Book of Heaven: The Kingdom of The Divine Fiat in The Midst of Creatures

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The Kingdom of the

Divine Fiat
in the Midst of Creatures

The Servant of God

Little Daughter of the
Divine Will

Book of

The Call of the Creature

to Return to the Order,
to the Place, and to the Purpose
for Which It was Created by God

Volume 23

September 17, 1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 1

Sufferings are like the iron beaten by the hammer that casts sparks.
Difference between the cross of the humanity of Our Lord and that of the Divine Will,
and how it holds its incessant act.

September 21, 1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 3

How the soul that lives in the Divine Volition puts in exercise the acts of Him.
How the truth is perennial life and sustained miracle.

September 25, 1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 4

Who lives in the Divine Volition doesn't find ways anymore in order to go out from Him.
And who live in Him contains all the seeds of the glory that the Creation possesses.
How Jesus calls Luisa together to the work of his kingdom.

September 28,1927 .............................................................................................................................. p. 6

How in the Divine Will there can not be imperfections and one must enter in Him naked of
everything. How not doing the Divine Will destroys the Divine life in oneself and is a crime that
doesn't merit pity. How He alone is rest. Scourges.

October 2, 1927 ................................................................................................................................... p. 7

How Adam was the most holy before sinning. Fullness and totality of the goods of the acts done
in the Divine Volition; how they extend themselves to everyone. The pupil of the eye invested by
the sun. The Divine Will as matter lends himself and hides his Creator. Example of the host.

October 6, 1927 .................................................................................................................................. p. 10

How who works in the Divine Will works in the divine proprietorships.
How she forms the Sun. How he wants to find the soul in all created things.

October 10, 1927 ................................................................................................................................ p. 12

How the Divine Will is manifold in his acts, while he is one. How he remains conceived in one who
lives in Him. How for one who lives in the Divine Will the earth is not exile, but it is exile for who
doesn't do the Will of God.

October 16, 1927 ................................................................................................................................ p. 13

How the Divine Will as water makes his inundations.
Who are those people that make themselves inundated. What united means.
How the Queen of Heaven cast the foundation of the kingdom of the Divine Will.

October 20, 1927 ................................................................................................................................ p. 15

How created powers are not able to neither embrace nor exhaust the uncreated Power, not even the
Virgin nor the Humanity of Our Lord itself. How the Divine Will possesses the incessant and
always new act and holds the virtue of always making things new. Example. How he waits for his

kingdom in order to communicate this new act as completion of his glory.

October 23,1927 ................................................................................................................................. p. 17

The little child. How the Divine Will is kingdom of life. Necessity of his knowledges.
How Heaven and earth are reverent to listen to the knowledges of the Divine Fiat.
Love and tenderness of God in creating man.

October 30, 1927 ............................................................................................................................... p. 19

How the Divine love regurgitated in the Creation. Liberality and magnificence in creating the
machine of the universe especially in creating his beloved jewel without merit of anyone. Decision
of the Divine Will in wanting to come to reign in the midst of creatures. His balsamic air, his
enchanting and enrapturing beauty. That which his knowledges will do.

November 2, 1927 .............................................................................................................................. p. 21

Difference that passes between one who lives in the Divine Volition and works,
and between one who does good in the night of the human will.

November 6,1927 ............................................................................................................................... p. 22

Who lives in the Divine Will doesn't descend from her origin and is owed the state of queen; instead
who lives outside of Him lives in the state of servant. Difference that the kingdom of the
Redemption carries to the one and the other. How in every truth races within a Divine life.

November 10, 1927 ............................................................................................................................ p. 24

The soul alone with Jesus and Jesus alone with her and how He alone enjoys her.
Order and harmony of the Creation; how every created thing had to undergo the action of Adam.
God first model of the Creation, Adam the second, third who must make the kingdom
of the Divine Fiat return.

November 13,1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 26

How the Word remained in the center of (his) Humanity and how he worked. How there is (a) great
difference between the reigning of the Divine Will and between the sanctity of the Saints although
there might be miracles.

November 18,1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 28

How God when he manifests a new truth to the creature it is a new feast for God and for her. As
the soul decides to do her act in the Divine Volition thus she calls the Divine Fiat to reflect with his
light in her act, the Which holds the virtue of emptying it of all that which is not light.

November 23,1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 29

When the soul does not give the primacy to the Divine Will He remains precarious and as
suffocated in the midst of creatures. When the soul prays that the kingdom of the Divine Will
comes, all (of) Heaven echoes her prayer.

November 27, 1927 ............................................................................................................................ p. 30
Who lets himself be dominated by the Divine Will in virtue, of Him she receives in herself Divine
fecundity and can generate in the acts the good that he possesses. That which is necessary in order
to obtain the kingdom of the Divine Will: first to move God, second to possess as life the Divine

December 1, 1927 .............................................................................................................................. p. 32

Fortitude of the Celestial Mama in the privations of Jesus, fortitude that the little daughter of his
Will must hold. Power of the acts done in the Divine Will, how they are the outlet of God.

December 6,1927 ............................................................................................................................... p. 33

State of the soul.
How in the Divine Will sorrows and bitternesses don't enter because they are human things.
Divine way. How the Divine Will holds its life in the midst of creatures and how they impede it.
How every act done in Him is a divine signature that races; example.

December 8,1927 ............................................................................................................................... p. 35

Who lives in the Divine Volition remains regenerated in Him and how she becomes endowed with
his goods. The Virgin little light and how she became Sun in virtue of the Divine Volition.

December 14,1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 36

How the human will formed the bad seed, the Divine Will reigning in the creature will form the
good and holy seed. How God in giving a good to the creature encloses first in one alone the whole
value of that good and then gives it to the other creatures.

December 18,1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 38

How the Virgin possessed the kingdom of the Divine Fiat.
How the lights plunged themselves together and she could conceive.
How Jesus from within the veil of his Humanity as Sun that rises went retracing all creatures.
How every Divine manifestation is a promise that God makes to creatures.

December 22,1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 39

Sacrifices of writing. How who works only for God encloses in his act a Divine life.
How who is elected for a mission encloses all the goods that the others must receive.
How all the redeemed turn around the Celestial Mama.
The Creation mirror of man.

December 25,1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 41

How baby Jesus as soon he was born fixed his look at his Mama and in whom should possess his
Will. How God in the Creation put forth his Will as Prime matter.

December 30,1927 ............................................................................................................................. p. 42

How Jesus makes seen that he sows in the field of the soul little lights.
Cause of the silence of Jesus.

Immense value of the manifestations on the Divine Will.
Divine and human characters.

January 6,1928 ................................................................................................................................... p. 44

How the Divine Will is immense and in bringing forth creatures to the light he holds them in
himself as so many little residences. Ingratitude of whom doesn't let him reign. Harmony between
God and man; how he must always receive from God in order to always give to him.

January 13,1928 ................................................................................................................................. p. 45

How God centralized everything in man in creating him and how in the story of the Creation he
returns to the assault and centralizes in one of this stock the first act of the creation, in order to
form the kingdom of his Will.

January 18,1928 ................................................................................................................................. p. 47

How the Virgin remains isolated in her glory and she awaits the cortege of the other queens in
order to have her succession/train. How the works of God give a hand between themselves. How
the manifestations on the Divine Will will be the Gospel of his kingdom. Question on the writings.
Necessity of the first Priests of the kingdom of the Fiat.

January 22, 1928 ................................................................................................................................ p. 49

Insistences in asking (for) the kingdom of the Divine Fiat, sign why he wants Him to reign.
Martyrdom of the privation of Jesus.
The human will, the profaner of the creature.

January 27,1928 ................................................................................................................................. p. 50

How in the Redemption is confined the kingdom of the Divine Fiat.
How God in the work chooses where to deposit his work.

January 29,1928 ................................................................................................................................. p. 52

Immense value of the writings on the Divine Will.
How they are characters transmitted from the Celestial Country.
How they will make the siege on the human volition.
Desire of the Heart of Jesus. His acts army that demand the kingdom of the Fiat.

January 31, 1928 ................................................................................................................................ p. 54

Round in the Divine Will. Assault to the Divine Majesty.
Attractions of the littleness, the secret of it.
How the human will is nauseating. Example.

February 2,1928 ................................................................................................................................. p. 55

How one must make up for who has not worked in the unity of the Divine Fiat.
How for who doesn't possess him it is a strange language to her.
Reason why until now they have not spoken of Him.
How who doesn't live in the unity receives the effects from the Divine Will, not the life of Him.

Example of the Sun with the earth.

February 5, 1928 ................................................................................................................................ p. 57

Promise in Eden of the future Redeemer.
Solemn promise in the Our Father of the kingdom of the Divine Will.
How God feels himself repeat the joy of the Creation.

February 9, 1928 ................................................................................................................................ p. 58

The Sovereign Lady of Heaven Jesus’ reflector.
Satisfaction of Jesus in asking for his Fiat.
How Jesus gathered all the goods and consumed all the evils,
how he ignited the fire inside of himself.

February 12, 1928 .............................................................................................................................. p. 60

Laments of the soul. How Jesus enclosed inside of himself all the acts rejected by creatures and
formed his kingdom. How who possesses the Divine Fiat possesses the bilocative force and can
give to God as hers that which is of God.

February 20, 1928 .............................................................................................................................. p. 61

How who must enclose a good in order to give it to creatures, must enclose in oneself that whole
good. This happened to the Virgin and Our Lord. What unity means.

February 25, 1928 .............................................................................................................................. p. 63

How the Divine Volition is as center of life in the midst of creatures.
How the heartbeat is the king of nature and the thought is the king of the soul.

February 28, 1928 .............................................................................................................................. p. 64

How God holds in Heaven the Hierarchy of the Angels with nine distinct choirs, thus will he hold
the Hierarchy of the children of his kingdom with nine other choirs. Conditions of the deceased
Confessors and how the memory of Padre di Francia will not be hidden in this work.

March 3,1928 ..................................................................................................................................... p. 65

How all things Depart from one point.
Sublimity of the state of Adam.
Why until now Our Lord has not manifested his happy state.
How who possesses the unity possesses the source of good.

March 8, 1928 .................................................................................................................................... p. 68

How God created man in order to hold him on his knees and to make him the repeater of His acts.
How Jesus made seen that he put all the volumes written on his Volition all ordered in his Heart.
Love of Jesus for the writings and the good that they will do.
How who decides to live in the Fiat becomes tied with chains of light.

March 11, 1928 .................................................................................................................................. p. 70

Difference between Jesus and the Virgin how all the hidden life of Jesus in Nazareth was the call
of the kingdom of the Divine Will upon the earth.
How the human will is the font of good or of evil.

Volume 23

September 17, 1927

Sufferings are like the iron beaten by the hammer that casts sparks. Difference between the cross
of the humanity of Our Lord and that of the Divine Will, and how it holds its incessant act.

My Jesus, Life of my poor heart, come to sustain my weakness, I am yet a little baby and I feel the
extreme need that you hold me in your arms, that you feed me the words, that you give me your
thoughts, your light, your love and your Volition itself, and if you don't do this, I will remain as a
most little baby without doing anything. And if you love so much as to make your Most Holy
Volition known, the first to the sacrifice will be you, I will enter in (the) secondary order, therefore
my Love transform me in you, take away from me the torpor that I feel, that I can endure no more,
and I will continue to complete your Eternal Volition even at the cost of my life.

Whence continuing my abandonment in the Divine Will, I felt under the nightmare of the sufferings,
and my beloved Jesus squeezing me to himself in order to give me strength said to me:

“My daughter, sufferings are as the iron beaten by the hammer, that makes sparks of light and
enflames it so much as to transmute itself into fire, and under the blows that it receives it loses the
hardness, to soften itself in a way that one can give it the form that one wants. Such is the soul under
the blows of sorrow, she loses the hardness, sparks light, transforms herself into my love and becomes
fire and I the Divine Craftsman finding her soft give her the form that I want. Oh! how it delights me
to make her beautiful, I am a jealous Craftsman and I want the boast that no one is able and knows
how to make my statues, my vases, as much in form as in beauty and much more in the finesse, and
in the light that sparks it converts all into truth. So that every blow that I give her I prepare a truth
to manifest, because every blow is a spark that the soul puts forth from herself, and I don't lose them
as the blacksmith loses them in beating the iron, but I make use of them as to invest those sparks of
light with surprising truth, in a way that the soul makes use of them as the most beautiful attire, and
they administer to her the food of the Divine Life.”

After this I followed my sweet Jesus, but he was so very afflicted and suffering that it made one pity,
and I: tell me my Love, what is it? why do you suffer so much? And Jesus added:

“My daughter, I suffer for the great sorrow of my Will, my Humanity suffered, it had its cross, but
its life was brief on earth, instead my Will's life in the midst of creatures is long, it is already six
thousand years and will last yet, and do you know who is the continuous cross of Him? The human
will its every act opposite to his, and every act of mine that it doesn't receive, it is a cross that forms
to my Eternal Volition, hence the crosses of Him are innumerable, if you look at all the Creation you
will find it full of crosses formed by the human volition. Look at the Sun, my Divine Volition carries
his light to creatures, and they take his light and don't recognize who brings this light to them and my
Volition receives in the Sun so many crosses for how many don't recognize it, and while they enjoy
it and make use of the light itself to offend that Divine Volition that illuminates them. Oh!, how hard

and sorrowful it is to do some good and to not be recognized. The wind is full of crosses, its every
billow is a good that it carries to creatures, they take and they enjoy that good, but they don't
recognize who is He that in the wind caresses them, refreshes them, purifies the air, and therefore he
feels nails of ingratitude and crosses thrust in every wind that he exhales. The water, the sea, and the
earth, they are full of crosses, formed by the human volition, who doesn't make use of water, of the
sea and of the earth? Everyone, and yet my Volition that conserves everything and is the primary life
of all created things, He is not recognized and is only in them in order to receive crosses from human
ingratitude, therefore the crosses of my Volition are without number and more sorrowful than that
of my Humanity; much more so that to this there didn't lack good souls that have understood his
sorrow, his torments, the sufferings that they made me suffer and even death, to sympathize (with)
me and to repair that which I suffered in my mortal life. Instead that of my Divine Fiat are crosses
that they don't know, and hence they are without pity and without reparation. And therefore so much
is the sorrow that my Divine Volition feels in all the Creation that he makes burst now the earth, now
the sea, now the wind, and in his sorrow he unloads scourges of destruction. It is the extreme sorrow
of Him, that not being able to endure it anymore he strikes those people that don't recognize him.
Behold therefore why I call you so very often to turn in all the Creation, in order to make you know
that which my Volition does in It, the sorrow and the crosses that he receives from creatures, so that
you recognize him in every created thing, love him, adore him, thank him and be his first repairer and
consoler of a Volition so Holy. Because only who lives in Him can penetrate into his acts and
recognize his sorrows, and with his own Power make herself defender and consoler of my Will, that
has lived for so many centuries isolated and crucified in the midst of the human family.”

Now while Jesus said this, I looked at the Creation and saw it all flooded with crosses, that they could
not be counted, they were such a great deal, and the Divine Volition as he put forth his acts out of
himself in order to give them to creatures, the human volition put forth its cross in order to crucify
those divine acts. What sorrow! what suffering! And my beloved Jesus added:

“My daughter, my Eternal Fiat had an incessant act from which he created all the Creation toward
creatures, but these acts of his, because (there) lacked in them the ruling Will, they were not received
by them, and therefore they remained suspended in all the Creation in my Divine Volition himself.
Now in coming upon the earth my first interest was to re-take in myself the incessant act of Him, it
remained suspended in himself, because in the creature he had not been able to take his place. And
my Humanity united to the Word, first had to give place to this his incessant act, to give satisfaction
for it, and this was my unknown and longer and more sorrowful, and then I occupied myself with the
Redemption. The first act in the creature is the will, all the other acts be they bad or good enter into
the secondary order, and therefore I had to have (the) interest of putting in myself in safety all the acts
of my Divine Will, to descend in the base of the human acts, in order to reunite the human and the
Other together, so that seeing his acts put in safety, he might be able to reconcile it with creatures.
Now today I invite you to take back in yourself these acts rejected by creatures, because my Volition
continues his incessant act, and remains with the sorrow of seeing it suspended in himself, because
he doesn't find one who receives them, nor one who wants them, nor one who knows them, therefore
be attentive to work and to suffer together with me, for the triumph of the kingdom of my Divine


September 21, 1927

How the soul that lives in the Divine Volition puts in exercise the acts of Him. How the truth is
perennial life and sustained miracle.

I was turning for all the Creation and asked in every created thing the kingdom of the Supreme Fiat,
and my adored Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, since all created things are fixed in God, as you in every one of them asks for the
kingdom of my Divine Will, thus created things move in God and ask for my kingdom, each of them
forms its suppliant wave, the incessant motion in order to ask that which you want. And since created
things are none other than acts brought forth from my Divine Will, giving to every single act an office,
thus as you ask for my kingdom in every created thing, you put in exercise all the offices of the acts
of my Supreme Volition around the Divine Being and you make asked by our goodness, by our
power, by our justice and mercy, by our love and wisdom the kingdom of our Will, because every
created thing contains each one our qualities, and we feel arrive one next to the other waves of
goodness, of power, of justice, of mercy, of love, of wisdom, that with Divine ways they supplicate,
pray, implore the kingdom of the Divine Fiat in the midst of creatures and we in seeing ourselves so
very prayed to by the same acts of our Divine Volition we ask: who is she that moves a Will so great
with all his innumerable acts to ask that we give our kingdom to creatures? and our acts respond to
us: it is the little daughter of the eternal Volition, it is and the daughter of us all, that with so much
love moves our acts to ask that which everyone wants; and in the excess of our love we say: oh! It
is the little daughter of our Volition! Leave her to do it, to her it is given everywhere to penetrate,
leave her step free, because she won't do other, nor ask for something if not that which we want.”

After this I was thinking of all that which my adored Jesus had said to me on his Divine Will, and as
if I might want other more certain proofs that it was Jesus that spoke to me, and Jesus going out from
my interior said to me:

“My daughter, there is no other proof more certain and sure, and that can do more good as much to
you as to the others, than to have manifested to you so many truths; the truth is more than miracle.
It brings with itself the permanent Divine life, and where it arrives and who listens to it, it bilocates
the truth together with its life in order to give itself to whom wants it. Hence, my truths are perennial
light not subject to grow faint, and life that never dies. What good can not one truth of mine
produce? It can form the saints, it can convert souls, it can disperse the darkness and it holds the
virtue to renew all the world. Therefore I do a greater miracle when I manifest one truth of mine,
than when I give other proofs that it is I that go forth from the soul, or I might do other miraculous
things, because these are shadows of my power, passing light, and since it will pass it doesn't carry
to everyone the miraculous virtue, but it reduces itself to the individual that has received the miracle
and many times who has received the miracle is not even made holy. Instead the truth contains life,
and as life carries its virtue to whoever wants it. Be certain my daughter, that if I in coming upon the
earth might not have told so many truths in the Gospel, in spite that I did miracles, the Redemption
would have been impeded, without development, because one would not find anything, neither
teachings, nor light of truth in order to learn the remedies, in order to find the way that conducts to
Heaven. Thus would you be, if I might not have told you so many truths especially on my adorable
Will, that has been the greatest miracle that I have done in these times, what good would your mission

so great entrusted to you bring, to make the kingdom of the Supreme Fiat known? Instead with
having told you so many truths on Him one can know my Divine Will in the world, one can restore
the lost order, peace, light, happiness, all these truths will bring man in womb to his Creator in order
to give him the first kiss of the Creation and to return the image of He who has created him. If you
might know the great good that all the truths will bring that I have told you to creatures, your heart
would break for joy, nor can you fear that the infernal enemy might be able to dare to manifest to you
a single truth on the Divine Will, because he before the light of Him trembles, flees, and every truth
on my Will for him is one hell more, and because he didn't want neither to love it, nor to do it, it
changes for him into torments that have no end, he before the one word Will of God feels such
burning that he mounts in fury, and hates that Holy Will that torments him more than hell. Therefore
be sure that Will of God and the infernal enemy never get along, neither together, nor near, his light
eclipses him and he falls into the bedlam of hell. Hence what I recommend to you [is] that not one
truth or simple word on my Divine Volition you might lose, because everything must serve to
complete the chain of the perennial miracles, to order to make the kingdom of Him known, and
restore the happiness lost to creatures.”

September 25, 1927
Who lives in the Divine Volition doesn't find ways anymore in order to go out from Him. And
who live in Him contains all the seeds of the glory that the Creation possesses. How Jesus calls
Luisa together to the work of his kingdom.

I felt under the nightmare of the privation of my sweet Jesus and I thought to myself: I don't know
how my beloved Jesus leaves me, doesn't He think that I can become more bad without He who is
my life, and that only he can infuse in me the life of working good? He doesn't hasten anymore to
anything, neither to watch over me, nor to push me, nor to correct me. But while I thought this, my
adored Jesus went forth from within my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, because I am sure that you can not go out from within the great sea of my Divine Will,
I having put you in Him and you with your adhesion have wanted to enter, hence, there are no ways
from where you can go out from him, because of this sea one does not find the confines, for how
much you will walk inside, you won't find neither his shore, nor his end. Whence I am sure that my
little daughter can not go out from within the sea of my Will, and therefore I dwell in the same sea,
and you lose sight of me, but since one is the sea in which we are, all that which you do holds the way
to come to me, and I am secure as your acts arrive to me, that you are in my sea, and therefore I don't
give it any thought. While before I was not sure of you, therefore I had such haste to watch over you,
to push you, and I never left you, because I didn't see you in the depth of the sea of my Divine Will,
from which there is no fear of being able to go out from, (and) this is the beauty of living in my Divine
Volition, that all the dangers and fears remain scattered in you, instead who lives resigned or does
the Divine Will, is always in danger and in fear, and can find so many ways that distance her from the
immense sea of the Divine Fiat.”

Whence I all abandoned in that sea and felt happy to not be able to go out from there, and my sweet
Jesus added:

“My daughter, my omnipotent Fiat in the Creation created so many things putting in every one of
them a good for creatures, in order to receive the exchange of the glory from the part of them, for
how many things he put forth to the light of day. But do you know in who this glory becomes
deposited that your Creator awaited? You are my daughter, because living in my Volition and
possessing him, you possess all the seeds of each glory that every created thing possesses, and
therefore as you turn in the Creation you feel in yourself the good that every created thing contains,
and you make your office of emitting from yourself that glory that your Creator with so much love
awaits. What harmony, what order, what love, what enchantment of beauty passes between the soul
that lives in my Will and between all things created by me, they are so very bound between them that
they seem inseparable. The soul that lives in my Divine Volition, lives in (the) full day and her acts,
her thoughts, her words, are none other than the reflections of Him. The Sun of my Volition reflects
more than inside of a crystal in her and she thinks, reflects and speaks, reflects and works, reflects and
loves, there is nothing greater nor more beautiful than a soul that lives of the reflections of this Sun,
these reflections hold her in community with the acts of her Creator and in possession of his same
goods. Other than this, you should know of this that as my Humanity contained all the goods of the
Redemption and I put them forth to the good of the redeemed, thus he wanted to contain in himself
all the acts and goods of the children of the kingdom of my Divine Fiat, hence as the soul does her
acts in Him, I enlarge the capacity in her and I put there my acts, and thus hand (by) hand she enters
in my kingdom and goes emitting her acts, thus I go always enlarging her capacity, in order to depose
in her all the acts that my Humanity possesses, in order to complete in her the kingdom of my Will.”

“Therefore I call you to work together with me in this kingdom of mine, I work with preparing the
earth and (the) necessary purifying of it, it is too filthy, there are certain points that don't merit that
they exist anymore, so many are the iniquities, therefore it is necessary that they disappear as much
the inhabitants as the filthied earth itself. The kingdom of my Divine Will is the kingdom most holy,
most pure, most beautiful and ordered, that must come upon the earth, therefore it is necessary that
earth is prepared, purified. Hence while I work to purify it, and if needs be destroy places and
unworthy persons for a kingdom so holy, you will work with moving Heaven and earth with your acts
done in my Volition, your echo will be incessant that you will make resound in all the Creation that
you ask for the kingdom of my Fiat, your continuous acts and if needs be your sufferings and even
your life, in order to impetrate a good so great and a kingdom that will bring such happiness.
Therefore do not mind to other, but to the work that touches us to do.”

But with all of Jesus' saying I felt a fear that He might leave me or yet distance himself so much in
this sea of his blessed Volition, that who knows when he should return to his little tortured one for
his love, and Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My poor little daughter, I see that you really are (a) little baby, which does none other than afflict
herself nor does she care unless she is in (the) arms of the mama, and if it ever be, the mama leaves
her for a little, she cries, she is inconsolable and is all eyes in order to see her mama and to throw
herself into her arms. Such are you, my poor little one, but you must know that it can be that the
mama leaves her baby, but I will not ever leave my tiny little baby, it is to my interest to not leave,
I have my Will in you, there are my acts, my proprietorships, hence having of mine in you, I have
interest to not leave you, rather my own things call me to you, and I come to enjoy my stuff, my
ruling Divine Will in you. Then you could fear that I might leave you when I might say to you, give

me of mine, give me my Will, but your Jesus will never say this to you, therefore be in peace.”

September 28,1927
How in the Divine Will there can not be imperfections and one must enter in Him naked of
everything. How not doing the Divine Will destroys the Divine life in oneself and is a crime that
doesn't merit pity. How He alone is rest. Scourges.

I felt all abandoned in the Supreme Fiat, but in the midst of the sanctity of a Volition so holy I felt
imperfect, bad, and I thought to myself: how can it be that my beloved Jesus says to me that he makes
me live inside of his Divine Volition, and yet I feel so bad? And my adored Jesus, moving in my
interior said to me:

“My daughter, in my Divine Will there can not be neither imperfections, nor wickedness. He holds
the purifying and destroying virtue of all the evils, his light purifies, his fire destroys even the root of
evil, his sanctity, sanctifies her and embellishes her in a way that must serve her to felicitate her and
to take for herself all his delights with who lives in Him, nor does he admit to live in my Divine
Volition creatures that can bring in them imperfections, bitternesses, they would be things against his
nature, and therefore he could never admit them to live in Him. Rather that which you say are
impressions of ugliness, of imperfections, of wickedness, and my Will makes use of them (a) footstool
or earth that he holds beneath (his) feet, that not even looking at them, he thinks to enjoy his little
daughter, and to put his acts, his joys, his riches in womb in order to make her happy, so to be able
to enjoy the happiness of her. My Will gives that which he holds and doesn't admit in Him things
even minimal that don't pertain to him. Therefore one must enter into Him naked of everything, who
wants to live in Him, because the first thing that my Volition does is dress the soul with light,
embellishing her with divine attires, he impresses upon (her) forehead the kiss of perennial peace, of
happiness and of firmness; human(ness) doesn't have (anything) to do with us in Him, it doesn't hold
neither life, nor place, and the soul herself feels such disgust of that which doesn't pertain to my
Volition that she would put up (her) life rather than take part in that which doesn't pertain to the
sanctity of my Divine Will.”

Whence I followed my abandonment in the Divine Fiat and my sweet Jesus added:

“My daughter, my Divine Will was given since the beginning of the Creation as life of creatures and
He takes the pledge to maintain this life of his in them integral, beautiful, in his full vigor,
administering to them in every act of the creature a divine act of his, an act of the heights of his
sanctity, of his light, of his power and beauty. He put himself in expectation to await their act in
order to give his, in a way as to make a portent of divine life, worthy of his power and wisdom. In
order to understand (it's) enough only the saying that my Divine Volition should have formed so many
lives of himself in every single creature, and therefore put in (the) exercise of work all his ability and
infinite qualities that he possessed. How beautiful these divine lives would have been in creatures,
we looking at them should have found in them our reflection, our image, the echo of ours
happinesses. What joy, what feast would have been the Creation for us and for creatures. Now you
should know that who doesn't do my Divine Will and doesn't live in Him, wants to destroy one’s own
Divine life in themselves, that they should possess. To destroy one's own life, what crime! Who

would not condemn one who might want to destroy one's own life of the body, or else who might not
want to take food (and) was reduced lean, sick, unable to do anything? Now who doesn't do my Will
destroys their own life that the Divine Goodness wants to give her, and who does it, but not always,
and doesn't live in Him, since she lacks the continuous and sufficient food, is the poor sick one,
without strength, lean, unable to do true good, and if it seems that she does something it is without
life, difficult, because my Volition alone can give her life; what crime my daughter, what crime, that
doesn't merit any pity.”

My amiable Jesus appeared tired and as restless, so much was the sorrow of so many destroyed lives
in creatures, I also felt a suffering from it and said to Jesus: My love, tell me what is it? You suffer
much, the destruction of these divine lives of your adorable Will is your greatest sorrow, therefore
I pray you, make that his kingdom come so that this sorrow of yours is changed into joy, and thus
the Creation will not give restlessness and sorrow anymore, but rest and happiness. And seeing that
with my saying I didn't arrive to quiet him, I called to my help all the acts of his Will done in the
Creation, and emitting mine, I surrounded Jesus with the acts of Him. An immense light made itself
around Jesus, that light eclipsing all the evils of creatures and He took rest, and then added:

“My daughter, only my Volition can give me rest. If you want to quiet me when you see me restless,
lend yourself to carrying out the life of my Will in you, and making yours his acts, I will find in you
his light, his sanctity, his infinite joys that will give me rest, and I will make a little pause in chastising
creatures, too deserving, of these divine lives that they destroy in themselves that they merit that I
destroy all the natural goods and even their lives itself, don't you see how the sea goes out from its
shore and walks in order snatch these lives into its bosom and to bury them in it? The wind, the earth,
almost all the elements walk in order to snatch some creatures and to destroy them! They are the acts
of my Will scattered in the Creation for their love, and that not having received them with love they
are converted into justice.”

I remained frightened in seeing this and I prayed to my Highest Good Jesus that he appease himself
and that soon the kingdom of the Divine Fiat might come.

October 2, 1927
How Adam was the most holy before sinning. Fullness and totality of the goods of the acts done
in the Divine Volition; how they extend themselves to everyone. The pupil of the eye invested by
the sun. The Divine Will as matter lends himself and hides his Creator. Example of the host.

I was doing my round in the Creation, in order to follow all the acts of the Divine Will that there are
in him and arrived in Eden where God created the first man Adam, in order to unite myself with him
to that unity of will that he possessed with God, in which he did his first acts in his first epoch of the
Creation, I thought to myself: who knows what sanctity my first father Adam possessed, that value
his first acts contained done in the kingdom of the Divine Fiat, and how can I impetrate it again upon
the earth a kingdom so holy, being I alone am occupied in order to obtain so great a good? But while
I thought this, my always amiable Jesus went forth from within my interior that sent rays of light and
that light converted itself into words and he said to me:

“My daughter, first-born daughter of my Will, as daughter of Him, I want to reveal the sanctity of He
who possessed the kingdom of my Divine Fiat. In the beginning of the Creation this kingdom had
his life, his perfect dominion and his complete triumph, so that He is not all extraneous to the human
family, and since he is not estranged there is all the hope that he returns again in the midst of them,
in order to reign and dominate. Now you must know that Adam possessed such sanctity when he was
created by God, and his acts even minimal had such value, that no other saint, neither before, nor after
my coming upon the earth can compare to his sanctity, and all the acts of these don't arrive to the
value of one single act of Adam, because he possessed in my Divine Will the fullness of the sanctity,
the totality of all the divine goods; and do you know what fullness means? it means to be filled even
to the brim, even to overflow outside light, sanctity, love, all of the divine qualities, in a way as to be
able to fill heaven and earth, by which he held the dominion and extended his kingdom. Therefore
his every act done in this fullness of the Divine goods had such value, that no one else for how much
one might sacrifice oneself, might suffer and might work good if one doesn’t possess the kingdom
of my Will and his total dominion, can compare themselves to one single act of these in the kingdom
of Him. Hence the glory, the love that Adam gave as long as he lived in the kingdom of my Divine
Volition, no one, no one has given it to me, because He in his acts gave me fullness and totality of
all goods, and only in my Will are these acts found, outside of Him they don't exist. Therefore Adam
held his riches, his acts of infinite value, because he participated (in) my Eternal Volition before the
Divinity, because God in creating him had left nothing void in him, but all was divine fullness for how
much it was possible for a creature to contain. Whence with falling into sin these acts were not
destroyed, these riches of his, this glory and perfect love that he had given to his Creator, rather in
virtue of them and of his work done in my Divine Fiat he merited the Redemption. No, he could not
remain without the Redemption who had even for a little possessed the kingdom of my Will. Who
possesses this kingdom enters into such bonds and rights with God, that God himself feels with him
the strength of his own chains, that tying him can not untie himself from him. Our adorable Majesty
found himself with Adam in the conditions of a father that, holding a child he is the cause of so many
conquests, of great riches, of incalculable glory, there is no thing that the father possesses that doesn't
find the acts of his child, everywhere is heard to resound the glory, the love of his child. Now this
child through his misfortune falls into poverty, can the father ever not have compassion for his child,
if he feels anywhere and everywhere the love, the glory, the riches with which he has surrounded his
child? My daughter, Adam with living in the kingdom of our Will, had penetrated into our confines,
that are interminable, and everywhere he had put his acts, his glory, his love for his Creator, and as
our son with his acts that he emitted he carried our riches, our joys, the glory and our love to us, his
echo resounded in all our being, as ours in his, now seeing him fallen into poverty, how can our love
support not having compassion on him? if our own Divine Will waged war lovingly and pleaded for
he who had lived in Him? You see therefore what it means to live in my Divine Volition, its great
importance? In Him there is fullness of all the divine goods and totality of all the possible and
imaginable acts, he embraces the whole Divine Being. She finds herself in my Will as the eye finds
itself opposite to the Sun, that it remains all filled by its light, and while the Sun is reflected there all
entire in the pupil of the eye, its light remains also outside investing the whole person and crossing
the earth without departing from within the pupil, and while its light remains in the eye, the pupil
would like to carry itself in the Sun in order to have them make the round of the earth together, and
having them do that which the light does, and to receive its acts everywhere for testimonial of love
and glory. Image of this is the soul that lives in my Will, He fills her with such fullness that he doesn't
leave any void in her and since she is not capable of possessing all the Divine immensity, He fills her

for how much more (the) creature can contain, and without separating himself remains outside of her,
bringing her in the interminability of his light the pupil of the will of the soul, in order to have her do
that which my Divine Will does, in order to receive the exchange of her acts and of her love. Oh!
power of my Divine Fiat working in the creature, and letting herself be invested by his light, she
doesn't refuse him his dominion and his kingdom. And if Adam merited compassion it was because
the first of his life was in the kingdom of the Divine Volition.

“If the Celestial Sovereign Lady could obtain, although she was alone, the coming of the Word upon
the earth, it was because she gave free field to the kingdom of the Divine Fiat in her. If my own
Humanity could form the kingdom of the Redemption it was only because it possessed the whole
integrity and immensity of the kingdom of the eternal Volition, because He extends himself
everywhere, embraces everything, can do everything, nor is there power against Him that can restrict
him. So that one alone that possesses the kingdom of my Will is worth more than everything and
everyone, and can merit and impetrate that which all the others together can not neither merit, nor
obtain. Because all the others acts together, for however good, but without the life of my Will in
them are always the tiny little flames, the seedlings, the little flowers, that at most serves to adorn the
earth, subject to grow faint and dry up, and the Divine goodness can not do neither great assignments
on them, nor concede portents to do good to the entire world. Instead in who my Will lives she is
more than Sun, and as the Sun with the rule of its light invests everything, rules over the plants and
gives to each one the life, the color, the perfume, the sweetness, with its tacit empire it imposes itself
over everything in order to give its effects and the goods that it possesses, no other planet does so
much good to the earth, as much as the Sun does for it. Thus in who my Volition lives I am more
than Sun and with the light that they contain they kneel and with rapidity they raise themselves, they
penetrate anywhere in God, in his acts, with the Divine Will that they possess they rule over God
himself, over creatures they are capable of sweeping away everything, in order to hand to everyone
the life of the light that they possess, they are the bearer of their Creator and they make the light walk
ahead in order to impetrate and obtain and give that which they want. Oh! if creatures might know
such a good, they would be in competition and all the passions would be changed into passions of
light to live only and always in that Divine Fiat that sanctifies all, gives all and reigns (over) all.”

My poor mind continued to lose itself in the Divine Volition and it marveled over the sublimity,
fullness and totality of the acts done in Him and my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior added:

“My daughter, cease your marveling, living in my Divine Fiat is the work in Him, it is the transfusion
of the Creator in the creature, and between the Divine work (and) the work of the creature alone
there is an infinite distance, she lends herself to her God as material in order let him work great things,
as lends the material of the light to the Divine Fiat in the Creation in order to let him form the Sun,
the Sky, the stars, the sea, all matter in which the Supreme Fiat resounded and fabricated all the
Creation. Prodigy of him is the Sun, the sky, the sea, the earth, that were revived and animated by
the Fiat, perennial and enchanting sight of whom knows how to do and can do my Will. It happens
with the soul as with the accidents of the host that lends itself, although material, to let itself become
animated by my Sacramental life, provided that it is pronounced by the Priest, those same words said
by me in instituting the Most Holy Sacrament they were words animated by my Fiat, that contained
the creative power, and therefore the matter of the host undergoes the transubstantiation of Divine
life. One can say over the host how many words one wants, but if they are not those few words
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established by the Fiat, my Life remains in Heaven and the host remains the vile matter that is. Thus
it happens with soul, she can do, say, suffer, that which she wants, but if she doesn't race within my
Divine Fiat they are always finite and vile things; but in who lives in Him, her words, her works, her
sufferings, are as veils that hide the Creator and of these veils it serves He who created the Heaven
and the earth to let work worthy work of him, and he puts there his sanctity, his creative power, his
infinite love. Therefore no one else can arrive, for how many great things one does, to compare to
that creature in which lives, reigns and dominates my Divine Will. Also between creatures it happens
that, according to the matter that they have in (their) hands in order to form their works, thus changes
the value that they possess and acquire. Suppose that one holds property of iron, how much he must
work, sweat, tire, in order to reduce that iron soft, in order to give the form of the receptacle that he
wants to make, and the acquisition that he makes is so very little that hardly can life get by. Instead
another holds property of gold, of precious stones, this work oh! how much less, but it earns millions.
So that it is not the work that carries the greater profit, exuberant riches but the value of the matter
that one possesses, one works little and earns much, because the matter that he possesses contains
a great value, the other works much but since the matter that he possesses is vile and of the littlest
value, he is always the poor ragged one and half starving. Thus it happens for one who possesses my
Divine Will, she possesses the Life, the creative virtue, and her littlest acts contain a divine and
interminable value, therefore no one is able equal her riches, instead who doesn't possess my Will as
their own life is without life, and works together with the matter of her own volition and therefore
is always the poor ragged one before God and starving of that food that forms in her the Fiat
Voluntas Tua/(Let your Will be done) as in Heaven so in earth.”

October 6, 1927
How who works in the Divine Will works in the divine proprietorships. How she forms the Sun.
How he wants to find the soul in all created things.

I was continuing my acts in the Divine Fiat, and my sweet Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, who works in my Will, works in my divine proprietorships, and forms in him my
interminable goods of light, of sanctity, of love, of happiness without end, her acts, which transform
themselves into so many suns, these suns reproduced from my own qualities that are lent to the act
of the soul to the decorum of her, and in order to make that they might be acts worthy of her Creator,
and for these acts to remain as perennial acts in God himself, that they glorify him, love him with his
same divine acts. Whence Adam before sinning formed so many suns in his Creator for how many
acts he did, now who lives and works in my Will finds these suns made by him, hence your
appointment (is) following the first acts of the Creation, to take your place of work next to the last
sun, or yet (that) act that Adam did when he possessed the unity of will with his Creator, you must
make up for that which He didn't continue to do, because he went out from inside my Divine
proprietorships, and his acts were Suns no more because he didn't hold in his power anymore my
Divine qualities that lent themselves to let him form Suns, at the most his acts were reduced for how
much good to tiny little flames, because the human will without mine, doesn’t hold the virtue of being
able to form Suns, it lacks the prime matter, it would be as if you might want to form a gold object
without your having in your power the metal of the gold, for how much good will you might have,
it would be impossible to you. Only my Will holds sufficient light in order to make suns formed by
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the creature, and he gives this light to whom lives in Him, in his proprietorships, not to whom lives
outside of Him. Whence you must make up for all the other creatures that have not possessed the
unity with my Will, your work is great and long, you have much to do in my interminable confines,
therefore be attentive and faithful.”

Hence I continued my acts in his adorable Volition, and turning for all the Creation, my Highest Good
Jesus added:

“My daughter, as my Divine Will is scattered in all the Creation, thus you united with Him, I want
to find you in all created things as scattered in every one of them, you will be the heart of the earth
in order to find your palpitating life in it, that with its continuous beat attests to me the love of all its
tenants. You will be the mouth of the sea (so) that you will make me hear your voice in its highest
waves and in its continuous murmur, that praise me, adore me, thank me and in the wriggle of the
fishes dart me your affectionate and pure kisses, for you and for those that cross the sea. You will
be the arms of the Sun that extending and enlarging you in its light, everywhere one feels your arms
that embrace me, squeeze me tightly in order to say to me that only me you search for, only me you
want and love. You will be the feet of the wind in order to race close by to me and make me hear
the sweet stamping of your footsteps, that never cease to race although you don't find me; I am not
content if I don't find my little daughter in all the things created by me for her love. To all the
Creation I am asking: where is the little daughter of my Will? because I want to enjoy myself with her
and detain myself with her; and if I don't find you I lose my enjoyment and my sweet amusement.”

After this I followed my beloved Jesus in the acts that he did in the Redemption, I sought to follow
him word for word, work for work, step for step, I would not like that anything might escape me in
order to hasten it and to ask him in the name of all his acts, tears, prayers and sufferings, the kingdom
of his Divine Will in the midst of creatures and my adored Jesus said to me:

“My daughter, when I was on the earth, my Divine Will that by nature reigned in me and that same
Divine Will that existed and reigned in all created things, to every meeting they kissed together, and
longing for their meetings they made festive, and created things competed in order to meet with me
and to give me the homages that were appropriate to me, the earth as it felt my footsteps in order to
give me homage re-greened and flowered under my feet, it wanted to bring forth from its bosom all
the beauties that it possessed, the enchantment of the most beautiful flowerings to my passage, so
much so that many times I had to command that it might not make me these demonstrations, and it
in order to give me homage obeyed, as in order to make for me honor (had) bloomed. The Sun
always sought to meet with me in order to give me the homage of its light, emitting all the varieties
of the beauties of the colors from its solar bosom before my sight, in order to give me the honors that
I merited. Everything and everyone sought to meet me in order to make for me their feast, the wind,
water, even the little bird, in order to make for me the honors of its trills, warbles and songs, all
created things recognized me and they put themselves in competition for whom might be able to more
honor me and make (for) me (a) feast. Who possesses my Divine Will holds the sight of knowing that
which pertains to my own Will. Only man didn't know me because he didn't possess even the sight
and the sense of smell of Him, I had to tell it to him in order to make myself known, and many with
all my sayings would not even believe. Because who doesn't possess my Divine Volition is blind and
deaf without sense of smell in order to know that which pertains to him. Not possessing him is the
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greatest unhappiness of the creature, she is the poor cretin, blind, deaf and mute, that not possessing
the light of my Divine Fiat, makes use of the same created things with taking the excrements that they
cast, and leaves within them the true good that they contain. What sorrow, to see creatures without
the nobility of the life of my Divine Will.”

October 10, 1927
How the Divine Will is manifold in his acts, while he is one. How he remains conceived in one
who lives in Him. How for one who lives in the Divine Will the earth is not exile, but it is exile
for who doesn't do the Will of God.

My poor mind continues to follow the acts of Jesus done for our love and returning to his conception
I offered all my acts done in his Divine Volition with all my being for (the) honor of his conception,
in this while a light went forth from me that went to deposit itself in the bosom of the Immaculate
Queen in the act that She conceived, and my always amiable Jesus said to me:

“My daughter, my Divine Will is manifold in his acts, but he does not loose one of them, the unity that
he possesses and his incessant act maintains the unity in his acts, as if they might be one alone, while
they are innumerable, and he conserves in his acts the act of doing it incessantly, always, always,
without ever ceasing to do it in order to conserve it always new, fresh and beautiful, and ready to give
it to whom might want it, but while he gives it doesn't detach from my Will, because He is light, it
is the virtue of light to give itself, diffuse itself, enlarge itself, one takes how much one wants of it,
but it never separates itself, it is inseparable by virtue and by (the) nature that the light possesses.
You also see the Sun possesses this virtue; suppose that you might have the room closed by shutters,
the light is not there, but if you open the doors the light fills your room, perhaps the light detaches
itself from the Sun? No, no, but it dwells and enlarges itself, without detaching a single drop from
its source, but in spite that the light does not separate itself, you have possessed the good of the light
as if it were yours. More than Sun is my Divine Will He gives himself to everyone but does not lose
a comma of his acts. Now my conception, my Fiat holds it always in act, and you have seen how the
light of his acts done in you enlarges itself even in the bosom of the Celestial Sovereign Lady, as to
make conceived over Her your Highest Good Jesus, it is the unity of his acts that centralizing them
all to one point, forms his portents and my Life itself. Behold therefore I remain conceived in the acts
of my Divine Volition, in those of the Queen Mama and (in) yours done in Him. Rather I say to you
that [I am] conceived continually in all the acts of those who will possess the kingdom of my Will.
Because who possesses him receives all the fullness of the goods of my Life, because they alone with
the acts done in Him share in my conception and in the course of all my Life. Hence it is just that she
receives all the goods that He contains. Instead who doesn't possess my Will, takes hardly the crumbs
of the goods that I brought upon the earth with so much love, and therefore creatures become meager
in good, slight, inconstant, all eyes and all heart to transient things, because lacking in themselves the
source of the light of my eternal Volition, they do not feed themselves with my Life. What marvel
that it brings upon their face paleness, that they feel themselves die for true good, and if they do
anything, all is with difficultly and without light, and they grow deformed to make one pity.”

After this I felt myself oppressed and felt all the weight of my long and hard exile, and I lamented with
my adorable Jesus that to the hard martyrdom of his privations he adds on me the removal of my
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Celestial Fatherland and I said to him how (is it) you don't have compassion on me? how do you leave
me alone without you in prey only of your amiable Volition? how do you leave me for so long in this
earth of exile? But while I vented my sorrow, my Life, my Everything Jesus moved in my interior
and said to me:

“My daughter, the earth is exile for who doesn't do and live in my Will, but for who lives in Him it
can not be called exile but a step of distance, that when one least believes it, that step done one will
be found in the Celestial Country, not like one that comes from the exile, that knows nothing of Him,
but like one that already knew that it was hers and knows of the beauty, the sumptuousness, the
happiness, of the Eternal City. My Will would not bear to hold in the conditions of exile one who
lives in Him, in order to do this he should change nature, regime, between who lives in Him in Heaven
and between who lives in earth, that which he can not nor wants to do. Does one say exile perhaps
for who goes out from his house in order to distance himself one step, certainly not or yet can one
call it exile who goes to a land in his own country? The exile, my daughter, means circumference of
space without being able to go out from there, strippings of goods, forced works, without being able
to exempt oneself. My Divine Will doesn't know how to do these things and you see, you touch it
with (your) hand, as your soul doesn't hold circumference of place, of space, it carries itself
everywhere, in the Sun, in the Sky, sometimes you have made your outings even up there in the
Celestial regions, and how many times have you not bathed in the same interminable light of your
Creator? Where aren't you free to go? in the sea, in the air, wherever. Rather my Will itself enjoys,
pushes you, gives you flight to turn everywhere. He would feel unhappy to see one in Him liv(ing)
without liberty and as impeded. My Divine Fiat instead of stripping fills the soul even to the brim
with his goods, he gives her the dominion of herself, converts the passions into virtue, the weaknesses
in divine fortitude. He gives joys and happiness without number, he gives through grace that which
He is by nature, firmness, perennial inflexibility. Exile is for who is tyrannized by the passions,
without dominion of herself, without being able to space herself in her God, and if she thinks (of)
some good, she is mixed, surrounded by darkness. So that the virtues of the poor exiled one are
forced, inconstant, she is enslaved by her own miseries, and this renders her unhappy. All to the
contrary for the one that lives in my Divine Will, nor would I tolerate it to hold you for so long a time
in life if I might know you (were) in the exile, your Jesus loves you too much, how would I have been
able to bear to hold you exiled? And if I tolerate it it is because I know that as little daughter of my
Volition, He doesn't hold you in the conditions of exile, but in his proprietorship, in his light, free and
dominant, with the unique purpose of forming in you his kingdom and of impetrating it for the benefit
of the human family. And you should be happy with this, knowing that all the desires, avidity, the
longing of your Jesus are for the kingdom of my Will upon the Earth, my complete glory, the aspect
from the Fiat your Will as in Heaven so in earth.”

October 16, 1927
How the Divine Will as water makes his inundations. Who are those people that make themselves
inundated. What united means. How the Queen of Heaven cast the foundation of the kingdom
of the Divine Will.

After having passed various days of privation of my sweet Jesus, I felt myself embittered even in the
marrow of my bones, I could endure no more, and tired and worn-out I wanted to reassure myself
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in order to take strength. Whence I abandoned myself first in the Supreme Volition and then on
myself in order to be able to at least sleep, but while I did this my poor mind was not in myself
anymore, but outside of myself, I felt two arms that embraced me that carried me on high, on high,
under the vault of the Sky, but I did not see who it might be; I feared and a voice said to me: don't
fear, but look on high; I looked and I saw that the Sky opened itself and my longed for Jesus
descended toward me, the two of us threw ourselves into each others arms, I embracing Him and He
embracing me, and in my sorrow I said to him: Jesus, my Love, how hard you make it for me, you
make me arrive to extremes, one sees that the heat of your love toward me is not that which you had
before for me. Now while I said this to Jesus he assumed a melancholy, as if he might not want to
hear my laments, and at the same time from the heights in which we were, I saw descend a water in
torrents, and many places remained inundated, seas and rivers were united together with these waters
and they inundated countries and people, burying them in its bosom, what terror! And Jesus all
afflicted said to me:

“My daughter, as you see these waters that in torrents descend from Heaven, and inundating forms
sepulchers with their force in order to be able to bury entire cities, thus my Divine Will, more than
water makes its inundations, not to time or places, but always and to all the earth, and over every
single creature he pours his strong and high inundations; but who lets himself be inundated by his
inundations of light, of grace, of love, of sanctity and of happiness that he possesses? no one, what
ingratitude, to receive in torrents his goods and not take them, to pass over (them), perhaps to bathe
only, but to not let oneself be inundated and to make oneself drown by the goods of my Divine Will,
what sorrow! and I look at all the earth in order to see who takes the inundations of Him, and I only
find the little daughter of my Volition; that receives these inundations, that drowns herself in Him and
makes herself transported where she wants, remaining in his bosom in prey of his highest waves.
There is no more beautiful show, (or) moving scene than to see the littleness of the creature in the
prey of these waves. Now one sees (her) in prey of the waves of light and as buried within, now
drowned by the love, now invested and embellished by the sanctity, what pleasure to see her, and
therefore I descend from Heaven, in order to enjoy (with) these enrapturing scenes of your littleness,
carried by his arms in the inundations of my eternal Volition, and you say that my love is diminished
for you? you are wrong. Know that your Jesus is faithful in love, and as he sees you under the waves
of my Will he loves you always more.”

He said this and disappeared and I remained abandoned in the waves of the Divine Fiat, and my
amiable Jesus returning added:

“My daughter, my Will possess the unity and who lives in Him lives in this unity, and do you know
what unity means? it means one, this one that can embrace everything and everyone, he can give all
because he contains all. My Divine Will possesses the unity of love, and of all the loves united
together. He possesses the unity of sanctity, and contains all the sanctities. He possesses the unity
of beauty, and contains in himself all that is beautiful of possible and imaginable. In short he contains
(the) unity of light, of power, of goodness, of wisdom; the true and perfect unity while he is one he
must possess all and this all, all of an equal strength, all immense and infinite, eternal, without
beginning and without end. Hence who lives in Him, lives in the immense and highest waves that he
possesses, in a way that the soul feels the empire of the one strength, of light, of sanctity, of love, et
cetera; so that in this one strength, everything for her is light, everything is changed into sanctity, into
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love, into power, and everything brings the knowledge of the wisdom of this unity to her. Therefore
living in Him is the greatest miracle and the perfect development of Divine life in the creature. The
word unity means all and the soul takes all living in Him.”

After this I followed my round in the acts of the Divine Fiat, and arriving into the seas of my Celestial
Mama that she had done in the unity of Him, I thought to myself: my Sovereign Mama didn't have
(the) interest to impetrate the kingdom of the Divine Volition because she might have obtained in this
(the) unity that She lived, as she obtained the kingdom of the redemption she would have obtained
that of the Divine Will. And my sweet Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, our Queen Mama apparently it seems that all her interest was for the kingdom of the
Redemption, but that is not true, the external part was that, but the interior was all for the kingdom
of my Divine Will, because She knew all the Value and the complete glory to her Creator, and the
maximum and complete good to creatures of it, she could do no less than ask the kingdom of the
Eternal Fiat, indeed She with obtaining the Redemption cast the foundations of the kingdom of my
Will, it can be said that she prepared the materials of Him; it is necessary that the small things are
done in order to obtain the greater ones, and therefore she had to give the field first to the
Redemption, (so) as to construct the factory of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. If a kingdom is not
formed, how can one say that a king holds his kingdom and dominion? More so that the Sovereign
Lady of Heaven is unique and singular in glory in the Celestial Fatherland, because uniquely and
singularly she formed all her Life in my Will, and a Mother loves and wants that her children possess
the same glory, and She in Heaven can not communicate all her glory and greatness and Sovereignty
that she possesses, because she doesn't find one who has made his same life continuous in the same
Divine Will, therefore she longs for the children of Her kingdom, in order to be able to make reflect
all her glory in them and to be able to say: I have my children that equal me in my glory, now I am
more than happy, because my glory is the same glory of my children. The happiness of a mother is
more that of the children than her own, much more so for the Celestial Mother, that in my Divine
Volition she conceived more than (a) Mother all the redeemed, and formed the life itself of the
children of my Divine Will.”

October 20, 1927
How created powers are not able to neither embrace nor exhaust the uncreated Power, not even
the Virgin nor the Humanity of Our Lord itself. How the Divine Will possesses the incessant and
always new act and holds the virtue of always making things new. Example. How he waits for
his kingdom in order to communicate this new act as completion of his glory.

I follow that which is written above. Whence I thought to myself: my beloved Jesus says that his
glory will then be complete on the part of the Creation and the glory of all the blessed, when his
Divine Will will be known in earth and the kingdom of Him formed, and the children of this kingdom
will take (their) post in the Celestial Country, kept only for them, and I thought: in Heaven there is
the Sovereign Queen that had the whole fullness of the life of the Divine Will that no one believes that
can be reached, so therefore the glory of God is not complete on the part of Creation, and so many
other doubts and thoughts that came to me, that is not necessary to say them on paper, I say only that
which Jesus told me:
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“My daughter, you are too tiny, and you measure with your littleness the interminable greatness and
my inarrivable wisdom. The creature for how ever holy she might be, as was my Dear Mother, that
in spite that she possesses the whole fullness and totality of all the goods of her Creator, and the
kingdom of my Divine Will had in Her his full dominion, with all this, she could not exhaust the whole
immensity of the goods of the Divine Being, he filled her even to the brim, overflowed outside even
to form seas around her, but to restrict in herself, to embrace all that which the Supreme Being
contains, was impossible for her, not even my Humanity alone by itself could contain the whole
immensity of the Creative light, it was all filled inside and outside of me, but oh! how much remained
outside of me, that to the circle of my Humanity it didn't hold (the) equivalent greatness of where to
contain so interminable a light; this is because created powers, of what ever generation it might be
can not exhaust the uncreated power, nor embrace and restrict it in themselves. The heights of the
Queen of Heaven and my Humanity itself, found itself with its Creator in the conditions in which you
can find yourself exposed to the rays of the Sun, you can find yourself under the empire of its light,
to be invested by it, to feel all the intensity of its heat, but to be able to restrict it in yourself and above
you all its light and heat will prove impossible to you. But in spite of this you can not say that the life
of the light of the Sun and its heat is not in you and outside of you. Now you must know that our
Divine Being, our creative Will, possesses its incessant and always new motion, new in joys, in
happiness, new in beauty, new in the work that, our Wisdom puts forth in the formation of souls, new
in sanctity that engraves, new in the love that infuses. Hence if she possesses this continued new act,
she holds the virtue to always make new things, and beautiful, pure and holy was made the Queen
Mama, this doesn’t exclude that we can make other new and beautiful things, worthy of our works.
More so that in the Creation, as our Divine Fiat went out in field in creating all things, also went out
in field all the new acts with which he had to form creatures, the rarities of beauty that he had to
communicate and the sanctity that he had to engrave in who would have lived in our Divine Volition.
And since He didn't have life in creatures, nor his kingdom, he had it only in the Sovereign Lady of
Heaven and therefore he made the first prodigy and miracle that stupefied Heaven and earth, whence
he awaits the other creatures that must hold his life and form his other kingdoms where to reign, in
order to form with our new act other rarities of sanctity, of beauty and of grace. Oh! how my Divine
Will awaits with anxiety this field of action of his, to put forth these new acts. He is like a craftsman
that knows how to make hundreds and thousands of statues, one different from the other, he knows
how to impress in them a fineness and rarity of beauty, of attitudes, of forms, but one can not say it
as the other, he doesn't know how to make repetitions, but always new and beautiful statues, but it
does not become given to put forth his art, what sorrow wouldn’t his inactivity be for a similar
craftsman? Such is my Divine Will, and therefore he waits for his kingdom in the midst of creatures
in order to form (a) rarity of Divine beauties in them not ever seen, sanctity not ever sensed, novelty
not ever touched, it is not enough to his Power that can do everything, to his immensity that can
embrace everything, to his love that never exhausts, to have formed with his Divine arts the Great
Lady, the Queen of Heaven and of the Earth but the succession of Her, in which one wants only my
Fiat to live and to reign in order to form other works worthy of Him. How therefore can our glory
be complete on the part of the Creation, and the glory complete in Heaven, the happiness of the
human family if our work is not completed in the Creation? There remains to make the most beautiful
statues, the most important works; the purpose why the Creation was created is not realized nor
finished, and to a work it is enough that there lack one point, one little flower, one leaf, one tone, that
it can not have all its value, and receive the complete glory (for) who forms the work. More so that
in the work of our Creation [it is] not one point that lacks, but the most important things, our varied
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Divine images of beauties, of sanctity, of our perfect similarity. And as our Will began the work of
the Creation with such sumptuousness of beauties, of order, of harmony, of magnificence, as much
in forming the machine of all the universe, as in creating man, thus it is just for decorum, glory and
honor of our work, that it be completed with more sumptuousness and diversity of rare beauties, all
worthy of the incessant and new act that my Divine Will possesses. Who will live in the kingdom of
him, they will be under the force of a new act, of a continued irresistible force, so that they will feel
themselves invested with a new act of sanctity, of radiant beauty, of the most refulgent light, and
while they will possess this, another new one arrives, and then still another one, without ever ceasing,
they themselves surprised will say: how holy, beautiful, rich, strong, happy is our Fiat three times
Holy, that ever exhausts itself, he always holds sanctity to give us, beauties forever more to embellish
us, new strengths in order to make us more strong, new happiness in a way that that the first is not
similar to the second, nor the third, nor all the others that he will give us. Whence these fortunate
creatures will be the true triumph of the Divine Fiat, the most beautiful ornament of all the Creation,
the most refulgent Suns that with their light they will cover the void of those that have not lived in
the kingdom of Him. Now my inseparable Mama that possesses as proper life this continued new act,
communicated to her by my Divine Will because he made life for Her, it is the first most refulgent Sun
that my Volition formed in Her, that occupies the first place of Queen and cheers all the celestial
court making reflect in all the blessed his light, his joys, his beauty; but She knows that it didn't
exhaust all the new and incessant acts that my Divine Will has established to give to creatures,
because He is inexhaustible, and oh! how much he holds, and awaits that the other suns are formed
by this his new act with new beauties and with rare beauty, and as a true Mother she wants to
surround herself with all these suns, so that they reflect themselves and felicitate themselves next to
each other, and the whole Celestial court not only receives hers but the reflections of all these suns
as completion to everyone of the glory of the work of the Creation of her Creator. She as Queen
waits with so much love the proprieties of my Will in creatures, that are as hers, that had the principle
of forming in Her the kingdom of my Divine Will. Suppose that in the vault of the Heavens instead
of one Sun were formed other suns, new in beauty and in light, would it not appear more beautiful,
more adorned the vault of the Sky? Certainly yes! And would not the suns as light reflect themselves
next to each other, and all the inhabitants of the earth wouldn't they receive the reflections, the goods
of all these suns? Thus will it be in Heaven. More so that who has possessed in earth the kingdom
of the Supreme Fiat, will have interminable common goods, because one is the Will that has
dominated them. Behold therefore that in spite that in Heaven there is the Sovereign Empress, that
possesses the fullness of the Life of my Divine Volition, on the part of the Creation our glory [is] not
complete, because, first, our Will is not known in the midst of creatures and hence (is) neither loved
nor longed for; accordingly, not being known, He can not give that which he has established to give,
and hence he can not form the so many rarities of works that he knows how to do and can do, while
to completed work he sings victory and glory.”

October 23,1927
The little child. How the Divine Will is kingdom of life. Necessity of his knowledges. How
Heaven and earth are reverent to listen to the knowledges of the Divine Fiat. Love and
tenderness of God in creating man.

I felt my poor mind sunk in the Divine Fiat, and while I continued my acts in Him, I saw before me
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a little child all timid, pale, as if she feared to walk in the immensity of the light of the Divine Volition
and my adored Jesus went forth from within my interior and filling his holy hands with light, he put
that light in the mouth of the child wanting to drown her with light. Whence he took light and put
it in the eyes, in the ears, in the heart, in the hands and the feet of the little tiny one, and she remained
invested by the light, it colored all of her and she remained as hindered and troubled in the same light.
Jesus enjoyed himself in drowning her with light and was delighted in seeing her hindered in herself,
and turning to me he said to me.

“My little daughter, this child is the image of your soul, timid in receiving the light and the
knowledges of my Divine Will, but I will drown you with so much light, so that you lose the residue
of the timidness of the human will, because in mine there are not these weakness but Divine courage
and strength, insurmountable and invincible. In order to form the kingdom of my Fiat in the soul, I
extend in her as foundation, all the knowledges of Him and then I take possession extending there my
Life itself in order to have my kingdom. You see what great difference (there is) of the kingdom of
the kings of the earth and that of my kingdom, the kings don't put at (the) disposition of every
individual their own life, nor do they enclose it in them, nor do they enclose the life of the people in
them, and therefore their reign is subject to end, because it is not life that races between the one and
the other but laws and impositions, and where there is not life, there is not love, nor true reign.
Instead the kingdom of my Divine Will is kingdom of life, the life of the Creator enclosed in the
creature and that of the creature transfused and identified/unified with the Creator. Therefore the
kingdom of my Divine Will is of a height and inarrivable nobility, the soul becomes constituted queen,
and do you know what she becomes queen (of)? queen of sanctity, queen of love, queen of beauty,
of light, of goodness, of grace, in short queen of the Divine life and all his qualities; what noble and
full reign of life is this kingdom of my Will. You now see therefore the great necessity of the
knowledges of Him, they are not only the fundamental part, but the food, the regime, the order, the
laws, the beautiful music, the joys, the happiness of my kingdom. Every knowledge possesses one
distinct happiness, they are as so many divine keys that will form beautiful harmony in Him. Behold
therefore I am so very lavish in telling you so many knowledges on my Divine Fiat, and I require from
you the highest attention in manifesting them because they are the base, and as a formidable army that
will maintain the defense and will keep sentinel, so that my kingdom is the most beautiful, the most
holy and the perfect echo of my Celestial Country.”

Whence Jesus became silent and then added again.

“My daughter, when my Divine Will wants to put forth a knowledge of his or a new act, Heaven and
earth reverently honor it and they listen to it, all the Creation feels flow in them a new divine act that
as vital humor embellishes them and makes them doubly happy and they feel as honored from their
own Creator that with his Omnipotent Fiat he communicates his new knowledges to them, and they
await for the aptness of that knowledge in the creature in order to see the new act of the Divine
Volition repeated in the creature in order to have the confirmation of that good and the joy and
happiness that the new knowledge brings. Then my Will poses to feast, because (there) goes forth
from himself a divine life, which while it is directed to one creature, it expands itself and
communicates itself then to all creatures.”

After this I was following my round in the Divine Volition and bringing myself in Eden in order to
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be present when the Divine Majesty, having formed the beautiful statue of man, he was giving him
life breathing (in) him with his omnipotent breath/[fiato], in order to be able to glorify my Creator in
such a solemn act, to love him and to adore him and to thank him for a love so excessive and
overflowing toward man and my divine Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, this act of forming and infusing life in man with our omnipotent breath, was so tender,
moving and of joy so great for us, that all our Divine Being overflowed outside with such love, that
with enrapturing force it enraptured our divine qualities in order to infuse them in man, in breathing
in him we poured everything in him, and in breathing in him we put our Supreme Being in
communication with him, in a way as to make him inseparable from us. This breath of ours never
stopped, because if in the Creation of all the universe it was our Will that constituted himself life of
everything, in man (He) not only gave our Fiat, but together with our breath (He) gave him our
identical Life. And this breath of ours doesn't stop yet continuing the generation of the other
creatures in order to make them inseparable from us. So much is our love when we do a work, that
done one time the attitude remains to do it always. Therefore the ingratitude of the man is great,
because he ignores, despises, offends this life of ours identical in himself. And since when he sends
forth the breath/[fiato] in order to breathe he sends it forth and withdraws it within in order to be able
to breathe again, in breathing in him we give ourselves to him and in withdrawing the breath, we
withdraw man into ourselves, and not feeling him come in us because his will is not with us, we feel
the whole weight of human ingratitude. Behold therefore we call you to give you our incessant
breath so that as we withdraw it in order to send it forth again we feel you come in us in order to
receive the completion of our Will in the solemn act of our regenerative breath going forth in order
to generate creatures.”

October 30, 1927
How the Divine love regurgitated in the Creation. Liberality and magnificence in creating the
machine of the universe especially in creating his beloved jewel without merit of anyone.
Decision of the Divine Will in wanting to come to reign in the midst of creatures. His balsamic
air, his enchanting and enrapturing beauty. That which his knowledges will do.

I felt all abandoned in the Divine Fiat and my poor mind I felt it as drenched by the light of his
sanctity, beauty and indescribable happiness. To possess the font of all goods, to enjoy the high sea
of the infinite seas of all the joys and to possess all the attractions of inexhaustible beauties, of divine
beauties, even to fall in love with God himself, and living in the Divine Volition with letting him reign
in the soul, is all the same. Will of God how very amiable, adorable, desirable you are, more than my
own life. Your reign is reign of light, that holds (the) strength of emptying me (of) that which to his
light does not pertain; it is reign of sanctity and doesn't transform me into the sanctity of the saints,
but in the sanctity of my Creator it is reign of happiness and joys and it puts in flight in me all
bitternesses, troubles, annoyances. But how ever can creatures dispose themselves, to merit receiving
a kingdom so holy? Now while I thought this, and my poor mind swam in the high sea of the sea of
the Divine Fiat, my amiable Jesus went out from inside my interior, and squeezing me to himself, all
tenderness said to me:

“My little daughter, you should know that our love regurgitated in the Creation, and overflowing
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outside of us, without anyone having merited such a good, not even with a single word, our highest
goodness and liberality without limits, I created with such magnificence, order and harmony the whole
machine of the universe, for love of whom didn't exist yet. After this our love regurgitated more
strongly and we created He for whom all things were created. And since we in the work we always
work with unobtainable magnanimity, and while we don't exhaust we give all in a way that nothing
should lack to our work of magnificence, of grandness and of all goods. In creating man without
which he had not one merit, for dowry, for foundation, for substance of all the goods, joys and
happiness we gave him for kingdom our Will, so that he might lack nothing having at his disposition
a Divine Will and together with Him our Supreme Being. What honor would it have been for us if
the work of the Creation might have been poor, wretched of light, without the multiplicity of so many
created things, without order and without harmony, and our dear jewel, our dear child, that is man,
without the fullness of the goods of He who had created him? It would not have been honor for who
possess all and can do all, to do an incomplete work; more so that our love regurgitating very
strongly, more than impetuous waves wanted to give, to show off how much more it could, even to
fill up our beloved jewel with all possible and imaginable goods and to form the seas around him that
overflowed from him that his Creator had put (in) him. And if man lost this, it was he that rejected
it of his own will my kingdom, his dowry and the substance of his happiness. Now as in the Creation,
my love regurgitated strongly, and the kingdom of my Will is decided that wants his life in the midst
of creatures, and therefore showing off with all magnificence without looking at the merits of them,
with insuperable magnanimity he wants to give his kingdom again. Only he wants that creatures
know it, know his goods, so that knowing them they long for and want the kingdom of sanctity, of
light and of happiness, and as one will rejected it, thus another calls it, longs for it, presses it to come
and to reign in the midst of creatures. Behold therefore the necessity of his knowledges, if a good
is not known, one neither wants it, nor loves it; therefore they will be the messengers, the forerunners
that will announce my kingdom. My knowledges on my Fiat will pose now to be Sun, now to be
thunders, now to be bursts of light, now to be impetuous winds, that will call the attention of the
scholars and of the ignorant, of the good and also of the bad, that as lightning they will fall in their
hearts, and with irresistible strength will knock them down, in order to make them re-arise in the good
of the acquired knowledges, they will form the true renewal in the world, they will take all attitudes
in order to allure and to conquer creatures, assuming now to (be) peacemakers, that want the kiss of
creatures in order to give them theirs, in order to make them forget the whole past and to remember
only to love each other together and to felicitate each other side by side; now as warriors, certain of
their victory, in order to make certain the conquest that they want to do of whom knows them; now
as incessant prayers, that will cease then to supplicate when [creatures] conquered by the knowledges
of my Divine Volition will say: you have won, we are already prey of your kingdom; now as
dominant king and exhaling love, that they will pray before him in order to make him dominate. What
won't my Will do? He will put all his power in aptness in order to come to reign in the midst of
creatures. He possesses an enrapturing beauty, that if he makes himself seen only one time with
clarity, he enraptures, he embellishes, casting his waves of beauty on the soul, in a way that hardly
can they forget a beauty so rare, they will remain as within the labyrinth of his beauty to not be able
to go out from there. He possesses an enchanting power, and the soul remains fixed in his sweet
enchantment. He possesses a balsamic air, that breathed they will feel enter in them the air of peace,
of sanctity, of Divine harmony, of happiness, of the light that purifies all, of the love that burns all,
of the power that conquers all, in a way that this air will bring the celestial balm to all the evils
products from the bad, morbid and deadly air of the human will. You also see in human life (how)
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the air acts in an surprising way: if the air is pure, good, healthy, perfumed, the respiration is free,
the circulation of blood is regular, they grow strong, fed, colored and healthy; instead if the air is bad,
malodorous and infected, the respiration is impeded, the circulation of blood is irregular, and not
receiving the life of the pure air they are weak, pale, grown thin and half sick. The air is the life of
the creature, and without it they can not live, but there is great difference between the good air and
the bad. Thus is the air of the soul; the air of my Will maintains life, pure healthy, holy, beautiful and
strong as it went forth from the bosom of its Creator. The deadly air of the human volition deforms
the poor creature, makes her descend from her origin and she grows sick, weak, to make (one) pity.”

Then with an emphasis more tender he added: “Oh! my Will, how very amiable, admirable, powerful
you are! Your beauty enamors the Heavens and maintains the enrapturing enchantment to the whole
Celestial Court, in a way that they are happy that they can not move their look from you, oh! with
your enchanting beauty that enraptures everything, enraptures the earth, and with your sweet
enchantment you enchantment all creatures so that one is the Will of everyone, one the sanctity, one
the life, one your kingdom, one your Fiat as in Heaven so in earth.”

November 2, 1927
Difference that passes between one who lives in the Divine Volition and works, and between one
who does good in the night of the human will.

My flight is continuous in the Divine Volition and my poor intelligence is as fixed in Him, and in his
light I understood the great difference between the work in the Supreme Volition and between the
human work good in itself but lacking the life of the Divine Fiat in the action of the creature. Whence
I said to myself: possible such difference? And my beloved Jesus moving from within my interior
said to me:

“My daughter, the human will formed the night to the human family, in their souls, and if they do
good works even important ones since good by itself is light, they emit from themselves so many little
lights, it can be the light of a match, the light of a little oil lamp, of an electric light bulb, according
to the good that is there is inside of the human action and (the) multiplicity of them thus becomes
formed little lights and lights a little more great, and for how much they have the good, in virtue of
their little lights, of them not remaining and those that surround them in the dark, but they don't have
the virtue to change the night into day. So that they can be also like (a) city or residence that possess
the good of so many electric lights that are also subject to grow faint; but that they can make the night
change into day will be impossible, because it is not (the) nature of the light formed by human
industry, as much in the soul as in the body, to be able to form the full day, only the Sun holds this
virtue of dispersing the nighttime darkness and forming its full day, that glaring light and heat
gladdens the earth with all its inhabitants, and where it shines it produces its vital effects to all nature.
Now only living in my Volition and working in Him, it is always day and as the soul works, be her
action little, be it great, she acts under the reflection of the eternal and immense Sun of my Fiat, which
reflecting in the action of the creature, becomes formed in virtue of Him, the sun in the human action,
in which they remain in possession of these suns that makes them enjoy the full continuous day, and
since these suns have been formed in virtue of the reflections of the Sun of my Divine Volition that
possesses the source of the light, the human action converted into Sun becomes fed by the source of
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the light and therefore they are not subject neither to grow faint, nor to diminish of light. You see
therefore what great difference there is between one who works and lives in my Will and between
who works good outside of Him, (there) passes (the) difference between who can form the Sun and
so many Suns, and who (can form) light, and one Sun is enough in order to eclipse all the lights and
all the lights together don't have virtue, nor force of light to be able to surpass one Sun. And in order
to understand with more clarity you can see it in the order of the universe that all the lights of
whatever kind formed by human industry are not capable of forming the day. Instead the Sun created
by my creative hands, in spite that it is one, forms the day, because it possesses the source of the light
put there within by its Creator, and therefore is not subject to diminish in light. Symbol of who lives
in my Divine Volition, that in all their acts there flows within an act of Divine life, a creative strength
that, holds (the) virtue of forming Suns, neither does he abase himself, nor does he want to form little
lights, but Suns that never extinguish. From this you can understand that, the good produced by the
human volition, in spite that it can not form the day is always a good for man and they receive the
profit of the light in the night of human will, it serves them in order to not die in the dense darkness
of sin, those lights although little mark the step, makes him see the perils and attracts my Paternal
goodness toward them that sees that, if they make use of the night of their human will, to form at
least little lights, in order to mark the step by way of salvation. It was truly this that attracted all our
tenderness and our paternal Goodness toward Adam; he had understood what it meant to live in our
Divine Volition, and how his little acts, as the greatest, raced within our creative virtue, and were
invested by the Sun of the eternal Fiat, that being Sun held (the) virtue of being able to form how
many Suns he wanted. Whence in seeing himself emptied from this creative strength to not be able
to form suns anymore, hence (a) poor little one, he strove how much more he could to form little
lights, and seeing the great difference of his first state and that after the sin, he felt such sorrow that
he felt himself die in his every act. The Supreme Being felt moved and admired the industry of poor
Adam, that not being able to forms suns anymore, he strove industriously to form with his acts little
lights, and in virtue of this he maintained the promise of the future Messiah.”

November 6,1927
Who lives in the Divine Will doesn't descend from her origin and is owed the state of queen;
instead who lives outside of Him lives in the state of servant. Difference that the kingdom of the
Redemption carries to the one and the other. How in every truth races within a Divine life.

I was following the Divine Volition accompanying all the acts that my sweet Jesus had done being
on the earth. He made them present to me and I invested them with my I love you and asked him
with his own acts (for) the kingdom of the Divine Fiat, and I prayed that he might apply to my soul
all that which he had done in the kingdom of the Redemption, in order to give me (the) grace to
always live in his Divine Volition and my sweet Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, who lives in my Divine Will doesn't descend from her origin, and since everything was
created for who should live in Him, all the goods of the Creation are hers, that are more extensive
than the goods of the Redemption. Because who maintains themselves in the original state with living
in the Supreme Fiat is owed the state of queen, and as queen it is appropriate that she possesses, more
so because (as) queen she lives in the regal palace of our Volition, hence it is appropriate that she
possesses kingdoms, Suns, Heavens, seas, and that the King himself has life together with her,
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felicitating his queen, and she felicitating her King. Behold therefore that the goods of the Creation
had to be more extensive, otherwise how could she have been (in the) state of queen, if she didn't
have dominion and kingdoms to dominate? Instead with not living in our Divine Volition, the soul
descends from her origin, dis-ennobles herself and puts herself in the state of servant, hence kingdoms
and empires are not appropriate to her. More so that I in the Redemption came upon the earth in
order to resuscitate man from the state of death, in order to heal him, in order to give him all the
possible remedies, in order to make him return again into his first state of his origin, knowing that if
he returned in our Volition, from whence he went forth from it, it is already prepared in order to
maintain him in the regal and dominant state. Rather you must know that who lives or will live in
Him, the acts that I did in the Redemption will not serve them for remedies but for happiness, joy and
as the most beautiful ornament in the regal palace of my Will because all that which I did, was none
other than his birth, their merciful viscera, all the acts that I did upon the earth, were birthed to me
in the womb of my Humanity whence it is just that as his stuff serves to ornament himself. Whence
in all that which I did being upon the earth, if I prayed, if I spoke, if I suffered, if I blessed the little
boys, I went tracing my children, the children of my Divine Will, in order to give them the first act,
the stuff that belonged to them, the happiness that they contained, and then I gave them in remedy
to the unfortunate children of sin, servants of the human will, for their salvation. Therefore all my
acts raced as first act to whom should live in the Supreme Volition, as to their center of life. Whence
who lives in Him can say: everything is mine, and I say: everything is yours.”

After this I thought to myself: if the Divine Fiat holds his first act, in a way that no other act can say
I am (the) first of Him, how can they find themselves before God as first act those people that will
come afterwards to live in Him if already they are the first? And my divine Jesus added:

“My daughter, for who lives or will live in my Volition, all will be as first act before God, because He
holds one act alone an incessant act, that always departs from the first act, and in virtue of this single
incessant act (that) elevates all the acts done in Him to the his first act, in a way that all those people
that will live in my Volition will find themselves in his single act, and everyone as first before the
adorable Majesty. Hence in my Divine Will there will not be neither first nor after, but all fused
together in one single act, what honor, what glory (for) the creature to be able to hold the post in this
act only of the Will of her Creator, from which as (a) spring gushes forth all goods, all happiness
possible and imaginable.”

Whence continuing to follow the acts of my beloved Jesus, I stopped when he received the cross, that
he embraced it with all the tenderness of his love, put it on his shoulders in order to carry it to
Calvary, and Jesus added:

“My daughter, the cross matured the kingdom of the redemption, completed it, and put itself in
custody of all the redeemed, in a way that if one makes themselves guarded by the cross, she receives
in herself the effects that a matured fruit contains, that contains taste, sweetness and vital humors, and
it makes her feel the whole good of the redemption, in a way that she matures together with the fruit
of the cross, and is disposed to return in the kingdom of my Will, because the cross also matures the
kingdom of my Will. In fact who has disposed you to make you live in Him? Has it not maybe been
the cross of so many years that matured you as a beautiful fruit, it took away from you all the
sour/unripe tastes that the earth contains, all the attacks of the creatures, converted them in you into
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divine sweetness, putting itself(,) the cross(,) to watch, so that nothing might enter in you that might
not be holy, that might not give of Heaven. The cross has done non other than make flow in you all
the vital humors, it formed in you your Jesus, and your Jesus, finding you mature, formed the
kingdom of his Divine Will in the depth of your soul. And assuming myself (as) Teacher with all love
I spoke to you and I speak to you of Him, I have taught you his ways, the life that you must hold in
Him, the prodigies, the power and the beauty of my kingdom. You must know that every time that
your Jesus decides to manifest a truth so much is (my) love for it, that I bilocate my own life in every
single truth that I manifest, in order to make that every truth holds the power of forming a divine life
in creatures. Do you see therefore what it means to manifest to you one truth less or one truth more?
to put forth a Divine life in jeopardy, to put it in peril, because if it doesn't become known, loved and
appreciated, it is a Divine life that doesn't receive its fruit and that doesn't receive the honors that are
appropriate to it. Behold therefore I love so much the truths that I manifest, because there is my life
that races within, and I love so much that it be known. How very different is my work from that of
creatures, if they speak, teach, work, there doesn't remain their life in the word and in the work,
therefore they don't regret it so much if their words and works don't have their fruit. Instead I regret
it a great, great deal, because it is life that I make race in that which I manifest.”

November 10, 1927
The soul alone with Jesus and Jesus alone with her and how He alone enjoys her. Order and
harmony of the Creation; how every created thing had to undergo the action of Adam. God first
model of the Creation, Adam the second, third who must make the kingdom of the Divine Fiat

I felt all abandoned in the eternal Fiat, and all alone, and alone for Jesus, as if no one else might exist
for me. Whence I thought to myself: I am alone, inside of me I don't feel flow anything other than
the great sea of the Divine Will, all the rest doesn't exist for me. Jesus himself vanishes and hides
himself in the interminable light of Him, and if for a few (moments) he makes himself seen, the rays
of the sun of the Divine Volition rains on him, and my poor sight being too weak remains eclipsed
and disperses (in) it, awaiting that my Jesus, my Life, rids himself from that light, or else he makes
it less radiant in order to be able again to find him again, and I lament over the light that eclipses my
sight and hides from me He who is life of my poor soul; oh! if this light of the blessed Fiat might be
less dazzling, I (would) enjoy my sweet Jesus, because many times I feel his Divine touch, his
refrigerant breath, other times his lips that give me his kiss, and with all this I don't see him,
everything has caused the blessed light that forms the eclipse. Oh! Holy Will of God, how very
strong and powerful you are that arrives to hide from me my beloved Jesus. Whence while I thought
this and other, my Highest Good Jesus went forth from within that light so dazzling, thus I could see
him and he said to me:

“My daughter, you are alone with me, and I am alone with you, and since you are alone with me, I
centralize in you all myself, because being alone with me, I can fill you all with me, there is no point
with you where I don't take my place, I transform you in me and as in nature extraordinary grace
enters in you. When the soul is alone with me I am free to do that which I want, I enjoy myself (with)
her alone and my love makes me do so much with her that I arrive even to folly, and I do so many
of those loving stratagems, that if by all creatures they might be able to see or sense it they would say:
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only Jesus knows how to love and can love in way so surprising, so clever and so great. I do with
one who lives alone with me, as the Sun might do, if it might be able to centralize all his light above
a plant, this plant would receive in itself the whole life of the Sun, and it would enjoy of all its effects,
while, the other plants receives each one only one effect, that (is) enough to the nature of its plant,
instead the first one, since it receives the whole life of the Sun it receives all the effects that together
the light contains. Thus do I, I centralize in her all my Life and there is nothing of me that I don't
have her enjoy. Instead who is not alone with me, since I can not centralize my Life, she is without
light, she feels in herself the weight of the darkness, her being is divided in so many parts to how
many things she holds there. So that if she loves the earth she feels divided with the earth, if she loves
creatures, pleasures, wealths, she feels herself as shredded(,) divided in a way that, some tear her on
one side and some from the other, the poor heart lives between anxieties and fears and bitter
disillusions. All to the contrary who lives alone/only with me.”

After this I was following my round in the Divine Volition and arrived in Eden, I was glorifying my
Creator in the act that with his omnipotent breath he infused life in the body of my first Father Adam
and my always amiable Jesus, moving in my interior said to me:

“Daughter, with what order and harmony man was created; Adam was created by us king of all the
Creation, and as king he held supremacy over all created things, and if he had not rejected our Fiat,
possessing the unity of Him, in all his life he would have filled with his acts all created things; as king
and proprietor he held the right that every created thing had to undergo his action, it had to be
invested by his light, because every action of his was a sun one more beautiful than the other. So that
he had to form the crown to all the Creation, he would not have been true king if he might not had
known all his dominions, and he might not had had the right to put there his acts in all things created
by us. It happened when one such is proprietor of a ground, which as proprietor holds the right to
stroll within, to plant flowers, plants, trees, in short all that which he wants. Such was Adam, with
the power of our Divine Fiat, he did that which he wanted, he bilocated himself in all created things,
and if he spoke, if he loved, if he adored and worked, his voice resounded in all the Creation and was
invested with the love, with the adoration and work of him. Hence the Divinity felt the love, the
adoration, the work of his first child in all his works. Now all the work of Adam would have
remained in all the Creation, as the first model to all his descendants, which would have modeled all
their acts to the reflections of light of his acts, that as first Father he would have given in inheritance
to all his descendents, that not only would have held their model, but the possession of his same acts.
What would have been our glory and his, to see the work of our dear child, of our precious treasure,
given birth by our love, fused with our works, what happiness for him and for us? Now if this was
our purpose why the whole Creation was created and our dear jewel that is man, is it not just that in
spite that Adam started and didn't finish, rather he finished in sorrow and in confusion, because he
rejected our Divine Volition that served him as first act and made him work in the works of his
Creator, that we effect this purpose of ours in his descendents? Behold therefore I call you in the
midst of my works, in all the Creation, in order to form the model in which the other creatures must
model themselves, in order to return in my Fiat. If I might know what joy I feel when I see that you,
making yours my Divine Volition you want to animate the light of the Sun to tell me that you love
me and to ask my kingdom of me: the rapidity of the wind, the murmur of the sea; the flower, the
extended sky even the song of the little birdie, you want to give your voice to everyone, to animate
everyone to tell me that you love me, you adore me and you want the kingdom of the Supreme Fiat,
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I feel such contentment, that I feel repeated the first joys, the first love of my dear jewel, and I feel
inclined to put everything aside, to forget everything, in order to make return everything as it was
established by us. Therefore be attentive my daughter, it deals with too much. You must know that
the first model in the Creation was the Supreme Being, in which man had to model all his acts with
his Creator, the second had to be Adam, in which all his descendants had to model themselves, but
since he withdrew himself from my Will, lacking Him, his unity in Him, he lacked the (paint) brushes,
the colors and the first matter in order to be able to make the models to (the) likeness of his Creator,
poor little one, how could he form the models with the same Divine form if he was in possession of
that Will no more that administered (the) ability and all the material that he needed in order to be able
to form the same models of God? Rejecting my Divine Fiat he rejected the power that can do all and
knows how to do all. It happened with Adam as it would happen with you if you might not have
neither paper, nor pens, nor ink in order to write, if you might lack this you would not be capable of
writing a single word, thus He was not capable anymore of forming the models upon the Divine
stamp. The third model you must do it who must make the kingdom of my Will return; Therefore
your duties are great, to your models you/they will be modeled all those of the others, and therefore
in all your acts that flows the life of my Divine Volition, so that he administers to you all the material
that is needed and thus everything will go well, and your Jesus will remain together with you, in order
to make you execute well his Divine models.”

November 13,1927
How the Word remained in the center of (his) Humanity and how he worked. How there is (a)
great difference between the reigning of the Divine Will and between the sanctity of the Saints
although there might be miracles.

I was following my round in the Divine Volition and arrived to the acts that He did in the humanity
of Our Lord, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, the Divine Word in my Humanity was as center of Life in It, they were inseparable the
one from the other, but since my Humanity had its limits and the Word was without limits, immense
and infinite, it could not restrict inside of It the whole interminable light of the Word, this light
overflowed outside, in a way that its rays overflowing outside of the center of my Humanity, went
out from my hands, from my feet, from the mouth, from the heart, from the eyes, from all the parts
of my Humanity, in a way that all my work flowed in this light, that more than solar rays invested
everything and retraced all the acts of creatures, in order to give his, so that the acts of them invested
by his light, they might take the form of his and fused together they might acquire the value, the
beauty of his acts; but what was not the sorrow of my Humanity, in seeing itself(,) his acts(,) rejected
by creatures in the same light of the Eternal Word, and to impede the transformation that he wanted
to do in creatures? His every act rejected was a sorrow, and every act of creatures converted itself
for my Humanity into bitterness and offense. How hard it is to want to do some good, to do it and
not to find one who receives this good. This sorrow lasts yet, because all that which my Humanity
did in the light of the eternal Word, exists, and will exist always, and is always in (the) act of doing
that which it has done one time, and it is as trapped awaiting that the creature receives the
transmission of his acts, so that one might be the act, one the value, one the will, one the love, on
both parts, and only with my Fiat reigning can the work that I did in the Redemption have its total
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completion, because with the light of Him, creatures will take away the blindfold and will let flow in
them all the good that the Eternal Word came to do in my Humanity for love of creatures.”

Whence while he said this, I saw my sweet Jesus, from within his interior went forth so much light
that it invested everything and everyone.

Whence I followed the my round in the Divine Fiat, and accompanying with my I love you all the
prodigies that He had done in the saints, Patriarchs and prophets of the old testament, as those after
his coming upon the earth, in order to ask in virtue of all these acts of his, his Divine kingdom in the
midst of creatures, I thought to myself: if this Holy Volition has done so many prodigies in all these
saints, is not this therefore, his reign at least in these saints so prodigious? But while I thought this,
my beloved Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, there is no good that from my Divine Will has not gone forth, but (there) passes a
great difference between the reigning of Him in creatures and between the issuing forth (of) an act
from inside of Him and communicating it to creatures, as to Abraham issued forth an act of heroism
and he was the heroic man in the sacrifice, to Moses an act of power, and he was the prodigious man;
to Samson an act of fortitude and he was the strong man, to the prophets he revealed that which
regarded the future Redeemer, and they were men (of) prophesy, and thus with all the rest that are
distinct as prodigious with virtue non common, according to the act that my Divine Volition issued
forth, if they lent their adhesion and they corresponded, thus they received the good of the act of Him.
This is not to reign my daughter, nor does it form the kingdom of my Volition, in order to form it
there is not needed one act alone, but the continued act He possesses, it is this that he wants to give
to creatures in order to form his kingdom: his continued act of power, of happiness, of light, of
sanctity, of inarrivable beauty; that which my Fiat is by nature, he wants to make creatures in virtue
of his continuous act, that contains all possible and imaginable goods. Would you say that a king
reigns only because he has made a law, has given a good to his people? Certainly not! the true
reigning is to form the life of people with all the laws, giving the decorous, convenient, upright and
just regime to the life of them, giving all the means necessary to them so that nothing might lack for
their good. The king in order to reign should have his life in the midst of the people and make one
his will and his goods with them, in a way that the king should form the life of the people and they
the life of the king; otherwise it is not true reign. This is the reign of my Will, to render himself
inseparable from the children of his kingdom, giving all that which he possesses even to overflowing
outside, in order to have happy and holy children with his same happiness and sanctity. Now from
here one sees that in spite of the so many prodigies and miracles that the saints, the prophets, the
patriarchs, have done, they have not formed my kingdom in the midst of creatures, nor have they
made known his value, nor the great good that my Will possesses, nor that which he can do and wants
to give, and the purpose of his kingdom, because (there) lacked his continued act, his permanent life
in them, and therefore not knowing him after all, they occupied themselves with other than what
regarded my glory and their good, and they put aside my Will, waiting for another more propitious
time, when the Paternal goodness might be delighted to make known first, and then to give a good
so great and a kingdom so holy that they didn't even dream of. Therefore be attentive and follow your
flight in the Divine Fiat.”

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November 18,1927
How God when he manifests a new truth to the creature it is a new feast for God and for her. As
the soul decides to do her act in the Divine Volition thus she calls the Divine Fiat to reflect with
his light in her act, the Which holds the virtue of emptying it of all that which is not light.

I felt myself afflicted for the usual privations of my sweet Jesus, but all abandoned in his amiable
Volition. Hence I thought to myself: in these days my Highest Good Jesus said nothing to me,
everything is (a) state (of) profound silence, no sooner than some motion in my interior made me feel
Him, but without one word of his. Whence while I thought this he moved in my interior saying to

“My daughter, when God doesn't manifest other truths, the Divine Will is as suspended, he doesn't
add on other goods towards creatures, hence for God and for the creature there is not the feast that
the truth brings with it.”

And I in sensing this said: for you it is always feast, because you have with you all the truths, rather
for the poor creature the feast is interrupted, because she doesn't possess the source of all the truths,
hence when her Creator doesn't communicate other truths to her, the new feasts remain interrupted
for her, at most she enjoys those feasts from you already communicated, but the surprises of the new
feasts are not in her power, that which is not for you. And Jesus added:

“My daughter, certainly for us it is always (a) feast, of it no one can overshadow in the least the high
sea of our new joys and happiness without end that our Divine Being contains in itself, but there is
a feast that becomes formed in the act when our Divine Being regurgitating with love toward the
creature manifests his truths, to see the creature doubly happy, so many times more for how many
more truths we manifest to them, it is for us a new feast. To put forth our truths that go out from
the source of our joys, preparing the table of our happiness to the creature that contains the truth, to
see her celebrate together with us, to sit at our same table, in order to eat of our same food, it is for
us a new feast. The feasts, the joys, they become formed in the communications, the isolated good
doesn't bring (a) feast, joy alone does not smile, happiness alone by itself doesn't banquet, it is not put
in vivacity, and with whom should he celebrate, smile, banquet, if he doesn't find one with whom to
make this feast, to smile together, to inebriate themselves side by side? Therefore the union forms
the feast rendering another creature content forms the contentment itself. Behold therefore, if we
have ours new feasts, that we don't ever lack, we lack the new feast (in) that we don't give to the
creature. If you might know our joy and happiness (in) seeing your littleness take a seat at our table
to feed itself of the truths of our Supreme Volition, to smile in front of his light, to take our joys, in
order to make you the deposit in yourself of our riches, to embellish you with our beauty, and as
inebriated with so much happiness to feel you repeat, ‘I want the kingdom of your Fiat’, you would
turn Heaven and earth upside-down in order to ask me (for) my Fiat in order to obtain the intent, and
in order to do what? in order to make happy with your same happiness the whole human family, it
seems that your feast is not full, if it doesn't make happy the others with your same happiness that you
contain in virtue of my Will. If you might be able to make known to everyone all that which you
know of Him, and make tasted by all the happiness that he possesses, would it not be for you one
feast more, and would you not feel doubly happy with the happiness of the others communicated
through you?”
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And I: certainly my Love that if I might be able to overwhelm everyone in your Holy Volition how
more so happy I would be and content.

And Jesus: “Well then such am I, to our happiness that never exhausts and that always holds us in
feast, it would add on to our feast the happiness of the creature. Therefore when I see you long for
my truths in order to know them, I feel drawn to manifest them and I say: I want to enjoy my new
feast with my little daughter, I want to smile together with her and inebriate her with of my same
happiness. So that in these days of silence you have lacked our new feast and for us yours.”

Whence he became silent and then added:

“My daughter, as you decide to re-pour yourself in my Divine Fiat and form in Him your thoughts,
words and works, thus you make the call to my Will, and He feeling himself called, responds to the
call with reflecting his light in your act and with his light he holds the virtue of emptying that act of
all that which can be of human and re-fills it with all that which is divine. Hence my Divine Volition
feels called by your thoughts, by your words, by your hands, by your feet and by your heart, and He
reflects his light in every one of them, empties there eveything and forms there his life of light, and
since the light holds all the colors, thus my Divine Volition puts there a divine color to the thoughts,
another to the words, another to the hands, and thus with all the rest of your acts, and as you multiply
them, thus he multiplies his divine colors invested with his light, and oh! how beautiful it is to see you
invested with so many varieties of divine colors and tones, for how many thoughts, acts and steps you
do, all these Divine colors and lights gives you such beauty that it is an enchantment to see you and
all Heaven would like to enjoy such beauties that my Fiat has invested your soul. Therefore (let) your
re-calling to my Divine Will be continuous.”

November 23,1927
When the soul does not give the primacy to the Divine Will He remains precarious and as
suffocated in the midst of creatures. When the soul prays that the kingdom of the Divine Will
comes, all (of) Heaven echoes her prayer.

My abandonment in the Divine Fiat is alone my life, my support, my everything; my sweet Jesus hides
himself always more and I remain only with this Volition so Holy, immense, so powerful that to his
every motion spouts and issues forth from him seas of light, that form his luminous, interminable
waves, my littleness disperses itself, although I understand that I have much to do, in order to follow
his innumerable acts in a sea so vast, and dispersing myself in the Divine Fiat I thought to myself: oh
if I might have with me my sweet Jesus, that knows all the secrets of his Volition, I would not
disperse myself and I would better follow the interminable acts of Him, I feel that truly he doesn't love
me anymore as before, although he says to me that is not true, but I see the deeds, and the words
before the deeds don't have value. Ah! Jesus! Jesus! I did not expect from You this change that
makes me feel a continuous death. Much more so that you know it, that leaving me for a long time
without you costs me more than my life itself, but while I thought this and other, my beloved Jesus
moved in my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, my little daughter, why do you fear? Why do you doubt my love? And then if you
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disperse yourself it is always in my Volition that you remain, never out of Him, nor could I tolerate
that you might go out one single step from his confines, no, no, the little daughter of my Will will
always remain in his arms, and then how can I not love you if I see excel in you, in all your acts my
Fiat? I do not see him in peril as in the other creatures and suffocated in all their acts, because not
giving him the primacy he is always in peril in the midst of them, some steal his goods, some offend
his light, some refuse to acknowledge him and tread on him, not giving him the primacy he is as a
king that not giving the due honors, they maltreat him and the subjects want to put him outside of his
own kingdom. What sorrow! Instead in my little daughter my Divine Will is secure, he doesn't suffer
peril in his looks, because in all the created things she looks at the veils that hide my Will, and she
tears the veils and finds him reigning in all the Creation, she kisses him, adores him, loves him and
follows his same acts putting herself to his cortege, he doesn't suffer peril in your words, in your
works, in everything, giving him the first act in your acts; with giving him the first act she gives him
the Divine honors, considers him king of everything, and the soul receives as things that belong to
her the goods of her Creator. So that for her my Will doesn't find himself in (a) precarious state, but
secure, he doesn't feel the light, the air, the water, the earth stolen, because everything is hers.
Instead who doesn't let him reign steals it from all parts and he is in continuous peril.”

After this having followed my round in the Divine Fiat I was gathering all created things where all the
acts of the Divine Fiat are dominant, and I gathering Heaven, the Sun, the sea and all the Creation
all together, I brought everything together before the Supreme Majesty in order to surround him with
all his works and, to make called by his acts of his own Will the kingdom of the Divine Fiat upon the
earth, but while I did this my amiable Jesus moved in my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, I feel as all (of) Heaven makes your demand echo and they repeat amongst themselves,
the Angels, the Saints, the Sovereign Queen, Fiat! Fiat! Your Will, as in Heaven so in earth, since
it is demanded by Heaven, it is the kingdom that interests everyone, everyone feels a duty to ask that
which you want, they feel in themselves the same strength of the power of my same Divine Will from
which everyone is animated and they repeat: the Will of Heaven is one with the earth. Oh! how
beautiful it is, how harmonious it resounds, when an echo of the earth invests all Heaven and forms
one echo alone, one Will alone, one demand alone. And all the blessed say between themselves taken
with admiration: Who is she who brings the whole cortege of the divine works before the Divinity
and with the power of the Divine Fiat that she possesses overwhelms us all and makes us ask for a
kingdom so Holy? No one has had this power, no one until now has asked for the kingdom of the
Fiat with such power and empire, at the most some have asked for the glory of God, some the
salvation of souls, some the reparation of so many offenses, all things that are referred to the external
works of God, instead asking for the kingdom of the Divine Volition are his interior works, the most
intimate acts of God, it is the destruction of sin, not salvation only but divine sanctity in creatures,
it is the liberation from all spiritual and bodily evils, it is transporting the earth in Heaven in order to
make descend Heaven in earth. Therefore asking for the kingdom of my Divine Will is the greatest
thing, most perfect, most holy, and therefore all reverent they respond to your echo and the beautiful
harmony resounds in the Celestial Country, Your Will be Done as in Heaven so in earth.”

November 27, 1927
Who lets himself be dominated by the Divine Will in virtue, of Him she receives in herself Divine
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fecundity and can generate in the acts the good that he possesses. That which is necessary in
order to obtain the kingdom of the Divine Will: first to move God, second to possess as life the
Divine Will.

My abandonment in the Divine Volition is continuous, and although many times he hides me and
eclipses my beloved Jesus, my Life, my Everything, He never hides himself, his light is permanent in
me and it seems to me that although one might want to hide one can not do it, because finding his
light everywhere one doesn't find the point where one might be able disperse oneself, to restrict
oneself, because by its nature he is immense, he invests everything, he excels over everything with
such empire, that I feel him in every fiber of my heart, he flows in my breath, in everything, and I
thought to myself, that the Divine Volition loves me more than Jesus himself, because He very often
leaves me and his adorable Will never leaves me, rather by his nature he finds himself in the condition
that he can not leave me and with his rule of light he dominates me, and triumphant he awaits the
supremacy of my acts. Oh! Divine Will, how very admirable you are, your light does not let anything
escape, and caressing and playing with my littleness, you render yourself conqueror of my little atom
and you enjoy losing it in the immensity of your interminable light.

But while I felt all immersed in that light, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, who lets herself be dominated by my Divine Volition, in virtue of Him she receives
the virtue of Divine fecundity, and with this fecundity she can generate in the others that which she
possesses, with this Divine fecundity the soul forms the most beautiful and long generation, that will
bring her the glory, the cortege of having so many births generated in her acts themselves, she will
see go forth from within her the generation of the children of the light, of the happiness of the Divine
sanctity. Oh! how beautiful, holy, and pure (is) the fecundity of the seed of my Divine Volition, he
is light and generates light, he is holy and generates sanctity, he is strong and generates fortitude, he
possesses all goods and generates peace, joy and happiness. If you might know what good it will
bring to you and then to everyone, the fertile seed of this Volition so Holy that knows, and can
generate in every instant all the goods that he possesses? It was thus that the Heights of the
Sovereign Queen could generate the Eternal Word without another’s work, because not giving life
to her human volition, she gave life only to the Divine Volition, and with this she acquired the fullness
of the seed of Divine fecundity and she could generate He who Heaven and earth can not contain, not
only could she generate in herself, in her maternal bosom, but she could generate in all creatures; how
noble and long is the generation of the children of the Celestial Queen, She generated everyone in that
Divine Fiat that can do all and contains all. So that my Divine Will raises the creature and makes her
participate in the fecundity of the Celestial Paternity; what power, how many sublime mysteries
doesn't he possess?”

Whence I continued my acts in the Divine Fiat and I offered everything in order to obtain his kingdom
upon the earth, I wanted to invest all the Creation, animate all created things with my voice, so that
all might say together with me: Your Will be done as in Heaven so in earth, soon, your kingdom
come soon. But while I did this I thought to myself: how can this kingdom so Holy come upon the
earth, in creatures there isn't any change, no one occupies themself, sin, passions abound, how ever
therefore could this kingdom come upon the earth? And Jesus moving in my interior said to me:
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“My daughter, that which is more so necessary in order to obtain a good so great, that is the kingdom
of my Divine Fiat, is to move God to make him decide to give my ruling Divine Will in the midst of
creatures; when God moves himself and decides, he overcomes and conquers everything even evils
themselves. And the other necessary thing [is] that the creature that seeks it and prays God to give
such a good must possess in herself the life of the kingdom that she asks for the other creatures. Who
possesses it will know the importance and won't spare any sacrifice in order to impetrate (for) the
others the good that she possesses, she will know the secrets, the ways that she must hold, she will
render herself importunate in order to conquer God himself. She will be as Sun that holds condensed
in herself all the fullness of his light, and not being able to contain it in herself she feels the need to
spread it out, in order to give light to everyone and to do good to everyone, in order to make them
happy with her same happiness. Who holds a good holds the virtue of asking (for it) and giving it.
This happened in the Redemption, sin flooded the earth, the people themselves called people of God
were the smallest people, and that if it seemed that they occupied themselves it was in a superficial
way, but not that they possessed in themselves the life of that Redeemer that they asked for, one can
say that they occupied themselves like the Church today, the sacred and religious persons with
reciting the Our Father, but the fullness of the life of my Will that they ask for in the Our Father is not
in them, hence it finishes in words, but not in facts. Whence when the Queen of Heaven came who
possessed the fullness of the Divine life and all that which she asked for the good of the peoples,
moved God, conquered him, made him decide and in spite of the evil that existed the Eternal Word
came upon the earth, through means of She who already possessed him and formed all his life; with
the fullness of this Divine life she could move God, and the good of the Redemption came. That
which all the others could not obtain all together, She obtained it, the Sovereign Queen, that had
conquered first in herself her Creator, the fullness of all the goods that she asked for the others, and
being conqueror, she held the virtue to be able to impetrate, and to give the good that she possessed.
There is (a) great difference my daughter, who asks and possesses, and who asks and doesn't possess
the Divine life the first asks with right, the second to the title of alms, and who asks (in) the title of
alms is given pennies, liras/(dollars) at most, but not entire reign. Who asks with right possesses, is
already mistress Queen and who is Queen can give the kingdom, and being queen she holds her
Divine empire beside God in order to impetrate the kingdom for creatures. This will happen for the
kingdom of my Will, therefore I recommend so much to you be attentive, let Him form the fullness
of his Life in you. This way you can move God, and when God is moved there is none who resists

December 1, 1927
Fortitude of the Celestial Mama in the privations of Jesus, fortitude that the little daughter of his
Will must hold. Power of the acts done in the Divine Will, how they are the outlet of God.

I felt totally deprived of my Highest Good Jesus, and for how much I asked for him it didn't succeed
me to find him. Whence I felt tortured and embittered in an inexpressible way, my words don't have
the vocabulary in order to manifest my sorrow therefore I go on. Hence after long days of
martyrdom and abandonment in that Divine Fiat, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior and said to

“My daughter, I want from you the same fortitude of [animo]/mind of the Celestial Sovereign Lady,
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that came to love the Divine Will more than the Humanity itself of her Son Jesus. How many times
the Divine Volition commanded us to separate, and I had to go far away from Her, and She had to
remain without me without following me. And she remained with such fortitude and peace to
subordinate her own Son to the Divine Fiat, so much so that He enraptured by such fortitude
bilocated the Sun of my Divine Will, and while I was with my Mama centralized in Her, I remained,
centralized in myself, the Sun bilocated but the light remained one; extending itself, but without ever
separating the one from the other center of the bilocated Sun. The Sovereign Queen had received
everything from my Will, the fullness of grace, sanctity, the Sovereignty over everything, even the
fecundity of being able to give life to her Son, everything had given her and nothing had been denied
her, whence when it was needed that I should remove myself, with heroic fortitude she re-gave to the
Divine Will that which she had received. The Heavens were stupefied in seeing the fortitude, the
heroism of She who they also knew loved me more than life itself. As such I would like to see the
little daughter of my Divine Will, strong, pacific, and with heroism re-give to Him your Jesus, when
he wants that you remain deprived of me, I would not like to see you dejected, sad, but with the
fortitude of the Celestial Mama it is as with the Sovereign Lady of Heaven the separation was
external and apparent, but internally my Divine Volition held us fused together and inseparable, thus
will it happen for you, my Volition will hold you fused in me and we will do the same acts together
without ever separating.”

After this I followed my acts in the Divine Fiat, and feeling myself not do them well, I prayed my
Celestial Mama that she might come to my help, so that I might be able to follow that Supreme Will
that She had so very loved, and from which one recognized all her glory and height in which she
found herself; but while this I thought this my always amiable Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, all the acts of my Queen Mother done in my Will, are all in expectation that they want
the succession of the acts of the creature done in Her, so that all that which you do in my Volition,
they are these acts that come to you to help, rather they line up around you, in order to administer
to you some the light, some the grace, some the sanctity and some the act itself that you do, in order
to be able to have the succession of these noble acts, holy and divine these acts are the outlet of God,
that taking them, the creature fills itself so much, that not being able to contain them vents them again
and gives her divine acts to her Creator, therefore they form the greatest glory that the creature can
give to He who has created her, there is no good that doesn't descend through means of these acts
done in the Divine Volition, they put everything in motion, Heavens and earth and God himself, they
are the divine motion in the creature, and [it was] in virtue of these acts that the Celestial Sovereign
Lady made the Word move to descend upon the earth, therefore she awaits the succession of her acts,
in order to move God to make our Supreme Will come to reign upon the earth. They are the triumph
of God over the creature and the divine weapons with which the creature conquers God. Hence
follow your acts in my Will and you will have in your power the divine helps, as also those of the
Sovereign Queen.”

December 6,1927
State of the soul. How in the Divine Will sorrows and bitternesses don't enter because they are
human things. Divine way. How the Divine Will holds its life in the midst of creatures and how
they impede it. How every act done in Him is a divine signature that races; example.
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I continue my abandonment in the Divine Fiat, and being totally deprived, of my Highest Good Jesus,
I felt such bitterness and sorrow as not to know how to express it, but at the same time I felt
imperturbable peace and the happiness of the light of the Supreme Volition. Whence I thought to
myself: what change in my poor soul, before if blessed Jesus for a few (moments), even for hours
deprived me of Him, I was agitated, delirious, I cried, I felt the most unhappy of creatures. Now all
to the contrary, I am deprived not for hours, but for days, and although I feel an intense sorrow,
penetrating even into the marrow of (my) bones, but without anxiety, without delirium, without being
able to cry, as if I might not have tears anymore, all peaceful, fearless and happy. Holy God, what
change! to think to be happy without Jesus I feel myself die, but my happiness is not touched, I feel
that the happiness leaves the sorrow free, and the sorrow leaves the happiness free, each of them
makes their course, their way, they hold their place, but they are not mixed together. Ah! Jesus!
Jesus! why don't you help me? don't you have pity on me? why don't you race, why don't you fly to
her, to your little daughter that you said to love so much? But while I vented my sorrow, no sooner
than he made a motion in my interior and said to me:

“Daughter of my Volition, why do you want to upset your peace, your happiness? Know that where
my Will reigns, She, that noble Divine Queen, possesses immense joys and happiness without end;
the sorrow, the tears, the bitterness, are born in time all parts of the human will, they are not born in
Eternity, nor are they her births, they are limited and finished, therefore, they don't have the power
to enter in the slightest into the high sea of the happiness of my Divine Volition. This is the Divine
way in this state the Queen of Heaven found my own Humanity, that all our sorrows, that were too
many and of all kinds, could not diminish, nor penetrate into the heights of our interminable joys and
happiness. So that first, your yearnings, your tears and troubles when for a little you didn't see me
they were residual of your human will, mine doesn't concede this weakness, and since She by nature
doesn't possess them, where that Queen reigns she dominates sorrow, she makes it run, but she
doesn't concede that it enters into her happiness with which she has filled her creature, with reigning
in her, sorrow would not find the place where to put itself in the interminable sea of the happiness of
my Adorable Will. Don't you perhaps want that She reigns in you, that you get worried over the
change that you feel in your soul?

“My Divine Will has his life, and when the soul opens the doors of its will in order to let him enter
and dominate, He enters in the soul and unfolds his life in her all Divine, and that Queen that forms
in her his life of light, of peace, of sanctity, of happiness, and the creature feels as her properties all
his goods, and if she feels sorrows, she feels it in a divine way, that doesn't bring any harm to her of
all that which my Divine Will has communicated to her. Instead who doesn't open the doors to him
in order to let him enter and dominate, the life of Him remains suspended in the creature, impeded,
without carrying it out. It happens for my Divine Fiat as it would happen for a creature that wants
to bring all goods to another, and this one with horrendous ingratitude ties her feet, (and) hands not
letting her approach, he closes her mouth in order not to let her speak, he blindfolds her eyes in order
not to let her look, in such a way reduced, how can she do for him the good that she would to do,
if he ties her feet in order not to let her approach, her hands in order not to receive the goods that she
brings, her mouth in order not to let her say that which she brings, her eyes in order not to let himself
be enticed by her looks to open the doors to her, what sorrow would not be hers of this bearer of so
much good? In this state becomes put my Will on the part of creatures, when they don't open their
doors, in order to let him unfold his life. What sorrow my daughter, what sorrow!”
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After this I continued to think of the Divine Will bearer of so much good, and my sweet Jesus added:

“My daughter, so much is the love toward who lets reign and dominate my Divine Fiat that every act
that she does in Him, the Divinity surrenders a divine right to the soul, that is a right of sanctity, of
light, of grace, of happiness, and with these rights he binds the soul and renders her possessor of the
divine goods. So that every act more done in my Divine Volition is a signature that comes (and is)
followed by your Creator, as if he might make for you a written paper that makes you owner of his
happiness, of his light, sanctity and his grace. It happens as when a rich one loves a poor one, who
never goes out from his house, and if she goes out it is only in order to visit the properties of her
proprietor, in order to bring to her proprietor the fruits of his of his poor ones, in order to make him
happy with his own goods. The rich one looks at the poor one, he becomes infatuated with her, sees
her happy in his house, but in order to be sure of the happiness of her, he makes a public contract of
his goods to the poor one that has wounded his heart, that always remains in his house and makes use
of his own goods in order to make happy her beloved proprietor. Such is it for one that lives in our
Divine Will, she lives in our house, she makes use of our goods in order to glorify us and felicitate
us, disparity between her and us would make us suffer, she would weigh on our Paternal Heart, but
since in our Divine Volition there can not enter sorrows and unhappiness, we do it as magnanimous,
to her every act we put forth (our) signature signing our goods, in order to make her happy and rich
with our same happiness. Therefore I repeat to you often, be attentive my daughter, do not let
anything escape you, because your every act in Him they are signatures that race, and Divine
signatures, with which becomes assured that the Divine Will is yours and you are His, the divine
bonds never become less, they are eternal bonds...”

December 8,1927
Who lives in the Divine Volition remains regenerated in Him and how she becomes endowed with
his goods. The Virgin little light and how she became Sun in virtue of the Divine Volition.

I was doing my round in all the Creation, in order to follow all the acts that the Divine Fiat exercised
in it, but while I did this I thought to myself: I feel that I can not do any less than to turn in all the
Creation, as if I might not be able to be if I don't do my little visit to the Sky, to the stars, to the Sun,
to the sea and to all created things, as if an electric thread pulls me (in the) midst of them, in order
to praise the magnificence of so many works, and praise and love that Divine Will that created them
and holds them pressed as in his Divine fist in order to conserve them beautiful and fresh, as they
went forth to the light of day, and to call that same life and dominion that the Divine Fiat holds in
them into the midst of creatures; and why therefore can't I do less? But while I thought this my
beloved Jesus moved in my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, you must know that you were born not one time, but two times; one time like the
other creatures, the other time you have been regenerated in my Will, and being his birth, all that
which belongs to Him is yours. And as the father, the mother endow the daughter with their own
goods, thus my Divine Volition as he regenerated you, he endowed you with his Divine properties.
Whence, who doesn't love, who doesn't seek to remain in the midst of his properties? Who doesn't
often visit them and forms his sojourn in them in order to enjoy them, love them and does not ever
finish praising the glory of He who endowed her with so many vast properties, which contain so many
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varied beauties? You would be too ungrateful to be (a) daughter of my Divine Volition and not make
your sojourn in the properties of whom has generated you. It would be not to love who with so much
love has given birth to you, and to not recognize the riches of whom has generated [you]. Behold
therefore the necessity that you feel in turning in all the Creation, because it is your stuff and who has
generated you, with his electric thread of light and of love calls you to enjoy and to love that which
is his and yours, and he enjoys to hear repeated your repeated refrains: come the kingdom of your
Fiat upon the earth.”

After this following my round in all things created by God, I stopped when the Sovereign Queen was
created, all beautiful, pure and without stain, the new and the greatest portent of all the Creation and
my Highest Good Jesus added:

“My daughter, the immaculate Mary, little light of the human stock, because the human earth gave
origin to her, but she was always daughter of the light because not one stain entered into this light;
but do you know where all her greatness is, who gave her Sovereignty, who formed the seas of light,
of sanctity, of grace, of love, of beauty, of power, inside and outside of Her? My daughter, man
doesn't ever know how to do great things, nor how to give great things, so that the Celestial Queen
would have remained the little light, if She might had not put aside her volition, that is the little light,
and [if] not making herself invested by my Divine Volition, which lost her little light in Him, which
is not (a) little light but interminable Sun, that investing all (of) her, formed seas of light around Her,
of grace, of sanctity, he embellished her so much as to render her all beautiful, with all the tints of
Divine beauties, as to enamor He who had created her. Her immaculate conception, for however
beautiful and pure, it was always (a) little light and would not have held neither power, nor sufficient
light in order to be able to form seas of light and of sanctity, if our Divine Volition might not have
invested the little light in order to convert it into sun, and the little light, that was the will of the
Celestial Sovereign Lady, would not have been content with dispersing herself in the Sun of the
Divine Fiat in order to make herself dominated by Him. This was the great portent, the kingdom of
my Divine Will in Her, with this all that which she did became light, she fed herself with light, nothing
went forth form Her that was not light, because she held in her power the Sun of my Divine Volition,
that how much light she wanted to draw so much of it she drew. And since the property of the light
is to diffuse itself, to dominate, to fecundate, to illuminate, to warm, behold therefore the heights of
the Sovereign Queen with the Sun of my Divine Will that she possessed, she diffused herself in God
and dominating him subdued him to make him descend upon the earth, she remained fecundated with
the Word Eternal, illuminated and re-warmed mankind. One can say that she did everything in virtue
of the kingdom of my Volition that she possessed; all the other prerogatives can be called ornaments
of this Queen Mother, but the substance of all her goods, her height, beauty, greatness and
Sovereignty was that she possessed the kingdom of my Will. Therefore of Her (they) say the lesser,
and of the greater they don't make a word. This means that of my Will they know little or nothing,
therefore they are almost all mute for Him.”

December 14,1927
How the human will formed the bad seed, the Divine Will reigning in the creature will form the
good and holy seed. How God in giving a good to the creature encloses first in one alone the
whole value of that good and then gives it to the other creatures.
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Continuing my abandonment in the Divine Volition and feeling myself all surrounded by the
interminable sea of his light, I prayed my beloved Jesus that he might expedite (things), that he might
make his Will known soon, so that knowing it everyone might long for his kingdom in order to make
Him dominate, and my amiable Jesus said to me:

“My daughter, the human will formed the bad seed and the worm in the human generations. Now
the Sun of the light of my Divine Will must demolish this bad seed so much as to invest it and to
destroy it by way of light, of heat and of knowledges, so that every knowledge that I manifest upon
my Divine Fiat is a blow that I give to the human volition, in a way that all the knowledges upon Him
will form so many blows in order to make it die, and the light and heat of Him will pulverize and will
burn the bad seed and will form there the good and holy seed of my Will in the human generations.
And as I go manifesting the knowledges of Him, thus I cast in your soul his seed, I prepare the earth
and development of the seed, and the light and heat of my Divine Volition extends his wings of light
over the seed, more than a mother he hides his birth in (his) own bosom, in order to fecundate it, to
multiply it and to make it grow in his bosom of light.
And since a creature with doing her human will produced the bad seed and formed the ruin of the
human family, thus another creature with making the human volition die, will produce the seed of the
Divine Fiat, giving life and dominion to him in her, it will restitute that which creatures lost and will
form their salvation, sanctity and happiness, if one creature could form so many evils with doing her
will, why can't another creature form all the goods doing mine, and give liberty to my Volition with
forming his life and forming his kingdom?”

Whence I continued to think of the Divine Fiat and said to myself: but how ever can this kingdom
of the Divine Volition come in the midst of creatures if sin abounds, no one gives thought to want
this kingdom rather it seems that they think of wars, of revolutions, of putting the whole world
upside-down, and it seems that they are consumed with anger because they don't entirely arrive to
their perverse designs, waiting in ambush for the occasion, doesn't all this remove the grace of a good
so great? And my beloved Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, I hold you who is worth more than everything, and putting aside everything I will look
at your value, that is the value of my Divine Will in you, and I will dispose my kingdom in the midst
of creatures, a person is worth the value according to what becomes entrusted her, if my Will contains
an infinite value that exceeds the whole value of all creatures together, who possesses him, before the
Divine Majesty holds the value that exceeds everything. Hence for now I hold you, and it is enough
for me in order to dispose the kingdom of my Will. Therefore all the evils of these times, and they
are very many, they are not equal to the great Value of my Divine Will working in one creature alone,
and He will make use of these evils in order to make of it (a) heap and with his power to sell them
off from the face of the earth. This happened in the Redemption, were not the evils dispersed through
the earth, indeed more than ever they abounded, but since the Sovereign Queen came upon the earth,
the creature who possessed a Divine Will in Herself, who enclosed all the value, of the good of the
Redemption, not looking at the others, nor their evils, I looked at the value of this Celestial creature,
sufficient to impetrate my descent upon the earth, and in view of Her alone, who possessed our
prerogatives and the value of a Divine and infinite Will, I gave and formed the kingdom of the
Redemption in the midst of creatures. Therefore in disposing the good of the Redemption I wanted
to find in my Mama the whole value of it, I wanted to put in security in her Maternal Heart, all the
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goods that had to be enclosed (in) my coming in the midst of creatures, and then I conceded the good
that the Sovereign Lady of Heaven asked me. I did as a prince when he must depart for a destination
of other conquests, he chooses the most faithful, he entrusts his secrets, he puts in hand the whole
value of the expenses that is needed for the wanted conquests, and entrusting him with this, only that
he knows that he possesses the whole value of the desired conquests, he triumphant departs, knowing
victory is certain. Thus do I, when I want to give a good to creatures first I entrust myself with one
alone, I put in Her the whole value of that good, and then as certain I give the good that she asks me
for to the other creatures. Therefore think of enclosing in yourself the whole value that the kingdom
of my Will must contain, and I will think of all the rest that is needed for a good so great.”

December 18,1927
How the Virgin possessed the kingdom of the Divine Fiat. How the lights plunged themselves
together and she could conceive. How Jesus from within the veil of his Humanity as Sun that
rises went retracing all creatures. How every Divine manifestation is a promise that God makes
to creatures.

I was thinking of the great love when my Highest Good Jesus incarnated himself in the bosom of the
heights of the Sovereign Lady, and as a creature, although without the least stain, she could contain
a God; and my always amiable Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, my Celestial Mama possessed my Will, she was so very full of it that she gushed out
with light, but so much so that her waves of light raised themselves even in the bosom of our Divinity,
and making herself conqueror with the power of our Divine Volition that she possessed, she
conquered the Celestial Father and in her light she enraptured the light of the Word, and made him
descend even in her bosom in the same light that was formed in virtue of my Divine Will; I could
never descend from Heaven if I didn't find in Her our same light, our same reigning Will in Her, if this
were not so it would be to descend, even from the first moment into (a) strange house instead I had
to descend into my house, where I should descend I had to find my light, my Heaven, my joys without
number, and the Celestial Sovereign with possessing my Divine Will prepared this sojourn, this
Heaven (with) nothing dissimilar from the Celestial Country; is it not perhaps my Will that forms the
Paradise of all the blessed? Whence as the light of my Fiat pulled me into her bosom, and the light
of the Word descended, the lights plunged together and the pure Virgin, Queen and Mother, formed
the veil of my Humanity around the light of the Word with a few drops of blood that she made flow
from her ardent Heart, she enclosed it within, but my light was immense, and while my Divine Mama
enclosed its sphere inside of the Veil of my Humanity that formed me, she could not contain the rays,
they overflowed outside and more than Sun from the heights of its sphere when it rises, it spreads its
rays upon the earth in order to trace the plants, the flowers, the sea, all creatures in order to give to
everyone the effects that his light contains, and as triumphant from the heights of its sphere it looks
at the good that it does and the life that it infuses in every single thing that it invests, thus did I, more
than Sun that rises, from within the veil of my Humanity the rays that overflowed outside went tracing
all creatures, in order to give to each one my Life and the goods that it had come to bring upon the
earth. These rays from within my sphere they knocked at every heart, they knocked strongly in order
to say: open to me, take the life that I've come to bring to you. This Sun of mine does not ever set,
and continues still to make its way spreading its rays, knocking and re-knocking at the heart, the will,
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the minds of creatures in order to give my Life but how many close the doors to me and arrive to
(even) laugh at my light? But so much is my love that with all this I don't withdraw, I continue my
continuous rising, in order to give life to creatures.”

After this I was following my round in the Divine Volition and my beloved Jesus added:

“My daughter, every prophecy that my Prophets made of my coming upon the earth, was as a promise
that I made to creatures, of coming in the midst of them, and the Prophets manifesting them disposed
the people to desire and want such a good and they in receiving these prophecies they received the
deposit of the promise, and accordingly (as) I went manifesting the time and the place of my birth thus
I went augmenting the deposit of the promise. Thus am I doing with the kingdom of my Will, every
manifestation that I make that regards my Divine Fiat, is a promise that I make, his every knowledge
is one more deposit that I add on, and if I make my promises it is sign that as the kingdom of the
Redemption came, thus the kingdom of my Will will come. My words are life that I put forth form
me, and life must have its sojourn and produce its effects. Do you believe that it is nothing one
manifestation more or less? It is a one promise more that a God makes, and our promises can not
become lost, and how many more promises we make, so much more is the time near of realizing our
promises and of putting them all to security. Therefore I require from you (the) highest attention and
that nothing might escape you. Otherwise you would make escape a divine promise, that would bring

December 22,1927
Sacrifices of writing. How who works only for God encloses in his act a Divine life. How who
is elected for a mission encloses all the goods that the others must receive. How all the redeemed
turn around the Celestial Mama. The Creation mirror of man.

After having almost remained an entire night with writing, I felt worn-out of strength and I thought
to myself: how many sacrifices, how much it costs me this blessed writing; but of what will be the
use of it, the good, the glory that I give to my Creator? if with these sacrifices I can make the
kingdom of the Divine Fiat known it will be very earned, but if I won't obtain this, my sacrifices of
writings will be useless and empty and without effects.

Now while I thought this, my amiable Jesus had gone out from within my interior, and squeezing me
to himself in order to give me strength he said to me:

“Dear daughter of my Divine Volition, courage in going ahead, nothing is useless of that which one
does for me, because when the soul does an act only for me, it comes to enclose in her act all myself,
and enclosing myself her act acquires the value of a Divine life, which is more than Sun, and the Sun
by nature excels over all other things in giving light, heat and effects of innumerable goods to all the
earth. Whence all that which one does for me, by its nature must carry the effects of the great good
that the Divine Life contains. Beyond this you should know, that all the knowledges and
manifestations that I make you on my Will and that you write on paper, they don't depart from you,
but they remain centered in you, as rays within its sphere, and this sphere is my own Divine Will that
reigns in you, which delights himself with so much love as to always add new rays that make her
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knowledges in this sphere, in order to make that creatures might be able to find sufficient light in
order to know him and attracted[,] enraptured to love him. In this sphere they will enclose all the
departing rays in order to form the kingdom of the Divine Volition, all the rays departing from within
a single sphere, they will have a unique purpose of forming my kingdom, but however every ray will
have a distinct office, one will enclose the sanctity of my Divine Fiat and will bring sanctity; another
happiness and joy, and will invest those people that will come to live in Him with happiness and joy,
another ray will enclose peace and will strengthen everyone in peace; another strength, another light
and heat, and the children of my kingdom will be strong, they will have light in order to do good and
in order to flee evil, and ardent love in order to love what they possess, and thus with all the other
rays that will depart from within this sphere. Now all the children of my Will will be invested by these
rays, they will revolve around them, rather every ray will feed their souls and they will suck from them
the life of my Fiat. Whence what will be your happiness in seeing descend from within your sphere,
in virtue of these rays, all the goods, the happiness, the sanctity, the peace and all the rest in the midst
of the children of my kingdom, and to re-arise in the same rays the complete glory that, these
creatures will give to their Creator, in order to make known the kingdom of my Will? There will be
no good that won't descend through your means, in virtue of the sphere of my Will put in you, nor
glory that won't re-arise upon the same way. When I elect a creature to a mission that must bring
universal good in the midst of the human family, first I fix and enclose all the goods in the elect, which
must contain the whole superabundant good that the others must receive, which will maybe not ever
take all that which the elect creature encloses. This happened in the Immaculate Queen, that was
elected for Mother of the Eternal Word and hence Mother of all the redeemed, all that which they had
to do and all the good that they had to receive was enclosed and fixed as within a sphere of Sun
within the Sovereign Lady of Heaven, in a way that all the redeemed revolved around the Sun of the
Celestial Mama, in a way that She more than a most tender Mother, won't do other than to feed her
rays to her children in order to feed them with her light, with her sanctity, with her maternal love, but
how many rays, that spread, have not been taken by creatures, because ungrateful they all do not
press themselves around this Celestial Mother? Therefore who is chosen must possess more of that
which all the others should possess together. As everyone finds light in the Sun, in a way that all
creatures don't take the whole extension of the light and the intensity of the heat, thus it happens with
my Mama, they are such and so many the goods that She contains, that more than Sun she spreads
the beneficial effects of her vital and vivifying rays. Thus will it be for the who has been elected for
the kingdom of my Will. You see therefore you will be recompensed (for) the sacrifice of writing; first
that it becomes fixed in you the good of the ray of that knowledge, and then, that you will see
descend through your means that good in the midst of creatures, and of the exchange to re-arise the
glory in that same light, of the good that they will do. How content you will be in Heaven for it and
will thank me for the sacrifices that I have made you do! My daughter, when a work is universal, that
encloses many goods that everyone can benefit from, there is needed greater sacrifices, and who is
elect as first, must be disposed to give and to sacrifice so many times her life for how many goods (is)
enclosed in order to give together with those goods her own life, to the good of her others brothers.
Didn't I do as much in the Redemption, wouldn't you like to maybe imitate me?”

After this I followed my round in the Creation in order to follow the acts of the Divine Will that there
are in it, and my beloved Jesus added:

“My daughter, before I had created man, I wanted to create first all the Creation, that should serve
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as man's mirror, in which mirroring himself it should serve him as to copy in himself the works of his
Creator, it should be such and so much the copy that he should make in himself of the all the
Creation, that one should see in man as mirrored, all the reflections of it, and in the Creation all the
reflections of Him, so that the one should be mirrored in the other. God loved man more than all the
Creation, therefore he wanted first to form (for) him the mirror of his works, where gazing in it he
should copy the order, the harmony, the light, the firmness, of the works of He who had created him.
But ungrateful man didn't look in this mirror in order to copy it, and therefore he is disordered, his
works are without harmony, out of tune as one that wants to play without learning music, that instead
of giving pleasure to whom listens it gives annoyance and discontent, the good that he does is without
light and heat and therefore without life, and inconstant to every puff of wind. Behold therefore that
for who must live in my Divine Volition I call her to mirror herself in the Creation, so that wandering
in it she finds the staircase in order to climb in the order of my Will.”

December 25,1927
How baby Jesus as soon he was born fixed his look at his Mama and in whom should possess his
Will. How God in the Creation put forth his Will as Prime matter.

I felt myself all abandoned in the Supreme Volition, but all torn for the total privation of my sweet
Jesus oh! how I felt my poor soul tattered, that tears without mercy and without pity, because He
alone can heal tears so cruel and long, and it seems that he does not care for She who for his love is
so cruelly torn. But while I swam in my sorrow I was thinking when my sweet Jesus was about to
go forth from the bosom of his Dear Mama in order to throw himself into her arms. Oh! how I would
also have wanted to squeeze him between my arms in order to form sweet chains in order to make
it that he might not depart from me anymore, but while I thought this , I felt my poor mind outside
of myself and I saw my Celestial Mother all veiled with light and in her arms the little baby Jesus fused
in the same light; but I had been (in this) state no more than a few moments and everything
disappeared, and I remained more afflicted than before, but afterwards he returned and squeezing his
little hands around my neck said to me:

“My daughter, no sooner than I went forth from the bosom of my Mama (than) I fixed my looks, one,
to my dear Mama, nor could I do less than look at her because there was in her the enrapturing force
of my Divine will and the sweet enchantment of beauty and (the) most radiant light of my Fiat, that
eclipsing the pupil, I remained fixed in She who possessed in virtue of Him my same life, in seeing
my life bilocated in Her I was enraptured and could not move my look from the Celestial Queen,
because my same Divine force constrained me to fix it on her. The other look I fixed it who should
do and possess my Will, they were two rings joined in one; the Redemption and the Kingdom of my
Divine Will, inseparable all and both. The Redemption had to prepare, to suffer, to do; the kingdom
of the Fiat had to complete and to possess, the one and the other of highest importance, hence to the
elect to which became entrusted the one and the other, my looks became fixed because there was my
same Will that enraptured my pupil. Why therefore fear if you have the look of your Jesus that
always looks at you, defends you, protects you? If you might know what it means to be looked at
by me, you would not fear anything more.”

Whence after this I followed to think of the Divine Will and my always amiable Jesus added:
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“My daughter, when our Divinity formed the Creation, it put as prime matter in all the things the
Divine Will, and therefore all things had their form, solidness, order and beauty, and all that which
the soul does with this prime matter of my Will, flowing in Him a vital act, it gives to all that which
she does, the form of the beautiful works, all ordered and solid, with the imprint in every single work
of the life of the Divine Fiat. Instead who does not do my Will and doesn't put it as prime matter in
her works, perhaps will do many things, but all disordered, without form, without beauty, all
scattered, that she herself won't know how to gather them together. It would happen as if one might
want to make bread without water, she would perhaps hold much flour, but the water missing it
would lack the life in order to be able to form bread. Another would hold many stones in order to
build, but he doesn't hold the mortar that unites and cements the stones together, hence he will hold
a disorder of stones but never a residence. Such are the works without the prime matter of my Will,
alone they encumber, give trouble, annoyance, and if she does some good it is apparent, if they touch
(them) they find them fragile and empty of every good.”

December 30,1927
How Jesus makes seen that he sows in the field of the soul little lights. Cause of the silence of
Jesus. Immense value of the manifestations on the Divine Will. Divine and human characters.

I was according to my usual (way) all abandoned in the Divine Volition following his acts, but while
I did this I thought to myself: my beloved Jesus is almost reduced to silence, even of his amiable
Volition he speaks so little, as if he might not want to say anything more, who knows (if) he didn't
put a limit and will cease speaking even on that which regards his Fiat? In this while he made himself
seen in my interior as (a) little child dressed with light, in the midst of a field, that he took light from
within his womb and sowed that field with so many drops of light, all silent and intent to the work,
and seeing that I remained amazed he said to me:

“My daughter, all that which you think now you thought it since you were writing the 16th Volume,
that I should stop speaking of my Will; but I didn't do other than sow the field of your soul, with so
many drops of light, that germinated and fecundated in your field, from little lights they changed into
Suns, these Suns are the so many surprising manifestations that since that time until here I have made
known to you on my Will. Oh! how beautiful was the field of your soul invested by these Suns one
more beautiful than the other, it transformed everything into (a) divine field, all Heaven was
infatuated by this field and looking at it felt its happiness duplicate. Now who has sowed it holds the
right to gather, and being (a) Divine field I am Proprietor of it not only to gather but to sow again.
Hence I am not doing other than to sow again, don't you see how I am all intent to the work of
casting seeds of light in this field, so that germinating they bring forth the new Suns of the
knowledges on my Will? Whence the work brings the silence, and my silence is heat, maturation and
fecundity in order to transform the little seeds of light into Suns more radiant. I always work in you,
now with one way and now with another, the work of my Divine Will is long and therefore I am
always occupied and I hold you occupied; hence leave me to do it and follow me.”

Whence I felt the whole weight of the silence of Jesus, I felt myself worn-out of strength and coming
to less, and I thought to myself: why do these knowledges on the Divine Fiat require so much work
of Jesus and so many sacrifices? And Jesus returning squeezed me strongly between his arms in order
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to fortify me and added:

“My daughter, if I might want to work a whole Eternity in order to manifest one single knowledge
on my Divine Will it would not be enough, because the Value is such and so much, of one alone of
Him, that if I might want to make a comparison (of) who contains more value [with] the starry Sky,
the Sun, the sea, the earth, one single knowledge of mine has more value than all the Creation
together, because my knowledge is of immense value, infinite and without limit, and as it goes forth
from us, where it arrives it generates and multiplies to the infinite the good and the light that it
contains, it is the true regenerator of the Divine life, instead the Creation contains an immense virtue
and is limited. Behold therefore I don't spare, neither work, nor sacrifice, because I know the whole
value that it contains, and where I deposit it it becomes for me my Divine field, my throne, my altar,
and so much is my jealousy of love, that I never leave it free, and I always work in order to hold it
all intent to me, that (is) to say then, if instead with a single manifestation on my Divine Will, they are
so many as to bombard more than (the) Sky with so many Suns of Her, think (on) it my daughter and
appreciate such a good, a seed so fecundate in the field of your soul.”

Whence I continued my acts in the Divine Volition and since it was the rising of the day, I was saying
to my amiable Jesus: your Volition involves everything, and oh! how I would like that as the Sun
rises and invests with light all the earth, so the Sun of your Will rises in the intelligence, in the words,
in the hearts, works and steps of all creatures, so that each one of them feels rise in themselves the
Sun of your Fiat, and letting themselves be invested by his light, everyone lets him dominate and reign
in their souls. In this while my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, in the soul there are two characters, the human and the Divine, the Divine descends
from the unity; and the soul in order to receive the Divine character must live in this unity of my
Volition, in this unity as she forms her acts, they climb in the unity of her Creator, in that single act
of God, that while in God (the) same becomes formed one act alone, the light of this single act
descends in the depths, it invests everyone and everything, and embracing all, gives to each one the
act that is needed with multiplying to the infinite the multiplicity of all the possible and imaginable
acts. Hence as the creature does her acts in this unity they acquire the divine characters, that while
it is one act alone, they enclose all the acts together. Oh! how beautiful it is to do with one single act,
everything. Only God holds this virtue so powerful that with one single act he does all, embraces all,
gives the work to all. What great difference between the Divine character and the human one. The
human one does many acts, many works, but the creature remains always encircled with her acts, it
seems that they don't have light in order to enlarge and diffuse themselves to everyone, they don't
have feet in order to walk, where they are made there they remain. So that for how much a creature
should do her acts, they are numbered(,) restricted, and therefore the character of the human work
is very dissimilar from the work of the Divine unity, and of whom works in Her, that easily remains
canceled and without (the) seed of fecundity. Behold therefore I want that the soul lives in the unity
of my Will, in order to have the Divine characters, that are indelible and eternal, and as light diffuse
themselves, enlarge themselves, multiply themselves, give themselves to everyone, rather they hold
the primacy over the acts of everyone. If you might know how much the Divinity takes pleasure in
seeing your littleness climb in the unity of the single Divine act that never ceases, in order to unite
your acts, in the our single act, you in order to give us yours and we in order to give you ours, and
impressing in you the character of our single act, it puts us in feast and we feel the happiness, the joy
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in having created the Creation. Whence in order to be more attentive you must be convinced that
your living in our Volition is the feast that can bring the creature to her Creator, and how many acts
done in Him, so many times you renew our joys and our happiness on your behalf, and bringing us
the Creation in womb everything gives us the glory and the exchange of the love, because it was
created by us.”

January 6,1928
How the Divine Will is immense and in bringing forth creatures to the light he holds them in
himself as so many little residences. Ingratitude of whom doesn't let him reign. Harmony
between God and man; how he must always receive from God in order to always give to him.

I felt myself all abandoned in the Divine Volition, his light invested me everywhere, and while I made
my round in his acts, my adorable Jesus moved in my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, my Will is immense and in bringing forth creatures to the light of day they remained
in my same Will, as so many little residences formed in Him, in which my Volition by right should
have the regime and the carrying out of his life in each one of these little residences, but while for
goodness and his liberality he gave the space and all that which was necessary in order to form these
little residences in Him, creatures with horrendous ingratitude don't want to give the right of letting
my Divine Volition live in them, and with so many residences that he has formed in Him, how many
the creatures are, he holds the sorrow of remaining without residences, because they don't give him
entrance to live in them. It happens for my Will as it would happen if one might want to form so
many residences in the sea, or else in the light of the Sun, and while the sea or the light of the Sun
gives the space in order to form these residences in them, they would not like to make excel neither
the water, nor the light of the Sun in these residences, neither to give the field to live (nor) to hold
the first place of regime. If the sea and the light might have reason they would feel such sorrow, that
the sea with its waves would have invested these residences, and knocking them down would have
undone them and buried them in its bosom and the light of the Sun would have incinerated them with
its heat, in order to empty itself of these unworthy and ungrateful residences that had denied them
entrance. And yet neither the sea, nor the sun has given them life, but only the space; instead my
Divine Will has given life and space to these residences of creatures in Him, because there is no point
where one doesn't find him, nor life that from Him doesn't go forth, hence the sorrow of my Will for
who doesn't let him dominate is immense and incalculable, to feel these lives in himself throbbing, to
form the heartbeat itself and to remain outside as estranged, as if they might not pertain to him, and
the affront and monstrosity of those people that don't let him reign, it is so very great, that it would
merit a life sentence and destruction. My daughter, not doing my Will seems nothing to creatures,
instead it is a very great evil and an ingratitude so black, that is there is no other evil that resembles

After this I was following my round in the Divine Fiat, and I arrived to the point when God created
man, I thought to myself: why did he rejoice so much in creating him that which he didn't do in all
the other things that he created? And my beloved Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, in creating all the Creation with such order and harmony we gave of ours, without that
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nothing we had to receive from it, instead in creating man, while we gave of ours we gave him
capacity of giving us our same gifts as his goods, in a way that we always must give so much, that
it should form a competition between him and us, we to give and he to receive, he to give to us and
we to super-abound him more in our gifts. This to give and to receive, to receive and to give, opened
the feasts, the games, the joys, the conversation between Creator and creature. Whence in seeing the
littleness of the creature celebrate with our Supreme Heights, to amuse themselves, to rejoice, to
converse with us, we felt such joy, such emphasis of love in creating man that all the other created
things seemed nothing to us to the comparison of the creation of man, and if everything seemed
beautiful and worthy of our work and our love coursed in all created things, it was because they had
to serve for lavishing gifts towards man, and from him we awaited the exchange of the love of all
created things. Therefore all our joy and glory is centralized in man, and in creating him we put
between him and us harmony of intelligence, harmony of light, harmony of words, harmony of works
and steps, and in the heart harmony of love, so that in him passed from us as so many electric threads
of harmony in which we descended in him, and he climbs to us. Behold therefore we rejoiced so
much in creating man, and the sorrow that he gave us in removing himself from our Will was so very
great, because he broke all these harmonies, changed our feast into sorrow for us and for him, he
destroyed our highest designs, deformed our image that we had created in him. Because only our
Divine Will held (the) virtue to maintain our work beautiful with all the harmonies wanted by us, this
taken away, man is the most vile and degrade being in the whole Creation. Therefore my daughter
if you want that all your senses harmonize with us, never go out from my Will; if you want to always
receive from your Creator and open the feasts with us, (let) Him alone be your life, your everything.”

January 13,1928
How God centralized everything in man in creating him and how in the story of the Creation he
returns to the assault and centralizes in one of this stock the first act of the creation, in order to
form the kingdom of his Will.

I continue my abandonment in the Divine Volition, with the torment almost continuous of the
privation of my sweet Jesus. Oh! God, what awful suffering. Oh! how I regret my past(,) his sweet
smile, his affectionate kisses, the softness of his voice, his enchanting and enrapturing beauty, his
chaste embraces, his tender heartbeats that with so much love he made beat in mine, that divinized
me and transformed his life in me, every act of Jesus, every word and every look, they were so many
paradises more that he formed in his little daughter, and now remembering them they are wounds,
acute darts, fiery arrows of intense sorrow, of martyrdom and of continuous death. But all my
sorrow isn't here; maybe sorrow would have been relief for me, because sorrow would have said to
me in clear notes that, my love toward He whom I loved, and that so very had loved me formed my
torment, but not even this becomes conceded to me, because while the wounds are about to bleed,
the darts to dart, the arrows to burn me, the light of the Holy Divine Volition flows in them and
eclipsing all the force of my hard martyrdom, makes peace, happiness, the beneficent dew upon my
poor soul flow, so that I can not even have the good of aching for a loss so great. Oh! if I might have
been able to sorrow as before, I believe that my Highest Good Jesus wouldn't take so long to return,
but this is not in my power, I am in the power of the Divine Fiat that doesn't leave any void in me and
wants to also govern over my sorrow for the privation of Jesus.
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Now while I swam in the two seas, sorrow of being deprived of Jesus and in the sea of the light of
the Divine Volition, that seemed that one fused itself into the other, I followed my round in Him, and
stopped at the Creation of man and my sweet Jesus, hardly moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, our Divinity in creating man centered everything in Him, as if we might had done
nothing in all the rest of the Creation, we put everything aside and we occupied ourselves only with
Him, our love arrived to excess we looked at him and re-looked in order to see if he would be
beautiful if he would transpire our beauty in Him, our Divine Being rained as copious rain on Him,
and do you know what rained? sanctity, light, wisdom, grace, love, beauty, fortitude, and while we
unloaded ourselves on Him, our looks were fixed over man, in order to see if all our qualities were
centered in Him, in a way that he should lack nothing in order to love him and in order to be re-loved,
so much so that his beauty enraptured us, his love invested us, all our qualities put in Him made echo
in our Divine Being and tied us and carried us to Him. What solemn time, what (an) unforgettable
point, what enthusiasm of love was the Creation of man. All our Divine qualities overflowed outside
and they celebrated his Creation. And for completion of our feast, joy and happiness shaken by our
own love, we looked at the machine of the whole universe and we made him the gift of everything,
constituting him king of all created things, in order to be able to say to us and to Him: king and
dominant are we, king and dominant is he the work of our hands, the dear child given birth in the
outlet of our love, it would have been unsuitable and not decorous for us, to make of our child a
servant dissimilar from us in likeness and in dominion. Would it not perhaps be unsuitable and
unworthy for a king, to make of his child a vile servant, putting him outside of his palace in a poor
hovel? This king would merit the blame of everyone and he would not hold himself as father and
king, but as tyrant. More so our birth that went forth from the depth of our Divine love, therefore
we wanted the decorum and the imprint of royalty in our work. Now this love of ours was broken
by man, and with removing himself from our own Divine Will He himself removed the imprint of
royalty and the uniforms of king. But on our part nothing was changed and we persisted in our Will
to make the work of our hands the child king, not servant, and therefore in the whole story of the
Creation we return to the assault and to the completion of our Volition, and we call one of this stock
and putting everything aside as if nothing else might exist, we renew the solemnity of the Creation
of the first man. The enthusiasm of our love forms (the) highest waves and makes us see all love and
putting her in these waves, in spite of that our omniclairvoyance sees everything, we put everything
aside, and with this we renew the great prodigy of the first act of the Creation. We did this with the
Sovereign Queen, and our love not breaking Her and conserving the life of our Volition, she holds
the title and the right of Queen. Oh! how our love rejoices, makes festive, in seeing in Her the first
Queen of the works of our creative hands. But our love [was] not content with having one Queen
alone, nor was this our Will in the Creation, behold therefore our love regurgitating very strongly,
and putting forth his contained waves, he calls Her and centralizes in her the whole work of the
Creation rains over her as copious rain overflowing his Divine qualities, in order to have the second
daughter Queen, in order to have her form the foundations of the kingdom of our Will, and thus to
be able to have the succession of our children all kings and queens. Behold therefore I am putting
everything aside in order to work in you the first act of the Creation, my love forms (for) me the
enchantment, that while I look (at) the others it makes me hold (my) gaze fixed on you, and it makes
me rain all that which is needed in order to make me form the kingdom of my Will in you. I do it as
a Father, that having placed other children and having to place another, he doesn't think neither to
those of before nor to those that he must place after, but putting all the others aside he thinks only
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of she who he is about to place, and if the child is good and she that has he has chosen is worthy of
him, the father doesn't mind expenses, he endows her with great riches, he prepares her a sumptuous
residence, in short he puts forth all his Paternal love. Thus do we when he tries to realize the purpose
of the Creation, that is the kingdom of my Will in the midst of creatures, to that I call as before I don't
spare anything, I centralize everything in her, knowing that the all will be inherited by those that will
follow her.”

January 18,1928
How the Virgin remains isolated in her glory and she awaits the cortege of the other queens in
order to have her succession/train. How the works of God give a hand between themselves. How
the manifestations on the Divine Will will be the Gospel of his kingdom. Question on the
writings. Necessity of the first Priests of the kingdom of the Fiat.

I was following the acts in the Divine Volition and said to myself: oh! how I would like to enclose
myself in the first act of God, in order to do everything with one act alone, in order to be able to give
to my Creator all the love, all the glory, his own beatitudes and infinite joys in order to be able to love
and glorify as he glorifies and loves himself, what wouldn't I give him if I were in that first act of the
Divine Fiat? I would lack nothing in order to felicitate my Creator with his own happiness. And
seeing myself impotent, I prayed (to) my Sovereign Mama that she might come to my help and with
her own maternal hands, she might enclose me in that first act where she had had her perennial
sojourn, because living in the Divine Volition the first act of God was hers, therefore she was able
to give him that which she wanted. But while I thought this I said to myself: how many blunders I
am saying. But my amiable Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, the Queen of Heaven in her glory and greatness is as isolated, because She alone
having lived in the first act of God, that is in the fullness and totality of the Divine Volition, She is
(an) isolated Queen, she doesn't have the cortege of the other queens that surround her and equal her
in the glory and greatness that she possesses. She finds herself in the conditions of a Queen that
although surrounded by damsels, by pages, by faithful friends, that make for her honor and keep her
company but not one queen equal to Her makes for her the great honor of surrounding her and
keeping her company; what would be more honor to a queen of the earth, to be surrounded by other
queens equal to her or else by persons of inferior conditions, of glory, of greatness and of beauty?
There passes such distance of honor and glory between who is surrounded by queens and between
who only is surrounded by others that not one compares to stand up to the comparison. Now the
Celestial Mama wants, desires, awaits the kingdom of the Divine Will upon the earth, in which there
will be the souls that living in Him they will form the life in the first act of God, who will acquire the
regality and the right of queens, one will see all impressed in them an indelible character that, they are
daughters of the Divine king and as daughters they await the title and the right of queens. These
souls will hold their abode in the Divine palace, therefore they will acquire (the) nobility of ways, of
works, of steps, of words they will possess such science that no one will be able equal them, they will
be invested with such light that the light itself will announce to everyone that (she) is queen that has
lived in the palace of my Will. Whence the Sovereign Queen will not be alone anymore in her regal
throne, she will have the other queens that will surround her, her beauty will reflect in them, her glory
and greatness will find one in whom it can pour itself out, oh! how honored, glorified she will be feel
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therefore she will desire one who wants to live in the Divine Fiat in order to form the queens in the
first act of Him, in order to be able to have in the Celestial Fatherland the succession/train of the other
queens that will surround her and will give her the honors owed to Her.”

After this I was thinking: what will these writings on the Divine Will serve? And my Highest and only
Good Jesus, moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, all my works give a hand to each other, and this is the sign that they are my works,
that one is not opposed to the other, rather they are so very tied between them that they sustain each
other. (This is) So very true that having formed my elect people from which, and in which, had to
be born the future Messiah, I formed from that same people the Priesthood, which instructed the
people and prepared them for the great good of the Redemption, I gave them laws, manifestations
and inspirations, over which the sacred writings were formed, called Bible, and everyone was intent
to the study it of It. Whence with my Coming upon the earth I didn't destroy the sacred writings,
rather I supported them, and my Gospel announced nothing opposed to Them, rather they sustained
each other in an marvelous way, and with forming the new dawning Church I formed the new
Priesthood, which did not distance themselves neither from the sacred writings, nor from the Gospel,
everyone was intent over Them, in order to instruct the people, and whatever one that might not want
to draw from this welcome spring, one can say that he doesn't belong to me, because they are the base
of my Church and the life itself with which the people become formed. Now that which I manifest
on my Divine Will and that you write, one can call the Gospel of the kingdom of the Divine Will,
nothing opposes itself neither to the sacred writings nor to the Gospel that I announced being upon
the earth, rather one can call one the support of the other. And therefore I permit and call the Priests
that come, that read the Gospel all of Heaven of the kingdom of my Divine Fiat, in order to say as
I said to the Apostles: preach it throughout the whole world because I make use of my work of the
Priesthood as I had the Priesthood before my coming in order to prepare the people, the Priesthood
of my Church in order to confirm my coming and all that which I did and said, thus I will have the
Priesthood of the kingdom of my Will. Behold what the so many things that I have manifested to you
will serve, the so many surprising truths, the promises of the so many goods that I must give to the
children of the Fiat Voluntas tua/(Your Will be done), will be the Gospel, the base, the inexhaustible
source which everyone will draw celestial life, the terrestrial happiness, and the restoration of their
Creation. Oh! how happy they will feel who with anxiety will drink long sips in these sources of my
knowledges, because they contain the virtue to bring the life of Heaven and of scattering whatever

Whence I in hearing this thought to myself of the great question of the writings on the Divine Will
that they found in Messina, brought by the blessed memory of the Venerable Padre di Francia, how
I, and my other Superiors wanted them absolutely here, and the Superiors in Messina, recommended
rigorously by the Venerable Padre before dying, they want to hold them there, for the publication
when it will please God, hence it makes none other than letters of fire from one side to the other,
those in order to retain them and we in order to get them back, and I felt all worried, annoyed and
tired and I said to myself: how has the good Jesus been able to permit all this, who knows that it is
not displeasing Him also? And He moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, you are worried by it, but me not at all, nor am I displeased, rather I enjoy in seeing
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the interest that the Priests take with these writings, that will form the kingdom of my Will, this means
that they appreciate the great good of them, and each one would like to hold with himself such a great
treasure in order to be the first ones in order to communicate it to the others, and while the question
endures of whom should win, the one approaches the other in order to consult between themselves
over what to do, and I enjoy that my other ministers know that there is this treasure so great to make
the kingdom of my Divine Volition known, and I make use of this in order to form the first Priests
of my coming kingdom of my Fiat. My daughter, it is a great necessity to form the first Priests, they
will serve me as the Apostles served me in order to form my Church; and who will occupy themselves
with these writings in order to publish them, putting them out in order to print them in order to make
them known, they will be the new evangelists of the kingdom of my Supreme Will. And since the
ones that most made themselves (a) name in my Gospel are the four evangelists that wrote it, with
their high honor and my glory, so will be those that will occupy themselves to write the knowledges
on my Will in order to publish them, as new evangelists of them (they) will make themselves more
(of a) name in the kingdom of my Will, with their highest honor and my great glory to see return in
my womb the order of the creature, the life of Heaven upon the earth, only purpose of the Creation.
Therefore in these circumstances I enlarge the round and as fisherman I fish those that must serve me
for a kingdom so holy. Hence leave me to do it and do not give it thought.”

January 22, 1928
Insistences in asking (for) the kingdom of the Divine Fiat, sign why he wants Him to reign.
Martyrdom of the privation of Jesus. The human will, the profaner of the creature.

I was making my round the Divine Fiat and I wanted to sweep everything away, Heaven and earth,
so that all might have one will alone, one voice alone, one heartbeat alone, I wanted to animate all
with my voice, so that all might say together with me: we want the kingdom of your Volition; and
in order to obtain this I want to be sea in order to make the waters speak, Sun in order to give my
voice to the light, Sky in order to animate the stars, and make everyone say: come your kingdom,
be known your Fiat; I want to penetrate into the celestial regions in order to make said by all the
Angels and Saints, by the Celestial Mama herself: Adorable Trinity, do it soon, don't dally anymore,
we pray you, we press you, that your Volition descends upon the earth, make him be known and reign
as in Heaven so in earth. Now while I did this and other that would be too long in telling it on paper,
I thought to myself: and why my so many insistences and solicitudes that, it seems that I don't know
how to do anything, if I don't ask (that) his Fiat dominant upon the earth? And blessed Jesus moving
in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, if you might know who it is that pushes you, who makes you insist so much, who
would like to move everything in you to ask the life, the kingdom of my Will upon the earth, you
would remain amazed by it.”

And I: tell me who it is, my Love. And He all tenderness added:

“You want to know it? It is my own Will that pushes you to this, because She wants to make herself
known, wants to reign, but wants the insistence of her little daughter, that pressing her in all ways and
moving everything, calls her with everyone, with the most powerful means to come upon the earth;
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your insistences are (the) sign and image of her sighs and of her infinite solicitudes and insistences
that she wants to give herself to creatures. And as you want to move everything, thus She would like
to move everything, the sea, the Sun, the Sky, the wind, the earth, so that all everything might move
creatures to recognize her, and receive her, to love her and She no sooner than she will see herself
desired then she will break the veils of all created things and that Queen and Mother that yearns (for)
her children, will go forth from the bosom of them, in which she was hidden, and revealing herself
she will embrace her children, and will reign in the midst of them giving to them goods, peace,
sanctity and happiness.”

After this, I past long days of privation for my sweet Jesus, I felt myself tortured, worn-out of
strength, so much so that having tried to write that which he had told me the past days, I felt myself
unable to do it, and He seeing that I was not able, and the great efforts that I made in order to write,
he went out from the depth of my interior as one that wakes from a long sleep and with a most
compassionate accent he said to me:

“Poor daughter, courage, do not batter yourself, it is true that the martyrdom of my privation is
terrible and if I hidden might not sustain you, you would not have been able to endure it in life. More
so that She who martyrs you is my Divine Will, which being immense and eternal, your littleness feels
the whole weight of his immensity and feels itself ground beneath Him. But know my daughter, what
his great love is for you, his little daughter, and therefore his light not only wants to renew your soul,
but also your body, wants also as to pulverize it, and animating the atoms of your dust with his light,
with his heat, he wants to take away whatever seed and humors of the human will, in order to make
that as much your soul as your body, everything might be sacred in you, he wants to tolerate nothing,
not even an atom of your being that, might not be animated and consecrated by my Will. Hence your
hard martyrdom is none other than the consummation of that which doesn't belong to him. Don't you
know that the human will is the profaner of the creature? she when she holds her little ways, the
littlest opening for entrance in her, profanes the holiest things, the most innocent. And my Volition
that made of man his sacred and living temple, where to put his throne, his abode, his regime, his
glory, felt that if the creature with the little entrances to the human volition, feels his temple, his
throne, his abode, his regime and his own glory profaned. Therefore my Volition wants to touch you
(in) everything, even my own presence, to see if his dominion is absolute over you and you are
content that He alone dominates and excels in you. Everything must be in (the) Divine Will in order
for Him to be able to say: I am secure, she has denied me nothing, not even the sacrifice of the
presence of her Jesus, that she loved more than herself, hence my kingdom is secure.”

I in hearing this felt fortified by his presence, and at the same time embittered by his words, and in
my sorrow I said to him: My love, so that you must not come anymore to the little and poor exiled
one? and I how will I do it, how can I live without you?

And Jesus: “no! no! and then from where should I come if I remain inside of you; remain in peace
and when you least think it I will reveal myself, because I don't depart from you but I remain with

January 27,1928
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How in the Redemption is confined the kingdom of the Divine Fiat. How God in the work
chooses where to deposit his work.

I was following my round in the Supreme Volition and arrived to the acts that my beloved Jesus did
the Redemption, I tried to follow step by step, all that which he had done with so much love and
sorrow, and I thought to myself: Jesus other times said that He loved me so much, that he made me
proprietor of his works, of his words, of his Heart, of his steps, of his sufferings, there was no act that
he had done that he didn't make a gift of for me, and this only Jesus was able to and wanted to do it,
because he loved from God, instead creatures if they give, they give external goods, the riches of the
earth, but no one his own life, this signifies what is (the) love of the creature, finite love. So that, I
thought to myself: my amiable Jesus, if this is (so), you should call me, as I am about to do his acts,
in order to make me the consignment of it. And he moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, you should know that in the Redemption the kingdom of my Divine Will was confined,
in which there was no act that I did that (there) wasn't confined the one and the other, with this
difference alone, that that which pertained to the Redemption I externalized them outside, I made
them known and made a gift of them, because they had to serve as preparation to the kingdom of my
Divine Will. Instead those that pertained to the kingdom of my Fiat I retained them in myself, as
suspended in my own Divine Will. Now you must know that when our Divinity decides to bring forth
an act from himself, to do a work, a good, first we choose the creature in which to deposit our work,
because we don't want that which we do that it might remain in the void and without effect, and that
any creature should be depositary of our goods. Therefore we call one at least, that if the other
creatures ungrateful do not want to receive our goods, at least in this one our works become
deposited, and when we are sure of this, then we work. Hence in the Redemption the depositary of
all my acts was my inseparable Mama one can say that as I breathed, cried, prayed, suffered, and all
the rest that I did, first I called Her to receive my breaths, my tears, my sufferings, et cetera, in order
to deposit them in her and then I breathed, cried and prayed. It would prove unbearable and
sorrowful to me, that would surpass all other sorrows, if I might not have, my Mama in which I could
deposit my acts. Now being confined in all these acts of the Redemption those of the kingdom of my
Divine Will, even from that time I called you, and as I deposited in the Sovereign of Heaven all that
which regarded the kingdom of the Redemption, so I deposited, in you that which regarded the
kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. Behold therefore I want that you follow me step by step, and if (as
a) little baby I cry, I want you near in order to give you the gift of my tears that I impetrated for you
with them the great gift of my Divine kingdom; if I speak I want you near in order to make for you
the gift of the word of my Will; if I walk in order to make for you the gift of the steps of Him, if I
work in order to endow you with his works, if I pray in order to give the gift of my prayer to you in
order to impetrate his kingdom to the human family if I do miracles in order to give the gift of the
great miracle of my Will, and therefore if I give sight to the blind I take away the blindness of your
human volition in order to give my sight to you; if I give the hearing to the deaf I make for you the
gift of acquiring the hearing of my Volition; if I give the language to the mute I untie you from the
muteness of mine, if I straighten the lame I straighten you in Him, if I quiet the storm with my rule
I command the storm of your human will that dares no more to agitate my pacific sea. In short there
is nothing that I do and suffer that I don't make for you a gift of it in order to deposit in you the
kingdom of my Volition so very beloved and formed in myself. It would have been for me the
greatest of my sorrows that while I formed in myself in my Humanity, with so much love the kingdom
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of my Divine Volition, (the) first purpose why I came upon the earth and I formed this kingdom of
mine in order to restore it in creatures, should it not be secure as it was for the Redemption that, at
least one creature might not have received the restoration of the kingdom of the Divine Fiat. And
therefore I looked at the centuries as a single point and I found you, the elect, and even from then I
directed and deposited my acts in you in order to deposit in you my kingdom, and as with the
kingdom of the Redemption I didn't spare anything, neither exertions, nor pains, nor prayers, nor
graces, not even death itself, in order to be able to give to everyone graces and sufficient and
abundant means so that everyone might be able to be save and sanctify themselves in spite that I put
and deposited for security everything in the Celestial Queen. Thus with the kingdom of my Volition
in spite that I put everything in security in you, I am giving so much, I don't spare anything, neither
teachings, nor light, nor graces, nor enticements, nor promises, in a way that if everyone wants to
receive the great good of my Will in order to make her reign in them, everyone will find means and
superabundant helps in order to live such a great good. Therefore your coming upon the earth in time
was awaited by me with so much love, with such anxiety, that you can not even imagine it, because
I wanted to deposit the so many suspended acts done by my Humanity in order to form the kingdom
of the Supreme Fiat. If you might know what it means one suspended act done by your Jesus? Oh!
how you would hasten to receive all the deposit of my acts in order to give life to these suspended
acts, because they contain so many divine lives, and you would hasten to make him known.”

January 29,1928
Immense value of the writings on the Divine Will. How they are characters transmitted from the
Celestial Country. How they will make the siege on the human volition. Desire of the Heart of
Jesus. His acts army that demand the kingdom of the Fiat.

I was reading in volume 20 what regarded the Divine Will and felt such (an) impression as if I might
see flow in the written words a divine life alive and palpitating, I felt the strength of the light, the life
of the Heat of the Sky, as working virtue of the Divine Fiat in that which I read and I thanked with
(my) heart my Jesus that with so much love he had benigned to make me write. But while I did this,
my beloved Jesus as not being able to contain (in) Himself the trembling of his Heart, went out from
within my interior and throwing his arms around (my) neck squeezed me strongly to his Heart in
order to make me feel his ardent heartbeats and he said to me:

“My daughter, you thank me that I have made you write that which regards my Will, doctrine all of
Heaven and it holds (the) virtue of communicating the palpitating and all celestial life of Him to who
reads these writings. My Will is palpating in the midst of creatures, alive but suffocated by the human
volition, these writings will make his heartbeat felt so very strongly that it will suffocate the human
volition and will take his first place of life that waits for him, because my Will is the heartbeat and the
life of all the Creation. Therefore the value of these writings is immense, they contain the value of
a Divine Will; if they might have been written of gold they would exceed with great length to the
great value that in themselves they contain, these writings are suns impressed with characters of the
most radiant light in the walls of the Celestial Country and they form the most beautiful ornament of
those walls of the Eternal City, in which all the blessed remain enraptured and surprised in reading
the characters of the Supreme Will. Therefore greater grace I could not do in these times than to
transmit the characters of the Celestial Country through your means to creatures, which will bring
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the life of Heaven in the midst of them. Whence as you thank me, I thank you that you lent yourself
to receive my lessons and make the sacrifice of writing under my dictation. It was my Divine Will
that made (it) flow while you wrote, the live virtue of his ardent, eternal and vivifying heartbeat that
I impressed in your characters. Therefore rereading them you feel the renewal all celestial impressed
in them. Oh! how difficult will it be to whom will read these writings not to feel the palpating life of
my Volition and not to tremble from the virtue of his vivifying heartbeat from the lethargy in which
they find themselves. These writings on my Supreme Fiat, with the force of his light will eclipse the
human will, they will be balm to the human wounds, they will be opium to all that which is earth, the
passions will feel themselves die and from the death of them will re-arise the life of Heaven in the
midst of creatures. They will be the true Celestial army, that while they will put the human will in
(the) state of siege and all the evils produced by it, they will make re-arise the peace, the lost
happiness, the life of my Will in the midst of creatures. The siege that they will put forth won't do
damage to anyone, because my Will is to put in (a) state of siege the human volition, so that it won't
tyrannize poor creatures anymore, but leaves them free in the kingdom of my Will. Therefore I have
insisted so much and I insist in making you write, I have held you (on the) cross, I have sacrificed
you, it was necessary, it concerned the most important thing, it was the echo of Heaven, the life of
up there that I want to form upon the earth. Behold the cause of my continuous refrain, be attentive,
do not omit anything and your flight in my Will be continuous.”

After this I was following my round in the Divine Fiat and I accompanied the sighs, the tears, the
steps of Jesus and all the rest done and suffered by Him, saying to him: My love Jesus, I put the army
of all your acts around you and investing your words, your heartbeats, your steps, your sufferings and
all your acts with my I love you, I ask the kingdom of your Will of you. Listen oh Jesus, if you do
not listen through means of the army of your acts, that prays to you, presses you, what else can one
do in order to move you to concede to me a kingdom so holy? But while I said this I thought to
myself: had my sweet Jesus his desires while he was on this earth or didn't he also have any at all?
And He moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, as God there didn't exist in me any desire, because the desire is born in one who does
not possess everything, but who possesses everything and lacks nothing, the desire does not have
reason to exist, however as man I had my desires, because my Heart was united in everything to the
other creatures, and making mine the desires of everyone, I desired for everything, with all the ardor,
of giving the kingdom of my Divine Fiat to all creatures, so that if I longed, I longed for the kingdom
of my Volition, if I prayed and cried and desired it was only for my kingdom that I wanted in the
midst of creatures, because He being the holiest thing, my Humanity could do no less (than) to want
and to desire the holiest thing in order to sanctify the desires of everyone and give them that which
was holy and of the greatest and perfect good for them. Therefore all that which you do is none other
than my echo, that replaying in you makes you ask in my every act the kingdom of my Will. Hence
therefore I make present to you every act of mine, every suffering that I suffered, every tear that
flowed, every step that I did, because I love that you, investing them, repeat afterwards to my every
act: Jesus I love you and because I love you give me the kingdom of your Divine Volition. I want
that you call me in every thing that I do in order to make me replay the sweet memory that my acts
say Fiat Voluntas tua come Cielo così in terra/Be done your Will as in Heaven so in earth, in a way
that in seeing your littleness, the little daughter of my Volition that makes her echo to all my acts,
putting them as an army around me, I hasten to concede the kingdom of my Will.”
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January 31, 1928
Round in the Divine Will. Assault to the Divine Majesty. Attractions of the littleness, the secret
of it. How the human will is nauseating. Example.

I was gathering everyone together all the acts of the Divine Will done in the Creation, the seas of the
Celestial Queen, those of my beloved Jesus, in short all the acts that the Divine Fiat has brought forth
from himself. Hence I was recapitulating everything in order to bring them before the height of the
Supreme Majesty, in order to give Him through means of this the ultimate assault and to constrain
Him to give me his kingdom upon the earth, but while I did this I thought to myself: I am little, I am
no more than an atom, how can I bring the vastness of the Sky, the multiplicity of the stars, the
immensity of the light of the Sun, and then all the seas of my Mama and those of Jesus that are
interminable? so that doesn't my little atom remain lost in the midst of so many great works? I believe
that all (of) Heaven will smile in seeing my littleness that wants to give this assault as (the) ultimate
contrivance of its round in the Divine Will, because being little I not only remain lost, but even done
in by one single work of the Divine Volition, hence my assault will be without effect and perhaps I
will serve to make the whole Celestial Court smile behind my back. But while I thought this, my
sweet Jesus went forth from within my interior and all tenderness said to me:

“My little daughter, your littleness has such attraction that it calls the attention of all Heaven in order
to see what your littleness wants to do and knows how to do, to see great things done by a great
person doesn't receive attention, nor does it brings joy, if one might see the same great thing done by
a little child, this awakens such stupor and wonder, that everyone would like to see the great work
of the little tiny one, that which doesn't happen if a great person might do the same work. If you
might know how the Divine watches and that of the whole Heaven is fixed on you in seeing you as
in haste to gather together all the works of the Divine Will in order to bring the assault to the Creator,
bringing his own weapons in order to make the holy war (on) him to make you/(him) surrender his
kingdom. One can say that your toiling, the gathering (of) everything is the true smile of Heaven, it
is the new feast that carries your littleness to the Celestial Country, and everyone awaits the assault
of the little tiny one. But do you want to know where the secret of your strength is, in your littleness,
that while you remain lost now in the light of the sun, now in the midst of the stars, now in my seas
and those of the Celestial Mama, your atom does not stop itself, it releases itself and goes out in field
again in order to complete its summation of all the works of the Divine Fiat, the whole secret is
confined in He that moves you, invests you, gives the cord in order to make you turn and in order to
make you enclose all his acts, in order to make himself by himself, through means of your littleness,
give the assault in order to make himself drawn to come to reign upon the earth. What thing can't
the atom animated by my Volition (do)? Everything, because she becomes an act in the midst of all
his acts of Divine Will and this is enough in order to be able to make of all his acts one act alone, in
order to say: everything is mine, and everything must serve me in order to be able to tear (away) the
kingdom of the Divine Fiat upon the earth.”

After this I was thinking of how much evil the human will has done to poor creatures, hence I abhor
it, I neither want to know it anymore, nor to look at it because it is too nauseating, but while I
thought this, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior and said to me:
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“My daughter, the human will by itself is nauseating, but united with mine it is the most beautiful
thing that I created, more so that the Divinity was never able bring forth a thing created by us that
might make nausea, she united with ours would hold the continuous motion of goods, of light, of
sanctity, of beauty, and with our continuous motion that never ceases it would have been the greatest
prodigy of the Creation, our motion would purify her from every shadow of stain, it would happen
as to the sea, that, because it continually murmurs and holds its perennial motion, its waters are pure
and crystalline, oh! if the waters of the sea might remain firm, the waters would lose the purity and
they would become so very nauseating, that no one would look at it, the waters would be so very
filthy and full of dirts that the ships could not cross over the sea, and no one would make his food of
those fishes of waters so putrid. So that the sea would be a weight to the earth and would produce
the contagion of all the evils to the human generations. Instead only because it murmurs and holds
its continuous motion, how much good doesn't it do to creatures, and while in its bosom it hides who
knows how many filths, with its murmur it hold the dominion of holding them buried in the depth of
it and controls the purity of its waters pure and emptied from whatever filths. Such is the human will
more than sea, that if the divine motion murmurs in her she is beautiful and pure, all the evils remain
buried and without life, instead if my Will doesn't murmur in her and doesn't hold his first motion, all
the evils are reborn and renders her from the most beautiful, the ugliest as to make (one) pity.
Another image is the human nature, united with the soul it is beautiful, it sees, feels, walks, works,
speaks, it doesn't stink; disunited from the soul it rots, stinks horribly, makes one disgust to see it, one
can say that one can not recognize it anymore, who has made a change so different from the live body
to the dead body? the lack of the murmur of the soul, of its continuous motion that excelled in the
human nature. Such was put my Will to the human volition, as soul from which it had to receive life,
his continuous murmur. So that as long as she is united with mine she is a prodigy of life, of beauty.
Disunited from mine she loses the legs, the hands, the word, the sight, the heat, the life, she becomes
accordingly so very horrid more than (a) dead body, as to merit that one buries her in the most
profound abyss, because her stink is intolerable. Therefore one who is not united with my Will loses
the life of her soul, therefore she can do nothing of good, and all that which she does is without life.”

February 2,1928
How one must make up for who has not worked in the unity of the Divine Fiat. How for who
doesn't possess him it is a strange language to her. Reason why until now they have not spoken
of Him. How who doesn't live in the unity receives the effects from the Divine Will, not the life
of Him. Example of the Sun with the earth.

I was following my round in the Supreme Fiat and arrived in Eden I was saying to myself: my Jesus
I make mine the unity of your Volition in order to make up for that unity that my Father Adam lost,
when he withdrew from Him, and in order to make up for all those acts that, all his descendants have
not done in the unity of Him. But while I said this, I thought to myself: and am I in the unity of the
Divine Fiat? If I am not, how can I make up for the others? Hence my saying finishes in words, but
not in deeds, and my sweet Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, when Adam sinned, there was the retreat of the unity of my Will from both parts, man
retreated from Him, and He retreated from him, and with mine retreating, man lost my unity, all his
merits and the rights that God had given him in creating him, because he was the true deserter from
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the kingdom of my Will, and the deserter loses all the rights and the possession of his own goods.
Now as my Will retreated from man, because he was the first one in order to retreat, thus he can
again give himself to whom, retreating from the human volition, he reenters into his kingdom as (a)
new conqueror of that unity of my Divine Fiat. More so that between you and the Divinity there has
been established an agreement together, my Volition to make you the great gift of his Unity, calling
you to the first act of the Creation, and you not only to receive it, but to make him the gift of your
will. So that from both parts there has been established the exchange (of) it, but not in simple words,
but with deeds, so very true that mine is putting you to light (of) that which regards the great gift that
he has made you, so that you know that which you possess, enjoy his goods, and appreciating him
impetrate him (for) the human family. And you having made the gift of your will don't want to
recognize it anymore and you feel terror to only remember it. Now it is just that you should make
it your duty and make up for that unity lost by man, from mine that made his retreat, withdrawing into
his Celestial regions. Is not my Will master to perhaps give himself again, provided that he finds again
one who doesn't want to have of his human will anymore? And then you must know that if there was
not my Will in you, you would not have been able to understand his Celestial language, it would have
been for you as a strange dialect, as a light without heat, as a food without substance, and it would
have been difficult for you to write on paper about him, in order to transmit him to your brothers.
All this is (a) sign that my Will mastering you in everything, makes himself thought in your mind,
word on your lips, heartbeat in your heart, Teacher that knows that his pupil understands his lessons
and loves to listen to him. Therefore it was necessary to make you the gift of my Divine Will in order
to give you necessary graces in order to make you know and transcribe all the most beautiful
prerogatives of the kingdom of my Divine Fiat. And this is also the reason, why no one until now has
spoken at length of my Will, in order to make understood the immense seas of the goods that he
contains and that he wants to give and can give to creatures, at most they have gone forth with a few
words and with words almost broken in half, as if they might not have something to say of my Fiat
so long and extensive, that contains and embraces all eternity, not possessing him as gift and (a)
proper thing, for everyone it was as (a) strange language to speak of the importance and of his infinite
merits, if they didn't know him at depth how could they speak of a Divine Will that contains so much
that all the centuries are not enough to speak of Him? Therefore be attentive my daughter, and while
you cross over his sea always take something new again in order to make him known to the human

After this I was thinking on the unity of the Divine Fiat and said to myself: how, all those that have
done good, so many great works, how could they do them if they didn't possess his Unity? And Jesus
always benign added:

“My daughter, all the good done until now by creatures has been done in virtue of the effects of my
Divine Will, because there is no good without Him, but that they might have lived totally and fully
in his Unity no one until now, only my Queen Mama, and therefore she attracted the great prodigy
of the incarnation of the Word, if this were so, the earth would have returned to the state of the Eden,
and then he who would have possessed the Unity of my Volition, would not have been able to neither
contain him, nor resist speaking of him, it would have been as if the Sun would have liked to enclose
itself inside of a vase of crystal without spreading its rays, would it not have rather with its heat
cracked the glass, in order to be free in spreading its rays? To possess the unity of my Fiat and to not
speak of him, and not spread his rays, the beauty of his knowledges, it would have been impossible,
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it would crack the heart if she might not give vent to manifest in part the fullness of his light and of
the goods of Him. Hence the good has been done in virtue of the effects of Him. This happens that,
the Sun in virtue of the effects that its light contains, makes the plants germinate and makes produce
such goods to the earth, it seems that the earth and the effects of the Sun work together in order to
produce plants, fruits and flowers to creatures, but the earth doesn't elevate itself in the sphere of the
Sun, if it might do this, the Sun would have so much strength as to take away its dark part and all its
atoms of dust converting them into light and the earth would become Sun. But since the earth doesn't
elevate itself nor the sphere of the Sun descend into the depths, the earth remains earth, and the Sun
doesn't transform it in Itself, it seems that the one and the other look at each other from far away,
they help themselves and work together through means of the effects of the light that from the heights
of it's sphere spreads upon the earth and although it receives so many admirable effects, (and)
produces the most beautiful flowerings, but there passes (a) great distance between the earth and the
Sun, they don't resemble each other, neither the life of the one becomes life of the other, and therefore
the earth doesn't know how to speak of the Sun, nor say all the effects that it contains, nor how much
heat and light it possesses. (As) such the creature finds herself that she doesn't possess the unity of
my Will, she doesn't elevate herself in his most high sphere in order to become Sun, nor (does) my
divine Sun descend in order to form the life of Her, but wanting to do good she revolves around his
light, and He communicates the effects in order to make germinate the good that they want. Because
my Fiat doesn't deny himself to anyone, rather with his light he awakens the human nature in order
to make it be green again and to make it produce fruits of good works.”

February 5, 1928
Promise in Eden of the future Redeemer. Solemn promise in the Our Father of the kingdom of
the Divine Will. How God feels himself repeat the joy of the Creation.

My poor mind felt as fixed in the Supreme Fiat, and I feel like a little child, that, since the beautiful
lessons of her beloved Teacher please her, she always turns around him asking a thousand questions,
in order to have the pleasure to hear him speak and to learn other more beautiful lessons, and while
the teacher speaks, she with open mouth listens to him, so many are the beautiful surprises that he
makes with his lessons. Such am I, a little child, that I turn around the light of the Divine Will, more
than teacher, that I want to draw his life from the beautiful lessons that he makes to my little soul and
He, because (I am) little, delights himself with contenting me, giving me such surprises of Divine
lessons, not ever thought of by me. Whence while I thought of the kingdom of the Divine Will and
it seemed to me as difficult his reign upon the earth, my beloved Jesus going forth from within my
interior said to me:

“My daughter, as Adam sinned, God made them (the) promise of the future Redeemer, centuries
passed, but the promise didn't become less, and the generations had the good of the Redemption.
Now, as I came from Heaven and I formed the kingdom of the Redemption, before departing to
Heaven, I made another more solemn promise of the kingdom of my Will, and this was in the Our
Father, and in order to give it more value and in order to obtain it more immediately, I made this
formal promise in the solemnity of my prayer, praying the Father that he might make his kingdom and
the Divine Will come as in Heaven so in earth; I put myself at (the) head of this prayer, knowing that
such was his Will and that prayed by me, he would not have denied me anything, more so that with
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his own Will I prayed and asked a thing of (which) my own Father wanted. And after having formed
this prayer before my Celestial Father, sure that he granted me the kingdom of my Divine Will upon
the earth, I taught it to my Apostles, so that they might teach it to the whole world, so that one might
be the cry of everyone: 'Your Will be done, as in Heaven so in earth.' A more certain and solemn
Promise I could not make; the centuries for us are as a single point, but our words are acts and
completed deeds. My own prayer to the Celestial Father: ‘Come, come your kingdom, be done your
Will, as in Heaven so in earth’, it meant that with my coming upon the earth the kingdom of my Will
had not become established in the midst of creatures, otherwise I would have said: 'My father, our
kingdom that I have already established upon the earth is confirmed and our Will dominates and
reigns', instead I said: 'Come', this meant that it must come and creatures must wait for it with that
certainty that they waited for the future Redeemer, because there is my Divine Will bound and
contracted in those words of the Our Father, and when He binds himself, it is more certain than
promises. More so that everything was prepared by me, there didn't lack other than the
manifestations of my kingdom, and am I doing it, do you believe that the so many truths that I am
making (to) you on my Fiat is to give you a simple news? No, no, it is because I want that everyone
know that his Kingdom is near, and that they know his beautiful prerogatives, so that everyone loves,
longs to enter to live in a kingdom so holy, full of happiness and of all gods. Hence, that which to
you seems difficult, to the power of our Fiat is easy, because He knows how to remove all the
difficulties and conquer everything as he wants and when he wants.”

Whence I was according to my usual (way), doing my round in the eternal Fiat and turning for all the
Creation, I brought all the works before the Divinity, in order to give them the most beautiful homage
and the great glory of all their works; but while I did this, I thought to myself: but what is the glory
that I give to my Creator with bringing him all his works? And Jesus moving in my interior said to

“My daughter, with doing this you bring the joy of our completed works to us, because before
creating the Creation they remained inside of us, as in deposit in our Will, and we didn't have the
glory, the joy of seeing our works outside of us formed and completed outside of us, in a way that
our works were formed when the Creation was created, and who turns in (the) midst of them,
watches them and wanting to gather them all together around us and say to us: (')how beautiful are
your works, perfect and holy, their harmony, the perfect order they say who you are and they narrate
your glory('), we feel the joy, the glory repeated, as if we again extended the Sky, forming the Sun
and all our works. So that the Creation is always in act and as speaking through means of the little
daughter of our Volition. This can also happen to you, if you might have in your will decided to
make so many beautiful works, you don't enjoy (it), but your joy commences when you see the
completed works and if a person loving you, often brought them around you in order to say to you:
(')do you see how beautiful are your works('), wouldn't you feel glorious and repeat the joy when you
completed them? Such am I, the repetitions form my most beautiful surprises.”

February 9, 1928
The Sovereign Lady of Heaven Jesus’ reflector. Satisfaction of Jesus in asking for his Fiat. How
Jesus gathered all the goods and consumed all the evils, how he ignited the fire inside of himself.
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Continuing to follow the acts of Jesus, done in his Divine Will when he was upon the earth, I followed
Mother and Son when they fled into Egypt and I thought to myself, how beautiful it must have been
to see the dear little baby in (the) arms of his Divine Mama, that while so tiny, enclosing in himself
the eternal Fiat, he enclosed Heaven and earth, everything went forth from him as Creator, and
everything hung from him, and the Sovereign Queen transfused in the little Jesus in virtue of the same
Fiat that animated him, formed the reflector of Jesus, his echo, his same life, how many hidden
beauties they possessed, how many varieties of Heavens more beautiful than that which one sees in
our horizon, how many Suns more radiant they contained, and yet no one saw anything of it, one
didn't see other than three poor fugitives. Jesus, my Love, I want to follow step by step the steps of
my Celestial Mama and as she walks, I want to animate the blades of grass, the atoms of the earth,
and make you feel beneath her feet my I love you, I want to animate all of the light of the Sun and
as it shines on you upon (your) face, I want that it brings you my I love you, all the billows of the
wind, its caresses, everything says to you I love you, it is I that in your Fiat carries to you the heat
of the Sun in order to warm you, the billows of the wind in order to caress you, its hiss in order to
speak and say to you: dear child, make your Divine Volition known by everyone, make it go forth
from within your little Humanity so that he takes his dominion and forms his kingdom there in the
midst of creatures; but while my mind was lost itself in the presence of to Jesus and I would be too
long if I might want to say everything, my Highest and only Good Jesus moved in my interior and all
goodness said to me:

“My daughter, my Mama and I were as two twins born from the same birth, because we didn't hold
but one Will alone that gave us life, the Divine Fiat put our acts in common in a way that the Son
reflects in Her and the Mama reflected in the Son. So that the kingdom of the Divine Will held his
full vigor, his perfect dominion in us, and while we fled to Egypt we carried the Divine Volition as
strolling through those regions and we felt his great sorrow that he didn't reign in creatures, and
looking at the centuries we felt the great joy of his kingdom that he had to form in the midst of them
and oh! how your repeated refrains in the wind, in the Sun, in the water, under our steps: ‘I love you,
I love you, your kingdom come’ arrived to us satisfactions upon the wings of our Fiat. It was our
echo that we felt in you, that we didn't want other than that the Divine Will might reign and (that) he
might be the conqueror of everyone. Therefore even from then we loved our little tiny one that didn't
ask or want if not that which we ourselves wanted.”

Whence I continued to think of all that which my sweet Jesus had done being upon the earth, and He

“My daughter, when I came upon the earth I looked at all the centuries past, present and future, in
order to gather in my Humanity all that which of well and of good all the generations might be able
to do, in order to put the seal and the confirmation of the good, I destroyed nothing of that which was
good, rather I wanted to enclose them in myself in order to give them Divine life, and adding the good
that lacked and that I did in order to complete all the goods of human creatures, upon the wings of
the centuries I carried myself to the human creatures, in order to give to each one my complete work,
as I also gathered all the evils in order to consume them, and by force of sorrows and pains that I
wanted to suffer, I ignited the fire in my Humanity itself, where to burn all the evils, wanting to feel
of it every suffering in order to make reborn all the goods opposite to the evils, in order to make
reborn to new life the human generations. And since I in order to form all the possible and imaginable
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remedies to all the redeemed, in order to then dispose them to receive the great good of my Will
reigning in the midst of them, I did everything, suffered everything, and consumed everything, thus
you in order to prepare my kingdom to the creatures, must enclose all that which is holy and good,
and by way of pains you must consume all the evils in order to make the life of my Divine Will reborn
in the midst of creatures. You must be my echo in which I must make the deposit from where must
arise the kingdom of my Fiat. Follow me step, by step, to continue the life, the heartbeat, the
happiness of this kingdom that I contain in myself, and that wants to go forth in order to reign in the
midst of creatures. And so much is my love for Him, that if I permitted that the infernal enemy might
penetrate in Eden, I won't permit that he put foot into the Eden of the kingdom of the Fiat, and
therefore I permitted that he might approach me in the desert, in order to weaken him and put him
(on) the way so that he might not dare to enter there. Don't you yourself feel how your presence
terrorizes the enemy and puts him in flight in order not to see you? And the force of my victory that
precipitates him and feeling himself confused he flees. Everything is prepared, there doesn't remain
other than to make him known.”

February 12, 1928
Laments of the soul. How Jesus enclosed inside of himself all the acts rejected by creatures and
formed his kingdom. How who possesses the Divine Fiat possesses the bilocative force and can
give to God as hers that which is of God.

My poor mind always goes sweeping in the interminable confines of the Supreme Fiat and my poor
heart is under the nightmare of the excruciating sorrow of the privation of my beloved Jesus, the
hours are centuries, the nights interminable without Him, and since it is a Divine sorrow that falls on
my little soul, its immensity drowns me, crushes me, and I feel the whole weight of an eternal sorrow.
Oh! Holy God!, how can you remove from me that life that you yourself want that I possess? How
do you put me in the impossibility of living and to live dying, because the font of your life is not there
in me? Ah! Jesus return, do not abandon me to myself, I can not live without life, Jesus! Jesus! how
much it costs me to have known you, how many tears/rips you have made to my human life in order
to give me yours, and I now live suspended, I don't find mine anymore, because with your stratagems
you have stolen it from me, hardly I feel yours, but as torn by the strong eclipse of the light of your
Will, so that everything for me is finished and I am constrained to resign myself and to feel your life
through means of the rays of light, of the reflections that your adorable Will brings me, I can endure
no more of it; Jesus, return to she who loves you so much and you say you love me and now you
have had the strength to abandon her, return one time forever and decide to leave me no more; but
while I vented my sorrow, he moved in my interior and mitigating the light that eclipsed him, he
extended his arms squeezing me strongly and said to me:

“My daughter, my poor little one, courage, it is my Will that wants his first place in you, but I should
not decide to leave you, my decision was taken when you yourself decided to leave me no more, then
there was then a stealing life of each other, I yours and you mine, with this difference, that first you
saw me without the eclipse of the light of my Fiat, He remained as confined inside of me, now
wanting to take life in you, he has overflowed outside of me and bilocating himself he has confined
my Humanity inside of his light, and therefore you feel my life through the reflections of his light.
Therefore why do you fear that I leave you? Now you should know that my Humanity re-did in Itself
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all the acts rejected by creatures, that my Divine Will giving himself to them wanted that they might
do, I re-did them all and I deposited them in myself, in order to form his kingdom, awaiting the
propitious time in order to bring them forth from me and deposit them in creatures as foundation of
this kingdom, if I might not had done this, the kingdom of my Will could not take place in the midst
of creatures, because only I as man and God could make up for man and receive inside of myself all
the work of a Divine Will that creatures had to receive and to do, and through my means
communicate it to them. Because in Eden the two wills, human and divine, they were as in hostility
because the human one was opposed to the Divine, all the other offenses were as a consequence,
therefore first I had to re-do in myself all the acts opposed to the Divine Fiat, to make his kingdom
extend in myself, if it didn't reconcile these two wills in hostility, how could I form the Redemption?
Therefore all that which I did upon the earth, the first act was to reestablish the harmony, the order
between the two wills in order to form my kingdom, the Redemption was (a) consequence of this.
And therefore it was necessary to take away the consequences of the evil that the human volition had
produced and hence I gave effective remedies in order to then manifest the great good of the kingdom
of my Will. Whence the reflections of the light of Him don't do other than to bring the acts that my
Humanity contains in order to make that all might be Divine Will in you. Therefore be attentive to
follow him and do not fear.”

After this I was following my round in the Creation in order to give to my Creator all the homages
of the Divine qualities that every created thing contains, that having all gone forth from the Divine
Fiat, accordingly he maintains the life of it, indeed he is the first act of every created thing; but while
I did this I thought to myself: created things are not mine, how can I say with right: I offer you the
homages of the light of the Sun, the glory of the starry Sky and so on? But while I thought this my
always amiable Jesus moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, who possesses my Will and lives in Him, can say with right: the Sun is mine, the Sky,
the sea, everything is mine, and as mine I bring everything around the Divine Majesty, in order to give
him the glory that every created thing contains. In fact is not perhaps all the Creation work of my
omnipotent Fiat? Doesn't his throbbing life, his vital heat, his incessant motion that moves everything,
orders and harmonizes everything flow, as if the whole Creation might be one act alone? Whence
who possesses my Divine Volition as life, Skies, Sun, seas and everything are not stuffs/(things)
extraneous to her, but everything is hers, as everything is of my Fiat, because she is none other, with
possessing him, than a birth of his, that holds all the rights over all the births of Him, that is all the
Creation. Hence with right and with truth she can say to her Creator: I offer you all the homages
of the light of the Sun with all its effects, symbol of your eternal light, the glory of the immensity of
the Skies and thus with all the rest. Possessing my Will is Divine life that the soul unfolds in her soul,
so that all that which goes forth from her, contains power, immensity, light, love, we feel in her our
bilocative strength, that bilocating us puts in attitude all our Divine qualities and as hers she offers
them as divine homages, worthy of that Divine Fiat that knows and can bilocate himself in order to
recall the creature to the first act of the Creation (in) which we make man to our image and likeness.”

February 20, 1928
How who must enclose a good in order to give it to creatures, must enclose in oneself that whole
good. This happened to the Virgin and Our Lord. What unity means.
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The privations of Jesus make themselves longer and I live only in (the) authority of the Divine Fiat,
that having constituted himself life of my little soul, it seems to me that my beloved Jesus, entrusting
me to Him, hides behind the curtains of his light, only in order to spy and to be all attentive if I always
follow his adorable Will. Oh! God, what suffering to remain in an immensity of light and not know
how to find the way and move the steps in order to find He whom I love, because he has formed me,
because he has told me so many truths that I feel them in me as so many throbbing divine lives that
make me understand who is He whom I want and don't find. Ah! Jesus! Jesus! return, how is it?
you made me feel your heartbeat in my heart and you hide yourself; while I vented, I thought to
myself: maybe Jesus doesn't find neither in me nor in others, the dispositions in order to receive the
life of his other truths and in order not (for) these lives to remain suspended he keeps silent and hides
himself; but while I thought this, my Highest Good Jesus moved within my interior in (the) act of
taking the steps in order to go forth from me, and he said to me:

“My poor little daughter, you are lost in the light and don't know how to find He who with so much
love you search, the light forms the highest waves and forms the bars in order to find me, but you
don't know that I am the light, the life, the heartbeat that you feel, how ever could my Will have his
life in you if there was not your Jesus in you, that I gave the field to unfold the work of my Volition
in your soul? Therefore quiet yourself. Now you must know that who must bear a good, must
centralize in herself all the fullness of that good, otherwise the good would not find the way where
to go forth. Now having to center in yourself the kingdom of my Will, nothing must be missing of
Him, because his light disposes you to receive all the necessary truths in order to form his kingdom,
and if the other creatures are indisposed to receive all the lives of the truths of the Fiat, at most I
won't give you (the) capacity to manifest them as so many times happens to you, but to you as
depositary nothing must be missing. This happened in the Queen of Heaven, that She having to be
the depositary of the Word incarnate, that must give me to the human generations, I centralized in
Her all the goods of the redeemed, and all that which was appropriate in order to be able to receive
the life of a God. Hence the Heights of my Mama possesses the Sovereignty over all creatures and
over every single act of theirs and (the) goods that they can do, in a way that if they think piously,
She is as (the) channel of the holy thoughts, and hence holds the Sovereignty over them, if they speak,
if they work, if they walk piously, the beginning of all this descends from the Virgin, and therefore
she holds the right and the Sovereignty over the words, steps, works, there is no good that one does
that from Her doesn't descend, because She was (the) primary cause of the incarnation of the Word,
it was just that she might be the channel of all the goods and she might hold the rights of Sovereignty
over everything.

“This happened also with me, that having to be the Redeemer of everyone, I had to contain in myself
all the goods of the Redemption, I am the channel, the font, the sea, where all the goods of the
redeemed depart and I possess by nature the right of Sovereign over all the acts and goods that
creatures do, our reign is not as the reign of creatures that dominate and reign over the external acts
of them, and not even over all the external acts, but of the interior they know nothing, nor do they
have the right of Sovereignty, because the life the thought, the word doesn't go forth from them (to)
their dependents. Instead from me goes forth all the life of all the interior and exterior work of
creatures. Therefore creatures should be acts that over every single act of theirs that of the Celestial
Mother and mine hangs on the act that they do and as sovereigns forms it, directs it and gives them
the life.”
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After this, I continued to follow my round in the Divine Will and uniting myself to the unity that my
first Father Adam possessed before sinning, my sweet Jesus added:

“My daughter, you have not understood well what unity means. Unity means centralization and
beginning of all the acts of creatures, passed, present and future. So that Adam before sinning when
he possessed our unity, enclosed in his thoughts the unity of all the thoughts of creatures, the unity
of all the words, works and steps. Hence I found in Him in my unity the beginning, the succession and
the end of all the acts of the human generations; He in my unity enclosed everyone and possessed
everything. Whence my daughter, you rising to that same unity left by Him, take his place and putting
yourself in the beginning of everyone and everything, enclose in yourself the same acts of Adam, with
the whole succession of all the acts of creatures. To live in my Will means: I am the beginning of
everyone, from me everything descends, as everything descends of the Divine Fiat, so that I am the
thought, the word, the work and the step of everyone, I take all and I bring all to my Creator. One
understands that Adam had to possess and enclose all if he might not have withdrawn from our Will
and might have always lived united in ours, and hence the human generations, if this were so, all
would have lived in our Volition, so that one would have been the Will, one the unity, one the echo
of everyone, that putting everything in common, everyone would have enclosed everything in

February 25, 1928
How the Divine Volition is as center of life in the midst of creatures. How the heartbeat is the
king of nature and the thought is the king of the soul.

My flight in the Divine Fiat is continuous, it seems to me that Jesus, his communications, all is
finished, more so that they are not in my power, if good Jesus does not benign to tell me more, I
always remain the little ignorant one, because without Him I don't know how to go forward neither
am I capable neither of conceiving, nor of saying one single H/(letter) more. So that I must content
and accustom myself to live one on one with the Divine Volition because He never leaves me, rather
I feel incapable of being able to leave because I find him in me, outside of me, in my every act, with
the immensity of his light he lends himself to give life to my act, there is no point where I don't find
him, indeed there is no point nor space, neither in Heaven, nor in earth, where his life doesn't excel,
his light in (the) act of giving itself to the creature. So that I find that the Divine Will can not leave
me and I can not even separate from Him, we are inseparable, he doesn't make with me the little
excuses that Jesus makes with me, rather if I don't take him as first act of my acts, He remains
sorrowful and complains that in my act his act has not excelled, his light, his life. Oh! Divine will
how very adorable, amiable, and insuperable you are, how much more I remain more so I understand
you and love you; but while my poor mind was lost in the Fiat, my sweet Jesus moving in my interior
said to me:

“My daughter, my Will is found in the midst of creatures as center of life, as the human heart can call
itself king of nature, because if the heart beats, the mind thinks, the mouth speaks, the hands work,
the feet walk, if the heart doesn't beat, everything in one blow finishes everything, because the poor
nature lacks the king, hence it lacks one who governs and gives life to the thought, to the word, and
to all that which the creature can do. As king of the soul is the thought, the seat, the throne where
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the soul unfolds its activity, its life, its regime. Now if the human nature would like to suffocate the
heartbeat, to make less of its king, in order to speak, in order to think and other, what would happen?
it would give itself death to all its acts, so that it would be suicidal of itself. And if the soul would
like to suffocate the thought, it would not find the way where to unfold its activity, hence it would
be as a king without kingdom and without people. Now that which is the heart for human life, and
the thought for the soul, is my Divine Will in every single creature, He is as center of life and from
his incessant and eternal heartbeat, he beats and the creature thinks, he beats and she speaks, walks
and works and they not only don’t think but they suffocate him, they suffocate his light, his sanctity,
his peace, the upright work, the justice and holy speech, and certain they suffocate him so much, that
they commit suicide to their souls. And my Will in the base world is as a king without kingdom and
without people, and creatures live as if they might not have neither king, nor Divine life, nor regime,
because (they) lack the king of their heartbeat to their nature, and the king of the thought to their
souls. And since through his immensity he involves everything and everyone, he is constrained to live
as suffocated in himself because he lacks one who receives his life, his attitude, his regime. But He
wants to form his kingdom upon the earth, he wants to have his elect and faithful people, and
therefore in spite that he is in the midst of creatures, he lives unknown and suffocated, but he does
not stop, he doesn't depart to his celestial regions, but persists to remain in the midst of them in order
to make himself known, he would like to make known to everyone the good that he wants to do, his
celestial laws, his insuperable love, his heartbeat that beats light, sanctity, love, gifts, peace,
happiness, and (as) such wants the children of his kingdom. Therefore his life in you, his knowledges
so that he makes known what the Divine Will means, and I enjoy myself and remain hidden in my own
Will in order to give him the whole field and the unfolding of his life in you.”

February 28, 1928
How God holds in Heaven the Hierarchy of the Angels with nine distinct choirs, thus will he hold
the Hierarchy of the children of his kingdom with nine other choirs. Conditions of the deceased
Confessors and how the memory of Padre di Francia will not be hidden in this work.

I was thinking of the holy Divine Volition and a thousand thoughts crowded in my poor mind, they
seemed as so many more strong lights that arose, that then they unified into the same light of the
eternal Sun of that Fiat that doesn't know sunset; but who can say what I thought? I thought of the
so many knowledges said to me by Jesus on the Divine Will and how every one of them brings a
divine life in the soul, with the imprint of a rarity of beauty, of happiness, but distinct the one from
the other, that puts in common with whom has the good to know it and to love it. So that I thought
to myself, one knowledge more or less there will be great difference between one soul and the other.
Whence I felt suffering in remembering my deceased Confessors, that (with) so much interest had had
me write that which blessed Jesus said to me on the Divine Will, I felt suffering for the Venerable P.
of Francia who’s so many sacrifices he had made to come from afar facing expenses for the
publication and in the most beautiful (moment) as to go forward, Jesus brought him to Heaven, hence
not knowing all this, these, that regard the Fiat they won't possess all the lives and rarity of beauty
and happiness that these knowledges contain; but while my mind lost itself in so many thoughts, that
wanting to tell them all would be too long, my sweet Jesus extended his arms within my interior, and
shedding light said to me:
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“My daughter, as I hold the Hierarchy of the Angels, with nine distinct choirs, so I will hold the
hierarchy of the children of the kingdom of my Divine Fiat. He will hold his nine choirs and they will
be distinct the one from the other by the varieties of beauties, that they will have acquired with
knowing some more and some less the knowledges that pertain to my Fiat. Therefore every
knowledge more of my Divine Volition is a new creation that forms in creatures, of happiness and
of inarrivable beauty, because it is a Divine life that races within, that carries in itself all the shades
of beauties of He who manifests them, and all the keys and sounds of the joys and happiness of our
Divine Being. Whence if our Paternal goodness exposes his Life, his beauty and happiness even to
create it in the midst of creatures, and they are not taken (with) an interest to know it in order to take
it, through means of our knowledges already given to them, is it not just that they receive neither the
beauty, nor the sounds of our joys as proper dowry, they will have taken that which they will have
known, therefore there will be various choirs in the hierarchy of the kingdom of my Divine Will. If
you might know what difference will pass between whom carries my knowledges from the earth and
between whom will acquire them in Heaven? The first ones will hold it as proper dowry and one will
see in them the nature of the Divine beauties, and they will hear the same sounds of the joys and
happiness that their Creator makes heard and forms. Instead in the second ones it won't be neither
nature in them, nor proper dowries, but they will receive them through effect of communication of
the others, almost as the earth receives the effects of the Sun, but it doesn't possess the nature of the
Sun. Hence those that will possess all the knowledges will form the highest choir, and so according
to what they will know the different choirs will be formed. However all those that will have acquired
these knowledges be it in all, be it in part, they will have the noble title of the children of my kingdom,
because these knowledges on my Fiat, they have the virtue of ennobling the creature for who has the
good of knowing them in order to make of them proper life, and to make flow in the soul the vital
humors of the Divine life, and of elevating her to her former origin, and they are as the brushstroke
of the Making (of) man to our image and likeness, and they will paint the image of the Creator in the
creature. In regards then to whom will know some more and some less, (this) won't destroy their
nobility, it will happen as for example a noble family, that holds many children, some of these give
themselves to study, others to the beautiful arts, hence these elevate themselves more, they have high
and decorous posts, they are more known, beloved and esteemed, because for the sciences that they
possess they do more good in the midst of the people, that which the other brothers don't do, but with
all that which these with their sacrifices elevate they themselves so much, it doesn't destroy that the
other brothers are noble, because they carry in themselves all the noble blood of their Father, hence
they dress nobly, they hold noble ways in working and in speaking, in everything. Such will be the
children of my Fiat, all noble, they will lose the roughness of the human volition, the miserable rags
of the passions, it will put in flight the darkness of doubts, of fears, by the light of my knowledges and
will cast all in a sea of peace. Hence your Confessors (that) passed to other life will be as the prelude
of the children of my Will, because the first sacrificed himself so much and worked in order to help
the little field of your soul, and although then I spoke little to you of my Fiat, because (I) had to
dispose you first, He will be as the first forerunner as the dawn that announces the day of the kingdom
of my Will; your second and third Confessors, that took such part and knew to a large extent the
knowledges of Him, and made so many sacrifices, especially the third, who loved so much that they
might be known and who so sacrificed himself in the writing, they will be as Suns that emerge, that
putting themselves in course form the day full of light. Those that follow will be as the full noon of
the great day of my Will, according to the interest that they have had and will have, they will be put
some to the first hour of the day of my Volition, some to the second, some to third, and some to the
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full noon. And do you believe that the memory of Padre di Francia, the so many of his sacrifices and
desires to make my Will known, even to begin the publication, only because I have brought him with
me to Heaven, his memory will be extinguished in this great work of my Divine Fiat? No, no, rather
He will hold the first place, because He with coming from afar, went as in search of the most precious
thing that can exist in Heaven and in earth, of the act that most glorifies me, rather it will give me
complete glory on the part of creatures, and they will receive complete goods. He prepared the
ground in order to make it that my Divine Will might be known, so very true that he didn't spare
anything, neither expense, nor sacrifice, and although he didn't complete the publication, alone with
beginning it he prepared the ways, in order to make it that one day it might be known, and (that) the
work of my Will (might) have life in the midst of creatures. Who can ever destroy that Padre di
Francia has been the first initiator to make the kingdom of my Will known? And only because his life
was extinguished, he didn't complete the publication? So that when this great work will be known,
his name, his memory, will be full of glory and of splendor and he will hold his act first in a work so
great, as much in Heaven as in earth. In fact, why does a battle exist and almost each one hopes for
the victory to conquer to retain the writings on my Divine Fiat? Because He brought the writings in
order to publish them, if this were not so, who would have spoken of them? No one, and if He might
not have understood the importance, the great good of these writings, no one would have been
interested. Therefore my daughter, my goodness is such that I award justly and superabundantly the
good that the creature does, especially in this work of my Will, that so very interests me, what won't
I give to whom occupies and sacrifices themselves in order to put in safety the rights of my eternal
Fiat. I will exceed so much in giving, that I will Make Heaven and earth marvel.”

Whence I in hearing this thought to myself: if these knowledges contain such good, if blessed Jesus
will continue after my death (with) other knowledges of his Fiat to other souls, will he not attribute
to that work a work so great? And Jesus moving as in haste in my interior added:

“No, no my daughter, as it will be said of the Padre di Francia that he is the first propagator, your
Confessors cooperators, thus will it be said that the little daughter of my Will has been the first and
the depositary of such a good, to which (she) became entrusted and selected with (a) special mission.
Suppose a certain one had made an important invention, perhaps the others propagate it, diffuse it
more, imitate it, magnify it, but no one can say: I am the inventor of this work; one will always say
the inventor was the certain one. Thus will it be with you, one will say that the origin of the reign of
my Fiat, the depositary has been the Little Daughter of my Will.”

March 3,1928
How all things Depart from one point. Sublimity of the state of Adam. Why until now Our Lord
has not manifested his happy state. How who possesses the unity possesses the source of good.

My poor heart swam in the sorrow of the privation of my sweet Jesus, and was worried over it, (I)
felt myself suffocate from the sorrow and at whatever cost I would have liked to find He for whom
I am so very tortured, in order to tell my anxieties, but while I thought this, my amiable Jesus moved
in my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, do not fear that which you feel in your soul because it is none other than the constant
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work that my Divine Fiat is doing in you. He is enclosing everything in you, everyone and everything
in you, all the centuries, the past and the future, in order to make that all that which the Supreme
Volition has done in the Creation, he casts in you his seed in order to receive from you the
satisfactions and the exchange to all his acts that creatures owe him, therefore do not worry because
in every hour of your life, there are centuries that my Will encloses. Hence it is necessary that who
must have his first act in my reigning Will, must have the origin of Him, in order to be able to unfold
his Divine life. All things depart from one point and from that point they enlarge themselves and
diffuse themselves to everyone; you see the Sun also holds its first point, its center of light, its sphere,
and from its center it fills all the earth with light. Therefore follow my Will and do not give (it)

Whence I followed my round in the Divine Will, and arriving in Eden in order to unite myself to the
state of Adam before sinning, when he possessed the unity with his Creator in order to start again my
acts together with Him, and in order to make up for and to continue it when he lost it with falling in
sin, I thought to myself: why hasn't blessed Jesus manifested to anyone the sublime state, the wonders
that passed between innocent Adam and his Creator, the sea of happiness, of beauties that he
possessed? Everything was centered in Him, everything departed from Him, oh! if one might know
the state of Adam, his great prerogatives, perhaps everyone would long to return to his origin where
man went forth, but while I thought this my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and all goodness said
to me:

“My daughter, my paternal goodness than manifests a good when it must bring a profit to the
creature, if this did not come, to what advantage to manifest it? The story of innocent man is too
tender to me, only remembering it (and) my love rises, is brought up and forms its highest waves, in
order to flow as it flowed over innocent Adam, and not finding one to flow over again, because it
doesn't find another Adam that receives them, capable of re-giving me his ways of love, because my
Divine Fiat entire in him maintained the reciprocal life of correspondence between the infinite and the
finite, my love suffers from it and returning into me my own waves of love, because it doesn't find
one to whom to pour out again, it remains suffocated by my own love. Here (is) why I have not
manifested until now the state of innocent Adam, nor He manifested almost nothing of his happy
state, because only remembering it he felt himself die of sorrow and I felt suffocated by my love.
Now my daughter, wanting to renew the kingdom of my Divine Will, it becomes useful to manifest
the state of innocent Adam. And it is this cause why I often speak to you of his sublime state,
because I want to repeat that which I did with Him, and in virtue of my Volition I want to raise you
to the first state of the Creation of man. What thing can not the creature give me that creature that
possesses my Fiat, the unity of Him? She can give me everything and I can give everything. Whence
being able to give that which I manifest, my love does not suffer my waves, rather it puts them forth
from me and seeing them reproduced in the creature it enjoys it and I feel myself manifest that which
one doesn't know for their utility and good. If you might know how much I enjoy in giving, how my
love celebrates when the creature becomes disposed that wants to receive my goods, you would be
more attentive to make me vent my contained love.”

Say(ing) this, he became silent and I felt as swallowed up in the Divine Volition, his wonders, that
which the soul can do with possessing his Will enraptured me, and I tiny child swam in the sea of light
of the Fiat and as I moved so rose up the waves of light, these waves invested with tints (of) varied
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beauties and they went to unload themselves in my Creator's bosom and the Paternal Celestial
goodness, seeing himself invested by the waves of his child moved his waves toward me. Oh!
Supreme Will, how very admirable you are! amiable, desirable more than life itself. You love me so
much that you put me in competition with my Creator, wanting that I might be equal with He who
has created me; but while my mind was lost in the Fiat, my sweet Jesus added:

“My daughter, who possesses the unity of my Volition, is mistress to act and to do how much good
she wants, because she holds in herself the source of good, she holds it at her disposition, feels in
herself the continuous touches of her Creator, the waves of his Paternal love, and she would feel too
ungrateful if she might not form her waves, much more so that she feels flow in her soul, his little sea,
of the immense sea of He who has created her. Instead who doesn't possess his Unity, doesn't
possess (the) source, hence if he wants to do good he has need of the Divine liberality in every good
act that he wants to do, almost act for act he must ask for grace in order to be able to complete the
good that that he wants. Instead who possesses my Unity, the good converts itself into nature, and
only that he wants to work he finds the source of good in himself and works.”

March 8, 1928
How God created man in order to hold him on his knees and to make him the repeater of His
acts. How Jesus made seen that he put all the volumes written on his Volition all ordered in his
Heart. Love of Jesus for the writings and the good that they will do. How who decides to live in
the Fiat becomes tied with chains of light.

I continued to remain all abandoned in the holy, Divine Volition, following his innumerable acts, as
much as I could because, so many are their multiplicity that many times I can not either follow them,
nor number them all, and I must content myself to look at them, but not embrace them; his activity
exceeds in an incredible way the human attitude, and therefore it is not given to my littleness to do
everything, but to do how much more I can and to not ever go out from within the work of the Divine
Fiat. Whence while my mind was dispersed in the work of the Divine Volition, my sweet Jesus
moving in my interior said to me:

“My daughter, our Paternal Goodness created man in order to hold him on our Paternal knees, in
order to enjoy ourselves with him continually and he in order to enjoy himself in a perennial way with
his Creator, and in order to make stable his and our enjoyments we held him on our knees; and since
our Will had to be also his, He carried the echo of all our acts in the depth of man, that we loved
(him) as our child, and our child in feeling our echo, it made (him) the repeater of the acts of his
Creator. What contentments didn't they form between him and us, in the resounding in the depth of
the heart of our child this our creative echo, that formed in him the order of our acts, the harmony
of our joys and happiness, the image of our sanctity. What happy times for him and for us. But do
you know who tore from our paternal knees this child so very loved by us? The human volition, it
drove him off so much that he lost our creative echo, and he didn't know any more anything that his
Creator did, and we lost the happiness of seeing our child happy and of amusing each other on our
paternal knees. Because in him substituted the echo of his volition that embittered, tyrannized him,
with the most degrading passions, rendering him so very unhappy as to make one pity. And (it's)
really this what it means to live in our Volition, to live on our Paternal knees, at our care, at our
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expense, in the opulence of our riches, joys and happiness. If you might know the contentment that
we feel in seeing the creature live on our knees, all attentive to feel the echo of our word, the echo
of our works, the echo of our steps, the echo of our love, in order to make him the repeater of it, you
would be more attentive in order to have that nothing might escape you of our echo in order to give
us the contentment of seeing your littleness do as repeater to the acts of your Creator.”

Whence I in hearing this said to him: My love, if one must live in your Volition, living upon your
Paternal knees nothing must be done, neither to work, nor to walk, otherwise how can one remain
on your knees? And Jesus:

“No, no, one can do everything, our immensity is such that anywhere he will find our paternal knees
always ready to her acts, that they lend themselves to hold her wherever pressed upon the Divine
knees, much more so that that which she does, it is none other than the echo of that which we do.”

After this I felt worried over these writings on the Divine Will and my sweet Jesus made himself seen
in my interior that he held all the volumes written on Him, and that one by one he took them in his
hands, he looked at them with such loving tenderness, as if he might want them to burst the Heart,
and as he took them thus he put them all ordered in his Most Holy Heart, I remained amazed in seeing
with how much love he loved those writings, and with how much jealousy he enclosed them in his
Heart in order to guard them, and Jesus in seeing my amazement said to me:

“My daughter, if you might know how much I love these writings, they cost me more than the
Creation and Redemption itself, how much love and work I have put there in these writings, they cost
me a very great deal, there is within the whole value of my Will, they are the manifestations of my
kingdom and the confirmation that I want the kingdom of my Divine Will in the midst of creatures.
The good that they will do will be great, they will be as suns that will rise in the midst of the dense
darkness of the human volition, as life that will put death in flight to poor creatures, they will be the
triumph of all my works, the most tender narration, most convincing, how I loved and love man.
Therefore I love them with such jealousy that I will guard them in my Divine Heart, nor will I permit
that even one word becomes lost. What haven't I put in these writings? Everything, superabundant
grace, light that illuminates, warms, fecundates, love that wounds, truth that conquers, allurements
that enrapture, life that will bring the resurrection of the kingdom of my Will. Therefore you also
appreciate them and have that esteem that they merit and enjoy the goods that they will do.”

After this I followed my abandonment in the Fiat, I felt myself all invested by his interminable light
and my adorable Jesus added:

“My daughter, as the soul decides to live in my Divine Will, without giving life anymore to hers, I in
order to be sure and in order to give security to her, I tie her with chains of light, and I do this not
in order take away the free will, gift I gave to the creature in the Creation, that which I give one time
I don't take away, unless the creature herself rejects my gifts, therefore I tie her with light that
wanting to she can go out from him when she wants, but in order to go out she must make an
incredible effort, because these chains of light will invest her acts, and in her every act she will feel
and will see the beauty, the grace, the riches that this light communicates to her acts, it will form the
enchantment and the true eclipse to the human volition, in a way that she will feel happy and honored
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to be tied with chains so noble that carry so much good to her and she will long that the human one
won't have life anymore in her acts and she will yearn with ardor that the Divine Volition takes his
place. So that she will feel free and bound but not forced, but spontaneous with free will, enticed by
the great good that comes (from) them, in a way that she will see her acts surrounded by so many
rings of light that forming chains transforms her in the same light. And in every act of the soul will
go forth so many harmonious and beautiful voices as silvery sounds that wounding the hearing of all
of Heaven, it will make known that my Divine Will, is working in the creature.”

March 11, 1928
Difference between Jesus and the Virgin how all the hidden life of Jesus in Nazareth was the call
of the kingdom of the Divine Will upon the earth. How the human will is the font of good or of

I was thinking what difference passed between the Holy Virgin and my amiable Jesus, being that the
Divine Volition held his life, his full dominion, his kingdom in both and my sweet Jesus moving in my
interior said to me:

“My daughter, between me and the Celestial Queen, one was the Will that animated us, one the life,
however between Her and I passed this difference, between a residence that from all (the) parts the
light of the Sun enters, in a way that the light invests it, dominates it, there is no part of this residence
that the light doesn't do as queen, hence she is prey of the light, always receives light, and grows
under the influence of the light. Instead another residence possess inside of itself the sphere of the
Sun, hence the source of the light(,) it doesn't receive it from outside but possess it within, is there
not (a) difference between the one and the other? Now this difference passes between me and my
Mama, She is the residence invested by the light, it made her prey (of it), and the Sun of my Will gave
always, always, he nourished her with light and raised her in the interminable rays of the eternal Sun
of my Fiat. Instead my Humanity possessed in itself the sphere of the Divine Sun, its source that
always rises without ever diminishing, and the Sovereign Queen drew from me the light that gave the
life and the glory of Queen of light, because who possesses a good can be called queen of that good.”

After this I followed my Divine Fiat doing my round in Him and arrived in the house of Nazareth,
where my amiable Jesus had made his hidden life in order to follow his acts from it, I was saying to
him: My love there is no act that you do that my I love you doesn't follow you, in order to ask you
through means of your acts (for) the kingdom of your Will, my I love you follows you everywhere,
in the steps that you do, in the words that you say, in the wood that you hammer and while you
hammer the wood, you hammer the human volition so that it is undone and your Divine Volition re-
arises in the midst of creatures, my I love you flows in the water that you drink, in the food that you
take, in the air that you breathe, in the rivers of love that pass between you and your Mama and Saint
Joseph, in the prayers that you do, in your ardent heartbeat, in the sleep that you take, oh! how I
would like to remain near you in order to whisper to your ear I love you, I love you, ah! make that
your kingdom comes. Now while I would have wanted that my I love you might be crown to
everything of Jesus, he moved in my interior and said to me:

“My daughter, all my hidden life is so long, it was none other than the re-call of the kingdom of my
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Divine Will upon the earth, I wanted to re-do in myself all the acts that creatures should do in him,
in order to then hand them to them, and I wanted to do it together with my Mama, I wanted her
always together in my hidden life in order to form this kingdom. Two people had destroyed this
kingdom of my Divine Fiat, Adam and Eve, another two, I and the Height of the Sovereign Queen
had to re-do it. So that first I thought of the kingdom of my Divine Will, because the human will had
been the first one to offend mine with redrawing from Him, all the other offences came in according
degree as consequences of the first act. The human will is the life or the death of creatures, her
happiness or her tyranny and misfortune in which she is thrown, her good Angel that leads her to
Heaven or transforming herself into (a) demon precipitates her to hell, all the evil is in the will, as also
all the good, because it is as font of life, (M)ass in the creature, that can gush forth joys, happiness,
sanctity, peace, virtue, or also cast from herself fountains of troubles, of miseries, of sins, of wars,
that destroy all goods. Therefore first I thought to the kingdom of my Will, in this hidden life for (a)
good thirty years, and then with my little public life hardly three years I thought of the Redemption,
and while in forming the kingdom of my Divine Fiat I had always near with me the Celestial Mama,
in (my) public life it was less, less corporally of her presence, because it was the kingdom of my Fiat
(that) constituted me king and the Virgin Queen, in order to be the foundation of the kingdom
destroyed by the human will I first and then She. You see therefore how the kingdom of my Divine
Volition by necessity, by reason and by consequence became formed with my coming upon the earth
in first order, neither would I have been able to form the Redemption if I had not satisfied my
Celestial Father to the first offensive act that the creature had done. Hence the kingdom of my Will
is formed, there doesn't remain other than to make him known. And therefore, I don't do other than
follow together with you and hand you my acts that I did in order to form him, to accompany your
acts, because flows in them the foundation of mine, I am all attentive that your volition doesn't have
life, so that mine is free. In short I am doing as with a second Mother of mime, recalling all the acts
done together with the Virgin in order to depose them in you. Therefore be attentive to follow in
everything my Will.”

Be all to the glory of God and to the completion of his Most Holy Will.

Thanks be to God.

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