Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Act (2021)
Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Act (2021)
Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Act (2021)
(Original Signature of Member)
H. R. ll
To provide for the admission of the State of Puerto Rico into the Union.
Mr. SOTO introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee
on lllllllllllllll
To provide for the admission of the State of Puerto Rico
into the Union.
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1 tween the United States and the Kingdom of Spain
2 (30 Stat. 1754), signed on December 10, 1898.
3 (2) Puerto Rico is governed by the United
4 States under laws enacted by Congress in the exer-
5 cise of its power to make rules and regulations gov-
6 erning territory belonging to the United States, pur-
7 suant to article IV, section 3, clause 2 of the Con-
8 stitution.
9 (3) For reasons of precedent primarily related
10 to the Philippines also ceded by Spain after the
11 Spanish-American War, substantially the same ma-
12 jority in the United States Supreme Court that es-
13 tablished the ‘‘separate but equal’’ doctrine in Plessy
14 v. Ferguson determined in the 1901 Downes v.
15 Bidwell decision that Puerto Rico was an unincor-
16 porated territory of the United States, a status of
17 possession that continues today.
18 (4) After agreeing to independence for the Phil-
19 ippines, also acquired through the Spanish-American
20 War, on March 2, 1917, Congress granted statutory
21 United States citizenship to the residents of Puerto
22 Rico. Such action has historically led to incorpora-
23 tion and eventual statehood but was denied to Puer-
24 to Rico due to anomalies emanating from the 1901
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1 Downes ruling and its progeny, even as fellow Amer-
2 icans in Hawaii and Alaska attained statehood.
3 (5) Puerto Rico has a territorial constitution
4 that is republican in form and compatible with the
5 United States Constitution as well as the principles
6 of the Declaration of Independence, and that is
7 equivalent to a State constitution, having been
8 democratically ratified by the United States citizens
9 of the territory on November 4, 1952, and subse-
10 quently approved by the Congress of the United
11 States through Public Law 82–447.
12 (6) Thirty-two territories previously have peti-
13 tioned Congress for statehood based on democrat-
14 ically expressed consent of the governed, and each
15 was duly admitted as a State of the Union pursuant
16 to article IV, section 3, clause 1 of the United States
17 Constitution, with equal rights and responsibilities of
18 national and State citizenship under the United
19 States Constitution.
20 (7) Puerto Ricans have contributed greatly to
21 the nation and its culture and distinguished them-
22 selves in every field of endeavor. However, the denial
23 of equal voting representation and equal treatment
24 by the Federal Government stands in stark contrast
25 to their contributions.
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1 (8) Since becoming a United States territory,
2 more than 235,000 American citizens of Puerto
3 Rican heritage have served in the United States
4 military.
5 (9) Thousands of United States military service
6 members of Puerto Rican heritage have received nu-
7 merous medals, distinctions, and commendations of
8 every degree, including for valorous military service
9 in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
10 (10) Nine United States military service mem-
11 bers from Puerto Rico have been awarded the Medal
12 of Honor, and many have been awarded the Distin-
13 guished Service Cross or the Navy Cross.
14 (11) The 65th Infantry Regiment in Puerto
15 Rico (known as the ‘‘Borinqueneers’’) was awarded
16 the Congressional Gold Medal (Public Law 113–
17 120) for its contributions and sacrifices in the
18 armed conflicts of the United States, including
19 World War I, World War II, and the Korean War.
20 (12) To further recognize and pay tribute to
21 the bravery of the Puerto Rican soldiers of the 65th
22 Infantry Regiment, Congress expressed support for
23 the designation of April 13 as National
24 Borinqueneers Day in the National Defense Author-
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1 ization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law 116–
2 283).
3 (13) Unincorporated territory status means
4 that Federal laws can be applied to Puerto Rico and
5 its American citizens differently, on unequal and, at
6 times inequitable terms, compared not only to the
7 States and their residents, but also unlike territories
8 that are parts of the United States. This has limited
9 the development of Puerto Rico and hindered its
10 economy.
11 (14) Unincorporated territory status has re-
12 sulted in millions of residents leaving Puerto Rico to
13 secure equal rights of citizenship attainable only in
14 a State, and that enable Americans to seek greater
15 opportunities and a better quality of life in the
16 States. Approximately 65 percent of all people of
17 Puerto Rican origin now live in the States, with the
18 increasing rate of population loss in the territory
19 creating a severe strain on the local tax base and
20 workforce participation.
21 (15) Other than its unincorporated territory
22 status and its unequal treatment under some Fed-
23 eral laws, Puerto Rico is socially, economically, po-
24 litically, and legally integrated into the nation. Nu-
25 merous territories admitted as States did not have
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1 as strong a record of self-determination favoring
2 statehood as the majority votes by American citizens
3 in Puerto Rico favoring admission to the Union.
4 (16) In November 2012, a majority of voters
5 rejected continuation of the current territory status,
6 and 61.2 percent of those expressing a choice on sta-
7 tus alternatives chose statehood.
8 (17) In June 2017, a vote was held to confirm
9 the aspirations of the people of Puerto Rico. As ad-
10 vised by the United States Department of Justice,
11 all available status options were included in the bal-
12 lot. Amid an opposition boycott, statehood received
13 97 percent of the votes casted, while independence
14 and the current status received less than 3 percent
15 of the vote.
16 (18) In November 2020, following Alaska and
17 Hawaii precedent, Puerto Rico voters were presented
18 with the question: ‘‘Should Puerto Rico be admitted
19 immediately into the Union as a State? Yes or No’’.
20 A clear majority of 52.52 percent voted in the af-
21 firmative.
22 (19) In December 2020, the Puerto Rico legis-
23 lature, following the absolute majority victory ob-
24 tained by statehood in the plebiscite, approved a
25 Joint Resolution petitioning, on behalf of the People
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1 of Puerto Rico, that Congress and the President of
2 the United States admit Puerto Rico into the Union
3 as a State and appointed official representatives to
4 manage the transition to statehood.
5 (20) No large and populous United States terri-
6 tory inhabited by American citizens that has peti-
7 tioned for statehood has been denied admission into
8 the Union.
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1 the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as approved by Public
2 Law 82–447 and subsequently amended, is hereby found
3 to be republican in form and in conformity with the Con-
4 stitution of the United States and the principles of the
5 Declaration of Independence, and is hereby accepted, rati-
6 fied, and confirmed as the constitution of said State.
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1 (b) CERTIFIED RESULTS.—If the foregoing propo-
2 sition is adopted by a majority of the votes cast in the
3 election conducted under subsection (a), the President of
4 the State Elections Commission of Puerto Rico shall cer-
5 tify the results of the election and shall transmit the cer-
6 tified results of the election to the Governor. Not later
7 than 10 days after the date of certification, the Governor
8 shall declare the results of the election and transmit the
9 certified results of the submission to the President of the
10 United States, the President pro tempore of the Senate,
11 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
13 the Governor’s declaration pursuant to subsection (b), the
14 President of the United States shall issue a proclamation
15 declaring certified the results of the submission and the
16 date Puerto Rico is admitted as a State of the Union on
17 an equal footing with all other States, which date must
18 follow the certification of results of the general elections
19 required by section 6 of this Act, but not later than 12
20 months from the date on which the aforementioned sub-
21 mission results were certified in order to facilitate a tran-
22 sition process. Upon issuance of the proclamation by the
23 President, Puerto Rico shall be deemed admitted into the
24 Union as a State.
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2 ADOPTED.—If the foregoing proposition is not adopted by
3 a majority votes cast in the election conducted under sub-
4 section (a), the provisions of this Act shall cease to be
5 effective.
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1 addition to the membership of the House of Rep-
2 resentatives as now prescribed by law: Provided, that
3 any such increase in the membership shall not oper-
4 ate to either increase or decrease the permanent
5 membership of the House of Representatives as pre-
6 scribed in the Act of August 8, 1911 (37 Stat. 13),
7 nor shall such temporary increase affect the basis of
8 apportionment established by the Act of November
9 15, 1941 (55 Stat. 761; 2 U.S.C. 2a), for the
10 Eighty-third Congress and each Congress thereafter,
11 unless Congress acts to increase the total number of
12 members of the House of Representatives. There-
13 after, the State of Puerto Rico shall be entitled to
14 such number of Representatives as provided for by
15 applicable law based on the next reapportionment.
16 The apportionment of congressional districts for the
17 first election and subsequent election of Representa-
18 tives shall be conducted as provided for by the Con-
19 stitution and laws of Puerto Rico.
20 (3) The President of the State Elections Com-
21 mission of Puerto Rico shall certify the results of
22 such primary and general elections to the Governor.
23 Within 10 days of the date of each certification, the
24 Governor shall declare the results of the primary
25 and general elections, and transmit the results of
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1 each election to the President of the United States,
2 the President pro tempore of the Senate, and the
3 Speaker of the House of Representatives.
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1 (4) TITLE TO PROPERTY.—The State of Puerto
2 Rico and its political subdivisions, as the case may
3 be, shall have and retain title to all lands and other
4 properties, real and personal, over which the terri-
5 tory and its subdivisions presently hold title. The
6 United States shall retain title to all property, real
7 and personal, to which it presently has title, includ-
8 ing public lands.
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1 (3) The Act of March 2, 1917 (Public Law 64–
2 368).
3 (4) The Act of April 12, 1900 (Public Law 56–
4 191).
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