Recommendationsfordesign Oftrashracksforintakes (: Indian Standard
Recommendationsfordesign Oftrashracksforintakes (: Indian Standard
Recommendationsfordesign Oftrashracksforintakes (: Indian Standard
(First Revision )
UDC 627*84*04
This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Intake Structures Sectional Committee, had been approved by the River Valley
Division Council.
Trash racks are provided at the entrance of intakes. The design of trash racks should be such as to
result in minimum hydraulic losses and prevent/minimize ice, floating trash and coarse sediment from
entering the tunnel or channel.
Thts standard was first published in 1985. This revision has been prepared in view of the experience
gained during the course of these years in the use of the standard. The following changes have been
incorporated in this revision:
1) Provisions for structural design of trash racks for pumped storage scheme have been added,
2) Requirements for maintenance of racks have been included,
3) Additional formula for calculating loss of head through racks has been added.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value-should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
Indian Standard
(First Revision )
1 SCOPE ii) Size and quantity of trash expected,
This standard lays down recommendations for
design of trash racks provided at the entrance iii) Requirement of raking.
of intakes to protect turbines, pumps,
valves, etc, from objectionably large debris. 1.2 The following criteria should be followed
br selecting the type of trash racks for any
2 REFERENCES nstallation:
The Indian Standards listed below are necessary
adjuncts to this standard: 9 Racks of Type 1 should be used for all
major trash rack installations where a
IS No. TM? portion of rack is deeply submerged,
800 : 1984 Code of practice for general ii) Racks of Type 2 should be used for
construction in steel ( second canal head works and for pumping plants
revision ) where single rack section extends from
2062 : 1992 Steel for general structural pur- water surface to the bottom of rack, and
poses (fourth revision ) iii) Racks of Type 3 should be used where
3 CLASSIFICATION OF TRASH RACKS power driven cleaning rakes are requir-
ed for cleaning them. This type of rack
The trash racks may be classified into the is particularly adopted for completely
following types in accordance with their submerged intakes.
constructional features and the methods of
installation: 5 INCLINATION OF RACKS
a) Type 1 - Removable section racks which Racks should be installed in slanting position
are installed by lowering the sections except for guided racks where these can be
between side guides or grooves provided kept in vertical position as well. For manual
in the trash rack structure so that the raking of the racks, the slope should be 1 verti-
sections may be readily removed by cal to l/3 or l/2 horizontal. For racks which
lifting them from guides. These are are to be cleaned by mechanical means, the
generally side bearing type. slope should be 10” to 15” with the vertical
b) Type 2 - Removable section racks in unless otherwise specified by the trash rack
which the individual sections are not cleaning machine manufacturer’s manual.
installed between guides in the trash rack
structure, but are placed adjacent to each 6 VELOCITY THROUGH RACKS
other laterally and in an inclined plane 6.1 For low-pressure intakes with small units
to obtain the desired area. Since rack ( and consequently closely set rack bars~) and
sections may easily be displaced, these where manual cleaning of racks is provided the
have to be secured in place with bolts velocity should be limited to 0.75 m/set. With
located above the water line. large units ( and wider spacing of rack bars )
c) Type 3 - Trash rack sectionswhich are and where mechanical cleaning of racks is
bolted in place below water line. provided a velocity up to 1.5 m/set should be
6.2 For high pressure intakes the overall
4.1 The selection of type of rack for an instal-
economy will determine the velocity to be used
lation depends upon the following conside-
in racks. Velocity up to 3 m/set on the gross
area of racks may be permitted where serious
i) Accessibility for painting or replace- clogging of trash racks is not expected for high
ment, pressure intakes.
i&s 11388 : 1995
h, = k
f_ I” ;! x sin CL
trash rack umt
8.2 Materials
should be proportioned
of hoisting/lifting capacity.
__-_i , +-
i; 183 k-l 67
8.4 Spacing
Steel supporting
trash bars should
of Trash
The clear spacing usually varies from
100 mm. In case of small turbines,
ary to use close spacing
large units, much
and is generally
of trash
spacing is
be designed
head of 7.0 m.
for a
40 mm to
is necess-
bars. For
IS 41388 : 1995
IS 11388 : 1995
1s 11388 : 1995
9.2 Type 1 racks, where used in tiers, should be 10.1.4 The bars of any panel should be directly
equipped with dowels of sufficient size to ensure in line with the corresponding bar above or
proper alignment of the racks in the guides. below, so that cleaning rake operates satisfact-
orily while passing up and down the screen.
9.3 The guides of the trash racks should be so
proportioned that the side members ( if the 10.1.5 If no crane is provided for handling the
same are not rigid enough to carry dead load racks, they should be made in sections suffi-
of upper rack sections ) get lateral support ciently light for manual removal and replace-
from guides after deflection to take up the ment.
clearance in the slots.
10.2 Design Requirements for Maintenance
9.4 In case of Type 1 trash racks, the height 10.2.1 Suitable arrangement should be made
of unit should be equal to spacing of horizontal for cleaning the racks mechanically or manually
concrete arch ribs of intake structure or con- at regular intervals. The frequency of cleaning
venient fraction of the same. of the racks would depend upon the rate of
9.5 For proper seating of one trash rack unit accumulation of trash. Not more than 50 per-
above the other, pilot shoes and pilot pins cent of the trash rack area should be allowed
should be provided. to clog the racks at any time.
10.2.2 In case of intakes of Type 1 located in a
10 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE reservoir, a platform should be provided at a
OF TRASH RACKS suitable level above the trash rack structure,
so that the same can be used as maintenance
10.1 Construction
platform. The level of the platform should be
10.1.1 The trash bars should preferably be fixed such that the water level in the pond or
fabricated from flats with rounded edges. reservoir should go below the platform level
atleast once in a year. Arbitrarily this level can
10.1.2 Lateral support to the bars should be be fixed at a height of atleast 5 metres above
provided intermediately between end supports. the Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL).
The spacers, if used, should be arranged as far
back as possible from the upstream face of the 10.2.3 Hooks should be provided in each rack
bars so as not to interfere with the movement to enable lifting of the rack in Type 1, wherever
of rake. necessary, for cleaning. Chains may be
attached to these hooks and the end of the
10.1.3 To simplify site erection, the trash rack chains may be tied to the top platform to
panels should be identical. facilitate lifting of the ra.cks.
Bureau -of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course
of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BLS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot No: RVD 11 (58).
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