A DRAFT Chemtrac SOP - 120216
A DRAFT Chemtrac SOP - 120216
A DRAFT Chemtrac SOP - 120216
Prepared by: Akin Okupe, Senior Water Quality Engineer, Water Quality Lab and R&D; James Hogan,
Water Quality Chemist, Water Quality Lab and R&D
To: Pravani Vandeyar, Water Quality Superintendent, Water Quality Lab and R&D
Subject: Draft Standard Operating Procedure for the Chemtrac Laboratory Charge Analyzer at
Sacramento River Water Treatment Plant
Recently, the Sacramento River Water Treatment Plant (SRWTP) acquired a Chemtrac Laboratory Charge
Analyzer (LCA). Treatment plant operators intend to use this instrument to determine the amount of
coagulant needed for water treatment under different water conditions. Staff believes that this
instrument can be used as a backup to jar testing for the determination of the optimal amount of
coagulant needed for water treatment under different flow conditions.
Currently, SRWTP relies on historical data and jar tests to determine an optimum coagulant dose. Jar
testing yields an optimal coagulant dose by maximizing settled turbidity, using a set of different
coagulant doses. Alternatively, the LCA measures particle charge to determine an optimal coagulant
dose. The differences between jar testing and LCA methods are further detailed in the Principal
Differences in Methodology section of this protocol.
Due to the differences in methodology, jar testing and the LCA may yield different results for optimal
coagulant dose. One concern is the method of pH depression; while the manufacturer suggests using
acetic acid, current jar testing procedures rely on alum for pH depression. This difference will likely
affect the determination of optimal coagulant doses, especially for high turbid water. In this regard, it is
hypothesized that the LCA method would underestimate the amount of alum needed for treatment
when compared to the results of jar testing. This hypothesis will be evaluated. Similarly, other
differences between jar testing and LCA methods must be considered for both low turbid and high
turbid waters.Research Objective
The objective of this research is to evaluate the LCA as a viable analytical tool for operators and
laboratory staff in optimizing the water treatment process; as compared to jar test analysis. Both high
turbid water and low turbid water shall be analyzed to determine any correlation therefrom.
1. Streaming Current Value (SCV): A reciprocating piston with electrode sensors detecting ionic
charge variations within solution.
2. Isoelectric Point (IEP): The IEP is defined as the pH at which a particle or compound carries a net
zero electrical charge, and is the point of optimal floc formation.
3. Signal Health: > 90% indicates that the probe within the optimal range for analysis. < 90%
indicates either too much particulate matter within solution and/or that the probe needs to be
The following list summarizes the principal differences between jar testing and LCA procedures:
Jar testing determines optimal coagulant doses by maximizing settle turbidity; this process is
manually done. Conversely, the LCA determines optimal coagulant doses by neutralizing particle
The LCA can determine the optimal pH for coagulation by determining the IEP. The jar test
procedure relies on operator-discretion to determine necessary pH adjustment.
Both methods use NaOH solutions to increase pH. However, the manufacturer’s representative
suggested using store-bought vinegar or an acetic acid solution to decrease the pH. In this
study, pH reduction is done with reagent grade hydrochloric acid for both jar testing and LCA
The following lists a simplified procedure based on the Operations Manual for the Chemtrac LCA:
Models LCA-1, LCA-2, and LCA-3 (revision 9/24/2015).
8. Comparative Analysis of Methods from Data Obtained with Low Turbid Water and High Turbid
Water Sources
The research shall be divided into two phases:
a. Phase 1: Low Turbid Water Assessment
i. LCA-3 Procedure
1. Collect water from Tap 2 or the Grit Basin at SRWTP in a 2000 mL
Note: The benefit of sourcing the water from Tap 2 is that prior pH
adjustment for both Jar Test and LCA-3 analyzers will not be needed.
2. With reference to Step 2 - Preliminary Water Quality Assessment at
Process Taps at SRWTP, record the initial water quality parameters for
SRWTP Tap 2 in the Template LCA Data Entry Sheet located in Appendix
A, below.
3. Based on the data entered above, setup the LCA-3 coagulant and
titration parameters in accordance with Section – Titration
Control on page 11 of the Chemtrac LCA Operations Manual.
4. Calibrate the SCV probe on the LCA-3 by immersing the probe in Tap 1
water at the time of Tap 2 collection, per Section 2.2 – Calibration, page
12 of the Chemtrac LCA Operations Manual. In other words, the probe
will be submersed to the specified depth and conditioned with an
aliquot of raw water containing no chemical application. Then SCV mV
readout shall be adjusted to -200 mV and calibrated by pressing enter.
Record the results in the Template LCA Data Entry Sheet in Appendix A.
5. Rinse the probe using the squirt bottle containing lab grade reagent
deionized water and dry with a chem wipe.
6. Place the clean and dry probe in the 2000 mL Beaker containing the Tap
2 water detailed in Step 1 of the Phase 1 LCA Procedure.
7. Add a magnetic stir bar and place the beaker on a magnetic stir plate
and commence stirring at a medium speed; i.e.: slight vortex present on
the surface of the water in the beaker.
8. Turn the SCV on and note the change in mV on the display. The piston
should be reciprocating within the SCV probe, circulating sample
through the internal surfaces of the probe. Note the Signal Health listed
on the display, ensuring that > 90% is indicated before proceeding.
9. Insert the pre-calibrated pH probe in the solution. Wait until both pH
probe and SCV mV reading have stabilized before taking a reading, then
record the stabilized values in the Template LCA Data Entry Sheet
located in Appendix A.
10. Add 1.333 mL of the 60 ppm Non-ionic Polymer Solution to the sample
for a final concentration of 0.04 ppm Non-ionic polymer in the sample.
Then record the SCV mV and pH readings on the data entry sheet.
*Table 2 is not representative of actual raw data collected from a jar test experiment; it is merely an
example as to the type of data that will be collected.
Regarding Alum Concentration Applied in Table 2 above, the data collected from Jars 3 and 4 will allow
a statistical average to be computed. These jar will also represent the current process chemical
application of alum at the water treatment plant.
Note: The superscript i = initial, taken upon filling the jars, and the superscript f= final, was taken at the
end of the jar test.
During a High Turbid Water event last winter at SRWTP, approximately 20 L of 200 NTU
water was collected from the continuous sampling tap in the Operator’s lab at Tap 1,
representing the Intake. This will be the source of water for both the LCA analysis and
jar testing of high turbid water.
After all the data is compiled from both the High Turbid and Low Turbid water experiments
using both the Jar Tests, LCA-3, and process chemical applications; i.e.: current and historic; a
final analysis will be conducted. Pursuant to the results of the final analysis, Staff will evaluate
whether the LCA unit will offer the functional utility required to be a back-up analytical method
for water treatment process control.
Location: SRWTP
Tap 1 SCV:
Concentration (%):
Initial (ppm):
Maximum (ppm):
Increment (ppm):
Polymer Addition
Dose (ppm): __________
Optimal Coagulant Dose (ppm):