C.Ramanjaneyulu Income Tax Software 2020-21 (AP & Telangana)
C.Ramanjaneyulu Income Tax Software 2020-21 (AP & Telangana)
C.Ramanjaneyulu Income Tax Software 2020-21 (AP & Telangana)
Select Your Tax Slab for New Slab or Old Slab ? Tax Old Regime If you Want to Covid Half Salary Instalment or With Salry No
Employee & DDO Details Select State Andra Pradesh Basic Pay & Benefits Jul-18
House Rent
Employee Name Sri. I MATHRU NAIK Allowances Details Basic Pay January - 2020 42490 Aug-18
Designation S.A(ENGLISH) HRA on Mar - 2020 12 Increment after Jan-20 1 Oct-20 10900 Edit
Employees PAN No. BKCPM7624P Change HRA No Change20 14.5 No Change 14 Feb-20 Net Tax Oct-18
School/Office GOVT HIGH SCHOOL HM Allowance No Change 13 Dec-20 Rs. 27308 Nov-18
Working Place ALLAGADDA PH Allowance Not Applicable Surrender leave (2020-21) Not Availed
May-20 Total Saving Dec-18
Mandal ALLAGADDA Edu. Concession Surrender Leave with Pay, DA, HRA No 150000 Jan-19
District Kurnool Rented / Own House Rented House Half Pay Leave No 16 days Jul-20 Feb-19
Vacation / Non Vacation Teachers ( Vacation Dept.) Select PF/CPS CPS Without DA in HRA Calculation No
w Mar-19
Treasury Id No. 0945875 Additional HRA Not Applicaple Apr-19
DDO Name S MOHAN May-19
Disignation Head Master CCA Recived Monthly AP DA Arrears Advance Tax Paid Jun-19
DDO Office & Place GOVT HIGH SCHOOL SCA Mar-20 Jul-19
1st Quarter
Mandal ALLAGADDA HRA Under Taking DA Jul -18 ( 30.392%)
Without Undertaking Rs. 2609 Apr-20 Aug-19
DDO PAN AMOPM8431F TAN HYDTO2218G PP/SP/Addl. Inc. May-20 Sep-19
Jun-20 Oct-19
2nd Quarter
Savings Employee Salary Deductions Jul-20 Nov-19
Tuition Fee for Two children 31300 PF Monthly on March 20 PF Change Nov-20 Aug-20 Dec-19
LIC Policies premium - Yearly 50435 APGLI Mothly on March 20 4000 APGLI Change Nov-20 Sep-20 Jan-20
3rd Quarter
Exide Life Insurance GIS Monthly on March 20 60 GIS Change Dec-20 Oct-20 Feb-20
Sukanya Samruddhi Yojana 24000 PF/CPS No APGLI No Nov-20 Mar-20
PLI (Postal Life Insurance) 35400 LIC Paid Monthly in Salary LIC Change Nov-20 Dec-20 Apr-20
4th Quarter
Intrest on Saving Account ( Not Fixed Deposit ) EWF (March 2020) 20 SWF (December 2020) 50 Jan-21 May-20
Tax Deductions EHS Yes Slab C If Chnge EHS Premium No ChangeSlab C Feb-21 Jun-20
DA & Other Arrears ( Exmption 10E) House Address for Rent Reciept
FY 2014-15 (PRC & Other) Taxble Income D.No. ………………………..
FY 2017-18 (DA Arrears Jan 2018) Taxble Income Street/Area …………………………
FY 2018-19 (DA Arrears Jul 2018) 10303 Taxble Income Town/Village …………………………
FY 2015-16 Taxble Income Mandal ………………………….
FY 2016-17 Taxble Income District Kurnool
FY 2019-20 (DA Arrears Jul 2018) 15787 Taxble Income
DA Arrears FY 2019-20 AAS, Surrender Leave, Promotion
No Tax Relief
Surrender leave ( 2019-20)
ASS (6/12/ 18/ 24 Years) Amount Update IT Software Available at www.teacherNews.in
Promotion Arrears (Amount)
Every time work (Edit) with Copy Software Only from Orginal Software
Download Update Income Tax Software at www.teacherNews.in
If You want to Update Softwares, Please Add My WhatsApp Number 8978531101 in Your WhatsApp Groups
Pay DA
40270 1266
40270 1266 10303 ( DA Arrears FY 2018-19 )
40270 1266
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
41380 1301
42490 1336
42490 1336
42490 1336 15787 ( DA Arrears FY 2019-20 )
42490 1336
42490 1336
42490 1336
42490 1336
42490 1336
42490 1336
42490 1336
42490 1336
42490 1336
43680 1373
43680 1373
43680 1373 13471 ( DA Arrears FY 2020-21 )
Month wise Income of Sri. I MATHRU NAIK, S.A(ENGLISH), GOVT HIGH SCHOOL , ALLAGADDA, ALLAGADDA (Mandal) for the year of 2020-21
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
515830 169392 61903 139274 0 0 0 0 0 0 886399 68521 48000 2400 720 70 3240 0 0 122951 763448
I Sri./Smt. S MOHAN working in the capacity of Head Master do hereby certify that sum of Rs. 27308 Rupees in
words ( Twenty Seven Thousands Three Hundred and Eight only has been deducted at source and paid to the credit of
the central Government. I further certify that the Informtion given above is true, complete and correct based on the books
of account, documents and other available records.
Place: GOVT HIGH SCHOOL Signature of the person responsible for deduction of tax
Date: 10-Mar-2021 Full Name-- Sri./Smt. S MOHAN
Designation- Head Master
Statement showing particulars of claims by an employee for deduction of tax under section 192
1 Name and address of the Employee : I MATHRU NAIK, GOVT HIGH SCHOOL, ALLAGADDA
2 Permanent Account Number of the Employee : BKCPM7624P
3 Financial year 2020-21 Designation : S.A(ENGLISH)
Details of claims and Evidence thereof
S.No Nature of claim Amount(Rs) Evidence/particulars
1 House Rent Allowence:
1) Rent paid to the landlord 10900 x12 130,800 Receipt Produced
2) Name of the landlord
3) Address of the landlord
4) PAN number of the landlord
2 Leave travel concession or assistance
3 Deduction of interest on borrowing
1) Interest payable/paid to the lender
2) Name of the lender
3) Address of the lender
4) PAN number of the lender
a) Financial institutions (if available)
b) Employer (if available)
c) Others
4 Deduction under Chapter VI-A
A) Section 80C,80CC, 80CCC and 80CCD
a) 80C CPS Employees Contribution Amount U/s 80CCD 1 68,521 Salary deduction
b) 80C A.P.G.L.I 48,000 Salary deduction
c) 80C G.I.S 720 Salary deduction
d) 80C LIC Policies Monthly Premium in Salary -
e) 80C LIC Policies premium - Yearly 50,435 Receipt Added
f) 80C Exide Life Insurance -
g) 80C Sukanya Samruddhi Yojana 24,000 Receipt Added
h) 80C PLI (Postal Life Insurance) 35,400 Receipt Added
j) 80C Tuition Fee for Two children 31,300 Receipt Added
Total of ( 80C,80CCC,80CCD,80CCF ) 258,376
80TTA Intrest on Saving Account ( Not Fixed Deposit ) -
Other Sections (80E,80G,80TTA)ChapterVI-A
i) 80G E.W.F. & S.W.F & CMRF 70 Salary deduction
ii) 80EE Interest of Housing Loan 80EE 0
iii) 80EEA Interest of HBA Loan 80EEA 0
iv) 24B Interest of Housing Loan Section 24 0
v) 80U Disabled Person (PH)-above 40% disability ( Rule 11A) 0
vi) 80d Employees Health Cards Premium in AP 3240 Salary deduction
I, I MATHRU NAIK son/daughter of
do hereby certify that the information given is above is complete and correct
Date Signature of the Employee
[ See rule 21AA ]
1 Name and address of the Employee Sri. I MATHRU NAIK, S.A(ENGLISH), GOVT HIGH SCHOOL ,
Particulars of income referred to in rule 21A of the Income Tax rules, 1962, during
the previous year relevent to Assessment year 2020-2021
1 a. Salary received in arrears or in advance in accordance with the Rs. 0
provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 21A
b. Pament in the nature of gratuity in respect of past services, Rs. Not Applicable
extending over a period of not less than 5 years in accordance with
the provisions of sub-rule (3) of rule 21A
c. Payment in the nature of compensation from the employer or Rs. Not Applicable
former employer at or in connection with termination of
employment after continuous service of not less than 3 years or
where the unexpired portion of term of employment is also not less
than 3 years in accordancewith the provisions of sub rule (4) of the
I Sri. I MATHRU NAIK do here by declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
{See item 7 of Annexure I}
Previous Total income of Salary received Total income Tax on total Tax on total Difference in tax
Year(s) the relevent in arrears or (as increased by income {as per income {as {amount under
previous year advance salary received column (2)} per column column (6) minus
(Rs.) relating to the in arrears or (Rs.) (4)} (Rs.) amount under
previous year advance) of the column (5)} (Rs.)
as mentioned in relevent
column(1) (Rs) previous year
mentioned in
column 1 (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2019-20 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018-19 0 0 0 0 0 0
2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 0
2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 0
2015-16 0 0 0 0 0 0
2014-15 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
Signature :
Place : Name :
Date: 10-Mar-2021 Department:
AP Teachers & Employees July 2018 - 30.392%
Month & Year Basic Pay Eligible DA DA Defference Adjustment CPS Cash 90%
Drawn DA
July 2018 DA 30.392% 27.248% 3.144% www.teacherNews.in
Jul-18 41380 12576 11275 1301 130 1171
Aug-18 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Sep-18 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Oct-18 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Nov-18 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Dec-18 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Jan-19 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Feb-19 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Mar-19 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Apr-19 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
May-19 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Jun-19 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Jul-19 42490 12914 11578 1336 134 1202
Aug-19 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Sep-19 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Oct-19 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Nov-19 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Dec-19 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Jan-20 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Feb-20 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Mar-20 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Apr-20 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
May-20 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Jun-20 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Jul-20 43680 13275 11902 1373 137 1236
Aug-20 44870 13637 12226 1411 141 1270
Sep-20 44870 13637 12226 1411 141 1270
Oct-20 44870 13637 12226 1411 141 1270
Nov-20 44870 13637 12226 1411 141 1270
Dec-20 44870 13637 12226 1411 141 1270
Jan-21 44870 13637 12226 1411 141 1270
Total 1299770 395029 354165 40864 4087 36777
Stamp of