Unit-I Microbiology: Amit Kumar Rai
Unit-I Microbiology: Amit Kumar Rai
Unit-I Microbiology: Amit Kumar Rai
➢ Microbes: Microbe or microorganism, is a microscopic organism that comprises either a single cell
(unicellular), cell clusters or multicellular.
➢ The study of microorganisms is called microbiology, a subject that began with Anton van Leeuwenhoek’s
(Father of Microbiology) discovery of microorganisms in 1675, using a microscope of his own design.
➢ Microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, microscopic plants (green algae) and animals such as
rotifers and planarians. Some microbiologists also include viruses, but others consider these as nonliving.
➢ Most microorganisms are unicellular or multicellular organisms.
➢ First observation of microbes: Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) discovered the ‘invisible’ world of
microorganisms ‘animalcules’. He was the first microbiologist and the first person to observe bacteria using a
single-lens microscope of his own design.
➢ Cell Theory: Robert Hook (1665) reported that life’s smallest structural units were ‘little boxes’ or ‘cells’.
This marked the beginning of cell theory – that all living things are composed of cells
➢ Spontaneous generation: Until second half of nineteenth century many believed that some forms of life
could arise spontaneously from non-living matter. The hypothesis that living organisms arise from nonliving
matter is called spontaneous generation. According to spontaneous generation, a “vital force’ forms life.
• Francesco Redi (1668): Strong opponent of spontaneous generation. He demonstrated that maggots appear
on decaying meat only when flies are able to lay eggs on the meat.
• John Needham (1745) claimed that microorganisms could arise spontaneously from heated nutrient broth.
• Lazzaro Spallanzani (1765) repeated Needhams experiments and suggested that Needham’s results were due
to microorganisms in the air entering the broth.
➢ Biogenesis: Rudolf Virchow (1858) gave concept of biogenesis which states that the living organisms arise
from preexisting life.
• Louis Pasteur (1861) demonstrated that microorganisms are present in the air. His experiments on swan
shaped necks resolved the controversy of spontaneous generation. His discoveries led to the development of
aseptic techniques used in the laboratory and medical procedure to prevent contamination by microorganisms
that are in the air.
➢ Golden Age of Microbiology (1857-1914): Rapid advances in the science of microbiology were made
between 1857 and 1914.
• Louis Pasteur (1822-1895): Beginning with Pasteur’s work, discoveries included the relationship between
microbes and disease, immunity, and antimicrobial drugs.
• Fermentation and Pasteurization: Pasteur showed that microbes are responsible for fermentation.
Fermentation is the conversation of sugar to alcohol to make beer and wine. Microbial growth is also
responsible for spoilage of food. Pasteur demonstrated that these spoilage bacteria could be killed by heat that
was not hot enough to evaporate the alcohol in wine. This application of a high heat for a short time is called
pasteurization. Now a days pasteurization is used to kill bacteria in milk.
➢ The Germ theory of disease:
• Agostino Bassi (1835) showed a casual relationship between microorganisms and disease.
• Pasteur (1865) believed that another silkworm disease was caused by a protozoan.
• Ignaz Semmelwise (1840) said hand washing to prevent transmission of puerperal fever from one obstetric
patient to another.
• Joseph Lister (1860) introduced the use of disinfectant to clean surgical dressings in order to control infection
in humans.
• Robert Koch (1876) proved that microorganisms transmit disease. Koch’s postulates to prove that a particular
microorganism causes a particular disease. He introduced pure cultures. Koch also developed techniques for
isolating organisms. He identified the bacillus that causes tuberculosis and anthrax, developed tuberculin and
studied various diseases in Africa and Asia. His studies on Tuberculosis won him Nobel Prize for philosophy
and medicine in 1905.
➢ Vaccination:
• Edward Jenner (1796) inoculated a person with cowpox virus. The person was then protected from smallpox.
• Called vaccination from vacca for cow.
• The protection is called immunity.
➢ The Birth of Modern Chemotherapy
• Treatment with chemicals is chemotherapy.
• Chemotherapeutic agents are used to treat infectious disease can be synthetic drugs or antibiotics.
• Antibiotics are chemicals produced by bacteria and fungi that inhibit or kill other microbes.
• Quinine from tree bark was long used to treat malaria.
• Paul Ehrlich (1910) developed a synthetic arsenic drug, Salvarsan, to treat syphilis.
• 1930s Sulfonamides were synthesized.
• Alexander Fleming (1928) discovered the first antibiotic. He observed that Penicillium fungus made an
antibiotic, penicillin that killed S. aureus.
• Penicillin (1940s) was tested clinically and mass produced.
➢ The entire microbiology may be sub-divided into followings:
A. Pure Microbiology:
1. Bacteriology: The study of organism (bacteria).
2. Mycology: The study of fungi.
3. Phycology/Algology: The study of algae.
4. Protozoology: The study of protozoans.
5. Virology: The study of viruses.
6. Parasitology: The study of parasites
7. Immunology: The study of the immune system
8. Nematology: The study of nematodes
9. Microbial cytology: The study of microscopic details of microorganisms
10. Microbial physiology: The study of microbial growth, microbial metabolism and microbial cell structure
11. Microbial Ecology: The relationship between microorganisms and their environment
12. Microbial Genetics: The study of how genes are organized and regulated in microbes.
13. Evolutionary microbiology: The study of the evolution of microbes.
14. Generation microbiology: The study of those microorganisms that have the same characters as their parents
15. Systems microbiology: A discipline bridging systems biology and microbiology.
16. Phylogeny: The study of the genetic relationships between different organisms.
B. Other
1. Astro microbiology: The study of microorganisms in outer space
2. Biological agent: The study of those microorganisms which are being used in weapon industries.
3. Nano microbiology: The study of those organisms on nano level.
C. Applied Microbiology
1. Medical microbiology: The study of the pathogenic microbes and the role of microbes in human illness. This
area of microbiology also covers the study of disease pathology and immunology, the study of human
microbiota, cancer, and the tumor microenvironment.
2. Pharmaceutical microbiology: The study of microorganisms that are related to the production of antibiotics,
enzymes, vitamins, vaccines, and other pharmaceutical products.
3. Industrial microbiology: The exploitation of microbes for use in industrial processes. Closely linked to
the biotechnology industry.
4. Microbial biotechnology: The manipulation of microorganisms at the genetic and molecular level to
generate useful products.
5. Food microbiology: The study of microorganisms causing food spoilage and food borne illness.
6. Agricultural microbiology: The study of agriculturally relevant microorganisms. Further classified into:
a) Plant microbiology and Plant pathology: The study of the interactions between microorganisms and
plants and plant pathogens.
b) Soil microbiology: The study of those microorganisms that are found in soil.
7. Veterinary microbiology: The study of the role of microbes in veterinary medicine or animal taxonomy.
8. Environmental microbiology: Study of the function and diversity of microbes in their natural environments.
9. Water microbiology (or aquatic microbiology): The study of those microorganisms that are found in water.
10. Aeromicrobiology (or air microbiology): The study of airborne microorganisms.
11. Biotechnology: related to recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering
The important cellular features of (a) a prokaryotic cell (a bacterium) and (b) a eukaryotic cell.
These are organisms made up of cells that These organisms are made up of cells
Definition lack a cell nucleus or any membrane-bound that have a membrane-bound nucleus as
organelles. well as membrane-bound organelles.
Rare Common with extensive tissue formation
➢ Prokaryotic organisms.
➢ Vary in sizes, measure approximately 0.1 to 10.0 μm
➢ Widely distributed. It can be found in soil, air, water, and living bodies.
➢ Some bacteria can cause diseases for human, animals and plants. Some bacteria are harmless (i.e. live in
human bodies as normal flora)
➢ The outer layer or cell envelope consists of two components, a rigid cell wall and beneath it a cytoplasmic or
plasma membrane. The cell envelope encloses the protoplasm, comprising the cytoplasm, cytoplasmic
inclusions such as ribosomes and mesosomes, granules, vacuoles and the nuclear body.
1. Cell Wall: It is very rigid & gives shape to the cell. Its main function is to prevent the cell from swelling and
rupturing due to water uptake. Chemically the cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan (also known as Murein
or Mucopeptide). Mucopeptide formed by repeating disaccharide units of N acetyl glucosamine (NAG) & N
acetyl muramic acid (NAM) alternating in chains and cross linked by peptide chains. Peptide chain is
composed of amino acids, L-alanine, D-glutamic acid, L-lysine and D-alanine. Polyalcohols called Teichoic
acid are embedded in it to form a carbohydrate backbone. Some are linked to Lipids & called Lipoteichoic
acid. Lipotechoic acid link peptidoglycan to cytoplasmic membrane and the peptidoglycan give rigidity.
Teichoic acids are responsible for negative charge, major antigenic transport ions, anchoring and external
permeability barrier.
• On the basis of cell wall structure bacteria can be classified as Gram positive bacteria (G +) and Gram negative
bacteria (G-). The names originate from the reaction of cells to the Gram stain, a test long-employed for the
classification of bacterial species. Gram-positive bacteria possess a thick cell wall containing many layers of
peptidoglycan and teichoic acids. Gram-negative bacteria have a relatively thin cell wall consisting of a few
layers of peptidoglycan surrounded by anouter membrane (second lipid membrane containing
lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins). These differences in structure can produce differences in property as
antibiotic susceptibility.
• Characteristics of Gram Positive &Gram Negative
2. Outer Membrane:Outer membrane is found only in Gram-negative bacteria. It actas an initial barrier to the
environment and is composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and phospholipidsLipopolysaccharide (LPS)are
endotoxic and antigen specific.
3. Cytoplasmic membrane:Cytoplasmic membrane is present immediately beneath the cell wall, found in
both Gram positive & negative bacteria.It is a thin layer lining of inner surface of cell wall and separating it
from cytoplasm. It acts as a semipermeable membrane controlling the flow of metabolites to and from the
4. Cytoplasm:It is a colloidal system contains a variety of organic and inorganic solutes containing 80% Water
and 20% Salts, Proteins. They are rich in ribosomes, DNA & fluid. DNA is circular and haploid. Plasmids are
extra circular DNA.
5. Ribosomes:They are the centers of protein synthesis. They are slightly smaller than the ribosomes of
eukaryotic cells.
6. Mesosomes:They are vesicularand formed by invagination of plasma membrane into the cytoplasm. They
are principal sites of respiratory enzymes and help with cell reproduction.
7. Cytoplasmic Inclusions:The Inclusion bodies are aggregates of polymers produced when there is excess of
nutrients in the environment and they are the storage reserve for granules, phosphates and other substances.
Volutin granules are polymetaphosphates which are reserves of energy and phosphate for cell metabolism and
they are also known as metachromatic granules.
8. Nucleus:The Nucleus is not distinct and has no nuclear membrane or nucleolus and the genetic material
consist of DNA. The cytoplasmic carriers of genetic information are termed as plasmids or episomes.
9. Capsule: Capsule is the outer most layer of the bacteria (extra cellular). It is a condensed well defined layer
closely surrounding the cell. They are usually polysaccharide. They are secreted by the cell into the external
environment and are highly impermeable. When masses of polymer t appear to be totally detached from the
cell and if the cells are seen entrapped in it are described as slime layer. The Capsule protects against drying
or harsh chemicals.
10. Flagella: Flagella are long hair like helical filaments extending from cytoplasmic membrane to exterior of
the cell. Flagellin is highly antigenic and helps in cell motility. They hel[s to move the bacteria towards
nutrients and other attractants and this process or movement is known as Chemotaxis.
• Positive chemotaxis is movement of bacteria towards chemicals.
• Negative chemotaxis is movement of bacteria away from chemicals.
• Phototaxis is movement of bacteria towards light.
• The parts of flagella are the filament, hook and the basal body.
a) Filament is a hollow, rigid cylinder and external to cell wall and is connected to the hook at cell surface.
Hook & basal body are embedded in the cell envelope. Hook & filament is composed of protein subunits
called as flagellin. Flagellin is synthesized within the cell and passes through the hollow centre of flagella.
b) Basal body anchors the flagellum to the cell wall and plasma membrane. It is most complex part and inserted
into a series of rings. In E. coli and most gram negative bacteria there are four rings present named as L,P,S
and M ring. Gram positive bacteria have only two basal body ring. Movement of prokaryotic flagellum is due
to the rotation of basal body either clockwise or anti-clockwise.
11. Pili / Fimbriae: Hair-like proteineous structures that extend from the cell membrane to external
environment are pili which are otherwise known as fimbriae. They are thinner, shorter and more numerous
than flagella and they do not function in motility. There are two types pili namely Non-sex pili (Common pili)
eg. fimbriae or type IV and the sex pili. The fimbriae are antigenic and mediate their adhesion which inhibits
phagocytosis. The sex pili help in conjugation.
Gram reaction They don't retain the Gram stain when Retain crystal violet dye and stain dark
washed with alcohol and acetone. They violet or purple, they remain coloured
decolourized to accept counter stain blue or purple with gram stain when
(Safranin or Fuchsine). Stain red/pink. washed with absolute alcohol and water.
Cell wall The cell wall is 70-120 A0 thick; two The cell wall is 100-120 A0 thick; single
composition layered. Lipid content is 20-30% (high), layered. Lipid content of the cell wall is
Murein content is 10-20% (low). low, Murein content is 70-80% (higher).
Lipid and High (due to presence of outer Low (acid-fast bacteria have lipids linked
lipoprotein content membrane) to peptidoglycan)
B. Nutrients Requirements: Some common nutrients are Macro elements (macronutrients) which required
in relatively large amounts such as H, O, C, N, S, P & Micronutrients (trace elements) which required in
trace amounts such as K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Co, Mo and Ni.
1. Carbon:It is needed for skeleton or backbone of all microorganisms. Source of carbon are CO 2 and organic
2. Nitrogen: It is a major component of protein and nucleic acid. It is needed for synthesis of important
molecules (e.g., amino acids, nucleic acids). Most organisms obtain N fro ammonia and oxidized form of
nitrate such as reduce nitrate (NO3-) and Nitrite (NO2-).
3. Hydrogen:Hydrogen is usually obtained from water, and oxygen is obtained from atmosphere or from water.
4. Oxygen: Oxygen can be obtained from various forms such as water etc. Microorganisms are classified with
respect to the effect of oxygen on their growth and metabolism:
a) Obligate aerobes: Theyuse and require oxygen as electron acceptor. They have respiratory enzymes and
lack the capacity for fermentations. Examples: Pseudomonas, some Bacillus
b) Obligate anaerobes: They do not need or use O2 as a nutrient. In fact, O2 is a toxic substance, which
either kills or inhibits their growth. They may live by fermentation, anaerobic. Examples: Clostridium,
c) Facultative organisms: They are organisms that can switch between aerobic and anaerobic types of
metabolism. Under anaerobic conditions (no O2) they grow by fermentation or anaerobic respiration, but
in the presence of O2 they switch to aerobic respiration. Examples: all Enterobacteriaceae (E.coli), some
5. Sulphur: It is needed for synthesis of some amino acids such as cysteine and methinine. Sulphate is the
principal source of sulphur.
6. Other elements:Inorganic compounds present in the environment and those released in decomposition of
organic substrates are principal sources of other major nutrient elements and micronutrients. Phosphorus that
is bound in organic compounds is releases as phosphoric acid during decomposition.
7. Growth Factors: Growth factors are required in small amounts by cells because they fulfill specific roles in
biosynthesis. The need for a growth factor results from either a blocked or missing metabolic pathway in the
cells. Growth factors are organized into three categories.
a) Purines and pyrimidines: Required for synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA).
b) Amino acids: Required for the synthesis of proteins.
c) Vitamins: Needed as coenzymes and functional groups of certain enzymes.
➢ A culture medium is a solid, liquid or semi-solid designed to support the growth of microorganisms or cells.
➢ A culture medium contains water, a source of carbon & energy, source of nitrogen, trace elements and some
physical growth parameters or factors necessary for microbial growth.The pH of the medium must be set
➢ Basic Ingredients:
1. Protein source: Peptone (a complex mixture of partially digested proteins). E.g. are Neopeptone& proteose
peptone. Digest broths can also be used such as meat extract.
2. Mineral salt: Sodium chloride.
3. Agar: Long chain polysaccharides. Prepared for using solid media. Obtained from sea weeds. Also contains
varying amounts of inorganic salts and small quantities of a protein like substance. Hydrolized at high
temperature at high acid or alkaline pH. Melts at 98ºC and usually sets at 42ºC depending on agar
concentration. Approximately 2% agar is used to prepare solid media.
4. Water: Source of oxygen and hydrogen.
1. Lag phase: Immediately afterinoculation there is no appreciable increase in number.There may be an increase
in the size of the cells. This initial period is the time required for adaptation to the new environment and this
lag phase varies with species, nature of culture medium and temperature.
2. Log or exponential phase: After the lag phase, the cell starts dividing and their numbers increase
exponentially with time.
3. Stationary phase: After a period of exponential growth, cell division stops due to depletion of nutrient and
accumulation of toxic products. The viable count remains stationary as equilibrium exists between the dying
cells and the newly formed cells.
4. Phase of decline: This is the phase when the population decreased due to cell death.
2. Oxygen: Depending on oxygen for growth and viability, bacteria are divided into aerobes and anaerobes.
Aerobic bacteria require oxygen for growth. They may be obligate aerobes like vibrio cholera, which will
grow only in the presence of oxygen or facultative anaerobes which are ordinarily aerobic but can grow in the
absence of oxygen. Most bacterial of medical importance are facultative anaerobes. Anaerobic bacteria, such
as clostridia, grow in the absence of oxygen and the obligate anaerobes may even die on exposure to oxygen.
Microaerophilic bacteria are those that grow best in the presence of low oxygen.
3. Carbon Dioxide: All bacteria require small amounts of carbon dioxide for growth. This requirement is
usually met by the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. Some bacteria like Brucella abortus require
much higher levels of carbon dioxide.
4. Temperature: Bacteria vary in their requirement of temperature for growth. The temperature at which
growth occurs best is known as the optimum temperature. Bacteria which grow best at temperatures of 25-
40°C are called mesophilic. Psychrophilic bacteria are those that grow best at temperatures below 20°C.
Another group of non pathogenic bacteria, thermophiles, grow best at high temperatures, 55-80°C. The lowest
temperature that kills a bacterium under standard conditions in a given time is known as thermal death point.
5. Moisture and Drying: Water is an essential ingredient of bacterial protoplasm and hence drying is lethal to
cells. The effect of drying varies in different species.
6. Light: Bacteria except phototrophic species grow well in the dark. They are sensitive to ultraviolet light and
other radiations. Cultures die if exposed to light.
7. H-ion concentration: Bacteria are sensitive to variations in pH. Each species has a pH range, above or below
which it cannot survive and an optimum pH at which it grows best. Majority of pathogenic bacteria grow best
at neutral or slightly alkaline pH (7.2 – 7.6)
8. Osmotic Effect: Bacteria are more tolerant to osmotic variation than most other cells due to the mechanical
strength of their cell wall. Sudden exposure to hypertonic solutions may cause osmotic withdrawal of water
and shrinkage of protoplasm called plasmolysis.
iii. Take out the glass rod from the beaker and sterile the bent portion in the Bunsen burner flame. Cool the rod.
iv. Remove the cover of petri dish and spread the culture evenly with the help of glass rod over the agar surface.
v. Replace the petri dish cover and dip the glass rod in alcohol and reflame to sterilize it.
vi. Incubate the plate in an incubator in an inverted position at 35ºC for 24-48 hours.
3. Pour Plate Method: In this method successive dilutions of the inoculums (serial dilution of original
specimen) are added into sterile petri dish which contain molten agar medium (at 42-45ºC) and thoroughly
mixed by rotating the plates which is then allowed to solidify.Procedure is as follow:
i. Liquefy the nutrient agar in the tubes by heating them in water bath.
ii. Cool the tubes to 45°C and hold at this temperature until ready to pour into the plate.
iii. Label or mark the tubes and corresponding petri dishes with increasing order of number.
iv. Aseptically transfer 1 ml of the bacterial suspension from stock to tube number 1 with the use of sterile
v. Serially dilute the culture aseptically from the test tube no. 1 to the test tube no. 6 by taking 1 ml of the
sample from each test tube to the next test tube.
vi. Mix the each sample with agar medium by gently rotating the tubes between palms.
vii. Pour the contents of tubes into the corresponding labeled petri dish and allow to solidify.
viii. Incubate the plates in inverted position at 37°C for 24-48 hours.
3. Paraffin Method/ preservation by overlaying cultures with mineral oil: This is a simple and most
economical method of maintaining pure cultures of bacteria and fungi. In this method, sterile liquid paraffin is
poured over the slant (slope) of culture and stored upright at room temperature. The layer of paraffin ensures
anaerobic conditions and prevents dehydration of the medium. This condition helps microorganisms or pure
culture to remain in a dormant state and, therefore, the culture can be preserved form months to years (varies
with species).
4. Cryopreservation: Cryopreservation (i.e., freezing in liquid nitrogen at -196°C or in the gas phase above the
liquid nitrogen at -150°C) helps survival of pure cultures for long storage times (10 to 30 years). In this
method, the microorganisms of culture are rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen at -196°C in the presence of
stabilizing agents such as glycerol or Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) that prevent the cell damage due to
formation of ice crystals and promote cell survival.
5. Lyophilization (Freeze-Drying): Freeze-drying is a process where water and other solvents are removed
from a frozen product via sublimation. Sublimation occurs when a frozen liquid goes directly to a gaseous
state without entering a liquid phase. Freeze-dried products are hygroscopic and must be protected from
moisture during storage. Under these conditions, the microbial cells are dehydrated and their metabolic
activities are stopped; as a result, the microbes go into dormant state and retain viability for years (more than
30 years). Lyophilized or freeze-dried pure cultures and then sealed and stored in the dark at 4°C in
media become completely anaerobic they are inoculated with bacterial culture and placed in an incubator
fitted within the chamber.
3. Anaerobic Bags or Pouches:Anaerobic bags or pouches make convenient containers when only a few
samples are to be incubated anaerobically. They are available commercially. Bags or pouches have an oxygen
removal system consisting of a catalyst and calcium carbonate to produce an anaerobic, CO 2-rich
atmosphere.One or two inoculated plates are placed into the bag and the oxygen removal system is activated
and the bag is sealed and incubated.
4. Anaerobic Jars (or Gas Pak Anaerobic System):When an oxygen-free or anaerobic atmosphere is required
for obtaining surface growth of anaerobic bacteria, anaerobic jars are the best suited. The most reliable and
widely used anaerobic jar is the Melntosh-Fildes’ anaerobic jar. It is a cylindrical vessel made of glass or
metal with a metal lid, which is held firmly in place by a clamp. It contains one gas inlet and one gas outlet. It
carries palladium pelletssachet which convert hydrogen and oxygen into water at room temperature.
Inoculated culture plates are placed inside the jar. The outlet tube is connected to a vacuum pump and the air
inside is evacuated. The outlet tap is then closed and the gas inlet tube connected to a hydrogen supply.
Hydrogen is drawn inside the chamber until oxygen present inside is converted into water by palladium
Anaerobic Jar
A. Total Count: This technique involves the count of all bacteria in a given suspension either viable or dead.
This can be performed by following methods:
1. Turbidimetry Method:it is indirect method of counting. Total number of bacteria is calculated from a
standard calibration curve which is obtained by plotting log bacterial count of a suspension against
absorbance of this suspension. Turbidity is measured by Spectrophotometer which measure % transmittance
i.e. amount of light going through culture. Transmittance is inversely proportional to turbidity (cell
concentration). As turbidity increases cell number increases and transmittance decrease.
2. Counting Chamber Method: The most common method of enumerating the totalmicrobial cells is the direct
counting of cell suspension ina counting chamber of known volume using amicroscope. The most common
type of counting chamberis calledhaemocytometer (originally designed for performingblood cell counts). It
consists of a thick glass microscopicslide with a rectangular groove that creates a chamberof known
dimensions.This chamber is marked with a counting grid (network)of perpendicular lines divided into nine
large squares (1mm x 1mm). The center square is divided into 25 smaller squares (0.2mm x 0.2mm). Depth of
the counting chamber is 0.1 mm.Therefore it is possible to count the number of cells ina specific volume of
fluid (10-20 µl in each slide notch),and thereby calculate the concentration of cells in the original fluid
3. Electronic Counters:An electronic instrument called the Coulter counter can also be used for the direct
enumeration of cells in a suspension. The instrument is capable of accurately counting thousands of cells in a
few seconds.The suspending fluid, however, must be free of inanimate particles (e.g. dust).
B. Viable Count: Viable cont involves counting of colonies produced by only viable cells under favorable
growth conditions. The count represents the number of colony forming units (cfu) per gm (or per ml) of the
sample. This can be accomplished by following methods:
1. Plate Count Method: This is the most frequently used method. In the method culture is evenly spread across
a plate and counts the colonies. Each colony represents a cell in the original culture.This can be done by
techniques like pour plating or spread plating or serial dilution. In this procedure a diluted cell suspension is
introduced into a petridish. An appropriate melted agar medium is poured into the petri dish and is thoroughly
mixed with the inoculum by rotating the plate. After the solidification of the medium, the plates are inverted
and incubated for 18 to 24 hours. A plate having 30 to 300 colonies is selected for counting the number of
2. Membrane Filters Count:This method is the same in principle as that of a plate count. A suspension of
micro-organisms, such as in water or air, if filtered through a millipore filter membrane. The organisms are
retained on the filter disc. The disc is then placed in a petridish containing a suitable medium. The plates are
incubated and the colonies are observed on the membrane surface.
➢ Microscope are instruments that help to enlarge minute (micro = very small) organisms or their parts.
➢ The first microscope was constructed by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723). This, microscope consisted
of a single biconvex lens fitted in a small window of a “board” and the object was viewed through it.
➢ Resolving Power: It is the ability of a microscope to show two closely lying points as two distinct points.
➢ Magnification: It is the ratio of the size of the image to that of the object.
Types of Microscopes
A. Optical (or Light) Microscope
1. Bright Field Microscope (Simple & Compound Microscope)
2. Dark Field Microscope
3. Phase Contrast Microscope
4. Fluorescence Microscope
B. Electron Microscope
1. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
A. Optical (or Light) Microscope: The most common microscope is the optical microscope, which
uses light to pass through a sample to produce an image. Visible light transmitted or reflected from
the sample through a single or multiple lenses to allow a magnified view of sample. The resulting
image can be detected directly by the eyes or on a photographic plate.
1. Bright Field Microscope: Bright-field microscopy is the simplest of all the optical microscopy
illumination techniques. The typical appearance of a bright-field microscopy image is a dark sample on a
bright background, hence the name. Light path is as follows:
• A transillumination light source, commonly a halogen lamp in the microscope stand.
• A condenser lens, which focuses light from the light source onto the sample.
• An objective lens, which collects light from the sample and magnifies the image.
• Oculars and/or a camera to view the sample image.
a) Simple Microscopes: It consists of a biconvex lens which is moved up and down by an adjustment
screw to bring the object in sharp focus. The object is placed on the platform and light is focused
with the help of a concave mirror fitted below. In simple microscope, convex lens of short focal
length is used to see magnified image of a small object.
b) Compound Microscope: A compound microscope consists of two set of convex lenses. A lens of
short aperture and short focal length facing the object is called objective. Another set of lens of
relatively moderate focal length and large aperture facing the eye is called the eye piece. The
objective and the eye piece are placed at the two end of a tube. It forms real, inverted and magnified
image. This image acts as an object for the eye piece which is then produced as virtual, erect and
magnified image.
Path in Dark Field Microscope Difference between Light Path in Bright & Dark Field Microscope
2. Dark Field Microscope: It produces a bright image of the object against a dark background. In dark field
microscopy a special condenser is used so that only light reflected by the specimen enters the objective lens.
Unreflected or unrefracted light do not enter to the objective lens hence a bright image of specimen against a
dark background with better resolution than bright field microscope produces. The light's path is as follow:
• Light enters the microscope for illumination of the sample.
• A specially sized disc called patch stop or wide phase annulus, blocks some light from the light source,
leaving an outer ring of illumination.
• The condenser lens focuses the light towards the sample.
• The light enters the sample. Some is scattered from the sample while some light are unreflected.
• The scattered light enters the objective lens, while the unreflected light misses the lens and is not
• Only the scattered light goes on to produce the image, while the directly transmitted light is omitted.
• When light passes through an area of high refractive index (thicker region), it deviates from its normal
path i.e. phase change or phase retardation occurs. Hence they have a delayed phase than the undeviated
• The retardation of the phase of the light is ¼ of the λ of the incident light.
• The both rays deviated and undeviated enter into Phase plate.
• Phase plate is designed and positioned in such a way that un-retarted rays will pass through phase ring so
that their phase is not altered by the phase plate.
• But retarted light rays will pass through the area of phase plate which is coated with phase retarding
• When the ¼ (or λ/4) retarted light is pass through this region of phase plate, it is further retarted by ¼ (or
λ/4). With this, the final change or retardation will be λ/4 + λ/4 = λ/2.
• When the unretarted and λ/2 retarted lights are recombined a negative or destructive interference is
created because crest and trough of the unretarted and retarted light will cancel each other. With this
destructive interference, the image of the specimen appears darker against a bright background.
• And if the unretarted and λ/2 retarted will be in the same phase a positive or constructive interference is
created. In this case the image of the specimen becomes brighter against dark background.
• Thus in phase contrast microscopy, the combination of destructive and constructive interferences crates
high contrast in the final image.
Fluorescence Microscope
B. The Electron Microscope: The electron microscope was developed in 1932 by M. Knoll and Ruska in
Germany. It consist of a source of supplying a beam of electron of uniform velocity, a condenser lens for
concentrating the electron on the specimen, a specimen stage for displacing the specimen which transmits
the electron beam, an objective lens, a projector lens and a fluorescent screen on which final image is
observed. There are two types of electron microscope.
1. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM): It is complex and sophisticated. It forms an image of
radiation that has passed through a specimen.
• It uses a high voltage electron beam to create an image. The electron beam is produced by an electron
gun, commonly fitted with a tungsten filament cathode as the electron source. The electron beam is
accelerated by an anode.
• Since electron cannot pass through a glass lens so that a magnetic lens (electromagnetic) are used to
focus the electron beam.
• The column containing lenses and specimen must be under high vacuum because electrons are deflected
by collision with air molecules.
• Specimen to be examined is prepared as an extremely thin dry film on small screens and is introduced
into the instrument between magnetic lens (condenser) and magnetic objective (comparable to stage).
• As the incident electron beam falls on the specimen, it (specimen) scatters some electron beam which
carries information about the structure of the specimen that is magnified by the objective lens system of
the microscope.
• The spatial variation in this information (the “image”) may be viewed by projecting the magnified
electron image onto a fluorescent viewing screen coated with a phosphorous or zinc sulfide.
• Alternatively, the image can be photographically recorded by exposing a photographic film or plate
directly to the electron beam.
2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): It is capable of producing high resolution images of a sample. It
creates 3D image of the specimen. It produces an image from electron released from the atoms on an object
surface. It is used to examine the surfaces of microorganisms and differentiate the different structures.
• Specimen used in SEM is produced by fixing, dehydrating and drying. Dried sample is coated with a thin
layer of metal to prevent the formation of electric charge on the surface.
• A beam of electrons is produced at the top of the microscope by an electron gun. The electron beam
follows a vertical path through the microscope, which is held within a vacuum.
• The beam travels through electromagnetic fields and lenses, which focus the beam down toward the
• Once the beam hits the sample, electrons and X-rays are ejected from the sample.
• Detectors collect these X-rays, backscattered electrons, and secondary electrons and convert them into a
signal that is sent to a screen similar to a television screen. This produces the final image.