Effectiveness of E-Training, E-Leadership, and Work Life Balance On Employee Performance During COVID-19

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Effectiveness of E-Training, E-Leadership, and Work Life Balance on Employee

Performance during COVID-19

Article  in  Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business · October 2020

DOI: 10.13106/jafeb.2020.vol7.no10.443


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4 authors, including:

Christian Wiradendi Wolor Nadya Fadillah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta Jakarta State University


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Christian Wiradendi WOLOR, Solikhah SOLIKHAH, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH, Deniar Puji LESTARI /
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 10 (2020) 443–450 443

Print ISSN: 2288-4637 / Online ISSN 2288-4645

Effectiveness of E-Training, E-Leadership, and Work Life Balance on

Employee Performance during COVID-19

Christian Wiradendi WOLOR1, Solikhah SOLIKHAH2, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH3,

Deniar Puji LESTARI4

Received: July 03, 2020  Revised: August 23, 2020  Accepted: August 28, 2020

This study aims to add insight into the effectiveness of e-training, e-leadership, work-life balance, and work motivation on millennial
generation employees’ performance in today’s work life amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that requires to work more online.
Unlike previous generations, millennials are technology-literate, intent on succeeding quickly, give up easily, and seek instantaneous
gratification. The population in this study are millennial generation employees at one of Honda motorcycle dealers in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The number of samples collected was 200. The sampling technique used is the side probability method, with proportional random sampling
technique. The research method used is an associative quantitative approach through survey methods and Structural Equation Modeling.
Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to millennial generation employees, with results then processed through the Lisrel 8.5
program. The results of this study show, first, that e-training, e-leadership, and work-life balance have positive effect on work motivation.
Second, e-training, e-leadership, work-life balance, and work motivation have positive effect on employees’ performance. The findings
indicate that companies must pay attention to the factors of e-training, e-leadership, and work-life balance to keep employees motivated and
to maintain optimal employee performance, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic through working online.

Keywords: E-Training, E-Leadership, Work-Life Balance, Work Motivation, Employee Performance

JEL Classification Code: J81, L10, M53, M54, O15

1. Introduction The tight competition between companies in the era of the

global economy adds to the challenges of always be at the
Initially known as coronavirus, the COVID-19 has forefront and be the best in providing satisfying services to
become a pandemic spread throughout the world. This led to consumers. Employees are encouraged to perform well and
the isolation of many regions and has a very drastic impact contribute to the progress of the company. When looking
on the economy (Bayuni, 2020). This makes people work at current developments, companies are hiring employees
more online to keep themselves productive and maintain belonging to the millennial generation born in the 1980-
their performance amid the outbreak (Fachriansyah, 2020). 2000s. Millennials are characterized as technology-literate,
intent on succeeding quickly, giving up easily, and looking
for instantaneous gratification. This is certainly different from
First Author and Corresponding Author, Lecturer, Faculty of
previous generations and is one of the new challenges for the
Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia [Postal Address: world of work (Pyöriä, Ojala, Saari, & Järvinen, 2017).
Rawamangun Muka Street, Rawamangun, Jakarta, 13220,
Indonesia]. Email: christianwiradendi@unj.ac.id The COVID-19 pandemic increasingly triggers an intense
Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta,
2 competition between companies challenged to achieve
Indonesia optimal performance for the millennial generation. There are
Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta,

several aspects to this research related to the improvement
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
4 of millennial generation performance during this pandemic
period. The first aspect is e-training where in recent years
© Copyright: The Author(s)
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution the use of the Internet has greatly influenced the lives of
Non-Commercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
many people, especially in training. This has contributed
original work is properly cited. very substantially to the emergence of electronic training,
Christian Wiradendi WOLOR, Solikhah SOLIKHAH, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH3, Deniar Puji LESTARI /
444 Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 10 (2020) 443–450

bearing in mind that traditional training has constraints and is the result of work related to success and failure in an
limitations that reduce its effectiveness on the international organization (Sopiah, Kurniawan, Nora, & Narmaditya,
level given the changes that occur globally. E-training is 2020). Performance is an important mechanism for
an effective input for the development of human resources, management to explain the goals and performance standards,
especially the millennial generation and the formation of to motivate individual performance in the future for the
cadres who are able to achieve goals in the organization sake of organizational sustainability (Shafini et al., 2016).
(Hila, Alhelou, Shobaki, & Naser, 2017). Employee performance, according to Mangkunegara (2015),
The second aspect is e-leadership. The millennial has four indicators, namely, Quality, Quantity, Reliability in
generation has more difficulty to be loyal and committed to the Implementation of tasks, and Attitude.
the industry because its keywords are freedom, flexibility,
dialogue, open communication with superiors and 2.2.  Millennial Generation
colleagues, and the use of technology. Companies must now
pay attention and think about the importance of changing and Millennials were born between 1980 and 2000 (Murphy,
adapting the manager’s leadership strategy toward its staff, Gibson, & Greenwood, 2010; Schultz, Schwepker, &
which on average is being made up of millennials (Mansor, Good, 2012). Millennium is a generation of young people
Mun, Farhana, & Tarmiz, 2017; Putriastuti & Stasi, 2019; characterized by the use and adaptation of technology in their
Valenti, 2019). daily lives, as well as values, life experiences, motivation,
The third aspect is about work-life balance. Work-life and general buying behavior (Smith & Nichols, 2015; Yigit
balance is a crucial issue for every employee, especially for & Aksay, 2015). This generation is a group of consumers and
millennial-generation employees. This is because there will residents of the world who have been labeled as Generation
be a decrease in employee productivity and performance Y, Millennial, and Echo Boom (Moreno, Lafuente, Carreón,
if an organization does not think about the work balance & Moreno, 2017).
of employees properly and is not well managed (Abioro,
Oladejo, & Ashogbon, 2018). Work balance programs began 2.3. E-Training
in 1930 where company policies and regulations allow
employees to work effectively and efficiently and provide E-training resembles e-learning in many ways especially
flexible time to deal with their personal problems. The in terms of the delivery method and technology used, except
fact is, at present, the workforce places more emphasis on that it refers to a much shorter learning timeframe usually
work-life balance than on income alone (Meenakshi, V, & designed specifically to achieve a particular learning goal
Ravichandran, 2013; Chaitra, Kumar, & Murthy, 2015). or skill (Ramayah, Ahmad, & Hong, 2012). E-training is
The fourth aspect that can improve performance is defined as a process of distance training through the use
work motivation. Motivation is a process that drives a of the Internet or Intranet, giving individuals the required
person to achieve organizational goals with maximum work knowledge about various subjects chosen (Amara & Atia,
results (Pancasila, Haryono, & Sulistyo, 2020). There is a 2016).
strong relationship between motivation, action or behavior
needs, goals, and satisfaction as well as performance. In 2.4. E-Leadership
previous studies, the results show that work motivation has
a significant effect on performance (Nguyen et al., 2020). The era of digitalization created a revolution in the
The purpose of this study is to add insight into assessing the industrial world that shaped the reconstruction of the
effectiveness of e-training, e-leadership, work-life balance, concept of leadership, which was labeled as e-leadership
and work motivation on millennial generation employees’ as a result of the development of information technology
performance in today’s work-life amid the outbreak of (Mohammad, 2009). E-leadership theory studies
the COVID-19 that requires to work more online using leadership in work environments that support technology
quantitative methodology to support this research. Then, we that has an impact on potential interactions and electronic
present the results of our empirical analysis and discuss its communication networks (Putriastuti & Stasi, 2019).
implications. E-leadership achieves the same goals as traditional
leadership through information technology (Iriqat &
2.  Literature Review Khalaf, 2017). E-leadership has roles and responsibilities
where leaders can communicate with their employees
2.1.  Employee Performance even though they are not in the same office, and they
must understand new technology to meet employee needs
Performance is one of the benchmarks used to determine and build relationships between employees (Mohammad,
whether a job is done well or not. Employee performance 2009).
Christian Wiradendi WOLOR, Solikhah SOLIKHAH, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH, Deniar Puji LESTARI /
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 10 (2020) 443–450 445

2.5.  Work-Life Balance Research Hypothesis:

Work-life balance is said to be the balance of the time H1: E-Training influences Employee Performance
someone spends working compared to the time spent on H2: E-Training affects Work Motivation
one’s personal life (Abioro et al., 2018; Lazar, Osoian, H3: E-Leadership influences Employee Performance
& Ratiu, 2010). Work-life balance is also how to create a H4: E-Leadership influences Work Motivation
healthy and supportive work environment, which allows H5: Work-Life Balance affects Employee Performance
employees to have a balance between work and personal H6: Work-Life Balance affects Work Motivation
responsibility and thereby improve employee performance H7: Work Motivation influences Employee Performance
(Delecta, 2011; Dhas, 2015). Work-life balance is supported
by two concepts, namely, achievement, and happiness (W. 3. Method
Wolor, Kurnianti, Zahra, & Martono, 2020). Someone must
have both, this is the reason why those who are considered The research method used in this study is the Structural
successful do not feel as happy or unhappy as they should be Equation Modeling (SEM) method. Structural Equation
(Bataineh, 2019). Modeling is a second-generation multivariate analysis
technique that combines factor analysis and path analysis
2.6.  Work Motivation to enable researchers to test and estimate the relationship
between multiple exogenous and multiple endogenous
Motivation is all forms of hope, desire, and drive to work variables simultaneously with many indicators (Hengky
(Oren, Tziner, Nahshon, & Sharoni, 2013). Work motivation Latan, 2012). The population in this study is millennial
also focuses attention on personality characteristics, generation employees at one of Honda motorcycle dealers
individual dispositions, and the influence of external factors on in Jakarta, Indonesia. The total population of motorcycle
the behavior of individual learners to achieve organizational salespeople in Bekasi is 302. The sampling technique
goals (John, Francis, & Chukwu, 2012). Motivation factors that researchers use is the side probability method, with a
have a direct relationship with performance, and employees proportional random sampling technique. In this study, the
who have high motivation can deliver high performance number of samples taken was 200. This refers to the sample
as well. The results of his research also showed that work size used in research with SEM analysis published in the
motivation affects employee performance (John et al., 2012; psychology journal and management science using this
Pancasila et al., 2020; Siagian, 2014). sample size (Yamin, 2014).





Work Motivation Employee
H7 Performance


Work Life Balance


Figure 1: Research Model

Christian Wiradendi WOLOR, Solikhah SOLIKHAH, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH3, Deniar Puji LESTARI /
446 Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 10 (2020) 443–450

3.1.  Results and Discussion can be said that e-training has a direct positive effect on
employee performance. The results of this study reinforce
Goodness of fit is an indication of the comparison of the research conducted by Kamal where the main purpose
the model specified with the covariance matrix between of e-training is to improve employee performance and the
indicators or observed variables. If the goodness of fit level of satisfaction felt by employees to create a productive
produced by a model is bad, then the model must be workforce (Kamal, Aghbari, & Atteia, 2016). E-training is a
rejected. This method is to estimate the initial measurement human resource management activity to improve employee
model (CFA) and simultaneously evaluate the measurement performance (Hila et al., 2017). E-training can be beneficial
model. Table 1 shows that GOF size consists of three for improving employee performance because employees
measures, namely, absolute (absolute fit test), parsimonious can access training resources through the Internet all over the
(parsimonious fit measures), and comparative (incremental world (Christian, Krieger, Holzinger, & Behringer, 2007).
fit measures) measures. A large Chi-square value and a value The effect of e-training on work motivation is positive
of p = (1.00> 0.05) means that the model fits well because (0.19) and significant (2.37> 1.96). Thus, it can be said that
what is desired is a small Chi-square value and p> 0.05. This e-training has a direct positive effect on work motivation.
shows that the model has a good fit. A good ECVI model The results of this study reinforce the research conducted by
value must be smaller than ECVI Saturated and ECVI Hila in which e-training can increase the work motivation
Independence. ECVI in the above table is 8.93, smaller than of employees (Hila et al., 2017) and encourage participation
ECVI Saturated, which is 16.61, and ECVI Independence, in activities in the company (Razak, Yusop, Perumal,
which is 61.75. This shows that the model has a good fit. & Chukumaran, 2015). Kabbasi’s research states that
The recommended CFI value for a good model indication is> e-training can stimulate motivation and improve employee
0.9. Value 0.8 ≤ CFI ≤ 0.9 is marginal fit (good enough). In performance. She added that digital literacy and media
the table, the CFI value is equal to 1.00. This shows that the sophistication are needed to succeed in every aspect of life
model has a good fit. even at work (Kabassi & Virvou, 2004).
The influence of e-leadership on employee performance
4.  Results and Discussion is positive (0.21) and significant (2.71> 1.96). Thus, it can be
said that e-leadership has a direct positive effect on employee
Structural model analysis produces estimated values of performance. The results of this study reinforce the research
causal relationships between standardized variables, while conducted by Avolio in which e-leadership is a combination
testing hypotheses is done by looking at t-values. of leadership context and technology contributing to and
optimizing employee performance (Avolio, Kahai, &
Where: Dodge, 2001). Hema and Gupta added that e-leadership is a
1. ET : E-Training new paradigm that provides a variety of new opportunities,
2. EL : E-Leadership namely, the ability to communicate directly one-on-one with
3. WLB : Work-Life Balance employees, customers, and suppliers using technology to
4. WM : Work Motivation improve performance (Hema & Gupta, 2015). E-leadership
5. EP: Employee Performance adapts and integrates virtuality to ensure the success and
Structural model analysis results, shown in Figures 2 performance of its employees (Darics, 2020; Fernandez &
and 3, produce estimates of causal relationships between Jawadi, 2015).
standardized variables in the form of t-value and standardized The influence of e-leadership on work motivation is
solution values. Figures 2 and 3 also illustrate the effect of positive (0.20) and significant (2.25> 1.96). Thus, it can be
each variable. The explanation is described as follows: said that e-leadership has a direct positive effect on work
The effect of e-training on employee performance motivation. The results of this study reinforce the research
is positive (0.21) and significant (2.75> 1.96). Thus, it conducted by Hema and Gupta who said that the structure of

Table 1: Goodness of Fit Statistics

No Goodness of Fit Cut-Off Value Tabel Ket

1 Chi-square p > 0.05 1.00 Good Fit
Expected cross-validation index < ECVI Saturated dan ECVI Sat = 8.93 < 16.61;
2 Good Fit
(ECVI) Independence Model ECVI Ind = 61.75
3 Comparative Fit Index (CFI) > 0.9 1.00 Good Fit
Christian Wiradendi WOLOR, Solikhah SOLIKHAH, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH, Deniar Puji LESTARI /
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 10 (2020) 443–450 447

Figure 2: Structural Model (t-value)

Figure 3: Structural Model (Standardized Solution)

Christian Wiradendi WOLOR, Solikhah SOLIKHAH, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH3, Deniar Puji LESTARI /
448 Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 10 (2020) 443–450

Table 2: Causal Relations between Variables

No Path Standardization t-value t-table Significance Conclusion

1 E-Training → 0.21 2.75 1.96 Significance There is sufficient evidence that
Employee Performance e-training has a positive effect on
employee performance
2 E-Training → 0.19 2.37 1.96 Significance There is enough evidence that
Work Motivation e-training has a positive effect on
work motivation
3 E-Leadership → 0.21 2.71 1.96 Significance There is sufficient evidence that
Employee Performance e-leadership has a positive effect on
employee performance
4 E-Leadership → 0.20 2.25 1.96 Significance There is enough evidence that
Work Motivation e-leadership has a positive effect on
work motivation
5 Work Life Balance → 0.22 2.81 1.96 Significance There is sufficient evidence that
Employee Performance work-life balance has a positive effect
on employee performance
6 Work Life Balance → 0.21 2.71 1.96 Significance There is enough evidence that work-
Work Motivation life balance has a positive effect on
work motivation
7 Work Motivation → 0.23 2.83 1.96 Significance There is enough evidence that work
Employee Performance motivation has a positive effect on
employee performance

technology influences leadership styles that affect employee The effect of work-life balance on work motivation is
motivation and performance (Hema & Gupta, 2015). In positive (0.21) and significant (2.71> 1.96). Thus, it can be
his research, Gupta added that e-leadership is needed to said that work-life balance has a direct positive effect on
increase the motivation to work from its employees such as work motivation. This strengthens the research of Aryee
challenges faced in the form of confusion, language barriers, that the existence of a balance of life and work can increase
cultural differences, and technological disruption (Hema & motivation, but if there is excess in the portion of work it will
Gupta, 2015). Belitski states that a leader and technology negatively affect employee motivation. If there is no balance
make it easier to monitor and motivate employees (Belitski of work and personal life, it will cause conflicts with the
& Liversage, 2019). family (Aryee et al., 2005). Chaitra in his research said that
The effect of work-life balance on employee performance companies that offer work programs such as flexible hours,
is positive (0.22) and significant (2.81> 1.96). Thus, it vacation programs, child care centers, health care centers,
can be said that work-life balance has a direct positive etc. will motivate employees to work efficiently (R et al.,
effect on employee performance. The results of this study 2015).
strengthen Aryee’s research where control over work and The effect of work motivation on employee performance
family roles can improve performance, which leads to job is positive (0.23) and significant (2.83> 1.96). Thus, it can
satisfaction (Aryee, Tan, & Srinivas, 2005). Dash said the be said that work motivation has a direct positive effect on
negative effects when employees work excessively, namely, employee performance. The results of this study reinforce
high absenteeism, decreased productivity, and decreased the theory that the right motivation for employees will have
performance (Darko-Asumadu, Sika-Bright, & Osei-Tutu, an impact on the employee’s performance (Oren et al., 2013).
2018; Dhas, 2015). Employee work-life balance helps in The results of this study are also consistent with research
reducing stress levels at work and increasing employee conducted by Pancasila who said that motivation is closely
performance (R et al., 2015). Darcy’s research states that related to the emergence of a tendency to work and perform
work and life balance can affect the level of employee well to achieve goals (Pancasila et al., 2020). John’s research
performance in the organization (Darcy, Mccarthy, Hill, & results also show that work motivation affects employee
Grady, 2012). performance (John et al., 2012).
Christian Wiradendi WOLOR, Solikhah SOLIKHAH, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH, Deniar Puji LESTARI /
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 10 (2020) 443–450 449

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