Warm Up and Stretching: What Every Athlete Should Know
Warm Up and Stretching: What Every Athlete Should Know
Warm Up and Stretching: What Every Athlete Should Know
Stretching has been performed for many years as part of warm up procedures with the
goal of preparing athletes for competition, and decreasing injury incidence. However, the
preventative benefits of stretching are not as clear cut as trainers originally guessed.
Although stretching may still be an important part of a training program for some
athletes, in some situations, understanding when and why to stretch and what the effects
will be is important in determining the best utilization of stretching interventions for
individuals or groups of athletes. Additionally, regardless of stretching, warm up should
be part of every athlete s pre-work out regimen.
Warm up
Warm up is an important component to physical activity to decrease the risk of injury.
However, stretching may or may not be a part of every warm up. A general cardio
vascular warm up should be followed by exercises which mimic the type of activities and
joint ranges of motion required for the physical activity that the athlete is preparing for.
For example, if there is running and cutting involved in the sport, then incremental speed
and difficulty should be included for running and cutting drills as the body becomes
warm. Requirements for jumping may include jumping exercises starting with small two
and one foot jumps progressing to simple plyometric leaps and bounds in similar body
positions to ones utilized in the given sport. Highly technical sports should include
neuromuscular preparation mimicking the technique required to complete those skills in
simplified drills. Below I have outlined two recent studies regarding warm up and injury
reduction, and the impact of stretching on performance.
A recent randomized control trial including 1837 handball players ranging from 15 to 17
years of age found that an intensive warm up including running, cutting, landing,
neuromuscular control, balance and strength with a focus on core stability and quality of
movement (e.g. knee over foot with knee/ankle flexion). No stretches were included in
the intervention protocol. Over the course of a season, there were significantly fewer
injuries in the intervention group relative to the control group (who partook in their
normal preparation for training/competition).1
Regular stretching may in fact increase strength and power over the course of multiple
weeks in similar amounts to the decreases in strength seen immediately after stretching
(2-5%).3 It is also possible that there may be a decrease in chance of injury associated
with regular stretching.3
Odd-Egil Olsen, Grethe Myklebust, Lars Engebretsen, Ingar Holme, Roald Bahr. Exercises to prevent
lower limb injuries in youth sports: cluster randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal
2005;330:449-; originally published online 7 Feb 2005
Fletcher, Iain M, Jones, Bethan. The effect of different warm-up stretch protocols on 20 meter sprint
performance in trained rugby players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2004;18(4): 885 888
Shrier, Ian. When and Whom to Stretch: Gauging the Benefits and Drawbacks for Individual Patients.
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 2005; 33(3)
Thacker SB, Gilchrest J, Stroup DF, et al: The impact of stretching on sports injury risk: as systematic
review of the literature. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2004; 36(3): 371-78