Similar Syllables in English and Urdu
Similar Syllables in English and Urdu
Similar Syllables in English and Urdu
Yasar Ikram
Supervisor Name
YEAR 2018-2019
Submitted to:
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Submitted by:
Yasar Ikram
In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the most Merciful
To my Mother
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………… vi
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………….vii
1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………..…. 1
1.1 Background ……………………………………………………………..… 1
1.2 Purpose of study …………………………………………………………... 2
1.3 Significance of the study ………………………………………………...... 3
1.4 Research questions ………………………………………………………... 3
2. Literature review ……………………………………………………………….4
3. Methodology …………………………………………………………………..15
3.1 Research design ……………………………………………………………15
3.2 Sample and demographics ………………………………………………...15
3.3 Data collection ……………………………………………………………..16
3.4 Research procedure ………………………………………………………..16
4. Data collection and analysis …………………………………………………...18
Tables and frequency charts …………………………………………………...18
4.1 Pronoun ……………………………………………………………………19
4.2 Preposition ………………………………………………………………....22
4.3 Conjunction ………………………………………………………………..29
4.4 Determiners ………………………………………………………………..32
4.5 Auxiliaries …………………………………………………………………34
4.6 Alphabet ……………………………………………………………………37
4.7 Counting ……………………………………………………………………40
4.8 Colours ……………………………………………………………………..44
4.9 Fruit …………………………………………………………………………47
4.10 Vegetables …………………………………………………………………51
4.11 Meats ………………………………………………………………………55
4.12 Animals …………………………………………………………………….57
4.13 Birds ………………………………………………………………………..62
In the first place, I am highly grateful to Allah, His Last Rasool Hazrat Muhammad
ﷺand my spiritual mentor. After that, I am using this opportunity to express my
gratitude to everyone who supported me throughout the thesis of my M.A. TEFL project.
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Zafar Iqbal Bhatti for the
continuous support, encouragement and the messages that kept me active enough to continue my
work for my M.A. TEFL thesis. His in time motivation brought me back to attempt the thesis
from despair of leaving the project undone. I am grateful to him for his patience, encouragement,
and sharing helpful material which led me to complete my job. His guidance helped me a lot and
retained me on the road to my destination.
Secondly, I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my former advisor Prof.
Khalid Mehmood for his sincere, constructive and quick guidance during composing my
synopsis. In fact, his direction and instructions paved my way to the thesis. I am heartily grateful
to him.
I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my wife who has always been a
constant source of determination and perseverance for me. She not only proved a home
facilitator but an associate researcher also.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to my brother Burhan Uddin Ferozi whose approval led me
to join M.A. TEFL degree course. I also would like to thank my sister and colleague Mrs.
Samreen Waqas and my brother Sir Adeel Akhtar Masoom for their help and suggestions that
prove helpful in achieving the goal.
In the end, I cannot forget to say thanks to all my professors who had been teaching different
subjects during Diploma and M.A. TEFL course as well as in the thesis workshop at AIOU
It is a report of research on similar syllables in English and Urdu languages. Many of the
researchers have carried out comparative and contrastive studies between English and Urdu
languages but they focused on the morphology of these languages. They threw light on the
processes of word formation, change of gender and change of number, etc. But, none has studied
the phenomenon that languages use similar syllables. This study tells that speakers of both the
languages produce similar syllables. This report throws light on the fact that because of
possessing identical speech organs humans produce same speech sounds. Resultantly, they
produce similar combinations of sounds in the shape of syllables. It discusses the words at
syllable level and tells that mostly syllables exist in both the languages without having any
change in them. Some of the syllables have slight changes only of an allophone, a vowel or only
of a consonant sound. To justify the stance, one thousand twenty thre words are collected from
close and open word classes both. For example, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions,
determiners, auxiliaries, human, animal, bird, fruit, vegetable and colour names, etc. These one
thousand twenty three words are divided into one thousand three hundred and twenty eight
syllables. Each item is given with its phonetic transcription. After that, it is compared with the
Urdu syllable. Urdu syllable is presented in its roman, phonetic and Urdu transcriptions. Its
English meaning is also given. Through this paper, it is learned that all the one thousand three
hundred twenty eight syllables exist in both the languages without any change or with the change
only of a vowel or a consonant sound. It will pave the way for teachers and students of
linguistics to explore the same similarity between other human languages and try to explore and
testify that all languages possess near about similar syllables with different references.
1.1. Background
Having identical speech organs, all humans can produce same and specific sounds. It is their
mother tongue that restricts them to produce a specific number of sounds and makes them unable
to produce some other specific sounds. They articulate nearly similar syllables. It is the reference
of the word which makes the word different in different languages. For example, banana
/bənɑ:nə/ in English is a fruit name whereas in Urdu /bənɑ:nə/ is a verb which means to make.
Mono syllabic morpheme bee /bi:/ in English refers to an insect, like honey bee but the same
mono syllabic morpheme bee /bi:/ in Urdu is an addressing term used to address ladies, like bee
amman (bi: - ʌmma:ŋ). Mono syllabic orpheme see /si:/, a verb in English, in Urdu language
see /si:/ is also a verb used as an imperative term which means stitch or sew.
A syllable is a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound with or without surrounding
consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word, for example water has two syllables /wɔ:/ and
/tə/ or /tər/ and ‘internal’ has three syllables /ɪn-tɜ:-nəl/. A syllable is a sound unit not
grammatical unit. It may not necessarily have meaning. For example, ‘pigeon’ /pɪdʒɪn, pɪdʒən/
consists of two syllables and both of the syllables separately have no meaning. But when both
are joined, they make a word or a morpheme which has a specific meaning in itself, that is the
name of a bird. A syllable normally has two parts, onset and rhyme i.e. chat /tʃæt/, ‘tʃ’ is an onset
and ‘æt’ a rhyme. A syllable may exist without an onset like at /æt/. A rhyme further consists of
two parts; nucleus and coda. No syllable exists without a nucleus but it may consist only of a
nucleus i.e. a.
A morpheme is the smallest grammatical unit which cannot be further divided. It must be
meaningful. For example, it may give meaning in itself alone i.e. ‘like’, as a prefix like ‘un’ in
un-like, as a suffix like ‘ly’ in un-like-ly, and as an infix like ‘e’ while making plural of man. A
morpheme may or may not stand alone contrary to a word which can always stand alone. A
morpheme can be a word, a prefix, a suffix or an infix. There are two types of morphemes; free
morpheme and bound morpheme. A free morpheme can stand alone i.e. ‘like’ whereas a bound
morpheme cannot stand alone i.e. ‘ly’. Bound morphemes are further divided into inflectional
bound morpheme and derivative bound morpheme. An inflectional morpheme does not change
the class of a word, like ‘ed’ in ‘liked’. On contrary to it, a derivative morpheme changes the
class of a word, like ‘en’ in ‘sharpen’. Sharp is an adjective but addition of ‘en’ converts it into a
A great number of similar syllables and morphemes are found in English and Urdu languages. A
syllable in Urdu may be a morpheme in English, for example, roti /rɔ: - ti:/ in Urdu consists of
two syllables /rɔ:/ and /ti:/, both of these two Urdu syllables are morphemes in English language
row /rəʊ/ and tea /ti:/.
A syllable in English may be a morpheme in Urdu, for example, able /eɪ-bəl/ in English
consists of two syllables. These two syllables are two morphemes in Urdu, /eɪ/ is an addressing
term and /bəl/ means a twist.
A morpheme in English may be a syllable in Urdu, for example, she /ʃɪ:/ a morpheme in
English is a syllable in Urdu word sheera /ʃɪ: - ra:/. A large number of English language syllables
and morphemes are used as syllables and morphemes also in Urdu language. For example, a
morpheme such /sʌtʃ/ in English is also a morpheme in Urdu /sʌtʃ/ means truth.
Many syllables and morphemes of both the languages have the difference only of one
single consonant sound or only of a single vowel sound. For example, eat /i:t/. If the path of out
coming breath is slightly shifted to nose it becomes /i:ŋt/ eent, originally a Hindi word in Urdu
which means a brick, with a slight change of a monophthong into a diphthong English word
‘pity’ /pɪ-ti/ is used as /peɪ-ti/, a Hindi word in Urdu used for a medium size box, and for a
leather belt also.
Apparently, human languages look radically different from one another whereas, in fact they
have many similarities. Although, they have alphabets consist of quite distinct symbols but even
then they have a large number of similar sounds. For example, Greek alphabet begins with ‘alpha
beta’, English with ‘a b’ and Urdu with ‘aliph bey’, all three have same beginning.
Consequently, these sets of sounds produce a large number of similar syllables. In different
languages, syllables are same but their references and combinations are different, due to which
languages seem to be quite dissimilar. This study is to find out the similar syllables in English
and Urdu languages and to bring out the slight changes of onset or nucleus or coda with which
both the languages use same syllables. For the purpose, it is not possible to cover whole
vocabulary of English or Urdu language because of a continuous process of borrowing and
coinage of words in each language but a segment of each above mentioned language.
This comparative study will help the students, teachers and researchers of linguistics in
understanding the nature of English and Urdu languages in particular. And in general, it will
inspire the students, teachers and researchers to study the other languages with this aspect as,
English and Urdu both languages have a large part of their vocabularies from many other
languages. English has a large number of French, Latin and Spanish words. In the same way,
Urdu evolved from Persian, Arabic, Sanskrit and many other local languages. It will lead the
linguists to find out further similarities among the other different human languages of the world.
It will also lead to find out further universals in languages other than structure dependence,
phrase head parameter and word projection rule. As all humans possess identical speech organs,
they can articulate nearly similar syllables. Moreover, it will also be useful for the students and
teachers of psycholinguistics to understand the natural language learning phenomenon of a child.
How does it happen that a child born in one language setting, shifted to another language setting,
learns that language like a native speaker.
1.4.1. How syllables in Urdu can serve as phonemic syllables in English language?
1.4.2. How far syllables and morphemes in Urdu are helpful in teaching English
To compare and contrast two languages is not only a very useful and informative task but also a
very interesting and delightful job. Being lingua franca, English is compared with almost every
standard language found all over the world. So, many comparative and contrastive studies
between English and other languages, including Urdu, have been carried out during last few
decades. A few of them are briefly discussed as under.
Berko (2015) discussed the child’s learning English morphology. The purpose of this study was
to bring forth what the children learn being exposed to English morphology. If a child tells that
plural of bench is benches, he may have memorized it. But if also tells the plural of other words
of same ending like witch to witches, it shows that the child knows the morphological rule for
making plural of such words. But, if he has learnt the morphological rules, the question is how?
Cain (2011) produced a paper which was about the study of puns with respect to their underlying
linguistic features which produced the parenthetic feature of meaning. It brought forth the system
of syllables and morphemes in producing humorous puns. Traditionally, humorous pun making
was focused on the sound, word, or syntactic levels.
Carlisle (2011), in his paper, threw light on importance of morphology in learning to read. On
the basis of an opinion that teachers were not appropriately equipped with the knowledge of
morphology, children's progress about morphemic structure of words was discussed. This study
advised to incorporate more word study into reading and spelling programmes.
David, Ann et al (2009) put forward a report with the title of Urdu Morphology. This report can
simply be read as a linguistic description of Urdu morphology as it discussed the construction of
words and other aspects of morphology in detail. And everything is presented with examples.
This study mainly focused on the grammar of standard spoken and written morphology. It drew
special attention to inflectional morphology. This study throws light on the mistakes usually
made by native Urdu speakers in writing. It asserted that the native Urdu speakers err in their
choice among homophonous letters but these mistakes were not documented in literature. Such
errors were discussed in detail and examples of such errors were also provided. Urdu
morphology was discussed in great detail with examples under the separate headings of noun,
pronoun, propositions, adjective and miscellaneous, one by one. Then, each heading was
elaborated in many subheadings. For example, noun was discussed in subheadings of inflection,
derivational suffixes and borrowed nouns in Urdu. Each subheading was further explained under
many sub-sub-headings. Inflection was discussed with respect to gender first then marked and
unmarked. In short this report discussed every aspect of Urdu morphology very minutely. Next,
it brought to light the variation in Urdu language. It said that there was an extreme variation in
registers of Urdu which ranges from the language of the poets and writers to a common
uneducated man. It varies with respect to the level of education, nature of job, gender, gathering,
region, schooling, social status, etc. It threw light on one more cause of the variation that is local
languages. Local languages not only affect dialect but grammar also, especially gender variation.
For example, yogurt in Urdu is taken as masculine but it becomes feminine in Punjabi and
Sindhi, aeroplane is masculine in Urdu but feminine in Pashto.
Dell (1995) presented his study on consonant distribution in French words. In his article, he
presented an overall view of consonant distribution in French words. He described two types of
rime, simple and compound. Then, he described the difference between simple and compound
rime. He said that the syllables with a simple rhyme cannot occur in the end of a word but it can
occur anywhere else. At most, only one consonant can follow their vowels. On the other hand,
syllables having compound rhyme can only occur at the end of words. He discussed syllable
structure mainly in relation with phonological alternation. He paid less attention to the role of
syllable in accounting phonotactic restrictions. He also presented some reflecting properties of
the French syllables. He coined two terms S-IN for syllable initial consonant cluster and S-FI for
syllable final consonant cluster. In conclusion, he said that rhyme might end in one consonant
mostly and that word-final clusters are coda plus onset sequence commonly.
Duncan (2018) wrote a paper to explore the relation of reading to phoneme awareness and
morpheme awareness. He explored different levels of meta-linguistic awareness that work in
several relationships to learning reading. He said that spoken words could be broken into further
smaller parts as phonemes and morphemes which are units of sound and units of meaning
respectively. Further, he defined phonemes as the smallest unit of sound to make a word
meaningfully different and morphemes as the smallest units of meaning within a word. He also
discussed free and bound morphemes. He mainly talked about general meta-linguistic awareness.
He said that the children who did not reach the school going age, with the general language
development could still require time before showing meta-linguistic awareness. He said that at
different points of age different aspects of language such as phonemes, morphemes, syllables,
rhymes, words, etc. are revealed. To explain phoneme awareness, first he talked about its
development, then links between phoneme awareness and reading and then cross-language
variation. After that, he discussed morpheme awareness with its development and then its link
with reading. Further, he discussed cross language variation with respect to morpheme
awareness. He concluded that for reading development it is necessary to realize the influence of
phoneme and morpheme awareness on the development of word reading.
Goldberg (2013) described the strong interrelation between morphological and phonological
processes. He said that during the process morphological process must be in step with the
phonological content of individual morphemes to produce a suitable phonological representation
for driving phonological process. He also said that many times the morpheme construction
caused changes in word's well-constructed phonology.
Hall (2011) presented an English Urdu language comparison and began with the directions of
writing the languages from left to right and from right to left. In key language differences, he
compared SVO and SOV structures of English and Urdu respectively. He found out the contrast
in the position of preposition that a preposition comes first in English and in the last in Urdu. He
also compared transitive and intransitive verbs, gender and singular plurals in English and Urdu.
Hasenacker and Schroeder (2016) compared the use of syllables and morphemes. The students of
grade two, four and adults were given a task on multimorphemic and monomorphemic words
and pseudowords that were incongruent. The study favoured the opinion that children depend
more on fine-gained processing, whereas adults utilize more coarse-grained processing.
Hayat (2009) studied similar and dissimilar sounds in English and Urdu languages. His aim was
to achieve native like proficiency in foreign or second language. He defined sound with
reference to the Oxford Dictionary as something we can hear. Then he discussed vowel and
consonant sounds. After that he compared English and Urdu language sounds. Next, he talked
about partially similar sounds and then analyzed the sounds used only in English and the sounds
used only in Urdu. His focus, throughout the paper, was only sounds.
Herrero (2020) in his research, tried to find out if the position of the morpheme of plurality had
shifted from ending of the word to its beginning in Eastern Andalusian Spanish. He performed
two experiments to test his hypothesis.
Hurley (2015) said that while start teaching the difference between written and spoken language
to the beginning readers, we should start with the meaning of the word despite the syllabic
breakdown of the word. Syllabic division can hide the morphological boundaries and
consequently mask the meaningful structure of words. She meant to say that syllables have no or
little effect on writing system. The primary aim of all written languages is to convey meaning,
not only to represent phonemes with graphemes. So, the syllables which are pronounced in
spoken language would be different in many ways from they were represented in the written
language. That is why teaching reading and spelling through teaching syllables could mask the
morphological meaning of the word. We should teach the students to ponder upon the meaning
of the word and recognize the morphemes. He presented many words as examples like very,
sparkle, and president to support her point of view.
Islam (2011) studied the morphology of Loan words in Urdu: Persian, Arabic and English
strands. He says that his study focuses on the Persian, Arabic and English loanwords morphology
in Urdu. It was a descriptive study which primarily focused on gender, number and case
morphology. He threw light on derivation by affixation and compounding. Although Urdu is a
great language itself but even then it is a recipient language, he claimed. Then he discussed the
effects of English, Arabic and Persian on Urdu. Mainly, he talked about structure of words and
techniques of their formation.
Jit et al (2012) presented their work on Manipuri language morphemes. Manipuri language used
two scripts a borrowed Bengali script and the original Manipuri script. This work was
implemented in the original Manipuri words because both the scripts had different syllable
formation. They told that Manipuri language was one of the highly agglutinative languages. A
highly inflicted word may have ten or more affixes attached one after another. These affixes are
morphemes which can change the semantic and grammatical structure of the word. They
analyzed the words to the syllables and examined them to extract a morpheme among the
syllables. They declared morpheme the smallest conceptual meaningful part of a word which has
semantic meaning. In their work first they identified the syllables then they found out
morphemes among those syllables. They said that all the syllables were not necessarily
morphemes. Consequently, they designed a system that was a morpheme identifier. It did not
analyze the word morphologically but it identified the morpheme from the set of syllables. They
designed an algorithm which segregated syllables and the resultant syllables were verified if that
was a morpheme or not.
Khan (2011) carried out a contrastive study of rhythm and intonation patterns in English and
Urdu languages. He put forward the view that rhythm and intonation play an important role in
production of statement and interrogative sentences in all languages. He classified rhythm into
stress-timed and syllable-timed patterns. In his paper, he aimed at a contrastive analysis of
rhythm and intonation patterns in English and Urdu. He declared that Urdu speakers face much
difficulty in learning rhythm and intonation in English. To him, Rise-fall, and fall-rise tones are
very complicated features for a foreign student to learn. His work revolved around rhythm and
Kooij (1980), in this paper, told that a lot of phonological rules of Dutch referred to syllable
boundaries rather than to morphological boundaries. In favour of his clai, discussed the role of
syllabic boundaries in one specific rule of Dutch morphology. He argued on the basis of Natural
Generative Phonology and advised to separate phonology and morphology.
Labov (2015) put forward his research about social motivation of sound change. This report is
about the first hand observation of a sound change in context of a specific community life. The
change observed was a shift of the first element of a diphthong for exampal /aI/ and /au/. It
discussed the reasons as well as the solutions to the said change.
Lane et al (2019), in there paper, said that morpheme awareness plays an important role in word
reading skills, increasing vocabulary and to comprehend the text. The purpose of this study was
to point out frequently used morphemes occur in academic words. In the end morpheme
frequency lists were produced and associative means for teachers were also devised.
Manzoor (2015) presented a contrast and comparison of English and Urdu morphology. The
study starts with a brief introduction to English and Urdu languages. After that throughout the
paper it is concentrated on Morphology. This study discussed English and Urdu morphology in a
different way and presented a detailed account of word formation, inflection, affixation, different
morphological forms of verb, and components of a word. It defined morpheme as minimal unit
of grammatical structure and further told that morphemes are the minimal units of meaning out
of which meaningful words are formed in different ways. According to this study, each morph
represents a particular morpheme, but each morpheme does not have a morph. It analyzed free
and bound morphemes, derivational and inflectional morphemes, morphs and allomorphs, gender
morpheme, past morpheme, and irregular inflections. This study also throws light on suffixes,
prefixes, infixes and zero suffixes. She brought out the similarities and differences between
English and Urdu morphology not the similar morphemes.
Mutaka and Hyman (1990) said that in the word-formation process, reduplication drawn interest
of many researchers. Their research examined detail reduplication in Kinande, a language,
spoken in Zaire, a Bantu language. They tell that Bantu languages are the languages which are
typologically similar in their syntax and morphology. In this paper, they saw the need for two
constraints of some interest. First, they demonstrated that lexical syllabification is limited to the
construction of CV1 syllables only, the syllables that have an onset. Second, they told that if a
morpheme is to survive in the reduplicative affix, it must be copied in its entirety. They analyzed
reduplication process in nouns and verbs. They considered some of the implications of Kinande
analysis for the study of reduplication in general. They told that commonly Kinande noun
consisted of an augment, a class of noun having prefix and a stem. Most noun stems are
bisyllabic. These stems may be shorter as well as longer. Twenty noun classes are found in
Kinande language. You can predict most of the augments from the shape of the noun class
prefix. Then they discussed reduplication in verbs and said that in Kinande bisyllabic stems are
the most numerous. Then they concluded that verb and noun reduplication share some basic
properties though they have some differences too. They believe that syllable is the basic thing in
word-formation process and it is necessary for the concept of morpheme integrity.
Van (2011) presented a contrastive analysis of English and Vietnamese morphemes aiming at
understanding that how words in different languages are formed. He said that it was necessary to
understand the basic element, morpheme. That was why in the beginning he talked about
morphemes in general and afterward he discussed the differences between English and
Vietnamese in particular. In the beginning he defined morpheme as the smallest component of a
word that contributes its meaning. That was why a word may consist of one or more morphemes.
It was the smaller part of word which contributes to the meaning of the word. He said that a
morpheme can be smaller, larger or equal to a syllable. And a word can consist of one or more
than one syllables. He observed that as the morphemes are different in different languages in the
same way syllables are also very different in different languages. Therefore, he bore the opinion
that the knowledge of the syllables of one's native language should not be applied to produce the
words from other languages. Then, he discussed bound morphemes and free morphemes and
exemplified them with the English and Vietnamese words. He also divided morphemes into
lexical morphemes and grammatical morphemes. He said that lexical morphemes hold the main
meaning of the word whereas grammatical morphemes decide the function and position of the
word. He also talked about derivational and inflectional suffixes. Then, he compared English and
Vietnamese and told that Vietnamese is an isolating language, its words are composed by single
morphemes. It means that in Vietnamese, a single word often contains only one morpheme that
is also the word. Through this study we came to know that near about all morphemes in
Vietnamese are free morphemes and function as single words. In Vietnamese bound morphemes
occur but in a very limited number and so they are very different from English. They are
separated words which cannot exist alone to form words. Vietnamese words do not consist of
root+affix morphemes like English. Instead, it is the combination of different words which are
related to each other in meaning and form a new word. He concluded that learning of word
structure in every language is very helpful in acquiring a language.
Veneziano (2014) presented his research on Filler Syllables. It was rather a different and new
topic. He said that filler syllables are often defined as unstressed, indetermined monosyllabic
elements. He said that these are produced by children and mostly they are vocalic or nasalized.
Children produce them in prelexical position of words. They may be found in the beginning of
words which children used earlier and may continue to use. Filler syllables can represent a target
syllable. These are not the target words but additional to them and can be distinguished from
word-initial vocalic sounds. These sounds start to be produced when a child is in single-word
production stage. The number of production of fillers varies in several ways. It may vary from
language to language and individual to individual. He said that it was not necessarily produced
by every child. Moreover, the children produce fillers they do not produce them before every
word, and a child can produce same word with or without filler. He told that fillers had been
noted first in the late eighteenth century by the authors who used to keep diaries of their children.
Various terms have been used for fillers by different authors i.e. perelexical additional elements,
presyntactic devices, phonological extensions and placeholders. Presently, fillers are linked to
the emergence of grammatical morphemes and gaining the attention of linguists of today.
Zahra (2013) presented her study Redefining Urdu Morphology and Grammar. She did it in a
particular perspective and that is to develop an integrated sentiment analysis framework. She
found Urdu a morphologically rich and recourse poor language. She explored Urdu morphology
but not in much detail because of her focus on sentiment analysis. She highlighted the linguistic
aspects of the multidimensional research problem of hers. She threw light on grammar and
orthographic rules of Urdu language. In this way she tried to redefine Urdu morphology and
grammar with respect to the requirements of sentiment analysis framework. The framework, she
proposed, emphasized on the identification of the sentiments, rather than the subjective words in
the given text. She described facts and opinions as two types of information. To her, the notion
of opinion is very broad. About information she said that there were many sources from which
we can gather information. She said that we could easily get information from user generated
content on the web. Moreover, internet forums, blogs and consumer reports can easily provide a
lot of information. She talked to process this information with respect to word segmentation,
phrase chunking, and stemming and sentiment analysis of Urdu language processing. She also
described negation handling in sentiment analysis. She tells that like Arabic, Urdu script is also
bidirectional as the words are written from right to left whereas numbers are written from left to
right. She further told that Urdu uses Persian-Arabic script, which meant that letters had a variety
of shapes that were categorized as joiners and non joiners. Like other Urdu language researchers,
she also talked about parts of speech and Urdu morphology, inflection, derivation and
compounding. Then she presented corpus construction and complex stemming as some
challenging features of Urdu language. She said that in Urdu stemming was very complex as
various words can emerge from the same root. She thought the word order property of the Urdu
text an extraordinary challenging feature as it holds proper meaning in different word orders. In
the end, she acknowledged Urdu language unique in many aspects related to its orthography,
morphology, grammar and vocabulary. This research mainly aimed at developing an integrated
sentiment analysis model for the Urdu text.
Zhou and Wilson (1994) presented their research under the title of Words, Morphemes and
Syllables in the Chinese lexicon. The purpose of this research was to explore the role of
morphological structure in the representation of disyllabic words in spoken Chinese. This
research said that the role of derivational and inflectional morphology in Chinese language is
minor. Instead, Chinese has a great number of compound words. Disyllabic compounds
comprise, about seventy four percent, of the Chinese lexicon and the rest are mainly
monomorphemic words. New words are commonly constructed through compounding method. It
also told that the number of morphemes is also limited to about 6000. Most of the morphemes
and monomorphemic words are used again and again to constitute morphemes in compound. It
also said that there are only 1300 different syllables in Mandarin Chinese and on average each
syllable corresponds to four different morphemes. In extreme cases, one syllable may represent
40 to 50 morphemes. One of the distinctive features of Chinese is the prevalence of homophonic
morphemes. In Chinese, usually, morpheme can stand alone as monomorphemic word. In the
written form, each morpheme is denoted by a single character which directly represents the
meaning of the morpheme and also has perceptually obvious boundaries with adjacent
Zibin (2019) studied an interesting phenomenon practiced in Urban Jordanian Arabic in Amman,
the capital of Jordan. He depicted that in Jordan, particularly in the capital city Amman, the
degree of one's knowledge of English is viewed as prestigious. In result of it, many English
loanwords had been penetrated into Urban Jordanian Arabic, a dialect spoken in Amman. Their
youth, especially females of fifteen to twenty three years, began to add a Jordan Arabic
morpheme "ɪk" to some of the English loanwords and to make them more "modern" and "cool".
This addition was practiced particularly by young girls. They made this addition generally to
monosyllabic words that have a short vowel in the nucleus and consequently coda is geminated.
The addition of the Arabic syllable "ɪk" blended the word as second female singular and used as
an object pronoun. For example, [lʌvvɪk] in place of "I love you", here "ɪk" worked as an object
pronoun and [feɪsɪk] in place of "your face", here the addition of the Arabic morpheme "ɪk"
worked as a possessive pronoun. Further, he formulated two hypotheses: (a) When the Arabic
morpheme "ɪk" added to a monosyllabic word having a short vowel, the coda is geminated. (b)
On the other hand, when the word is disyllabic, a monosyllabic with long vowel in the nucleus,
gemination does not occur. In the end, he drew conclusion that both of these hypotheses were
All above mentioned studies depicts that a lot of work has been carried out on comparison and
contrast between English and other languages of the world. In the same way much work was
done on speech sounds of English and Urdu languages. Morphology of English and Urdu
languages had also been studied from different aspects, especially to see the similarities and
differences in the ways of word formation; affixation, singular plural, gender, etc. but no work
was done on similarity of syllables found in English and Urdu languages. The researchers, who
did comparative or contrastive studies between English and Urdu languages, mainly talked about
morphology of both the languages but not the syllable itself.
This work is neither going to discuss morphology, that how the words are constructed, nor the
techniques or rules of word formation. However, it is focused on already constructed words
itself. Its focal point is the reality that English and Urdu languages own a large number of similar
syllables but it is the reference that keeps them apart. This work especially brings forth the
syllables which are common in both the languages English and Urdu. Moreover, it also tells that
how a large number of syllables are present in both the languages with only the change of onset,
nucleus or coda.
It is a quantitative corelational study as one thousand twenty three English language words
collected from the vocabulary of an average educated man in our country through general
English text books, English grammar books, English language teaching classes, dictionaries and
internet websites. Those words were divided into syllables. Their phonetic transcription is
confirmed and given in front of each syllable. Then, they were compared with the syllables in
Urdu language. Urdu syllables were given in IPA, Roman English, phonetic and then Urdu
transcriptions. In front of each entry, it was mentioned that either it was a syllable or a
morpheme in Urdu language. If it was a morpheme, it was reproduced. But, if it was a syllable its
complete word was also given in front. For each entry, besides Roman, phonetic and Urdu
transcriptions, its meaning in English had also been given.
Data consisted of one thousand twenty three English words of common use. Random as well as
Purposive sampling technique was employed for this study. A purposive sample is a non-
probability sample that is selected based on characteristics of a population and the objective of
the study. Purposive sampling is also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling.
Firstly, the closed class words; pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners and auxiliary
verbs, were enlisted as they were neither borrowed nor coined and were fixed in number. Besides
close class words, counting, alphabet, fruit names, vegetable names, colur names, human names,
animal names, bird names, etc. were collected. And then, miscellaneous common words from
open class were enlisted. From open class, mostly those words were picked up which fulfilled
the purpose of the study, i.e. the words which had the syllables which can be compared with
Urdu language syllables without or with least change. One thousand twenty three English
language words enlisted, divided into one thousand three hundred twenty eight syllables and then
compared with Urdu language syllables, morphemes or words.
One thousand twenty three English language words were collected, from the vocabulary that was
taught up to graduation level in our country, through general English text books, English
grammar books, English language teaching classes, dictionaries and internet websites. Internet
and Urdu and English language dictionaries were consulted for the correct spellings and
pronunciation of the examined words, syllables and morphemes.
One thousand twenty three words were divided into one thousand three hundred twenty eight
syllables. Their phonetic transcription is confirmed from the Oxford dictionary and a software
‘toPhonetics’ and presented in front of each syllable. Then, they were compared with the
syllables in Urdu language. Urdu syllable was given in Roman English transcript first, then in
phonetic transcription and then in Urdu transcription as well. In front of each entry, it was also
mentioned that either it was a syllable or a morpheme in Urdu language. If it was a morpheme, it
was reproduced. But, if it was a syllable its complete word was also given in front. For each
entry, besides Roman, phonetic and Urdu transcription, its meaning in English had also been
Data was collected and analyzed under sixteen headings; pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions,
determiners, auxiliaries, alphabet, counting, colours, fruit, vegetables, meat, animals, birds,
suffixes, names of persons, and miscellaneous. Data discussed under each heading was analyzed,
classified and explained in the form of facts and figures separately. And then, in the end, it was
concluded as a whole. This study showed that what percentage of English
syllables/morphemes/words is similar to Urdu language syllables/morphemes/words. For
example, forty eight percent personal pronouns in English are used as syllables and fifty two
percent as morphemes in Urdu. Seventy six percent English language syllables are found in Urdu
language without any change, sixteen percent with a change of vowel, seven percent with a
change of consonant and one percent with the change of vowel and consonant both. In front of
each entry, it is mentioned that either it has a change of onset, nucleus, coda or has no ch..
Following terms and abbreviations were used in this study.
Term Abbreviation
Number one to number three are categorized as ‘ch. of v.’, number four to number seven as ‘ch.
of c.’ and number eight as ch. of v. & c. In this way, different proportion of lexical and
grammatical categories consisting phonemic syllables and morphemes in English language that
were compared with syllables and morphemes in Urdu were explained.
S.No Syl. Englis Phon. Broken Roman Phon. Urdu syl./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h Mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. .Trns mor. Word in Trans. .Trns English
Urdu Trans. Roman
syl. Urdu
21 21 That ðæt nb diyat ðɪʌt دیَتmor. diyat ðɪʌt دیَتch. of nu. blood money
& al.
22 22 These ðiːz nb deep ðɪ:p دیپmor. deep ðɪ:p دیپch. of earthen lamp
23 23 Those ðəʊz nb thoz ðəʊz دوزmor. aabthoz a:b ðəʊz آب دوزno ch. submarine
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.1
Total Number of Used in Urdu Frequency Percent
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
23 without change 16 70%
23 with ch. of v. 3 13%
23 with ch. of c. 3 13%
23 with ch. of v. c. 1 4%
23 as syllables 11 48%
23 as morphemes 12 52%
In the table 4.1, twenty three pronouns, in different states, are analyzed. Sixteen of the twenty
three pronouns are also found in Urdu language without any change but with different
meaning. Three pronouns are used with the change of a single vowel sound, three with the
change of a single consonant sound, and only one is used with the change of one vowel and
one consonant sounds both. It shows that seventy percent English language
morphemes/syllables are also used in Urdu language without any change, thirteen percent
with the change of one vowel, thirteen percent with the change of one consonant, and only
one percent with the change of one vowel and one consonant sounds both.
Twelve pronouns of English language are used as morpheme which is fifty two percent and
eleven as syllable in Urdu language which is forty eight percent of the total pronouns.
o No mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. .Trns mor. Word in Trans. .Trns English
Urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
13 43 Behind bɪhaɪnd bɪ be bɪ بیmor. be bɪ بی no ch. an add. term
44 Ha ha ha: ہاmor. bar ha ba:r ha: بار ہا no ch. many times
45 ɪnd indar ɪnd اندsyll. indar ɪndər اندر ch. of al. clever
14 46 Below bɪˈləʊ nb bilo bɪˈləʊ بلوmor. bilona bɪˈləʊna بلونا no ch. to shake the
milk with a
wooden tool
15 47 Beneath bɪˈniːθ bɪ be bɪ بی mor. be bɪ بی no ch. an add. term
48 niːθ niti niːt نیت mor. niti niːti نیتی ch. of al. policy
16 49 Beside bɪˈsaɪd bɪ be bɪ بی mor. be bɪ بی no ch. an add. term
50 sa: sa sa: سا mor. sa sa: سا no ch. like something
51 ɪd idraak ɪdra:k ادراک mor. idraak ɪdra:k ادراک ch. of al. to know
17 52 Between bɪˈtwiːn bɪt bit bɪt بٹ syll. bitna bɪtna: بِٹنا no ch. to leak
53 wiːn ween wiːn وین syll. tadween tʌdwiːn تدوین no ch. composing
18 54 Beyond bɪˈjɒnd bɪ be bɪ بی mor. be bɪ بی no ch. an add. term
55 jɒnd youm jɒm یوم mor. youm jɒm یوم ch. of coda day
19 56 By baɪ nb bai baɪ بائی mor. bai baɪ بائی no ch. sister, raani
20 57 Concer kənsɜːr kən con kən َکن mor. kan kən َکن no ch. digger
ning nɪŋ
58 sɜːr ser sɜːr سرmor. ser sɜːr سرno ch. head
59 nɪŋ nung nʌŋ ننگmor. nung nʌŋ ننگch. of nu. shame, defame
21 60 Conside kənsɪdə kən con kən کنmor. kan kən کنno ch. digger
ring rɪŋ
61 sɪ si sɪ سی mor. si sɪ سیno ch. sew, alike
62 dər der dər ڈر mor. der dər ڈرno ch. fear
S.N Syll. English Phon. Broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o No mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. .Trns mor. Word in Trans. .Trns English
Urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
63 ɪŋ ung ʌŋ انگ mor. ung ʌŋ انگ ch. of nu. body
22 64 Despite dɪsˈpaɪt dɪs dis dʌs ڈس mor. dus dʌs ڈس ch. of nu. bite or sting
65 pa: pa pa: پا syll. par pa:r پار no ch. across
66 ɪt it ɪt اٹ mor. mit mɪt مٹ no ch. erase
23 67 Down daʊn da: da da: ڈا mor. daa da: ڈا no ch. a part of a
68 da: da da: ڈا mor. daar da:r ڈارno ch. flock of birds
69 ʊn un ʊn اُن mor. un ʊn اُن کوno ch. to them
24 70 During djʊərɪŋ djʊ du djʊ ڈیو syll. durhi djʊri ڈیوڑھیno ch. a small room
71 rɪŋ ring rɪŋ ِرنگ mor. ring rɪŋ ِرنگno ch. crying of a
ringana ringana ِرنگانا child all the
25 72 Except ɪkˈsɛpt ɪk ek ɪk اکmor. ik ɪk اکno ch. one
73 sɛpt seep si:p سیپmor. seep si:p سیپch. of nu. oyester shell
& om. of c.
26 74 Following fɒləʊɪŋ fɒ fo fɒ فو syll. fori fɒri فوریno ch. at once
75 ləʊ lo ləʊ لو mor. lo ləʊ لوno ch. take
76 ɪŋ ung ʌŋ انگ mor. ung ʌŋ انگch. of nu. body
27 77 For fɔː nb for fɔːr فور mor. for fɔːr فورno ch. at once
28 78 From frɒm nb fro frɒ فرو mor. fro frɒ فروno ch. under
29 79 In ɪn nb in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِنno ch. these
30 80 Inside ɪnˈsaɪd ɪn in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِنno ch. these
81 saɪd saeed saɪ:d سعید mor. saeed sai:d سعیدch. of nu. good natured
31 82 Into ˈɪntuː ɪn in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِنno ch. these
S.N Syll. English Phon. Broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o No mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. .Trns mor. Word in Trans. .Trns English
Urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
83 tuː tu tuː تُو mor. tu tuː تُو ch. of al. you
32 84 Like laɪk nb laaiq laɪk الئق mor. laaiq laɪk الئق no ch. able, intelligent
33 85 Minus ˈmaɪnəs maɪ mai maɪ مائی mor. mai maɪ مائی no ch. old woman
86 nəs nus nəs نس mor. nus nəs نس no ch. vein
34 87 Near nɪə(r) nb neer ni:r نیر mor. neer ni:r نیر ch. of nu. tears
35 88 Next nɛkst nb nake nɛk نیک mor. nake nɛk نیک om. of c. pious
36 89 of ɒv, əv nb av əv اَو syll. mudavan mʊdəvən مدون no ch. to compose
37 90 off ɒf nb of ɒf اوف mor. sof sɒf صوف no ch. wool
38 91 on ɒn nb un ʊn اُن mor. un ʊn اُن ch. of nu. those
39 92 onto ˈɒntʊ ɒn un ʊn اُن mor. un ʊn اُن ch. of nu. those
93 tʊ tu tʊ تو mor. tu tʊ تو no ch. you
40 94 opposite ˈɒpəzɪt ɒ o ɒ او mor. o ɒ او no ch. an add. term
95 pə po pɒ پو mor. po pɒ پو ch. of nu. dawn
96 zɪt zit zɪtəl زٹل mor. zatal zɪtəl زٹل no ch. absurd talk
41 97 out aʊt a: aa a: آ mor. aa a: آ no ch. come
98 ʊt uth ʊt اُٹھ mor. uth ʊt اُٹھ no ch. get up
42 99 outside aʊtˈsaɪd a: aa a: آ mor. aa a: آ no ch. come
100 ʊt uth ʊt اٹھُ mor. uth ʊt اٹھُ ch. of al. get up
101 saɪd saeed saɪ:d سعید mor. saeed sai:d سعید ch. of nu. good natured
43 102 over əʊvə(r) nb aawar a:vər آور mor. aawar a:vər آور ch. of v. cause a feeling
44 103 past pɑːst nb past pʌst پست mor. past pʌst پست ch. of nu. low
45 104 per pɜː(r) nb per pɜːr پر mor. per pɜːr پر no ch. wing, feather
46 105 plus plʌs nb luss lʌs لس syll. lussi lʌsɪ لسی no ch. butter milk
47 106 regarding rɪgɑːdɪŋ rɪ re rɪ ری mor. ri rɪ ری no ch. an add. term
S.N Syll. English Phon. Broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o No mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. .Trns mor. Word in Trans. .Trns English
Urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
107 gɑːr gaar gɑːr گار mor. gaar gɑːr مددگار no ch. a suffix
108 dɪŋ ding dɪ:ŋ ڈینگ mor. deeng dɪ:ŋ ڈینگ ch. of nu. brag
48 109 round raʊnd ra: raa ra: را mor. bakraa bʌkra: بکرا no ch. he goat
110 ʊnd and ʌnd انڈ syll. anda ʌnda انڈا ch. of nu. egg
49 111 than ðæn nb den ðæn دین mor. den ðæn دین no ch. giving
50 112 through θruː nb thra θraː تھرا syll. suthra θraː ستھرا ch. of nu. clean
51 113 to tuː nb tu tuː تُو mor. tu tuː تُو no ch. you
52 114 toward təˈwɔːd tə tu tə تُو mor. tu tə تُو no ch. you
115 wɔːd ward wʌrd ورد mor. ward wʌrd ورد no ch. rose
53 116 under ʌndə(r) nb under ʌndər اندر mor. under ʌndər اندر ch. of al. inside
117 ʌn un ʌn اَن mor. un ʌn اَن no ch. without
118 dər dar dər ڈر mor. dar dər ڈر no ch. fear
54 119 Under ʌndər ʌn un ʌn اَن mor. un ʌn اَن no ch. without
neath niːθ
120 dər dar dər ڈر mor. dar dər ڈر no ch. fear
121 niːθ niti niːt نیت mor. niti niːti نیتی ch. of al. policy
55 122 unlike ʌnˈlaɪk ʌn un ʌn اَن mor. un ʌn اَن no ch. without
123 laɪk laaiq laɪk الئق mor. laaiq laɪk الئق no ch. able, intelligent
56 124 up ʌp nb ap ʌp اپنا syll. apna əpna: اپنا no ch. works hard
57 125 upon əˈpɒn əp up əp اپنا syll. apna əpna: اپنا no ch. own
126 ɒn aan a:n آن mor. apna a:n آن ch. of nu. honour
58 127 versus vɜːrsəs vɜːr ver vɜːr ور mor. apna vər ور no ch. dominant
128 səs sus səs سس syll. apna səsta: سستا no ch. cheap
59 129 via ˈvaɪə nb waya vaɪə وایا syll. apna bʊlvaɪə بلوایا no ch. called
S.N Syll. English Phon. Broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o No mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. .Trns mor. Word in Trans. .Trns English
Urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
60 130 with wɪð nb wid wɪð ودsyll. apna wɪðja ودیاno ch. knowledge
61 131 within wɪˈðɪn wɪð wid wɪð ودsyll. apna wɪðja ودیاno ch. knowledge,
132 ɪn in ɪn اِنmor. apna ɪn اِنno ch. these
62 133 without wɪˈðaʊt wɪð with wɪð ودsyll. apna wɪðja ودیاno ch. knowledge,
134 a: aa a: آmor. apna a: آno ch. come
135 ʊt uth ʊt اُٹھmor. apna ʊt اُٹھch. of al. get up
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.2
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
112 without change 77 69%
112 with ch. of v. 22 20%
112 with ch. of c. 11 10%
112 with ch. of v. c. 2 2%
112 as syllables 21 19%
112 as morphemes 91 81%
In the table 4.2, sixty three prepositions are analyzed into one hundred and twelve
syllables/morphemes. Seventy seven are found in Urdu language without any change, with
different meaning. Twenty two are used with the change of only a single vowel sound, eleven
with the change only of a single consonant sound, and only two are found with the change of
one vowel and one consonant sounds both. It shows that sixty nine percent English language
morphemes/syllables are also found in Urdu language without any change, twenty percent
with the change of one vowel, ten percent with the change of one consonant, and only two
percent with the change of one vowel and one consonant sounds both.
S.N Syll English Phon. broken Roma Phon. Urdu syll./mor. Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o . No mor. Trans. into n Urdu Trans. Trns Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu . Roman
syll. Urdu
13 153 or ɔː(r) nb aur ɔːr اورmor. aur ɔːr اور no ch. and
14 154 since sɪns nb saans sa:ns سانسmor. saans sa:ns سانس ch. of nu. breath
15 155 so səʊ nb so səʊ سوmor. so səʊ سو no ch. sleep
16 156 though ðəʊ nb dou ðəʊ دوmor. dou ðəʊ دو no ch. give
17 157 till tɪl nb til tɪl ٹلmor. til tɪl ٹل ٹل no ch. talk idly
18 158 unless ənˈlɛs ən un ən اَن mor. un ən اَن no ch. without
159 lɛs lace læs لیس mor. lace læs لیس ch. of nu. equipped
19 160 until ənˈtɪl ən un ən اَن mor. un ən اَن no ch. without
161 tɪl til tɪl ٹل mor. til tɪl ٹل ٹل no ch. talk idly
20 162 what wɒt nb wat wʌt وٹsyll. kar-wat wʌt کروٹ ch. of nu. to lie by the
21 163 where weə(r) nb weer wɪ:r ویرmor. weer wi:r ویرch. of nu. brave man
22 164 whether ˈwɛðə(r wɛ we wɛ وےmor. karhwe kərwɛ کڑوےno ch. bitter
165 ðər der ðər در mor. der ðər در no ch. door
23 166 while waɪl nb wile waɪl وائل syll. awile əwaɪl اوائل no ch. beginning
24 167 when wɛn nb ween wɪ:n وین syll. tad-ween tʌdwɪ:n تدوین ch. of nu. compose
25 168 yet jɛt nb yat jʌt یت syll. riwayat rɪwa:jʌt روایت ch. of v to report
& al. something
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.3
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
33 without change 23 70%
33 with ch. of v. 7 21%
33 with ch. of c. 3 9%
33 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
33 as syllables 8 24%
33 as morphemes 25 76%
In table 4.3, twenty five conjunctions are broken into thirty three syllables/morphemes.
Twenty three are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. Seven
are used with the change of a single vowel sound, three with the change only of a single
consonant sound, and none is found with the change of vowel and consonant sounds both. It
shows that seventy percent English language morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu
language without any change, twenty one percent with the change of one vowel, and nine
percent with the change of one consonant.
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.4
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
12 without change 11 92%
12 with ch. of v. 1 8%
12 with ch. of c. 0 0%
12 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
12 as syllables 4 33%
12 as morphemes 8 67%
In table 4.4, nine determiners are analyzed into twelve syllables/morphemes. Eleven are
found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. One is found with the
change of a single vowel sound. It shows that ninety two percent English language
morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu language without any change and eight percent with
the change of one vowel.
No mor. Trans. into n Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
200 ɪt it ɪt اٹ mor. mit mɪt مٹ no ch. erase
20 201 Can kæn nb kaen kæn قین syll. kaenchi kæntʃi قینچی no ch. scissors
21 202 Could kʊd nb khud kʊd خود mor. khud khʊd خود ch. of al. self
203 kʊd kud kʊd کد syll. kudal kʊda:l کدال no ch. pickaxe
22 204 Would wʊd nb wud wʊd ود syll. wudud wʊdʊ:d ودود ch. of al. name of a
23 205 Dare deə(r) nb der der ڈیر mor. der Der منڈیرch. of nu. late
24 206 Do duː nb doo duː ڈو syll. laddoo lʌd duː ّلڈوno ch. a sweet
25 207 Does dʌz nb daz dʌz ڈز syll. dʌz dʌz ڈزno ch. sound of firing
26 208 Did dɪd nb tid tɪd ٹڈ syll. tiddi tɪddi ٹڈیch. of onset locust
27 209 Need niːd nb neer niːr نیر mor. neer niːr نیرch. of coda tears
28 210 Ought ɔːt nb ought ɔːt اوٹ mor. ought ɔːt اوٹno ch. curtain or cover
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.5
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
30 without change 20 67%
30 with ch. of v. 3 10%
30 with ch. of c. 7 23%
30 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
30 as syllables 11 37%
30 as morphemes 19 63%
In table 4.5, twenty eight auxiliary verbs are studied under thirty syllables/morphemes.
Twenty syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning.
Three are used with the change of a single vowel sound, seven with the change only of a
single consonant sound, and none is found with the change of vowel and consonant sounds
both. It shows that sixty seven percent English language morphemes/syllables are found in
Urdu language without any change, ten percent with the change of one vowel, and seven
percent with the change of one consonant.
o No mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
20 230 T tiː nb tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
21 231 U juː nb you juː یو syll. yourish juːrɪʃ یورش no ch. attack, assault
22 232 V viː nb ve viː وی syll. raavi ra:vi: راوی no ch. reporter
23 233 W ˈdʌblj dʌb dab dʌb ڈب mor. dab dʌb ڈب no ch. pocket, thread
234 ljuː liyo ljɔ: لیوmor. liyo ljɔ: لیوch. of nu. get it complete
24 235 X ɛks nb eks ɛks ایکسmor. ek ɛk ایکom. of one
25 236 Y waɪ nb wai waɪ وائیsyll. hawai hwaɪ ہوائیno ch. related to air
26 237 Z zɛd nb zed zɛd زیدmor. zed zɛd زیدch. of al. name of a person
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.6
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
27 without change 22 81%
27 with ch. of v. 3 11%
27 with ch. of c. 2 7%
27 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
27 as syllables 8 30%
27 as morphemes 19 70%
In table 4.6, twenty six letters of English alphabet are studied under twenty seven
syllables/morphemes. Twenty two syllables are found in Urdu language without any change,
with different meaning. Three are used with the change of a single vowel sound, two with the
change only of a single consonant sound, and none is found with the change of vowel and
consonant sounds both. It shows that eighty one percent English language
morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, eleven percent with the
change of one vowel, and seven percent with the change of one consonant.
o . No mor. Trans. into n Urdu Trans. Trns mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu . Roman
syll. Urdu
15 258 fifteen ˈfɪfˈtiːn fɪf feef fi:f فیف syll. feef fi:f عفیف ch. of nu. chaste
259 tiːn teenda tiːŋda “ٹینڈا syll. teenda tiːŋda ٹینڈا no ch. a vegetable
16 260 sixteen ˈsɪksˈtiːn sɪks sik sɪk سک syll. sikna sɪkna: سکنا om. of c. get heated
261 tiːn teenda tiːŋda “ٹینڈا syll. teenda tiːŋda ٹینڈا no ch. a vegetable
17 262 seventeen sɛvn tiːn sɛ se sɛ سے mor. se sɛ سے no ch. from
263 vən van vʌn ون syll. mudavvan mʊdʌvən مدون no ch. to compose
264 tiːn teenda tiːŋda “ٹینڈا syll. teenda tiːŋda ٹینڈا no ch. a vegetable
18 265 eighteen ˌeɪˈtiːn eɪ ae eɪ اے mor. ae eɪ اے no ch. an add. term
266 tiːn teenda tiːŋda “ٹینڈا syll. teenda tiːŋda ٹینڈا no ch. a vegetable
19 267 nineteen ˈnaɪn na: na na: نہ mor. na na: نہ no ch. no
268 ɪn in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِن no ch. these
269 tiːn teenda tiːŋda “ٹینڈا syll. teenda tiːŋda ٹینڈا no ch. a vegetable
20 270 twenty ˈtwɛnti twɛn tawan twən تون syll. tawangar twəngər تون گر ch. of nu. a rich person
271 ti tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
21 272 thirty ˈθɜːti θɜːr thar θɜːr تھر mor. thar θɜːr تھر no ch. name of a desert
273 ti tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
22 274 forty ˈfɔːti fɔː fo fɒ فو syll. fori fɒri فوری no ch. at once
275 ti tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
23 276 fifty ˈfɪfti fɪf fuf fʊf فُف mor. fuf fʊf فُف ch. of nu. blow
277 ti tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
24 278 sixty ˈsɪksti sɪks sik sɪk سک syll. sikna sɪkna: سکنا om. of c. get heated
279 ti tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
25 280 seventy ˈsɛvnti sɛ se sɛ سے mor. se sɛ سے no ch. from
281 vən van vʌn ون syll. mudavan mʊdəvən مدون no ch. to compose
S.N Syll English Phon. broken Roma Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o . No mor. Trans. into n Urdu Trans. Trns mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu . Roman
syll. Urdu
282 ti tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
26 283 eighty ˈeɪti eɪ ae eɪ اے mor. ae eɪ اے no ch. an add. term
284 ti tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
27 285 ninety ˈnaɪnti na: na na: نہmor. na na: نہ no ch. no
286 ɪn in ɪn اِنmor. in ɪn اِن no ch. these
287 ti tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
28 288 hundred ˈhʌndrəd hʌnd hund hʌnd ہنڈsyll. hundya hʌndja: ہنڈیا no ch. earthen cooker
289 rəd rad rəd رد mor. rad rəd رد ch. of al. turn down
29 290 thousand ˈθaʊzənd θa thar θa تھا mor. thar Θa تھا no ch. was
291 ʊzənd uzand ʊzənd ازند syll. guzand gʊzənd گزند ch. of al. harm
30 292 lac læk nb laek læk لیکsyll. alaek slaek əlæk علیک no ch. acquaintance
slæk سلیک
31 293 million ˈmɪljən mɪl mil mɪl مل mor. mil mɪl مل no ch. to meet
294 jən yan jən ین syll. muzaiyan mʊzəɪjən مزین no ch. decorated
32 295 billion ˈbɪljən bɪl bil bɪl بل mor. bil bɪl بل no ch. a hole
296 jən yan jən ین syll. muzaiyan mʊzəɪjən مزین no ch. decorated
33 297 trillion ˈtrɪljən trɪ tri trɪ تری mor. tri trɪ تری ch. of al. your
298 ljən yan jən ین syll. muzaiyan mʊzəɪjən مزین ch. of decorated
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.7
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
61 without change 49 80%
61 with ch. of v. 5 8%
61 with ch. of c. 7 11%
61 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
61 as syllables 40 66%
61 as morphemes 21 34%
In table 4.7, thirty three counting items are studied under sixty one syllables/morphemes.
Forty nine English syllables used in counting are found in Urdu language without any
change, with different meaning. Five are used with the change of a single vowel sound, seven
with the change only of a single consonant sound, and none is found with the change of
vowel and consonant sounds both. It shows that eighty percent English language
morphemes/syllables used in counting are found in Urdu language without any change, eight
percent with the change of one vowel, and eleven percent with the change of one consonant.
S.N Syll. English Phon. broken Roma Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o No mor. Trans. into n Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
317 dɪ di dɪ ڈی syll. haddi hʌddɪ ہڈی no ch. bone
318 gəʊ go gəʊ گو mor. go gəʊ گو no ch. though
13 319 cream kriːm nb kareem kəriːm کریم mor. kareem kəriːm کریم add. of v. Bountiful
14 320 brown braʊn bra: bra bra: برا mor. bra ghabra: گھبرا no ch. confusion
321 ʊn un ʊn اُن mor. un ʊn اُن no ch. they
15 322 grey greɪ nb grey greɪ گرے mor. girey gɪreɪ گرے no ch. fall or fallen
16 323 silver ˈsɪlvə(r) sɪl sil sɪl سل mor. sil sɪl سل no ch. a piece of stone
324 vər ver vər ور mor. ver vər ور no ch. superior
17 325 cyan ˈsaɪən saɪ saai saɪ سائی mor. saai saɪ سائی no ch. advance money
326 ən un ən اَن mor. un ən اَن no ch. without
(Colour Names)
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.8
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
28 without change 22 79%
28 with ch. of v. 2 7%
28 with ch. of c. 3 11%
28 with ch. of v. c. 1 4%
28 as syllables 6 21%
28 as morphemes 22 79%
In table 4.8, seventeen colour names are analyzed into twenty eight syllables/morphemes.
Twenty two are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. Two are
used with the change of only a single vowel sound, three with the change only of a single
consonant sound, and only one is found with the change of one vowel and one consonant
sounds both. It shows that seventy nine percent English language morphemes/syllables are
found in Urdu language without any change, seven percent with the change of one vowel,
eleven percent with the change of one consonant, and only four percent with the change of
one vowel and one consonant sounds both.
(Fruit Names)
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.9
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
44 without change 39 89%
44 with ch. of v. 3 7%
44 with ch. of c. 0 0%
44 with ch. of v. c. 2 5%
44 as syllables 8 18%
44 as morphemes 36 82%
In table 4.9, twenty four fruit names are broken into forty four syllables/morphemes. Thirty
nine are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. Three are used
with the change of only a single vowel sound, none with the change of a consonant sound,
and only two are found with the change of one vowel and one consonant sounds both. It
shows that eighty nine percent English language morphemes/syllables used in fruit names are
found in Urdu language without any change, seven percent with the change of one vowel, and
only five percent with the change of one vowel and one consonant sounds both.
Thirty six syllables/morphemes of English language are used as morpheme in Urdu language,
that is eighty two percent and eight, which is eighteen percent, are used as syllable in Urdu
(Vegetable Names)
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.10
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
62 without change 56 90%
62 with ch. of v. 2 3%
62 with ch. of c. 4 6%
62 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
62 as syllables 12 19%
62 as morphemes 50 81%
In table 4.10, thirty vegetable names are broken into sixty two syllables/morphemes. Fifty six
syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. Two are
used with the change of a single vowel sound, four with the change only of a single
consonant sound, and none is found with the change of vowel and consonant sounds both. It
shows that ninety percent English language morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu language
without any change, three percent with the change of one vowel, and six percent with the
change of one consonant sound.
(Meat Names)
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.11
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
10 without change 8 80%
10 with ch. of v. 0 0%
10 with ch. of c. 2 20%
10 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
10 as syllables 5 50%
10 as morphemes 5 50%
In table 4.11, seven meat names are broken into ten syllables/morphemes. Eight syllables are
found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. None is used with the
change of a single vowel sound, only two with the change only of a single consonant sound,
and none is found with the change of vowel and consonant sounds both. It shows that eighty
percent morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, and twenty
percent with the change of one consonant sound.
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
21 460 dove dʌv nb duv dʊv ڈوsyll. duvva dʊvva: ڈوواno ch. a big
spoon used
to cook food
22 461 duck dʌk nb duk dʊk ڈک mor. duk dʊk ڈک ch. of nu. punch, blow
23 462 elephant ˈɛlɪfənt ɛlɪ eli ɛlɪ ایلی syll. beli bɛlɪ بیلی no ch. friend
463 fənt fun fən فن mor. fun fən فن om. of a c. skill
24 464 fish fɪʃ nb fish fɪʃ فش mor. fish fɪʃ فش no ch. trivial, unreal
25 465 fox fɒks nb foq fɒk فوق mor. foq fɒk فوق om. of a c. high, height
26 466 giraffe ʤɪˈrɑːf ʤɪ ji ʤɪ جی mor. ji ʤɪ جی no ch. heart, yes
467 rɑːf raaf rɑːf راف syll. raafat rɑːfət رافت no ch. kindness
27 468 goat gəʊt nb goat gəʊt گوٹ mor. goat gəʊt گوٹ no ch. edge, lace
28 469 hamster ˈhæmstə ˈhæm hum hʌm ہم mor. hum hʌm ہم ch. of nu. we
470 stər satar sətər سطر mor. satar sətər سطر ch. of al. line
29 471 hen hɛn nb hen hɛŋ ہیں mor. hen hɛŋ ہیں ch. of coda are
30 472 hippopota hɪpəpɒtə hɪ he hɪ ہی syll. raahi ra:hɪ راہی no ch. traveller
mus məs
473 pə paa pa: پا mor. paa pa: پا no ch. foot
474 pɒtə pota pɒta: پوٹا mor. pota pɒta: پوٹا no ch. stomach
475 məs mas məs مس mor. mas məs مس no ch. touch
31 476 horse hɔː(r)s nb hor hɔːr ہور mor. hor hɔːr ہور om. of a c. and
32 477 kangaroo kæŋgəruː kæŋ khaen kæŋ کھیں syll. ankhaen a:nkæŋ آںکھیں no ch. eyes
478 gə gar gər گر mor. gar gər گر no ch. if
479 ruː ru ruː رو mor. ru ruː رو no ch. face
S.N Syll English Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o . No mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
33 480 leopard ˈlɛpəd lɛ le lɛ لے mor. le lɛ لے no ch. take
481 pərd pard pərð پرد mor. parda pərðə پردہ ch. of al. curtain
34 482 lion ˈlaɪən laɪ laai laɪ الئی mor. laai laɪ الئی no ch. brought
483 ən un ən ان mor. un ən ان no ch. without
35 484 mole məʊl nb mole məʊl مول mor. mole məʊl مول no ch. price
36 485 monkey ˈmʌŋki mʌŋ man mʌn من mor. man mʌn من no ch. heart
486 ki: ki ki: کی mor. ki ki: کی no ch. of
37 487 mouse maʊs ma: maa ma: ما mor. maa ma: ما no ch. abr. for
488 ʊs us ʊs اس mor. us ʊs اس no ch. that, he, she
38 489 otter ˈɒtə(r) ɒ o ɒ او mor. o ɒ او no ch. an add. term
490 tər tar tər ٹر mor. tar tər ٹر no ch. speak uselessly
39 491 ox ɒks nb aks ʌks عکس mor. aks ʌks عکس ch. of nu. reflection
40 492 panda ˈpændə pæn puan pʌn پن mor. puan pʌn پن ch. of nu. a suffix
493 də da da: ڈا syll. danda dʌnda: ڈنڈا no ch. stick
41 494 parrot ˈpærət pæ pae pæ پے mor. pae pæ پے no ch. layer
495 rət rut rət رٹ mor. rut rət رٹ no ch. to insist
42 496 pig pɪg nb pug pʌg پگ mor. pug pʌg پگ ch. of nu. turban
43 497 puppy ˈpʌpi nb puppy pʌpi پپی mor. puppy pʌpi پپی no ch. a kiss
44 498 rabbit ˈræbɪt ræ rae ræ رے mor. rae ræ رے no ch. an add. term
499 bɪt bit bɪt بٹ syll. bitna bɪtna: بٹنا no ch. to leak
45 500 raccon rəˈkuːn rə ra rə ر syll. ras rəs رس no ch. juice
501 kuːn koon kuːn کون mor. koon kuːn کون no ch. hips, anus
46 502 sheep ʃiːp nb shup ʃʌp شپ mor. shup ʃʌp شپ ch. of nu. quick, soon
S.N Syll English Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
o . No mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
47 503 squirrel ˈskwɪrəl skwɪ kawi kwɪ قویmor. kawi kwɪ قویno ch. poweful
504 rəl ral rəl رلmor. ral rəl رلno ch. to mix
(Animal Names)
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.12
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
62 without change 45 73%
62 with ch. of v. 8 13%
62 with ch. of c. 9 15%
62 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
62 as syllables 14 23%
62 as morphemes 48 77%
In table 4.12, forty animal names are broken into sixty two syllables/morphemes. Forty five
syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. Eight are
used with the change of a single vowel sound, nine with the change only of a single
consonant sound, and none is found with the change of vowel and consonant sounds both. It
shows that Seventy three percent English language morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu
language without any change, thirteen percent with the change of one vowel, and fifteen
percent with the change of one consonant sound.
o No mor. Trans. n into n Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
525 trɪʧ tirch tɪrʧ ترچ syll. tircha tɪrʧə ترچھا shift of nu. slanting
13 526 swallow ˈswɒləʊ swɒ swa swa: سوا syll. ruswa rʊswa: رسوا no ch. defame
527 ləʊ lo ləʊ لو mor. lo ləʊ لو no ch. take
14 528 bird bɜːd nb bard bɜːrð برد mor. bard bɜːrð برد ch. of al. cold
15 529 penguin ˈpɛŋgwɪn pɛŋg peeng pi:ŋg پینگ mor. peeng pi:ŋg پینگ ch. of nu. swing
530 wɪn ween wi:n وین syll. tadween tʌdwi:n تدوین ch. of nu. compose
16 531 robin ˈrɒbɪn rɒ row rɒ رو mor. row rɒ رو no ch. wave
532 bɪn bin bɪn بن mor. bin bɪn بن no ch. without
17 533 swan swɒn nb sawan sa:wən ساون mor. sawan sa:wən ساون ch. of vs. rainy season
18 534 owl aʊl a: aa a: آ mor. aa a: آ no ch. come
535 ʊl ul ʊl ال syll. pul pʊl پل no ch. bridge
19 536 woodpe wʊd pɛkər wʊd wad wʌd وڈ syll wadera wʌderə وڈیرا ch. of nu. head of a
cker village
537 pɛkər paekar pɛkər پیکرmor. paekar pɛkər پیکرno ch. physique
(Bird Names)
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.13
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
33 without change 22 67%
33 with ch. of v. 7 21%
33 with ch. of c. 4 12%
33 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
33 as syllables 10 30%
33 as morphemes 23 70%
In table 4.13, twenty bird names are broken into thirty three syllables/morphemes. Twenty
two syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. Seven
are used with the change of a single vowel sound, four with the change only of a single
consonant sound, and none is found with the change of vowel and consonant sounds both. It
shows that sixty seven percent English language morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu
language without any change, twenty one percent with the change of one vowel, and twelve
percent with the change of one consonant sound.
No mor. Trans. into n Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
557 məʊ mo məʊ مو syll. moqa məʊkə موقع no ch. chance
18 558 hyper haɪpər haɪ hai haɪ ہائی syll. rehai rehaɪ رہائی no ch. to set free
559 pər per pər پر mor. per pɜːr پر no ch. wing, feather
19 560 ial əl nb al ʌl ال mor. al ʌl ال no ch. spicifies a noun
or an adjective
20 561 ic ɪk nb ik ɪk اک mor. ik ɪk اک no ch. one
21 562 il ɪl nb il ɪl ال syll. bil bɪl بل no ch. a long hole
22 563 im ɪm nb im ɪm ام syll. mulaim mʊlaɪm مالئم no ch. smooth
23 564 in ɪn nb in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِن no ch. these
24 565 inter ɪntər ɪn in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِن no ch. these
566 tər tar tər ٹر mor. tar tər ٹر no ch. speak uselessly
25 567 intra ɪntra ɪn in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِن no ch. these
568 tra tarra tərra ٹرا mor. tarra tərra ٹرا add. of a c. talkative
26 569 ious əs nb us ʌs اَس syll. asraar ʌsra:r اَسرار no ch. heads
27 570 ir ɪr nb ir ɪr ار syll. irsal ɪrsa:l ارسال no ch. to send
28 571 less les nb lace læs لیس mor. lace læs لیس ch. of nu. equipped
29 572 ly lɪ nb li lɪ لی mor. li lɪ لی no ch. took
30 573 ment mənt nb man mən من mor. man mən من om. of a c. heart
31 574 mis mɪs nb mis mɪs مص syll. misra mɪsra مصرع no ch. half of a couplet
32 575 mono mɒnəʊ mɒ mo mɒ مو syll. mori mɒri موری no ch. a hole
576 nəʊ nou nəʊ نو mor. nou nəʊ نو no ch. new
33 577 ness nəs nb nus nəs نس mor. nus nəs نس no ch. vein
34 578 non nɒn nb naan na:n نان mor. naan na:n نان ch. of nu. bread
35 579 omni əʊmni əʊm om əʊm اوم syll. soum səʊm سوم no ch. third
S.No Syll. English Phon. broken Roma Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No mor. Trans. into n Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
580 ni ni ni کہنی mor. kohni kɒhni کہنی no ch. elbow
36 581 or ər nb ar ər ار syll. arvi ərvi اروی no ch. taro
37 582 ous əs nb us əs اس syll. bus bəs بس no ch. control
38 583 over əʊvər əʊ o əʊ او mor. o əʊ او no ch. an add. term
584 vər ver vər ور mor. peshawar peʃəvər پیشہ ور no ch. professional
39 585 para pæra nb pæra pæra پیرا mor. pæra pæra پیرا no ch. decorating
40 586 post pəʊst nb post pəʊst پوست mor. post pəʊst پوست ch. of al. poppy
41 587 pre prɪ nb pari pərɪ پری mor. pari pərɪ پری no ch. fairy
42 588 re rɪ nb re rɪ ری mor. ri rɪ ری no ch. an add. term
43 589 semi semi se se se سے mor. se se سے no ch. from
590 mi me mi می syll. ammi ʌmmi: امی no ch. mother
44 591 sub sʌb nb sub sʌb سب mor. sub sʌb سب no ch. all
45 592 super sʊpər sʊ su sʊ سو mor. su sʊ سو no ch. direction
593 pər per pər پر mor. per pɜː(r) پر no ch. wing, feather
46 594 tion ʃʌn nb shan ʃʌn شن syll. bhashan bha:ʃʌn بھاشن no ch. speech
47 595 ty tɪ nb tee tɪ ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
48 596 un ʌn nb un ʌn اَن mor. un ʌn اَن no ch. without
49 597 uni jʊ:ni jʊ: yu jʊː یو syll. yourish juːrɪʃ یورش no ch. attack, assault
598 ni ni ni کہنی mor. kohni kɒhni کہنی no ch. elbow
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.14
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
61 without change 53 87%
61 with ch. of v. 5 8%
61 with ch. of c. 3 5%
61 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
61 as syllables 20 33%
61 as morphemes 41 67%
In table 4.14, fifty three suffixes are broken into sixty one syllables/morphemes. Fifty three
syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. Five are
used with the change of a single vowel sound, three with the change only of a single
consonant sound, and none is found with the change of vowel and consonant sounds both. It
shows that eighty seven percent English language morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu
language without any change, eight percent with the change of one vowel, and five percent
with the change of one consonant sound.
Forty one syllables/morphemes of English language are used as morpheme in Urdu language,
which is sixty seven percent and twenty, which is thirty three percent, are used as syllable in
Urdu language.
No mor. Trans. n into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
618 siːljə see lya siː ljə سی لیا mor. see lya siː ljə سی لیا no ch. have sewn
13 619 Ceila Ceila nb Ceila Ceila سیال mor. Ceila Ceila سیال no ch. wet
14 620 Charlotte ˈʃɑːlət ʃɑːr shaar ʃɑːr شار mor. shaar ʃɑːr شار no ch. to fall, flowing
621 lət lut lət لٹ mor. lut lət لٹ no ch. lock of hair
15 622 Chloe ˈkləʊi nb kalai klaɪ کالئی mor. kalai klaɪ کالئی ch. of nu. wrist
16 623 Cora Cora nb cora cəʊra کورا mor. cora cəʊra کورا no ch. new, not used
17 624 Daisy ˈdeɪzi nb desi deɪsi دیسی mor. desi deɪsi دیسی ch. of c. of the country
18 625 Dandy ˈdændi nb Dundy dəndi ڈنڈی mor. Dundy dəndi ڈنڈی ch. of nu. small stick
19 626 Della ˈdɛlə nb Della dɛlə ڈیال mor. Della dɛlə ڈیال no ch. eye ball
20 627 Dora Dora nb dora dəʊra ڈورا mor. dora dəʊra ڈورا no ch. thread
21 628 Elena ɛˈlɛnə ɛ ae ɛ اے mor. ae ɛ اے no ch. an add. term
629 lɛnə lena lɛnə لینا mor. lena lɛnə لینا no ch. to take
22 630 Emily ˈɛməli nb imli ɪmli املی mor. imli ɪmli املی ch. of a v. tamarind
23 631 Emmy ˈɛmi nb ammi ʌmmi امی mor. ammi ʌmmi امی ch. of a v. mother
24 632 Fanny ˈfæni nb phanny phæni پھینی mor. phanny phæni پھینی ch. of c. cakes of
25 633 Finley fɪnle fɪn fun fʌn فن mor. fun fʌn فن ch. of nu. skill
634 le le Le لے mor. le le لے no ch. take it
26 635 Grace greɪs nb guraiz gʊreɪz گریز mor. guraiz gʊreɪz گریز ch. of coda avoid
27 636 Harmony hɑːməni hɑːr haar hɑːr ہار mor. haar hɑːr ہار no ch. necklace
637 məni mani məni منی mor. mani məni منی no ch. proud
28 638 Harper ˈhɑːpə hɑːr haar hɑːr ہار mor. haar hɑːr ہار no ch. necklace
639 pər per pɜːr پر mor. per pɜːr پر no ch. wing, feather
29 640 Holly ˈhɒli nb holi ˈhɒli ہو لی mor. holi ˈhɒli ہو لی no ch. a Hindu festival
S.No Syll. English Phon. broke Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No mor. Trans. n into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
30 641 Isla Isla nb Isla Isla اصال syll. Islah Islah اصالح no ch. correction
31 642 Ivy ˈaɪvi aɪ aai aɪ آئی mor. aai aɪ آئی no ch. came
643 vi ve Vi اروی mor. ve vi اروی no ch. taro
32 644 Jacey dʒæsi nb jesi dʒæsi جیسی mor. jesi dʒæsi جیسی no ch. like something
33 645 Jaena dʒæna nb jeena dʒi:na جینا mor. jeena dʒi:na جینا ch. of nu. to live
34 646 Jasmine ʤæsmɪn nb yasmin ja:smɪn یاسمین mor. yasmin ja:smɪn یاسمین ch. of c. Jasmine
35 647 Jessica ˈʤɛsɪkə ʤɛsɪ jesi dʒæsɪ جیسی mor. jesi dʒæsɪ جیسی no ch. like something
648 kə ka kə کا mor. ka kə کا no ch. of
36 649 Joy ʤɔɪ nb jui ʤʊɪ جوئی mor. jui ʤʊɪ جوئی ch. of nu. search
37 650 Joyce ʤɔɪs ʤɔ: jo ʤɔ: جو mor. jo ʤɔ: جو no ch. which
651 ɪs iss ɪs اس mor. iss ɪs اس no ch. this
38 652 Julia ˈʤuːlɪə ʤuː ju ʤuː جو mor. ju ʤuː جو no ch. stream, canal
653 lɪə lya lɪə لیا mor. lya lɪə لیا no ch. took
39 654 Kaylee keɪli nb keli keɪli کیلی syll. akeli keɪli اکیلی no ch. alone
40 655 Lauren ˈlɔːrən lɔː lo lɔː لو mor. lo lɔː لو no ch. take
656 rən run rən رن mor. run rən رن no ch. fight, war
41 657 Layla Layla nb Layla Læla لیلی mor. Layla læla لیلی no ch. a female name
42 658 Lily ˈlɪli nb lilla lɪllah ہلل mor. lilla lɪllah ہلل ch. of a v. for God's sake
43 659 Linda ˈlɪndə nb lunda lʊndə لنڈا mor. lunda lʊndə لنڈا ch. of nu. with out tail
44 660 Lucy ˈluːsi luː lu luː لو mor. lu luː لو no ch. hot air
661 si si Si سی mor. si si سی no ch. like something
45 662 Luna ˈlʊnə nb lo na lʊnə لو نا mor. lo na lʊnə لو نا ch. of nu. take it
46 663 Poppy ˈpɒpi pɒ po pɒ پو mor. po pɒ پو no ch. dawn
664 pi pi Pi پی mor. pi pi پی no ch. drink
S.No Syll. English Phon. broke Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No mor. Trans. n into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
47 665 Rachel reɪʧəl reɪ rey reɪ رے mor. rey reɪ رے no ch. an add. term
666 ʧəl chal ʧəl چل mor. chal ʧəl چل no ch. go, walk
48 667 Riley raɪli raɪ rai raɪ رائی mor. rai raɪ رائی no ch. mustard seed
668 li li Li لی mor. li li لی no ch. took
49 669 Rosemary rəʊzməri rəʊz roz rəʊz روز mor. roz rəʊz روز no ch. daily
670 məri mari məri مری mor. mari məri مری no ch. died
50 671 Ruby ruːbi nb Ruby ruːbi روبی mor. Ruby ruːbi روبی no ch. a nickname
51 672 Sarah seərə nb saara sa:rə سارہ mor. saara sa:rə سارہ ch. of a v. a female name
52 673 Sophie səʊfi nb Sophie səʊfi صوفی mor. Sophie səʊfi صوفی no ch. a pious man
53 674 Sophia səʊfiːə nb Sophia səʊfiːə صوفیہ mor. Sophia səʊˈfiːə صوفیہ no ch. a female name
54 675 Summer sʌmər nb samar sʌmər ثمر mor. samar sʌmər ثمر no ch. fruits
55 676 Susan suːz(ə)n suː soo suː سو mor. soo suː سو no ch. toward
677 zən zan zən زن mor. zan zən زن no ch. conjecture
56 678 Taylor teɪlər teɪ tey teɪ ٹے syll. patey pəteɪ پٹے no ch. collars
679 lər lar lər لر syll. gular gʊ:lər گولر no ch. name of a fruit
57 680 Aaron eərən eə ae eə اے mor. ae eə اے no ch. an add. term
681 rən run rən رن mor. run rən رن no ch. fight, war
58 682 Abel eɪbəl eɪ ae eɪ اے mor. ae eə اے no ch. an add. term
683 bəl bal bəl بل mor. bal bəl بل no ch. twist
59 684 Abraham eɪbrəhæm nb Ibraheem ɪbrəhi:m ابراہیم mor. Ibraheem ɪbrəhi:m ابراہیم ch. of vs. Abraham
60 685 Adam ædəm nb Adam a:dəm آدم mor. Adam a:dəm آدم ch. of v. Adam
61 686 Aden ədən nb aden ədən عدن mor. aden ədən عدن no ch. paradise
62 687 Alan ælən nb aelan ˈæla:n اعالن mor. aelan ˈæla:n اعالن ch. of nu. announcement
63 688 Andi ændi nb anda ʌnda انڈا mor. anda ʌnda انڈا ch. of vs. egg
S.No Syll. English Phon. broke Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No mor. Trans. n into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
64 689 Asher ˈæʃər nb ushar ʊʃər عشر mor. ushar ʊʃər عشر ch. of v. tenth part
65 690 Ashley ˈæʃli æʃ aesh æʃ عیش mor. aesh æʃ عیش no ch. comfort
691 li li Li لی mor. li li لی no ch. took
66 692 Austin ˈɔːstɪn nb aastin aːstɪn آستین mor. aastin aːstɪn آستین ch. of v. sleeve
67 693 Barret ˈbærət bæ bae bæ بے mor. bae bæ بے no ch. without
694 rət rut rət رٹ mor. rut rət رٹ no ch. insist
68 695 Beau bəʊ nb bahu bəhʊ بہو mor. bahu bəhʊ بہو add. of a c. daughter in law
69 696 Berli bərli ber bar bər بر mor. bar bər بر no ch. husband
697 li li Li لی mor. li li لی no ch. took
70 698 Bobby ˈbɒbi nb Bobby bɒbi بوبی mor. Bobby bɒbi بوبی no ch. a nickname
71 699 Bravo brɑːvəʊ ˈbrɑː bura bʊrɑː برا mor. bura bʊrɑː برا add. of v. bad
700 vəʊ wo vəʊ وہ mor. wo vəʊ وہ no ch. he, sho, they
72 701 Bucky bʌki nb baki bʌki بکی mor. baki bʌki بکی no ch. rave
73 702 Carlo ˈkɑːləʊ ˈkɑːr kaar kɑːr کار mor. kaar kɑːr کار no ch. job
703 ləʊ lo ləʊ لو mor. lo ləʊ لو no ch. take
74 704 Carter ˈkɑːtə ˈkɑːr kaar kɑːr کار mor. kaar kɑːr کار no ch. job
705 tər tar tər ٹر mor. tar tər ٹر no ch. speak uselessly
75 706 Chuck ʧʌk nb chak ʧʌk چک mor. chak ʧʌk چک no ch. land
76 707 Cole kəʊl nb khol kəʊl کھول mor. khol kəʊl کھول no ch. to open
77 708 Connor ˈkɒnə ˈkɒ ko kɒ کو mor. ko kɒ کو no ch. to
709 nər nar nər نر mor. nar nər نر no ch. male
78 710 Cooper ˈkuːpə kuː ku kuː کو mor. ku kuː کو no ch. small street
711 pər par pər پر mor. par pər پر no ch. wing, feather
79 712 Cosmo kəʊsməʊ kəʊs kos kəʊs کوس mor. kos kəʊs کوس no ch. two kilo meter
S.No Syll. English Phon. broke Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No mor. Trans. n into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
713 məʊ mo məʊ مو mor. mor məʊr مور no ch. pea cock
80 714 Cyan ˈsaɪən saɪ sai saɪ سائی mor. sai saɪ سائی no ch. advance
715 ən un ən اَن mor. un ən اَن no ch. without
81 716 Deep diːp nb deep diːp دیپ mor. deep ðiːp دیپ ch. of al. earthen lamp
82 717 Dennis ˈdɛnɪs ˈdɛ de dɛ دے mor. de dɛ دے no ch. give
718 nɪs nis nɪs نس syll. nisbat nɪsbət نسبت no ch. relation
83 719 Derby ˈdɑːbi dɑːr daar dɑːr ڈار mor. daar dɑːr ڈار no ch. flock of birds
720 bi be biː بی mor. be biː بی no ch. an add. term
84 721 Kacy kæsi nb kaesi kæsi کیسی mor. kaesi kæsi کیسی no ch. how
85 722 Fraze fræz nb fraz fra:z فراز mor. fraz fra:z فراز ch. of nu. crest
86 723 Hardy ˈhɑːdi hɑːr haar hɑːr ہار mor. haar hɑːr ہار no ch. necklace
724 di di diː ہڈی syll. haddi hʌddi ہڈی ch. of v. bone
87 725 Hunter ˈhʌntə ˈhʌn hun hʌn ہن syll. aahun a:hʌn آہن no ch. iron
726 tər tar tər ٹر mor. tar tər ٹر no ch. speak uselessly
88 727 Jacob ˈʤeɪkəb ʤeɪ jae ʤeɪ جے mor. jae ʤeɪ جے no ch. success
728 kəb kab kəb کب mor. kab kəb کب no ch. when
89 729 Jason ˈʤeɪs(ə)n ʤeɪ jae ʤeɪ جے mor. jae ʤeɪ جے no ch. success
730 sən san sən سن mor. san sən سن no ch. poppy
90 731 Jesse ˈʤɛsi nb jesi ʤɛsi جیسی mor. jesi ʤɛsi جیسی no ch. like something
91 732 John ʤɒn nb jon ʤɒn جون mor. jona ʤɒnə جونا no ch. feast
92 733 Jonah ˈʤəʊnə ʤəʊ jo ʤəʊ جو mor. jo ʤəʊ جو no ch. which
734 nə na nə نہ mor. na nə نہ no ch. no, not
93 735 Joshua ˈʤɒʃʊə ʤɒ jo ʤɒ جو mor. jo ʤɒ جو no ch. which
736 ʃʊə shua ʃʊə شعاع mor. shua ʃʊə شعاع no ch. ray, beam
S.No Syll. English Phon. broke Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No mor. Trans. n into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
94 737 Justin ˈʤʌstɪn ʤʌst just ʤʌst جستmor. just ʤʌst جستch. of al. jump
(Name of Persons)
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.15
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
148 without change 117 79%
148 with ch. of v. 24 16%
148 with ch. of c. 8 5%
148 with ch. of v. c. 0 0%
148 as syllables 9 6%
148 as morphemes 139 94%
In table 4.15 ninety nine names of persons are analyzed into one hundred and forty eight
syllables/morphemes. One hundred and seventeen syllables are found in Urdu language
without any change, with different meaning. Twenty four are used with the change of a single
vowel sound, eight with the change only of a single consonant sound, and none is found with
the change of vowel and consonant sounds both. It shows that seventy nine percent English
language morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, sixteen
percent with the change of one vowel, and five percent with the change of one consonant
One hundred and thirty nine syllables/morphemes of English language are used as morpheme
in Urdu language, which is ninety four percent and nine, which is six percent, are used as
syllable in Urdu language.
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
16 769 baba bɑːbɑː nb baba bɑːbɑː بابا mor. baba bɑːbɑː باباno ch. old man
17 770 baby beɪbi beɪ bey beɪ بے mor. bey beɪ بے no ch. without
18 771 bad bæd nb baed bæd بید mor. baed bæd بیدch. of al. a type of tree
19 772 badge bædʒ nb beej bi:dʒ بیج mor. beej bi:dʒ بیج no ch. seeds
20 773 bait beɪt nb baeth beɪth “بیٹھ mor. baeth beɪth “بیٹھ ch. of al. sit down
21 774 bale beɪl nb bael beɪl بیل mor. bael beɪl بیل no ch. ox
22 775 ball bɔːl nb bole bɔːl بول mor. bole bɔːl بول no ch. to speak
23 776 ban bæn nb baen bæn بین mor. baen bæn بین no ch. to cry or morn
24 777 bar bɑːr nb baar bɑːr بار mor. baar bɑːr بار no ch. load, weight
25 778 base beɪs nb base beɪs بیس mor. basen beɪsən بیسن add. of a c. flour of grams
26 779 bat bæt nb baet bæt بیت mor. baet bæt بیت no ch. house, a verse
27 780 batch bæʧ nb bech beɪʧ بیچ mor. bech beɪʧ بیچ ch. of nu. sell
28 781 beach biːʧ nb beach biːʧ بیچ mor. beach biːʧ بیچ no ch. middle
29 782 beam biːm nb beam biːm بیم mor. beam biːm بیمno ch. fear
30 783 beat biːt nb beat biːt بیٹ mor. beat biːt بیٹ no ch. bird's waste
31 784 begin bɪgɪn bɪ be bɪ بی mor. be bɪ بی no ch. an add. term
785 gɪn gin gɪn گن mor. gin gɪn گن no ch. count
32 786 belch bɛlʧ nb belch bɛlʧ بیلچ syll. belcha bɛlʧə بیلچہ no ch. spad
32 787 belong bɪlɒŋ bɪ be biː بی mor. be biː بی no ch. an add. Term
788 lɒŋ long lɒŋ لونگ mor. long lɒŋ لونگ no ch. nose pin,clove
33 789 bend bɛnd nb bund bʌnd بند mor. bund bʌnð بندch. of nu. close
& al.
34 790 bias ˈbaɪəs nb baais baɪəs باعث mor. baais baɪəs باعثno ch. cause, reason
35 791 bib bɪb nb bib bɪb بب syll. bibya bɪbja: ببیاno ch. a little girl
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
36 792 bud bʌd nb bud bʌd بڈ syll. buddu bʌddʊ بڈو no ch. a nick name
37 793 big bɪg nb big bɪg بگ syll. bigrha bɪgrhə بگڑا no ch. spoiled
38 794 bill bɪl nb bil bɪl بل mor. bil bɪl بل no ch. a hole
39 795 bin bɪn nb bin bɪn بِن mor. bin bɪn بِن no ch. without
40 796 bit bɪt nb bit bɪt بٹ syll. bitna bɪtna: بٹنا no ch. to leak
41 797 blow bləʊ nb blow bləʊ بلو mor. blow bləʊ بلو no ch. to shake milk
42 798 bob bɒb nb baab ba:b باب mor. baab ba:b باب ch. of nu. door, chapter
43 799 book bʊk nb buk bʊk بک syll. chabuk tʃa:bʊk چابک no ch. whip
44 800 border bɔ:də bɔ:r bor bɔ:r بور syll. bori bɔ:ri بوری no ch. sack
801 dər dar dər ڈر mor. dar dər ڈر no ch. fear
45 802 bore bɔː nb bo bɔː بو mor. bo bɔː بو no ch. sow
46 803 borrow ˈbɒrəʊ bɒ bo bɒ بو syll. bol bɒl بول no ch. speak, words
804 ˈbɒrəʊ rəʊ ro rəʊ رو mor. ro rəʊ رو no ch. weep, cry
47 805 boss bɒs nb boss bɒs بوس mor. boss bɒs بوس no ch. to kiss
48 806 boy bɔɪ nb boye bɔɪ بوۓ mor. boye bɔɪ بوۓ no ch. sowed
49 807 bra brɑː nb bara brɑː برا syll. barabar brɑːbər برابر no ch. equal
50 808 bray breɪ nb buray bʊreɪ برے mor. buray bʊreɪ برے ad. of v. bad
51 809 break breɪk nb bareek brɪ:k بریک mor. bareek brɪ:k بریک no ch. thin
52 810 brick brɪk nb bareek barɪk باریک mor. bareek barɪk باریک no ch. thin
53 811 brother brʌðər nb brather bra:ðər برادر mor. brather bra:ðər برادر ch. of nu. brother
54 812 buck bʌk nb buk bʌk بک mor. buk bʌk بک no ch. absurd talk
55 813 bug bʌg nb bug bʌg بگ mor. bug bʌg بگ no ch. bridle
56 814 bulb bʌlb nb balub bəlʌb بلب mor. balub bəlʌb بلب no ch. near
57 815 bum bʌm nb bum bʌm بم mor. bum bʌm بم no ch. trough
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
58 816 bun bʌn nb bun bʌn بَن mor. bun bʌn بَن no ch. forest
59 817 bury ˈbɛri nb baeri bɛri بیری mor. baeri bɛri بیری no ch. enemy
60 818 bus bʌs nb bus bʌs بس mor. bus bʌs بس no ch. control
61 819 bust bʌst nb bust bʌst بست mor. bust bʌst بست ch. of al. bound
62 820 calf kɑːf nb kaaf kɑːf کاف mor. kaaf kɑːf کاف no ch. a letter of Urdu
63 821 call kɔːl nb kol kɔːl کول mor. kol kɔːl کول no ch. morsel of bread
64 822 calm kɑːm nb kaam kɑːm کام mor. kaam kɑːm کام no ch. work, job
65 823 cap kæp nb kheip kæp کھیپ mor. kheip kæp کھیپ no ch. a lot
66 824 car kɑː(r) nb kaar ka:r کار mor. kaar ka:r کار no ch. work
67 825 cash kæʃ nb kash kæʃ کیش mor. kash kæʃ کیش no ch. habbit
68 826 catch kæʧ nb kech kæʧ کیچ syll. kechwa kæʧwə کیچ no ch. earthworm
69 827 cause kɔːz nb kooz kʊːz کوز mor. kooz kʊːz کوز ch. of nu. hump of back
70 828 chain ʧeɪn nb chain ʧeɪn چین mor. chain ʧeɪn چین no ch. relief, comfort
71 829 chap ʧæp nb chup ʧʊp چپ mor. chup ʧʊp چپ ch. of nu. quiet
72 830 charcoal ʧɑːkəʊl ʧɑːr chaar ʧɑːr چار mor. chaar ʧɑːr چار no ch. four
831 kəʊl khol kəʊl کول mor. khol kəʊl کھول no ch. open
73 832 chat ʧæt nb chat ʧʌt چٹ mor. chat ʧʌt چٹ ch. of nu. to finish
74 833 check ʧɛk nb chuk ʧʌk چک mor. chuk ʧʌk چک ch. of nu. land, field
75 834 cheek ʧiːk nb cheekh ʧiːkh چیخ mor. cheekh ʧiːkh چیخ ch. of al. shriek
76 835 cheep ʧiːp nb chaap ʧaːp چاپ mor. chaap ʧaːp چاپ ch. of nu. sound of footstep
77 836 cheer tʃɪər nb cheer tʃi:r چیر mor. cheer tʃi:r چیر ch. of nu. a cut
78 837 cheese ʧiːz nb cheez ʧiːz چیز mor. cheez ʧiːz چیز no ch. thing
79 838 chest ʧɛst nb chust ʧʊst چست mor. chust ʧʊst چست ch. of nu & active, tight
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
80 839 chill ʧɪl nb chil ʧɪl چل mor. chil ʧɪl چل no ch. noise, outcry
81 840 chin ʧɪn nb chin ʧɪn چن syll. chinta ʧɪnta: چنتا no ch. worry
82 841 chip ʧɪp nb chap ʧʊp چپ mor. chap ʧʊp چپ ch. of nu. silent
83 842 choose ʧuːz nb chooz ʧuːz چوز syll. chooza ʧuːza: چوزہ no ch. a chicken
84 843 chore ʧɔː nb chore ʧɔːr چور mor. chore ʧɔːr چور no ch. thief
85 844 chug ʧʌg nb chug ʧʊg چگ mor. chug ʧʊg چگ ch. of nu. to pick up
86 845 chum ʧʌm nb cham ʧʌm چم mor. cham ʧʌm چم no ch. skin
87 846 church ʧɜːʧ nb charcha ʧɜːrʧa: چرچا mor. charcha ʧɜːrʧa: چرچا ad. of v. fame
88 847 claim kleɪm nb kaleem kəli:m کلیم mor. kaleem kəli:m کلیم ch. of nu. one who speaks
89 848 clay kleɪ nb kaale ka:leɪ کالے mor. kaale ka:leɪ کالے ad. of v. black
90 849 lime laɪm nb lime laɪm الئم mor. mlaim mlaɪm مالئم no ch. smooth
91 850 club klʌb nb kalb kʌlb کلب mor. kalb kʌlb کلب shift of v. dog
92 851 clung klʌŋ nb klunk klʌnk کلنک mor. klunk klʌnk کلنک ch. of c. blemish
93 852 co kəʊ nb ko kəʊ کو mor. ko kəʊ کو no ch. to
94 853 coach kəʊʧ nb kooch kʊ:ʧ کوچ mor. kooch kʊ:ʧ کوچ ch. of nu. set out
95 854 coat kəʊt nb coat kəʊt کوٹ mor. coat kəʊt کوٹ no ch. fort
96 855 cofee kɒfi nb kafi ka:fi کافی mor. kafi ka:fi کافی ch. of a v. enough
97 856 cofee kɒfi kɒ ko kɒ کو mor. ko kɒ کو no ch. to someone
857 fɪ fi fɪ فی mor. fi fɪ فی no ch. one, per
98 858 com kɒm nb qoum kɒm قوم mor. qoum kɒm قوم no ch. nation
99 859 comb kəʊm nb kaam ka:m کام mor. kaam ka:m کام ch. of nu. work
100 860 come kʌm nb kam kʌm کم mor. kam kʌm کم no ch. less
101 861 comput kəmpj kəm kam kəm کم mor. kam kəm کم no ch. less
er ʊ:tər
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
862 pjʊ: pyo pjɒ پیوmor. pyo pjɒ پیوch. of nu. drink
863 tər tar tər ٹر mor. tar tər ٹر no ch. speak uselessly
102 864 con kɒn nb kon kɒn کون mor. kon kɒn کون no ch. who
103 865 copy ˈkɒpi kɒ ko kəʊ کو mor. ko kəʊ کو no ch. to
104 866 cough kɒf nb khouf khɒf خوف mor. khouf khɒf خوف no ch. fear
105 867 cow kaʊ nb khao kaʊ کھاؤ mor. khao kaʊ کھاؤ no ch. eat
106 868 crab kræb nb kareeb kri:b قریب mor. kareeb kri:b قریب ch. of nu. near
107 869 crumb krʌm nb karam kərʌm کرم mor. karam kərʌm کرم ad. of v. benevolence
108 870 cub kʌb nb kab kʌb کب mor. kab kʌb کب no ch. when
109 871 cuff kʌf nb kuf kʌf کف mor. kuf kʌf کف no ch. hand, palm
110 872 cut kʌt nb kat kʌt کٹ mor. katna kʌtna: کٹنا no ch. to be cut
111 873 dady dædi dæ day dæ ڈے mor. tidday tɪddæ “ٹڈے no ch. grass hooper
874 diː di diː ہڈی syll. haddi hʌddi ہڈی ch. of v. bone
112 875 dale deɪl nb dale deɪl ڈیل syll. dala deɪla: ڈیال no ch. eye ball
113 876 dawn dɔːn nb doun dɔːŋ ڈوں syll. addoun ʌddɔːŋ اڈوں ch. of al. bus stops, airports
114 877 day deɪ nb day deɪ ڈے syll. unday əndeɪ انڈے no ch. eggs
115 878 deal diːl nb deel diːl ڈیل mor. deel diːl ڈیل no ch. physique,
116 879 deal diːl nb dheel dhiːl ڈھیل mor. dheel dhiːl ڈھیل ch. of al. laxity
117 880 dean diːn nb deen diːn دین mor. deen diːn دین ch. of al. religion
118 881 deed diːd nb deed diːd “دید mor. deed diːd “دید ch. of al. sight
119 882 della ˈdɛlə nb dela dɛlə ڈیال mor. dela dɛlə ڈیال no ch. eye ball
120 883 den dɛn nb dein dɛn دین mor. dein dɛn دین ch. of al. giving
121 884 dike daɪk da: daa da: ڈا syll. unda ənda: انڈا no ch. egg
885 ɪk ik ɪk اک mor. ik ɪk اک no ch. one
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
122 886 dine daɪn nb dain daɪn ڈائنmor. dain daɪn ڈائنno ch. female ghost
123 887 discuss dɪskʌs dɪs dus dʌs ڈسmor. dus dʌs ڈسch. of nu. sting
888 kʌs kas kʌs کس mor. kas kʌs کس no ch. tighten
124 889 do duː nb do duː ڈڈو syll. do duː ڈڈو no ch. frog
125 890 dole dəʊl nb dole dəʊl ڈول mor. dole dəʊl ڈول no ch. bucket
126 891 doll dɒl nb doul dɒl ڈول mor. doul dɒl ڈول no ch. manner
127 892 done dʌn nb dan dʌn ڈنڈا syll. danda dʌnda: ڈنڈا no ch. a stick
128 893 door dɔ:r nb dore dɔ:r ڈور mor. dore dɔ:r ڈور no ch. a strong thread
129 894 dozen dʌzn nb dozen dʌzn ڈزن mor. dozen dʌzn ڈزن no ch. sound of gunfire
130 895 draw drɔː nb daraa dəra: ڈرا mor. daraa dəra: ڈرا ch. of nu. afraid
131 896 drown draʊn dra: dra dra: ڈرا mor. dra dra: ڈرا no ch. frighten
897 draʊn ʊn un ʊn ان mor. un ʊn ان no ch. those
132 898 dub dʌb nb dub dʌb ڈب mor. dub dʌb ڈب no ch. pocket
133 899 dug dʌg nb dug dʌg ڈگ mor. dug dʌg ڈگ no ch. long pace
134 900 dull dʌl nb dul dʌl ڈل mor. dul dʌl ڈل no ch. wealth, dry well
135 901 dumb dʌm nb dum dʌm ڈم syll. dumru dʌmrʊ: ڈمرو no ch. a small drum
136 902 dust dʌst nb dust dʌst دست mor. dust dʌst دست ch. of al. hand
137 903 ease iːz nb eez iːz ایذ syll. eeza iːza: ایذا no ch. hurt
138 904 easy ˈiːzi nb eezi iːzi ایذی syll. tamizi tʌmiːzi تمیزی no ch. way of taliking
139 905 eat iːt nb eant iːŋt اینٹ mor. eant iːŋt اینٹ add. of a c. brick
140 906 ebb ɛb nb ab ʌb اب mor. ab ʌb اب ch. of nu. now
141 907 eel iːl nb eel iːl ایل syll. eel iːl چیل no ch. kite
142 908 eight eɪt nb aenth eɪŋt اینٹھ mor. aenth eɪŋt اینٹھ add. of a c. to stiffen
143 909 essay eseɪ nb aesay eseɪ ایسے mor. aesay eseɪ ایسے no ch. in this way
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
144 910 fail feɪl nb f3l feɪl فعلmor. f3l feɪl فعلno ch. verb
145 911 fall fɔːl nb fol fɔːl فولmor. fol fɔːl فولno ch. absurd talk
146 912 fan fæn nb faen fæn فینsyll. tarfaen tʌrfæn طرفینno ch. four directions
147 913 father fɑːðər fa: fa fa: فا syll. faar fa:r چوہا no ch. rat
914 ðər dar ðər در mor. dar ðər در no ch. door
148 915 fee fiː nb fee fiː فی mor. fee fiː فی no ch. one
149 916 feel fiːl nb feel fiːl فیل mor. feel fiːl فیل no ch. elephant
150 917 fill fɪl nb fil fɪl فل mor. filfil fɪl fɪl فل فل no ch. chili
151 918 fin fɪn nb fun fʌn فن mor. fun fʌn فن ch. of nu. skill
152 919 finger fɪŋgə fɪŋ fun fʌn فن mor. fun fʌn فن ch. of nu. skill
920 gər gar gər گر mor. gar gər گر no ch. if
153 921 finish fɪnɪʃ fɪ fi fɪ فی mor. fi fɪ فی no ch. for on
922 nɪʃ nishtar nɪʃ نش syll. nishtar nɪʃtər نشتر no ch. an instrument
154 923 foe fəʊ nb foe fəʊ فو syll. foe fəʊ فور no ch. hurry, haste
155 924 foreign fɒrɪn nb foran fɒrʌn ً
فورا mor. foran fɒrʌn ً فورا ch. of a v. at once
156 925 fuck fʌk nb fuq fʌk فق mor. fuq fʌk فق no ch. bewildered
157 926 fun fʌn nb fun fʌn فن mor. fun fʌn فن ch. of nu. skill
158 927 fur fɜː nb fur fɜː فر mor. fur fɜː فر no ch. suplendour
159 928 fuse fjuːz nb fyuz fjuːz فیوض mor. fyuz fjuːz فیوض no ch. benefits
160 929 gap gæp nb gup gʌp گپ mor. gup gʌp گپ no ch. gossip
161 930 gather gæðə gæ gae gæ گے mor. gae gæ گے no ch. shal, will
931 gæðə ðər dar ðər در mor. dar ðər در no ch. door
162 932 gay geɪ nb gay geɪ گے mor. gay geɪ گے no ch. shall/will
163 933 gel ʤɛl nb jal ʤəl جل mor. jal ʤəl جل no ch. pond
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
164 934 gem ʤɛm nb jam ʤəm جم mor. jam ʤəm جم no ch. freeze
165 935 gill gɪl nb gil gɪl ِگل mor. gil gɪl ِگل no ch. soil
166 936 gin ʤɪn nb gin ʤɪn جن mor. gin ʤɪn جن no ch. giant
167 937 gird gɜːd nb gard gɜːd گرد mor. gard gɜːd گرد ch. of al. dust
168 938 glee gliː nb glee gliː گلی mor. gilee gɪliː گیلی ad. of v. wet
169 939 gley gleɪ nb giley gɪleɪ گلے mor. giley gɪleɪ گلے ad. of v. complaints
170 940 glow gləʊ nb gilo gɪləʊ گلو mor. gilo gɪləʊ گلو ad. of v. a herb
171 941 glue gluː nb glue gluː گلو mor. glue gluː گلو no ch. throat
172 942 glut glʌt nb ghalat gʌlʌt غلط mor. ghalat gʌlʌt غلط no ch. wrong
173 943 go gəʊ nb go gəʊ گو mor. go gəʊ گو no ch. say, speak
174 944 goal gəʊl nb gol gəʊl گول mor. gol gəʊl گول no ch. round shape
175 945 golly gɒli nb goly gɒli گولی mor. goly gɒli گولی no ch. tablet
176 946 gone gɒn nb gona gɒna: گونا mor. gona gɒna: گونا no ch. to bring the bridal
back from his
father's house
177 947 goody gʊdi nb guddi gʊdi گڈی mor. guddi gʊdi گڈی no ch. a kite
178 948 gore gɔːr nb gore gɔːr گور mor. gore gɔːr گور no ch. grave
179 949 gory gɔːri nb gory gɔːri گوری mor. gory gɔːri گوری no ch. fair complexion girl
180 950 gosh gɒʃ nb gosh gɒʃ گوش mor. gosh gɒʃ گوش no ch. ear
181 951 got gɒt nb got gɒt گوٹ mor. got gɒt گوٹ no ch. lace
182 952 grab græb nb ghareeb ghəri:b غریب mor. ghareeb ghəri:b غریب ch. of nu & the poor
183 953 grammar græmər græ gray græ ِگرے mor. gray græ ِگرےno ch. fallen
954 mər mar mər مر mor. mar mər مرno ch. died
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
184 955 gray greɪ nb gray greɪ گرے syll. mungray muŋgreɪ مونگرےno ch. a vegetable
185 956 graze greɪz nb graez greɪz گریز mor. angraez əngreɪz انگریز no ch. the English
186 957 grew gruː nb gru gruː گرو mor. gru gruː گرو no ch. mentor
187 958 grow grəʊ nb giro gɪrəʊ گرو mor. giro gɪrəʊ گرو ad. of v. fall down
188 959 grudge grʌʤ nb garaj gərʌʤ گرج mor. garaj gərʌʤ گرج ad. of v. thunder
189 960 gull gʌl nb gal gʌl َگل mor. gal gʌl َگل no ch. dissolve, melt
190 961 gullah gʌlə nb gala gʌlə َگال mor. gala gʌlə َگال no ch. neck
191 962 gully ˈgʌli nb gali gʌli گلی mor. gali gʌli گلی no ch. street
192 963 gum gʌm nb gum gʌm گم syll. gamla gʌmla: گمال no ch. vase, flowerpot
193 964 gun gʌn nb gun gʌn گن syll. gunj gʌndʒ گنج no ch. treasure
194 965 gush gʌʃ nb gush gʌʃ گش syll. gusht gʌʃt گشت no ch. patrol
195 966 gut gʌt nb ghut ghʌt غٹ mor. ghut ghʌt غٹ no ch. rush, mob
196 967 guy gaɪ nb gaaye gaɪ گاۓ mor. gaaye gaɪ گاۓ no ch. cow, sing
197 968 hack hæk nb heek hi:k ہیک mor. heek hi:k ہیک ch. of nu. ill smell
198 969 hail heɪl nb hail heɪl ہیل mor. suhail sʊheɪl سہیل no ch. name of a person
199 970 hammer hæmər hæ hae hæ ہے mor. hae hæ ہے no ch. is
971 mər mar mər مر mor. mar mər مر no ch. die
200 972 hang hæŋ nb heeng hi:ng ہینگ mor. heeng hi:ng ہینگ ch. of nu. asafoetida
201 973 harm hɑːm nb haam hɑːm ہام mor. abhaam ʌbhɑːm ابہام no ch. vagueness
202 974 hatch hæʧ nb haech hæʧ ہیچ mor. haech hæʧ ہیچ no ch. low
203 975 hay heɪ nb hay heɪ ہے mor. hay heɪ ہے no ch. is
204 976 haze heɪz nb haze heɪz ہیز mor. parhaze pərheɪz پرہیز no ch. avoid
205 977 heal hiːl nb raheel hiːl حیل mor. raheel ra:hiːl راحیل no ch. name of a person
206 978 hen hɛn nb hen hɛn ہن syll. rehen hɛn رہن no ch. mortgage
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
207 979 hence hɛns nb huns hʌns ہنس mor. huns hʌns ہنس ch. of nu. swan
208 980 herb hɜːb nb herb hɜːb حرب mor. herb hɜːb حرب no ch. war
209 981 hid hɪd nb had hʌd ہڈ syll. had hʌd ہڈ ch. of nu. a big bone
210 982 hike haɪk ha: ha ha: ہا mor. ha ha: ہا no ch. regret
983 ɪk ik ɪk اک mor. ik ɪk اک no ch. one
211 984 hill hɪl nb hil hɪl ہل mor. hil hɪl ہل no ch. move
212 985 hiss hɪs nb hiss hɪs حس mor. hiss hɪs حس no ch. sense
213 986 hole həʊl nb hole həʊl حول syll. mahole ma:həʊl ماحول no ch. atmosphere
214 987 hood hʊd nb hud hʊd ہد mor. hud hud hʊd hʊd ہد ہد no ch. woodpecker
215 988 hour aʊər nb aawar aʊər آور mor. zoraawar zɔ:raʊər زورآور no ch. powerful
216 989 how haʊ nb how haʊ ہاؤ mor. how hoo haʊ huː ہاؤ ہو no ch. noise
217 990 hug hʌg nb hug hʌg ہگ mor. hug hʌg ہگ no ch. evacuate bowels
218 991 hull hʌl nb hul hʌl ہل mor. hul hʌl ہل no ch. plough
219 992 hum hʌm nb hum hʌm ہم mor. hum hʌm ہم no ch. we
220 993 hut hʌt nb hut hʌt ہٹ mor. hut hʌt ہٹ no ch. go away
221 994 ice aɪs nb aais aɪs سائس mor. saais sa:ɪs سائس no ch. harnessman
222 995 inherit ɪnhɛrɪt ɪn in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِن no ch. these
996 hɛrɪt haerat hɛrət حیرت mor. haerat hɛrət حیرت ch. of nu. surprise
223 997 injure ˈɪnʤə ɪn in ɪn اِن mor. in ɪn اِن no ch. these
998 ˈɪnʤə ʤər jar ʤər جر mor. jar ʤər جر no ch. pull, basic
224 999 insane ɪnˈseɪn nb insaan ɪnsa:n انسان mor. insaan ɪnsa:n انسان ch. of nu. human
225 1000 ion ˈaɪən nb ion aɪən آئین mor. ion aɪən آئین no ch. constitution
226 1001 jab ʤæb nb jaeb ʤæb جیب mor. jaeb ʤæb جیب no ch. pocket
227 1002 jam ʤæm nb jaam ʤa:m جام mor. jaam ʤa:m جام ch. of nu. bowl
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
228 1003 jaw ʤɔː nb jo ʤɔː جوmor. jo ʤɔː جوno ch. which
229 1004 jazz ʤæz nb jaaizz ʤaɪz جائزmor. jaaizz ʤaɪz جائزch. of nu. fair
230 1005 jet ʤɛt nb jeith ʤeɪth جیٹھmor. jeth ʤɛth جیٹھch. of nu & husband's elder
al. brother
231 1006 job ʤɒb nb job ʤɒb جوبsyll. joban ʤɒbən جوبنno ch. adolescent
232 1007 jog ʤɒg nb jog ʤɒg جوگmor. jog ʤɒg جوگno ch. right time
256 1032 law lɔː nb lo lɔː لو mor. lo lɔː لو no ch. flame of candle
257 1033 lay leɪ nb lay leɪ لے mor. lay leɪ لے no ch. take
258 1034 lead liːd nb leed liːð لید mor. leed liːð لید ch. of al. dung of animals
259 1035 level lɛvəl lɛ le lɛ لے mor. le lɛ لے no ch. take
1036 vəl val vəl ول mor. vald vəld ولد no ch. son of
260 1037 lie laɪ nb lie laɪ الئی mor. lie laɪ الئی no ch. brought
261 1038 listen lɪsən lɪ li lɪ لی mor. li lɪ لی no ch. took
1039 sən san sən سن mor. san sən سن no ch. poppy
262 1040 lock lɒk nb lok lɒk لوک mor. lok lɒk لوک no ch. humans
263 1041 log lɒg nb log lɒg لوگ mor. log lɒg لوگ no ch. people
264 1042 logo ləʊgəʊ nb logo ləʊgəʊ لوگو mor. logo ləʊgəʊ لوگو no ch. o people
265 1043 long lɒŋ nb long lɒŋ لونگ mor. long lɒŋ لونگ no ch. nose pin, clove
266 1044 lot lɒt nb lot lɒt لوٹ mor. lot lɒt لوٹ no ch. return
267 1045 low ləʊ nb lo ləʊ لو mor. lo ləʊ لو no ch. flame of candle
268 1046 luck lʌk nb luck lʌk لک syll. paluck pa:lʌk پالک no ch. spinach
269 1047 lull lʌl nb lul lʌl لل syll. milul mɪlʌl ملل no ch. nations
270 1048 male meɪl nb male meɪl میل mor. male meɪl میل no ch. matching
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
271 1049 mall mɔːl nb mole mɔːl مول mor. mole mɔːl مول no ch. price
272 1050 mar mɑː(r) nb maar mɑːr مار mor. maar mɑːr مار no ch. hit, beat
273 1051 mass mæs nb mass mæs میس mor. massu mæsʊ میسو no ch. a sweet
274 1052 mast mɑːst nb mast mʌst مست mor. mast mʌst مست ch. of al. inoxicated
275 1053 mat mæt nb mit mɪt مٹ mor. mit mɪt مٹ no ch. erase, remove
276 1054 match mæʧ nb meech mɪ:ʧ ِمیچ mor. meech mɪ:ʧ ِمیچ ch. of nu. to close the eye
277 1055 maze meɪz nb maze meɪz میز mor. maze meɪz میز no ch. table
278 1056 meal miːl nb meel miːl میل mor. meel miːl میل no ch. mile
279 1057 mean miːn nb meen miːn مین syll. zameen zəmiːn زمین no ch. earth
280 1058 mice maɪs ma ma ma ما mor. ma ma ما no ch. abr. for mother
1059 ɪs iss ɪs اس mor. iss ɪs اس no ch. this
281 1060 mile maɪl nb maail maɪl مائل mor. maail maɪl مائل no ch. to be tempt
282 1061 mill mɪl nb mil mɪl مل mor. mil mɪl مل no ch. meet, mix
283 1062 miss mɪs nb muss mʌs مس mor. muss mʌs مس ch. of nu. touch
284 1063 mitt mɪt nb mit mɪt مٹ mor. mit mɪt مٹ no ch. erase, remove
285 1064 mobile məʊbʌɪl məʊ mo məʊ مو syll. more məʊr مور no ch. peacock
1065 bʌ ba bʌ با mor. ba bʌ با no ch. with
1066 ɪl il ɪl ئل syll. ma-il maɪl مائل no ch. inclined
286 1067 mock mɒk nb moq mɒk موق syll. moqa mɒk موقع no ch. chance
287 1068 more mɔːr nb more mɔːr مور mor. more mɔːr مور no ch. peacock
288 1069 mother mʌðər nb mather ma:ðər مادر mor. mather ma:ðər مادر ch. of nu. mother
289 1070 motion məʊʃən məʊ mo məʊ مو syll. mout məʊt موت no ch. death
1071 ʃən shn ʃən شن syll. roshn rɒʃən روشن no ch. lit
290 1072 much mʌʧ nb much mʌʧ مچ mor. much mʌʧ مچ no ch. mistake
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
291 1073 mud mʌd nb mud mʌd مد mor. mud mʌd مد ch. of al. attraction, pull
292 1074 mug mʌg nb mug mʌg مگ mor. mug mʌg مگ no ch. way, wait
293 1075 mutt mʌt nb mut mʌt مٹ mor. mut mʌt مٹ no ch. house
294 1076 nake neɪk nb nake neɪk نیک mor. nake neɪk نیک no ch. a pious man
295 1077 nano nænəʊ nb nano nænəʊ نینو mor. nano nænəʊ نینوں no ch. eyes
296 1078 nany næny nb nany næny نینیmor. naany na:ni نانیch. of nu. grand mother
297 1079 nap næp nb naap na:p ناپmor. naap na:p ناپch. of nu. measurement
298 1080 near nɪə(r) nb neer ni:r نیرmor. neer ni:r نیرch. of nu. tears
299 1081 neck nɛk nb neik nɛk نیک mor. neik nɛk نیک no ch. pious
300 1082 niche nɪtʃ nb neech ni:tʃ نیچ mor. neech ni:tʃ نیچ ch. of nu. low, base, vile
301 1083 nick nɪk nb nik nɪk نک syll. nikla nɪklə نکال no ch. come out
302 1084 nil nɪl nb nil nɪl نل syll. nilwa nɪlwə نلوہ no ch. pure, sincere
303 1085 none nʌn nb nun nʌn نن syll. nunna nʌnna: ننا no ch. a little boy
304 1086 nose nəʊz nb naaz na:z ناز mor. naaz na:z ناز ch. of nu. coquetry
305 1087 not nɒt nb naat na:t ناٹ mor. naat na:t ناٹ ch. of nu. to deny
306 1088 notch nɒʧ nb noch nɒʧ نوچ mor. noch nɒʧ نوچ no ch. to pinch
307 1089 null nʌl nb nul nʌl نل mor. nul nʌl نل no ch. water tap
308 1090 numb nʌm nb num nʌm نم mor. num nʌm نم no ch. moist, wet
309 1091 nut nʌt nb nut nʌt نٹ mor. nut nʌt نٹ no ch. a uggler
310 1092 oak əʊk nb oak əʊk اوک mor. oak əʊk اوک no ch. handful
311 1093 oar ɔː(r) nb oar ɔːr اور mor. oar ɔːr اور no ch. direction
312 1094 obey əˈbeɪ nb abey əbeɪ ابے mor. abey əbeɪ ابے no ch. an add. term
313 1095 occupy ɒkjʊpaɪ ɒ o ɒ او mor. o ɒ او no ch. an add. term
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
1096 kjʊ kyu kjʊ: کیو syll. kyun kjʊ:n کیوں no ch. why
1097 paɪ pai paɪ پائی mor. pai paɪ پائی no ch. found
314 1098 offer ɒfər ɒ o ɒ او mor. o ɒ او no ch. an add. term
1099 fər far fər فر mor. fard fərd فرد no ch. a person
315 1100 owe əʊ nb au əʊ اؤ syll. bhau bəʊ بھؤ no ch. dog
316 1101 own əʊn nb oon ʊ:n اوون mor. oon ʊ:n اوون ch. of nu. wool
317 1102 pack pæk nb paek pæk پیک mor. paekar pækər پیکر no ch. physique, body
318 1103 pain peɪn nb pain peɪn پین syll. paina peɪnə پینا no ch. a pointed stick
319 1104 pal pæl nb pal pæl پیل mor. pal pæl پیل no ch. to push
320 1105 pan pæn nb paan pa:n پان mor. paan pa:n پان ch. of nu. betel leaf
321 1106 pardon pɑːdən pɑːr paar ˈpɑːr پارmor. paar ˈpɑːr پارno ch. across
1107 dən dan dən ڈنsyll. danda dəndə ڈنڈاno ch. a stick
322 1108 particip pɑːrtɪs pɑːr paar pɑːr پارmor. paar ˈpɑːr پارno ch. across
ate ɪpeɪt
1109 tɪ tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
1110 sɪ see siː سی see siː سی no ch. sew, similar
1111 peɪt peit peɪt پیٹ mor. peit peɪt پیٹ ch. of nu. belly
323 1112 pass pɑːs nb pass pɑːs پاس mor. pass pɑːs پاس no ch. near, close
324 1113 patch pæʧ nb peich pæʧ پیچ mor. peich pæʧ پیچ no ch. twist, turn
325 1114 pay peɪ nb pe peɪ پہ mor. pe peɪ پہ no ch. on
326 1115 pay peɪ nb pay peɪ پہ mor. pay peɪ پہ no ch. on, at
327 1116 pea piː nb pea piː پی mor. pea piː پی no ch. drink
328 1117 peace piːs nb peace piːs پیس mor. peace piːs پیس no ch. to grind
329 1118 peak pi:k nb peek pi:k پیک mor. peek pi:k پیک no ch. funnel
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
330 1119 peat piːt nb peat piːt پیٹ mor. peat piːt پیٹ no ch. beat
331 1120 peel piːl nb peel piːl پیل mor. peel piːl پیل no ch. elephant
332 1121 peep piːp nb peep piːp پیپ mor. peep piːp پیپ no ch. pus
333 1122 peer pɪə nb peer pi:r پیر mor. peer pi:r پیر ch. of nu. Monday
334 1123 peg pɛg nb pug pʌg پگ mor. pug pʌg پگ ch. of nu. turban
335 1124 pen pɛn nb pun pʌn پن mor. pun pʌn پن ch. of nu. abr. for water
336 1125 peni pæni nb phaeni pæni پھینی mor. phaeni pæni پھینی no ch. cake of vermicelli
337 1126 penus pɪnʌs pɪ pee pɪ پی mor. pee pɪ پی no ch. drink
1127 nʌs nus nʌs نس mor. nus nʌs نس no ch. vein
338 1128 people piːpl nb pipal piːpl پیپل mor. pipal piːpl پیپل no ch. pipal
339 1129 per pɜːr nb per pɜːr پر mor. per pɜːr پر no ch. wing, feather
340 1130 permit pɜːmɪt pɜː per pɜːr پر mor.per pɜːr پر no ch. wing, feather
1131 mɪt mit mɪt مٹ mɪt مٹ no ch. erase, remove
341 1132 pet pɛt nb peit peɪt پیٹ mor.peit peɪt پیٹ ch. of nu. belly
342 1133 phone fəʊn nb foun fəʊn فون syll.
shefoun ʃefəʊn شیفون no ch. kind of cloth
343 1134 pick pɪk nb puk pʌk پک mor.puk pʌk پک ch. of nu. ripe
344 1135 pile paɪl nb payal paɪl پائل mor.payal paɪl پائل no ch. anklet
345 1136 pill pɪl nb pil pɪl پل mor.pil pɪl pərh پل پڑنا no ch. to pounce upon
parhna nə
346 1137 pillow pɪləʊ pɪ pe pɪ پیmor. pe pɪ پی no ch. drink
1138 ləʊ lo ləʊ لوmor. lo ləʊ لو no ch. flame of candle,
347 1139 pin pɪn nb pin pɪn پنsyll. pinjra pɪndʒrə پنجرہ no ch. cage
348 1140 pit pɪt nb pit pɪt پٹmor. pitna pɪtna: پٹنا no ch. to be beaten
349 1141 pity ˈpɪti nb pity pɪti پٹیmor. pity pɪti پٹی no ch. beaten
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
350 1142 plough plaʊ nb plau plaʊ پالؤmor. plau plaʊ پالؤ no ch. a dish of rice
351 1143 pluck plʌk nb palak pəlʌk پلکmor. palak pəlʌk پلک ad. of v. eye lash
352 1144 plug plʌg nb palung pəlʌng پلنگmor. palung pəlʌng پلنگ add. of c. bed
353 1145 pole pəʊl nb pole pəʊl پولmor. pole pəʊl پول no ch. secret
354 1146 pop pɒp nb paap pa:p پاپmor. paap pa:p پاپ ch. of nu. sin, evil deed
355 1147 pore pɔː(r) nb pore pɔːr پورmor. pore pɔːr پور no ch. phalanges
356 1148 put pʊt nb put pʌt پٹmor. put pʌt پٹ ch. of nu. thie
357 1149 pray preɪ nb pray preɪ پرےsyll. khopray khɒpreɪ کھوپرے no ch. coconut
358 1150 puck pʌk nb puk pʌk پکmor. puk pʌk پک no ch. baked/cooked
359 1151 pun pʌn nb pun pʌn پنmor. pun pʌn پن no ch. abr. for water
360 1152 puppy ˈpʌpi nb puppy ˈpʌpi پپیmor. puppy ˈpʌpi پپی no ch. a kiss
361 1153 pus pʌs nb pus pʌs پسmor. pus pʌs پس no ch. consequently
362 1154 race reɪs nb rees ri:s ریس mor. rees ri:s ریس ch. of nu. comparison
363 1155 raft rɑːft nb rafat rɑːfət رافت mor. rafat rɑːfət رافت ad. of v. pity, kindness
364 1156 rag ræg nb rag ræg ریگ mor. rag ræg ریگ no ch. desert
365 1157 rain reɪn nb rain reɪn رین mor. raen ræn رین no ch. night
366 1158 ran ræn nb raen ræn رین syll. raenk rænk رینک no ch. braying of ass
367 1159 raw rɔː nb ro rɔː رو mor. ro rɔː رو no ch. weep, cry
368 1160 ray reɪ nb ray reɪ رے mor. ray reɪ رے no ch. calling term
369 1161 re riː nb re riː ری mor. re riː ری no ch. a calling term
370 1162 reign reɪn nb reen reɪn رین mor. darain da:reɪn دارین no ch. worlds
371 1163 rit rit nb rut rʌt رٹ mor. rut rʌt رٹ ch. of nu. repetition
372 1164 river rɪvər rɪ re rɪ ری mor. re rɪ ری no ch. a calling term
1165 vər ver vər ور mor. ver vər ور no ch. better
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
373 1166 roam rəʊm nb rom rɔ:m روم mor. rom rɔ:m روم no ch. hair
374 1167 rob rɒb nb roub rɒb رعب mor. roub rɒb رعب no ch. awe
375 1168 rock rɒk nb roke rɒk روک mor. roke rɒk روک no ch. obstruction
376 1169 rogue rəʊg nb rog rəʊg روگ mor. rog rəʊg روگ no ch. disease, worry
377 1170 roof rʊ:f nb roof rʊ:f روف syll. masroof mʌsrʊ:f مصروف no ch. busy
378 1171 room rʊ:m nb rom rɔ:m روم mor. rom rɔ:m روم ch. of nu. hair
379 1172 rose rəʊz nb roz rəʊz روز mor. roz rəʊz روز no ch. day, daily
380 1173 row rəʊ nb ro rəʊ رو mor. ro rəʊ رو no ch. weep, cry
381 1174 rub rʌb nb rub rʌb رب mor. rub rʌb رب no ch. Lord
382 1175 rug rʌg nb rug rʌg رگ mor. rug rʌg رگ no ch. veins
383 1176 rum rʌm nb rum rʌm رم mor. rum rʌm رم no ch. flight,scare
384 1177 run rʌn nb run rʌn رن mor. run rʌn رن no ch. fight, war
385 1178 rung rʌŋ nb rung rʌŋ رنگ mor. rung rʌŋ رنگ no ch. colour
386 1179 rut rʌt nb rut rʌt رٹ mor. rut rʌt رٹ no ch. repetition
387 1180 safe seɪf nb saef seɪf سیف mor. saef seɪf سیف no ch. sword
388 1181 sag sæg nb sug sʌg سگ mor. sug sʌg سگ ch. of nu. dog
389 1182 sage seɪʤ nb sage seɪʤ سیج mor. sage seɪʤ سیج no ch. bed
390 1183 sail seɪl nb sail seɪl سیل mor. sail seɪl سیل no ch. flow of water
391 1184 sake seɪk nb sake seɪk سیک mor. sake seɪk سیک no ch. heat
392 1185 salon sælɒn nb salan sa:lən ثالن mor. salan sa:lən ثالن no ch. curry
393 1186 same seɪm nb same seɪm سیم mor. same seɪm سیم no ch. water table
394 1187 say seɪ nb say seɪ سے mor. say seɪ سے no ch. from
395 1188 scene siːn nb seen siːn سین mor. seena siːnə سینہ no ch. chest
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
396 1189 seam siːm nb seem siːm ِسم mor. seem siːm ِسم no ch. silver
397 1190 see siː nb see siː سی mor. see siː سی no ch. like something
398 1191 seek siːk nb seek siːk سیکھ mor. seek siːk سیکھ no ch. suggestion
399 1192 sent sɛnt nb sant sənt سنت mor. sant sənt سنت ch. of nu & a pious man
400 1193 seven ˈsɛvn nb seven sɛvn سیون mor. seven sɛvn سیون no ch. name of a city
401 1194 shack ʃæk nb shak ʃʌk شک mor. shak ʃʌk شک ch. of nu. doubt
402 1195 shake ʃeɪk nb shaekh ʃeɪkh شیخ mor. shaekh ʃeɪkh شیخ ch. of onset a spirtual mentor
403 1196 shaky ʃæki nb shakki ʃʌkki شکی mor. shakki ʃʌkki شکی ch. of nu. suspicious
404 1197 shame ʃæm nb shaam ʃa:m شام mor. shaam ʃa:m شام no ch. evening
405 1198 share ʃeə nb sher ʃeɪr شیر mor. sher ʃeɪr شیر ch. of nu. lion
406 1199 she ʃiː nb she ʃiː شی syll. sheer ʃiːr شیر no ch. milk
407 1200 sheer ʃɪə nb sheer ʃi:r شیر mor. sheer ʃiːr شیر ch. of nu. milk
408 1201 shine ʃaɪn ʃa: sha ʃa: شا syll. shad ʃa:d شاد no ch. happy
409 1202 shirk ʃɜː(r)k nb sharq ʃɜːrk شرق mor. sharq ʃɜːrk شرق no ch. the east
410 1203 shirt ʃɜː(r)t nb shart ʃɜːrt شرط mor. shart ʃɜːrt شرط ch. of al. condition
411 1204 shock ʃɒk nb shouk ʃɒk شوق mor. shouk ʃɒk شوق no ch. fondness
412 1205 shook ʃʊk nb shuk ʃʊk شک mor. shukr ʃʊkr شکر add. of onset thanks
413 1206 shore ʃɔː(r) nb shore ʃɔːr شور mor. shore ʃɔːr شور no ch. noise
414 1207 show ʃəʊ nb sho ʃəʊ شو syll. shola ʃəʊ شعلہ no ch. flame
415 1208 shrub ʃrʌb nb shrab ʃra:b شراب mor. shrab ʃra:b شراب no ch. wine
416 1209 shun ʃʌn nb shun ʃʌn شن syll. roshun rɒʃʌn روشن no ch. lit
417 1210 sick sɪk nb sik sɪk سک mor. sik sɪk سک no ch. bake
418 1211 silver sɪlvər sɪl sil sɪl سل mor. sil sɪl سل no ch. a rocky piece
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
1212 vər var vər ور mor. var vər ور no ch. a suffix
419 1213 sim sɪm nb sim sɪm سم syll. marasim məra:sɪm مراسم no ch. relations
420 1214 sing sɪŋ nb seeng si:ŋ سینگ mor. seeng si:ŋ سینگ ch. of nu. horn
421 1215 sir sɜːr nb sar sɜːr سر mor. sar sɜːr سر no ch. head
422 1216 skim skɪm nb sukm sʊkm سقم mor. sukm sʊkm سقم ch. of nu. flaw, defect
423 1217 skull skʌl nb kal kʌl کل mor. kal kʌl کل om. of a c. machine
424 1218 sky skaɪ nb sikai sɪkaɪ سکائی mor. sikai sɪkaɪ سکائی ad. of v. toasting
425 1219 slam slæm nb salam səla:m سالم mor. salam səla:m سالم ch. of nu. a greeting
426 1220 slim slɪm nb saalim sa:lɪm سالم mor. saalim sa:lɪm سالم ad. of v. nb
427 1221 sly slaɪ nb sily sɪlaɪ سالئی mor. sily sɪlaɪ سالئی ad. of v. seam
428 1222 snow snəʊ nb suno sʊnəʊ سنو mor. suno sʊnəʊ سنو ad. of v. listen
429 1223 sofa səʊfə səʊ so səʊ سو mor. so səʊ سو no ch. sleep
1224 fə fa fə فا syll. wafa wəfə وفا no ch. faithfulness
430 1225 sola səʊlə nb sola səʊlə سولہ mor. sola səʊlə سولہ no ch. sixteen
431 1226 sonnet sɒnɪt sɒ so sɒ سو mor. so sɒ سو no ch. sleep
1227 nɪt nit nɪt نت mor. nit nɪt نت ch. of al. always, eternal
432 1228 sook suːk nb sook suːk سوکھ mor. sook suːk سوکھ ch. of al. to dry
433 1229 soon suːn nb soon suːn سون mor. soon suːn سون no ch. silence
434 1230 sora ˈsɔːrə nb sora sɔːrə سورا mor. sorana sɔːrəna سورانا no ch. restless
435 1231 sow səʊ nb so səʊ سو mor. so səʊ سو no ch. sleep
436 1232 sub sʌb nb sub sʌb سب mor. sub sʌb سب no ch. all
437 1233 such sʌʧ nb such sʌʧ سچ mor. such sʌʧ سچ no ch. true, truth
438 1234 suck sʌk nb suk sʌk سک syll. sukkat sʌkkʌt سکت no ch. power
439 1235 suffer ˈsʌfə nb safar sʌfər سفر mor. safar sʌfər سفر no ch. ourney
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
440 1236 sun sʌn nb sun sʌn سن mor. sun sʌn سن no ch. jute
441 1237 sung sʌŋ nb sung sʌŋ سنگ mor. sung sʌŋ سنگ no ch. stone
442 1238 sunk sʌŋk nb sunk sʌŋk سنک syll. sunki sʌŋkɪ سنکی no ch. mad
443 1239 sunny sʌni nb sani sʌni سنی mor. sani sʌni سنی no ch. used utensil
444 1240 sure ʃʊə nb shore ʃɔ:r شور mor. shore ʃɔ:r شور ch. of nu. noise
445 1241 swear sweə nb swer swaer سویر mor. swer swaer سویر ch. of nu. early, morning
446 1242 table tæbəl tæ tae tæ ٹے syll. ratae rətæ رٹے no ch. learned by heart
447 1243 table bəl bal bəl بل mor. bal bəl بل no ch. twist
448 1244 tail teɪl nb tail teɪl تیل mor. tail teɪl تیل ch. of al. oil
449 1245 take teɪk nb take teɪk ٹیک mor. take teɪk ٹیک no ch. support, back of
450 1246 tacky tæki nb tiki tɪki ٹکی mor. tiki tɪki ٹکی ch. of nu. placed
451 1247 tango tæŋgəʊ nb taango ta:ŋgəʊ ٹانگو mor. taango ta:ŋgəʊ ٹانگو no ch. hang it
452 1248 tank tæŋk nb taank ta:ŋk ٹانک mor. taank ta:ŋk ٹانک ch. of nu. stitch
453 1249 taper ˈteɪpə nb tapparh təppər تپڑ mor. tapparh təppər تپڑ ch. of al. a cushion
454 1250 tariff ˈtærɪf nb taarif ta:ri:f تعریف mor. taarif ta:ri:f تعریف ch. of nu. praise
455 1251 teak tiːk nb theek thi:k ٹھیک mor. theek thi:k ٹھیک ch. of al. correct
456 1252 thaw θɔː nb tho θɔː تھو syll. thok θɔːk تھوک no ch. a lot
457 1253 theme θiːm nb tham θʌm تھم mor. tham θʌm تھم ch. of nu. stop
458 1254 theory ˈθɪəri θɪ thi θɪ تھی mor. thi θɪ تھی no ch. was
1255 əri ari əri اری mor. ari əri اری no ch. an add. term
459 1256 thus ðʌs nb dus ðʌs دس mor. dus ðʌs دس no ch. ten
460 1257 thy ðaɪ nb daai ðaɪ دائی mor. daai ðaɪ دائی no ch. nurse, midwife
461 1258 talk tɔːk nb toke tɔːk ٹوک mor. toke tɔːk ٹوک no ch. interrupt
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
462 1259 tan tæn nb thaan ta:n ٹھان mor. thaan ta:n ٹھان ch. of nu. to determine
463 1260 tap tæp nb tup tʌp ٹپ mor. tup tʌp ٹپ ch. of nu. sound of leakage
464 1261 tell tɛl nb tul tʌl ٹل mor. tul tʌl ٹل ch. of nu. postpone
465 1262 tend tɛnd nb tind tɪnd ٹنڈ mor. tind tɪnd ٹنڈ ch. of nu. bald head
466 1263 than ðæn nb daen ðæn دین mor. daen ðæn دین no ch. giving
467 1264 them ðɛm nb dum ðʊm دم mor. dum ðʊm دم ch. of nu. tail
468 1265 then ðɛn nb deen ði:n دین mor. deen ði:n دین ch. of nu. religion
469 1266 there ðeə nb der ðer دیر mor. der ðer دیر ch. of nu. delay
470 1267 thesis θiːsɪs θiː thi θiː تھی mor. thi θiː تھی no ch. was
1268 sɪs sis sɪs سس syll. sis sɪs سسکی no ch. sob
471 1269 thick θɪk nb thak θʌk تھک mor. thak θʌk تھک ch. of nu. tired
472 1270 thin θɪn nb thun θʌn تھن mor. thun θʌn تھن ch. of nu. teats
473 1271 though ðəʊ nb do ðəʊ دو mor. do ðəʊ دو no ch. two, give
474 1272 three θriː nb three θriː تھری syll. suthree sʊθriː ستھری no ch. clean
475 1273 thumb θʌm nb thum θʌm تھم mor. thum θʌm تھم no ch. pillar, column
476 1274 tick tɪk nb tik tɪk ٹک mor. tik tɪk ٹک no ch. sound of clock
477 1275 tin tɪn nb tin tɪn ٹن syll. tind tɪnd ٹنڈ no ch. bald head
478 1276 tip tɪp nb tip tɪp ٹپ mor. tip tɪp ٹپ ٹپ no ch. flow of tears
479 1277 tongue tʌŋ nb taang ta:ŋ ٹانگ mor. taang ta:ŋ ٹانگ ch. of nu. leg
480 1278 too tuː nb too tuː تو mor. too tuː تو no ch. you
481 1279 torture tɔːrʧə tɔːr tor tɔːr ٹور syll. batore bətɔːr بٹور no ch. wangle
1280 ʧər char ʧər چر mor. char ʧər چر no ch. graze
482 1281 tour tʊər nb toor tʊ:r طور mor. toor tʊ:r طور ch. of nu. name of a
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
483 1282 tow təʊ nb tow təʊ ٹو syll. toke təʊk ٹوک no ch. interrupt
484 1283 tub tʌb nb tub tʌb ٹب mor. tubbar tʌbər ٹبر no ch. family
485 1284 tuck tʌk nb tak tʌk تک mor. tak tʌk تک no ch. upto
486 1285 tv tiːviː tiː tee tiː ٹی syll. roti rɔti روٹی no ch. bread
1286 viː ve viː وی syll. raavi ra:vi: راوی no ch. reporter
487 1287 ugali u:ga:li nb uga li u:ga: li اگا لی mor. uga li u:ga: li اگا لی no ch. got grown
488 1288 ugly ʌgli nb agli ʌgli اگلی mor. agli ʌgli اگلی no ch. next
489 1289 umber ʌmbər nb ambar ʌmbər امبر mor. ambar ʌmbər امبر no ch. sky
490 1290 undo ʌnduː nb anda ʌndaː انڈہ mor. anda ʌndaː انڈہ ch. of nu. egg
491 1291 upper ʌpər nb ooper ʊ:pər اوپر mor. ooper ʊ:pər اوپر ch. of nu. upstair, above
492 1292 vase vɑːz nb vaaz vɑːz واز syll. parvaaz pərvɑːz پرواز no ch. flight
493 1293 vast vɑːst nb vast vʌst وسط mor. vast vʌst وسط ch. of nu. middle
494 1294 veer vɪə nb veer vi:r ویر mor. veer vi:r ویر ch. of nu. brave
495 1295 vie vaɪ nb vie vaɪ وائی mor. karvie kərvaɪ کروائی no ch. got done
496 1296 viz vɪz nb viz vɪz وز syll. vizarat vɪza:rʌt وزارت no ch. ministry
497 1297 vocal vəʊkəl vəʊ vo vəʊ وہ mor. vo vəʊ وہ no ch. he, that
1298 kəl kal kəl کل mor. kal kəl کل no ch. machine
498 1299 vomit vɒmɪt vɒ vo vɒ وہ mor. vo vɒ وہ no ch. he/she/they
1300 vɒmɪt mɪt mit mɪt مٹ mor. mit mɪt مٹ no ch. erase, remove
499 1301 vow vaʊ nb vao vaʊ واؤ syll. bulvao bʊlvaʊ بلواؤ no ch. call someone
500 1302 war wɔːr nb waar wa:r وار mor. waar wa:r وار ch. of nu. attack
501 1303 weigh weɪ nb way weɪ وے syll. karhway kerhweɪ کڑوے no ch. bitter
502 1304 weir wɪər nb weer wi:r ویر mor. weer wi:r ویر ch. of nu. brave
503 1305 wheel wiːl nb weel wiːl ویل syll. taaweel ta:wiːl تاویل no ch. reason
S.No Syll. Englis Phon. broken Roman Phon. Urdu syll./ Urdu Phon. Urdu Change Meaning in
No h mor. Trans. into Urdu Trans. Trns. mor. Word in Trans. Trns. English
urdu Roman
syll. Urdu
504 1306 who huː nb hoo huː ہو mor. how hoo haʊ huː ہاؤ ہو no ch. noise
505 1307 wish wɪʃ nb wish wɪʃ وش syll. kaawish ka:wɪʃ کاوش no ch. struggle
506 1308 woe wəʊ nb wo wəʊ وہ mor. wo wəʊ وہ no ch. he, she, etc.
507 1309 work wɜːrk nb waraq wərʌk ورق mor. waraq wərʌk ورق ad. of v. page
508 1310 xhosa kɔ:sə nb kosa kɔ:sə کوسا mor. kosa kɔ:sə کوسا no ch. to curse
509 1311 yaar ya:r nb yaar ya:r یار mor. yaar ya:r یار no ch. friend
510 1312 yakka yækə nb yakka yʌkkə یکہ mor. yakka yʌkkə یکہ no ch. horse cart
511 1313 yarrow jærəʊ nb yaaro ja:rəʊ یارو mor. yaaro ja:rəʊ یارو ch. of nu. friends
512 1314 yay jeɪ nb ye jeɪ یہ mor. ye jeɪ یہ no ch. this
513 1315 yawn jɔːn nb yon jɔːŋ یوں syll. galyon gʌljɔːŋ گلیوں ch. of al. streets
514 1316 yet jɛt nb yat jət یت syll. yat jət عنایت no ch. favour
1317 jɛt nb yaat ya:t یات syll. yaat ya:t عنایات no ch. favours
515 1318 zeal ziːl nb zael zæl ذیل mor. zael zæl ذیل ch. of nu. under, down
516 1319 zero zɪərəʊ zɪərəʊ zeeruh zɪərʊ:h ذی روح mor. zeeruh zɪərʊ:h ذی روح ch. of nu. animate
517 1320 zebu ziːbuː ziː zee ziː ذی mor. zee ziː ذی no ch. endowed with
1321 buː bu buː بو mor. bu buː بو no ch. smell
518 1322 zen zɛn nb zain zæn زین mor. zain zæn زین ch. of nu. a name
519 1323 zing zɪŋ nb zang zʌŋ زنگ mor. zang zʌŋ زنگ ch. of nu. rust
520 1324 zombie zɒmbi zɒm zoum zɒm زعم mor. zoum zɒm زعم no ch. vanity
(Miscellaneous Words)
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.16
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
582 without change 431 74%
582 with ch. of v. 114 20%
582 with ch. of c. 32 5%
582 with ch. of v. c. 5 1%
582 as syllables 87 15%
582 as morphemes 495 85%
In table 4.16, five hundred and two miscellaneous English words are analyzed into five
hundred and eighty two syllables/morphemes. Four hundred thirty one are found in Urdu
language without any change, with different meaning. One hundred and fourteen are used
with the change of only a single vowel sound, thirty two with the change only of a single
consonant sound, and five are found with the change of one vowel and one consonant sounds
both. It shows that seventy four percent English language morphemes/syllables are found in
Urdu language without any change, twenty percent with the change of one vowel, five
percent with the change of one consonant, and only one percent with the change of one vowel
and one consonant sounds both.
Four hundred ninety five syllables/morphemes of English language are used as morpheme in
Urdu language, that is eighty five percent and eighty seven, which is fifteen percent, are used
as syllable in Urdu language.
Frequency and Percent Age Chart 4.17
Total Number of Percent
Used in Urdu Frequency
Eng. Syl./Morph. Age
1328 without change 1010 76%
1328 with ch. of v. 209 16%
1328 with ch. of c. 98 7%
1328 with ch. of v. c. 11 1%
1328 as syllables 274 21%
1328 as morphemes 1054 79%
In table 4.17, one thousand twenty three English words are divided into one thousand three
hundred and twenty eight syllables/morphemes. One thousand and ten syllables/morphemes
are found in Urdu language without any change, with different meaning. Two hundred and
nine are used with the change of only a single vowel sound, ninety eight with the change only
of a single consonant sound, and eleven are found with the change of one vowel and one
consonant sounds both. It shows that seventy six percent English language
morphemes/syllables are found in Urdu language without any change, sixteen percent with
the change of one vowel, seven percent with the change of one consonant, only one percent
with the change of one vowel and one consonant sounds both.
One thousand and fifty four syllables/morphemes of English language are used as morpheme
in Urdu language also, that is seventy nine percent and eighty two hundred seventy four,
which is twenty one percent, are used as syllable in Urdu language.
Possessing identical speech organs, all humans articulate nearly similar syllables. It is the
reference of the word which makes it different in different languages. Because of the
different reference, we scarcely pay heed to this natural phenomenon of producing almost
same syllables. Some people are unable to produce some particular sounds. It is because of
the language setting in which they are brought up and acquired their mother tongue not the
lack of articulators.
In this paper, two languages English and Urdu are studied with this point of view that
different languages possess same syllables. One thousand twenty three English language
words were collected and analyzed. Firstly, these one thousand words were divided into one
thousand three hundred twenty eight syllables and then compared with the syllables and of
Urdu language. Mostly syllables of English language were found also in Urdu language
without any change but the change of reference. For example, banana /bənɑ:nə/ in English is
a fruit name whereas in Urdu /bənɑ:nə/ is a verb which means to make, mono syllabic
morpheme bee /bi:/ in English refers to an insect, like honey bee but the same mono syllabic
morpheme bee /bi:/ in Urdu is an addressing term used to address ladies, like bee amman (bi:
- ʌmma:ŋ), mono morphemic morpheme see /si:/, a verb in English, is also a verb in Urdu
language see /si:/ used as an imperative term which means stitch or sew. The magnitude of
the words used in both languages without any change is seventy six percent.
Sixteen percent syllables of English and Urdu languages had only the difference of a vowel
sounds mainly the nucleus or a monophthong to a diphthong. For example, zeal /zeal/ in
English is zeil /zeɪl/ (under or following) in Urdu, wear /wɪər/ in English is weer /wi:r/
(brave) in Urdu, war /wɔ:r/ in English is waar /wa:r/ (attack) in Urdu and pet /pɛt/ in English
is peit /peɪt/, (belly) in Urdu.
Seven percent syllables of English and Urdu languages had only the difference of one
consonant sound either onset or coda. For example, daisy / deɪzi/ in English is /deɪsi/ (of
one’s country) in Urdu. Many a words which have the difference only of one consonant had
only the difference of an allophone. For example, tail / teɪl / in English is tail /teɪl/ (oil) in
Urdu and just /ʤʌst/ in English is just /ʤʌst/ (leap) in Urdu.
Only one percent syllables of English and Urdu languages had the difference of a vowel and a
consonant sounds both. For example, bend /bɛnd/ in English is bund /bʌnð/ (close) in Urdu.
Moreover, a syllable in English may be a morpheme in Urdu and a morpheme in English may
be a syllable in Urdu and vice versa. Many a morpheme and syllable enjoy the same position
in both the languages. For example, a morpheme such /sʌtʃ/ in English is also a morpheme in
Urdu /sʌtʃ/ means truth.
This paper showed that though, English and Urdu languages look radically different from one
another but in fact they possess similar syllables. Although, they have alphabets consist of
quite distinct symbols but even then they have many similar sounds. For example, English
alphabet begins with ‘a b’ and Urdu with ‘aliph bey’. These sets of sounds produce similar or
slightly different combinations of sounds and consequently similar or slightly different
syllables. Syllables in English and Urdu are same but their references are different, their
combinations are different due to which both the languages seem to be quite dissimilar. This
paper discovered that syllables in English can serve as phonemic syllables in Urdu language
and syllables in Urdu are helpful in teaching English pronunciation.
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19. Manzoor, Ismat (2015). Contrast and Comparison of English and Urdu Morphology.
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24. Zhou, Xiaolin and Wilson, William Marslen (1994). Words, Morphemes and Syllables