cs61b Fa02 mt1
cs61b Fa02 mt1
cs61b Fa02 mt1
Class IntList {
Public int head;
Public IntList tail;
/** The IntList whose head is HEAD and whose tail is TAIL. */
public IntList (int head, IntList tail) {
this.head = head; this.tail = tail;
1. [10 points] For each of the following assertions, indicate whether it is true or
false. For items that are false, demonstrate clearly and briefly that the statement is false.
b. 1/n (1)
e. The worst-cast time for executing the call f(x) is (2^x). Assume that the
function flip takes constant time and generates a random Boolean value each
time it’s called (as if according to the flip of a coin). It can, in principle,
produce any possible sequence of return values.
Void f (int y) {
If (y == 0)
System.out.println (“Bingo!”);
If (flip ())
If (flip())
2. [10 points] The partition method shown on the next page re-arranges the
times in a non-empty IntList so that all those items that are less than the
original first item of the list (called the pivot) come first, all those equal to the
original first item come second, and all those larger come last. Aside from
this constraint on their order, the times of the list can be mixed up arbitrarily
relative to the order of the original list. For example, if L is initially the
[ 42, 55, 19, 21, 110, 30, 42, 2, 62, 19, 42, 70, 14 ]
L = partition (L);
[ 14, 19, 2, 30, 21, 19, 42, 42, 42, 55, 110, 62, 70 ]
(I say “could be” because the order of the first six items and the last four items
is arbitrary). The partition method is destructive: no new IntList items are
created, and the order of the original list is lost. The method below works by
changing the .tail fields to re-arrange the list, and never re-assigns the .head
fields. Fill in the blanks in the method on the next page to make it work
/** The items in L, re-arranged so that all items < pivot come first,
* all those = pivot come next, and all those > pivot come last,
* where pivot is the initial value of L.head. L may not be null.
Static IntList partition (IntList L) {
// Strategy: Go through L from first to last and accumulate the result list as we
// go. At any time,
// first: points to the first IntList object of the result list.
// mid: points to the last object in the result list whose
// .head is equal to the pivot.
// last: points to the last object in the result list. Its .tail always points to the
// IntList objects that haven’t been processed yet.
// For example, after processing the first 8 objects of the sample
// list above, we might have
// [2, 30, 21, 19, 42, 42, 55, 110, 62, 19, 42, 70, 14]
// ^ ^ ^
// first mid last
IntList first, mid, last;
Int pivot = L.head;
Last = first = mid = L;
If (____________________) {
// Move item at q from its current location to the front.
Last.tail = q.tail;
________________ = first;
first = ________________;
} else if (____________________) {
// Move item at q from its current location to middle
last.tail = q.tail;
________________ = mid.tail;
mid = mid.tail = _______________________;
} else {
// Just extend the result list.
Last = ______________________;
3. [10 points] Fill in the blanks in the description below (there are blanks on this
page and the next):
You are writing a text editor , and you decide to include a facility for undoing editing
operations and for re-running sequences of editing operations. For this purpose, you
define an interface that is supposed to capture the idea of an editing command:
Interface command {
/** Perform the action represented by THIS. */
void doIt ();
/** Reverse the action represented by THIS, returning thigs to
* their state before doIt() was called. */
void doIT();
One of the classes of your editor handles overall command processing like this:
Class Controller {
List transcript = new ArrayList ();
/** Execute C and add it to the transcript */
void execute (command c) {
c.doIt (); transcript.add (c)
/** Remove the last command from the transcript and undo it. */
void undo () {
command c = ____________________________________;
c.undo ();
Finally, your editor interprets user commands and then carries them out by calling
methods of an Editor class that holds and manipulate the actual text.
Class Editor {
/** The full text being edited. */
private StringBuffer theText = new StringBuffer();
// The StringBuffer class, a kind of modifiable version of String,
// is described in 10.4 and Figure 10.4 of Programming in Java
// Private fields
// Methods
and you have checked with gjdb that otherList is non-null when you execute
this statement. But later, your program blows up with a NullPointerException
addAColumn (B);
His matrix B, which initially had 100 rows and 100 columns, now has 100
rows and 200 columns. What was probably wrong?
Latex lect20.tex
What else should I put in the makefile to make this all work—that is, so that I
only have to change the LATEX_SRCS line when I add a new lecture?