Healing Path Rev 2020
Healing Path Rev 2020
Healing Path Rev 2020
A Guide for Survivors of Relationship
Published by
Kent County Domestic Violence Community
Coordinated Response Team (DVCCRT)
THE HEALING PATH can also be found online at:
Please use this page for your notes, and the previous pages to
keep track of incidents related to your abuse. It is very helpful
Kent County Domestic Violence Community to keep records of any police report numbers, dates, names and
phone numbers. Remember to keep the information in a safe
Coordinated Response Team place.
To the courageous individuals of
Kent County who have experienced
domestic violence
and continue to thrive.
To the individuals of Kent County who
have tragically lost their lives to violence.
Thank you to the members of the Domestic Violence
Community Coordinated Response Team for their
input, support, and advocacy efforts. Thank you to
the County of Kent for permission to use website
content at www.accesskent.com.
Please use this page for your notes, and the previous pages to
keep track of incidents related to your abuse. It is very helpful
Table of Contents
to keep records of any police report numbers, dates, names and
phone numbers. Remember to keep the information in a safe CHAPTER ONE: Information on Relationship Abuse
place. Introduction ............................................. 5
Examples of Abusive Tactics.......................... 6
Power and Control Wheel ............................. 8
Equality Wheel ......................................... 9
Relationship Abuse and Children................... 10
Challenges Facing Survivors ........................ 12
Why Do Individuals Abuse? .......................... 12
What About Relationship/Marriage Counseling? . 14
Counseling for Abusers .............................. 15
How Do I Know If They are Really Changing ...... 15
Safety Planning ....................................... 16
CHAPTER TWO: The Legal System
Types of Cases ........................................ 19
District Court ......................................... 19
17th Circuit Court .................................... 19
Clerk of the Court .................................... 20
Dealing with the Criminal Justice System ........ 20
Legal Terms ........................................... 21
Criminal Case Process ............................... 22
Crime Victim’s Rights Act ........................... 28
Crime Victim’s Compensation ...................... 29
The Stalking Law ..................................... 30
Personal Protection Orders ......................... 32
U Visas for Non-Residents ........................... 36
Family Court .......................................... 36
Friend of the Court .................................. 39
Relationship Abuse Service Providers ............. 42
Legal Assistance ...................................... 43
Other Resources ...................................... 43
Elder Abuse ........................................... 46
Police .................................................. 47
Kent County Courts ................................. 48
Web Resources ....................................... 49
Book Resources ....................................... 50
Calendar ............................................... 52
Notes ................................................... 53
4 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 53
Please use this page for your notes, and the previous pages to
Today another woman died keep track of incidents related to your abuse. It is very helpful
PREFACE to keep records of any police report numbers, dates, names and
and not on a foreign field with a rifle strapped to her phone numbers. Remember to keep the information in a safe
This back,
guideand notwritten
was with a large
for defense of tanks
individuals rumbling abuse
experiencing place.
and rolling behind her.
in their intimate relationship. While we recognize that
violence affects
She died all typesCNN
without of relationships,
covering her war.each with
unique She
died without wetalk hope to provide
of intelligent bombsa and
starting point
strategic targets.
for survivors to better understand the dynamics of abuse
The target that
and the resources was simply her face, her back,
are available.
her pregnant belly.
You are not alone...
The target was her precious flesh that was once
Composed like
Information music
helps youintohersee
mother’s body and
that you’re sung
not in That
The anthem of birth.
there’s somebody in Mississippi and somebody in Tokyo
who all have wept, who’ve all longed and lost, who’ve
The target
all been happy. wasSo
that hadhelps
lived it’s
youown dear not only
to see,
Wilderness, had been loved, and not loved, had
that you are not alone, but that you’re not really anydanced
And from
different not danced.
everyone else.
~Maya Angelou
A life like yours or mine that had stumbled up from a
Healing isn’t Beginning
a linearand had learned
process. to walkand wilts as our
It blooms
and had learned to read.
seasons in life change.
And had learned
There will be moments when to thesing.
only option is to start
from scratch.
Another woman died today.
Begin again as many times as you need to.
Not far from where you live.;
~Alex Elle
Just there, next door where the tall light falls across the
Letting go isPavement.
standing in your power.
Just there, a few stepsisaway
where in youroften
you’ve power.
Being kind is standing in your power.
Choosing joy is standing in your power.
over woman died today.
is standing in your power.
She was the
Loving same girl
yourself is her motherin
standing used to kiss;
your power.
The same child
Trusting you usedisto
yourself dream beside
standing in school.
in your power.
The same baby her parents walked in the
Forgiving yourself is standing in your power. night with
And listened and listened and listened for
Believing in yourself is standing in your power. her cries
Having an open Evenmind
whileis they slept. in your power.
Healing on your own is standing in your power.
Being your And someone has
authentic selfconfused his rage
is standing in your power.
With this woman’s
May you always remember how powerful only life. you really are.
~Alex Elle
52 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 5
Chapter One:
Information on Relationship Abuse
This booklet contains information that will help you
recognize abuse and to find support, safety, and resources
that can help you. There is help and there is hope.
Relationship abuse is a pattern of controlling behaviors in a
relationship, that can include physical abuse, sexual abuse,
coercion, emotional and verbal violence, isolation, threats,
stalking, and/or intimidation. These behaviors are used by
one person in an intimate relationship to control the other.
Individuals may be dating, have or had an intimate relation-
ship, married, engaged, living together or separated.
You may identify with some or many of the mentioned types
of abusive behaviors, but you do not have to identify with all
of them in order for your relationship to be considered
While it is hard to understand why the person you love
would hurt you, you are not alone. About one out of every
four women and one out of every seven men will experience
relationship violence.
Abuse can happen to anyone regardless of race, religion,
color, sex, ancestry, gender, gender identity, sexual
orientation, age, military status, disability, national origin,
medical condition, pregnancy, family or marital statuses, or
socio-economic status.
There are people who can help and we hope this booklet can
be a first step toward safety and healing.
6 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 51
Physical Abuse Refuge from Abuse: Healing and Hope for abused Christian
Some abusers try not to leave visible wounds. Here are Women. Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason Clark.
some examples of physical abuse: Violence in Families: What Every Christian Needs to Know. Al
Pushes, kicks, bites Miles.
Hits, slaps, punches, strangles/chokes
Throws objects or destroys your property
Drives recklessly to frighten you
Uses weapons to intimidate and threaten
Blocks exits or corners you with their body
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is common in abusive relationships and is
often the most difficult aspect of abuse to talk about.
Here are some examples of sexual abuse:
Forces unwanted sexual acts
Accuses partner of cheating/constant jealousy
Commits painful or cruel acts
Withholds intimacy as a punishment
Constantly criticizes partner with sexual put-downs
Endangers partner’s sexual health with unprotected
Becomes angry or threatening if you refuse sex
50 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 7
Relationship Abuse and Children Police, Legal, and Other Community Resources
90% of parents who are currently experiencing relationship
violence believe their children don’t know what’s happen- POLICE EMERGENCY BUSINESS
ing. However, when researchers asked children, 90% of them
were well aware of the abuse that was occurring. Cedar Springs Police Department 911 696-1311
66 S. Main, Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Effects on Children
Children who live in homes where violence takes place may East Grand Rapids Public Safety 911 949-7010
exhibit a number of common reactions. These include: 770 Lakeside Drive SE, EGR, MI, 49506
Fear http://www.eastgr.org
Anxiety Grand Rapids Police Department 911 456-3403
Depression and sadness 1 Monroe Center NW, GR, MI 49503
Loss of hope for the future
Grandville Police Department 911 538-6110
Act out aggressively, act tough, provoke fights 3181 Wilson SW, Grandville, MI 49418
School problems including difficulty learning, concentrat- http://www.cityofgrandville.com/departments/police
ing, and remembering
Kent County Sheriff’s Department 911 632-6100
Social isolation, difficulty making friends 701 Ball NE, GR, MI, 49503
Difficulty trusting others www.accesskent.com/Sheriff/
Sleep problems, afraid to sleep alone Kentwood Police Department 911 698-6580
Nightmares 4742 Walma Ave SE, Kentwood, MI 49512
Stress-related health problems such as headaches,
stomachaches, and fatigue Lowell Police Department 911 897-7123
Act impulsively 111 North Monroe, Lowell, MI 49331
Withdraw, show little emotion
Michigan State Police 911 866-4411
Take on the role of protector of abused parent Rockford Post
345 Northland Dr. NE, Rockford, MI 49341
Experiences in childhood can have long-lasting effects. As www.michigan.gov/msp
adults, children who witness domestic violence often
continue to feel the impact. They may: Rockford Police Department 911 866-9557
7 S. Monroe, Rockford, MI 49341
Commit violence and/or abuse www.rockford.mi.us/services/public-safety/police
Enter unhealthy relationships and experience abuse as an
adult Sparta Police Department 911 887-8716
260 West Division Sparta, MI 49345
Have alcohol and other substance use difficulties
Experience depression and have difficulty expressing Walker Police Department 911 453-5441
4243 Remembrance NW, Walker, MI 49544
emotions http://www.ci.walker.mi.us/Departments/Police/
In addition to the emotional turmoil that witnessing
domestic violence can cause, it can also endanger children. Wyoming Police Department 911 530-7300
Children often: 2300 DeHoop SW, Wyoming, MI 49509
Attempt to intervene during the violence http://www.ci.wyoming.mi.us/Police/police.asp
Get hurt during a violent incident
Have their needs forgotten
Are threatened
46 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 11
Planned Parenthood Centers of West MI If You or the Abuser Are Under 18 Years Old
425 Cherry SE, GR, MI 49503 459-3101 Abuse and violence are very real and teen dating violence
http://www.ppwnm.org/ is serious. While there are some different rules when
either one of you is under 18, confidential help is still
SEXUAL ASSAULT SERVICES available. If you are under 18, you are still eligible to
many protections and can even file for a Personal
National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE Protection Order.
Children’s Assessment Center
901 Michigan NE, GR, MI 49503 336-5160 Why Do Individuals Abuse?
This is a good question and a hard one to answer. Some
YWCA Sexual Assault Program / Nurse Examiner Program people who abuse have grown up in homes where they
25 Sheldon SE, GR, MI 49503 776-RAPE were abused or saw abuse taking place in their parent’s
relationship. Some people believe that they have a right
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES to control their partner. Some individuals blame their
partner for everything that goes wrong and then feel
Women’s Resource Center justified to hurt them. Many excuses might be used to use
678 Front NW, GR MI 49504 458-5443 abusive tactics, but the reality is that each person makes
http://www.grwrc.org/index.php a choice to abuse.
If someone is abusing you, it is not your fault. People
who abuse and control others are responsible for their
own behavior. If the behavior is learned, it can be
unlearned with a desire to change and appropriate treat-
14 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 43
The behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that go into abusing Personal Protection Orders Office
an intimate partner are hard to change. Some people do 180 Ottawa NW, Ste. 3500, GR, MI 49503 632-5071
not recognize that they have a problem until they are http://www.accesskent.com/
arrested or their partner leaves. Others never take CourtsAndLawEnforcement/17thCircuitCourt/17cc_ppo.htm
responsibility for their use of violence. CHILDREN AND TEENS SERVICES
What About Relationship/Marriage Counseling? Arbor Circle—The Bridge
Couples counseling is not recommended for many reasons. 1115 Ball NE, GR, MI 49505 451-3001
One reason is that you may feel safe in counseling sesions www.arborcircle.org/children_teens.org
to say things that you wouldn’t normally say to or in front
of your partner. This can often create an escalation of Children’s Assessment Center
violence when you get home, when the safety of having a 901 Michigan NE, GR, MI 49503 336-5160
third party is not available. www.cac-kent.org/
Many couples/marriage counselors try to help by sharing
responsibility for the problems between the partners. This Fountain Hill Center
may work in otherwise healthy relationships where each 534 Fountain NE, GR, MI 49503 456-1178
partner is motivated to change. However, when dynamics www.fountainhillcenter.com
of domestic violence and power and control are at the
core, this is not a shared responsibility between partners. YWCA Men Choosing Alternatives to Violence
Victims may not feel comfortable sharing what they are 25 Sheldon SE, GR, MI 49503 459-4652
experiencing with their partner present and many counse- www.ywcawcmi.org
lors do not have the specific training to recognize power
and control in a relationship, further may not have the
skills to appropriately hold an abuser accountable and
provide the necessary treatment.
Violence is only the responsibility of the person who is
42 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 15
Divorce—Custody, and Parenting Time, continued Chapter Two: The Legal System
In divorce actions, when there are children under the age
of 18, the Friend of the Court is notified. You will receive At some point, you may become involved with the police,
a packet from the Friend of the Court that tells you of court, lawyers, or others in the justice system. It can be very
two meetings you must attend regarding Friend of the confusing, but can also help in your efforts to protect your-
Court services and effects of divorce /separation on chil- self.
dren. If you want the Friend of the Court to help you
obtain a temporary order, you can request a conciliation The justice system is divided into two types of cases:
conference. This is a joint meeting that results in a Criminal and Civil. The criminal justice system handles
recommendation by the Friend of the Court to the judge violations of criminal law. Civil cases are matters such as
about temporary custody and parenting time arrange- divorce, child custody, or lawsuits.
ments. These temporary arrangements will be in place
until the divorce is final. The recommendation can be There are also several courts with different jurisdictions.
appealed in court. (If the judge issues temporary orders The two that you will probably be dealing with are the
at a court hearing there is no conciliation meeting.) District and Circuit courts. Each handles different types of
criminal and civil cases.
If domestic violence is involved and it is unsafe for you
and your spouse to meet together, be sure to let the District Court
Friend of the Court know so they can use safety precau- In criminal cases, district court handles all misdemeanors
tions. If you have an attorney, they can handle this. where punishments do not exceed one year, (including ar-
raignment, setting bail, trial, and sentencing) and conducts
After temporary custody and parenting time is ordered preliminary examinations in felony cases. If an abuser is
and is in place, permanent custody and parenting time charged with 1st or 2nd offense domestic violence, those
must be decided upon before the divorce is final. charges would be handled in District Court. Kent County has
63rd District Court handling all township cases in the county
Decisions made about permanent custody and parenting and the City of East Grand Rapids, 61st (City of Grand Rap-
time will be put in place after the divorce is final. Either ids), 62a(Wyoming), 62b(Kentwood), 59th(Grandville & Walk-
attorney can ask the judge to order a Friend of the Court er). These courts also have a small claims division for civil
custody or parenting time investigation and/or evalua- cases up to $3,000.
tion. Either party can also ask for a neutral, non-binding
Friend of the Court mediation for any problems with 17th Circuit Court
custody or parenting time. For unmarried mothers, the The Circuit Court handles civil cases involving more than
mother has custody until there is a court order or written $25,000, criminal cases where the offense is a felony,
agreement between the parents. However, the police domestic relations cases (divorce, custody, child support),
usually will not assist you in returning your child from the and child abuse, neglect, and delinquency cases. The Circuit
other parent until the judge enters a custody order. You Court also hears appeals from lower courts. There are 7
can file a custody action with an attorney or by yourself, judges handling the criminal/civil cases where domestic
but it is complicated. If your child is living with you, violence felony charges would be handled.
contact the Office of Child Support to ask the prosecu-
tor’s office to file a paternity action or a support action The Circuit Court also has 5 judges in the Family Division
that gives you sole custody and provides for child support. that hear cases dealing with nearly every aspect of family
If the name of the child’s father is not on the birth certif- law, including:
icate or acknowledgement of paternity, the mother auto-
matically has permanent custody and the father has no adoption emancipation of minors
legal rights to the child. child abuse and neglect name changes
child and spousal support parental consent waivers
child custody parenting time
delinquency paternity
divorce personal protection orders
20 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 37
U Visas for Non-Residents Dealing with the Criminal Justice System, continued
Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human As the victim of a crime, you may have certain rights under
trafficking who are not legal residents of the United States the Crime Victim’s Rights Act.
might be able to apply for a “U Visa.” This is a program Keep this booklet with you.
set up by the federal government to provide legal status to
victims of such crimes who might otherwise be afraid to Legal Terms
report the crime to the authorities. The U Visa provides Alleged—This word is used by the legal system to indicate
temporary immigration benefits, including the ability to something that has not yet been proven. You may hear alleged”
stay in the country and employment authorization, to cer- assailant or “alleged” victim.
tain victims of criminal activity who: (1) have suffered
substantial mental or physical abuse as a result of having Arraignment—This is when the judge informs the defendant of
been a victim of criminal activity; (2) have information the charges against them, their constitutional rights, and the
regarding the criminal activity; and (3) assist government conditions and amount of their bond. At the arraignment, the
officials in the investigation and prosecution of such crimi- defendant enters a plea.
nal activity. A U Visa might also be available to certain
family members of the victim. It is possible for U Visa City Attorney—The prosecutor who works for the city instead of
holders to become resident legal aliens if certain time- the county. If the criminal charges are prosecuted as violations
frames and regulations are met. Along with the U Visa, of city ordinances, ordinarily it will be the city attorney who
there are other programs provided by the immigration will prepare and present the case against the assailant
laws that might apply. As with most federal programs, the (defendant).
rules can be complicated and it would be best to check
with a qualified immigration attorney or other agency for Complainant—The person, city, or state that files a suit, makes
more information. See Chapter Three: The Hispanic Cen- a complaint, or presses charges. In criminal cases, this can
ter, Justice for Our Neighbors, Migrant Legal Aid ONLY be the city or state.
Family Court Defendant (or Respondent in a PPO)—This is the person who is
In addition to the criminal justice system, you may find charged with the crime or the person whom the suit is filed
yourself involved in family court matters such as divorce, against. If the assailant is arrested, they become the defend-
custody, parenting time, and/or child support. The follow- ant.
ing information is provided as a general description of the
family court process and should not be perceived as legal Defense Attorney—The lawyer who represents the defendant in
advice. For legal advice, please consult the services of an a criminal case. If the defendant has no money for an attorney,
attorney. the court might appoint an attorney to represent them.
Divorce Plaintiff (or Petitioner in a PPO)—The person, city or state who
Divorce is one option you may choose or be faced with. sues or files the complaint (same as complainant).
Here are some details about the possible process you may
go through: Plea—The person who has been charged will, at some point,
“enter a plea,” telling the court he is guilty or not guilty of the
Michigan allows no-fault divorce [ MALA 552.5, MSA offense with which they are charged. Pleas also include stand-
25.86]. This means you must show that your marriage “has ing “mute” or pleading “no contest.” “No contest” pleas are
broken down.” You may tell the court your basic reason treated as guilty pleas by the sentencing judge. “Standing
for the divorce, but you don’t have to prove adultery or mute” is treated as a not guilty plea.
cruelty or give any specific reason.
With no-fault divorce, one spouse can get a divorce even if Probable Cause—Your statements, visible injuries, statements
the other spouse doesn’t want one. You don’t have to be by witnesses, destroyed property, and anything else that causes
an officer to believe that a crime took place. This is sometimes
living apart to file. called “reasonable cause.”
22 A Guide for Survivors of Relationship Abuse The Healing Path 35