Eminent Domain 1
Eminent Domain 1
Eminent Domain 1
Eminent domain is the right or power of a sovereign state to appropriate private property to particular
uses to promote public welfare. It is an indispensable attribute of sovereignty; a power grounded in the
primary duty of government to serve the common need and advance the general welfare. 1 It is an inherent
competence of the state. It is essential to a sovereign. Thus, the Constitution does not explicitly define this
power but subjects it to a limitation: that it be exercised only for public use and with payment of just
compensation. Whether the use is public or whether the compensation is constitutionally just will be
determined finally by the courts. However, the manner of its exercise such as which government
instrumentality can be delegated with the power to condemn, under what conditions, and how may be
limited by law.2
The Right-of-Way and Site Acquisition Act (R.A. No. 10752) 3, or the commonly known The Right-of-
Way Act (ROW Act), now governs the acquisition transactions of the national government agencies (and
GOCCs) of private properties to be used for national government infrastructure project. As a declaration
of Policy, R.A. No. 10752 states, “Article III, Section 9 of the Constitution states that private property
shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. Towards this end, the State shall ensure that
owners of real property acquired for national government infrastructure projects are promptly paid just
compensation for the expeditious acquisition of the required right-of-way for the projects.” 4
The ROW Act prescribes modes of acquiring real properties by the government, as needed. These are:
1. Donation;
2. Negotiated Sale;
3. Expropriation; and
4. Any other modes as provided by law. 5
For lands owned by a Corporation or a Partnership, the owner must first present a Notarized Resolution of
the governing Board, authorizing an officer/s to execute the Deed of Conveyance, and a certified true
copy of the SEC registration papers, for the acquisition process to proceed either through donation,
negotiated sale or expropriation.
In this case, we will only explore the possibility of acquisition through negotiated sale and expropriation.
National Transmission Corporation v. Oroville Development Corporation, G.R. No. 223366, 1 August 2017.
National Corporation v. Posada, G.R. No. 191945, 11 March 2015.
An Act Facilitating the Acquisition of Right-of-Way Site or Location for National Government Infrastructure
Projects (The Right-of-Way Act), 2000.
The Right-of-Way Act, Sec. 2.
Id. Section 4.