to humani- effect, to the government safety, impairment public
it really have if the lights event from Sydney, Austra-
ty, these questions are im- under the Human Securi- property, and interference
were turned off for an hour lia in 2007. Since then, in ....
portant. Given the huge ty Act — the law providing Turn to Page 3
and who could be involved Turn To Page 3
PH pandemic efficiency, ranks as 79th out of 98 countries
By: Nathaniel Calara have died. This is not the

t he Philippines ranked
as second to the last coun-
first time that the Philippines
has entered the bottom half
of the surveyed countries
try in Southeast Asia out and has been rated as per
of 98 countries that were its pandemic response. The
assessed for their efficien- Lancet, an international
cy in the fight against the medical journal, said in Sep-
corona virus pandemic. tember 2020 that the Philip-
Based on the analysis of pines was ranked 66th out of
Lowy Institute, Philippines 91 countries in terms of how
ended up with a total rating well administrations have re-
of 30.6, followed by the two sponded to the health crisis.
worst-hit European coun- The Department of Health
tries, Spain and Italy. Indo- defend that the performance
nesia reached in 85th place of countries should not be
while the United States compared due to the avail-
was in the 94th place. New ability of different health
Zealand, Vietnam and Tai- care capacities. “The per-
wan gathered a scores of formance indicators used by
Photo by: Eloiza Lopez, Reuters
94.4, 90.8 and 86.4 hav- the Philippines are multidi-
ing the best performances. other countries such as turned inwards to fight an tors point to how well or mensional, with both strate-
The ratings are focused on Brunei, Cambodia, Timor invisible enemy, exposing poorly countries have man- gic and operational indica-
how countries treated the Leste, Laos, and China are competing structures, vul- aged the pandemic in the tors of health and economic
typical life-changing pan- not included in the analysis nerabilities, and political 36 weeks that followed their performance and across the
demic, collecting statistics due to lack of public data. priorities,” the institute said. hundredth confirmed case Prevent-Detect-Isolate-
from suspected cases, inju- “Coronavirus continues to “An average across those of COVID-19,” it added. Test-Treat strategies.” it
ries, cases and deaths per spread worldwide with more indicators was then calcu- According to Department of added. Despite almost a
million, confirmed cases in than 90 million confirmed lated for individual countries Health, the country now has year of globalization due
relation to tests, and thou- cases across 190 countries in each period and normal- a total of 518,407 confirmed to the pandemic caused by
sands of tests, which came and two million deaths as ized to produce a score COVID-19 cases of which COVID-19, many countries
in 36 weeks prior to Janu- of mid-January 2021. For from 0 (worst performing) 32,384 are patients with ac- including the Philippines,
ary 9. Some of the coun- nearly a year, governments to 100 (best performing). tive cases, while 475,542 are still struggling to get
tries in Southeast Asia and and societies have been Collectively, these indica- have recovered and 10,481 the country back to normal.

Farmers cries for mercy and solution CCG Law Implementation burden
opposing Rice Tariffication Law
By: Joanne Mae Bau
for Filipino Fisher Group

under Tariffication law, farm- raised other claimant coun-

President Duterte tries like Brunei, Vietnam,
ers already selling palay at

has signed the Rice Tar- Malaysia, and Taiwan to al-

a loss but consumers have
iffication Bill into law last together protest for the sov-
yet to enjoy significantly low-
February 14, 2019. The law ereignty right and promote
er rice prices, and the pro-
seeks to ensure sustainable freedom of navigation on the
duction of palay in the Phil-
food supply through remov- territories of contested water.
ippines that costs around
ing quantitative restrictions Defense Secretary
P12 per kilo, but some
or limits to rice importation Delfin Lorenzana raised his
farmers were forced to sell
and making farming glob- concern in his interview in the
their harvest at P7 just to
ally competitive- and many CNN news last February 8
compete with imported rice.
Filipino farmers, whose in- and said “I’m very concerned
Despite these alarm- about this law because it
comes and livelihoods are
ing events, Socioeconom- might cause miscalcula-
now hurting, are at risk of
ic Planning Assistant Sec- tions and accidents there,
losing their jobs. Unless the Photo by: Costfoto / Barcroft Studios
retary Mercedita Sombilla especially now that they are
government takes the nec-

pinos against the Chinese

says setting floor price for By: Christal Cutie Callano now allowed to fire at foreign
essary effort to completely aggressors... This is a se-
palay would go against the The new law plucked vessels,” and also said the
achieve the land reform and rious threat to our fishers
purpose of the rice tariffica- by China has added to the Philippines navy and coast
to effectively aid the farmers who would conduct a fishing
tion law. Additionally, farm- Filipino fisherman’s bur- guard are also patrolling
with sufficient and substan- expedition in our very own
ers hurt by the rice tariffica- den and worries. January too on the premises of over-
tial agricultural support, the waters territory.” Fernando
tion law will only be granted 22, 2021, China passed lapping claimed territory.
Rice Tariffication law will re- Hicap stressed in his state-
loans and not cash trans- the Coast Guard law and Meanwhile, the Chi-
main a burden to one of the ment, national chairperson
fers. Farmers may loan up became in force last Feb- nese embassy in Manila re-
most important laborers of of Pambansang Lakas ng
to P15,000 at zero interest, ruary 1. This Law allows marked that the law does not
the Philippines, its farmers. Kilusang Mamamalakaya
payable in 8 years. This in- China Coast Guard (CCG) target any country and is just
Recent events have ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya).
disputably contradicts the ships to use lethal weap- a “normal legislative activity
projected the continuous ons and violent force on The law urges the
claim that the Rice Tarif- of China”. Added by Foreign
and abrupt changes in the foreign ships that do not militant fisherfolk group to
fication Law will provide Affairs Secretary Teodoro
pricing of palays around obey conditions to leave persuade the Duterte ad-
funding of P10 billion to pro- ministration to denounce Locsin Jr. said on his Twitter
the Philippines, and this re- their water geographically.
vide seeds, mechanization, the said law of Beijing be- post regarding this concern,
flects large damage to the “Our Philippine gov-
technical assistance, cred- cause it contradicted the In- “None of our business.”...“It
livelihood of many farmers. ernment should decisive-
it; plus the cash transfers ternational Maritime law of is China’s business what
Among these events are the ly denounce this CCG law
and other forms of financial the principle of freedom of law it passes, so please
prices of rice which do not and protect our fellow Fili-
assistance to the farmers. navigation. Also, the group a little self-restraint.”
still hit P27/kilo as projected
Anti-Terrorism Act The New Normal
By: Jamaica Cachuela
By: Renzo Gaddi

Making Nation Secure: Terrorist Attacks Battle Against COVID-19

We happen to think their opposition and ex- radically concerned how the In 2020, Philippines was shocked after hearing the
of a question; What is the empted their advocacy and President can use it as it is
spread of Virus across the country, called COVID-19. It was
need for the anti-terror bill humanitarian action over not used at all by the past
first identified in Wuhan, China, it became serious and a very
proposed? Or, maybe more legislation that would sub- terrorism law. The proposed
precisely, what is so import- due their rights and jeop- legislation, however, would uncontrollable one until it has reached another country to
ant that the law has to be ardize their freedom of rely on the assortment deci- another. Though people who are diagnosed with the virus
urgent so as the country’s speech, particularly their sion by the government, and may recover from it, however, there are some cases that
constitutional specification? incitement through their im- its nation rather than indi- a patient might die if treatment was performed in its early
With that, somehow, as it age, oration, and other proc- vidual’s arbitrary judgment. symptoms. The hardships this pandemic had brought to
delineates us to humani- lamations. Some of them Considering all the us, especially in our own country, the Philippines is still
ty, these questions are im- propose a protest and jointly crisis/issues that we have
present and we are continuously striving to overcome them.
portant. Given the huge institute industrial actions experienced in recent years,
animosity and extensive against the law, particularly this is, indeed, a huge help The government has announced lock-down and it
grievances against the bill, those individuals who pass to address the roots of radi- started on March 16, 2019, which marked the beginning
President Rodrigo Duterte their enactment bill peti- calism in our country. It does of every hardships and challenges to almost all of us,
was signed the “Anti- Ter- tion. Some of them argue not violate or contravene Filipinos. Many entrepreneurs closed their businesses
rorism Act of 2020 Bill” into that suspecting a person of our right to the due process many employees became unemployed, and those who
law in the midst of global terrorism may be subjected and freedom of speech and still trying to look for work lost their chances to do so,
health crisis and pandemic. to violence or even torture, expressions under the con-
and as for those who had difficult lives are faced with a
It seeks those powers that particularly those wrongly stitution, but to provide le-
are already given, in effect, accused individuals. Fur- gal protection, to improve more complicated one, and we could not be blinded by
to the government under the thermore, the law would national and human securi- the reason behind of all these, it was all because of this
Human Security Act — the condemn individuals and ty, stability, and peace with pandemic. This COVID-19 19 virus is still getting worse
law providing for the pros- suppress social groups and war-maker, and to have each day. Imagine, we couldn't care less going outside
ecution of those individuals opponents in the sectors of the solidarity of individuals without any protection like mask, alcohol, face shield
who commit terrorism or/and business, journalism and as one nation around the and all, we always have the fear inside of us, afraid that
those individuals who partic- education. Moreover, the world. It doesn’t connote
we might be contaminated by the virus, this is hard for
ipate in conspiracy to com- proposed legislation would terrorism if we voice out our
mit terrorist acts, particularly give government institutions opposition to this law and everyone because we don't know, nor see who's carrying
to individuals who has crim- an immense obligation and policies on democracy and a virus until we came up with the social distancing.
inalizes intent to endangers duty as they strive to lift their human rights. Perhaps, we How about those Front liners? Every day they sacrifice
lives of citizens, perilous to arms for nations in self-de- are engaged in the right themselves for everyone, still go outside and risk as long
public safety, impairment fense, defends people from democracy for a national as they could give us their good service and that was totally
public property, and interfer- ruthless persuasion and cer- improvement, and we are awesome and we can consider them as a real Heroes.
ence with critical framework. tainly stops impenitent agi- taking chances to permeate
Today, we're still hopeful that one day it will be
Apparently, different tators from chaos. Almost of and educate ourselves and
just a memory to us and who knows after the COVID-19
civic organization, oppo- analyst as well as right ad- each other from the posi-
nents, activists and some vocates approve the legisla- tive and constructive side of vaccine was delivered everything will be alright and we
politicians have expressed tion along the way, but it has the amendment of ATL law. could live like how the normal days again as before.

What does Earth remind users of energy that

Hour plan to maintain? May-
Earth Hour
small conservation actions
be we’re wondering what it’s can lead to significant ad-
all about, what effect could it vantages. This brings peo-
really have if the lights were By: Jhenica Mercado ple together, and no one
turned off for an hour and wants to sit alone through
who could be involved in it?
Well, Earth Hour binds indi- Be A Power Saver the dark. That’s why, in dig-
ital maps over 70,000 earth
viduals interms of protecting courage an interconnected engaging in their own coun- shift our minds. Once a mind hour events was checked
our world. global society to share the try’s Earth Hour initiatives, is shifted, action has to take last year. Earth Hour en-
Earth hour is com- possibilities and challeng- or creating a movement in place. The most important courages us that, whether
monly proved as a lights out es of creating a sustain- their own community. The factor is action, however the you get together with friends
event from Sydney, Australia able world, it is a movement goal is always to do more, most challenging one to do. and family, we need to find
in 2007. Since then, in more for everyone who wants so make the light turn at the For that one hour, it’s nice to a way to resolve climate
than 185 countries across to share a commitment to start of our journey. catch attention and also to change. Individuals should
the globe, it has grown to in- making this planet better. Earth hour is global spread awareness. It may make a stand about natu-
clude millions of members, In order to get involved, the social movement coordinat- not seem a serious matter ral environment, no matter
encouraging individuals and first thing anyone should do ed by WWF, bringing peo- to switch off power in our where you are in the world,
organizations worldwide to is to switch off all non-es- ple together to take action house for an hour, although bring global attention to the
take environmental action. sentials lights within one on environmental issues, to it is one hour that the family problems facing our earth
Each year, at 8:30pm with hour during Earth Hour. protect and show support for can have a conversation re- and agree that nature mat-
the last Saturday of March, Our aim is for individuals to protecting the environment garding our way of living. I ters and immediate action
millions of people across the take action beyond the hour, and for having a better plan- think it is definitely worth the must be provided to avoid
world join together to make whether it is supporting a et. Our eyes and ears seek time and effort if one hour the loss of nature. In a safe
people aware of our planet’s local World Wide Fund for care. But once we have our will inspire those conversa- environment, it is better to
problems. In order to en- Nature (WWF) initiative or eyes and ears, we have to tions. Earth Hour wants to appreciate the moment.

Soaring Debt of Philhealth

By: Kyle Rhayne D. Caliwag

T he Corona Virus had caused

casualties around the world, and
health wasn’t able to pay accord-
ing to the terms?
Under the Universal Health-
to the terms. Thus, the debt adds
up every time they weren’t able
to pay within the three days term.
greatly affected by the halt of the
services and we the Filipinos, es-
pecially front liners, will need to
Philippines is not an exception. care Law, Philhealth is designed Because of the these, PRC were spend their own money for the
With the continuous increase of as the “national purchaser” of forced to halt their testing services swab test.
positive cases, swabs test is one health goods and services, which for the reason that they don’t have As a response to Philhealth
of a must activity. Specifically, to includes all the COVID 19 treat- enough revolving funds for sup- financial issues, they have an-f
ront liners and Overseas Filipino ment and testing of Filipinos. Effi- plies and inventories needed to nounced that they would imple-
workers who came back in our cient contact tracing comes hand- conduct the tests. And these halts ment higher rates for 2021. The
country, whose given charged free in-hand through appropriate swab had greatly impacted the overall state insurer said that while it ac-t
ests by the Philippine Red Cross testing – a test which is adequately testing capacity and operations knowledged that the pandemic
(PRC) and it is Philippine Health done by the Philippine Red Cross of our country. Though Philhealth had brought a negative effect on
Insurance Corporation (Phil- (PRC), whose front liners have had made partial payments from the Filipinos; it is bound to regu-
health) who shoulders the costs. greatly contributed to the nation’s time to time, their debt wasn’t still late the Universal Health Care
On October 15, Philhealth debt pandemic response. The costs of it cleared. On January 03, it has Law aimed towards “better health-
had soared to almost P1.1 billion, had become a huge obligation for been revealed that Philhealth still care services”. However, was it
which caused the stop of testing Philhealth to settle. Thousands of has a P800 million outstanding the only way for them to have
services of PRC. In the whole na- tests are done each day, and Phil- debt and the chairman of PRC, enough funds to pay the debt and
tion, PRC testing services makes health is obliged to pay P100 mil- Richard Gordon, had stated that cover the costs this pandemic had
up a significant portion in the Phil- lion every 3 days with accordance they might terminate the testing brought to the corporation? The
ippines testing Capacity. But what to their deal, however the debt is services again if the debt reach- efficiency of this solution would
will happen if PRC is forced to far from being paid off as some- es P1 billion. If their debt would only be proven once it took effect
stop its testing operations if Phil- times they couldn’t pay according soar to P1 billion, DOH would be after a period of time.


Dear Editor,
Greetings of overwhelming hapiness! I am proud to say you and all
the staff was the reason why our campus newspaper “The Scribbles” has
been an inspiratiobn for us, as it serves the happenings in the society gives
EDITORIAL BOARD S.Y. 2020-2021 us information, entrertain us and inspires us that someday we’ll become
Editor in Chief ................................................................ Kyle Rhayne Caliwag journalist.
Associate Editor ............................................................. Nathaniel Calara May I take the opportuniy to thank our Contemporary World Teach-
Managing Editor ............................................................ Christal Cutie Callano er, Mr. Ralph Jayson D. Calbang for imparting knowledge with us and giv-
Circulation Managing Editor ......................................... Jhenica Mercado
ing us opportunities of voicing out our opinions. We are grateful to him,
News Editor ................................................................... Joanne Mae Bau
for being a teacher that inspires us to be aware of the societal issues in the
Opinion Editor ............................................................... Jamaicha Cachuella
Cartoonist ...................................................................... Cherry Ann Bondoc country and how we can take part in it. Lastly, we gained lots of Life lessons
Copy Reader .................................................................. Renzo Gaddi that we can apply in our everyday lives. Thank You! God bless !

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