Mechanical Characteristic Analysis of Corrugated Steel Webs Using Asynchronous Construction Technology
Mechanical Characteristic Analysis of Corrugated Steel Webs Using Asynchronous Construction Technology
Mechanical Characteristic Analysis of Corrugated Steel Webs Using Asynchronous Construction Technology
Received 13 January 2020 For application and populization of the corrugated steel web prestressed concrete (PC)
Revised 19 July 2020 composite box-girder bridge, a new asynchronous cantilever construction method was
Accepted 6 September 2020 proposed to reflect the social and economic benefits of this type bridge in short term. In this
Published Online 11 November 2020 paper, comparisons of the construction process and economic indexes between the traditional
hanging basket cantilever construction method and the asynchronous cantilever method.
KEYWORDS Combination of the large finite element program ANSYS, a fine finite element model of the
studied bridge was built, some analysis of the bridge structure were conducted for the whole
Bridge engineering process of construction, the calculation results were compared with the field testing data by
PC composite box girder the real-time monitored stress and displacement. The results indicated that the process of
Corrugated steel web asynchronous cantilever construction method is simple and clear, the construction period is
Finite element method short and the economic indicator is high. This proposed asynchronous cantilever construction
method is far superior to the traditional hanging basket cantilever construction method. The
deformation and stress of structure were varied in a reasonable and safety range during the
construction for the proposed method. The structural stress distribution of the proposed
method is more reasonable than that of the traditional hanging basket cantilever construction
CORRESPONDENCE Lei Wang College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114,
ⓒ 2021 Korean Society of Civil Engineers
186 D. Wang et al.
Juancheng Yellow River Bridge, and Cedar Bridge (Yi et al., 2008; 2. Project Introduction
Feng et al., 2020).
At present, the research on PC composite box girder bridges The Toudao River Bridge is located in the southwest border of
with corrugated steel webs at home and abroad mainly focused Sichuan province and is one of the key works of the Syrian
on the optimization of structures’ buckling strength (Moon et al., highway, which spans the tributary canal of the gully river. The
2009), shear connectors (Eldib, 2009; Ren and Wan, 2011; Nie et Toudao River Bridge has a long-span continuous rigid frame.
al., 2013; Qiao, 2013; Bos et al., 2016), dynamic characteristics The upper section of the continuous rigid frame bridge is
(Górecki and Pieńko, 2017), and design (Branco and Green, composed of corrugated steel webs with a main span of 130 m
1985). The research results promote the promotion of the bridge and two side spans of 72 m. A single box girder has a framing-
type. Existing studies also focused on stress, as well as structural type single room section measuring 12 m wide and a roof floor
and mechanical characteristics. However, no report has presented measuring 7 m wide. The height of the girder is 3.0 m, the height
any innovation in the construction of PC composite box girder of the root beam is 7.5 m, and the base plate is 110 cm thick (Fig. 1).
bridges with corrugated steel webs. At present, PC composite The corrugated steel web plate for Q355NHC has a wavelength
box girder bridges with corrugated steel webs are often built with of 1.6 m, wave height of 0.22 m, thick steel plate of 14 mm to 24
traditional construction methods, such as the full framing method,
cantilever construction method, and pushing method. In many
completed box girder bridges with corrugated steel webs at home
and abroad, the traditional basket cantilever construction method
was widely used (He et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2013; Tong et al.,
2019). Although the traditional hanging basket construction method
entails a safe speed range and simple construction, it also has
some limitations. For example, the traditional hanging basket
structure seriously interferes with the corrugated steel web plates
for hoisting installation, poses great harm to construction safety,
greatly reduces construction efficiency, and extends the construction Fig. 1. Arrangement of Bridge (units: m)
period. Climate conditions also severely restrict the application
of the traditional hanging basket method to bridge construction.
Therefore, a new type of asynchronous pouring method of
construction is proposed in the current work. Under this method,
the corrugated steel web is stiffened and supported by a construction
platform to greatly reduce the self-weight of the construction
equipment, the surface of the construction area of the construction
equipment, and the problem arising from the use of the traditional
hanging basket cantilever casting technology. The method can be
further popularized and applied to PC composite box girder
bridges with corrugated steel webs and provide good technical
The new construction method of asynchronous pouring is
remarkably different from traditional construction methods as it
directly affects structural stress. The new pouring construction
method does not have many research bases for reference. The stress,
deformation, and safety of structures in the construction process
urgently require comprehensive research. The internal force
distributions of structures must also be further clarified. Therefore,
the present study considers an actual structural engineering bridge as
the research object and establishes a refined finite element Fig. 2. Segment of Corrugated Steel Web Plate
calculation model based on the large-scale finite element program
ANSYS. It also tracks and monitors the stress and deformation data
in the entire construction process and investigates a PC composite
box girder bridge with corrugated steel webs constructed using the
new asynchronous pouring method to provide a useful reference
for subsequent research and application.
After completing the cantilever pouring of the beam section, effectively applied to the concrete flange plates. The top and
some lifting points are released appropriately to ensure that the bottom concrete flanges are not limited by each other or by creep
formwork position is separated from the beam body position. and shrinkage.
Then, the position of the rear anchor point is processed by means The PC box girder bridge with corrugated steel webs greatly
of anchorage conversion. The support force of the trolley is reduces the self-weight of the superstructure (Feng et al., 2020)
transferred to the slide position, and then the basket position is the use of concrete and prestressed steel, the amount of steel
transferred to the next beam section by pulling the hoist by hand. reinforcement, and the amount of engineering of the substructure.
The stress distribution in the steel webs presents an approximately
2.3.2 Reinforcement and Tunnel Mounting uniform pattern instead of the traditional triangular pattern
Reinforcement and tunnel installation, concrete pouring, concrete because of the use of favorable materials. In the construction
curing, and prestressing are all key links. Thus, the construction process of a PC box girder bridge with corrugated steel webs, the
should be carried out in strict accordance with relevant technical use of formworks, brackets, and concrete pouring can be limited,
specifications to improve the construction quality of the project. and the cumbersome process of embedding pipes in the concrete
Anchoring is a necessary component of the construction of a webs can be avoided. Corrugated steel webs can be obtained
large cross-section bridge. Before casting the anchoring concrete, from factory production or on-site assembly construction. The
the concrete on the section of the anchoring body should be characteristics of corrugated steel webs enable them to bear the
cleaned to ensure that the anchoring and beam concrete can be construction basket and guide the beam and other load-bearing
combined. Before sealing the anchor, the workers must use a components. As steel webs can be used as a construction force
liquid rust inhibitor to remove rust and other substances in the component, we hereby put forward a new kind of construction
anchor head and then brush waterproofing material. The specific method.
construction method is shown in the following figure.
The Toudao River Bridge supported by corrugated steel web 3. Asynchronous Pouring Construction Method
plates is composed of corrugated web and flange plates on top
and at the bottom. The flange plates are parallel or are installed a 3.1 Process Flow
certain angle, and the corrugated web plates are perpendicular to At the current construction stage, the structure mainly includes
the top flange plate and bottom flange plate. The top and bottom the following:
flange plate has a one-sided fillet weld or double-sided fillet 1. Asynchronous pouring construction platform.
weld. As the corrugated webs are used to replace the original 2. The base plate of the current construction segment (section n).
concrete webs, the longitudinal stiffness of the corrugated steel 3. The waveform steel web of the current construction segment
webs is small, and the axial stress is mainly borne by the upper (section n).
roof and bottom floor. Therefore, the corrugated webs are 4. The roof of (section n-1) completed in the previous
unaffected by the axial force, and the longitudinal prestressed construction stage.
bars are configured on the concrete roof and floor to resist the 5. The corrugated steel web plate completed in the construction
load and self-weight in the construction. Prestress can be phase (section n-1).
the lifting plate of the top platform, trolley of the sliding beam,
hanger, sliding beam, and formwork bracket. At the same time,
one bar top plate reinforcement is bound, and the concrete is
As shown in Fig. 10, at the completion of the installation of
BXG -13, the lifting range of the tower crane (50 m) is exceeded,
and the special crane on the hanging basket is used to install the
wave web plate of the following section, the installation of which
is the same as that for sections 1 to 9. The top and bottom slab
concrete is poured, bundled, and subjected to tension and
grouting until bridge deck closure.
For the PC combined box girder bridge with wave-shaped
steel webs, when the hanging basket is installed, the corrugated
steel web, mound, the reinforcement of the top and bottom plate
bars are installed in the work surface of section n. The working
surface is restricted, the number cross operation is numerous, and
the cycle length is long. Compared with the traditional hanging
basket, the asynchronous pouring method adopted for construction
expands the operating area from the original single section work
surface to sections n-1, n, and n+1 of the work surface; section n-
1 of the roof construction, section n of the floor construction, and
section n+1 of the corrugated steel web. Moreover, the flow
construction of the three work surfaces greatly improves the
construction efficiency and shortens the construction period.
Fig. 9. Hanging Basket Installation: (a) Pre-Buried Corrugated Steel Abdominal Plate of Block 0, (b) Installation of BXG-2 and BXG-3 Corrugated
Steel Webs
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 191
Fig. 9. (continued): (c) Installation of Hanging Basket, (d) Hanging Basket Moving Forward
192 D. Wang et al.
Fig. 10. Construction Process after Section 9: (a) Installation of Hanging Basket Crane, (b) Installation of Basket Crane with BXG -14 Corrugated Steel
structure with the travel stability of the upper and lower floor. 4. Structural Force Analysis
Given the application of the method to the construction
process, including the construction load and the main load- 4.1 Finite Element Model
bearing building of concrete, the main weight of the construction The large-scale finite element analysis software ANSYS was
process and the performance of the bridge in the construction used to establish the basic finite element model shown in Fig. 10.
process are investigated using finite element analysis and The model was composed of 2897 nodes and 4535 units. The
field monitoring. concrete adopted the tetrahedral solid element solid92, and the
corrugated steel web adopted the shell element shell63. The
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 193
Fig. 11. Finite Element Model: (a) Finite Element Model of Structure in the Construction Phase, (b) Local Model of Corrugated Steel Web
Fig. 12. Distribution Stress of Segment Structural: (a) Structural Stress, (b) Structural Stress Concentration Diagram
Fig. 17. Stress Comparison of Theoretical and Field Testing for Floor
the top and bottom plates and the corrugated steel web of each
construction cantilever segment in the entire bridge.
Fig. 14. Schematic of Stress Sensor Layout
method on the stress state at the top and bottom plates after
completion were compared according to the calculation results,
as shown in Figs. 18 and 19, respectively.
In the comparison in Figs. 18 and 19, the calculation results
and measured results of the asynchronous pouring method and
traditional hanging basket construction method after bridge
completion indicated that the top and bottom plates of the box
girder were in a compressive stress state and that the stress
change trend along the whole bridge was basically the same.
When the asynchronous pouring method was applied, except for
the partial compressive stress at both ends, the maximum
difference of the compressive stress on the top plate of the entire
bridge was only 2.34 MPa, which was significantly lower than
4.49 MPa of the traditional hanging basket method. The
Fig. 18. Stress Comparison of Completed Bridge State for Roof maximum difference of the compressive stress on the bottom
plate was 3.72 MPa, which was also lower than 5.29 MPa of the
traditional hanging basket construction method. Therefore, the
asynchronous pouring method could realize a more uniform
change trend of stress at the top and bottom plates after completion
than the traditional hanging basket construction method. The
state was reasonable, and the overall structural performance was
good. In addition, the measured value was close to the finite
element calculation results, indicating that constructing the PC
composite box girder bridge with corrugated steel webs through
the asynchronous pouring method is feasible. The force is
reasonable, and the performance is good after completion.
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