Silvania Module 5 PR2
Silvania Module 5 PR2
Silvania Module 5 PR2
What I Know
Before you proceed to the different activities inside the module, answer first this pre-
assessment activity below to find out what you already know about the topic.
Select your answers from the options provided after each item. Choose and encircle the letter
of the correct answer.
A 1. It refers to the issues, concerns, and controversies that the researcher is trying to investigate.
A. Research Problem C. Research Methodology
B. Research Design D. Research Approach
B 2. Rosemarie is a General Academic Strand Student from Tañong High School, has already identified
the research topic on the modernization of Jeepney. Her father is a Jeepney driver in Calumpang-
Barangka route. She noticed that most of the Jeepneys including that of his father are old model. In
addition, she also observed that jeepney modernization act is a very hot and relevant topic these days.
Because of the various perceptions of Jeepney drivers and commuters on the said issue, So, she came up
with the idea to possibly look on how jeepney drivers and commuters in Marikina perceived the Jeepney
Modernization Act and she considered it as the main problem of his research. Based on the situation
given, what element of research title is presented in the highlighted part of the situation?
A. Time Element C. Aim or purpose of the study B. Location D. Subject matter to be
B 3. After several attempt in writing a research title, she came up with this title “Perception of Marikina
Jeepney Drivers and Commuters in the Proposed Jeepney Modernization Act”. Based on the proposed
title given, where is the place or locale the research is to be conducted?
A. Quezon City C. Manila City
B. Marikina City D. Pasig City
B 4. Using the proposed title in #3, what element of research title is highlighted?
A. Aim or purpose of the study C. Place or location
B. Subject matter to be investigated D. Time Element
C 5. What element of research title is missing in the research title stated in #3?
Based on the research title you formulated, what prompted you to conduct this
Showcase the knowledge and skills you have learned in this lesson by answering
the assessment activity.
Determine the elements of research title present in the following research title in the
box. For those elements which are not present in the research title, write the
abbreviation NO (not observed).
Research title Aim or Subject Matter Place or Period of time Population or
purpose or Topic to be locale covered respondents
investigated in the study involve
Perspective of To know the NO NO NO Entrepreneurs
entrepreneurs perception of and customers
and customers entrepreneurs
in the use of and customers
social media as in the use of
a platform for social media as
advertising a platform for
The impact of NO The impact of Barangay NO Business
the city the city Tañong and establishments
ordinance ordinance no. Jesus Dela around the
no.40: curfew 40: curfew to Peña vicinity of
to the business the business Tañong and
establishments establishments Jesus Dela
around the Peña
around the
vicinity of
vicinity of
Tañong and
Jesus Dela Peña Tañong and
Jesus Dela Peña