G.R. No. 181535
G.R. No. 181535
G.R. No. 181535
Secondly, the plan is not newly- The Rules do not give an exact definition of due
discovered evidence. Section 1 of Rule 37, diligence, and whether the movant has
exercised due diligence depends upon the
particular circumstances of each case. correctly held that the plan was not newly-
Nonetheless, it has been observed that the discovered but forgotten evidence. The main
phrase is often equated with reasonable consideration was that the petitioner could have
promptness to avoid prejudice to the defendant. presented the plan during the trial had it
In other words, the concept of due diligence has exercised due diligence.
both a time component and a good faith
component. The movant for a new trial must not Lastly, the Court cannot simply relax the
only act in a timely fashion in gathering evidence rules of procedure and allow the presentation of
in support of the motion; he must act reasonably forgotten evidence notwithstanding that the
and in good faith as well. Due diligence petitioner now insists that doing so will serve the
contemplates that the defendant acts reasonably highest interest of justice. Although litigation is
and in good faith to obtain the evidence, in light not a game of technicalities in which the better
of the totality of the circumstances and the facts tactician wins, we should stress that the rules of
known to him. procedure have a role to play in insuring that
The CA stated: litigations are conducted in a just, speedy and
We are not convinced orderly fashion. As such, the petitioner's plea
that the map or the plan was not that the relaxation of the rules will best serve the
discovered or available during highest interest of justice is disregarded
trial. Defendant-appellant's because of his lack of persuasive demonstration
allegation that his agents were that his failure to present the plan during trial
not in complete control of the was not because of his neglect. The Court is
records of the cemetery which wary of pleas for the liberalization of the rules
prevented him from discovering and may only consider the same upon a clear
the map or plan earlier, is and convincing showing by the petitioner of his
specious. This hardly incites observance of due diligence, which did not
belief in light of the fact that happen in this case. Indeed, such liberalization
the action below was in the construction and application of the rules of
instituted in 1995 while procedure should not be made subordinate to
defendant-appellant acquired the gross mistakes and inexcusable negligence
the subject cemetery five of the litigant and his counsel; otherwise, the
years earlier, in 1990. As the rules of procedure, albeit intended to ensure the
new owner thereof, speedy, inexpensive and smooth administration
defendant-appellant was of justice, would be easily reduced to a mockery.
expected to ask for or to
secure such basic document
as a map or plan of the entire COURT DENIES THE PETITION FOR REVIEW
prudence and concern would PROMULGATED ON AUGUST 30, 2007; AND
have wanted to see for ORDERS THE PETITIONER TO PAY THE
himself the extent and COSTS OF SUIT.
boundaries of what he is
acquiring. Thus, a person is
presumed to take ordinary DETAC
care of his concerns. With
ordinary diligence, the said
map or plan would have been
available long before the
Complaint was led in court.
Thus, the failure of the
defendant-appellant to
present what he calls a 'vital
document' during the trial is
inexcusable. (bold
underscoring supplied for
As the foregoing bears out, the CA