Eng301 Finalterm Solved Paper 5
Eng301 Finalterm Solved Paper 5
Eng301 Finalterm Solved Paper 5
ENG301- Business Communication (Session - 1)
► Composing
► Editing
► Revising
► Reviewing
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► Two
► Three
► Four
► Five
Unsolicited letters are written on ADIA plan which is --------- step approach.
► five
► two
► four
► one
► An attention-getting device
► Interesting news
► Buffer
► Treasurer
► Advisory
► Controller
► Secretary
► Non-verbal
► Verbal
► Written
► Verbal and written
► Situation
► Culture, status
► Medium
► Channel
► Screening stage
► Selection stage
► Final stage
► First stage
While writing and presenting your Thesis or Dissertation, you go through many
stages. First stage is:
► Future tense.
► Past tense
► Present tense
► Present continuous
► To entertain
► To instruct
► To have a good interaction
► To talk to others
► Time
► Space
► Economics
► Food
► Yours sincerely,
► Sincerely,
► Yours respectfully,
► All of the above
► persuasive letter
► claim letter
► inquiry letter
► sales letter
Minutes, which tell more of the story of what happened and who said what at a
meeting are:
► Resolution minutes
► Narrative minutes
► Informal minutes
► Formal minutes
► Written tests
► Oral presentation
► Interview
► Group discussion
► Psychological tests
► Drug tests
► Job skills tests
► General tests
In APA format, if you are directly quoting something in your research paper from
another work, you will need to include the author's last name, year of publication,
and the ----------------- for the reference.
► author’s birth date
► page number
► name of book
► title page
What points and measures should be taken into account by the researcher
during thesis writing under the heading “Focus your research very specifically”?
Focus your research very specifically.
In your research do not cover too much area.Usually a broad defined project
is not do able. Now you may think that this will distort what you want to do .
this may the case but you will do a project very well when it is narrow. Also
do not try to solve all the problems in one research. Do only one project for
your dissertation and leave all the others for later.
A good proposal has a good title and it is the first thing to help the reader
understand the nature of your work.Comment.