Mieloma Guidelines
Mieloma Guidelines
Mieloma Guidelines
Jenny M. Bird1, Roger G. Owen2, Shirley D’Sa3, John A. Snowden4, Guy Pratt5, John Ashcroft6, Kwee
Yong7, Gordon Cook8, Sylvia Feyler9, Faith Davies10, Gareth Morgan11, Jamie Cavenagh12, Eric Low13,
Judith Behrens14 Matthew Jenner15 on behalf of the Haemato-oncology Task Force of the
British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH), UK Myeloma Forum
Address for correspondence: Jenny Bird, c/o BCSH Secretary, British Society for Haematology,
100, White Lion Street, London, N1 9PF
e-mail: bcsh@b-s-h.org.uk
Correspondence prior to publication only:
Dr J M Bird
Avon Haematology Unit
Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre
Horfield Road
Annual review of recommendation updates will be undertaken and any altered recommendations
posted on the websites of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology
(http://www.bcshguidelines.com/) and UKMF (http://www.ukmf.org.uk/)
1. Avon Haematology Unit, Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, Bristol
2. Department of Haematology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
3. Department of Haematology, University College Hospital, London
4. Department of Haematology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
5. Department of Haematology, Heart of England NHS Trust, Birmingham
6. Department of Haematology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
7. Department of Haematology, University College Hospital, London
8. Department of Haematology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
The contents of ‘Diagnosis and management of multiple myeloma’ are listed below:
1 Methodology, epidemiology and clinical presentation
2 Diagnosis, prognostic factors and disease monitoring
3 Imaging techniques in myeloma
4 Management of common medical emergencies in myeloma patients
5 Myeloma bone disease
6 Renal impairment
7 Induction therapy including management of major toxicities and stem cell harvesting
8 Management of refractory disease
9 High dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation
10 Allogeneic stem cell transplantation
11 Maintenance therapy
12 Management of relapsed myeloma including drugs in development
13 Patient Information and Support
The key areas that are covered comprehensively in the document entitled ‘Guidelines for Supportive
Care in Multiple Myeloma 2011’ (Snowden et al 2011) are listed below:
• Anaemia
• Haemostasis and thrombosis issues
• Pain management
• Peripheral neuropathy
• Other symptom control – gastrointestinal, sedation/fatigue, mucositis
• Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw
• Complementary therapies
• End of life care
1.1 Methodology
Other patients are diagnosed following the incidental detection of a raised erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR), plasma viscosity, serum protein or globulin. Patients with suspected
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 4 of 99
myeloma require urgent specialist referral. Spinal cord compression, hypercalcaemia and renal
failure are medical emergencies requiring immediate investigation and treatment. The investigation
and management of asymptomatic patients found to have an M-protein are discussed in the
UKMF/BCSH MGUS guidelines (Bird et al, 2009).
Investigation of a patient with suspected myeloma should include the screening tests indicated in
Table 1, followed by further tests to confirm the diagnosis. Electrophoresis of serum and
concentrated urine should be performed, followed by immunofixation to confirm and type any M-
protein present. Immunofixation and serum-free light chain (SFLC) assessment are indicated in
patients where there is a strong suspicion of myeloma but in whom routine serum protein
electrophoresis is negative (Pratt 2008).
Quantification of serum M-protein should be performed by densitometry of the monoclonal peak on
electrophoresis; immunochemical measurement of total immunoglobulin (Ig) isotype level can also
be used and is particularly useful for IgA and IgD M-proteins. Quantification of urinary total protein
and light chain excretion can be performed directly on a 24-h urine collection or calculated on a
random urine sample in relation to the urine creatinine.
Quantification of SFLC levels and κ/λ ratio is an additional tool for the assessment of light chain
production. The serum tests are particularly useful for diagnosis and monitoring of light chain only
myeloma (Bradwell et al, 2003) and patients with oligosecretory / non-secretory disease (see Table
2) (Drayson et al, 2001) and in requests for which urine has not been sent to the laboratory. In renal
impairment the half-life, and thus serum concentration of SFLC, can increase ten-fold and there is
often an increased κ/λratio (Hutchison et al, 2008). A diagnosis of myeloma should be confirmed by
bone marrow (BM) assessment. It is recommended that an adequate trephine biopsy of at least 20
mm in length be obtained in all patients as it provides a better assessment of the extent of marrow
infiltration than aspirate smears (Al-Quran et al, 2007; Ng et al, 2006).
It is recommended that a diagnosis of myeloma be confirmed by the demonstration of an aberrant
plasma cell phenotype and / or monoclonality. Plasma cell phenotyping may be performed by flow
cytometry and / or immunohistochemistry on trephine sections. The European Myeloma Network
have provided practical guidance on the optimal methods for flow cytometry (Rawstron et al, 2008)
and rapid and cost effective single-tube assays have been developed (Rawstron et al, 2008). CD138
immunostaining of trephine sections can be useful to determine the extent of infiltration in selected
cases (Al-Quran et al, 2007; Ng et al, 2006). All diagnoses should be made or reviewed by an
appropriately constituted Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) ( National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence [NICE], 2003). Cytogenetic and radiological investigations are discussed in sections 2.4
and 3, respectively.
A diagnosis of myeloma should be made using the criteria proposed in 2003 by the International
Myeloma Working Group (IMWG), which are detailed in Table 2.
These criteria distinguish between myeloma and MGUS principally on the basis of M-protein
concentration, percentage of BM plasma cells and presence or absence of myeloma-related organ
and tissue impairment (ROTI, Table 3). Other differential diagnoses in patients with M-proteins
include solitary plasmacytoma and other B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders. Detailed guidance on
the diagnosis and management of solitary plasmacytoma and MGUS are provided in recently
published UKMF/BCSH guidelines (Hughes et al, 2009; Bird et al, 2009).
Chemotherapy is indicated for the management of symptomatic myeloma defined by the presence of
ROTI. Early intervention in patients with asymptomatic myeloma is not required (Hjorth et al, 1993;
Riccardi et al, 2000) although chemotherapy may be considered in patients with a rising M-protein
concentration in the absence of ROTI. Patients with asymptomatic myeloma require close
monitoring under the supervision of a Consultant Haematologist.
The overall risk of progression is 10% per year for the first 5 years but, interestingly, declines in
subsequent years (Kyle et al, 2007). The SFLC ratio (<0.125 or >8) appears to be predictive of
outcome and a risk score incorporating BM plasma cell percentage, M-protein concentration and
SFLC ratio has been proposed (Dispenzieri et al, 2008). Flow cytometry is also predictive of
outcome as the risk of progression is significantly greater when aberrant phenotype plasma cells
determined by flow cytometry comprise >95% of total BM plasma cells (Perez-Persona et al, 2007).
• Chemotherapy is only indicated in patients with symptomatic myeloma based on the presence
of ROTI (Grade C2)
The natural history of myeloma is heterogeneous with survival times ranging from a few weeks to
>20 years. Analysis of prognostic factors is essential to compare outcomes within and between
clinical trials. The Durie/Salmon staging system was published in 1975 (Durie and Salmon 1975) but
has been superseded by the International Staging System (ISS) reproduced in Table 4 (Greipp, et al
2005). This defines 3 risk categories determined by the serum concentration of Β2-microglobulin
and albumin. The use of staging systems to determine choice of therapy for individual patients
remains unproven.
Certain cytogenetic and molecular genetic abnormalities have been shown to predict outcome in
myeloma. It is now generally accepted that both the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene translocations
t(4;14), t(14;16) and t(14;20) as well as the copy number changes 1q gain and 17p deletion,
demonstrated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), confer an adverse outcome in myeloma.
It has therefore been proposed that these abnormalities define “high-risk” myeloma and should be
specifically sought at diagnosis in all patients (Fonseca, et al 2009, Munshi, et al 2011). Recent data
suggests that chromosome 13 deletion is not an independent prognostic marker and the adverse
effect relates to its close association with high-risk abnormalities, particularly the t(4;14). There is
now consensus that conventional karyotyping has little or no added value in the routine setting
(Fonseca, et al 2009). The European Myeloma Network have outlined the technical aspects of FISH
testing in myeloma and related disorders and recommended the essential abnormalities to be tested
for are t(4;14), t(14;16) and 17p13 deletions as well as 1p and 1q abnormalities where possible
(Ross, et al 2012).
Data from the MRC Myeloma IX trial has been used to define risk groups based on the presence or
absence of multiple adverse FISH lesions and to combine these with the ISS. This is able to identify
an ultra-high-risk group defined by ISS II or III and >1 adverse lesion, associated with a short PFS
(Boyd, et al 2012). This information is helpful to inform clinical discussions with patients about
anticipated longer term outcome. There is increasing data to suggest that the adverse effect of
genetic factors may at least in part be overcome by newer agents (Avet-Loiseau, et al 2010,
A number of groups have used gene expression profiling to define risk in both newly diagnosed and
relapsed patients (Shaughnessy, et al 2007) and DNA arrays to identify copy number abnormalities in
newly diagnosed myeloma (Avet-Loiseau, et al 2009, Walker, et al 2010) but their role in
determining treatment decisions in routine clinical practice is yet to be defined. Baseline SFLC
concentration may also provide useful prognostic information (Dispenzieri, et al 2008) as may the
immunoglobulin heavy/light chain ratios both at diagnosis and following treatment (Ludwig, et al
2010). The presence or absence of neoplastic plasma cells identified by multiparameter flow
cytometry following treatment is also predicitive of long term outcome in both intensively and non-
intensively treated patients (Paiva, et al 2012, Paiva, et al 2008). It is essential that new prognostic
indicators continue to be evaluated in prospective clinical trials to determine the role for these in
the future stratification of myeloma treatment.
The European Group for Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant / International Bone Marrow
Transplant Registry / American Bone Marrow Transplant Registry (EBMT/IBMTR/ABMTR) criteria
(Blade et al, 1998) were updated by the IMWG in 2006 (Durie et al, 2006) and further modifications
Note - in patients in whom the only measurable disease (for definitions see below) is by SFLC assay,
CR is defined by negative immunofixation and a normal SFLC ratio, VGPR is defined by >90% decrease
in the difference between the involved and uninvolved free light chain concentrations and PR by a
>50% decrease in the difference between involved and uninvolved SFLC levels. If SFLC assay is also
uninformative, PR is defined by >50% reduction in BM plasma cells provided baseline BM plasma cell
percentage was >30%. In addition to the above listed criteria, if present at baseline, a >50% reduction
in the size of soft tissue plasmacytomas is also required.
• Response to therapy should be defined using the IMWG uniform response criteria
• The response category sCR is recommended only for use in the clinical trial setting
• The SFLC assay should be used to assess response in all patients with light chain only, non
secretory and oligosecretory disease
The rare myelomas comprise up to 7% of all myelomas and consist of plasma cell leukaemia, IgD,
IgE, IgM and non-secretory myeloma.
3 Imaging techniques
• The skeletal survey remains the screening technique of choice at diagnosis. (Grade B1)
• The skeletal survey should include a postero-anterior (PA) view of the chest, antero-
posterior (AP) and lateral views of the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, humeri
and femora, AP and lateral view of the skull and AP view of the pelvis; other symptomatic
areas should be specifically visualized with appropriate views (Grade B1)
• Computerized tomography (CT) scanning or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be
used to clarify the significance of ambiguous plain radiographic findings, such as equivocal
lytic lesions, especially in parts of the skeleton that are difficult to visualize on plain
radiographs, such as ribs, sternum and scapulae (Grade A1)
• Urgent MRI is the diagnostic procedure of choice to assess suspected cord compression in
myeloma patients with or without vertebral collapse. Urgent CT scanning is an alternative,
when MRI is unavailable, intolerable or contraindicated.
• CT or MRI is indicated to delineate the nature and extent of soft tissue masses and where
appropriate, tissue biopsy may be guided by CT scanning (Grade A1)
• There is insufficient evidence to recommend the routine use of positron-emission tomography
(PET) or 99mTechnetium sestamibi (MIBI) imaging. Either technique may be useful in selected
cases for clarification of previous imaging findings preferably within the context of a clinical
trial (Grade C2)
• Bone scintigraphy has no place in the routine staging of myeloma (Grade A1)
• Routine assessment of bone mineral density cannot be recommended, owing to the
methodological difficulties of the technique and the universal use of bisphosphonates in all
symptomatic myeloma patients (Grade A1).
4.1 Hyperviscosity
Hyperviscosity syndrome may develop in patients with high serum paraprotein levels,
particularly those of IgA and IgG3 type. Symptoms include blurred vision, headaches,
mucosal bleeding and dyspnoea due to heart failure.
All patients with high protein levels should undergo fundoscopy, which may
demonstrate retinal vein distension, haemorrhages and papilloedema. Patients usually
have raised plasma viscosity and symptoms commonly appear when it exceeds 4 or 5
mPa. This usually corresponds to a serum IgM level of at least 30 g/l, an IgA level of 40
g/l and an IgG level of 60 g/l (Mehta and Singhal 2003). Plasma viscosity results should
not be used to determine the need for plasma exchange as this may result in delay but
testing should be carried out both before and after the procedure. Symptomatic
patients should be treated urgently with plasma exchange; isovolaemic venesection
may be useful if plasma exchange facilities are not immediately available. If transfusion
is essential, exchange transfusion should be performed. The need for further exchanges
over the next few days should be determined by symptoms and requirement for blood
transfusion. Rapid reduction of protein levels is mandatory and anti-myeloma
treatment should be instituted promptly.
• Symptomatic hyperviscosity should be treated with therapeutic plasma exchange with saline
fluid replacement (Grade A1)
• If plasmapheresis is not immediately available but hyperviscosity symptoms are present,
consider isovolaemic venesection with saline replacement as a holding measure (Grade A1)
• Effective treatment of the underlying disease should be started as soon as possible (Grade A1)
4.2 Hypercalcaemia
• in mild hypercalcaemia (corrected calcium 2.6-2.9 mmol/l) re-hydrate with oral and /or iv
fluids (Grade A1)
Compression of the spinal cord from extramedullary foci of disease occurs in 5% of patients with
myeloma during the course of their disease (Kyle et al, 2003). Clinical features depend on the nature
of the cord compression (due to bony / structural lesion or to soft tissue disease), the spinal level,
extent of disease and the rate of development of cord compression, but commonly include sensory
loss, paraesthesiae, limb weakness, walking difficulty and sphincter disturbance. This is a medical
emergency requiring rapid diagnosis and treatment. Upon clinical suspicion of cord compression,
dexamethasone 40 mg daily for 4 days should be commenced and MRI obtained as soon as possible.
Where MRI is unavailable or impossible due to patient intolerance or contraindication, an
urgent CT scan should be performed. The differentiation between soft tissue and bone-related
cord compression is essential and should be discussed with neurosurgery/orthopaedic teams
(depending on local expertise) immediately if there is any question about the need for surgical
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 13 of 99
Surgery is usually undertaken for emergency decompression in the setting of structural compression
and/or to stabilize the spine and is usually consolidated by post-operative radiotherapy. For soft
tissue disease local radiotherapy is the treatment of choice and should be commenced urgently,
preferably within 24 hours of the diagnosis of cord compression. There are no randomized
controlled trials to give guidance on optimal radiotherapy dose and fractionation but a retrospective
multi-centre study of 172 myeloma patients has been published and demonstrated a better overall
outcome in terms of improvement in motor function for patients treated with at least 30 Gy (Rades
et al, 2006).
• Urgent MRI should be performed and neurosurgical or spinal surgical / clinical oncology
consultation obtained (Grade A1)
• Local radiotherapy is the treatment of choice for non-bony lesions and should be commenced
as soon as is possible, preferably within 24 h of diagnosis. A dose of 30 Gy in 10 fractions is
recommended (Grade B1)
Myeloma is associated with an increased incidence of early infection. This is related to deficits in
both humoral and cellular immunity, reduced mobility and performance status, which are all
associated with both the disease and its treatment. It has been reported that up to 10% of patients
die of infective causes within 60 days of diagnosis (Augustson et al, 2005). Neutropenia is not usually
a factor in early infection (Augustson et al, 2005)
There is increasing evidence showing that high dose steroids in the elderly or in patients with poor
performance may be detrimental, with increased toxicity and a higher mortality rate in the short-
term, and consideration should be given to the use of lower doses in this group (Ludwig et al, 2009a;
Morgan et al, 2009; Rajkumar et al, 2010). Patient education as well as access to 24-h specialist
advice and treatment is crucial in preventing and managing infection in myeloma. Prevention and
management of infection in myeloma patients is discussed in more detail in the supportive care
guideline (Snowden et al 2011).
Long bone fractures require stabilization and subsequent radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is useful to
improve pain control and may also promote healing of the fracture site. Where large lytic lesions
may cause skeletal instability an orthopaedic opinion should be sought and pre-emptive surgery
considered in selected patients. Specialized clinical interventions for pain associated with spinal
fractures including vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are discussed in the supportive care guideline
(Snowden et al 2011).
• Local radiotherapy is helpful for pain control; a dose of 8 Gy single fraction is recommended
(Grade B1)
• Long bone fractures require stabilization and subsequent radiotherapy; a dose of
8 Gy single fraction is recommended (Grade B1)
5.3 Bisphosphonates
A Cochrane Review of the use of bisphosphonates in myeloma (Djulbegovic et al, 2002) included
data from 10 placebo-controlled trials of clodronate, pamidronate, or etidronate and from a
preliminary report of a trial of ibandronate. Based on a meta-analysis of trial data at that time, the
conclusion was that adding bisphosphonates to the treatment of myeloma reduces vertebral
fractures and pain but does not improve survival. The evidence also suggested a benefit in both
The trials of sodium clodronate (Lahtinen et al, 1992; McCloskey et al, 2001; McCloskey et al, 1998)
demonstrated benefit for up to four years in patients starting chemotherapy for the first time,
including patients with no lytic lesions. Studies using the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates have
been primarily in patients with more extensive bony disease. Both pamidronate and zoledronic acid
have demonstrated their effectiveness in the reduction of skeletal related events (SREs) in this
setting (Berenson et al, 2001; Rosen et al, 2001; Rosen et al, 2003). Zoledronic acid and pamidronate
appear equally efficacious with regards to SRE prevention although there has been no randomized
comparison and no long-term analysis of treatment benefit. Zoledronic acid is however associated
with greater improvements in skeletal morbidity and normalization of N-telopeptide of collagen
type1 (NTX) in some studies (Rosen et al, 2001). The Medical Research Council (MRC) Myeloma IX
trial has recently reported with a median follow up of 3.7 years and demonstrated significant
benefits of zoledronic acid over sodium clodronate in reduction of SREs (27% vs 35.3% P=0.0004,
and crucially in overall survival (OS) (50 vs 44.5 months, P=0.0118) and progression free survival
(PFS) (19.5 vs 17.5 months, P=0.0179) respectively (Morgan et al, 2010). There was however a
higher incidence of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONJ) in the zoledronic
acid group (3.5% vs 0.3%). There has also been a suggestion of a survival benefit in the pamidronate
trials but this was only demonstrated following subgroup analysis.
Adverse effects on renal function have been reported particularly with the nitrogen-containing
bisphosphonates (pamidronate and zoledronic acid) and are most likely if the recommended dose or
rate of infusion is exceeded (Barri et al, 2004; Berenson et al, 1998; Chang et al, 2003; Rosen et al,
2001). Specific protocols are provided by the manufacturers with regards to administration in
patients with renal impairment (see Appendix 2).
Oral calcium and vitamin D supplementation is advised with zoledronic acid. There is no
recommendation with pamidronate and it should probably be avoided with sodium clodronate as it
may impair absorption of the oral bisphosphonate. All bisphosphonates are associated with a risk of
BONJ, but particularly the nitrogen-containing intravenous preparations. This is discussed in detail in
the supportive care guidelines (Snowden et al 2011).
• Zoledronic acid and pamidronate both show efficacy with respect to SRE prevention (grade
A recommendation; level 1b evidence) but early data regarding prolongation of event-free survival
(EFS) and OS in a large randomized trial suggest that zoledronic acid should be the bisphosphonate
of choice (Grade B1)
• Sodium clodronate is less effective than zoledronic acid but has a significantly lower
incidence of BONJ (Grade B1)
• Renal function should be carefully monitored and doses reduced in line with the
manufacturers’ guidance. For guidance on the use of bisphosphonates in renal impairment, see
Appendix 2 (Grade A1)
6 Renal Impairment
Early diagnosis of both new and relapsed myeloma enables early intervention and thus prevention of
renal damage (Augustson et al, 2005; Drayson et al, 2006). A diagnosis of light chain only myeloma
and of light chain escape may be missed if urine is not sent to the laboratory and SFLC levels are not
measured (Pratt 2008). Relapse with rising levels of free light chain and no change in whole
paraprotein (light chain escape) occurs in 5% of IgG and 15% of IgA myeloma patients (Mead and
Drayson 2009). Renal function is optimized by maintenance of a high fluid intake, at least 3 litres/day
(MRC Working Party on Leukaemia in Adults, 1984) and all patients should be instructed as to the
importance of this throughout the course of the disease. Potentially nephrotoxic drugs, including
aminoglycosides and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided.
The goal of initial treatment is to remove precipitating causes and to rapidly reduce the light chain
load delivered to the kidney tubule. Hypercalcaemia must be corrected with bisphosphonates, used
with modified doses because the kidney is their only route of excretion (see Appendix 2). Infection
must be treated vigorously, nephrotoxic drugs stopped and patients rehydrated. Dehydration from
any cause will increase the concentration of light chains delivered to the renal tubule. Renal
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 18 of 99
recovery can be achieved with intravenous fluid to achieve a urine flow of over 3 litres/ day (MRC
Working Party on Leukaemia in Adults,1984). Volume replacement should be guided by monitoring
of central venous pressure when renal output is reduced. There is little evidence to support urinary
alkalinization (Iggo et al, 1997).The advice of a nephrologist should be sought if renal function does
not improve within 48 h of initial interventions and there must be clear communication between
haematologists and the specialist renal team to optimize outcome. Renal biopsy is desirable to help
guide management but is not essential.
Physical removal of light chains by plasma exchange (PE) is theoretically beneficial in cast
nephropathy. Data from two early small randomized trials was conflicting (Johnson et al, 1990;
Zucchelli et al, 1988) and the results of a further randomized, controlled trial (Clark et al, 2005)
were inconclusive. Results of further UK studies of PE and of large pore haemodialysis are awaited.
Reducing light chain production from the plasma cell clone is the most effective mechanism of
reducing the light chain load to the kidney. High dose dexamethasone alone is effective as a single
agent in this setting (Alexanian et al, 1992) and can lead to 100-fold falls in SFLC within 2 weeks in
sensitive disease. Lower levels are associated with renal recovery (Drayson et al, 2009; Hutchison et
al, 2008).
Oral high dose dexamethasone should be started without delay whilst decisions about definitive
chemotherapy are being made. SFLC measurements in the first 2 weeks may identify patients who
are not responding to their anti-myeloma therapy. Further work is needed to evaluate how this
finding may influence treatment decisions in the future. The high early death rate in patients with
myeloma and renal failure is mainly due to infection, which is a major preventable cause of death in
these patients. Close observation and early and intensive treatment of infective episodes is essential
if this early loss is to be improved.
• Vigorously rehydrate with at least 3 litres of normal saline daily (Grade A1)
• Treat precipitating events eg hypercalcaemia, sepsis and hyperuricaemia and discontinue
nephrotoxic drugs, particularly NSAIDs (Grade A1)
• Consider physical methods of removing free light chains from the blood (plasma exchange, large
pore haemofiltration) within the context of a clinical trial(Grade C2)
• Administer high dose dexamethasone unless otherwise contraindicated pending initiation of
definitive treatment which should be started without delay
• Monitor SFLC levels (Grade B1)
• Identify and treat infection vigorously (Grade A1)
7 Induction therapy including management of major toxicities and stem cell harvesting
The broad aims of treatment in myeloma are to control disease, maximize quality of life and prolong
survival and can be achieved by a combination of specific disease-directed therapy and supportive
care. Although high-dose therapy is recommended where possible, many patients will not be able to
receive such therapy because of advanced age, co-morbidities or poor performance status.
Treatment decisions should be reviewed in an MDT and should take into account individual patient
factors and patient choice.
The introduction of novel agents, such as thalidomide, lenalidomide and bortezomib (usually in
combination with dexamethasone) has led to a clear improvement in survival of patients with
myeloma (Kumar et al, 2008a). However, much work is needed to determine the best sequence and
combinations of therapies. It is therefore essential that, wherever possible, patients are entered into
clinical trials. As many patients are living longer with myeloma, the impact of therapy on quality of
life is particularly important.
Many studies both in the transplant and non-transplant settings have suggested a link between the
maximal response attained and long-term outcome after initial therapy and that increasing the
complete remission rate after transplant results in prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) and OS
(Lahuerta et al, 2008; van de Velde et al, 2007). Improving depth of response is therefore becoming
an increasingly important goal.
7.1 Induction therapy prior to high dose therapy (HDT), including management of
common side-effects
For patients where HDT is planned, or is a possible future option, the aim of induction treatment is
to induce high remission rates rapidly and with minimal toxicity and to preserve haemopoietic stem
cell function to ensure successful mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC).
Prior to the introduction of novel therapies, the standard of care for patients in whom HDT and
autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) was planned was the use of induction therapy based on
high dose dexamethasone, such as VAD (vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone), or related
infusional regimens. These combinations were associated with response rates of 55-84% and CR
rates of 8-28% (Alexanian et al, 1990; Gore et al, 1989; Samson et al, 1989) although it should be
noted that the current definition of CR is more rigorous. However, there was significant
Table 7 shows a summary of evidence and toxicity profiles for the novel agents. Strategies for
preventing and managing known side effects are included in the relevant sections and in Section 7.3.
Toxicity of thalidomide
The principal non-haematological toxicities of thalidomide and their management are described in
Table 8.
Two large phase III trials have been reported and provide substantial evidence that bortezomib-
based therapy is a successful pre-ASCT induction regimen. The IFM (Intergroupe Francophone du
Myélome) group has completed a randomized phase III trial comparing 4 courses of VAD with
bortezomib/dexamethasone in 482 patients up to the age of 65 years (Harousseau et al, in press). In
this and the HOVON trial, which compared PAD (bortezomib, doxorubicin and dexamethasone)
and VAD (Sonneveld et al, 2008), the CR or CR/ near CR (nCR) rate increased significantly post-
ASCT in the bortezomib-containing arm. In the IFM trial, significant prolongation of PFS was seen
but this did not result in longer OS.
Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are the commonest Grade 3/4 toxicities. In relapsed patients
the reported incidence was 35.4% and 13%, respectively, in 2 large randomized trials (MM-009 and
MM-010) (Dimopoulos et al, 2009a). The risk of myelosuppression may be higher in patients who
have recently (≤1 year) had high dose therapy and ASCT. Importantly, the incidence of neuropathy
is low, grade 3+ neuropathy occurring in less than 5% of patients with relapsed myeloma
(Richardson et al, 2006).
7.1.4 Combinations involving 2 or more novel agents as induction therapy prior to SCT
There is evidence for high response rates and high CR rates with combinations involving more than
one novel agent reviewed in (Lonial and Cavenagh, 2009) but further data are required regarding the
toxicity profiles of these combinations and whether these higher response rates translate into
longer PFS and OS after ASCT.
Combinations, such as bortezomib, thalidomide, dexamethasone (VTD), have given response rates
of 82 to 92% with CR rates of 18-29% (Cavo et al, 2009; Rosiñol et al, 2009) without an increase in
serious adverse events in 3-drug combinations (Cavo et al, 2009). Several other combinations have
been explored in phase II trials (see Table 4 of Appendix 3).
The aim of therapy in these usually older and less fit patients is to achieve the maximum durable
response with minimal treatment-related toxicity. These patients form a heterogeneous group and
have a variable tolerance of therapy. Treatment may need to be modified in patients with poor
performance status.
A large meta-analysis showed the combination of oral melphalan and prednisolone (MP) to be as
effective as combination regimens including intravenous drugs (Myeloma Triallists’ Collaborative
Group1998). Melphalan and cyclophosphamide were shown in early randomized studies to be
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 24 of 99
equally effective (MRC Working Party for Therapeutic Trials in Leukaemia, 1971). Thus, in the past
these drugs, usually with prednisolone (P), have formed the mainstay of first line therapy in this
patient group.
Thalidomide based regimens–
Use of thalidomide has also been extensively explored in this setting. A phase III study comparing
thalidomide and dexamethasone (TD) with dexamethasone in patients with a median age of 65 years
showed a significant benefit with regard to response and time to progression (TTP) in the TD group
after 4 cycles, albeit with grade 3 or higher non-haematological toxicity being seen in 67% of patients
who received TD (Rajkumar et al, 2006). Only one study has directly compared TD with MP
(Ludwig et al, 2009a). This phase III study in 298 elderly patients showed superior responses in the
TD arm but similar PFS and TTP in both groups. However, OS was significantly lower in the TD
group, and it was thought that this very elderly population (60% of patients between 70 and 79
years) were unable to tolerate the high doses of thalidomide and dexamethasone used.
Five randomized trials have compared oral MP with MPT (melphalan, prednisolone and thalidomide)
as first line treatment in elderly patients and the results of these studies are summarized in Table 5
of Appendix 3. Despite variation in the doses of all 3 agents between the 5 studies, all have shown
superior response rates and PFS in the MPT arms and two have shown significant prolongation of
OS (Facon et al, 2007; Hulin 2009). The failure of other studies to produce this benefit was probably
due to effective salvage therapy incorporating novel agents at relapse (Gulbrandsen et al, 2008;
Palumbo et al, 2008a; Wijermans et al, 2008).
Most randomized studies have shown that thalidomide doses above 200mg/day are poorly tolerated
by elderly patients. In general patients receiving MPT in the above trials did experience an increased
incidence of side effects, notably cytopenias, thrombosis, fatigue and peripheral neuropathy.
Given the historical equivalence of cyclophosphamide to melphalan, UK investigators have
developed an alternative regimen to MPT comprising cyclophosphamide, thalidomide and
dexamethasone (CTD). In older less fit patients attenuated doses (CTDa) are given. CTDa was used
in the non-intensive arm of the Myeloma IX trial. Early results from this study demonstrate superior
response rates for CTDa over MP and suggest similar efficacy to MPT although PFS and OS data are
not yet available (Morgan et al, 2009).
A randomized trial of 445 patients comparing lenalidomide with either high dose or low dose
dexamethasone in newly diagnosed myeloma showed significant benefits for low dose
dexamethasone in terms of OS at 1 year (96% vs 86% p=0.0002) (Rajkumar et al, 2010). For this
reason, the trial was stopped early and patients on high-dose dexamethasone therapy were crossed
over to low-dose therapy. The decision regarding dexamethasone dose should be made on an
individual patient basis based upon assessment of co-morbidities, tolerance and performance status.
• Chemotherapy prescription should be undertaken by an experienced clinician with input from
a specialist chemotherapy-trained pharmacist (Grade A1)
• SPC recommendations for dose adjustments of chemotherapy drugs and use of G-CSF
support should be followed wherever possible (Grade A1)
• Patients should be appropriately dosed, to allow for renal and liver function (Grade A1)
• Patients with cytopenias at baseline due to limited marrow reserve require more frequent
monitoring and dose adjustment (Grade A1)
• All patients should be considered for entry into a clinical trial (Grade A1)
• The choice of therapy should take into account patient preference, co-morbidities and
toxicity profile (Grade A1)
Specific treatment recommendations for Induction therapy prior to high dose therapy (HDT)
Specific treatment recommendations for older and/or less fit patients in whom HDT is not
planned initial therapy
• Induction therapy should consist of either
o a thalidomide-containing regimen in combination with an alkylating agent and steroid
such as MPT or CTDa (Grade C2) or
o bortezomib in combination with melphalan and prednisolone (Grade C1).
Specific treatment recommendations for patients with plasma cell leukaemia and rarer
myeloma subtypes
• The use of initial treatment with bortezomib and autologous stem cell transplantation should
be considered in responding patients with plasma cell leukaemia (Grade C1)
• IgD, IgE and IgM myeloma are associated with a poor outcome but there is insufficient data to
support specific alternative treatment strategies at this time. (Grade C1)
The investigation and management of peripheral neuropathy is described in detail in the supportive
care guideline (Snowden et al 2011). Some of the key recommendations are listed below:
• Peripheral neuropathy is common at diagnosis and as a result of many myeloma therapies
• Peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy symptoms and signs should be actively
sought and sequentially graded during the course of therapy using a scale, such as the National
Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria
992.pdf) to provide an objective assessment and allow identification of trends (Grade A1)
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 27 of 99
• Any patient who develops a significant (eg. >NCI grade 2) or progressive peripheral or
autonomic neuropathy following treatment should be managed with graded dose reduction or
drug withdrawal. Guidelines for dose reductions of thalidomide and bortezomib are shown in
Table 11. Continuation of dose intense treatment in the face of neuropathy may cause
permanent neurological damage. (Grade A1)
• The management of peripheral neuropathy should include symptom control along with
treatment of any potentially reversible causes. Optimal management of co-morbid causes such
as diabetes mellitus may also improve tolerance of neurotoxic drugs (Grade A1)
• Neuropathic pain is poorly responsive to simple analgesics, NSAIDs and opioid drugs.
Neuromodulatory agents are being increasingly recommended to treat neuropathic pain.
Patients with progressive neuropathic pain despite appropriate analgesia should be referred
promptly for specialist advice regarding pain management (Grade A1)
7.3.2 Thromboprophylaxis
Myeloma and other plasma cell disorders have a well-established association with venous
thromboembolism (VTE) (Srkalovic et al, 2004). Active disease, cancer therapies, infection, previous
VTE, immobility and paraplegia are all well-recognized additional risk factors for VTE in hospitalized
patients. Thalidomide and lenalidomide have been demonstrated to further increase this risk. Use of
thromboprophylaxis and treatment of both thrombosis and bleeding problems in myeloma patients
are discussed in detail in the Guidelines for Supportive Care in multiple myeloma (Snowden et al
2011)(. Key recommendations from that document are listed below.
• Cancer, cancer therapies, infection, previous VTE, immobility, obesity, paraplegia, erythropoietin
treatment, dehydration and renal failure are all well-recognized risk factors VTE, particularly in
hospitalized patients. As with other areas of thromboprophylaxis, a risk stratified approach is
appropriate in patients with myeloma. (Grade A1)
• A risk assessment model for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in multiple myeloma
patients treated with thalidomide or lenalidomide is contained within the Guidelines for Supportive
Care in multiple myeloma (Snowden et al 2011)(adapted from (Palumbo et al, 2008b)
• All patients who are due to start thalidomide or lenalidomide-containing therapy should undergo a
risk assessment for VTE and prospectively receive appropriate thromboprophylactic measures.
(Grade A1)
• In patients receiving thalidomide or lenalidomide, aspirin 75325 mg may be considered as VTE
prophylaxis in low risk patients only (i.e. without risk factor present), unless contraindicated (Grade
7.4 Can novel agents overcome the poor prognosis associated with adverse cytogenetic
This group comprises some 15-20% of newly diagnosed patients, and includes those with the following
cytogenetic abnormalities: t(4;14), t(14;16), t(14;20), del(17q) or non-hyperdiploid disease (Stewart et
al, 2007). Although del(13q) by metaphase cytogenetic analysis is an adverse prognostic marker, these
patients invariably have a t(4;14) translocation. Gain of chromosome (1q21) has also recently been
described as conferring a poor outcome, however, this occurs in association with t(4;14) and del(13q),
and may not be an independent prognostic marker (Fonseca et al, 2006).
An important unanswered question is whether the use of novel agents may overcome cytogenetically-
defined poor prognosis disease. In the VISTA (Velcade® as Initial Standard Therapy in Multiple
Myeloma) study (Mateos et al, 2008) in the non-transplant setting, patients with high risk disease who
received bortezomib had equivalent response rates, PFS and OS to standard risk patients but the
number of patients in this group was small. In the IFM study, pre-ASCT induction with bortezomib
partially overcame the poor prognosis of t(4;14) disease (67 patients), but had no impact on 17p
disease (51 patients) (Avet-Loiseau et al, 2009). In 16 patients with high risk disease treated with
lenalidomide and dexamethasone, response rates and survival were similar to standard risk patients,
albeit with shorter duration of response (Kapoor et al, 2009). All these data are derived from
retrospective sub-analyses of trials, and prospective data on larger patient numbers with longer follow
up are needed to establish the role of novel agents in the setting of high risk disease. Available
information to date, however, suggest that bortezomib may be able to overcome the poor prognostic
impact of some genetic subtypes, such as t(4;14) disease.
• Novel agents have increased the overall and complete remission rates if used pre-ASCT
(Grade A1)
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 29 of 99
• Confirmation is needed that these higher response rates translate into longer PFS and OS
after ASCT (Grade C2)
• Further data regarding a number of combinations are required, particularly those containing
more than one novel agent (Grade C2)
7.5 Stem cell harvesting after induction therapy including novel agents
In addition to the steps described in Section 6, effective treatment of myeloma is the most successful
way of ensuring renal recovery. Regimens that can be used without dose reduction in renal
impairment and that produce the highest response rate and most rapid responses should theoretically
produce the highest rates of renal recovery. It is essential to understand how agents should be used in
the presence of renal impairment to ensure maximal safety and efficacy (see Table 12).
There are limited data on the clinical use of lenalidomide in renal failure but a pharmacokinetic study
in patients with varying degrees of renal impairment following a single dose of lenalidomide 25 mg
orally showed that lenalidomide is substantially excreted by the kidneys (Chen et al, 2007) with a mean
urinary recovery of unchanged lenalidomide of 84% of the dose in subjects with normal renal function.
Recovery declined to 43% in subjects with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min),
and still further in end stage renal impairment. This study also showed that a 4-h haemodialysis
removed 31% of lenalidomide. Lenalidomide should be used with caution and appropriate dose
reductions in patients with renal impairment because of the increased risk of cytopenias.
Recommended dose reductions for patients with renal impairment are shown in Table D of Appendix
• Dexamethasone alone can be given as initial treatment pending decisions on
subsequent chemotherapy and the outcome of full supportive measures (Grade B1)
• Melphalan can be considered for patients with renal impairment in whom other
regimens may be relatively contraindicated. The dose should be reduced by 25% in the
first course if GFR < 30 ml/min and titrated against marrow toxicity in subsequent
courses (Grade C2)
• Cyclophosphamide can be used with a dose reduction of 25% if the GFR is 10-50
ml/min, and of 50% if GFR is less than 10 ml/min and titrated in subsequent courses
according to response (Grade A1)
Primary Refractory myeloma is defined as disease that is non-responsive in patients who have never
achieved a minimal response or better with any therapy. It includes patients who never achieve MR or
better in whom there is no significant change in M protein and no evidence of clinical progression and
also patients with progressive disease(Rajkumar et al, 2011). The principles of managing primary
refractory disease differ depending on whether the patient is still considered a candidate for high dose
• All patients should be considered for entry into a clinical trial (Grade A1)
• For patients intolerant of thalidomide, or refractory to first-line therapy, a bortezomib-based
salvage regimen is recommended. (Grade B2)
• Patients with ≥grade 2 peripheral neuropathy should receive a lenalidomide-based regimen
(Grade B1)
There is more than 20 years experience of HDT and ASCT in the management of myeloma since
the efficacy of high dose melphalan in the treatment of high-risk myeloma and plasma cell leukaemia
was first reported (McElwain and Powles 1983). ASCT has become the first line standard of care in
those deemed biologically fit enough for this option mainly because of the low transplant-related
mortality (TRM) and prolongation of EFS resulting in improved quality of life. Four pivotal
randomized studies have been published comparing combination chemotherapy with a high dose
approach as first-line therapy for newly diagnosed myeloma patients aged up to 65 years. In most of
these studies, maintenance IFN was given in both arms. The results of these studies are summarized
in Table 6 of Appendix 3.
9.1 Conditioning
High dose melphalan (200 mg/m2) remains the standard conditioning prior to ASCT. Recent studies
have shown that the dose of melphalan can be increased to 220 mg/m2 (Garban et al, 2006), with
improved PFS compared with historical controls, or to 240–300 mg/m2, in combination with
amifostine, (Reece et al 2006) but at the cost of increased toxicity. The addition of total body
irradiation (TBI) results in increased toxicity (Moreau et al, 2002) with no improvement in response
rate or PFS, whilst combination chemotherapy increases the toxicity (Benson et al, 2007; Capria et al,
2006; Vela-Ojeda et al, 2007). Bortezomib has shown synergistic effects with melphalan without
prolonged haematological toxicity. The recently reported IFM phase II study enrolled 54 untreated
patients to receive bortezomib (1 mg/m2 x 4) and melphalan (200 mg/m2) as conditioning regimen
(Roussel et al, 2010). The authors reported a response ≥VGPR in 70% of patients and 32% CR. No
toxic deaths were observed with minimal peripheral neuropathy. Due to limited follow-up, response
durability data are not yet available (Roussel et al, 2010).
9.2 Age
Though to date randomized controlled data (RCT) data on use of ASCT have related mostly to
patients ≤65 years, results have indicated that, in selected patients aged >65 years, outcomes are
similar to those in younger patients (Jantunen 2006; Reece et al, 2003; Siegel et al, 1999). Data from
the ABMTR (Reece et al, 2003) comparing the outcome of 110 patients aged >60 years with 382
patients aged <60 years showed no difference in TRM, EFS or OS. Over 70 years, the toxicity of
melphalan 200 mg/m2 is increased, with a TRM of 16% reported in one series (Badros et al, 2001a).
An alternative HDT is modified/intermediate dose melphalan, as reported by (Palumbo et al, 2004),
where 2 cycles of intermediate dose melphalan (100 mg/m2; IDM) with PBSC support was compared
with 6 cycles of MP in patients aged 65-70 years in a RCT, demonstrating a median OS of 58 months
with IDM compared to 37.2 months for MP. Kumar et al (2008b) compared a group of 33 patients
≥70 years at the time of HDT with a group of 60 patients <65 years. Despite the fact that more of
the elderly patients received a reduced dose of melphalan, the overall response rate and TTP was
similar between the two groups. These results indicate that ASCT can be safely performed in
patients aged >65 years if care is taken with patient selection, taking into account pre-existing co-
morbidities and performance status. Limited data exist to demonstrate that stem cell yields in
mobilized blood of patients >60 years are lower and that this can affect platelet recovery (Fietz et al,
2004; Morris et al, 2003).
• HDT with ASCT should be part of primary treatment in newly diagnosed patients up to the
age of 65 years with adequate performance status and organ function (Grade C1)
• HDT with ASCT should be considered in patients aged >65 years with good performance
status (Grade C1)
• Conditioning with melphalan alone, without TBI, is recommended (Grade B1). The usual
dose is 200 mg/m2 but this should be reduced in older patients (over 65-70 years) and those
with renal failure (see below)
• Planned double (“tandem”) ASCT cannot be recommended on the current evidence.
However, it is recommended that enough stem cells are collected to support two high dose
procedures in patients with good performance status (Grade B1)
• Purging is not of clinical benefit and is not therefore recommended (Grade C1)
• HDT and ASCT may be considered for patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine
clearance/GFR <30 ml/min) but the dose of melphalan should be reduced to a maximum of
140 mg/m2 (Grade B2) and the procedure should only be carried out in a centre with special
expertise and specialist nephrology support (Grade C1)
10.1 Myeloablative (full intensity, FI) allogeneic matched family donor (MFD) stem cell
AlloSCT can result in long-term disease-free survival but its role in the management of patients with
myeloma has been controversial because of the high TRM and morbidity, primarily related to co-
morbidities and advanced age (Gahrton et al, 1991). However, outcomes have improved significantly
over time. In cohorts transplanted from 1983-1993 and 1994-1998, TRM decreased from 46% to
30% (Gahrton et al, 2001). Three key studies in the area of FI AlloSCT have reported results: the US
intergroup (Barlogie et al 2006a), the Hovon group (Lokhorst et al, 2003) and BSBMT (Hunter et al,
2005). These results are summarized in Table 8. The reported TRM of 34-54% demonstrated the
limitations of this type of conditioning despite the long-term EFS of 22-36% and OS 28-44% with
Patient selection through careful pre-transplant assessment is important. Co-morbidity scores may
be of value, and may be of greater significance than biological age. Outcome after FI AlloSCT is
inferior in patients transplanted beyond first remission or in patients with refractory disease
(Crawley et al, 2005; Maloney et al, 2003). The remission status post-transplant is also important,
with the achievement of a molecular CR being associated with a very low risk of relapse (Corradini
et al, 2003). Prior ASCT is associated with poorer outcomes with myeloablative conditioning
(Crawley et al, 2007; Hunter et al, 2005). A negative impact on outcome is also seen with a
prolonged time to transplant and with donor/recipient sex-mismatching.
The purest ‘proof of principle’ of the activity of a graft-versus-myeloma (GvM) effect is the efficacy
of donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) at the time of relapse of disease. The largest series reported
(Lokhorst et al, 2004), demonstrated that there is clearly a DLI-mediated GvM. Importantly, tumour
response was strongly associated with the presence of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). These data
indicate that GvM and GvHD are closely related and largely overlapping phenomena. There are
emerging data that concurrent treatment with DLI and novel therapies can increase response rates
(Kröger et al, 2004). DLI should be considered for patients with relapsed/persistent disease.
To reduce TRM and to permit the application of AlloSCT to older, less fit patients, reduced
intensity conditioned AlloSCT (RIC AlloSCT) has been explored. Several studies have shown that
this approach is feasible with a significant reduction in TRM. As the conditioning is less
cytoreductive, RIC transplants are dependent to a large extent on GvM. One strategy is to perform
sequential ASCT/RIC AlloSCT such that minimal disease burden is present at the time of AlloSCT,
allowing time for the GvM to be effective. The results of a number of these studies are summarized
in Table 8 of Appendix 3. The Seattle group has studied this approach using sequential ASCT
followed by a T-replete, low-dose TBI-based RIC AlloSCT (Maloney et al, 2003). A day 100 TRM of
0% and 48 month OS and PFS values of 69% and 45% respectively have been reported, with a low
incidence of acute but a high incidence of chronic GvHD.
A number of Phase II studies have reported similar findings (Le Blanc et al, 2001; Gerull et al, 2005;
Mohty et al, 2004; Perez-Simon et al, 2003; Rotta et al, 2009). In these studies, the presence of
chronic GvHD was associated with the achievement of CR and OS/PFS. In a retrospective EBMT
study, Crawley et al (2005) showed that the best outcomes were associated with the development
of limited chronic GvHD, with T cell depletion being associated with significantly higher relapse
rates. Taken together, these data suggest that clinically effective GvM is intimately associated with
GvHD and that, by implication, strategies designed to abrogate GvHD could have deleterious effects
Several “biological” (donor versus no donor) studies have been reported (Garban et al, 2006; Bruno
et al, 2007; Rosinol et al, 2008), summarized in Table 7 of Appendix 3. TRM rates of <20% are
reported with 29 - 80% EFS and 41 - 80% OS resulting from short and variable reported follow-up. In
these studies, differences in patient selection/ characteristics (eg. del l3q, high Β2-microglobulin
patients versus unselected) conditioning and GvHD incidence are likely to have resulted in the
observed differences in outcomes. In at least one of the studies, there were no event-free survivors at
5 years (Garban et al, 2006). Recently, longer term results (median follow up 6.3 years) of 102 patients
from the Italian group have been published (Rotta et al, 2009). Forty-two percent of patients
developed grade 2 - 4 acute GvHD and 74% extensive chronic GvHD. Five-year OS and PFS were 64%
and 36%, respectively but the median time to relapse was 5 years. Theses data indicate a continuing
problem with relapse, including late events and extramedullary relapse and the high rate of chronic
GvHD is likely to result in further TRM. No prospective trials have compared ablative with RIC
AlloSCT in this setting. However, an EBMT analysis (Crawley et al, 2007) has shown similar OS with
both approaches. RIC AlloSCT patients had a lower TRM but a higher relapse rate and lower PFS.
In many diseases, outcomes with MUD AlloSCT have improved with time and, in many settings, have
become equivalent to matched sibling transplantation. However, retrospective studies in myeloma
have shown a significantly higher TRM than with sibling AlloSCT (Shaw et al, 2003) and as a result,
myeloablative MUD AlloSCT is not currently recommended and should only be carried out in the
context of prospective clinical trials.
The role of RIC MUD AlloSCT remains to be defined although encouraging results have been
reported, with short-term TRM of approximately 20% (Kröger et al, 2002; Shaw et al, 2003). Further
prospective trials are warranted in order to better define the role of RIC MUD AlloSCT for patients
with myeloma.
• Treatment decisions that involve AlloSCT are some of the most difficult for patients.
Patients need to be fully informed and involved in the decision making process. Young
patients with matched sibling donors who are interested in pursuing curative therapy should
be referred to a haematologist with an interest in allografting myeloma patients so that they
gain an understanding of the risks and benefits of this procedure (Grade C2)
• Allogeneic SCT should be carried out in EBMT accredited centres where data are collected
prospectively as part of international transplant registries and, where possible, should be
carried out in the context of a clinical trial (Grade A1)
• Allogeneic transplant procedures for patients with myeloma in first response should only be
considered for selected groups because of the risk of significant transplant-related morbidity
and mortality (Grade C2).
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 39 of 99
• A myeloablative MFD AlloSCT should only be considered in selected patients up to the age
of 40 years who have achieved at least a partial response to initial therapy (Grade C2).
• A myeloablative MUD AlloSCT is not recommended except in the context of a clinical trial
(Grade C2).
• A RIC MFD or MUD AlloSCT is a clinical option for selected patients preferably in the
context of a clinical trial. If carried out, RIC AlloSCT should generally be performed
following an autograft, early in the disease course in patients with responsive disease (Grade
• DLI should be considered for patients with persistent or progressive disease following
transplantation or for mixed chimerism. If given for disease progression, cytoreduction
should probably be carried out first (Grade C2). Effective doses of DLI are associated with
a significant risk of GVHD
With the introduction of new agents, there is increasing interest in the role of maintenance therapy.
No benefit has been demonstrated for the role of maintenance with chemotherapy (Belch et al,
1988; Drayson et al, 1998).
Many studies of IFN-α as maintenance have been carried out and have given conflicting results, but a
meta-analysis of randomized trials (Fritz and Ludwig 2000) showed that although IFN-α results in
moderate prolongation of PFS, the benefit in terms of OS is only minimal. In addition, IFN-α is
associated with significant toxicity - in one trial more than one third of patients had to discontinue
treatment due to side-effects (Schaar et al, 2005). This toxicity, the marginal benefits and the
associated cost of long-term treatment have meant that IFN-α maintenance is no longer considered
standard therapy.
11.2. Glucocorticoids
Corticosteroid maintenance was evaluated in 125 patients who were treated with either 50 mg or
10 mg of prednisolone on alternate days after induction therapy with VAD (Berenson et al, 2002).
Therapy was continued until disease progression. EFS was significantly longer in the 50 mg group (14
vs. 5 months, p=0.003) as well as OS (37 vs. 26 months, p=0.05). This effect was not confirmed,
however, in a multi-centre Canadian study, which randomized 292 patients to dexamethasone
maintenance after induction treatment with either MP or M-Dex (Shustik et al, 2007). PFS was
improved in the dexamethasone arm (2.8 years vs. 2.1 years, p=0.0002) but no difference in OS was
observed. In addition, there were significantly more non-haematological toxicities reported in the
11.3. Thalidomide
11.4 Bortezomib
Bortezomib in the maintenance setting has been shown to be beneficial following stem cell
transplantation in a large phase III randomized study with superior response and PFS rates in the
PAD arm compared to thalidomide in the VAD arm (Sonneveld et al, 2008). In elderly patients,
bortezomib (in combination with either thalidomide or prednisolone) maintenance has been studied
following induction therapy with either bortezomib, melphalan and prednisolone (VMP) or
bortezomib, thalidomide and prednisolone (VTP) (Mateos et al, 2010). 178 patients were randomly
assigned into either maintenance arm for up to 3 years. A complete remission rate of 42% was
achieved after maintenance therapy (44% bortezomib plus thalidomide, 39% bortezomib plus
prednisolone). This was an improvement of response rates after induction of 28% in the VTP group
and 20% in the VMP group. After maintenance, no grade 3 haematological toxicities and low level
peripheral neuropathy (2% bortezomib plus prednisolone, 7% bortezomib plus thalidomide) was
detected. In another study of newly diagnosed elderly patients, maintenance with bortezomib plus
thalidomide did not increase the response to induction with the 4-drug combination of VMP plus
thalidomide (VMPT) (Boccadoro et al, 2010).
Large data sets from randomized studies of traditional chemotherapy in relapsed patients do not
exist. The largest randomized studies in this setting have employed the newer agents, and include
the comparison of bortezomib against dexamethasone, and the comparison of lenalidomide and
dexamethasone against dexamethasone alone (Richardson et al, 2005; Dimopoulos et al, 2007;
Weber et al, 2007). Despite this lack of randomized data, some principles can be identified, based on
published studies and UK experience, which may influence the choice of treatment at relapse. These
i. Re-exposure to the same treatment used at presentation is associated with increased rates of
treatment resistance. Short remission duration with a given treatment is a strong indicator to
employ an alternative regimen
ii. Single agent activity of the novel agents is limited and these agents should normally be given in
combination to maximize benefit
Because of disease heterogeneity and variability in patient-specific factors including co-morbidities
and the persistence of toxicities related to previous therapy, there can be no standard approach
recommended for the treatment at relapse. However, some of the evidence informing
recommendations for the treatment of relapsed myeloma in the UK is summarized below.
The 3 agents most often used in treating relapsed patients are thalidomide, bortezomib and
lenalidomide. They are generally used in combination with corticosteroids (pulsed or weekly
dexamethasone), and sometimes an alkylating agent, most commonly cyclophosphamide. The
evidence for efficacy and issues relating to toxicity for each are summarized below.
Numerous studies have confirmed the efficacy of thalidomide in the relapsed and refractory setting
with a response rate of 30-40% when used alone (Barlogie et al, 2001) and 60% when used in
combination with dexamethasone (Dimopoulos et al, 2001; Palumbo et al, 2001). Synergy has been
further demonstrated by the observation that when thalidomide is combined with dexamethasone in
patients documented to be refractory to both drugs given separately (not necessarily sequentially)
up to 25% of patients will respond to the combination (Weber et al, 1999). The response rate is
Response to therapy is rapid with responding patients showing a decline in their M-protein in the
first 28 days, although the maximal response occurs considerably later than this (Waage et al, 2004).
The optimal dose remains unclear. Although in the original studies the target dose was 800 mg/day
this is rarely achievable and in a meta-analysis the median tolerated dose was 400 mg/day
(Glasmacher et al, 2006). The optimal duration of therapy has also not been defined. To date most
studies have dosed until progression or adverse events required discontinuation; in the CTD
regimen a maximum of 6 courses is usually given although in the relapse setting it is common for
thalidomide alone to be continued after completion.
Bortezomib has US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Union (EU) licensing for
patients with relapsed myeloma and NICE approval as monotherapy for patients at first relapse. In a
phase III study, 669 patients with relapsed myeloma were randomized to either bortezomib or high
dose dexamethasone (Richardson et al, 2005), bortezomib demonstrated superiority with an
updated response rate of 42% compared to 18% in the dexamethasone group (P<0.001) and an
advantage in both TTP (median 6.22 months vs 3.49 months, p<0.001) and OS (p< 0.001)
(Richardson et al, 2007) despite more than 60% cross-over to bortezomib from the dexamethasone
arm. In addition, 56% of patients improved their initial response with continued therapy, suggesting a
potential role for extended therapy.
Phase II data indicate improvement in response when dexamethasone is added in patients with a
sub-optimal response to bortezomib alone (Richardson et al, 2003). This is consistent with in vitro
data of additive cytotoxicity (Hideshima et al, 2001) and provides the rationale for the use of
bortezomib with dexamethasone at the commencement of therapy. In these studies, bortezomib
was administered twice a week by intravenous bolus for two weeks of a 21-day cycle up to a
maximum of 8 cycles, although the majority of responses occurred within three cycles.
Dexamethasone was given at 20 mg on the day of and the day after each bortezomib dose.
Many studies combining bortezomib with chemotherapeutic or other novel agents have also been
performed in the relapsed setting. A large phase III study comparing bortezomib and liposomal
doxorubicin to bortezomib alone demonstrated superior response rates and response duration for
the combination (Orlowski et al, 2007). Data from numerous phase II trials demonstrate other
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 44 of 99
combination approaches to be safe with higher response rates than with single agents. However,
longer follow up and data from randomized phase III studies are awaited.
In the EU, lenalidomide is licensed in combination with dexamethasone for the treatment of
myeloma patients who have received at least one prior therapy and, in the UK, recent National
Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance has approved the drug also in combination with
dexamethasone for the treatment of patients at second or greater relapse.
Lenalidomide is given at a dose of 25 mg/day orally for 21 days out of a 28-day cycle (Richardson et
al, 2002) with dexamethasone initially with three 40 mg/day for 4 day pulses per cycle, reducing to a
single pulse in subsequent cycles. Two phase III randomized, multi-centre, double-blind, placebo-
controlled studies using identical protocols have been carried out comparing its use to
dexamethasone alone (results summarized in (Dimopoulos et al, 2009a)). Results of the studies were
similar, showing significantly higher overall response rates in the lenalidomide/dexamethasone group
compared to the control group (60.6% versus 21.9%, p<0.001). At a median follow up of 48 months,
a pooled analysis of the 2 trials showed TTP and OS were also significantly longer in the
lenalidomide/dexamethasone group despite the fact that patients in the dexamethasone only arm
were allowed to receive lenalidomide treatment at relapse, and following the early unblinding of
these 2 studies, patients randomized to dexamethasone alone were offered lenalidomide
(Dimopoulos et al, 2009a).
Further analysis of these phase III trial results suggests that higher response rates and improved TTP
is achieved in patients treated at first relapse, compared to those treated at subsequent relapse
(65% versus 58% and 71 weeks versus 41 weeks respectively), although the outcomes for patients
treated later in their disease course were still significantly higher in the lenalidomide/dexamethasone
arms (Stadtmauer et al, 2009). Patients who had been exposed to thalidomide also benefited from
lenalidomide (54% response rate vs 15% in the dexamethasone arm) although response rates were
slightly lower compared to patients who had not been previously exposed to thalidomide (63% and
27% for lenalidomide/dexamethasone and dexamethasone respectively) (Wang et al, 2006). Grade 3
or 4 neutropenia or thrombocytopenia occurred in 35% and 13%, respectively, in patients receiving
lenalidomide and dexamethasone for relapsed myeloma (Dimopoulos et al, 2009a).
High dose therapy and stem cell transplantation may be considered in patients who have not had a
prior stem cell transplant (Fermand et al, 1998). A second transplant can also be an effective strategy
in selected patients who relapse more than 18 months after an initial autograft and this is currently
under investigation in a randomized trial in the UK. This is discussed in more detail in section 9.4.
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 45 of 99
12.3 Combinations of novel agents and newer anti-myeloma therapies
Ongoing phase II and III studies are comparing combinations of the above agents as therapy both at
relapse and in the front line setting. Initial results are very promising and suggest that combinations
of lenalidomide, bortezomib and dexamethasone, and bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone
are well tolerated and give high response rates.
In addition, the safety and efficacy of a number of novel anti-myeloma therapies is currently being
explored in clinical trials, either as single agents or in combination with more traditional
chemotherapeutics. Examples include target-specific compounds such as AKT, fibroblast growth
factor receptor 3 and interleukin-6 inhibitors, heat shock protein 90 inhibitors and chromatin
structure modifiying agents, such as histone deacetylase inhibitors and demethylating agents. Pre-
clinical in-vitro and in-vivo studies are encouraging but there is currently not enough clinical evidence to
support their use outside of clinical trials.
Some patients may relapse with local disease, eg. spinal plasmacytoma, with little evidence of active
disease elsewhere. Such patients, especially if they are beyond first relapse, may be treated with local
radiotherapy, avoiding the additional toxicity of systemic therapy, which would be an option for
subsequent disease re-activation.
Decisions regarding treatment at relapse should be made according to a number of factors including
the timing of relapse, efficacy and toxicity of drugs used in prior therapy (eg peripheral neuropathy),
age, BM and renal function, co-morbidities (eg. diabetes) and patient preference. A suggested
algorithm (see Appendix 5) takes these factors into account and provides broad guidance but it
should be noted that the evidence for recommending one treatment over another at specific time
points does not always exist. Despite this, there are a number of common treatment pathways
developed in the UK on the background of trial evidence, experience and NICE approvals. As far as
possible, treatment should be individualized and it should be recognized that it is not necessarily
Many patients in the UK will receive a thalidomide-based therapy at induction +/- HDT/ASCT. It is
recommended that these patients should be considered for bortezomib +/- steroids and/or
chemotherapy at first relapse. For some, this will not be considered the best therapy eg. patients
with pre-existing neuropathy, immobility, lack of venous access, or patient choice. Patients who
have enjoyed a long first plateau phase (>18 months) following their initial therapy, and are
unsuitable for bortezomib may be treated with the same regimen. Many patients will have
responded to thalidomide as their initial therapy, and such patients are likely to respond again at
relapse. The use of a second ASCT is discussed below and in Section 9.4.
Patients at second and subsequent relapse, or patients at first relapse intolerant of thalidomide or
bortezomib should be considered for lenalidomide. Patients presenting in renal failure should be
treated on a bortezomib-containing regimen, to achieve rapid reduction in light chain load to the
kidneys, and maximize chances of regaining renal function.
Provision of information and support for patients and their carers is essential if a patient is to come to
terms with their diagnosis and make informed decisions about treatment options. It will also enable
them to understand the importance of compliance with treatment regimens that can be demanding.
Myeloma is an individual cancer affecting patients and their carers in many physical, emotional and
social ways. Therefore, information and support should, if possible, be tailored to individual needs.
As a minimum, it is important for patients and their families to understand the disease and the aims
and risks of treatment and that, although treatment is not curative, it will relieve symptoms, prolong
survival and improve quality of life; the positive aspects of treatment need to be stressed. They
should be aware that their treatment and care will have been discussed and agreed by an MDT and
should be given the details of key workers. Patients should be told about appropriate clinical studies
and be given a sufficient level of information and time to make an informed decision as to whether
to take part or not. Patients with myeloma should be aware of support networks in the community;
the specialist team should provide patients and their families with information on local support
networks, whether these are specific to myeloma or in relation to cancer generally.
Finally, the symptoms of myeloma and the side-effects of treatment may result in long-term disability
and preclude many patients from returning to work. High-dose and conventional chemotherapy
regimens also make employment impractical for periods of several months. Patients commonly need
advice on socio-economic problems resulting from the condition and its treatment. The specialist
team needs to be able to provide information on state benefits, e.g. Disability Living Allowance, and
other appropriate social services.
Key recommendations
• The diagnosis needs to be communicated honestly to the patient and their family without
• Information should be communicated in a quiet area with privacy, ideally in the company of a
close relative and with the presence of a specialist nurse. The information needs of the patient’s
family need to be facilitated wherever possible
• Patients and their partners / carers should be given time to ask appropriate questions once they
have been given the diagnosis; this may be best be done after an interval of a few hours or days
• Treatment plans need to be communicated simply to the patient and his / her carer and should
be clearly written in the case record so that the information is readily accessible to other
members of the multi-disciplinary specialist team
• Patients need to be informed of the names of the key members of the specialist team who are in
charge of their care and given clear information on access to advice/support from the team
2013 update of 2010 Guideline Page 48 of 99
• At the end of a consultation it is recommended that patients and their family / carers have
written information on the condition. It should also guide patients and their family / carers on
access to other information services.
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Kapoor, P., Kumar, S., Fonseca, R., Lacy, M.Q., Witzig, T.E., Hayman, S.R., Dispenzieri, A.,
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Kastritis, E., Anagnostopoulos, A., Roussou, M., Gika, D., Matsouka, C., Barmparousi, D.,
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Quantification of
X-ray of Skeletal Skeletal survey Skeletal survey MRI
symptomatic survey CT scan
FBC, full blood count; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FISH, Fluorescence in situ hybridization; SFLC,
serum-free light chain; MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging; CT, Computerized tomography.
*If flow cytometry is performed, most plasma cells (> 90%) will show a ‘neoplastic’ phenotype.
Some patients may have no symptoms but have related organ or tissue impairment.
** No specific concentration required for diagnosis. A small percentage of patients have no
detectable M-protein in serum or urine but do have myeloma-related organ impairment (ROTI) and
increased bone marrow plasma cells (non-secretory myeloma)
*Anaemia Haemoglobin 20 g/l below the lower limit of normal or haemoglobin <100
*Bone lesions Lytic lesions or osteoporosis with compression fractures
(MRI or CT may clarify)
Other Symptomatic hyperviscosity, amyloidosis, recurrent bacterial infections (>
2 episodes in 12 months)
• Cytopenias: regular blood count monitoring is required (weekly for first 2 courses);
patients may need G-CSF
• Venous thromboembolism: thromboprophylaxis is recommended (see section 7.3.2
for recommendations)
• Constipation
• FatigueNeuropathy less frequent than with thalidomide or bortezomib. Lenalidomide
may be appropriate for patients with either disease or treatment-related neuropathy
but those with pre-existing neuropathy may develop worsening symptoms.
• Skin rash
• Muscle cramps
• Thyroid dysfunction
• Diarrhoea, particularly with long-term usage
Doxorubicin no no
Dexamethasone no no
Strong (grade 1): Strong recommendations (grade 1) are made when there is confidence that the benefits do
or do not outweigh harm and burden. Grade 1 recommendations can be applied uniformly to most patients.
Regard as 'recommend'.
Weak (grade 2): Where the magnitude of benefit or not is less certain a weaker grade 2 recommendation is
made. Grade 2 recommendations require judicious application to individual patients. Regard as ‘suggest’.
Table 2
The quality of evidence is graded as high (A), moderate (B) or low (C). To put this in context it is useful to
consider the uncertainty of knowledge and whether further research could change what we know or our
(A) High Further research is very unlikely to change confidence in the estimate of effect. Current evidence
derived from randomised clinical trials without important limitations.
(B) Moderate Further research may well have an important impact on confidence in the estimate of effect
and may change the estimate. Current evidence derived from randomised clinical trials with important
limitations (e.g. inconsistent results, imprecision - wide confidence intervals or methodological flaws - e.g. lack of
blinding, large losses to follow up, failure to adhere to intention to treat analysis),or very strong evidence from
observational studies or case series (e.g. large or very large and consistent estimates of the magnitude of a
treatment effect or demonstration of a dose-response gradient).
(C) Low Further research is likely to have an important impact on confidence in the estimate of effect and is
likely to change the estimate. Current evidence from observational studies, case series or just opinion.
Adverse effects on renal function have been reported with the nitrogen-containing
bisphosphonates (pamidronate and zoledronic acid) and are most likely if the recommended
dose or rate of infusion is exceeded (Barri et al, 2004; Berenson et al, 1998; Chang et al, 2003;
Rosen et al, 2001). Although acute renal dysfunction may be reversible, renal impairment due
to acute tubular necrosis may result in chronic renal failure. Pamidronate has also been
associated with nephrotic syndrome due to a collapsing variant of focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis, which can lead to end-stage renal failure. Patients with pre-existing renal
impairment are thought to be particularly susceptible to bisphosphonate-induced renal
damage. It is essential to check the creatinine before each infusion of pamidronate and
zoledronic acid and withhold the next dose until the renal function has returned to within
10% of the baseline value.
Pamidronate: slower infusion rate (20 mg/h) if mild to moderate renal impairment; not
recommended if creatinine clearance <30 ml/min.
Zoledronic acid: Reduced dosing recommended in patients with creatinine clearance 30-60
ml/min; not recommended if serum creatinine >35 µmol/l.
Potentially this would mean that patients with severe renal failure including those on dialysis could not
be treated with a bisphosphonate.
However the SPC for Pamidronate states that ‘Pamidronate should not be administered to patients
with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min) unless in case of life-threatening
tumour induced hypercalcaemia where the benefit outweighs the potential risk’, although does not
make dose recommendations in this circumstance.
In addition there is wide clinical experience of using 30mg of pamidronate in patients with severe
renal impairment and appears safe if administered at a slower rate of 2-4 h. Its use should be in
consultation with a renal physician. (Grade C Evidence level IV)
Return to ≥ 0.5 x 109/l when neutropenia is the only Resume lenalidomide at starting dose once
observed toxicity daily
TAD vs VAD (402)* 72% vs. 54% (p<0.001) 7 vs 3 Lokhorst et al, 2010
TD vs VAD (204)* NA 24.7 vs 7.3# Macro et al, 2006
T-VAD- doxil (117) vs 81.2 vs 62.6 (p=0.003) 15.4 vs 12.2 (Zervas et al, 2007)
VAD-doxil (115)
CTD vs C-VAD 87.1 vs 74.8 19.4 vs 9.4 Morgan et al, 2009
those where induction therapy was followed by planned SCT are marked *.
# only VGPR reported
TD, thalidomide plus dexamethasone (dex); TAD, thalidomide, doxorubicin,
dexamethasone; VAD, vincristine, doxorubicin, dexamethasone; T-VAD, VAD plus
thalidomide; C-VAD, VAD plus cyclophosphamide; CTD, cyclophosphamide, thalidomide
and dexamethasone.
* after 4 cycles of treatment (90 of these patients proceeded to stem cell transplant)
* This study involved a 3-way randomization, including an arm consisting of standard induction
followed by intermediate dose melphalan and stem cell rescue.
** CR/nCR only reported
(n)CR, (near) complete response; PR, partial response; MPT, melphalan, prednisolone, thalidomide;
MP, melphalan, prednisolone; MEL100, melphalan 100 mg/m2.
Conventional 100 8% @ 7 years 25% @ 7 years Attal et al, 1996;
SCT 100 16% @7 years 43% @ 7 years Harousseau et al, 2005
Myeloma VII
Conventional 200 32 20 Child et al, 2003
SCT 201 54 months 42
Conventional 83 34 67 Blade et al, 2001
SCT 81 43 67
EFS, event-free survival; OS, overall survival; SCT stem cell transplantation.
*patients with poor-risk disease as defined by the presence of deletion 13q by FISH along with
elevated B2-microglobulin (> 3 mg/L)
**patients failing to achieve at least near complete remission (nCR) after first ASCT
# patients underwent biological randomization to receive either RIC-allo after first ASCT or
maintenance therapy
S = significant p value
NS = non-significant p value
Conditioning Regimen n CR % TRM % EFS (%) OS (%) Ref
Cyclophosphamide/TBI 39 47.2 31.5 13.3 (5 years) 28.1 (5 years) Hunter et al, 2005
Melphalan/TBI 78 54.7 35.3 36.2 (5 years) 44.1 (5 years) Hunter et al, 2005
Bu/Cyclo/TBI 15 53.3 17 31 (6 years) 77 (6 years) Kroger et al, 2003
Cyclo/TBI (+/-Idarubicin) 53 19 34 median 18 months median 25 months Lokhorst et al, 2003
Cyclo/TBI 53 22 (7 years) 39 (7 years) Barlogie et al, 2006a
Mel/TBI 72 38 22 31.4 (10 years) 39.9 (10 years) Kuruvilla et al, 2007
Conditioning Regimen n CR TRM EFS (%) OS (%) Ref
Flu/Bu/ATG 41 24 17 41 (2 years) 62 (2 years) Mohty et al, 2004
Flu/TBI200Gy 52 27 17 29.4 (1.5 years) 41 (1.5 years) Gerull et al, 2005
ASCT→Flu/TBI200Gy 16 62 16 36 (3 years) 62 (3 years) Bruno et al, 2007
ASCT→Flu/Bu 46 33 11 - 57 (2 years) Garhton et al, 2001
ASCT→Flu/Mel/ATG 17 73 18 56 (2 years) 74 (2 years) Kroger et al, 2002
ASCT→TBI200Gy 54 57 7 45 (4 years) 69 (4 years) Maloney et al, 2003
ASCT→ Flu/Bu/ATG 65 62.2 10.9 median 32 months median 35 months Garban et al, 2006
ASCT→Flu/Mel/TBI200Gy 45 64 36 13 (3 years) 36 (3 years) Lee et al, 2003b
[Non-relapse/Ref] 12 - - 80 (3 years) 80 (3 years)
0 1 2 3 4
Mild tingling not Numbness, cramps, Numbness, burning or Severe pain and
interfering with function burning sensation or pain, Interfering with permanent loss of
stabbing pain. Not ADL function
interfering with activities
of daily living (ADL)
Life threatening
Mild pain not interfering Moderate pain; pain or Severe pain; pain or
None analgesics interfering analgesics severely consequences
with function
with function but not interfering with ADL
with ADL
None 2-5 episodes in 24 hours >5 episodes in 24 hrs
may require IV Fluids requiring IV Fluids Life threatening
1 episode in 24 hours consequences