Qualifications Pack - Occupational Standards For Sports Industry

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1. Introduction and Contacts..…………………P.1
2. Qualifications Pack……………………….……..P.2
3. OS Units……………………..…………………….…P.2
4. Glossary of Key Terms …………………….….P.3

 OS describe what
individuals need
to do, know and
understand in
order to carry
out a particular
job role or
Qualifications Pack – Sports Nutritionist
 OS are (IT-ITES)ces Helpdesk Attendant
SUB-SECTOR: Sports and Fitness
individuals must
achieve when REFERENCE ID:
carrying out
functions in the ALIGNED TO: NIL
Brief Job Description: Responsible for understanding the goals of the clients
together with (general and sportsmen) and prescribing a diet to help attain their short,
specifications of medium and long term objectives.
the underpinning
knowledge and Personal Attributes: This job requires the individual to have analytical thinking,
understanding people skills and technical know-how of food and health. The person must have
an inclination towards sports and understand the special dietary requirements
Sports of a sportsperson based on his/her sport, culture and lifestyle. The participant
Sector Skill Council, FICCI must be inclined to read and upgrade his/her knowledge and must take
Federation House initiatives.
Tansen Marg, New Delhi
Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist

Qualifications Pack Code SPF/Q0203

Job Role Sports Nutritionist

Job Details

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Sports PE Fitness
Sector Drafted on 21-02-2016
and Leisure
Last reviewed
Sub-sector 21-02-2016
Sports and Fitness on
Next review
Occupation Sports Nutritionist 21-01-2018

Job Role Sports Nutritionist

Plan, assess and improvise the diet plans for sportspersons and
Role Description
help them attain their goals
NSQF level 5
Minimum Educational Qualifications* Class 12th preferably with science stream
Maximum Educational Qualifications* Graduate with science/home science background
Preferably a course in home science
(Suggested but not mandatory)

Minimum Job Entry Age TBD

1. Applying principles of nutrition
Applicable National Occupational 2. Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes
Standards (NOS) 3. Developing nutrition strategy
4. Work and Communicate effectively in sport environment

Performance Criteria As described in the relevant OS units

Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist

Keywords /Terms Description

Sector Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar

businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the

economy whose components share similar characteristics and interests.
Sub-sector Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the
characteristics and interests of its components.
Occupation Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of
functions in an industry.
Function Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the
sector, occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a person
or a group of persons. Functions are identified through functional
analysis and form the basis of OS.
Job Role Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
employment opportunity in an organization.
OS OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve
when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the
knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard
consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian
and global contexts.
Performance Criteria Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard
of performance required when carrying out a task.
NOS NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a
Code qualifications pack.
Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the
educational, training and other criteria required to perform a job role. A
Qualifications Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.
Unit Code Unit Code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard , which is
denoted by an ‘N’.
Unit Title Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
should be able to do.
Description Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be
helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.
Knowledge and Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify the
Understanding technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge
that an individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.
Organizational Context Organizational Context includes the way the organization is structured
and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.
Technical Knowledge Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish
specific designated responsibilities.
WADA World Anti-Doping Agency
NADA National Anti-Doping Agency
OHS Occupational Health & Safety

SPEFL/ Applying principles of nutrition

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

National Occupational


This unit is about applying principles of nutrition

SPEFL/ Applying principles of nutrition

Unit Code
National Occupational Standard

Unit Title
(Task) Applying principles of nutrition and identifying risks
Description This unit is about having knowledge of nutrition and understand its relationship to
health, weight and physical performance.
This OS unit/task covers the following:
 Collecting information
 Analyse information
 Goal Setting and devising a diet plan
 Adapt the principles of nutrition
 Identification of risks and refering to external sources
Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. Obtain informed consent before collecting dietary information from
Collecting Participants
information PC2. Collect and record participants’ health background and nutritional information
PC3. Identify the limitations of different methods of collecting nutritional

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC4. Understand participants’ lifestyle pattern
PC5. Identify when participants need referral to other professionals
PC6. Make participants understand their nutritional needs
Analyse information PC7. Agree with participants their readiness to make dietary modifications
PC8. Identify and agree strategies to prevent non-compliance or relapse
PC9. Identify and review points with the participants
PC10. Identify and understand importance of allied medical professional
PC11. Compare participants' diets to those of current healthy eating guidelines

PC12. Analyse participants' nutritional information in relation to their goals

PC13. Set SMART nutritional goals for the participant
Goal setting and PC14. Develop and agree strategies to overcome barriers to achieving the
devising a diet plan participants' nutritional goals
PC15. Record the agreed goals in an accessible format
PC16. Support participants to agree on nutritional goals

PC17. Communicate the dietary modifications in relation to current healthy eating

Adapt the principles
of nutrition
PC18. Access and utilise credible sources of information and advice
PC19. Ensure participants understand agreed dietary changes

SPEFL/ Applying principles of nutrition

PC20. Ensure participants can implement the agreed dietary changes

PC21. Regularly review participants' progress towards their nutritional goals
PC22. Monitor adherence to agreed dietary changes
PC23. Agree necessary adjustments to participants' dietary habits
PC24. Ensure dietary recommendations are conducive to all programme

PC25. Identify the role of medical and allied health professionals in providing and
applying nutritional information and advice to athletes.
PC26. Recognise appropriate sources of information for provision of healthy eating
information to athletes.
Identification of risks PC27. Recognise clients with specific nutritional needs.
and refering to PC28. Conduct referral in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
external sources PC29. Recognise dangers of providing inappropriate nutrition advice to general and
athletes with special needs
PC30. Identify need for referral and guidance from medical practitioner or
appropriate allied health professional for nutrition and body composition

PC31. Identify how anatomical structures respond to physical activity and food
PC32. Identify, update and expand own knowledge of anatomy and nutrition
Knowledge of basic PC33. Identify and apply nutrient needs and dietaryhealth problems across the
anatomy of human lifespan
body PC34. Identify role of food, nutrients and other important food substances in
relation to the body’s function.
PC35. Understand food processing, digestion and assimilation process in the body

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. The categories of banned substances and why these are banned
(Knowledge of the KA2. The standard operating procedures (SOPs) and policies of the organisation
company / KA3. Responsibilities and code of conduct towards the clients
organization and KA4. Organisation’s policy on recommendation of supplements
its processes)

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

Knowledge KB1. Must break down the Nutritional strategy into:
 Food group
 Hydration
 Preparation
 Quantity
 Timing
 Supplementation (banned or approved)
KB2. Understand the goal of the participant

SPEFL/ Applying principles of nutrition

KB3. Analyse the lifestyle and physical activity information provided by the client
KB4. principles of nutrition and the healthy diet pyramid, including nutritional
composition of the five food groups
KB5. Methods of getting the information from the participants
KB6. The types of improvements that can be made to the nutritional strategy
KB7. sources of information, advice and specialist services relating to diet, nutrition
and weight managemen
KB8. common diet, nutrition and weight-related conditions and contributing factors
KB9. Health claims versus evidence-based assessment of the efficacy of diet,
nutrition and weight-management related medicines and products
KB10. indicators of weight-related conditions, e.g. body mass index parameters
KB11. impact of diet on health conditions, including:
 principles of a balanced diet
 relationship between diet-related disease and the excessive
consumption of saturated fat, sodium and sugar
 role of hydration
KB12. The effects of lifestyle, likes and dislikes when developing a nutritional strategy
KB13. The main components of a nutrition
KB14. To check for banned substances
KB15. Understanding of SMART goals
KB16. role of food, nutrients and other food substances
KB17. main functions of the digestive and excretory systems
KB18. Understanding of human anatomy and body systems
KB19. Functions of various endocrine glands in the body
KB20. dietary health problems
KB21. Know whom to refer or take reference from
 physiotherapists and medics
 psychologists
 physiologists
 biomechanists
 lifestyle support specialists
 physician
 supervisor
 specialist health/exercise professional
 previous nutritionist/dietician

Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. Prepare documents/ reports
SA2. Write down goals and objectives of the athlete
SA3. Note down health history and lifestyle habits of the athlete

SPEFL/ Applying principles of nutrition

SA4. Prepare a nutrirional strategy specific to meet the requirements of the athlete
SA5. Make a note of the ailments or allergies that the trainee might be going through
SA6. Improvise the diet plan

Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA7. Ability to read and understand safety guidelines
SA8. Ungrade knowledge through reading the credible sources of information
SA9. Ability to read and understand guidelines laid for the banned substances
SA10. Use literacy skills to read, interpret and follow organisational policies and
procedures, follow sequenced written instructions

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA11. councel the participants on why a specific diet plan is being recommeneded
SA12. Motivate participants to stick to the nutritional strategy as discussed
SA13. Fulfil the job role including questioning techniques, active listening, clarifying
information and consulting with supervisors as required
SA14. Consult with relevant personnel to implement review recommendations
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
SB1. Decide if the diet plan needs to be changed or stopped
SB2. To decide on items that need to be contraindicated considering the health of
the participant
SB3. Assessing what must be included in a diet/nutrition plan

Plan and organise

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. Organise a session with the coach and the athlete to discuss the nutritional

Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. Keep the health history and other client related information safe
SB6. Respect code of confidentiality by not discussing clients’ health and diet plans
with any other person

Problem Solving
SB7. Improvise diet plans or change the nutritional strategy if not affecting the
clients positively
SB8. determine the dangers of providing dietary advice to athletes who require
specialised advice

Analytical Thinking

SPEFL/ Applying principles of nutrition

SB9. Analyse the exercise/workout schedule of the athlete/client and prepare a

chart accordingly
SB10. Assess the impact of the diet plan recommended

SPEFL/ Applying principles of nutrition

NOS Version Control

NOS Code

Credits(NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Sports PE Fitness and

Industry Drafted on 21/02/2016
Industry Sub-sector Sports and Fitness Last reviewed on
Occupation Sports Nutritionist Next review date


Back to QP
SPF/N Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes

National Occupational

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This unit is about providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes

SPF/N Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes

Unit Code SPF/N

Unit Title
Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes
National Occupational Standard

Description This OS unit is about providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes and
sensitizing them against the use of banned products.
 Maintain knowledge on drugs
 Sensitise athletes against the drugs abuse
 Develop and implement strategies to assist athletes
 Knowledge of nutritional supplements

Performance Criteria (PC)

Element Performance Criteria

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. identify drugs in sport issues relevant to the sporting activity or athletes’ needs.
PC2. collect and analyse relevant and current information from a range of sources.
Maintain knowledge PC3. identify support personnel and resources available to assist athletes with drugs in
on drugs sport issues.
PC4. assess athlete’s information needs in relation to drugs in sport.
PC5. maintain and update information on drugs in sport issues.

PC6. determine specific drugs in sport information to be presented.

PC7. finalise content and delivery mechanisms of information to be presented.
PC8. present information to athletes in a style appropriate to the needs of the athletes
Sensitise athletes and the coaching setting.
against the drugs PC9. use appropriate activities and learning experiences to deliver information.
abuse PC10. check understanding of athletes regarding information provided using appropriate
approaches and encourage athletes to clarify information.
PC11. encourage athletes to seek advice and support from identifies support personnel.

PC12. consult with athletes to develop strategies to assist them to address drugs in sport
Develop and
PC13. assist athletes to implement agreed strategies according to organisational policies
and procedures.
strategies to assist
PC14. review effectiveness of strategies in consultation with athletes.
PC15. adjust strategies to better assist athletes to address drug issues in the relevant
PC16. prepare diet chart according to nutritional and dietary supplement clinic guidelines
Knowledge of PC17. advise on prevention of contamination of the nutritional and dietary supplements
nutritional PC18. guide on labeling nutritional and dietary supplements
supplements PC19. Identify and prepare ingredients and equipment for dispensing
PC20. provide instructions for taking the nutritional and dietary supplements in

SPF/N Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes
stipulated quantity to the athletes.
PC21. identify and explain factors that may have an effect on storage

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. Policies on banned substances issued by NADA and WADA
(Knowledge of KA2. The categories of banned substances and why these are banned
the company / KA3. The standard operating procedures (SOPs) and policy of the organisation
organization and KA4. Responsibilities towards an athlete and athletic care
its processes) KA5. Organisation’s policy on recommendation of supplements

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. National (NADA) and international (WADA) anti-doping codes to enable accurate
and current information to be conveyed to athletes
KB2. classes of banned and restricted drugs to enable the communication of current
information to athletes
KB3. organisational policies and procedures to enable athletes to implement strategies
regarding drugs in sport in a professional and supported manner
KB4. short and long term physical and psychological effects of drugs and supplements on
the human body
KB5. credible information sources regarding drugs in sport to enable understanding of
rights and responsibilities in relation to drugs in sport and to maintain accuracy and
currency of knowledge
KB6. drug testing procedures and protocols and sources of current information to
maintain currency and accuracy of knowledge
KB7. available support services in order to convey information to assist athletes with
drugs in sports issues
KB8. strategies to assist athletes to address drugs in sport issues.
KB9. maintaining hygiene standards
KB10. appropriate way of labelling supplements
KB11. legal restrictions/restricted substances
KB12. WHS hazards and controls

Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills SA1. Prepare presentations and write ups for the knowledge of atheltes
SA2. Recommend supplements in stipultated quantity in diet plans
Reading Skills
SA3. Interpret healthy eating information to determine its suitability for the athlete

SPF/N Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes
SA4. Update knowledge with latest diet trends
SA5. Update with the guidelines issued by the national and international anti doping
SA6. language and literacy skills to access and interpret information on key drug issues
relevant to the appropriate sport

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA7. build rapport with athletes
SA8. convey information about performance enhancing and prohibited drugs to athletes
SA9. negotiate appropriate strategies with athletes to address drug issues in sport
SA10. seek feedback on the effectiveness of strategies
SA11. use language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences
SA12. use and interpret non-verbal communication

B. Professional Decision Making

Skills SB1. Decide when to make ammendments in a diet plan
SB2. develop strategies to recognise when a client requires referral to a medical
practitioner or appropriate allied health professional.

Plan and organize

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. Plan sensitising meetings and discussions
SB4. maintain knowledge of healthy eating guidelines and the current role of medical or
allied health professionals in providing nutrition information to clients

Customer Centricity

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. Counsel the athlete against the drug and banned substance abuse
SB6. Follow code of conduct for client confidentiality

Problem Solving
Problem solving skills to:
SB7. assess effectiveness of strategies to address drug issues and modify accordingly

Analytical Thinking
SB8. Assess the impact of the diet plan recommended

SPF/N Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes

NOS Version Control

NOS Code

Credits(NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Sports PE Fitness and

Industry Drafted on 21/02/2016
Industry Sub-sector Sports and Fitness Last reviewed on
Occupation Sports Nurtitionist Next review date

SPF/N Developing nutritional strategy

National Occupational

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

This unit is about developing nutritional strategy

SPF/N Developing nutritional strategy
Unit Code
National Occupational Standard

Unit Title
(Task) Developing nutritional strategy
Description This unit is about providing information to support the athletes to apply
the principles and practices of nutrition for achieveing peak performance
in the relevant sporting activity.
This OS unit/task covers the following:
 Analyse information
 Liaise with coaching and other support staff
Scope  Provide information to athletes
 Assist athletes to implement nutritional strategy
 Evaluate the effect of nutritional practices on the performance of
Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. Collect and analyse relevant and current information from a range
of sources in relation to the principles of sports nutrition for training
and performance.
Analyse information PC2. Identify support personnel and resources available to assist athletes
with nutritional issues.
PC3. Assess athlete’s information needs in relation to nutrition for peak
performance in relevant sporting activity.

PC4. Provide coaching and or other staff with the diet information they
need to monitor and evaluate the training strategy
PC5. Work in a team with coaching staff and other experts to review and
improvise the dietary and nutritional needs of the athlete
PC6. Consult with other sports nutritional personnel, if need be, to
Liaise with coaching and other identify the specific nutritional requirements for training and
support staff performance in the sporting activity.
PC7. Identify nutritional practices to enhance peak performance in the
sporting activity.
PC8. Confirm scope of authority with key personnel in relation to role
within sport structure

PC9. Assess nutrition needs and preferences of athletes in relation to

sporting activity.
Provide information to athletes.
PC10. Inform athletes of the nutritional requirements for peak
performance in the relevant sporting activity.

SPF/N Developing nutritional strategy
PC11. Present information to athletes in a style appropriate to the needs
of the athletes and the coaching setting.
PC12. Use appropriate activities and learning experiences to deliver
PC13. Check understanding of athletes regarding nutritional
requirements for peak sporting performance using appropriate
approaches and encourage athletes to clarify information.
PC14. Encourage athletes to seek advice and support from identified
nutritional support personnel

PC15. Monitor if the nutritional strategy is followed before, during and

after training and competition
PC16. Select implementation strategies to enhance peak performance in
the sporting activity in consultation with the athlete and nutritional
support personnel.
PC17. Assist and support athletes to implement selected strategies in
Assist athletes to implement training and competition according to organisational policies and
nutritional strategy procedures.
PC18. Monitor implementation of nutritional practices during training or
competition according to organisational policies and procedures.
PC19. Identify symptoms associated with eating disorders and refer
athletes to sports physician or accredited sports dietitian.
PC20. Refer athletes who have symptoms of nutritional deficiencies and
eating disorders to nutritional support personnel for treatment.

Evaluate the effect of nutritional PC21. Analyse the performance of athletes in competition situations.
practices on the performance of PC22. Review effectiveness of strategies in consultation with athletes
athletes. and support staff and make adjustments where required

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context (Knowledge of the KA1. Organisational policies and procedures to enable athletes to
company / organization and implement strategies regarding nutritional practices in a
its processes) professional and supported manner
KA2. The anti-doping rule violations and ensure not violating any of
NADA/WADA regulations the principle of strict liability
KA3. The categories of banned substances and why these are banned in
KA4. The standard operating procedures (SOPs) are for drug testing,
KA5. Duty of care towards an athlete and athletic care
KA6. Adherence to codes of conduct

SPF/N Developing nutritional strategy
KA7. Complying to laws of confidentiality
KA8. Occupational health and safety

B. Technical Knowledge The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. nutritional guidelines to enable the provision of accurate
information about the principles and practices of nutrition for peak
performance to athletes
KB2. five food groups in order to assist athletes to identify and balance
nutritional requirements for peak performance
KB3. principles and practices of nutrition for peak performance relevant
to specific activity or sport to enable appropriate advice and support
to be provided to athletes in specific settings
KB4. training and competition diets and dietary nutrients in order to
advise athletes on correct eating for optimal performance
KB5. nutritional supplementation principles in order to assist athletes to
develop appropriate supplements to their diets
KB6. body weight monitoring methods in order to assist athletes to
monitor their weight effectively
KB7. safe weight loss and weight gain principles in order to support
athletes to adopt principles of nutrition to gain and maintain a
weight for peak performance
KB8. principles of hydration and fluid replacement practices in order to
correctly advise athletes to maximise performance
KB9. information sources regarding principles and practices of nutrition
for peak performance.
KB10. break down the nutritional strategy into:
 Food group
 Hydration
 Preparation
 Quantity
 Timing
 Supplementation (banned or approved)
KB11. Understand the sport and the physique requirement of the athlete
KB12. The benefit of a balanced diet which fuels performance against
taking nutritional supplements
KB13. The types of information that the coaching staff may need to
evaluate athlete’s training
KB14. types of improvements that can be made to the nutritional strategy
KB15. importance of nutrition to an athlete’s performance
KB16. energy demands and particular nutritional needs of the athlete
KB17. effects of lifestyle, likes and dislikes when developing a nutritional
KB18. check for banned substances
KB19. be aware of the risks associated with the use of supplements from
an anti-doping perspective

SPF/N Developing nutritional strategy
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. Prepare documents/ reports
SA2. Write down goals and objectives of the athlete
SA3. Note down health history and lifestyle habits of the athlete
SA4. Prepare a nutrirional strategy specific to meet the requirements of
the athlete
SA5. Make a note of the ailments or allergies that the trainee might be
going through
SA6. Improvise the diet plan

Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA7. Ability to read and understand safety guidelines
SA8. Ability to read and understand guidelines laid for the banned
SA9. Use literacy skills to read, interpret and follow organisational
policies and procedures, follow sequenced written instructions

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA10. Build rapport with athletes and support personnel
SA11. Must councel the athlete on why a specific diet plan is being
SA12. Motivate athletes to stick to the nutritional strategy before, during
and after competition and training
SA13. Convey information effectively to the coaching or other staff related
to the athlete

SA14. Fulfil the job role including questioning techniques, active listening,
clarifying information and consulting with supervisors as required
SA15. Consult with relevant personnel to implement review
SA16. Knows instruments of getting information fromt the athlete i.e.
through discussions or open questions

B. Professional Skills Decision Making

SB1. Decide if the diet plan needs to be changed or stopped

SPF/N Developing nutritional strategy
Plan and organise
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how
SB2. Organise a session with the coach and the athlete to discuss the
nutritional strategy

Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. Keep the health history and other client related information safe
SB4. Follow code of confidentiality and not discuss participants’ diet
plans with any other person
SB5. Negotiate appropriate strategies to enhance peak performance with
athletes and seek feedback on their effectiveness

Problem Solving
SB6. Improvise diet plans or change the nutritional strategy if not
affecting the clients positively
SB7. assess effectiveness of nutritional practices to enhance
performance and to modify accordingly
SB8. recognise nutritional issues and refer these to appropriate support
Analytical Thinking
SB9. Analyse the exercise/workout schedule of the athlete/client and
prepare a chart accordingly
SB10. Access, analyse and convey information about the principles and
practices of nutrition for training and peak performance to athletes
SB11. Assess the impact of the diet plan recommended

SPF/N Developing nutritional strategy

NOS Version Control

NOS Code

Credits(NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Sports PE Fitness and

Industry Drafted on 21/02/2016
Industry Sub-sector Sports and Fitness Last reviewed on
Occupation Sports Nutritionist Next review date

SPEFL/ Work and Communicate effectively in sport environment

National Occupational

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

This unit is about working and communicating effectively in sport environment

SPEFL/ Work and Communicate effectively in sport environment

Unit Code
National Occupational Standard

Unit Title
(Task) Work and communicate effectively in sport environment
Description This unit is about providing information to support the athletes to apply
the principles and practices of nutrition for achieveing peak performance
in the relevant sporting activity.
This OS unit/task covers the following:
 Develop effective working relationships
Scope  Use a range of communication mechanisms.
 Deal with issues and problems that arise.

Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. identify own responsibilities and duties in relation to others and
undertake activities in a manner that promotes cooperation and
good relationships.
PC2. practise high standards of personal presentation according to
Develop effective working organisational guidelines and specific requirements for particular
relationships duties or situations.
PC3. seek assistance from colleagues when required to fulfil
responsibilities and duties.
PC4. offer assistance to colleagues when required.
PC5. encourage, acknowledge and act upon constructive feedback
provided by others.

PC6. conduct communication with others in a polite, professional and

friendly manner.
PC7. use language and tone appropriate to a given situation in both
written and spoken communication.
PC8. use appropriate non-verbal communication in all situations.
Use a range of communication PC9. show sensitivity to cultural and social differences.
mechanisms PC10. use active listening and questioning to facilitate effective two-way
PC11. select appropriate medium of communication for the particular
audience, purpose and situation, taking into consideration
characteristics of each medium and relevant factors involved of
authority with key personnel in relation to role within sport

SPEFL/ Work and Communicate effectively in sport environment

PC12. Respect differences in personal values and beliefs and their

importance in the development of relationships.
PC13. Identify any linguistic and cultural differences in communication
styles and respond appropriately.
Deal with issues and problems PC14. Identify potential problems and conflict likely to be encountered in
that arise the sport environment and devise strategies to deal with these
PC15. Seek assistance from others when issues, problems and conflict
arise and suggest possible ways of dealing with them or refer them
to relevant others.

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context (Knowledge of the KA1. The standard operating procedures (SOPs) and policies of the
company / organization and organisation
its processes) KA2. Adherence to codes of conduct; roles and responsibilities
KA3. Occupational health and safety
KA4. Sporting Organisation requirements specific to chosen role

B. Technical Knowledge KB1. characteristics, uses and conventions of different types of

communication mediums
KB2. knowledge of teamwork principles and Group dynamics
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA17. Prepare documents/ reports
SA18. meeting personal presentation standards according to
organisational requirements

Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA19. Ability to read and understand safety guidelines
SA20. Use literacy skills to read, interpret and follow organisational
policies and procedures, follow sequenced written instructions

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA21. Build rapport with athletes and support personnel
SA22. communication and interpersonal skills including active listening

SPEFL/ Work and Communicate effectively in sport environment
and questioning to obtain information to request advice, receive
feedback and build relationships with others
SA23. culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from
diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities

B. Professional Skills Decision Making

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Plan and organise
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB12. Follow rules and regulations of the orgnisation
SB13. Adhere to code of conduct of the organsiation

Problem Solving
SB14. problem-solving techniques to identify strategies to prevent
misunderstandings and conflict.
Analytical Thinking
SB15. identifying and dealing with conflict situations, complaints and
misunderstandings within scope of responsibility

SPEFL/ Work and Communicate effectively in sport environment

NOS Version Control

NOS Code

Credits(NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Sports PE Fitness and

Industry Drafted on 21/02/2016
Industry Sub-sector Sports and Fitness Last reviewed on
Occupation Sports Nutritionist Next review date


Nomenclature for QP and NOS

Qualifications Pack
9 characters
[ABC]/ Q 0101

[Insert 3 letter code for SSC] QP number (2 numbers)

Q denoting Qualifications Pack Occupation (2 numbers)

Occupational Standard

An example of NOS with ‘N’ 9 characters

[ABC] / N 0101

[Insert 3 letter code for SSC] OS number (2 numbers)

N denoting National Occupational Standard Occupation (2 numbers)

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Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist

The following acronyms/codes have been used in the nomenclature above:

Sub-sector Range of Occupation numbers

Sports Science and Technology 01

Sports Medicine 02
Sports Broadcasting/Communications 03
Sports Grassroots 04
Sports Facilities 05
Sports Management 06
Sports Development 07
Sports Event Management 08
Sports Coaching 09
Sports Manufacturing 10
Sports Fitness & Leisure 11

Sequence Description Example

Three letters Industry name SPF

Slash / /

Next letter Whether QP or NOS N

Next two numbers Occupation code 01

Next two numbers OS number 01

Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist


Job Role: Sports Nutritionist

Qualification Pack: SPF/
Sector Skill Council: Sports, Physical Education, Fitness and Leisure Sector Skill Council

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance
Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for
Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory and skill practical part for each
candidate at each examination/training center.
4. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 40% in every NOS overall 50% pass
5. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on
the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack.

Assessment Strategy Marks Allocation

SPF/N Apply the principles of sports nutrition 35%
Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to
SPF/N athletes 25%

SPF/N Developing nutrition strategy 35%

Work and Communicate effectively in sport
SPF/N environment 5%

NOS 1 Applying principles of nutrition and identifying risks

Element Theory Practical
PC1. Obtain informed consent before collecting dietary information
from participants 3 3
Collect PC2. Collect and record participants’ health background and
Information nutritional information 3 3
PC3. Identify the limitations of different methods of collecting
nutritional information 3 3
9 9
Analyse PC4. Understand participants’ lifestyle pattern 3 3

Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist

Information PC5. Identify when participants need referral to other professionals 3 3

PC6. Make participants understand their nutritional needs 3 3
PC7. Agree with participants their readiness to make dietary
modifications 3 3
PC8. Identify and agree strategies to prevent non-compliance or
relapse 3 3
PC9. Identify and review points with the participants 3 3
PC10. Identify and understand importance of allied medical
professional 3 3
PC11. Compare participants' diets to those of current healthy eating
guidelines 3 3
24 24
PC12. Analyse participants' nutritional information in relation to
their goals 3 3
Goal Setting and PC13. Set SMART nutritional goals for the participant 3 3
devising a diet PC14. Develop and agree strategies to overcome barriers to
plan achieving the participants' nutritional goals 3 3
PC15. Record the agreed goals in an accessible format 3 3
PC16. Support participants to agree on nutritional goals 3 3
15 15
PC17. Communicate the dietary modifications in relation to current
healthy eating guidelines 2 3
PC18. Access and utilise credible sources of information and advice 2 3
PC19. Ensure participants understand agreed dietary changes 2 3
PC20. Ensure participants can implement the agreed dietary
Adapt the
changes 2 3
principles of
PC21. Regularly review participants' progress towards their
nutritional goals 2 3
PC22. Monitor adherence to agreed dietary changes 2 3
PC23. Agree necessary adjustments to participants' dietary habits 2 3
PC24. Ensure dietary recommendations are conducive to all
programme 2 3
PC25. Identify the role of medical and allied health professionals in
providing and applying nutritional information and advice to
athletes. 2 3
PC26. Recognise appropriate sources of information for provision of
Identification of healthy eating information to athletes. 2 3
risks and
20 30
referring to
external sources PC27. Recognise clients with specific nutritional needs. 3 3
PC28. Conduct referral in accordance with organisational policies
and procedures 3 3
PC29. Recognise dangers of providing inappropriate nutrition advice
to general and athletes with special needs 3 3

Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist

PC30. Identify need for referral and guidance from medical

practitioner or appropriate allied health professional for nutrition
and body composition advice. 3 3
12 12
PC31. Identify how anatomical structures respond to physical
activity and food 3 3
PC32. Identify, update and expand own knowledge of anatomy and
nutrition 3 3
Knowledge of PC33. Identify and apply nutrient needs and dietary health
basic anatomy of problems across the lifespan 3 3
human body
PC34. Identify role of food, nutrients and other important food
substances in relation to the body’s function. 3 3
PC35. Understand food processing, digestion and assimilation
process in the body 3 3
15 15
NOS TOTAL 95 105

NOS 2 Providing knowledge of drugs and supplements to athletes Theory Practical

PC1. identify drugs in sport issues relevant to the sporting activity or
athletes’ needs. 3 2
PC2. collect and analyse relevant and current information from a
Maintain range of sources. 2 3
knowledge on PC3. identify support personnel and resources available to assist
drugs athletes with drugs in sport issues. 3 2
PC4. assess athlete’s information needs in relation to drugs in sport. 2 3

PC5. maintain and update information on drugs in sport issues. 3 2

13 12
PC6. determine specific drugs in sport information to be presented. 2 3
PC7. finalise content and delivery mechanisms of information to be
presented. 3 2
PC8. present information to athletes in a style appropriate to the
needs of the athletes and the coaching setting. 2 3
Sensitise athletes
PC9. use appropriate activities and learning experiences to deliver
against the drugs
information. 2 3
PC10. check understanding of athletes regarding information
provided using appropriate approaches and encourage athletes to
clarify information. 2 3
PC11. encourage athletes to seek advice and support from identifies
support personnel 2 3
13 17

Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist

PC12. consult with athletes to develop strategies to assist them to

address drugs in sport issues. 2 3
Develop and PC13. assist athletes to implement agreed strategies according to
implement organisational policies and procedures. 2 3
strategies to PC14. review effectiveness of strategies in consultation with
assist athletes athletes. 3 2
PC15. adjust strategies to better assist athletes to address drug
issues in the relevant sport. 3 2
10 10
PC16. prepare diet chart according to nutritional and dietary
supplement clinic guidelines 2 3
PC17. advise on prevention of contamination of the nutritional and
Knowledge of
dietary supplements 2 3
supplements PC18. guide on labeling nutritional and dietary supplements 2 3
PC19. provide instructions for taking the nutritional and dietary
supplements in stipulated quantity to the athletes. 2 3
PC20. identify and explain factors that may have an effect on storage 3 2
11 14

NOS 3 Developing nutrition strategy Theory Practical

PC1. Collect and analyse relevant and current information from a
range of sources in relation to the principles of sports nutrition for
training and performance. 2 2
information PC2. Identify support personnel and resources available to assist
athletes with nutritional issues. 2 2
PC3. Assess athlete’s information needs in relation to nutrition for
peak performance in relevant sporting activity. 2 2
6 6
PC4. Provide coaching and or other staff with the diet information
they need to monitor and evaluate the training strategy 2 2
PC5. Work in a team with coaching staff and other experts to review
Liaise with
and improvise the dietary and nutritional needs of the athlete 2 2
coaching and
other support PC6. Consult with other sports nutritional personnel, if need be, to
staff identify the specific nutritional requirements for training and
performance in the sporting activity. 2 2
PC7. Identify nutritional practices to enhance peak performance in
the sporting activity. 2 2

Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist

PC8. Confirm scope of authority with key personnel in relation to role

within sport structure 2 2
10 10
PC9. Assess nutrition needs and preferences of athletes in relation to
sporting activity. 2 2
PC10. Inform athletes of the nutritional requirements for peak
performance in the relevant sporting activity. 2 2
PC11. Present information to athletes in a style appropriate to the
Provide needs of the athletes and the coaching setting. 2 2
information to PC12. Use appropriate activities and learning experiences to deliver
athletes. information. 2 2
PC13. Check understanding of athletes regarding nutritional
requirements for peak sporting performance using appropriate
approaches and encourage athletes to clarify information. 2 2
PC14. Encourage athletes to seek advice and support from identified
nutritional support personnel 2 2
12 12
PC15. Monitor if the nutritional strategy is followed before, during
and after training and competition 2 2
PC16. Select implementation strategies to enhance peak
performance in the sporting activity in consultation with the athlete
and nutritional support personnel. 2 2
PC17. Assist and support athletes to implement selected strategies in
Assist athletes to training and competition according to organisational policies and
implement procedures. 2 2
nutritional PC18. Monitor implementation of nutritional practices during
strategy training or competition according to organisational policies and
procedures. 2 2
PC19. Identify symptoms associated with eating disorders and refer
athletes to sports physician or accredited sports dietitian. 2 2
PC20. Refer athletes who have symptoms of nutritional deficiencies
and eating disorders to nutritional support personnel for treatment. 2 2
12 12
Evaluate the PC21. Analyse the performance of athletes in competition situations. 5 5
effect of PC22. Review effectiveness of strategies in consultation with athletes
nutritional and support staff and make adjustments where required 5 5
practices on the
performance of
athletes. 10 10
TOTAL 50 50

Qualifications Pack For Sports Nutritionist

NOS 4 Work and Communicate effectively in sport environment Theory Practical

PC1. identify own responsibilities and duties in relation to others and
undertake activities in a manner that promotes cooperation and good
relationships. 2 2
PC2. practise high standards of personal presentation according to
Develop effective organisational guidelines and specific requirements for particular
working duties or situations. 1 2
relationships PC3. seek assistance from colleagues when required to fulfil
responsibilities and duties. 2 2
PC4. offer assistance to colleagues when required. 1 2
PC5. encourage, acknowledge and act upon constructive feedback
provided by others. 1 2
7 10
PC6. conduct communication with others in a polite, professional
and friendly manner. 2 2
PC7. use language and tone appropriate to a given situation in both
written and spoken communication. 1 2
PC8. use appropriate non-verbal communication in all situations. 1 2
Use a range of
PC9. show sensitivity to cultural and social differences. 1 2
mechanisms PC10. use active listening and questioning to facilitate effective two-
way communication. 2 2
PC11. select appropriate medium of communication for the
particular audience, purpose and situation, taking into consideration
characteristics of each medium and relevant factors involved of
authority with key personnel in relation to role within sport structure 1 2
8 12
PC12. Respect differences in personal values and beliefs and their
importance in the development of relationships. 1 2
PC13. Identify any linguistic and cultural differences in
Deal with issues communication styles and respond appropriately. 1 2
and problems PC14. Identify potential problems and conflict likely to be
that arise encountered in the sport environment and devise strategies to deal
with these issues. 1 2
PC15. Seek assistance from others when issues, problems and
conflict arise and suggest possible ways of dealing with them or refer
them to relevant others. 2 2
5 8


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