0 FINAL M. Pharma RICHA 12.02.20
0 FINAL M. Pharma RICHA 12.02.20
0 FINAL M. Pharma RICHA 12.02.20
A ThesisvSubmitted
In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of
(Roll NO. 1420336508)
Director of Pharmacy
RameshwaramvInstitute of Technology andvManagement
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
To the
(August, 2019)
Certified that RICHA SINGH PATEL has carried out the research work
presented thesis entitled “ FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF
DELIVERY SYSTEM” M.Pharm, Departmentvof Pharmacyvfrom
Rameshwaram Institute of Technology & Management(RITM), Lucknow, Uttar
Pradesh under myvsupervision. The thesis embodies resultsvof original work,
and studies arevcarried out by the student himself and the contents of the thesis
do not form the basis for the award of any other degree to the candidate or to
anybody else from this or any other University/Institution.
1 Certificate 2
2 Abstract 3
3 Acknowledgement 4
4 List of Figures 5
5 List of Tables 6
6 List of Abbreviations 7
1. General Description 9
1.1 Liposomes 9
1.2 Ketoconazole 9
1.2.1 Drug Profile of KTZ 10
1.2.2 Chemical and Physical Properties of Drug 11
1.3 Pharmacology 11
1.3.1 Pharmacodynamics 11
1.3.2 Mechanism of Action 11-12
1.3.3 Pharmacokinetics 12
1.4 Literature Survey 12-13
1.5 Plan of work 14
2.1 Material 15
2.2 Methods 15
2.2.1 Pre-formulation Study 15
2.2.2 Appearance of Drug 15
2.2.3 Identification of Drug 15
2.2.4 Melting Point 16
2.25 Solubility Profile 16
2.3 Preparation 16-17
2.4 EVALUATION 17-18
2.4.1 Optimization of formulation by using the 3 2 full factorial 18-20
2.5 Microscopy 20
2.5.1 Particle size and the particle size distribution 20
2.5.2 Drug entrapment efficiency 20-21
2.5.3 In-vitro drug release study from liposomes 21-22
2.5.4 Storage stability of liposomes 22
3.1 Pre-formulation 23
3.1.1 Appearance of Drug 23
3.1.2 Solubility Profile 23
3.3.1 Melting Point 24
3.2 Influencen of formulation variables on characteristics of 24-26
3.4 Factorial equation for percentage entrapment efficiency 26-28
3.5 Microscopy 28-30
3.5.1 Particle size and particle size distribution 30
3.5.2 Drug entrapment efficiency 30
3.5.3 Differential scanning calorimetry study 31-32
3.5.4 Factorial equation for percentage cumulative drug release 33
after 12 hours
3.5.5 Storage stability of liposomes 34-35
U.V. Ultra-Violate
l liposomes
λ. Wavelength
µg Microgram
µM Micromole
Rt Retention time
O Degree
C celcius
I.R Infra-Red
KTZ Ketoconazole
DSC Differential scanning calorimetry
1.2 Ketoconazole
1.2.1 Drug Profilevof KTZ
ChemicalvName- Kentoconazole
Type- Smallvmolecule
MolecularvWeight.WL-531.434 g/molv
Description- Broad spectrumvantifungal agent usedvfor long periodsvat high
doses, especially invimmunosuppressedvpatients.Ketoconazole isva
syntheticvderivative of phenylpiperaztionvwith broadvantifungal properties
andvpotential antineoplasticvactivity. Ketoconazolevinhibits sterolv14-a-
dimethylase, a microsomalvcytochromevP450-dependent enzyme,
therebyvdisrupting synthesis ofvegosterol , an important componentvof the
fungal cellvwall. Ketoconazole is an fungicidalvagent with a veryvbroad
spectrum of activityvagainst many fungalvspecies that is used forvtreatment of
superficialvand systemic fungal infections. Ketoconazole isva well-
documentedvcause of clinically apparentvacute drug inducedvliver injury and
is novlonger recommended as a first linevantifungal agent.
1.2.2 Chemicalvand PhysicalvProperties ofvDrug
Property Details
1.3 Pharmacologyv
Ketoconazolevinteracts with 14-α demethylase, avcytochrome P-450venzyme
necessaryvfor the conversionvof lanosterol to ergosterol. Thisvresults in inhibition
ofvergosterol synthesis andvincreased fungal cellularvpermeability. Other
mechanismsvmay involve the inhibitionvof endogenousvrespiration, interactionvwith
membrane phospholipids, inhibitionvof yeast transformationvto mycelial forms,
inhibitionvof purine uptake, and impairmentvof triglyceride and/orvphospholipid
biosynthesis. Ketoconazolevcan also inhibit thevsynthesis of thromboxanevand
sterols such asvaldosterone, cortisol, andvtestosterone.
1.3.3 Pharmacokineticsv
Aimvand objective
The aimvof this study was to developvthe Liposome of KTZvtopical gel for drug
deliveryvsystem and objectivevis used to preventvsuperficial fungal infectionsvand
the treatmentvof skin disease andvprevent form skinvcancer.
1.4 LiteraturevSurvey
av0.45μm membranevfilter. The solubilityvof Ketoconazole wasvdetermined
by analyzingvthe filtrate spectrophotometricallyvafter dilution with
methanolvat 222 nm. Optimum formulationvof microemulsion basevhydrogel
showed highervdrug release of 76.12% andvhigher flux of 75.78±0.06% at
thevend of 24hrs, withvcomparable in vitro antifungalvactivity as compared
tovmarketed formulation.
Niyaz Basha , KalyanivPrakasam , Divakar Goli atv2014 prepared
liposomalvgel of Fluconazole containingvcarbopol 934p. In thisvresearch the
requiredvamount of drug (2 gm) was dispersedvin water andvthen
Carbopolv934p was then neutralizedvwith sufficientvquantity of
Triethanolamine. Glycerinevas moistening agent, methylvparaben and
Propylvparaben as preservativesvwere added slowly withvcontinuous gently
stirringvuntill the homogenous gelvwas formed. The bioavailability
ofvfluconazolevwas 90 %.
RakeshvP. Patel, Hardik H. Patelvand Ashok H. Bariavat 2009 As a
vehicle forvincorporation of liposomes forvtopical delivery, avcarbopol gel
wasvmade. Carbopol 934 (1 g) wasvdispersed in distilledvwater (88 g)
byvstirring at 800 rpm for 60vminutes. Then, propylenevglycol (10 g) was
addedvand the mixture wasvneutralised by dropwisevaddition of
triethanolamine. Mixingvwas continued until avtransparent gelvappeared,
while thevamount of the base wasvadjusted to achieve avgel with pH 5.5. The
preparedvLKG and PKG formulationsvwere white viscousvcreamy
preparationsvwith a smooth andvhomogeneous appearance. Theyvwere
easilyvspreadable withvacceptable bioadhesion and fairvmechanical properties.
1. LiteraturevSurvey
2. Selectionvof drug
3. Pre formulationvstudiesvof selected drugs
4. AnalyticalvMethod
5. Liposomesvof Preparation
6. Evaluationv
7. Optimizationvof formulation
8. Microscopyv
9. Resultvand Discussion
2.1 Materialsv
2.2 Methodsv
2.2.1 Pre-formulationvStudy
2.2.4 Meltingvpoint
2.2.5 SolubilityvProfile
2.2.6 UVvSpectroscopy
ThevStandard solution ofvdrug was make byvtransferring accuratelyvweighed 1mg
ofvdrug into 10mlvvolumetric flask andvdissolve in 2 drops ofvmethanol ,
volumevwas made up tov10 ml H2Ovto get the come ofv100 μg/ml. Measured
thevspectra by using U.V spectroscopyvphotometer tanking H2O asvblank. IRvSpectroscopy
The IRvSpectroscopy of drug wasvdetermined byvSpectrophoto meter. Analyticalvmethod development
Preparationvof calibration curve ofvKTZ in ethanol using HPLCvmethod.
A) Equipment- HPLC/ UV-visible, vSpectroscopy.
B) MobilevPhase – MP for CalibrationvHPLC rank Liq Solutionvused consisted
of avmixture of H2O andvethanol (50-50% w/v).
C) Preparationvof Stock Solutionvand StudyvCurve
Accuratelyvweight 1mg KTZvdissolved in 10ml ofvmobile phase (H2O &
CH4 invthe ratio 50-50% w/v) whichvgives stock solutionvof 100ug/ml
fromvthe stock solutionv1ml were pipettedvout into a seriesvof 10mlvof
volumetric flaskvand made up tovmark with mobilevphase in order
tovobtained conc. in thevrange of 2 to 010 μg/ml , thenvall a liquots
werevsolicited and filtered byvwhatsmanfilterpaper.The solutionvwas then
injectedvin the 20ul loop attachedvto the pump the mobilevphase was run at
thevrate of 1ml for 5min.Detectionvwas done atv256nm. sample conc.
wasvcalculated by measuringvcovered plotting againstvstd conc.
2.3 Preparationv
Liposomesvcontaining KTZ, preparedvby thin film hydrationvtechnique, were
characterizedvfor following attributesvassigned.
were carriedvout at all nine possiblevcombinations. The design layoutvand encrypt
valuevof independent factor isvshown in Table 1. The factorsvwere selectedvbased
on preliminaryvstudy. The weight ratiovof drug soyavlecithin & cholesterolvand
volume of hydrationvmedium were selected asvindependentvvariables. The %
Entrapmentvefficiency was selected as dependentvvariable. The formulationsvof the
factorialvbatches (F1 to F9) are shown invTable 1.
2.5 Microscopy v
equipmentvconsists of a He-Nevlaser beam of 632.8 nmvfocused with a smallvpower
of 5 mWvusing a fourier lens [R-5] vto a point at thevcenter of multielementvsensor
and a samplevholding unitv (Su cell). Thevsample was morevusing a morevbefore
determining thevvesiclevsize. The vesiclevscattering werevdiluted about 100vtimes
in thevdeionized water. Dilutedvliposomal suspensionvwas added tovsample
dispersion unitvcontaining stirrervand stirred at highvspeed in order tovdecrease inter
particlesvcollection and laservbeam was focused.
2.5.2 Drug entrapmentvefficiency
The liposomevsuspension wasvultra-centrifuged at 5000vrpm for 15 min at
4°Cvtemp by using remivcooling centrifuge tovseparate the freevdrug. A
suspensionvcontaining liposomes invsuspended level andvrelease the drug atvthe
wall of centrifugationvtube. The suspensionvwas collected andvagain centrifuged
atv15000 rpm at 4°Cvtemperature for 30vminutes. A clearvsolution of
suspensionvand pellets of liposomesvwere obtained. Thevpellet containing only
liposomesvwas suspended invpure water untilvfurther processing. The
liposomesvfree from un-entrappedvdrug were soaked inv10 ml of methanolvand
thenvsolicited for 10vmin. The vesicles werevdestroyed to freevdrug, whichvwas
then estimatedvfor the drugvcontent. The absorbancevof the drug was notedvat 222
nm. Theventrapment efficiencyvwas then calculatedvusing followingvequation.
% Entrapmentefficiency = (Entrapped drug/Totalvdrug added)*100
Properties observation
Colour Whitevcoloured
Odour Odourless
Nature Non-Crystallinevpowder
Taste None
Medium Solubility
Waterv Insolublev
Ethanolv Solublev
Chloroformv Solublev
Methanolv Solublev
3.1.3 MeltingvPoint
3.1.5 IRvSpectroscopy
The obtainedvIR spectra of drugvsample were against IRvspectra of KTZ that has
beenvreported earlier.
A) Standardvcurve of drug invmethanol by UVvspectroscopy
The studyvcurve of KTZ invmethanol at λ ax 256nmvwas preparedvusing UV
Spectrophometervproduce excellentvlinearity at R2 <0.956vobeying Beer
1 2 0.386
2 4 0.786
3 6 1.086
4 8 1.356
5 10 1.638
The studyvcurve of KTZ invCH4 at λ max 256nmvwas preparedvusing U.V
Spectrophotometervproduce excellentvlinearity at R2 <0.956 obeyingvBeer
Table 3: Standardvcurve of drugvacetate buffervat λmax 256nm
S. No Concentrationv (µg/ml) Absorbancev
1 2 0.056
2 4 0.246
3 6 0.376
4 8 0.498
5 10 0.684
6 12 0.812
C) Standardvcurve of drug invwater by U.Vvspectroscopy
The studyvcurve of KTZvin CH4 at λ axv254nm was preparedvusing UV
Spectrophometervproduce excellentvlinearity at R2v<0.9894 obeying Beer
1 2 0.056
2 4 0.246
3 6 0.376
4 8 0.498
5 10 0.684
6 12 0.812
1 0 0
2 2 41926
3 4 69874
4 6 101086
5 8 124866
6 10 156075
A 32 randomized full factorial design was utilized in the present study. Two factors, each at three
levels were evaluated. Experimental trials were carried out at all nine possible combinations. The
factors and their limit were selected based on preliminary study. The molar ratio of DPPC/Chol and
molar ratio of DOPE/DPPC were selected as independent variables. The size of liposomes and EE
%were selected as dependent variables. The formulation composition of the factorial batches (F 1 to
F9) is shown in Table 6.
Effect of formulation ingredients on entrapment efficiency Based on the RSM approach, the
runs were conducted in thin film hydration technique for KTZ liposome
Table 6. 32 Full factorial design, molar composition of DPPC, DOPE and cholesterol in
formulations together with respons-es values [Particle size (PS), Entrapment efficiency
(EE %), Polydispersity index (PDI)]
CCD model-designed experiments to visualize the effects of independent factors on the responses.
Magnitude and mathematical sign of coefficients show the effectiveness of dependent variables on
responses. Results of PS and EE % are shown in Table 6. The model equation derived for EE %
was: responseis:Yj=b
YEE % = 92.08 – 6.58 X1+4.33 X2 + 1X1 X2
The negative sign for coefficient of X1 indicates the lowering effect of DPPC/Chol on EE %
(P<0.05). The EE of different liposomal batches was in a range of 57.9 to 85.1%. The maximum
entrapment was observed in batch F5 with the composition of DPPC/ DOPE/Chol (1: 0.5: 1 molar
The relationship between the dependent and independent variables was further elucidated using
contour and response surface plots. As shown in Fig. 1, at low level of DOPE/DPPC, EE %
decreased from 84.2 % to 57.9 % when DPPC/Chol increased from 1 to 5. Similarly, at high level
of DOPE/DPPC, EE % decreases from 82.2 % to 59.3 % when DPPC/Chol increases from 1 to 5.
One of the most important parameters, which need to be monitored during liposome preparation, is
the vesicle size and the size distribution. From a number of reports, it is evident that the size and
size distribution of the liposomes determine their in vitro or in vivo performance. The particle sizes
of different batches of liposomes were in a range of 474 to 646 nm. The minimum and maximum
size values correspond to formulations F6 and F5, respectively. The modified model for particle
size is:
YPS= 665.08 -49.12 X1+28.91 X2 + 2.79X12– 7.75X1X 2. The equation clearly indicates that the PS
values are strongly dependent on the selected independent variables. The negative sign for
coefficient of X1 indicates that DPPC/ Chol has a decreasing effect on particle size (p=0.037). The
coefficient of X1 was found to be significant at the level of P<0.05. From the results obtained, it
may be concluded that DOPE/DPPC molar ratio and its interaction term do not contribute
significantly to the particle size of liposomes (p>0.05).
As shown in Fig. 2, at low level of DOPE/DPPC, PS decreased from 615 nm to 493 nm when
DPPC/Chol increased from 1 to 5. Correspondingly, at high level of DOPE/DPPC, PS decreased
from 627 nm to 474 nm when DPPC/Chol increased from 1 to 5.
Overlaid contour plot with defined conditions for desired PS and EE % was obtained using RSM
approach. The white area corresponds to conditions resulting in a particle size in the range between
500 nm to 550 nm and EE % range between 70 to 85% (Fig. 3).
Validation: The accuracy of the proposed model was validated by conducting other reactions with
different conditions and then comparing the obtained results with the model. Observed and
calculated PS and EE % using these equations are shown in Table 7. Percent error (PE) was
obtained using following equation:
Average percent error (APE) for particle size and EE % in train set were 1.27 % and 2.7 %,
respectively.The internal percent error (PE) of the proposed model can be calculated using obtained
equations for the train experiments (n=9). The average PE for all 9 experiments are 1.28 and 2.57 %
for PS and PE, respectively (Table 7). To evaluate the external predictive performance of the
model, three more experiments were carried out in duplicate as a test set. Table 8 shows conditions
and results of these reactions. The results revealed that the average PE for these experiments is 3.52
and 4.09% for PS and PE, respectively. Considering the low internal and external PE, it might be
concluded that the model has a good predictive power in the studied range of variables. The
proposed model was also used to obtain optimum conditions (Fig. 4). Desired PS and EE % were
defined as 500 nm and 80 %, respectively. A new formulation was prepared according to proposed
levels for independent factors. Proposed levels are in accordance with whitearea in the overlaid
plots. Observed responses values were close to the calculated values in the proposed formulations.
Prediction error of EE % and PS were 6.3% and 5.9%, respectively. These results further
demonstrate the suitability of the optimization procedure in developing SRL liposomes.
Fig. 1. Response surface plot (left) and Contour plot (right) of the
effect of lipid content on entrapment efficiency percent (EE %).
Fig. 2. Response surface plot (left) and contour plot (right) of the
effect of lipid content on particle size (PS).
Table 7. Observed and calculated percent error (PE) values for particle size (PS) and
entrapment efficiency percent (EE %) in train set
Formulation Obs PS Calc PS PE Obs Calc
code (nm) (nm) (%) EE% EE% EE% PE (%)
F1 493 489 0.76 57 59 3.80
F2 486 484 0.34 62 59 4.03
F3 532 543 2.04 72 72 0.46
F4 556 549 1.34 68 71 4.41
F5 646 629 2.58 85 84 1.38
F6 474 479 1.16 59 60 1.41
7 615 619 0.61 84 85 1.78
F8 549 546 0.60 76 72 5.70
F9 627 640 2.07 82 82 0.20
PS APE 1.28 APE 2.57
DSCvthermogram of soyavlecithin and cholesterol showedvendotherm at 128.93°C
andv148.27°C, respectively. DSC thermogramvof KTZ loaded liposomesvcomposed of
soyavlecithin : cholesterol (10:1) weightvratio interestingly showedvdisappearance of
thevmelting endothermvof KTZ and the majorvendotherm was observedvat 137.28°C. The
meltingvendotherm of soyavlecithin was found to bevshifted from 128.93°Cvto 137.28°C,
signifyingvthat all the lipidvcomponents interactvwith each othervto a great extentvwhile
forming thevlipid bilayer. The incorporatedvKTZ associated with lipidvbilayers and
interactedvto a large extentvwith them. Absencevof the meltingvendotherm of KTZvand
shifting of thevlipid bilayervcomponents endothermvsuggested significantvinteraction of
KTZ withvbilayers, indicating the interactionvof KTZ with bilayersvleading to
enhancedventrapment of the drug andvdecreased rate ofvrelease. The DSCvresults of
liposomesvsuggest enhanced entrapmentvefficiency of KTZvin the lipidvbilayer.
0.996834 0.993685 0.983156 0.570543 9
Df SS MS F Significanc
RSM is a collection of mathematical and statistical technique which quantifies the functional
relationship between a number of measured response variables and several explanatory factors
to obtain an optimal response by using a series of tests. The main advantage of RSM is to
reduce the required experimental runs required and it is already widely applied to optimize
formulation design in pharmaceutics studies.
Fig. 3. Overlaid contour plot with defined conditions for desired particle size (PS) and
entrapment efficiency percent (EE %).
Fig. 4. Optimization plot for formulation with desired particle size (PS) and entrapment
efficiency percent (EE %) values.Factorialvequation for percentagevcumulative
drugvrelease after 12 hours
2 2
Y =39.65+2.01 +3.98X2 +0.36X1X2 +4.14X1 - 0.40X2
small error ofvvariance was noticedvin thevreplicates. The results of statisticalvanalysis are
shownvin Table 8. The coefficientsvb1, b2 and b11 werevfound to be significantvat P<0.05.
While thevsignificance levelvof coefficient b12 and b22 werevfound to bevP = 0.3045vand P =
0.3877 respectivelyvwhich is P >0.05 so it mayvbe concluded thatvinteraction term b12 and
b22 doesvnot contribute significantlyvto the prediction of % cumulativevdrug release.
Fromvthe above study, itvwas found that thevdrug release fromvliposomes primarilyvdepends
on the lipidvcomposition, drug to lipidvratio and also the volume ofvhydration medium.
The resultsvof regression analysisvreveal that, on increasingvthe values for X1, decrease in %
cumulativevdrug release isvobserved, becausevcoefficient b1 bears a negativevsign. While on
increasingvthe values for X2, increasevin % cumulativevdrug discharge isvobserved, because
coefficientvb2 bears avpositive sign.
Storagevstability ofvliposomes
Figure 4: DSCvthermograms of KTZ (A), soyavlecithin (B), cholesterol (C), andvdrug
4. Conclusionv
Thevliposomal productvof ketoconazole wasvprepared with thevview to
improvevtherapeutic responsevand reduce thevpossible adversevsymptoms. Here
liposomesvof ketoconazolevwere prepared usingvthin filmvhydration technique.
Percentageventrapment efficiencyvwas optimized aftervstudying the effect ofvvarious process
andvformulation variables. Maximumventrapment efficiencyvwas found tovbe 54.41±0.19 %.
The preparedvliposomes werevfound to havevgood morphological properties andvsize
distribution. FromvDSC thermograms of liposomesvit can be concluded thatvsignificant
interactionvoccur betweenvdrug andvlipid components of thevvesicles thatvlead to higher
entrapmentvefficiency. The percentagevcumulative drug releasevfrom the optimizedvbatch
i.e. F4 wasvfound to be 34.96±0.86 % afterv12 hours of diffusionvstudies. Stabilityvstudies
showed maximumvpercent drug retentionvat refrigeratedvtemperature (2-8°C). The
drugventrapment efficiencyvcan be attributed tovphospholipids’ abilityvto vesiculate
independentlyvbecause they carryvtwo bulky nonpolarvlipid chains and avpolar headvgroup,
which helpsvthem spontaneouslyvform into closed bilayervsystems.
A full factorial design and central composite design of response surface methodology can be
used to determine the significant variables and optimum condition for preparation of
liposomes. The present study focused on the preparation and characterization of liposome
using the thin film hydration method. Particle size and % are important characteristics in
liposome formula-tions which have important effects on in vitro and in vivo properties.
Percentage of encapsulation efficiency was optimized after studying the effect of various
formula-tion variables. DPPC/Chol molar ratio had a profound ef-fect on the entrapment
efficiency and liposome size. The proposed model could be successfully used to predict and
optimize both liposome size and EE %.
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