Experimental Methods in Catalytic Kinetics
Experimental Methods in Catalytic Kinetics
Experimental Methods in Catalytic Kinetics
Selecting an appropriate experimental procedure and a suitable laboratory reactor is crucial for evaluating the kinetics of a
catalytic process. In this paper, practical guidelines are suggested for carrying out a kinetic study for a given reaction system.
Comparison of various laboratory reactors is presented and some of the pitfalls and limitations are discussed. The in¯uence of
transport phenomena due to the ¯ow, the catalyst and the reactor geometry is analyzed and the criteria for their absence are
given in a convenient form. # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0920-5861/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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134 C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145
To analyze the behavior of a catalytic reactor it is available correlations [9] or measured by means of
necessary to build a mathematical model (reactor experiments performed under non-reacting condi-
model) describing these various aspects. Therefore, tions. As belonging to the scale-up stage of the
it is important to collect accurate and reliable data for catalytic process, these experiments are outside the
mass, energy and momentum transport as well as purpose of this paper. This subject is discussed in
chemical kinetics. Then the data must be analyzed literature [6,10±12].
to ®nd adequate model equations and to estimate
reliable parameters dependent only on the macro- 2.1. Reactor classification
scopic variables of the reactor (i.e., pressure, tempera-
ture, space velocity). For the data collection, specially An useful classi®cation of laboratory reactors is
designed laboratory or pilot experiments are needed, reported in Fig. 1, as suggested by Anderson et al.
as only in few cases a theoretical evaluation is possible [13]. The distinctions among the reactors are based
[7]. Though data analysis procedure has been devel- upon time dependencies (steady state vs. non-steady
oped in order to estimate simultaneously chemical state), conversion level (integral vs. differential) and
kinetic parameters and transport parameters from ¯ow pattern.
data obtained under non-isothermal integral experi-
ments (see [8]), an approach is advisable in order to 2.1.1. Steady state operation
break down the problem into its different components. The ®rst distinction among laboratory operations is
In this way, the experimentation necessary to develop whether the temperature and the concentrations at any
the reactor model is split into complementary parts. chosen point in the reactor is invariant with time. If so,
First we will concentrate on the criteria for per- the operation is classi®ed as steady state. Steady state
forming kinetic experiments under conditions where operations are performed in continuous reactors. A
transport resistances are negligible (Section 4). When continuous ¯ow of reactants (sometimes including
this is possible, intrinsic kinetic equations will be products and/or diluent) is supplied to the reactor.
obtained and the reaction kinetic parameters (rate The same mass ¯ow rate of product stream is with-
constant k, activation energies E, and adsorption drawn. Continuous reactors are commonly distin-
constants K) will be estimated. guished by the nature of their ¯ow pattern and of
The following step will be the evaluation of the catalyst handling (Table 1). The catalyst amount
catalyst pellet ef®ciency in kinetic experiments carried inside a continuous reactor is constant with time. This
out in the absence of external mass and heat transfer is obtained either by a batch overall or a continuous
effects (Section 5). Then we will consider measures overall of the catalyst. Furthermore, the catalyst can
performed to determine the catalyst particle para- be either mobile or immobile in the reactor. All of them
meters (e.g. effective diffusivity and effective thermal exhibit a ¯ow pattern that lies between the ideal
conductivity). All the parameters estimated by this extremes of plug ¯ow and perfect mixing.
approach will allow to formulate a kinetic model of the These two ¯ow patterns are called ``ideal'' as they
catalyst pellet which is the ``core'' of the catalytic enable a simple mathematical description and an
reactor model. easier data treatment. As we will discuss later, any
The kinetic model of the catalyst pellet can be continuous reactor with other than ideal ¯ow behavior
embedded in the model of any type of reactor (e.g., should be discarded as unsuitable for kinetic study.
®xed-bed, ¯uidized-bed, trickle-bed and slurry). The According to Table 1, it is inadvisable to determine
latter will also account for all the transport phenomena the kinetics for catalytic reaction in ¯uidized bed or
outside the catalyst particle. So it is necessary to build bubble column. These reactors may occasionally be
up a mathematical model of the intrareactor regime, acceptable for testing catalysts but are not recom-
including the mass, energy and momentum mended for obtaining intrinsic kinetic data.
continuity equations for axial and radial transport
through the catalyst interstices. These equations Continuous fixed-bed reactors with plug
depend on the type of reactor under development flow. This reactor is a tube packed with a solid
and the transport parameters can be estimated from catalyst. When the reacting fluid moves through the
C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145 135
Table 1
Continuous laboratory reactors
reactor tube in turbulent flow, the fluid moves like a bed is less than 5% per pass. In this condition the rate
plug or piston. This reactor is commonly called plug becomes approximately linearly proportional to the
flow reactor (PFR). The condition of turbulent flow change in conversion. So the reaction rate can be
generally ensures the absence of temperature, velocity calculated directly from the incremental change in
and concentration gradients in the radial direction. conversion. If the conversion per pass exceeds 5%, the
The PFR is well-mixed radially and zero-mixed reactor is called integral and the reaction rate is
axially. obtained by a more complex analysis of the experi-
A distinction commonly made among these reactors mental data.
is based on the magnitude of conversion per pass over A typical ®xed-bed laboratory reactor is the so
the catalyst. A reactor is generally termed differential called microreactor [2,14] for single-pass operations.
when the conversion of reactant through the catalyst A microreactor can be either differential or integral.
136 C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145
Recycle reactors are multi pass reactors where a When the impeller includes the basket itself, the
major portion of the ef¯uent is recycled to the reactor reactor is called spinning basket reactor. A reactor of
inlet. When the recycle ratio is high (e.g. >25) the this type was ®rst proposed and used by Carberry [15].
reactor can be regarded as a continuously stirred tank On the contrary, in stationary basket reactors the
reactor (CSTR). There are two classes of recycle stirred tank performances are obtained by rotating
reactors: external recycle (or loop) reactors and inter- special impellers inside a pot holding a ®xed basket
nal recycle reactors. External recycle is usually inside [2,5].
achieved using an external pump that must be able
to operate at the required temperature without chemi- 2.1.2. Non-steady state operation
cally contaminating the recycle stream. This is a quite Contrary to the steady state reactors, the conditions
dif®cult task. Furthermore, the high ratio between wall in non-steady state systems vary with time. If so, the
surface and volume, typical of external loops, may be reactor are classi®ed as a non-steady state. This class
detrimental when the wall material shows any kind of includes batch reactors, semibatch reactors and tran-
catalytic activity. Another problem concerns the high sient reactors.
dead volume (reactor volume other than catalyst In batch reactors [2], the catalyst and all the che-
volume) if homogeneous reactions take place. For mical species are charged into a vessel and brought to
this reasons external recycle is not often used. In react as a function of real time, under speci®ed con-
contrast, internal recycle is usually achieved through ditions of temperature and pressure. The progress of
an internal impeller and is well suited for high pressure the reaction is monitored by periodically analyzing the
operation [3]. A variety of internal recycle designs vessel content. The simplest form is the stirred batch
have been proposed in literature [5] and some are reactor which is a STR operated batchwise. Therefore,
commercially available. stirred batch reactors can be either slurry reactors or
spinning basket reactors, depending on the particle Continuous reactors with perfect mixing. size and ¯uid density. Also external recycle reactors
This class includes recycle reactors with high have been used for batch experiments [16].
recycle ratio and continuously stirred tank reactor In semibatch reactors [2], one (or more) of the
(CSTR). Both of types are termed gradientless reactants are charged batchwise, while a coreactant
because of the absence of intrareactor is fed continuously. Gas±liquid±solid reactions are
concentration and temperature gradients. According frequently carried out in this semibatch mode, with
to the ideal behavior the reaction rate may be obtained the catalyst and liquids charged initially and gases fed
directly from a simple algebraic equation expressed in as they are consumed by the reaction. The coreactant
terms of effluent concentration. can be fed at a rate suitable for the desired control of
From a practical point of view problems arise in the overall reaction rate and heat generation or
order to obtain uniform catalyst dispersion. The pos- abstraction. The data obtained consist of species con-
sibility to suspend the solid particles uniformly in the centrations vs. real time, as in the case of batch
¯uid is strongly dependent on the density difference reactors.
between solid and ¯uid and on the ef®ciency of the Transient reactors are continuous reactors operat-
stirring device. The substantial difference in density ing under non-steady state conditions. A perturbation
between gas and solid makes virtually impossible to is made in the reaction conditions and the time-
suspend catalyst solid particles in a gas. Liquid sus- dependent response is used to obtain the kinetic
pensions (slurries) can overcome the problem of solid information. Pulse reactors [4] are common examples
particle dispersion and favor temperature uniformity. of this type. A given amount of reactants is injected
In all cases vigorous and ef®cient stirring is essential. into a gas stream that passes through a small bed of
An alternative for solid catalyst particles with size catalyst at a ®xed temperature. The conversion is
suitable to be retained by a wire mesh (>1 mm) are quanti®ed via on-line analysis of the exiting pulse.
basket reactors. With assorted impellers and baf¯es, Transient reactors are also used in the Temperature
these devices are adaptable to gas±solid, liquid±solid programmed reaction (TPR) [17] technique. In TPR, a
and gas±liquid±solid reactions. ®xed-bed reactor containing the catalyst is fed con-
C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145 137
tinuously with the reactants. The feed composition and objectives: development of a newly discovered cata-
the feed rate are ®xed, while the catalyst temperature lyst or catalytic process and optimization of an exist-
is changed according to a predetermined program. The ing catalytic process. In both cases the reacting system
composition of reaction products is determined via on- is well known. Sometimes, even in the case of a new
line analysis of the exiting stream. The conversion is catalytic process, the industrial reactor type is already
so recorded as a function of time on stream and on de®ned. The selection of the experimental set-up
temperature. however, is related to the reacting system more than
In Fig. 2 the laboratory reactors discussed above are to the kind of industrial reactor. In fact the laboratory
summarized according to the operation mode. reactor does not necessarily be a reduced scale replica
of the industrial reactor.
So we assume that before to select the suitable set-
3. Nature of reacting system
up and to start up any experimental program, a clear
understanding of the nature of the reacting system is
Building a mathematical model of the catalyst and
available. This includes the matters concerning ther-
reactor is usually required in view of two different
modynamics and physical data of the reacting system.
Some particularly prominent areas are highlighted
3.1. Thermodynamics
can be achieved. It also gives an important clue toward resistances are negligible. If this is possible the intrin-
optimal experimental conditions. sic reaction rate will be determined.
Standard free-energy (G0) value is obtained from Few general characteristics are considered crucial
thermal data as well as Hr0 . From G0, the equili- for the correct carrying out of a kinetic experiment in
brium constant, hence the maximum conversion to order to obtain intrinsic reaction rates:
which a chemical reaction can proceed, may be cal-
culated [18]. It applies to the conversion of reactants in
ideality of flow pattern for continuous operations
their standard states to products in their standard state.
or ideality of mixing for batch and semibatch
G0 may be a function of temperature but it will not
be a function of total pressure. Therefore, the equili-
absence of interphase and intraphase concentra-
brium constant (Ka) de®ned on the basis of thermo-
tion and temperature gradients.
dynamic activities, will also be independent of total
pressure. On the contrary Kp, de®ned on the basis of Isothermality. Isothermality means absence of tem-
partial pressures, can become a function of pressure perature gradients inside the reactor. For complex
due to the non-ideality of gases. In order to account for reacting system, with multiple reactions paths having
non-ideality, fugacity coef®cients must be introduced. different activation energies, it may make very dif®-
The fugacity coef®cients can be obtained from gen- cult to unscramble the rate constant from non-iso-
eralized coef®cient charts available in many thermo- thermal data [22].
dynamic texts [18]. Ideality of ¯ow pattern or ideality of mixing. As
However, the calculation of chemical reaction equi- discussed above for continuous reactors, ¯ow patterns
librium is an area of chemical reaction thermody- lie between the ideal extremes of plug ¯ow (PFR) and
namics in which errors are most likely to arise. perfect mixing (CSTR). Adopting laboratory reactors
Therefore, the previous calculations must be per- having ideal ¯ow pattern ensures an easy data treat-
formed with care. An interesting example showing ment because of the simple mathematical description.
the criticisms of these analysis has been reported by Ideal ¯ow pattern for continuous reactors corresponds
Kabel [19]. to ideal mixing for batch stirred reactors (BSTR).
Deviation from ideality occurs because of the pre-
3.2. Physical data sence of macrogradients of concentration or tempera-
ture in the reactor. These macrogradients may result,
Heterogeneous catalyzed reactions are two-phase for instance, from incomplete mixing in STR or from
systems at least, solid (the catalyst) and liquid and/or axial dispersion, wall effects or catalyst bypassing in
gaseous (the reactants and the products). Preliminary PFR. These intrareactor gradients affect the evolution
evaluations of the liquid±vapor equilibrium of the of the chemical reaction and unless accounted for, will
reacting system should be performed to know the falsify the interpretation of the results obtained.
physical state of reactants and products under the Absence of interphase and intraphase gradients.
reaction conditions. This information is useful for Gradients of concentration and temperature can also
the correct reactor choice. As it will be described occur at the boundary between different phases in the
below, reactors more suitable for liquid±solids, gas± reactor. With solid catalysts such gradients may occur
solid or liquid±gas±solid phases can be choosen between the internal solid surface and the bulk ¯uid
[20,21], as roughly reported in Fig. 2. (interphase) and within the catalyst particles them-
selves (intraphase). Such gradients are also known as
external or internal, respectively. The presence of
4. Intrinsic kinetics gradients severely complicate the analysis of the rate
Once we have a clear understanding of the nature of In the subsequent discussion we will show how to
the reaction system we must consider what attributes select and operate laboratory reactors in order to
of the laboratory reactor will be important to perform ensure the existence of the previous attributes and
kinetic experiments under conditions where transport to measure intrinsic kinetic rates. We will concentrate
C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145 139
on simple practical rules and on experimental diag- for a complex multicomponent mixture. Moreover,
nostic tests, while referring to the literature for math- by-passing in a differential reactor will be fatal in
ematical criteria [21,23]. According to Fig. 2 the terms of measuring accurate contact time and, as a
following reactor types will discussed: consequence, in terms of results obtained.
In practice, very often integral operations are used.
fixed (two-phase or trickle)-bed reactors;
The main dif®culty with the integral reactors is to
stirred reactors;
achieve uniform temperature along the catalytic bed.
recycled reactors.
This problem is particularly important with severely
exothermic (or endothermic) reactions.
4.1. Fixed-bed reactors (two-phase) The experimental methods for reducing tempera-
ture gradients are mainly the dilution of both feed and
According to Fig. 2, ®xed-bed laboratory reactors catalyst and decreasing of reactor diameter. The
can be used for two-phase system (gas±solid or liquid± feeding of an inert substance together with reactants
solid) and for three-phase systems (gas±liquid±solid). allows to increase the heat removal from the reaction
The latter, called trickle-bed reactors, will be treated zone. The catalysts dilution with inert solid particles
separately. (generally quartz), having the same size of the cata-
Plug ¯ow operation. In order to ensure a plug ¯ow lytic particles, reduces the local hot-spot and improves
pattern the following conditions must be ful®lled: the temperature distribution along the catalytic bed.
The decreasing of reactor diameter should necessarily
The reactor diameter (D) must be at least 10
be accompanied by the reduction of particle diameter,
catalyst particle diameter (dp) (D/dp>10) [21].
in order to ful®ll the PFR condition. Otherwise by-
For gas±solid systems the catalyst bed length (L)
passing problems (uneven distribution of the different
should be at least 50 particle diameter (L/dp>50)
phases through the catalytic bed) will arise. However,
the need to reduce catalyst particles produces high
For liquid±solid systems, at the low flow common
pressure drops. In this case the problems are resolved
in laboratory reactors, the catalyst bed length
by mixing catalyst particles with inert particles of
should be several hundred particle diameter [21].
suitable size, in order to guarantee a good ¯uid dis-
The ¯ow of ¯uids through a packed bed generally tribution and a low pressure drop. A reproducible
results in a decreasing gradient of total pressure. This procedure for packing small-diameter packed beds
can produce an axial change of reactant partial pres- with a mixture of ®nes and catalyst was proposed
sure. In order to ensure isobaric operation the particle by Dudukovic et al. [26].
diameter dp should be selected carefully. If dp is so Absence of interphase (external) gradients. In gas±
small that a signi®cant pressure drop is obtained, an solid systems temperature gradients between gas and
additional equation must be coupled to the reactor solid surface is quite common. The extent of these
model (e.g. Ergun equation [25]). This will complicate gradients can be reduced by properly reducing the
the interpretation of experimental data. particle diameter and/or by increasing the ¯ow rate.
Isothermality. Intrareactor temperature gradients On the contrary, temperature gradients are rarely a
can be largely eliminated by using the differential controlling factor in liquid±solid systems [21].
operation. In this case a small amount of catalyst is Interphase concentration gradients are very com-
used in order to reach low conversion level. This mon for both gas±solid and liquid±solid systems. As in
operation method allows to assume that through the the case of temperature gradients, concentration gra-
thin catalyst bed layer both temperature, pressure and dients can be reduced by increasing the ¯ow rate of
concentrations are constants [1,21,22]. In this sense reactants.
the differential reactor is the simplest gradientless Two diagnostic tests (a and b) are applicable in
reactor. The main problems with this kind of operation order to check the presence of interphase limitations
is the analysis of the product composition. By its [24]. Both are based on the principle that in the
nature, the differential reactor gives a small incre- absence of interphase transport limitations, the con-
mental conversion, which can be dif®cult to measure version at any space velocity must be independent of
140 C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145
the linear velocity through the bed. Space velocity can The presence of interphase concentration gradients
be de®ned as the volume of reactant fed per volume of can also be evidenced by experimentally determining
catalyst per unit time (liquid hourly space velocity, the apparent activation energy. In the case of a gas±
LHSV), which is the inverse of the contact time (). solid reaction, if the apparent activation energy is less
Test a. In a given reactor section, consecutive tests than 20 kJ/mol, interphase diffusion limitations are
are carried out by increasing both reactant ¯ow rate suspected [24].
(volume of reactant per unit time, F) and catalyst Absence of intraphase (internal) gradients. In terms
volume (V), while keeping constant their ratio of isothermal operation, interphase temperature gra-
(LHSV). The conversion of reactant will change until dients are usually more dif®cult to overcome than
interphase limitations (external diffusion) are present intraphase gradients. The fundamental reason for this
(Fig. 3). is the relatively low thermal conductivity of the reac-
Test b. In a given reactor section two series of tests tion ¯uid layer surrounding the catalyst particles, with
are run, ®rst on a catalyst volume V, and second on respect to the relatively higher thermal conductivity of
catalysts volume 5 V. In each series is varied and two the catalyst itself.
curves are traced for conversion vs. . If the two curves The most effective procedure for avoiding inter- and
overlap there are no interphase limitations (Fig. 4). intra-particle temperature gradients is to reduce the
catalyst particle size as much as possible, unless
pressure drop problems can arise.
In intraparticle domain, concentration gradients are
usually more important than temperature gradients
[9,21]. Again the particle size should be reduced as
an experimental veri®cation, and the smallest feasible
particle used.
An useful diagnostic test to check for the presence
of intraphase concentration gradient consists of deter-
mining the isothermal conversion for particles of
different size at constant space velocity [24]. If the
conversion varies by decreasing the particle size,
intraphase mass transfer is limiting, whereas a con-
stant conversion indicates that the system is under
Fig. 3. Flow rate test (a): influence of flow rate on conversion at a chemical kinetic control (Fig. 5).
constant space velocity [24].
Fig. 4. Flow rate test (b): influence of flow rate on conversion at Fig. 5. Experimental test to evaluate the influence of catalyst
the same contact time (t) [24]. particle diameter (dp) on the conversion [24].
C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145 141
4.2. Trickle-bed reactors assess the perfect mixing at the reactor scale is the
so called agitation test [21,28]. The aim of the test is to
A laboratory-scale trickle-bed reactor is not a good evaluate the minimum stirring rate needed to avoid
tool for quantifying catalytic reaction kinetics [21]. segregation of both ¯uid and solid catalyst and to
This is because in trickle-bed reactors ¯uid dynamics obtain perfect mixing. So the conversion is measured
and reaction kinetics are so closely interlinked that while increasing the stirring rate and keeping constant
their effects on conversion are practically inseparable any other variable. Perfect mixing is obtained when
[27]. the conversion is independent on any further increase
At any rate, when an integral trickle-bed reactor is in stirring speed. Kinetic data obtained at this stirring
used to measure the reaction rate, in addition to what conditions will be analyzed assuming a CSTR (or
already discussed for ®xed-bed, the following care BSTR) model.
must be taken. The agitation test is also useful to check for the
presence of interphase gradients. In fact increasing the
Complete wetting of the catalyst is mandatory. For
stirring rate corresponds to the increase of the ¯ow
this reason upflow liquid arrangement is advisa-
rates in the ¯ow tests, previously discussed for ®xed-
bed reactors (Section 4.1). So in the case of gas±solid
Axial dispersion is far more significant in the
and liquid±solid systems, an operating regime practi-
liquid-phase than in gas-phase. In order to avoid
cally free form interphase limitations is the one in
back-mixing, the catalyst bed length (L) should be
which the reactant conversion does not vary with
at least 100 times the catalyst particle size (dp)
further increase in the stirring speed.
As for the intraphase gradients, also in the case of
The ratio between reactor diameter (D) and dp
stirred reactor the common test is to divide the catalyst
should be not smaller than 25, otherwise by pas-
into progressively smaller particles until further sub-
sing (e.g. wall effects) become significant [27].
division has no effect on the reactant conversion.
A good practice is to dilute the catalyst with smaller The case of three-phase systems is more compli-
inert particles (e.g. the diluent used can be as small as cated, in particular with slurry reactors. In fact the
dp/10). In this case the ¯uidodynamics are largely overall reaction involves transport phenomena acting
dictated by the packing of the small inert particles at both gas±liquid and liquid±solid interfaces. The
[27]. basic approach to eliminate transport limitations is
the same as in two-phase operation, i.e., to provide
4.3. Stirred reactors effective stirring [29]. However, as stirring affects
gas±liquid transport more than liquid±solid transport
According to Fig. 2, stirred reactors include slurry [30], the agitation test could be inadequate to evidence
and basket reactors. Both types can be operated con- liquid±solid transport limitations. In order to evaluate
tinuously or batchwise in the presence of two or three which transport limitation is determining, an addi-
phases. To simple derive intrinsic kinetic information tional test can be performed by varying the amount of
from stirred reactors, all the attributes previously catalyst. At the steady state, the rate of mass transfer
discussed (perfect mixing, absence of interphase of the gaseous reactant A across of the phase bound-
and intraphase concentration and temperature gradi- aries should be equal the rate at which A is consumed
ents) should be veri®ed. The approach is very close to in the catalyst particle [1]. Under this assumption, for a
that already discussed for ®xed-bed reactors. Some single reaction that is ®rst order in A the following
differences can arise depending on the phases equation can be drawn:Ci =RA rb m1
rc rr where
involved. Ci is the concentration of A in the liquid-phase at the
A perfectly mixed reactor is gradientless at the gas±liquid interface; RA the observed consumption
reactor scale, i.e., a global uniformity of concentra- rate of A (mol cmÿ3 sÿ1); m is the catalyst loading in
tions and temperature throughout the reaction volume the slurry (kg mÿ3).
is realized. Thus in a perfectly mixed reactor there are The different resistances are so de®ned: rb ± resis-
no intrareactor gradients. A simple procedure to tance to gas absorption through liquid ®lm at gas±
142 C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145
liquid interface (s), rc ± resistance to mass transfer chemical reaction kinetic control it is advisable to
through liquid ®lm at liquid±solid interface use small particles and small gas bubbles.
(kg mÿ3 s), and rr ± resistance to diffusion and reac-
tion within catalyst particle (kg mÿ3 s). 4.4. Recycle reactors
Measuring the reaction rate under a ®xed set of
conditions with different catalyst loading will allow to Recycle reactors (external and internal) can be
obtain a plot like that reported in Fig. 6 [1]. Such a plot regarded as stirred reactors having different devices
reveals the comparative effects of the absorption to provide ef®cient phase contacting. In addition to
resistance rb (intercept) and the combined resistance what already reported for stirred reactors, only few
(rc rr) (slope) on the measured rate. The objective of points will be discussed in the following.
the kinetic study of course is to operate in a regime Perfect mixing in recycle reactor is achieved by
where rr is dominant. increasing the recycle-to-feed ¯ow ratio. For instance,
If the gas adsorption rb is a signi®cant portion of the in the case of gas-phase ®xed-bed recycle reactors a
total resistance, it is advisable to improve gas±liquid ratio exceeding 25 is required to allow the assumption
contacting in order to lower the intercept. This can be of the CSTR model. Higher ratios may be required if
done by reducing the gas bubbles dimension, for the reactor is operated at very high conversion [21]. In
instance by both improving the sparger or increasing addition, as recycling results in higher mass velocities
the stirring rate. Once the contribution of rb has been through the catalyst bed, interphase gradients are
satisfactorily reduced, the roles of rc and rr must be easily eliminated.
separated. This is done by varying the catalyst particle
size. The interactions between mass transport and 4.5. Kinetics affected by catalyst deactivation
reaction kinetics are such that the in¯uence of particle
size reveals which resistance (external diffusion, inter- Attention so far has been restricted to experimental
nal diffusion and chemical reaction kinetics) is con- methods for measuring of intrinsic kinetic rates in the
trolling. The experimental strategy [1] is to draw a plot absence of catalyst deactivation. Unfortunately, most
like that of Fig. 6 for each of the several particle sizes. heterogeneous catalytic reactions are affected by
Then the (rc rr) values obtained are plotted as a deactivation, that can be due to [31]: irreversible
function of particle diameter on a log±log graph chemisorption of impurities of the feed stream (poi-
(Fig. 7). The slope of the line indicates which resis- soning); irreversible modi®cation of the catalytic sur-
tance is dominant. So, in order to operate under face under reaction conditions (textural modi®cation);
C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145 143
deposition of carbonaceous residues from reactants, pellet), i.e., the catalyst used in the industrial reactor.
products or intermediates (coking). This step will be obviously avoided when the catalyst
In many cases, the deactivation is so rapid that an pellet performance is not affected by intrapellet lim-
independent determination of intrinsic kinetic con- itations as assessed by the test described in Sec-
stants is not feasible. An alternative approach is to tion 4.1.
determine the kinetic parameters simultaneously for As discussed in the previous section, the perfor-
both reaction and deactivation in a single experimental mance of the catalyst pellet may be affected by
program. In this section we will brie¯y discuss few intraphase (intraparticle) transport limitations (i.e.,
guidelines on the subject. A more detailed description internal mass and heat transfer limitations) causing a
of the kinetic data collection and analysis in the variation of the overall reaction rate. This means that
presence of catalyst deactivation is given in [23]. a new kinetic study must be performed in order to
determine the reaction rate on the pellet (global
Batch operations are unuseful for kinetic study in
reaction rate). Intrinsic reaction rate (ri) and overall
the presence of deactivation. The coincidence of
reaction rate (ro) are related by the following equa-
time for reaction and for deactivation does not
allow decoupling and unambiguous determination
of the parameters for the two processes. ro ri ;
To put in evidence and to determine the kinetic
where is the effectiveness factor [1,14,31]. Such a
parameters of reaction and deactivation, it is
parameter indicates the importance of internal physi-
necessary to operate in a continuous mode.
cal phenomena (mass and heat transfer) with respect to
The simplicity of analyzing CSTR data in com-
the chemical phenomena. Its value could be smaller,
parison to PFR data is especially evident in the
equal or larger than 1 depending on several factors
presence of deactivation [21]. For such reasons
[31]. The effectiveness factor is related, in fact, to the
CSTR is preferred for quantifying simultaneously
Thiele modulus () [1,31] which, in turn, is connected
reaction and deactivation kinetics.
with geometrical and physical factors such as pellet
Catalyst deactivation kinetics may also be studied
radius and effective diffusivity. Furthermore reaction
in a PFR, but mathematical resolution of the
characteristics can in¯uence the effectiveness factor
process involved is more complicated. Differently
value. Depending if eo or endothermic reaction is
from CSTR, differential rather than algebraic
involved, there will be an increment, or a reduction,
equations are to be treated. Moreover, the deacti-
respectively, of temperature moving from external
vation process in a PFR is related not only to time
surface toward the center of the pellet. For an exother-
on stream (t.o.s) but also to the position within the
mic reaction the temperature rises going into the
reactor. The latter effect is due to a change in the
pellet, then the reaction rate will be improved with
catalyst environment as the reactants decrease and
respect to the intrinsic reaction rate. The opposite
because products are formed as the feedstream
behavior will be obtained in case of endothermic
flows through the reactor. Thus the PFR presents
severe difficulties in terms of uncoupling and
To model the performance of the catalyst pellet it
modeling kinetic and deactivation phenomena
is necessary to know: pellet geometry, intrinsic
kinetics, effective thermal conductivity () and effec-
tive diffusivity (Deff). Therefore, in the following we
will describe how to determine experimentally the
5. Kinetic modeling of the catalyst pellet overall rate and the catalyst pellet parameters ( and
Once the intrinsic kinetics has been determined on
catalyst particle of proper size (i.e., as smaller as 5.1. Overall reaction rate
possible), just the ®rst step has been brought to
completion. The following step will be the modeling In order to measure the overall reaction rate, the
of the performances of the full-size catalyst (catalyst kinetic experiments on the catalytic pellets have to be
144 C. Perego, S. Peratello / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 133±145
performed according to the rules and suggestions [29]:T
ÿHr Deff =C where Hr is the
discussed in Section 4. reaction heat. Deff is evaluated by measuring T at
Again it will be advisable to operate in a laboratory different reactant concentrations [32].
reactor with an ideal ¯ow pattern or perfectly mixed,
under isothermal conditions and in the absence of
interphase gradients. 6. Conclusion
Accordingly, the preferred options are basket (spin-
ning or stationary) and recycle reactors [14]. Proper The experimental evaluation of the kinetics of
experimental conditions will be selected assessing a heterogeneous catalytic reactions is a complex proce-
perfect mixing and the absence of external transport dure, involving the determination of the intrinsic
limitations, by performing the agitation test pre- kinetics and the overall kinetics of the catalyst pellet.
viously discussed (Section 4.3). The use of ®xed- Several important requirements must be ful®lled in
bed reactor for kinetic experiments with catalyst pel- order to obtain reliable and meaningful experimental
lets is to be considered with care. In fact, in order to data, that can be summarized as follows:
ensure a plug ¯ow character with large particle dia-
Isothermal operation is very important for gener-
meter (dp), large reactor sizes are necessary (see
ating quantitative kinetic data in a laboratory
Sections 4.1 and 4.2). Therefore, the heat transfer
becomes very dif®cult. Hence, unless quite low reac-
Ideal flow patterns (perfectly mixed of plug flow)
tion heats are involved, the isothermality is almost
are essential for straightforward interpretation of
impossible. At any rate, the suggestion of diluting the
kinetic data.
catalyst pellets with smaller particles of inert material
Inter and intraphase transport limitations must be
(Section 4.2) is to be considered.
avoided to measure intrinsic kinetic rates.
Interphase transport limitations must be avoided to
5.2. Catalyst pellet parameters
measure the effectiveness factor of the catalyst
Effective thermal conductivity can be measured
experimentally on a single pellet by transient experi-
ments under non-reacting conditions [32]. References
The effective diffusivity can be evaluated experi-
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