Chapter 8 Provisions Common To Pledge and Mortgage
Chapter 8 Provisions Common To Pledge and Mortgage
Chapter 8 Provisions Common To Pledge and Mortgage
Provision common to pledge and mortgage
1. That they be constituted the performance of a principal obligation which maybe a voidable, unenforceable
or a natural obligation.
2. That the pledge or mortgage cannot exist if the principal obligation is void.
3. That the pledgor or mortgagor is the absolute of the thing pledge or mortgaged.
4. That the pledgor or mortgagor have the free disposal of their property, and in the absence thereof that
they legally authorized for the purpose.
5. When the principal obligation becomes due, the thing pledged or mortgaged maybe alienated for the
payment such as obligation.
Case 1
Asikaso borrowed from Binitay the sum of P50,000 secured by a pledge of Asikso’ diamond ring, Asikaso died
leaving children Pepe and Pilar, Pepe paid P25,000 Binitay. Can Pepe ask a proportionate extinguishment of
the pledge?
No, a pledge is indivisible (even if the people is joint and not solidary) although the principal obligation
is divisible. Hence, the debt is now only P25,000.
A pledge is indivisible even though the debt maybe divided among successors in the interest of debtor
or a creditor.
A pledge is an accessory, real contract whereby one person delivers to another a movable for the purpose of
securing the principal obligation, with the understanding with the obligation is fulfilled the thing shall be returned
by the creditor to the debtor together with all fruits and accessories.
Classification of contract Real Consensual
Subject matter Personal Property Real Property
Form of contract In public instrument In writing to be
To bind 3rd person valid
Nonpayment Sale is extrajudicial Foreclosure is judicial
Classification of contract Real Consensual
Property Constituted Movables Immovables
Possession of property Transferred to creditor Retained by creditor
Validity against 3rd person Public Instrument Registration
Sales at public auction Extrajudicial Judicial⁄Extrajudicial
Parties in contract
Pledgor – the person who gives the thing pledge, he may be debtor in the principal obligation or
a third person but willing to secure the principal obligation by pledging his own property.
Pledgee (creditor) – the person who gives the thing pledged. No special capacity is required but
he must be capacitated to enter into a contract.
Case 2
Asia pledged to Benny the goods found in bodega rented by Asia. By common consent, it was
agreed that Carla, a depositary, would take charge of the goods in the bodega, has the contract
of the pledge been perfected in this case?
Case 3
Alipusta borrowed P150,000 from Babaero, Alipusta promised to execute a pledge guarantee this
debt. The promised was accepted. Suppose Alipusta has not yet delivered the property, can we
say that there already exists a pledge here?
None, until the property is delivered there is no real right of Babaero to demand delivery
of the object to promised.
Form required
A pledge shall not take effect against third persons if a description of the thing pledged and the
date of pledged do not appear in a public instrument.
If at the first auction the thing is not sold, a second one with the same formalities shall be held;
and if at the second auction there is no sale either, the creditor may appropriate the thing pledged.
In this case he shall be obliged to give an acquaintance for his entire claim.
Case 4
Daldal borrowed P10,000 from condesa and pledged a golden bracelet valued at P40,000. The
contract stipulated that if Daldal cannot pay her debt when it matures, the debt of P10,000 shall
be considered as full payment of the golden bracelet without further action. Daldal was unable to
pay. Can Condesa now appropriate the thing?
No this is pactum commissorium which is prohibited by law. However, if the agreement
provided that when the debt matures “the debtor shall sell the ring to the creator” it would
not constitute pactum commissorium. It would be considered as dation in payment.
Case 5
Antonio borrowed from Bertolluci the sum of P20,000 secured by a pledge of a wristwatch for a
debt of P8,000; and another pledge of an earnings for the balance of P12,000. If Antonio pays
P8,000 can he demand the return of the wristwatch?
Case 6
Apuya, Baste, and Candido obliged themselves to pay jointly Domingo P60,000, and as security,
they pledged their car to Domingo. Subsequently, Apuya paid P20,000. Is the pledge on Apuya’s
share of the car extinguisher?
No because the indivisibility of the contract of pledgeis not affected by the fact that the
obligation is solidary.
Case 7
Arestado is indebted to Bantay, secured by the pledge of the laptop computer. The computer is
delivered to Bantay, But in the public instrument executed, there is no description of the computer,
and the date of the pledge does not appear. If agnes sell the computer to Consuelo, does
Consuelo have to respect the pledge in favor of Bantay?
No because as to her, the pledge is not effective and valid. To be valid, the description of
the watch and the date of the pledge must appear in the public instrument, unless she
already had actual knowledge of the pledge.
Classes of Pledge
1.Voluntary (Conventional)-created by the will of the parties
2.Legal- created not by contract but by implication of law (such as the right of an unpaid worker
to retain, by way of pledge, the object- until paid)
Case 8
Pedro pledge grapes with Juan. Because the grapes were in danger of being spoiled, Juan sold
them for 1,000. Who owns the 1,000.00?
Pedro owns the 1,000 but Juan shall keep it as security in the same manner as the grapes
originally pledged. The sale, however, must be a public sale.
Case 9
Leopoldo pledged with Virginia a car to secure a loan of P10,000. It was agreed that after a month
Virginia would return the car although the debt would be paid in six months. It was also agreed
that although Leopoldo would once more be in possession of the car, the pledge would continue.
After a month as stipulated, Virginia returned the car .Has the pledge been extinguished?
Yes but not the principal obligation to pay 10,000 to Virginia in six(6) months
Case 10
Angela pledged with Betty a diamond ring. A week later, the diamond ring was found in the
possession of Angela. There is a presumption here that Betty has returned the diamond ring to
Angela that therefore the pledge has been extinguished. May this presumption be opposed?
Yes since the presumption is merely prime facie. It could be that Betty retuned the ring
and asked that it be substituted; or a stranger may have stolen it and gave it to Angela.
When the debtor can ask for return of the thing pledged
The debtor cannot ask for the return of the thing pledged against the will of the creditor, unless
and until he has paid the debt and its interest, with expenses in a proper case.
Case 11
Annie pledge her diamond ring with Betty the debt was not paid on time, and a public auction took
place. Can Annie bid? Can Betty bid?
Yes, Annie can bid. In fact, she shall have a better right if she is the highest bidder because
the diamond ring belong to her.
Betty may also bid but her offer is not valid if she is the only bidder.
Case 12
Anselmo borrowed from Benjamin 1,000. This was secured by a negotiable promissory note made
by Carlos in Favor of Anselmo to the amount of P1,900. The negotiable promissory note was
endorsed by Anselmo in Benjamin’s favor. If the note becomes due before it is redeemed, can
Benjamin collect and received the 1,900?
Benjamin can collect and receive the P1,900 from Carlos. He should get P1,900 and
delivered the 900 to Anselmo.
Case 13
Anita pledged pieces of jewelry to the Barabara on a loan of P10,000. Unable to pay. Barabara
sold the jewelry at a public auction but realized only P6,000. May she recover the deficiency from
No, the sale of the jewelry had extinguished the principal obligation, interest and expenses.
b. Misuses the thing pledged in any other way not related to the preservation of the thing
pledged, or
c. If through the negligence or willful act of the pledge, the thing pledged is in danger of
being lost or impaired. In case, the pledgor may demand that it be deposited with a
third person.
2. To participate in the bidding of the public auction of the thing pledged and to enjoy a
preference at the sale.
3. To replace the thing in the pledge with another of the same kind as the former and not of
an inferior quality, if there are reasonable grounds to the fear the destruction or impairment
of the thing pledged.
4. To sell the property pledged provided the pledge consents to the sale.
5. To have the return of the thing pledged upon the payment of the principal obligation
interest, if any and expenses.
Case 14
Alexander pledged with Bernardo his diamond ring. Benardo took possession of the ring. Later,
although the principal obligation had not been paid, Bernardo wrote on a private document that
he was renouncing the pledge. Alexander did not accept the renunciation and the ring retained in
Bernardo’s possession.
1. Has the pledge beer extinguished?
Yes, Bernardo is not longer a pledge but a depositary. The non-acceptance of the
renunciation is immaterial.
2. Suppose instead of writing a letter, Bernardo returned the ring to Alexander. What is the
status of the pledge?
The pledge is extinguished upon the delivery of the thing pledged. Any stipulation to
the contrary is void.
3. The retention of a movable by the person who has executed work thereon- till he is paid.
This is known also as the Mechanics Lien.
4. The retention by the depository of the object of the deposit for expenses.
In the above cases, the law of the conventional pledge applies, except that:
a. The debtor is entitled to the excess (in the sale), should there be any (after all, the pledge
was not voluntary)
b. The public auction shall take place within one month after demand for the payment of the
c. If without just grounds the creditor does not cause the public sale to be held within one
month after demand for the payment of the claim, the debtor mar require the return of the