Philippine Literature: Spanish Colonization Period
Philippine Literature: Spanish Colonization Period
Philippine Literature: Spanish Colonization Period
Many Our
Ancient grammar
literature was books were periodicals
collected and printed in during these
translated to Filipino, like times gained
Tagalog and Tagalog,
Ilocano and a religious
other dialects. Visayan tone.
It contained the: COMMANDMENT
1. Attend Mass on
Sundays and on holy
- Pater Noster (Out Father) days of obligation and
rest from servile labor 7 Mortal Sins
- Ave Maria (Hail Mary), 2. Confess sins at least
- Regina Coeli (Hail Holy Queen), once a year. Gluttony
3. Receive the sacrament Greed
- the Ten Commandments of God, of the Eucharist at least Sloth
once during the Easter
- the Commandments of the Catholic season. Wrath
Church, 4. Observe the days of
fasting and abstinence Pride
- the Seven Mortal Sins, established by the
- How to Confess, 5. Help to provide for the
- and the Cathecism. needs of the Church.
Doctrina Cristiana
It contained the:
- Biographies of
- Novenas,
- Questions and
Answers on
3. Libro de los Cuatro Postprimeras de Hombre (in Spanish and Tagalog).
- Death
- Judgement
- Hell
- Glory
Barlaan – An old Priest from
Josephat – A prince that wants to be
baptize as Christian
Abenir – Father of josephat
Barachias – Found the tomb of
Barlaan and Josephat
6. Urbana at Felisa.
A book by Modesto de Castro, the so called Father of Classic
Prose in Tagalog.
“Ama ng Tuluyang Klasika sa Tagalog “
The first book in The best language book The first Ilocano
Pampanga written by in Visayan by Mateo grammar book by
Fr. Diego in 1732. Sanchez in 1711. Francisco Lopez.
FOLK SONGS Atin Cu Pung Singsing
The Cantata is chanted like the In the Hablada the lines are
Passion. The Cenaculo is written spoken in a more deliberate
in octosyllabic verse, with 8 verses manner showing the rhythmic
to the stanza. The full length measure of each verse and the
rhyming in each stanza and is
versions take about 3 nights of
more dignified in theme.
staging. Performers come in
costumes with wigs and
performers are carefully chosen
for their virtuous life. One
performs the role of Jesus Christ
and another the role of the Virgin
The Zarzuela Panunuluyan
.– considered the father of the – this is presented before 12:00 on
drama; Christmas Eve.