Vastu Remedies Naresh Singla

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Mental Tension and Strife – Vaastu Defect

Everybody wants comforts in life. One works hard to achieve very this comfort. One earns
money and constructs a house which one calls a dream house. Architect is consulted while
making a house. He can build for you a beautiful ventilated strong house in right ratio. It is must
to consult a vaastu expert and to know the vaastu principles, for proving this a lucky one.All the
ten directions have great significance in vaastu. But North – East and South – West directions
are the most vulnerable. As in a human body each and every part has its own importance but
head which encloses brain – giving direction to whole system of body, and foot – giving base to
whole body, are the most important, likewise North – East is the head, and South – West is the
foot for house. If any house has defect in North – East and South – West direction, its chief and
the family are surrounded by mental tension and Points needing care in building :-
– North – East corner should not be cut off. It may bring check in progress, and money and
offspring loss.

– North – East corner should not be in round shape.

– North – East toilet holds the diseases.

– If bed room for newly married or adults is located in North – East, it may impede generation –
growth or cause mental or physical disability.

– Stairs in North – East direction, may cause money and health loss, debt may go high into

– If kitchen is in North – East, it may cause heavy expenses and mental agony.

– North – East may have worship place.

– East may have study room.

– North – East corner must be kept open lighten, neat and clean. It will cause name and fame
and prosperity.

– In North – East direction drinking water or pitcher etc. can be kept, a hand pump can be
installed, an underground tank can be built. If there is flowing water in any form in this
direction, there is prosperity.

– House facing North – East is auspicious.

– The water outlet for the whole house should be in North – East.

– A Basil plant can be kept in North – East. This direction can have small plants and plant
bearing flowers.
– Extended North – East helps generation growth and issue –comfort or happiness.

– If basement to be constructed, North East corner is the best.

As the North – East is important, so is the South – West as explained under :-

– South – West should have chief’s bed room.

– South – West is the best for stairs.

– South – West corner must be at height, heavy and must be at 90o angel.

– Always avoid constructing drawing room and temple in South – West.

– South – West must not have bathroom, toilet boring etc. There should be no slope or ditch
either in South – West.

– Any defect in South – West affects chief of the family, He may have to face a high crisis.

– May it be factory or house in South – East direction, no residence for employees or officers
should be arranged in this direction.

Vaastu directs for a harmony among natural elements. Even modern science endorses many of
them. If South – East or South – West has any vaastu defect, get is removed at the earliest, and
get blessed with a happy and prosperious life.

The whole universe is combination of five basic elements. While making or constructing a
building if all five basic elements of nature are considered, then creative energy, electrical
energy, magnetic energy is produced. And it gives good health, wealth and prosperity to human
– beings. This human body too is a unique example of these five basic elements, like a water
element is present in foot. Earth element in knee. Air element in Naval. Fire element both the
shoulders and space element in brain. If there is no co-ordination among these fire elements
then our energies weaken. And it results into tension ill health, and disturbs the peace of mind.
All the fire basic elements have their respective results. A human being cannot survive in the
absence of even a single element. By adopting vaastu shastra all the five basic element can be
brought into your favour or be conducive to you.

Earth (Prithvi)
It has special significance life is possible on earth only. There is a magnetic attraction between
North Pole and South Pole of earth. The gravitation law of earth also effects both living and non
– living substances. It is why ‘Bhumi Poojan’ is performed first of all, while building a house or
any construction if a plot is chosen as per right direction, good background and level, and by
keeping internal & external atmosphere neat & clean earth element & conducive to you.

Water (Jal)
Water only makes the life possible. May it be human being or plants, none can survive without
water. Three – fourths of earth is water only. Water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen
gas (a life giving gas). In water, an element called RAS (Taste) resides, which flows a new
energy to our life. Water placement should be in right direction in home. We can make water
element conducive or favourable to us storing clear water in right direction in our premises by
placing handpump, underground water tank, and overhead tank at right place and by providing
well for water outlet.

Fire (Agni)

Fire also, like water, is significant. It is fire which cooks the food, and this food imparts life to
human being. Fire gives us light heat and energy. Sun is the main source of energy, with the
help or presence of energy and light of sun, plants prepare its food. There is a special
significance of fire in good deeds (Shubh Karya) may it be home – admission (GREH
PRAVESH) or any other religious function or pious reading, fire element is there in one or other
form. So there should be a right and good combination in proper ratio, in our dwelling places.
This element can be made conducive by placing gezser, stove, mixie etc. (all electrical
appliances) in South – East direction of the kitchen.
Air (Vaayu)

Air is a precious gift given by nature. All living creatures get life through air only. The earth is
surrounded by a huge atmosphere. This atmosphere contains many gases like Nitrogen,
Oxygen, Carbon – Dioxide, Carbon – Monoxide etc, and particles of dust, soil steam which
affect our life. The North – East direction of a building produces ultra – violet and good omen
rays. If rubbish is kept in this direction, it will produce carbon-di-oxide and Nitrogen like
poisonous gases polluting the good rays. Therefore inside and outside of a building there should
be doors, windows, and ventilations in right direction so that healthy air should enter the building
and polluted air exits.
Space (Aakash)

Space element is very essential. It causes sound. This gift (sound) has made our life
prosporous. There is a assumption that if Earth, Fire and Air element have been made
conducive then space element is turned conducive automatically or by itself.
The visible light energy of the sunlight is the combination of all possible colours. We see colour
because of the reflection of the particular colour component of the sunlight by the object on
which the light falls. When light falls on an blue object, it absorbs all the colours and reflects the
blue colour and hence we see the object as blue.


Light consists of the seven primary colours Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and
Red. Each color is associated with a particular part of our body and will affect us emotionally,
physically, or mentally. Scientifically it has been proved that colours affect us. Our mood, health,
happiness are all affected by the colors around us. For example, at times we like wearing bright
colors, while sometimes we prefer to wear dull ones. This is why Colour Therapy has become
popular these days. Various colours and their effect is explained for consideration:

RED colour represents power, vitality and zest. Red colour displays warmth and energizes our
mood. Red colour is know to ignite passion and desire and is known to create excitement and
enthusiasm for life. Red colour also represents fire.

BLUE colour is associated with nature. Blue is the colour of sky and water, hence blue is also
associated with vastness. Where as light blue creates calm and peace in the mind of the
beholder. This color is recommended for bedroom, meditation room or for a room designed for
relaxing or sleeping.

GREEN is the colour of vegetation, so it represents growth. Green colour represents peace and
harmony. Being the symbol of nature it is considered to generate calm and inner peace. This
colour also represents mental intelligence. Lighter shaded of Green are good for study room as
it rejuvenates the ideas.

YELLOW is bright and energizing color associated with sun. It stimulates the brain cells and
nurtures clarity of thoughts. Yellow colour is considered to enhance patience and wisdom in a
person. Hence it is recommended for study room, office etc.

ORANGE is known as the colour of spirituality. Orange colour has the ability to stimulate
appetite. It is known to enhance communication power, feeling of positivity, cheerfulness and

WHITE is the symbol of purity. This color has been recommended for ceilings as it reflects the
light and brightens the room.


In the texts of Vaastu Shastra the use of specific colour for a particular direction and been
associated with the deity’s of the direction. And every direction has a ruling planet, which in turn
has its specific colour.

It is advisable to use the recommended colours for different directions to enhance good luck,
health and wealth.

EAST direction is by the planet Sun. The recommended colour for east direction is dark brown
which gives purity.

WEST direction is ruled by planet Saturn. The colour for this direction is recommended is grey
which gives satisfaction and maturity.

NORTH direction is ruled by planet Mercury. The recommended colour for this direction is green
as this gives intelligence and wealth.

SOUTH direction is ruled by planet Mars. The recommended colour for this direction is red
which gives aggression.

NORTH-EAST direction is represented by Jupiter. The recomemded colour for this direction is
yellow as it stands for purity.

NORTH-WEST direction is represented by the moon. The recommended colour for this direction
is white as it denotes purity and wealth.

SOUTH-EAST direction is represented by Venus. The recommended colour for this direction is
white which gives beauty, charm and luck.

SOUTH-WEST direction is represented by Rahu. The recommended colour for this direction is
blue which gives courage.

Vaastu for Financial Success

Most of us wonder why we do not get the fruits t the efforts that we put for our work. Let us look
at how Vaastu can help us to getting better results and fruits to our efforts. The structure of
house or flat we live in can support to increase our financial condition. I have noticed, that after
minor alterations in the house people were satisfied with the inflow to the results to their efforts.

Directions, as per vaastu, beneficial for helping financial prosperity are the north and north-east
where as east is considered as the direction of name and fame. The north direction is of Kuber,
the Lord of Wealth. It should be ensured that other directions do not have any negative
influence related to finances and are as per Vaastu principles.
As North is considered as the direction of finance, any obstacle would bring obstacles in the
flow of wealth and prosperity. However, if the block cannot be removed, placing an aquarium or
a small fountain towards the north of the house serves as a good remedy.

Safes or vaults in your house should open toward north or east direction i.e. they should face
north or east directions. If otherwise it is likely to result in expenses. Position the almirah
locations to the South-west corners of this room and let the face be towards north to enhance
the cash flow.

Stagnant water is considered as symbol of financial loss, hence any source or form of stagnant
water should be avoided inside the house. As the water is considered as a symbol of personal
financial health in Vaastu, it should not be allowed to stagnate. Where as moving water in the
form of fountains are considered to be source helping on financial growth.

Leakages of taps in your house are a symbol of expenses. This situation should be immediately
taken care off. If there is any bore-well or any underground water storage in South, it may lead
to heavy financial loss and may also have adverse effects. Similarly, a water tank located in the
northwest direction is not considered good.

Place a moving water source such as fountain in North-East to ensure consistency and growth
in your finances. An aquarium with nine gold fish and one black fish placed in the north east
corner of your house or place of business would ensure a good income flow.

If a underground water storage tank, bore-well or swimming pool is to be made in the compound
ensure that it is constructed in the North, North-East or East zones.

If an elevated swimming pool is to be constructed it is good in west direction. This will ensure
growth of property.

As south-west area represents power and stability (an area of Sthir Lakshmi), professionals
should ensure proper use of this direction to receive more power.

If the toilet is next to the main door, it could result in debts. As the toilet represents waste and
toilet water represents stagnancy, a toilet next to your home entrance represents flushing of
your wealth. This situation should be avoided as much as possible.

Whenever there are doors in straight line, the entrance and the other doors leading directly to
the last door outside the house, represents that the wealth or money inflow and outflow are
same. The wealth does not stay in such house.

Few of these simple rules of Vaastu can help better your financial conditions. To lead a
prosperous life, if it requires such simple steps to be followed why should we wait.

सकारा मक ऊजा क तरह दपण नकारा मक ऊजा म भी व ृ ध करता है । गलत दशा म लगा दपण अनथ का
कारण बन सकता है ।
काम म मन न लगना या ज रत के समय पैसा न मलना जैसी अडचन भी दपण के गलत दशा म लगे होने के
कारण उ प न हो सकती ह।
घर से बाहर या काम पर जाने का मन नह ं करना भी दपण क गलत ि थ त के कारण होता है ।
वेश वार के ठ क सामने लगा दपण घर क सार सकरा मक ऊजा को न का शत कर दे ता है ।
कभी-कभी दपण सह दशा म लगा होने के बावजद ू गलत भाव डालता है । इसक वजह है उसके आस-पास रखा
गया कोई ऐसा सामान जो दपण क सकारा मक ऊजा को घटा दे ता है ।
दपण लोग वा तु के अनस ु ार नह ,ं अपनी सु वधा के अनसु ार लगाते ह। दख
ु द त य यह है क यादातर लोग को
पता ह नह ं होता क अनजाने म जो परे शा नयां वे झेल रहे ह, उनक वजह गलत दशा म रखा गया दपण है ।
दपण क सह दशा के लए कई लोग पढ -पढायी बात पर अमल करने लगते ह। ऐसा करने से बचना चा हए।
य क दपण के दशा नधारण म एक यो य वा तश ु ा ी कई बात को यान म रखता है , जैसे- भवन क दशा,
कमरे क दशा, दरवाजे क ि थ त, मु खया क ज म त थ आ द।
कई बार आपका बैठने का थान बीम के नीचे होता है या फर पलर द वार से बाहर नकालकर नकारा मक ऊजा
का ोत बना होता है । ऐसे मामल म दपण दोष नवारण म सहायता करते ह।

Vaastu Tips for Mental Tension

Everybody wants comforts in life. One works hard to achieve very this comfort. One earns
money and constructs a house which one calls a dream house. Architect is consulted while
making a house. He can build for you a beautiful ventilated strong house in right ratio. It is must
to consult a vaastu expert and to know the vaastu principles, for proving this a lucky one.All the
ten directions have great significance in vaastu. But North – East and South – West directions
are the most vulnerable. As in a human body each and every part has its own importance but
head which encloses brain – giving direction to whole system of body, and foot – giving base to
whole body, are the most important, likewise North – East is the head, and South – West is the
foot for house. If any house has defect in North – East and South – West direction, its chief and
the family are surrounded by mental tension and Points needing care in building :-
– North – East corner should not be cut off. It may bring check in progress, and money and
offspring loss.- North – East corner should not be in round shape.– North – East toilet holds the

– If bed room for newly married or adults is located in North – East, it may impede generation –
growth or cause mental or physical disability.

– Stairs in North – East direction, may cause money and health loss, debt may go high into

– If kitchen is in North – East, it may cause heavy expenses and mental agony.

– North – East may have worship place.

– East may have study room.

– North – East corner must be kept open lighten, neat and clean. It will cause name and fame
and prosperity.

– In North – East direction drinking water or pitcher etc. can be kept, a hand pump can be
installed, an underground tank can be built. If there is flowing water in any form in this direction,
there is prosperity.

– House facing North – East is auspicious.

– The water outlet for the whole house should be in North – East.

– A Basil plant can be kept in North – East. This direction can have small plants and plant
bearing flowers.

– Extended North – East helps generation growth and issue –comfort or happiness.

– If basement to be constructed, North-East corner is the best.

As the North – East is important, so is the South – West as explained under :-

– South – West should have chief’s bed room.- South – West is the best for stairs.– South –
West corner must be at height, heavy and must be at 90o angel.

– Always avoid constructing drawing room and temple in South – West.

– South – West must not have bathroom, toilet boring etc. There should be no slope or ditch
either in South – West.

– Any defect in South – West affects chief of the family, He may have to face a high crisis.

– May it be factory or house in South – East direction, no residence for employees or officers
should be arranged in this direction.

Vaastu directs for a harmony among natural elements. Even modern science endorses many of
them. If South – East or South – West has any vaastu defect, get is removed at the earliest, and
get blessed with a happy and prosperious life.

Our cosmos is made up of five basic elements i.e. – the Earth, Sky, Water, Fire and the Air.
Any imbalance in these elements brings about a discomfort outside and within the human the
body. We may not feel this immediately but the change in the systems of the body makes us
realize that something is wrong. Some people try to bring equality or balance by objective
means like Meditation, Reiki, Pranik-Healing, Kundalini-Awakening etc. This helps to accelerate
the movement of the energy and this brings about results.

By following the principles of Vaastu also, laid down by the ancient Indian scholars, we try to do
away with negative energy, mental agony and achieve mental peace. By implementing the
Vaastu remedies, numerous health problems have been mitigated from the lives of people
around the globe since human energy is affected by many things including lighting, colours,
plants, the placement of furniture, and very much, by the shape and size of a building and the
materials which are used.

People working in buildings based on Vaastu principles find that their thoughts are clear and
creatively, make better decisions, feel happier and healthier. They feel more alert and refreshed
throughout the day and experience less stress finding greater peace of mind. They have
improved communication at all levels, have enhanced problem solving abilities, improve working
performance and improve their financial abilities and prospects.

Vaastu provides a set of principles for the general layout, furniture placement and interior decor
of the built environment – including landscaping, gardens, car parks, storage facilities etc.
These principles produce a balancing and harmonizing affect on the environment and its

Here are few basic rules that are stated in the ancient books of Vaastu are discussed below for
ensuring good health.

Never keep your head toward north while sleeping, prefer keeping it towards south or east only,
to achieve peaceful and restful sleep for healthy life.
Face, either North or east while working, studying or negotiating with clients. It helps increase
sharp memory resulting in ability to take proper and faster decisions and at right time.
Avoid facing South or South-West while cooking, eating or drinking. Your face should preferably
be towards East/West for better taste, digestion & healthy body. Having door at the back while
cooking may lead to back-ache, pain in the legs, shoulders and even cervical.
To have better concentration & devotion while worshipping for your face should be towards East
or West.
Keep basil (Tulsi) in house to purify the air. Avoid Cactus, Rubber plants, Milky plants and
Bonsai plants in the house as they add to your tension, illness and stunted growth of the
Construction of stairs, toilet or kitchen in North-East corner of the property may lead to cancer
and brain related disorders. In such cases it has been reported that it retards the growth of small
children in the family.
Never sit or work or sleep under a beam, it many cause depression, headache or loss of
To avoid any health problem related to Heart & Brain, prefer wooden beds without storage
space and avoid sleeping on metal beds.
Any place that is constantly damp or smells of dampness, even without any trace of the cause,
is considered to an area of negative energy. As per Vaastu one should not stay in such
Is there any tree facing your main door or window? This could result in poor health of family
members. Place a convex mirror on the outer wall that is facing the tree to minimize its effect.
To minimize disorders related to heart and nervous system, avoid usage of the space below the
staircase for bathroom, toilet, pantry or even for closed store.
The colour of the roof and the walls should never be same as it leads to irritation and short
Swimming pools or any other underground water bodies should be constructed in North, East or
North-East of the plot. Having them in South-East may cause trouble to male children or wife of
the owner.
Studies have shown that good health and vaastu are closely related. It is an established fact
that the Earth has a magnetic field. Some of the radiation from the Earth is beneficial while
some are hazardous. The ancient science of Vaastu is based on realistic energy effects, be it
solar, magnetic, radiation or sound energy in the cosmos.

If we adopt the principles of Vaastu in our residence and work place, these immense energies of
Almighty God begin to support us.


Gates are the entrance to the Site of the house. Here the guidelines for the gates are explained
as per vaastu. Since, the guidelines explained here will enable us to be ready for the
time-consuming task of construction of a House. As Vaastu is a science, there is logic and
reasoning behind every guideline. As a Vaastu Expert, I have attempted to explain these
guidelines rationally and scientifically, so that you can decide what you want to follow and what
you don’t.


Every plot should have two gates for entry, a big gate for vehicles and a smaller gate for people.

The gates should not be at the extreme corners.

The entrance to the house should be in direct approach to the main gate.

Gates should be avoided in South-West.

Avoid big tree in front of the gate. Big trees produce chaya vedh, which is not good for the

Avoid any ditch in front of the gate and even in the pathway leading to front gate.

No open well should be in front of the gate.

There should be no decaying or rundown or a house in bad condition in front of the gate.

There should be no pole of any sort in front of the gate.


If the main gate is on the east and the north sides it leads to prosperity and fame.

If there are gates on the east and the west sides leads to happiness and riches.

If the gates are on the north and the west sides it bring only wealth. It has also been seen that
they increase an individual`s interest in the spiritual aspects.

If there is a gate only in the east direction it leads to overall prosperity.

A northern gate symbolizes material comforts.

As per vaastu if the gate is in the west side then there will be a considerable profit in business.
But this profit is short-term. After some years a lump will be experienced.

Remember to avoid the south-west gate completely. Under no conditions should the gate be
built on this side. It leads to hazards and difficulties.


If there is sufficient space left after construction of house, people generally prefer to have a
small garden and few people even prefer a large garden. Here the guidelines for the garden
plants are explained as per vaastu. Since, the guidelines explained here will enable us to be
ready for the time-consuming task of construction of a House. As Vaastu is a science, there is
logic and reasoning behind every guideline. As a Vaastu Expert, I have attempted to explain
these guidelines rationally and scientifically, so that you can decide what you want to follow and
what you don’t.


Some of the auspicious trees according to Vastu, that are good for the inmates are described
below along with their usefulness:

PEEPAL TREE : It has been proven that the peepal tree produces oxygen in large amounts by
the leaves of this tree and it is found in high concentration under the branches, probably due to
the thick foliage. Hence it is considered very healthy to have this tree in back yard of the house
in west direction.
NEEM TREE : This tree has great medicinal value. Its twigs are used to brush teeth and neem
oil is used in physiotherapy.

MANGO TREE : Most of the parts of the mango tree have medicinal value. It’s leaves are used
as a pesticide, and its twigs are used for brushing teeth. The wood and stick of mango tree is
used for HAWAN in India. To have a fruit tree in garden indicated prosperity.

BANANA TREE : The tender leaves of the banana tree are used for decorating doors, pandals
etc, during functions and festivals. They are used because they are considered as symbols of
prosperity and wealth. This tree has medicinal use. This tree has a sacred value and is
considered auspicious in gardens.


Small shrubs should be planted on the East or North sides of the garden, leaving the North-East
direction open and free.

Tall trees should be planted in the west, south or south-west part of the garden or plot. They
should not be too close to the building. And their shadow should not fall on the building during 9
am to 3 pm.

Large trees such as Peepal etc should not be too close to the house as their roots can damage
the foundation of the house. Their shadow should not fall on the main building during 9 am to 3

The useful tree that can be planted in a house garden are coconut, neem, betel, sandalwood,
lemon, pineapple, bilva, almond, jackfruit, pomegranate, mango, amla, and kaitha.

The trees that attract insects, worms, honey bees, bumble bee, owls, serpents should be
avoided in the house garden. They bring bad luck.


HOLY PLANTS : Tulsi also known as holy Basil and it is always good to have a Tulasi in the
house or the garden. Tulasi should be located on the North, North-East, or East sides of the
house, or in front of the house.

FLOWER PLANTS : In general, plants with sweet smelling flowers like jasmine, red lotus, blue
lotus etc are good in the house compound as they give out a pleasant perfume, and can also be
used in daily worship. Flowers like the Jasmine are stringed together and used as a decoration
of the mandir.
THORNY PLANTS : The plants that have thorns should not be planted in the garden. Cactus
should not be planted at all. Thorny plants have a negative energy. If there any thorny plan in
the garden it should be removed.

CREEPERS : The compound wall or the house wall should not be used as support for these
plants. Creepers should only be grown in a garden, and they should have their own independent
supports. A money plant can be grown within the house.


FLOWER POTS – The pots of flower should not be kept on the compound wall as it increases
the height of the wall. Specially the wall of North, East or North-East. They should be placed on
the ground in these directions, but they should not be taller than 3 feet and the water should not
get logged under them.

LAWNS : In the garden the Lawns should be in the East or the North, where a swing with
north-south axis can be placed.

WATER BODIES : A small water-fall can be constructed in the East or the North leaving the
North-East corner of the garden. If there is a swimming pool in the garden, it should be in the
North or North-East direction. A small pond, whose water is regularly changed, can be
constructed in north. A fish pond can be had in the west part of the garden.

BENCHES – Benches are useful in big gardens and can be placed in the open space in the
East and the North direction so that people sitting in these directions face either east or west.

PATHWAYS : The pathways should be curvey and should not be straight.


As a general rule, gardens in homes or factories should always be in the North or West and
within the confines of the compound. Here are few simpler vaastu suggestions for the garden
within the house limits:

A Basil plant is a very positive influence within the limits of a house.

Plants of Palm, Paraspeepal, Pakar, Sirish, Neem and Bilva, if planted in proper direction, that
is the North or the West, bring favourable results.

Bilva, Madhuka and Peepal are very favourable on the West of the house limit.

Goolar is good towards the South of the house compound.

Kanakchampa,in the North brings virtues and wealth.

Coconut and Banana plants within house limits are very good for mental peace and health.

A water pond in a favourable direction, with Lotus, brings fortunes.

The entertaining unit for the children is recommended towards the North-West of the garden.

As far as possible plantation should be avoided in the South, South-West, North-West corners
should be plant free.

Gardens in the South-East and South-West cause tensions. In particular, large or tall plants
should never be planted towards the East or North.

No large plant should be planted exactly in the centre of a site.

Thorny succulent plants must not be grown within the house limits. Cacti are considered very
dangerous and harmful for a residential unit. They purport to bring tensions and create fractious

The Ber plant should not be cultivated within the house limits. It increases enemity.

Plants of Bamboo, should never be grown within the house limits in the ground.

A swimming pool in the centre, towards the South, South-East or South-West and even the
North-West create undue events. It brings negativity in the health of the residents.

A swimming pool is good in the East, North or even in the West.

The fountains or water ponds within a house limit should not be built in the centre and should
follow the same principles as the placement of swimming pools. Placed wrongly, they cause
problems with respect to mental peace and health.

Fountains or ponds are very good towards the North-East. This is also applicable to artificial

Huge, heavy statues or other exhibits are best towards the West, south or South-West.

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