Chapter II

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Chapter II

The Intrinsic Elements of the Novel

2.1 Definition of Novel

Novel is a story which tells about someone life. Novels do not, however,

present a documentary picture of life. Alongside the fact that novels look at people

in society, the other major characteristic of the genre is that novels tell a story. In

fact, novels tend to tell the some few stories time and time. The source or the

inspiration of writing novel can be a based on true story. Their true story retelling in

a story that we call as life experience.This true story more reliable than the other one

that which based on imagination. It is because the second one sometime could not

happen in real life.

“Writers have, of course, always been interested in the world around them,

but the development of the novel reflects a move away froman essentially religious

view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Most

of novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in

which they find themselves” (John Peck and Martin Coyle, 1984:102).

Novel can be reflects of our daily living around them. It could be easier

because we just need to take from our daily activities and our experiences. Put the

ordinary story and also tells about the ordinary person stories. Lifted up from the

social problems, economic also about culture.

“A lot of novels have young people as the main characters, for it is often the

young who feel themselves to be most at odds with conventionalstandards”.You will

have made considerable progress in understanding the particular novel you are

reading if you can see how it sets certain individuals against society or their family.”

(John Peck and Martin Coyle, 1984:102).

However, make the mistake of believing that the novel is written to put

across the point. Some novels are moralists. The message of their novels tells about

the update reality in our society. Nowadays the novel not only tells about the young

people love relationship but also the moral crisis, education and other social life. But

it would be so simple to say that the important thing about their novel messages they


A novel is a long narrative that is normally in prose, which describes

fictional characters and events, usually in the form of a sequential story. Novel is the

same as a short story. They both are included in prose narrative fiction. They

similarity is in the intrinsic element such as plot, character, setting, etc. (Sumardjo &

Saini, 1991:29). A novel may have complex themes, many characters of various

atmospheres. Novel can be divided in three themes. They are romantic novel,

adventure novel and fantasy novel (Sumardjo&Saini 1991:29).

Literature is often said to be a school of live in that authors tend to comment

on the conduct of people and individual in society. They either point of what they

found in important issues as human affairs of propose ideal alternatives to way thing

actually custom and more of particular social group or individuals. Their aspiration

and value are explored and exposed. (Taylor, 1981:12).

According to Sapardi Djokodamono (2003) “karya sastra adalah sebuah

lembaga sosial yang menggunakan bahasa sebagai media interaksi”. (Literature is

an institutionas social that uses language as interaction media). Language is

constituted of social creation. The most of literature is illustrate about life, and life

itself is a fact of social. Sometime many people have opinion that literature is a fact

of expressing from artistic and imaginative as manifestation in a human life. The

method to know a literary is with an identify and aware what is the meaning of


Ki Hajar Dewantara identifies education as an effort to improve the

development of good manner and intellect. In the narrower sense “education” is

restricted to the function of community which consist in passing on its tradition, is

background, and its outlook to the member of the rising generation. In addition, Ki

Hajar Dewantara stated the education defined as an effort to improve the

development of advance in perfecting the life as “Life in society” (Ki Hajar

Dewantara, 1962:14).

Romantic novel involves the role of man and woman balance event

sometimes, all of the themes can happen in this novel. Adventure novel involves the

role of the man more than women, along its story in action-always exterior, usually

physical stressed above characteristic, motivation or theme. Fantasy novel depends

on its particular effect on strangeness of setting, action and character, which gives

an air of unreality to a story.

Novel is a prose work of quite some length complexity, which attempts to

reflect and express something about the quality of values of human experience or

conduct. It is main matter that has taken from patterns of life, as we have known or

set in exotic and imaginative times and places.

Novel is one of the examples of imaginative or fiction literary work. It is

used in its broadest narrative. In practice, however it is used in customarily

restricted to narrative in which the representation of character occur or static

condition or in the process of development as the result of event or action. (Holman

& Harmon, 1986).

2.2 Refrain

The third novel written by Winna Effendi was published in 2009, and has

been also filmed in 2013 ago.Refrain novel that has been filmed, presenting a bitter

sweet story of friendship between Niki and Nata that have been woven since they

were children. Then a new student in their school, Annalise enter the circle of

friendship between the three teenagers this feels very perfect, but nothing is perfect

in this world. Besides characterized by jokes and laughter of their friendship, began

to recognize the love and sorrow. A girl and man could not only establish friendly

relationships. Definitely one day they will feel the spark of love. Some say that a

friendship should not be decorated by the taste, the sense of love between opposite

sex. But this is what happens, inevitably.

The idea of this story tells the life of an adolescent about friendship

imperfect that colored by love, has been frequently used. However, Winna Efendi

succeeded in presenting it in a different way. The conflicts that arise unexpectedly

as well as the solution. The groove that was up and down to make the story more

exciting.Ending hanging, aka open ending open space for readers to guess the

sequel, romantic words are alsoto touch the reader‟s heart. Readers swept away in

each scene, follow the flow of stories. Although the setting aren‟t used foreign

setting is interesting, but the author could describes it very good, so that the reader

can get into the story, see, hear, and feel what happened figures.

Blue envelope with the title of the novel written on it could attract the

attention of everyone who saw it, not to mention the contents of the envelope paper

with the words “It's always been you” clearly makes the reader feel very curious

about the contents of the novel. The novel‟s title, “Refrain” which describes

something repeated, something that will come back or return, in accordance with the

contents of its subtitle, “When Love Always Round” really attract the reader's


2.3 Intrinsic Elements

2.3.1 Character

Character is one of the important elements of fiction. Characters are

elements which can be found in a novel. Plot and character are inseparable, because

plot is not simply a series of event happens that come out of character to delineate

character. In other word, when we want to know „what happened to him or her‟ and

„how did it work out for them‟, so we should find out the action of the character in a

sequence of events. Analyzing a character is more difficult than analyzing plot,

because character is more complex, variable, and ambiguous.

Character is any person, identify, or entity whose existence originates from a

fictional work or performance. Such existence is presumed by those participating in

the performance as audience, readers, or otherwise. In addition to people, characters

can be aliens, gods, artificial intelligence or, occasionally, inanimate objects.

According to Edgar (1987) a character maybe defined as a verbal representation of a

human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray

characters that are worth caring about, rooting for, and even love, although there are

also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

According to Steven Croft (2002:113) characters are the central feature in any

play or novel. Here are some ways to get a picture of character:

What the characters looks like (physical appearance, clothing, etc.)

What characters say and how it is said.

What the characters thinks (often we learn about this from a character's


How character acts–watch out for reaction to different situations.

How character's words match their actual deeds or their underlying motives.

What other character changes as the play goes on.

In their book “literature: an Introduction to Reading and Writing”, Robert and

Jacob (1987) describe that in analyzing a literary character, the writer begins to

determine the character's outstanding traits. A trait is a quality of mind or habitual

mode behavior, such as never repaying borrowed money, avoiding eye contact, or

always thinking oneself the center of attention.

Sometimes, of course the traits we encounter are minor and therefore

negligible. But often a trait maybe a person's primary characteristics (not only in

fiction but also in life). Thus, characters may be ambitious, lazy, serene or anxious,

aggressive or fearful, thoughtful or inconsiderate, open or secretive, confident or self-

doubting, kind cruel, quite or noisy, visionary or practical, careful or careless,

impartial or biased, straightforward or underhanded, "winner or loser," and soon.

Koesmobroto (988:67) distinguished two types of character, main or major

character and minor character. Major character is the most important character in the

story. Basically, a story is about this character, but he cannotstand on his own; he

needs other characters to make the story more convincing and lifelike. Minor

characters are of less important than those of the main. The main characters in fiction

or in a play is called protagonist. In traditional fiction the protagonist is also the hero

or heroine, an admirable character that embodies widely accepted strength and

virtues, who is morally good. The antagonist is unsavory enough the world villain or

villainess is used. It has often been assumed that characters in a literary work can be

judged from four levels of characterization.

These four levels are helpful for us to see the very basic description of characters. The

four levels of characterization are:

A. Physical: physical level supplies such basic facts, as sex, age, and size. It is level

simplest level of characterization because it reveals external traits only.

B. Social: social level of characterization includes economic status, profession,

religion, family, and social relationship all those factors which place a character in his


C. Psychological: this level reveals habitual responses, attitudes, desires, motivation,

likes, and dislikes – the inner workings of the mind, both emotional and intellectual

which lead to action. Since feeling, thought, behavior, define a character more fully

than physical and social traits and since a literary work usually arises from desires in

conflict, the psychological level is the most essential parts of characterized.

D. Moral: moral decisions more clearly differentiate characters than any other level of

characterization. The choices made by a character when he is faced with a moral

crisis show whether he is selfish, a hypocrite, or he is the one who always acts

according to his belief. A moral decision usually causes a character to examine his

own motives and values, and in the process his true nature is revealed both to himself

and to the readers.

Forster (1990: 73-80) distinguish two kinds of characters. Those are:

Flat: a flat character is constructed round a single idea or quality; he is

unchanging, static; at the end of the novel he is essentially what he has been

throughout. His every response is predictable; the readers can anticipate

exactly how the character will react.

Round: quite the opposite is a character portrayed in the round. He is

profoundly altered by his experiences. His responses take us by surprise. He

doesn't embody a single idea or quality, but is much more complex. A round

character is a major character in a work of fiction that encounters conflict and

is changed by it. Round characters tend to be more fully developed and

described than flat, or static, characters. If you think of the characters you

most love in fiction, they probably seem as real to you as people you know in

real life. This is a good sign that they are round characters. A writer employs a

number of tools or elements to develop a character, making him or her round,

including description and dialogue.

Acharacter, making him or her round, including description and dialogue. A

character's responses to conflict and his or her internal dialogue are also

revelatory. In contrast, one that does undergo an important change in the

course of the story is. More specifically, the changes that we are referring to

as being "undergone" here are not changes in circumstances, but changes in

some sense within the character in question –changes in insight or

understanding (of circumstances, for instance), or changes in commitment, in

values. The change (or lack of change) at stake in this distinction is a change

"in" the character (nature) of the character (fictional figure).

2.3.2 Plot

Plot is one of the elements of fiction and organized the sequence of events

and actions that make up the story. A novelist uses plot to arrange the sequence of

events. In most stories, these events arise out of conflict experienced by the main

character. The conflict may come from something external, like a dragon or an

overbearing mother, or it may stem from an internal issue, such as jealousy, loss of

identity, or overconfidence. As the character makes choices and tries to resolve the

problem, the story's action is shaped and plot is generated. In some stories, the

author structures the entire plot chronologically, with the first event followed by the

second, third, and so on, like beads on a string. However, many other stories are told

with flashback techniques in whichplot events from earlier times interrupt the

story‟s "current" events. According to Foster:

"A plot is a narrative of events the emphasis falling on causality. The king

died and the queen died of grief is not plot, the time sequence is preserved, but the

sense of causality overshadows it” (Aspects of The Novel, E.M. Foster, 1980:87).

Plot must be effective and it includes a sequence of incidents that bear a

significant causal relationship to each other. Causality is an important feature of

realistic fictional plot because something happens because of a result something

else. In other words, it's what mostly happened in the story or novel or what the

story's general theme is based on, such as the mood, characters, setting, and conflicts

occurring in a story. An intricate, complicated plot is known as an imbroglio, but

even the simplest statements of plot can have multiple inferences, such as with

songs the ballad tradition.

Talking about plot means we talk about the actions or events that are usually

resolved at the end of a story. The fictional plot maybe a struggle between opposing

forces, love and many others and it is usually resolved by the end if the story.

There are five essential parts of plot:

a) Exposition - The beginning of the story where the characters and the setting is

revealed. The exposition is the introduction to the characters and setting of the story.

The exposition hooks the reader, providing enoughinterest and information to the

intended audience to encourage the reader to continue reading.

b) Rising Action - This is where the events in the story become complicated and the

conflict in the story is revealed (events between the introduction and climax). The

rising action introduces the conflict or problem in the story. This part of the plot tells

us what it is that the main character or protagonist is facing. During the rising

action, the main character struggles with this conflict or problem. The conflict may


1. Character vs. character: the problem the protagonist faces is one involving


2. Character vs. society: the protagonist faces a problem involving something in the

society in which they live (example: racism).

3. Character vs. self: the character has some internal struggle inside themselves.

4. Character vs. nature: the protagonist struggles with some natural force (tornado,

harsh climate, etc.).

c) Climax -the climax is the high point of the story where the conflict or problem

changes or is resolved. Something happens in the climax to create a turning point for

the characters in the story.

d) Falling action - The falling action is the series of events which take place after

the climax; it is where the protagonist must react to the changes that occur during

the climax of the story. The events and complications begin to resolve them. The

reader knows what has happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not (events

between climax and denouement).

e) Denouement -This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story. The

part of a story or drama which occurs after the climax and which establishes a new

norm, a new state of affairs-the way things are going to be from then on. The author

often ties up the loose ends of the story to have the plot reach a conclusion.

In a story, the events maybe rise and fall repeatedly and actually a plot

develops a series of complications or intensification of the conflict that leads to a

moment of great tension. Sometimes the author will use some techniques in writing

the plot to make the story more interesting or to add a twist or turn. Foreshadowing

is where the author may hint at what might happen in the future. Flashback is where

the author might tell us something that has happened in the past to help explain the

present. Irony is when the author has something happen in the story that is the

opposite of what the reader expects.

In general, plot can be divided into two types, they are closed and open. This

division is based on the way how an author presents the resolution of his story. They


A. Closed plot: in this type of the plot the end of the story is clear because the author

presents a definite resolution of conflict. Most narrative works use closed plot,

because the end of the story is clear, readers do not have to think a lot about it.

B. Open plot: this type of plot has little or no resolution at all. The author, however,

creates some clues in the story that will lead his readers to conclude the resolution of

the story.

2.3.3 Setting

“The of a narrative or dramatic work is the general locate, historical time,

and a social circumstances in which its action occurs, the setting of an episode or

scen within a work is the particular physical location in which it takes place” (A

Glossary of Literary Terms, Abraham, MH, 1969: 75)

The setting is not only shows the place or time of the sequence of events, but

it also expresses the character in a story. For example: the setting describes in a

house, and then the house will express the character of the owner. In this case, we

can see from the interior of the house, if the owner is a rich man then his house is

big and filled in the expansive things. According to Rene Wellek and Warren

through their book Theory of Literature describe that,

“Setting is environment and environment especially domestic interior,

maybe viewed as metonymic, or metaphoric, expression of character” (1977:221).

Setting is the natural, manufactured, political, and temporary environment,

including everything that characters know and own. Like all human beings, fictional

characters do not exist in isolation. Just they become human by interacting with

other characters, they gain identity because of their cultural and political allegiances,

their possessions, their jobs and their location where they live and move and have

their being.

Stories must therefore necessarily include description of places, objects, and

backgrounds. So, setting includes the time, location, and everything in which a story

takes place, and initiates the main backdrop and mood for a story. Setting has been

referred to as story world or milieu to include a context (especially society) beyond

the immediate surroundings of the story. Elements of setting may include culture,

historical period, geography, and hour. Along with plot, character, theme, and style,

setting is considered one of the fundamental components of fiction. A setting is the

time place and social environment a story takes place.

Writers describe the world they know. Sights, sounds, colors, and textures

are all vividly painted in words as an artist paints images on canvas. The writer

imagines a story to be happening in a place that is rooted in his or her mind. The

location of a story's actions, along with the time in which it occurs, is the setting.

Setting is created by language. How many or how few details we learn is up to the

author. Many authors leave a lot of these details up to the reader's imagination.

Setting is a key role in plot, as in man vs. nature or man vs. society stories.

In some stories the setting becomes a character itself. In such roles setting may be

considered a plot device or literary device. The term "setting" is often used to refer

to the social milieu in which the events of a novel occur. Characters may either

helped or hurt by their surroundings, and they may fight about possession and goals.

Further, as characters speak with each other, they reveal the degree to which they

share the custom and ideas of their times.

A. Nature and the outdoors

The natural world is an obvious location of many narratives and plays. It is

therefore important to note natural surroundings (hills, valleys, mountains,

meadows, fields, trees, lakes, streams), living creatures (birds, dogs, horses, snakes),

and also conditions in which things happen (sunlight, darkness, calm, wind, rain,

snow, storm, heat, cold) –any or all of which may influence character and action.

B. Objects of human manufacture and construction

To reveal or highlight qualities of character, and also to make fiction life,

authors include detail about buildings and objects of human manufacture and

construction. Houses, both interiors, are common, as are possessions such as

walking sticks, fences, park benches, toys, automobiles, hair ribbon, necklace, and

so on.

C. Cultural conditions and assumption

Just as physical setting influence characters, so do cultural conditions and

assumptions, such as characters live, the primitive beliefs, human sacrifice, modern

scientific beliefs, and so on.

2.4 The Biography of the Author

Author Winna Effendi was born on January 6th 1896. She is a writer from

Indonesia who has produced works best. Settled in Jakarta, and in the mood for

writing, reading and watching movies. An introduction to a movie and a tetra-logy

novel by WinnaEfendi: REFRAIN. Secondly, Refrain is a novel, telling us about

Niki and Nata. They are friend since childhood, who then falls in love with his best

friend, and a story about love that is almost perfect, except the pain of friendship

itself.Refrain is her third novel, and this novel including a novels that has been

already in the lift to the movie.

Titles of those novels are:

1. Ai

2. Glam Girls

3. Unbelievable

4. Remember When (already in the lift of the movie)

5. Unforgettable

6. Truth or Dare

7. Tomodachi

Award obtained Efendi, such as:

1) Long list Equator Award for Young Writers Gifted (2009),

2) Short List Award Readers Indonesia cover fiction favorites to Refrain (2009),

3) Long list Anugerah Readers Indonesia fiction novel favorites to Refrain (2009).

Intrinsic elements are the building blocks of literary works that come from

the work itself. In the novel intrinsic elements that form, theme, plot,

characterization, setting, point of view, style, and mandate. The following reviews

intrinsic elements of the novel.

Intrinsic elements is one that builds a literary work that needs to be

considered. Intrinsic elements are used to analyze novels in order to better make

easy to analize the novel, and it consists: theme, plot, characterization, setting, point

of view, style, and mandate.

2.5 The Synopsis of “Refrain”, (English Version)

Nata and Niki are two best friends who are always together at the stars on a

trampoline and it has almost become routine. Each Niki asked about, who first fell

in love between them, Nata always answer "you". In school Niki and Nata has a

friend named Annalise (Anna), moved from New York. Anna is the only daughter

of a famous model namely Vidia Rossa. The three of them became close

friends. Turns out Anna put compassion to Nata. On the other hand Nata was felt

that a change of self Niki.

One day Niki to know by the captain of his high school basket ball

opponent. Oliver is famous student of Pelita High School. Niki became nervous

when one day Oliver take her out and declare his love for Niki. Instantly, Niki feel

very happy because have a boyfriend, and immediately told Nata and Anna. Nata

was surprised and said that Oliver did not deserve to be a girlfriend Niki. Nata said

in his heart that he first fell in love.

Anna invites Nata and Niki to his home to pick her photo collections. Niki

find a collection of photos of Nata who secretly kept by Anna. Nata ventured to ask

about the picture. Anna also said that she love Nata. Anna then quickly said that

there should be no answer from Nata because she already knows the answer. Nata

be relieved and said that this is the first time there was a girl who claimed direct his


One day Nata and Niki came into the room and accidentally read the Nata‟s

songs, but there are things that made him limp when she read about her feelings

Nata. Nata and Niki knew wanted to leave the room, but was detained by Nata who

grabbed his hand and said in a low voice, "my love for you, Nik". Niki did not

answer and walked away. At that time Nata felt he had lost something important in

his life. Nata and Niki is Friendship were frays.

One time after school Nata and Niki approached, wanting to say something

about his feelings and Nata also said that he did not want to spoil the friendship

especially Niki relationship with Oliver. Nata and Niki not just want to get away

from him. Niki finally dare to say that he still deem Nata as a friend and apologize if

she does not accept the feelings Nata. Niki sometimes feel nostalgic for Anna and

Nata, he could only peep out of her house when Nata joking with Anna on the

trampoline. Special place himself with Nata.

Pelita High School will throw a party. Oliver will be a Niki‟s

partner. However, Niki was surprised and angry when she saw Oliver paired with

Helena. Helena had planned all this because she was envious of Niki. Helena

managed to deceive Oliver by saying that he would be bringing with Shasa. Oliver

would do it because he is very love Shasa.

Niki was shock when Nata took her home from the party. Her friend came to

her rescue. Nata come without the knowledge of Niki and told Oliver that he had to

pick Niki. Oliver was notthe heart to do it. Finally, they both decided to chat on a

trampoline. They both came back either.

Graduation will soon arrive. Annalise decided to go to college, while Niki is

still confused. Nata could not leave Niki, even though he had received school

abroad. Danny knows what happened to her brother. He also advocated that Nata

will go to school and not have to worry about Niki.

At night Nata and Niki decided to spend the night on a trampoline while

remembering his childhood days past until they both fell asleep on top of the

trampoline. Once awakened, they noticed two shining planets that morning, as two

close friends. Finally the breakup occurred, Nata going away for a long time. Nata

and Niki gently kissed her forehead, have result whole sense of his love for the

girl. They both cried and Nata said to him self “I'll be home soon, and at that time, I

will not let you go again”.

After nearly five years of Nata and Niki split, until one day Nata back to

home and decided to stop by his old school. Shouts a female teacher makes Nata

want to find the origin of the sound. Nata‟s heart rippled, stunned and unable to

move when finding the origin of the voice. They both stared at each other, that

women seems to want to shout out, but it is only a whisper. Nothing has

changed. They still have each other; past, today, and forever.


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