This document is a calculation for tank venting to a green burner. It provides details on the inlet and outlet pressures, fluid properties, pipe sizing, piping data including length and elbows, control valve information if needed, flowmeter details, and miscellaneous pressure losses across equipment. The total pressure loss calculated for the piping is 0.167 bar.
This document is a calculation for tank venting to a green burner. It provides details on the inlet and outlet pressures, fluid properties, pipe sizing, piping data including length and elbows, control valve information if needed, flowmeter details, and miscellaneous pressure losses across equipment. The total pressure loss calculated for the piping is 0.167 bar.
This document is a calculation for tank venting to a green burner. It provides details on the inlet and outlet pressures, fluid properties, pipe sizing, piping data including length and elbows, control valve information if needed, flowmeter details, and miscellaneous pressure losses across equipment. The total pressure loss calculated for the piping is 0.167 bar.
This document is a calculation for tank venting to a green burner. It provides details on the inlet and outlet pressures, fluid properties, pipe sizing, piping data including length and elbows, control valve information if needed, flowmeter details, and miscellaneous pressure losses across equipment. The total pressure loss calculated for the piping is 0.167 bar.
Project Benennan-3 EPF By: ______ System Tank Venting To Green Burner Checked: ______ Case Tanks sucking Air from Geen Burner Revised: 05-Apr-2018, 17:33
FROM: Green Burner
TO: Tanks Line Number
Inlet pressure bar(g) 0.00 Tanks Pressure
Outlet pressure bar(g) -0.166 FLUID PROPERTIES Nm3/hr 268.0 Phase Vapour Normal flowrate kg/h 335 Flowmeter max flow kg/h Temperature °C 40.0 Z 0.990 MW 28.00 Density kg/m³ 1.1 Viscosity cP 0.012 SIZING Nom Pipe Size inch 3 Schedule (Typical) 40 Pipe ID inch 3.068 Velocity m/s 17.697 Pressure loss bar/100m 0.045 Mach No 0.051 PIPING DATA Length m 250 Elbows 10 Straight tee Branch tee Gate / Ball valves Swing check valves Strainer Reducer Downstream pipe NB inch Downstream pipe ID inch Flow into pipe Exit from pipe Other vel. head Total vel heads 67.896 Total Eq.length m 258.442 CONTROL VALVE Control valve tag No dP control valve bar Liquid vapour pressure bar(a) Liquid critical pressure bar(a) Vapour Cp/Cv Max Ratio CVcalc / CV inst CV required Preliminary valve CV installed CV calc / CV inst FLOWMETER Flowmeter tag No Flowmeter type FE meter max kg/h FE meter range inch WG FE d/D ratio FE hole dia inch FE dP @ normal flow bar MISCELLANEOUS LOSSES Equipment Item No DP across Flame Equipment dP bar 0.050 Update if Arrestor required Other - description Other dP bar Total frictional dP (exc. CV) bar 0.167 Static head pressure gain m Static head bar