Punjab Tianjin University of Technology (PTUT), Lahore, Pakistan
Punjab Tianjin University of Technology (PTUT), Lahore, Pakistan
Punjab Tianjin University of Technology (PTUT), Lahore, Pakistan
(Note: Please make sure before submitting this form that it is complete and the required documents
are enclosed. Failure to do so will render the application liable to summarily rejection.)
Div/ Month /
Level of Examination University / Board etc %age Subject taken
SSC: Matriculation/
HSSC: FA / FSc /
BA/ BSc. / Equivalent
MA / MSc. / Equivalent
MPhil / PGD
Punjab Tianjin University of Technology (PTUT), Lahore, Pakistan
13. Details of Publications in HEC approved journals on the following format on a separate sheet.
14. The candidate not already in service must produce a CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER from the Principal / Officer of the
Institution last attended.
Department Reason of Leaving Nature of Employment Pay / Scale & Salary
Joining Leaving
18. Please make sure before submitting this form that it is complete and the required documents are enclosed.
List of Testimonials (Attested Copies) attached to this application Form:
1. .......................................................................... 2. ..........................................................................
3. .......................................................................... 4. ..........................................................................
5. .......................................................................... 6. ..........................................................................
7. .......................................................................... 8. ..........................................................................
9. .......................................................................... 10. ..........................................................................
Note:-1: Where, the given space is insufficient, please give details on a separate sheet of paper and give sheet number.
Note -2: The applicant is warned that if the application submitted by him/her is incomplete, deficient in any respect or is
not accompanied by any of the necessary documents which should be drawn up in a clear manner, it is liable to
be summarily rejected unless the deficiency, if any, is made up by the applicant before the expiry of the last date
of submission of applications.
Note:-3: The candidates will have to appear for an interview at their own cost and without any obligation to the University.
Note -4: Attach copy of your postal address in full, any change in address must be communicated immediately to the
Registrar, Punjab Tianjin University of Technology (PTUT), Lahore.
(For Muslim Candidates Only)
I solemnly declare that I believe that Hazrat Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is
the last Prophet of Allah and neither there is not will be a Prophet or religious reformer after Hazrat
Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). I neither belong to Qadiani or Lahori Group nor I
am Ahmadi.
(For all candidates)
I hereby declare that all the entries in this Application Form and all the additional particulars (if
any) furnished along with it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If any information is
found incorrect I shall be liable for imposition of any penalty set out in the University Employees
(Efficiency and Discipline) Statutes in force.
Dated: _______________ _______________________
Signature of the Candidate