GBSS Feature Documentation GBSS21.1 - 08 20210309224929
GBSS Feature Documentation GBSS21.1 - 08 20210309224929
GBSS Feature Documentation GBSS21.1 - 08 20210309224929
3.11.7 IBCA
IBCA Feature Parameter Description
Issue 02
Date 2019-01-31
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3.11.7 Contents
1 About This Document
1.1 Scope
1.2 General Statements
1.3 Change History
2 Overview
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Benefits
2.3 Specifications
2.4 NEs Supporting the Feature
3 Technical Description
3.1 Overview
3.2 Calculating Path Losses
3.3 Calculating CIRs
3.3.1 Interference Signal Search
3.3.2 Evaluating CIRs by Channel
3.4 Selecting an Optimal Channel
4 Related Features
5 Network Impact
5.1 System Capacity
5.2 Network Performance
6 Engineering Guidelines
6.1 When to Use IBCA
6.2 Data Preparation
6.3 Network Planning
6.4 Deploying IBCA
6.4.1 Deployment Requirements
6.4.2 Data Preparation
6.4.3 Activation
6.4.4 Activation Observation
6.4.5 Deactivation
6.5 Performance Monitoring
6.6 Parameter Optimization
6.6.1 Call Drop Rate
6.6.2 Handover Success Rate
6.6.3 Congestion Rate
6.7 Troubleshooting
7 Parameters
8 Counters
9 Glossary
10 Reference Documents
1.1 Scope
This document describes GBFD-117002 IBCA, including its technical principles, related
features, network impact, and engineering guidelines.
1.2 General Statements
This document only provides guidance for feature activation. Feature deployment and feature gains depend
on the specifics of the network scenario where the feature is deployed. To achieve the desired gains, contact
Huawei professional service engineers.
Software Interfaces
Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described in Feature Parameter
Description documents apply only to the corresponding software release. For future software
releases, refer to the corresponding updated product documentation.
1.3 Change History
This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There
are two types of changes:
Feature change
Changes in features and parameters of a specified version as well as the affected entities.
Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information and any related parameters affected by
editorial changes.
02 (2019-01-31)
Editorial Changed the setting notes for IBCA Soft Block None
change Switch and IBCA WAMR FR Soft Block
Threshold. For details, see 6.4.2 Data Preparation.
01 (2018-04-10)
Draft A (2018-02-05)
Feature Added GBFD-200201 1.2 MHz Networking for BCCH Added the
change TRXs and GBFD-200202 User-level Precise Power DynHSNIBCA
Control. For details, see Impacted Features. OutSyncSw
Added GBFD-201201 BTS Supporting 1588v2 ATR. (BSC6900,
For details, see Prerequisite Features. BSC6910)
Modified policies for planning hopping sequence
numbers (HSNs). For details, see 6.3 Network Planning.
Added the mutually exclusive feature GBFD-115903
4-Way Receiver Diversity in Mutually Exclusive Features.
2 Overview
2.1 Introduction
This feature applies to networks using a tight frequency reuse pattern. It brings the following
Alleviates network interference.
Increases the frequency resource efficiency and network capacity.
Improves the speech quality by considering interference between calls during channel
2.3 Specifications
The following items need to be configured before the IBCA feature is enabled in a
IBCA neighboring cells
A maximum of 24 IBCA neighboring cells can be configured for an IBCA-enabled cell
using NCELLTYPE (BSC6900, BSC6910).
A maximum of six IBCA location cell groups can be configured for an IBCA-enabled
A maximum of 16 neighboring BSCs can be configured for a BSC when the inter-BSC
IBCA is enabled.
Mobile allocation index offsets (MAIOs), mobile allocation (MA) groups, and
the number of frequencies in each MA group
A maximum of three MA groups can be configured for an IBCA-enabled cell.
A maximum of 24 MAIOs can be configured for an IBCA-enabled cell. The following
table lists the restrictions on the number of interference neighboring cells based on the
number of MAIOs.
Only one MA group can be configured for an IBCA-enabled cell if the TRXs of the cell work
on the same timeslot and frequency band.
If IBCAUSRDYNCMEASURENCELL (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes) for
an IBCA-enabled cell, the following conditions must be met:
IBCA applies only to FH cells and is used for channel allocation only on the TRXs
involved in FH.
IBCA does not support external packet control units (PCUs).
The total number of MA groups that can be configured for all IBCA neighboring cells
of an IBCA-enabled cell cannot exceed 24.
The serving cell is a single-band cell.
When the serving cell is a low-band (900/850 MHz) cell, only the number of
MA groups in the low-band IBCA neighboring cells needs to be calculated. The
maximum allowed number is 24.
When the serving cell is a high-band (1800/1900 MHz) cell, only the number
of MA groups in the high-band IBCA neighboring cells needs to be calculated. The
maximum allowed number is 24.
The number of MA groups needs to be calculated only once if the MA groups
in IBCA neighboring cells are the same. If the MA groups for IBCA neighboring cells
are the same, the number of MA groups is calculated as one.
Table 2-1describes the specifications of TRXs, SCTP links, and service board processing
capabilities in typical configuration scenarios.
Table 2-1 Specifications in typical configuration scenarios
SiteType IBCAINBS IBCAOUTB MCP Number of Number of Number of Number of
PRD TPRD OptS Neighborin s in an MA Groups Configured
(BSC6900, (BSC6900, witc g Cells Group for MA
BSC6910) BSC6910) h Groups in a
(BSC Cell
For the BSC6900, the MCP in the following description indicates the XPUa/XPUb/XPUc board with
LGCAPPTYPE (BSC6900, BSC6910) set to MCP. In this situation, mixed insertion of XPUa/XPUb/XPUc
boards is not allowed. For the BSC6910, the MCP in the following description indicates the
1024 1200 2
2048 1200 4
3072 1200 6
BSC6910: IBCA can be enabled on a maximum of 6000 TRXs. When the inter-BSC
IBCA is enabled, the number of TRXs in the external IBCA neighboring cells cannot
exceed 3000.
Table 2-3 lists the number of configured MCPs in different TRX configurations.
Table 2-3 Number of configured MCPs in TRX configurations
2000 3000 2
4000 3000 2
6000 3000 3
SCTP Links
After IBCA is enabled, the processing capabilities of service boards decrease. The processing
capabilities of service boards after IBCA is enabled are as follows:
Main control XPUa: 200 TRXs
Non-main control XPUa: 260 TRXs
XPUb/XPUc: 480 TRXs
2.4 NEs Supporting the Feature
IBCA √ √ √ √
√ indicates that the NE supports this feature. × indicates that the NE does not support this feature.
3 Technical Description
3.1 Overview
IBCA is a channel allocation algorithm. Each time before allocating TCHs, the BSC uses
IBCA to perform an evaluation and allocates appropriate TCHs to MSs based on the
evaluation result.
shows the implementation of the IBCA algorithm during the assignment or
Figure 3-1
handover procedure.
Figure 3-1 Implementation of the IBCA algorithm during the assignment or handover procedure
Path losses can be calculated first based on the measurement reports (MRs). After receiving
an MR from an MS, the BSC interpolates and filters the measured values to obtain accurate
MR data. The filter length is specified by IBCACALLINFOFILTERLEN (BSC6900,
BSC6910). Based on the interpolated and filtered MR data, the BSC calculates the downlink
and uplink path losses.
If an MR is lost or the BSC fails to calculate a path loss based on the MR data, the BSC
calculates the path loss as follows:
For uplink and downlink path losses between the MS and the serving cell:
If the downlink MR is lost, the BSC calculates the downlink path loss based
on the uplink path loss using the following formula:
Downlink path loss = Uplink path loss + IBCADLPATHLOSSOFF (BSC6900,
If the BSC fails to calculate the path loss between the MS and its serving cell
based on the MR data, it uses the value of IBCASCELLPATHLOSS (BSC6900,
BSC6910) as the path loss.
For uplink and downlink path losses between the MS and the neighboring cell:
Downlink path loss = Neighboring cell BCCH transmit power – Neighboring cell
downlink BCCH signal level detected by the MS
If the BSC fails to calculate the downlink BCCH signal level in the
neighboring cell based on the MR data:
If the receive level of an IBCA neighboring cell is not included in N consecutive MRs,
the BSC sets the receive level of the IBCA neighboring cell to the value of
IBCANCELLPATHLOSSESTIMATE (BSC6900, BSC6910). The value N is specified
If the receive levels of different IBCA neighboring cells are not included in N
consecutive MRs, the BSC calculates the receive levels of these IBCA neighboring
cells using the following formula:
Signal level of an IBCA neighboring cell = Detected minimum signal level of another
neighboring cell – IBCARXLEVOFFSET (BSC6900, BSC6910)
If no receive levels are reported in the MRs, the BSC calculates the downlink
path loss using the following formula:
Downlink path loss between an MS and its neighboring cell = Downlink path loss
between the MS and its serving cell + IBCAPATHLOSSOFF (BSC6900, BSC6910)
If the BSC fails to calculate the path loss based on the MR data, it uses the following
algorithm and function to assist the calculation:
Inter-cell dependency matrix (ICDM) algorithm specified by IBCAICDMSWITCH
(BSC6900, BSC6910)
Enabling the ICDM algorithm decreases the accuracy of the evaluated path losses.
Therefore, do not enable the ICDM algorithm. In this condition, the
(BSC6900, BSC6910) parameters do not take effect.
Single-user dynamic measurement function specified by
Enabling the single-user dynamic measurement function may result in an incorrect
measurement for neighboring cells because certain MSs do not support this function.
Furthermore, the network performance deteriorates. Therefore, do not enable the single-
user dynamic measurement function. In this condition, the following parameters do not
take effect:
3.3 Calculating CIRs
Wanted signals of a call are interference signals for other calls. The interference sources for a
call are various, and their interference signal levels differ. The BSC, however, does not
measure all interference signals. Instead, it determines the interference source scope before
calculating CIRs.
In the neighboring cells whose NCELLTYPE (BSC6900, BSC6910) is IBCANCELL(IBCA
Neighboring Cell) or HANDOVERANDIBCANCELL(Handover and IBCA
Neighboring Cell), the BSC searches for all calls that interfere with a new call and selects
top N established calls that cause strong interference to the new call for CIR calculation. The
value N is specified by IBCAMAXINTFSRCNUM (BSC6900, BSC6910).
If the IBCAGETINTFSRCOPT (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter is set to OFF(Off), the BSC calculates the
sum of log-domain values (unit: dBm) of the uplink and downlink interferences for each established call and
sorts the established calls by their calculated values to determine the top N established calls that cause strong
interference to the new call. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the BSC separately sorts the established calls by
the linear-domain values (unit: mW) of the uplink and downlink interferences. Based on the sorting results, the
BSC then selects the top established call that causes the strongest interference to the new call on the downlink,
and alternately selects N – 1 established calls that cause strong interference to the new call between downlink
and uplink.
Calls are distributed on different CPUs on the BSC, but interference is evaluated by the
XPUa, XPUb, XPUc, EGPUa, EGPUb, EXPUa, or EXPUb board. Therefore, the BSC needs
to report the call information in an IBCA neighboring cell group on each CPU to the XPUa,
XPUb, XPUc, EGPUa, EGPUb, EXPUa, or EXPUb at an interval specified by
IBCAINBSCINFORPTPRD (BSC6900, BSC6910). If the IBCA neighboring cell group
contains an external neighboring cell, the BSC needs to report the information about the calls
in the serving cell to the BSC controlling the external neighboring cell over the inter-BSC
communication links at an interval specified by IBCAOUTBSCINFORPTPRD (BSC6900,
The candidate channel described in this section can be considered as a 2-tuple {timeslot, MAIO}, where MAIOs
available for each timeslot include:
TRXMAIO (BSC6900, BSC6910)
MAIO1 (BSC6900, BSC6910) to MAIO24 (BSC6900, BSC6910)
As shown in Figure 3-2, n indicates the number of candidate channels that can be allocated.
The BSC traverses all the candidate channels and calculates the CIRs when a new call is
connected over different candidate channels for subsequent channel allocation evaluation.
The formulas are as follows:
CIR of a new call = Valid signal level – Interference signal level
Valid signal level = Transmit power of the call – Path loss
Interference signal level = Transmit power of the interference source – Path loss
The calculation of downlink CIR of a new call is used as an example. Figure 3-3 shows the
downlink interference on a call.
Figure 3-3 Downlink interference on a call
Assume that A is a new call and B is an established call. The downlink signals of call B have
interference on call A. The downlink CIR of cell A is calculated using the following formula:
Downlink CIR of cell A = (Transmit power of cell A – Downlink path loss between cell A
and MS A) – (Transmit power of cell B – Downlink path loss between cell B and MS B)
When the network has high requirements for speech quality and the network congestion rate
is not high, set IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH to YES(Yes) and set
IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD to an appropriate value. If the CIR of an established call is less
than the value of IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH (BSC6900, BSC6910) after a new call is
connected over the channel occupied by the established call, the BSC considers the
interference on the established call unacceptable. As a result, the BSC eliminates the channel
occupied by the established call. The soft block thresholds of different services are specified
by following parameters:
VAMOSAHSUserDLSoftBlockThd (BSC6900, BSC6910)
VAMOSAFSUserDLSoftBlockThd (BSC6900, BSC6910)
If the network has no strict requirements for speech quality and the network congestion rate is
high, set IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH (BSC6900, BSC6910) to NO(No). After that, the BSC will
not eliminate a channel even if the CIR of the established call on the channel is less than the
The BSC traverses all the candidate channels and calculates the decrease in the CIR of each
established call after a new call is connected over a channel occupied by an established call.
This facilities the subsequent channel allocation.
Using the CIR, the BSC evaluates the interference a new call causes on an established call.
This is because the new call interferes with the established call on the same channel. If the
interference is strong, the CIR of the established call decreases and the speech quality of the
established call is affected.
The calculation for CIRs of established calls includes the following:
CIRs of established calls before a new call is connected
CIRs of established calls after a new call is connected
The specific calculation method is similar to the method for calculating CIRs of a new call.
When the network has high requirements for speech quality and the network congestion rate
is not high, set IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH (BSC6900, BSC6910) to YES(Yes) and set
IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD to an appropriate value. If the CIR of an established call is less
than the value of IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD after a new call is connected over the channel
occupied by the established call, the BSC considers the interference on the established call
unacceptable. As a result, the BSC eliminates the channel occupied by the established call.
3.4 Selecting an Optimal Channel
After the CIR evaluation, the BSC allocates an appropriate channel to a new call based on the
setting of IBCAMAIOUSMTD (BSC6900, BSC6910):
If IBCAMAIOUSMTD (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to 1(Randomization MAIO), the
BSC selects a random channel whose CIR exceeds the value of
IBCATARGETCIRTHRSH (BSC6900, BSC6910) from the candidate channels and
allocates it to the new call.
If IBCAMAIOUSMTD (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to 0(Max. optimized MAIO), the
BSC allocates the channel with the highest priority to the new call. To select the channel
with the highest priority, the BSC calculates IBCA priorities of all candidate channels
based on the CIR of the new call and the impact of the new call on the established call.
(The impact here refers to the decrease in the CIR of the established call.) If the hopping
sequence number (HSN) is not 0, the BSC corrects IBCA priorities of all candidate
channels based on the IBCAOPRREVISEFACTOR (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter
setting. After that, the BSC sorts all candidate channels based on their IBCA priorities and
selects the channel with the highest priority.
The IBCA priority is considered in the quality weight. Therefore, it is recommended
that CHALLOCSTRATEGY (BSC6900, BSC6910) be set to QUALITY(Quality
If the IBCAEstmTSCCollisionAllow (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter is set to YES(Yes), the BSC takes
into account the impact of training sequence code (TSC) collision when calculating the IBCA priority of a
If the BTS supports Flex TSC and the IBCAFLEXTSCALLOWED (BSC6900, BSC6910)
parameter is set to ON(Allowed), the BSC uses the IBCA-based dynamic TSC allocation
function to select a TSC.
The channel selection is also determined by the settings of the following parameters:
When processing an incoming BSC handover, the BSC preferentially hands over the
new call to a channel on the BCCH TRX in an IBCA cell. The
IBCAFREEBCCHCHANTHRSHOLD (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter specifies the
minimum number of idle TCHs on the BCCH TRX. If the network congestion rate is high,
it is recommended that this parameter be set to 0.
The BSC preferentially allocates the new call to an SDCCH on a TRX with light
SDCCH load.
If the SDCCH load on a TRX that is compatible with the BCCH frequency
band and uses a loose frequency reuse pattern is lower than the threshold specified by
the LOOSESDCCHLOADTHRED (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter, the BSC
preferentially allocates the new call to an SDCCH on that TRX.
If the SDCCH load on a TRX that is compatible with the BCCH frequency
band and uses a loose frequency reuse pattern is higher than or equal to the threshold
specified by the LOOSESDCCHLOADTHRED (BSC6900, BSC6910) and the uplink
receive level of the new call is higher than the threshold specified by the
TIGHTSDCCHRXLEVTHRED (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter, the BSC preferentially
allocates the new call to an SDCCH on a TRX that is incompatible with the BCCH
frequency band and uses a loose frequency reuse pattern. If the uplink receive level of
the new call is lower than the threshold specified by the
TIGHTSDCCHRXLEVTHRED (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter, the BSC allocates the
new call to an SDCCH on the TRX that is compatible with the BCCH frequency band
and uses a loose frequency reuse pattern.
The BSC starts the timer specified by the WAITSDCCHIDLETIMER (BSC6900,
BSC6910) parameter if the dynamic PDCH needs to preempt the MAIO for an SDCCH.
If the timer has not expired, the BSC does not allocate the new call to the
If the timer has expired, the BSC checks whether the SDCCH is available. If
available, the BSC allows the new call to preempt the MAIO for the SDCCH. If
unavailable, the BSC does not allow the new call to preempt the MAIO for the
When the IntfBandEnhanceSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter is set to ON(On),
the BSC evaluates the MAIO based on both the interfering level and the IBCA algorithm.
If the evaluated MAIO is the same as the MAIO configured for the TRX with the idle
channel, and the interfering level for the idle channel is higher than
IBCAINTFPUNISHTHR (BSC6900, BSC6910), the BSC lowers the IBCA priority of the
channel. This prevents a new call from getting allocated to a channel that has been
severely interfered with because of inappropriate MAIO evaluation based on the IBCA
algorithm. When the IBCATGTCIRMAIOFIXED (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter is set to
255 for all TRXs in a cell, you are advised to set the IBCAINTFPUNISHTHR (BSC6900,
BSC6910) parameter to the maximum value 63.
Prerequisite Features
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO Both the IBCA and Flex MAIO features
are used for calculating interference.
They cannot be enabled at the same
time because they use the same bit to
control the channel priority.
GBFD-119406 High Speed Circuit The High Speed Circuit Switched Data
Switched Data feature is implemented based on the
multislot binding technology while the
IBCA feature is implemented based on
only one timeslot.
Impacted Features
GBFD-117602 Active Power Control You are advised not to enable the
GBFD-117602 Active Power Control
feature when the IBCA feature is
GBFD-200201 1.2 MHz Networking for When BCCH TRXs use the 2x3
BCCH TRXs frequency reuse pattern, there is a
higher probability that interfering
neighboring cell information in MRs is
not reported to the BSC. If this occurs,
Feature ID Feature Name Description
5 Network Impact
The IBCA feature enables the BSC to calculate interference based on network
synchronization and allocates a channel with less interference to a new call. This improves
the speech quality and therefore increases the network capacity.
5.2 Network Performance
Enabling the IBCA feature improves quality-related KPIs, such as the mean opinion score
(MOS) of voice services and high quality indicator (HQI). The IBCA feature requires
synchronous network and cyclic hopping. Therefore, if the calculated interference is
significantly different from the actual interference, for example, in the case of high-speed
moving, strong interference may exist on the allocated channel. The interference, however,
persists until a handover or call drop occurs. This decreases the handover success rate and
increases the call drop rate. Therefore, enabling IBCA improves the speech quality but has an
adverse impact on the CS call drop rate and handover success rate.
For BSC6900, the load of an XPUa/XPUb/XPUc board increases. For BSC6910, the load of
an EGPUa/EGPUb/EXPUa/EXPUb board increases.
6 Engineering Guidelines
Table 6-1lists the IBCA deployment scenario requirements. If these requirements cannot be
met, the gains brought by the IBCA decrease or network performance deteriorates.
Table 6-1 Deployment scenario requirements
Scenario Detailed Description
Single IBCA supports only the SFN and does not support co-BCCH cells or
frequency dual-band networks.
network (SFN)
Frequency TCHs use a tight frequency reuse pattern, the FR load is greater than
reuse pattern 75%, and the recommended bandwidth is less than 7.4 MHz.
The planned TCH frequency reuse pattern must be 1x1 or 1x3.
Otherwise, replan frequencies before planning the TCH frequency reuse
The FR load is calculated using the following formula:
FR load = Number of TRXs participating in FH/Total number of allocated
When the 1x1 or 1x3 frequency reuse pattern is used on the network, the
FR load is calculated by cluster using the following formula:
FR load = Number of TRXs per cluster/Number of frequencies per cluster
When the 1x1 frequency reuse pattern is used on the network, a cluster
refers to frequencies in a cell. When the 1x3 frequency reuse pattern is
used, a cluster refers to frequencies in three cells under a BTS.
Level coverage IBCA applies to urban areas where interference exists and whose
proportion of the receive level higher than –90 dBm is greater than 90%.
Uplink or downlink weak coverage causes KPIs to deteriorate.
Cell TRX The proportion of large-configuration cells must be less than 5%. This is
configuration because a large cell TRX distribution difference causes complex planning
and generates many interference sources. When this happens,
interference prevention is difficult and performance gains are affected.
Cells have large configurations if the following condition is met: Number
of cell TCH TRXs ≥ 2 x Average number of TRXs in a cell
The information to be collected is used for parameter planning and subsequent data
correctness check. Table 6-2 lists information to be collected in cells where IBCA is to be
Table 6-2 Information to be collected
No. Information to Be Collected Purpose
1 Alarms generated in the latest month for Analyze the stability by cell.
BTSs in these cells
2 Engineering parametersa, such as the cell Analyze the network topology and
name, longitude and latitude, azimuth, BTS plan synchronization parameters.
type, and MA, for these cells
3 Latest BSC configuration files in these cells Check the correctness of engineering
4 Original statistics and historical data in 7 x Obtain the performance counters and
24 hours operating status of the original
network for subsequent comparison
after IBCA is deployed.
5 TRX receive quality statistics and historical Obtain the value of RxQuality for
data in 7 x 24 hours subsequent value comparison after
IBCA is deployed.
a: Obtain the engineering parameters about these cells and compare these parameters with the
latest configuration file to check the correctness of these parameters. If the engineering
parameters are incomplete or some parameter values are incorrect, rectify them depending on
the configuration file. If time permits, visit the BTSs on site to check whether the longitudes
and latitudes of the BTSs and the azimuths of antennas are correct. If the GPS receiver has
been installed and works properly, you can directly obtain the longitudes and latitudes from
the GPS receiver.
b: Obtain the interference matrix in cells where IBCA is to be deployed for subsequent
planning of IBCA interference neighboring cells. Deploying IBCA requires configuring
IBCA interference neighboring cells. IBCA interference neighboring cells, however, are
configured based on the actual interference information on the live network. You can analyze
the actual interference information on the live network based on the interference matrix
provided by the Nastar.
6.3 Network Planning
IBCA planning includes planning areas, channels, frequencies, HSNs, MAIOs, and IBCA
interference cells.
The planning of the preceding information, except the channels, frequencies, and HSNs, can be implemented by
professional tools.
Area planning
The IBCA-enabled area uses a synchronous network. If its surrounding area uses an
asynchronous network, the number of interference neighboring cells that can be configured
for edge IBCA cells is limited. This decreases the accuracy of evaluation based on IBCA and
affects network performance. To resolve this problem, a guard space is established between
the IBCA-enabled area and its surrounding area. The guard space is enabled with IBCA and
uses a synchronous network but its HSN is set to a value other than 0. Figure 6-1 shows the
detailed area planning.
Figure 6-1 Area planning
BTS None
MS None
MSC None
License The license controlling this feature has been activated. For details on how
to activate the license, see License Management Feature Parameter Description.
For details about license items, see License Control Item Description.
6.4.3 Activation
Disable dynamic PDCH conversion at the FH layer because it is not supported by IBCA.
3. Run the MOD GCELLMAGRP command with Hop Mode set to RF_FH(RF FH)
and Hop Index set to an appropriate value.
4. (Optional) Configure information about the external BSC.
Information about the external BSC must be configured if you want to enable the inter-
Run the ADD EXTBSC command to add an external BSC as required.
Run the ADD GEXT2GCELL command to add an external cell as required. In this step,
set BSC Index to the index of the added external BSC.
5. Run the SET GCELLCHMGAD command to set IBCA parameters listed in 6.4.2
Data Preparation.
6. Run the SET GCELLCHMGBASIC command with Channel Allocate Strategy set
to QUALITY(Quality Preferred).
7. Run the SET GCELLMAIOPLAN command to configure cell MAIOs based on the
network plan.
In this step, set MAIO 1 to MAIO 24 to appropriate values.
8. Run the SET GTRXCHANHOP command with Channel MAIO set to an
appropriate value based on the MAIO plan.
Channel MAIO specifies the MAIO of the channel in the TRX. Eight channels in the
same TRX have the same MAIO.
The MAIOs configured for TRXs in a cell are part of the MAIOs planned for the cell. For example, two
TRXs are configured for a cell but three MAIOs are planned for the cell. The first two MAIOs are
configured for the two TRXs.
When configuring the IBCA feature on the CME, you must perform a single configuration first, and then
perform batch modifications if required.
You must perform a single configuration for a parameter before batch modifications of the parameter. You are
advised to perform batch modifications before logging out of the parameter setting interface.
This function can be batch activated using the Feature Operation and Maintenance function
of the CME. For detailed operations, see the following section in the CME product
documentation or online help: CME Management > CME Guidelines > Enhanced Feature
Management > Feature Operation and Maintenance.
1. Trace the RSL signaling over the Abis interface in an IBCA-enabled cell.
2. Select the RSL signaling over the same timeslot of the same TRX board at different
time points.
Figure 6-2 Traced RSL signaling over the Abis interface
Changing the value of IBCA Allowed from YES(Yes) to NO(No) will reset the cell.
Therefore, perform this operation during off-peak hours.
2. Run the SET GCELLCHMGAD command with IBCA Allowed set to NO(No).
3. Run the MOD GCELLMAGRP command with HSN set to the value used before
IBCA is deployed.
4. Run the SET GCELLCHMGBASIC command with Channel Allocate Strategy set
to the value used before IBCA is deployed.
The method of feature deactivation using the CME is the same as that of feature activation
using the CME. For detailed operations, see Using the CME (Method 1) and Using the CME (Method
After IBCA is deployed, the proportion of HQIs increases. HQI reflects the Um interface
receive quality. The Rx_QUALITY(UPLINK) and Rx_QUALITY(DOWNLINK) KPIs are
used to measure proportions of receive quality levels 0 through 4 on the uplink and downlink,
6.6 Parameter Optimization
Compare the KPIs before and after IBCA is deployed. If the KPIs do not change as expected
in 6.5 Performance Monitoring, optimize the relevant parameters.
6.6.1 Call Drop Rate
Find the top N cells with a high call drop rate and optimize configurations of these cells
according to Table 6-7.
Table 6-7 Call drop rate
No. Item Solution
2 Identify the neighboring Change the BSIC of the neighboring cells with the same
cells configured with the frequency and BSIC.
same frequency and
3 Identify the neighboring Change the TSC of the interference neighboring cells
cells configured with the with the same frequency and TSC.
same frequency and
No. Item Solution
4 Adjust the traffic busy Decrease the traffic busy threshold for IBCA interference
threshold. neighboring cells to increase the proportion of HR calls
and relieve the interference.
6 Adjust power control Adjust power control parameters to improve the speech
parameters. quality or reduce call drops, for example, adding the
DLREXQUALADJFCTR (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameters.
For details on how to optimize the power control
procedure, see Power Control Feature Parameter
The procedure for optimizing the handover success rate is similar to that in 6.6.1 Call Drop Rate.
During the optimization of the handover success rate, before identifying the excessively
configured or missed IBCA interference neighboring cells, check whether NCELLTYPE
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to HANDOVERANDIBCANCELL(Handover and IBCA
Neighboring Cell).
6.6.3 Congestion Rate
Find the top N cells with a high congestion rate and optimize configurations of these cells
according to Table 6-8.
Table 6-8 Procedure for optimizing the congestion rate
No. Item Solution
2 IBCA soft block Decrease all the IBCA soft block thresholds by 1 to 2 dB. If the
threshold congestion rate is still high, set IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH (BSC6900,
BSC6910) to NO(No).
The soft block thresholds of different services are specified by
No. Item Solution
6.7 Troubleshooting
7 Parameters
The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of parameter reference match the software version
with which this document is released.
Base station controller parameter reference
BSC6900 GSM Parameter Reference: contains the parameters related to the BSC6900
equipment, transport, and radio access functions.
BSC6910 GSM Parameter Reference: contains the parameters related to the BSC6910
equipment, transport, and radio access functions.
eGBTS Parameter reference
Node Parameter Reference: contains base station equipment and transport parameters.
GBTSFunction Parameter Reference:contains all parameters related to radio access
functions, including air interface management, access control, mobility control, and radio
resource management.
You can find the EXCEL files of parameter reference for the software version on the live network from the
product documentation delivered with that version.
FAQ: How do I find the parameters related to a certain feature from parameter
Step 1: Open the EXCEL file of parameter reference.
Step 2: On the Parameter List sheet, filter the Feature ID column. Click Text Filters and
choose Contains. Enter the feature ID, for example, GBFD-200201.
Step 3: Click OK. All parameters related to the feature are displayed.
8 Counters
The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of performance counter reference match the
software version with which this document is released.
Base station controller performance counter reference
BSC6900 GSM Performance Counter Reference: contains the counters related to the
BSC6900 equipment, transport, and radio access functions.
BSC6910 GSM Performance Counter Reference:
contains the counters related to the
BSC6910 equipment, transport, and radio access functions.
eGBTS performance counter reference
Node Performance Counter Summary: contains base station equipment and transport
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Summary:
contains all counters related to radio access
functions, including air interface management, access control, mobility control, and radio
resource management.
You can find the EXCEL files of performance counter reference for the software version used on the live
network from the product documentation delivered with that version.
FAQ: How do I find the counters related to a certain feature from performance counter
Step 1: Open the EXCEL file of performance counter reference.
Step 2: On the Counter Summary(En) sheet, filter the Feature ID column. Click Text
Filters and choose Contains. Enter the feature ID, for example, GBFD-200201.
Step 3: Click OK. All counters related to the feature are displayed.
9 Glossary
For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see the Glossary.
10 Reference Documents