Machine Design Vol 12-2

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machine design
Vol.12(2020) No.2 
ISSN 1821-1259, E-ISSN 2406-0666

siniša kuzmanović

novi sad, 2020

“Machine Design”

Siniša KUZMANOVIĆ, Ph.D. Eng., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences
Milan RACKOV, Ph.D. Eng., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

Supported by
ADEKO, Association for Design, Elements and Constructions

Printed by
Faculty of Technical Sciences, Graphic Center – GRID, Novi Sad, Serbia

technical preparation and cover design

Ivan KNEŽEVIĆ, MSc., University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences

Electronic version of journal available on

journal e-mail

Four issues per year

machine design is covered by the following indexes


CIP – Каталогизација у публикацији

Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад


MACHINE Design / editors Siniša Kuzmanović, Milan Rackov. - 2009- .-

Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, 2009- .- 30

ISSN 1821-1259
e-ISSN 2406-0666

COBISS.SR-ID 239401991
SCIENTIFIC editorial board
Prof. Carmen ALIC, Ph.D. Prof. Sava IANICI, Ph.D. Prof. Slobodan NAVALUŠIĆ, Ph.D.
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Machine Design publishes fundamental research about mechanical
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The journal is a good opportunity to show and present the results of our
recent work and researching. Also, it is a chance for leader researchers and
scientists in the field of machine design from abroad to represent their
researching results. In such way, we would like to obtain insight in the
present situation of mechanical engineering in the region, to know and learn
about researching in other institutions, to compare results and find out new
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The editorial board will try further to develop this publication in order to
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For additional information, please visit our website:


Siniša Kuzmanović & Milan Rackov


Research papers

1. The Extended Finite Element Method in Analysis of Fatigue Cracks Propagation

in High-Frequency Welded Pipes
Ljubica LAZIĆ VULIĆEVIĆ, Aleksandar GRBOVIĆ, Aleksandar SEDMAK, Aleksandar RAJIĆ ...................... 25

2. Analysis and Optimization of Drone Frame Design

Ivan PALINKAS, Slavica PRVULOVIC, Eleonora DESNICA, Jasmina PEKEZ .................................................. 31

3. The Influence of Active Cooling on Heat Resistant PLA in FDM Technologies

Peter FICZERE, Norbert Laszlo LUKACS .............................................................................................................. 37

4. Design Solution and Calculation of Critical Elements of Hand Drill and Angle Grinder
Table Stand
Milan TICA, Nikola RADULOVIĆ, Milan RACKOV, Aleksandar MILTENOVIĆ,
Djordje MILTENOVIĆ ............................................................................................................................................ 41

machine design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259 pp. 25-30
DOI: 10.24867/MD.12.2020.2.25-30
Research paper


Ljubica LAZIĆ VULIĆEVIĆ1, * - Aleksandar GRBOVIĆ2 - Aleksandar SEDMAK 2 - Aleksandar RAJIĆ1
1 High Technical School of Professional Studies, Đorđa Stratimirovića 39, Zrenjanin,
2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, Belgrade

Received (08.05.2020); Revised (19.06.2020); Accepted (22.06.2020)

Abstract: This paper presents an application of the extended finite element method (XFEM) in the modeling and
analysis of simultaneous cracks propagations in a seam casing pipe made of API J55 steel by high-frequency (HF)
contact welding. The experimental tests are conducted on specimens made from new and from the material made of the
pipes after 70 000 hours of service in an oil drilling rig. Fracture behavior by testing the modified compact tension
(CT) specimen with a pre-crack in the base material, welded metal and heat affected zone (HAZ) was examined. The
geometry used in XFEM simulations is pipe with axial crack subjected to constant amplitude cyclic loads. Short
theoretical background information is provided on the XFEM, as well as the demonstration of the method used for
verification of computed stress intensity factors (SIFs). The obtained numerical results prove the efficiency of XFEM in
the simulation of the axial cracks propagations in tube geometry. Some guidelines for improving the XFEM use in
fatigue life predictions are also given.

Key words: XFEM, high-frequency welded pipes, axial surface crack, fatigue crack propagation, fatigue life prediction.

1. INTRODUCTION fatigue life prediction is to estimate precisely the

maximum allowed pressure, as well as to evaluate
Pipelines are the most economical and safest way for oil fracture mechanics parameters, like stress intensity factor
and gas transport. However, majority of failures of and J integral. So far, there are no detailed 3D finite
welded steel pipelines occur due to insufficient resistance element analyses of wide spectrum of outer surface
to crack initiation and growth, poor quality of welded cracks.
joints and reduced capacity due to corrosion damage. This paper presents an application of the extended finite
Low-alloy steels are nowadays widely used for pipelines element method (XFEM) in the modeling and analysis of
due to optimal combination of mechanical properties and simultaneous cracks propagations in a seam casing pipe
weld ability, but their application for oil and gas pipelines made of API J55 steel by high-frequency (HF) contact
is still related to failures. welding.
The reliability of the oil rigs system is very important for The geometry used in simulations is pipe with axial crack
the continued exploitation and for environmental subjected to constant amplitude cyclic load.
protection as well. Therefore, the standards and
recommendations for assessing the effects of cracks on
the integrity of welded pipes were developed. Some of the
developed standards and recommendations that were LOADING
discussed analyze the impact of through-wall cracks on
the integrity of the pipes that are loaded by the internal Crack growth under cyclic loading of machine parts and
pressure and bending [1]. However, welded casing pipes construction has a crucial influence on their lifetime.
can also have an axial surface crack on the inner and/or Therefore, of practical importance is to determine the
outer surface, and be subjected to different loads, relationship between the present stress state at the crack
including external and internal pressure and axial loads tip, which is at variable load determined by the stress
(e.g. due to structure weight). Methods for assessing the intensity factor range ΔK, and the crack growth rate
pipes damage under pressure are important for da/dN.
maintaining security and stability of pipelines in power The crack growth to its critical size primarily depends on
plants [2-4]. Unlike the inner circular and axial semi- external loads and crack growth rate. Paris equation for
elliptical surface cracks [2-9], a very limited number of metals and alloys, establishes the relationship between
studies in the field deal with determination of KIc and J- fatigue crack growth da/dN and stress intensity factor
integral for pipes with external axial semi-elliptical range ΔK, using the coefficient Cp and the exponent mp:

 
surface cracks [6]. da mp
 C p K  p  C p 1,12      a
In order to keep pipeline safe and reliable in operation, its
fatigue life is of utmost importance. The essential part in dN
*Correspondence Author’s Address: High Technical School of Professional Studies, Đorđa Stratimirovića 39, Zrenjanin, Serbia,
Ljubica Lazić Vulićević, Aleksandar Grbović, Aleksandar Sedmak, Aleksandar Rajić: The Extended Finite Element Method in Analysis of
Fatigue Cracks Propagation in High-Frequency Welded Pipes; Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259, E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 25-30

3. EXPERIMENTAL FATIGUE CRACK values JIc, the critical values of stress intensity factor KIc,
GROWTH RESULTS FOR API J55 are determined, i.e., calculated using the expression (1)
and are given in Table 1:
Pressured welded pipes can be very sensitive to cracks
and their stable or unstable growth. Therefore, it is J Ic  E
important to identify reliable criteria for assessing the
K Ic 
1  ν2 (1)
remaining lifetime of pressured pipes with cracks in base
material and weld. In order to understand better the crack Using the expression:
initiation and crack growth in casing pipes exposed to
high pressures, high temperatures and chemically K Ic  1,12  σ c  π  ac
aggressive work environment in oil rigs, the material (2)
behavior control parameters at the crack tip and the Taking into account the values of stress, =σc, (where σc
fracture resistance should be expressed quantitatively. is fracture stress) approximate values of critical crack
The sampling positions for determining the mechanical length (ac) for base material (BM), heat affected zone
properties of base metal and weld of longitudinally (HAZ) and weld metal (WM) were calculated.
welded pipes are defined in the standard [10]. The shape Based on the obtained values of KIc for the base metal,
and dimensions of specimens for testing and testing HAZ and weld, the basic material (BM) has the lowest
conditions are defined in the standard [11, 12]. Tests of resistance to crack initiation and propagation. Therefore,
the modified CT specimens from the new and from the the further analysis are only for the basic material (BM)
exploited material were carried out at room temperature carried out. The fatigue crack growth parameters using
on a machine SCHENCK-TREBEL RM 100 [13, 14]. standard procedure [15] for the new and for the exploited
Modified CT specimen thickness is d=6.98 mm (equal to material were determined, Table 2.
the pipe wall thickness). Indirectly, through the critical J

Table 1. The values of KIc and ac (exploited material)

Temperature JIc KIc ac

[C] [kN/m] [MPa m1/2] [mm]

BM-NR-E 35.8 91.4 14.4

HAZ-NW-E 20 48.5 106.4 19.6

WM-NW-E 45.7 103.3 18.5

Table 2. Fatigue crack growth parameters for new and exploited material
Kth da/dN at K=15
Specimen m  MPa m m
[MPam1/2] [MPam1/2]

New material 9,5 1,23  10-13 3,931 5,17  10-9

Exploited material 9,2 2,11  10-15 6,166 3,75  10-8

4. XFEM IN ANALYSIS OF FATIGUE implementation of the extended finite element (XFEM)

CRACK PROPAGATION method available in Abaqus. Morfeo/Crack for Abaqus is
capable of performing crack propagation simulations in
The extended finite element method was developed to complex geometries. It calls Abaqus at each propagation
ease difficulties in solving problems with localized step and between each step, then reads the Abaqus
features that are not efficiently resolved by mesh solution, recovers a richer, improved XFEM solution in a
refinement. One of the initial applications was the small area surrounding the crack and computes the SIFs.
modeling of fractures in a material [16, 17]. A key SIF values at crack tip determine the appropriate crack
advantage of XFEM is that in such problems the finite growth increment for crack. This procedure was
element mesh does not need to be updated to track the performed 100 times in order to simulate incremental
crack path. Morfeo/Crack for Abaqus relies on the crack growth.

Ljubica Lazić Vulićević, Aleksandar Grbović, Aleksandar Sedmak, Aleksandar Rajić: The Extended Finite Element Method in Analysis of
Fatigue Cracks Propagation in High-Frequency Welded Pipes; Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259, E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 25-30

5. THE FATIGUE CRACK PROPAGATION IN  number of strokes of pump rod: nPR=9.6 [min-1]
PIPES WITH AXIAL SURFACE CRACK The geometry used in simulations is pipe with axial
surface crack in the base metal (BM) [18, 19], Figure 1.
The main technical characteristics of the oil rigs from The pipe is made of API J55. On the outer surface of the
where the observed pipe is are as follows: pipe there is an initial axial surface crack with
 Layer pressure: pmax=10.01 [MPa], pmin=7.89[MPa]. dimensions: length 2a=200 mm and depth c = 3.5 mm.
 layer temperature: T=65 [oC],

Fig.1. Pipe (pressured vessel) with an axial surface crack on the outer surface

The growing crack was incremented at steps of 0.2 mm.

the Abaqus software, where the base material
characteristics are given: steel API J55, Young’s modulus
2.1·105 MPa, Poisson’s ratio 0.33 and appropriate
boundary conditions (Fig.2). For the load the value of
p=10 MPa is taken. For the final number of cycles N
evaluation for the new and exploited material the
experimental values of Paris coefficient Cp and exponent
mp and stress ratio R=0.8 are taken. Mesh was refined
around the initial crack, and a uniform template of
elements was used [19].

Fig.3. The crack opening and Von Mises stresses at crack

tips in the 7th step – crack became through-wall (the outer

Fig.2. The pipe model with outside axial surface crack

The prediction of crack propagation rate and residual

strength of pipe demands accurate calculation of stress
intensity factors (SIFs). Morfeo/Crack for Abaqus calls
Abaqus at each propagation step and between each step,
Fig.4. The crack opening and Von Mises stresses at crack
then reads the Abaqus solution, recovers a richer, tips in the 7th step (the inner side)
improved XFEM solution in a small area surrounding the
crack and computes the SIFs. SIF values at the crack tip determine the appropriate crack
Figure 3 shows crack after 7th step of propagation when growth increment for the crack. This procedure was
the crack grows through the wall, while Figure 4 shows performed 100 times in order to simulate incremental
the crack and Von Mises stresses from the inner side of crack growth. Some of the values obtained in Abaqus for
pipe. The final crack length at the end of simulation (100th every crack growth step are shown in Table 3. SIF values
step) was 209.42 mm. at the crack tip are shown in the last four columns. Those
are equivalent SIF – Keq, and respectively SIFs for modes

Ljubica Lazić Vulićević, Aleksandar Grbović, Aleksandar Sedmak, Aleksandar Rajić: The Extended Finite Element Method in Analysis of
Fatigue Cracks Propagation in High-Frequency Welded Pipes; Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259, E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 25-30

I, II and III, KI, KII, and KIII. Obviously, value KI is more intensity factor KI, or even better Keq, in fatigue crack
influential in crack growth then KII, and KIII. Thus, it will growth prediction rates.
be reasonable for further consideration to use stress

Table 3. Some of the values obtained in Abaqus for every crack propagation step
x (front point
abscissa along y z Keq KI KII KIII
the crack front
0 50.7745 8.77E-05 69.4784 860.175 837.413 1.55444 1.65058

0.349 50.7745 8.72E-05 69.1294 859.6 837.004 1.468 1.74059

0.698 50.7745 8.68E-05 68.7804 859.072 836.648 1.38001 1.83133

1.047 50.7745 8.64E-05 68.4314 858.595 836.348 1.29048 1.92288

1.396 50.7745 8.59E-05 68.0824 858.175 836.113 1.19942 2.01528

1.745 50.7745 8.55E-05 67.7334 857.82 835.95 1.10692 2.1085

2.094 50.7745 8.51E-05 67.3844 857.54 835.868 1.01306 2.20247

The crack growth continues in axial direction as complete

through-wall crack just from 74th step of simulation. The
further crack growth needs higher number of cycles N
because the crack propagation is through 6.98 mm wall
The Figure 5 shows the total crack growth on 3D chart.
The blue line represents the fatigue crack growth in axial
direction on the inner side of pipe, which starts at 7th step.
Until then the crack only in radial direction has
progressed. After the 66th step the inner side crack is
Fig.6. The crack and the stresses in 7th step
equal to the initial outer side crack of 200 mm (pink line)
and then we have stagnation until 74th step. After that the
crack begins further propagation until final step of
simulation and total length of 209.42 mm (the blue and
the pink line are parallel on the chart) [17].


crack length a [mm]

Fig.7. The crack and the stresses in 8th step
inner surface 100
outer surface

68 71 100
64 65 66 67
5 6 7 8 18 23 47 59
1 2 3 4

Fig.5. The fatigue crack total propagation on 3D chart

Fig.8. The crack and the stresses in 100th step

Ljubica Lazić Vulićević, Aleksandar Grbović, Aleksandar Sedmak, Aleksandar Rajić: The Extended Finite Element Method in Analysis of
Fatigue Cracks Propagation in High-Frequency Welded Pipes; Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259, E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 25-30

The obtained relationship between equivalent stress numbers of cycles N for two ratios is even higher (16
intensity factor Keq and crack length a, Figure 9, shows times). Obviously, the degradation of exploited material is
tendency of increasing Keq with increased crack length a, significant and the process of crack propagation is rapidly
while the crack was reached up to 209.42 mm. The largest growing.
increase in value Keq, as expected, was before the seventh
step, when crack penetrates the pipe wall. In working new material
conditions leaking starts here and the pipe is already
failed. However, the pipe is still in use for simulation. 8

crack depth c (mm)

7000 R=0,8
6000 3
Keq (MPA mm1/2)

5000 2

3000 0 50 100 150 200 250

2000 number of cycles N

Fig.11. Stress ratio R influence on the crack propagation,
0 50 100 150 200 250
new material
crack length a (mm)

exploited material
Fig.9. Obtained relationship between equivalent stress
intensity factor Keq and crack length a 7
crack depth c (mm)

The chart in the Figure 10 shows the obtained relationship 5

between the crack lengths a [mm] and the number of 4

cycles N. Obviously, after the seventh step, when the 3 R=0,7
crack becomes through-wall crack, the further crack 2
propagation requires a very small number of cycles. 1

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02

number of cycles N

Fig.12. Stress ratio R influence on the crack propagation,

crack length a [mm]

150 new material

inner side
outer side

100 The obtained stress intensity factor histories can be used

to predict fatigue crack growth rates by using them as
input data for AFGROW of NASGRO software.

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Number of cycles N

Fig.10. Obtained relationship between crack length a and
number of cycles N The analysis of fatigue cracks propagations in high-
frequency welded pipes with axial surface crack on the
With the same initial crack length 2a=200 mm and depth outer surface of pipes, made of API J55 steel, was
c=3.5 mm a lifetime evaluation for the new and exploited performed in this paper using XFEM.
material was performed. The number of cycles N until the Based on the critical value of stress intensity factor KIc for
crack became through-wall was estimated. The the base metal, HAZ and weld metal, the critical crack
experimental values of Paris coefficient Cp and exponent lengths were calculated. The results indicate that the basic
mp for the new and exploited material (Table 2) and stress material has the lowest resistance to crack initiation and
ratios R=0.7 and R=0.8 were used [17]. Simulation for the propagation, and according to that, the XFEM analysis of
24 steps of crack propagation was performed. The results crack propagation in basic material was performed.
of crack propagation for the new material with different Majority of failures of welded steel pipelines occurs due
stress ratios are shown on the Figure 11. Significantly to insufficient resistance to crack initiation and growth.
shorter lifetime (almost 5 times) is for the ratio R=0.7 The obtained numerical results shows the possibilities of
regarding R=0.8. For the exploited material results are crack growth analysis using XFEM in the simulation of
shown on the Figure 12. Here, the difference between the axial cracks propagations in tube geometry.
Ljubica Lazić Vulićević, Aleksandar Grbović, Aleksandar Sedmak, Aleksandar Rajić: The Extended Finite Element Method in Analysis of
Fatigue Cracks Propagation in High-Frequency Welded Pipes; Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259, E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 25-30

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Internal Axial Surface Cracks in Cylinders,

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the scope of the project EVB: TR 35002. [11] ASTM A370-94 (1994). Standard test methods and
definitions for mechanical testing of steel products
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[3] Miller, A.G. (1988). Review of limit loads of assessment of oil rig pipes made of api J55 steel by
structures containing defects, International Journal high frequency welding, Technical Gazette 20(6),
of Pressure Vessels and Piping 32, 191-327. 1091-1094.
[4] Jones, M.R. & Eshelby, J.M. (1990). Limit solutions [15] ASTM E647-95 (1995). Standard test method for
for circumferentially cracked cylinders under internal constant-load-amplitude fatigue crack growth rates,
pressure and combined tension and bending, Nuclear Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 03.01
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[5] Kim, Y., Shim, D., Huh, N. S. & Kim, Y.J. (2002). method for fracture analysis of structure, Blackwell
Plastic limit pressure for cracked cylinders using Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK.
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Pressure Vessels and Piping 79, 321-330. (2000). Extended finite element method for three-
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Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Method for Finite Belgrade.

© 2020 Authors. Published by the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
license 3.0 Serbia (
machine design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259 pp. 31-36
DOI: 10.24867/MD. 12.2020.2.31-36
Research paper


Ivan PALINKAS1, * - Slavica PRVULOVIC1 - Eleonora DESNICA1 - Jasmina PEKEZ1
1 University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, Serbia

Received (08.05.2020); Revised (19.06.2020); Accepted (22.06.2020)

Abstract: Modern design and production can be highly efficient even with complex parts. In order to achieve that
efficiency part design needs to be optimized for the best mechanical performance and also for the production
technology applied. For this paper the arm of drone frame quadcopter has been designed and optimized parameters are
shown for the preparation of the production on FDM 3D printer.

Key words: quadcopter frame design, structural optimization

1. INTRODUCTION In comparison with conventional manufacturing, the

fabrication of prototypes is cheaper and less time
Manufacturing represents the production of finished consuming, and also, AM enables effective production of
products or parts for machine assemblies, from raw geometrically complex parts [3]. “Increased geometrical
materials. The steps of transformation of raw material into complexity in AM facilitates optimal design leading to a
final products is manufacturing process. In order to decrease in material consumption of up to 40%” [3].
achieve quality production manufacturing technology is As said, for the production of part using AM, a 3D virtual
used, that provides the tools that enable production. model is required. In order to manufacture quality part it
Typical manufacturing technologies include [1]: is necessary to utilize CAD (Computer Aided Design),
CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) and CAE
 Software – Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer (Computer Aided Engineering) software in production.
Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Numerical Implementation of CAD/CAM/CAE systems in
Control (CNC), Direct Numerical Control (DNC), manufacturing is shown in fig 1. through product
Programmable Logic Control (PLC), Numerical development cycle that is comprised of two processes:
Control (NC), program optimization software, and design process and manufacturing process.
systems integration software.
In design process there are two parts:
 Material Removal – Turning, milling, drilling,
 CAD – its basic function is to define geometry of part
grinding, tapping, electrical discharge machines
(part modeling)
(EDM), broaching, sawing, water jet cutting
equipment, and laser process equipment.  CAE - necessary for design testing and optimization in
virtual environment. Typical CAE software is FEM
 Material Forming – Stamping, bending, joining, that is used to determine stress, deformation, heat
hydro-forming, presses, shearing, cold and hot transfer, fluid flow, etc. FEM is also used to detect
forming equipment. design flaws and can be combined with optimization.
 Additive Processes – 3D printing, laser sintering, and Optimization is used to find optimal solution for defined
rapid prototyping equipment. problem. In this case structural optimization is used.
 Workholding – Chucks, fixtures, clamps, blocks, Structural optimization is applied to achieve the best
angle plates, and tooling columns. possible construction capable for safely carrying the
 Tooling – Drills, taps, reamers, boring bars, dies, imposed loads in accordance to given design parameters
punches, and grinding wheels. using variables such as member size, shape of the
structure, topology of the structure, type of material [4]
 Material Handling – Conveyors, automated wire There are several classifications of structural optimization
guided vehicles, die handling equipment, robots, pallet methods[4]:
changers, and bar feed equipment.
 Topology optimization – design variables correspond
 Automated Systems – Transfer machines, assembly to the element volume fractions that designs
systems, automated systems and cells, and Flexible simultaneously the material properties (modulus of
Manufacturing Systems (FMS). elasticity) and density in order to identify what
Additive Manufacturing (process of joining materials elements to keep and what to discard.
layer by layer to make parts from 3D model created with  Sizing optimization – design variables are the element
CAD software) especially Rapid Prototyping and Rapid of cross-sectional dimensions, where all elements
Manufacturing have significant role in modern production associated to a property data entry are designed with
of parts [2]. the same value.

*Correspondence Author’s Address: University of Novi sad, Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Djure Djakovica bb,
23000 Zrenjanin, Serbia,
Ivan Palinkas, Slavica Prvulovic, Eleonora Desnica, Jasmina Pekez: Analysis and Optimization of Drone Frame Design;
Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 31-36

 Topometry optimization – represents a generalization  Topography optimization – special case of shape

of sizing optimization where each element is designed optimization where perturbation vectors are either
independently. perpendicular to the designable region or in a given
 Shape optimization – design variables are scale factors direction.
of perturbation vectors that are input directly or by  Freeform optimization – special case of shape
providing basis vectors (containing alternative grid optimization where program splits any given
locations) that can be internally converted into perturbation into multiple perturbations on a grid by
perturbation vectors (vectorial difference between grid basis which increases the variability of design
basis vector and the original grid locations). space.

Fig.1. Product development cycle [5]

Different types of analysis and optimization are used in operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift,
order to achieve different goals. For example can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be
Geramitchioski and Trajcevski [6] have used dynamic expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or
analysis for overall evaluation of the sloping bridge to nonlethal payload”[8]
determine displacements and resonance of system at Drones can be divided in two main categories: multi-rotor
different frequencies. Cioata and Kiss [7] are using (tricopter, quadcopter, hexacopter and octocopter) and
dynamic analysis and parametric optimization for the fixed-wing. Examples of drone are showed on fig 2
design of connecting rod in Autodesk Inventor in order to (quadcopter) and fig. 3 (fixed-wing).
achieve lighter and slimmer connecting rod with smaller
inertial forces, resistant to the stresses subjecting it.
These studies have common idea, to analyse parts to
verify that all the parameters are fulfilled, or to improve
the product.
In this paper the analysis and optimization of drone frame
arm design are done.


Drone or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is defined as a

“powered, aerial vehicle that does not carry a human Fig.2. DJI Mavic 2 Pro [9]

Ivan Palinkas, Slavica Prvulovic, Eleonora Desnica, Jasmina Pekez: Analysis and Optimization of Drone Frame Design;
Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 31-36

 Propeller (2 clockwise and 2 counter-clockwise)

 Battery (the most used battery is rechargeable LiPo)

Fig.3. Delair UX11 [10]

Usage of drone is wide, but it can be put in three

categories: military, civilian (commercial) and hobbyist.
The longest application is in military: surveillance, act as
decoy, etc.
As commercial, one of the most common uses for Fig.4. Quadcopter parts [13]
potential drone activity is the desire to reduce costs for
industry and make things more efficient. The economics 3. DESIGN OF DRONE FRAME
of civil-use drones has been improved dramatically;
consequently, this has opened up a new commercial For this work, the arm of the quadcopter frame was
market full of potential. Some application examples are: designed in Catia (fig. 5). The parameters for design:
drone weight is 1.4 kg (with all equipment) and the
 Fishing fleets: Monitoring of illegal fishing or fish
thrust/weight ratio is 2:1. The thrust of one motor need to
stock location
be 650g with 10’’ blade. In order to design mounting
 Environmental: Oil spills, pollution monitoring, place, the specification of DYS D4215 650KV brushless
iceberg surveillance motor was used [14].
 Disaster relief: Governmental and charitable
 Land surveying: Geo/Digital mapping
 Infrastructure security: Ports, nuclear power plants,
wind farms, oil rigs
 Cross-border immigration control
 Anti-piracy
 Search and rescue including a life craft/jacket
 Meteorology
 Agricultural surveying and sampling
 Communication relaying
 Forestry management

2.1. Quadcopter construction and components

Quadcopter is consist of following parts [12], shown on

fig. 4:
 Frame (central part of drone for mounting all the other
elements. It can be made from different materials and
its size depends on drone weight)
Fig 5. Design of drone frame arm
 Motor (quadcopter uses four, in most cases brushless
motors) 4. PART ANALYSIS
 Electronic Speed Control (ESC) (for each motor there
is ESC that is used to control rotational speed of FEA static analysis of this design was conducted with
motor, allowing drone to lift off, land turn, etc.) following elements: material of part is PLA plastic
 Flight Control Board (the “brain” of the drone used (characteristics of material are shown in table 1.) and the
for control of all components) load is placed in direction of z axis (fig.6). The purpose of
this is to determine the value of displacement in
 Radio transmitter and receiver (used for
deformation during lift off of drone and to view stress in
communication between the drone and the pilot)
Ivan Palinkas, Slavica Prvulovic, Eleonora Desnica, Jasmina Pekez: Analysis and Optimization of Drone Frame Design;
Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 31-36

Table 1. Characteristics of PLA plastic[15][16] 5. OPTIMIZATION AND RESULTS

Parameter Value
The optimization of arm design was conducted in Product
Young Modulus 1280 MPa engineering optimizer using Simulated Annealing
Poisson Ratio 0.36 Algorithm. The elements for optimization were part
Density 1.252 g/cm3 volume and displacement of arm, and used parameters are
Thermal expansion 68 µm/m-C° shown on fig. 10. The width of profile (variation of value
Yield strength 70 MPa was 13-20 mm), the radius of profile (with the variation
of 3-7 mm) and the curve radius of drone arm (variation
value from 100-250 mm). For the width and radius of
profile the limitation was lower value because of the
hollow in the middle of the arm (for cable between motor
and speed controller (ESC).
In the fig. 11 to fig. 15, are the results of optimization for
the given parameters. On fig. 11, fig. 12 and fig 13. are
shown the changes of given parameters for optimization,
and on fig. 14 and fig. 15 are the results of optimization.
Fig.6. Position of restraints and loads

On fig. 7. it can be view the deformation compared to

original part position and translational displacement
vector on fig. 8. The value of displacement is 6.611 mm.
On fig. 9 is shown the Von Miss stress, and can be
concluded that the construction does not have any critical

Fig.10. Paramaters used for optimization – widht and

radius (a) and curve radius (b)

Fig.7. Arm Deformation

Fig.11. Change of widht value (mm)(green)

in diferent iterations

Fig.8. Displacement vectors

Fig.12. Change of radius value (mm) (cyan)

Fig.9. Von Miss stress in diferent iterations
Ivan Palinkas, Slavica Prvulovic, Eleonora Desnica, Jasmina Pekez: Analysis and Optimization of Drone Frame Design;
Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 31-36

Aditive manufacturing (AM) is currently one of the most

effective technology for producing parts with complex
design. For the AM it is necessary to correctly design
digital model (in order to avoid production errors) and
also the optimization of model have influence on part
production, and not only on the part characteristics.
By comparing the designs of quadcopter arm at the
beginning and after optimization it is shown that the
optimized parameters are satisfactory. The decrease of
displacement is achieved, even with the slight increase of
In further research, the accent will be put on optimization
effect on production itself in order to achieve the most
efficient product using FDM technology
Fig.13. Change of curve radius value (mm) (blue)
in diferent iterations


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Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 31-36

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© 2020 Authors. Published by the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
license 3.0 Serbia (
machine design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259 pp. 37-40
DOI: 10.24867/MD. 12.2020.2.37-40
Research paper


Peter FICZERE1, * - Norbert Laszlo LUKACS2
1 Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis, Budapest, Hungary
2 Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering, Budapest, Hungary

Received (08.04.2020); Revised (15.06.2020); Accepted (17.06.2020)

Abstract: In the last decade, the additive manufacturing (AM) technologies has been widely used in individual and
small series production. In this case the 3d printed parts must be applicable under real circumstances. It means that
these parts must be durable and operable. Usually parts made by AM technologies have good mechanical parameters
although they cannot operate under different thermal conditions (machine parts or outdoor applications). HT-PLA
offers a new possibility in FDM technology to use easy-to-print materials under different conditions. Sometimes active
cooling is necessary for good surface quality, especially in case of parts with overhang. In this paper we have been
investigated the influence of active cooling on mechanical properties.

Key words: Additive Manufacturing, heat resistant polymer

0 0 0
Nowadays the AM technologies – informally named as
3D printing – has become popular in many areas. One of 0 0 0
the most common technology is the FDM (Fused
Deposition Modelling) where the molten polymer flows 0 0 0
through a nozzle and is deposited in the build plate. This 1
technology is popular because it is relatively simple and 0 0 0 0 0
cheap. The number of used materials (filaments) are day 1
to day higher. In this paper the most widespread material 0 0 0 0 0
named PLA (Polylactic acid) were used. Due to their 1
popularity it is used in more and more fields and therefore 0 0 0 0 0
the requirements of material properties are always stricter.
In case of marketing or design models just the color or
maybe the surface quality is important, but in other cases Symmetrical matrix means the model can be determined
[1] like assembled parts or complete products the different with 9 individual material properties. Based on our
parts must be durable and well designed [2]. The experience 5 individual material property is enough for
speciality of AM technologies - and especially of FDM the determination of the model because these natures are
technology – is that the strength of part is differ along the constants within the layers. Moreover, in case of FDM
three axes. It means that the mechanical properties of 3D printing the manufacturing conditions play a big role in
printed components can be determined with orthotropic surface quality, design and in the material properties of
material properties which is a specific type of anisotropic final products [4], [5]. These material models are well
models [3]. defined from previous studies, therefore the structural
design of components is achievable, however in many
cases the parts are used in high temperature conditions
and in case of outdoor uses the UV radiation is also
harmful. Since the glass temperature of PLA is around 55-
(1) 60°C the filament manufacturers do not recommend the
use of PLA above 50°C. This fact reduces the application
fields of normal PLA filaments [6]. For the reason of
continuous improvement of 3D printing materials some
where new filaments are available now. One of them is the HT
(High temperature) PLA which has the good properties of
*Correspondence Author’s Address: Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Faculty of Transportation Engineering and
Vehicle Engineering, Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis, Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3, H-1111,
Peter Ficzere, Norbert Laszlo Lukacs: The Influence of Active Cooling on Heat Resistant PLA in FDM Technologies;
Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 37-40

PLA but it is more heat resistant (theoretically up to

100°C [7]) and rigid. For this reasons it can replace ABS
or PET-G if the UV or chemical resistance is not
important. These materials are really common used with
professional 3D printers, but cheaper machines cannot
handle them. Sadly, in many times, the quality of 3D
printing materials is not as high as it is promised by the


Sometimes the application of active cooling is necessary

during the FDM manufacturing process mainly in case of
components with overhang. Our study is focused to
determine the influence of active cooling on mechanical
properties. Visually there was not difference between the
parts produced with cooling and without it. To measure
the strength a standardized tensile test was used. It is well
known that the material properties are depending on the
orientation, therefore the specimens had to be printed in
different positions. Standardized short specimens were
produced in standing and laying position with and without
cooling (Figure 1.a and 1.b).

Fig.1.b. Specimens with raft

Due to the slightness of them the standing specimens

required a small raft to help them to stick to the bed.

Fig.1.a. Specimens on the printer’s bed

Specimens made in build plate did not need support

material. Thickness of specimens were only 2 mm,
therefore it has to be carefully removed from the bed. Fig.2. Tensile test (Zwick Z005, HT PLA)

Peter Ficzere, Norbert Laszlo Lukacs: The Influence of Active Cooling on Heat Resistant PLA in FDM Technologies;
Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 37-40

Printing parameters were in an optimal range according to Results of standing specimens are shown in Figure 4.
our last study [8] and further investigations. The common
parameters were:
- 215°C nozzle and 60°C bed temperature;
- 40 mm/s speed;
- 100% infill;
- 0.2 mm layer height.
Tensile tests have made on a Zwick Z005 machine owned
by BME Department of Polymer Engineering. Tests were
made at a standardized velocity of 5 mm/min.


Displacement of head have been measured during tests

depending on the force. In each case 5-5 standard
specimens were measured.
Figure 3. shows the results of specimens made in laying

Fig.4. Results of test specimens printed in standing



Presumptions about the different material properties along

the tree axis are confirmed, a big difference have been
measured between the strength of laying and standing
specimens. Figure 3 and 4 show that the tensile strength
and elongation are also decreased in case of cooled
specimens. Active cooling can reduce these material
properties by 30%. Unexpected results have been
measured in case of Young modulus, because the active
cooling did not change it at all.
It is important to note the tensile strength three times
higher than the specimens was printed in standing
position than in laying position.
These experiments are shown in Table 1.
Fig.3. Results of specimens printed in laying position
Peter Ficzere, Norbert Laszlo Lukacs: The Influence of Active Cooling on Heat Resistant PLA in FDM Technologies;
Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 37-40

Table 1. Young moduli of the tensile specimens printed REFERENCES

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© 2020 Authors. Published by the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
license 3.0 Serbia (
machine design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259 pp. 41-44
DOI: 10.24867/MD. 12.2020.2.41-44
Research paper


Milan TICA 1, *, Nikola RADULOVIĆ1, Milan RACKOV2, Aleksandar MILTENOVIC3, Djordje MILTENOVIĆ4
1 University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B&H,
2 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia,
3 University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Serbia
4 College of Professional Technological and Artistic Education in Leskovac, Serbia

Received (20.04.2020); Revised (15.06.2020); Accepted (17.06.2020)

Abstract: Design solution of a hand drill and angle grinder table stand was developed by using a modern approach to
product development. Chosen solution represents an optimal one based on two-factor criteria. Sketch and 3D model are
presented, and critical elements of assembly are identified. Estimation of possible external loads is used to calculate
loads on each element. Software package SOLIDWORKS was used for modelling and simulation. Based on simulation
results, shape optimization was performed. Work documentation was made and the next step should be prototype
manufacturing and testing.

Key words: Design solution, table stand, calculation

1. INTRODUCTION based on sketches made during the phase two, shown in

Figures 2. and 3.
Every product development starts with market analysis,
which represents an overview of existing products, their
price and determination of a potential group of buyers.
Project task
With collected data, the first phase of development Defining
begins. In this phase, conditions that mechanical system
should meet are determined. These conditions are the
result of current state on the market, customers and
manufacturing capabilities. The second phase in the The concept of Technical
design provides answer to question on which principle
mechanical system will work. Based on phase two, in Solutions
third phase of product development, materials are chosen,
geometry is defined and full assembly is generated. Phase
four includes stress and strain examination, safety and
reliability. Phase five represents final step, in which work Geometry Development and
documentation is made, tolerances are prescribed etc.
The main function of hand drill and angle grinder table stand Selection of Materials
is to except electric drill and angle grinder and to allow
desired movement of them. Drilling operation requires
vertical linear movement, and cutting operation requires
angular (limited rotational movement). Lever mechanism is Analysis and
used for transferring force imposed by user to work piece.
This paper deals with phases three and four. In phase Optimization
three materials and geometry are determined regarding
manufacturing processes. CAD model of entire assembly
was created in software package SOLIDWORKS. In
phase four loads on each element are determined and
FEM simulations were performed to determine stresses
and displacements. Results of the analysis were used to Documentation
correct and optimize geometry in terms of mass reduction.
At the end, work documentation was made, and next step Fig.1. Flow chart of the development process
would be prototype manufacturing. This product has no
specific requirements regarding thermal processing and Sketches that were used as a base to create and define
tolerance prescription. Materials that were used are cheap geometry represent just a concept which can be altered in
and easily accessible on market. Geometry was developed terms of different types of lever mechanisms, size etc.

*Correspondence Author’s Address: University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića 71,
78000 Banja Luka , B&H,
Milan Tica, Nikola Radulović, Milan Rackov, Aleksandar Miltenović, Djordje Miltenović: Design Solution and Calculation of Critical
Elements of Hand Drill and Angle Grinder Table Stand; Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 41-44

Fig.2. Sketch of drilling module

Fig.4. 3D model of the stand with Euronorm attcahment

Fig.3. Sketch of cutting module



Table stand for electric hand drill and angle grinder

should be made out of cheap yet reliable materials
suitable for easy manufacturing and processing. Most of
Fig.5. Model of the stand with angle grinder attachment
the parts should be made by using casting technology.
Aluminium alloys represent the perfect choice for this
Geometry that is created in this first stage of its
application. Elements that have to resist bigger loads
development is estimated and needs to be checked.
should be made out of basic structural steel. One of the
External loads need to be estimated and determined, as
boundary requirements for this product was to use
well as boundary conditions. Critical elements and
standard elements as much as possible. Whole structure
subassemblies are checked separately using FEM
needs to be stable and to ensure precise guiding of tools.
simulation integrated in SOLIDWORKS. Load
Two anchoring holes on pedestal are left for two M8 bolts
calculations and simulations are part of the next chapter.
used for attaching to the table. Vertical pillar is made out
of standard 5/4’’ steel pipe. Limitation of vertical
movement is achieved via sliding ring that can be fixed by 3. ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION
M6 hex bolt. Hand force imposed by user is transferred
via steel lever. Euronorm ∅ 43 mm is used to except hand. To determine loads on each element, estimation of hand
Drill and two M8 bolts for angle grinder. 3D model of force needs to be done. Average force imposed by user is
assembly is shown in the figures below. about 100 N, but in extreme cases it can reach up to 200N.

Milan Tica, Nikola Radulović, Milan Rackov, Aleksandar Miltenović, Djordje Miltenović: Design Solution and Calculation of Critical
Elements of Hand Drill and Angle Grinder Table Stand; Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 41-44

Fig.8. FEM calculation of stress –Lever

Results show that selected material S235 and geometry

are adequate with high enough safety factor and tip
displacement of 6 mm.

Fig.6. Loads on assembly elements

Considering force distribution shown on figure above,

lever can be extracted and loads are calculated.

Fig.9. FEM calculation of stress –connecting


Hand force

Fig.7. Extracted lever with loads

Force that acts in fixed support

200 405 94.5


Force that acts in middle support

Fig.10. FEM simulation of stresses on subassembly of
200 405 main slider
94.5 Results of FEA analysis show that main slider is
subjected to very low stress and it can be optimized in
After loads and boundary conditions were determined, terms of mass reduction. Other parts are adequately
FEM simulation has been done, as shown in figures dimensioned.. Optimized geometry of main slider is
below. shown in Figure 11. as part of the entire assembly.
Milan Tica, Nikola Radulović, Milan Rackov, Aleksandar Miltenović, Djordje Miltenović: Design Solution and Calculation of Critical
Elements of Hand Drill and Angle Grinder Table Stand; Machine Design, Vol.12(2020) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259; E-ISSN 2406-0666; pp. 41-44

data in the technical or mechanical system. Modern

product development is based on thorough market
analysis. Based on collected data project task can be
properly defined. Work described in this paper is based on
previous market analysis and conceptual design which
served as a guideline to define proper geometry and select
adequate materials. Table stand for hand drill and angle
grinder represents an unique product that has no
competition on market. Materials used are easily
accessible and cheap. Manufacturing processes required
to make it are simple and cheap. Most of part can be
manufactured by using casting technology with some
basic machining. Optimization and correction of
geometry was shown in part 3. of this paper. Working
documentation is made and next step would be to make a
prototype. This table stand represents simple product, that
is easy to manufacture, yet it can achieve good market


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Cutting module used to accept angle grinder is not [4] Daryl L. Logan “A First Course in the Finite Element
subjected to any significant load, so calculations and Method” University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 2016.
simulations were left out. Standard elements such as bolts,
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scientific and engineering skills along with corresponding Table Stand, COMETA 2018.

© 2020 Authors. Published by the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
license 3.0 Serbia (

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