Impaired Physical Mobility
Impaired Physical Mobility
Impaired Physical Mobility
F Subjective: A Impaired Physical After 2 hours of Have patient move 7 Goal Partially Met
E C Mobility related to nursing intervention fingers and notes color @3:00 pm
B “mag lisod kog lihok T surgery the patient would of hand on affected side. After 2 hours of
R maam kay gikan (mastectomy) as be able to perform: nursing
U kog opera” As evidenced by R: Lack of interventions the
A verbalized by the V difficulty in a) Little finger movement may patient was:
R patient I performing movements reflect problems
Y T independent and slight with the a) Able to
Objective: Y activities raising of the intercostal move little
1, arms brachial nerve, by little her
VS & Rationale: and fingers. Also
2 Temp - 35.7 Mastectomy is a b) Patient discoloration she was
0 RR – 17 cpm surgical operation should show can indicate able to
2 CR - 67 bpm E which is the understandin impaired slightly raise
0 PR - 67 bpm X removal of g to the circulation. her right
BP - 140/70 E breasts. Moving health hand for
@ mmHg R after the surgery teachings approximate
C would cause the rendered. Help with self-care 5 ly 3 secs
1:00 Grimaced Face I opening of activities as necessary.
PM when attempting to incision because c) Grimaced b) “akong
move the sutures are face when R: Conserves buhaton
E not yet fixed moving patient’s energy maam pag
Limited Range of enough on the should be prevents undue maka lihok
Motion because skin to hold them absent. fatigue. nako kay
patient was only together when the mag hinay2
able to move lower patient moves. namu
extremities lingkod
Reference: unya I
Decreased muscle CLINIC, M. (2018, Assist with ambulation 6 exercise
strength as July). Mastectomy. and encourage correct nako akong
evidenced by not Retrieved from posture. kamot, I
being able to MAYO CLINIC: lihok lihok
perceive pinch of R: Proper pirmi kay
the student on the procedures/mastect
positioning of dugay ni
right arm omy/about/pac- the patient siya wala na
20394670 relieves pain, lihok tungod
Patient is assisted promotes sa pag
by her watcher comfort, and opera”
when performing prevents bed as
activities ulcers from verbalized
occurring. by the
Discuss types of
exercises to be done at
home to regain strength 9
and enhance circulation
in the affected arm.
R: Exercise
program needs
to be continued
to regain optimal
function of the
affected side.
Coordinate exercise
program into self-care
and homemaker 10
activities (dressing self,
washing, dusting,
R:Patient is
usually more
willing to
participate or
finds it easier to
maintain an
program that fits
into the lifestyle
tasks as well.
Encourage early
ambulation or 4
R: To promote
circulation and
reduces risks
associated with