Welcome: Subject Code: PH11003 Subject Name: Physics of Waves Credit: 3
Welcome: Subject Code: PH11003 Subject Name: Physics of Waves Credit: 3
Welcome: Subject Code: PH11003 Subject Name: Physics of Waves Credit: 3
Department of Physics
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction 1
Marks Breakup
❖ 20% (objective type, surprise test )
Note: If any other source is used then it would be told in the class
Introduction 3
Syllabus and number of Lectures
Review of Simple Harmonic Motion, Damped and Forced oscillations, Resonance, Coupled
oscillations, Normal modes. (2+6)
Wave Motion, longitudinal and transverse waves, wave equation, plane waves, phase velocity,
superposition, wave packets and group velocity, dispersion relations, two and three dimensional
waves. Electromagnetic Waves, Energy-momentum, Poynting’s theorem, reflection and refraction,
Stokes relations. (9)
Failure of classical physics, Planck spectrum, Compton Effect, Davisson-Germer and Thomson
Experiments, de Broglie waves, Uncertainty principle. Observables and Hermitian Operators, Wave
function and Schrodinger equation, Probability interpretation, One dimensional problems. (9)
Chapter 1
Introduction 5
Importance of Chapter 1: Oscillations
❖ Examples:
– A mosquito’s wings,
vibrate 100 c/s and produce an audible note.
– The human body,
our hearts beat, our lungs oscillate, our eardrums, our
larynx vibrate etc..
the atoms of which we are constituted vibrate…”
Introduction 6
As a result…
❖ Understand the nature and causes of oscillations.
Introduction 7
Obvious Oscillations
❖ Water waves Subtle Oscillations
❖ Pendulums ❖ Heat in a solid
❖ Car springs, shock absorbers ❖ Structure of an atom
❖ Superconductivity
Less-Obvious Oscillations ❖ Heat Radiation
❖ Musical instruments
❖ Suspension bridges
❖ Lasers
❖ Quartz-crystal electronic
❖ Radio antenna
❖ Fiber optics
Complex Plane
z = r (cos + i sin )
Complex conjugate
z r sin b
z* = r (cos − i sin )
r cos Real −1
r = a 2 + b 2 ; = tan (b / a)
Introduction 11
Euler’s equation:
ei = cos + i sin
The black ball represents the position of the complex number eiφ as it moves through the complex plane.
The blue ball represents the position of cos(ωt) and the red ball represents the position of isin(ωt).
Oscillations that can be described by sin(ωt) or cos(ωt) are called harmonic oscillations.
If you look at the motion of the black ball from above, it moves in a circle but if you look at the
motion of the black ball from the side, it executes harmonic motion.
The complex number bridges the relationship between circular motion and harmonic oscillations
z = Ae i z = Aei ei
z z * = | z |2 = A 2
Re z= a, and Im z = b
Re z = Re z*
Introduction 13
Phasor = Rotating Arrow + Associated Phase Angle
An Argand diagram is a
plot of complex numbers
as points
z=x+iy in the complex
the x-axis as the real axis
the y-axis as the
imaginary axis.
In the plot
the circle represents the complex modulus
|z| of z and
the angle represents its complex argument.
Free OSCILLATION the amplitude, frequency, and energy all remain constant
F = −k x + c x 2
Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
x = −A x=0 x x=+A
v(− A) = 0 (min) v(0) = A (max), v( x) = A2 − x 2 , v(+ A) = 0 (min)
z(t ) = A ei
A=Complex amplitude
Real and imaginary x=Asin(0t+p/3)
parts of z(t) satisfy
simple harmonic
equation of motion
x(t)=Re z(t)
[ + ]
Assume 2 > 1
Resulting displacement
x2 y 2 2x y
+ 2
− cos( 2 − 1 ) = sin 2
(2 − 1 )
a b ab
Know about
❖ The stable equilibrium
❖ Slightly away from stable equilibrium
Lennard-Jones potential
12 6
V (r ) = 4 −
r r
f ( n) ( x0 )
= ( x − x0 )n
n =0
Taylor series..
Graphical representation of Taylor series approximation
df an d n f
f ( x0 + a ) = f ( x0 ) + a + ... +
dx x0 n! dx n x0
Waves and Oscillations, W. F. Smith
December 13, 2020 Introduction 29
Taylor series at z = a
f ( z ) = f (a) + ( x − a) f ' (a) + ( x − a ) 2 f " (a ) + ...
Examples: Expand in Taylor series at z=π
sin z
1. f ( z ) =
z −p
sin z z − p 1 ( z − p )3 1 ( z − p )5
Ans : f ( z ) = =− + − + ...
z −p z − p 3! z − p 5! z − p
Expand in Taylor series at z=1
1 Try using,
2. f ( z ) =
z+2 (1 + x) −1 = 1 − x + x 2 − x 4 + ... (for | x | 1)
1 1 z − 1 2 ( z − 1) 2 2 ( z − 1) 3
Ans : f ( z ) = − + − + ...
3 9 1! 27 2 ! 27 3!
Simple Pendulum
❖ A point mass suspended from a string or rod of negligible mass
Fnet = −m g sin
A restoring force acts in the direction
opposite the displacement from the
equilibrium position.
m l = −m g sin
230 & sin
g g
+ = 0 = max sin t
l l
Amplitude Phase
= T = 2p = 2p l
l g
Note: Small angle approximation is valid till ~ 0.4 radians (= 23 0)
= I = −( M g sin )d
+ M g d = 0
The solution is
I = I cm + mi ri
2p M gd
= =
Electrical version of Harmonic Oscillator
− LQ = Q
The solution is Q(t ) = Qmax cos( t + ) Qmax can be find by initial
I (t ) = I max cos( t + + 90 0 )
V (t ) = Vmax cos( t + ) =
Torsional pendulum
I = Moment of Inertia
θ = Angular displacement
= Rigidity modulus
p2 x2
+ 2 =1
m 0 A
2 2 2
Finding Time Average of a physical observable
1 T /2
Q = limT →
[Q(t )]2 dt
T −T / 2
sin 2 (0t + ) =
Average Energy
In case of a sinusoidal wave, the RMS value is easy to calculate. If we define Ip to be
the amplitude, then:
where t is time and ω is the angular frequency (ω = 2π/T, where T is the period of
the wave). Since Ip is a positive constant:
but since the interval is a whole number of complete cycles (definition of RMS),
the sin terms will cancel out, leaving:
= 0.707 Ip
x = e p t ,x = p e
, x = p2 e p t ,
p 2 e p t + 02 e p t = 0 p = i 0
x = c1 ei 0t + c2 e −i 0t
The constansts c1 and c2 can be determined by the initial conditions.
❖ The mass is hit and is given a speed v0 at its equilibrium position at t=0
x(0) = 0 1 v0 i 0t 1 v0 −i 0t v0
x(t ) = e + − e x(t ) = sin 0 t
x (0) = v0 2 i 0 2 i 0
❖ The mass is given a speed v at a displacement a at t=0
x(0) = a
x(t ) =
a +
v i 0t 1
i 0
+ a −
v −i 0t
i 0 x(t ) = a cos0t +
sin 0t
x(0) = v
x = a0 cos(0t + )
v v
where a0 = a 2 +
and = tan−1 −
0 0