MPT7-4 Scanhead: Field Service Manual

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4730-0292-01 Rev B

MPT7–4 Scanhead
Field Service Manual

Consists of hard-copy manual 4720-0292-01 Rev A

August 1999
ATL Ultrasound
P.O. Box 3003
Bothell, WA 98041-3003

Copyright E 1998 by ATL Ultrasound

All rights reserved
Printed in USA

“ATL” and “HDI” are registered trademarks of ATL Ultrasound

Non-ATL product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners.
About This Manual

This manual supports the field service maintenance and repair

of the Multiplane Transesophageal (MPT7--4) Scanhead. The
user of this document is a qualified ultrasound electronics tech-
nician who has completed training classes on the system and
its peripherals.

Manual Format

This manual has been formatted and distributed in two ver-

sions: for laptop-computer-screen viewing and for printed-page
viewing. Although both versions contain identical information,
the laptop page numbers and printed page numbers do not al-
ways correspond to each other. Use paragraph, figure, and
table numbers when referring others to specific parts of this
manual. In the laptop version, the table of contents, index en-
tries, and cross references use hypertext links to provide ac-
cess to the referenced information.

1 Temperature Simulator

1--1 Overview
This section describes the MPT7--4 Special Test Equipment
Temperature Simulator, P/N 4500-6458-01. The purpose of the
MPT7--4 Temperature Simulator is to give the field the capabil-
ity to verify correct operation of temperature-sensing circuitry
on an Ultramark 9 HDI (UM-9) system (19.04E software) or an
HDI 3000 or HDI 5000 system used with the MPT7--4. Proce-
dures are included for verifying correct operation of the temper-
ature-sensing circuitry in the ultrasound systems. This tempera-
ture-sensing circuitry is used for both the MPT7--4 and the ATL
Pediatric TEE Scanhead.
The MPT7--4 Temperature Simulator is housed in a generic
scanhead connector assembly. In addition to simulating tem-
perature reference points for the system, the simulator also
generates control signals that can be used to test the system’s
scan plane position and lock indicators.
1--2 Temperature Simulator Verification
Before using the MPT7--4 Temperature Simulator, measure
resistance between pins C4 and C8 for each switch setting. Be
sure the SCANHEAD SELECT switch on the simulator is set to
the MPT position. Copy this page and record and date the
results on the copy.

Test Date: Serial No.:

TEMP Measured
Setting Resistance Tolerance Value Pass Fail
1 (short) 40 ohm ± 2.0 ohm ohm
2 (41q) 1.16 kilo ohm ± 12.0 ohm ohm
3 (42q) 1.11 kilo ohm ± 11.5 ohm ohm
4 (43q) 1.06 kilo ohm ± 10.5 ohm ohm
5 (44q) 1.01 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
6 (45q) 1.00 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
7 (open) > 500 kilo ohm None ohm

Test Date: Serial No.:

TEMP Measured
Setting Resistance Tolerance Value Pass Fail
1 (short) 40 ohm ± 2.0 ohm ohm
2 (41q) 1.16 kilo ohm ± 12.0 ohm ohm
3 (42q) 1.11 kilo ohm ± 11.5 ohm ohm
4 (43q) 1.06 kilo ohm ± 10.5 ohm ohm
5 (44q) 1.01 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
6 (45q) 1.00 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
7 (open) > 500 kilo ohm None ohm

Test Date: Serial No.:

TEMP Measured
Setting Resistance Tolerance Value Pass Fail
1 (short) 40 ohm ± 2.0 ohm ohm
2 (41q) 1.16 kilo ohm ± 12.0 ohm ohm
3 (42q) 1.11 kilo ohm ± 11.5 ohm ohm
4 (43q) 1.06 kilo ohm ± 10.5 ohm ohm
5 (44q) 1.01 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
6 (45q) 1.00 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
7 (open) > 500 kilo ohm None ohm

Test Date: Serial No.:

TEMP Measured
Setting Resistance Tolerance Value Pass Fail
1 (short) 40 ohm ± 2.0 ohm ohm
2 (41q) 1.16 kilo ohm ± 12.0 ohm ohm
3 (42q) 1.11 kilo ohm ± 11.5 ohm ohm
4 (43q) 1.06 kilo ohm ± 10.5 ohm ohm
5 (44q) 1.01 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
6 (45q) 1.00 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
7 (open) > 500 kilo ohm None ohm

Test Date: Serial No.:

TEMP Measured
Setting Resistance Tolerance Value Pass Fail
1 (short) 40 ohm ± 2.0 ohm ohm
2 (41q) 1.16 kilo ohm ± 12.0 ohm ohm
3 (42q) 1.11 kilo ohm ± 11.5 ohm ohm
4 (43q) 1.06 kilo ohm ± 10.5 ohm ohm
5 (44q) 1.01 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
6 (45q) 1.00 kilo ohm ± 10.0 ohm ohm
7 (open) > 500 kilo ohm None ohm

1--3 HDI 3000 and HDI 5000 Verification
- To verify correct operation of the temperature-sensing and con-
trol-sensing circuit in the HDI 3000 or HDI 5000 system:
1. Power up the system with no scanheads attached.
2. Connect the MPT7--4 temperature simulator to a scan-
head receptacle on the system.
3. Set the SCANHEAD SELECT switch on the simulator to
the MPT position.
4. Press the Scanhead key on the keyboard.
5. Using the trackball and the SELECT button, select
6. Select TEE under Tissue Specific Presets. A message is
displayed indicating that the MPT7--4 is initializing.
7. Select each setting of the TEMP switch on the simulator,
verifying that the banner messages displayed on the sys-
tem monitor match those in Table 1--1. Allow 5 to 10 sec-
onds for the message to change.

8. If the system prompts you to reselect the scanhead,
switch to the next TEMP setting, then reselect the scan-
head as described in steps 4 through 6.
9. After checking banner messages on all seven TEMP set-
tings, rotate the POSITION control on the simulator and
verify that you can rotate the scan plane position icon
through its full range.
10. Set the LOCK switch to ON and then OFF and verify that
the lock icon is displayed on and removed from the scan
plane position icon.
11. Repeat steps 1 through 10 for the two remaining scanhead

Table 1--1. HDI 3000 and HDI 5000 Banner Messages
Setting Simulates Banner Message
1 Open or high resistance Please re-select the transducer
reading of the thermistor
2 Scanhead surface tempera- Estimated surface temperature
ture is 41 degrees C of 41 degrees C
3 Scanhead surface tempera- Estimated surface temperature
ture is 42 degrees C of 42 degrees C
4 Scanhead surface tempera- Estimated surface temperature
ture is 43 degrees C of 43 degrees C
5 Scanhead surface tempera- Approaching thermal limit: cur-
ture is 44 degrees C rently 44 degrees C
6 Scanhead surface tempera- Critical scanhead temperature,
ture is 45 degrees C 1 Please re-select the transducer
7 Dead short or no resistance Critical scanhead temperature,
reading of the thermistor Please re-select the transducer

1. When temperature reaches or exceeds 45 degrees C, the

system will electrically disconnect the MPT7--4, and the system
cannot be used until the user re-selects the scanhead.

1--4 UM-9 HDI Verification
- To verify correct operation of the temperature-sensing and con-
trol-sensing circuit in the UM-9 HDI system:
NOTE: The UM-9 HDI system must be at software level
1. Power up the UM-9 HDI system with no scanheads
2. Connect the MPT7--4 temperature simulator to a scan-
head receptacle on the system.
3. Set the SCANHEAD SELECT switch on the simulator to
the MPT position.
4. Press the XDCR mode button.
5. On the touch panel, select the scanhead receptacle
labelled MPT 7--4. A message is displayed indicating that
the MPT7--4 is initializing.

6. Select each setting of the TEMP switch on the simulator,
verifying that the banner messages displayed on the sys-
tem monitor match those in Table 1--2. Allow 5 to 10 sec-
onds for the message to change.
7. If the system prompts you to reselect the scanhead,
switch to the next TEMP setting, then reselect the scan-
head as described in steps 4 and 5.
8. After checking banner messages on all seven TEMP set-
tings, rotate the POSITION control on the simulator and
verify that you can rotate the scan plane position icon
through its full range.
9. Set the LOCK switch to ON and then OFF and verify that
the lock icon is displayed on and removed from the scan
plane position icon.
10. Repeat steps 1 through 9 for the two remaining scanhead

Table 1--2. UM-9 HDI Banner Messages
Setting Simulates Banner Message
1 Open or high resistance TEE THERMAL MONITOR FAULT;
reading of the thermistor RESELECT TRANSDUCER
2 No function on the UM-9 No message
HDI system
3 Scanhead surface temper- 41C
ature is 41 degrees C
4 Scanhead surface temper- 42C
ature is 42 degrees C
5 Scanhead surface temper- 43C; APPROACHING THERMAL
ature is 43 degrees C LIMITS
6 Scanhead surface temper- 44C; APPROACHING THERMAL
ature is 44 degrees C LIMITS
7 Dead short or no resist- SCANHEAD POWER MONITOR --
ance reading of the therm- RESELECT XDCR (EB); RESE-

1. When temperature reaches or exceeds 45 degrees C, the

system will electrically disconnect the MPT7--4, and the system
cannot be used until the user re-selects the scanhead.
1--5 HDI 3000 and HDI 5000 Banner Message
1--5.1 Estimated surface temperature of 41 degrees C
This message indicates that the temperature of the MPT7--4 tip
is 41 degrees C.
Explain to the customer that this is a normal banner message.
There is no problem with the scanhead or the system. This
banner message appears frequently when using the scanhead.
For more information, refer to the Multiplane Transesophageal
(MPT7--4) Scanhead Operating Instructions, P/N

1--5.2 Approaching the thermal limit: currently 44
degrees C
This message indicates that the temperature of the MPT7--4 tip
is 44 degrees C.
Explain to the customer this is a normal banner message that
indicates the scanhead tip is approaching the maximum
allowed temperature of 45 degrees C.
Turn the transmit power (SPTAd) down to bring the tip temper-
ature below 44 degrees C.
For more information, refer to the Multiplane Transesophageal
(MPT7--4) Scanhead Operating Instructions, P/N

1--5.3 Critical scanhead temperature, Please reselect

the transducer
This message indicates that the temperature of the MPT7--4 tip
is 45 degrees C. When the tip temperature reaches or exceeds
45 degrees C, the system will electrically disconnect the
MPT7--4. At this point the user must re-select the scanhead to
use the system again.
Explain to the customer that 45 degrees C is the maximum
allowable surface temperature. After re-selecting the scanhead,
the customer can turn down the transmit power level (SPTAd).
If re-selecting the scanhead and turning down the transmit
power level fails, there is a problem with the MPT7--4.

1--6 UM-9 HDI Banner Message Summary

This message indicates that the system was unable to measure
the resistance of the thermistor in the MPT7--4 tip. If this mes-
sage is displayed again after reselecting the MPT7--4 scan-
head, there is a fault in either the system’s monitoring circuitry
or in the MPT7--4 scanhead.

This message indicates that the temperature of the MPT7--4 tip
is 43 or 44 degrees C.
Explain to the customer that this is a normal banner message
that indicates the scanhead tip is approaching the maximum
allowed temperature of 45 degrees C.
Turn the transmit power down (SPTAd) to bring the tip temper-
ature below 43 degrees C.
For more information, refer to the Multiplane Transesophageal
(MPT7--4) Scanhead Operating Instructions, P/N


This message indicates that the temperature of the MPT7--4 tip
is 45 degrees C. When temperature reaches or exceeds 45
degrees C, the system will electrically disconnect the MPT7--4.
At this point the user must re-select the scanhead to use the
system again.
Explain to the customer that 45 degrees C is the maximum
allowable surface temperature. After re-selecting the scanhead,
the customer can turn down the transmit power level (SPTAd).
If re-selecting the scanhead and turning down the transmit
power level does not eliminate this message, there is a prob-
lem with the MPT7--4.


This message, which is displayed along with other messages,
indicates that the system has electrically disconnected the
MPT7--4 scanhead because of a fault or over-temperature con-
dition. At this point the user must re-select the scanhead to use
the system again.

1--7 Diagrams
The block diagram for the temperature-sensing circuitry in the
HDI 3000 and HDI 5000 systems is shown in Figure 1--1. The
block diagram for the temperature-sensing circuitry in the UM-9
HDI system is shown in Figure 1--2. The temperature simulator
circuit diagram is shown in Figure 1--3.

Software A1F
DDEA Module
(Hard Drive)


Temperature Sensors
FEC PCB A4F A/D Converters
Beamformer Controller
(FEC will disable or
enable the Front End)

MPT7--4 Scanhead Scanhead Select

Thermistor PCB
1.2K --1.0K ohm

Figure 1--1. HDI 3000 and HDI 5000 MPT7--4 Temperature Circuit Block Diagram

CPU PCB A6B Software 1902.E
7500-0749-XX P/N 4252-0748-09
7500-0573-XX (Hard Drive)

Daughterboard PCB
FEC PCB A/D Converters

Scanhead Select
MPT7--4 Scanhead
Thermistor PCB
1.2K --1.0K Ohm 7500-0629-XX

Figure 1--2. UM-9 HDI MPT7--4 Temperature Circuit Block Diagram

7 44q
6 5 1.06K
C4 3 42q

To 2 1.16K
scanhead 41q
connector 1

C8 Short

Figure 1--3. Temperature Simulator Circuit Diagram

1--8 MPT7--4 System Verification Checklist
Test Date : Serial No.:

No. Functional Tests Pass Fail

1. Scanhead Connector 1
A Banner Message #1
B Banner Message #2
C Banner Message #3
D Banner Message #4
E Banner Message #5
F Banner Message #6
G Banner Message #7
H Position Control
I Lock Icon
2. Scanhead Connector 2
A Banner Message #1
B Banner Message #2
C Banner Message #3
D Banner Message #4
E Banner Message #5

No. Functional Tests Pass Fail
F Banner Message #6
G Banner Message #7
H Position Control
I Lock Icon
3. Scanhead Connector 3
A Banner Message #1
B Banner Message #2
C Banner Message #3
D Banner Message #4
E Banner Message #5
F Banner Message #6
G Banner Message #7
H Position Control
I Lock Icon


2 MPT7--4 Installation

2--1 Installation Procedure

- To install an MPT7--4 scanhead on a UM-9 HDI, HDI 3000, or
HDI 5000 system at a customer site:
1. Copy the “MPT 7--4 Functional Test Checklist” on page
2--4, and complete the functional tests in the checklist,
marking an X in either the Pass or the Fail column on the
copy for each step.
2. Verify performance of the MPT7--4 Temperature Simula-
tor, as described in “Temperature Simulator Verification”
(paragraph 1--2).
3. Perform the MPT7--4 temperature test on the ultrasound
system as described in “HDI 3000 and HDI 5000 Verifica-
tion” (paragraph 1--3) or “UM-9 HDI Verification” (para-
graph 1--4) in the “Temperature Simulator” section of this

4. Provide the Leakage Tester Kit, P/N 8500-9168-01.
Explain to the user the function of the leakage tester and
disinfectant/storage system. Refer to the Transesopha-
geal Echocardiographic (TEE) Scanhead Tester Operat-
ing Instructions, P/N 4700-0284-XX.
5. Explain to the user the function and operation of the scan-
head. Refer to the Multiplane Transesophageal (MPT7--4)
Scanhead Operating Instructions, P/N 4700-0292-XX.
6. Explain handling and disinfection of the MPT 7--4. Refer to
Multiplane Transesophageal (MPT7--4) Scanhead Operat-
ing Instructions, P/N 4700-0292-XX.
7. Confirm that the disinfectants and cleaners used are
approved, and document them on the portion of the “MPT
7--4 Functional Test Checklist” on page 2--4.
8. Review with the user the need to stock the accessories
listed in the “Accessories” section of the Multiplane Trans-
esophageal (MPT7--4) Scanhead Operating Instructions,
P/N 4700-0292-XX.

Press to

Press to lock
Rotates the scan plane

White button locks

top articulation

Gray button
locks bottom Rotates the scan
articulation knob plane clockwise

Figure 2--1. MPT7-4 Features and Control Locations

2--2 MPT7--4 Functional Test Checklist
No. Functional Tests Pass Fail
1. Visual Inspection
A Mylar membrane
B Head shell
C Deflection cover
D Check gastroscope cover for damage
2. Deflection Test
A Turn upper white knob (60_ left to 60_ right)
B Turn lower gray knob (> 90_ up to 60_ down)
3. Array Reset Test
A Connect MPT7--4 to system and calibrate the transducer
B Automatic reset of array to --5_

No. Functional Tests Pass Fail
4. Array Rotation Test
A Press front button to first level (counterclockwise slow speed)
Mechanical array rotation --5_ to 180_
Screen array icon rotation --5_ to 180_
B Press rear button to first level (clockwise slow speed)
Mechanical array rotation 180_ to --5_
Screen array icon rotation 180_ to --5_
C Press front button to second level (counterclockwise fast speed)
Mechanical array rotation --5_ to 180_
Screen array icon rotation --5_ to 180_
D Press rear button to second level (clockwise fast speed)
Mechanical array rotation 180_ to --5_
Screen array icon rotation 180_ to --5_

No. Functional Tests Pass Fail
5. Articulation Brake Test
A Press white lock control button (locked position)
White articulation knob locked
Brake indicator ON (display on screen)
B Press gray lock control button (locked position)
Gray articulation knob locked
Brake indicator ON (display on screen)
C Press white lock control button (unlocked position)
White articulation knob released
Brake indicator ON (display on screen)
D Press gray lock control button (unlocked position)
Gray articulation knob released
Brake indicator OFF (display on screen)
6. Safety and Leakage Test
Perform safety and leakage test

Test Date : Serial No.:

List disinfectants and cleaners used at this site


3 Preventive Maintenance

3--1 PM Procedure
This procedure describes how to perform preventive mainte-
nance on the MPT7--4 scanhead on a UM-9 HDI, HDI 3000, or
HDI 5000 system at a customer site.
1. Perform the leakage tester functional test as described in
paragraph 3--2, “TEE Tester Functional Test.”
2. Complete the functional tests described in the checklist in
paragraph 2--2, “MPT7--4 Functional Test Checklist.”
3. Perform the MPT7--4 temperature test on the ultrasound
system as described in paragraph 1--3, “HDI 3000 and
HDI 5000 Verification” or in paragraph 1--4, “UM-9 HDI
4. Explain the MPT7--4 handling and disinfection. Refer to
the “Maintenance” section of the Multiplane Transesopha-
geal (MPT7--4) Scanhead Operating Instructions, P/N
5. Confirm the materials used are approved, and document
the disinfectants and cleaners used by the customer on
the checklist in paragraph 2--2, “MPT7--4 Functional Test
6. Verify that TEE tip guards and bite guards are available at
the site. Refer to the “Accessories” section of the Multi-
plane Transesophageal (MPT7--4) Scanhead Operating
Instructions, P/N 4700-0292-XX.

3--2 TEE Tester Functional Test

This procedure is used to verify that the TEE tester is function-
ing correctly. It requires the MPTEE Leakage Tester Special
Test Equipment (STE), P/N 4500-5868-02
Record the results on a photocopy of the form in paragraph
1. Install a new 9-volt alkaline battery in the TEE tester.
2. Connect the STE to the Cannon receptacle on the TEE

3. Connect the banana plugs on the STE to the banana
jacks on the TEE tester, inserting the red plug into the left
jack and the black plug into the right jack.
4. Set both switches on the STE to the Fail position and
verify the following:
a. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
CAL position, the yellow FAIL indicator turns on.
b. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
Scanhead Test ( ) position, the yellow FAIL indicator
turns on.
5. Set the CAL TEST switch on the STE to the Pass position
and verify the following:
a. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
CAL position, the green OK indicator turns on.
b. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
Scanhead Test ( ) position, the red FAIL indicator
turns on.

6. Set both switches on the STE to the Pass position and
verify the following:
a. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
CAL position, the green OK indicator turns on.
b. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
Scanhead Test ( ) position, the red FAIL indicator
turns on briefly, and then the green OK indicator turns
7. Set the CAL TEST switch on the STE to the Fail position
and verify the following:
a. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
CAL position, the yellow FAIL indicator turns on.
b. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
Scanhead Test ( ) position, the yellow FAIL indicator
turns on.
8. Remove the STE from the TEE tester.

3--3 TEE Tester Functional Test Log
Part No. :
Serial No. :
Site Address

Test Date STE Switch Switch Position Calibration Test Scanhead Test
___ / ___ / ____ 1 Cal Fail Yellow Fail LED Yellow Fail LED
Leak Fail OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___
2 Cal Pass Green Pass LED Red Fail LED
Leak Fail OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___
3 Cal Pass Green Pass LED Green Pass LED
Leak Pass OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___
4 Cal Fail Yellow Fail LED Yellow Fail LED
Leak Pass OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___

Test Date STE Switch Switch Position Calibration Test Scanhead Test
___ / ___ / ____ 1 Cal Fail Yellow Fail LED Yellow Fail LED
Leak Fail OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___

2 Cal Pass Green Pass LED Red Fail LED
Leak Fail OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___
3 Cal Pass Green Pass LED Green Pass LED
Leak Pass OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___
4 Cal Fail Yellow Fail LED Yellow Fail LED
Leak Pass OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___

Test Date STE Switch Switch Position Calibration Test Scanhead Test
___ / ___ / ____ 1 Cal Fail Yellow Fail LED Yellow Fail LED
Leak Fail OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___
2 Cal Pass Green Pass LED Red Fail LED
Leak Fail OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___
3 Cal Pass Green Pass LED Green Pass LED
Leak Pass OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___
4 Cal Fail Yellow Fail LED Yellow Fail LED
Leak Pass OK___ / Fault___ OK___ / Fault___

Comment :

3--4 Leakage Tester STE Functional Test
This procedure is used to verify that the Leakage Tester Spe-
cial Test Equipment (STE) is functioning correctly. It requires
the following items:
D TEE Tester, P/N 3500-2724-01
D Digital multimeter, Fluke 8021B or equivalent
The STE is a class 1 device that plugs into the TEE Tester like
a scanhead. This STE simulates the pass and fail states for
MPTEE scanhead insulation and for valid test conditions.
This procedure should be performed once a year, and also any
time the STE indicates a faulty TEE Tester or if you suspect the
STE is not operating correctly. Record the results on a photo-
copy of the form in paragraph 3--5. An example of this form
with the necessary data entered is shown in paragraph 3--6.

Take care not to damage the pins of the scanhead
connector on the STE when performing resistance
1. Connect one lead of the DMM to J1 (black banana jack)
and connect the other DMM lead to pin W1 on the 260-pin
connector of the STE (Figure 3--1). Verify that the resist-
ance reads between 13.5 megohms and 16.5 megohms.
2. Set the Leak switch to the Fail position.
3. Set the DMM to resistance and the scale to 20 megohms.
4. Verify that the resistance at pin W1 reads between 1.8
megohms and 2.2 megohms.
5. With one lead of the DMM still connected to J1 (black
banana jack), connect the other DMM lead to J2 (red
banana jack).
6. Set the Cal switch to the Pass position.
7. Set the DMM to resistance and the scale to 2 K ohms.
8. Verify that the resistance is between 808 ohms and 842
9. Set the Cal switch to the Fail position.
10. Verify that the resistance is between 1.18 K ohms and
1.23 K ohms.

Center notch

E9 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21
E Toggle switches

U W1
a c3

Black banana jack Red banana jack

Figure 3--1. Leakage Tester STE

11. Remove the test leads from J1 and J2.
12. Set the DMM to resistance and the scale to 200 K ohms.
13. Verify that the resistance between pin c3 and pin E9 (Fig-
ure x) is between 48.9 K ohms and 50.9 K ohms.
14. Install a new 9-volt battery (2100-1411-01 or equivalent) in
the TEE Tester (P/N 3500-2724-01).
15. Connect the STE to the TEE Tester scanhead connector.
16. Connect the black test cable between J1 on the STE
(black banana jack) and the right banana jack on the TEE
Tester, and connect the red test cable between J2 on the
STE (red banana jack) and the left banana jack on the
TEE Tester.
17. Set the Cal and Leak switches to their Fail positions and
verify the following:
a. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
CAL position, the yellow FAIL indicator turns on.
b. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
Scanhead Test ( ) position, the yellow FAIL indicator
turns on.
18. Set the Cal switch to the Pass position and verify the fol-
a. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
CAL position, the green OK indicator turns on.
b. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
Scanhead Test ( ) position, the red FAIL indicator
turns on.
19. Set the Leak switch to the Pass position and verify the fol-
lowing (allowing 3 to 5 seconds for the OK indicator to
turn on):
a. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
CAL position, the green OK indicator turns on.
b. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
Scanhead Test ( ) position, the green OK indicator
turns on.

20. Set the Cal switch to the Fail position and verify the fol-
a. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
CAL position, the yellow Fail indicator turns on.
b. When you press the switch on the TEE tester to the
Scanhead Test ( ) position, the yellow FAIL indicator
turns on.
21. Remove the STE from the TEE Tester.
22. If the STE fails this test, return it to ATL Remanufacturing
Operations Engineering for repair.
23. If the STE passes this test, attach a PM sticker to the STE
as described in “Test Bed Preventive Maintenance Proce-
dure,” 9032-0184.

3--5 STE Preventive Maintenance Log
Cost Center/Owner: STE Serial No./Part No.: STE Type/Name:

Due Date of Date PM Engr./ Document Used

Item Next PM Comments Performed Tech.

3--6 Example of STE Preventive Maintenance
Cost Center/Owner: STE Serial No./Part No.: STE Type/Name:
Mfg.Test Eng. 123ABC / 4500-1111-01 Class I / HDI Test STE

Due Date of Date PM Engr./ Document Used

Item Next PM Comments Performed Tech.
1 02/12/96 Performed PM 02/12/96 M. B. 4507-1111-01, Rev A
with no problems
2 02/12/97 02/12/97 K. L. 4507-1111-01, Rev A
3 02/12/98


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Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy