Latin Maxim
Latin Maxim
Latin Maxim
Lex Prospicit Non Respicit The law looks forward, not In every case of doubt, it must be
backward solved against retrospective effect
Lex De Futuro Judex De Praterio The law provides for the future, the Procedural laws are retrospective
judge for the past
Absolute Sentencia Non Indiget An absolute sentence needs no When the law is clear, it is the
explanation court’s duty to apply it, not
interpret it
Optima Statuti Interpretatriz est The best interpreter of a statute is It is not within the power of the
Ipsum Statutum the statute itself court to set aside the clear and
explicit mandate of a statutory
Ratio Legis Est Anima The reason of the law is the soul of
the law
Ratio Legis The principle behind the law Intention of the legislature
Cessante Ratione Cesat Ipsa Lex The reason for a law ceasing, the
law itself ceases
Expressio Unius Est Exclusio The expression of one thing is the What is not included in those
Alterius exception of another enumerated in a statute are
deemed excluded (not a general
rule, applied only as means of
discovering legislative intent)
Generalia Specialibus Non General things do not derogate A general law does not nullify a
Derogant from special things specific or special law
Dura Lex Sed Lex The law may be harsh but it is the It is the sworn duty of the judge to
law apply the law without fear or favor
Cogitationis Poenam Nemo Emerit Nobody endures punishment for Felony is an act or omission that is
thought voluntary (Article 3, Revised Penal
Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Actions do not make a person
Rea guilty unless the mind is guilty The act itself does not make a man
Actus Me Invito Factus Non Est An act done by me against my will guilty unless his intention were so
Meus Actus is not my act
Ignorantia Legis Neminem Excusat Ignorance of the law excuses no Article 3, New Civil Code
Ignorantia Factus Excusat Ignorance of fact is an excuse Mistake of Fact
Ubi Lex Non Distinguit Nec Nos Where the law does not “No person shall be deprived of
Distiguere Debemos distinguish, nor the interpreter life, liberty or property without due
must distinguish process of law, nor shall any person
be denied equal protection of the
laws” (Article III, Section 1,
Mens Legislatores The mind of legislators The courts should give the statute
reasonable or liberal construction
which will best effect its purpose
rather than one which will defeat
Reddendo Singula Singulis Refering each to each Each word phrase or clause must
be referred to their proper
connection in order to give it
proper force and effect.
Cassus Omissus Pro Omisso A case omitted is to be held as If a person or object is omitted
Habbendus Est intentionally omitted from an enumeration in the statue,
it must be held to have been
intentionally omitted
Noscitur a Sociis Known from its associates When a word is ambiguous, its true
meaning may be clear by
considering the company in which
it is found, or with which it is
Ejusdem Generis Of the same kind When general words follow the
designation of particular things, the
general words will usually be
construed to include only those
persons or things of the same class
as those specifically enumerated.