Documentation - Iterm2 - macOS Terminal Replacement

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iTerm2 should require little explanation for users accustomed to terminal emulators. Even if you are an experienced user, take the
time to read through the highlights section of this document. It will familiarize you with some features of iTerm2 that you may not
have seen in other terminal emulators that can make a real difference in the way you work.
If you're having problems, please use the Bug Reporter (/bugs).

Table of Contents
Highlights for New Users
General Usage

User Interface
Menu Items
Touch Bar
Copy Mode
Profile Search Syntax
Automatic Profile Switching
Buried Sessions
Captured Output
Session Restoration
Shell Integration
Smart Selection
Status Bar
tmux Integration
Scripting Fundamentals
Python API (/python-api)

Dynamic Profiles
Inline Images Protocol
Proprietary Escape Codes

Highlights for New Users

This chapter describes features of iTerm2 that go beyond basic usage and are not generally found in other terminal emulators.
Text Selection
There are several ways to select text to copy to the clipboard:
You can use the mouse (documentation-general-usage.html).
You can use the find feature's "mouseless copy" feature.
To select text without using the mouse, press cmd-f to open the find field. Enter the beginning of the text you wish to copy and
the find feature will select it in your window. Then press tab and the end of the selection will advance by a word. To move the
beginning of the selection to the left, press shift-tab. At most one line of text can be selected this way.
You can use Copy Mode (documentation-copymode.html).
You can bind keystrokes to create and adjust selections.
In Prefs > Profiles > Keys you can assign keys to move the beginning or end of the selection by a single character, word, or line.
No such keys are bound by default.

Split Panes
iTerm2 allows you to divide a tab into many rectangular "panes", each of which is a different terminal session. The shortcuts cmd-
d and cmd-shift-d divide an existing session vertically or horizontally, respectively. You can navigate among split panes with cmd-
opt-arrow or cmd-[ and cmd-]. You can "maximize" the current pane--hiding all others in that tab--with cmd-shift-enter. Pressing
the shortcut again restores the hidden panes.

Hotkey Window
iTerm2 offers a special terminal window that is always available with a single keystroke. This window is called the "hotkey
window" and is most commonly used for occasional administrative tasks. It is described in Hotkeys (documentation-hotkey.html).

Swap Cmd and Option

iTerm2 allows you to remap modifiers. You have separate control over left and right command and option keys. One common
need is to exchange cmd and option. To do this, go to Preferences > Keys. Set Left option key to Left command key and Left
command key to Left option key (and do the same for Right command and Right option if you please). You can add exceptions if
you don't want certain combinations to be remapped (for example, cmd-tab) by adding a new global shortcut with the action "Do
Not Remap" and the keystroke of the (unremapped) key you wish to keep unaffected by modifier remapping.

Save Mark/Jump to Mark

You can mark a location in a session with cmd-shift-M and then jump back to it with cmd-shift-J. This is useful, for instance, if
you suspend your editor to compile a program and it emits errors. You can save a mark at that point and then return to your editor
to fix the errors. As you work, you can jump back to the compilation errors with cmd-shift-J.

Regular Expression Search

When you open the find field (cmd-f) there is a down-arrow on the left of the field by the magnifying glass. Clicking it opens a
menu of options in which you can enable regular expression search. The ICU syntax ( is used.

Any text that exists in a tab or its scrollback buffer can be autocompleted in that tab. To use autocomplete, type the beginning of
a word and then press cmd-;. An autocomplete window opens showing the top 20 choices for words beginning what you have
entered. The list can be filtered by typing a subsequence. The filter can be reset by pressing backspace. If you make a selection
and press return, it will be entered for you. If you make a selection and press tab, your autocomplete will be extended with the

Paste History
Whenever text is copied or pasted in iTerm2 it is added to the paste history. You can access paste history with cmd-shift-H. It can
be filtered by typing a subsequence, and the filter can be cleared by pressing backspace. You can choose to have your paste
history saved to disk by turning that option on under Preferences > General > Save copy/paste history to disk.

Instant Replay
Sometimes interactive programs will overwrite something of interest on the screen (for example, top(1) does this all the time).
Normally, this would be lost forever. With Instant Replay, you can step back in time to see exactly what was on your screen at
some point in the recent past. To enable, press cmd-opt-B. Once you are in instant replay mode, you can use the left and right
arrow keys to navigate back and forward through time. Esc exits instant replay mode. By default, each session uses up to 4MB to
save its instant replay history, and this can be adjusted under Preferences > General > Instant Replay uses __ MB per session.
Another benefit of Instant Replay is that it shows you the exact time that something appeared on your screen down to the
second. This is useful when trying to figure out when an error occurred, for example.

Full Screen
You can press cmd-enter and iTerm2 will take up the entire screen. If you had a transparent background configured, it will be
turned off upon entering full screen mode to reduce distractions. You can re-enable it with cmd-U. Unlike most macOS apps,
iTerm2 can open a fullscreen window in the same desktop with no annoying animation if you disable Preferences > General >
Native full screen windows.

High-Color Modes /
iTerm2 supports 256 color mode. To enable this for csh shells, set your terminal to xterm-256color (under Preferences > Profiles >
MENU > Report Terminal Type). Some applications may need to be configured to support this mode. In vim, add this to your

set t_Co=256

iTerm2 also supports 24-bit color.

Focus Follows Mouse

This option is off by default, but can be enabled under Preferences > Pointer > Focus follows mouse. It only affects iTerm2

Middle Button Paste

If you have a three-button mouse, by default the middle button performs "paste". You can configure the behavior of the middle
button, as well as many other kinds of clicks and gestures, in Prefs > Pointer.

Cursor Finery
When using a block cursor, it's hard to pick a cursor color that's visible against every background color. If you enable Smart
cursor color (under Preferences > Profiles > Colors) then the cursor color will be dynamically chosen to be visible against the text
it is over and the adjacent cells.
If you prefer a white or black cursor, you can use the "cursor boost" feature (under Preferences > Profiles > Colors) to make all
colors other than the cursor dimmer.
Do you have trouble finding your cursor? You can turn on the cursor guide by toggling the View > Show Cursor Guide menu item
or turning on Preferences > Profiles > Colors > Cursor Guide. This can also be toggled by an escape sequence. For example, add
this to your .vimrc:

let &t_ti.="\<Esc>]1337;HighlightCursorLine=true\x7"
let &t_te.="\<Esc>]1337;HighlightCursorLine=false\x7"

If you've lost your cursor, press Cmd-/ or select View > Find Cursor and the cursor's position on the screen will be indicated very

Minimum Contrast
Sometimes an application will display text with a color combination that is hard to read. Colorblind users in particular may find
certain combinations hard to see if the colors differ only in hue and not brightness. If you enable minimum contrast (under
Preferences > Profiles > Colors > Minimum contrast, then iTerm2 will guarantee a minimum level of brightness difference between
the foreground and background color of every character. If you set this to its maximum value, then all text will be black or white.

Notification Center Support

If you enable notifications (Preferences > Profiles > Terminal > Send Notification Center alerts) then you'll receive messages when
a terminal beeps, has output after a period of silence, or terminates. There's also a proprietary escape sequence (documentation-
escape-codes.html) to send a notification. You can adjust the kinds of notifications that get posted in Preferences > Profiles >
Terminal > Filter Alerts.

Window Arrangements
You can take a snapshot of your open windows, tabs, and panes with the menu option Window > Save Window Arrangement.
You can restore this configuration with Window > Restore Window Arrangement, or you can choose to have it automatically
restored when you start iTerm2 with Preferences > General > Open saved window arrangement.

Smart Selection
Performing a quad-click does a "smart selection," which selects text under the pointer in a way appropriate to its content. For
example, URLs, quoted strings, and email addresses (among many other objects) are recognized and selected in their entirety.
You can also bind actions to a smart selection rule. The first action takes effect when you cmd-click on text matching the rule. All
actions are added to the context menu when you right click on text matching the rule.

Triggers are user-configurable regular expressions with associated actions that run when text is received that matches the regex.
Actions include highlighting the matching text, showing an alert, sending text back, and more.
One advanced use of a trigger is to capture output matching a regex and display just those matching lines in the toolbelt. For
example, you could create a trigger that matches compiler errors. When you run Make the errors will appear on the side of your
window and you can click each to jump right to it. More information is available at the Captured Output (captured_output.html)

Tmux Integration
iTerm2 is tightly integrated with tmux. The integration allows you to see tmux windows as native iTerm2 windows or tabs. The
tmux prefix key is not needed, as native menu commands operate on tmux windows. For more information, please see the
iTerm2-tmux Integration (documentation-tmux-integration.html) document.

Coprocesses are programs that run alongside iTerm2 and are bound to a single session. All output bound for the session is also
routed as input to the coprocess. The coprocess's output acts like the user typing at the keyboard. Coprocesses can be used to
automate tasks. For more information, see the Coprocess (documentation-coprocesses.html) document.

Dynamic Profiles
If you have hundreds or thousands of profiles, look in to Dynamic Profiles (documentation-dynamic-profiles.html). This feature
allows you to define profiles in JSON.

Automatic Profile Switching

You can automatically change the current session's profile using Automatic Profile Switching (documentation-automatic-profile-
switching.html). For example, this would allow you to change the background color when you are on a production system.

Inline Images
iTerm2 can display images inline, including animated GIFs. The easiest way to use this feature is to install Shell Integration and
Utilities (documentation-utilities.html), which adds an imgcat script.

Undo Close
If you accidentally close a session, you get five seconds (by default; configurable in Preferences > Profiles > Session) to undo it
by pressing Cmd-Z.

Shell Integration
Shell Integration is a feature exclusive to iTerm2 that uses knowledge about your shell prompt to help you navigate from one shell
prompt to another, record your command history, suggest most used directories, helps you re-run commands, download files
from remote hosts with a click, upload files to remote hosts with drag and drop, and more. See the Shell Integration
(documentation-shell-integration.html) documentation for all the details.

Password Manager
iTerm2 can save your passwords in the Keychain. Use the Window > Password Manager menu item to open the password
manager and enter your passwords.

Toggle View > Show Timestamps to indicate the time each line was last modified. This is useful for telling how long operations
took or when a message was printed.

Tab Bar on Left

You can position the tab bar on the left side of the window. This is useful if you have a really large number of tabs.

Open Quickly
If you have lots of sessions you can quickly find the one you're looking for with Open Quickly. Select the View > Open Quickly
menu item (cmd-shift-O) and then enter a search query. You can search by tab title, command name, host name, user name,
profile name, directory name, badge label, and more. Open Quickly also lets you create new tabs, change the current session's
profile, and open arrangements. If you start your query with a / then that gives you a shortcut to various commands. Enter a query
of / to see them.

Shell Integration and Utilities

Shell integration consists of a shell script that's loaded when you create a new session or ssh to a remote host. It modifies your
prompt so iTerm2 knows where it is. This enables a number of features, such as Copy Output of Last Command, Automatic
Profile Switching when changing hosts, and more as described in Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html). When
you install Shell Integration you'll be prompted to also install its Utilities. The Utilities are a collection of shell scripts that use
iTerm2's unique features and make them easy to use. For example, you can upload or download files from a remote host, copy to
the pasteboard from the command line (even over ssh!), and make fireworks explode from the cursor. It's described in Utilities

Python Scripting API

iTerm2 can be customized with its Python API (/python-api).

Status Bar
You can configure a status bar (documentation-status-bar.html) to show information about your environment at the top or bottom
of the window.

General Usage

Tabs /
When you first start iTerm2, a window opens showing a terminal session. If you want to open more that one session at a time, you
MENU a few options: You can create a new window (Shell > New Window), you can create a new tab (Shell > New Tab), or you can
split the current session into two panes (Shell > Split Horizontally, Shell > Split Vertically), each of which is a separate session.
Tabs in iTerm2 behave like tabs in other programs, most notably web browsers like Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome. Note that
you can drag and drop tabs to reorder them within a window. You can drag tabs from one window to another, and you can drag a
tab from a window into a new window by dropping it outside any iTerm2 window's tab bar.
By default, the label of each tab is the name of the job that's running in that session. Some systems are configured to augment
this with additional information such as the hostname you're logged in to or your current directory (this is done by sending a
special code of ESC]0;string ^G).
Tab labels have indicators that tell you their status. A blue dot means new input was received. An activity indicator means new out
is being received. When the session ends, a ⃠ icon appears in the tab. You can customize these indicators in Preferences >

Edit Current Session

The Edit Current Session panel lets you modify the appearance of a single session. If you customize some attribute of the session
(for example, by changing the default text color) then subsequent changes to that same attribute in the profile will not affect the
customized session. However, changes to other attributes of the profile will affect the customized session.

The primary use of the mouse in iTerm2 is to select text, and (by default) text is copied to the clipboard immediately upon being
selected. You can click and drag to perform a normal selection. Double-clicking selects a whole word. Triple-clicking selects an
entire line. Quadruple-clicking performs a "smart select", matching recognized strings such as URLs and email addresses. You
can add custom pointer actions in Preferences > Pointer. I recommend using three-finger tap for smart selection, but you must
ensure that System Preferences > Trackpad does not have any other action already assigned to three-finger tap.
If you hold shift while clicking the existing selection is extended. In fact, you can single click in one location and shift click in an
other location to make a selection: no dragging needed.
If you hold cmd while dragging it will create a noncontinguous selection.
If you hold cmd and click on a URL it will be opened. If you hold cmd and click on a filename, it will be opened. There is special
support for MacVim, TextMate, and BBEdit when you cmd-click on a text file's name: if it is followed by a colon and line number,
the file will be opened at that line number. The current directory is tracked if you have your shell prompt set the window title, as
described here (, or if you have Shell Integration (documentation-
shell-integration.html) installed.
If you hold cmd and option while selecting, a rectangular selection will be made.
If mouse reporting is enabled (in Preferences > Profile > Terminal) and the currently running terminal application is using it,
pressing option will temporarily disable it so you can make a selection.
Right clicking on certain values shows helpful information in the context menu:
Right-clicking on a number shows its conversion to or from hex, or if it looks like a unix timestamp its representation in local
time will be shown.
Right-clicking on a non-ASCII character shows its code point and UTF-8 representation.

You can configure your pointing device's scroll gesture to send arrow keys in interactive programs by turning on Preferences >
Advanced > Scroll wheel sends arrow keys when in alternate screen mode, but it will only work if Preferences > Profiles >
Terminal > Disable save/restore alternate screen is turned off.
A three-finger swipe left or right on a trackpad (if configured to "navigate") will select an adjacent tab.
Middle clicking on a tab (if your pointing device has a middle button) closes it.

Every aspect of the keyboard can be configured in iTerm2. These keystrokes may be useful to remember:
Cmd+left arrow, Cmd+right arrow navigates among tabs. So does Cmd-{ and Cmd-}.
Cmd+number navigates directly to a tab.
Cmd+Option+Number navigates directly to a window.
Cmd+Option+Arrow keys navigate among split panes.
Cmd+] and Cmd+[ navigates among split panes in order of use.

You can configure any key combination to perform any action in two places: in Preferences > Keys, you can define global key
shortcuts that affect all profiles. In Preferences > Profiles > Keys, you can define key shortcuts that affect only a single profile.
You can remap modifiers like Option and Cmd within iTerm2. Some users find that pressing Option frequently is uncomfortable,
and configure iTerm2 to swap the function of the Option and Cmd keys. This is done in Preferences > Keys under Remap Modifier
Keys. If there is some key combination that you don't want to be affected by this change (such as Cmd-tab) add a new global
shortcut key with the action Do Not Remap.
iTerm2 allows you to define a global hotkey. This is a single keystroke that iTerm2 listens for even when another application has
keyboard focus. When it is pressed, iTerm2 comes to the front. Press it again, and iTerm2 goes away. You can choose to bind the
hotkey to a single dedicated window. For more on the hotkey window and other uses of hotkeys, see Hotkeys (documentation-

Context menus
By right-clicking in a session a context menu opens. You can use it to open a new session, perform various actions on selected
MENU or access frequently used features to affect the clicked-on session.

Many settings are stored in profiles. A profile is a named collection of settings, and you can have as many of them as you like.
Most users only have one profile, but if you find that you often connect to different servers, they may be useful for you. A key
feature of a profile is that you can associate a command with it that is run when it begins. For instance, if you often ssh to a
particular host, you could create a profile with the command "ssh" to automate that process.

General Preferences



Window restoration policy

This setting determines how windows will be opened when iTerm2 is launched. Most users will want Use System Window
Restoration Setting as it works best with Session Restoration (restoration.html). Users who exclusively use the Hotkey Window
may prefer Only Restore Hotkey Window, which will not restore regular windows but will restore the hotkey window. If you have a
default window arrangement saved then Open Default Window Arrangement will be available.

Open profiles window

If selected, the Profiles Window will automatically open when iTerm2 is started.


Quit when all windows are closed

If selected, iTerm2 will automatically quit when its last terminal window is closed.

Confirm closing multiple sessions

If selected, commands that close one session will not be confirmed, but commands that close multiple sessions (such as clicking
the red button on a window with two or more tabs) will be confirmed with an alert box.

Confirm Quit iTerm2 Command

If selected, the Quit iTerm2 (cmd-Q) command will be confirmed if any terminal windows are open.

Even if there are no windows

Modifies Confirm Quit iTerm2 COmmand to disable the prompt when there are no open windows.


Instant Replay Uses X MB per Session

This setting specifies the maximum amount of memory allocated to instant replay for each tab or split pane. More memory means
instant replay is able to go farther back into the past. You can enter instant replay with View > Step Back in Time.

Save copy/paste and command history to disk

If selected, every time text is copied or pasted in iTerm2 it will be saved to disk. The last 20 values are recorded. They can be
accessed with Edit > Open Paste History.... If you use Shell Integration (shell_integration.html) then when this is enabled your
command history, directory history, and remote hostname and usernames will also be saved to disk. Unchecking this will erase all
of the saved information.

Enable Python API

Toggles the availability of the Pythono API. See Python API Authentication (/python-api-auth.html) for details on the security

GPU Rendering
The GPU renderer improves drawing performance, but it may use more energy. You can also configure when it is enabled in
Advanced GPU Settings.
The advanced settings are:
Disable GPU renderer when disconnected from power - Use this to conserve energy when not plugged in and to get the best
MENU drawing performance when connected to power.
Maximize throughput (may increase latency) - This setting reduces the frame rate from 60 FPS to 30 FPS. It improves the rate at
which data can be processed.
Prefer integrated to discrete GPU - If your machine has two GPUs, enable this to use the slower but less power-hungry GPU.


Add Bonjour hosts to profiles

If selected, all Bonjour hosts on the local network have a profile created for them as long as they're around.

Check for updates automatically

If enabled, iTerm2 will periodically check if a new version of iTerm2 exists, and if so it will prompt you to download and upgrade.

Prompt for test-release updates

If enabled, iTerm2 will periodically check if a new unstable version of iTerm2 exists, and if so it will prompt you to download and


Copy to pasteboard on selection

If enabled, text is copied to the clipboard immediately upon selection. If not selected, you must select Edit > Copy to copy it.

Copied text includes trailing newline

If enabled, a terminal newline will be copied to the pasteboard when the selection includes one; otherwise, no selection will ever
include a terminal newline.

Applications in terminal may access clipboard

If enabled, clipboard access will be granted via escape code to programs running in iTerm2. They will be able to set the contents
of the system pasteboard. For more details, see Shell Integration Utilities (documentation-utilities.html).

Triple-click selects full wrapped lines

If enabled, a triple click selects a whole line, even if it was longer than one row in the terminal. If off, then triple click selects
exactly one row.

Double-click performs smart selection

If enabled, double click performs smart selection instead of word selection as is standard on macOS.

Automatically enter copy mode on Shift+Arrow Key with selection

If enabled, pressing shift-left or shift-right will enter copy mode when a selection exists.

Characters considered part of a word for selection

When you double-click in the terminal window, a "word" is selected. The OS's algorithm for word selection is used, but it's
extended to also include characters in this set. For example, by adding / to this field, double-clicking on a path/like/this would
select the entire path instead of just one component.


Smart window placement

If enabled, new windows will be opened where they least overlap existing windows.

Adjust window when changing font size

If enabled, a change to a session's font will cause the window to grow or shrink.

Zoom button maximizes vertically only

If enabled, the green "Zoom" button expands a terminal window vertically but does not affect its width. This can be overridden by
holding down shift while clicking the zoom button.

Native full screen windows

If enabled, fullscreen windows will animate into a special desktop, as is typical in macOS 10.7 and later. If disabled, fullscreen
MENU will instantly go fullscreen without changing desktops.

Separate window title per tab

The OSC 0 and OSC 2 control sequences set the window title. This setting controls whether such a control sequence changes
the window title associated with all sessions in the window, or only with the one in which it was received.


Load preferences from a custom folder or URL:

If enabled, iTerm2 will load its preferences from the specified folder or URL. After setting this, you'll be prompted when you quit
iTerm2 if you'd like to save changes to the folder.

Save changes to folder when iTerm2 quits

When you've turned on Load preferences from a custom folder and this is on then any changes you make to your settings will be
written to the custom folder.


When attaching, restore windows as…

The first dropdown box in the tmux Integration section allows you to define how tmux windows should be mapped to native
constructs. When attaching to a new tmux session with the tmux integration, tmux windows not seen by iTerm2 before will open
in either new windows or tabs, as specified by this preference.

Automatically bury the tmux client session after connecting

When the tmux integration is entered by running tmux -CC, the window in which that command was run will be buried

Use "tmux" profile rather than profile of connecting session

This used to on by default, but is no longer so as of version 3.3. When enabled, a copy of the Default profile is created, called
tmux. When using tmux integration all tmux sessions will use this profile.

When disabled, the profile of the session in which you ran tmux -CC will be used for all tmux sessions.

Status bar shows tmux status bar content, not native components.
When enabled, the status bar will contain the same content as the tmux status bar in its text-mode UI. When disabled, the status
bar defined in the profile used for a tmux integration session will be used.

Pause a pane if it would take more than X seconds to catch up.

When both a tmux integration and tmux text-mode UI client are attached to the same tmux session, the text-mode UI can sink
data much faster than tmux integration can because it drops information between frames. In this case, a large buffer can grow in
the tmux integration window. Once the time to catch up exceeds this number of seconds, the tmux integration session will be
paused. That means it stops receiving new data. While paused, no more data will be added to its buffer and may be lost forever.
You will be prompted by a notification at the top of the window to unpause the session. This feature is only available in tmux 3.2
and later.

Warn Before Pausing

If enabled, a notification is shown when a pause is projected to occur within half of the pause deadline. See Pause a pane if it
would take more than X seconds to catch up for more detail on pausing.

Unpause Automatically
When enabled, this unpauses the tmux session as quickly as possible after it is paused by tmux. It does not completely eliminate
the possibility of data loss.

Appearance Preferences



Theme /
Allows you to select the theme. The theme affects how the areas outside the main terminal view are drawn, including colors and

On macOS 10.13 and earlier, the options are Light, Dark, Light High Contrast, and Dark High Contrast.
On macOS 10.14 and later, there are two additional options:
Regular - The standard macOS theme. Switches between dark and light mode automatically based on the system setting.
Minimal - This is inspired by the appearance of Electron apps. It is modern and streamlined.
Compact - A combination of Regular and Minimal. The standard colors are used, but the title bar is eliminated to save space.

In Minimal and Compact, tabs go in the title bar if the tabs are on top. The area between the red, yellow, and green buttons and
the first tab can be used to drag the window. If tabs are on the bottom or the left, you can move the mouse to the top left of the
window to reveal the red, yellow, and green buts. The area around them, when revealed, can be used to drag the window.

Tab Bar Location

Defines whether tabs appear at the top, bottom, or left side of your windows.

Status Bar Location

Defines where the status bar appears, if enabled.

Auto-hide menu bar in non-native fullscreen

When native fullscreen mode is disabled (in Prefs > General), this option is available. If you'd like the menu bar to remain visible
when a fullscreen window is present on a screen with a menu bar, turn this on.

Exclude from Dock and Cmd-Tab Application Switcher

When this setting is enabled, iTerm2 will disappear from the dock and you won't be able to switch to it with Cmd-Tab. An icon will
be added to the right side of the menu bar that lets you get back to iTerm2's preferences. This is useful if you only use hotkey
windows and you want iTerm2 to keep a low profile.


Show window number in title bar

If selected, window titles include the window number. You can navigate to a window by pressing cmd-opt-N where N is the
window number. You can also change which modifiers are used in Preferences > Keys.

Show border around window

If selected, a 1-pixel border will be shown around the edges of terminal windows. On macOS 10.14, window borders are only
drawn for windows with some transparency. Opaque windows get a border drawn by the OS.

Hide scrollbars
If selected, scrollbars will be hidden in terminal windows.

Disable transparency for fullscreen windows by default

If enabled, entering fullscreen mode will automatically turn off transparency for that window.

Show line under title bar when tab bar is not visible
Turn this off for a sleek appearance with the dark theme.

Show proxy icon in window title bar

When enabled, an icon representing the current directory is added to the window's title bar. You can drag it.


Show tab bar even when there is only one tab

If selected, the tab bar will remain visible when a window contains exactly one tab.

Preserve window size when tab bar shows or hides

When enabled, the window will not change size as the tab bar is shown or hidden. Instead, the number of rows of text inside the
window may change.

Show tab numbers

If selected, tabs will indicate their keyboard shortcut.
Show tab close buttons
If selected, tabs show close buttons. If not selected, the close buttons only appear when the mouse hovers over the tab.

Show activity indicator

If selected, the activity indicator in each tab will be displayed when new output is recevied and the tab is not selected.

Show new-output indicator

If selected, non-selected tabs will indicate they have unseen output with a blue circle in the tab.

Flash tab bar when switching tabs in fullscreen

If selected, the tab bar will show briefly when switching tabs in a fullscreen window. It will also show briefly when the number of
tabs changes.

Show tab bar in fullscreen

If selected the tab bar will be visible in fullscreen windows.

Stretch tabs to fill bar

If selected, tabs will grow large enough to fill the entire tab bar, like system native tab bars. This is on by default.


Show per-pane title bar with split panes

When a tab has split panes, this option controls whether each split pane will have its own title bar.

Separate status bars per pane

When enabled, each pane gets its own status bar. When disabled, the window has a single status bar that shows information
pertaining to the current pane.

Separate background images per pane

When disabled, the current pane's background image fills the window, spanning all panes.


Dimming amount
This slider controls how much to dim inactive windows or panes.

Dim inactive split panes

If selected, split panes that do not have keyboard focus will be slightly dimmed.

Dim background windows

If enabled, windows in the background (that is, those not receiving keyboard input) are dimmed according to the above settings.

Dimming affects only text, not background

When a window or pane is dimmed, this option controls whether the background color is dimmed or only the text colors.

General Profile Preferences



Gives the name of the profile which is shown in menus, preferences, and the profiles window. This serves as the default session
name for sessions created with this profile, which is an interpolated string.

Shortcut key
This shortcut can be used to open a new window or tab. By default, it opens a new tab, but if you hold down the option key while
pressing the shortcut, a new window will be opened instead. /
Tags are a collection of words or phrases that annotate a profile. When you search your profiles (for instance, in the profiles
window), the tag names are searched in addition to the profile name. If a tag name contains a slash that defines a hierarchy of
menu items in the Profiles menu.

The badge is a large label visible in the top right of a terminal session behind its text. For more information see Badges
(badges.html). This is an interpolated string.
Click the Edit... button to configure the position, maximum size, and typeface of the badge.

You may assign an icon to the profile, elect to use the built-in icon (which is based on the foreground application), or to have no
icon at all. Icons appear in the tab bar and the window title bar.

This menu contains items which may be separately enabled. They are combined to form the session's title. The session's title is
shown in per-pane title bars, when visible; it is also the default tab title. The current tab title also serves as the window title. The
standard items in this menu are:
Session Name - The session name defaults to the profile name but may be changed later through the Edit Session dialog.
Profile Name - Gives the current name of the profile the session uses. If the session's profile changes, this profile name will be
Profile & Session Name - Shows both names if they are different or just the shared name if they are the same.
Job - The name of the foreground job.
User - The current user name. Use Shell Integration to enable this to work when connected to a remote machine.
Host - The current host name. Use Shell Integration to set the host name.
PWD - The present working directory. Use Shell Integration to enable this to work when connected to a remote machine.
TTY - The path to the TTY device associated with this session.

If a script that installs a custom title provider is running, its offerings will be added to the bottom of the list. For a working demo,
see the George's Title Algorithm ( example.

Applications in terminal may change the title

When enabled, a control sequence can change a session's or window's title.

This is the command that is executed when a new session with the profile is created. If login shell is chosen, then login is
invoked. You can put special terms surrounded by $$ in this field (example: $$USERNAME$$). When a new session is created,
you will be prompted to enter a value for each such term. See the description of URL Schemes below for details about the special
"$$" value that can go in this field.
When custom shell is selected, you should enter the path to a shell (e.g., /usr/local/bin/bash) and it will be run as a login shell.

Send Text at Start

This text will be sent when a session begins. If it is not empty then a newline will be sent afterwards. It does not accept any
special characters or require any escaping.

Working directory
Normally, new sessions begin in your home directory. You can choose to open new sessions in the same directory as the current
session (but only when creating a new tab), or you can specify a starting directory.

URL Schemes
You can configure a profile to handle a URL scheme, such as ssh. When a hyperlink is clicked on with that scheme, a new tab is
opened with the selected profile. It is recommended that you set the command to "$$", in which case an ssh command line will
be auto-generated. For other schemes, you can uses these variables in the Command field and they will be replaced with the
appropriate part of the URL:
$$URL$$ The complete url
$$HOST$$ The host portion of a url like scheme://host/
$$USER$$ The username portion of a url like scheme://user@host/
$$PASSWORD$$ The password portion of a url like scheme://user:password@host/
$$PORT$$ The port number of a url like scheme://host:port/
$$PATH$$ The path portion of a url like scheme://host/path
$$RES$$ The portion of a url following the scheme.

Color Profile Preferences /

Profiles (/donate.html)

Clicking on any of the color wells opens a color picker that lets you change the setting for the selected color. iTerm2 has a custom
color picker. If you don't like it you can revert to the system color picker by clicking the rectangular icon to the right of the

Smart cursor color

When selected, a block cursor will be displayed in reverse video. If this would result in confusion, then a different color is chosen
that will be most visible given the surrounding cells' background colors.

Minimum contrast
If text is displayed against a similar background color, the minimum contrast setting will move the text color towards black or
towards white to ensure some minimum level of visibility. Setting this slider all the way to maximum will make all text black and

Cursor Boost
Cursor Boost dims all colors other than the cursor colors to make the cursor stand out more.

Tab Color
If enabled, this color will decorate the tab control. Tabs indicate the color of their current session if there is more than one split

Underline Color
If enabled, this color will be used for all underlining, independent of the color that underlined characters have themselves.

Cursor Guide
The cursor guide is a horizontal rule that indicates the vertical position of the cursor. You can adjust its color, including alpha
value, to make it more visible against your background color.

Color Presets...
iTerm2 ships with some color presets, which you may load from this popup menu. You can import and export color presets to files
with the extension "itermcolors". There is an online color gallery where users may share color presets, and a link to it is provided
in this menu. When importing a color preset, the name it is assigned is based on the filename imported.

When enabled, this color is used for bold text.

Text Profile Preferences



This lets you select a cursor shape.

Blinking cursor
If checked, the cursor will blink slowly to improve visibility.

Draw bold text in bold font

If selected, bold text will be drawn in a bold version of the selected font. If the font does not have a bold version, then a bold
appearance is simulated by "double striking" the text: that is, drawing it twice, shifting it one pixel horizontally the second time.

Blinking text
If selected, text with the blink attribute set will actually blink. Oh, the humanity.

Italic text
If selected, text with the italic attribute set will be rendered in italics. The font you select must have an italic face.

Use thin strokes for anti-aliased text /

Anti-aliased text will be drawn with thinner strokes by default on Retina displays when the background color is darker than the
MENU color. The effect may be more or less visible depending on your particular hardware and OS version. You can
configure when thin strokes are used depending on display type and colors.

Use built-in Powerline glyphs

When enabled, iTerm2 renders Powerline glyphs itself rather than using what is built-in to the font. These glyphs tend to line up
better with other elements than font-provided glyphs.

Enable subpixel anti-aliasing (macOS 10.14 and 10.15 only)

When enabled, subpixel anti-aliasing is enabled throughout the application. You must restart iTerm2 for this to take effect.
Subpixel anti-aliasing uses artifacts of LCD displays to improve the perceived resolution. Enabling this incurs a minor
performance penalty for drawing operations.
This is not available in macOS 11.0 and later because Apple has removed support for it.

Use Unicode Version 9 Widths

Unicode version 9 offers better formatting for Emoji. If your applications have been updated to use these tables, you should
enable this setting.

Treat ambiguous-width characters as double width

Some characters (e.g., Chinese ideograms) are double-width, and take two cells to display. Other characters (e.g., Latin letters)
are single width and take only one cell to display. There is another category of characters known as "ambiguous width". One
example of ambiguous-width characters are Greek letters. Depending on your application, you may prefer to display them as
double-width or single-width. If most of the text you deal with is double-width, then you should enable this setting as it will help
things to line up correctly in that context.

Unicode normalization form

This affects how text is processed on input. Most users will want no normalization. HFS+ normalization preserves the fullwidth
attribute of composed characters.

Regular font
ASCII text (latin letters, numbers, and some symbols) will be drawn using this font. Select "Anti-aliased" to draw the text with
smooth edges.

Non-ASCII font
All non-ASCII text (many accented Latin letters, non-Latin text, less-common symbols, and thousands of miscellaneous unicode
characters) will be drawn with this font. It is recommended that you use the same point size for both regular and non-ASCII fonts.
Select "Anti-aliased" to draw the text with smooth edges.

When enabled and you have a font that supports ligatures (such as FiraCode) then text will be rendered with ligatures. This makes
drawing much slower for two reasons: first, it disables the GPU renderer. Second, it uses a slower API. Users on less-than-stellar
hardware may not want to enable it.

Window Profile Preferences



This sets the transparency of the window background. It can be temporarily disabled with View > Use Transparency.

Keep background colors opaque

If selected, non-default background colors will be opaque.

If selected, the window background is blurred provided the background has some transparency. Selecting a large radius will blur
the background more, but (especially on Retina displays) comes with a performance penalty.

When creating a new window with this profile, it will be created with this many rows and columns.

Hide after opening
If enabled, a window created with this profile will immediately miniaturize after its creation.

Open Toolbelt
If enabled, a window created with this profile will feature an open toolbelt.

Custom window title

New windows created with this profile will use this title by default, overriding the default behavior of using the current tab's title as
the window's title. This is an interpolated string (documentation-scripting-fundamentals.html).

Force this profile to always open in a new window, never in a tab.

If you ask for a new tab with this profile, it will just open in a window instead. This is for people who hate tabs.

Use Transparency
Sets whether the transparency setting is respected for new windows created with this profile. It can then be toggled with View >
Use Transparency.

Background Image
This allows you to select an image to display behind the terminal's text.

This allows you to select how the image is scaled to fit the window:
Stretch - The image is distorted to exactly fill the window.
Tile - The image is not scaled. It is tessellated.
Scale to Fill - The image is scaled up or down preserving the aspect ratio so that it completely fills the window. Parts of the
image may be cropped out.
Scale to Fit - The image is scaled to exactly fill the window either horizontally or vertically. Its aspect raio is preserved.
Letterboxes or pillarboxes may be added.

See also: Preferences > Appearance > Panes > Separate background images per pane.

Custom Tab Title

New tabs created with this profile will use this tab title by default. This is an interpolated string (documentation-scripting-

The blending slider determines how strongly the image dominates over the text's background color.

This defines the window style.
Normal - A regular window with a title bar.
Full Screen - A full screen window. See Preferences>General>Window>Native full screen windows.
No title bar - A window without a title bar. It is hard to move but is as minimal as can be.
Full-width bottom/left/top/right of screen - A window that fills the display edge-to-edge along one dimension and is stuck to
one edge of the screen. The rows or columns setting will be disregarded.
Bottom/left/top/right of screen - A window that is stuck to one edge of the screen.

If you have more than one screen connected, this lets you select the screen on which a new window should open. It is particularly
useful for fullscreen and top-of-screen window styles. The Screen with Cursor option affects the initial screen of the window, but it
won't follow your cursor from screen to screen.

If you have enabled Spaces (or your OS uses Desktops instead of spaces) and have set Spaces/Mission Control to use
Control+Number to switch spaces/desktops, then you can use this setting to select the initial space/desktop to open a new
window using this profile.

Terminal Profile Preferences


Terminal (/donate.html)

Scrollback lines
The number of lines of scrollback buffer to keep above the visible part of the screen. Unlimited scrollback will allow it to grow
indefinitely, possibly using all available memory.

Save lines to scrollback when an app status bar is present

Some programs (such as vim or tmux) keep a status bar at the bottom of the screen. For some applications (like vim) it is
undesirable to save lines to the scrollback buffer when the application scrolls. For others (like tmux) you may want to save
scrolled-off lines into the scrollback buffer. When this setting is enabled, lines scrolled off the top of the screen in the presence of
a status bar are added to the scrollback buffer. The screen is considered to have a status bar if it has a scroll region whose top is
the first line of the screen and whose bottom is above the bottom of the screen.

Save lines to scrollback in alternate screen mode

When in alternate screen mode, lines that scroll off the top of the screen will be saved to the scrollback buffer only if this option is

Character encoding
The encoding to send and receive in. For most people, "Unicode (UTF-8)" is the right choice.

Report terminal type

The TERM variable will be set to this value by default. If xterm-256color is selected and your system is missing the terminfo file,
you will be prompted to install it when you open a new session.

ENQ answer back

Text to send when the ENQ sequence is received. Not normally used.

Enable mouse reporting

If selected, applications may choose to receive information about the mouse. This can be temporarily disabled by holding down

Enable mouse wheel events

If disabled, the mouse will always perform its default action (such as scrolling history) rather than being reported to an app that
has enabled mouse reporting.

Terminal may report window title

Programs running in a terminal may send an escape code to request the current window title. You may disable this feature by
enabling this option. It should be disabled if you're communicating with an untrusted party, as there are possible injection attacks.

Terminal may enable paste bracketing

Paste bracketing is a feature that can be enabled by an app running in iTerm2 by sending a control sequence. When enabled,
iTerm2 transmits a control sequence before and after paste operations (e.g., pressing Cmd-V). This can be useful because editors
like vim may disable auto-indenting when pasting already-indented code. Sometimes paste bracketing can be left on, causing
unexpected behavior when you paste. For example, if a program running in an ssh session enables paste bracketing and then
your ssh connection ends unexpectedly it won't have a chance to turn it off. Your next paste will include the bracketing control
sequences, which will be mishandled by whatever program receives them. For that reason, some people prefer to disable paste
bracketing. If you install Shell Integration it can detect when this occurs and automatically disable paste bracketing for you,
making it safe to leave it enabled here.

Terminal may set tab/window title

If enabled the terminal may set the window or tab title with an escape sequence.

Disable session-initiated printing

If enabled, escape codes that initiate printing will be ignored.

Disable save/restore alternate screen

Some programs (such as vim, tmux, and less) switch into a so-called "alternate screen". A characteristic of this behavior is that
when these programs terminate the screen's contents are restored to their state from before the program was run. If this option is
selected, alternate screen mode is disabled and the screen cannot be restored by an application.

Disable session-initiated window resizing

If the host sends an escape code to resize the window, it will be ignored if this option is selected..

Silence bell /
If selected, the bell (control-G) will not make an audible sound.

Send Notification Center alerts

If selectedinstalled, iTerm2 will post a notifications when sessions receive output, become idle, ring the bell, close, or get a
proprietary escape sequence to post a notification.

Filter Alerts
This button opens a panel that lets you customize which notifications will be posted.

Flash visual bell

If selected, a bell graphic will be flashed when the bell character is received.

Show bell icon in tabs

If selected, tabs will indicate that a bell has rung by displaying a bell graphic.

Set locale variables automatically

If enabled, LANG and LC_CTYPE environment variables will be set based on your machine's language settings.

Insert newline before start of command prompt if needed

If you have Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html) installed and a command's output does not end in a newline,
this setting will ensure your prompt does not begin in the middle of the line.

Show mark indicators

If you have Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html) and this setting is selected then a blue or red arrow appears
next to each shell prompt. Turn this off to hide the arrow.

Session Profile Preferences



Automatically close a session when it ends

If selected, a session's pane, tab, or window will automatically close when the session ends.

"Undo" can revive a session that has been closed for up to X seconds
When you close a session, window, or tab the shell is not terminated until X seconds pass. While that time period has not
elapsed, Undo will reopen the session, tab, or window.

Prompt before closing

When a session will close, you can choose when to be prompted with a modal alert.

Automatically log session input to files in:

If enabled, every session's output will be logged to a file in the specified directory. File names are formatted as
Date_Time.ProfileName.TerminalID.ProcessId.RandomNumber.log. You can customize the filename in Preferences > Advanced
> Format for automatic session log filenames.

Log plain text

When enabled, control sequences will be stripped out before logging. This will produce confusing output when an interactive
application like emacs is used, but for simple command-line interactions it produces a more usable log file.

When idle, send ASCII code X every Y seconds.

If selected, the specified ASCII code "X" (a number from 0 to 255) will be transmitted every Y seconds while nothing is happening.
Don't use this unless you know what you're doing as it can have unexpected consequences. Seriously, it's probably not what you

Avoid repainting while cursor is hidden to reduce flicker while scrolling

When selected, the screen will slightly delay redraws while the cursor is hidden. This improves the visual appearance of scrolling
in many programs but might introduce noticeable delays for some users.

Status bar enabled /

See Status Bar (documentation-status-bar.html) for details on the status bar.

Keys Profile Preferences


This panel shows key mappings. You can double-click on a mapping to edit it. When the "Keyboard Shortcut" field has focus, you
should press the keystroke that you want to modify (even if it involves modifiers like Cmd). The following actions are available:
Ignore - The keypress will do nothing.
Do not remap modifiers - If modifier remapping is in effect (set under Preferences > Keys), it can be disabled for certain key
combinations. When you choose this action, modifier remapping is temporarily disabled so you can press the key combination
unremapped in the key field.
Remap modifiers in iTerm2 only - If modifier remapping is in effect (set under Preferences > Keys), it can be set to not affect
other applications that may listen for global hotkeys. When you choose this action, modifier remapping is temporarily disabled
so you can press the key combination unremapped in the key field.
New Window with Profile - Creates a new window with a profile you specify here.
New Tab with Profile - Creates a new tab with a profile you specify here.
Duplicate Tab - Creates another tab exactly like the current one.
Move Session to Split Pane - After invoking this, click a different session. The current pane will be moved to share half its
former space.
Split horizontally/vertically with Profile - Creates a new split pane by cleaving the current session. Uses the profile you specify
Change Profile - This action changes the profile of the current session.
Load Color Preset - This action changes the colors of the current session using the specified preset.
Split/New Window/Tab with Profile - These actions allow you to create a new session with a specified profile when a key is
Start Instant Replay - This is equivalent to the menu item View > Start Instant Replay.
Cycle Tabs Forward/Backward - This implements tab switching the same way Cmd-Tab (or Cmd-Shift-Tab) switches windows,
with the most-recently-used stack.
Next/Previous Tab/Window/Pane - These actions navigate among tabs, windows, and split panes.
Move tab left/right - Changes the tab's position in the order.
Next/Previous Window - Selects the next or previous window in window order.
Next/Previous Pane - Selects the next or previous pane in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order.
Increase/Decrease Width/Height - Changes the size of the current session.
Scroll to End/Top/Up/Down - These actions move through the scrollback buffer.
Select Split Pane Above/Below/Left/Right - These actions navigate split panes.
Swap Split Pane Above/Below/Left/Right - Exchanges the current session with an adjacent session in a split pane in the same
Send ^? / ^H Backspace - Modern systems use ^? for backspace, while some legacy systems use ^H.
Send Escape Sequence - This action allows you to enter some text that will be sent when the associated key is pressed. First,
the ESC character is sent, and then the text you entered is sent. There are no special characters and no escaping is necessary.
Send Hex Code - This action allows you to enter a sequence of hex codes that will be sent. Each value should begin with "0x"
followed by one or two hex digits (0-9, a-f, or A-F). Each code should be separated by a space. You can see a list of hex codes
on in the "Hx" column.
Send Text - This action allows you to enter a text string that will be sent when the associated key is pressed. The following
escape characters are supported: \n (newline), \e (escape), \a (bell), \t (tab).
Send Text with "vim" Special Characters - This action allows you to enter a text string that will be sent when the associated key
is pressed. The following special sequences are supported, where the "." characters are placeholders: ... (three-digit octal
number), .. (two-digit octal number; must be followed by non-digit), . (one-digit octal number; must be followed by non-digit),
\x.. (two-digit hex number), \x. (one-digit hex number), \u.... (four-digit hex number), \b (backspace), \e (escape), \f (form feed),
\n (newline), \r (carriage return), \t (tab), \ (backslash), \" (double quote), \\<C-.> (control key), \\<M-.> (meta key)
Find Regular Expression - Performs a search for a saved regular expression.
Find Again Up/Down - Repeats the search, finding the next result at an earlier/later position.
Undo - Invokes the Undo action. Could be used to undo closing a session/tab/window.
Paste - Like Edit > Paste, but you can set advanced paste preferences to use.
Paste From Selection - Like Edit > Paste and Edit > Paste Special > Paste Selection, but you can set advanced paste
preferences to use.
Toggle Fullscreen - This action enters or exits full screen mode.
Toggle Pin Hotkey Window - Toggles whether the hotkey window hides when it loses focus.
Toggle Mouse Reporting - Temporarily enable or disable mouse reporting.
Run Coprocess - This action launches a Coprocess. Learn more about coprocesses (documentation-coprocesses.html).
Move Start/End of Selection Back/Forward - Adjusts the range of selected text. /
Invoke Script Function - Calls a function registered by a script. See Scripting Fundamentals (documentation-scripting-
MENU fundamentals.html) for details on functions.
Select Menu Item... - This action allows you to enter the name of an iTerm2 menu item. It must be entered exactly the same as
it appears in the menu. Ellipses can be typed with option-semicolon.

You can add a new keymapping by pressing "+". You can remove an existing mapping by selecting it and pressing "-". Three
presets are provided: "Xterm defaults" is the normal key mappings, while "Xterm defaults with numeric keypad" disables the
"application keypad" in favor of the numbers and symbols that the numeric keypad typically emits. " Compatibility"
tries to emulate the way that sends keys by default.

Delete sends ^H
If you are on a legacy system that does not accept ^? for backspace, select this and it will add a key mapping for you.

Allow Application Keypad Mode

Some full-screen progarms (like emacs) switch the keyboard into application keypad mode, which changes how the numeric
keypad behaves. Disabling this option causes iTerm2 to never enter application keypad mode.

Report modifiers using CSI u

Enables a more powerful keyboard reporting algorithm that some applications may use to enable the use of modifiers on more
keys and more combinations of modifiers.

Left/Right Option Key Acts As

It is common to use a modifier to send so-called "meta keys". For most users, selecting "+Esc" here is the right choice. The
"Meta" option sets the high bit of the input character, and is not compatible with modern systems.

A hotkey opens a dedicated window with this profile

When enabled, a dedicated hotkey window is attached to this profile. The Configure Hotkey Window button lets you configure
the hotkey and other attributes of the window. For more information, see Hotkey Windows (documentation-hotkey.html).

Advanced Profile Preferences

Profiles > Advanced

Triggers are actions that are performed when text matching a regular expression is received. Each trigger has a regular
expression, which defines when it runs. It has an action, which defines what it performs, and it has an optional parameter, whose
meaning depends on the action. When the parameter is textual, \0 is replaced with the entire match, and \1...\9 are replaced with
match groups. Each trigger has a checkbox in the "Instant" column. Instant triggers run as soon as text matching the regular
expression is matched; triggers that are not instant only match after the cursor moves off the current line (such as whena newline
is received).
Full details can be found at Triggers (documentation-triggers.html).

Semantic History
Semantic history is used to open a file when you Cmd-Click on it. The current working directory for each line in the terminal is
tracked to help find files. If Semantic History is set to "Open with default app," then files are passed to the OS to be opened with
whatever is associated. Alternatively, you can choose "Open URL..." to open a specific URL ( If you choose "Open with editor..." then text files will be opened with the
designated editor, while other files are opened with the default app for their file type. For more flexibility, choose "Run
command..." and specify a command to execute. \1 will be replaced with the file name, \2 will be replaced with the line number (if
applicable), \3 with text in the line prior to the click location, \4 with text in the line subsequent to the click location, and \5 for the
working directory of the line clicked on. Finally, "Always run command..." is like "Run command...," but takes effect even if the
object clicked on is not an existing filename.

Automatic Profile Switching

You can specify rules that, when satisified, changes any session's profile to this one. See Automatic Profile Switching (automatic-
profile-switching.html) for all the details.

Keys Preferences


Key Bindings
This interface works like the keyboard shortcut system in profiles (described above) but it affects all profiles. Settings here are
MENU by those in a profile's key mappings.
See the list of key binding actions at Preferences > Profiles > Keys (documentation-preferences-profiles-keys.html).

Add Touch Bar Item

This button is only visible if your OS version supports touch bars. By pressing this button, you can define a new custom touch bar
button with any of the actions you can assign to a key (see below). You can then add the custom button to your touch bar with
View > Customize Touch Bar.

Touch Bar Mitigations

This opens a panel with these options:
Haptic feedback when pressing esc When you press esc on a touchbar, this makes the trackpad vibrate to provide feedback.
Key click for virtual esc key When you press esc on a touchbar, this causes a click sound to be played.
Visual esc key indicator When you press esc on a touchbar, make the cursor change shape briefly to provid feedback.

Navigation Shortcuts

Shortcut to activate a tab

Tabs are normally navigated with cmd+number, but you can change the modifier used for that function here.

Shortcut to activate a window

Windows are normally navigated with cmd+opt+number, but you can change the modifier used for that function here.

Shortcut to choose a split pane

You can use this to configure a modifier+number shortcut to select a split pane in the current tab.

Emulate US Keyboard
If your keyboard layout requires you to hold Shift (or some other modifier) to press a number, enable this to treat the top row of
keys as number keys even when Shift is not pressed. This only affects switching panes, tabs, and windows by keyboard as
configure in the preceding settings.


Create a Dedicated Hotkey WIndow

Sets up a new hotkey window profile if you don't already have one. For more information, see Hotkey Windows (documentation-

Show/Hide iTerm2 all windows with a system-wide hotkey

When enabled, you can focus the Hotkey: field and press a keystroke. From then on, pressing that keystroke (even when iTerm2 is
not the front application) will cause iTerm2 to come to the front. If it is the foreground app, it will be sent to the back. This requires
that you enable access for assistive devices in the Universal Access panel of System Preferences. For more information, see
Hotkey Windows (documentation-hotkey.html).

Remap Modifiers
iTerm2 allows you to change the meanings of the modifier keys only within iTerm2. This is useful, for example, if you find it difficult
to press "option" for "meta" and would prefer to use "command" for that purpose.

Global shortcut keys

Arrangement Preferences


This tab lets you view saved window arrangements. You can delete them with the minus button and select the default

Pointer Preferences

General (/donate.html)

Cmd-Click Opens Filename/URL

If enabled, then clicking on a filename (of an existing file on the local machine) or a URL will open it.

Ctrl-click reported to apps, does not open menu

If enabled, ctrl-click will be sent to applications that support Xterm mouse reporting (if mouse reporting is enabled).

Option-Click moves cursor

If enabled, option-click will move the cursor to where the mouse pointer is. If you install shell integration, this will be well-behaved
at the shell prompt by not sending up and down arrow keys.

Three-finger tap reports middle click to apps

If enabled, a three-finger tap acts like a middle click for the purposes of mouse reporting.

Focus follows mouse

If enabled, moving the mouse over an inactive window will cause it to receive keyboard focus.

Focus window after right or middle click

When enabled, right-clicking or middle-clicking on a window will give it keyboard focus.


Mouse Button and Trackpad Gesture Actions

You may assign custom actions to mouse clicks and trackpad gestures. The left mouse button is not configurable because its
behavior is rather complex, however. This is especially useful if you have a mouse with many buttons. Any combination of mouse
button + number of clicks + modifiers may be assigned an action. For gestures, three finger taps and swipes may be configured
in combination with modifiers. The following actions are available:
Extend selection - The text selection will grow, either from its beginning or end, to the location of the pointer.
Move pane - The current pane will turn green. Click in another window's tab bar or in another pane to split to move the now-
green pane.
New Horizontal/Vertical split with profile - The pane under the pointer will be split and the new split will use the specified profile.
New Split/Tab/Window With Profile - A new split pane/tab/window will be opened with the specified profile.
Next/Previous Tab/Window - Navigates through tabs and windows.
Open Context Menu - Opens the menu normally opened by a right click.
Open URL in background - Opens the URL under the pointer in your web browser without bringing the browser to the
Open URL/Semantic History - Opens the URL under the pointer, bringing the web browser to the foreground. If what's under
the cursor is a filename on the local machine, it will be opened with Semantic History.
Paste from Clipboard - Pastes the contents of the pasteboard (like Edit > Paste) but you can also configure advanced paste
Paste from Selection - Pastes the most recent selection made in iTerm2, even if it's not what's in the pasteboard. Allows you to
configure advanced paste settings.
Quicklook - Defines the word under the cursor or, if it's a URL, opens it in a web browser popover.
Select Next/Previous Pane - Navigates panes according to how recently they were used.
Select pane Above/Below/Left/Right - Navigates panes by their layout.
Send Escape Sequence... - This action allows you to enter some text that will be sent when the associated key is pressed.
First, the ESC character is sent, and then the text you entered is sent.
Send Hex Code - This action allows you to enter a sequence of hex codes that will be sent. Each value should begin with "0x"
followed by one or two hex digits (0-9, a-f, or A-F). Each code should be separated by a space. You can see a list of hex codes
on in the "Hx" column.
Send Text - This action allows you to enter a text string that will be sent when the associated key is pressed. The following
escape characters are supported: \n (newline), \e (escape), \a (bell), \t (tab).
Smart Selection - Performs smart selection on the text under the pointer.
Smart Selection ignoring Newlines - Performs smart selection on the text under the pointer, ignoring newlines (e.g., if a URL is
split by a hard newline, it can still be selected as a single item).

Advanced Preferences

Advanced preferences are self-documenting. Use the search field to find what you're looking for, as there are quite a few of them.

Deprecation Warning
Applescript in iTerm2 is deprecated. It will continue to receive bug fixes, but new features will not be added. Please see the
Python API docs (/python-api) for a much better alternative.
Note: Applescript support is in maintenance mode. New code should use the Python API (/python-api) if possible.

iTerm2 features Applescript support which allows you to automate many aspects of its behavior. Quite a bit of customization is
also possible by writing shell scripts.
iTerm2 has sophisticated Applescript support allowing one to write stand-alone scripts to launch the application and open
multiple sessions with profiles into either new tabs or new windows. You can also set some other parameters for a session such
as foreground and background colors, and transparency.
These scripts can then be saved as stand-alone executable applications.

Autolaunching Scripts
iTerm2 also supports autolaunching of an Applescript on startup. On startup, iTerm2 looks for an Applescript file in
"~/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/Scripts/AutoLaunch.scpt". If it is found, the "AutoLaunch.scpt" script is launched and
If that folder does not exist, the legacy path of "~/Library/Application Support/iTerm/Scripts/AutoLaunch.scpt" will be used.

User-Defined Scripts
iTerm2 also supports launching of user defined scripts from the "Scripts" menu. The scripts need to be stored under the
~/Library/Application Support/iTerm/Scripts directory. You can create this directory if it does not already exist. iTerm2 checks this
directory on startup. Scripts must be named with the extension .scpt or .app.


The basic objects are: window, tab, and session. The application has zero or more windows, each window has one or more tabs,
and each tab has one or more sessions. Multiple sessions in a tab happen when there are split panes.

The application exposes various properties and provides functions that are described in this section. For example:

tell application "iTerm2"

create window with default profile
end tell

Bridges to Python API

invoke API expression "expression"

Invokes a Python API expression. This creates a bridge from Applescript to the Python API
(/python-api). You can use it to call a registered RPC (
api/tutorial/rpcs.html), or to evaluate other kinds of expressions used in the Python API, such
as variables (documentation-variables.html) in the global scope.

invoke API expression "myRegisteredFunction()"

launch API script named "name"

Runs a script. The name can specify any script in the Scripts menu. First, it searches for a
script with that exact path relative to ~/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/Scripts. Then it
tries again, but ignores the path extension (like .py). Then it tries again, but only searches
the file's base name (like Finally, it tries again searching only the base name
without path extension (like helloworld).

launch API script named "helloworld"

Other Application-Level Actions

create hotkey window with profile "name"
Creates a hotkey window with the specified profile. The profile must be configured to have a

create hotkey window with profile "Hotkey Window"

create window with default profile

create window with default profile command "command"
These commands create a window with the default profile. If you specify a command, it overrides the profile's command (which
by default is to invoke login).

set newWindow to (create window with default profile)

set newWindow to (create window with default profile command "ls -l -R /")

create window with profile "name"

create window with profile "name" command "command"
These commands create a window with a named profile. If you specify a command, it overrides the profile's command (which by
default is to invoke login).
Returns a reference to the new window.

set newWindow to (create window with profile "Name Of Some Profile")

set newWindow to (create window with profile "Name Of Some Profile" command "ls -l -R /")

current window
A reference to the window that most recently had keyboard focus.

tell current window

end tell

A windows property exposes an array of terminal windows. Other windows, like the preferences panel, are not included. The
following are standard Applescript idioms for accessing elements of an array of objects:

tell first window

end tell

repeat with aWindow in windows

end repeat

These functions and properties are provided by windows. For example:

tell application "iTerm2"

tell current window
create tab with default profile
end tell
end tell

There are many standard Applescript functions (e.g., to get the window's size and position) that are not documented here.

create tab with default profile

create tab with default profile command "command" create tab with profile "name"
create tab with profile "name" command "command"
Creates a tab with the default profile or a profile by name. If the command is specified, it is run instead of the profile's
command/login shell.
Returns a reference to the new tab.

current session
The current session is the session that would receive keyboard input if the window had keyboard focus.
current tab
The current tab is the tab that is selected in the window.

hide hotkey window

If this is a hotkey window, it hides it with the standard hotkey window animation and makes the previously active application
active, if appropriate.

hotkey window profile

Returns the name of the hotkey window profile associated with this window, if any.

The window ID. Useful for commands like screencapture.

is hotkey window
Returns a boolean value which is true if the window is a hotkey window associated with a profile.

The window's name, as appears in the title bar.

reveal hotkey window

If this is a hotkey window, it reveals it with the standard hotkey window animation and makes it key and the application active.

Gives the window keyboard focus and brings it to the front.

An array of tabs. See the methods on Tab, below.

toggle hotkey window

Either shows or hides the hotkey window, if this is a hotkey window, using the standard animation. May make the app active or

These functions and properties are provided by sessions. For example:

tell application "iTerm2"

tell current session of current window
split horizontally with default profile
end tell
end tell

background image
This is a string property that gives a path to the background image of the session.

Terminates the session and closes its pane.

Color properties
Various properties which are readable and settable affect the session's colors:
background color
bold color
cursor color
cursor text color
foreground color
selected text color /
selection color
MENU ANSI black color
ANSI red color
ANSI green color
ANSI yellow color
ANSI blue color
ANSI magenta color
ANSI cyan color
ANSI white color
ANSI bright black color
ANSI bright red color
ANSI bright green color
ANSI bright yellow color
ANSI bright blue color
ANSI bright magenta color
ANSI bright cyan color
ANSI bright white color

An example:

set foreground color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}

Because Applescript is kind of a dumpster fire, the standard syntax for a color is {red, green, blue, alpha} where each value is
a number between 0 and 65535.

answerback string
The string sent when the ENQ escape sequence is received.

The width of the session in character cells.

Returns the visible contents of the session as a string. Each row is terminated with a newline.

Returns the session's unique identifier.

is at shell prompt
Indicates if the session is at a shell prompt accepting a command. Only works if Shell Integration (/shell_integration.html) is
installed; if not it will return false.

is processing
Returns a boolean indicating if the session received output recently.

A string property with the session's name as seen in its title bar.

profile name
The name of the profile the session was created with. A string. Read-only.

The height of the session in character cells.

set columns to number

set rows to number
Changes the size of the session.
split horizontally with default profile
split vertically with default profile
split horizontally with default profile command "command"
split vertically with default profile command "command"
Splits the session either horizontally or vertically. If the optional command is provided then it is run in place of the profile's
command. A horizontal split has a horizontal divider, while a vertical split has a vertical divider.
Returns a reference to a session.

split horizontally with profile "name"

split vertically with profile "name"
split horizontally with profile "name" command "command"
split vertically with profile "name" command "command"
Like the "default profile" commands, but uses a named profile instead of the default profile.

split horizontally with same profile

split vertically with same profile
split horizontally with same profile command "command"
split vertically with same profile command "command"
Like the "default profile" commands, but uses the current session's profile.

Makes the session active in its tab. Does not affect which tab is selected or which window has keyboard focus.

A synonym for contents.

A floating-point value from 0 to 1 giving how transparent the session is.

The name of the session's tty (e.g., /dev/ttys01). Returns a string.

unique id
A string uniquely identifying the session.

variable "name"
set variable named "name" to "value"
Gets and sets the value of a variable by name. Variables are described in Scripting Fundamentals (documentation-scripting-
fundamentals.html). You may only set user-defined variables, whose names always begin with user..

write text "text"

write text "text" newline NO
Writes text to the session, as though you had typed it. Optionally without a newline.

write contents of file "filename"

Writes the contents of a file to the session as though you had typed it.

These functions and properties are provided by tabs. For example:

tell application "iTerm2"

tell current tab of current window
end tell
end tell

Closes the tab. /
current session
The session in this tab that most recently had keyboard focus.

The index of the tab in the window, starting from 0.

Selects the tab, making it the current tab for the window.

An array of sessions.

An array of sessions in this tab.
The index from 0 of the tab in its window.

Supporting both old and new versions of iTerm2

If your application needs to support both the old and new Applescript syntax, this is the recommended technique:

on theSplit(theString, theDelimiter) (/donate.html)
MENU set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
set theArray to every text item of theString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
return theArray
end theSplit

on IsModernVersion(version)
set myArray to my theSplit(version, ".")
set major to item 1 of myArray
set minor to item 2 of myArray
set veryMinor to item 3 of myArray

if major < 2 then

return false
end if
if major > 2 then
return true
end if
if minor < 9 then
return false
end if
if minor > 9 then
return true
end if
if veryMinor < 20140903 then
return false
end if
return true

end IsModernVersion

on NewScript()
-- Return the modern script as a string here; what follows is an example.
return "create window with default profile"
end NewScript

on OldScript()
-- Return the legacy script as a string here; what follows is an example.
return "
set myTerm to (make new terminal)
tell myTerm
launch session \"Default\"
end tell"
end OldScript

tell application "iTerm"

if my IsModernVersion(version) then
set myScript to my NewScript()
set myScript to my OldScript()
end if
end tell

set fullScript to "tell application \"iTerm\"

" & myScript & "
end tell"

run script fullScript

Applescript Examples
This is an example of the Applescript syntax available in version 3.0 and later.
Note: Applescript support is no longer receiving improvements. Use the Python API (/python-api) instead.

tell application iTerm2 (/donate.html)
MENU -- application-level commands
-- These commands return a window.
set newWindow to (create window with default profile)
set newWindow to (create window with default profile command "ls -l -R /")

select first window

set newWindow to (create window with profile "Default")
set newWindow to (create window with profile "Default" command "ls -l -R /")

-- window-level commands
repeat with aWindow in windows
tell aWindow
tell current session
set newSession to (split horizontally with default profile)
-- Optional command argument added 12/5/2015
set newSession to (split horizontally with default profile command "ssh")
end tell
end tell
end repeat
tell current window
-- These commands return a tab
set newTab to (create tab with default profile)
set newTab to (create tab with profile "Projection")
end tell
tell current window
tell current session
set columns to 40
set rows to 40
end tell
end tell

-- tab-level commands
tell current window
tell second tab
end tell
tell first tab
end tell
tell current tab
repeat with aSession in sessions
tell aSession
write text "Hello"
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell

-- session-level commands
tell current session of first window
write text "cat > /dev/null"
write text "cat > /dev/null" newline NO
write contents of file "/etc/passwd"
-- Get the path to the current session's tty and write it
write text (tty)
-- Get the content of the session and write it back
write text (text)
-- Get the session's unique identifier and write it back
write text (unique ID)

-- These commands return a session (/donate.html)
MENU set newSession to (split vertically with default profile)
set newSession to (split vertically with profile "Default")
set newSession to (split vertically with same profile)

-- Optional command argument added 12/5/2015

set newSession to (split vertically with default profile command "ssh")
set newSession to (split vertically with profile "Default" command "ssh")
set newSession to (split vertically with same profile command "ssh")

set newSession to (split horizontally with default profile)

set newSession to (split horizontally with profile "Default")
set newSession to (split horizontally with same profile)

-- Optional command argument added 12/5/2015

set newSession to (split horizontally with default profile command "ssh")
set newSession to (split horizontally with profile "Default" command "ssh")
set newSession to (split horizontally with same profile command "ssh")

set foreground color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}

set background color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set bold color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set cursor color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set cursor text color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set selected text color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set selection color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set underline color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI black color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI red color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI green color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI yellow color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI blue color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI magenta color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI cyan color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI white color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}

set ANSI bright black color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}

set ANSI bright red color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI bright green color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI bright yellow color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI bright blue color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI bright magenta color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI bright cyan color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}
set ANSI bright white color to {65535, 0, 0, 0}

set background image to "/usr/share/httpd/icons/small/rainbow.png"

set name to "New Name"
set transparency to 0.5
-- The name of the session's profile (different from the
-- session's name, which can be changed by editing the Session
-- Title field in Edit Session or by an escape sequence).
-- Added 10/6/15.
write text (profile name)

-- is processing means it has received output in the last two seconds.

if (is processing) then
set foreground color to { 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535 }
end if

-- This will only work if shell integration is installed.

-- Otherwise it always returns false.
if (is at shell prompt) then
set background color to { 65535, 0, 65535, 65535 }
end if

-- New in 2.9.20160104
set answerback string to "Hello world"

-- New in 2.9.201601. See for more on variables.

variable named ""
set variable named "user.phaseOfTheMoon" to "Gibbous"

end tell
end tell

Supporting both old and new versions of iTerm2

If your application needs to support both the old and new Applescript syntax, this is the recommended technique:

on theSplit(theString, theDelimiter) (/donate.html)
MENU set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
set theArray to every text item of theString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
return theArray
end theSplit

on IsModernVersion(version)
set myArray to my theSplit(version, ".")
set major to item 1 of myArray
set minor to item 2 of myArray
set veryMinor to item 3 of myArray

if major < 2 then

return false
end if
if major > 2 then
return true
end if
if minor < 9 then
return false
end if
if minor > 9 then
return true
end if
if veryMinor < 20140903 then
return false
end if
return true

end IsModernVersion

on NewScript()
-- Return the modern script as a string here; what follows is an example.
return "create window with default profile"
end NewScript

on OldScript()
-- Return the legacy script as a string here; what follows is an example.
return "
set myTerm to (make new terminal)
tell myTerm
launch session \"Default\"
end tell"
end OldScript

tell application "iTerm"

if my IsModernVersion(version) then
set myScript to my NewScript()
set myScript to my OldScript()
end if
end tell

set fullScript to "tell application \"iTerm\"

" & myScript & "
end tell"

run script fullScript

Legacy Note
Note: in iTerm2 3.0.0, sessions had a property called contents. That conflicted with a reserved word, and has been renamed to
text. The example below reflects proper usage for version 3.0.1 and up.

Buried Sessions

A buried session is a session that continues to run but is not a part of any window. If you have a long-running job that you want
MENU of the way, it can be convenient to bury its session. It is used by default for the session where you initiate a tmux integration
client using tmux Integration (
To bury the current session, select Session > Bury Session. To restore a session, select it from the list of buried sessions in
Session > Buried Sessions.

Copy Mode
Copy Mode allows you to make selections using the keyboard. To enter or exit Copy Mode, select Edit > Copy Mode. You can
also enter copy mode by pressing Shift+Arrow key immediately after making a selection with the mouse. A special cursor
rendered as a downward-pointing arrow is visible while in Copy Mode.
While in Copy Mode, the session's contents will not change. You can use the keyboard to move the cursor and modify the
selection using these keystrokes:

Changing Modes

Keystroke Action

C-space Stop selecting

Esc, q, C-c, C-g Exit copy mode

C-v Toggle rectangular selection

Space, v Toggle selection by character

V Toggle selection by line

Basic Movement

Keystroke Action

h, Left arrow Move left

j, Down arrow Move down

k, Up arrow Move up

l, Right arrow Move right

Content-Based Movement

Keystroke Action

Meta-Left arrow,
Move back one word, treating symbols as word breaks.
M-b, Shift-tab, b

M-Right arrow,
Move forward one word, treating symbols as word breaks.
M-f, Tab, w

B Move back one word, treating symbols as part of a word.

W Move forward one word, treating symbols as part of a word.

[ Move to previous mark

] Move to next mark

Screen Movement

Keystroke Action

C-b, Page Up Move up one screen

C-f, Page Down Move down one screen

H Move to top of visible area

M Move to middle of visible area

L Move to bottom of visible area

Line Movement
Keystroke Action

^, M-m Move to start of indentation

0 Move to start of line

$ Move to end of line

Return Move to start of next line

Document Movement

Keystroke Action

g Move to start

G Move to end

Other Commands

Keystroke Action

o Swap cursor and other selection endpoint

C-k, y Copy selection

Menu Items

iTerm2 Menu

iTerm2 > Show Tip of the Day

When you start using iTerm2 it will offer to show you a daily tip describing a feature. You can show a tip immediately by selecting
this item.

iTerm2 > Check for Updates

Checks to see if a new version of iTerm2 is available. If Preferences > General > Prompt for test-release updates is turned on then
this includes beta versions; otherwise only stable versions are downloaded.

iTerm2 > Toggle Debug Logging

This saves helpful debugging information in memory. When it is toggled off it is saved to /tmp/debuglog.txt.

iTerm2 > Copy Performance Stats

This copies information about drawing speed to the pasteboard. This is useful when reporting issues relating to poor

iTerm2 > Capture GPU Frame

This saves information about how the current session is drawn. This is useful when reporting issues relating to drawing errors in
the GPU renderer.

iTerm2 > Secure Keyboard Entry

When this is enabled, the operating system will prevent other programs running on your computer from being able to see what
you are typing. If you're concerned that untrusted programs might try to steal your passwords, you can turn this on, but it may
disable global hotkeys in other programs.

iTerm2 > Make iTerm2 Default Term

Makes iTerm2 the default terminal for opening .command, .tool, .zsh, .csh, and .pl files.

iTerm2 > Make Terminal Default Term

You must hold down Option for this entry to be visible. Makes the default terminal for opening .command, .tool, .zsh,
.csh, and .pl files.

iTerm2 > Install Shell Integration

This opens a window that guides you through the installation of the Shell Integration (/shell_integration.html) features.
Shell Menu

Shell > New Window/Tab

This creates a new window or tab with the default profile. If the current session is a tmux integration session, then you will be
prompted for whether to create a local or tmux session.

Shell > New Tab with Current Profile

This creates a new tab using the same profile as the current session rather than the default profile.

Shell > Duplicate Tab

Creates another tab with the same arrangement of split panes, profile, etc.

Shell > Split Vertically/Horizontally

These menu items allow you to divide a tab into two or more split panes. The panes can be adjusted by dragging the line that
divides them. They will use the default profile.

Shell > Split Vertically/Horizontally with Current Profile

These menu items allow you to divide a tab into two or more split panes. The panes can be adjusted by dragging the line that
divides them. They will use the profile of the current session.

Shell > Save Selected Text

Saves the selected text to a file.

Shell > Close

Terminates the current session.

Shell > Close Terminal Window

Terminates all sessions in the current window.

Shell > Close All Panes in Tab

Terminates all sessions in the current tab.

Shell > Broadcast Input > ...

These options allow you to send keyboard input to more than one session. Be careful.
Send input to current session only: The default setting.
Broadcast to all panes in all tabs: Anything you type on the keyboard goes to all sessions in this window.
Broadcast to all panes in current tab: Anything you type on the keyboard goes to all sessions in this tab.
Toggle broadcast input to current session: Toggles whether this session receives broadcasted keystrokes within this
Show Background Pattern Indicator: If selected, sessions receiving broadcast input get an obnoxious red-stripe background.

Shell > tmux > ...

These commands let you interact with the tmux integration
Detach: Detaches from the tmux session associated with the current pane. It remains running in the tmux server.
New tmux Window/Tab: Creates a new tmux window, which appears in either a native window or tab, as requested. 8
Dashboard: The tmux dashboard is a view that lets you see all your tmux sessions and windows at a glance, adjust which are
visible, rename them, and change the current tmux session.

Edit Menu

Edit > Undo Close Session/Tab/Window

After you close a session, tab, or window then you have five seconds to undo it. The amount of time is configurable in
PReferences > Profiles > Session.

Edit > Copy (With Styles)

Hold down Option to turn Copy into Copy With Styles, which includes fonts and color information in the copied text.

Edit > Copy with Control Sequences

Copies the selected text, including control sequences that will reproduce the appearance (bold, colors, etc.) of the copied text
MENU pasted into a terminal. Note that these will not be exactly the control sequences that were originally received, but instead a
reconstruction that has the same effect.

Edit > Copy Mode

Enters Copy Mode which lets you make selections using the keyboard. See Copy Mode (documentation-copymode.html) for

Edit > Paste Special > Advanced Paste

This opens the Advanced Paste window which lets you select a string from the pasteboard in recent history, select different
representations of the current pasteboard, and modify the string before pasting it. You can modify it by appling a regex
substitution, using various built-in modifiers (such as base-64 encoding), or edit it by hand.

Edit > Paste Special > Paste Selection

Pastes the currently selected text (which may differ from the text in the pasteboard).

Edit > Paste Special > Paste File Base64-Encoded

If there is a file on the pasteboard then this is enabled. When invoked, it base64-encodes the file and pastes the encoded value.

Edit > Paste Special > Paste Escaping Special Characters

"Paste Escaping Special Characters" pastes the current string in the clipboard, but places a backslash before spaces and

Edit > Paste Special > Paste Slowly

"Paste Slowly" pastes the current string in the clipboard, but it doesn't send the whole string at once. It is sent in batches of 16
bytes with a 125ms delay between batches.

Edit > Paste Special > Paste Faster/Slower

Adjusts the speed of pasting to be faster or slower.

Edit > Paste Special > Paste Slowly Faster/Slower

Adjusts the speed of slow pasting to be faster or slower. You must hold down option for this menu item to be visible.

Edit > Paste Special > Warn Before Multi-Line Paste

When enabled, you'll be warned before pasting more than one line.

Edit > Paste Special > Limit Multi-Line Paste To Shell Prompt
If Warn Before Multi-Line Paste is on, then this restricts it to warn only when you're at the shell prompt. It only works if shell
integration is installed, since otherwise iTerm2 cannot tell when you're at the shell prompt.

Edit > Paste Special > Warn Before Pasting One Line Ending in a Newline at Shell Prompt
This requires shell integration to be installed to work. If you try to paste one line that ends in a newline while at the shell prompt
and this is enabled, you'll get a confirmation dialog before the text is pasted.

Edit > Snippets

Gives access to Snippets, which are saved bits of text that can be pasted quickly. You can change snippets in

Edit > Actions

Gives access to Actions, which are user-defined actions similar to those that can be bound to a keystroke. You can change
actions in Prefs>Shortcuts>Actions.

Edit > Selection Respects Soft Boundaries

When enabled, vertical lines of pipe characters | will be interpreted as pane dividers (as in vim or emacs) and selection will wrap
at them.

Edit > Select Output of Last Command

Requires shell integration to be installed. Selects the output of the last command.

Edit > Select Current Command

Requires shell integration to be installed. Selects the text of the current command entered at the command prompt.

Edit > Find > Find
Opens or focuses the find panel. Select the down arrow to the left of the search field to open the options menu, which lets you
select case insensitivity and regular expression options. The default case sensitivity option of "Smart Case Sensitivity" performs a
case-sensitive search if the search query contains any upper case letters. Otherwise, a case-insensitive search is performed.

Edit > Find > Find Next/Previous

Note that the direction of next and previous is reversed relative to the standard macOS search direction. If you prefer for Next to
mean down and Previous to mean up, set Preferences>Advanced>Swap Find Next and Find Previous to No.

Edit > Find > Find Globally

Opens a window that lets you search all tabs at once.

Edit > Find > Find URLs

Searches the current session for URLish looking strings.

Edit > Marks and Annotations > Set Mark

Records the current scroll position. Use Edit > Jump to Mark to restore the scroll position.

Edit > Marks and Annotations > Add Annotation at Cursor

Adds an annotation to the word beginning at the cursor. An annotation is a scratchpad for you to write notes about a chunk of
text in your history.

Edit > Marks and Annotations > Jump to Mark

Scrolls to the location of the last mark.

Edit > Marks and Annotations > Alerts > Alert on Next Mark
When a mark is set (typically by Shell Integration (shell_integration.html) when the currently running shell command terminates)
then show an alert.

Edit > Clear Buffer

Clears the entire terminal history and the mutable area.

Edit > Clear Scrollback Buffer

Clears scrollback history, preserving the mutable area.

View Menu

View > Show Tabs in Fullscreen

If enabled, tabs are shown in fullscreen windows.

View > Toggle Full Screen

Enters or exists full screen mode. iTerm2 supports both the standard macoS full screen mode, where the window occupies its
own Space, and its traditional full screen mode that shares a Space with other windows. You can control which is used in
Preferences > General > Native full screen windows.

View > Use Transparency

This toggles transparency. It only has an effect if you have configured your session to be transparent under Preferences > Profiles
> Window > Transparency. When Full Screen mode is entered, transparency is turned off by default, but you can select this menu
item to re-enable it.

View > Zoom In on Selection

When a selection is present this is enabled. Zooming on a selection removes all other text from the session and lets you focus on
just the zoomed-in-on text. Pressing escape will invoke Zoom Out when you are in the Zoom In state.

View > Zoom Out

Exits the Zoom In on Selection mode.

View > Find Cursor

Reveals the current cursor position.

View > Show Cursor Guide /

Toggles the visiblity of the cursor guide which is a horizontal rule showing the location of the cursor.

View > Show Timestamps

Indicate the time of last modification of each line on the screen.

View > Show Annotations

Toggles the visibility of annotations.

View > Composer

Opens a view that lets you edit a command before sending it.

View > Auto Command Completion

Automatically shows a window with command completion suggestions as you type. Only usable when you have command history
built up with Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html).

View > Open Quickly

If you have lots of sessions you can quickly find the one you're looking for with Open Quickly. Select the View > Open Quickly
menu item (cmd-shift-O) and then enter a search query. You can search by tab title, command name, host name, user name,
profile name, directory name, badge label, and more. Queries are scored according to relevance and sorted by score. Open
Quickly also lets you create new tabs, change the current session's profile, open arrangements, and change the color preset. If
you start your query with a / then that gives you a shortcut to various commands. /a followed by an arrangement name restores
the arrangement. /f restricts the query to existing sessions, excluding options to open new tabs, etc. /p restrics the query to
profile names to switch the current session to. /t restricts the results to "open new tab" for matching profile names. /c restricts the
results to color presets.

View > Maximize Active Pane

When there are split panes present, this toggles whether a given pane expands to fill the tab. When a maximized pane is present,
the tab will be inscribed with a dotted outline.

View > Size Changes Update Profile

When enabled, changes made to the text size in this session (by selecting Make Text Bigger/Smaller) will be reflected in its profile.

View > Start Instant Replay

Stepping through time allows you to see what was on the screen at a previous time. This is different than going back through the
scrollback buffer, as interactive programs sometimes overwrite the screen contents without having them scroll back. Once in this
mode, you can use the left and right arrow keys to step back and forward, respectively. The "esc" key exits this mode, as does
clicking the close button in the bar that appears on the bottom. You can adjust the amount of memory dedicated to this feature in
Preferences > Instant Replay uses xx MB per session. The more memory you assign, the further back in time you can step. The
instant replay UI also lets you choose to export a section of your terminal history to share with other iTerm2 users.

View > Tab Color

Allows you to select a tint color for the tab, to make it easier to distinguish. You can also change the tab color in Profiles >
Preferences > Colors.

Session Menu

Session > Edit Session

This opens a window that lets you change the settings of the current session without affecting any other sessions. Changes made
in this panel will not be overridden by subsequent changes to the profile. Settings not cahnged in this panel will be affected by
changes to the profile.

Session > Run/Stop Coprocess

Allows you to start and stop a coprocess linked to the current session. Learn more about coprocesses (/documentation-

Session > Restart Session

After a session ends (e.g., because the shell exits) this menu item becomes enabled. It will re-run your profile's command in the
same viewport as the terminated session.

Session > Open Autocomplete...

Shows the autocomplete window, which offers to finish typing a word that you've begun. Learn more about autocomplete on
highlights page (documentation-highlights.html).

Session > Open Command History...
If you use Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html) then Open Command History presents a list of recently used
commands to select from.

Session > Open Recent Directories...

If you use Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html) then Open Recent Directories presents a list of recently used
directories to select from.

Session > Open Paste History...

"Open Paste History" opens a window showing up to the last 20 values that were copied or pasted in iTerm2. You can search its
contents by typing a (non-necessarily-consecutive) subsequence of characters that appear in the value. You can use arrow keys
and enter to make a selection, or you can click on an item to choose it, and it will be pasted. If you enable the Save copy/pate
history to disk preference then these values will persist across sessions of iTerm2.

Add Trigger
Adds a trigger (documentation-triggers.html), defaulting to highlighting the currently selected text.

Session > Reset

Resets the internal state of the emulator and clears the screen. Use this if you get wedged in a bad state, like the wrong character
set or mouse reporting mode is stuck.

Session > Log > Start/Stop

Logging saves all input received in a session to a file on disk.

Session > Log > Import/Export Recording...

The Instant Replay feature allows you to view the past window state. The import/export feature allows you to save that state to an
itr file and share it with others. For more control, enter instant replay by selecting View > Start Instant Replay and click the Export
button there; it will allow you to clip the recording by selecting its start and end points separately.

Session > Terminal State

Shows the internal state of the terminal emulator and lets you directly manipulate it.

Session > Bury Session/Buried Sessions

Buries or unburies a session. See Buried Sessions (documentation-buried-sessions.html) for details.

Scripts Menu
If you have scripts located in $HOME/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/Scripts they'll be added to this menu.
Scripts in the AutoLaunch folder will be run when iTerm2 starts.

Python Scripts
The Manage submenu contains items to help you create and maintain Python scripts that use iTerm2's Python API (/python-api).

New Python Script

Use this to create a new script. See the Python API Tutorial (/python-api/tutorial/index.html) for details on how to use it.

Open Python REPL

Creates a window with a Python read-eval-print loop (REPL). This is meant for experimenting with iTerm2's Python API. You may
be asked to download and install the Python Runtime before this window will open. See the REPL (/python-
api/tutorial/running.html#repl) section of the tutorial for details.

Manage Dependencies
This opens a window that lets you modify the dependencies and Python version of scripts using iTerm2's Python API. You can
add or remove dependencies using pip3 through this UI, which is recommended because each script may have its own copy of
the Python environment it uses.

Check for Updated Runtime

Checks if a new version of the Python Runtime is available. It may contain bug fixes or new APIs.

Reveal Scripts in Finder

Shows the Scripts folder in Finder. /
Import... (/donate.html)
Allows you to choose an exported script (with the its extension) to install.

Allows you to export an existing script as an its file, suitable for sharing. If you have a code signing certificate and private key,
you can opt to sign your exported script. Signed scripts are easier to install.

The console shows the running scripts, their logs, and the history of communication between the script and iTerm2. It also offers
access to the Inspector, which lets you view variables (documentation-variables.html) in the various sessions, tabs, and windows.
It also reveals registered functions. Both the console and the inspector are intended to be used as debugging tools for people
working with scripts using iTerm2's Python API.

Profiles Menu
This menu contains a list of profiles. Selecting one opens it in a new tab. Hold option while selecting a profile to open it in a new
window, instead.

Profiles > Open Profiles...

This opens the "Profiles Window" which allows you to create new windows, tabs, or panes from one or more profiles. You can
perform a search by entering text in the search field. Profile names and tags are searched, and the listed profiles are filtered as
you type. You can use the up and down arrow keys to make a selection. Pressing enter will open a new tab, while shift-enter will
open a new window. You can make multiple selections by holding down shift or cmd and clicking on profiles. The "New Tabs in
New Window" button is enabled only when more than one profile is selected: it will open a new window and create a new tab for
each profile selected.

Profiles > Open All

Opens all profiles in tabs (or in windows, if Option is pressed).

Toolbelt Menu

Toolbelt > Set Default Width

Saves the current window's toolbelt width as the default width for new windows' toolbelts.

Toolbelt > Actions

This toggles the visibility of the Actions tools. It has a list of user-defined actions (for example, send a canned string of text). The
tool provides an interface for editing the actions as well as invoking them.

Tolbelt > Captured Output

This toggles the visibilty of the Captured Output tool. It shows captured output located with the Capture Output trigger. See
Captured Output (captured_output.html) for more information.

Toolbelt > Command History

This toggles the visibility of the Command History tool. It shows recently used commands. You must install Shell Integration
(documentation-shell-integration.html) for this to know your command history.

Toolbelt > Show Toolbelt

This toggles the visibility of the Toolbelt on the right side of all windows.

Toolbelt > Jobs

This toggles the visibility of the Jobs tool, which shows the running jobs in the current session, and allows you to send them

Toolbelt > Notes

This toggles the visibility of the Notes tool, which provides a freeform scratchpad in the toolbelt.

Toolbelt > Paste History

This toggles the visibility of the Paste History tool, which shows recently pasted strings in the toolbelt.

Toolbelt > Profiles

This toggles the visibility of the Profiles tool, which lets you select profiles to open new windows, tabs, and split panes.
Toolbelt > Recent Directories
This toggles the visibility of the Recent Directories tool. It shows recently used directories sorted by a combination of recency and
frequency of use. You must install Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html) for this to know your directory history.
You can right click a directory to open a context menu that allows you to "start" a directory. This keeps it pinned at the bottom of
the list so it's easy to find.

Toolbelt > Snippets

This toggles the snippets tool, which holds strings that can be pasted quickly. You can edit snippets in Prefs>Shortcuts>Snippets.

Custom Tools
Scripts using the Python API (/python-api) may register custom tools. Those will also appear in this menu. See the Asymmetric
Broadcast Input (/python-api/examples/broadcast.html) script for a working example.

Window Menu

Window > Save/Restore Window Arrangement

The current state and positions of windows, tabs, and spit panes is recorded and saved to disk with Save Window Arrangement.
Restore Window Arrangement opens a new collection of windows having the saved state. You can automatically restore the
arrangement in Preferences > General > Open saved window arrangement.

Window > Restore Window Arrangement as Tabs

Restores the windows in the selected window arrangement as tabs in the current window.

Window > Password Manager

Opens the password manager.

Window > Edit Tab Title

Allows you to enter a tab title to override the default, which is the current session's title. This is an interpolated string

Window > Edit Window Title

Allows you to enter a window title to override the default, which is the current tab's title. This is an interpolated string

Window > Window Style

Allows you to modify the window style, for example by removing the title bar.

A hotkey is a keypress that iTerm2 responds to even if another application is active. iTerm2 recognizes three kinds of hotkeys:
Toggle All Windows, Session Hotkeys, and Profile Hotkeys.

Toggle All Windows

This hotkey shows or hides all iTerm2 windows. It does not change their positions. It is meant for quickly switching between
iTerm2 and other applications. Configure this in Preferences > Keys > Show/hide all windows with a system-wide hotkey.
Turn on the checkbox and then click in the text field beneath it and type the hotkey you'd like to use.

Session Hotkeys
You can assign a hotkey to a particular session. Select Session > Edit Session to modify properties of the current session. The
preference window will open, and at the bottom of the General tab is a field where you can set a hotkey that opens iTerm2 to
reveal that session.

Dedicated Hotkey Windows

A dedicated hotkey window is a window that is associated with a profile and has a hotkey attached to it. By pressing the hotkey,
the window opens or closes. This is similar to the old Visor app. In its simplest form, it's a system-wide terminal window that you
can open with a hotkey. iTerm2 allows you to assign multiple hotkeys to a single profile or even a single hotkey to multiple
profiles. You can also assign the double-tap of a modifier.
To create your first dedicated hotkey window, go to Preferences > Keys and click Create a Dedicated Hotkey Window. This will
create a new profile called Hotkey Window. You'll be prompted to configure the window. The following settings are available:
Pin hotkey window: If selected, the hotkey window remains open when another window gets keyboard focus. When off, the
window will automatically hide when you select another window (whether in iTerm2 or another app)
Automatically reopen on app activation: If selected, this dedicated hotkey window will reveal itself when iTerm2 is activated
(such as by clicking the dock icon or another iTerm2 window). /
Animate showing and hiding: Controls whether hotkey windows animate in and out or quickly jump-cut in and out.
MENU Floating window: When selected, the dedicated hotkey window can appear over other apps' full screen windows (provided the
profile's Window > Space setting is All Spaces). Floating windows overlap the dock.
On Dock icon click: This setting configures what happens when the dock icon is clicked.

If you want to assign multiple hotkeys to a single dedicated hotkey window, add them by clicking Additional Hotkeys.
You can configure an existing hotkey window by clicking Configure Hotkey Window in Prefs > Profiles > Keys.

tmux Integration
iTerm2 is integrated with tmux, allowing you to enjoy a native user interface with all the benefits of tmux's persistence.

Normally, when you use tmux, multiple virtual windows are displayed in a single "physical" window. You can manipulate the
environment by issuing commands to tmux. This poses a few problems:
Some keystroke must be dedicated to tmux to enter its command mode (^B, by default, which means moving the cursor to the
left in emacs or an interactive shell becomes more difficult).
You have to ssh to the remote host more than once to get more than one view of your tmux session's window.
You have to learn tmux commands.
To adjust split panes, you have to enable mouse reporting, even if you don't want it otherwise.
Some built-in features of your terminal emulator don't work as well as they would if you weren't using tmux: for instance, you
can't access tmux's scrollback history as easily or quickly as you can in a normal terminal window. Also, tmux's find feature
isn't as good as iTerm2's.

For many users, a terminal multiplexer would be a great way to work, but they don't want to accept the drawbacks.
iTerm2's tmux integration solves these problems.
When you run "tmux -CC", a new tmux session is created. An iTerm2 window opens and it acts like a normal iTerm2 window. The
difference is that when iTerm2 quits or the ssh session is lost, tmux keeps running. You can return to the host you were ssh'ed
into and run "tmux -CC attach" and the iTerm2 windows will reopen in the same state they were in before. A few use cases come
to mind:
For users who do most of their work in ssh:
Restore the environment you had at work when you get home.
No more anxiety about letting System Update reboot!

For everyone:
Collaborate with another user by having two people attach to the same tmux session.

You should be able to use tmux as always. Just add the -CC argument to its invocation. In practice, this means running one of
these commands:
tmux -CC
tmux -CC attach

When you run tmux -CC, what you'll see on that terminal is a menu:

tmux mode started

Command Menu

esc Detach cleanly.

X Force-quit tmux mode.
L Toggle logging.
C Run tmux command.

If you press esc, the tmux windows will close and the tmux client will exit.
If you press esc and nothing happens, then the tmux client may have crashed or something else has gone wrong. Press "X" to
force iTerm2 to exit tmux mode. You may need to run "stty sane" to restore your terminal's state if the tmux client did crash.
If you want to report a bug, press L and reproduce the issue. The tmux protocol commands will be written to the screen.
If you want to run a tmux command that isn't available through the menus, you can press C. A dialog box opens and you can
enter a command. For example, "new-window".

In general, you don't need to run commands to perform the most common actions. The following iTerm2 actions affect tmux:
Close a session, tab, or window: Kills the tmux session or window.
Split a pane: Splits the tmux window using the split-window command. /
Resize a split pane: Resizes tmux split panes using the resize-pane command.
MENU Resize a window: Tells tmux that the client size has changed, causing all windows to resize. Windows are never larger than the
smallest attached client. A gray area on the right or bottom of a window indicates that a physical window is larger than the
maximum allowed tmux window size. One consequence of this rule is that all tmux windows/tabs will contain the same number
of rows and columns.
Create a window or tab using the Shell->tmux menu: Creates a new tmux window.
Detach using Shell->tmux->Detach: Detaches from the tmux session. All tmux windows are closed. You can get them back
with tmux -CC attach.

There are a few limitations of tmux integration which are related to the design of tmux.
A tab with a tmux window may not contain non-tmux split panes.
A tab with split panes may have "empty" areas. This is because tmux wants every tmux window to be the same size, but our
split pane dividers are not exactly one cell by one cell in size.

Check Preferences > General > tmux for configuration settings. You can also adjust whether to open the tmux Dashboard when
connecting to a session with a large number of windows. You can open the tmux Dashboard by selecting the menu item Shell >
tmux > Dashboard.
See also the tmux section of General Preferences (documentation-preferences-general.html).

Best Practices
For practical tips on how to configure iTerm2 for use with tmux integration in the real world, please see tmux Integration Best
Practices (

Touch Bar
As with many applications, you may customize the controls on the touch bar with View > Customize Touch Bar. The following
controls are available:

Man Page
Opens the manpage for the command behind the cursor.

Color Preset
When selected, this opens a scrollable list of color presets. Choosing one changes the current terminal's colors to use the preset.

Function Keys
There are two function keys controls. The first, labeled Function Keys Popover, opens a scrollable list of function keys when
pressed. It is compact but requires two taps to press a function key. The second, labeled Function Keys, shows a scrollable list of
function keys at all times. It takes more space but is quicker to use.
If you install Shell Integration ( and Utilities
(, then you'll get a command it2setkeylabel that lets you configure what each
function key's label says. You can configure each application you use (such as vim or emacs) to set the labels appropriately.

Add Mark
The Add Mark touch bar control saves the current location in history. You can navigate among marks with Cmd-Shift-Up and
Cmd-Shift-Down. There are also touch bar controls to navigate marks.

Next/Previous Mark
Navigates to the next or previous mark. If you have Shell Integration (
integration.html) installed, each command prompt inserts a mark, so the previous mark is usually the previous shell prompt.

Autocomplete Suggestions
If you have Shell Integration ( installed, iTerm2 can remember you
command history. That history is used to make suggestions for commands, which appear in this touch bar control.

The status touch bar control shows a user-configurable message. If you install Shell Integration
( and Utilities (
utilities.html), then you'll get a command it2setkeylabel that lets you configure what the status control says. For example, it could
display the git branch of the current directory. Tapping it scrolls to the location where the status was last changed.
For example, suppose you want to show your current git branch in the touch bar.
1. Select the menu item View > Customize Touch Bar
2. Drag "Your Message Here" button into the touch bar
3. Modify PS1 to include \[$(it2setkeylabel set status "$message")\]. For example: /
y p
PS1='\s-\v\$[$(~/.iterm2/it2setkeylabel set status \ (/donate.html)
MENU "$(test -d .git && (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) || (echo -n "Not a repo"))")] '

Custom Buttons
You can define custom touch bar buttons in Prefs > Keys > Add Touch Bar Item. You can then add the item to you touch bar
from View > Customize Touch Bar.

Shell Integration
iTerm2 may be integrated with the unix shell so that it can keep track of your command history, current working directory, host
name, and more—even over ssh. This enables several useful features.

How To Enable Shell Integration

The easiest way to install shell integration is to select the iTerm2>Install Shell Integration menu item. It will download and run a
shell script as described below. You should do this on every host you ssh to as well as your local machine. The following shells
are supported: tcsh, zsh, bash, and fish 2.3 or later. Contributions for other shells are most welcome.
When you select the iTerm2>Install Shell Integration menu item, it types this for you:

curl -L | bash

Don't care for piping curl to bash? Do it by hand. This is also what you must do if you use a shell that isn't your login shell. Select
your shell to see the appropriate instructions:
bash | fish | tcsh | zsh

curl -L \
-o ~/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash

Next, you need to load the script at login time. You need to add the following command to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile. If you
already have .profile then add it there, otherwise add it to .bash_profile. Put it at the end because other scripts may overwrite the
settings it needs, such as PROMPT_COMMAND.

source ~/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash

Don't want to or can't install a login script? See the workaround at the end of this document using triggers.
Elvish users: Diego Zamboni maintains a shell integration script for Elvish on Github. (

Shell Integration enables numerous features:

These are saved locations in history. They make it easy to navigate to previous shell prompts or other locations of interest.

Alert when current command finishes running.

iTerm2 will present a modal alert when a long-running command finishes, if you ask it to.

View information about commands.

You can see the return status code, working directory, running time, and more for shell commands entered at the prompt in the

Download files from remote hosts with a click.

You can right click on a filename (e.g., in the output of ls) to download it.

Drag-drop files to upload with scp.

Hold down option and drag-drop a file from Finder into iTerm2 to upload it.

View command history.

It can be seen and searched in the toolbelt or quickly accessed in a popup window.

Easy access to recently and frequently used directories.

iTerm2 remembers the directories you use, sorting them by "frecency" and giving you access to them in the toolbelt and in a
popup window.

Assign profiles to hostnames, usernames, or username+hostname combinations.

Sessions will automatically switch profiles as you log in and out according to rules you define. /
Ensures the command prompt always starts at the left column, even when the last command didn't end in a newline.
Each of these features are described in more detail below.

How it works
Shell Integration works by configuring your shell on each host you log into to send special escape codes that convey the
following information:
Where the command prompt begins and ends.
Where a command entered at the command prompt ends and its output begins.
The return code of the last-run command.
Your username.
The current host name.
The current directory.

How to use it

When shell integration is enabled, iTerm2 automatically adds a mark at each command prompt. Marks are indicated visually by a
small blue triangle in the left margin.

You can navigate marks with Cmd-Shift-Up and Down-arrow keys.

If you have a multi-line prompt and would like to customize the mark's location, add this to your PS1 at the location where the
mark should appear:
For zsh:


For bash:


Fish users can place this line somewhere in their fish_prompt function:


This feature is not supported in tcsh.

For zsh and bash users: if you are unable to modify PS1 directly (for example, if you use a zsh theme that wants to control PS1),
you must take an extra step. Add export ITERM2_SQUELCH_MARK=1 before the shell integration script is sourced. Add the
iterm2_prompt_mark as directed above to your prompt through those means available to you.

Alert on next mark

iTerm2 can show an alert box when a mark appears. This is useful when you start a long-running command. Select Edit>Marks
and Annotations>Alert on next mark (Cmd-Opt-A) after starting a command, and you can go do something else in another
window or tab. When the command prompt returns, a modal alert will appear, calling attention to the finished job.

Command status
The mark on a command line will turn red if a command fails. You can right click the mark to view its return code.

Download with scp

You can right-click on a filename (e.g., in the output of ls) and select Download with scp from hostname**, and iTerm2 will
download the file for you.


A new menu bar item will be added called Downloads that lets you view downloaded files and track their progress.

Upload with scp

If you drop a file (e.g., from Finder) into iTerm2 while holding the option key, iTerm2 will offer to upload the file via scp to the
remote host into the directory you were in on the line you dropped the file on. A new menu bar item will be added called Uploads
that lets you view uploaded files and track their progress.

Command history
With shell integration, iTerm2 can track your command history. The command history is stored separately for each
username+hostname combination. There are four places where this is exposed in the UI:

Command history popup

You can view and search the command history with Session>Open Command History... (Shift-Cmd-;).

Commands in command history are also added to Autocomplete (Cmd-;). If Preferences>General>Save copy/paste history and
command history to disk is enabled, then command history will be preserved across runs of iTerm2 (up to 200 commands per

A command history tool may be added to the toolbelt by selecting Toolbelt>Command History.

Bold commands are from the current session. Clicking on one will scroll to reveal it. Double-clicking enters the command for you.
Option-double-clicking will output a "cd" command to go to the directory you were in when it was last run.

Command Completion
iTerm2 will present command completion suggestions automatically when View>Auto Command Completion is selected.

Recent Directories
With shell integration, iTerm2 will remember which directories you have used recently. The list of preferred directories is stored
separately for each username+hostname combination. It is sorted by "frecency" (frequency and recency of use). There are two
places it is exposed in the UI:

Recent Directories popup

You can view and search your recently and frequently used directories in Session>Open Recent Directories... (Cmd-Opt-/).

A Recent Directories tool may be added to the toolbelt by selecting Toolbelt>Recent Directories.

Double-clicking a directory will type its path for you into the current terminal. Option-double-click will enter a "cd" command for
you. You can also right-click on a directory to toggle its "starred" status. A starred directory will always appear at the bottom of
the list so it is easy to find.

Automatic Profile Switching

Please see the documentation at Automatic Profile Switching (/automatic-profile-switching.html).

Shell Integration for root

If you'd like to be able to use shell integration as root, you have two options. The first option, presuming you use bash, is to
become root with sudo -s (which loads your .bashrc as root) and add this to your .bashrc:

test $(whoami) == root && source "${HOME}/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash"

The alternative is to use Triggers to emulate shell integration as described in the following section.

For some users, installing a login script on every host they connect to is not an option. To be sure, modifying root's login script is
usually a bad idea. In these cases you can get the benefits of shell integration by defining triggers. The following triggers are of
Report User & Host
Report Directory
Prompt Detected

Use these triggers to tell iTerm2 your current username, hostname, and directory. Suppose you have a shell prompt that looks like

It exposes the username, hostname, and working directory. We can harvest those with a regular expression. First, define a trigger
with this regex:


It captures the username and hostname from the example prompt above. Select the action "Report User & Host". Set the trigger's
parameter to:


Then create another trigger with the action Report Directory. This regular expression will extract the directory from the example


Set this trigger's parameter to


Make sure both triggers have their Instant checkbox enabled so they'll take effect before a newline is received.
Finally, add a regular expression that matches the start of your prompt and give the "Prompt Detected" action. This causes a
"mark" to be added, which is a blue triangle visible to the left of this line. You can navigate from mark to mark with Cmd-Shift-
Up/Down Arrow.
You may specify a user name or host name alone to Report Host & User. If you give just a user name then the previous host name
will be preserved; if you give just a host name then the previous user name will be preserved. To change the user name only, give
a parameter like user@. To change the host name only, give a parameter like

Limitations /
Shell Integration does not work with tmux or screen.

A Note on SCP
iTerm2 can do uploads and downloads with scp as described above. There are a few things you should know.
iTerm2 links in libssh2, and does not shell out to scp. It respects /etc/known_hosts and ~/.ssh/known_hosts, and will update the
latter file appropriately. Host fingerprints are verified. Password, keyboard-interactive, and public-key authentication are
supported. Private keys by default come from ~/.ssh/id_rsa, id_dsa, or id_ecdsa, and may be encrypted with an optional
iTerm2 respects ssh_config files, but only a subset of the commands are understood:

Settings pulled from ssh_config override the hostname and user name provided by shell integration. The shell integration-
provided host name is used as the text against which Host patterns are matched.
The following files are parsed as ssh_config files, in order of priority:
~/Library/Application Support/iTerm/ssh_config

The scp code is relatively new. If you are in a high-security environment, please keep this in mind.

Smart Selection
iTerm2 offers a Smart Selection feature that simplifies making selections on semantically recognizable objects.

How do I use Smart Selection?

A quad-click (four clicks of the left mouse button in quick succession) activates Smart Selection at the mouse cursor's position.
By default, the following kinds of strings are recognized:
Words bounded by whitespace or line boundaries.
C++-style pairs of identifiers separated by double colons, such as "namespace::identifier".
Filesystem paths, such as "/foo/bar/baz.txt".
Quoted strings such as "foo bar".
Java or Python-style include paths, such as "".
URIs with the schemes: mailto, http, https, ssh, or telnet.
Objective-C selectors like "@selector(foo:bar:)".
Email addresses.

How do I Change Smart Selection Rules?

Under Preferences>Profiles>Advanced, you may edit the smart selection rules. In addition to a regular expression, each rule also
has a Precision attribute, which takes a value of Very Low, Low, Normal, High, or Very High. Intuitively, it refers to how sure one
can be that when a rule's regular expression finds a match that it is what the user intended. For example, the "Word" rule is low
precision (it matches almost every time), while the "HTTP URL" rule is very high precision (it almost never produces false
positives). This allows the "HTTP URL" rule to take precedence when both match, unless the "Word" rule matches a much longer
string. That might happen, for instance, if there were a non-URL character after a URL followed by a lot more text. The precision
levels have a very strong effect, so it's very rare for a lower precision rule to take precedence over a higher precision rule.
When editing rules, it is advised that you experiment with different precision levels and different kinds of strings to find one that
works well. A collection of test cases may be found at smart_selection_cases.txt.
When Smart Selection is activated, iTerm2 tries each regular expression. For a given regex, various strings on the screen are
tested until the longest match is found. Only matches that include the character under the cursor are of interest. The longest such
match is added to a pool of "selection candidates". Each candidate is assigned a score equal to its length in characters. Among
the candidates in the highest precision class (where Very High is the highest class and Very Low is the lowest) with any matches,
the higheset scoring one is used as the selection.

Actions may be associated with smart selection rules. When you right click in a terminal, smart selection is performed at the
cursor's location. Any smart selection rule that matches that location will be searched for associated actions, and those actions
will be added to the context menu. Actions may open a file, open a URL, run a command, or start a coprocess. A cmd-click on
text matching a smart selection rule will invoke the first rule.

Regular Expressions
Regular expressions conform to the ICU regular expressions ( rules.
A trigger is an action that is performed when text matching some regular expression is received in a terminal session.

How to Create a Trigger

To create a trigger, open the Preferences panel. Select the Profiles tab. Choose the profile to which you wish to add a trigger.
Then select the Advanced tab. Click the Edit button in the Triggers section. A panel opens that displays any existing triggers.
You can click the + button to add a new trigger.
Triggers have a regular expression, an action, an optional parameter, and may be marked as Instant.

Regular Expression
Regular expressions conform to the ICU regular expressions ( rules. Text that is
written to the screen including the BEL control code are sent to the regex matcher for evaluation. Only one line at a time is
matched. By default, matching is performed when a newline or cursor-moving escape code is processed. If a line is very long,
then only the last three wrapped lines are used (that is, the last three lines as seen on the display). This is done for performance
reasons. You can change this limit in Advanced Preferences > Number of screen lines to match against trigger regular

The following actions are available:
Annotate: Attaches text to the matched region as an annotation.
Bounce Dock Icon: Makes the dock icon bounce until the iTerm2 window becomes key.
Capture Output: Save the line to the Captured Output toolbelt tool. See Captured Output (documentation-captured-
output.html). The parameter is text to send (as though it had been typed) when you double-click on an entry in the Captured
Output tool.
Highlight Text: The text matching the regex in the trigger will change color. The parameter sets the color.
Invoke Script Function: Runs a script function. The parameter is always an interpolated string. See Scripting Fundamentals
(documentation-scripting-fundamentals.html) for details.
Make Hyperlink: Converts the matched text into a hyperlink with the provided URL as its target.
Open Password Manager: Opens the password manager. You can specify which account to select by default.
Post Notification: Posts a notification with Notification Center.
Prompt Detected: Informs iTerm2 that the shell prompt begins at the start of the match. Used to emulate Shell Integration
features. If the prompt is one line long then use Instant.
Report Directory: Tells iTerm2 what your current directory is. You can use this to enable Shell Integration (documentation-shell-
integration.html) features without installing the scripts. The parameter is your current directory.
Report User & Host: Tells iTerm2 what your user or host name is. You can use this to enable Shell Integration (documentation-
shell-integration.html) features without installing the scripts. To specify just a user name, say user@. For just a host, say @host.
For both, say user@host.
Ring Bell: Plays the standard system bell sound once.
Run Command: Runs a user-defined command.
Run Coprocess: Runs a Coprocess (documentation-coprocesses.html).
Run Silent Coprocess: Runs a silent Coprocess (documentation-coprocesses.html). This differs from a coprocess in that
output goes only to the coprocess and does not get displayed while it is running.
Send Text: Sends user-defined text back to the terminal as though the user had typed it.
Set Mark: Sets a mark. You can specify whether you'd like the display to stop scrolling after the trigger fires.
Set Title: Sets the session's title.
Show Alert: Shows an alert box with user-defined text.
Stop Processing Triggers: When this action is invoked no triggers further down the list will be invoked for the current text.

If you'd like to match more text than you highlight with the Highlight Text trigger, you can use look-behind and look-ahead
assertions. Suppose you want to highlight the word "ipsum" only when it occurs in the phrase "lorem ipsum dolor". Then you
would use this regex:

(?<=lorem )ipsum(?= dolor)

Various actions (Run Command, Run Coprocess, Post Notification, Send Text, and Show Alert) require additional information. This
is specified in the "Parameters" field. When the paramter is a text field with freeform entry, some special values are defined. The
interpretation of the parameter depends on whether Use interpolated strings for parameters (at the bottom of the Triggers window)
is enabled.
When Use interpolated strings for parameters is off:

Value Meaning
\0 Meaning
The entire value matched by the regular expression. (/donate.html)

\1, \2, ..., \9 The nth value captured by the regular expression.

Regardless of the Use interpolated strings for parameters setting:

Value Meaning

\a A BEL character (^G).

\b A backspace character ^H.

\e An ESC character (ascii 27).

\n A newline character.

\r A linefeed character.

\t A tab character.

\xNN A hex value NN (for example: \x1b sends ascii code 27, an ESC).

When Use interpolated for parameters is on, a local variable named matches is declared. It is an array. Its first value (matches[0])
gives the entire matched text. Subsequent values of matches[1], matches[2], etc., give capture groups. For example, the following
parameter expands to the first capture group:


When Instant is set, the trigger will fire once per line as soon as the match occurs, without waiting for a newline. This was added
for the benefit of the Open Password Manager trigger, since password prompts usually are not followed by a newline. This may
cause certain regular expressions (for example, .*) to match less than they otherwise might. Instant triggers only fire once per
line, except for the Highlight action.

Use interpolated strings for parameters

Prior to version 3.3 of iTerm2, parameters could use backreferences like \1 to refer to a capture group in the regular expression.
This remains the default for triggers for backward compatibility. As of version 3.3, interpolated strings became the standard way
to handle strings with embedded references. By enabling the Use interpolated strings for parameters settings you can use the
more powerful interpolated string syntax for your triggers' parameters. See the Scripting Fundamentals (documentation-scripting-
fundamentals.html) document for more details on interpolated strings.

The iTerm2-zmodem ( project demonstrates hooking up iTerm2 to zmodem
upload and download.

Captured Output
iTerm2 has a feature called "Captured Output" which helps you find and track important lines of output from logs, build
processes, and such.

What does it do?

Captured Output is a tool that may be added to iTerm2's toolbelt (a view on the right side of terminal windows). It works in
conjunction with user-defined Triggers ( A Trigger whose action is Capture Output looks for
lines of output that match its regular expression. When one is found, the entire line is added to the Captured Output tool. When
the user clicks on a line in the Captured Output tool, iTerm2 scrolls to reveal that line. Double-clicking on a line in the Captured
Output tools run a user-defined Coprocess (

Shell Integration Required (/donate.html)
Shell Integration ( must be installed because Captured Output ties in to command
Ensure you have enough scrollback history to contain the full output of your build command. The default of 1000 may not be
sufficient. You can adjust this in Prefs > Profiles > Terminal > Scrollback lines.

One way to use Captured Output is to view compiler output. Suppose you run make and get thousands of lines of output, some
of which may contain errors or warnings. You'd like to examine each one and take some action on it. Here's how you would use
Captured Output to assist with this task:

Step 1: Create Triggers

Create a Trigger (/documentation-triggers.html) that matches your compiler's errors and warnings. Clang's errors look like this:

filename.c:54:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'foo'

The following regular expression matches errors and warnings from Clang:

^([_a-zA-Z0-9+/.-]+):([0-9]+):[0-9]+: (?:error|warning):

There are two capture groups defined. We'll come back to those later.

Step 2: Open the Toolbelt

Open the Toolbelt by selecting the menu item Toolbelt > Show Toolbelt. Enable the Toolbelt > Captured Output menu item to
ensure it is visible.

Step 3: Run make

Kick off the build by running make. It spits out thousands of lines of output.

Step 4: Examine the Captued Output tool

Any errors or warnings that appear in the compiler output will appear in the Captured Output tool.

Select an entry in the tool. iTerm2 scrolls to display the line and briefly highlights it in blue.

Step 5: Open the file containing the error

The Trigger created in step 1 takes an optional parameter. It is a command for iTerm2 to exceute as a Coprocess
( when you double-click an entry in the Captured Output tool. An example command

echo vim \1; sleep 0.5; echo \2G

This coprocess command assumes you are at the command line, and it enters a command to open the offending file to the line
number with an error. This is where the capture groups in the regular expression from step 1 become useful. For example, if the
filename was "filename.c" and the error was on line 20, as in this error message:

filename:c:20:9 error: use of undeclared identifier 'foo'

The coprocess would:

Type "vim filename.c", followed by enter, as though you were typing it at the keyboard.
Wait half a second.
Type "20G".

Step 6: Check it off the list

You can right-click on an entry in Captured Output to open a menu, which contains a single item: "Toggle Checkmark". This helps
you remember which entries have been dealt with as you go through errors and warnings in your compiler output.

Navigation /
Captured Output is linked to the Command History tool. If no command is selected in the Command History tool, then the most
MENU captured output is displayed. Otherwise, the captured output from the selected command is displayed. You can remove a
selection from the Command History tool by cmd-clicking on it.

Clearing Captured Output

You can use the ClearCapturedOutput control sequence to remove captured output. This is useful to do before starting a
compilation which may produce errors. Doing so ensures the only captured errors are from the most recent build. Use the
following command in bash to produce the control sequence:
printf "\e]1337;ClearCapturedOutput\e\\"

While iTerm2 does not require monospaced fonts, they look much better than proportionately spaced fonts.
iTerm2 has the capability of rendering text with thin strokes to improve readability. You can change how this works in the Text
panel of the Profiles tab of Preferences.
You can also specify the a "non-ASCII" font in the Text panel of profile preferences. This font will be used for all code points
greater than or equal to 128 or for characters with combining marks.
Some fonts, such as FiraCode, support ligatures if enabled in iTerm2. You can enable ligatures in Prefs > Profiles > Text.
Ligatures are rendered using CoreText, which is significantly slower than Core Graphics; ligatures are also not supported by the
GPU renderer, which is also much faster than the legacy renderer.

Inline Images
iTerm2 is able to display images within the terminal. Using a similar mechanism, it can also facilitate file transfers over any
transport (such as ssh or telnet), even in a non-8-bit-clean environment.

Just want to try it out and don't care about the protocol? Use the imgcat tool. Download imgcat here (/utilities/imgcat)

Example: imgcat
Using the imgcat (/utilities/imgcat) script, one or more images may be displayed in a terminal session. For example:

Critically, animated GIFs are supported as of version 2.9.20150512.

iTerm2 extends the xterm protocol with a set of proprietary escape sequences. In general, the pattern is:

ESC ] 1337 ; key = value ^G

Whitespace is shown here for ease of reading: in practice, no spaces should be used.
For file transfer and inline images, the code is:

ESC ] 1337 ; File = [arguments] : base-64 encoded file contents ^G

The arguments are formatted as key=value with a semicolon between each key-value pair. They are described below:

Key Description of value

name    base-64 encoded filename. Defaults to "Unnamed file".

size    File size in bytes. The file transfer will be canceled if this size is exceeded.

width    Optional. Width to render. See notes below.

height    Optional. Height to render. See notes below.

Optional. If set to 0, then the image's inherent aspect ratio will not be respected; otherwise, it will fill the specified
width and height as much as possible without stretching. Defaults to 1.

Optional. If set to 1, the file will be displayed inline. Otherwise, it will be downloaded with no visual representation
MENU inline   
in the terminal session. Defaults to 0.

The width and height are given as a number followed by a unit, or the word "auto".
N: N character cells.
Npx: N pixels.
N%: N percent of the session's width or height.
auto: The image's inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate dimension.

More on File Transfers

By omitting the inline argument (or setting its value to 0), files will be downloaded and saved in the Downloads folder instead of
being displayed inline. Any kind of file may be downloaded, but only images will display inline. Any image format that macOS
supports will display inline, including PDF, PICT, EPS, or any number of bitmap data formats (PNG, GIF, etc.). A new menu item
titled Downloads will be added to the menu bar after a download begins, where progress can be monitored and the file can be
located, opened, or removed.
If the file's size exceeds the declared size, the transfer may be canceled. This is a security measure to prevent a download gone
wrong from using unbounded memory.

Sample Code
Sample code for displaying images may be found here.

imgls (/utilities/imgls)
Provides an augmented directory listing that includes a thumbnail of each image in a directory.

imgcat (/utilities/imgcat)
Displays one or more images inline at their full size.

it2dl (/utilities/it2dl)
Downloads a file, but does not display it inline.

divider (
Draws a full-width, one line-tall graphical divider.

A badge is a large text label that appears in the top right of a terminal session to provide dynamic status, such as the current host
name or git branch. Its initial value is defined in Preferences>Profiles>General>Badge and it can be changed by an iTerm2-
proprietary escape sequence. This value is an interpolated string (documentation-scripting-fundamentals.html), which means the
badge can expose it can display the value of variables (documentation-variables.html).
Here is an example of a session with a badge indicating the current user and host name.


Escape Sequences
The badge may be set with the following control sequence:

OSC 1337 ; SetBadgeFormat=Base-64 encoded badge format ST

Here's an example that works in bash:

# Set badge to show the current session name and git branch, if any is set.
printf "\e]1337;SetBadgeFormat=%s\a" \
$(echo -n "\( \(user.gitBranch)" | base64)

The badge's color may be set in Preferences>Profiles>Colors. The font and size can be adjusted by selecting
Preferences>Profiles>General>Edit… next to the Badge field.

Dynamic Profiles
Dynamic Profiles is a feature that allows you to store your profiles in a file outside the usual macOS preferences database. Profiles
may be changed at runtime by editing one or more plist files (formatted as JSON, XML, or in binary). Changes are picked up

Dynamic Profiles are available in iTerm2 2.9.20140923 and later.

When iTerm2 starts, it creates a folder:

~/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/DynamicProfiles

While iTerm2 runs, it monitors the contents of that folder. Any time the folder's contents change, all files in it are reloaded.
Files in this folder are expected to be formatted as Apple Property Lists ( No particular
file extension is required. All files in the folder must be valid property lists. If any is malformed, then no changes will be processed.

Property List Format

A property list describes a data structure consisting of arrays, dictionaries, strings, integers, and boolean values. Property lists
may be written in JSON or XML. Here's an example of the skeletal structure of a JSON property list that iTerm2 expects for
Dynamic Profiles:

{ (/donate.html)
MENU "Profiles": [
[attributes for the first profile go here]
[attributes for the second profile go here]
[more profiles]

There are two required fields for each profile:


The "Guid" is a globally unique identifier. It is used to track changes to the profile over time. No other profile should ever have the
same guid. One easy way to generate a Guid is to use the uuidgen program, which comes standard with macOS.
The "Name" is the name, as seen in the Profiles window or in Preferences.
Here is a fully formed (but minimal) Dynamic Profiles plist:

"Profiles": [
"Name": "Example",
"Guid": "ba19744f-6af3-434d-aaa6-0a48e0969958"

The only way to change a dynamic profile is to modify its parent profile or to modify the property list file. If you change its
properties through the preferences UI those changes will not be reflected in the property list.

Every profile preference that iTerm2 supports may be an attribute of a Dynamic Profile. Since there are dozens of attributes, you
usually won't specify them all. Any attribute not specified will inherit its value from the default profile, or a specified "parent"
profile (see below).
The easiest way to find the name and legal value of a profile attribute is to copy it from a known-good reference. To get the JSON
for a profile you already have, follow these steps:
1. Open Preferences > Profiles
2. Select a profile
3. Open the Other Actions menu beneath the list of profiles
4. Select Copy Profile as JSON
5. Paste the clipboard contents into your favorite text editor

If you paste a whole profile into a Dynamic Profile this way, make sure you remember to change the Guid. A Dynamic Profile with
a Guid equal to an existing Guid of a regular profile will be ignored.

Parent Profiles
Normally, a dynamic profile inherits any attributes you don't explicitly specify from the default profile. You may also specify a
particular profile to inherit from using the Dynamic Profile Parent Name attribute. The value it takes is a profile name (that is, the
name you see listed in the list of profiles in Preferences box). Profile names are not guaranteed to be unique, but they are more
convenient than GUIDs. If no profile with the specified name is found, the default profile is used instead. For example:

"Profiles": [
"Name": "Example",
"Guid": "ba19744f-6af3-434d-aaa6-0a48e0969958",
"Dynamic Profile Parent Name": "Light Background"

Dynamic profiles are loaded in alphabetical order by filename. Within a particular file, they are loaded in the order they're listed in.
This only matters if one dynamic profile references another dynamic profile as its parent; the parent should be placed so it loads
before any of its children. For all other purposes, the filenames don't matter.
The Dynamic will automatically be added to all Dynamic Profiles.

If something goes wrong loading a Dynamic Profile, errors will be logged to

By default, Highlight triggers save colors in a large inscrutable mess of a format. For dynamic profiles, you can use
{#rrggbb,#rrggbb} in place of the large inscrutable mess. The first value gives the foreground color and the second value gives
the background color. Replace either #rrggbb with an empty string to not change that color. For example, to make the foreground
red without changing the background use #{ff0000,}.

Here's an example for a common use case: a list of profiles for sshing to various hosts. In this example, I've used the hostname
as the Guid, which makes constructing this file a little easier and works well enough.

"Profiles": [
"Name": "",
"Guid": "",
"Custom Command" : "Yes",
"Command" : "ssh",
"Name": "",
"Guid": "",
"Custom Command" : "Yes",
"Command" : "ssh",

Profile Search Syntax

When iTerm2 presents a list of profiles, it usually includes a search box. The search box uses a special syntax that letes you tailor
your searches to quickly find what you're looking for.

Searching Profiles
Each word in the search query must match at least one word in either the title or the tags of a profile in order for that profile to be
matched by the query. For a word to be a match, it must be a substring.

Query  &nbsp   Profile Name    Matches?

Linux      Linux    Yes

x      Linux    Yes

z      Linux    No

George L      George's Linux Machine    Yes

You may prefix a phrase in the search query with an operator to narrow your query. Only two operators are defined:
The name: operator only tries to match words in the profile's name.
The tag: operator only tries to match words in the profile's tags.

You can require that two or more words occur in order by putting quotes in your query. For example:

Query      Profile Name Matches?

"Linux machine"      George's Linux machine Yes

"machine Linux"      Linux machine No

Normally, words in a query must match a substring of a word in the title or tags of a profile. You can require that a word in your
query matches a prefix of a word in the title or tags by inserting a caret (^) before the word. You can require that a word in your
query matches the suffix of a word in the title or tags by appending a dollar sign ($) after the word. For example, the query ^a
matches only profiles with words starting with "a". The query a$ matches words ending in "a". The query ^a$ matches only the
word "a".

Query  &nbsp   Profile Name Matches?

^root Yes

^root      Groot! No

root$      Groot Yes (/donate.html)

^root$      Groot No

^root$      root Yes

Combining Features
You may combine quoting, operators, and anchors. The operator always comes first, followed by a caret, followed by a quoted
string, followed by a dollar sign. Consider the following examples:

name:^"George's Linux Machine"$

Three consecutive whole words in the profile's name must equal "George's Linux Machine".

name:"George's Linux Machine"$

Would match a profile named "XGeorge's Linux Machine", unlike the previous example.

name:^"George's Linux Machine"

Would match a profile named "George's Linux MachineX", unlike the first example.

name:"George's Linux Machine"

Would match a profile named "XGeorge's Linux MachineX", unlike the first example.


A word having the prefix, suffix, or exactly matching "George's" must occur in the profile's name to match these queries,

Automatic Profile Switching

iTerm2 can use information it knows about your current path, host name, user name, and foreground job name to change profiles.
For example, your window's background color or the terminal's character encoding could change when connecting to different

Shell Integration Required

You must install Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html) on all machines and all user accounts where you plan to
use Automatic Profile Switching (either by using the scripts or the Triggers workaround described in the Shell Integration docs).

Rule Syntax
In Preferences>Profiles>Advanced, you may specify a set of rules.

When any session satisfies a rule in a given profile, it will switch to that profile. Rules consist of three optional components: the
user name, the hostname, and the path. At least one component must be present, since an empty rule is not allowed. The
hostname is required only when both a user name and a path are specified.
A user name is a unix accont name (e.g., root) followed by an @.
A path always begins with a /. Any time a hostname is followed by a path, they are separated by a :. For example, It may include * wildcards. /
A hostname can be a DNS name, like or an IP address like A hostname may contain one or more *
MENU which act as a wildcard (like globbing in Unix).
The job name is the name of the executable. For example, "vim" or "bash". It must be prefixed with an ampersand &. For
example, &emacs*.
Additionally, a rule may be designated as sticky by beginning with a !. This will be described below, in the Automatic Reversion
Some examples:







Because more than one rule may match at any given time, rules with higher quality matches prevail over those with lower-quality
matches. Quality is determined by a rule's score, which is computed by summing the scores for its matching parts. In order for a
rule to be considered, all of its parts that are specified must match the current state.
The scoring is defined as:
An exact match for the hostname scores 16 points.
A partial match for the hostname using a wildcard scores 8 points.
A match on the job name (wildcard or not) scores 4 points.
A match on the user name scores 2 points.
An exact match on the path scores one point.
A partial match on the path using a wildcard scores zero points, but does count as a match for the rule.

The highest scoring rule, if any, will be used and the session's profile will be siwtched.
The UI tries to prevent you from entering the same rule in two different profiles, but if that does happen then one profile is chosen

Automatic Reversion
After APS switches a session's profile, its rules may eventually cease to match (for example, the hostname changes back to
"localhost" because an ssh session ends). If no profile has a matching rule, the session's original profile will be restored. The
exception is if the last-matched rule was "sticky". A sticky rule is prefixed with an !.

Each session maintains a stack of profiles. Initially, the stack contains the profile the session was created with. When the
username, hostname, or path changes, iTerm2 finds the best-matching profile. If some profile has a matching rule, one of two
things happens:
If that profile is already on the stack, profiles above that one will be removed from the stack and the session will switch to that
Failing that, the profile will be pushed on the stack and the session will switch to that profile.

If no profile has a matching rule, the stack is emptied (except for the first entry, the original profile for the session) and the session
reverts to its original profile.
Rules may begin with ! to indicate "stickiness". A sticky rule causes its profile to stay even after the rule no longer applies, so long
as no other rule matches.

Since it's impractical to install shell integration everywhere (for example, as root), there will be times when you need to write a
trigger to detect the current username or hostname. Please see the Triggers section of Shell Integration (/shell_integration.html)
for details.

There are a few ways things can go wrong. Please see the Why doesn't secure copy/automatic profile switching work?
( document for help diagnosing and fixing these issues.
Coprocesses (/donate.html)
iTerm2 offers support for "coprocesses". This very powerful feature will allow you to interact with your terminal session in a new

What is a Coprocess?
A coprocess is a job, such as a shell script, that has a special relationship with a particular iTerm2 session. All output in a terminal
window (that is, what you see on the screen) is also input to the coprocess. All output from the coprocess acts like text that the
user is typing at the keyboard.
One obvious use of this feature is to automate interaction. For instance, suppose you want to automate your presence in a chat
room. The following script could be used as a coprocess:

import sys
while True:
line = raw_input()
if line.strip() == "Are you there?":
print "Yes"

You could disappear for years before your friends discover you're gone.

How Do I Start a Coprocess?

There are two ways to start a coprocess.
1. Select "Run Coprocess..." from the Session menu. Enter the name of a command to run as a coprocess.
2. Create a Trigger in Prefs>Profiles>Advanced and select Run Coprocess... as the action. Give the script to run as a parameter.
Triggers also have Silent Coprocesses, which prevent any output from going to the screen. This is useful for ZModem, for

A session can not have more than one coprocess at a time. When a coprocess is active, an icon will indicate that in the top right
of the session.

If a coprocess fails you will receive a notification in the terminal window that gives you the option to view its output to stderr.

Technical Details
The coprocess's stdin is a byte-for-byte copy of the input from the session's pty, beginning at the time the coprocess starts. In
the case of a trigger-started coprocess, the line of input that triggered it MAY be the first line of input to the coprocess, but this is
not guaranteed. If a coprocess is running, triggers with a Run Coprocess action will not fire. The coprocess's stdout stream will
be treated the same as keyboard input. A small amount of buffering is provided for both input and output of the coprocess. When
a buffer fills, the coprocess will block.

Session Restoration
Session restoration works by running your jobs within long-lived servers rather than as child processes of iTerm2. If iTerm2
crashes or upgrades, the servers keep going. When iTerm2 restarts, it searches for running servers and connects to them. The
OS's window restoration feature preserves the content of your window, including scrollback history. iTerm2 marries the restored
session to the appropriate server so you can pick up where you were.
tl;dr watch this: Demo Video (/misc/

You must turn off System Prefs > General > Close windows when quitting an app. For more information on system window
restoration, please see Apple's docs (
You must set Prefs > General > Startup to Use system window restoration settings.
Force quitting iTerm2, causing it to crash, or upgrading it when prompted should restore your sessions. NOTE: Quitting iTerm2
with Cmd-Q will terminate your jobs and they won't be restored. There is an advanced preference to change this behavior,
You can toggle this feature with Prefs>Advanced>Enable session restoration., but you must restart iTerm2 after changing
this setting.
A session that has had only its window contents restored and not the running processes will get a reverse video Session
Restored banner. A properly restored session will pick up right where you left it.
If you reboot, your jobs will terminate and not be restored. The window contents should be restored.


iTerm2 has a collection of shell scripts that help you take advantage of some of its unique features. When you install Shell
MENU (documentation-shell-integration.html) from the iTerm2 > Install Shell Integration menu, you're asked if you'd like to
install the Utilities Package as well. This page describes these utilities.
If you prefer to install only the utilities (without also installing Shell Integration) you can find them here
( Most of the utilities work without Shell Integration.

The Utilities Package contains the following programs:

The imgcat program displays images inline in your terminal.

It supports all standard image formats, including animated GIFs.

imgcat filename [filename...]


cat image | imgcat

Lists the files in a directory with thumbnail previews for images.

imgls [filename...]

Requests attention. Can bounce the dock icon or show a fireworks animation at the application cursor position.

it2attention start
Begin bouncing the dock icon if another app is active
it2attention stop
Stop bouncing the dock icon if another app is active
it2attention fireworks
Show an explosion animation at the cursor

Checks if the terminal emulator is iTerm2.


it2check && echo This is iTerm2 || echo This is not iTerm2

Copies text to the pasteboard. Works over ssh. Accepts either standard input or a named file.


cat file.txt | it2copy

it2copy file.txt

For this to work you must enable Prefs > General > Applications in terminal may access clipboard.
The it2dl program downloads files. This is useful when you are ssh'ed to a remote host. The downloaded files are placed in your
Downloads folder.

Fetches a session variable. For information about variables, see Scripting Fundamentals (documentation-scripting-



Configures iTerm2's colors.


1) To set a specific color to an RGB value:

it2setcolor name color [name color...]
For example:
it2setcolor fg fff

name is one of:

fg bg bold link selbg selfg curbg curfg underline tab
black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white
br_black br_red br_green br_yellow br_blue br_magenta br_cyan br_white

color is of the format:

RGB (three hex digits, like fff)
RRGGBB (six hex digits, like f0f0f0)
cs:RGB (cs is a color space name)
cs:RRGGBB (cs is a color space name)

The color space names accepted in the color are:

srgb (sRGB, the default if none is specified)
rgb (Apple's old device-independent colorspace)
p3 (Apple's fancy large-gamut colorspace)

2) To switch to a named color preset:

it2setcolor preset name
For example:
it2setcolor preset 'Light Background'

3) To reset the current tab's color to the system default:

it2setcolor tab default

Configures touch bar function key labels.

it2setkeylabel set Fn Label
Where n is a value from 1 to 20
it2setkeylabel set status Label
Sets the Touch Bar "status" button's label
it2setkeylabel push [name]
Saves the current labels with an optional name. Resets labels to their default value, unless name begins with a . chara
it2setkeylabel pop [name]
If name is given, all key labels up to and including the one with the matching name are popped.

Recommended usage for customizing an application is to set key labels and then push with a name of a concatenation of the
app's name (e.g., "emacs") and a random number. When the app exists, pop to that same name.

Uploads a file. Works over ssh.

Usage: it2ul [destination [tar flags]] (/donate.html)
MENU If given, the destination specifies the directory to place downloaded files.
Further options are passed through to tar. See your system's manpage for tar for details.

If used without arguments, the file goes to the current directory. When you run this, you'll be prompted to select one or more files.
Next, iTerm2 creates a tar.gz file containing those files and base-64 encodes them. The it2ul script receives it, decodes it, and
untars it with -xzfC. Any arguments you provide go after a lone - argument,

Sets the unicode version for the current session. The key difference is that unicode 8 and unicode 9 use different width tables for
emoji. Most apps aren't updated to use the unicode 9 tables, but Unicode 9 produces nicer results with fewer overlapping

it2universion set 8
it2universion set 9
it2universion push [name]
Saves the current version with an optional name.
it2universion pop [name]
If name is given, all versions up to and including the one with the matching name are popped.

it2dl filename

The Utilities Package places shell scripts in $HOME/.iterm2/ and creates aliases to them at the bottom of

Proprietary Escape Codes

iTerm2 supports several non-standard escape codes. These may not work properly in tmux or screen, and may have unknown
effects on other terminal emulators. Proceed with caution.
The control sequences use the following notation:
ESC means "Escape" (hex code 0x1b) .
ST means either BEL (hex code 0x07) or ESC \\.
Spaces in control sequences are to be ignored.
Values in [brackets] are variable parameters, not literals.
OSC means ESC ]
CSI means ESC [
SP means a literal "space" character (not ignored!)

The OSC command 50 used to be used but it conflicts with xterm, so it is now 1337.

Report Foreground/Background Colors (OSC 4)

The xterm-defined OSC 4 control sequence has a mode where it reports the RGB value of a color. iTerm2 extends its reporting
mode to add two additional color indices representing the default foreground and background color.
To get the background color:

OSC 4 ; -2; ? ST

And this gets the foreground color:

OSC 4 ; -1 ; ? ST

For background and foreground respectively, the terminal will write back:

OSC 4 ; -2 ; rgb ; [red] / [green] / [blue] ST

OSC 4 ; -1 ; rgb ; [red] / [green] / [blue] ST

Where [red], [green], and [blue] are either 2 or 4-digit hex values like 14a7 or ff. For 4-digit values, you can get an
approximation of the 2-digit value by taking the first two digits.

Anchor (OSC 8)
VTE and iTerm2 support OSC 8 for defining hyperlinks, much like HTML's anchor tag.

OSC 8 ; [params] ; [url] ST

[params] consists of zero or more colon-delimited key-value pairs. A key-value pair is formatted as key=value. The only currently
defined key is id. Two adjacent hyperlinks with the same URL but different ids will highlight separately when Command is pressed
during hover.
If the url is absent then that ends the hyperlink. Typical usage would look like:
OSC 8 ; ; ST Link to example website OSC ] 8 ; ; ST (/donate.html)
To open a link, hold Command and click the link.
Note: in iTerm2 version 3.4 and later, if the URL has the file scheme and a # fragment is present then the semantic history rules
will apply for opening the file. It may optionally include a line number, like file:///tmp/file.txt#123 or line number and column
number like file:///tmp/file.txt#123:45.

Set cursor shape

OSC 1337 ; CursorShape=[N] ST

where [N]=0, 1, or 2.
0: Block
1: Vertical bar
2: Underline

Add this to your .vimrc to change cursor shape in insert mode:

let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]1337;CursorShape=1\x7"

let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]1337;CursorShape=0\x7"

This is derived from Konsole (

Set Mark
The "Set Mark" (cmd-shift-M) command allows you to record a location and then jump back to it later (with cmd-shift-J). The
following escape code has the same effect as that command:

OSC 1337 ; SetMark ST

Steal Focus
To bring iTerm2 to the foreground:

OSC 1337 ; StealFocus ST

Clear Scrollback History

To erase the scrollback history:

OSC 1337 ; ClearScrollback ST

Set current directory

To inform iTerm2 of the current directory to help semantic history:

OSC 1337 ; CurrentDir=[current directory] ST

Post a notification
To post a notification:

OSC 9 ; [Message content goes here] ST

Change profile
To change the session's profile on the fly:

OSC 1337 SetProfile=[new profile name] ST

Copy to clipboard
To place text in the pasteboard:

OSC 1337 ; CopyToClipboard=[clipboard name] ST

Where name is one of "rule", "find", "font", or empty to mean the general pasteboard (which is what you normally want). After this
is sent, all text received is placed in the pasteboard until this code comes in:

OSC 1337 ; EndCopy ST

Set window title and tab chrome background color

To set the window title and tab color use this escape sequence:
OSC 6 ; 1 ; bg ; red ; brightness ; [N] ST (/donate.html)
MENU OSC 6 ; 1 ; bg ; green ; brightness ; [N] ST
OSC 6 ; 1 ; bg ; blue ; brightness ; [N] ST

Replace [N] with a decimal value in 0 to 255.

Example in bash that turns the background purple:

echo -e "\033]6;1;bg;red;brightness;255\a"
echo -e "\033]6;1;bg;green;brightness;0\a"
echo -e "\033]6;1;bg;blue;brightness;255\a"

To reset the window title and tab color, use this code:

OSC 6 ; 1 ; bg ; * ; default ST

For example:

echo -e "\033]6;1;bg;*;default\a"

Change the color palette

To change the current session's colors use this code:

OSC 1337 ; SetColors=[key]=[value] ST

[key] gives the color to change. The accepted values are: fg bg bold link selbg selfg curbg curfg underline tab" black red green
yellow blue magenta cyan white br_black br_red br_green br_yellow br_blue br_magenta br_cyan br_white
[value] gives the new color. The following formats are accepted:
RGB (three hex digits, like fff)
RRGGBB (six hex digits, like f0f0f0)
cs:RGB (like RGB but cs gives a color space)
cs:RRGGBB (like RRGGBB but cs gives a color space)

If a color space is given, it should be one of:

srgb (the standard sRGB color space)
rgb (the device-specific color space)
p3 (the standard P3 color space, whose gamut is supported on some newer hardware)

The following alternate schemes are also supported: * If key is preset then value should be the name of a color preset. * If key is
tab then a value of default removes the tab color and restores it to the system default.

A second escape sequence is also supported, but its use is not recommended:

OSC P [n] [rr] [gg] [bb] ST

Replace [n] with:

0-f (hex) = ansi color
g = foreground
h = background
i = bold color
j = selection color
k = selected text color
l = cursor
m = cursor text

[rr], [gg], [bb] are 2-digit hex value (for example, "ff"). Example in bash that changes the foreground color blue:

echo -e "\033]Pg4040ff\033\\"

To add an annotation use on of these sequences:

OSC 1337 ; AddAnnotation=[message] ST

OSC 1337 ; AddAnnotation=[length] | [message] ST
OSC 1337 ; AddAnnotation=[message] | [length] | [x-coord] | [y-coord] ST
OSC 1337 ; AddHiddenAnnotation=[message] ST
OSC 1337 ; AddHiddenAnnotation=[length] | [message] ST
OSC 1337 ; AddHiddenAnnotation=[message] | [length] | [x-coord] | [y-coord] ST

[message]: The message to attach to the annotation.

[length]: The number of cells to annotate. Defaults to the rest of the line beginning at the start of the annotation.
[x-coord] and [y-coord]: The starting coordinate for the annotation. Defaults to the cursor's coordinate.

AddHiddenAnnotation does not reveal the annotation window at the time the escape sequence is received, while AddAnnotation
MENU it immediately.

Cursor Guide

OSC 1337 ; HighlightCursorLine=[boolean] ST

The [boolean] should be yes or no. This shows or hides the cursor guide.


OSC 1337 ; RequestAttention=[value] ST

The [value] should be yes to request attention by bouncing the dock icon indefinitely, once to bounce it a single time, or no to
cancel a previous request. If it is fireworks then fireworks explode at the cursor's location.

Background Image

OSC 1337 ; SetBackgroundImageFile=[base64] ST

The value of [base64] is a base64-encoded filename to display as a background image. If it is an empty string then the
background image will be removed. User confirmation is required as a security measure.

Report Cell Size

OSC 1337 ; ReportCellSize ST

The terminal responds with either:

OSC 1337 ; ReportCellSize=[height];[width] ST

Or, in newer versions:

OSC 1337 ; ReportCellSize=[height];[width];[scale] ST

[scale] gives the number of pixels (physical units) to points (logical units). 1.0 means non-retina, 2.0 means retina. It could take
other values in the future.
[height] and [width] are floating point values giving the size in points of a single character cell. For example:

OSC 1337 ; ReportCellSize=17.50;8.00;2.0 ST

Copy to Pasteboard
You can place a string in the system's pasteboard with this sequence:

OSC 1337 ; Copy=:[base64] ST

Where [base64] is the base64-encoded string to copy to the pasteboard.

Report Variable
Each iTerm2 session has internal variables (as described in Scripting Fundamentals (documentation-scripting-
fundamentals.html)). This escape sequence reports a variable's value:

OSC 1337 ; ReportVariable=[base64] ST

Where [base64] is a base64-encoded variable name, like It responds with:

OSC 1337 ; ReportVariable=[base64] ST

Where [base64] is a base64-encoded value.

The badge has custom escape sequences described here (badges.html).

For information on file downloads and inline images, see here (images.html).

To request the user select one or more files to upload, send:

OSC 1337 ; RequestUpload=format=[type] ST

In the future the [type] may be configurable, but for now it must always be tgz, which is a tar and gzipped file.
When iTerm2 receives this it will respond with a status of ok or abort followed by a newline. If the status is ok then it will be
MENU by a base-64 encoded tar.gz file.
If the user selects multiple files they will be placed in a directory within the tar file.

Set Touch Bar Key Labels

You can configure touch bar key labels for function keys and for the "status" button. The code used is:

OSC 1337 ; SetKeyLabel=[key]=[value] ST

Where [key] is one of F1, F2, ..., F24, to adjust a function key label; or it can be status to adjust the touch bar status button. You
can also save and restore sets of key labels using a stack. To push the current key labels on the stack use:

OSC 1337 ; PushKeyLabels ST

To pop them:

OSC 1337 ; PopKeyLabels ST

You can optionally label the entry in the stack when you push so that pop will pop multiple sets of key labels if needed. This is
useful if a program crashes or an ssh session exits unexpectedly. The corresponding codes with labels are:

OSC 1337 ; PushKeyLabels=[label] ST

OSC 1337 ; PopKeyLabels=[label] ST

Where [label] is an ASCII string that works best if it is unique in the stack.

Unicode Version
iTerm2 by default uses Unicode 9's width tables. The user can opt to use Unicode 8's tables with a preference (for backward
compatibility with older locale databases). Since not all apps will be updated at the same time, you can tell iTerm2 to use a
particular set of width tables with:

OSC 1337 ; UnicodeVersion=[n] ST

Where [n] is 8 or 9
You can push the current value on a stack and pop it off to return to the previous value by setting n to push or pop. Optionally, you
may affix a label after push by setting n to something like push mylabel. This attaches a label to that stack entry. When you pop
the same label, entries will be popped until that one is found. Set n to pop mylabel to effect this. This is useful if a program
crashes or an ssh session ends unexpectedly.

File Transfer
OSC 1337 ; File=[args] ST
See Images (documentation-images.html) for details.

Custom Control Sequences

iTerm2 allows scripts to define custom control sequences. See the Create Window (
api/examples/create_window.html) example for a working demo. The control sequence is:

OSC 1337 ; Custom=id=[secret]:[pattern] ST

Where [secret] is a secret shared between the script implementing the control sequence and the program producing it, as a
security measure to make it more difficult for untrusted text to invoke a custom control sequence. [pattern] is used to identify the
sequence and may contain any parameters the script needs to handle it.

Shell Integration/FinalTerm
iTerm2's Shell Integration (documentation-shell-integration.html) feature is made possible by proprietary escape sequences
pioneered by the FinalTerm emulator. FinalTerm is defunct, but the escape sequences are documented here.

The goal of the FinalTerm escape sequences is to mark up a shell's output with semantic information about where the prompt
begins, where the user-entered command begins, and where the command's output begins and ends.
[PROMPT]prompt% [COMMAND_START] ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 127 May 1 2016 filename

Escape Sequences
FinalTerm originally defined various escape sequences in its original spec that are not supported by iTerm2 and are not described
in this document. The best remaining references to these codes are in iTerm2's source code.

OSC 133 ; A ST (/donate.html)

Sent just before start of shell prompt.


OSC 133 ; B ST

Sent just after end of shell prompt, before the user-entered command.


OSC 133 ; C ST

Sent just before start of command output. All text between FTCS_COMMAND_START and FTCS_COMMAND_EXECUTED at the time
FTCS_COMMAND_EXECUTED is received excluding terminal whitespace is considered the command the user entered. It is expected that
user-entered commands will be edited interactively, so the screen contents are captured without regard to how they came to
contain their state. If the cursor's location is before (above, or if on the same line, left of) its location when FTCS_COMMAND_START
was received, then the command will be treated as the empty string.


OSC 133 ; D ; [Ps] ST

OSC 133 ; D ST

The interpretation of this command depends on which FTCS was most recently received prior to FTCS_COMMAND_FINISHED.
This command may be sent after FTCS_COMMAND_START to indicate that a command was aborted. All state associated with the
preceding prompt and the command until its receipt will be deleted. Either form is accepted for an abort. If the [Ps] argument is
provided to an abort it will be ignored.
If this command is sent after FTCS_COMMAND_EXECUTED, then it indicates the end of command prompt. Only the first form with [Ps]
should be used in this case. [Ps] is the command's exit status, a number in the range 0-255 represented as one or more ASCII
decimal digits. A status of 0 is considered "success" and nonzero indicates "failure." The terminal may choose to indicate this
If neither FTCS_COMMAND_START nor FTCS_COMMAND_EXECUTED was sent prior to FTCS_COMMAND_FINISHED it should be ignored.

iTerm2 Extensions
iTerm2 extends FinalTerm's suite of escape sequences.


OSC 1337 ; SetUserVar=[Ps1]=[Ps2] ST

Sets the value of a user-defined variable. iTerm2 keeps a dictionary of key-value pairs which may be used within iTerm2 as string
substitutions. See Scripting Fundamentals (documentation-scripting-fundamentals.html) for more information on variables and
how they can be used.
[Ps1] is the key.
[Ps2] is the base64-encoded value.

Two forms are accepted. The second form is deprecated and should not be used:

OSC 1337 ; ShellIntegrationVersion=[Pn] ; [Ps] ST

OSC 1337 ; ShellIntegrationVersion=[Pn] ST

Reports the current version of the shell integration script.

[Pn] is the version.
[Ps] is the name of the shell (e.g., bash).
iTerm2 has a baked-in notion of the "current" version and if it sees a lower number the user will be prompted to upgrade. The
version number is specific to the shell.


OSC 1337 ; RemoteHost=[Ps1]@[Ps2] ST

Reports the user name and hostname.

[Ps1] is username. [Ps2] is fully-qualified hostname.
The following synonym is available as a combination of RemoteHost and CurrentDir:

OSC 7 [Ps] ST

where [Ps] is a file URL with a hostname and a path, like file:// /
OSC 1337 ; CurrentDir=[Ps1] ST

Reports the current directory.

[PS1] is the current directory.
The following synonym is available as a combination of RemoteHost and CurrentDir:

OSC 7 ; [Ps] ST

where [Ps] is a file URL with a hostname and a path, like file://


OSC 1337 ; ClearCapturedOutput ST

Erases the current captured output.


CSI 0 SP q

This will reset the cursor to its default appearance. This is an intentional deviation from the behavior of DEC virtual terminals.

Curly Underlines

CSI 4 : 3 m

This turns on curly underlines.

Extended Device Attributes

Report terminal name and version.

CSI > q

iTerm2 will respond with:

ESC P > | iTerm2 [version] ST

Where [version] is the version of iTerm2, such as 3.4.0.

Table of Contents

Highlights for New Users (/documentation-highlights.html)
General Usage (/documentation-general-usage.html)

User Interface
Menu Items (/documentation-menu-items.html)
Preferences (/documentation-preferences.html)
Touch Bar (/documentation-touch-bar.html)
Copy Mode (/documentation-copymode.html)
Fonts (/documentation-fonts.html)
Profile Search Syntax (/documentation-search-syntax.html)

Automatic Profile Switching (/documentation-automatic-profile-switching.html)
Badges (/documentation-badges.html)
Buried Sessions (/documentation-buried-sessions.html)
Captured Output (/documentation-captured-output.html)
Coprocesses (/documentation-coprocesses.html)
Hotkeys (/documentation-hotkey.html)
Session Restoration (/documentation-restoration.html)
Shell Integration (/documentation-shell-integration.html)
Smart Selection (/documentation-smart-selection.html)
tmux Integration (/documentation-tmux-integration.html)
Triggers (/documentation-triggers.html)
Utilities (/documentation-utilities.html)

Scripting (/documentation-scripting.html) /
Dynamic Profiles (/documentation-dynamic-profiles.html)
MENU Inline Images Protocol (/documentation-images.html)
Proprietary Escape Codes (/documentation-escape-codes.html)

iTerm2 by George Nachman. Website by Matthew Freeman, George Nachman, and James A. Rosen.

Website updated and optimized by HexBrain (

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