Oblicon Notes Uribe
Oblicon Notes Uribe
Oblicon Notes Uribe
Memorize definitions
1. A and B are heirs of X. X is indebted to Y. Y demanded payment upon death of X. A and B paid
5M to Y. They later found out that the value of X’s estate was only 2M.
a. Is there a natural obligation? Yes. 3M was a natural obligation.
b. Can heirs demand from Y for the excess of the value of the estate? No, Y has the right to
retain. However, it cannot be said
1429 in relation to 1123
Saludado vs FEU
- Guard will be liable under delict. Employer (security agency) will also be liable under delict for
subsidirialy liable (exhaust the guard’s assets first before recovering from employer)
- School was liable under contract. Contract provides that students peaceful environment
conducive to learning. Gross negligence - no participation in evaluating guards
X fled went to Europe. Y harvested fish in X’s land and sold the fish to Z. Y borrowed money from
W to buy new supplies to prepare the fishpond for the next crop.
- Negotiorium gestio
- b.
- c. Yes, under negotiorium gestio..
- d. Governed by law on agency
DPO went to a store to buy a pack of cigarrtes worth P225.00 only. He gave the vendor, RRA, a
P500 bill. The vendor gave him the pack plus P375 change. How is the situational relationship
between DPO and RRA denominated?
- Solutio Indebiti. Buyer is unjustly enriched
- Donor-donee relationship?
CBK Power vs. CIR 15 Jan 2014
Solutio Indebiti applies? - 1. no binding relation 2. mistake in payment
1. Binding relation? right to demand - BIR has the right to demand taxes
2. payment made by mistake? No
1. Pure Obligations
2. Conditional Obligations
3. Obligations with a Period
To sell House and lot to Eva when she passes to 1998 Bar exams
B. Rentals? 1187
Agree to pay loan on Dec 2017. In exchange, debtor gives his car as collateral. Debtor wants to
pay in Oct 2017 but he wants his car back. Can he compel?
- No, he may not compel.. Why?
A loaned from B payable within a year. A mortgaged his house. 3 months after loan, house was
gutted by an accidental fire. B demanded payment from A but refused to pay because of 1-year
period. Valid?
- No. one of the instances where debtor may lose right to a period
As to plurality of prestations:
Facultative Obligation
Alternative Obligation
Arco Pulp and Paper Co vs. Santos
WON debtor can still perform the other prestation after having communicated his choice?
A B & C solidarily promised to pay D P3,000. C became insolvent. What recourse does D have
against A and B? What are the rights of A and B as against each other?
A-E problem
a. P40000.. Invoke defense of minority only as to the share of the minor, B
Iya and Betty owed Jun P500,000 - solidarily. Iya and Jun became sweethearts so Jun condoned
1173: Negligence
Alighting from the train while it is still moving is not a negligent act (Canco case)
1942: bailee may be held liable for the loss even for a fortuitous event
(Will the action prosper?)
Action for substitute performance - when you want an obligation to do to be fulfilled
A bound himself to deliver to B a 21-inch 1983 model TV set, and the 13 cubic fee White W ref,
with Motor No. WERT-285 and to repair the piano. he doesnt want to. Can he be compelled?
TV -
Ref - Yes. Determinate
Repair - No. Involuntary servitude
1. Rescission
2. Fulfillment of a Resolutory Condition
3. Prescription
4. Annulment (under voidable contracts)
5. Payment
Does death extinguish an obligation?
If source of obligation is law, then death may extinguish an obligation. In contracts, death does not
X and Y are partners in a shop offering portrait painting. Kyla paid P50k to do her portrait but Y, the
artist, died. Can Kyla demand delivery of portrait?
- Yes.
- If Kyla transacted only for Y to do the portrait, then the obligation is extinguished. (Purely
personal obligation)
Creditor may be compelled to accept payment from a 3rd person - if the 3rd person has an interest
in the fulfillment of the obligation. eg. guarantors, sureties, mortgagors
1236 / 1237: 3rd person pays without the knowledge or against the will of the debtor.. he may
collect only so far as the debtor has been benefitted