Resolution Theorem Proving: Robert Keller February 2011

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Theorem Proving

Robert Keller
February 2011
What is this?
• Resolution is a special kind of theorem
proving used in:

• Automated theorem proving and reasoning,

where the goal is complete automation

• Databases and Answer Extraction (AI)

• Prolog language (a subset of general resolution)

• Resolution forms a complete proof system for

• Resolution was introduced by Prof.
J. Alan Robinson in 1965 at Syracuse U.

• There were previous hints at it by

D. Prawitz (1960, for the function-free
case) and Herbrand (1930’s).
How it works
• A logic formula is first negated, then
converted into “clausal form”.
(Some heavy logic is wired into this step.)

• In clausal form, quantifiers have been


• The clausal form is proved by refutation, i.e.

showing that its negation is unsatisfiable.
Two Types of Resolution
• Predicate calculus resolution:
• Our main objective

• Propositional resolution:
• Needed to understand predicate resolution

• Big role in algorithms and complexity theory

(NP completeness, for example)
Propositional Form of Resolution
• A literal is a proposition symbol or its

• A clause is a disjunction of literals.

• The negation of the formula to be proved is

first converted to a clause set, effectively a
conjunction of those clauses.

• The original formula is a theorem iff the set of

clauses is not satisfiable.
Resolution Schematic

iff original
is valid
Negated ⊥
Formula Clauses

negate clausify
• Clause set:
• p ∨ ¬q
• ¬q ∨ ¬r
• q

• This clause set is satisfiable:

• Valuation p = T, q = T, r = F will satisfy it.
• Clause set:
• p ∨ ¬q
• q∨r
• ¬p
• ¬r

• This clause set is unsatisfiable:

• There is no valuation that makes all formulas T at the same

• Why not?
We’d need p = r = F in order to satisfy all clauses,
but then there is no way to set q so that all clauses are
Conjunctive Normal Form
• A clause set is another way of representing a
propositional formula.

• A formula is in conjunctive normal form (CNF)

iff it is a conjunction of disjunctions of literals

(an “and” of “ors” of propositions and their

• Throughout this discussion, we want
each clause to be a mathematical set,
meaning that duplicates literals are

• Likewise, a set of clauses (i.e. CNF) has

no clause duplicated.
• Clause set:
• p ∨ ¬q
• q∨r
• ¬p
• ¬r

• is representable as

{{p, ¬q}, {q, r}, {¬p}, {¬r}}

where the ∨ connective is implicit within clauses, and

the ∧ connective is implicit among them.
Equivalence of Propositional Formulas

• Two propositional formulas are

equivalent (≡) iff they are satisfied by
the same valuations.

• Examples:
• p∧¬q ≡ ¬(q∨¬p)
• p→(q→r) ≡ (p∧q)→r
Equivalence of Clause Sets
• Two clause sets are called equivalent if they
are satisfied by the same set of valuations.

• In particular, if two clause sets are

equivalent, they are either:

• both satisfiable, or
• both unsatisfiable
How General is the Clausal Form?
• Claim: Every propositional formula can be
represented in clausal form.
• Examples:
• p ∨ q in clausal form is {p ∨ q} (one clause)

• p ∧ q in clausal form is {p, q} (two clauses)

• p → q in clausal form is {¬p ∨ q} (one clause)

• p ↔ q in clausal form is {¬p ∨ q, p ∨ ¬q} (two clauses)

Extreme Cases

• ∅ or {}, the empty set of clauses, is equivalent to


(as T is the identity for the ∧ operation, and a set of

clauses is a conjunction)

• Note: Every valuation satisfies every clause in {},

because there are no clauses to satisfy.

• {⊥} or {∅} or {{}}, the set containing the empty

clause, is equivalent to False.
The Empty Clause
• The empty clause is ⊥,
sometimes denoted by an empty box ❒.

• Do not confuse the empty clause with an

empty set of clauses.

• Observation: Any clause set containing the

empty clause is unsatisfiable, because no
valuation can make ⊥ true.

Example: {¬p ∨ q, p, ⊥}
Conversion to Clausal Form
• We rely on rules that can be proved in
propositional logic:

• Commutative
• A∧B≡B∧A
• A∨B≡B∨A
• Distributive
• A ∧ (B ∨ C) ≡ (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
• A ∨ (B ∧ C) ≡ (A ∨ B) ∧ (A ∨ C)
• DeMorgan
• ¬(A ∧ B) ≡ ¬A ∨ ¬B
• ¬(A ∨ B) ≡ ¬A ∧ ¬B
Conversion to Clausal Form
1. Replace each ϕ → ψ with (¬ϕ ∨ ψ).

2. Replace each ϕ ↔ ψ with (¬ϕ ∨ ψ) ∧ (ϕ ∨ ¬ψ).

3. Push ¬ inward, toward proposition symbols:

• Replace ¬(ϕ ∧ ψ) with (¬ϕ ∨ ¬ψ).
• Replace ¬(ϕ ∨ ψ) with (¬ϕ ∧ ¬ψ).
• Replace ¬¬ϕ with ϕ.

4. Push ∨ inward toward literals:

• Replace χ ∨ (ϕ ∧ ψ) with (χ ∨ ϕ) ∧ (χ ∨ ψ).
• Replace (ϕ ∧ ψ) ∨ χ with (ϕ ∨ χ) ∧ (ψ ∨ χ).
Example of Conversion to Clauses
• ¬(p → (¬q ∧ (r ∧ ¬ s))) replace →
• ¬(¬p ∨ (¬q ∧ (r ∧ ¬ s))) push ¬ inward
• ¬¬p ∧ ¬(¬q ∧ (r ∧ ¬ s)) delete ¬¬
• p ∧ ¬(¬q ∧ (r ∧ ¬ s)) push ¬ inward
• p ∧ (¬¬q ∨ ¬(r ∧ ¬s)) delete ¬¬
• p ∧ (q ∨ ¬(r ∧ ¬s)) push ¬ inward
• p ∧ (q ∨ ¬r ∨ ¬¬s) delete ¬¬
• p ∧ (q ∨ ¬r ∨ s) conjuncts are clauses
• {p, q ∨ ¬r ∨ s}
Try this one
• (¬p ∧ (¬q → (r ↔ s)))
Clausal Form from a Truth Table
• A truth table is typically thought of as displaying one of possibly
many disjunctive normal forms (DNF).

• Each row is a min-term:

p1* ∧ p2* ∧ . . . ∧ pn* where pi* indicates a literal.

• The overall truth-function is a disjunction of min-terms:

∨(p * ∧ p * ∧ . . . ∧ p *) over the rows for which the result is T.
1 2 n
Example: Truth Table
p q r value

(¬p∧q∧¬r) F T F T

(¬p∧q∧r) F T T T

(p∧¬q∧¬r) T F F T
(p∧q∧¬r) T T F T

(p∧q∧r) T T T T

A DNF: (¬p∧q∧¬r) ∨ (¬p∧q∧r) ∨ (p∧¬q∧¬r) ∨ (p∧q∧¬r) ∨ (p∧q∧r)

Clausal Form from Truth Table
• A DNF has the value True exactly when at
least one of the disjuncts does, e.g.
(¬p∧q∧¬r) ∨ (¬p∧q∧r) ∨ …

• Similarly a CNF has the value False exactly

when at least one of the conjuncts does, e.g.
(p ∨ q ∨ r) ∧ (p ∨ q ∨ ¬r) ∧ (¬p ∨ q ∨ ¬r)

• Hence we can “read off” a CNF from the False

rows of the table.
Example: Clausal Form from Truth Table
p q r value
F F F F (p ∨ q ∨ r)
F F T F (p ∨ q ∨ ¬r)
T F T F (¬p ∨ q ∨ ¬r)

A CNF: (p ∨ q ∨ r) ∧ (p ∨ q ∨ ¬r) ∧ (¬p ∨ q ∨ ¬r)

Housekeeping: Reduced Clause Sets
• A clause set is reduced provided:
• No literal occurs multiple times in any clause.
• p ∨ ¬q ∨ p is disallowed in a reduced set.

• No clause contains a literal and its negation.

• p ∨ q ∨ ¬p is disallowed in a reduced set.

• Any clause set S is equivalent to a reduced set

• Replace multiple occurrences of a literal
with a single occurrence of the literal.

• Drop any clauses containing a literal and its negation.

(Such clauses are equivalent to T, and do thus do not affect
satisfiability of the set of clauses.)

• Replace multiple occurrences of a clause (as a set) with a single

reduce example
reduce({p ∨ ¬q ∨ p,
p ∨ q ∨ ¬p ∨ q}) =

{p ∨ ¬q}
Resolution Method
• Input: A reduced set of clauses.

• Output: A set of clauses equivalent to the

input set, such that the original set is
unsatisfiable iff the final set contains the
empty clause ⊥.

• There is no valuation that satisfies ⊥, much

less ⊥ together with other clauses.
How Resolution Works
• Do Repeatedly, until no further steps can be taken:
• From the set of clauses, pick a pair from which a new
clause, called the “resolvent”, can be created.
(Must resolve the pair to find this out.)

• Add the resolvent to the set.

• If ⊥ is ever added to the set, stop. The original set of

clauses is unsatisfiable.

• Conversely, if the original set of clauses is

unsatisfiable, it is possible to eventually derive ⊥.
What is the Resolvent?
• Suppose p is a proposition symbol.

• If the set contains clauses of both forms

• p∨ϕ
• ¬p ∨ ψ

where ϕ and ψ are formulas (either could be empty),
then the resolvent is the reduced version of

ϕ ∨ ψ.

• p and ¬p are said to be “clashing” literals.

Resolution as a Deduction Rule
p∨ϕ ¬p ∨ ψ
ϕ∨ψ (in reduced form)

where p is any proposition symbol and

ϕ and ψ are clauses (possibly empty).
Example of Resolvents
• Consider the clauses
• p ∨ ¬q ∨ ¬s
• q ∨ r ∨ ¬s

• A resolvent (based on literal q) is:

• p ∨ r ∨ ¬s
Example of Resolvents
• Consider the clauses
• p∨r
• ¬r
• The resolvent is:
• p
Example of Resolvents
• Consider the clauses
• p
• ¬p

• Since p and ¬p occur in different

clauses, the resolvent is:
• ⊥
Example of Resolvents
• Consider the clauses
• p ∨ ¬q ∨ r
• q ∨ ¬r ∨ ¬s

• One resolvent (based on literal q) is:

• p ∨ r ∨ ¬r ∨ ¬s
• Another (based on literal r) is:
• p ∨ q ∨ ¬q ∨ ¬s

• Both of these would be dropped in reducing,

however, since each contains a literal and its
Resolution Algorithm
• Start with a set S of reduced clauses.

• while S does not contain ⊥ and the following

step adds something new to S:

• Add to S the resolvent R of any two clauses

such that R is not already in S.

• The original S is unsatisfiable iff ⊥ is in S.

Unit Clauses
• A clause with exactly one literal is called a
unit clause.

• The penultimate step prior to resolving to ⊥

will be to resolve two unit clauses.

• Resolving a unit clause with a clause having

n > 0 literals results in a clause with fewer
than n literals.
Note on choice of clauses
• Preferring unit clauses is a good
Example 1 (Highlighting unit clauses)
• S = {p ∨ ¬q, q ∨ r, ¬p, ¬r}
resolve p ∨ ¬q with ¬p, adding ¬q to S.

• S = {p ∨ ¬q, q ∨ r, ¬p, ¬r, ¬q}

resolve q ∨ r with ¬q, adding r to S.

• S = {p ∨ ¬q, q ∨ r, ¬p, ¬r, ¬q, r}

resolve ¬r ∨ r adding ⊥ to S.

• Stop ⊥ ∈ S.

• The original S is unsatisfiable, as ⊥ ∈ S.

Example 2
• S = {p ∨ ¬q, q ∨ r, ¬p}
Resolve p ∨ ¬q with ¬p, adding ¬q to S.

• S = {p ∨ ¬q, q ∨ r, ¬p, ¬q}

Resolve q ∨ r with ¬q, adding r to S.

• S = {p ∨ ¬q, q ∨ r, ¬p, ¬q, r}

Resolve p ∨ ¬q with q ∨ r, adding p ∨ r to S.

• S = {p ∨ ¬q, q ∨ r, ¬p, ¬q, r, p ∨ r}

Stop. No new resolvents are possible. The original set is
satisfiable, as ⊥ ∉ S.
Soundness: A valuation satisfying
both p ∨ ϕ and ¬p ∨ ψ satisfies ϕ ∨ ψ.
• Suppose ν satisfies both p ∨ ϕ and ¬p ∨ ψ.

• Either ν(p) = T or ν(p) = F.

• If ν(p) = T, then ν(¬p) = F. In order to satisfy

¬p ∨ ψ then, ν(ψ) = T. Thus ν(ϕ ∨ ψ) = T.

• If ν(p) = F, in order to satisfy p ∨ ϕ, ν(ϕ) = T.

Thus ν(ϕ ∨ ψ) = T.

• Thus adding the resolvent preserves the

valuations that satisfy the set of clauses.
• Completeness is more complicated and we
will not prove it here.

• We’d have to show that if a set is

unsatisfiable, there is a set of resolution steps
that result in the empty clause.

• For a constructive proof, see: J. Gallier, 2006:
Resolution Algorithm Termination
• Closure is always achievable.

• The set of distinct reduced clause sets for a given set

of proposition symbols is finite.

• At worst, every possible clause (regarding reordering

of symbols as equivalent) will be generated.

• How many distinct clauses can there be for n

proposition symbols?
Resolution in tabular form
1. p ∨ ¬q Premise
2. q∨r Premise
3. ¬r Premise
4. ¬p Premise
5. q Resolution 2, 3
6. p Resolution 1, 5
7. ⊥ Resolution 6, 4
Resolution as a Tree

p ∨ ¬q q∨r ¬r ¬p

nodes are p

Try resolving these clause sets:
• ¬p ∨ ¬q ∨ ¬r,
¬q ∨ r,
q ∨ s,

• p ∨ ¬q ∨ r,
q ∨ r,
Sometimes a DAG is more appropriate
than a tree for showing all options

p∨q p ∨ ¬q ¬p ∨ ¬q ¬p ∨ q

p ¬q ¬p q

We avoid identifying
⊥ ⊥ the two ⊥ nodes,so as
not to confuse the two
sets of antecedents.
Useful Editing Short-cuts
• Uncomplemented Literal Lemma

If a literal appears in one or more clauses, but its

complement appears in no clause, then every clause
containing that literal can be deleted from the set
without changing satisfiability.

• Rationale: The literal in question can be assigned T

without loss of generality, thus clauses containing it
cannot affect satisfiability.
Example of Uncomplemented Literal Lemma

• ¬p ∨ q ∨ r,
¬q ∨ r,
q ∨ s,
• r occurs only uncomplemented.
• The clause set is unsatisfiable iff the following set is:
• q ∨ s,
• and this set is unsatisfiable iff ¬s is unsatisfiable
(which it isn’t).
Further Editing Short-Cuts
• Unit Clause Lemma:

If a unit cause (clause with only one literal L)

exists within the set, the following operation may be performed
without affecting satisfiability:

• Remove all clauses containing L.

• Remove the complement of L from all remaining clauses.

• Rationale: The literal in question must be assigned T in a

satisfying interpretation. Hence all clauses containing it will be T
and contribute nothing to the set. Likewise, its complement must
be assigned F, and contribute nothing to the individual clauses.
Example of Unit Clause Lemma
• ¬p ∨ q ∨ r,
¬q ∨ r,
q ∨ s,

• ¬s is a unit clause. The complement of ¬s is s.

• The clause set is unsatisfiable iff the following set is:

¬p ∨ q ∨ r,
¬q ∨ r,
Further Useful Optimizations
Subsumption Lemma:

• One clause subsumes another if the former’s literals are a

subset of the latter’s.

• If one clause of a set subsumes another, the subsumed clause

(the larger one) can be dropped from the set.

• Rationale: If C subsumes D, then any interpretation satisfying C

must also satisfy D (because the literals are disjoined). Thus the
satisfiability of the set of clauses is unaffected if D is removed.
Example of Subsumption Lemma
• ¬p ∨ q ∨ r,
¬p ∨ r,
• The second clause subsumes the first.

• The clause set is unsatisfiable iff the following set is:

• ¬p ∨ r,
Common Special Case of Clause Set
• Often we want to prove a sequent such as:
• ϕ11∧ ϕ12∧ … ∧ϕ1m1→ ψ1 ,
ϕ21∧ ϕ22∧ … ∧ϕ2m2→ ψ2 , “axioms”
ϕn1∧ ϕn2∧ … ∧ϕnmn→ ψn
|– χ1∧ χ2∧ . . . ∧ χp “theorem”
where each symbol represents a literal.

• This can be done by showing that the following clause

set is unsatisfiable:

{¬ϕ11∨ ¬ϕ12∨ … ∨¬ϕ1m1 ∨ ψ1,

¬ϕ21 ∨ ¬ϕ22∨ … ∨¬ϕ1m2 ∨ ψ2,
¬ϕn1 ∨ ¬ϕn2∨ … ∨¬ϕnmn∨ ψn,
¬χ1∨ ¬χ2∨ . . . ∨ ¬χp}
Strategic Optimizations
• Unit-Preference: Prefer resolving with unit
clauses. These reduce the size of resulting

• Set-of-Support: Divide the clauses into two

• A known-satisfiable subset.
• Other
• Always resolve with an “other” or a clause
derived from one.
• The latter are called the “set of support”
• Showing that the following clause set is

{¬ϕ11∨ ¬ϕ12∨ … ∨¬ϕ1m1 ∨ ψ1,

¬ϕ21 ∨ ¬ϕ22∨ … ∨¬ϕ1m2 ∨ ψ2,
... Satisfiable “axioms”
¬ϕn1 ∨ ¬ϕn2∨ … ∨¬ϕnmn∨ ψn,

¬χ1∨ ¬χ2∨ . . . ∨ ¬χp} Initial set of support

Horn Clauses
• A Horn clause is one in which there is
at most one non-negated literal:
• ¬ϕ1∨ ¬ϕ2∨ … ∨¬ϕm ∨ ψ (one non-negated)
• ¬ϕ1∨ ¬ϕ2∨ … ∨¬ϕm (no non-negated)

• Horn clause are the basis of the Prolog language,

¬ϕ1∨ ¬ϕ2∨ … ∨¬ϕm ∨ ψ
is written
ψ :- ϕ1, ϕ2, . . . ϕm.
interpreted as
ϕ1∧ ϕ2∧ … ∧ϕm→ ψ
If m = 0, then we just write
Prolog uses a special form of resolution to do its
work (“SLD” = Selective Linear Definite resolution)

• {p ∨ ¬r ∨ ¬s, Dialog with Prolog:

r ∨ ¬q,
s ∨ ¬q, consult(user).
¬p, Non-negated p :- r, s.
} literals in red. r :- q.
s :- q.
becomes in Prolog syntax: q.
• p :- r, s.
r :- q. | ?- p.
s :- q. yes
?- p.
Resolution Theorem Provers
• Prolog cannot handle general negation

• Resolution theorem provers can

• Examples: Prover9, Vampire, …

• Extends the former program “Otter”

• Developed at Argonne National Laboratory

• Free download for all platforms


• Also includes Mace for constructing counterexamples

Prover9 GUI (- is “not”, | is “or”)
Prover9 Proof ($F is empty clause)
Resolution for Predicate Logic
• Predicate Clausal Form:
• A literal is an atomic formula or its negation
(instead of a proposition symbol or its negation).

• The variables of each clause are

implicitly ∀-quantified.

• The variables of each clause are thus independent

from the other clauses; even if they are they same, they
should be thought of as being different (e.g. implicitly
rename by indexing with a clause number).
Example: Predicate Clausal Form
• Clause set {p(X), q(X, Y), ¬q(X, X) ∨ p(X)}
stands for the conjunction

• ∀X p(X)
∧∀X ∀Y q(X, Y)
∧∀X ∀Y (¬q(X, X) ∨ p(X))

which is the same as

• ∀X1 p(X1)
∧∀X2 ∀Y2 q(X2, Y2)
∧∀X3 ∀Y3 (¬q(X3, X3) ∨ p(X3))

i.e. the clause set

• {p(X1), q(X2, Y2), ¬q(X3, X3) ∨ p(X3)}
How General is This?
• We will see later that it is completely
general, as far as showing
unsatisfiability is concerned.
Examples of Predicate Clausal Form

• ¬man(X) ∨ mortal(X)
• man(socrates)
• ¬mortal(socrates)

• These clauses can be used to prove the

• All men are mortal.
• Socrates is a man.
• Therefore Socrates is mortal.
Resolution for Predicate Clauses
• To resolve predicate clauses, it is no longer
sufficient to look for just a literal and its
negation in two distinct clauses, e.g. X in

¬q(X, X) ∨ p(X)
¬p(Z) ∨ r(Z, Y)
• For one thing, the identity of the variables is
independent in each.
• For another, the arguments are generally
terms, not just simple variables:
¬q(X, X) ∨ p(f(X))
¬p(X) ∨ r(g(X), c)
Example of What Resolution Must Do

• Suppose we have derived three formulas

(where c is a constant symbol):
• p(c)
• ∀X (p(X) → q(f(X))
• ∀X (q(X) → r(X, g(X))

• We would expect to be able to infer

• q(f(c))
• r(f(c), g(f(c)))

• Resolution must be able to handle such things.

Equivalent Clausal Form
• The clausal form of
• p(c)
• ∀X (p(X) → q(f(X))
• ∀X (q(X) → r(X, g(X))
• {p(c), ¬p(X) ∨ q(f(X)), ¬q(X) ∨ r(X, g(X))}

• Resolution has to “make a connection”

between p(c) and p(X), and
between q(f(X)) and q(X).
• The “connection” alluded to on the previous
slide is known as unification.

• Two atoms are unifiable if there is a

uniform set of substitutions of terms for
their variables that makes them identical.

• If such a substitution set exists, it is applied

to all literals in the formulas prior to
Unification Examples
• Consider atoms p(c), p(X)
(c is a constant, X a variable).

• These terms are unifiable, since the

substitution [c/X] (substitute c for X)
makes them identical.
Unification Examples
• Consider q(c, d), q(X, X)
(c and d are constants, X a variable).

• These terms are not unifiable.

• Distinct constant symbols do not unify. There is no

substitution that will make them identical.

• (Note: This is not the same as saying constant

symbols cannot be equated. They can, with a
separate equation such as c = d. Equality is handled
Renaming Apart
• Consider p(X, f(a)) vs. p(g(Y), f(X))

• These might appear not to unify, since we would have

a conflict [g(Y)/X] vs. [a/X].

• However, if we rename the variables in the second

clause we get:
p(X, f(a)) vs. p(g(Z), f(W)).
• These unify, using [g(Z)/X, a/W].

• Note: Renaming apart is done only at the start of

considering unification of two clauses, and all
variables in the clause are renamed uniformly.
Notation for Variable Substitutions
• In general, a substitution consists of a set of
bindings of variables to terms, e.g.

β = [Z/X, f(Z, c)/Y, c/W]

• If τ is a term, then τβ denotes the result of making

the substitutions β in for variables in τ, e.g.

if τ = p(X, g(Y, W))

then τβ = p(Z, g(f(Z, c), c))
Composing Variable Substitutions
• If β and γ are substitutions and τ is a term, then (τβ)γ
denotes the result of first applying β to τ, then γ to the
result, e.g.
τ = p(X, g(Y, W)) literal
β = {Z/X, f(Z, c)/Y, c/W} sub
γ = {V/Z} sub
(τβ)γ = p(V, g(f(V, c), c))

• The composition βγ of substitutions β and γ is the

substitution such that for all terms τ
τ(βγ) = (τβ)γ
e.g. {V/X, f(V, c)/Y, c/W} above
• A set of substitutions that unifies two
literals is called a unifier.
More Unification Examples
Term 1 Term 2 Unifier, if any?

p(X, X) p(f(Y), f(Z))

p(X, X) p(f(Y), g(Y))

p(X, Y) p(Z, f(Z))

p(X, f(X)) p(g(Y), W)

p(X, f(X)) p(f(Y), Y)

Even More Unification Examples

Term 1 Term 2 Unifier, if any?

p(X, Y) p(f(Z), g(Z))

p(X, f(X)) p(f(Z), U)

p(f(X), g(X)) p(f(U), U)

p(f(X), f(X)) p(c, c)

p(f(X), g(X)) p(Y, g(Y))

Most General Unifiers (mgu)
• If two literals unify at all, they have a “most general
unifier”, one which adds no unneeded constraints.

• Example: p(X) vs. p(f(Y)) could be unified with the

[f(c)/X, c/Y].

• However, this would not be the most general, since

we could leave Y as a variable:
and each of the original literals would unify with this.
Generality of Substitutions
• Substitution β is as general as substitution ν
if there is a γ such that ν = β γ.

• To say that β is a “most general unifier”

means that is as general as any unifier.
Find the MGU or indicate non-unifiable

Term 1 Term 2 MGU?

p(X, Y) p(Z, Z)

p(X, c) p(Y, Y)

p(f(X), Y) p(W, f(Z))

p(f(X), Y) p(Z, Y)

p(f(Z), g(X)) p(Y, g(Y))

MGU Algorithm (Martelli & Montanari)
• Input: Two terms, or two atoms, τ1, τ2, already renamed apart.
• Output: Either the most general unifier for τ1, τ2, or “not unifiable”.

• S := {[τ1, τ2]}; // functions as a sort-of stack

µ := the empty substitution;
while( S ≠∅ )
remove a pair [L, R] from S; // pop case
if( L = R ) (1)
do nothing;
else if( L=f(s1, s2, …, sn) and R=f(t1, t2, …, tn) ) // same f, n (2)
S := S ∪ {[s1, t1], [s2, t2],… [sn, tn]}; // pushes
else if( L = x where x is a variable not occurring in R) (3)
µ := µ[R/x]; // composing
S := applytoallpairs([R/x], S);
else if( R = x where x is a variable not occurring in L) (4)
µ := µ[L/x];
S := applytoallpairs([L/x], S);
else return “not unifiable”; (5)
return µ as the MGU;
Intuitive Unification
• Remember when two things don’t unify:
• Distinct constant symbols don’t unify.
• Terms with outermost function symbols that are distinct don’t
• A term with an outermost function symbol doesn’t unify with a
• Two terms with the same outermost function symbol don’t
unify if some of their arguments don’t pairwise unify.

• Remember that substitutions are cumulative

during unification.
• p(X, f(X)) vs. p(Y, f(Y)) initial
• S := {[p(X, f(X)), p(Y, f(Y))]}
• µ := []

• Remove [p(X, f(X)), p(Y, f(Y))] case 2

• S := {[X, Y], [f(X), f(Y)]}

• Remove [X, Y] case 3

• µ := [Y/X]; S := {[f(Y), f(Y)]}

• Remove [f(Y), f(Y)] case 1

• S := {}

• Result: unifiable with mgu [Y/X]

• p(X, f(X))
⏐ ↑ substitution [Y/X]
p(Y, f(Y))

• p(Y, f(Y))
⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐
p(Y, f(Y))
• p(X, f(X)) vs. p(f(Y), Y) initial
• S := {[p(X, f(X)), p(f(Y), Y)]}
• µ := {}

• Remove [p(X, f(X)), p(f(Y), Y)] case 2

• S := {[X, f(Y)], [f(X), Y]}

• Remove [X, f(Y)] case 3

• µ := [f(Y)/X]; S := {[f(f(Y)), Y]}

• Remove [f(f(Y)), Y] case 5

• Result: not unifiable
• p(X, f(X))
⏐ ↑↓ substitution [f(Y)/X]
p(f(Y), Y)

• p(f(Y), f(f(Y)))
⏐ ⏐ ↓ occur check fails, not unifiable
p(f(Y), Y)
• p(X, g(Z), X) vs. p(f(Y), Y, W) initial
• S := {[p(X, g(Z), X), p(f(Y), Y, W)]}
• µ := {}

• Remove [p(X, g(Z), X), p(f(Y), Y, W)] case 2

• S := {[X, f(Y)], [g(Z), Y], [X, W]}

• Remove [X, f(Y)] case 3

• µ := [f(Y)/X]; S := {[g(Z), Y], [f(Y), W]}

• Remove [g(Z), Y] case 4

• µ := [f(g(Z))/X, g(Z)/Y]; S := {[f(g(Z)), W]}

• Remove [f(g(Z)), W] case 4

• µ := [f(g(Z))/X, g(Z)/Y, f(g(Z))/W]; S := {}

• Result: unifiable with

mgu [f(g(Z))/X, g(Z)/Y, f(g(Z))/W]
• p(X, g(Z), X) vs.
⏐ ↑ substitution [f(Y)/X]
p(f(Y), Y, W)

• p(f(Y), g(Z), f(Y)) vs.

⏐ ⏐⏐ ↓ substitution [g(Z)/Y, f(g(Z))/X]
p(f(Y), Y, W)

• p(f(g(Z)), g(Z), f(g(Z))) vs.

⏐ ⏐⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ↓ substitution [f(g(Z))/W, g(Z)/Y, f(g(Z))/X]
p(f(g(Z)), g(Z), W)

• p(f(g(Z)), g(Z), f(g(Z))) vs.

⏐ ⏐⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ substitution [f(g(Z))/W, g(Z)/Y, f(g(Z))/X]
p(f(g(Z)), g(Z), f(g(Z)))
Note on Unification in Prolog
• In Prolog, unification is used in goal matching
and in the = (unify) operator.

• However, Prolog’s unification is slightly

abridged: it bypasses the “occur check”:
X = f(X)
will unify in Prolog, but not in ordinary
unification. In effect, X gets bound to the
infinite term:
Checking Unifiability with Prolog
• As long as there are no occur-check
violations, can use = to test.

$ /opt/local/bin/swipl
Welcome to SWI-Prolog

?- p(X, g(Z), X) = p(f(Y), Y, W).

X = f(g(Z)),
Y = g(Z),
W = f(g(Z))
Try These
τ1 τ2 mgu
(or not unifiable)
p(X, f(X), d) p(c, f(c), Y)

p(f(g(X)), g(Z)) p(f(Y), Y)

p(f(g(X)), Z) p(g(Y), Y)

p(f(g(X)), X) p(f(g(h(Z))), h(Z))

Resolving Predicate Calculus Clauses
• Resolvable clauses must contain literals with the same
predicate symbol but of opposite sign (one negated, the
other not).

• Pick two such literals, one from each clause.

• Rename the clauses apart.

• Determine whether the literals are unifiable, with mgu µ.

If they are, apply µ to all literals in both clauses. If not, the
clauses don’t resolve on these particular literals.

• In the modified clauses, remove all instances of the

modified literals used in unification, and form the
disjunction of the remaining literals.
Complete Predicate Resolution Process

• The process is similar the propositional

case, except that we have to
• rename variables, then
• unify literals prior to resolution, and
• apply the mgu to all literals in the two clauses, before
obtaining the resolvent.

• There are also a special issue:

“factoring”, that needs to be
Example of Predicate Resolution
• Clauses:
• ¬man(X) ∨ mortal(X)
• man(socrates)
• ¬mortal(socrates)

¬man(X) ∨ mortal(X) ¬mortal(socrates)


¬man(socrates) man(socrates)

Example Resolving Predicate Clauses
• clause 1: p(X, g(Z), X) ∨ q(X, h(Z))
• clause 2: ¬p(f(Y), Y, W) ∨ r(f(Y), g(W))
• These are already renamed apart.

• The first literals of each unify with mgu

[f(g(Z))/X, g(Z)/Y, f(g(Z))/W]

• Apply the mgu to both clauses:

• clause 1’: p(f(g(Z)), g(Z), f(g(Z))) ∨ q(f(g(Z)), h(Z))
• clause 2’: ¬p(f(g(Z)), g(Z), f(g(Z))) ∨ r(f(g(Z)), g(f(g(Z))))
• Remove the instances of the unified atoms and form the
• Resolvent: q(f(g(Z)), h(Z)) ∨ r(f(g(Z)), g(f(g(Z))))
Example of Predicate Resolution
• Clauses:
• ¬p(X) ∨ q(f(X), X))
• p(g(b))
• ¬q(Y, Z)

¬p(X) ∨ q(f(X), X) ¬q(Y, Z)

[f(Z)/Y, Z/X]

¬p(Z) p(g(b))

Unit Preference
• As with propositional resolution,
resolving with unit clauses first is a
good heuristic.
Try This Set
1. ¬e(X) ∨ q(X) ∨ s(X, f(X))
2. ¬e(X) ∨ q(X) ∨ r(f(X))
3. p(a)
4. e(a)
5. ¬s(a, Y) ∨ p(Y)
6. ¬p(X) ∨ ¬q(X)
7. ¬p(X) ∨ ¬r(X)
Remember to treat clauses as sets.
• q(b, X) ∨ p(X) ∨ q(b, a)
• ¬q(Y, a) ∨ p(Y)
• These are already renamed apart.

• unify q(b, X) with ¬q(Y, a)

• mgu is [a/X, b/Y]

• Modified clauses:
• q(b, a) ∨ p(a) ∨ q(b, a)
• ¬q(b, a) ∨ p(b)

• There are two instances of q(b, a) in the first clause; both

are removed in resolving.
• Resolvent: p(a) ∨ p(b)
Binary Resolution and Factoring
• What we have seen so far is “binary”
resolution — unifying two literals to achieve a

• In general, binary resolution is not enough.

• We might need to “factor” two or more

literals in the same clause to make progress.
• Two or more literals of the same sign in one
clause can be unified (without renaming
apart) so that the resulting literals can be
collapsed into one.

• The resulting clause is called a factor of the


• The factor (with all variables quantified) is

logically implied by the more-general original
(with all variables quantified).
Factoring Example
• Consider the clause:

P(x) ∨ P(f(y)) ∨ ¬Q(x)

• The first two literals can be unified using the

substitution [f(y)/x].

• The resulting factor is:

P(f(y)) ∨ ¬Q(f(y))

• (∀x ∀y (P(x) ∨ P(f(y)) ∨ ¬Q(x))) → ∀y (P(f(y)) ∨ ¬Q(f(y)))

is valid
Use of Factoring
• Suppose our clause set includes:
P(x) ∨ P(f(y)) ∨ ¬Q(x)

• With binary resolution, we’d get the resolvent:

P(x) ∨ ¬Q(x).

• If we first factor, to get P(f(y)) ∨ ¬Q(f(y)) as on the

previous slide, we can get a resolvent ¬Q(f(a)), which
is better.
Full Resolution of Two Clauses
• Binary resolution of the clauses.

• Binary resolution of one clause with a factor

of the other.

• Binary resolution of factors of both clauses.

Case Where Factoring is Necessary

• P(x) ∨ P(y)
• ¬P(a) ∨ ¬P(b)
• Without factoring, generate:
• P(y) ∨ ¬P(b)
• P(x) ∨ ¬P(a)
• and more similar clauses,
but never the empty clause.
Case Where Factoring is Necessary

• P(x) ∨ P(y)
• ¬P(a) ∨ ¬P(b)
• With factoring, get factor p(x) from first
clause, then generate:
• ¬P(b)
• ⊥
Clausal Form for Predicate Logic
• Often, we’ll want to prove a sequent of
the form
• ∀x ∀y (…)
• ∀x ∀y (…)
|– ___
• For premises of the form ∀x ∀y (…) where … has no
quantifiers, we can just drop the quantifiers.

• We need to negate the conclusion ____.

Mushroom Example
1. Every fungus is a mushroom or a toadstool.

2. Every boletus is a fungus.

3. All toadstools are poisonous.

4. No boletus is a mushroom.

5. Specimen b is a boletus.

6. Therefore: Specimen b is poisonous.

Mushroom Example
1. ∀X fungus(x) → (mushroom(X) ∨ toadstool(X))

2. ∀X boletus(X) → fungus(X)

3. ∀X toadstool(X) → poisonous(X)

4. ∀X boletus(X) → ¬mushroom(X)

5. boletus(b)

6. Therefore: poisonous(b)
Mushroom Clauses
1. ¬fungus(X) ∨ mushroom(X) ∨ toadstool(X)

2. ¬boletus(X) ∨ fungus(X)

3. ¬toadstool(X) ∨ poisonous(X)

4. ¬boletus(X) ∨ ¬mushroom(X)

5. boletus(b)

6. ¬poisonous(b) (negated conclusion)

Mushroom Clauses in Prover9
-fungus(x) | mushroom(x) | toadstool(x).

-boletus(x) | fungus(x).

-toadstool(x) | poisonous(x).

-boletus(x) | -mushroom(x).



Prover9 Output for Mushrooms
Checking Unifiability with Prover9
• In contrast to Prolog,
Prover9 does use an occur-check.
unification succeeds unification fails due to occur-check

Clausal Form for Predicate Logic
• Often, we’ll want to prove a sequent of the form
• ∀x ∀y (…),
• ∀x ∀y (…)
|– ∀x ∀y (…)

• For premises of the form ∀x ∀y (…) where … has no quantifiers,

we can just drop the quantifiers.

• We need to negate the conclusion, so that will become

¬∀x ∀y (…) which is equivalent to

∃x ∃y ¬(…).

We cannot simply drop the quantifiers in this case!!

Clausal Form for Predicate Logic
• Consider the sequent

∀y p(y) |– ∀y p(x)

• The premise translates to a clause


• The conclusion is negated to become ∃x ¬p(x).

• How do we handle this?

Skolem Constants/Functions to the Rescue!

• To get rid of the quantifier in

∃x ¬p(x)

we use a trick:

Create a new constant, say b (called a Skolem constant) and replace x

with that:


• Some thought will show that:

There is an interpretation that satisfies ¬p(b) iff there is one that satisfies
the original formula ∃x ¬p(x).

• Colloquially, we get to pick the value for b in finding a satisfying

interpretation, just as we get to pick the value for x in ∃x.
Clausal Form for Predicate Logic
• Consider the sequent

∀y p(y) |– ∀x p(x)

• The premise translates to a clause


• The negated conclusion translates to a clause, where b is a

Skolem function.


• We are good to go!

• Resolution produces ⊥ in 1 step.

Another Example
• Consider the sequent

∃x ∀y p(x, y) |–∀y ∃x p(x, y)

• Premise clause:

p(b, y)

• Conclusion clause:

¬p(x, c)

Resolution produces ⊥ in 1 step.

Another Example
• Consider the sequent

∀x a(x) -> ∃x b(x) |– ∃x (a(x) -> b(x))

• Premise clause:

¬a(c) ∨ b(d)
• Conclusion clauses:


Resolution produces ⊥ in 2 steps.

Skolem Functions for the General Case
• ∀x ∀y … ∃v …
• v is replaced with f(x, y, …)
• f is a new function symbol, the arguments of which are the ∀
quantified variables on the left.

• The rationale here is that “the v” that exists

depends on x, y, … .

• Again, there is an interpretation satisfying the original formula iff

there is an interpretation satisfying the revised formula.
Example: Skolem with Arguments
• Prove: “The composition of two onto [surjective] functions
is onto.”

• Represent the two functions as binary predicates.

F(x, y) means y is the image of x.

• “F is onto”: ∀y ∃x F(x, y)
• “G is onto”: ∀z ∃y G(y, z)

• “H is the composition of F and G”:

∀x ∀y ∀z ((F(x,y)∧G(y,z)) → H(x, z))

∧ ∀x ∀z (H(x, z) → ∃y (F(x,y)∧G(y,z)))

• “H is onto”: ∀z ∃x H(x, z)
Translation to Clausal Form
• ∀y ∃x F(x, y) becomes F(f(x), y) [f is a Skolem function]
• ∀z ∃y G(y, z) becomes G(g(z), z) [g is a Skolem function]

• ∀x ∀y ∀z ((F(x,y)∧G(y,z)) → H(x, z)) becomes

¬F(x, y) ∨ ¬G(y, z) ∨ H(x, z)

• ∀x ∀z (H(x, z) → ∃y (F(x,y)∧G(y,z))) becomes

• ¬H(x, z) ∨ F(x, h(x, z)) [h is a Skolem function]
• ¬H(x, z) ∨ G(h(x, z), z)

• ¬∀z ∃x H(x, z) becomes ∃z∀x ¬H(x, z),

which as a clause is:

• ¬H(x, a) [a is a Skolem constant]

Resolution Proof
1. F(f(x), y) Premises
2. G(g(z), z)
3. ¬F(x, y) ∨ ¬G(y, z) ∨ H(x, z)
4. ¬H(x, z) ∨ F(x, h(x, z))
5. ¬H(x, z) ∨ G(h(x, z), z)
6. ¬H(x, a)

7. ¬F(x, y) ∨ ¬G(y, a) from 3, 6

8. ¬G(y, a) from 1, 7
9. ⊥ from 2, 8

(3 and 4 were not needed in the proof.)

How to get a clause form in general?
• First convert the formula into “prenex form”
(all quantifiers are outside on the left). [The parts of
this form are the “prefix” and the “matrix”.]

• Skolemize ∃ quantified variables.

• Drop ∀ quantifiers.

• Convert the resulting matrix to CNF.

Conversion to Prenex Form
• Replace all connectives other than ∧∨¬
with their ∧∨¬ counterparts.

• Push negations inward

• Pull quantifiers to the outside using the

rules on the next page.
Basic Prenex Quantifier Rules
(for pulling quantifiers to the outside)

• We can show that the following replacements are equivalent.

• Here ⇒ means “replace with”
1. (∀x F) ∧ G ⇒ ∀x (F ∧ G), provided x is not free in G
2. (∀x F) ∨ G ⇒ ∀x (F ∨ G), provided x is not free in G
3. (∃x F) ∧ G ⇒ ∃x (F ∧ G), provided x is not free in G
4. (∃x F) ∨ G ⇒ ∃x (F ∨ G), provided x is not free in G
• plus the symmetric counterparts of these rules with G part quantified
instead of the F part.
• Renaming some variables may be need to enable the rule to be applied
• Example:
(∃x F[x]) ∧ (∀x G[x]) ⇒ (by renaming second x)
(∃x F[x]) ∧ (∀y G[y]) ⇒ (by rule 3, as x is not free)
(∃x (F[x] ∧ (∀y G[y])) ⇒ (by rule 1 symmetric counterpart)
∃x ∀y (F[x] ∧ G[y])
Example of Prenex Conversion
• ∀x ∀y((∃z(p(x, z) ∧ p(y, z)) → ∃u q(x, y, u))

• ∀x ∀y(¬(∃z(p(x, z) ∧ p(y, z)) ∨ ∃u q(x, y, u))

• ∀x ∀y((∀z ¬(p(x, z) ∧ p(y, z)) ∨ ∃u q(x, y, u))

• ∀x ∀y((∀z (¬p(x, z) ∨ ¬p(y, z)) ∨ ∃u q(x, y, u))

• ∀x ∀y ∀z(¬p(x, z) ∨ ¬p(y, z) ∨ ∃u q(x, y, u))

• ∀x ∀y ∀z ∃u(¬p(x, z) ∨ ¬p(y, z) ∨ q(x, y, u))

prefix matrix
Completion of Conversion
• ∀x ∀y ∀z ∃u(¬p(x, z) ∨ ¬p(y, z) ∨ q(x, y, u))

• Skolemize as f(x, y, z) and drop ∀x ∀y ∀z

• ¬p(x, z) ∨ ¬p(y, z) ∨ q(x, y, f(x, y, z))

Example: Group Theory Clauses
• f is the group operation, e is the equality predicate

• ∀x ∀y ∀x e(f(x, f(y, z)), f(f(x, y), z))

e(f(x, f(y, z)), f(f(x, y), z))

• ∀x e(f(x, u), x)
e(f(x, u), x)

• ∀x e(f(x, i(x)), u)
e(f(x, i(x)), u)
Example: Equality Theory Clauses
• We need to axiomatize equality predicate e, e.g.

• ∀x e(x, x)
e(x, x)

• ∀x ∀y ∀u ∀v (e(x, y)∧ e(v, w)) → e(f(x, v), f(y, w))

¬e(x, y) ∨ ¬e(u, v) ∨ e(f(x, v), f(y, w))

• ∀x ∀y e(x, y) → e(y, x)
¬e(x, y) ∨ e(y, x)

Example of Group Theory Clauses with Negated Conclusion

1. e(f(x, f(y, z)), f(f(x, y), z))

2. e(f(x, u), x)
3. e(f(x, i(x)), u)
4. e(x, x)
5. ¬e(x, y) ∨ ¬e(v, w) ∨ e(f(x, v), f(y, w))
6. ¬e(x, y) ∨ e(y, x)
7. ¬e(x, y) ∨ ¬e(y, z) ∨ e(x, z)

8. ¬e(i(i(b)), b)

This is to show that ∀x e(i(i(x)), x):

“In a group, the inverse of the inverse of an element is the

element itself.”
Equality: Paramodulation
• Prover9 has a built-in equality, so the
approach illustrated in the previous example
is not generally necessary.

• Equality can be handled, for example, by the

“paramodulation” rule, which essentially
captures one of the two ND rules for equality:
Justification of Rules
Using Natural Deduction: ∀∧ Rule a.

Proviso is introduced
by prefixing
in Jape.
For equivalence, we need the
converse of each rule: ∀∧ Rule b.

Need the non-empty

universe assumption
in this direction.

Otherwise, there is
no way to get G by itself.
Justification of Rules
Using Natural Deduction: ∀∨ Rule a.
Justification of Rules
Using Natural Deduction: ∀∨ Rule b.
Justification of Rules
Using Natural Deduction: ∃∨ a.
Non-empty universe assumption, needed in 7-11
Justification of Rules
Using Natural Deduction: ∃∨ b.
Justification of Rules
Using Natural Deduction: ∃∧ a.
Justification of Rules
Using Natural Deduction: ∃∧ b.

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