Contracts in Maritime Commerce (A)
Contracts in Maritime Commerce (A)
Contracts in Maritime Commerce (A)
What is a bill of lading? OF LADING What Is a charter party agreement? A. LOAN ON BOTTOMRY
A written acknowledgement of the receipt of the A contract by which the shipowner or ship agent
goods, their quantity and condition, and an 1. Avoids delay leases for a price certain the whole or a portion of 1. Shipowner borrows money for use,
agreement to transport and deliver them at a 2. Prevents fraud: alteration, forgery the vessel for the transport of goods or persons equipment or repair of vessel
specific place to a person named or on his order. It 3. Prevents Counterfeiting from one place to another.
is signed by the captain and shipper, and furnished 2. For ad definite term and with extraordinary
to the consignee. ( Art. 706) B. NECESSITATED BY B. Kinds: interest called premium
(this is also proof that the customs broker has 1. Containerization What are the kinds of charter party agreements and
authority over the goods and that the captain has 2.Computerization, electronic data how do they affect liability? The interest can be really high since the creditor
received the goods) interchange (EDI) takes the risk that he may not be repaid
B. FUNCTIONS C. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE ACT shipowner retains the possession, command and 3. Secured pledge on vessel or a portion thereof
1. A receipt for the goods navigation of the vessel, while the charterer merely
2. A contract of carriage The Electronic Commerce Act provides for uses the vessel or a space therein for a fixed price, 4. Loan repayment depends or is conditioned on
3. A document of title the legal recognition and admissibility as at a fixed time or for a single or consecutive voyage. the safe arrival of the vessel
evidence of electronic data messages and Who is liable for any damage that may be caused?
C. KINDS OF BILL OF LADING electronic documents so long as they THE SHIPOWNER. 5. Obligation to repay is extinguished if vessel is
1. NEGOTIABLE: goods to be delivered to the can be authenticated by electronic ( THIS IS STILL A COMMON CARRIER.) lost due to specified peris lint he course of
bearer or to the order of the person named signature. A holder of the bill of lading is voyage or within limited time ( Art. 719)
the holder of the “private keys” and can In Ouano v. CA, what made the court decide that it
2. CLEAN: goods received in good condition claim delivery of the goods, transfer his was a contract of affreightment was the fact that it The obligation to repay is condition on the safe
and/or correct quantity right to another, and substitute or was up to the captain to obey the order or not. It arrival of the vessel.
terminate the nominated consignee. was not under any obligation to sale. This more or
3. FOUL: goods received in bad condition and/or less emphasized the fact that this is a contract of B. LOAN ON RESPONDENTIA
short quantity D. E-DOCUMENTS affreightment.
1. Same as above, except that what is pledged
4. THROUGH: Issued by first carrier and honored E documents may now be used in 2. BAREBOAT OR DEMISE CHARTER: the is the goods;;
by the successive carriers furnishing the marks, number and weight charterer mans the vessel with his own people and
of goods;; in stating or declaring the nature becomes, in effect, the owner of the vessel for the 2. Loan repayment depends on safe arrival of
5. ON BOARD: goods received on board the or value of goods;; issuing a receipt for voyage of service stipulated. goods and obligation to repay is extinguished if
vessel which will transport the goods goods;; confirming the loading of goods;; Who is liable for any damage that may be caused? pledged goods are lost
claiming delivery of goods;; authorizing THE CHARTERER
5. RECEIVED SHIPMENT: goods received for release of goods;; giving notice of loss of, (THE VESSEL BECOMES A PRIVATE CARRIER) C.. No loan on bottomry on wages of the crew or
shipment with or without specifying the vessel or damage to goods;; undertaking to profit expected ( Art. 731)
which will transport the goods deliver the goods to a named person or a C. DEFINITIONS (IMPORTANT! He will ask about
person authorized to claim delivery;; this) D. Loans for the last voyage shall have
granting, acquiring, renouncing, preference over prior ones
D. JURISPRUDENCE ( these are the three most surrendering, transferring or negotiating 1. LAY DAYS: stipulated period for the loading or
important rulings.) rights in goods. ( Section 25, Electronic unloading of a vessel
Commerce Act R.A. 8792) 2. EXTRA LAY DAYS: days of delay beyond the lay Who has preference of credit?
1. A bill of lading when properly executed and days The loan for the last voyage shall have
delivered to a shipper, is evidence that the carrier 3. CUSTOMARY QUICK DISPATCH: reasonable preference over prior ones. Why Because it is
received the goods described therein for shipment period for the loading or unloading according to the the last loan that was able to save the vessel.
custom or usage of the port Meaning, even if there was a loan before, but
2. Acceptance of a bill of lading without dissent the vessel had some damage again, and the
raises the presumption that all terms therein were When it doesn’t say a specific number of lay days, completion of the voyage is in danger so the
brought to the knowledge of the shipper and agreed look at the boarding of the goods. ship owner takes out another loan and the
to by him and in the absence of fraud or mistake, he Ex. 1300 Metric Tons a day. Lets say you have voyage is completed, it was the LAST LOAN
is estopped from denying that he assented to such 10,300 tons. 10,300/1300 = 10. So 10 lay days. that should be paid first because it was the
terms one that was the one that was able to save
4. DEMURRAGE: fixed remuneration to the owner the vessel.
3. A bill of lading is an actionable document which of the vessel for its detention beyond the lay days
must be properly pleaded, and the genuineness or extra lay days E. Cause of loss must be a marine peril
and due execution thereof are deemed admitted This must be stated in the loan agreement, a
unless specifically denied by the adverse party. Ex. Parties stipulate that for every day of delay, marine peril must be very specific, it can be a
there is a demurrage rate of 5k dollars. So if there storm at sea or earthquake at sea. As long as it
It is a long standing jurisprudential rule that a bill of lading was a delay of 2 days, its 10k dollars. is specific.
operates both as a receipt and as a contract. It is a receipt for
the goods shipped and a contract to transport and deliver the
same as therein stipulated. As a contract, it names the parties, 5. DEAD WEIGHT: cargo which the charterer fails
which includes the consignee, fixes the route, destination, and to load in the vessel or payment made by the
freight rates or charges, and stipulates the rights and obligations
charterer to the shipowner for the portion of the
assumed by the parties. Being a contract, it is the law between
the parties who are bound by its terms and conditions provided vessel chartered but not occupied
that these are not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order and public policy. NOTE:
A bill of lading usually becomes effective upon its delivery to and When you say a vessel is an “arrived ship” it is
acceptance by the shipper. It is presumed that the stipulations of the ready for unloading. It is understood that the
bill were, in the absence of fraud, concealment or improper conduct, charterer has already arranged all the permits
known to the shipper, and he is generally bound by his acceptance
whether he reads the bill or not. needed for the goods to be released. That is the
responsibility of the charterer in so far as the
The holding in most jurisdictions has been that a shipper who common carrier is concerned.
receives a bill of lading without objection after an opportunity
to inspect it, and permits the carrier to act on it by proceeding
with the shipment is presumed to have accepted it as correctly D. TERMS
stating the contract and to have assented to its terms. In other 1. CQD: CUSTOMARY QUICK DISPATCH ( this is
words, the acceptance of the bill without dissent raises the
presumption that all the terms therein were brought to the
based on the customs in the place)
knowledge of the shipper and agreed to by him and, in the absence
of fraud or mistake, he is estopped from thereafter denying that he 2. WWDSHINC: WEATHER, WORKING DAY
assented to such terms. This r ule applies with particular force where
a shipper accepts a bill of lading with full knowledge of its contents
and acceptance under such circumstances makes it a binding
contract. ( Magellan Manufacturing v CA)
A limited liability clause in a bill of lading, limiting the liability to an
agreed valuation, unless the shipper declares a higher value SUNDAYS HOLIDAYS EXCLUDED EVEN IF
and inserts it into said the said contract or bill is valid and USED
enforceable. ( Everett Steamship v. CA)
A bill of lading is a written acknowledgement of the receipt of goods SUNDAYS HOLIDAYS EXCLUDED UNLESS
and an agreement to transport and to deliver them at a specified USED (time during the weekend is not counted as
place to a person name or on his or her order. It operates both as a
receipt and as ac contract. It is a receipt for the goods shipped and
laytime unless any loading or discharging was done
ac contract to transport and deliver the same as therein stipulated. during the weekend.)
As a receipt, it recites the date and place of shipment, describes the
goods as to quantity, weight, dimensions, identification marks, Does a charter party between a shipowner and a charterer
conditions, quality and value. As a contract, it names the contracting transform a common carrier into a private one as to negate the civil
parties, which include the consignee, ;; fixes the route, destination, law presumption of negligence in case of loss or damage to its
and freight rate or charges;; and stipulates the rights and obligations cargo?
assumed by the parties. (Unsworth Transport v. CA)
A charter party is defined as a contract by which an entire ship, or
The bill of lading defines the rights and liabilities of the parties in some principal part thereof, is lent by the owner to another person
reference to the contract of carriage. Stipulations therein are valid for a specified time or use. A contract of affreightment by which the
and binding in the absence of any showing that the same are owner of a ship or other vessel lets the whole or a party of her to a
contrary to law, morals, customs, public order and public policy. merchant or other person for the conveyance of goods, on a
Where the terms of the contract are clear and leave no doubt upon particular voyage, in consideration of the payment of freight.
the intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning fot he Charter parties are of two types: (a) contract of affreightment which
stipulations shall control. involves the use of shipping space on vessels leased by the owner
in pat or as a whole, to carry goods for others;; and (b) charter by
In light of the foregoing, there can be no question about the validity demise or bareboat, charter, by the terms of which the whole
and enforceability of Stipulation no. 7 in the bill of lading. The 24 vessel is let to the charterer with a transfer to him of its entire
hour requirement under the stipulation is by agreement of the command and possession and consequent control over its
parties, a sine qua non for the accrual of the right of action to recover navigation, including the master and the crew, who are his servants.
damages against the carrier. Carriers and depositaries
sometimes require presentation of claims within a short time Contract of affreightment may either be time charter, wherein the
after delivery as a condition precedent to their liability for vessel is leased to the charterer for a fixed period of time, or v oyage
losses. Such requirement is not an empty formalism, it has a charter, wherein the ship is leased for a single voyage. In both
definite purpose, to afford the carrier or the depositary a cases, the charter-party provides for the hire of vessel only, either
reasonable opportunity and facilities to check the validity of for a determinate period of time or for a single or consecutive
the claims while the facts are still fresh in the minds of the voyage, the shipowner to supply the ship's stores, pay for the
person who took part in the transaction and the documents are wages of the master and the crew, and defray the expenses for the
still available. maintenance of the ship.
Petitioner also argues that the print of Stipulation No. 7 was printed Though c ommon carriers, as r equired by A rt. 1733 of the Civil c ode,
in very small letters, and that no one would be minded to closely are required to observe extraordinary diligence I the vigilance over
examine the contents thereof and understand its legal implications. the goods they carry. In the case of private carriers, the exercise
The court is not persuaded. A bill of lading is in the nature of a of ordinary diligence in the carriage of goods will suffice.
contract of adhesion where one of the parties imposes a ready- Moreover, in the case of loss, destruction or deterioration of goods,
made contract on another party who may accept or reject but common carriers are presumed to have been at fault or to have
which t he latter cannot modify. One party prepares the stipulation acted negligently, and the burden of proving rests on them. On the
in the contract while the other merely affixes his signature or his contrary, no such presumption applies to private carriers, for
adhesion thereto, giving no room for negotiation and depriving the whosoever alleges damage to or deterioration of the goods carried
latter of the opportunity to bargain on equal footing. Nevertheless has the onus of proving that the cause was the negligence of the
these types of contracts have been declared as binding as carrier.
ordinary contract, the reason being that the party who adheres
to the contract is free to reject it entirely. It is imperative that a public carrier shall remain as such,
notwithstanding the charter of the whole or portion of a vessel by
After it received the bill of lading without any objection, the one or more persons, provided the charter is limited to the ship only,
consignee was presumed to have knowledge of its contents and to as in the case of a time-charter or voyage-charter. It is only when
have assented to the terms and conditions set forth therein. the charter includes both the vessel and its crew, as in a bareboat
(Provident Insurance v. CA) or demise that a common carrier becomes private, at least insofar
as the particular voyage covering the charter-party is concerned.
Indubitably, a shipowner in a time or voyage charter retains
possession and control of the ship, although her holds may, for the
moment, be the property of the charterer. (Planters Products v.
Sidenote of Lolo A: Try to understand here (Planters v. CA)
how to plead and argue the defense of extraordinary diligence.
You cannot prove it through general statements but through
specifics, about the weather conditions, the cargo area etc. So
all of this convinced the court that the shipowner was able to
prove and exercise extraordinary diligence and disprove the
presumption of negligence on its part.
In contracts of private carriage, the parties may freely stipulate their
duties and obligations which perforce would be binding on them.
Unlike in a contract involving a common carrier, private carriage
does not involve the general public. Hence, the stringent provisions
of the Civil Code on common carriers, protecting the general public
cannot justifiably be applied to a ship transporting commercial
goods as a private carrier. Consequently, the public policy
embodied therein is not contravened by stipulations in a charter
party that lessen or remove the protection given by law in contracts
involving common carriers.( Ouano v. CA)
Transport of goods is by more than one OPERATORS? A. Stevedoring means all works performed on board vessel,
carrier or mode of transportation. such as loading or unloading cargo, stowing inside hatches, A contract for the hire of services by which a
Containerization enhances transport A. FORWARDING AGENT compartments, and on decks or open cargo spaces, on board vessel is hired to tow another vessel from
capabilities in the transfer of goods from ship Who is considered a forwarding agent? vessel. one port to another for a consideration.
to truck, train, plan, or another ship
It receives and arranges to forward or send It may include other services like:
This arises in instances when some vessels
the goods to their destination by the become engineless or their engines are
1. rigging and unrigging of ship’s gears
B. Definition instrumentality of the actual carrier, without removed or are so severely damaged. That’s
2. opening or closing of hatches
assuming the role and responsibility of the 3. snatching, centering to the hatch, opening, passing why theres a need for a contract of towage
Multi-modal transport operator (MTO) means carrier, of cargo or tugboats.
any person who concludes a multi-modal 4. providing standard stevedoring gears and equipment
contract and assumes responsibility for the and is compensated for his services by the as required by cargo type B. ENTITLED
performance thereof by a carrier. shipper. 5. Also: cleaning holds, shifting of cargoes,
Because sometimes, the manufacturer may shoring/unshoring of cargoes, lashing/unlashing of Who is entitled to be compensated for a
not have the means to do this He is an agent and a warehouseman for the cargoes, rebagging and sweeping, and contract of towage?
shipper, and must exercise the care and stuffing/unstuffing of containers on board vessel
Multi-modal transport contract means a diligence of a prudent man. Only the OWNER of the towing vessel can
single contract for the carrier of goods by at OPERATIVE WORDS: ON BOARD VESSEL ask for compensation for the towage, NOT
least two different modes of transport A FORWARING AGENT IS NOT THE CAPTAIN. Even if the owner waived the
CONSIDERED A COMMON CARRIER. WHAT IS AN ARRASTRE OPERATOR? claim for the towage, the captain still cannot
Considering the variety of cultures, claim UNLESS the owner assigned or
languages and commercial practices of both B. FREIGHT FORWARDER B. Arrastre means the set of shore-based cargo handling conveyed his right to the captain.
ends of the trade, it is reasonable to let one Who is considered a freight forwarder? activities which include the following: This does not apply of course if the owner of
qualified operator organize and be
the vessel is also the captain.
responsible and accountable for the entire A transport intermediary which: 1. Receive/load cargo from/to ship’s tackle with use of
dock gangs and cargo handling equipment
transport chain. (UNCTAD-ICC Rules for 1. publishes its own tariff, TOWAGE V. SALVAGE
Multi-Modal Transport) 2. issues its own bill of lading and When you talk about a contract of towage,
2. Check cargo by marks and quantity, acknowledge
3. assumes all responsibilities of a even if the vessel does not have any engine
and sign tally sheets sort, pile, stow and classify
EX. common carrier without operating its anymore, its sort of drifting, and there is no
Lets say, the shipper is a Cebu Ratan own vessel. 3. Cargoes in sheds/ open storage/warehouse of not danger of sinking or being lost, you cannot
furniture manufacturer. He has this container taken/delivered from truck declare that the vessel as being salvaged.
of rattan furniture and he wants it sent to the This Non-vessel Operating Common At the most, the vessel will be towed by a tug
buyers who are in Detroit Michigan. So how Carrier (NVOCC) acts as a shipper in 4. Check and recoup bad order and damaged cargoes boat or a towing vessel of another company.
does he do it? First of all, he has to look for a relation to the actual carried and as a caused by contractor
vessel who will bring the goods from Cebu up carrier to the shipper. He charges for the
to San Francisco. entire distance, and assumes
He then has to find another common carrier responsibility for the transportation of the 5. Secure cargo from pilferage or losses while under "Salvage" has been defined as "the compensation
that will bring it to the railway track which will goods from point of receipt to point of cargo handler’s custody allowed to persons by whose assistance a ship or
her cargo has been saved, in whole or in part, from
bring the container to Detroit Michigan by destination.
6. Provide manpower, equipment and such other impending peril on the sea, or in recovering such
train. property from actual loss, as in case of shipwreck,
Then in Detroit Michigan, the container will The applicable rate of freightage should be the one necessary cargo handling gears for derelict, or recapture.
again be loaded then transferred to another agreed to by the parties. The petitioner in this case receiving/stowing/delivery/transfer/shifting/pelletizing
truck to be brought to its final destination, can no longer impugn the liability because it had of cargo Three elements are necessary to a valid salvage
where the furniture is stored or warehoused. already partially paid the amount. The petitioner claim, namely,
was a regular customer of private respondent and OPERATIVE WORDS: SHORE-BASED (1) a marine peril,
it did not assail the rate then being charged on the Arrastre services are usually rom the pier to the warehouse. (2) service voluntarily rendered when not required as
Normally, the shipper has no facilities to shipments. They had therefore, acquiesced an existing duty or from a special contract, and
Often, there is only one single entity acting or doing the
contract all the multicarrier and he does not thereto, accepting whatever rate the respondents (3) success in whole or in part, or that the service
functions of an arrastre operator. There is only one arrastre
want to be bothered with contacting these imposed. It cannot now belatedly challenge the rendered contributed to such success.
amount being collected as an afterthought. in a port and he submit a bid to the port operator to be the
carriers so it is here that a multi modal
Estoppel has set in. (Brillo v. CA) authorized arrastre operator. Was there a marine peril, in the instant case, to
operator comes in. The MTO is not actively
involved in the transportation of the goods justify a valid salvage claim by plaintiff against
Abano: Bringing down the goods from the vessel, from the hull to the defendant? We do not think there was. It appears
unlike in a multi carrier arrangement, its deck to the pier that’s the functions of an arrastre operator. that although the defendant's vessel in question
A freight forwarder is somewhat a quasi
usually the last carrier who is held liable by was, on the night of May 1, 1958, in a helpless
common carrier. If something happens to the
the consignee ( although he has the option to What if the arrastre operator performs only one of the acts? condition due to engine failure, it did not drift too far
go after previous carriers). IN AN MTO, the goods, he will be responsible to the consignee from the place where it was. The weather was fair,
Does he still have the right to charge a fee?
shipper will go after the MTO because the because he is considered under the law, a clear, and good. The waves were small and too
Common Carrier. Yes because he was able to do it. The consignee must pay slight, so much so, that there were only ripples on
MTO assumes responsibility for
If he was just a forwarding agent, ( which is the sea, which was quite smooth.
transportation of goods from the starting the charge because it is provide for in the Philippine ports
place to the end. He guarantees it that if not considered a CC), there can be no authority order that enumerates the acts of the arrastre During the towing of the vessel on the same night,
presumption of liability. But when the MTO is operator. So even if just one is performed by the arrastre, the
something happens to the goods, he will there was moonlight. Although said vessel was
a freight forwarder, he IS A COMMON consignee must pay. drifting towards the open sea, there was no danger
be the one liable to the shipper or
consignee. CARRIER. of it floundering or being stranded, as it was far from
The relationship between the consignee and an arrastre operator is any island or rocks. In case of danger of stranding,
akin to that existing between the consignee and/or owner of the its anchor could released, to prevent such
shipped good and the common carrier or that between a depositor occurrence. There was no danger that defendant's
and a warehouseman. Hence, in the performance of its obligations, vessel would sink, in view of the smoothness of the
an arrastre operator should observe the same degree of diligence sea and the fairness of the weather. That there was
as that required of a common carrier and a warehouseman. Being absence of danger is shown by the fact that said
the custodian of the goods discharged from a vessel, an arrastre vessel or its crew did not even find it necessary to
It consolidates small shipments for various operator’s duty is to take good care of the goods and to turn them lower its launch and two motor boats, in order to
consignors/consignees by procuring over to the party entitled to their possession. (Asian Terminal v. First evacuate its passengers aboard. Neither did they
vessel/container space from carriers and Lepanto Taisho) find occasion to jettison the vessel's cargo as a
issuing its own bill of lading. Its destination safety measure. Neither the passengers nor the
In case of claim for loss filed by a consignee or the insurer as cargo were in danger of perishing. All that the
agents distribute the small shipments to the
subrogee,23 it is the arrastre operator that carries the burden of vessel's crew members could not do was to move
consignees named in the consolidator’s proving compliance with the obligation to deliver the goods to the the vessel on its own power. That did not make the
manifest. appropriate party. It must show that the losses were not due to its vessel a quasi-derelict, considering that even before
negligence or that of its employees. the appellant extended the help to the distressed
Ex. Sometimes they have their own vessels ship, a sister vessel was known to be on its way to
but others don’t. They send it through other It must establish that it observed the required diligence in handling succor it.
the shipment. Otherwise, it shall be presumed that the loss was due
common carriers. Examples of cargo to its fault. In the same manner, an arrastre operator shall be liable If plaintiff's service to defendant does not constitute
consolidators are LBC and DHL. for damages if the seal and lock of the goods deposited and "salvage" within the purview of the Salvage Law, can
delivered to it as closed and sealed, be broken through its fault. Such it be considered as a quasi-contract of "towage"
fault on the part of the arrastre operator is likewise presumed unless created in the spirit of the new Civil Code? The
there is proof to the contrary. answer seems to incline in the affirmative, for in
consenting to plaintiff's offer to tow the vessel,
The signature of a consignee on the gate pass constitutes defendant (through the captain of its vessel MV Don
acceptance of the goods in good order and condition. ( Marina Port Alfredo) thereby impliedly entered into a juridical
Services v. American Home Assurance Corporation) relation of "towage" with the owner of the vessel MV
Henry I, captained by plaintiff, the William Lines,
Tug which put line aboard liberty ship which was not
in danger or peril but which had reduced its engine
speed because of hot grounds, and assisted ship
over bar and, thereafter, dropped towline and stood
by while ship proceeded to dock under own power,
was entitled, in absence of written agreement as to
amount to be paid for services, to payment for
towage services, and not for salvage services.
If the contract thus created, in this case, is one for
towage, then only the owner of the towing vessel,
to the exclusion of the crew of the said vessel,
may be entitled to remuneration.
It often becomes material too, for courts to draw a
distinct line between salvage and towage, for the
reason that a reward ought sometimes to be
given to the crew of the salvage vessel and to
other participants in salvage services;; and such
reward should not be given if the services were
held to be merely towage.
The master and members of the crew of a tug were
not entitled to participate in payment by liberty ship
for services rendered by tug which
were towage services and not salvage services.
The distinction between salvage and towage is of
importance to the crew of the salvaging ship, for the
following reasons: If the contract for towage is in
fact towage, then the crew does not have any
interest or rights in the remuneration pursuant
to the contract. But if the owners of the
respective vessels are of a salvage nature, the
crew of the salvaging ship is entitled to salvage,
and can look to the salvaged vessel for its share.
(Barrios v. Go Thong)
A. ORIGIN AND PURPOSE Only the carrier’s liability is extinguished if no A. ORIGIN/PURPOSE D. Two-tier liability system under Montreal
What is the origin and purpose of the suit is filed within 1 year by shipper, Convention
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act? consignee or insurer. The prescriptive WC was signed by 30 countries in October 1929 to
period does not apply to suits by insured establish uniform system of rules for international 1. Air carriers are strictly liable (no defense) for
COGSA is a U.S. law which was adopted by against insurer. air transportation of persons, baggage or goods, RP proven damages up to 113,100 SDR (
the Philippines as C.A. No. 65 in 1936, to concurred in 1950. special drawing rights) which is around
govern contracts for the carriage of goods by Lolo A: $138,000 as of December 2011
sea to and from the RP in Foreign Trade. Lets say consignee is unable to file a case MC introduced amendments on amounts of liability ( defense that accident was not due to its
during the prescriptive period, can the insurer of carrier and compensation for passengers, and negligence IS NOT AVAILABLE when amount
B. PRIMARY LAW file case against the CC? No. because the additional jurisdictional provision. sought is less than 113,100 SDR)
consignee did not file a claim within the
COGSA is governing law if stated in bill of prescriptive period. Thus, the insurance B. LIABILITY OF CARRIER 2. Where damages of more than 113,100 SDR
lading or similar document that contract of company is affected negatively. So if you’re are claimed by passenger, carrier may
carriage is subject to its provisions (Sec. 13) the insurance company and you learn about 1. Death or injury happening on board aircraft avail of defense that accident causing
a claim of a consignee, you should ask or during embarking/disembarking injury or death was not due to its
Note effect on Article 1753 of NCC whether he filed a complaint or suit within the negligence but to that of a third party
prescriptive period so that the insurance 2. Destruction loss or damage to checked
Art. 1753. The law of the country to which the company will know if it has already lost baggage or goods while in the charge of the This amended the provisions in the Warsaw
goods are to be transported shall govern the subrogation rights. Failure of the consignee to carrier, whether on board aircraft or in Convention on liability
liability of the common carrier for their loss, do that means the insurer cannot be paid. airport
destruction or deterioration. E. Prescriptive Period ( Arts. 26 & 29)
The insurance policy should also provide that 3. Damage occasioned by delay
Art. 1766. In all matters not regulated by this the consignee, if he fails to file a law suit 1. In case of damage, written complaint within
Code, the rights and obligations of common within the prescriptive period, the insurance The Warsaw Convention does not operate as an exclusive 3 days from receipt of baggage and 7 days
carriers shall be governed by the Code of company is not obligated to pay the enumeration of the instances of an airlines liability, or as an from receipt of goods.
absolute limit of the extent of that liability. Such a proposition
Commerce and by special laws. consignee. That’s usually provided in an is not borne out by the language of the Convention, as this
2. In case of delay, 14 days from delivery of
insurance policy when what is being insured Court has now, and at an earlier time, pointed out. Moreover, goods/baggage.
Lolo A: So we’re finished with the Civil Code is a transaction governed by COGSA. slight reflection readily leads to the conclusion that it should 3. No action lies if complaint beyond period,
and the Code of Commernce. If the Civil be deemed a limit of liability only in those cases where unless there is fraud.
Code does not apply, then it’s the Code of the cause of the death or injury to person, or 4. Action must be filed within 2 years from date
Commerce. If the Code of Commerce doesn’t E. LIABILITY (Section 4[5]) destruction, loss or damage to property or delay in its of arrival, or when ought to arrive, or when
transport is not attributable to or attended by any willful
apply then you go to Special laws. Here, the transportation stopped.
misconduct, bad faith, recklessness, or otherwise
very first special law is the COGSA. You 1. Maximum amount of P500 per improper conduct on the part of any official or employee
apply the COGSA suppletorily to the package or, if not shipped in for which the carrier is responsible, and there is Despite the express mandate of Art. 29 of the Warsaw
missing provisions. package, per customary freight unit otherwise no special or extraordinary form of resulting convention that an action for damages should be filed within
injury. 2 years from arrival to the place of destination, such rule
What if there is a contradiction between (e.g. metric ton of bulk shipment)
shall not be applied in the instant case because of the
the COGSA and the Code of Commerce?
Code of Commerce applies, unless it is NOTE: The Conventions provisions, in short, do not regulate or delaying tactics employed by the petitioner airline. (United
expressly stated that COGSA applies. Example, you have a carton of cigarettes, that exclude liability for other breaches of contract by the carrier Airlines v. Uy)
Remember, if its transportation is a package. If it’s a box, it will also be or misconduct of its officers and employees, or for some
particular or exceptional type of damage. ( Northwest F. Jurisdiction (Art. 28)
OVERLAND: COGSA DOES NOT APPLY. considered a package. But there are Airlines v. CA)
But if its foreign trade over sea its COGSA. instances when the goods are transported in
Lolo A’s opinion: As far as I am concerned, bulk. For example, an entire ship containing Plaintiff has option to file action for damages at:
1. Domicile of carrier
and legal authorities have said, that only 10,000 metric tons of wheat and barley. So C. AMOUNTS UNDER WC 2. Principal place of business of carrier
when it is stated in the bill of lading will the how many instances or how may units would
COGSA apply. Especially if he is a Filipino that be? 3. Where carrier has business through which
1. 125,000 pesos per passenger, unless a contract made
consignee and he is filing a suit here. It would still be considered 10,000 units and higher limit is agreed upon
if its lost the liability (absent stipulation 4. Place of destination
2. 250 pesos per kilo of checked 5. In actions for personal injury or death to
C. BILL OF LADING: otherwise) would be 500 dollars x10,000 if the baggage/goods unless declaration of higher
entire thin is lost. passengers, the principal and
value and added payment made permanent place of residence of the
Prima facie evidence of the receipt by the Why? 3. 5,000 per hand carried baggage
carrier of the goods as described therein, Because it is a customary freight unit. passenger and in which the carrier
( But remember that these amounts were already conducts operations through premises
(Sec. 3 [4]) Contrary evidence may be Measuring by ton is a customary freight unit. amended by the Montreal Convention) owned or leased by it. ( This provision is
presented. That is why when, for example, a common added by the Montreal Convention,
carrier charges its freight cost, a freight cost The above limited liability cannot be availed by
D. PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD is always computed according to metric tons ARTICLE 33 (1) (2))
carrier if damage is committed by willful
if it is in bulk. So we follow that also. One ton misconduct Montreal convention allows a fifth jurisdiction:
1. If loss or damage is APPARENT OR is considered to be one unit and one unit is
EXTERNAL, notice in writing must considered to be payable to the maximum of residence of the passenger
Any stipulation to lower the above limits or to
be given to carrier or agent at time $500 absent stipulation. exempt form liability is void. Why here? Easier access to justice.
of removal of goods by person
It seems clear that even if said section 4 (5) of the Carriage
entitled to delivery. Same A contract of carriage, although performed by different
prescriptive period as overland of Goods by Sea Act did not exist, the validity and binding EXAMPLE 2:
carriers under a series of airline tickets constitutes a single
effect of the liability limitation clause in the bill of lading operation as members of the IATA. They act as agents of Tom and Jerry went to Barcelona. They bought
2. If loss or damage is NOT here are nevertheless fully sustainable on the basis alone each other in the issuance of the tickets and that the number their ticket from a domestic airline in Spain. It
APPARENT, within 3 days of
of the cited Civil Code Provisions. That said stipulation is of tickets issued does not detract from the oneness of the does not operate anywhere else except in Spain.
just and reasonable is arguable from the fact that it contract of carriage as long as the parties regard the contract So they bought it in Air Lingues. Then they
delivery. echoes Art. 1750 itself in providing a limit to liability only as a single operation. A member airline which enters into a boarded a plain to Air Lingues and during the
if a greater value is not declared for the shipment in the contract of carriage consisting of a series of trips to be
NOTE: If the parties stipulate in the performed by different carriers is authorized to receive the
flight, they were giving the passengers food.
bill of lading. To hold otherwise would amount to
bill of lading that this prescriptive fare for the whole trip and through the required process of However, the stewardess did not give food to
questioning the justness and fairness of the law itself....
period will apply in a transportation But over and above that consideration, the just and interline settlement of accounts or the IATA clearing house, Tom. When Tom asked why, the stewardess
overland instance, then this may reasonable character of such stipulation is implicit in it an airline is duly compensated for the segment of the trip said, you do not look like you need food.
giving the shipper or owner the option of avoiding accrual services ( American Airlines v. CA)
apply instead of the prescriptive
period provided by law of liability limitation by the simple and surely far from Tom sort of complained about that omission on the
onerous expedient of declaring the nature and value of
These are a series of examples given by Abano during part of the stewardess so the stewardess said, if
3. If NO NOTICE is given, there is prima
the shipment in the bill of lading. ( PHILIPPINE CHARTER you don’t like it here, you can always stand up and
V. NEPUTE ORIENT) walk out of the plane. At that time, the plane was
facie evidence of delivery of goods EXAMPLE 1:
20,000 feet above, it was a very insulting remark
as described in bill of lading CONJUNCTION TICKETS
from the stewardess. When they landed in
4. Notice is not needed if goods jointly 2. Nature and value of goods may be Lets say A bought a conjunction ticket to travel from Barcelona, they went to the Supervisor of Air
surveyed or inspected at time of their declared by shipper and inserted in Manila to Riyadh. He bought several tickets ( Lingues and complained what happened to Tom.
receipt bill of lading;; declaration is prima together called a conjunction ticket) from Singapore The supervisor was a closet racist and event went
facie evidence and not conclusive Airlines. He travelled using the Conjunction ticket violent and injured Jerry.
NOTE: This means the counting and on carrier from Manila to Hongkong, Hongkong to Munich. When the students returned to the PH, they decided
inspecting of the items, both From Manila to Hongkong, the airline was to file a case. What are the cause of actions
representatives of the common If for example, the vessel was seaworthy but Singapore airlines. From Hongkong to Munich, it available?
carrier and the consignee must be he cause of the sinking was because the was KLM. KLM honored the ticket that was issued Quasi Delict
present shipper did not inform the ship owner of the by Singapore, especially since it had a coupon Injury
nature of the goods, then those good affected saying it was for HK to Munich. What laws are applicable?
5. Whether notice of loss/damage is the seaworthiness of the vessel, then that can Then from Munich to Moscow, it was American Civil Code for the Quasi Delict but for the Injury, he
given or not, suit must be filed within be an excuse on the part of the common Airlines. For Moscow to Riyadh it was Emirates. can invoke the revised penal code or ask for
1 year after delivery or when goods carrier. REMEMBER THAT QUESTION IN So all of these airlines honored the tickets damages under the Montreal or Warsaw
should have been delivered;; THE MT EXAM ABOUT THE TOXIC purchased from Singapore Airlines since there were Convention.
otherwise prescribed. MATERIALS? separate coupons for each leg. The subject that can be covered by the Warsaw
When A reached Munich, he presented the Convention is death or injury to the person of the
NOTE: The notice of claim is not conjunction ticket. The person in American Airlines passenger. So there are two different laws
required in this case or is not a A stipulation in the bill of lading limiting to a certain sum the detached the coupon for the trip from Munich to concerned here.
condition precedent under the common carriers liability for loss or destruction of a cargo - Moscow. Inadvertedly however, and without being
- unless the shipper or owner declares a greater value is
COGSA. Since its patterned after US sanctioned by law. aware of this, he detached the next coupon as well. But what about the principal of criminal law, that the
law, they don’t have condition The passenger did not notice it also. So when he venue of the crime is the place where the crime was
There are, however, two conditions to be satisfied:
precedent rules under their law was about to board the plane for Riyadh, the person committed?
(1) the contract is reasonable and just under the said, you don’t have a ticket for Moscow, so he was It might not be advisable to file a criminal case.
circumstances, and unable to take the flight. That’s why you have the Montreal Convention that
Petitioners claim that pursuant to Section 3, paragraph 6 of
the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA), respondent (2) it has been fairly and freely agreed upon by the parties. Afterwards when he got back to the Philippines he allows the fifth venue for jurisdiction: residence of
should have filed its Notice of Loss within three days from
The rationale for, this rule is to bind the shippers by their
filed a case. the passenger.
delivery. They assert that the cargo was discharged on July What will you file and against whom and where?
31, 1990, but that respondent filed its Notice of Claim only agreement to the value (maximum valuation) of their goods.
on September 18, 1990. He can file against the airline that tore the ticket- EXAMPLE 3.
It is to be noted, however, that the Civil Code does not limit
the liability of the common carrier to a fixed amount per Emirates or he can file against Singapore Airlines. Plane going to the middle east had an accident. It
We are not persuaded. First, the above-cited
provision of COGSA provides that the notice of claim need package. In all matters not regulated by the Civil Code, the Why against Singapore Airlines? crashed. It goes down and the passengers died.
not be given if the state of the goods, at the time of their right and the obligations of common carriers shall be Remember the IATA Rule. You file against the first One of the passengers was n OFW and it was his
governed by the Code of Commerce and special laws.
receipt, has been the subject of a joint inspection or
Thus, the COGSA, which is suppletory to the provisions of
carrier. In this case it was Singapore. first trip to work. The other was a businessman.
survey. As stated earlier, prior to unloading the cargo, an
Inspection Report as to the condition of the goods was the Civil Code, supplements the latter by establishing a Considering that A is a Filipino, where will you file You are the lawyer of both filing a case against the
prepared and signed by representatives of both parties. statutory provision limiting the carriers liability in the it? airline.
absence of a shippers declaration of a higher value in the
bill of lading. The provisions on limited liability are as much
Under the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions, a For the OFW who has no means to fund a drawn
Second, as stated in the same provision, a failure
to file a notice of claim within three days will not bar a part of the bill of lading as though physically in it and as party may file against the carrier where the contract out case to prove injury, what can he avail of?
recovery if it is nonetheless filed within one year. This though placed there by agreement of the parties. was made. The strict liability of the carrier under the
one-year prescriptive period also applies to the Remember in American Airlines v. CA, the filing of Montreal Convention of 138,000 dollars.
shipper, the consignee, the insurer of the goods or any In the case before us, there was no stipulation in the Bill of
legal holder of the bill of lading. Lading limiting the carriers liability. Neither did the shipper the suit in manila was still considered valid. Why? However, the OFW waives any claim to
declare a higher valuation of the goods to be shipped. This Because Singapore airlines was the one who additional damages.
fact notwithstanding, the insertion of the words L/C No.
issued the ticket in Manila. Singapore was acting
as agent of American Airlines. Since Singapore
In Loadstar Shipping Co., Inc. v. C ourt of Appeals, we 90/02447 cannot be the basis for petitioners liability. ( airlines was an agent of American airlines in so For the businessman who can and wants to prove
ruled that a claim is not barred by prescription as long as Belgian Overseas v. Philippine First)
the one-year period has not lapsed. far as the issuance of the ticket was concerned, more, then he can go for the second option and
it is deemed that it was American Airlines that prove more than the 113,100 SDR.
3. Shipper and carrier may agree on
Inasmuch as the neither the Civil Code nor the Code of issued the ticket.
Commerce states a specific prescriptive period on the another maximum amount of
matter, the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA)--which So he can still file the case in manila.
damage actually sustained. ( this is
provides for a one-year period of limitation on claims for loss
of, or damage to, cargoes sustained during transit--may be a form of liquidated damages)
applied suppletorily to the case at bar. ( Belgian Overseas What can he file?
v. Philippine First) If they are silent as to amount, the maximum Breach of contract. What did that breach consist of?
about of Php 500 will apply. Failure to honor the ticket.
Emirates, when they discovered that the coupon for
NOTE: What if the bill of lading says that the the trip to Riyadh was not in the coupon, they cannot
6. If it’s a case of misdelivery, cost of the a machinery shipped is 5,000 per just deny or refuse to board A. They have to
prescriptive period for suit is 10 years unit? Will the maximum 500 be followed. No exercise due diligence and should have contacted
for breach of written contract or 4 that would be unreasonable to the consignee Singapore airlines to verify if there was in fact a
years for quasi delict. if they were to follow the maximum of $500. coupon.
What is stated in the bill of lading will be
followed, unless there is fraud.
Under Article 1753 of the Civil Code, the law of the
country to which the goods are to be transported shall
govern the liability of the common carrier for their
loss, destruction or deterioration. Since the subject
shipment was being transported from South Korea to
the Philippines, the Civil Code provisions shall apply.
In all matters not regulated by the Civil Code, the
rights and obligations of common carriers shall be
governed by the Code of Commerce and by special
laws, such as the COGSA.
Article 372. The value of the goods which the carrier
must pay in cases if loss or misplacement shall be
determined in accordance with that declared in the
bill of lading, the shipper not being allowed to present
proof that among the goods declared therein there
were articles of greater value and money.
In case, however, of the shipper’s failure to declare
the value of the goods in the bill of lading, Section 4,
paragraph 5 of the COGSA provides:
Neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be
or become liable for any loss or damage to or in
connection with the transportation of goods in an
amount exceeding $500 per package lawful money
of the United States, or in case of goods not shipped
in packages, per customary freight unit, or the
equivalent of that sum in other currency, unless the
nature and value of such goods have been declared
by the shipper before shipment and inserted in the bill
of lading. This declaration, if embodied in the bill of
lading shall be prima facie evidence, but shall be
conclusive on the carrier.
When the packages are shipped in a
container supplied by carrier and the number
of such units is stated in the bill of lading,
each unit and not the container constitutes
the package. (Eastern Shipping Lines v. IAC)
(R.A. 2616) (P.D. 1521) (CABOTAGE LAW, RA 10668) R.A. 4136)
A. DEFINITIONS A. PURPOSE OF MORTGAGE: This only became law last year!!
Before the Cabotage law, foreign ships should
How is salvage defined? To finance the construction, acquisition, dock in South Ports of the PH only. The foreign 1. A motor vehicle must be registered for the
1. Service rendered to preserve the goods or purchase of vessel, or initial inspection vessel would have to unload in the south and the current year, as a condition for its operation on a
ship which the owner has either abandoned in thereof. goods would have had to be transferred to an public road or highway
distress at sea or is unable to protect or interisland or domestic vessel and that
secure. P.D. 1521 or the Ship Mortgage Decree was enacted to interisland vessel will bring the goods to its final 2. Mortgage, attachment or other encumbrances
accelerate the growth and development of the shipping destination. The foreign vessel alone is not on a motor vehicle must be registered and
industry and to extend the benefits accorded to overseas
2. Compensation to one by whose assistance a permitted to bring the goods to its final recorded on the face of the Certificate of
shipping under PD 214 to domestic shipping. It is
ship or its cargo has been saved from patterned closely from the US Ship Mortgage Act. The destination. That was the cabotage law before. I Registration ( if there is notation on the certificate
impending danger or recovered from actual public policy behind the law is to develop the domestic think they realized that it was more expensive to of the registration, an IPV will not be prejudiced)
loss;; shipping industry. Opening up the courts to foreign the consigneed when they did this. O they came
suppliers by granting them a maritime lien under out with this law. But right now, with this new law, 3. A person can still drive a vehicle even without
3. vessel or cargo recovered from Philippine laws even if they are not entitled to a maritime there is no need to get a permit if the vessel is possessing his driver’s license albeit he may be
lien UNder under their laws will encourage forum
abandonment at sea coming from Manila. The foreign vessel can violating traffic rules. ( Manuel v. CA 227 SCRA
shopping. ( Crescent Petroleum v. MV Lor)
Remember the contract of towage? Don’t proceed to its destination, a provincial port. 29) ( Issue in this case was about liability, just
confuse it with this. In the contract of towage, it B. Conditions for preferred mortgage: because a person did not have his license at the
does not necessarily mean that the vessel to be A. DEFINITION time an accident occurs, does not mean he will
towed is in danger, it may be that it is just without 1. Registration with PCG ( PHILIPPINE be automatically liable for the injury. There is a
engine so it needed to be towed. COAST GUARD) presumption but if there is proof that negligence
In salvage law, it is different. The vessel being Cabotage refers to transit of a vessel along the is on the part of the other party, his lack of
salvaged cannot navigate, it has been 2. Affidavit of good faith coast of a country for the purpose of trade license will not impute liability on him.)
abandoned or sunk, without any intention of from one port to another within the territorial
being recovered To be considered a preferred mortgage it is limits of that country 4. A person driving with an expired and
necessary that: unrenewed drivers license is deemed not to
Remember salvage is a SERVICE the service Section 4 No. 2: An affidavit is filed with the Prior to R.A. 10668 foreign vessels have to load have any license at all
being rendered is what we call salvage record of such mortgage to the effect that the and unload in Manila ports. They may enter
mortgage is made in good faith and without any coastwise ports but with special permits from the 5. Insurance requires an authorized driver who
design to hinder, delay or defraud any existing or Marina. is either the insured or a person driving on
B. ELEMENTS OF A VALID SALVAGE future creditor of the mortgage or any lien or of insured’s order or with his permission, provided
CLAIM the mortgaged vessel. B. Under the new law, a foreign vessel: he abides with licensing rules. A driver with
expired Traffic Violation Receipts ( TVR) or
1. There must be MARINE PERIL 3. No waiver of preferred status 1. Arriving from a foreign port may carry foreign Temporary Operation Permit (TOP) is not an
cargo to its Philippine port of final destination authorized driver within the meaning of
2. Service of Salvor is VOLUNTARY;; and C. Preferred Mortgage has priority over after being cleared at its port of entry insurance policy.
all claims against the vessel EXCEPT:
3. Salvage is SUCCESSFUL IN WHOLE OR 1. Taxes, crew’s wages, general average, 2. Arriving from a foreign port, may carry foreign The rule is settled that a driver abandoning his proper
PART. salvage, damages arising out of torts cargo by another foreign vessel calling at the lane for the purpose of overtaking another vehicle in an
ordinary situation has the duty to see to it that the road is
If there was an attempt to save the vessel but same port of entry to the Philippine port of final
clear and not to proceed if he cannot do so in safety.
there was nothing actually saved, then that cant 2. Preferred mortgage registered prior to destination of such foreign cargo. When a motor vehicle is approaching or rounding a
be considered a successful salvage time ( The cargo brought by a foreign vessel can be curve, there is special necessity for keeping to the right
transferred and loaded on a foreign vessel as side of the road and the driver does not have the right to
3. Maritime lien arising prior to registration well) drive on the left hand side relying upon having time to
C. PROCEDURE AFTER SALVAGE of preferred mortgage turn to the right if a car approaching from the opposite
direction comes into view ( Mallari v. CA)
3. Departing from a Philippine port of origin
1. Salvor does not become the owner but must D. Enforcement or preferred mortgage through another Philippine port to its foreign port Relevant provision in Mallari:
deliver recovered or saved vessel/cargo to the lien in case of default of final destination may carry foreign cargo Sec. 41. Restrictions on overtaking and passing. –
authorities ( Bureau of Customs and Municipal What remedies does the creditor have against a intended for export. (a) The driver of a vehicle shall not drive to the left side
treasurer) defaulting debtor? of the center line of a highway in overtaking or passing
4. Departing from a Philippine port of origin, may another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, unless
such left side is clearly visible and is free of oncoming
2. PUBLICATION OF NOTICE for the owner to 1. Suit in rem in admiralty ( the creditor can carry foreign cargo by another foreign vessel
traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such
appear and claim salvaged vessel/cargo and to ask for the judicial or extrajudicial through a domestic transshipment port to its overtaking or passing to be made in safety.
pay compensation (50% of value) foreclosure as to the vessel) foreign port of final destination
(b) The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake or pass
What if no owner appears? 2. Suit in personam in admiralty ( against 5. An empty foreign container van going to or another vehicle proceeding in the same direction when
3. If no owner appears, salvaged vessel/cargo to the shipowner/mortgagor) coming from any Philippine port or foreign port, approaching the crest of a grade, nor upon a curve in the
highway, where the drivers view along the highway is
be sold at public auction, then proceeds to be and being transshipped between two Philippine
obstructed within a distance of five hundred feet ahead
shared by owner of salvor vessel (50%) and 3. Personal action against the debtor ports is allowed except on a highway having two or more lanes for
capita/crew (50%) movement of traffic in one direction where the driver of a
What courts have jurisdiction: CFIs of the vehicle may overtake or pass another vehicle:
Section 7 of Salvage Law provides that if no Philippines.
claim is presented in three months subsequent Provided That on a highway, within a business or
residential district, having two or more lanes for
to the publication of the advertisement , the E. Suit in rem and arrest of vessel
movement of traffic in one direction, the driver of a
things saved shall be sold at public auction and vehicle may overtake or pass another vehicle on the
their proceeds, after deducting the expenses The vessel may be made a party defendant. right.
and the proper reward shall be deposited in the Upon filing of petition for judicial foreclosure,
insular treasury. If three years shall pass without petitioner may apply ex parte for an order of
anyone claiming it, one half of the deposit shall arrest of the vessel.
be adjudged to him who saved the things, and This is one of the times when a non person is
the other half to the insular government. impleaded as a defendant. When you say arrest
of vessel, this means you apply with the court for
an arrest of vessel, it will be served on the
25% Captain, 25% Crew captain, and the vessel is prohibited from leaving
the country.
Requisites for a maritime lien under the Ship Mortgage
1. The necessaries must have been furnished to
and for the benefit of the vessel
2. The necessaries must have been necessary for
the continuation of the voyage of the vessel
3. The credit must have been extended to the
4. There must be necessity for the extension of
the credit
5. The necessaries must be ordered by persons
authorized to contract on behalf of the vessel. (
Crescent Petroleum vs. MV Lor)
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ( of the service purchased)
A. Scope of A.O. NO. 01—2012 1. Right to full, fair and clear 1. Right to transportation and 1. Right to compensation and amenities in case of flight
disclosure of the service and baggage conveyance and CANCELLATION ( Sec. 11)
When does this rule apply? all terms and conditions of the ancillary services, in
The rules apply to all aspects of contract of contract of carriage (Sec.4) accordance with the terms and These include:
carriage for flights or portion of a flight INTO, conditions of the contract (Sec.7) 1. prior notification of cancellation
FROM AND WITHIN the territory of the 2. sufficient refreshment or meals
Philippines operated by Philippine air carriers, The disclosure, before the purchase of Any violation of the terms and conditions 3. hotel accommodation,
and flights or portions of a flight from the territory any ticket, shall include: due to negligence of the carrier shall 4. transportation to hotel,
of the Philippines operated by foreign air a. documents required at check- entitle the passenger to compensation or 5. reimbursement of the value of the fare if passenger
carriers. in, other acceptable arrangements. decides not to fly
( This means it applies to both international and b. check in deadlines, 6. endorsement to another carrier without paying fare
domestic air carriers provided that they are c. baggage allowance, 2. Right to be processed for check- difference,
registered) d. refund and rebooking policies, in, within the check-in deadline 7. rebooking of the ticket without additional charge.
e. procedures and responsibility when the passenger has a
The compensation rules do no not apply to for delayed and/or cancelled confirmed ticket, with complete IF cancellation is 24 hours before ETD,
foreign carriers flying into the territory of the flights. documents, and has complied only notification, rebooking or reimbursement are required.
Philippines if the laws of the country of origin with check-in procedures ( Sec.
provide similar or higher compensation. The terms may include liability 8) If cancellation is due to force majeure, safety and/or security
limitations, claim filing deadlines and seasons, as certified by CAAP, at least refund of full value of
other crucial conditions. The A passenger within designated check-in fare must be provided.
B. RIGHTS OF AIR PASSENGERS disclosure shall be printed on the area 1 hour before the ETD shall not be
ticket and/or boarding pass, and in considered late or a no-show, and shall IF THEY DON’T PROVIDE COMPENSATION, YOU MAY FILE A
1. Right to be provided with accurate carrier’s website. not be denied check in. Any dispute shall CASE FOR DAMAGES.
information before purchase of the be resolved on-site by the carrier with
service 2. Right to clear and non- proofs, such as CCTV recordings and 2. Right to compensation and amenities in case of FLIGHT
2. Right to receive the full value of the misleading advertisements of, other available means. DELAY. ( Sec. 12)
service purchased and important reminders
3. Right to compensation without delay regarding the far. (Sec.5) 3. Right to sufficient processing time for 3 HOUR TERMINAL DELAY
check in: 2 hours before ETD in In case of terminal delay ( passenger is in departure area) of 3
C. PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS BY Major restrictions, such as those on international airports and 1 hour in hours after ETD, whether or not it is attributable to the carrier
CARRIER rebookability in case of non-use of other airports. ( Section 9) he shall be provided with:
ticket shall be disclosed FULLY AND 1. meals or refreshment,
1. Violation of the order is penalized in CLEARLY THIS IS IMPORTANT 2. free phone calls,
accordance with the Civil Aeronautics 4. Right to board air craft for the flight, 3. text or emails and
Act of the Philippines 3. Right against misleading and except when denial has legal or valid 4. rebooking or refund of his tickets or endorsement to
fraudulent sales promotion cause such as issues of immigration, another airline.
practices (Section 6)
2. Violation of Sec. 4 is ground for denial safety and security, health concerns 6 HOUR TERMINAL DELAY
of application for, or All sales promotion campaigns and or government requisition of space In case of terminal delay of 6 hours after ETD for causes
suspension/recall of approval of, activities shall be carried out with attributable to the carrier, flight is deemed CANCELLED, and
promo rates/advertised fares honesty, transparency and fairness. In case of overbooking or government passenger entitled to rights and amenities for flight cancellation.
Copies of promotional materials shall requisition, the carrier shall look for
be provided to DTI for post audit. volunteers willing to give up their 2 HOUR TARMAC DELAY
3. Violation of Sections 5 and 6 are shares in exchange for proper In case of TARMAC DELAY ( passenger has boarded plane) of
governed by Consumer Act of the incentives/compensation/amenities 2 hours after ETD, sufficient food and beverage shall be
Philippines which, if need be, shall be increased. provided
The carrier shall do the same when the
What agency implements this? CAAP ( Civil government requisition result in 3. In case of overbooking and if accepted by passenger,
Aeronautics Authority of the Philippines) passengers having to forego their compensation under Section 10 shall constitute liquidated
confirmed space. Refund from the damages for carrier’s failure to provide confirmed seat (
government for the full value of the Section 13.)
requisitioned seats may be claimed by
the air carrier. 4. Right to compensation for delayed, lost and damaged
(Ex. Remember Korean Passenger baggage ( Section 14)
dragged off the flight?)
Baggage shall be on the SAME FLIGHT taken by the passenger,
subject to considerations of safety, security or other valid causes.
The passenger shall be informed soonest of off-loading and
reasons therefor. Baggage shell be carried in next flight available
and delivered to the passenger.
What is the proper amount of compensation in case of delayed
delivery of baggage or loss of baggage?
Compensation of P2,000 for delay of 24 hours or portion
For lost or damaged baggage attributable to carrier,
compensation shall be:
(a) For international flights: the relevant convention shall
(b) For domestic flight: ½ of the amount in relevant
convention or its peso equivalent
In Montreal Convention:
1. Air carriers are strictly liable (no defense) for proven
damages up to 113,100 SDR ( special drawing rights)
which is around $138,000 as of December 2011
2. Where damages of more than 113,100 SDR are claimed
by passenger, carrier may avail of defense that
accident causing injury or death was not due to its
negligence but to that of a third party
Baggage is deemed permanently and totally lost if not delivered
within 7 days. (After the 7 day period, you can consider your
baggage lost and demand compensation)
5. Right to Compensation in case of death or bodily injury
For international flights, relevant Convention and Inter-Carrier
Agreement will apply. Under the 1966 Montreal agreement,
$138,000 dollars inclusive of attorney’s fees and costs. For
domestic flight, it is amount stipulated in relevant convention in
peso equivalent
6. Right to immediate payment of compensation ( Section
16). Checks, cash or documents convertible to cash shall
be tendered at carrier’s counter at airport on the date
when occasion entitling passenger occurred
7. Right to refund of other fees, if any, such as checked
baggage fees and other optional service fees, when
passenger was not at fault and did not use the ticket that
is refundable.
1. Instances when the airline may validly refuse boarding of
a passenger
2. When overbooking occurs, what can an airline do to avoid
3. Right to COMPENSATION with respect to flight
C.A. 146 (1936) P.D. 1 (1972) E.O.S What are the functions of these regulatory and franchising bodies?
Renders services essential to
the general public A. FRANCHISING/LICENSING
Timeline of how laws
Impressed with public interest concerning regulatory
and concern and franchising bodies 1. Regulatory bodies grant CPC;; grant of CPCN requires prior congressional
have changed LTO/LTFRB ( land transport) franchise
Public Utilities are privately owned and ( CPC: Certificate of Public Convenience)
operated businesses whose services TRB (toll road) (CPCN: Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity)
are essential to the general public.
They are enterprises which specially
cater to the needs of the public and BOT PCG/MARINA ( water transport) 2. REQUIREMENTS:
conduce to their comfort and ( transportation) A. Filipino citizenship,
convenience. As such, public utility PPA (ports)
services are impressed with public B. financial capability,
interest and concern. ( KMU v. Garcia) CAB (air transport) ( on financial capability: it is important for one to show that it can afford all the
necessary equipment, on public need:
MIAA/CAAP (air ports) this is important, before being granted a CPC, you have to show that there is a
public need )
PHILIPPINE C. public need
BOC Ex. For Public Need: If it’s a transportation company, it must prove that a
Subject to POLICE POWER, a COMMISSION NTC (communication)
(Communication) particular route is not being sufficiently served and that there is place for another
legislative prerogative/power 1936-1972
public transport to operate.
Public convenience or necessity generally means something fitting or suited to the public need. As one
of the basic requirements for the grant of a CPC, public convenience and necessity exists when the
proposed facility or service meets a reasonable want of the public and supply a need which the existing
facilities do not adequately supply. The existence or non-existence of public convenience and necessity
is therefore a question of fact that must be established by evidence in a public hearing conducted for
ERB-ERC (power)
that purpose. The object and purpose of such procedure, is to look out for, and protect the itnerst of the
public and existing transport operators. ( KMU v. Garcia)
3. DUE PROCESS: notice and hearing
NEA (electric cooperatives)
CONGRESS delegates its
BPW The power of a regulatory body to issue a CPC is founded on the condition that after full-
powers and responsibilities to (power/waterworks) dress hearing and investigation, it shall fine, as a fact, that the proposed operation is for the
regulate public utilities NWRB (waterworks) convenience of the public. Basic convenience is the primary consideration for which a PCP
is issued. Also, existing operators in subject routes must be given an opportunity to offer
Such delegation of legislative power to an
proof and oppose the application. Therefore, an applicant must, at all times, be required to
administrative agency is permitted in order prove his capacity and capability to furnish the service. ( KMU v. Garcia)
to adapt to the increasing complexity of LWUA (water districts)
modern life. As subjects for governmental
regulation multiply, so does the difficulty of
administering the laws. Hence
specialization, even in legislation has B. REGULATION
become necessary. ( KMU v. Garcia)
Franchising alone is not enough, regulation is necessary as well. Remember
the whole grab issue?
1. Cancellation of CPC/CPCN;; imposition of fine (Reasons: e.g. unreliable
service, frequent accidents)
bodies/Administrative and 2. Due Process: notice and hearing ( Reason: franchise is property and not
Quasi-Judicial Agencies merely privilege;; non impairment of contract if investments made)
( they cannot delegate it further Constitution says life liberty and property cannot be taken away without due
to other agencies) process of law!
An abdication of the licensing and
regulatory government agencies of THIS THIRD ONE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT
their functions as the instant petition C. RATE FIXING/DETERMINATION
seeks to show, is indeed lamentable.
Not only is it an unsound
1. quasi-judicial function
administrative policy but it is inimical to
public trust and public interest as well.
( KMU V. Garcia) 2. GOAL OF RATE FIXING: balance between private and public demands;; the
rate must be just and reasonable rate for both
Abano: Is there such a thing as a just and reasonable rate for both? I suppose
there could be but it will be difficult to arrive at that middle ground that will satisfy
IMPORTANT!!! the public utility and the persons enjoying the services of such utility.
SPECIAL CASES: 3. fair return on investment vs. confiscatory measures
POTESTAS DELEGATA NON The regulatory body cannot impose a rate that is so low. The balance between
DELEGARI POTEST 1. Local Government ( Local Autonomy Code) affordability for the commuter against discrimination against the commuter.
-‐ Franchising of tricycles
FURTHER DELEGATED” -‐ Communication franchises within their respective zones
a. RATE OF RETURN: the SC considers 12% a reasonable rate of return.
The authority given by the LTFRB to Of what? Rate basis. So what is rate basis?
the provincial bus operators to set a
fare range over and above the
authorized existing fare is illegal and
invalid as it is tantamount to an undue b. RATE BASIS: investments, assets, expenses of the public utility.
delegation of legislative authority.
Potestas delegate non delegari potest. For example, lets take Meralco, its what Meralco puts in. Therefore, Meralco
What has been delegated cannot be has a right to a rate of return of 12%. A lot of times, a public utility will jack
delegated. This doctrine is based on up or bloat its expenses so that the rate basis will be very big. In the case
the ethical principle that such a of Meralco, the OA examined all of these supposed expensed by Meralco.
delegated power constitutes not only a
The COA found out that the expenses were not really incurred or were
right but a duty to be performed by the bloated or were not really devoted to the purpose of the operations of
delegate through the instrumentality of Meralco. So these expenses to bloat the rate basis were not allowed.
his own judgment and not through the
intervening mind of another. A further
delegation of such power would c. RETURN ITSELF
indeed constitute a negation of the Take the case of KMU v. Garcia: There was an arrangement that bus companies could
duty in violation of the trust reposed in increase or lower their rate anytime they want provided it is 15% higher or lower,
the delegate mandated to discharge it depending on what they want. The SC said this is not allowed. Regulatory bodies should
directly. (KMU v. Garcia) be the one to exercise this function and nobody else.
4. affordability vs. discrimination