Inclusion & Exclusion ICAI CA Final
Inclusion & Exclusion ICAI CA Final
Inclusion & Exclusion ICAI CA Final
(1) In the above table, in respect of the topics of the revised syllabus specified in column (2) the related
exclusion is given in column (3). The revised syllabus has been enclosed as Annexure I of this Study
(2) August, 2019 edition of the Study Material is relevant for November, 2020 examination. The relevant /
applicable topics or content are to be read alongwith the ‘Corrigendum to Study Material’ .
(3) The relevant Amendments / Notifications / Circulars / Rules issued by the Companies Act, 2013 up to
30th April, 2020 will be applicable for November, 2020 Examination. Accordingly, Ind AS 116 (by
replacing Ind AS 17) and other amendments notified by MCA on 30.3.2019 is applicable for
November, 2020 examination.
Annexure I
(One paper – Three hours – 100 Marks)
(a) To acquire the ability to integrate and solve problems in practical scenarios on Indian Accounting Standards for
deciding the appropriate accounting treatment and formulating suitable accounting policies.
(b) To gain the prowess to recognize and apply disclosure requirements specified in Indian Accounting Standards
while preparing and presenting the financial statements.
(c) To develop the skill to prepare financial statements of group entities which includes subsidiaries, associates and
joint arrangements based on Indian Accounting Standards.
(d) To develop an understanding of the various forms of reporting (other than financial statements) and accounting
for special transactions, and apply such knowledge in problem solving.
1. Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements in accordance with Indian Accounting
Standards (Ind AS).
2. Application of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) with reference to General Purpose Financial Statements
(i) Ind AS on First time adoption of Indian Accounting Standards
(ii) Ind AS on Presentation of Items in the Financial Statements
(iii) Ind AS on Measurement based on Accounting Policies
(iv) Ind AS on Income Statement
(v) Ind AS on Assets and Liabilities of the Financial Statements including Industry specific Ind AS
(vi) Ind AS on Items impacting the Financial Statements
(vii) Ind AS on Disclosures in the Financial Statements
(viii) Other Ind AS
3. Indian Accounting Standards on Group Accounting
(i) Business Combinations and Accounting for Corporate Restructuring (including demerger) (as per
Ind AS)
(ii) Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements (as per Ind AS)
4. Accounting and Reporting of Financial Instruments (as per Ind AS)
5. Analysis of Financial Statements
6. Integrated Reporting
7. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
1. If either a new Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) or Announcements and Limited Revisions to Ind AS are
issued or the earlier one are withdrawn or new Ind AS, Announcements and Limited Revisions to Ind AS are
issued in place of existing Ind AS, Announcements and Limited Revisions to Ind AS, the syllabus will
accordingly include / exclude such new developments in the place of the existing ones with effe ct from the
date to be notified by the Institute.
2. The specific inclusions / exclusions in any topic covered in the syllabus will be effected every year by way
of Study Guidelines.
III. List of applicable Guidance Notes and other publications for November, 2020 Examination:
1. Guidance Note on Audit under Section 44AB of the Income-tax Act.
2. Guidance Note on Audit of Banks.
3. Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting.
4. Guidance Note on the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016.
IV Applicability of the Companies Act, 2013 and other Legislative Amendments for
November, 2020 Examination
(i) Students are expected to be updated with the notifications, circulars and other legislative
amendments made up to 6 months prior to the examination. Accordingly, the relevant notified
Sections of the Companies Act, 2013 and legislative amendments including relevant Notifications /
Circulars / Rules / Guidelines issued by Regulating Authority up to 30 th April, 2020 will be applicable
for November, 2020 Examination. It may be noted that the significant notifications and circulars
issued which are not covered in the August 2019 edition of Study Material, would be given as
Academic Update in the Revision Test Paper for November, 2020 Examination.
(ii) SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and Companies (Auditor’s
Report) Order, 2016 are applicable for November, 2020 Examination.
(iii) Audit provision under GST Laws are applicable for November, 2020 Examination.
B- List of topic-wise exclusions from the syllabus
I Chapter 14 : Special Audit Assignment topic has been excluded.
II. Following Engagement and Quality Control Standards excluded:
(1) (2) (3)
S. Topics of the Exclusions
No syllabus
1 SA 800 Special Considerations-Audits of Financial Statements Prepared in
Accordance with Special Purpose Framework
2 SA 805 Special Considerations-Audits of Single Purpose Financial
Statements and Specific Elements, Accounts or Items of a Financial
3 SA 810 Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements
4 SRE 2400 Engagements to Review Historical Financial Statements (Revised)
5 SRE 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the
Independent Auditor of the Entity
6 SAE 3400 The Examination of Prospective Financial Information
7 SAE 3402 Assurance Reports on Controls At a Service Organisation
8 SAE 3420 Assurance Engagements to Report on the Compilation of Pro Forma
Financial Information Included in a Prospectus (New)
9 SRS 4400 Engagements to Perform Agreed Upon Procedures Regarding
Financial Information
10 SRS 4410 Compilations Engagements (Revised)
*Note: In view of Exclusion of SA 800 Series, SREs, SAEs and SRSs series Chapter 7 will be excluded
from the syllabus for November, 2020 Examination.
III. Following Guidance Notes and other publications are excluded:
1. Code of Ethics publication is excluded whereas Chapter 18 on Professional Ethics is in syllabus
2. Guidance Note on Independence of Auditors.
3. Guidance Note on Audit of Inventories.
4. Guidance Note on Audit of Debtors, Loans and Advances.
5. Guidance Note on Audit of Investments.
6. Guidance Note on Audit of Cash and Bank Balances.
7. Guidance Note on Audit of Liabilities.
8. Guidance Note on Audit of Revenue.
9. Guidance Note on Audit of Expenses.
10. Guidance Note on Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs).
11. Guidance Note on Audit of Payment of Dividend.
12. Guidance Note on Audit of Capital and Reserves.
13. Guidance Note on Reporting under section 143(3)(f) and (h) of the Companies Act, 2013
14. Guidance Note on Reporting on Fraud under section 143(12) of the Companies Act, 2013
Part I: Section Chapter 11: The entire content included in 1. Compounding of offences covered
A- Company Compounding of the August 2019 edition of the under section 441 is excluded.
Law offences, Study Material and the 2. Except the Relevant rules to the
Adjudication, Legislative amendments extent covered in the August 2019
Special Courts covered in RTP for November edition of the Study Material and RTP
2020 examinations (to be for November 2020, all other Rules of
hosted on the website), shall the Companies Act, 2013 are
only be relevant for the said excluded.
Part I: Section Chapter 12: The entire content included in 1. Provisions dealing with constitution
A- Company National the August 2019 edition of the of NCLT/NCLAT and qualification of
Law Company Law Study Material and the chairman and NCLT/NCLAT
Tribunal and Legislative amendments members, their salary, allowances
Appellate covered in RTP for November etc. (i.e. section 408 to 419) are
Tribunal 2020 examinations (to be excluded.
hosted on the website), shall 2. Except the Relevant rules to the
only be relevant for the said extent covered in the August 2019
examinations. edition of the Study Material and RTP
for November 2020, all other Rules of
the Companies Act, 2013 are
Part I: Section Chapter 13: The entire content included in -
A- Company Corporate the August 2019 edition of the
Law Secretarial Study Material and the
Practice– Legislative amendments
Drafting of covered in RTP for November
Notices, 2020 examinations (to be
Resolutions, hosted on the website) shall only
Minutes and be relevant for the said
Reports examinations.
Part I: Section Chapter 1: The The entire content included in 1. Following sections of the SCRA,
B- Securities Securities the August 2019 edition of the 1956- Sections 4A, 4B, 20, 25, 26B,
Laws Contract Study Material and the 26D, 26E, 29, 29A, 30, 30A, 31, 32
(Regulation) Act, Legislative amendments are excluded.
1956 and the covered in RTP for November 2. Except the Securities Contract
Securities 2020 examinations (to be (Regulation) Rules, 1957 given in the
Contract hosted on the website), shall Column (3), all other rules of the
(Regulation) only be relevant for the said Securities Contract (Regulation)
Rules, 1957 examinations. Rules, 1957 are excluded.
The following Securities
Contract (Regulation) Rules,
1957 to the extent covered in the
study material, shall only be
relevant for the said
3, 4, 4A, 5, 5A, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 17A, 19 & 21.
Part I: Section Chapter 2: The The entire content included in 1. Following provisions of the SEBI Act,
B- Securities Securities the August 2019 edition of the are excluded – Sections 2(1)(b),
Laws Exchange Board Study Material and the 2(1)(c), 2(1)(d), 2(1)(da), 2(1)(f),
of India Act, Legislative amendments 2(1)(fa), 2(1)(g), 20, 21, 25, 28 & 33.
1992, SEBI covered in RTP for November 2. SEBI (ICDR) Regulations is
(ICDR) 2020 examinations (to be hosted excluded
Regulations, on the website), shall only be
2009 and SEBI relevant for the said
(LODR) examinations.
Regulations, In particular, SEBI (LODR)
2015 Regulations, 2015 to the extent
covered in the study material,
shall only be applicable for the
Part II: Chapter 1: The The FEMA, 1999 along with the 1. Following provisions of the FEMA,
Economic Foreign following Rules/Regulations to 1999 is excluded for the
Laws Exchange the extent covered in the study examination-Sections 2(cc) &
Management Act, material and the Legislative Section 2(gg), 16(2)- 16(6) ,17(4)
1999 amendments covered in RTP for 17(6), 19 to 34, 37(2) – 37(3), 37A,
November 2020 examinations 45, 46, 47 & 48.
(to be hosted on the website),
shall only be relevant for the said 2. All other FEM (Regulations)/ Rules
examinations- except given in column (3), are
Fem (Permissible Capital excluded.
Account Transactions)
Regulations, 2000
Fem (Current Account
Transactions) Rules, 2000
FEM (Export of Goods &
Services) Regulations,
Overseas Direct
Import of Goods and
External Commercial
Borrowing Policy
Part II: Chapter 2: Entire content to the extent Remaining provisions (i.e. section 20 and
Economic SARFAESI Act, covered in the study material of onwards) are excluded.
Laws 2002 August 2019 edition and the
Legislative amendments
covered in RTP for November
2020 examinations (to be hosted
on the website), shall only be
relevant for the said
examinations covering-
Relevant definitions
covered in the Study
Management of asset by
the bank and the financial
Part II: Chapter 3: The entire content included in 1. Following Sections are excluded for
Economic Prevention of the August 2019 edition of the examination: 2(1)(a), (b)(c), (d), (da),
Laws Money Study Material and the (f), (g), (h), (i), (ia), (ib), (j), (ja), (k),
Laundering Act, Legislative amendments (m), (na), (o), (q), (r), (rc), (s), (sa),
2002 covered in RTP for November (sb), (sc), (t), (va), (z) , (zb) & (2)-
2020 examinations (to be Definitions, 6(3)-6(15), 7, 10, 11, 16
hosted on the website), shall to 24, 35(1), 35(3)- 35(5), 36- 37, 39-
only be relevant for the said 40, 49 to 54, 58A - 58B, 59-60, 61,
examinations. 67-68, 73, 74 & 75.
2. Rules related to PMLA is excluded in
its entirety.
Part II: Chapter 4: The entire content included in Following Sections are excluded for
Economic Foreign the August 2019 edition of the examination:
Laws Contribution Study Material and the Section 2(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (k), (l),
Regulation Act, Legislative amendments (o), (p), (q), (s), (t), & (u)- Definitions, 21,
2010 covered in RTP for November 23 – 27, 44, 45, 49, 53 & 54.
2020 examinations (to be
hosted on the website), shall
only be relevant for the said
Rules related to FCRR, 2011 is
relevant for November 2020 to
the extent covered in the August
2019 edition of the Study
Part II: Chapter 5: The The entire content included in -
Economic Arbitration and the August 2019 edition of the
Laws Conciliation Act, Study Material and the
1996 Legislative amendments
covered in RTP for November
2020 examinations (to be hosted
on the website), shall only be
relevant for the said
Part II: Chapter 6: The Content of this chapter of the Provisions from section 60 onwards are
Economic Insolvency and Study Material is covering an excluded.
Laws Bankruptcy overview of the Insolvency and
Code, 2016 Bankruptcy Code with the broad
coverage (not in entirety) of the
provisions upto section 59 of the
Rules related to Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, is relevant for
November 2020 to the extent
covered in the August 2019
edition of the Study Material.
The entire content included in
the August 2019 edition of the
Study Material and the
Legislative amendments
covered in RTP for November
2020 examinations (to be
hosted on the website), shall
only be relevant for the said
(1) In the above table of exclusion, in respect of the Chapters of the syllabus specified in column (2) the related
exclusion is given in column (4). Where an exclusion has been so specified in any topic of the syllabus, the
provisions corresponding to such exclusions, covered in other topic(s) forming part of the syllabus, shall also be
(2) August 2019 edition of the Study Material is relevant for November 2020 examinations. The amendments, made
after the issuance of this Study Material, to the extent applicable for November 2020 examinations alone shall be
relevant for the said examinations. The Legislative amendments will be available through RTP hosted on the BoS
Knowledge Portal.
(3) Except the exclusions mentioned in the column (4) of the table, the entire content of the syllabus included in the
August 2019 edition of the Study Material and the Legislative amendments for November 2020 examinations (to
be hosted on the website) shall be relevant for the said examinations.
Elective Papers
Paper 6A: Risk Management
The pattern of examination for this paper is open-book and case study based. The entire content included in
the August 2019 edition of the Study Material shall be relevant for the November 2020 examination.
As far as the applicability of Finance Act is concerned, the amendments made by the Finance Act of a
particular year would be applicable for the May and November examinations of the next year.
Accordingly, the direct tax laws, as amended by the Finance Act, 2019 and the Finance (No.2)
Act, 2019, would be applicable for November 2020 examinations. The relevant assessment year
for November, 2020 examinations is A.Y.2020-21. This would be relevant as far as the topics on
International Taxation pertain to the Income-tax Act, 1961, equalization levy and the Black Money
(Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015.
However, if the case study based question requires computation/determination relating to any earlier
assessment year also, then, the relevant provisions pertaining to that year would be given in the
question itself. In the alternative, the question may mention that the relevant provisions in the earlier
year were the same as they are for A.Y.2020-21.
2. Applicability of amendments made by circulars, notifications, press releases/press notes and
other legislations
Students are expected to be updated with the notifications, circulars, press releases/press notes issued
and other legislative amendments made in direct tax laws upto 6 months prior to the examination. For
instance, for November, 2020 examination, significant notifications, circulars, press releases/press
notes issued by the CBDT/Central Government and legislative amendments made upto 30 th April, 2020
would be relevant. Significant notifications, circulars, press releases/press notes issued and legislative
amendments made upto 30 th April, 2020, but not covered in the September, 2019 edition of the Study
Material of Paper 6C International Taxation, will be webhos ted as Statutory Update for November 2020
examination at the BoS Knowledge Portal.
3. Applicability of provisions of direct tax laws dealt with in Final (New) Paper 7 while addressing
issues and making computation in case study based questions in Final (New) Paper 6C
The questions based on case study in the Elective Paper 6C: International Taxation may involve
application of other provisions of direct tax laws dealt with in detail in Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws and
International Taxation, which the students are expected to be aware of. Students may note that they
are expected to integrate and apply the provisions of direct tax laws (dealt with in Final Paper 7:
Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation and in the Elective Paper 6C: International Taxation) in
making computations and addressing relevant issues in questions raised in the Elective Paper 6C on
International Taxation.
Therefore, the September, 2019 edition of the Study Material for Final Paper 6C: International
Taxation available at, the October, 2019 edition of
the Study Material for Final Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation available at and the webhosted Statutory Update for November,
2020 Examination for both Paper 6C and for Paper 7 (which includes amendments made by the
Taxation Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019) are relevant and i mportant for answering case-study based
questions in Paper 6C. These publications and updates have to be read along with the relevant bare
Acts and Rules to address issues and make computations in case study based questions. The initial
pages of the Study Material of Paper 6C available
at gives link to the important webpages
of the income-tax department and the relevant bare Acts and Rules.
As regards certain topics on International Taxation, namely, Tax Treaties: Overview, Features, Application
& Interpretation and Anti-Avoidance Measures, only the content as covered in the September, 2019 edition
of the Study Material would be relevant for November, 2020 Examination. US Model Convention is excluded
from the scope of the topic “Overview of Model Tax Conventions” by way of Study Guidelines.
It may be noted that if a case study based question involves application of a double taxation avoidance
agreement (DTAA), the extract of the relevant article(s) of the DTAA would be given in the question
paper. Alternatively, the question may mention that the DTAA is in line with the OECD/UN Model Tax
Convention, in which case the students have to refer to the relevant article(s) of the Model Tax
Convention. Students are expected to have the ability to interpret t he article(s) of the DTAA in
answering case study based questions.
Paper 6D: Economic Laws
All the significant Rules/ Notifications/ Circulars/ Clarification/ Orders issued in the specified Acts covered under
the Economic Laws, up to 30th April 2020, are applicable for November 2020 examination.
Inclusions / Exclusions from the syllabus
Significant Rules/Regulations
related to the Competition Act are
covered in the study material in the
Broad manner. These are relevant Coverage of the Rules or regulations
for November 2020 examination to to the Competition Act are restricted
the extent covered in the study to the extent covered in the study
material. material.
Chapter 3 Real Estate (Regulation The entire content included in the Regulations pertaining to RERA are
and Development) Act, November 2019 edition of the excluded.
2016 and Study Material and the Legislative
Rules/Regulations amendments to be hosted on the
website for November 2020
examinations, shall only be
relevant for the said examinations.
Chapter 4 The Insolvency and The entire content included in the Following sections are excluded of
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 November 2019 edition of the the Notified chapters of the Code:
and Rules/Regulations Study Material and the Legislative 3(2), 3(3), 3(5), 3(14), 3(22), 3(24),
amendments to be hosted on the 3(25), 3(26), 3(28), 3(29), 3(32),
website for November 2020 3(36), 3(37), 5(2) to 5(4), 5(10),
examinations, shall only be 5(15), 5(16), 5(19), 5(21) to 5(23), 19,
relevant for the said examinations. 26, 191, 195, 205, 224, 228, 229,
In specific, Regulations/ Rules In specific, chapter related to
related to Insolvency and Insolvency resolution and bankruptcy
Bankruptcy, it is covered broadly for individuals and partnership firms
and not in entirety. of the Code (from section 78 to 187)
These shall only be applicable to is excluded.
the extent covered in the study Coverage of the Rules or regulations
material. to the IBC are restricted to the extent
covered in the study material.
Chapter 5 The Prevention of Money The entire content included in the Following provisions are excluded for
Laundering Act, 2002 and November 2019 edition of the the examination:
Rules/Regulations Study Material and the Legislative Sections 2(1)(a), (c), (d), (g), (ga),
amendments to be hosted on the (h), (m), (ma), (r), , (t), (v), , (x), (za),
website for November 2020 (zc), (ze), (zg)- (zj), & 2(2)-
examinations, shall only be Definitions, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
relevant for the said examinations. 34, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, & 54.
(1) In the above table of Inclusion/exclusion, in respect of the Chapters of the syllabus specified in column (2) the
related exclusion is given in column (4). Where an exclusion has been so specified in any topic of the syllabus,
the provisions corresponding to such exclusions, covered in other topic(s) forming part of the syllabus, shall also
be excluded.
(2) November 2019 edition of the Study Material is relevant for November 2020 examinations. The amendments -
made after the issuance of this Study Material – i.e. amendments webhosted for November 2020 examinations
also shall be relevant for the said examinations. The Legislative amendments will be available on the BoS
Knowledge Portal.
(3) Except the exclusions mentioned in the column (4) of the table, the entire content of the syllabus included in the
November 2019 edition of the Study Material and the Legislative amendments for November 2020 examinations
shall be relevant for the said examinations.
Students are expected to be updated with the notifications, circulars and other legislative amendments in
Ind AS corresponding to IFRS, made upto 6 months prior to the examination. In specific, notification
issued by the MCA on 30.3.2019 for amendments in Indian Accounting Standards is relevant for GFRS
paper for November, 2020 examination with respect to IFRS.
Hence, IFRS 16 (which replaces Ind AS 17) is applicable for November, 2020 examination.
As regards to the topic on ‘Significant differences between IFRS and US GAAPs’, the content as covered
in the file uploaded on the website at the link would
be relevant for November, 2020 Examination.
Final Paper
(1) Applicability of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019
(i) Part I : GST – The amendments made by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019 in the Central Goods and Services
Tax Act, 2017 [hereinafter referred to as CGST Act, 2017] and the Integrated Goods and Services Tax,
2017 [hereinafter referred to as IGST Act, 2017] have become effective from 01.01.2020. Therefore, the
same are applicable for November 2020 examinations.
However, select amendments made by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019 namely, amendments made in
sections 2(4), 39, 50, 95, 102, 103, 104, 105 and 106 of the CGST Act, 2017 and the insertion of new
sections 101A, 101B & 101C in the CGST Act, 2017 have not become effective as on 30.04.2020.
Therefore, the same are not applicable for November 2020 examinations.
(ii) Part II: Customs & FTP - The amendments made by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019 in the Customs Act, 1962
and the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 are applicable for November 2020 examinations.
(iii) Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019 introduced vide Chapter V of the Finance (No.
2) Act, 2019 is not applicable for November 2020 examinations.
(2) In the above table, in respect of the topics of the syllabus specified in column (2) the related exclusion is given in
column (3). Where an exclusion has been so specified in any topic of the syllabus, the provisions corresponding
to such exclusions, covered in other topic(s) forming part of the syllabus, shall also be excluded.
(3) October 2019 edition of the Study Material is relevant for May 2020 and November 2020 examinations. The
amendments in the GST law and in the customs law and FTP - made after the issuance of this Study Material -
to the extent covered in the Statutory Update for November 2020 examination alone shall be relevant for the said
examination. The Statutory Update shall be hosted on the BoS Knowledge Portal.
Though the Statutory Update for November 2020 examination shall provide the precise scope and coverage of
the amendments, for the sake of clarity, it may be noted that the following amendments shall not be applicable
for November 2020 examinations:
(i) The amendments made in the various provisions of the GST law namely, composition scheme, input tax
credit, returns, interest on delayed payment of tax, e-way bill etc., for providing relief to the taxpayers in view
of spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)
(ii) The amendments relating to transition plan with respect to Jammu and Kashmir reorganization w.e.f.
(iii) The amendments providing the special procedure for taxpayers in Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and
Diu consequent to merger of the two UTs
(iv) The amendment specifying due dates for filing of GSTR-3B in a staggered manner for taxpayers having
annual turnover below Rs 5 crore in previous financial year
(4) The entire content included in the October 2019 edition of the Study Material (except the exclusions mentioned
herein) and the Statutory Update for November 2020 examination shall be relevant for the said examination.