Glycoprotein Biomarker Panel For Pancreatic Cancer Discovered by Quantitative Proteomics Analysis
Glycoprotein Biomarker Panel For Pancreatic Cancer Discovered by Quantitative Proteomics Analysis
Glycoprotein Biomarker Panel For Pancreatic Cancer Discovered by Quantitative Proteomics Analysis
Open Access on 02/26/2015
ABSTRACT: Pancreatic cancer is a lethal disease where specific early detection biomarkers
would be very valuable to improve outcomes in patients. Many previous studies have
compared biosamples from pancreatic cancer patients with healthy controls to find potential
biomarkers. However, a range of related disease conditions can influence the performance
of these putative biomarkers, including pancreatitis and diabetes. In this study, quantitative
proteomics methods were applied to discover potential serum glycoprotein biomarkers that
distinguish pancreatic cancer from other pancreas related conditions (diabetes, cyst, chronic
pancreatitis, obstructive jaundice) and healthy controls. Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL) was
used to extract fucosylated glycoproteins and then both TMT protein-level labeling and
label-free quantitative analysis were performed to analyze glycoprotein differences from 179
serum samples across the six different conditions. A total of 243 and 354 serum proteins
were identified and quantified by label-free and TMT protein-level quantitative strategies,
respectively. Nineteen and 25 proteins were found to show significant differences in samples
between the pancreatic cancer and other conditions using the label-free and TMT strategies, respectively, with 7 proteins
considered significant in both methods. Significantly different glycoproteins were further validated by lectin-ELISA and ELISA
assays. Four candidates were identified as potential markers with profiles found to be highly complementary with CA 19−9 (p <
0.001). Obstructive jaundice (OJ) was found to have a significant impact on the performance of every marker protein, including
CA 19−9. The combination of α-1-antichymotrypsin (AACT), thrombospondin-1 (THBS1), and haptoglobin (HPT)
outperformed CA 19−9 in distinguishing pancreatic cancer from normal controls (AUC = 0.95), diabetes (AUC = 0.89), cyst
(AUC = 0.82), and chronic pancreatitis (AUC = 0.90). A marker panel of AACT, THBS1, HPT, and CA 19−9 showed a high
diagnostic potential in distinguishing pancreatic cancer from other conditions with OJ (AUC = 0.92) or without OJ (AUC =
KEYWORDS: serum, pancreatic cancer, glycoprotein biomarker, quantitative proteomics, TMT protein-level labeling, ELISA
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal malignancies.
population who are carriers of the Lewis-negative genotype and
do not secrete the antigen.7 Thus, a more reliable and universal
Although it is only the tenth most common cancer in the biomarker or biomarker panel for pancreatic cancer diagnosis is
United States, it is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related urgently needed.
death.1−3 According to the SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, The advance of proteomic technology based on mass
and End Results) database, pancreatic cancer has a poor long- spectrometry has propelled investigators to find several
term outcome, with a five-year survival rate of less than 5%.1 alternative serum biomarker candidates to overcome the
However, a patient’s prognosis is considerably improved when limitations of CA 19−9. A variety of methods have been
malignant lesions are identified at an early stage of the disease developed to identify differentially abundant proteins in
and removed by surgical resection.4 Unfortunately, the pancreatic cancer.8−10 Among the single biomarker or
overwhelming majority of patients do not present with early biomarker panels that have been generated so far, none have
stage disease and, currently, there are no clinically useful proven to be clinically superior to CA 19−9.11,12 This situation
strategies for early detection of pancreatic cancer.5 Carbohy- requires a re-evaluation of current pancreatic cancer biomarker
drate antigen 19−9 (CA 19−9), the current established discovery strategies. Analysis of serum glycoproteins might be
pancreatic cancer biomarker, does not provide the sensitivity
and specificity required to detect early pancreatic cancer.6 Received: September 23, 2013
Moreover, CA 19−9 may be absent in about 10−15% of the Published: February 26, 2014
© 2014 American Chemical Society 1873 | J. Proteome Res. 2014, 13, 1873−1884
Journal of Proteome Research Article
an avenue for pancreatic biomarker discovery based on the cation was developed to minimize the influence of incon-
following rationale: (1) the majority of current U. S. Food and sistency during sample preparation.21 Twenty-five significantly
Drug Administration (FDA) approved cancer biomarkers different proteins were obtained by TMT isobaric protein-level
currently used as therapeutic targets or for clinical diagnosis labeling quantification analysis. The serum samples were also
are glycoproteins,13 (2) abnormal protein glycosylation patterns identified and quantified by a label-free method in parallel.
are associated with cancer progression,14 and (3) screening Seven glycoproteins presented significant differences using both
serum glycoproteins in serum biomarker discovery has been methods. ELISA and lectin-ELISA were used to further validate
shown to be a powerful means to identify novel diagnostic the potential markers. The potential biomarkers identified were
markers in other cancers.15,16 found to be complementary with CA 19−9. A marker panel of
Many biomarker studies for pancreatic cancer seek to find AACT, THBS1, HPT, and CA 19−9 showed a high diagnostic
biomolecules that discriminate individuals with a disease against potential in distinguishing pancreatic cancer from other
a background population of normal controls.8,9 Though these controls (AUC = 0.92).
binary comparisons can be useful, it does not faithfully reflect
the nuanced state of the population best served by such 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
biomarkers. Symptomatically similar conditions can confound
traditional biomarkers, perhaps due to partially overlapping 2.1. Serum Samples
molecular mechanisms of disease. From a practical standpoint,
useful biomarkers need to differentiate a disease against a range The 179 serum samples used in this study included
of similar conditions. The discovery of novel biomarkers for prospectively recruited patients with a confirmed diagnosis of
pancreatic cancer requires more than comparing healthy adults pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cysts,
to cancer patients regardless of the platform for discovery. obstructive jaundice, long-term (10 or more years) type II
High-risk factors for pancreatic cancer include a family history diabetes mellitus, and healthy adults with the ability to provide
of pancreatic cancer, hereditary pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, written informed consent. Pancreatic cysts samples included 20
chronic pancreatitis, long-term type II diabetes, and age.17−19 In intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) and 10
addition, around 75% of patients with pancreatic cancer have mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN) serum samples. Pancreatic
obstructive jaundice.20 The biomarker of CA 19−9 also has cancer samples were composed of 3 grade IA, 1 grade IB, 6
been found to be elevated in both nonmalignant conditions grade IIA, 8 grade IIB, 2 grade III, and 17 grade IV patients
(e.g., pancreatitis, pancreatic cystsboth pseudocysts and serum samples. Patients with other cancers or transplant
cystic neoplasms of the pancreasand OJ) and other diseases recipients were excluded. All pancreatic cancer patients had not
(e.g., diabetes).17 Therefore, studies designed to discover undergone any form of treatment at the time of serum
potential early detection biomarkers need to have age-matched collection. The detailed demographic information is presented
samples from men and women representing chronic in Table 1. The sera from the chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic
pancreatitis, cyst, obstructive jaundice, and diabetes. cysts, obstructive jaundice, type II diabetes mellitus, and healthy
In order to find a more reliable biomarker or biomarker controls were age- and sex-matched to the cancer group. Serum
panel, several pancreatic cancer related disease states (diabetes, samples were placed at room temperature for 30 min to allow
cystic neoplasms of the pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, and the clot to form in the red topped tubes and then centrifuged at
obstructive jaundice) along with healthy controls were 1300g at 4 °C for 20 min. The serum was transferred to
compared with pancreatic cancer patients. Lectin extraction polypropylene tubes and stored at −70 °C until assayed. All
and quantitative proteomics methods were applied to discover serum samples were labeled with a unique identifier to protect
potential serum glycoprotein biomarkers that distinguish the confidentiality of the patient. None of the samples were
pancreatic cancer from the other groups. A lectin array strategy thawed more than twice before analysis. This study was
was first applied to detect global lectin-specific glycosylation approved by the Institutional Review Board for the University
changes in serum proteins. The lectin Aleuria aurantia (AAL), of Michigan Medical School. Before high-abundance protein
which is specific for fucose, showed a significantly different depletion of the serum, the samples were randomized into 35
response and was used to enrich glycoproteins. Because more sets in order to reduce individual variation from different
than 170 serum samples needed to be quantified, an isobaric groups. Each set included four to six samples from the different
protein-level labeling strategy of serum glycoprotein quantifi- disease groups. In addition, normal serum samples pooled from
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30 healthy people (Bioreclamation LLC, Westbury, NY) were 2.5. Glycoprotein Enrichment
used as an internal standard for the TMT labeling experiments. Glycoprotein enrichment was performed as described pre-
2.2. Serum Depletion viously15 with some modifications. A column packed with 600
μL of agarose-bound AAL was washed with 3 mL binding
IgY-14 LC10 columns (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) were used to
buffer (20 mM Tris, 0.15 M NaCl, pH = 7.5, protease inhibitor
deplete 14 high-abundance proteins in this study. The 1:100). Samples in 1 mL of binding buffer were loaded onto the
depletion was performed with 250 μL serum according to the column and incubated for 15 min twice. Five column volumes
manufacturer’s instructions. The serum sample was diluted 5 of binding buffer were used to wash away unbound proteins.
times with 1 X depletion buffer and loaded onto an IgY14 Bound glycoproteins were eluted with four volumes of elution
LC10 column. The flow-through fraction between 0 to 30 min buffer (200 mM fucose in binding buffer). The elution buffer
was transferred into a 15 mL YM-3 centrifugal device was exchanged using a 4 mL YM-3 filter to 50 mM NH4HCO3
(Millipore, Billerica, MA) and centrifuged at 4000g, followed for digestion.
by buffer exchange three times with 5 mL deionized water. The
2.6. Enzymatic Digestion
final sample volume was 300 μL. The final protein
concentration was measured using a Bradford assay kit (Bio- For the label-free samples, glycoproteins were reduced with 5
Rad, Hercules, CA). The depletion of each set of serum mM TCEP for 30 min at 37 °C, then alkylated with 15 mM
samples was completed in the same day so that all the samples iodoacetamide in the dark at room temperature for 30 min.
were processed consistently in the same set. Trypsin (Promega, Madison, WI) was added to digest protein
at 37 °C overnight with a ratio of enzyme to protein of 1:30.
2.3. Lectin Array The TMT labeled glycoproteins were divided into two equal
Lectin array analysis was performed as described previously.22 fractions and digested with trypsin or Asp-N (Promega,
Sixteen lectins (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) with Madison, WI) at 37 °C overnight. Glycopeptides were
different specificities were dissolved in 10% PBS to 1 mg/mL deglycosylated using PNGase F (New England Biolabs,
and spotted in triplicate on 16 pad nitrocellulose slides (Avid, Ipswich, MA) at 37 °C for 16 h and dried using a SpeedVac
Grace Bio-Laboratories) using a piezoelectric noncontact concentrator (Thermo Savant, Milford, MA). The samples
printer (Nano plotter; GESIM, Germany). The final volume were desalted using C18 ZipTips (Millipore, Billerica, MA)
of each spot was 2.5 nL from five-spotting of 500 pL. The slides before LC-MS/MS analysis.
were incubated in a humidity-controlled incubator (>45% 2.7. LC-MS/MS Analysis of TMT Labeled Samples
humidity) overnight to allow lectin immobilization. After TMT-labeled peptide mixtures were dissolved in 0.1% formic
incubation, the slides were blocked with 1% BSA/PBS for 1 acid (FA) and loaded onto an Eksigent Nano 2D System
h and washed three times with PBST (0.1% Tween 20 in PBS). (ABsciex) equipped with a commercial New Objective
A total of 10 μg of protein from each depleted serum sample ProteoPepID trap column (150 um × 25 mm) and an
were reduced by 5 mM TCEP for 30 min and labeled with EZ- analytical column (75 um × 100 mm, C18, 5 μm, 300A)
link iodoacetyl-LC-biotin (Pierce) for 2 h. The reaction was coupled to an Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer (Thermo
stopped by adding 1 μL of 2-mercaptoethanol (Sigma). The Fisher Scientific). Peptides were separated with 0.1% FA in
labeled sample was diluted 100 times followed by incubation water (solvent A) and 0.1% FA in acetonitrile (solvent B) using
with each block on the slides for 1 h. After washing with PBST a 100 min linear gradient from 2 to 32% solvent B at a flow rate
for 5 min, the slides were incubated with streptavidin-labeled of 300 nL/min. The mass spectrometer was operated by taking
fluorescent dye Alexa 555 (Invitrogen Biotechnology) for 1 h. one full MS scan followed by ten HCD MS/MS scans on the
The intensity from each spot was detected using fluorescent ten most intense ions from the MS spectrum. Other mass
detection with a microarray scanner (GenePix 4000A; Axon). spectrometer operating conditions included: 45% NCE; ± 1.5
2.4. TMT Labeling at the Protein-Level Da isolation window; and dynamic exclusion enabled with a 10
ppm exclusion window. Exclusion settings were set with a
Tandem mass tags (TMT) are chemical labels used to repeat count of 2 using a repeat duration of 20 s and exclusion
multiplex quantitation of proteins extracted from cells and duration of 20 s. The resolution of full scans (m/z 400.0−
tissues in a single MS analysis. TMT labeling at the protein- 1800.0) and HCD scans (fixed start from m/z 100.00) was set
level was performed as described previously21 with some to 30 000 and 7 500, respectively. Ions with +1 or unassigned
modifications. One hundred micrograms of depleted serum charge states were rejected for MS/MS analysis. The maximum
protein sample from each of the different disease groups plus injection time was 250 ms for the FTMS full scan and 200 ms
one internal standard were labeled at the protein-level using for the FTMS MSn scan. The AGC target value was set as 100
TMT reagent. Serum samples were adjusted to 4 M urea using 000 for the FTMS scan and 40 000 for the FTMS MSn scan.
8 M urea, reduced with 5 mM TCEP for 30 min at 37 °C, and Acquired MS/MS spectra were searched against a forward-
alkylated with 25 mM iodoacetamide for 30 min in the dark. reverse database generated from the UniProt human database
The buffer was exchanged to 50 mM TEAB in 4 M urea with a (released Nov. 2010) using SEQUEST in Proteome Discoverer
final volume of 100 μL. According to the manufacture’s 1.1 (Thermo). Searches were performed using the following
instruction, TMT labeling reagents were dissolved in 30 μL settings: precursor ion m/z tolerance, ± 10 ppm; fragment ion
DMSO (Fluka, St. Louis, MO), transferred to sample tubes, m/z tolerance, ± 0.03 Da; two missed cleavages allowed; static
reacted for 2 h at room temperature, and quenched for 15 min modification, carbamidomethylation (+57.02146 Da, C) and
with hydroxylamine (final concentration of 0.5%). Samples TMT 6-plex (+219.163 Da) of lysines and protein N-termini;
were combined, diluted to less than 5% DMSO using lectin dynamic modifications: oxidation (+15.99492 Da, M) and
binding buffer (see below), transferred to a YM-3 centrifugal deamidation (+0.98402 Da, N). Identified peptides were
filter, and exchanged into lectin binding buffer for glycoprotein filtered using a 1% peptide-level false discovery rate (FDR)
enrichment. and quantification was performed using reporter ions. For
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quantification, reporter ion intensities were extracted using applied to each well and incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. After
Proteome Discoverer with the following parameters: (1) reject washing three times with PBST buffer, 100 μL of TMB working
all quantitative values if not all quantitative channels are solution was added and the reaction was stopped by adding 100
present; (2) do not replace missing quantitative values with the μL of stop solution. The absorbance of the plate was measured
minimum intensity; (3) consider only proteins from different at 450 nm.
protein groups for peptide uniqueness; (4) the tolerance for 2.11. Statistical Analysis
reporter ion extraction is 0.01 Da.
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 16. Statistical
2.8. LC-MS/MS Analysis of Label-Free Samples differences were determined using the Student’s t test, one-way
The tryptic peptides from the label-free samples were analyzed analysis of variance (ANOVA). For all statistical comparisons, p
by LC-MS/MS using an LTQ mass spectrometer (Thermo < 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Receiver operating
Finnigan, San Jose, CA). Samples were loaded on a Paradigm characteristic (ROC) curves were produced in terms of the
MG4 micropump system (Michrom Biosciences, Inc., Auburn, sensitivity and specificity of markers at their specific cutoff
CA) equipped with a Nano C18 trap column and C18 analytical values. Multivariate analysis was done by logistic regression to
column (0.1 mm × 150 mm, C18 AQ particles, 5 μm, 200 Å, find the best-fitting multivariate model for each comparison
Michrom Biosciences, Inc., Auburn, CA). A 90 min linear group.
gradient from 2 to 32% solvent B (solvent A, 0.1% FA in HPLC
water; solvent B, 0.1% FA in acetonitrile) was used to separate 3. RESULTS
peptides at a flow rate of 400 nL/min. The MS instrument was 3.1. Study Design
operated in positive ion mode. The nano ESI spray voltage was The study design is briefly shown in Figure 1. Serum samples
set at 1.5 kV and the capillary voltage at 30 V. The ion were collected with informed consent from 179 patients with
activation was achieved by utilizing helium at normalized
collision energy of 35%. The data were acquired in data-
dependent mode using the Xcalibur software. For each cycle of
one full mass scan (range of m/z 400−2000), the ten most
intense ions in the spectrum were selected for tandem MS
analysis, unless they appeared in the dynamic or mass exclusion
All MS/MS spectra were searched against the UniProt
human database (released Nov. 2010). The search parameters
were as follows: (1) fixed modification, carbamidomethyl of C;
(2) variable modification, oxidation of M; (3) allowing two
missed cleavages; (4) peptide ion mass tolerance 1.50 Da
(Average MW); (5) fragment ion mass tolerance 0.8 Da
(Isotopic MW); (6) peptide charges +1, +2, and +3. Identified
peptides were filtered using a 1% FDR.
2.9. ELISA Assay
All ELISAs of α-1-antichymotrypsin (Abcam), haptoglobin
(GenWay), α-1-antitrypsin (Bethyl Laboratories), thrombo-
spondin-1 (GenWay), leucine-rich α-2-glycoprotein (Immuno-
Biological Laboratories Co., Ltd.), and CA19−9 (Abnova) were
performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Calibration curves were prepared using purified standards for
each protein assessed. Curves were fit by linear or 4-parameter
logistic regression according to each manufacturer’s instruc-
2.10. Lectin ELISA Assay Figure 1. Study design for identification of serum glycoprotein
In-plate lectin-ELISA assays were performed as described markers for pancreatic cancer. Depleted sera from pancreatic cancer,
previously16 with some modifications. Briefly, monoclonal diabetes, cyst, chronic pancreatitis, obstructive jaundice, and healthy
controls were first applied to a lectin array. On the basis of the results
antibodies were coated to each well of a 96-well ELISA plate
of lectin array analysis, glycoproteins were extracted using AAL lectin,
by adding 100 μL of 10 ng/μL antibody and incubated at 37 °C which were quantified by MS-based quantitative proteomics (TMT
for 1 h. The coated antibodies were oxidized on the plates with protein-level labeling and spectral counting methods). Potential
200 mM NaIO4 at 4 °C for 5 h and derivatized with 1 mM candidates were validated by ELISA and lectin-ELISA.
MPBH and 1 mM Cys−Gly overnight. To reduce nonspecific
binding, the plates were then blocked with 3% BSA in PBST
(0.1% Tween 20 in PBS) at 37 °C for 1 h. One hundred various conditions: pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis,
microliters of serum samples diluted 50 fold with 0.1% Brij in pancreatic cysts, obstructive jaundice, long-term (for 10 or
PBST were added to each well of a 96-well ELISA plate. After 1 more years) type II diabetes mellitus, and no related conditions
h incubation, the plate was rinsed with 350 μL of PBST five (normals). The sera from the 30 chronic pancreatitis patients,
times to remove unbound proteins. One hundred microliters of 30 pancreatic cysts patients, 22 obstructive jaundice patients, 30
biotinylated AAL (1 μg/mL) was added to bind with type II diabetes mellitus patients, and 30 healthy people were
fucosylated antigens. HRP-conjugated streptavidin was then age- and sex-matched to the 37 pancreatic cancer patients.
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Table 2. Proteins with Significantly Differential Abundance Identified by Label-Free Quantitative Strategy
name protein name description p value mean difference detected sample numberα
P55058 PLTP phospholipid transfer protein <0.001 0.37 27
P01011 AACT α-1-antichymotrypsin <0.001 1.30 165
Q99784-3 NOE1 isoform 3 of noelin 0.001 0.44 53
P00738 HPT haptoglobin 0.010 1.60 95
Q92878 RAD50 DNA repair protein RAD50 0.001 0.42 22
P51884 LUM lumican 0.003 0.63 167
P27487 DPP4 dipeptidyl peptidase 4 0.003 0.50 115
P14151 LYAM1 L-selectin 0.005 0.70 164
P12821-2 ACE isoform soluble of angiotensin-converting enzyme 0.007 0.53 86
Q9NPG3-2 UBN1 isoform 2 of ubinuclein-1 0.008 0.73 42
P36955 PEDF pigment epithelium-derived factor 0.009 0.44 26
P02750 LRG leucine-rich α-2-glycoprotein 0.012 1.53 170
P54289-4 CA2D1 isoform α-2d of voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit α-2/δ-1 0.012 0.27 65
Q96PD5 PGRP2 N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase 0.017 0.35 49
P02766 TTHY transthyretin 0.018 0.59 146
P43652 AFAM afamin 0.035 0.27 22
Q9NQC1-3 JADE2 isoform 3 of protein jade-2 0.038 0.42 18
P06396-2 AGEL isoform cytoplasmic of gelsolin 0.042 0.39 39
Q96IY4-2 CBPB2 isoform 2 of carboxypeptidase B2 0.048 0.56 49
Detected sample number means the proteins were identified in the number of different samples from all sets.
Detailed characteristics of the study patients are shown in Table eluates compared to DBA column eluates using MS analysis.
1. All of the samples were first randomized into 35 sets Previous reports have shown that abnormal fucosylation plays
(Supporting Information Table S1). Each set included four to an important role in many pathological processes, such as
six samples from different disease groups with at least one pancreatic cancer 23,24 and hepatocellular carcinoma
cancer per set. Each set was processed and was analyzed at the (HCC).15,25 Therefore, AAL lectin was utilized to extract
same time to maintain consistency. Fourteen high-abundance fucosylated glycoproteins, which was performed using a
proteins were removed using a depletion column and the quantitative proteomics analysis to find potential biomarker
protein amount was determined by Bradford assay. Serum candidates.
samples were then interrogated using lectin microarrays against 3.3. Discovery of Serum Glycoprotein Markers Using a
a panel of sixteen lectins to identify broad glycoprotein pattern Label-Free Quantitative Strategy
changes. AAL lectin was then used to extract glycoproteins,
which were further identified and quantified by protein-level To discover glycoprotein markers, a spectral counting label-free
TMT labeling and spectral counting label-free quantification method was first applied to identify differentially abundant
methods. Protein identification and quantification was glycoproteins. Two hundred micrograms of depleted serum
performed by LC/MS on a Orbitrap Velos and an LTQ linear proteins from each patient in the same set were incubated with
ion trap. After statistical analysis, potential candidates were the AAL column. The eluted glycoproteins from each sample
further validated by ELISA or lectin-ELISA. were digested and analyzed by LC-MS/MS in triplicate. The
data were searched and identified peptides were filtered at 1%
3.2. Overall Glycosylation Changes Detected by Lectin
FDR. To quantify different proteins by spectral counting, the
following criteria were applied: each protein had to be
A lectin array consisting of 16 selected lectins was used to identified in at least three patients in each disease group and
investigate overall glycosylation changes between pancreatic there must be more than three spectral counts. To reduce
cancer and the other conditions. Carbohydrate specificities of variation across runs and samples, the total spectral counts of
the 16 lectins used for lectin microarray are shown in the each protein were normalized against the total number of
Supporting Information Table S2. As shown in the Supporting identified spectra per run. In total, 243 proteins were used for
Information Figure S1A, 16 lectins were analyzed across 6 quantification analysis from 35 sample sets (Supporting
different group samples. Each lectin was analyzed in triplicate in Information Table S3). After statistical analysis, 19 proteins
each block. The CV was less than 5% among different spots. were considered as differentially abundant (p value <0.05);
Ten sets of samples amounting to 62 samples total were run in detailed information and p values are shown in Table 2. Some
the experiments. The experimental reproducibility is also of the differentially abundant proteins were also found in
shown in Supporting Information Figure S1C (R2 = 0.99). previous reports, such as haptoglobin.26 Most of the differ-
The signal intensity of each lectin in all of the analyzed samples entially abundant proteins were identified for the first time in
was normalized by the mean value of the total signal intensity in this study.
each block. The t-test method was used to analyze the
differences between cancer samples with other controls. We 3.4. Discovery of Serum Glycoprotein Markers Using TMT
found that AAL and DBA lectin showed a significant difference Labeling at Protein-Level Quantitative Strategy
in the cancer samples compared to other controls (Supporting Protein-level isobaric labeling was also used as a quantitative
Information Figure S1B). Also the signal intensity resulting strategy to discover serum glycoprotein markers for pancreatic
from AAL is much stronger than that of DAB. In addition, cancer. In this quantitative strategy, 100 μg depleted serum
twice the number of proteins were identified in AAL column proteins from each patient in the same set were labeled at
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Table 3. Proteins with Significantly Differential Abundance Identified by TMT Labeling Quantitative Strategy
accession protein name description p value mean difference detected sample numberα
P01011 AACT α-1-antichymotrypsin <0.001 1.15 158
P02750 LRG leucine-rich α-2-glycoprotein <0.001 1.23 158
P01009 A1AT α-1-antitrypsin <0.001 2.03 24
P51884 LUM lumican <0.001 1.02 158
P19652 A1AG2 α-1-acid glycoprotein 2 <0.001 1.37 158
P01009-2 A1AT isoform 2 of α-1-antitrypsin <0.001 1.70 120
Q06033 ITIH3 inter-α-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3 <0.001 1.17 158
P06396 AGEL cytoplasmic of gelsolin 0.001 1.02 153
P02763 A1AG1 α-1-acid glycoprotein 1 0.002 1.55 121
P05155 C1NH Plasma protease C1 inhibitor 0.002 1.82 153
P06727 APOA4 apolipoprotein A-IV 0.003 1.40 158
P03952 KLKB1 plasma kallikrein 0.004 1.42 158
P02748 C9 complement component C9 0.005 1.12 158
P06681 C2 complement C2 0.014 1.13 153
P00738 HPT haptoglobin 0.015 2.38 118
Q8NDM7-2 WDR96 isoform 2 of WD repeat-containing protein C10orf79 0.016 1.13 24
Q9NYV6 Q9NYV6 RNA polymerase I-specific transcription initiation factor RRN3 0.021 1.06 34
P14151 LYAM1 L-selectin 0.021 1.04 105
P07996 TSP1 thrombospondin-1 0.029 2.60 154
Q14624-2 ITIH4 isoform 2 of inter-α-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 0.034 1.20 158
P02741 CRP isoform 2 of C-reactive protein 0.038 2.09 53
P02766 TTHY transthyretin 0.040 1.12 153
P01023 A2MG α-2-macroglobulin 0.046 1.52 158
P02765 FETUA α-2-HS-glycoprotein 0.049 1.07 158
Q96KN2 CNDP1 β-Ala−His dipeptidase 0.049 1.06 158
Detected sample number means the proteins were identified in the number of different samples from all sets.
protein-level using the TMT 6-plex reagent. One hundred more than 2.0 in TMT labeling quantitative analysis or label-
micrograms of pooled depleted serum proteins from 30 healthy free quantitative analysis. (3) The availability of ELISA kit or
people were labeled with one channel (reporter ion: 126) of antibody for lectin-ELISA. After being filtered by these strict
TMT 6-plex reagent and added into each set as an internal criteria, the six proteins of α-1-antichymotrypsin (AACT), α-1-
standard. LC-MS/MS analysis on an LTQ Orbitrap Velos was antitrypsin (A1AT), leucine-rich α-2 glycoprotein (LRG),
performed for each set in duplicate. After filtering with a 1% lumican, thrombospondin-1 (THBS1), and haptoglobin
FDR, 90−148 glycoproteins were identified and quantified in (HPT) were selected for validation by ELISA or lectin-ELISA
each set according to the intensity of reporter ions. Ratios were (Supporting Information Table S5). HPT was validated by
obtained for each sample by comparing with the internal both ELISA assay and lectin-ELISA assay. Lumican was only
standard. In total, 354 quantified glycoproteins were obtained validated by lectin-ELISA array due to the absence of
by combining all the data from 31 sample sets (Supporting
commercial ELISA kits. CA 19−9 was analyzed by ELISA for
Information Table S4). After statistical analysis, 25 proteins
comparison with the candidates.
were considered as differentially expressed proteins (p value
<0.05). Detailed information of differentially abundant A total of 179 serum samples were used in the validation
proteins, including protein name, accession number and p experiment, with detailed analytical results as presented in
value, is shown in Table 3. α-1-Antichymotrypsin, haptoglobin, Table 4. All candidates showed a significant difference (p <
isoform cytoplasmic of gelsolin, leucine-rich α-2-glycoprotein, 0.01) when distinguishing pancreatic cancer from normal. From
L-selectin, lumican, and transthyretin were identified and the results, diabetes did not appear to have a significant
quantified by both the spectral counting and protein-level influence on the potential pancreatic cancer biomarker
TMT labeling method. The differentially expressed proteins candidates tested. A significant difference between cancer and
were also analyzed by ANOVA based on disease group. All the cyst existed in AACT, A1AT, LRG, THBS1, and HPT (lectin-
p values between pancreatic cancers and others is less than 0.01. ELISA assay). THBS1 showed the best performance in
The 6 most significant proteins based on TMT labeling distinguishing between cancer and CP when compared to
quantitation are presented in Figure 2. The p value of the 6 other candidates. For the obstructive jaundice, only the p values
significant proteins is <0.001 between cancer and other controls of the HPT ELISA, HPT lectin-ELISA assay, and lumican
as shown in Table 3. lectin-ELISA assay were less than 0.05. Notably, CA 19−9 did
3.5. Validation of Biomarker Candidates by ELISA and not present a statistically significant difference. The scatter plots
Lectin-ELISA Assay of AACT, A1AT, LRG, and THBS1 based on protein
These proteins were selected for further validation based on the concentrations in different disease conditions are shown in
following three rules: (1) These proteins were detected in more Figure 3. When combining all other conditions and comparing
than two-thirds of total samples in TMT labeling quantitative to the cancer group, all of the candidates except the HPT
analysis or label-free quantitative analysis. (2) The p value of (lectin-ELISA) showed a significant change. The p values of
these proteins is less than 0.001 or their mean difference is AACT, A1AT, and LRG are less than 0.0001.
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Figure 2. Scatter plots of quantitative ratios from TMT labeling for the six most significant proteins in each of the studied groups: pancreatic cancer,
normal, diabetes, cyst, CP, OJ. The p value of the 6 significant proteins are <0.001 between cancer and other controls.
In order to investigate the performance of individual combined in various combinations of 2−4 proteins to serve
candidate markers, AUC values were obtained by constructing as a panel. The top 10 biomarker panels for each comparison
an ROC curve for each candidate and CA 19−9. The results are are shown in Supporting Information Table S6 along with the
presented in Table 5. The AUC value between cancer and performance of CA 19−9 alone. Each of these optimized panels
normals for AACT and A1AT is greater than 0.95, which is was found to outperform CA 19−9 alone. The best panel was
much higher than that of CA 19−9 (AUC = 0.89). Between composed of AACT, THBS1, and HPT (Figure 4). The panel
cancer and diabetes, AACT and A1AT have the best revealed significantly better performance than CA 19−9 in
performance with AUC values of 0.93 and 0.95, respectively. distinguishing pancreatic cancer from normal (AUC = 0.95),
For comparison, the AUC value for CA 19−9 is 0.85. In diabetes (AUC = 0.89), cyst (AUC = 0.82), and CP (AUC =
discriminating cancer from cyst, AACT has the best perform- 0.90). The AUC value of this panel reached 0.85 in
ance with an AUC value of 0.78, which is less than that of CA distinguishing pancreatic cancer with all other conditions. In
19−9 (AUC = 0.81). THBS1 has the best performance in addition, it was found that the correlation between CA 19−9
distinguishing cancer from CP (AUC = 0.83), which is higher with the potential markers was very low (p value <0.001),
than CA 19−9 (AUC = 0.81). Between cancer with OJ, HPT demonstrating that this combination has high complementarity
(AUC = 0.70) is better than others including CA 19−9 (AUC with CA 19−9. Thus, a biomarker panel combining AACT,
= 0.68). If the normal, diabetes, cyst, CP, and obstructive THBS1, HPT, and CA 19−9 showed a high diagnostic
jaundice groups were combined as a comparison group, AACT potential in distinguishing pancreatic cancer from the other
had a comparable performance with CA 19−9 (AUC = 0.8) in conditions with OJ (AUC = 0.92) or without OJ (AUC = 0.95)
distinguishing cancer from the others. Based on the validation (Figure 4).
results, AACT, A1AT, THBS1, HPT, and lumican all showed
potential as pancreatic cancer markers. 4. DISCUSSION
3.6. Biomarker Panel Performance Even with recent improvements in mass spectrometry and
Next, biomarker panel performance was investigated for separation methods, identifying potential biomarkers in human
diagnosing pancreatic cancer. Potential candidates were serum to assist with early cancer detection is a significant
1879 | J. Proteome Res. 2014, 13, 1873−1884
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vs othersa
range of proteins.27 Glycoproteins are becoming important
targets for the development of biomarkers for disease diagnosis,
prognosis, and therapeutic response to drugs. Focusing on the
vs OJ glycoproteome might be an alternative route in biomarker
ns discovery.28 The findings here support the strategy of focusing
on glycoprotein analysis using lectin-array assay and quantita-
tive proteomics analysis as a powerful biomarker discovery
vs CP
4.1. Optimization of Serum Sample Preparation and
p value
Figure 3. Serum concentration profiles of the four protein candidates (AACT, A1AT, LRG, THBS1) in each studied group: pancreatic cancer,
normal, diabetes, cyst, CP, OJ based on ELISA assay.
Table 5. Performance of Individual Marker in Distinguishing Pancreatic Cancer from Other Individual Group or Combination
with or without OJ
cancer (AUC) cancer vs controls cancer vs controls (without OJ)
protein name vs normal vs diabetes vs cyst vs CP vs OJ AUC sensitivity % specificity % AUC sensitivity % specificity %
CA19−9 0.89 0.85 0.81 0.79 0.68 0.81 90.1 62.9 0.83 82.5 77.1
AACT 0.96 0.93 0.78 0.74 0.51 0.80 68.6 80.0 0.85 75.6 80.0
A1AT 0.95 0.95 0.71 0.64 0.57 0.78 55.3 94.3 0.81 59.2 94.3
THBS1 0.78 0.62 0.70 0.83 0.52 0.70 72.3 65.7 0.73 77.5 65.7
LRG 0.84 0.83 0.75 0.62 0.52 0.72 69.5 65.7 0.76 75.0 65.7
HPT 0.81 0.69 0.61 0.66 0.70 0.69 84.8 56.7 0.69 85.5 56.7
Lumican(AAL) 0.75 0.75 0.63 0.61 0.67 0.63 45.8 82.9 0.68 53.6 82.9
HPT(AAL) 0.87 0.77 0.65 0.53 0.67 0.64 64.5 62.9 0.69 72.5 62.9
There were 106 proteins quantified only in the label-free risk of having pancreatic cancer.34 Our analysis revealed that
method. The overlapped data from both methods are shown in CA 19−9 is not sufficient to distinguish pancreatic cancer and
Supporting Information Figure S2. Seven significant proteins type 2 diabetes (Table 5). However, type 2 diabetes was not
were quantified by both methods. These significant changes found to influence the potential biomarkers AACT and A1AT
were further validated by ELISA and lectin-ELISA. identified in this study. Cyst and CP influenced the
4.3. Influence of Related Disease on Biomarkers performance of all individual biomarkers, including CA 19−9.
However, it was feasible to distinguish pancreatic cancer from
Sialylated Lewis antigen CA 19−9 is a well-known molecular
cyst or CP for the biomarker panel combining AACT, THBS1,
marker in pancreatic cancer. It has a reported sensitivity
between 70 and 80% and specificity between 70 and 90%, HTP, and CA 19−9. Because there is a low correlation between
respectively, for pancreatic cancer detection.6 However, the these individual markers, the performance should be increased
major drawback is that it can also be positive in several benign significantly by combining them. In particular, the presence of
conditions, such as diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, and jaundice was found to negatively impact the performance of
jaundice.33 The relationship between diabetes and pancreatic biomarkers for pancreatic cancer diagnosis and this has
cancer is complex. Diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance is implications for clinical translation of biomarkers.35 We found
present in more than two-thirds of pancreatic cancer patients. very few studies that included samples with patients presenting
Epidemiological studies have also consistently shown a modest with obstructive jaundice. Our results showed no one individual
but significant increase in the risk for pancreatic cancer in type marker, including CA 19−9, could efficiently distinguish
2 diabetes, with an inverse relationship to duration of disease. pancreatic cancer from obstructive jaundice. As shown in
Subjects >50 years of age with new onset diabetes are at higher Figure 4, the AUC value of the biomarker panel increased if the
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Figure 4. Performance of biomarker panels based on ELISA results, the ROC curve, and AUC value of panel 1 and panel 2 were shown. Panel 1
includes AACT, THBS1, and HPT; panel 2 is the combination of AACT, THBS1, HPT, and CA 19−9.
comparison was made between pancreatic cancer and the other relevant because there is a desperate need to obtain new blood-
conditions in the absence of obstructive jaundice. In addition, based markers to overcome the limitations of CA 19−9.6,37
PC is more common in men than women and is predominantly Improvement in performance of biomarkers to detect
a disease of elderly people.36 Aged-matched controls are also pancreatic cancer early would be expected to influence
very important to discover potential markers. outcome.
A promising glycoprotein biomarker panel was found by This study has several strengths including age-matched
combining lectin-array assay and serum quantitative proteomic controls, a prospective collection of patients with no systematic
analysis for early detection of pancreatic cancer. This is very bias for one or more disease group, and representative disease
1882 | J. Proteome Res. 2014, 13, 1873−1884
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groups. However, the pancreatic cancer patients are predom- proteins selected for further validation based on three strict
inantly advanced stage. This may limit our ability to find criteria (Supplementary Table S5), the performance of top 10
markers of early stage disease. The study population is biomarker panels (Supplementary Table S6), experimental
predominantly white, which prevents us from knowing if reproducibility of lectin array and overall glycosylation levels
these markers would be the same in other racial and ethnic detected by lectin array (Supplementary Figure S1) and the
groups. Finally, the different assays were all performed on the overlapped data from label-free and TMT labeling method
same set of samples. Thus, we have a risk of overfitting. We (Supplementary Figure S2).This material is available free of
took several steps to minimize the effect of overfitting. First, the charge via the Internet at
multimarker prediction rules that we used are not optimized
regression fits. Instead, we simply linearly combined the
markers with weights proportional to their marginal correlation
Corresponding Author
coefficient with the outcome. Second, all performance metrics
(sensitivity, specificity, AUC, etc.) are calculated using cross *D. M. Lubman. E-mail: Phone: 734-
validation. Eventually, our results need to be validated in a 647-8834. Fax: 734-615-2088. Department of Surgery, The
larger, new set of samples, ideally in a blind manner. University of Michigan Medical Center, 1150 West Medical
The ultimate clinical goal of our work is to discover and Center Drive, Building MSRB1 Room A510B, Ann Arbor,
validate biomarkers for pancreatic cancer. The ideal perform- Michigan 48109-0656, United States.
ance of the biomarker needed for clinical utility will be Notes
dependent on the target population prevalence of pancreatic The authors declare no competing financial interest.
cancer and the next step for a patient with a positive biomarker
test. The prevalence of pancreatic cancer among the general ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
population over age 50 years is so low that any screening
biomarker will need perfect accuracy, which is not feasible. We acknowledge support by the National Cancer Institute
Among populations with first-degree relatives with pancreatic through SPORE Program Grant 1 P50CA130810 (S.N.,
cancer, p16 germline mutations, mismatch repair gene D.M.L., M.T.R.), Grants 1 R01 CA154455 (D.M.L) and R01
mutations, hereditary pancreatitis, or other genetic mutations, GM49500 (D.M.L), and NIDDK Grant K23 DK082097
the prevalence increases dramatically.38,39 The higher the (M.A.A).
prevalence, the less accurate the biomarker needs to be. If
the next step for a biomarker-positive patient is not an invasive
or risky procedure such as pancreatic dedicated computer
AAL, Aleuria aurantia lectin; CA 19−9, carbohydrate specific
tomography, then the accuracy need not be as high. However, if antigen 19−9; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; AUC,
the next step is an invasive test such as upper endoscopy with area under curve; SN, sensitivity; SP, specificity; Cyst, cystic
ultrasound and fine needle aspiration of the pancreas, then the neoplasms of the pancreas; IPMN, intraductal papillary
accuracy needs to be as high as possible. The clinical utility of mucinous neoplasm; MCN, mucinous cystic neoplasm; CP,
our biomarker will depend on the ability to detect early chronic pancreatitis; OJ, obstructive jaundice; PC, pancreatic
pancreatic lesions. cancer; AACT, α-1-antichymotrypsin; A1AT, α-1-antitrypsin;
THBS1, thrombospondin-1; HPT, haptoglobin; LRG, leucine-
5. CONCLUSIONS rich α-2 glycoprotein; HCD, higher-energy collisional dissoci-
ation; TMT, tandem mass tags
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