02whole Microstrip

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Design and Development

of Microwave Patch Antennas using

Conductive Polymers

Akhilesh Verma
B.E. (Electronics and Telecommunication)
University of Jabalpur, India, 1988
M.Tech (Radar and Communication Engineering)
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, 1996

Thesis submitted for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

The School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

The Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
The University of Adelaide, Australia

Aug 2011
Dedicated to my parents
Recent advances in the electrical conductivity levels of Conducting
Polymers (CP) and impressive improvements in their stability are making
these materials very attractive potential alternatives to copper in planar
antennas. This is particularly so in applications where light weight,
inexpensive and/or wearable/conformal antennas are a consideration. There
have been isolated efforts in the past towards using CP as material for
antenna and transmission line design. This thesis endeavours to provide a
systematic study of key factors that are important for the understanding of
these materials, their design and simulation as basis material for building
microwave antennas.

The thesis could be considered as made up of two parts. The first part
(Chapter 2 and Appendix A) presents a mathematical model of electrical
conduction and permittivity in CPs as a function of dopant concentration and
frequency. The electrical conduction and permittivity are very dispersive for
these materials primarily due to different relaxation times exhibited by the
conduction electrons. This part also develops closed-form expressions
formulas for rapid estimation of the effective permittivity of microstrip lines on
multi-layer substrates. A 2D finite element eigen-mode analysis leading to the
effective permittivity for two and three layer microstrip line structures is used
as a reference solution and successfully validates the closed-form

The second part (Chapter 3 and 4) presents the design, simulation and
fabrication of microwave antennas using thin CP films. Results on CP based
microstrip patch antennas operating at 2 GHz, 4.5 GHz and 6 GHz are
presented. This part also presents a systematic study on the impact of CP film
thickness, conductivity and fabrication method on antenna performance. An
indirect method for determination of the permittivity of non-standard RF
substrates and detection of dispersion in the electrical conductivity of CP film
has been demonstrated. This part validates the possibility of using CPs as
microwave antennas and gives credence to many possibilities in the field of
conformal antennas, wearable antennas, sports and medical applications.

The thesis is concluded in chapter 5 by summarising the results and

presenting some exciting possibilities that these exotic materials open for
future applications in the field of antenna applications.


This work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other
degree or diploma in any university or other tertiary institutions to Akhilesh Verma and,
to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or
written by another person, except where due reference has been made in the text.

I give consent to this copy of my thesis when deposited in the University Library, being
made available for loan and photocopying, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act

The author acknowledges that copyright of published works contained within this thesis
(as listed under publications in this thesis*) resides with the copyright holder(s) of those

I also give permission for the digital version of my thesis to be made available on the
web, via the University’s digital research repository, the Library catalogue and also
through web search engines, unless permission has been granted by the University to
restrict access for a period of time.

Date: Aug 2011 ____________________________

(Akhilesh Verma)

Place: Adelaide

I would like to thank my Supervisor, Professor Bevan D. Bates for his support,
guidance and encouragement throughout this work. I am deeply indebted to the efforts
of my external supervisor Dr Leigh Powis towards reviewing my work and navigating
me through this beautiful experience of research. I cannot present this work without
thanking enough, Associate Professor Christophe Fumeaux for his critical review of
my ideas and the discussions that helped improve my understanding of microwave
devices and antennas.

I would like to thank Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) and the
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Adelaide for
supporting my research endeavours. I am grateful to these organisations for providing
me with a scholarship and the facilities of laboratory and workshop. It goes without
saying that this work could not have been completed without the great work
environment provided at the Centre for Expertise in Phased Array and Microwave
Radar (CEPAMiR). I would also like to thank my fellow “postgrads”, who provided
the support when you most needed it. I will miss the discussions on almost everything
under the sun in the “postgrad” room.

I would like to thank my wife Dr Roopali Verma and my son Anush Verma; whose
constant faith in me and support when the chips were down will ever remain
embossed in my memory. I feel blessed to have such a loving and supportive family.

Last but not least I would like to thank Mrs Rashmi Bhansali for ensuring that I
complete my thesis and not leave it for the elves to complete. Rashmi is one of the
unsung heroes of this thesis whose contribution will ever remain etched in my heart
and hidden deep inside the pages of this thesis.

Akhilesh Verma

Aug 2011

Verma, A. and Bates, B. D.; "Microstrip patch antenna with polypyrrole
ground plane," in 2008 International Conference on Radar, Adelaide, SA,
Australia, 2008, pp. 424-429.

Verma, A., Fumeaux, C., Truong, Van-Tan; Bates, B.D.; "A 2 GHz
Polypyrrole microstrip patch antenna on Plexiglas™ substrate," in 2009
Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2009.Singapore, pp.36-39.

Verma, A., Fumeaux, C., Bates, B.D; "Modified Getsinger's model for
accurate determination of effective permittivity dispersion in multilayered
microstrip lines," in 2010 International Conference on Electromagnetics in
Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Sydney, Australia 2010, pp.325-328.

Verma, A., Weng, B., Shepherd, R., Fumeaux, C., Truong, Van-Tan,
Wallace, G. G., Bates, B. D., "6 GHz microstrip patch antennas with
PEDOT and polypyrrole conducting polymers," in 2010 International
Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA),
Sydney Australia 2010, pp.329-332.

Verma, A., Fumeaux, C., Truong, Van-Tan, Bates, B.D.; "Effect of Film
Thickness on the Radiation Efficiency of a 4.5 GHz Polypyrrole
Conducting Polymer Patch Antenna," in 2010 Asia Pacific Microwave
Conference, APMC 2010.Yokohama, Japan pp.95-98.

Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (iii)

Declaration…………………………………………………………………………………………………. (v)

Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………………………. (vii)

Publications………………………………………………………………………………………………… (ix)

Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………… (xi)

List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………………...... (xiv)

List of Tables……………………………………………………………………………………………… (xx)

List of Symbols……………………………………………………………………………………………. (xxiii)

Glossary………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (xxvi)

Scope of Thesis……………………………………………………………………………………………. (xxix)

Chapter 1: Introduction…………………………………………………………………………… 1

1.1. Introduction to Conducting Polymers……………………………………………… 2

1.2. Electrical conduction in conducting polymers…………………………………. 14

1.3. Microwave properties of conducting polymers………………………………. 17

1.4. Applications of conducting polymers………………………………………………. 20

1.5. Conducting polymers and RF antennas…………………………………………… 22

1.6. Thesis outline and contributions……………………………………………………… 22

1.7. Chapter summaries………………………………………………………………………… 24

Chapter 2: Modelling electrical conduction in conducting 34


2.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………. 34

2.2. Various models on electrical conductivity in CPs…………………………….. 36

2.3. General Effective Media (GEM): Percolation theory………………………… 43

2.4. Prigodin’s quantum tunnelling model……………………………………………… 44

2.5. Proposed model for CP conductivity and permittivity……………………… 48

2.6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………. 51

Chapter 3: Building microstrip antennas with polypyrrole………………………… 54

3.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………. 54

3.2. Polypyrrole free standing film preparation……………………………………… 55

3.3. A polypyrrole ground plane for 11 GHz patch antenna……………………. 56

3.4. A 2 GHz polypyrrole patch antenna on Plexiglass™ 63


3.5. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………….. 72

Chapter 4: Radiation efficiency in CP based patch antennas……………………… 75

4.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………. 75

4.2. A Study of Radiation Efficiency in PPy based 4.5 GHz MPA……………………….. 76

4.3. A Study of Radiation Efficiency in PPy and PEDOT based 6 GHz 88


4.4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………. 102

Chapter 5: Quo-Vadis?................................................................................ 105

5.1. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………. 105

5.2. Future musings……………………………………………………………………………….. 108

Appendix-A: Determination of effective permittivity of multi-layer 118

microstrip lines using a modified Getsinger’s model…………………………………….

Appendix-B:Results of 4.5 GHz polypyrrole patch antenna………………………….. 153

Appendix-C:Data sheets………………………………………………………………………………. 161

Appendix-D:Results of 6 GHz polypyrrole and PEDOT patch antennas………… 165

List of Figures
Chapter 1: Introduction……………………………………………………………………………. 1

Figure 1.1. Chemical structure of some Conducting Polymers ……………. 5

Figure 1.2. Doping methods and related application ………………………….. 12

Figure 1.3. DC Conductivity in CPs …………………………………………………….... 14

Figure 1.4. Variation of AC conductivity and Permittivity in 16


Chapter 2: Modelling electrical conduction in conducting 34


Figure 2.1. Schematic chemical structures of CPs ……………………………….. 37

Figure 2.2. Complex inter-woven structure of CP with metallic grains … 45

Figure 2.3. Variation of transmission coefficient ( ) with frequency 48

Chapter 3: Building microstrip antennas with polypyrrole………………………… 54

Figure 3.1. Schematic layout of MPA with Polypyrrole ground plane ….. 56

Figure 3.2. Photograph of 11 GHz patch antenna with polypyrrole 57

ground plane ……………………………………………………………………..

Figure 3.3. Simulated return loss versus frequency for PPy and copper 60
ground ……………………………………………………………………………….

Figure 3.4. Orgacon™ film based 2 GHz microstrip patch antennas. 61

Bottom and top views of the antenna and its SMA
connector ..............................................................................

Figure 3.5. PPy and Cu MPAs on Plexiglas™ substrate ………………………… 63

Figure 3.6. A cross sectional view of the MPA……………………………………... 64

Figure 3.7. Simulated (CST™) and measured return loss of Cu MPA on 65

Plexiglas™ substrate for different permittivity values…………

Figure 3.8. Simulated and measured return loss for PPy-MPA…………..... 67

Figure 3.9. Comparison between measured return loss for Cu and PPy- 67

Figure 3.10. Simulated (CST™) and measured E-plane radiation pattern 68

for Cu-MPA…………………………………………………………………………

Figure 3.11. Simulated (CST™) and measured E-plane radiation pattern 69

for PPy-MPA……………………………………………………………………….

Figure 3.12. E-plane Co-pol and Cross-pol radiation pattern 70

measurements for Cu and PPy MPA…………………………………...

Figure 3.13. H-plane Co-pol and Cross-pol radiation pattern 70

measurements for Cu and PPy MPA…………………………………...

Chapter 4: Radiation efficiency in CP based patch antennas……………………… 75

Figure 4.1. PPy Patch Antenna Cu-Patch Antenna on FR-4 substrate …. 76

Figure 4.2. A cross sectional view of MPA …………………………………………….... 77

Figure 4.3. Simulated and measured S11 for a Cu-Patch antenna on a 78

FR-4 substrate with permittivity εr =4.1……………………………...

Figure 4.4. Simulated and measured S11 for a PPy (140 μm) -Patch 79
antenna on a FR-4 substrate with permittivity εr =4.1…………

Figure 4.5. Philips XL 30 Scanning Electron Microscope………………………. 79

Figure 4.6. PPy Stand-alone film cross section SEM pictures……………….. 80

Figure 4.7. E-Copol radiation pattern measurement………………………….... 83

Figure 4.8. H-Copol radiation pattern measurement…………………………… 83

Figure 4.9. Variation of antenna gain with patch thickness……………….... 85

Figure 4.10. Variation of radiation efficiency with patch thickness………… 86

Figure 4.11. Variation of Gain with PPy patch surface resistance…………… 86

Figure 4.12. Variation of radiation efficiency with PPy patch surface 87


Figure 4.13. Dimatix DMP 2800 inkjet printer……………………………………….. 89

Figure 4.14. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) 90
aqueous dispersion…………………………………………………………….

Figure 4.15. PEDOT-patch 6 GHz microstrip patch antenna on Ultralam 92

2000 substrate……………………………………………………………………

Figure 4.16. A schematic side view of PPy and PEDOT patch 93


Figure 4.17. Simulated and measured S11 for a Cu-patch antenna on 94

Ultralam 2000™ substrate………………………………………………....

Figure 4.18. Simulated and measured S11 for a 90µm PPy-patch 96

antenna on Ultralam 2000™ substrate……………………………….

Figure 4.19. Simulated and measured S11 for a 7µm PEDOT-patch 97

antenna on Ultralam 2000™ substrate……………………………....

Figure 4.20. Measured E-plane co-pol antenna gain patterns……………….. 98

Figure 4.21. Measured H-plane co-pol antenna gain patterns……………….. 99

Figure 4.22. Variation of gain with patch thickness……………………………….. 101

Figure 4.23. Variation of radiation efficiency with patch thickness………… 101

Chapter 5: Quo-Vadis?................................................................................ 105

Figure 5.1. Some research possibilities with CP-based antennas ………... 110

Figure 5.2. A possible design for an optically transparent Antenna with 111
Visual Light Transmission (VLT) that could reach about 80%.

Figure 5.3. Graphene is another material that could have interesting 112
microwave antenna applications…………………………………….....

Figure 5.4. A narrow band and wide band switchable planar 114

Figure 5.5. Sierpinski-Bowtie transformation 115


Figure 5.6. Vivaldi antenna with adjustable 116


Appendix-A ………………………………………………………….……………………………………. 118

Figure A.1. Single-layer microstrip transmission 122

Figure A.2. LSE model for single layer dielectric microstrip 122

Figure A.3. LSE model for single layer dielectric microstrip line 123
modified to take into account the air-dielectric interface

Figure A.4. Two-layer microstrip transmission line…………………………….... 124

Figure A.5. LSE model for a two-layer dielectric microstrip line……………. 125

Figure A.6. Orientation of the LSE model and Cross sectional YZ plane 126
view of the LSE model with propagation constants along
the 'y' direction…………………………………………………………………..

Figure A.7. Equivalence of LSE model…………………………………………………… 127

Figure A.8. Dispersion of Effective Permittivity in Microstrip line with 131

double layered dielectric (with ϵ1 =4.4 and ϵ2 =2.33)………….

Figure A.9. Dispersion of Effective Permittivity in Microstrip line with 131

double layered dielectric (with ϵ1 =2.33 and ϵ2 =4.4)………….

Figure A.10. Dispersion of relative error percentage (with ϵ1 = 2.33 and 132
ϵ2 = 4.4 )…………………………………………………………………………….

Figure A.11. Dispersion of relative error percentage (with ϵ1 = 4.4 and 132
ϵ2 = 2.33)………………………………………………………………………......

Figure A.12. Dispersion of Effective Permittivity in Microstrip line with 133

double layered dielectric (with ϵ1 =4.5, b1 =1.6 mm and ϵ2
=2.5, b2 =0.8 mm)……………………………………………………………….

Figure A.13. Dispersion of relative error percentage (with ϵ1 =4.5, b1 134

=1.6 mm and ϵ2 =2.5, b2 =0.8 mm)………………………………………

Figure A.14. Triple layer dielectric microstrip line………………………………….. 135

Figure A.15. Three-layer Getsinger's LSE model…………………………………….. 136

Figure A.16. Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-I, 140
dispersion of effective permittivity and percentage relative

Figure A.17. Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-II, 142
dispersion of effective permittivity and percentage relative

Figure A.18. Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-III, 143
dispersion of effective permittivity and percentage relative

Figure A.19. Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-IV, 145
dispersion of effective permittivity and percentage relative

Figure A.20. Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-V, 146
dispersion of effective permittivity and percentage relative

Figure A.20. 'n'-layer Getsinger's LSE model………………………………………….. 148

Appendix-B……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 153

Figure B.1. S11 measurement for 40 μm thick PPy patch antenna at 4.5 153

Figure B.2. S11 measurement for 50 μm thick PPy patch antenna at 4.5 154

Figure B.3. S11 measurement for 90 μm thick PPy patch antenna at 4.5 154

Figure B.4. S11 measurement for 140 μm thick PPy patch antenna at 155
4.5 GHz……………………………………………………………………………….

Figure B.5. Copper patch E-Copol measurement…………………………………. 155

Figure B.6. Copper patch H-Copol Measurement………………………………… 156

Figure B.7. PPy (40 μm) patch E-Copol measurement…………………………. 157

Figure B.8. PPy (40 μm) patch H-Copol measurement…………………………. 157

Figure B.9. PPy (50 μm) patch E-Copol measurement………………………….. 158

Figure B.10. PPy (50 μm) patch H-Copol measurement…………………………. 158

Figure B.11. PPy (90 μm) patch E-Copol measured………………………………… 159

Figure B.12. PPy (90 μm) patch H-Copol measured……………………………….. 159

Figure B.13. PPy (140 μm) patch E-Copol measurement………………………… 160

Figure B.14. PPy (140 μm) patch H-Copol measurement……………………….. 160

Appendix-D…………………………………………………………………………………….………… 165

Figure D.1. S11 measurement for 50 µm thick PPy patch antenna at 6 165

Figure D.2. S11 measurement for 140 µm thick PPy patch antenna at 6 166

Figure D.3. E Co-pol measurements Copper patch antenna…………………. 167

Figure D.4. H Co-pol measurements Copper patch antenna………………… 167

Figure D.5. E Co-pol measurements PPy patch (50 µm thick) antenna…. 168

Figure D.6. H Co-pol measurements PPy patch (50 µm thick) antenna… 169

Figure D.7. E Co-pol measurements PPy patch (90 µm thick) antenna…. 169

Figure D.8. H Co-pol measurements PPy patch (90 µm thick) antenna… 170

Figure D.9. E Co-pol measurements PPy patch (140 µm thick) antenna.. 170

Figure D.10. H Co-pol measurements PPy patch (140 µm thick) antenna. 171

Figure D.11. E Co-pol measurements PEDOT patch antenna………………….. 172

Figure D.12. H Co-pol measurements PEDOT patch antenna…………………. 172

List of Tables
Chapter 1: Introduction……………………………………………………………………………. 1

Table 1.1. Typical CP Dopants ……………………………………………………………. 9

Table 1.2. Maximum Doping levels (Typical) in CPs...…………………………. 10

Table 1.3. Some Applications of CPs..………………………………………........... 21

Chapter 2: Modelling Electrical Conduction in conducting polymers…………. 34

Table 2.1. Models derived from Debye’s model……………………………………. 40

Chapter 3: Building microstrip antennas with polypyrrole………………………… 54

Table 3.1. Design Data for Substrate and PPy Ground plane…………..….. 57

Table 3.2. Design Data for 11 GHz Rectangular Microstrip Patch 58


Table 3.3. Design data for Copper and PPy Microstrip Patch 66

Chapter 4: Radiation efficiency in CP based patch antennas……………………… 75

Table 4.1. Surface Resistivity of PPy film samples………………………………. 81

Table 4.2. Microstrip Antenna design data…………………………………………….. 81

Table 4.3. Gain and Radiation Efficiency measurement……………………... 84

Table 4.4. Optimized design parameters of microstrip patch 95


Table 4.5. Realised Antenna parameters……………………………………………. 96

Table 4.6. Surface resistivity of CP films …………………………………………….. 97

Table 4.7. Gain and radiation efficiency of microstrip patch antennas.. 100

Appendix-A ………………………………………………………….……………………………………. 118

Table A.1. Design data of 1 GHz microstrip line………………………………….. 130

List of Symbols
 Concentration in inclusions (dopants)

c The critical concentration at percolation threshold

Plasma frequency


Complex permittivity

Real part of permittivity

Imaginary part of permittivity

Relaxation time

∞ permittivity at very high frequency

0 static permittivity (at frequency=0)

Electrical AC conductivity

Electrical DC conductivity

Complex permittivity (

Peak applied electric field

Propagation Constant

Skin depth

Electronic Charge

The transmission coefficient of chain-links across grains

N perpendicular chains

N parallel chains

Number of nearest neighbouring grains

The mean distance between neighbouring grains

Critical transmission coefficient

tan Loss tangent

s The relative dielectric constant of a single layered dielectric in a

Microstrip transmission line

e0 The quasi-static effective dielectric constant

q The effective filling fraction of the dielectric material

seq The equivalent relative dielectric constant

Characteristic impedance

Free space impedance

Characteristic impedance of ith layer

ξ The crystalline domain coherence length

List of Acronyms
BW Band width

CP Conducting Polymer

CCP Conjugated Conductive Polymer

CPC Conductive Polymer Composites

CSA Camphor Sulphonic acid

EM Electromagnetic

EMI Electromagnetic Interference

FSS Frequency selective surfaces

GEM General Effective Media

ICP Intrinsically Conductive Polymers

IMT Insulator-Metal transition

LSE Longitudinal Section Electric

MPA Microstrip Patch Antenna

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

OPC Organic Polymers Conductors

PA Polyacetylene

PANi Polyaniline

PEC Perfect Electric Conductor

PMC Perfect Magnetic Conductor

PML Perfectly Matched Layer

PMT Poly3-methylthiophene

PPy Polypyrrole

PSS Polystyrene Sulphonic acid

PT Polythiophenes

PU Polyurethane

PVS Polyvinyl Sulphonic acid

RF Radio frequency

RT Room temperature

SEM Scanning Electron Microscope

SLR Single Layer Reduction

SPDR Split Post Dielectric Resonator

TL Transmission Line

TR Transverse Resonance

UDM Unified Dispersion Model

VLT Visual Light Transmission

Scope of Thesis

he scope of this thesis is bounded in terms of materials defined as
conducting plastics, mechanism of conductivity in such materials and
the models ascribed to simulate the conduction mechanism in these
materials. This work will not be dwelling in depth into molecular structure of
CPs at the quantum level. However, different models for describing
conductivity and permittivity variation are discussed in brief in chapter 2.
Following salient points defining the scope of this thesis are as follows:

 A number of materials which are conductive do not necessarily

fall in the category of CPs and these are excluded from the scope of
this work. Some of such excluded materials are :

 Metallo-phthalocyanines (such as copper or cobalt-

phthalocyanines etc)

 Tetrathiafulvalene/ Tetracyanoquinodimethanide (TTF/TCNQ);

such charge-transfer materials that are based on donor-acceptor

 Polysilanes. These materials are quite similar to CPs in

properties such as conductivity and non-linear optical properties.
They differ essentially in their conjugation structure. They are σ
based rather than π based in the case of CPs.

 Ion Conductive Polymers; such as Polyethylene oxide

impregnated with LiClO4- cations. These materials find
application as solid electrolyte in dry cells and the mechanism of
conduction is through ion exchange process.

 Organic polymers such as , Polythiazyl. They are very

conductive at room temperature (RT) and become super
conductive at temperatures below 0.260K. The conductivity in
these materials is highly directional and is mostly along the
polymer chain.

 Polymer materials with conductive fillers such as graphite or

metallic powder for introducing conductivity in otherwise non-
conductive polymer.

 No effort is made in this work to present models for depicting

other (physical or chemical) properties of CPs (such as environmental
stability, temperature, aging, thermal conduction etc.) and describing a
detailed account of the quantum mechanism for observed conductivity
in CPs. Further, the research in this work is also constrained to
Polypyrrole and PEDOT CPs due to ease of availability and inherent
stability of these materials over other CPs such as PA, PT etc.

Chapter 1

nterest in Conducting Polymers (CPs) was “jump started” in 1977, with

I some excellent results reported on electrical conductivity observed in

these materials by Shirakawa et al. [1] . A Doped Polyacetylene (PA), a
type of Conducting Polymer (CP) was used by Shirakawa et al. [1] . This
finding opened the flood gates for some very interesting discoveries and
inventions into a new domain of materials, whose optical, electrical and
mechanical properties could be manipulated in real time. Shirakawa and his
team were later awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 2000 for their ground
breaking contribution to this exciting new field of exotic materials.

Ever since then, higher and higher levels of conductivities at Room

Temperature (RT) are being reported in different types CPs, which are also
popularly known as “Conducting Plastics”. The interesting feature of CP is
that their electrical conductivity (and also electrical permittivity) could be
transformed from insulating to metallic and vice versa through the process of
electro-chemical doping. This process leads to many different Radio
Frequency (RF) applications.

The motivation of this research in very broad terms is to develop

considerable understanding of using CP material in microwave antennas. This
research is a baseline study for understanding, both the peculiar properties of
CPs and also the fabrication issues associated with using it in microwave
antennas. This research also lays the foundation for, and validates the
modelling of, thin film patch antennas made of CPs using Electromagnetic
(EM) simulation software such as CST™ [2] and HFSS™ [3] which would
immensely help in exploring the potential of CPs as microwave antennas. This
research also focuses on the effect of different fabrication techniques of CPs
on its performance as microwave antennas. The impact of film thickness on
antenna performance in conjunction with CP film conductivity needs deeper
analysis and understanding. Motivation is also derived from the following
questions: how low conductive can a CP film could be or how thin can the CP
film could be before no appreciable impact on antenna performance is

Development of re-configurable planar antennas by exploiting the

Insulator-Metal Transition (IMT) in CPs could be explored based on the work
presented in this research. Re-configurable antennas would provide the
possibility of controlling antenna characteristics such as gain, directivity and
bandwidth etc. on a real time basis. This research also provides the
theoretical basis for developing optically transparent antennas. It also throws
open numerous possibilities for developing hybrid antennas and conformal
antennas using CPs.

1.1 Introduction to Conducting Polymers

1.1.1 What are Polymers and Conducting Polymers?

Polymers are defined as large chains of repeated carbon-based

units that are generally covalently bonded together to form very large
molecules. Polymers could be both organic and inorganic in nature and
are generally non-conductive. In popular usage, the term “Polymers” is
also associated with manmade plastics such as „Polyethylene‟ or
„Polyethene‟. Some well known naturally occurring polymers are
proteins and DNA. Common organic polymers and plastics such as
Polyethylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyester, etc. are highly insulating.

In contrast, CPs are polymer materials that exhibit both electrical

and thermal conductivity. This property of electrical and thermal
conduction is possibly associated with polymer back bone (chain) being
impregnated with highly conductive metals or carbon particles. CPs are
also referred in literature and commercially as Conjugated Conductive

Polymer (CCP) or Organic Polymers Conductors (OPC) or as
Intrinsically Conductive Polymers (ICPs).

Conductivity in CPs is achieved through oxidation and reduction

reactions along the polymer back bone. The oxidation and reduction
reactions also referred to as „Redox‟ reactions and are generally
conducted electrochemically. Certain anionic or cationic species (or
ions) are inserted into the polymeric chain as “dopants”. These
impurities cause either oxidation or reduction of the polymeric chain
and results in formation of charge centres, which in turn contribute
towards the observed conductivity in CPs. The conductivity observed in
the CPs is associated with delocalized conjugation due to overlapping
of π-electrons in the molecular structure of the polymer molecule [4].

A number of CPs are now popular and have been studied in

detail for their properties and possible applications in very diverse
engineering disciplines. Some of the CPs are Polyacetylene,
Polythiophenes, Polyaniline (PANi), Polypyrrole (PPy), Poly3-
methylthiophene (PMT) or PEDOT.

1.1.2 Development of Conducting Polymers over the decades

The earliest reference to CP through oxidative polymerisation is

attributed to Letheby in 1862 by Chandrasekhar [4]. This reference
further reports that Pyrrole also known as “Pyrrole black” was obtained
from spontaneous polymerisation in air and was studied in detail as far
back as in 1916. The conductivity of these and subsequent CPs was
very low and were often termed as “dirty metals”.

Since 1957, studies on electro-chemical oxidation of aromatic

monomers have been reported in the literature as “electro-organic
preparations” and/or as “electro-oxidations”. In around 1967, CPs such
as Polypyrrole (PPy), Polythiophenes (PT) and Furan were
characterized for their electrical conductivity and properties. During this
period, literature also reports observations made on Polyaniline (PANi)

Many material scientists today are of the opinion that recent

interests in CPs are essentially a revisit to already discovered
conducting polymers. However, on the issue of “resurgence of interest”,
most unanimously agree that it is because of the works of Shirakawa,
Heeger, and others that contributed extensively to this field over the
following decades. Shirakawa et al. [1] reported very high conductivity
in Polyacetylene when exposed to iodine vapours. This cleared a way
for creating conductive organic materials; a new field of science with
wide applications. In recognition to this ground breaking work,
Shirakawa et al. [1] were awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize for chemistry.
Chandrasekhar [4] is of the opinion that CP field also received an
impetus due to the efforts of the Diaz group at IBM [5, 6].

Amongst all the CPs, Polyacetylene is one of the most studied

CPs. Interest in this polymer at present is more academic in nature.
Commercial or application oriented interests in this CP have steadily
declined due to its inherent chemical instability in air and humidity in
the environment. In contrast, interest in other CPs such as Polyaniline,

PPy and Polythiophenes are still alive. In the recent past considerable
work has been reported using these CPs in various fields, details of
which are presented later in this chapter and also elsewhere in the

1.1.3 Types of Conducting Polymers

The common electronic feature of un-doped (“pristine”) CPs is

the conjugated system, formed by the overlapping carbon orbitals
and having alternating carbon-carbon bond lengths as shown in figure







Figure 1.1: Chemical structure of some Conducting Polymers

Freund and Deore in their book on self doped CPs [7] state that
“Electronically CPs possess a variety of properties related to their
electrochemical behaviour and are therefore active materials whose
properties can be altered as a function of their electrochemical
potential.” Post the Shirakawa et al. [1] discovery of conductivity in PA,
it was found that this sort of analogous behaviour could be introduced
in polymers through doping with electron donors (n-type dopants). Joo
et al. [8] indicates that there is a fundamental difference between semi-
conductors and CPs. The semi-conductors have three dimensional
(3D) structures; while the morphological unit of CP is a quasi one
dimensional (1D) conjugated polymer chain. This chain has covalent
bonding along the chain but considerably weak bonding between
chains. Further, the dopant ions in CPs are positioned interstitially
between polymer chains, while in the case of semiconductors, the
dopant is substituted directly in the lattice structure. Manipulation of
electronic nature of CPs through introduced dopants lead to an
explosion in research activity in a wide range of fields from electronics
to medicine.

CPs are often categorised into “Conducting Polymer

Composites” (CPC), “Redox polymers”, “Ionically” CPs (such as
polymer-salt electrolytes; more popularly known as “solid electrolytes”)
and “doped conjugated polymers” or “Intrinsically CPs” (ICP). Freund
et al. [7] defines an ICP as “An organic polymer that possesses the
electrical and optical properties of a metal while retaining its
mechanical properties and process ability is an ICP”. The electrical
conductivity of a doped CP is distinctly above insulators and
semiconductors. It is in fact in the realm of common metals and that is
why ICPs are also referred to as “synthetic metals”. The common
feature of most ICPs is the presence of alternating single and double
covalent bonding in its polymer chain. The delocalization or mobility of
π-bounded electrons, (which is considered to be responsible for
electrical conduction in ICPs), is attributed to this feature (i.e.

alternating single and double covalent bonding) of the ICP polymer
chain. This arrangement of the ICP is known to exhibit some very
unusual electronic properties such as: low ionization potential, low
energy optical transitions, and high electron affinities. ICPs are readily
oxidized and reduced at relatively low potentials and interestingly the
redox process is reversible.

ICPs are conducting as a consequence of redox reaction

between the conjugated semiconducting polymer and an oxidizing or
reducing agent, or a protonic acid. This reaction results in
delocalization of poly-cations and poly-anions which contribute towards
electrical conductivity. The overall conductivity of these materials can
be tuned by chemical manipulation of the polymer backbone, by the
nature of the dopant, by the degree of doping and by blending with
other polymers.

Commercially, ICPs are provided by a number of companies.

For example Zipperling Kesseler & Co. [9] produces polyaniline powder
suspensions under the name „Ormecon‟. This product has now been
taken over by Enthone, [10]. In Germany Bayer Corporation [11] make
a highly transparent and stable poly(3,4-ethylendioxythiophene)
PEDOT with variable conductivity under trade name „Baytron‟, Agfa
[12] make conductive coatings of PEDOT (with trade name „Orgacon‟)
on PET or Polyester substrate.

CPCs, in contrast are typically a physical mixture of non-

conductive polymer and a conducting material (such as a metal or
carbon powder etc. also called as “fillers”) that is distributed uniformly
throughout the solution. In some very early experiments for developing
CPCs conductive materials such as conductive carbon blacks, short
graphite fibres, metal coated glass fibres, and metal particles (or flakes
or filings) were mixed (or inserted) in the non-conductive matrix of
polymers. The electrical conductivity through such a system of non-
conducting and conducting mixture is best described by “percolation
theory”. This theory describes the movement of electrons through the
metallic phases and the variation in conductivity σ due to variation in
dopant concentration in the mixture. A more detailed discussion on this
theory is presented subsequently in chapter 2. Despite CPCs
attractiveness as a highly conductive composite, it suffers from some
inherent drawbacks such as: (i) the composite becomes mechanically
unstable when loaded heavily with conducting particles; (ii) an
insulating layer is very often formed on the conducting particles and (iii)
the overall conductivity of CPC is highly dependent upon the
processing conditions. Recent advances in CPCs, particularly with
reference to making blends with ICPs are very promising since they
impart improved process ability and mechanical properties to CPCs.

Unlike “Conjugated Conducting Polymers” (CCP), redox

polymers have localized redox sites on the conjugated -system. In
redox polymers the transport of electrons is through hopping or self-
exchange between donor and acceptor sites. The conductivity of redox
polymers is lower than that observed in CCP due to slower electron
transport or exchange between donor and acceptor sites. More
recently, hybrids formed with CCP and redox polymers are attracting
more interest. The main feature of this class of CPs is that a metal is
directly coordinated or linked to the conjugated backbone of the
polymer. This contributes immensely towards increased electronic
interaction between electro active metal centres and electro active
polymer backbone.

1.1.4 A Brief on “Doping” in Conducting Polymers

Doping of CP depends on injecting charge onto conjugated,

semiconducting molecular chains. This process of injecting compatible
charge carriers is in fact erroneously called as „doping‟. A number of
different methods have been explained by Heeger [13, 14] for
achieving this, such as:

(a) Chemical doping consists in doping of the polymeric chain
with redox reactions. This method suffers from the problem
that once initiated, the process of doping cannot be
controlled. The chemical as well as the electro-chemical
doping process through redox reaction leads to a charged
CP. The accumulated charge remains de-localized over
several monomer units in the CP. These charges also
cause relaxation of geometry of the polymer. Schematic
electro-chemical reactions are represented below:

PPy + MClO4 (PPy)+ClO4-+M++e- (oxidation reaction)

PA + NaA Na+PA- + A- (reduction reaction)

where M is a cation and A is an anion.

Typical dopants used as chemical redox agents are

listed in the Table 1.1. Dopants could be small ionic
species or large polymer molecules such as the “poly
electrolytes” (Polystyrene Sulfonic Acid (PSS) and
Polyvinyl sulfonic acid (PVS)). An undoped polymer is
called as “Pristine” polymer. The concentration of dopant
used in a CP is indicated as either volume fraction or in
terms of molar concentration. Due to various constraints
with polymers, 100% (1:1) concentration of dopant is not
possible. Some of the maximum concentrations levels
achieved in CPs is listed in Table 1.2.

Table 1.1 : Typical CP Dopants

Dopant Formula
Chloride Cl-
Perchlorate ClO4-
Tetrafluoroborate BF4-
Tos, p-toulene sulfonate CH3-C6H5-SO3-
Trifl, trifluoromethane sulfonate CF3SO3-

Hexafluorophosphate PF6-
Polystyrene Sulphonate (PSS) [-CH2CH(C6H4SO3)-]nn-

Proton H3+O
Sodium Na+

Table 1.2 : Maximum Doping levels (Typical) in CPs

Polymer Maximum Doping Level

(of Dopant)
Polypyrrole (PPy) 33% (ClO4-)
Polythiophene 30% (ClO4-); 6% (PF6-)
Polyaniline (PANi) 42% (Cl-)
Poly (p-phenylene) 44% (Li+)

CPs can also be synthesized in a doped condition or

alternatively may also be doped from their “pristine” state to
a highly doped state through exposure to dopant solution or
vapour (such as Iodine or HCl vapour). The change in
conductivity due to doping process is permanent and can not
be reversed.

(b) Electrochemical doping: Electrical doping allows for

achieving intermediate levels of doping. Both chemical and
electrochemical doping processes are redox reactions. In
electrochemical doping, the electrode supplies the redox
charge to the CP, while ions diffuse into (or out of) the
polymer structure from the nearby electrolytic solution to
compensate the electronic charge. This process of doping
is reversible.

In the electro-chemical synthesis process, the radical

cations are in far larger concentration at the electrode than
the neutral monomers. The seat of generation of dimmer
radical cations as a result of radical-radical interaction is at

the electrodes. The effects of this then propagate along the
polymer chains. This method is considered to be widely
accepted cause of conductive polymerization.

The doping level is determined by the voltage

difference between CP and the counter electrode. This
voltage difference allows for controlling the depth of doping
in the CP. This type of redox reaction follows the well
established principles [15] of ionic concentration and redox
potential of the material involved in the process. Anionic
doping is termed as p-type doping, while cationic doping is
termed as n-type doping. It is pertinent to mention here that
during the doping/de-doping process the dopant actually
moves in and out of the polymer chain or lattice.

It can be clearly seen that the terms doping and de-

doping are misplaced in relation to conduction in CPs. In
the case of Si or Ge based semiconductors, the
conductivity is dependent on the concentration of impurities
(dopants) added to the structure (or lattice) of these
materials. The electrons contributed by these dopants in
the conduction band, are responsible for observed
conductivity. In contrast, CPs are actually formed by
chemical redox reactions. The term “doping” and “de-
doping” however are used extensively in CP literature and
are now considered as acceptable terms.

(c) Photo doping: The semi-conducting polymer is locally

oxidized and reduced by photo-absorption and charge
separation i.e. creation of electron-hole pairs and thereafter
creation of free carriers. This process, like the chemical
process of doping is not reversible.

(d) Charge injection doping:- Electrons and holes can be
injected from metallic contacts into the π*- and π-bands,
respectively. In the case of charge injection at a metal-
semiconductor interface, the polymer is oxidised or
reduced since electrons are added to the π*-band or
removed from the π-band. The polymer is not doped in the
sense of chemical or electrochemical doping, since there
are no counter-ions. This process, like the electro-chemical
process is a reversible doping process.

Figure 1.2 below presents the various methods for synthesising

CPs and lists some of their application areas or potential applications.
The processes indicated in red are non-reversible doping processes
while the processes indicated in yellow are reversible doping
process. Promising for
applications such as
Electrochromism and
“Smart Windows”
Light emitting
electrochemical cells
Charge injection without
Conductivity approaching that of counterions. Organic
Cu. Suitable for transparent FET circuits, Tunneling
electrodes, antistatics, EMI
injection in LEDs
shielding, conducting fibres, etc.

High performance
optical materials.
Photo-induced electron
transfer. Photo-voltaic
devices, tuneable NLO

Figure 1.2: Doping methods and related application

1.1.5 Synthesis of Conducting Polymers

Chandrasekhar et al. [4] categorizes synthesis of CPs into two

broad categories:
(a) Condensation Polymerization (also called as the step
growth polymerization).
(b) Addition Polymerization (also called as the Chain-growth
Nearly all electro-chemical syntheses are addition
polymerizations, while chemical syntheses are condensation
polymerizations. Chandrasekhar et al. [4] has simplistically explained
the process of synthesis of CP ( in both chemical and electro-chemical
methods) in general as:

 Creation of radical cation.

 The radical cation then attacks the monomer molecules
available in large amounts in its vicinity. This process
generates a “dimmer” radical cation.
 This chain of reaction propagates along the polymer chain
till termination.

The electrochemical process is considered to be the method of

choice for quickly developing CPs, when well defined polymer structure
or morphology is not important. It is also important to understand that
the doping process may not be uniform and therefore highly conductive
patches (or islands) may be interspersed with insulating patches (or
islands). Chandrasekhar et al. [4] indicates that even the best CPs
have poor morphology. In the case of fibrous CPs, the length,
orientation and thickness of fibres may vary and may also be
disconnected. If CPs are globular, then large void spaces may be
encountered in its internal structure. Some of the factors affecting
synthesis of Polyacetylene have been highlighted by Shirakawa et al.
[16] .

1.2 Electrical Conduction in Conducting Polymers
1.2.1 Insulation Metal Transition in Conducting Polymers

The common electronic feature of un-doped CPs is the

conjugated π-system that is formed by the overlap of carbon pz orbitals.
The charges introduced into the polymers through the process of
doping are stored in such states as solitons, polarons and bi-polarons.
Despite strong electron-phonon coupling in CPs, the conductivities of
the polymers can be changed from purely insulating to highly metallic
states. This transformation is achieved through the process of doping.
The transition from insulator to metallic state is called Insulator-Metal
Transition (or IMT). Doping process in CPs is known to provide an
extraordinary range of DC conductivities, with the highest achieved
value (~107 S/m) as shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3 : DC Conductivity in CPs

High DC conductivities in CPs often exhibit intrinsic metallic

behaviour, which is apparent through negative dielectric constant, a
Drude metallic response, temperature independent Pauli‟s
susceptibility and a linear dependence of thermoelectric power on

temperature. However deviations from “typical” metallic behaviour are
also observed in some CPs. Reynolds et al. [17] indicates that
electrochemically prepared PPy doped with PF6 are metallic to
millikelvin temperatures. However, when PPy is synthesized using
different dopants the material exhibits insulating behaviour.

The transport properties of CPs are highly dependent upon the

structural disorder arising from sample quality, doping procedure, and
aging. The effect of the disorder and the one dimensionality (1D) of
polymers on the nature of metallic state or the IMT are strongly
debated. It is however a well known fact the disorder and 1D leads
ultimately to localization of electron wave function. There is however
evidence that metallic state is 3D, though the transport properties are
highly anisotropic. Disorder is still a debatable issue and could result in
totally different properties if it is homogenous or in-homogenous.

Prigodin et al. [18, 19] have studied the IMT behaviour in CPs.
They have proposed a quantum hopping mechanism in metallic
polymers to explain frequency dependence of conductivity and
dielectric constant of highly CPs. In contrast Effective Medium Theories
characterize the frequency dependent transport in systems with large
scale in homogeneities such as metal particles dispersed in an
insulating matrix. This therefore poses as a percolation problem.
MacLachlan et al. [20-23] have proposed the General Effective Medium
theory for explaining the IMT behaviour in CPs. In addition some other
researchers have also proposed different models for explaining the IMT
and metallic behaviour in CPs. These have been described in greater
detail in Chapter 2.

The variation of DC conductivity in CPs with temperature is well

explained within the band model by the effects of localization caused
by disorder. However, the variation of AC conductivity from optical to
low frequency and also the variation of dielectric constant are un-
explainable through band and hopping models. It has been observed
that at decreasing frequencies the polymers in the dielectric phase
exhibit insulator properties and the permittivity is positive (for
frequencies ≤0.1 eV).

At Microwave

Figure 1.4 : Variation of AC conductivity and Permittivity in CPs. (Figure

reproduced and adapted from Prigodin et al. [19].)

At microwave frequencies, permittivity measurements indicate

charge localisation lengths of about ~5nm. The permittivity ε changes
from negative (metallic value) to positive (dielectric or insulator) value.
It is also observed that for metallic samples permittivity ε changes
again to a negative value at lower frequencies (i.e. ≤0.01eV). In
dielectric phase electrons are bound by fluctuations of the random
potential. On the other hand in the metallic side, the free carriers have
shorter scattering times. When IMT is approached de-localization first
occurs inside crystalline regions. The electron wave functions are
strongly localized and therefore these crystalline regions could be
considered as nano size metal islands dispersed within poorly

conductive medium. A detailed discussion on IMT and its modelling is
presented in Chapter 2.

1.3 Microwave Properties of Conducting Polymers

The properties of CPs in the microwave region are of particular interest

as they impact upon a very wide area of applications. These may include (but
not restricted to) EMI shielding, stealth technology, radar absorbers,
antennas, frequency selective surfaces (FSS) satellite communication links,
microchip antennas, sports applications and medical applications.

The physical and chemical properties of different CPs in the microwave

region have been extensively studied over the past decade. Most research
was focused towards using these materials as EMI Shields [24-26] or as radar
absorbent material [26-29]. In the last 5-6 years, with CP‟s DC conductivity
increasing, and stability and aging of the material improving, considerable
interest has been shown towards other fields, such as antennas, FSS, etc.

Very few references are available on the work devoted towards use of
CPs as microwave absorbers. This may be primarily due to the restrictive or
confidential nature of such research with many potential applications in the
defence domain. Notwithstanding, we do encounter a number of papers in the
material domain where researchers have used microwaves to understand the
transport mechanism of these materials. Nalwa et al. [15] in “Handbook of
Organic Conductive Molecules and Polymers”, indicates that microwave
behaviour of CPs such as PPy, Polyparaphenylene, Polythiophene, Poly-p-
phenylene-benzobis, etc. have been documented for the frequency range 1
MHz to 20 GHz. These studies have established that CPs as microwave
absorbing materials show some sort of corelations between its structural (i.e.
crystal structure, counter-anion size, molar mass, length of chain) and
electrical properties (such as DC Conductivity σdc and complex permittivity ε*).
The key parameters affecting the conduction properties of CPs is clearly the
interchain distance and the localisation of charge.

Lakshmi et al. [30] has compared the microwave properties of different
CPs (PPy, PEDOT, PTH, PPDA and PANi). Their research confirms that the
electrical conductivity is not constant along different conducting paths and
several relaxation times may co-exist. Lakshmi et al. [30] reconfirms that the
distribution of complex conductivity  leads to dispersion of real part of
complex permittivity ε‟ and σ. Furthermore, microwave conductivity is a direct
function of dielectric loss and therefore it exhibits similar variation with
frequency as the dielectric loss. In conclusion Lakshmi et al. [30] points that in
the S-band region, permittivity, dielectric loss, conductivity, and absorption
coefficient, of the studied CPs is higher for highly conductive polymers such
as PEDOT (used in the study). However heating coefficient and skin depth
show a trend in the reverse order, highly conductive CP have the lowest
heating coefficient and skin depth.

A large body of research papers [24, 25, 27-29, 31-38] focus on the
utilisation of CPs as RF absorbers in the microwave region. In essence it
emerges that:

(a) At low temperatures, the permittivity constant ε is proportional to the

square of crystalline domain coherence length ξ. Joo et al. [39] while
experimenting with Polyaniline doped with camphor sulphonic acid
(PAN-CSA) observed that the variation of permittivity with the square of
crystalline domain coherence length ξ2 is universal for low
temperatures, although does show some variation from sample to
sample. In contrast, the microwave conductivity of PAN-CSA increases
with decreasing temperature.

(b) Wojkiewicz et al. [40] measured the Shielding Effectiveness (SE) of

Polyaniline with Polyurethane (PANI-PU) in the microwave band (8.2-
18 GHz) and found it to be >80 dB, much above the requirement for
commercial applications. Wojkiewicz goes on to highlight the immense
advantage these materials have due to their being lightweight, flexible
and far less costly than most metals.

(c) Chandrasekhar et al. [41] goes on to explore electrochromics in
CPs in the visible, IR and microwave region. They indicate that
electrochromism is strongly displayed by CPs right across the visible,
near IR, IR and even in microwave spectral regions. Electrochromism
could be of great advantage in (i) camouflaging, which is suited for
defence applications in this area, (ii) thermal controls of a space craft
and (iii) some recreational eye wear.

(d) Similar study on the electrical properties of PPy and its composite
over the frequency range 10 kHz to 8 GHz has been undertaken by
Mohamed et al. [34]. Mohamed et al. determined the complex
permittivity of PPy and polypyrrole-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PPY-
PMMA) composite samples over RF 10 kHz to 8GHz.

(e) Jeon et al. [33] uses THz time-domain spectroscopy for

characterising the electrical and optical properties of PPy and Poly-3-
methylthiophene (PMeT). Jeon concludes that highly conductive PPy
and relatively low conductive PMeT polymer films follow the simple
Drude and localized-modified Drude theory respectively. Jeon does not
dwell on the reasons for such observed differences.

It is evident from the literature that various aspects of CPs and different
CPs have been analysed over the entire spectrum and more so in the
microwave region. It is also evident that a generalisation of behaviour is hard
to make due to a number of parameters controlling the properties of the CP.
Furthermore, present fabrication techniques of CP make it hard to get very
identical samples or even predict the variation from sample to sample.
Notwithstanding, literature does amply prove that suitable CPs could be
manufactured that could provide very effective EMI shielding in the microwave

1.4 Applications of Conducting Polymers

Polymers are emerging as a group of materials that provide diverse

attractive properties, both mechanical and electrical. They are light weight,
easy to process, low cost, and environmentally friendly. Furthermore these
materials are mechanically and electrically compatible with commonly used
conductors such as copper and semiconductors such as silicon. As indicated
earlier these materials over the years have improved in electrical conductivity,
stability and aging process. It is also emerging that the electrical properties of
these materials could be manipulated on a real time basis.

The literature is rich with applications of CPs and also predictions of

about what the future could hold. A list of current and future predicted
applications is presented in Table 1.3. This list is an indicative list only and is
not an exhaustive list of all possible applications that are currently being

Table 1.3 : Some Applications of CPs

Applications Developers
 Lithium Polymer (LiPo) EIG Batteries [42], Nokia [43], Varta [44]
 “Funky” Batteries IPRI, University of Wollongong [45]
Biomedical Devices Medtronic [46]
 Coatings for Biomedical SCS Coatings [47], Material Science
devices and Engineering [48]
 Electrolytic Capacitors Panasonic [49], HC Starck [50]
 Super capacitors Crosslink USA [51]
 Flexible Lighting Crosslink USA [52]
 Organic LEDs Sony [53], Samsung [54], LG [55],
Phillips [56], HC Starck [57]
 Electroluminescent lighting Agfa [58]
Anti-Static Coatings Crosslink USA [59], Agfa [60],
Groenendaal et al [61], HC Starck [62]
 High Conductive Coatings HC Starck [63], Enthone [64]
Printed Electronics
 Printed Wiring Boards HC Starck [65]
 Organic Thin Film Transistor HC Starck [66], Barret et al [67],
Sirringhaus et al [68], Sandberg et al
[69], Okuzaki et al [70], Hsu et al [71]
 FET or OFET Takshi et al [72], Haddock et al [73],
Ashizawa et al [74]
 Schottky Contacts Takshi et al [75],
 Nano-rectifiers Majewski et al [76]
 Inexpensive Disposable Hohnholz et al [77]
Fabrics Milliken [78],
Shelf life detectors Man and Jones [79]
Anti Corrosion Crosslink USA [80], Panipol [81]
Detoxification Crosslink USA [82]
Chemical, Biochemical and Shim et al [83], Science Daily [84],
Biological Sensors Sasso et al [85]
Smart Surfaces
 Smart Skins Lockheed Martin [86]
 Smart Windows IPRI [87], Azom [88]
Actuators EAP [89], Xi [90]
Electric Cables Rengel [91]

It is evident from the above that in the coming decade CPs are going to
impact upon almost all fields of technology. Antenna applications would not
remain unaffected. In this study we attempt to systemise the study of CPs
purely from the perspective of microwave antenna applications.

1.5 Conducting Polymers and RF Antennas

Recent advances in electrical conductivity and impressive

improvements in stability are making conducting polymers (CPs) very
attractive as alternatives to copper (Cu) for planar antennas. This is
particularly so in applications where light weight [92], inexpensive [93] and/or
wearable/conformal antennas [94] are a consideration. There have been
isolated or very few efforts in the past towards using CP as material for
antenna design. In particular, Solberg Jr. et al. [95] used a conducting
polymer (CP) composite to build a non-planar direction-finding antenna
operating in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1 GHz. Cichos et al. [96] have
tried using polymeric film with silver flakes for designing low cost RFID coil
antennas. Rmili et al. [97] have reported fabricating a rectangular microstrip
patch antenna with the radiating element made of polyaniline (PANI), a CP
having a bulk DC conductivity of 6000 S/m.

In this research we explore the possibility of using CPs for application

at microwave frequencies, in particular as a resonant patch on a planar
microstrip patch antenna (MPA). This research is a baseline study and could
form as a basis for work on re-configurable antennas using CPs. This
investigation is a first step towards a better understanding of the numerical
simulation, design and fabrication issues associated with antennas using
these materials for various future applications.

1.6 Thesis Outline and Contributions

This thesis looks at the problem of simulation and design of low

conducting thin film CPs antennas at different microwave frequencies. The

study dwells in depth on the effect of film thickness and conductivity on
antenna performance. It also explores the impact of different film development
methods on antenna fabrication and performance.

Use of EM simulation software to accurately simulate very thin

conducting films has also been addressed in this work. Furthermore,
problems associated with estimating or accurately determining the permittivity
constant of a multilayered structure or non-standard substrate has also been
taken up in this thesis. A theoretical approach has been provided by suitably
modifying the Getsinger model [98] for multilayer structures. In addition use of
simulation and actual measurements to estimate substrate permittivity
constant has also been demonstrated in the design of 2 GHz microstrip patch

This thesis provides clear evidence of the fact that CP based thin films
fabricated by different methods could be used as microwave antennas. It
establishes that if modest radiation efficiencies in antennas are acceptable
then such antennas may be considered as an alternative to metal based

The main original contributions made in this thesis could be summarised as

 Theoretical method for modelling electrical properties of CPs.
 Development of a closed form expression for effective permittivity
constant in three and four layered substrates; obtained by modifying
the Getsinger‟s model.
 Simulation of very thin CP films as resonant patch in microstrip patch
antennas using commercial EM simulation software.
 Use of indirect methods for estimating the permittivity constant of non-
conventional substrates. This method is based on using known design
of microstrip patch antenna and refining the simulation to match up with
measured results, keeping all other parameters constant.
 Establishment of antenna performance variation with CP film thickness
and conductivity. Over here it is pertinent to mention that traditional
design view of resonant patch thickness being at least couple of skin
depths thick is desirable property but not essential.
 Providing indirect evidence of increase in AC conductivity of CP film
with frequency.

1.7 Chapter Summaries

The work in this thesis is organised into five chapters. These chapters present
the different issues that are central to better our understanding of CPs and
their subsequent utilisation in microwave antennas.

Chapter 2 - Modelling Electrical Conduction in Conducting Polymers: In

this chapter different methods for modelling electrical conduction in
Conducting Polymers (CPs) are discussed. It is also highlighted that this study
is essential for simulating re-configurable antennas made from these
materials. In principle, a re-configurable antenna would utilise the ability of
CPs to dynamically transit between insulator state (non-conductive) and metal
state (highly conductive) through change in its dopant concentration and/or
change in its frequency of operation. It is therefore imperative that an accurate
model is available that describes electrical conduction in CPs as a function of
dopant concentration and frequency of operation.

The main original contribution in this chapter is to combine two different

models on electrical conduction in CPs; with the intention of having one model
that describes AC conductivity as a function of dopant concentration and

Chapter 3 – Building Microstrip Patch Antenna with Polypyrrole: In this

chapter we explore the effect of using Polypyrrole (PPy) as the ground plane
in a planar microstrip Cu-patch antenna. The possibility of using a CP patch in
a planar microstrip microwave antenna is also investigated. The problem of
determining the electrical properties of unknown materials is also addressed
by deploying indirect methods, such as a microstrip patch antenna for
estimating the electrical properties of unknown materials.

The main original contribution of this chapter is an in-depth understanding of
EM simulation method that is suitable for design of these antennas. In
addition permittivity of unknown substrates is also determined through indirect

Chapter 4 – Radiation Efficiency in CP based patch Antennas: In this

chapter the focus is towards establishing a good understanding of the effect of
CP patch thickness and its conductivity on overall antenna efficiency. The
purpose is to clearly understand the relationship between patch thickness, its
conductivity and radiation efficiency. This would help in predicting a priori,
conductivity levels needed for a given thickness of polymer film to be able to
radiate as an antenna with acceptable efficiency. Alternatively, determining
the required film thickness and conductivity needed for an acceptable antenna

The main original contribution of this chapter is a good understanding of thin

film simulation; estimation of permittivity of substrates through indirect
antenna design-simulation cycle; variation of AC conductivity in CPs with
frequency and observed trend of variation in antenna gain and efficiency with
film thickness and conductivity.

Chapter 5 – Quo Vadis?: This chapter summarises the main results from the
thesis and also presents some interesting possibilities for future research in
this field.

Appendix A – Determination of Effective Permittivity of Multi-layer

Microstrip lines using a Modified Getsinger’s Model: In this Appendix, the
possibility of applying multilayered dielectric microstrip line structures directly
to the Getsinger model is explored and the performance of this model is
evaluated against Unified Dispersion Model (UDM) and a reference solution
obtained using 2D finite-element eigenmode analysis from the port solution in
Ansoft‟s HFSSTM.

The main original contribution of this Appendix is development of closed form
expressions of effective permittivity for two and three layer substrates in
microstrip lines. The proposed closed form expressions are more accurate
than similar expressions provided by other methods.

Appendix B – In this appendix additional result of 4.5 GHz PPy patch

antennas of different patch thicknesses is presented.

Appendix C – In this Appendix, the technical data sheets of Dimatix DMP

2800 inkjet printer and Clevios P™ are placed for reference.

Appendix D – This Appendix presents additional results on 6 GHz PPy and

PEDOT patch antennas, used for studying the effect of patch thickness,
conductivity and CP on antenna performance.


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Chapter 2

Modelling Electrical Conduction in

Conducting Polymers
2.1 Introduction

odelling electrical conduction in Conducting Polymers (CPs) is
essential for simulating re-configurable antennas made from these
materials. In principle, a re-configurable antenna would utilise the
ability of CPs to dynamically transit between insulator state (non-conductive)
and metal state (highly conductive) through change in its dopant
concentration and/or change in its frequency of operation. It is therefore highly
desirable that an accurate model is available that describes electrical
conduction in CPs as a function of dopant concentration and frequency of
operation. In this chapter different methods for modelling CPs are described
and an attempt is also made to develop a model that suits re-configurable
antenna applications.

Polymers are essentially made up of repeating units (or groups)

predominantly made of carbon. Polymers are electrically non-conducting,
since they are formed from covalent bonding between the carbon and other
atoms of the polymer chain. This type of bonding does not leave any free
valency electrons that could contribute towards electrical or thermal
conductivity. In contrast, in the case of metals, we observe high thermal and
electrical conductivities due to the availability of a sea of loosely held free
valence electrons. Heeger et al. [1] through their discovery demonstrated that
it was possible to add or remove an extra charge carrier from a polymer chain,
either chemically or electro-chemically. The interest in CP has also grown due
to profound increase in their room temperature conductivities and
environmental stability.

The improvements in synthesis and processing of CP have steadily
increased the magnitude of electrical conductivity and reduced the
dependence on temperature. Variation of electrical conductivity of CPs with
respect to temperature and frequency vs. that exhibited in metals, has been a
field of intense study in recent times. Metals exhibit band transportation
method of electrical conduction where the electrical conductivity steadily
decreases with increasing temperature and frequency [1, 2]. In contrast
“hopping transport” is a general mechanism for low temperature electrical
conductivity in disordered materials with localized states, such as doped
semiconductors. Prigodin et al. [2] have shown that conductivities due to
hopping and band transport have a very different frequency dependence.
Both these transport mechanisms do not fully explain the frequency
dependence of conductivity in CP. Prigodin et al. [2] therefore have proposed
a new mechanism of conduction in highly CP to be based on quantum
resonance hopping between adjacent metal grains.

In contrast, variation of AC conductivity and permittivity of CPs with

frequency and temperature has also been rigorously studied from the
percolation of aggregates point of view. The percolation theory was developed
by Stauffer [3] and is based on seven critical power laws of (  c ) , where 

and c are respectively the concentration in inclusions (dopants) and the

critical concentration at percolation threshold. MacLachlan et al. [4] studied

the conductivity of binary mixtures with anisotropic grain structures and
proposed a dynamic General Effective Media (GEM) equation for describing
complex permittivity and conductivity of such binary mixtures.

As is evident from the above, GEM-percolation theory is general in

nature for describing the electrical properties of any percolating system.
However Prigodin‟s proposed quantum resonance hopping mechanism is
specific to CPs and their electrical properties. This model described at [2]
presupposes a fixed concentration of the dopant in the CP composite. In
applications where dynamic change of CP‟s electrical properties is envisaged
due to variation in dopant concentration, application of GEM alone may not be
able to accurately model electrical conduction in CP.

In this chapter an attempt is made to combine the GEM and quantum
resonance hopping mechanism to model dynamic changes in dopant
concentration in a CP and its effect on the electrical conduction with changes
in frequency of operation. This chapter first describes the percolation theory
and then the quantum resonance hopping mechanism and finally develops a
model that is able to describe the electrical conduction in CPs as a function of
dopant concentration and frequency of operation.

2.2 Various Models on Electrical Conductivity in CPs

Pristine (undoped) CPs have the common electronic feature of

conjugated π-system, formed by overlapping of carbon pz orbitals forming
alternating single and double bonds. The chemical repeat units of the pristine
forms of several families of CPs are shown in Figure 2.1.

Polyaniline: leucoemeraldine (y=1), emeraldine (y=0.5) and pernigraniline (y=0) base

Poly(ethylenedioxy)-thiophene (PEDOT)
Figure 2.1: Schematic chemical structures of CPs

The one dimensional CP chains are vulnerable due to Peierls [5] and
Jahn-Teller distortions [6] of the energy bands. Charges introduced into the
polymer chain through doping are stored in novel states such as “solitons”,
“polarons” and “bipolarons”, which includes a charge and a lattice distortion
that surrounds it. The electrical conductivities of pristine CPs can be altered
from insulating to metallic levels through the process of doping. The electrical
conductivity increases with doping concentration. Both n-type (electron
donating), p-type (electron accepting) and protonic acid doping have been
used to change the electrical conduction in CPs from insulating to metallic
states (also referred to as Insulator-Metal transition (IMT)).

The transport properties of CPs are highly dependent upon the

structural disorder arising from sample quality, doping procedure and aging.
The effect of the disorder and the one-dimensionality of the polymer on the
nature of the metallic state and the IMT are still strongly debated and are
beyond the scope of this thesis. In this section we summarise different models
that have been proposed for electrical conductivity and permittivity of CPs.

2.2.1 Relaxation Effect

An induced dipole moment is observed in a material subjected

to an external electrical field. This dipole moment is attributed to non-
homogeneous repartition of the electrical charges in the material.
Repartition of the electrical charges could correspond to electronic
polarisation, atomic polarisation, dipolar polarisation or interfacial
polarisation. It has been observed that the dispersion of the complex
permittivity is affected by the different polarisations which in turn are
dependent upon the frequency and hence the relaxation time. The
molecular origins of the relaxation time have been well established for
dipolar molecular liquids by Debye [7]. It has been shown that an
applied electric field perturbs the orientation distribution of the dipolar
molecules resulting in static relative permittivity 0 greater than n2,
where n is the optical refractive index. In this section, very brief details
of classical models used for describing relaxation time and dispersion
of permittivity are presented. Drude’s Model

Drude‟s [8] model is based on free charges and their collisions.

This model is particularly used when delocalised electronic states are
involved in electrical transport of charges as is observed in metals.
Polyaniline (PA), a type of CP is known to present this kind of metallic
behaviour. In Drude‟s model beyond the plasma frequency of the
compound, the dielectric constant becomes positive and remains
constant. In contrast, the imaginary part of the dielectric constant
continues to decrease and exhibits inverse proportionality to frequency
(i.e. ). Diffusive Type Transport Model

This mechanism of electrical conduction is observed in

ionic conductors. A gradient of ionic charges is essential for this
method of transportation. Jonscher [9] predicts the real and
imaginary part of permittivity to be:

(2.1) Debye Model

Debye‟s model was developed for dilute solutions of polar

molecules. In this model a dipole with different possible
orientations is considered. A dipole which is displaced from its
equilibrium state, takes time „ ‟ (known as the relaxation time) to
revert to its state of equilibrium. It has been shown that the
complex dielectric constant complies by the law of the type:


where ∞ is the permittivity at very high frequency, 0 is the static

permittivity (at frequency=0), ω is the pulsation frequency and
is the relaxation time. A plot between and is referred to as
Cole-Cole diagram [7], where is the real and is the
imaginary part of the complex dielectric constant. The
relationship is represented by a semi-circle with the
peak indicating the relaxation frequency.

A number of models are derived from the Debye model

and some of the best known ones are shown in Table 2.1. The
formulas essentially take into account charge hops, probability,
relaxation time etc. A complete review on this is available in [9].

Table 2.1: Models derived from Debye’s model

Cole and Cole (1941)

Cole and Davidson (1951)

Havriliak and Negami (1966)

The models mentioned in Table 2.1 provide majority of

dispersion curves for real and imaginary part of the
dielectric constant in insulators. The observed deviation
between the ideal curve and those described by these models is
often explained by relaxation time or probability jump
distribution. The values of and in these models are primarily
for curve fitting and therefore describe the curve and are not
related to material‟s physical features. The other limitation of
these models is that they ignore interactions between dipoles. Dissado Hill model

This model is comparatively more general and takes into

account the nature of relaxation phenomena [9]. The salient
features of this model are that no parameter distribution function
is needed. The model does take into account inter-dipole
interactions. Details of the model are beyond the focus of this
thesis and could be obtained at [10].

2.2.2 Relaxation Effect in Conducting Polymers

Pioneering work has been done by Jonscher [9] while studying

electrical relaxation in dielectrics. This study seeks to analyse the
dispersion of conductivity and permittivity by distinctly separating the
effects that are attributed to static conditions (DC) from those due to
dynamic (AC) conditions. In other words the total conductivity is
expressed as:


In a similar manner the complex permittivity ( could be

considered as having contributions from the conduction and
polarisation mechanisms.

where over the whole frequency range, is the

angular frequency and is the free space permittivity. The

is effected by dipole rotation (or orientation), space charge relaxation
and hopping of confined charges.

In real disordered materials such as CPs, conductivity is not

constant along the conducting paths and also several relaxation times
co-exist. The decay of electric field therefore cannot be described by
simple exponential decay function and is given as:

where is the peak applied electric field and the decay function:


is the normal distribution function for the several relaxation times.

William and Watts [11] have used a decay function :


where and are the relaxation parameter and a constant with

value between respectively. This function has been
extensively used by several authors for describing electric relaxation in
ionic conductors and also in polymers.

2.2.3 Skin depth in Conducting Polymers

It is well known that an electromagnetic wave rapidly attenuates

in a conducting medium. The depth of penetration of the electric field is
of considerable interest in applications such as antennas where the

performance of an antenna is affected by the thickness of the material
selected for patch or ground plane. A good understanding of this depth
of penetration could be developed by analysing a wave equation in
for a plane electric wave in a conducting medium. A solution of this
equation, enables determination of depth of penetration in the
conducting medium. Using Maxwell‟s curl equations as a starting point,
it is possible to show that for a linearly polarised harmonic wave
( ) travelling in the direction with electric field in the
direction, the governing equation is given by:


where is the propagation constant and is given by:


where is complex permittivity: Hence, (2.9) could be written as:


The sum of and could be referred to as equivalent conductivity

[12]. For a conducting medium, where (2.10) reduces to:




The skin depth is defined as the depth of penetration and since:


The attenuation factor is given by:


Therefore the skin depth in the case of CP (or similar conductive

materials) may be given by:


where could be modelled by Debye model or similar other

models. Furthermore, in (2.15) is a representation of
. Hence it emerges that the skin depth in the case of CPs with
no magnetic losses could be estimated by accurate measurement of
DC conductivity and by developing an accurate model of .
As indicated earlier that is effected by dipole rotation (or
orientation), space charge relaxation and hoping of confined charges.
Hence dispersion of AC conductivity and are highly
dependent on the internal structure and meshing of the polymer chains
inside the CPs.

2.3 General Effective Media (GEM): Percolation Theory

The AC and DC conductivity of a large number of conductor-insulator

composites have been shown to be a function of volume fraction and
frequency [13]. MacLachlan et al. [14], has shown that in a universal
percolating system the composite conductivity and volume fraction are given
by Two Exponent Phenomenological Percolation Equation (TEPPE):


where the composite complex conductivity ( is given by ,

the dopant (or conducting component) complex conductivity ( is

and the polymer matrix (or insulating component) complex conductivity
( is , is the conducting component‟s volume fraction and
is the critical volume fraction at which the medium (or composite) would
undergo an Insulator-Metal Transition (IMT). The exponents and best
describe the experimental results for the percolation systems. Following two
limits are obtained from (2.16):



Equation (2.17) describes the case of a pure conductor with infinite

conductivity in the percolating system composite. Likewise Equation (2.18)
describes the case where the insulator is perfect insulator with . For the
condition , while for the condition, . The
typical value of indicated in [15] is taken to be 1.7 for three dimensional
conductivity. However, MacLachlan also states in [13] that factors determining
the values of , , and percolation threshold are still being researched for
more accurate formulation.

2.4 Prigodin’s Resonant Quantum Tunnelling Model

The structure of CP is very complex. As shown in Figure 2.2, it is an

inter-woven mesh of polymer fibres. In polyaniline (PANI) and polypyrrole
(PPy) these polymer chains are arranged in a complex manner, forming
crystalline regions (metallic islands) where these chains are regularly and
densely packed. Elsewhere in the CP, it is a mesh of randomly running
polymer fibres. These metallic islands are nanometres in size and are coupled
to each other through twisted and tangled polymer fibres with low or nil
conductivity. Prigodin et al. [1] states that due to high molecular weight, a
single polymer chain at best can cross only a few crystalline regions. Further it
is the inter-chain coupling within the crystalline domains that is important
rather than the overall arrangement of such domains for the transport property
of the material as a whole. It is important to distinguish this structure from a

“metallic grains in an amorphous poorly conducting matrix structure”. The
peculiarities of CP structure have been listed in [1] and are reproduced here
for better understanding of the Prigodin et al. [1] proposed transportation
mechanism: (i) The polymer chains running between various metal dots (or
islands) is essentially of quantum size. Hence energy levels within the grains
are quantized. (ii) Shape of the grain cannot be described in simple geometric
terms. (iii) The coupling between the metal islands is due to their
interconnections through polymer chains. This implies that coupling is not
restricted to “field of view” type but could also include the affects of far off
connected metal islands. (iv) The shape and size of the metal grains and their
coupling fluctuates over the system.


R25 L5


Figure 2.2: Complex inter-woven structure of CP with metallic grains. Where Li

(i=1,2,3 etc) indicates the size of a metal island or grain (typically L~5nm) and
Rij (i=1,2 j=1,2,3,etc) indicates the distance between the centers of
neighbouring grains.

Prigodin et al. [1] also states that the fraction of crystalline region is strongly
dependent on the synthesis method and is generally found to vary from a few
percent to up to about 50%. It therefore emerges that in the region of weak
inter-grain coupling the system is in the insulator phase and when inter-grain
coupling is strong the system is in the metallic phase. Hence there exists a

critical coupling between grains for the system to undergo Insulator-Metal
Transition (IMT).

2.4.1 Computation of AC and DC Conductivity in CP

The present discussions on AC and DC conductivities will be

restricted to very low frequencies such as where is the
“Thouless” time of diffusive spreading over a metallic grain. In addition,
it will also be assumed that the CP system is in the metallic phase and
the system is far away from the IMT . Based on Einstein‟s
charge mobility equation, the macroscopic DC conductivity given by [2]
in the metallic phase is:


where, in a broad sense, the first brackets indicates conductivity of a

single polymer chain-link, the second bracket indicates the total
number of such chain links between neighbouring grains and the third
bracket indicates the periodicity of such grains over the entire network.
The electrical charge of an electron is indicated by , the transmission
coefficient of chain-links across grains is , and it is assumed that the
grains have chains densely packed over repeat units yielding

units cells in each grain. In other words indicates the

number of chains interconnecting two neighbouring grains, where the

number of nearest neighbouring grains is . The mean distance
between neighbouring grains is . The critical transmission coefficient
resulting in IMT is given by and is defined by the following condition:


Further it is pertinent to mention here that if the chain link transmission

coefficient „ ‟ is such that , the CP system behaves like a
dielectric and if the CP is in the metallic phase then . In certain
CPs the critical transmission coefficient is of the order of . In the
metallic phase of the CP, the electrons are delocalised over the

network of grains and is a quantum process described by the mean
transition frequency . Furthermore, the anticipated resonance
tunnelling in metallic polymers shows a delay determined by the
resonance level width . For resonance tunnelling the frequency
dependent transmission coefficient is based on the
generalisation of Bright-Wigner formula [16]:


The low frequency relaxation time is related to the width of

resonance level by . In the region where (since inter-
grain hopping is a quantum process, is the mean hopping
frequency), the AC conductivity is expressed by the standard Drude‟s


where is the plasma frequency, determined by quantum inter-grain

hops. Figure 2.3 shows the variation of with frequency. The
variation shown in this figures is restricted to region. Prigodin et
al. [1] also goes on to show that in the low frequency region described
above, CP behaves like a Drude metal with anomalously long
relaxation times and very small plasma frequency. The permittivity of
the CP in this region is negative.

Figure 2.3: Variation of transmission coefficient ( ) with frequency

2.5 Proposed Model for CP conductivity and permittivity

In the design of re-configurable CP based antennas, it is envisaged

that dynamic changes in the electrical conductivity of CP components (such
as patches, shorting wires etc) are essentially going to contribute towards
overall changes in antenna performance. These changes in the CP
conductivity at the lowest level would be due to changes in dopant
concentration and the frequency of operation. Interestingly, material science
literature associated with electrical conductivity in CPs describes the variation
in electrical conductivity with dopant concentration and with frequency as two
different phenomena. This is understandable from the perspective of material
science where variation in electrical conductivity with frequency for a fixed
dopant concentration in CP or variation in electrical conductivity for a “given
frequency” of operation with different dopant concentrations, appear to be
more likely practical scenarios. In this section therefore an attempt is made to
propose a model that could describe the variation in electrical conductivity in
CPs with respect to both the frequency and the dopant concentration. This

model would therefore be more suitable to applications associated with re-
configurable planar antennas.

CPs are essentially binary percolating system, where the polymer

backbone acts as the path along which the dopant ions ride and provide for
the interesting electrical properties. The quantum size of the polymer chains
and the inclusion of dopant do indeed affect the quantized energy states of
the polymer. The interactions are at the quantum level and manifest at the
macroscopic level in the form of bulk properties of conductivity and

In order to develop a model that is consistent both at the macroscopic and the
quantum level, it is essential certain assumptions are made for its relevance.
To that extent, if we are to consider (2.18) of the GEM theory, we need to
accept that: (i) the insulator component is a perfect lossless insulator and (ii)
the binary composite mixture is far away from IMT. This means that the
polymer matrix is such that it has no intrinsic conductivity. Next, considering
(2.19) within the above mentioned constraints, the resonance quantum
tunnelling model also describes the DC bulk conductivity of such a composite
binary mixture. It is assumed here that: (i) the number of inter-grain chain links
and metallic grains are dependent on the process of synthesis. (ii) They do
not change with change in volume fraction of dopant concentration. It
therefore emerges that (2.18) and (2.19) both are describing the same DC
bulk conductivity, which implies that:


The frequency dependent transmission coefficient for resonance

tunnelling is given by a generalisation of the Bright-Wigner formula:


It could be deduced from Bright-Wigner formula (2.24) that under the limiting
condition or in the region where , the transmission coefficient
is such that:


If this limiting value of transmission coefficient is applied to the DC

conductivity equation at (2.19), it would imply that:


Equation (2.26) indicates that the DC conductivity is independent of the

dopant concentration, which implies that for any given volume fraction of
dopant concentration, the bulk DC conductivity of the composite mixture will
remain the same. The only possible way it could vary would be by changing
the synthesis process. This is contrary to results shown in [13, 17]. Hence it
would not be wrong to consider the transmission coefficient to be a function
of both dopant concentration and the frequency of operation .This
implies that transmission coefficient under a given process of synthesis of CP
does vary with volume fraction concentration of the dopant and also with the
frequency of operation. Hence it emerges that (2.) needs to be reconsidered


From (2.23) and (2.24) it may be conjectured (with a degree of approximation

and purely for mathematical simplicity) that the transmission coefficient is
affected independently by both dopant concentration and frequency. In other


where are not the same functions and are also not same as
. It is important to mention here that this needs to be validated against
suitable experimentation. From (2.23), (2.24) and (2.28) it follows that:


In the region where , could be written in the standard Drude form:


with being “the plasma frequency”, which is determined by the frequency

of intergrain hops . The relaxation time is determined by the

Wigner transmission time. It emerges from the discussion above that
assuming constant temperature, the transmission coefficient of the inter-grain
chain links is a function of both frequency and volume fraction of the
percolating component . This implies that:


where the constant of proportionality and its value needs to be ascertained

from experimentation. Finally, the DC and AC bulk conductivities of the binary
composite mixture could be expressed as:




where is the fixed dopant concentration in the CP complex.

2.6 Conclusion

We consider Prigodin‟s resonance tunneling model to be specific to CP and it

appears very attractive for modelling the AC and DC conductivities of doped
polymer materials. However, in situations where there is dynamic doping and
de-doping process of the polymer system, the suggested model is
inadequate. In contrast GEM-percolation theory has general applicability for
any percolating systems. We have shown that integration of the two models
could be achieved, under certain constraints of reasonable assumptions. The

integrated model provides good understanding of AC and DC conductivities of
CP, both at the quantum and the macro level. Furthermore, the proposed
model promises to provide a method of predicting the conductivity of the CP
based on variation in dopant concentration and frequency of operation. The
final applicability of model would depend on validation against extensive
experimentation. This could not be achieved in this thesis; however it is an
important task for succeeding in developing reconfigurable CP based planar


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Chapter 3

Building Microstrip Antennas with


3.1 Introduction

icrostrip antennas have been extensively studied because they have the
advantages of low cost and weight, design maturity and robustness,
reproducibility, and ease of construction and installation. The performance of
the antenna depends to a great extent on the intrinsic properties of the fabrication
materials. In the past, numerous attempts have been made to fabricate microstrip
antennas using alternative materials to copper. These efforts have been focused towards
using materials for the top radiating element that have high conductivity. Solberg Jr. et al.
[1], [2] used a Conducting Polymer (CP) composite to build a non-planar direction finding
antenna operating in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1 GHz. Chen [3] has used
polyester foil as the substrate for a microstrip antenna. Rmili et al. [4] have reported
fabricating a rectangular microstrip patch antenna with the radiating element made of
Polyaniline (PANI), a CP having a bulk DC conductivity of 6000 S/m. Cichos et al. [5]
have tried using polymeric film with silver flakes for designing low cost RFID coil

As indicated before, conductive polymers are emerging as one of the most

important materials with very interesting optical, electrical and mechanical properties.
Their conductivity lies between that of an insulator and known metallic conductors such
as copper. CPs are usually classified as the cation salts of highly conjugated polymers,
which are obtained by electrochemical oxidation and electro-chemical polymerization or
chemical redox reactions. The most interesting feature of CPs is their ability to transit
from an insulating state to a highly conductive state on external stimulus.

Furthermore it was also mentioned, that unlike metals, polymers do not have free
conduction electrons to contribute towards very high electrical conductivities as observed
in metals. Most electrical conduction in polymers is through overlapping π molecular
orbits, when one or more π electrons are removed from the polymer chain. Trends in the
available literature on CPs are suggestive of very high bulk conductivity. A number of
technologies are feeling the impact of these new materials, such as: polymeric batteries
[6, 7], photovoltaics [8], electro-chromic devices [7] and ion selective membranes [9], EMI
shields [10-13], radar absorbers [14-16], electrical wires [17], corrosion inhibitors [7, 8],
bio-sensors [9], and electrochemical actuators (or artificial muscles) [18].

In this chapter we explore the possibility of using polypyrrole (PPy) as the ground
plane in a planar microstrip Cu-patch antenna. The possibility of using a CP patch in a
planar microstrip microwave antenna is also investigated. The problem of determining
the electrical properties of unknown materials is also addressed by deploying indirect
methods, such as through identification of the resonance of a microstrip patch antenna,
for estimating the electrical properties of unknown materials. Further, the research in this
work is also constrained to Polypyrrole and PEDOT CPs due to ease of availability and
inherent stability of these materials over other CPs such as PA, PT etc.

3.2 Polypyrrole Free standing Film Preparation

The PPy film for the antenna patch was obtained from The Defence Science
and Technology Organization (DSTO) in Melbourne, Australia. It was prepared in
accordance with the procedure indicated by Truong et al. [19]; i.e. by conducting
electrochemical polymerization in an aqueous solution. Sodium p-toluene sulphonate
(p-TS) was used as the dopant. The polymerization solution contained freshly distilled
pyrrole (0.1 M) and the above-mentioned dopants (0.1 M) in distilled water. Electrodes
of stainless steel were used for growing the film in a nitrogen environment. A current
density of 2.8 mA/cm2 was passed through the solution for about 2 hours. The films
obtained by the above procedure were 120 μm thick and were washed in
acetonitrile/water (1:1 solution) to remove excess dopant. The films were then allowed
to dry. Using the four-probe technique, the DC conductivity of the film sample was

measured as 2000 S/m. PPy films obtained from this process were used in the ensuing
studies on PPy ground plane and patches for microwave microstrip patch antennas.

3.3 A Polypyrrole Ground-plane for 11 GHz Patch Antenna

3.3.1 Antenna Design

The configuration of the rectangular microstrip antenna used in this study

is shown in Figure 3.1. The antenna was fabricated on a FR-4 substrate of
thickness 0.8 mm (h1). FR-4 is an epoxy substrate with reinforced glass
(Manufacturer: Satcam). Instead of a metallic ground plane, a film of PPy with
conductivity of 2000 S/m was pasted on the under-surface of another FR-4
substrate of thickness 1.6mm (h2). The film was pasted by using epoxy
adhesive. The thickness of the PPy film was about 330 μm, which is far greater
than the skin depth (δ~107.3 μm) at 11 GHz for a conductivity of 2000 S/m. The
top radiating element of copper and therefore there is no problem in attaching a
direct co-axial feed for the patch. A picture of the fabricated 11 GHz patch
antenna is shown in Figure 3.2.

FR-4 Substrate

Copper Patch
W h1
Polypyrrole Ground L

FR-4 Substrate
Co-axial Feed
Figure 3.1: Schematic layout of MPA with Polypyrrole ground plane

Figure 3.2: Photograph of 11 GHz patch antenna with polypyrrole ground plane

The centre pin of the SMA connector was soldered to the radiating patch, while the
jacket of the SMA connector was pasted to the PPy ground plane by using silver-
loaded epoxy adhesive. The design was realised using CST™ Microwave Studio to
optimize the length, width of the antenna and the location of the co-axial feed for good
impedance matching. The design data are indicated at Table 3.1. The CST™ optimised
11 GHz MPA parameters are indicated at Table 3.2.

Table 3.1: Design Data for Substrate and PPy Ground plane

Parameters Values
Substrate FR-4
 Substrate Thickness 0.8mm
 Permittivity r 4.9
 Loss Tangent (tan ) Assumed loss free
Ground Plane Polypyrrole (PPy) Film
 Film thickness 330μm
 Conductivity (S/m) 2000
 Permittivity r 10-j10

Table 3.2: Design Data for 11 GHz Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna

Parameters Values
Patch Length ‘L’ 11.74 mm
Patch Width ‘W’ 5.96mm
Co-axial feed location 2.27mm
(from centre of patch)

A similar microstrip antenna with copper ground plane was fabricated for
comparison of performance. However, some differences with respect to the PPy
ground plane antenna are notable, viz.:

 The copper cladding of FR-4 board, used for ground plane is about 17 μm
thick, as against the PPy ground plane of 330 μm thickness.
 The copper ground plane did not require any pasting on the board.
 The SMA connector was soldered at both points, i.e. at the centre pin and at
the grounded jacket. This resulted in superior electrical connectivity than
pasting with conductive adhesive.

3.3.2 Modelling Polypyrrole for Simulation

The accuracy of the results presented by the simulated design depends

greatly on the accuracy of material simulation. In this case, it was important to
be able to simulate the dispersion properties of PPy film over 8 to 16 GHz (the
frequency range of excitation signal for the simulated antenna with PPy ground

3.3.3 Simulation Results

CST™ Microwave Studio was used for simulating a rectangular microstrip

antenna with PPy as the ground plane. Electrical parameters such as relative
permittivity and AC conductivity of PPy material were modelled based on
equations (3.1) and (3.2).



Equation (3.1) has been derived by combining two different models viz.
General Effective Media (GEM)-percolation theory [20-22] and Prigodin’s
quantum resonance tunnelling model [23]. The details of the proposed model
are described in section 2.5, chapter 2 (as equation (2.27)). In equation (3.1)
is the AC conductivity, is the electronic charge of an electron, is the
transmission coefficient, is the number of chains densely packed over repeat
units of the polymer, indicates the number of chains interconnecting two

neighbouring grains, and R is the mean distance between neighbouring grains.

In (3.2) is permittivity, is a factor whose value depends on the frequency
of operation ( is generally 1 for ), is the unscreened plasma
frequency, is the relaxation time and is the angular frequency. Marten et al.
[24], through experimentation has shown that for , the complex

permittivity is negative and could be approximated as .

The planar antenna simulation used 0.8 mm thick FR-4 substrate for
building the antenna. Copper cladding on the under-surface of the substrate
was totally removed. A PPy layer of thickness 330 μm with DC conductivity of
2000 S/m was used as the ground plane instead. It is pertinent to mention here
that the pasting of PPy layer to the substrate (FR-4) was not simulated. The
relative permittivity of the PPy layer was measured at 11 GHz to be 10-j10,
( ) using a Split Post Dielectric Resonator (SPDR). The SPDR
measurements were undertaken at James Cook University. Since no data on
dispersion of conductivity was available, measured DC conductivity of 2000 S/m
was used as conductivity of PPy sample at 11 GHz.

A similar design was used for simulating a copper-based microstrip

antenna. The copper ground plane was of 17 μm. In both the cases, a coaxial
feed was used. The comparison of the simulated return loss between PPy and
copper ground plane against frequency is presented in Figure 3.3. The
maximum return loss for the PPy-ground plane antenna with conductivity of
2000 S/m is about 14.21 dB at 10.65 GHz, while that of a copper ground plane

( S/m) is about 11.53 dB at 10.88 GHz. Interestingly, a broadening
of bandwidth (at - 10dB, S11) is observed in the microstrip antenna whilst using
PPy as the ground plane. The Q factor for PPy antenna is observed to be
smaller than that of Cu antenna. This is because PPy is lossier than Cu.
S11 (dB)



Frequency (GHz)
Figure 3.3: Simulated return loss versus frequency for PPy and copper ground

3.3.4 Preliminary Trials Microstrip patch antenna with PPy ground plane

Some preliminary trials with a microstrip antenna on FR-4
substrate with PPy film as ground plane have been undertaken at 6 GHz.
The results of these initial trials were very discouraging because of high
substrate losses and suspected low conductivity of PPy film. However
the trials showed that skin depth is an important consideration for
effective utilization of CPs in antennas at microwave frequencies.
Experimental results at 11 GHz were also fraught with fabrication errors
and it was hard to conclusively accept or reject the possibility of using
CPs such as Polypyrrole, Polyaniline and PEDOT as antennas in the
microwave region.

60 Optically transparent microstrip patch antenna with Orgacon™ films
An optically transparent Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) operating
at 2 GHz has been built using Orgacon™ Conducting Polymer (CP) films
from Agfa. These films have a coating of PEDOT (Poly 3, 4-
ethylenedioxthiophene), a type of conducting polymer on PET substrate
of thickness 125 μm. Orgacon™ films [25] used for building this antenna,
have a DC conductivity of 50000S/m (skin depth at 2GHz: 89.2μm;
surface resistance <347Ω/sq; Orgacon film data [25]). Interestingly these
films provide about 85.44% Visual Light Transmission (VLT) at 550 nm.
Simons and Lee [26] have previously reported building an optically
transparent MPA for 2.3 and 19.5 GHz. Their work is based on using a
thin sheet of polyester as substrate with AgHT-8 (conductive silver) as an
optically transparent conductive coating on the substrate. The reported
surface resistance of the AgHT-8 is about 6-10Ω/sq and the AgHT-8
coated polyester film has about 82% VLT at 600nm[27]. The picture of
the constructed optically transparent antenna is shown in Figure 3.4

Figure 3.4 Orgacon™ film based 2 GHz microstrip patch antennas. Bottom
and top views of the antenna and its SMA connector.

The initial trial results were not very encouraging due to a number
of possible reasons. The Orgacon™ film was very thin (~100 nm) despite
its conductivity being relatively high. The PET substrate was not perfectly
flat and that made electrical integrity of SMA connector doubtful.
Furthermore, the samples obtained from the OEM were too limited in
quantity. It was therefore decided that further experimentation with the
material should be undertaken later after refining our simulation ability of
the material.

3.3.5 Sumary

The initial experimental results were inconclusive in regards to whether

PPy-based ground plane in a microwave antenna could be realized and also on
the possibility of developing an optically transparent antennas. However, these
initial experiments highlighted the fabrication and measurement difficulties this
project was likely to face. Furthermore, low conductivity (2000 S/m) of the PPy
stand alone film being used as ground plane, was also a matter of concern for
frequencies below 6 GHz. Accurate measurement of AC conductivity of the PPy
film at 6 and 11 GHz and permittivity of the multi-layer antenna structure were
pertinent design issues that needed resolving. The results were not very
successful due to a number of issues such as: (a) Difficulty in modelling thin
films in EM simulation software; (b) Getting good impedance matching due to
actual fabrication issues, especially at 11 GHz; (c) Establishing a good
comparison between designs with different metal ground planes and their
fabricated antennas.

Despite the setback, the PPy materials currently being developed (in the
lab environment) have conductivities as high as 20,000 S/m [9]. In our opinion
this greatly enhances the possibility of using these materials for making bio-
degradable organic antennas for various radar, bio-medical and
communications applications.

3.4 A 2 GHz polypyrrole Patch antenna on PlexiglasTM Substrate

In this section we explore the possibility of using Polypyrrole (PPy) film as a

radiating patch for antenna application at microwave frequencies, in particular as the
resonant patch of a planar Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA). This investigation is a first
step towards a better understanding of the numerical simulation, design and fabrication
issues associated with antennas using these materials for various future applications.

3.4.1 Antenna Design

The selection of Plexiglas™ as a substrate for this antenna was on the premise
that a successful antenna design on Plexiglas™ could lead to development of some
interesting low-cost conformal and planar future designs, including optically
transparent microwave antennas. The fabricated Cu and PPy-patch MPA are shown in
Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5: PPy (left) and Cu (right) MPAs on Plexiglas™ substrate

The permittivity of Plexiglas™ substrate at microwave frequencies is not

accurately available from the manufacturer’s data sheets and therefore an
indirect approach for determining permittivity was adopted [28]. The schematic

diagram in Figure 3.6 shows the configuration of the patch antenna used in this
study. An identical Cu-patch antenna was fabricated as reference.

Figure 3.6: A cross sectional view of the MPA. Determination of permittivity of PlexiglasTM

The relative permittivity value of Plexiglas™ indicated in the
literature varies from 2.4 to 3.7. As the material library of the
electromagnetic simulation tool CSTTM indicates a relative permittivity
value of 3.4 for Plexiglas™, initial design and simulations were made
using this value. Actual measurements on a reference Cu-MPA indicated
a large discrepancy between the resonance frequencies of the simulated
and measured results (as shown in Figure 3.7). Adjustment to permittivity
and loss tangent (tan δ) value of Plexiglas™ used in simulations was
undertaken towards matching of the measured Cu-MPA results. Through
this process, which involved the first two resonances of the patch, the
Plexiglas’s permittivity was estimated to be 2.5, with a loss tangent of
0.001. This permittivity value for the substrate was taken as a basis for
the design of the PPy-MPA. The accurate match of simulated and
measured results subsequently obtained for the designed PPy-MPA (as
shown in Figure 3.8) further validated the permittivity value of 2.5 and
tan = 0.001 for the Plexiglas™ substrate.

Figure 3.7: Simulated (CST™) and measured return loss of Cu MPA on
Plexiglas™ substrate for different permittivity values. Simulation and Design optimisation

The effect of the patch thickness for less conductive material
(such as PPy) is an important consideration in this design. Most antenna
designers would consider a couple of skin depths thickness for PPy (or
similar less conductive material) patch as essential. However, two key
questions that need to be considered here are: (1) How to simulate thin
materials using EM simulators (such as CST TM and HFSSTM); (2) what is
the minimum fraction of skin depth for the patch (of less conductive
material) that could be used for acceptable antenna performance. An in-
depth investigation of these questions will be the focus of further study.
At present, it is important to state that initial simulations in this work were
undertaken by assuming zero thickness of the patches. PPy was
simulated as a sheet with finite conductivity of 2000 S/m. This approach
is in contrast to the earlier approach in section 3.3.2 to simulate the CP
permittivity over a range of frequencies. MPAs are high Q resonators and
therefore at the frequency of interest, the material properties could be
assumed as constant. Furthermore at this stage of research, it was

exploratory work to determine whether a PPy antenna at microwave
frequency is feasible.

The Cu and PPy MPA designs were separately optimized for good
impedance matching using CSTTM and HFSSTM. The optimized design
parameter values are indicated in Table 3.3.

Table-3.3: Design data for Copper and PPy Microstrip Patch Antenna

Parameters Copper-MPA PPy-MPA

 Thickness 3mm 3mm
 Estimated r 2.5 2.5
 Estimated tan 0.001 0.001
 Dimensions 80x80mm 80x80mm
 Length 40.1mm 40.1mm
 Width 24.46mm 24.46mm
Coaxial Feed
 Off center 4.0mm 6.67mm

3.4.2 Experimental Results

The return loss measured on the PPy antenna is presented in Figure 3.8
together with the predicted curves from both simulation tools used. The good
agreement in terms of resonant frequencies and associated bandwidths validate the
design procedure, including the determination of the material parameter of the
Plexiglas™ substrate.

Figure 3.8: Simulated and measured return loss for PPy-MPA.

Figure 3.9: Comparison between measured return loss for Cu and PPy-MPA.

A direct comparison of the return loss from the PPy antenna and the Cu antenna is
shown in Figure 3.9. The observed differences in the S11 plots of PPy in Figure 3.8
and 3.9 are due to number of points used for plotting the measurements. The Cu-patch
MPA is resonant at 2.2 GHz, while the PPy-patch MPA has a resonance frequency of
2.18 GHz with a -10 dB BW of about 100 MHz or 4.5%. Considering that the Cu-MPA

was designed using an inaccurate substrate permittivity, and that it was primarily used
as tool for estimating permittivity of Plexiglas™, it is clear that the high return loss
observed in Cu-MPA (Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.9) is due to a poor input impedance
match. The consistency of the results is further validated by the comparison of the
shape of the measured and simulated radiation pattern of Cu-MPA shown in Figure
3.10. The discrepancy between the curves is attributed to fabrication imperfections.

Figure 3.10: Simulated (CST™) and measured E-plane radiation pattern for 2 GHz

Figure 3.11: Simulated (CST™) and measured E-plane radiation pattern for 2 GHz

Results for the PPy-MPA as presented in Figure 3.11 indicate that the simulated
results are quite consistent with measured results in terms of the overall shape of the
radiation patterns. However, measured results shown in Figure 3.11 indicate a higher
overall gain as against those indicated by simulation. It is suspected that this may be
due to higher actual conductivity of the PPy patch at 2 GHz as against DC conductivity
of 2000 S/m used in simulation.

The measured E and H-plane co- and cross-polarized patterns of the Cu and
PPy patch antenna are presented in Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13 respectively.

Figure 3.12: E-plane Co-pol and Cross-pol radiation pattern measurements for 2 GHz Cu
and PPy MPA.

Figure 3.13: H-plane Co-pol and Cross-pol radiation pattern measurements for 2 GHz Cu
and PPy MPA.

On the basis of above measurement data, the simulated radiation efficiency of
the Cu MPA is estimated to be around 80%, most of the losses being attributed to the
dielectric losses in the substrate. The efficiency is reduced to a value of around 62%
by replacing the Cu patch by the less conductive PPy material.

3.4.3 Discussions

Construction of a MPA using a less conductive material (such as PPy) on a non-

standard substrate (such as Plexiglas™) has some interesting design aspects from the
point of view of patch thickness (e.g. skin depth), fabrication issues and
characterization of permittivity of substrate.

The computed value of skin depth for a patch with a DC conductivity of 2000
S/m at 2 GHz is 251.6 μm, which is about twice the thickness of the PPy patch used in
the MPA. However, it is important to consider that the mechanism of electrical
conduction and dispersion of electrical conductivity in CPs is different from that of
metals [29]. Epstein et al. [29] has also described in detail the mechanism of
conduction and its dispersion with frequency in CPs. The observed performance of the
PPy-MPA in this work is suggestive of an increase in bulk AC conductivity of the patch
with frequency.

Current literature [30] on PPy indicates DC conductivities up to 20,000 S/m,

which would noticeably improve the performance reported in this section. Furthermore,
other CPs such as PEDOT, PANI and PA can provide much higher conductivity than
PPy and therefore may be used as good alternatives. However, designs techniques
with relatively low-conductivity materials and their associated fabrication issues need
further investigation.

3.4.4 Summary

In this section, results of a CP based MPA on a non-standard substrate such as

Plexiglas™ have been presented. The results of PPy patch were compared with an
identical Cu MPA used as reference. The obtained performances indicate that a PPy
based microwave antenna is feasible. It is further emphasized that the MPA design, as
a resonant structure, provides a good tool for understanding exotic materials.

Enhancement in our understanding of the microwave properties of CP materials could
eventually lead to their usage in a range of passive microwave circuits in the future.

3.5 Conclusions

In this chapter we have investigated the possibility of using Polypyrrole (PPy)

film as a ground plane and also as a radiating patch for antenna application at
microwave frequencies. The results clearly indicate that, despite the PPy film having
low conductivity (2000 S/m) and its thickness (120 m) being less than the desired skin
depth thickness (251.6 m) at 2 GHz, it is possible to realize adequate microwave
antennas with these materials.

In the next chapter, we shall investigate further on the effect of CP patch

thickness and conductivity on the microwave antenna performance. We will seek
answers for questions such as: what is the minimum patch thickness and conductivity
for acceptable performance of a microwave planar antenna?


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Chapter 4

Radiation Efficiency in Conducting

Polymer based Patch Antennas

4.1 Introduction

n this chapter the focus is towards establishing a good understanding of
the effect of CP patch thickness and its conductivity on overall antenna
efficiency. The purpose is to clearly understand the relationship between
the patch thickness, its conductivity and the achievable radiation efficiency.
This will help in predicting a priori, conductivity levels needed for a given
thickness of polymer film to be able to radiate as an antenna with acceptable
efficiency, or alternatively, determining the required film thickness for the
available conductivity needed for an acceptable antenna performance.

The study presented in this chapter has been undertaken in two

phases. In the first phase four different PPy based antennas were fabricated
on FR-4 substrate to operate in the 4.5 GHz region. These antennas have
been made from films developed using the same manufacturing process and
with 2000 S/m DC conductivity, but have four different thicknesses. In the
second phase of the study, PPy and PEDOT based patch antennas were
fabricated on Roger’s Ultralam™ 2000 substrate to operate at 6 GHz. These
antennas have patches that are made from different CPs and are based on
different fabrication techniques. In addition the patches have different
thicknesses and conductivities. The PPy patches have DC conductivity of
2000 S/m while PEDOT based patches have 10000 S/m DC conductivity.

In the previous chapter it was established that CP based films provided

acceptable antenna performance despite the patch film thickness being lesser
than one skin depth. In this chapter, the intention is also to explore the

limitations associated with patch thickness for a given level of conductivity on
the overall antenna performance.

4.2 A Study of Radiation Efficiency in PPy based 4.5 GHz MPA

In this section, the first stage of the study, based on 4.5 GHz microstrip
patch antenna is presented. Four microstrip patch antennas were fabricated
on FR-4 substrate, using patches made from PPy stand-alone film of different
thicknesses. The DC conductivity of all the PPy based patches was 2000 S/m.
The thicknesses of the PPy films range between 40 and 140 and were
accurately determined by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).

The PPy film for the antenna patch was obtained from The Defence
Science and Technology Organization (DSTO) in Melbourne, Australia. It was
prepared in accordance with the procedure indicated by Truong et al. [1]; i.e.
by conducting electrochemical polymerisation in an aqueous solution. Sodium
p-toluene sulphonate (p-TS) was used as dopant.

4.2.1 Antenna Design

Four PPy patch and one equivalent Cu-patch antenna were fabricated
on FR-4 substrate. Examples of fabricated Cu and PPy-patch MPA are shown
in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: (a) PPy Patch Antenna (b) Cu-Patch Antenna on FR-4 substrate

The permittivity of FR-4 substrate at microwave frequencies is not
accurately available from the manufacturer’s data sheets and it varies from
panel to panel of FR-4. An indirect approach was therefore applied for
determining the permittivity of FR-4 at the frequency of interest (i.e. 4.5 GHz).
The schematic diagram in Figure 4.2 shows the configuration of the probe-fed
patch antenna used in this study. An identical Cu-patch antenna was also
fabricated for reference.

Figure 4.2: A cross sectional view of MPA Determination of permittivity of FR-4 substrate

The relative permittivity value of FR-4 indicated in the literature

varies from 4.0 to 4.9. The material library of the electromagnetic
simulation tool CSTTM indicates the relative permittivity value of FR-4 to
be 4.9, while the HFSS simulation material library indicates a value of
4.4. Initial design and simulations were made using this latter value.
Actual measurements on a reference Cu-patch antenna indicated a
large discrepancy between the resonance frequencies of the simulated
and measured results. As described earlier in chapter 3, an adjustment
to permittivity and loss tangent (tan δ) value of FR-4 used in
simulations was undertaken towards matching of the measured
reference Cu-patch antenna results. Through this process, the FR-4’s
permittivity was estimated to be 4.1, with a loss tangent of 0.001(Figure

Figure 4.3: Simulated and measured S11 for a Cu-Patch antenna on a
FR-4 substrate with permittivity εr = 4.1

This permittivity value for the substrate was taken as a basis for the
design of the four PPy-patch antennas on FR-4 substrate. The accurate
match between simulation and measurement results for the designed
PPy-patch antennas (Figure 4.4) further validated the permittivity value
of 4.1 and tan = 0.001 for the FR-4 substrate. Minor discrepancies
observed are due to inaccuracies of hand fabrication. Similar further
simulations and measured results are placed in Appendix B.

Figure 4.4: Simulated and measured S11 for a PPy (140 μm) -Patch
antenna on a FR-4 substrate with permittivity εr = 4.1
Four different thickness of PPy film were used in the fabrication of the
PPy-patch antenna on FR-4 substrate of 3.2 mm thickness. The
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Philips XL 30 (shown in Figure
4.5) was used for accurate determination of the thickness of the stand-
alone PPy films. The SEM pictures of the PPy samples used in this
study are shown in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.5: Philips XL 30 Scanning Electron Microscope

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 4.6: PPy Stand-alone film cross section SEM pictures;
thicknesses: (a) 140μm (b) 90 μm (c) 50 μm and (d) 40 μm

All the above films had a DC conductivity of 2000 S/m, which translates
into a volume resistivity of 5x10-2Ωcm. The relationship between sheet
resistance, film thickness and volume resistivity is given by:

Using this relationship, the computed values for the DC sheet

resistances for the different PPy samples is as indicated in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Sheet Resistance of PPy film samples

Sno. PPy Sample Type Sheet Resistance (in )

(a) 140 μm (sample ‘A’) 3.6

(b) 90 μm (sample ‘B’) 5. 6
(c) 50 μm (sample ‘C’) 10.0
(d) 40 μm (sample ‘D’) 12.5

The optimized design parameters for the microstrip patch antenna are
indicated in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2: Microstrip Antenna design data

Parameters Copper PPy PPy PPy PPy

(140 μm) (90 μm) (50 μm) (40 μm)

 FR-4 εr = 4.1

 Thickness 3.2 mm

 Dimension 80x80 mm

Radiating Patch dimensions

 Length 14.26 mm 14.16 mm 14.16 mm 14.16 mm 14.16 mm

 Width 12.9 mm 12.9 mm 12.9 mm 12.9 mm 12.9 mm

Feed point (off set 2.09 mm 2.53 mm 2.53 mm1
from centre)

4.2.2 Simulations and Experimental Results

The effect of the patch thickness for less conductive material (such as
PPy) is an important consideration in this design. In this section the PPy
patches have been simulated as impedance sheets with finite thickness using
both CSTTM and HFSSTM as EM simulators. It is pertinent to mention here that
the EM solvers, while simulating the CP material (or any other material with
finite thickness and conductivity), take into account its thickness only in the

The PPy (140 μm) antenna feed point location has been used for all other PPy patch
thicknesses. This is primarily to isolate the effect of patch thickness on antenna performance.

frequency-domain solution and discard the effect of thickness in the time-
domain solution. The microstrip antenna with CP material was therefore
simulated in the frequency domain.

The material’s thickness and conductivity are both taken into account
by simulating the material as an impedance sheet with a finite sheet
resistance (expressed in Ohms per square). In contrast, in the time domain,

CST™ discards the thickness of the material and simulates it as a sheet with
finite conductivity. The inherent assumption made by CST™ is that the film
thickness is well above the required skin depth for the frequency and
conductivity under consideration. This approach was adopted while simulating
the 2 GHz PPy-patch (in chapter 3), where the thickness of the patch was
assumed to be zero and the material was represented as a sheet with finite
conductivity of 2000 S/m. The basic advantage of simulating the CP as an
impedance sheet in the frequency-domain is that the effect of film thickness
can be taken into account.

The Cu and PPy MPA designs were separately optimized for good
impedance matching using CSTTM and HFSSTM. The optimized design
parameter values are indicated in Table 4.2. The E-Copol and H-Copol
radiation plots of the PPy patch antennas and equivalent Cu-patch antenna
are shown above in Figure 4.7 and Figure 4.8. Additional plots on measured
and simulated antenna pattern for various thickness of PPy patch are placed
in Appendix B.

Figure 4.7 : 4.5 GHz E-Copol radiation pattern measurement

Figure 4.8: 4.5 GHz H-Copol radiation pattern measurement

The IEEE gain and estimated radiation efficiency of PPy and Cu patch
antennas are placed in Table 4.3. The radiation of the PPy patch antennas
was estimated by comparing measured gain against that of the equivalent Cu

patch antenna. The radiation efficiency of the copper patch antenna was
determined from measurement and simulation.

The Cu patch antenna is resonant at 4.46 GHz with a -10 dB bandwidth

of about 300 MHz or 6.7%. The resonant frequencies of the PPy patch
antennas are with 1% of 4.5 GHz. The consistency of the results is further
validated by the comparison of the shape of the measured and simulated
radiation pattern of the Cu patch antenna (considered as reference) and PPy
patch antennas.

Table 4.3: Gain and Radiation Efficiency measurement

Patch Thickness Gain (dB) Radiation Efficiency

(μm) (%)
40 2.42 38.5
50 3.41 47.8
90 3.80 52.3
140 4.63 64.8
Cu 5.45 1002

The classical antenna design approach requires that the patch

thickness should be at least couple of skin depth thick, for materials with low
conductivity. However, if the patch thickness needs to be off-set then this is
achieved by having a patch with very high conductivity (e.g. Cu or any other
highly conductive metal/material) or increasing the frequency of operation.
Interestingly, from the above experimentation we could make the following

 The skin depth is computed from the expression


Where is the skin depth (also known as penetration depth), ω

is the angular frequency, μ is the permeability constant and ζ is the
conductivity. The skin depth required at 4.5 GHz, while using a

Copper patch antenna is taken as reference antenna

2000 S/m conducting patch is: 168 μm. The thickness of PPy
patches used in the experiment is below this thickness.

 The antenna resonance is observable with corresponding

performance for as low as quarter of a skin depth (i.e. 40 μm).

 The gain and radiation efficiency of the antenna increases with PPy
patch thickness.

The variation in gain and radiation efficiency for a 2000 S/m conducting PPy
patch is shown in Figure 4.9 and 4.10. Similarly in the Figures 4.11 and 4.12,
the variation of gain and radiation efficiency with surface resistance of the
patch film is presented.

Figure 4.9: Variation of antenna gain with patch thickness

Figure 4.10: Variation of radiation efficiency with patch thickness

Figure 4.11: Variation of Gain with PPy patch surface resistance

Figure 4.12: Variation of radiation efficiency with PPy patch surface

4.2.3 Summary

In this section, the effect of patch thickness for less conductive material
on overall antenna performance has been studied. The conductivity of the
PPy material was constant (2000 S/m), while the patch thickness was varied
between identically fabricated patch antennas. The thickness of the patches
used in this experiment was less than one skin depth (which is calculated to
be 168 μm at 4.5 GHz); however the gains of the antenna varied from as low
as 2.42 dB (for 40 μm thickness) to 4.63 dB (for 140 μm thickness patch).
The variation of antenna gain and radiation efficiency has been graphically
presented and it emerges from the experiments reported in this section that:
(a) Microwave antennas are possible with very low conductive materials;
albeit with modest gain and low radiation efficiency. (b) Furthermore, it is
possible to obtain reasonable antenna performance, even if the patch
thickness is a fraction of skin depth.

In the next section, the effect of change in conductivity, patch

thickness, change in frequency of interest, change in CP material and a
different approach for obtaining a CP film (i.e. by ink jet printing) is
investigated against antenna performance.

4.3 A Study of Radiation Efficiency in PPy and PEDOT
based 6 GHz MPA

In second stage of this study, the conductivity of patch, its thickness,

frequency of operation, a different type of CP and even a different method of
CP film preparation are explored. This comprehensive study is based on 6
GHz microstrip patch antenna fabricated on Roger’s Ultralam® 20003
substrate. All antennas used in this study were identically fabricated. Three
microstrip patch antennas were fabricated using PPy stand-alone films of
different thicknesses; one patch antenna was fabricated with PEDOT film
printed on an Arylite™ substrate. An identical copper antenna was also
fabricated and tested for reference. The DC conductivity of all the PPy based
patches was 2000 S/m, while that of PEDOT based patch was 10,000 S/m.
The thicknesses of the PPy film were accurately determined as described
previously, by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). PEDOT film
thickness was determined at Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, University
of Wollongong4, using a contact profiler.

The PPy film for the antenna patch was obtained from The Defence
Science and Technology Organization (DSTO) in Melbourne, Australia. It was
prepared in accordance with the procedure indicated by Truong et al.[1]; i.e.
by conducting electrochemical polymerisation in an aqueous solution. Sodium
p-toluene sulphonate (p-TS) was used as dopant. In contrast the PEDOT film
was printed on a 200µm thick Arylite™ substrate using Dimatix DMP 2800
inkjet printer. A photograph of the printer is shown in Figure 4.13.


Figure 4.13: Dimatix DMP 2800 inkjet printer

The technical details of the printer are placed at Appendix C. A

commercially available preparation of PEDOT called Clevios P ™ was used
with this printer. This CP solution was obtained from H.C. Starck5. The
chemical formula is shown in Figure 4.14 and a detailed data sheet of Clevios
P™ is also placed in Appendix C.


Figure 4.14: Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) aqueous

The thickness of the PEDOT film printed on the Arylite substrate was 7
µm. The Dimatix 2800 inkjet printer is capable of printing very thin films (few
nanometre thick) only. However, in order to achieve film thicknesses in micro-
metres, several layers were printed on each other, resulting in total thickness
of 7 µm. This process has two very important issues to consider (a) the
cohesiveness of the films and (b) the drop in overall DC conductivity of
stacked films. Printing highly conductive films with thicknesses in the order of
micro-metres appears to be a technological challenge at the moment.

4.3.1 Antenna Design

Three PPy, one PEDOT patch and one equivalent Cu-patch antenna
was fabricated on Ultralam® 2000 substrate. Examples of fabricated Cu, PPy
and PEDOT patch antennas are shown in Figure 4.15.

(a) Cu-patch 6 GHz microstrip patch antenna on Ultralam 2000 substrate

(b) PPy-patch 6 GHz microstrip patch antenna on Ultralam 2000 substrate

Figure 4.15: (c) PEDOT-patch 6 GHz microstrip patch antenna on
Ultralam 2000 substrate

A schematic of the antennas used in this study is shown in Figure 4.16.

The films are pasted on the Ultralam 2000™ substrate using epoxy resin. An
identical copper patch antenna was fabricated for the validation of simulation
and for direct comparison of the relative performance of these patches



Figure 4.16: A schematic side view of (a) PPy and (b) PEDOT patch antennas Permittivity of Ultralam 2000 substrate

The permittivity of Ultralam® 2000 substrate at microwave

frequencies is indicated to be between 2.4-2.6 in the manufacturer’s
data sheet (Appendix D). The Ultralam 2000 panel used in this study
had a relative permittivity of 2.45. A good match between the simulation
and measured parameters was obtained for Ultralam 2000™ relative
permittivity of 2.45 (Figure 4.17).

Figure 4.17: Simulated and measured S11 for a Cu-patch antenna on Ultralam
2000™ substrate

4.3.2 Simulations and Design optimizations

The antenna designs were optimized for good impedance match. The
design parameters for the microstrip patch antennas are indicated in Table
4.4. The effect of the patch thickness for less conductive materials (such as
PPy/PEDOT) is an important consideration in this design. Most antenna
designers would consider a couple of skin depths thickness for PPy/PEDOT
patch as essential. The skin depths for the patch antennas at 6 GHz are 145
µm for PPy, 65 µm for PEDOT and 0.85 µm for copper. It is evident that the
thicknesses of our PPy and PEDOT patches are far less than one skin depth.
In contrast, the copper patch thickness is about 20 times its skin depth. The
patches were simulated as impedance sheets using HFSS™, to take into
account the effect of patch thickness.

Table 4.4 : Optimized design parameters of microstrip patch antennas

Parameter Cu PPy PEDOT

Substrate: Ultralam 2000™

Thickness 1.8 mm

Dimension 80x80mm

Permittivity 2.45


Thickness 17µm 140µm 90µm 50µm 7µm

DC Conductivity (S/m) 5.8x107 2000 10000

Length (mm) 14.16 14 14 14 14

Width (mm) 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9

Feed point (off centre) 1.28 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.63


4.3.3 Antenna fabrication

Fabrication of the microstrip antenna using the free-standing PPy

patches proved challenging because of the mechanical properties of the
material. The PPy film is very delicate and tends to shear along the cut edges.
This therefore makes it hard to cut the film to exact patch size or drill holes
using computer-assisted tools. The PPy patch was cut to the desired size by
hand using a suitable template. Since a systematic fabrication error within
tolerances affected the realisation of the optimised parameters, the simulation
was later adjusted according to actual dimensions of the fabricated devices.
On analysis of the patches cut by hand it emerged that the patch sizes where
about 0.1 to 0.2 mm under the optimised design values; the effect of which is
evident in the resonant frequency shifting slightly above 6 GHz. The actual
antenna parameters achieved are listed in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 : Realised Antenna parameters

Parameters PPy PEDOT

Patch 140µm 90µm 50µm 7µm
Length (mm) 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.85
Feed point (off centre; mm) 3.25 3.2 3.25 3.5

4.3.4 Results

CPs also exhibit dispersion in their electrical conductivity with

frequency [2-14]. Therefore, the measured results differed from the simulated
results not only due to fabrication errors, but also due to dispersion in
electrical conductivity. Figure 4.18 and Figure 4.19 show the measured
reflection coefficient for the two CP antennas, together with three sets of
simulated results. The optimal design curves correspond to the simulation
results achieved before fabrication. The second pair of simulation curves
represents the results after correction of the fabrication errors, i.e. mechanical
tolerances on the patch length, which corrects the small frequency shift of the
resonance. Return loss measurements of other CP antennas are placed in
Appendix D.

Figure 4.18: Simulated and measured S11 for a 90µm PPy-patch antenna on
Ultralam 2000™ substrate

Figure 4.19: Simulated and measured S11 for a 7µm PEDOT-patch antenna on
Ultralam 2000™ substrate

Finally, a nearly perfect match to measurements was obtained in the

third pair of simulation curves through adjustment of electrical conductivity of
the films. The measured DC sheet resistance and adjusted DC surface
resistivity at 6 GHz for the PPy and PEDOT films are shown in Table 4.6, and
provide evidence of the dispersive increase in conductivity for the CP
materials with increasing frequencies.

Table 4.6 : Sheet resistance of CP films

CP Film Sheet Resistance

Measured DC Adjusted (6 GHz)
PPy (140µm) 3.6 2.5
PPy (90µm) 5.6 3.0
PPy (50µm) 10.0 6.0
PEDOT (7µm) 14.3 13.0

The co-polarized radiation patterns of the PPy and PEDOT patch
antennas and of the corresponding Cu-patch antenna are shown in Figure
4.20 and Figure 4.21 for the E- and H-plane.

Figure 4.20 : Measured E-plane co-pol antenna gain patterns at 6 GHz

Figure 4.21 : Measured H-plane co-pol antenna gain patterns at 6 GHz

All patterns show a similar broadside shape (i.e. nearly identical

directivities), but the different efficiencies explain different gain levels. The
IEEE gain and estimated radiation efficiency of the Cu, PPy and PEDOT-
microstrip patch antennas are listed in Table 4.7. Additional plots on
measured and simulated antenna pattern for various thicknesses of PPy
patch and PEDOT patch are placed in Appendix D.

The radiation efficiency of the copper patch antenna was determined

from measurement and simulation, while that of PPy and PEDOT-patch
antennas was estimated by comparing the measured gain against that of the
equivalent Cu-patch antenna. The Cu-patch antenna is resonant at 6.14 GHz

with a -10 dB bandwidth of 236 MHz or 3.8%, while in the case of CP based
patch antennas the typical results were: the PPy-patch antenna with 90µm
patch thickness had a resonant frequency of 6.24 GHz with a -10 dB
bandwidth of about 420 MHz or 6.7% and the PEDOT-patch antenna had a
resonant frequency of 6.28 GHz with a -10 dB bandwidth of about 700 MHz or
11%. Details of other PPy patch antennas are placed in Appendix D.

Table 4.7 : Gain and radiation efficiency of microstrip patch antennas

Patch Type Gain (dB) Radiation Efficiency

Copper (17 µm) 6.0 96.2
PPy (140µm) 4.8 52.4
PPy (90µm) 3.8 48.2
PPy (50µm) 2.3 34.5
PEDOT (7µm) 2.2 33.6

The observed drop in radiation efficiency and gain between 4.5 GHz (Table
4.3) antenna results and 6 GHz (Table 4.6) antenna may be attributed to
substrate thickness of these antennas. The variation in gain and radiation
efficiency for a 2000 S/m conducting PPy patch and 10000 S/m PEDOT is
shown in Figures 4.22 and 4.23 respectively.

Figure 4.22: Variation of gain with patch thickness

Figure 4.23 : Variation of radiation efficiency with patch thickness

4.3.5 Summary

The design of microwave antennas using CPs is challenging because

producing CP films with thicknesses multiple times that of the skin depth is
difficult using present manufacturing processes. Furthermore, the conductivity
of CP films exhibits a dispersion that needs to be further investigated. The
performance of CP-based 6 GHz microstrip patch antennas was presented
and compared with an equivalent Cu patch antenna. Despite very low DC
conductivities and thicknesses of the CP patches, reasonable antenna
performance at microwave frequencies was observed with relatively low
radiation efficiencies. The results clearly confirm the potential of polymer
materials as antennas. Furthermore, since the electrical conductivity of CPs
can be altered dynamically through external stimuli, it makes these antennas
potentially very attractive despite their modest radiation efficiency.

4.4 Conclusion

In this chapter we have presented the possibility of using conducting

polymer based patches for microwave planar antennas. The results clearly
indicate that it is possible to obtain satisfactory antenna performance despite
relatively modest conductivity of the patches. Furthermore, work presented in
this chapter also highlights that while multiple skin depth thicknesses of the
resonant patch is desirable, it is not essential for application where gain and
radiation efficiency are not so critical or could be compromised for other
advantages. The key impact of this chapter is that it sets the ground for future
exciting work on re-configurable antennas using CPs. The problems,
constraints and difficulties faced in the simulation and fabrication of CP based
antennas, which have been addressed in this chapter, would improve our
understanding of CPs and their future exploitation in microwave antennas.

In the next chapter, an overview is presented on the exciting

possibilities that CPs hold in the field of antenna applications. The chapter
considers, where do we go from here and what we could do with this acquired
knowledge on CPs.


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Chapter 5

5.1 Conclusion

In this thesis, it has been shown that conducting polymers in the form
of conductive films could be used as conducting material for building
microwave planar antennas. The thesis presented a brief on different types of
CPs and the issues such as stability, ageing, bio-compatibility and bio
degradability were also discussed. Work presented in this thesis provides the
necessary foundation for any future work on CP-based microwave planar and
re-configurable antennas.

The design issues that are important for any multilayer planar antenna
have also been presented at Appendix A of this thesis. Multi-layer antenna
design is often confronted with the age old problem of estimating the effective
permittivity of the multi-layer structure. This is required as a key starting value
for commencing the design with some estimation of antenna patch size. This
patch size can then be optimised for obtaining desired design specifications
by using EM simulation solvers. This process can be very time consuming if
the initial design is not based on a close enough estimation of effective
permittivity. Further, this problem is also of importance in the design of multi-
layer microstrip transmission lines. An effective method was developed using
the modified Getsinger’s model to overcome this difficulty. The model was
shown by way of discrete examples to be more accurate than most available
methods for up to three layers. It was also shown that in principle the method
could be applied recursively for any number of layers; however it becomes
very complex and cumbersome mathematically.

As part of a proof of concept, the research presented in this thesis has

highlighted that successful microwave antennas could be built using the CPs.
Results of various microstrip patch antennas at 2 GHz, 4.5 GHz and 6 GHz

have been presented. The results have highlighted that despite CPs low DC
conductivity and skin depth, the antennas can provide acceptable radiation
performance albeit with relatively moderate efficiency. The presently modest
performance of these antennas needs to be viewed from the perspective of
future trends in CP conductivities, the material’s improving stability and the
promises that holds for future development in this field. Even in their present
level of performance, these antennas provide an attractive alternative for
certain bio-medical applications and also in the field of conformal / wearable
antennas. CPs definitely are RF material of the future, as they provide
excellent light weight alternative to known metal claddings like copper and
aluminium. In addition antennas built with this material could be realized as
conformal designs.

Furthermore, in this thesis, it was also demonstrated that microstrip

patch antennas can be used as an indirect method for determining the
permittivity of the substrate and also the AC conductivity of the CP film at the
frequency of operation.

The work on these antennas provided a great insight into the problems
associated with their simulation and fabrication. It was noticed that it is difficult
to simulate accurately the effect of film thickness of CPs with state-of-the art
simulation tools, unless the film is considered as an impedance sheet. The
accuracy of simulation for such thin-films of imperfect conductors is still an
issue that requires considerable iterations before getting a good match
between the actual antenna performance and simulation. Fabrication of these
antenna prototypes proved difficult, since most of the work was done by hand
and therefore desired accuracies were difficult to achieve. Further, the
electrical contact between the RF feed connector and the patch was realized
using a conductive glue of silver epoxy. This makes the connection delicate
for repeated usage and testing. The work presented in this thesis has amply
highlighted these problems and also the steps taken to mitigate them within
the constraints of what is possible. Proximity feed was not considered as it
would have further lowered the efficiency of the planar antenna in the initial
studies, but should be considered in the future.

A very fundamental study was also undertaken to study the impact of
CP film thickness on overall antenna performance. This study was conducted
at 4.5 GHz and it was established that reasonably good antenna performance
could be obtained with film thickness being less than a skin depth. The effect
of film thickness on antenna performance was analysed and presented. At the
moment, the best method for obtaining CP films that are hundreds of microns
thick is a fabrication challenge for the material scientists. During this study
and that undertaken at 6 GHz as well, it was observed that AC conductivity of
the CP films did increase with frequency from its DC value. This supports the
research conducted in the material domain about the observed increase in
electrical conductivity with frequency in CPs.

Lastly, a comparative study was undertaken on the effect of different,

presently available CPs and also on the impact of different fabrication
methods on antenna performance. Two different CPs were considered: PPy
and PEDOT. PPy was developed as a standalone film, while PEDOT film was
printed on Arylite substrate using an ink jet printer. Apart from the differences
in their fabrication techniques the films were also distinctly different in their
thicknesses too. The performance of the antenna at 6 GHz was satisfactory
and clearly indicated that it is possible to have antenna performance at patch
thicknesses less than one skin depth. Further it also established that printable
conductive polymer antennas are as real a possibility as currently available
printable electronic circuits. This development opens the doors for printable
all-polymer antennas and also to very flexible and/or conformal antennas.

It is pertinent to mention here that while this study did point to the fact
that acceptable antenna performance is feasible for patch thicknesses less
than one skin depth, it still needs to be established, as to what minimum film
thickness would be needed. This needs to be viewed from the perspective of
totally different mechanism of electrical conduction in CPs. It is therefore
imperative that dispersion of electrical conductivity is given due consideration;
which is not done presently. Currently, the frequency dependence of skin
depth for constant conductivity is only considered. In addition, no

consideration was given to the possibility of thin-film having natural defects on
the conducting “paths”, between conducting islands.

In conclusion, CPs films even with their low DC conductivities have

exhibited unexpectedly good antenna performance at microwave frequencies.
These antennas could be an attractive consideration for applications where
low cost, printable antennas, conformal, light weight, bio-compatibility and bio
degradability is important. All presented results at 2 GHz, 4.5 GHz and 6 GHz
confirmed the satisfactory performance.

5.2 Future Musings

CP-based microwave planar antennas open a number of possibilities in

the future. Some of these could exploit the fixed high conductivity of the
material itself and others would try to exploit the optical and dynamic
Insulator-Metal Transition properties. Potentially attractive fields worth
investigating in the near future include optically transparent antennas, hybrid
antennas, and re-configurable antennas. Furthermore, these applications
would equally impact upon phased array antenna designs that would use CP-
based antennas. It is possible that CP-based antennas could open the
domain of Microwave Identification Tags, similar to RFID tags or importantly
could perhaps lead to a fusion of the two techniques. Figure 5.1 below shows
the possible directions in which some exciting research possibilities exist.

Any possibility of spectacular success with CPs in microwave antennas

depends heavily on conductivity levels that are realistically achievable,
stability of the material, fabrication of suitable thicknesses and adaptation of
the material to simple printing processes that meet all the electrical
requirements. This is very challenging and it is envisaged that works such as
this would propagate enough interest in the material domain to foster further
research in that direction. On the other hand, accurate modelling of CPs
would also pose as a big challenge especially for designing re-configurable

A number of ideas for the future are listed in Figure 5.1, which are very
attractive and have great potential in terms of antenna applications.
Interestingly, some of the concepts could well be adapted for certain
microwave transmission line structures.

Conducting Polymers

Fixed Conductivity

CP Fibre or strand/
CP Film Based Configurable
Wire based
Antennas/Arrays Antennas/Arrays

Optically transparent
Optically Transparent Planar
Antenna based on
Antennas Antennas/Arrays
mesh of CP strand

Using CP Wire shorts

Conformal Antennas Bandwidth Control
for planar antenna

Wearable Antennas
with possible sports Operating frequency
and medical control

Plannar WB/UWB
Beam Pattern Control
Antenna Designs

Hybrid Antennas Polarisation Control

CP along with Copper Dynamic VSWR

based Antennas control

Inter-element spacing
CP along with
and array pattern
Dielectric Antennas

CP along with Copper

and Dielectric

Figure 5.1: Some research possibilities with CP-based antennas.

5.2.1 Optically Transparent Antennas

Optically transparent antennas are very attractive from a commercial

applications point of view. They have the potential of changing our lives by the
way we communicate and manage our connectivity with information networks.
From windscreens of cars to solar panels of satellites, all those large
transparent surfaces could become the real estate for future antennas or their

Making an optically transparent antenna has been a challenge for over

two decades now. It is obvious that since light is also an EM wave, both
conductivity of the antenna and its optical transparency are diametrically
opposite requirements. A highly conductive patch antenna would restrict the
amount of light that could pass through it. Hence different approaches need to
be explored. One approach could be to have a mesh of closely placed highly
conductive carbon nano fibres. The mesh would provide just the right size for
about 80-85% Visual Light Transmission (VLT). A sketch below indicates the
basic design of the antenna. Interestingly, technology does exist to
change/control the conductivity of each carbon nano fibres in the mesh and
hence the amount of light passing through the antenna patch.

Carbon Nano Fibres



Figure 5.2: A possible design for an optically transparent Antenna with

Visual Light Transmission (VLT) that could reach about 80%
5.2.2 Hybrid Antennas

Hybrid antennas could be planar or non-planar antennas that are made

of radiating element, which is a combination of CP, polymers, carbon nano-
tubes, dielectric resonator antennas (DRA) and/ or copper (metal). These
combinations could be between any of these three materials. It would be
exciting to design such antennas with an additional degree of freedom of
controlling the conductivity/material properties of CP element. In our opinion
this sort of antennas could open up possibilities, where a single antenna
meets Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for very diverse RF applications.

5.2.3 Other materials with antenna application potential

Other materials such as Graphene (Figure 5.3), which is equally

conductive and easy to fabricate/print/spray on substrates of choice, also
holds immense possibilities. The films of this material have been tested for
conductivity in various thicknesses (few microns to 100s of microns) and
generally give about 7000 S/m conductivity (under lab conditions) which is
reasonably conductive for applications where antenna efficiency could be
compromised a little for other considerations such as ease of fabrication, light
weight, low cost, or flexibility for conformal designs.

Figure 5.3: Graphene is another material that could have interesting microwave
antenna applications (Images: metamordern.com)

In addition there are of course other possibilities of using Graphene in

conjunction with other CPs in antenna applications.

5.2.4 Reconfigurable Antennas

Reconfigurable antennas have been realised with standard

technologies using diodes, MEMs, etc. These are antennas that can change
their operational characteristics based on the EM environment and on
suitability for particular applications so as to ensure acceptable level of Quality
of Service (QoS). This implies that such antennas or their arrays can support
adaptively narrow band applications over a wide frequency band. They could
change the shape of the radiation beam to meet particular applications. The
antenna could support different polarisations based on either EM environment
conditions or as part of particular application requirement. Interleaving of
different and very diverse applications may be possible through the same

In the context of CPs re-configurable antennas could be made possible

by changing the conductivity of the polymer in real time in a controlled
fashion. This feature of CPs holds immense importance particularly in
Defence related applications, where such antennas could be made active only
at the time of transmission and could be RF transparent otherwise. This would
help reduce the RCS of the transmitting platform. Furthermore such antennas
could also provide graceful degradation of service when partially damaged.

There are many exciting challenges that would confront us while trying
to fully realise such antennas and their arrays. From the material perspective
it would heavily depend on speeds that could be achieved in trying to change
bulk (volume metric) conductivity of CPs in real time and its acceptability
towards applications that would like to utilise this feature. I understand that
certain ion exchange cells have been developed (around year 2007-2008)
that could cause change in conductivity of certain CPs at 20 MHz rate. This in
my opinion is a good starting point for experimenting while this technology
improves further. A number of different planar antenna designs could be tried
as proof of concept. A few of such reconfigurable antenna designs are shown
in Figure 5.4 to 5.6 which are only indicative of the myriad possibilities that
actually exist.



Figure 5.4: A narrow band and wide band switchable planar antenna

Figure 5.4 shows a schematic of a simple narrow band microstrip patch

antenna and a wide band Bowtie antenna. This antenna would be narrow
band antenna when the CP patches are highly conductive and would be
wideband antenna when the CP patches are non-conductive.



Figure 5.5 : Sierpinski-Bowtie transformation antenna

Figure 5.5 is more of a run of imagination and shows the possible

changes that may be made to the patch shape by changing the conductivity of
CP segments.

CP Films
the flare of

Figure 5.6 : Vivaldi antenna with adjustable flare

Here again in Figure 5.6 an attempt is made to show the possibility of

changing the flare or taper of Vivaldi antenna by controlling the bulk
conductivity of CP films.

The stability and ageing of CP is another field that would require great
experimentation and development of very stable CPs. Literature also indicates
exciting prospect of having superconducting CPs. Considering such materials
for antenna applications would also promise some very exciting developments
in the field of radio telescopes for deep space exploration.

In essence unconventional materials such as CPs, carbon nano-tubes,

and Graphene hold promise towards development of microwave antennas
that are low cost, light weight, re-configurable and conformal. Antennas and
arrays developed with these exotic materials would impact upon plethora of
fields such as automobile industry, construction industry, sports, medical
applications, indoor appliances, toys, Microwave RF ID tracking, deep space
exploration and space applications. This thesis is just the beginning, a small

step towards achieving greater understanding of these materials and their
application as microwave antennas.


Determination of Effective
Permittivity of Multi-layer Microstrip
lines using a Modified Getsinger’s
A.1 Introduction

icrostrip transmission lines are known to be dispersive. A number
of attempts were made by earlier researchers to provide a closed
form equation that could accurately describe the dispersion in
microstrip transmission lines. The works of Itoh et al. [1, 2], Jansen et al. [3],
Jackson et al. [4], Pues et al. [5], Kuester et al. [6] and Getsinger [7] are some
of the earlier attempts to describe dispersion due to permittivity in microstrip
transmission lines.

The motivation for the present analysis is to obtain an accurate closed

form expression for the dispersive effective permittivity of multilayered
structures, such as a suitable RF substrate with PPy film or PET coated
PEDOT film in a planar antenna. This knowledge of the effective permittivity is
essential when utilising rectangular patch antenna design equations, as a
starting point for full field electromagnetic simulations.

The microstrip line dispersion model proposed by Getsinger [7] is

based on the assumption that the quasi TEM mode on microstrip lines is
primarily a single Longitudinal Section Electric (LSE) mode. The dispersion in
such a model can therefore be easily analysed. Getsinger‟s model was further
improved by works presented by Edwards et al. [8], and Kirschning et al. [9].
Kirschning has accurately reported the dispersion in the effective dielectric

constant of a microstrip transmission line with a range of validity stretching up
to millimetre wave frequencies.

It is pertinent to mention here that most of the reported work in this field
is focused on characterizing dispersion in single layered dielectric microstrip
lines. However, multilayered microstrip line structures have been studied
extensively for the computation of quasi-static effective dielectric constant. In
this regards, different techniques have been applied to determine the quasi
static effective dielectric constant in multilayered microstrip lines, e.g. the
variational approach based works by Yamashita et al. [10-12]; Variational and
Transmission line (TL) approach by Chang et al. [13], Crampagne et al. [14]
and Khalid et al. [15]; and conformal mapping methods by Yoon et al. [16],
and Svacina et al. [17].

The dispersion of the effective dielectric constant in multilayered

microstrip lines has been reported by Verma et al. [18, 19]. Verma‟s approach
is an amalgamation of the variational and TL approach for determination of
quasi-static dielectric constant of multilayered dielectric microstrip and the
conformal mapping method for the determination of permittivity constant for
an equivalent single layered structure which are, finally combined to the
Getsinger‟s LSE model to determine the dispersion due to the effective
dielectric constant. Verma et al. [18, 19] calls the technique for determining
the equivalent single layered constant of permittivity for a multilayered
microstripline structure as “Single Layer Reduction” (SLR) technique and the
final application of this into Getsinger‟s model as the “Unified Dispersion
Model” (UDM).

In this chapter, the possibility of applying multilayered dielectric

microstrip line structures directly to the Getsinger model is explored and the
performance of this model is evaluated against UDM and a reference solution
obtained using 2D finite-element eigenmode analysis from the port solution in
Ansoft‟s HFSSTM. The UDM applies SLR to quasi-static dielectric constants
determined by using Variational and TL (Verma‟s approach), conformal

approaches (Svacina‟s and Yoon‟s method) and simple static series
capacitance methods.

A.2 Single Layer Reduction and Unified Dispersion Model

The SLR and UDM proposed by Verma et al. [18, 19] is at its core based on
the logic that:

(a) The quasi-static effective dielectric constant e0 can easily be

determined for multi-layer dielectric microstrip lines through application
of the Variational and TL approach of Chang et al. [13].

(b) From Wheeler [20, 21], the relationship between e0 and s

(where „ s‟ is the relative dielectric constant of a single layered

dielectric in a Microstrip transmission line) is given by:


where q is the effective filling fraction of the dielectric material. Wheeler

[21] opines that the effective filling fraction depends mainly on the
shape and less on the dielectric material. Verma et al. [19] considers
equation (A.1) for deriving an equivalent relative dielectric constant seq

for a single layered microstrip transmission line, which would exhibit

similar dispersion characteristics. This approach has been termed as
SLR. The empirical expression for q obtained by Schneider [22] is
considered to be close enough for practical purposes and is given as:

where b is the thickness of the dielectric substrate and W is the width

of the microstrip line. Re-arranging equation (A.1) the expression for
equivalent relative dielectric constant seq is:


(c) Finally using the values obtained for e0 and seq and applying
these in Getsinger‟s LSE model, provides dispersion characteristics for
multilayered dielectric microstrip transmission line. This has been
termed by Verma et al. [18, 19] as the UDM. The salient features of
Getsinger‟s LSE model have been presented in the next section.

A.3 Salient Features of Getsinger’s Model

Getsinger‟s proposed LSE model provides analytical simplicity in

determining the dispersion of effective dielectric constant for a microstrip line.
Getsinger considers microstrip propagation as a single LSE mode. He justifies
the validity of his model on the basis that if an analyzable model exhibits
similar measurable characteristics to the actual structure, then the model is
valid and acceptable. His model is based on the fact that electric field lines
emanating from the lower surface of the microstrip pass only through the
dielectric. The electric field lines emanating from the top portion of the
microstrip occupy a much larger space mostly in air. This space is
approximated by a large air filled section in the model. Further, near the strip
edges, the magnetic field is predominantly normal to the air-dielectric
boundary (or interface), while the electric field is tangential to, this boundary.
This is the characteristic of the LSE mode [23]. The details of a simple single
layered microstrip transmission line are depicted in Figure A.1 and while
Figure A.2 details the Getsinger‟s LSE model.

Figure A.1 : Single-layer microstrip transmission line

Figure A.2 : LSE model for single layer dielectric microstrip line

The magnetic walls are present on the two sides and at the centre of
the model as shown in Figure A.2. Getsinger‟s model in essence joins two
parallel plate transmission lines, one with dielectric and the other with air. For
the purpose of computational ease, no junction capacitance at the union of
the two transmission lines is assumed. The solution for the dispersion of
effective permittivity e is simple and is obtained through the application of
Transverse Resonance (TR) technique [23, 24]. The closed form expression
for effective permittivity as a function of frequency is given as:


where P(f) has been accurately determined by Kirschning et al. [9].

Ideally one would expect the Getsinger LSE model to be as shown in

Figure A.3. However, interestingly, Getsinger in his model (shown at Figure
A.2) considers the length of air-dielectric interface to be same as the
thickness of the dielectric substrate. It is pertinent to mention here that since
junction capacitance between the two parallel plate waveguides has been
neglected in this model, the overall effect of the “length of air-dielectric
interface” per se is not taken into account. This point is important, if not
central to developing a multilayered Getsinger LSE model.

Figure A.3 : LSE model for single layer dielectric microstrip line modified to
take into account the air-dielectric interface length

A.4 Double layered Getsinger’s LSE Model for Dispersion of
permittivity in Microstrip lines

In principle a multilayered version of Getsinger‟s LSE model may be

developed by recursive application of the transverse resonance method.
However, a general closed form expression for dispersion due to effective
permittivity is too complex and cumbersome. In this work, we therefore restrict
to the analysis and development of closed form expression for two and three
layered microstrip line structures only. An alternate approach to overcome
cumbersome algebra is proposed at the end of the two and three layered
microstrip line structures analysis. A double (or two layered) microstrip line
structure is shown in Figure A.4.


b2 2

b1 1

Figure A.4 : Two-layer microstrip transmission line

The corresponding LSE model for the two-layered dielectric microstrip

transmission line is shown in Figure A.51:

In Figure A.5 we have considered the air-dielectric interface to be equal to the thickness of the top
layer b2, similarly to the approach adopted by Getsinger in his LSE model. This approach has no bearing
on the final outcome of the model towards computation of dispersion of permittivity.

Magnetic Wall

a =1

2  2 b'
W b2
s Zdown b
a' 1  1 b1
2s a'
Figure A.5 : LSE model for a two-layer dielectric microstrip line

From the microstrip line structure (Figure A.4) it is possible to compute the
inductance and capacitance of the microstrip line per unit length at zero
frequency (static) as


where is the characteristic impedance and where free space impedance is


Similarly, static computations based on LSE model (Figure A.2 and Figure
A.5) yield:


as the inductance per unit length.

Next the equivalent dielectric constant for the dielectric layers sandwiched
between the two parallel plates is assumed to be given by s. It is important to

understand here that s is different from the effective dielectric permittivity for
the microstrip line at zero frequency, indicated as e0. The effective dielectric
constant for the microstrip line at zero frequency e0 (static) includes the effect
of air above the microstrip line and the dielectric layers below the strip
conductor. In contrast the equivalent dielectric constant s takes into
consideration only the combined effect of the permittivity of the dielectric
layers that are sandwiched between the parallel conducting plates.

Similarly, the static capacitance from the LSE model is indicated as


Further, since the effect of junction capacitances are being neglected, it is

possible to consider the two parallel plate transmission line sections as
separate parallel plate waveguides for ease of analysis. Consider the section
of parallel plate transmission line with two dielectric layers shown below in
Figure A.6. Let be the propagation constant through layer 1 in the „y‟
direction. Similarly, let be the propagation constant through layer 2 in the
„y‟ direction. Next, the propagation constant in the „z‟ or „x‟ direction will be
same (due to the layered structure and orientation of the layers) and will be
defined by the combined effect of both the layers and is given as .

Figure A.6 : (a) Orientation of the LSE model, (b) Cross sectional YZ plane view
of the LSE model with propagation constants along the 'y' direction.

The basic philosophy behind the modified Getsinger model for double layer
dielectric is depicted in Figure A.7. As indicated in Figure A.7, the actual LSE
model of double-layer microstrip line is replaced by an equivalent single-layer
LSE model. This task requires determination of the relationship between the
permittivity of the single-layer substrate „ s‟ and the permittivity of double-layer
substrates „ 1‟ and „ 2‟.

Figure A.7 : Equivalence of LSE model

From the TR technique [23-25] the input impedance, as seen looking

upwards, towards the top plate (which is PEC, and therefore acts as a short)
from the junction of the two dielectric interfaces (Figure A.6), is given by


Similarly, since the bottom plate is also PEC and acts as a short. Hence, input
impedance is given by


where and are the characteristic impedance of the two layers

respectively. Hence from the transverse resonance (TR) condition we have


From (A.10), (A.11) and (A.12) it follows that


Since the propagation in the multilayered microstrip line is TM, the

transcendental equation above at (A.13) could be simplified further by
applying following:

(a) Characteristic impedance

([25, 26])

(b) for . It is pertinent to highlight here that

Getsinger uses the tanh(x) approximation2 within an error of about

1.5%, by considering that is within .

After some algebraic manipulations, this gives



Furthermore, the propagation constants of the two layers are related by



The longitudinal (i.e. in the „z‟ direction, Figure A.6(a)) propagation constant
can be expressed in terms of effective dielectric constant as

From (A.16), (A.17) and (A.18) it follows


It is important to note that this approximation is valid only for tanhx and cannot be applied to
cothx as reciprocal of tanhx


Next applying equations (A.19) and (A.20) to (A.15) we obtain the following

Let us now define

Therefore we have from (A.21):



For situations where (or ), would imply that . To check

the consistency of the model it is prudent to apply these conditions to (A.14),
resulting in

This implies that

and from (A.19) it follows that


It can similarly be shown that for the case where , .

For finding the effective permittivity of the two-layered microstrip line
structure, obtained from (A.23) can be substituted into Getsinger‟s equation
at (A.4).

A.4.1 Simulations and Results

A two-layered microstrip line was simulated using Ansoft HFSS. The

simulations were run by considering the port boundaries of the microstrip line
as radiation, or Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC), or Perfect Electric
Conductor (PEC), or Perfectly Matched Layer (PML). The consistency of
results across various port boundary conditions (as indicated above) validates
the results obtained on the effective permittivity dispersion in the model.

A 1 GHz microstrip line was designed using standard design equations

given by Hammerstad et al. [27]. The details of the design are placed in Table
A.1. Using SLR in conjunction with various methods for determining the quasi-
static effective dielectric constant (such as Variational and TL, conformal
mapping and series capacitance method), UDM was applied to obtain the
dispersion of effective permittivity. In addition dispersion was also determined
using the proposed multilayered Getsinger‟s LSE model.

Table A.1 : Design data of 1 GHz microstrip line

Parameter Value
Bottom Layer: Layer 1
Permittivity constant layer 1 1 4.4
Thickness b1 0.8mm
Top Layer: Layer 2
Permittivity constant layer 2 2 2.33
Thickness b2 0.15mm
Microstrip line width W 1.41mm

The results of the investigation are shown in Figure A.8 and indicate that
the multilayered Getsinger‟s LSE model provides the closest dispersion of
permittivity to the full wave simulation results. Svacina‟s CMA model is also
close to the reference for frequencies below 10 GHz. (Figure A.8 and Figure

Figure A.8 : Dispersion of Effective Permittivity in Microstrip line with double
layered dielectric (with ϵ1 =4.4 and ϵ2 = 2.33 )

Figure A.9 : Dispersion of relative error percentage (with ϵ1 = 2.33 and ϵ2 = 4.4 )

Figure A.10 : Dispersion of Effective Permittivity in Microstrip line with double
layered dielectric (with ϵ1 = 2.33 and ϵ2 = 4.4 )

Figure A.11 : Dispersion of relative error percentage (with = 4.4 and = 2.33 )

Similarly, the two layered microstrip line was also investigated with top and
bottom layers swapped (i.e. 1= 2.33 and 2= 4.4; keeping the layer

thicknesses the same, i.e. b1= 0.8 mm and b2= 0.15 mm). Results are plotted
in Figure A.10 and Figure A.11.

It is clearly evident from Figure A.9 and A.11 that the percentage relative
error for Getsinger‟s multilayered model is lower than for the other models that
are based on UDM in the present example. It is also interesting to observe
that the multilayer Getsinger‟s model has errors less than 1.5% up to 50 GHz,
while Svacina‟s CMA offers results within 9% error, for frequencies up to 50
GHz. The relative performance of other models is generally far from
satisfactory. Another example with different substrate thickness and relative
permittivity is shown in Figure A.12 and Figure A.13 to highlight the better
accuracy of the proposed model.

Figure A.9 : Dispersion of Effective Permittivity in Microstrip line with double

layered dielectric (with ϵ1 = 4.5, b1 = 1.6 mm and ϵ2 = 2.5, b2 = 0.8 mm )

However, these examples cannot be considered as a general proof on

the effectiveness of this model. The limitation for presenting such a proof is
the inability in accounting for all possible combinations of substrate permittivity
and thicknesses. Furthermore, since the suggested model substitutes the
multi-layer substrate with a single layer (homogenous) substrate having
suitable equivalent permittivity „εs‟ and the fact that the dispersion of effective
permittivity is based on accepted Getsinger‟s LSE model, it could be

conjectured that the proposed model would have the same limitations as
indicated in [28] namely and . It is however
difficult to translate the limitations of equivalent permittivity „εs‟ and thickness
„b‟ in terms of permittivity constant and thicknesses of individual substrate

Figure A.10 : Dispersion of relative error percentage (with ϵ1 = 4.5, b1 = 1.6 mm

and ϵ2 = 2.5, b2 = 0.8 mm)

A.4.2 Alternative Approach

The present day computational power of computers allows us to solve

numerically transcendental equations of the type indicated at equation (A.13).
Some examples of such softwares that allow computation of transcendental
equations are Maplesoft™3, Mathematica™4 etc. The advantage of this
approach is that no approximation of the hyperbolic tangent functions is
required, which results in more accurate solutions without range limitations.

In equation (A.13), the propagation constants are substituted from

equations (A.19) and (A.20). Further, in accordance with [25, 26] the


characteristic impedance of the layers are also substituted in the equation as
indicated below:-

and from equations (A.19) and (A.20) following transcendental

equation is obtained


Solving for and eliminating non-physical solutions, the found values

of are applied to Getsinger‟s LSE model. This then provides dispersion of
the effective permittivity of a double-layer microstrip line structure. It is
observed that both approaches provide similar results within acceptable

A.5 Triple layered Getsinger’s LSE Model for Dispersion of

permittivity in Microstrip lines

In this section we intend to extend the model to cover the dispersion of

permittivity in a three-layer microstrip line structure is shown in Figure A.14.
The corresponding schematic of the Getsinger‟s LSE model for this three-
layer microstrip line is depicted in Figure A.15.

Figure A.11 : Triple layer dielectric microstrip line

Figure A.12 : Three-layer Getsinger's LSE model

Similarly, as in the previous analysis, the TR method is applied to obtain the

transcendental equation. Hence,





Therefore from (A.26), (A.27), (A.28) and (A.29) it follows that


This implies that


Applying the conditions given at section A.3 about characteristic impedance
and approximation for hyperbolic tangent to (A.32) gives

This simplification gives:


As before, since the propagation constants are related by:





Substitution of above equations into (A.34), results in:



For situations where would imply that and applying these
conditions into (A.33) reduces it to:

This could be further reduced to


This equation (A.43) is similar to (A.15) for the two-layer case and therefore
the solution of (A.43) could be obtained by following the method described for
two-layered microstrip line structure.

For finding the effective permittivity of the three-layered microstrip

line structure, obtained from (A.41) can be substituted into Getsinger‟s
equation at (A.4).

A.5.1 Simulations and Results

Several examples of three-layer microstrip lines were simulated using

the eigenmode solver of Ansoft HFSS™. The simulations were run by
considering the port boundaries of the microstrip line as radiation, or Perfect
Magnetic Conductor (PMC), or Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC), or Perfectly
Matched Layer (PML). The consistency of results across various port
boundary conditions (as indicated above) validates the results obtained on the
effective permittivity dispersion in the model.

A 1 GHz microstrip line was designed using standard design

equations given by Hammerstad et al. [27]. Different commercially available
RF substrates were considered for this study. These substrates are:

 Case-I: (a) RO 4350 (εr= 3.66), (b) RT/Duroid 5870 (εr= 2.33), and
(c) RO 4003 (εr= 3.55),
 Case-II: (a) RO 3006 (εr= 6.15), (b) RT/Duroid 6002 (εr= 2.94), and
(c) RO 3010 (εr= 10.2).

The general idea was to use realistic values for substrates permittivity
and thickness. The details of the design are as shown in Figure A.16 (a) and
Figure A.17 (a) for both cases of substrate combinations. SLR in conjunction
with Variational and TL method is used for comparison of dispersion of
effective permittivity with the proposed multilayered Getsinger‟s LSE model.

Figure A.16(a) shows the cross sectional layout of a microstripline of

width 1.41 mm over three layers of substrates with different thicknesses and


b3 =0.12mm 3=3.66

b2 =0.16mm 2=2.33

b1=0.8 mm 1=3.55

(a) General layout of three layered microstrip line

(b) Dispersion of Effective Permittivity

(c) Percentage Relative Error

Figure A.13 : (a) Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-I (b) dispersion
of effective permittivity and (c) percentage relative error

Figure 16(b) presents the dispersion of effective permittivity of the three

layer microstrip line structure over 1 to 50 GHz. While Figure 16(c) shows the
percentage error in the effective permittivity observed between different
models that are considered against the actual effective permittivity obtained
by using an eigen mode solver. Figure A.17(a), like Figure A.16(a) shows the
cross sectional layout of a microstripline of width 1.41 mm over three layers of
substrates with different thicknesses and permittivity.


b3 =1.0mm 3=6.15

b2 =1.6mm 2=2.94

b1=0.8 mm 1=10.2

(a) General layout of three layered microstrip line

(b) Dispersion of Effective Permittivity

(c) Percentage Relative Error
Figure A.14 : (a) Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-II (b)
dispersion of effective permittivity and (c) percentage relative error

Figure 17(b) presents the dispersion of effective permittivity of the three

layer microstrip line structure over 1 to 50 GHz. While Figure 17(c) shows the
percentage error in the effective permittivity observed between different
models that are considered against the actual effective permittivity obtained
by using an eigen mode solver.

A few additional examples with different thicknesses of substrates and

realistic values relative permittivity are shown below to highlight the relatively
better accuracy of modified Getsinger‟s model over other known models.

(a) Case III: A three layer microstripline with thickness 1.41 mm and
substrate thicknesses and permittivity as shown in Figure A 18. The relative
permittivity of top and bottom layers is almost identical, while the middle layer
is comparatively thicker.


b3 =1.0mm 3=3.55

b2 =1.6mm 2=2.33

b1=0.8 mm 1=3.66

(a) General layout of three layered microstrip line

(b) Dispersion of Effective Permittivity

(c) Percentage Relative Error

Figure A.18 : (a) Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-III (b)
dispersion of effective permittivity and (c) percentage relative error

(b) Case IV: A three layer microstripline with thickness 1.41 mm and
substrate thicknesses and permittivity as shown in Figure A 19. The relative
permittivity of top layer is higher than rest of the layers. Thickness of the
layers is identical to Case III.


b3 =1.0mm 3=4.5

b2 =1.6mm 2=2.94

b1=0.8 mm 1=2.2

(a) General layout of three layered microstrip line

(b) Dispersion of Effective Permittivity

(c) Percentage Relative Error

Figure A.19 : (a) Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-IV (b)
dispersion of effective permittivity and (c) percentage relative error

(c) Case V: A three layer microstripline with thickness 1.41 mm and

substrate thicknesses and permittivity as shown in Figure A 20. In this case
both the relative permittivity and the thickness of the substrate layer is
increasing from top to bottom.


b3 =1.6mm 3=2.33

b2 =1.0mm 2=3.27

b1=0.8 mm 1=4.5

(a) General layout of three layered microstrip line

(b) Dispersion of Effective Permittivity

(c) Percentage Relative Error

Figure A.20 : (a) Layout of three layered microstrip line for case-V (b)
dispersion of effective permittivity and (c) percentage relative error

A.5.2 Alternative Approach

As stated before, transcendental equations of the type (A.34) can be

solved directly. The advantage of this approach is that we do not need to

approximate hyperbolic tangent functions and is therefore relatively more

In equation (A.34), the propagation constants are substituted from

equations (A.38), (A.39) and (A.40). Further, in accordance with [25, 26] the
characteristic impedance of the layers are also substituted in the equation as
indicated below


which translates into the following transcendental equation

Solving for and applying the physically feasible value of to Getsinger‟s
LSE model provides the dispersion of effective permittivity for a three layered
microstrip line structure.

A.6 ‘n’ layered Getsinger’s LSE Model for Dispersion of

permittivity in Microstriplines

The „n‟ layered Getsinger LSE model could be developed based on the
previously described method. This implies recursively applying the
transmission line equations for obtaining the transcendental equation. The
strategy for extending the LSE model to a „n‟ layered dielectric microstrip line
is outlined in the following

Figure A.21 : 'n'-layer Getsinger's LSE model

Similarly, as in the previous analysis, the TR method is applied to obtain the

transcendental equation. Hence, since





These equations need to be applied recursively and finally the transcendental

equation is obtained from


To solve the transcendental equation the conditions mentioned in section A.3
are applied. The equations on the relationship between propagation constant
and dielectric constant are applied prior to solving the „n‟ dimensional
polynomial of ; which are



Only valid and physically possible solutions of are considered for finding the
effective permittivity of the „n‟ layered microstrip line structure. It is also
important to notice, that this generalisation is valid only for the case ;
for . The obtained from the transcendental equation (A.51)
can be substituted into Getsinger‟s equation at (A.4). It may be conjectured
here that the transcendental equation would be a „n‟ degree polynomial of ,
with coefficients as function of frequency, layer thickness and permittivity.

A.7 Conclusions

In this Appendix, the Getsinger model has been modified for

multilayered microstrip line structures. The results presented for two and
three-layered microstrip lines indicate better performance in comparison to
other models or approaches (such as UDM). In the case of two-layered
microstrip line, it was empirically found that the results were generally within
4% to 15% (depending on the permittivity of the substrates, their thicknesses
and their arrangement) error for the modified Getsinger model, against other
approaches where the errors were in excess of 9% in the lower side and
above 30% on the higher side. Similar results were obtained for three-layered
microstrip line and it was shown that the modified Getsinger model gave
results within a typical error margin of 5 to 10%, against other approaches
where the errors were within 15% to 35%. The modified Getsinger‟s model
therefore provides a good starting approach for solving multilayered microstrip
line problems. This would help in expediting electro-magnetic solution for such

This approach would be very useful while designing multilayered
reconfigurable planar antenna using CPs. CPs in these reconfigurable
antennas would transition from highly conductive state (metallic) to an
insulator or dielectric state. The permittivity of the CP would change from a
negative value to a positive value. As a consequence of which the overall
effective permittivity of the antenna structure would change and affect the
antenna‟s performance.


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Refers to section 4.2 Chapter 4


Results of 4.5 GHz PPy Patch

B.1 S11 Measurements

In this appendix result of 4.5 GHz PPy patch antennas of different patch
thicknesses is presented. The results presented below highlight the
importance of patch thickness towards good antenna performance. In addition
they also show that reasonable antenna performance is possible at patch
thicknesses less than a skin depth.

PPy-Patch antenna

Figure B.1: S11 measurement for 40 μm thick PPy patch antenna at 4.5 GHz

Refers to section 4.2 Chapter 4

Figure B.2: S11 measurement for 50 μm thick PPy patch antenna at 4.5 GHz

Figure B.3: S11 measurement for 90 μm thick PPy patch antenna at 4.5 GHz

Refers to section 4.2 Chapter 4

Figure B.4: S11 measurement for 140 μm thick PPy patch antenna at 4.5 GHz

B.2 Radiation Pattern Measurements

Cu-Patch antenna
In Figure B.5 the E-plane Co-polarisation radiation measurements of
copper patch antenna are presented along with its simulated measurements.

Figure B.5: 4.5 GHz Copper patch E-Copol measurements and simulation results

Refers to section 4.2 Chapter 4

Figure B.6: 4.5 GHz Copper patch H-Copol Measurements and simulation results

Similarly Figure B.6 presents the H-plane Co-polarisation measurements and

simulation results of the copper patch antenna.

PPy-Patch Antennas
Figure B.7 indicates the E-plane Co-polarisation radiation
measurements and simulation results of PPy patch antenna with patch
thickness of 40 µm. Similarly Figure B.8 presents the H-plane Co-polarisation
measurements and simulation results of the PPy patch antenna (40 µm).
Similar radiation plots are shown in subsequent Figures for different
thicknesses of the PPy patches.

Refers to section 4.2 Chapter 4

Figure B.7: 4.5 GHz PPy (40 μm) patch E-Copol measurements and simulation

Figure B.8: 4.5 GHz PPy (40 μm) patch H-Copol measurements and simulation

Refers to section 4.2 Chapter 4

Figure B.9: 4.5 GHz PPy (50 μm) patch E-Copol measurements and simulation

Figure B.10: 4.5 GHz PPy (50 μm) patch H-Copol measurements and simulation

Refers to section 4.2 Chapter 4

Figure B.11: 4.5 GHz PPy (90 μm) patch E-Copol measurements and simulation

Figure B.12: 4.5 GHz PPy (90 μm) patch H-Copol measurements and simulation

Refers to section 4.2 Chapter 4

Figure B.13: 4.5 GHz PPy (140 μm) patch E-Copol measurements and simulation

Figure B.14: 4.5 GHz PPy (140 μm) patch H-Copol measurements and simulation


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applications where higher conductivity is required. CLEVIOS P Jet N TM

is a pH neutralized version for pH sensitive printheads and substrates.

CLEVIOS P Jet HC and CLEVIOS P Jet N can be used directly or be


further formulated in combination with solvents or binders, then

applied by inkjet to various surfaces, such as Polycarbonate, PS or PET.

For use as conductive lines and contact electrodes on flexible plastic
Physical Characteristics:

Unit Min Max Min Max

Viscosity mPas (700 sec-1)* 15 25 8 18
Conductivity S/cm 50 90 30 90
Solids Content % 1.8 2.2 0.6 1.0
pH Value — 2 3 5 8
*CLEVIOS P Jet HC and CLEVIOS P Jet N can be diluted with a mixture of

80:20 water and ethanol (w/w) to reduce viscosity.

Heraeus provides batch specific technical analysis to maintain
conductivity and transparency caracteristics.

Heraeus’ other development products for TFTs:

For Printable Electronics
Dendritic oligothiophenes, Hex-4T-Hex (see Kirchmeyer et al Adv.
Functional Mat. 2003, 13,591)

For Evaporation Processes

Oligothiophenes such as Hex-6T-Hex and Dec-6T-Dec (see
Kirchmeyer et al., Advanced Materials 2003, 15,917)
Europe North America
Heraeus Clevios GmbH Heraeus Materials Technology LLC
CHEMPARK Leverkusen, Building B 202 24 Union Hill Road
51368 Leverkusen, W. Conshohocken PA 19428
Germany USA
John Bayley Dr. Ron Lubianez
T +49 (214) 30-26718 T +1 (617) 828 4478
F +49 (214) 30-56284 F +1 (610) 825 70 61
john.bayley@heraeus.com ron.lubianez@heraeus.com

Heraeus K.K. Heraeus Materials Korea Ltd
5-1 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku #813, Kolon Digital Tower Villant II
102-0084 Tokyo 222-8, Guro 3 dong, Guro-gu
Japan Seoul, 152-727
Tetsuya Suzuki Korea
T +81 (3) 521539-22 Gihong Park
F +81 (3) 521539-21 T +82 (2) 865-0950
tetsuya.suzuki@heraeus.com F +82 (2) 865-0951

(Responsible for Hong Kong, Taiwan and S.E. Asia)

Heraeus Materials Technology Shanghai Ltd. Heraeus Ltd.

No. 1 Guangzhong Road, Minhang District 30 On Chuen Street, On Lok Tsuen
201108 Shanghai Hong Kong
China China (Hongkong)
Harry Zhu Emily Shu
T +86 (21) 3357-5688 T +(852) 2675-1200
F +86 (21) 3357-5699 F +(852) 2682-3220
harry.zhu@heraeus.com emily.shu@heraeus.com

HDW 06/09

The conditions of your use and application of our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written or by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and recommendations, are beyond our control.Therefore, it is imperative
that you test our products, technical assistance and information to determine to your own satisfaction whether they are suitable for your intended uses and applications.This application-specific analysis at least must include testing to determine suitability from a technical
as well as health, safety, and environmental standpoint. Such testing has not necessarily been done by Heraeus. All information is given without warranty or guarantee.It is expressly understood and agreed that the customer assumes and hereby expressly releases
Heraeus from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in connection with the use of our products, technical assistance and information. Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not bind Heraeus. Nothing herein
shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with patents covering any material or its use. No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent. Properties of the products referred to herein shall, as a general rule, not be classed as
information on the properties of the item for sale. In case of order please refer to issue number of the respective product data sheet.All deliveries are based on the latest issue of the product data sheet and the latest version of our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.

Heraeus Clevios GmbH

CHEMPARK Leverkusen
Building B 202
51368 Leverkusen

T +49 (214) 30-1


Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4


Results of 6 GHz PPy and PEDOT

Patch Antennas
D.1 S11 Measurements

In this appendix result of 6 GHz PPy and PEDOT patch antennas of different
patch thicknesses is presented. The results presented below highlight the
importance of patch thickness towards good antenna performance.
Furthermore, reasonable antenna performance is reported using PEDOT
inkjet printed antennas, which could be printed along with low cost inkjet
printed electronics circuits.

PPy-Patch antenna

Figure D.1 : S11 measurement and simulation for 50 µm thick PPy patch
antenna at 6 GHz

Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4

Figure D.2 : S11 measurement and simulation for 140 µm thick PPy patch
antenna at 6 GHz

Figure D 1 and D 2 show the PPy antenna design optimisation process and
also highlight how noticeable and measureable differences between the
simulated patch antenna dimensions and actual antenna were accounted for
and corrected. In addition it also shows how a perfect match between the
actual measurement and simulation was obtained by adjusting the AC
conductivity of the PPy patch.

Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4

D.2 Radiation Pattern Measurements

Cu-Patch antenna
Figure D.3 the E-plane Co-polarisation radiation measurements of
copper patch antenna are presented along with its simulated measurements.

Figure D.3 : 6 GHz E Co-pol measurements and simulation of Copper patch


Figure D. 4 : 6 GHz H Co-pol measurements and simulation of Copper patch


Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4

Similarly Figure D.4 presents the H-plane Co-polarisation measurements and

simulation results of the copper patch antenna.

PPy-Patch Antennas

Figure D.5 indicates the E-plane Co-polarisation radiation

measurements and simulation results of PPy patch antenna with patch
thickness of 50 µm. Similarly Figure D.6 presents the H-plane Co-polarisation
measurements and simulation results of the PPy patch antenna (50 µm).
Similar radiation plots are shown in subsequent Figures for different
thicknesses of the PPy patches.

Figure D.5 : 6 GHz E Co-pol measurements and simulation of PPy patch (50 µm
thick) antenna

Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4

Figure D.6 : 6 GHz H Co-pol measurements and simulation of PPy patch (50 µm
thick) antenna

Figure D.7 : 6 GHz E Co-pol measurements and simulation of PPy patch (90 µm
thick) antenna

Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4

Figure D.8 : 6 GHz H Co-pol measurements and simulation of PPy patch (90 µm
thick) antenna

Figure D.9 : 6 GHz E Co-pol measurements and simulation of PPy patch (140
µm thick) antenna

Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4

Figure D.10 : 6 GHz H Co-pol measurements and simulation of PPy patch (140
µm thick) antenna

Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4

PEDOT-Patch Antennas
Figure D.11 the E-plane Co-polarisation radiation measurements of the
printed PEDOT patch antenna are presented along with its simulated

Figure D.11 : 6 GHz E Co-pol measurements and simulation of PEDOT patch


Figure D.12 : 6 GHz H Co-pol measurements and simulation of PEDOT patch


Refers to section 4.3 of Chapter 4

Similarly Figure D.12 presents the H-plane Co-polarisation measurements

and simulation results of the printed PEDOT patch antenna.


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