Thermodynamic Analysis of A Ground-Source Heat Pump System For District Heating
Thermodynamic Analysis of A Ground-Source Heat Pump System For District Heating
Thermodynamic Analysis of A Ground-Source Heat Pump System For District Heating
This study deals with the thermodynamic analysis of ground-source heat pump (GSHP) systems for district
heating. The mass, energy, entropy and exergy balance relations are derived and applied to a GSHP system
with a U-bend ground heat exchanger. The performance characteristics of this GSHP system are evaluated
in terms of energetic and exergetic aspects. Based on the measurements conducted on 7 January 2004, the
heat extraction rate from the soil is found to be, on average, 61.4 W m1 of bore depth, while the required
borehole length in meter per kW of heating capacity is obtained as 11.71. The entering water temperature
to the unit is measured to be 15.38C. The heating coefficient of performance of the heat pump (COPHP) is
about 2.85, while that for the whole system is obtained to be 7.4% lower than COPHP. The exergy efficiency
values for the heat pump unit and whole system are found to be 66.8 and 66.6%, respectively. Copyright #
2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: energy; ground source heat pump; geothermal heat pump; geothermal energy; greenhouses;
renewable energy; sustainable development; Turkey
Ground source or geothermal heat pumps (GSHPs or GHPs) are attractive alternatives to
conventional heating and cooling systems owing to their higher energy utilizations efficiencies.
Also, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded that GSHP systems are
the most energy efficient and environmentally clean of all the heating and cooling options (DOE,
2001; Hepbasli, 2004).
GSHPs for direct utilization have had the largest growth of 9.7% annually since 1995. Most
of this growth occurred in the U.S.A. and Europe, though interest is developing in other
countries, such as Japan and Turkey. The installed capacity was 6850 MW and annual energy
use is 23 214 TJ year1 in 26 countries in 2000. The actual number of installed units was around
500 000 in the same year, while the equivalent number of 12 kW units installed was slightly over
570 000. The 12 kW equivalent units installed are used as typical of homes in the U.S. and some
Correspondence to: A. Hepbasli, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ege University,
35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey.
western European countries (Lund and Freeston, 2000, 2001). It is also estimated that there are
over a million today (Lund, 2004).
An exergy analysis has proven to be a powerful tool in the thermodynamic analyses of energy
systems (Moran, 1982; Kotas, 1985; Bejan, 1988; Szargut et al., 1988; Dincer, 2002). In order to
calculate exergy, the reference environment must be specified. Exergy analysis is employed to
detect and to evaluate quantitatively the causes of the thermodynamic imperfection of the
process under consideration. Exergy analysis can, therefore, indicate the possibilities of
thermodynamic improvement of the process under consideration, but only an economic analysis
can decide the expediency of a possible improvement (Szargut et al., 1988).
In recent years, investigations have been conducted by various researchers on design,
modelling and experimental performance evaluation of GSHP systems (e.g. Kavanaugh, 1992;
Kavanaugh and Rafferty, 1997; Healy and Ugursal, 1997; Hepbasli, 2002; Hepbasli et al.,
2003; Sanner et al., 2003; Hepbasli and Akdemir, 2004; Bi et al., 2004; Yumrutas and Kaska,
2004; Ozgener and Hepbasli, 2004, 2005). The present study deals with a comprehensive
thermodynamic analysis of GSHPs for district heating by using mass, energy, entropy and
exergy balance equations. The performance of a GSHP system along with its individual
components installed in Izmir, Turkey, which is given as an illustrative example, is then
evaluated in terms of energetic and exergetic aspects. Finally, the potential for improvements is
given and discussed.
where m’ is the mass flow rate, and the subscript in stands for inlet and out for outlet.
The general energy balance can be expressed as
E’ in ¼ E’ out ð2Þ
where Q’ ¼ Q’ net;in ¼ Q’ in Q’ out is the rate of net heat input, W’ ¼ W’ net;out ¼ W’ out W’ in is the
rate of net work output, and h is the enthalpy per unit mass.
The rate form of the entropy balance can be expressed as
Sin Sout þ Sgen ¼0 ð4Þ
|fflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflffl} |{z}
Rate of net entropy Rate of entropy
transfer by heat and mass generation
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
where the rates of entropy transfer by heat transferred at a rate of Q’ k and mass flowing at a rate
of m’ are S’ heat ¼ Q’ k =Tk and S’ mass ¼ m’ s; respectively.
Taking the positive direction of heat transfer to be to the system, the rate form of the general
entropy relation given in Equation (4) can be rearranged to give
X X X Q’ k
S’ gen ¼ m’ out sout m’ in sin ð5Þ
The general exergy balance can be expressed in the rate form as
E’ xin E’ xout ¼ ’ xdest
E ð6aÞ
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflffl{zfflffl}
Rate of net exergy Rate of exergy
transfer by heat; work; and mass destruction
E ’ xwork þ E
’ xheat E ’ xmass;in E’ xmass;out ¼ E
’ xdest ð6bÞ
Using Equation (6b), the rate form of the general exergy balance can also be written as
T0 ’ X X
1 Qk W’ þ m’ in cin m’ out cout ¼ E’ xdest ð7aÞ
c ¼ ðh h0 Þ T0 ðs s0 Þ ð7bÞ
where Q’ k is the heat transfer rate through the boundary at temperature Tk at location k, W’ is
the work rate, c is the flow (specific) exergy, h is enthalpy, s is entropy, and the subscript zero
indicates properties at the restricted dead state of P0 and T0.
It is usually more convenient to find entropy generation S’ gen first, and then to evaluate the
exergy destroyed or the irreversibility I’ directly from the following equation:
’ xdest ¼ T0 S’ gen
I’ ¼ E ð8Þ
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
’ xdest;i
Relative irreversibility: wi ¼ ð16bÞ
’ xdest;i
Productivity lack: xi ¼ ð16cÞ
P’ tot
F’ i
Exergetic factor: fi ¼ ð16dÞ
F’ tot
Further details on thermodynamic modelling may also be available in Ozgener et al. (2004).
In this section, the theory is used to analyse the performance of a GSHP system and its
individual components, which is given below as an illustrative example.
3.2. Application of the balance equations, and energy and exergy efficiencies
Temperature, pressure, and mass flow rate data for working fluid (R22), brine fluid, and hot
(supply) water are given in Table I according to their state numbers specified in Figure 1. Exergy
rates are also calculated for each state, as presented in Table I. In this study, the restricted dead
state was taken to be the state of environment at which the temperature and the atmospheric
pressure are 2.28C and 101.325 kPa, respectively, which were the values measured at the time
when the GSHP system data were obtained. The thermodynamic properties of water and R-22
(working fluid) are taken from the electronic thermodynamic tables.
The mass and energy balance equations as well as the exergy destructions obtained using the
entropy and exergy balance equations for each of the GSHP components illustrated in Figure 1
are listed as follows, respectively.
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
3 II 2
I : compressor
II : condenser
III : capillary tube
III IV : evaporator
I V : fan-coil unit
IV VI : ground heat
1 exchanger
7 8
Ground level
Figure 1. The main components and schematic of the ground-source heat pump system.
For compressor:
m’ 1 ¼ m’ 2 ¼ m’ r ð17aÞ
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
Table I. Energy and exergy analysis results of the GSHP system as of 7 January 2004.
Specific Specific Mass Specific rate Energy
Temperature Pressure enthalpy entropy flow rate exergy E
’ x ¼ m’ c rate E’
No. Description Fluid Phase T (8C) P (kPa) h (kJ kg1) s (kJ kg1 K1) m’ (kg s1) C (kJ kg1) (kW) (kW)
0 } Refrigerant Dead state 2.2 101.325 414.72 1.9310 } 0 0
00 } Water Dead state 2.2 101.325 10.18 0.0328 } 0 0
h3 ¼ h 4 ð19bÞ
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
The COP of the GSHP unit and the overall heating system (COPsystem) is calculated by the
following equations, respectively:
Q’ cond
COPHP ¼ ð24Þ
W’ comp
Q’ cond
COPsystem ¼ ð25aÞ
W’ comp þ W’ pumps þ W’ fc
Q’ cond
COPsystem;act ¼ ð25bÞ
W’ comp;act þ W’ fan coil;act þ W’ pumps;act
where Q’ cond is the heat transfer rate of the condenser (the space heating load), while W’ comp;act ;
W’ fan coil;act and W’ pumps;act are the rates of actual work inputs to the compressor, fan-coil and
circulating pumps, respectively.
The actual power input to the compressor and the circulating pumps given by Equation (25b)
may be computed as follows, respectively,
W’ comp
W’ comp;act ¼ ð26aÞ
Zcomp; m Zcomp;el
Icomp Vcomp Cos j pffiffiffi
W’ comp;act ¼ : 3 ð26bÞ
Ipump Vpump Cos j
W’ pump;act ¼ ð27Þ
where I is the current, V is the voltage, W’ is the rate of work input, Cos j is the power factor,
Zcomp;m and Zcomp;el are the compressor mechanical and the compressor motor electrical
efficiencies, respectively, while the subscripts comp and pump denote the compressor and the
circulating pump, respectively.
In this study, exergy efficiencies are calculated in two different ways. Using Equation (12)
P’ tot; HP
eHP ¼ ð28aÞ
F’ tot; HP
P’ tot;system
esystem ¼ ð28bÞ
F’ tot;system
where P’ tot is the total exergy of the product of the heat pump unit and F’ tot is the total exergy of
the fuel of the whole system.
Using Equation (13), the first one is written for the GSHP unit and the whole system as
follows, respectively:
E’ xdesired;output ’ xheat
E ’ xin;con E
E ’ xout;con
eHP ¼ ¼ ¼ ð29aÞ
’ xused
E W’ comp;act W’ comp;act
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
E’ xin;con E’ xout;con
esystem ¼ ð29bÞ
W comp;act þ W’ fan coil;act þ W’ pumps;act
Using Equation (14a), the exergy efficiency of the condenser and evaporator is calculated on a
rate basis as follows, respectively:
m’ w ðc5 c6 Þ
econd ¼ ð30Þ
m’ r ðc2 c3 Þ
m’ r ðc1 c4 Þ
eevap ¼ ð31Þ
m’ wa ðc8 c7 Þ
3.3.1. Energetic evaluation. Using Equation (11) and the values given in Table II, the coefficient
of performance of the Carnot cycle was found to be 3.54. Although COPC,H can never be
remotely approached in practice, it is useful as a reference to indicate important influencing
factors. It is evident from Equation (11) that the COP increases as the temperature difference
between the condenser and evaporator decreases.
The heating coefficient of performance of the heat pump unit, COPhp,h, and the whole system,
COPoverall, were calculated from Equations (25a) and (25b), and found to be on average 2.85
and 2.64, respectively. By comparison, based on the values of the U.S. Department of Energy
(U.S.D.O.E.), commercially available systems have the COP values for heating of 3–4.3
(U.S.D.O.E., 2001). In a study performed by Bi et al. (2004), the total average heating COP of a
ground-source heat-pump system with a heating load of 2298 W is also found to be 2.83. It may
be concluded that the COP values obtained from the present study are fairly close to those
reported by Bi et al. (2004).
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
Table II. Exergetic, energetic and thermodynamics analysis data provided for one representative unit of the GSHP system.
Relative depletion Productivity
irreversibility rate lack x Exergetic
w (%) d (%) (%) factor f (%)
V Fan coil unit 0.300 4.27 0.260 0.540 48.1 17.67 8.04 12.07 14.47 155.70
VI Ground heat exchanger 0.080 3.07 0.120 0.040 33.3 4.72 2.14 3.22 1.07 53.36
I–IV GSHP unit 1.318 2.106 3.152 66.8 77.61 100.00 35.32 41.81 53.02 62.59 84.46 10000 2.85n
I–VI Overall system 1.698 2.486 3.732 66.6 100.00 45.50 68.30 100.00 2.64y
Heating coefficient of performance of the heat pump unit.
Heating coefficient of performance of the whole system: A: (%) of the whole system; B: (%) of the GSHP unit.
the guidelines listed in Table III for pumping power for commercial GCHP systems. This table
is proposed as a benchmark for judging the effectiveness of a pumping and piping system design
for a minimum of 0.162 m3 h1 kW1 of cooling, with optimum pumping flow rates ranging
from 0.162 to 0.192 m3 h1 kW1 of cooling. Higher rates require excessive pump power, while
lower rates limit heat pump performance. In addition, pumping energy should range between 6
and 7% of the total system energy used (Sulatisky and van der Kamp, 1991). In this study, the
values given by Kavanaugh and Rafferty (1997) were taken into account for evaluating the
performance of circulating pump in the heating mode. It was assumed that the values suggested
for the cooling are equivalent to those for the heating.
The pumping flow rate was found to be 0.293 m3 h1 kW1 of heating. The pumping power
was obtained as 13.81 W kW1 of heating. It is clear from Table III that the circulator wattage
for the closed-loop falls into the categorization of efficient systems.
(b) Entering water temperature: The EWT to the unit (the temperature of the water/antifreeze
solution leaving the earth coil) will be lower than the normal temperature of the earth. This is
due to the heat extraction from the earth to the circulating water. The EWT is perhaps the single
most representative parameter of ground-coupling effectiveness, and heat pump loading. In
other words, the actual performance of the equipment is a function of the water temperature
produced by the ground heat exchanger. Systems with inadequate ground heat exchanger
capacity will have excessively high EWTs in summer, and excessively low EWTs in winter
(Phetteplace and Sullivan, 1998). The average temperature difference between the inlet and
outlet of the ground heat exchanger was obtained to be approximately 2.18C. This was very low
due to a short period of operation time and the imbalances in the system. Longer-term testing is
needed to determine if the ground heat exchanger temperatures are stable. By comparison, in
practice, it is aimed at achieving a temperature difference of at least 38C, with a design value of
58C for Turkey.
(c) Heat extraction rate: The key parameter for ground heat exchanger layout is the specific
performance, i.e. heat extraction rate in W m1 of borehole length. During the heating season,
the rate at which heat is extracted from the ground (ground heat exchanger load) was found to
be in average 3070 W from Equation (22b) by using the values given in Table II. This
corresponds to a heat extraction rate of 61.4 W m1 of bore depth. By comparison, Sanner
(1995) reported that the heat rejection rate ranges from 40 to 100 W m1 with a typical average
of 55–70 W m1 in mid-Europe. This obviously represents that the values of the heat extraction
rate obtained from this study remain within the range reported by Sanner.
Table III. Benchmarks for GSHP system pumping efficiency required pump power to cooling capacity.
Watts input
Per ton Per kW efficiency Grade
450 414 Efficient systems A: excellent
50–75 14–21 Acceptable systems B: good
75–100 21–28 Acceptable systems C: medium
100–150 28–42 Inefficient systems D: poor
>150 >42 Inefficient systems E: bad
Source: Kavanaugh and Rafferty (1997).
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
The heating capacity of the heat pump system was obtained to be 4.27 kW. Based on this
figure, the required borehole length in m kW1 of heating capacity was found to be 11.71. By
comparison, based on the installations in Istanbul, Turkey (1933 degree-days heating, base:
188C; 135 days cooling, base: 228C) for horizontal loop systems, the heat exchanger circuit pipe
length ranged from 39.5 to 46.7 m k W1 1
t with an average of 43.1 m k Wt (Hepbasli et al., 2001),
as confirmed by Healy and Ugursal (1997) with values of 45–55 m k W of heat pump capacity.
Besides these, for vertical bores, the range was 9.30–13.2 m of bore per kW with an average
value of 11.25 m of bore per kW. As a rule of the thumb, a Turkish heat pump installer suggests
that for heating and cooling, in average 12 and 16 m of bores per kW may be sufficient,
respectively. In addition, based on a study that covered the 22 systems and was carried out by
Bloomquist (2000) in the United Sates, for closed-loop systems, the heat exchanger circuit pipe
length ranged from 20.5 to 52.0 m kW1, with an average of 39.3 m kW1. Of those with vertical
bores, the range was 14.4–17.7 m of bore per kW. As indicated above, the heat exchanger length
used may maintain the heating capacity needed. However, the heat pump design should be
carefully examined in order to achieve this.
For applications in combination with other heat sources, the specific performance may differ
considerably. Therefore, it is essential to obtain a second parameter, i.e. the specific heat
extraction per meter of borehole length for a year. This value ranges between 50 and
200 kW h m1 year1 for mid-European plants (1995). In this study, this parameter was not
evaluated due to a short period of operating time.
3.3.3. Exergetic evaluation. The exergy rate results given in Table I indicate that the compressor
produces an increase in exergy rate due to its work input, while all other components result in a
decrease in exergy rate due to their irreversibilities.
Table III illustrates the values for exergy destruction rate, energy and exergy efficiencies as
well as the thermodynamic parameters such as fuel depletion rate, productivity lack and
exergetic factor. The thermodynamic parameters as well as exergy efficiency values are evaluated
in terms of the GSHP unit and the whole system.
Using Equations (28a) and (28b), the exergy efficiency values for the GSHP unit and the
whole system on a product/fuel basis are obtained to be 66.8 and 66.6%, respectively. Using
Equations (29a) and (29b), they are found to be 9.07 and 8.41%, respectively. The causes of
exergy destruction in the system include the compressor, heat exchangers (ground heat
exchanger, condenser and evaporator) and circulating pumps, which were not considered in this
study. It is obvious from the table that the highest irreversibility occurs in sub-region I for the
heat pump unit. The losses in the motor–compressor sub-assembly are due to the electrical,
mechanical and isentropic efficiencies and emphasize the need for paying close attention to the
selection of this type of equipment, since components of inferior performance can considerably
reduce the overall performance of the system. The second largest irreversibility in the GSHP
unit is due to the evaporator. The third highest irreversibility is in the capillary tube due to the
pressure drop of the refrigerant passing through it. Besides this, the condenser has the lowest
irreversibility on the basis of the heat pump cycle. This is partly due to the large degree of
superheat achieved at the end of the compression process, leading to large temperature
differences associated with the initial phase of heat transfer.
3.3.4. Potential improvements. Using Equation (15), the exergetic IP of Van Gool’s (1997) is
determined for each of the heat pump system components. The results obtained are listed in
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
Table III. As can be seen from the table, the most potential for improvement on the heat pump
unit basis is in the compressor, followed by the evaporator, condenser and the capillary tube.
Since compressor power depends strongly on the inlet and outlet pressures, any heat exchanger
improvements that reduce the temperature difference will reduce compressor power by bringing
the condensing and evaporating temperatures closer together. From a design standpoint,
compressor irreversibility can be attacked independently. In recent years, it has been reduced
substantially by improving motors, valves, lubrication, etc. (Bridges et al., 2001). The only way
to eliminate throttling loss would be to replace the capillary tube (the expansion device) with an
isentropic turbine (an isentropic expander) and to recover some shaft work from the pressure
drop. A comparison of the irreversibilities associated with the heat transfer processes in the
evaporator and the ground heat exchanger will show that although the mean temperature
difference in the former is smaller, the relative magnitudes of their irreversibilities are in the
reverse order. This apparent paradox is due to the evaporator operating at a lower temperature
than the ground heat exchanger and, hence, suffering greater irreversibility with a smaller mean
temperature (Crawford, 1988).
The thermodynamic analysis of GSHP systems for district heating was investigated in terms of
both energy and exergy analysis, which aims at better identifying process efficiencies and losses.
Expressions for this analysis were derived using mass, energy, entropy and exergy balance
equations. These equations were applied to a GSHP system, which was designed and installed in
the Solar Energy Institute of Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. The exergy efficiency values of each
of the components were also given, while the potential for improvements were discussed. The
main conclusions that may be drawn from the present study are listed below:
1. The values for the heat pump unit and whole system were obtained to be 2.85 and 2.64.
2. Design practices in Turkey normally call for U-bend depths between 11 and 13 m kW1 of
heating, while the required borehole length in meter per kW of heating capacity was
obtained to be 11.71.
3. The pumping brine flow rate was found to be 0.2931 m3 h1 kW1 of heating. Kavanaugh
and Rafferty (1997) suggests that the optimum pumping rates for the circulating pump
should range from 0.162 to 0.192 m3 h1 kW1 of heating capacity. It may be concluded
that the pump selected exceeds this above upper limit.
4. The pumping power was obtained to be 13.81 W kW1 of heating, falling into the
categorization of efficient systems.
5. The exergy efficiency values for the GSHP unit and the whole system on a product/fuel
basis are obtained to be 66.8 and 66.6%, respectively.
6. The highest irreversibility on the heat pump unit basis occurs in the compressor, followed
by the evaporator, expansion valve and condenser.
7. The analysis should provide a designer with a better, quantitative grasp of the inefficiencies
and their relative magnitudes. Furthermore, the results can draw an engineer’s attention
towards the components where the most availability is being destroyed and quantify the
extent to which modification of one component affects, favourably or unfavourably, the
performance of other components of the system.
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
Greek letters
act = actual
C = Carnot
comp = compressor
cond = condenser
dest = destroyed, destruction
el = electrical
ent = entropy
evap = evaporator
fc = fan-coil
gen = generation
h = heating
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
H = high
HE = heat exchanger
HP = heat pump
i = component
in = inlet
k = location
L = loss, low
m = mechanical
out = outlet
r = refrigerant
sh = space heating
tot = total
tv = throttling valve
w = water
wa = water/antifreeze
0 = restricted dead state
1 = initial state
2 = final state
. = quantity per unit time (except those denoted in the text)
The author would like to thank Research Assistant Onder Ozgener, Solar Energy Institute, Ege University,
Izmir, Turkey, for his help in performing the experiments.
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Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687
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