Tournament Sub-Factions: Path Practices
Tournament Sub-Factions: Path Practices
Tournament Sub-Factions: Path Practices
This pack includes specially designed Sub-factions for use at Kill Team Stream tournaments and events. These
special Sub-factions follow all the normal rules for Sub-Factions from the Kill Team Elites Book (p. 16).
The Sub-factions for models with the KROOT Faction THE WIND STALKERS:
keyword are called Paths, and their Sub-faction abilities are
called Path Practices. If your kill team is Battle-forged and all PATH OF THE WIND
models in your kill team are drawn from the same Path, models It is said that all Kroot originally evolved from the
in the kill team gain the Path Practice described below and you Kroothawk. Some shapers force their kindred to live and
can use that Path’s Tactics. hunt in the sky nests alongside the Kroothawks, learning
from them to be swift and deft in their hunt. Some of these
CAVALRY Kroot even learn to ride the Kroothawks.
Models with the CAVALRY keyword cannot be drawn from a If a model in your kill team Advances, you can re-roll the D6
Path. However, their presence in your kill team does not to determine the increase to that model’s Move characteristic.
prevent you using a Path Practice, as long as the models in the
kill team that can be drawn from a Path are all drawn from the
same Path.
You can re-roll failed hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase for
attacks made by a model in your kill team. If you choose this
Crew Quality, change all instances of “ELUCIDIAN
STARSTRIDERS” to read “MURAD’S CADRE” and change
all instances of “ELUCIA VHANE” to read “NEYAM SHAI
The Sub-factions for models with the GELLERPOX MONSTROUS MIGHT:
INFECTED Faction keyword are called Curses, and their Sub-
faction abilities are called Curse Mutations. If your kill team is CURSE OF THE MONSTER
Battle-forged and all models in your kill team are drawn from Those afflicted with this curse of the Gellerpox can mutate
the same Curse, models in the kill team gain the Curse beyond recognition, becoming brutally effective biological
Mutation described below and you can use that Curse’s Tactics. battering rams.
SLITHERING SWARM: You can re-roll a single failed hit roll and a single failed wound
roll in the Fight Phase, as long as the attack was made by a
CURSE OF THE SWARM model in your kill team.
The most stomach-churning curse of the Gellerpox is the
curse of the swarm. Thousands of bloated and diseased flies SLICE AND DICE:
and mites overwhelm their foes and are very tricky to get rid
The Curse of the Violent can cause Gellerpox to specialize in
dealing brutal damage up close, possessed of horrifically
Subtract 1 from the Leadership
characteristic of enemy models while mutant durability and damage.
they are within 3” of any models in
Improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of all melee
your kill team.
weapons used by a model in your kill team by 1. For example,
an Armour Penetration characteristic of 0 becomes -1, an
Armour Penetration characteristic of -1 becomes -2, and so on.
The Sub-factions for models with the DAEMONS Faction NURGLE: LOCUS OF VIRULENCE
keyword are called Allegiances, and their Sub-faction abilities The Daemons of Nurgle are surrounded by an aura of
are called Daemonic Loci. If your kill team is Battle-forged pestilence and disease that infects all nearby, and their talons
and all models in your kill team are drawn from the same and blades drip with thrice-ripened plagues. It’s enough to
Allegiance, models in the kill team gain the Daemonic Locus shatter even the toughest resolves and terrify even the
described below and you can use that Allegiance’s Tactics. strongest of wills.
This Locus can only be used if your entire kill team shares the
KHORNE keyword. You can add 1 to Charge rolls made by
models in your kill team.
The Sub-factions for models with the SISTERS OF SILENCE BRAZEN SABRE CADRE:
Faction keyword are called Cadres, and their Sub-faction
abilities are called Traditions. If your kill team is Battle-forged TRADITION OF OBLIVION
and all models in your kill team are drawn from the same Sisters of the Brazen Sabre Cadre are tasked with the vital
Cadre, models in the kill team gain the Tradition described duty of seeking out and destroying powerful Psykers. Their
below and you can use that Cadre’s Tactics. Cadre is the most vicious and their null abilities are much
more honed and dangerous to Psykers than other Cadres.
STORM DAGGER CADRE: If an enemy Kill Team has psychic models on the field but
TRADITION OF PROSECUTION doesn’t manifest a psychic power this turn for any reason, the
Sisters of the Storm Dagger Cadre are tasked with overseeing nearest enemy Psyker model to your team suffers a mortal
the Black Ships; feared transports filled with mournful wound. If multiple Psyker models are in equidistant range,
Psykers held in cavernous, psi-shielded holds to be taken then you may choose which of these models is affected.
back to Terra to feed the voracious psychic appetite of the
The Sub-factions for models with the ADEPTA SORORITAS ARGENT SHROUD:
Faction keyword are called Orders, and their Sub-faction
abilities are called Convictions. If your kill team is Battle- DEEDS, NOT WORDS
forged and all models in your kill team are drawn from the It is the strong belief of those within the Order of the Argent
same Order, models in the kill team gain the Conviction Shroud that one’s conviction is best shown through bold
described below and you can use that Order’s Tactics. action. Thus is battle the best way to prove their
unquenchable faith, for there they may smite the Emperor’s
foes and demonstrate the depths of their devotion.
THE BLOOD OF MARTYRS When a model from your kill team Advances in its Movement
So dedicated are the Sisters of the Order of Our Martyred phase, weapons are used as if that model had performed a
Lady that nothing can keep them from fulfilling their Normal Move instead.
Emperor-given duty. When the fighting is fiercest and the
casualties highest, these holy warriors fight with renewed
conviction and purpose, inspired by their desire to avenge the
deaths of their fallen.
The Order of the Ebon Chalice is the oldest of the Orders
Militant, and they strive to be exemplars, both martial and
spiritual, to the followers of the God-Emperor. Their purity
and nobility of spirit can see them perform miraculous acts of
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
Certain Citadel products may be dangerous if used incorrectly and Games Workshop does not recommend them for use by children under the age of 16 without adult supervision. Whatever
your age, be careful when using glues, bladed equipment and sprays and make sure that you read and follow the instructions on the packaging.