This document is a mid-semester exam for a Unix Operating Systems course. It contains 3 questions with multiple parts about Unix concepts. Question 1 covers the features and popularity of Unix, the kernel architecture, and buffer caches. Question 2 discusses inodes, how files are structured, and the namei algorithm. Question 3 examines Unix system calls, how file data structures change during operations, and different types of links.
This document is a mid-semester exam for a Unix Operating Systems course. It contains 3 questions with multiple parts about Unix concepts. Question 1 covers the features and popularity of Unix, the kernel architecture, and buffer caches. Question 2 discusses inodes, how files are structured, and the namei algorithm. Question 3 examines Unix system calls, how file data structures change during operations, and different types of links.
This document is a mid-semester exam for a Unix Operating Systems course. It contains 3 questions with multiple parts about Unix concepts. Question 1 covers the features and popularity of Unix, the kernel architecture, and buffer caches. Question 2 discusses inodes, how files are structured, and the namei algorithm. Question 3 examines Unix system calls, how file data structures change during operations, and different types of links.
This document is a mid-semester exam for a Unix Operating Systems course. It contains 3 questions with multiple parts about Unix concepts. Question 1 covers the features and popularity of Unix, the kernel architecture, and buffer caches. Question 2 discusses inodes, how files are structured, and the namei algorithm. Question 3 examines Unix system calls, how file data structures change during operations, and different types of links.
(Semester- VI) MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION, MARCH- 2021 COURSE NAME: Unix Operating System COURSE CODE: UCSE0601 Day and Date: Tuesday, 09/03/2021 PRN No. : Time: 01:30 PM to 03:30 PM Max Marks- 50 Instructions: IMP: Verify that you have received question paper with correct course, code, branch etc. i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figure to the right indicates full marks. iii) Assume suitable data wherever necessary. Marks B.L CO’s Q.1 Attempt any three 18 A Describe the features of Unix Operating System. What makes it so 6 1 1 popular? B Draw & Explain block diagram of Unix Kernel Architecture. 6 1 2 C Describe structure of Buffer Cache. List out advantages & 6 1 2 disadvantages of Buffer Cache. D Explain buffer retrieval algorithm. Scenario 5 and 4 leads the 6 2 2 algorithm to sleep state; both sleep conditions are same or different? Justify your answer
Q.2 Attempt any two 16
A What is inode? How incore inode is differ from disk inode? 8 2 3 B Explain structure of regular file in Unix, How dynamic growth of file 8 2 3 is supported keeping inode size fixed? C Describe namei algorithm in detail 8 1 3
Q.3 Attempt any two 16
A Explain following system calls with syntax, purpose, parameters & 8 1 3 return value: i) Open ii) read iii) chmod iv) lseek B Show the changes in various data structures associated with Files on 8 2 3 following operations- (assume suitable data) i) fdr = open(“/etc/passwd”,read) ii) read(fdr, buffer[], 128) iii) close(fdr) C What is link? What are different types of link? Compare link and copy 8 2 3 operations using suitable example.