NASP 2020 Professional Standards Web
NASP 2020 Professional Standards Web
NASP 2020 Professional Standards Web
of the National Association
of School Psychologists
In May 2020, the NASP Leadership Assembly, composed of more than 80 leaders from across the United States,
approved the NASP 2020 Professional Standards. The NASP standards consist of four separate yet integrated
documents: (a) Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services (also known as the NASP
Practice Model), (b) Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists, (c) Standards for the Credentialing of
School Psychologists, and (d) Principles for Professional Ethics.
The 2020 Professional Standards were developed within the context of current issues relevant to education and
psychology, in consideration of NASP’s strategic goals for the profession, and with a visionary look at future
developments in our field at the national, state, and local levels. Over more than 3 years, the standards writing team
and other NASP leaders have worked to ensure that the process of revising the four documents of the standards was
completed with integrity and with input from NASP membership, elected and appointed NASP leaders, other
leaders in the field of school psychology, and external stakeholders. It was those participants’ strong commitment that
ensured that the NASP 2020 Professional Standards accurately reflect the vision for the field for the coming decade.
The planning process to revise the NASP Professional Standards formally began in 2016. The revision process was
spearheaded by writing teams for each of the four standards, who developed the drafts and reviewed all comments
and suggestions resulting from multiple surveys and focus groups. The comprehensive revision process integrated
an analysis of key issues for school psychology and the needs of school psychologists, with multistage development
and review by many participants, including NASP leaders, NASP members, and representatives of other school
psychology and related organizations.
Input solicited by web-based surveys, in open forums held at NASP conventions, and through other
communications was used throughout the process to identify needed revisions and to obtain feedback. All drafts
were independently reviewed by NASP leaders who volunteered to serve on review teams for each standard.
Additionally, lengthy discussions were held at the annual Fall Leadership Meetings of the Leadership Assembly
from 2016–2019. The final versions that were adopted by the Leadership Assembly in May 2020 represent an
integration of the expertise and experience of numerous leaders in school psychology.
The NASP 2020 Professional Standards will strengthen NASP’s many efforts to support school psychologists and
promote effective and comprehensive school psychological services. Through these major policy documents,
NASP will communicate its positions and advocate for qualifications and practices of school psychologists with
stakeholders, policy makers, and other professional groups at the national, state, and local levels. As a unified set
of national principles, these policy documents guide professional practices, graduate education, credentialing, and
ethical behavior of school psychologists. Additionally, they define contemporary school psychology practice;
promote comprehensive and integrated services for children, families, and schools; and provide the foundation for
the future of school psychology for the next 10 years.
The members of the Writing Teams who contributed to the revision process include the following:
Lori Unruh
The vision of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is that all children and youth access the
learning, behavior, and mental health support needed to thrive in school, at home, and throughout life.
Consistent with this vision is the core purpose of NASP, which is to empower school psychologists to promote the
learning, behavior, and mental health of all children and youth. This purpose is accomplished through the values
of integrity, diversity, a focus on children and youth, advocacy, collaborative relationships, continuous
improvement, and visionary leadership.
School psychologists are uniquely qualified specialized instructional support personnel (SISP) who are members of
school teams that support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. They receive specialized
advanced graduate preparation that includes coursework and field experiences relevant to both psychology and
education. School psychologists partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to
create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and
the community. School psychologists support children, youth, families, and schools through the identification of
appropriate evidence-based educational and mental and behavioral health services for all children and youth;
implementation of professional practices that are data driven and culturally responsive; delivery of a continuum of
services for children, youth, families, and schools from prevention to intervention and evaluation; and advocacy
for the value of school psychological services. School psychologists typically work in public or private schools,
universities, or other educational settings that may include hospitals, clinics, or residential facilities.
NASP’s professional standards—including the Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services
(also known as the NASP Practice Model), the Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists, the
Standards for the Credentialing of School Psychologists, and the Principles for Professional Ethics—provide a unified
set of national standards that guide graduate education, credentialing, professional practice and services, and
ethical behavior of school psychologists. These professional standards define contemporary school psychology;
promote school psychologists’ services for children, youth, families, and schools; and provide a foundation for the
future of school psychology. Additionally, these standards are used to communicate NASP’s positions; support
positive outcomes for children, youth, families, and schools; and advocate for appropriate qualifications and
practices of school psychologists with stakeholders, policy makers, and other professional groups at the national,
state, and local levels. NASP’s professional standards undergo review and revision approximately every 10 years,
following a multiyear process that includes input from internal and external stakeholders and eventual review and
approval by NASP’s leadership.
The Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services (also known as the NASP Practice Model)
represents the official policy of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) regarding the delivery of
comprehensive school psychological services. First written in 1978 as the Guidelines for the Provision of School
Psychological Services, and revised in 1984, 1992, 1997, 2000, 2010, and 2020, the model serves as a guide to the
organization and delivery of school psychological services at the federal, state, and local levels. The model provides
direction to school psychologists, students and faculty in school psychology graduate programs, administrators of
school psychological services, and consumers of school psychological services regarding excellence in professional
school psychology. It also delineates what services might reasonably be expected to be available from school
psychologists and, thus, further defines the field. In addition, the model is intended to educate the profession and
the public regarding appropriate professional practices and to stimulate the continued development of the
The Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services (the NASP Practice Model) addresses the
delivery of school psychological services within the context of educational programs and educational settings.
This revision of the Practice Model, like its precursors, focuses on the special challenges associated with providing
school psychological services in schools and to children, youth, and families. School psychologists who provide
services directly to students, parents or guardians, and other clients as private practitioners, and those who work
in other mental and behavioral health settings, are encouraged to be knowledgeable of federal and state laws
regulating mental health providers, and to consult the NASP 2020 Principles for Professional Ethics and the
American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2017) for guidance on
issues not addressed in the model.
The model includes two major sections that describe the responsibilities of individual school psychologists and the
responsibilities of school systems to support comprehensive school psychological services. Part I: Professional
Practices describes each of the 10 domains of practice that are the core components of this model of school
psychological services. Part II: Organizational Principles describes supports and responsibilities of organizations
that employ school psychologists. These principles describe the organizational conditions that must be met in
order to ensure effective delivery of school psychological services for children, youth, families, and schools.
The degree to which school psychologists engage in the activities described within this document may be
predicated on the degree to which local education agencies (LEA) adhere to the organizational principles.
Nevertheless, it is anticipated that these guidelines will serve as the model for effective program development and
professional practice at the federal, state, and local levels. The 10 domains provide a general framework of basic
competencies that all school psychologists possess. NASP encourages state and federal legislators, local school
boards, and the administrative leaders of federal, state, and local education agencies to support the concepts
contained within the model.
NASP acknowledges that this model sets expectations for services not presently mandated by federal law or
regulation and not always mandated in state laws and administrative rules. Future amendments of such statutes
and rules, and the state and local plans resulting from them, should incorporate the recommendations contained
in this document. Furthermore, NASP understands that school psychological services are provided within the
context of ethical and legal mandates. Nothing in the model should be construed as superseding such relevant
rules and regulations.
The model provides flexibility, allowing agencies and professionals to develop procedures, policies, and
administrative organizations that meet both the needs of the agency and the professional’s desire to operate within
recognized professional standards of practice. At the same time, the model has sufficient specificity to ensure
appropriate and comprehensive service provision.
• School psychologists have a foundation in the knowledge bases for both psychology and education, including
theories, models, research, evidence-based practices, and implementation strategies within the domains, as
well as the ability to communicate important principles and concepts.
• School psychologists use effective strategies and skills in the domains to help students succeed academically,
socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.
• School psychologists apply their knowledge and skills by creating and maintaining safe, supportive, equitable,
and effective learning environments and enhancing family, school, and community collaboration for all
• School psychologists demonstrate knowledge and skills relevant for professional practices and work
characteristics in their field.
• School psychologists ensure that their knowledge, skills, and professional practices reflect understanding and
respect for human diversity and promote effective services, advocacy, and social justice for all students,
families, and schools.
• School psychologists integrate knowledge and professional skills across the 10 domains of school psychology
practice as they deliver a comprehensive range of services in professional practice that result in direct,
measurable outcomes for students, families, schools, and/or other consumers.
The practice domains are highly interrelated and not mutually exclusive. The brief descriptions and examples of
professional practices in each of the domains provided below outline major areas of knowledge and skill, but they
are not intended to reflect the full range of possible competencies of school psychologists. Figure 1 represents the
10 domains within a model of comprehensive and integrated services provided by school psychologists.
Collaboration Interventions
GA and Supports
Data-Based EAT ER DOMAIN 4
nt a
Decision Making E Mental and
: Behavioral
nd R
Health Services
al, Personnel, andRINCIPLE 3
Legal, Ethical, DOMAIN 5
and Professional School-Wide
Practice Practices to
Promote Learning
Research and DE VI
al S
Evidence-Based ER CT
S Services to
, an
N DI Promote Safe and
Family, School,
Practices for
and Community
Populations Collaboration
Pro Pe
fes n, ORG
nal rvisio
IZAT munication Sup
The Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services (the NASP Practice Model) describes the
services provided by school psychologists to students, families, and schools. The model generally does not differentiate
the services provided by school psychologists prepared at the doctoral and specialist levels. Rather, the model promotes a
high level of services to meet the academic, social, behavioral, and emotional needs of all children and youth. It may be
noted, however, that work experience, advanced graduate education, and professional development may result in specific
skills and advanced knowledge of individual school psychologists. Among groups of school psychologists, not everyone
will acquire skills to the same degree of proficiency across all domains of practice. However, all school psychologists are
expected to possess at least a basic level of competency in all of the domains of practice described in this model.
decision making at the individual, group, and systems levels, and consider ecological factors (e.g., classroom,
family, and community characteristics) as a context for assessment and intervention. Examples of professional
practices associated with data-based decision making include the following:
• School psychologists, in collaboration with other members of an interdisciplinary team, conduct assessments
to determine students’ need for services, including eligibility for special education, and to provide information
relevant to the development of individual service plans.
• School psychologists collect and analyze data from multiple sources (e.g., parents/guardians, teachers,
students) and levels (i.e., individual, group, system) to understand students’ needs and to select and
implement evidence-based instructional and mental and behavioral health interventions and supports.
• School psychologists incorporate various techniques for collection, measurement, and analysis of data;
accountability; and the use of technological resources in the evaluation of services at the individual, group,
and/or systems levels.
• School psychologists use data to monitor academic, social, emotional, and behavioral progress; to measure
student response; to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions; and to determine when to modify or change
an intervention.
• School psychologists provide support for classroom teachers, school staff, and other stakeholders in collecting,
analyzing, and interpreting universal screening and progress monitoring data to inform decision making
about the instructional, behavioral, and social–emotional needs of students.
• School psychologists assist with the design and implementation of assessment procedures to determine the
degree to which recommended interventions have been implemented, and they consider treatment fidelity
data in all decisions that are based on intervention response and progress.
• School psychologists support the use of systematic, reliable, and valid data collection procedures for
evaluating the effectiveness of and/or need for modification of school-based interventions and programs.
• School psychologists use information and technology resources to enhance data collection and decision making.
• School psychologists use a consultative problem-solving process as a vehicle for planning, implementing, and
evaluating academic and mental and behavioral health services.
• School psychologists effectively communicate information verbally and in writing for diverse audiences, such
as parents, teachers, school personnel, policy makers, community leaders, and others.
• School psychologists consult and collaborate with educational professionals at the individual, family, group,
and systems levels, carefully considering the viewpoints of all parties involved when making decisions.
• School psychologists facilitate communication and collaboration among all stakeholders by demonstrating
effective and appropriate interpersonal communication techniques.
• School psychologists participate on a variety of school- and district-based leadership teams to promote positive
outcomes for individual students, school staff, and school systems.
• School psychologists consult and collaborate with professionals within and across disciplines to share
resources and improve practices.
• School psychologists function as change agents, using their skills in communication, collaboration, and
consultation to advocate for necessary change at the individual student, classroom, building, district, state,
and national levels.
• School psychologists apply psychological and educational principles necessary to enhance collaboration and
achieve effectiveness in provision of services.
• School psychologists use assessment data to inform evidence-based instructional strategies that are intended
to improve student performance.
• School psychologists promote interventions and accommodations to help students enhance their capacity to
be self-regulated learners, fostering their ability to set learning goals, design a learning process to achieve
those goals, and assess outcomes to determine whether the goals were achieved.
• School psychologists, in collaboration with other school personnel, promote the attainment of academic
standards and benchmarks by all children and youth.
• School psychologists collaborate with others to ensure that students who are not meeting benchmarks or
standards receive continual progress monitoring for improvements in academic skills; they then recommend
changes to instruction based on student responsiveness to interventions.
• School psychologists apply current, empirically based research on learning and cognition to the development
of effective instructional strategies to promote student learning at the individual, group, and systems levels.
• School psychologists work with other school personnel to develop, implement, and evaluate effective
interventions to improve learning engagement and academic outcomes.
• School psychologists incorporate all available information in developing instructional strategies to meet the
individual learning needs of children and youth.
• School psychologists use culturally responsive and developmentally appropriate assessment techniques to identify
and diagnose disabilities that affect development and learning. School psychologists use assessment data to select
and implement evidence-based interventions that address identified learning and developmental needs.
• School psychologists share information about research in curriculum and instruction with educators, parents/
guardians, and the community to promote improvement in instruction and student achievement.
• School psychologists facilitate the design and delivery of evidence-based curriculum and instructional
strategies that promote academic achievement in literacy, mathematics, and other content areas, through
techniques such as teacher-directed instruction, peer tutoring, and interventions for self-regulation, planning/
organization, and management of academic demands.
• School psychologists seek to maximize intervention acceptability and fidelity during the development,
implementation, and evaluation of instructional interventions.
School psychologists, in collaboration with others, design, implement, and evaluate services that promote
resilience and positive behavior, support socialization and adaptive skills, and enhance mental and behavioral
health. Examples of professional practices associated with the development of social–emotional and behavioral
skills include the following:
• School psychologists recognize risk and protective factors and use data and assessment to facilitate the design
and delivery of curricula and interventions to help students develop effective social–emotional skills, such as
• School psychologists, in collaboration with others, incorporate evidence-based strategies in the design,
implementation, and evaluation of policies and practices in areas such as discipline, grading, instructional
support, staff training, school improvement activities, program evaluation, and home–school partnerships.
• School psychologists provide professional development, training, and ongoing coaching on a range of topics
that help staff and parents/guardians to better understand the developmental needs of children and youth in
schools and that promote the use of effective instructional strategies, positive classroom management
practices, and the cultivation of supportive working relationships.
• School psychologists use their knowledge of organizational development and systems theory to assist in
promoting both a respectful, supportive atmosphere for decision making and collaboration and a
commitment to quality instruction and services. School psychologists help staff members, students, and
parents/guardians to resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully.
• School psychologists are actively involved in the development and measurement of school improvement plans that
affect the programs and services available to children, youth, and families. School psychologists assist in
conducting needs assessments to help select school-wide programs based on the needs of the learning community.
• School psychologists incorporate evidence-based strategies when developing and implementing intervention
programs to facilitate the successful transition of students from one environment to another (e.g., program to
program, school to school, grade to grade, and school to higher education and/or work).
• School psychologists work with others to develop and maintain positive school climates and learning
environments that support resilience and academic growth, promote high rates of academic engagement and
attendance, and reduce negative influences on learning and behavior.
• School psychologists participate in designing and implementing universal screening procedures to identify the
need for additional academic or behavioral support services, as well as progress monitoring systems to
promote successful learning and well-being.
• School psychologists work collaboratively with other school personnel to create and maintain a multitiered
system of services to support each student’s attainment of academic, social–emotional, and behavioral goals.
• School psychologists analyze systems-level problems and identify factors that influence learning and behavior.
They help other school leaders evaluate outcomes of classroom, building, and system initiatives, and they
support shared decision-making practices designed to promote teacher leadership, include student voice, and
meet general public accountability responsibilities.
• School psychologists provide services that foster a positive school climate and use their expertise to build
and enhance relationships that lead to greater school connectedness for students, staff, families, and
• School psychologists promote wellness and resilience by (a) collaborating with other healthcare professionals
to provide a basic knowledge of behaviors that lead to healthy outcomes for children and youth;
(b) facilitating environmental changes conducive to good health and adjustment of children and youth;
and (c) accessing resources to address a wide variety of behavioral, learning, mental, and physical needs.
• School psychologists advocate for state and local policies that promote safe and inclusive school environments.
• School psychologists contribute to safe and supportive school environments by recognizing and addressing
risk and protective factors that are vital to understanding and addressing systemic problems such as school
failure, student disengagement, chronic absenteeism, school dropout, bullying, substance abuse, youth suicide
and self-harm, and school violence. They take steps to promote prevention strategies and the development of
protective factors that build resiliency.
• School psychologists support monitoring for early indicators of risk, work to provide effective consultation
and intervention services to ameliorate student risk, and promote positive learning and mental health
trajectories for all students.
• School psychologists contribute to the implementation and evaluation of prevention programs that promote
physically and psychologically safe and nonviolent schools and communities.
• School psychologists participate in school crisis response teams and use data-based decision-making methods,
problem-solving strategies, consultation, collaboration, and direct services in the context of crisis prevention,
protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
• School psychologists collaborate with other professionals to conduct assessments of school safety in the
development of comprehensive individual and school safety plans aimed at both preventing and responding to
crisis events to mitigate the effects of crises on students and adults in the school community.
• School psychologists, in collaboration with others, train staff and parents/guardians in how to recognize and
respond to risk factors that may necessitate intervention by the school crisis response team.
• School psychologists, in collaboration with other professionals, engage in crisis intervention, conduct
comprehensive suicide and/or threat assessments for students who are identified as at risk, and design
interventions to address mental and behavioral health needs.
• School psychologists collaborate with school personnel, parents/guardians, students, and community
organizations to provide competent mental health support during and after crisis situations.
• School psychologists acknowledge and respect diversity in family systems. They identify varying world views,
cultural and family contexts, and other factors that have an impact on family–school partnerships and
interactions with community providers, and they consider these factors when developing and providing
services for families.
• School psychologists use evidence-based strategies to design, implement, and evaluate effective policies and
practices that promote family, school, and community partnerships to enhance learning and mental and
behavioral health outcomes for children and youth.
• School psychologists promote strategies for safe, nurturing, and dependable parenting and home interventions
to facilitate children’s healthy development.
• School psychologists consider the unique needs of children and youth living in nontraditional settings,
including those who are homeless or displaced and those living in foster care, group homes, or transitional
housing. School psychologists collaborate with caregivers and community agencies supporting these students.
• School psychologists help create linkages among schools, families, and community providers, and they help
coordinate services when programming for children involves multiple agencies.
• School psychologists advocate for families and support parents and other caregivers in their involvement in
school activities, both for addressing individual students’ needs and for participating in classroom and school
events. They acknowledge barriers to school engagement and take steps to help families overcome them.
• School psychologists educate the school community regarding the influence of family involvement on success
in school and advocate for parent and other caregiver involvement in school governance and policy
development whenever feasible.
educational opportunities, equity ensures that each student receives what they need to benefit from these
opportunities. Examples of professional practices that respect diversity and promote equity include the following:
• School psychologists apply their understanding of the influence of culture, background, and individual
learner characteristics when designing and implementing interventions to achieve optimal learning and
behavioral outcomes.
• School psychologists, in collaboration with others, consider individual differences, strengths, backgrounds,
talents, and needs in the design, implementation, and evaluation of services in order to improve learning and
mental and behavioral health outcomes for all children in family, school, and community settings.
• School psychologists use inclusive language and provide culturally responsive and equitable practices in all
domains of service delivery for diverse individuals, families, schools, and communities.
• School psychologists have advanced knowledge about special education and related services, and they use that
knowledge to promote specialized instructional and support practices within special education that meet the
diverse needs of children with disabilities.
• School psychologists work collaboratively with families and community liaisons to understand and address
the needs of diverse learners.
• School psychologists employ a strengths-based approach to address the learning needs of English learners.
• School psychologists acknowledge the subtle racial, class, gender, cultural, and other biases and personal
beliefs they may bring to their work and the impact these may have on their professional decisions,
interactions, and activities. School psychologists also remain aware of the negative impact that biases—such
as racism, sexism, and others—have on students, families, schools, and communities; thus, they collaborate
with education professionals to promote respect for diversity for an inclusive and supportive school setting.
• School psychologists recognize both within- and between-group differences when working with diverse
student populations.
• School psychologists promote equity and social justice in educational programs and services by ensuring that
all children and youth learn in safe, supportive, and inclusive environments. School psychologists actively
engage in efforts to address factors that limit equity and access to educational opportunity.
• School psychologists evaluate, interpret, and synthesize a cumulative body of research findings and apply
these as a foundation for effective service delivery.
• School psychologists advocate for the use of evidence-based educational practices in instruction, social–
emotional learning, and positive behavioral supports at the individual, group, school, and district levels.
• School psychologists apply knowledge of evidence-based interventions and programs in the design,
implementation, and evaluation of the fidelity and effectiveness of school-based intervention plans.
• School psychologists provide assistance for analyzing, interpreting, and using empirical foundations to
support effective school practices.
• School psychologists evaluate, select, and interpret evidence-based strategies that lead to meaningful school
improvement through enhanced school climate, academic achievement, and sense of safety.
• School psychologists communicate their knowledge about statistics and measurement principles to inform
practices and decision making.
• School psychologists understand principles of implementation science and program evaluation and apply
these in a variety of settings to support other school leaders in developing, implementing, and monitoring
programs that improve outcomes for all children and youth.
• School psychologists practice in ways that are consistent with ethical, professional, and legal standards and
• School psychologists engage in effective, collaborative, and ethical professional relationships.
• School psychologists seek and use professional supervision, peer consultation, and mentoring for effective
• School psychologists support the retention and growth of fellow school psychologists by providing
supervision, peer consultation, and mentoring to those seeking such support.
• School psychologists access, evaluate, and use information sources and technology in ways that safeguard and
enhance the quality of services, security of confidential information, and responsible record keeping.
• School psychologists assist administrators, teachers, other school personnel, and parents/guardians in
understanding and adhering to legislation and regulations relevant to general and special education services.
• School psychologists advocate for professional roles as providers of effective services and evidence-based
practices that enhance the learning and mental health of all children and youth.
• School psychologists stand up for the welfare and rights of children and use expertise to promote changes in
individual education programs, systems, schools, and legislation. School psychologists actively contribute to
conversations about matters of public concern, using factual and verifiable statements that enhance the use of
evidence-based practices and policies.
• School psychologists collect data to evaluate and document the effectiveness of their own services.
• School psychologists engage in lifelong learning and formulate personal plans for ongoing professional
• School psychologists are knowledgeable about standards that define contemporary professional practice and
organizational principles that provide context for their work.
• School psychologists participate in continuing professional development activities at a level consistent with
maintenance of the Nationally Certified School Psychologist credential (i.e., a minimum of 75 hours of
professional development every 3 years).
• As part of continuing professional development, school psychologists may participate in local, state, and
national professional associations and, when interested, engage in leadership roles.
Comprehensive school psychological services are provided by appropriately licensed or credentialed school
psychologists who have received graduate preparation consistent with NASP professional standards.
School psychological services are provided in a coordinated, organized fashion and are delivered in a manner that
ensures the provision of a seamless continuum of services. Services are delivered in accordance with a strategic
planning process that considers the needs of all stakeholders and uses an evidence-based program evaluation
1.1. School psychological services are planned and delivered on the basis of a systematic assessment of the
educational and psychological needs of the students and families in the local community. School systems
ensure that services provided directly by school psychologists are based on a strategic plan. The plan is
developed based on the collective needs of the school system and community, with the primary focus being
the specific needs of the students served by school psychologists.
1.2. School psychological services are available to all students on an equal basis. Differentiated services are
provided to students based on their need, rather than on specific funding sources, disability status, or special
education eligibility.
1.3. School psychological services are integrated with other school and community services. Students and their
families should not be responsible for the integration of these services based on funding, setting, or program
location. Therefore, school psychological and other mental and behavioral health services are provided
through a ‘‘seamless’’ system of care.
1.4. Contractual school psychological services are provided in a manner consistent with this model, NASP’s
Principles for Professional Ethics, and other relevant professional guidelines and standards. Contractual school
psychological services are not used as a means to decrease the type, amount, and quality of school
psychological services provided by the employing agency. They may be used to augment and enhance
programs. When external professionals, with appropriate school psychology credentials, provide school
psychological services, the school system maintains responsibility for the quality of services and for oversight
of planning and implementation of services.
1.5. School systems conduct regular evaluations of the collective delivery of student services as well as those
services provided by individual school psychologists. The evaluation process focuses on both the nature and
extent of the services provided (process) and the student- or family-focused effects of those services
(outcomes). Evaluation of services from external professionals who provide school psychological services is the
responsibility of the school system, and the evaluation process should be consistent with that used for services
provided by school psychologists who are school district employees.
1.6. School systems ensure that school psychologists are evaluated with methods and metrics that reflect their
unique training and practice. Evaluation of school psychologists is linked to the NASP Practice Model and
reflects the domains of practice outlined therein.
1.7. The school system provides a range of services to meet the academic and mental and behavioral health needs
of students. As indicated in this model, school psychologists collaborate with other school personnel to
provide both direct and indirect services to students and families. The consumers of and participants in these
services include students, teachers, school counselors, school social workers, administrators, other school
personnel, families, care providers, other community and regional agencies, and resources that support the
educational process.
1.8. School systems support the provision of consultative and other services by school psychologists to teachers,
administrators, and other school personnel for the purpose of improving student outcomes.
It is the responsibility of the school system to create a climate in which school psychological services can be
delivered with mutual respect for all parties. Employees have the freedom to advocate for the services that are
necessary to meet the needs of consumers and are free from artificial, administrative, or political constraints that
might hinder or alter the provision of appropriate services.
2.1. School systems promote cooperative and collaborative relationships among staff members in a manner that
best meets the mutual interests of students and families. Conflicts are resolved in a constructive and
professional manner.
2.2. School systems provide an organizational climate in which school psychologists and other personnel may
advocate in a professional manner for the most appropriate services for students and families, without fear of
reprisal from supervisors or administrators.
2.3. School systems promote work environments that maximize job satisfaction of employees in order to maintain
the high quality of services provided to students. Measures of work climate are included in organizational
2.4. School systems promote and advocate for balance between professional and personal lives of employees.
Supervisors monitor work and stress levels of employees and take steps to reduce pressure when the well-being
of the employee is at risk. Supervisors are available to employees to help resolve problems when personal
factors may adversely affect job performance and when job expectations may adversely affect the personal life
of the employee.
School systems ensure that (a) an adequate recruitment and retention plan for employees exists to ensure adequate
personnel to meet the needs of the system; (b) all sources of funding, both public and private, are used and
maximized to ensure the fiscal support necessary to provide adequate services; (c) all employees have adequate
technology, resources, and work space; and (d) employees have adequate personnel benefits necessary to support
their work, including discipline-specific professional development.
3.1. School systems assume professional responsibility and accountability for services through the recruitment of
qualified and diverse staff and the assurance that staff function only in their areas of competency.
3.2. School systems support recruitment and retention of qualified staff by advocating for appropriate ratios of
school psychologists to students. The ratio of school psychologists to students is a critical aspect of providing
high-quality, comprehensive services and should not exceed one school psychologist for every 500 students. In
some situations, the school psychologist-to-student ratio may need to be lower. These include, but are not
limited to, situations in which school psychologists are assigned to work primarily with student populations
that have intensive special needs (e.g., students with significant emotional or behavioral disorders, or students
with developmental disorders) or within communities that are disproportionately affected by poverty, trauma,
and environmental stressors. Lower ratios may also be required when school psychologists are itinerant,
recognizing the demands inherent in traveling from school to school and in developing and maintaining
collaborative relationships in multiple sites.
3.3. School systems provide advanced technological resources to facilitate effective time management,
communication systems, data management systems, and service delivery.
3.4. School systems provide school psychologists with access to appropriate professional work materials, sufficient
office and work space, adequate technology and clerical support, and general working conditions that enhance
the delivery of effective services and ensure confidentiality. Included are assessment and intervention
materials, access to private telephone and office, therapeutic aids, and access to professional literature.
School systems ensure that policies and practices exist that result in positive, proactive communication among
employees at all administrative levels of the organization.
4.1. School systems provide opportunities for employees to communicate with each other about issues of mutual
professional interest on a regular basis.
4.2. School systems support and promote collaborative problem-solving approaches to the planning and delivery
of school psychological services. Decision making and strategic planning regarding school psychological
services are done in collaboration with other departments and outside agencies to ensure optimal services for
4.3. School systems ensure that staff members have access to the technology necessary to perform their jobs
adequately and to maintain appropriate and confidential communication with students, families, and service
providers within and outside the system.
4.4. The school system’s policy on student records is consistent with state and federal laws and regulations and
ensures the protection of the confidentiality of students and their families. The policy specifies the types of
data developed by the school psychologist that are classified as school or student records. The policy gives
clear guidance (consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or similar state law and
regulations) regarding which documents belong to the school and the student/guardian and which documents
belong to the school psychologist. Although test protocols are part of the student’s record, the school system
ensures that test security is protected and copyright restrictions are observed. Release of records and protocols
is consistent with state and federal regulations. The policy on student records includes procedures for
maintaining student confidentiality and privacy in the use of electronic communications. The NASP
Principles for Professional Ethics provides additional guidance for schools with regard to responsible school-
based record keeping.
5.1. Individuals engaging in professional or administrative supervision of school psychologists have a valid state
school psychology credential for the setting in which they are employed, and they have a minimum of 3 years
of experience as practicing school psychologists. Professional training and/or experience in the supervision of
school personnel is preferred.
5.2. Supervision methods should match the experience, competencies, and needs of the school psychologist.
Interns and novice school psychologists require more intensive supervisory modalities, including regularly
scheduled face-to-face sessions. Alternative methods, such as supervision groups, mentoring, and/or peer
consultation, can be used with more experienced school psychologists to ensure continued professional
growth and support for complex or difficult cases.
5.3. School systems allow time for school psychologists to participate in supervision, peer consultation, and
mentoring. In small or rural systems, where a supervising school psychologist may not be available, the school
system ensures that school psychologists are given opportunities to seek supervision, mentorship, and/or peer
consultation outside the district (e.g., through regional, state, or national school psychology networks).
5.4. The school system should develop and implement a coordinated plan for the accountability and evaluation of
all school psychological services. This plan should address evaluation of both implementation and outcomes
of services.
5.5. Supervisors ensure that practicum and internship experiences occur under conditions of appropriate
supervision, including (a) access to professional school psychologists who will serve as appropriate role models,
(b) supervision by an appropriately credentialed school psychologist, and (c) supervision within the guidelines
of the graduate preparation program and NASP’s Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists.
5.6. Supervisors provide professional leadership through their participation in school psychology professional
organizations and active involvement in local, state, and federal public policy development.
specific professional development activities. Such activities could include those provided by the school system,
NASP-approved providers, or other educational entities, or other activities such as online training, formal self-
study, and professional learning communities.
6.1. The school system provides support (e.g., funding, time, supervision) to ensure that school psychologists have
sufficient access to continuing professional development at a level necessary to remain current regarding
developments in professional practices that benefit children, families, schools, and communities. The school
system provides technology and personnel resources to assist in providing a system for documenting
professional development activities. The school system supports the professional and leadership development
of school psychologists interested in local, state, or national leadership opportunities by providing release time
or other forms of support.
6.2. The school system provides the opportunity for school psychologists to create and follow personal plans for
professional development that guide their acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and abilities. Supervision
supported by the school system makes available the opportunities to provide feedback to the school
psychologist about the quality of new skill applications.
6.3. The school system provides levels of recognition (e.g., salary, leadership opportunities) that reflect the
professional growth of individual school psychologists. School psychologists are provided with opportunities
to use new skills consistent with professional growth.
The NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists contribute to the development of effective
school psychology services by identifying critical graduate education experiences and competencies needed by
candidates preparing for careers as school psychologists. Graduate education of school psychologists occurs
through specialist-level or doctoral-level programs of study in school psychology, as defined in these standards. In
addition to providing guidance to graduate programs, the NASP graduate preparation standards are intended to
serve as a national model that assists state education agencies and other state and national agencies in establishing
standards for school psychologists’ graduate education and practice. It is important to note that the NASP
graduate preparation standards are official policy documents of the association and, as national guiding principles
for graduate preparation, provide statements about program structure and content that reflect NASP’s
expectations for high-quality preparation in all graduate programs in school psychology.
1.1. The school psychology program is comprehensive, sequential, and experiential, and it fosters the development
of candidates’ professional identity as school psychologists, as reflected in the following:
• Clear identification as a “school psychology program” and communication of a program framework or
model, in which its philosophy/mission is represented in explicit goals and objectives for school
psychology competencies that candidates are expected to attain.
• An integrated, sequential program of study and supervised field experiences that are based on the
program’s philosophy/mission, goals, and objectives and are consistent across candidates.1,2
• Full-time, part-time, and/or alternative types of enrollment that provide multiple and systematic
opportunities through coursework, supervised practices, and other comprehensive program activities for
candidates to develop and encourage an affiliation with peers, faculty, and the profession.3
• While multiple instructional delivery methods (e.g., online, face to face4, hybrid) may be utilized, the
program documents that it provides supervision and evaluates candidate learning outcomes relevant to
particular courses and field experiences in a systematic manner.
• Use of a systematic process to ensure that candidates demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for
effective school psychology service delivery; the ability to integrate competencies across the NASP
domains of school psychology practice outlined in Program Standard 2; and direct, measurable effects on
children and youth, families, schools, and other consumers.
• Use of data from multiple measures, including performance-based evaluation regarding candidates and program
graduates (e.g., employment, licensure/certification, satisfaction) to improve the quality of the program.
1.2. Graduate preparation in school psychology requires intensive support, guidance, and direct supervision of
candidates. The school psychology program faculty need to be sufficient to advise candidates, provide
instruction in highly applied courses, coordinate and supervise field experiences, engage in continuous
program improvement, attend to administrative duties, and provide appropriate class sizes and sufficient
course offerings to demonstrate program and candidate outcomes. Graduate preparation is designed,
delivered, and assessed by a sufficient number of highly qualified faculty members who primarily are school
psychologists.5 Program faculty requirements include:
• Faculty who are designated specifically as school psychology program faculty members and have teaching
loads of at least three full-time equivalents (FTE). Full-time equivalent is defined as 100% of teaching
1If the school psychology program grants recognition of prior graduate courses and/or field experiences taken by
candidates before entry into the program, the program applies systematic evaluation procedures and criteria to ensure (a)
equivalency between prior courses, field experiences, and program requirements; and (b) consistency across required
program coursework and field experiences for candidates.
2 An integrated, sequential program of study and supervised practice in school psychology is a planned sequence of related
courses and field experiences designed according to the program’s philosophy/mission, goals, and objectives. Course
prerequisites, a required program sequence, and/or similar methods ensure that all candidates complete the program in a
consistent, systematic, and sequential manner. In addition to requiring a program of study for candidate attainment of
primary knowledge and skill areas, the program may offer options for specializations or electives in specific competencies.
3Examples of program activities include candidates’ attendance at program/department seminars; participation with other
candidates and faculty in professional organization meetings; participation in ongoing research, program development,
outreach, or service activities; and similar activities in school psychology that promote candidates’ professional identity
as school psychologists and affiliation with colleagues and faculty.
4 Face-to-face for field-based supervision means in the physical presence of or electronic presence of the individuals
involved in the supervisory relationship during either individual or group supervision. Face-to-face supervision may
include secure video conferencing or real-time communication with both parties in each other’s physical presence.
Face-to-face supervision does not include mail, email, digital chat, or phone calls.
5School psychology program faculty members are those designated for primary teaching, research, service, advising,
supervisory, and/or administrative responsibilities in the program and who participate in comprehensive program
development and mentorship activities, including ongoing decision making, planning, and evaluation processes. Program
faculty may hold full-time or part-time assignments in the program, but ongoing participation in a number of
comprehensive program activities is a key factor. In contrast, other faculty may contribute to the program only by teaching
courses or by participating in other limited activities (e.g., on a limited adjunct, affiliated, or related basis).
load in the school psychology program or teaching load plus release time for directing the school
psychology program and/or other responsibilities.
• At least two school psychology program faculty members (including the program administrator) who
hold doctoral degrees with specialization in school psychology and are actively engaged in school
psychology (e.g., possess state and/or national credentials as school psychologists; have experience as
school psychologists; participate in professional associations of school psychologists; contribute to
research, scholarly publications, and presentations in school psychology).
• Other school psychology program faculty members, as relevant for the program, who hold one of the
following: (a) a specialist degree in school psychology and significant school-based experience (if allowed
by the program’s regional accrediting body and institution); or (b) a doctoral degree in psychology,
education, or closely related discipline and formal preparation and expertise to teach/supervise in the
content area they have been assigned in the graduate program.
• Faculty-to-student ratio of no greater than 1 to 12 in the overall program and instructionally intensive
courses containing a significant supervision component. This ratio applies to all candidates in school
psychology programs at the institution (e.g., specialist, doctoral, respecialization or professional retraining).
The ratio may be based on a prorated proportion of program faculty and candidates. Part-time candidates,
interns, and candidates working exclusively on research, theses, or dissertations may be prorated based on
the credit hours enrolled in and the amount of supervision provided by program faculty.
1.3. School Psychology Specialist-Level Programs Only: The specialist-level program of study in school
psychology consists of the following:
• A minimum of 3 years of full-time study at the graduate level or the equivalent, inclusive of structured
field experiences.
• At least 60 graduate semester hours or the equivalent, with at least 54 hours exclusive of credit for the
supervised specialist-level internship experience.6
• The supervised internship experience must be taken for academic credit, with a minimum of 1,200 clock
hours, including a minimum of 600 hours in a school setting and completed across one academic year on
a full-time basis or two consecutive academic years on a half-time basis.
• Institutional documentation of completion of school psychology specialist-level program.7
1.4. School Psychology Doctoral-Level Programs Only: The doctoral-level program of study in school
psychology8 consists of the following:
• Greater depth in one or more school psychology competencies described in NASP domains of school
psychology practice (see Program Standard 2), consistent with the philosophy/mission of doctoral-level
preparation9 and reflected in program aims, sequential program of study, and supervised practice.
6 Graduate semester hours are units of graduate credit based on a semester course schedule. In cases in which a
quarter schedule is used, three quarter hours equals two semester hours. Thus, 90 quarter hours of credit are essentially
equivalent to 60 semester hours. Programs that use other credit systems (e.g., trimester credits, unit credits) provide
candidates with documentation of institutional policy regarding their equivalency to a semester hour system.
7 Institutional documentation of program completion is official documentation provided by the higher education institution
(or by a unit of the institution) that an individual has completed the entire required course of study (minimum of 60
graduate semester hours or the equivalent) in the school psychology program at the specialist or doctoral level, including
the internship. Institutional documentation is typically in the form of a degree or diploma (PhD, PsyD, EdS, MS or MA
+60, etc.), certificate of advanced graduate studies (e.g., CAS, CAGS), transcript notation indicating program completion,
or similar official documentation of completion of the entire school psychology program.
Programs are encouraged to provide opportunities for doctoral study for practicing school psychologists and, to the
greatest extent possible within the program’s objectives and course of study, credit for prior graduate preparation.
Doctoral programs typically are characterized by advanced competencies in research, and the program may identify additional
competencies that address the specific philosophy/mission, goals, and objectives of its doctoral program of study (e.g., greater
depth in one or more domains described in NASP Domains of School Psychology Practice, a practice specialization,
supervision or leadership competency, preparation for specialized roles or settings such as research or graduate instruction).
• A minimum of 4 years of full-time study, including an internship at the graduate level, or the equivalent
if part-time.
• At least 90 graduate semester hours or the equivalent, with at least 78 hours exclusive of credit for the
supervised doctoral internship experience and a terminal doctoral project (e.g., dissertation or capstone).
• A supervised internship, taken for academic credit with a minimum of 1,500 clock hours, at least 600
hours of which are completed in a school setting, unless a prior specialist-level internship in a school
setting or 600-hour advanced practicum experience in a school setting had been completed prior to
internship that provided a comparable experience to a formal specialist-level internship.
• Institutional documentation of school psychology doctoral-level program completion provided to graduates.
1.5. All aspects of human diversity and social justice are recognized as strengths that are valued and respected throughout
the school psychology program. Human diversity is broadly defined as it relates to race, ethnicity, gender, gender
identification, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, linguistic differences, ability, and intersection of any of
the above. Social justice ensures that all children and youth are valued and that their rights and opportunities are
protected in schools and communities. Human diversity and social justice are reflected in the following:
• Philosophy/mission, goals, and objectives for candidates’ competencies.
• Candidate admissions, candidate and faculty demographics/characteristics, curricula, practica, internships,
candidate assessment, and faculty activities, as well as other components of the program. Activities may
include recruitment and retention efforts for diverse candidates and faculty, didactic coursework
preparation (e.g., nondiscriminatory assessment with English language learners), field experiences with
diverse populations/settings, and program partnerships with diverse practitioners, schools, and
• Use of systematic and comprehensive processes to ensure that candidates acquire knowledge, skills, and
professional work characteristics to promote effective services, advocacy, and social justice for all children
and youth, families, and schools.
1.6. Nondegree graduate preparation in school psychology includes two options: respecialization and professional
retraining. Respecialization is for candidates who hold a graduate degree in another area of applied
psychology (e.g., clinical or counseling psychology). Professional retraining is for candidates who hold a
graduate degree in a related field (e.g., special education, school counseling, or school social work). If the
school psychology program provides nondegree options, at a minimum the following should be addressed:
• Systematic evaluation procedures and criteria to grant recognition of candidates’ prior courses/field
experiences and to identify additional graduate courses and experiences necessary for candidates to
demonstrate competencies of professional school psychologists.
• An individualized plan of study and supervised field experiences, based on a candidate’s prior preparation
and experiences, that foster the development of professional competencies, work characteristics, and a
professional identity as a school psychologist.
• A 1,200-hour supervised internship, with a minimum of 600 hours specific to school psychology in a
school setting. Previous relevant, supervised internship experiences may be considered as meeting a
portion of this requirement.
• Use of a systematic process to ensure that candidates demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for
effective school psychology service delivery; demonstrate the ability to integrate competencies across the
NASP domains of school psychology practice outlined in Program Standard 2; and show direct,
measurable impact on children, families, schools, and other consumers.
• Clear distinction between the school psychology degree program and the nondegree preparation
(respecialization or professional retraining) in the program handbook, program of study, and
other materials.
Program Standard 2: Domains of School Psychology Graduate Education and Practice
The school psychology program should be based on the completion of an integrated and sequential program of
study that is explicitly designed to develop knowledge and practice competencies in each of the following domains
of school psychology practice. School psychologists provide comprehensive and integrated services across
10 general domains of professional practice, as illustrated in the appendix. The following core beliefs form the
foundation for the NASP Practice Model:
• School psychologists have a foundation in the knowledge bases for both psychology and education, including
theories, models, research, evidence-based practices, and implementation strategies within the domains, as
well as the ability to communicate important principles and concepts.
• School psychologists use effective strategies and skills in the domains to help students succeed
• academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.
• School psychologists apply their knowledge and skills by creating and maintaining safe, supportive, equitable, and
effective learning environments and enhancing family, school, and community collaboration for all students.
• School psychologists demonstrate knowledge and skills relevant for professional practices and work
characteristics in their field.
• School psychologists ensure that their knowledge, skills, and professional practices reflect understanding and
respect for human diversity and promote effective services, advocacy, and social justice for all students,
families, and schools.
• School psychologists integrate knowledge and professional skills across the 10 domains of school psychology
in delivering a comprehensive range of services in professional practice that result in direct, measurable
outcomes for students, families, schools, and/or consumers.
The domains of school psychology practice describe the comprehensive and integrated services that can be
expected of school psychologists as presented in the NASP 2020 Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School
Psychological Services (the NASP Practice Model). The 10 domains provide a general frame of reference for basic
competencies that school psychologists should possess upon beginning practice and that are consistent with the
professional competencies that result from graduate education in school psychology. The descriptions below are
representative of competencies in each domain but are not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive. The NASP
Practice Model presents specific school psychology practices and provides more detail about the integrated and
comprehensive nature of the domains described below.
implement, and evaluate services that promote resilience and positive behavior, support socialization and
adaptive skills, and enhance mental and behavioral health.
adaptability, initiative, dependability, technological competence, advocacy skills, respect for human
diversity, and a commitment to social justice and equity.
3.1. The school psychology program includes clinical field experiences that allow candidates to develop, practice,
demonstrate, and reflect upon evidence-based practices in a graduated manner that increases in complexity.
Supervised field experiences must include the following:
• Settings relevant to program objectives and the development of candidate competencies.
• Program oversight to ensure identification and appropriateness of placements, diverse activities that
address breadth and scope of the NASP Practice Model, supervision, and collaboration with the
placement sites and practicum/internship supervisors.
• Collaboration between the school psychology program and placement agencies that demonstrates a
commitment to candidate learning, is consistent with program goals, and ensures the development of
professional competencies.
• Structured, specific activities that are consistent with the goals/objectives of the program and foster the
development of competency in advocating for understanding of human diversity and social justice.
Internship is a comprehensive experience with a primary emphasis on providing breadth and quality of
experiences, attainment of comprehensive school psychology competencies, and integration and
application of the full range of NASP domains of school psychology practice (see Program Standards 2).
• Field experiences that are completed for academic credit or are otherwise documented by the institution,
with practica preceding and in preparation for internships. Performance-based evaluations that are
systematic and designed to ensure that candidates demonstrate professional work characteristics and
attain competencies with clearly articulated methods to identify and address concerns regarding
candidate performance.
3.2. The school psychology program requires supervised practica based on program goals and NASP graduate
preparation standards. At a minimum, activities must include opportunities to build professional
competencies in (a) data-based decision making, including psychoeducational assessment with
recommendations; (b) the design, implementation, and evaluation of services that support cognitive and
academic skills; and (c) the design, implementation, and evaluation of services that support socialization,
behavioral and mental health, and emotional well-being (e.g., counseling, behavior analysis and intervention,
social–emotional learning). The services can be implemented at the individual, class-wide, and/or systems
level. Practica opportunities may include other professional competency development based on graduate
program goals.
3.3. The school psychology program requires a comprehensive, supervised, and carefully evaluated internship in
school psychology that includes the following:
• A commitment to a diversified learning experience that includes a variety of professional roles and
functions for the intern to attain professional competencies through carefully supervised activities.
Internship experiences comprehensively address all NASP domains of school psychology practice.
• A culminating experience in the program’s course of study. Although one or two advanced seminar
classes that correspond to internship requirements may be taken during internship, foundation and/or
practica courses must be completed prior to internship.
• A written agreement that specifies the period of appointment and any terms of compensation for the intern.
• Similar support services for the intern as provided to the agency school psychologist(s).
• Provision for the intern’s participation in continuing professional development activities.
3.4. The school psychology program requires that each intern receive appropriate and regularly scheduled field-
based supervision, including the following:
• Provision of field-based supervision by a school psychologist holding the appropriate state school
psychologist credential for practice in a school setting (if a portion of the internship is conducted in
another setting, provision of field supervision from a psychologist holding the appropriate state
psychology credential for practice in the internship setting).
• At least weekly, individual, face-to-face field-based supervision with structured mentoring focused on the
intern’s attainment of competencies. Field-based internship supervision must additionally meet the
following minimum criteria: an average of at least 2 hours of supervision per full-time week or the
equivalent for part-time placement.
Program Standard 4: Performance-Based Program Assessment and Accountability
The school psychology program employs systematic, comprehensive assessment of candidate knowledge, skills,
and professional work characteristics needed for effective practice as early practitioner, independent school
psychologists. A key aspect of program accountability is the assessment of candidate ability to provide, and
evaluate the impact of, direct and indirect services to children and youth, families, and schools. Faculty must be
involved in the evaluation of candidate skill application (e.g., products such as individual, group, or system-wide
case studies, program evaluations, and psychoeducational evaluations), and use assessment results to evaluate and
improve the program.
4.1. The program employs a variety of methods to assess candidate knowledge, skills, and professional work
characteristics consistent with the NASP Practice Model, including results on licensing exams, course-
embedded methods, practicum and intern evaluations, and performance-based products that include
assessment of the impact of services on children and youth, families, and schools.
4.2. The assessment of practicum outcomes must include a formal evaluation process of all candidates conducted by field
supervisors and/or program faculty. Such assessment is expected to focus on specific competencies and professional
work characteristics and be based on observations and/or other evaluation methods (practica experiences do not
need to comprehensively address all NASP domains). The evaluation criteria or benchmark is expected to be
relevant to the professional developmental stage of the candidate at the particular level of the practica.
4.3. The assessment of internship outcomes includes formative and summative performance-based evaluations of
interns completed by program faculty and field-based supervisors that are systematic and comprehensive and
ensure that interns attain the competencies and demonstrate the professional work characteristics needed for
effective practice as early career, independent school psychologists. It is expected that the intern evaluation
cover all NASP domains of school psychology practice.
4.4. As part of the outcome-based assessment, candidates must demonstrate evidence of the ability to provide and
evaluate the impact of direct and/or indirect intervention-based services for children and youth, families, and
schools. Candidates must provide evidence of services in the form of two performance-based products, one of
which can be completed during practica. One product must have a primary focus on academic/cognitive skills,
and another with a primary focus on mental and behavioral health. Faculty must evaluate candidates’ products.
4.5. Systematic procedures are used to evaluate and improve the quality of the program. Different sources of
process and performance information (e.g., instructional evaluation, performance portfolios, field supervisor
evaluations, candidate/graduate performance on licensing/certification examinations) are used, as appropriate,
to evaluate and improve the program.
competencies needed for effective school psychology services that positively affect children and youth, families,
schools and/or school personnel, and communities.
5.1. The school psychology program is located within an institution that is accredited, without probation or an
equivalent status, by the appropriate institutional regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S.
Department of Education.
5.2. The school psychology program faculty members are assured of adequate professional time for program
responsibilities, including the following:
• Faculty loads that take into account instruction, program administration, supervision, research/
scholarship, advising, service, candidate assessment, and other activities associated with graduate-level
school psychology program faculty responsibilities.
• Faculty teaching and supervision loads that usually are no greater than 75% of that typically assigned to
faculty who teach primarily undergraduate courses.
• At least 25% reassigned or released time for the program administrator for administrative duties related
to the school psychology program.
5.3. The school psychology program ensures adequate candidate support from and interaction with school
psychology program faculty members through the following:
• Extensive, intensive, and individualized faculty advisement, supervision, and mentoring of candidates
during all components of coursework, practica, internships, and other program activities that are available
from and provided primarily by school psychology program faculty members, as defined in Program
Standard 1.2.
• Ongoing and comprehensive program development and evaluation, instruction, candidate assessment,
and other program activities that are available from and provided primarily by school psychology
program faculty members, as defined in Program Standard 1.2.
• A ratio of no greater than 1:12 school psychology faculty FTE to school psychology candidate FTE in the
overall program (regardless of degree level), as well as in courses that involve significant supervision
including practica and internship.
5.4. The school psychology program faculty receive support for ongoing learning and professional experiences
relevant to graduate preparation responsibilities, including the following:
• Involvement in school psychology, including access to professional organizations, research/scholarship,
and/or professional service activities.
• Continuing professional development and related activities important to maintaining and enhancing
knowledge, skills, and contributions to school psychology.
5.5. Arrangements are made by the program to provide adequate resources (e.g., tests, academic intervention materials,
social and emotional intervention materials, technology) needed to teach, learn, and practice school psychology.
5.6. The institution provides adequate access to library and technology resources.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to state education agencies (SEAs) and other state and
national agencies for credentialing school psychologists and regulating the practice of school psychology. The
NASP credentialing standards also serve as the basis for its National School Psychology Certification System.
These credentialing standards were developed and approved by NASP pursuant to its mission to support school
psychologists, to enhance the learning and mental health of children and youth, to improve educational
outcomes, and to advance the NASP professional standards.
Credentialing is a process by which SEAs authorize—and reauthorize—the use of the title “school psychologist”
(or related titles) and the practice of school psychology by individuals who initially meet established standards of
graduate education and then later comply with standards for continuing professional development, ethical
behavior, and experience. These credentialing standards relate to both the use of the title “school psychologist”
and to the practice of school psychology, which is defined by the National Association of School Psychologists’
(NASP) Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services (2020).
The Standards for the Credentialing of School Psychologists is intended as a model for SEAs or other state or local
entities that employ school psychologists and have the statutory authority to establish and regulate credentialing
for school psychologists’ title and practice. Included are recommended criteria for initial credentialing (consisting
of graduate coursework, practica, and internship requirements) as well as recommendations for credential renewal
(i.e., mentoring and professional development). These criteria are most applicable to the credentialing of persons
employed as school psychologists in public or private schools. Such employment settings typically have a primary
responsibility for the safety and welfare of children and youth by ensuring that their employees are qualified and
act in accordance with various legal and regulatory mandates in their professional relationships with children and
youth, and with parents served. Similar responsibilities are fulfilled by the administration of other organizations
with education programs that employ school psychologists, such as hospitals or juvenile justice institutions.
NASP recognizes that states vary in the operation of their credentialing processes. Most states conduct their own
initial credentialing of school psychologists but may delegate some of their regulatory responsibilities to local
education agencies (LEAs) and/or other entities. In addition, multiple SEA departments are typically involved in
the regulation of school psychology with regard to employment job descriptions, funding, performance
evaluation, professional development, service provision, and more. Some aspects of credentialing may be
embodied in state laws; most are incorporated in regulations. However, these NASP standards are intended to
provide guidance regarding credentialing and regulation of school psychology regardless of a state’s organizational
and legal structure. They also promote quality and allow for professional portability.
The Standards for the Credentialing of School Psychologists also includes a description of the Nationally Certified
School Psychologist (NCSP) credential, a model implementation of these standards as administered by the
National School Psychology Certification Board (NSPCB). The NSPCB was created by NASP in 1988 to
establish a nationally recognized standard for credentialing school psychologists. The NCSP is a national
certification system for school psychologists based on recognized and widely accepted standards for advanced
preparation, performance-based assessment of competency, and demonstration of positive outcomes for consumers
of school psychological services. The Standards for the Credentialing of School Psychologists are used by the NSPCB,
and the NCSP is bestowed upon individuals in recognition of meeting NASP’s professional standards. Persons
who hold the NCSP are considered to have met rigorous standards of graduate preparation and competency based
on the assessment and demonstration of effective services and of positive effects on children and youth, families,
and learning environments. The Standards for the Credentialing of School Psychologists are also considered to be
appropriate for states to use in executing their authority in credentialing school psychologists. As a result, the
NCSP credential is widely recognized by SEAs as a valid approach for credentialing school psychologists that
aligns with NASP’s professional standards. These standards are not intended to supplant a state’s authority to
implement equivalent credentialing processes for school psychologists. The purposes of this national credentialing
system are to promote uniform credentialing standards across states, agencies, and graduate education programs,
and to facilitate the credentialing of school psychologists across states.
• A minimum of 3 years of full-time study at the graduate level or the equivalent, inclusive of structured field
• At least 60 graduate semester hours or the equivalent, with at least 54 hours exclusive of credit for the
supervised specialist-level internship experience.
• A supervised internship experience taken for academic credit, with a minimum of 1,200 clock hours,
including a minimum of 600 hours in a school setting and completed across one academic year on a full-time
basis or two consecutive academic years on a half-time basis.
Criteria for each of the following areas will be consistent with the NASP 2020 Standards for Graduate Preparation
of School Psychologists.
• School psychologists have a foundation in the knowledge bases for both psychology and education, including
theories, models, research, evidence-based practices, and implementation strategies within the domains, as
well as the ability to communicate important principles and concepts.
• School psychologists use effective strategies and skills in the domains to help students succeed academically,
socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.
• School psychologists apply their knowledge and skills by creating and maintaining safe, supportive, equitable,
and effective learning environments and enhancing family, school, and community collaboration for all
• School psychologists demonstrate knowledge and skills relevant for professional practices and work
characteristics in their field.
• School psychologists ensure that their knowledge, skills, and professional practices reflect understanding and
respect for human diversity and promote effective services, advocacy, and social justice for all students,
families, and schools.
• School psychologists integrate knowledge and professional skills across the 10 domains of school psychology
practice as they deliver a comprehensive range of services in professional practice that results in direct,
measurable outcomes for students, families, schools, and/or consumers.
The domains of school psychology practice describe the comprehensive and integrated services that can be
expected of school psychologists as presented in the NASP Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School
Psychological Services (the NASP Practice Model). The 10 domains provide a general frame of reference for basic
competencies that school psychologists should possess upon beginning practice and that are consistent with the
professional competencies that result from graduate education in school psychology. The descriptions below are
representative of competencies in each domain; they are not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive. The NASP
Practice Model presents specific school psychology practices and provides more detail about the integrated and
comprehensive nature of the domains described below.
and implement practices and strategies to create and maintain safe, effective, and supportive learning
environments for students and school staff.
• Completion of practica, for academic credit or otherwise documented by the institution, that are distinct
from, precede, and prepare candidates for the school psychology internship.
• Structured, specific activities that are consistent with the goals and objectives of the school psychology
program and foster the development of competence in advocating for understanding of human diversity and
social justice. Practica experiences are completed in settings relevant to program objectives for development of
candidates’ competencies (see Credentialing Standard 3.2)
• Program oversight to ensure identification and appropriateness of placements, diverse activities that address
breadth and scope of the NASP Practice Model, supervision, and collaboration with the placement sites and
practicum/internship supervisors.
• Performance-based evaluations that are systematic and designed to ensure that candidates demonstrate
professional work characteristics and attain competencies with clearly articulated methods to identify and
address concerns regarding candidates’ performance.
• A minimum of 1,200 clock hours for specialist-level interns, including a minimum of 600 hours of the
internship completed in a school setting.3
• A minimum of one academic year, completed on a full-time basis, or on a half-time basis over two
consecutive years.
• Completion in settings relevant to program objectives for candidates’ competencies and direct oversight by
the program to ensure appropriateness of the placement, activities, and field supervision.
• A culminating experience in the program’s course of study that is completed for academic credit or otherwise
documented by the institution.
• A primary emphasis on providing breadth and quality of experiences, attainment of comprehensive school
psychology competencies, and integration and application of the full range of domains of school psychology
graduate education and practice (see Credentialing Standard 3.2)
School psychology practica are closely supervised on-campus and/or field-based activities designed to develop and
evaluate school psychology candidates’ mastery of specific professional skills consistent with program goals. Practicum
activities may be completed as part of separate courses focusing on distinct skills or as part of a more extensive field
experience that covers a range of skills. A candidate’s skill and competency development, rather than delivery of
professional services, is a primary purpose of practica.
2 The school psychology internship is a supervised, culminating, comprehensive field experience that is completed prior
to the awarding of the degree or other institutional documentation of completion of the specialist- or doctoral-level
program. The internship ensures that school psychology candidates have the opportunity to integrate and apply
professional knowledge and skills acquired in program coursework and practica, as well as to acquire enhanced
competencies consistent with the school psychology program’s goals and objectives.
A school setting is one in which the primary goal is the education of students of diverse backgrounds, characteristics,
abilities, disabilities, and needs. Generally, a school setting includes children and youth who are enrolled in
prekindergarten through Grade 12 and has both general education and special education services. The school setting
has available an internal or external pupil services unit that includes at least one state-credentialed school psychologist
and provides a full range of school psychology services. Other internship settings, if allowed by the program beyond the
600 hours in a school setting, are consistent with program objectives and may include relevant school psychology
activities in other educational contexts within, for example, hospitals, juvenile justice institutions, and community
agencies that provide collaborative services for schools.
• Completion of activities and attainment of school psychology competencies consistent with the goals and
objectives of the program, and delivery of professional school psychology services that result in direct,
measurable, and positive effects on children, families, schools, and/or other consumers.
• Inclusion of both formative and summative performance-based evaluations of interns that are completed by both
program faculty and field-based supervisors, are systematic and comprehensive, and ensure that interns demonstrate
professional work characteristics and attain competencies needed for effective practice as school psychologists.
• Provision of field supervision from a school psychologist holding the appropriate state school psychology
credential for practice in the internship setting (or, if a portion of the internship is conducted in another
setting, provision of field supervision from a psychologist holding the appropriate state psychology credential
for practice in the internship setting).
• An average of at least 2 hours of field-based supervision per full-time week or the equivalent for half-time
• Preponderance of field-based supervision provided on at least a weekly, individual, face-to-face basis,4 with
structured mentoring and evaluation that focus on development of the intern’s competencies.
4 Face-to-face for field-based supervision means being in the physical or electronic presence of the individuals involved
in the supervisory relationship during either individual or group supervision. Face-to-face supervision may include secure
video conferencing or real-time communication with both parties in each other’s physical presence. Face-to-face
supervision does not include mail, email, digital chat, or phone.
5 Greater depth in one or more school psychology competencies should be identified by the program in its philosophy/mission of
doctoral-level preparation and reflected in the program goals, objectives, and sequential program of study and supervised
practice. (Doctoral programs typically are characterized by advanced competencies in research, and the program may identify
additional competencies that address the specific philosophy/mission, goals, and objectives of its doctoral program of study,
such as greater depth in one or more of the domains described in Credentialing Standard 3.2, a practice specialization,
supervision or leadership competency, or preparation for specialized roles or settings such as research or graduate instruction.)
which is explicitly designed to develop knowledge and practice competencies in each of the following domains of
professional practice (see Credentialing Standard 3.2):
• Completion of practica, for academic credit or otherwise documented by the institution, that are distinct
from, precede, and prepare candidates for the school psychology internship.
• Specific, required activities and systematic development and evaluation of skills, consistent with goals of the
program and in settings relevant to program objectives for development of candidate skills (see NASP
Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists Program Standard 2).
• Direct oversight by the program to ensure appropriateness of the placement, activities, supervision, and
collaboration with the placement sites and practicum supervisors.
• Close supervision by program faculty and qualified practicum supervisors and inclusion of appropriate
performance-based evaluation by program faculty and supervisors to ensure that candidates are developing
professional work characteristics and designated competencies.
• A minimum of 1,500 clock hours for doctoral-level interns, including a minimum of 600 hours of the
internship completed in a school setting.6
• A minimum of one academic year for internship, completed on a full-time basis over 1 year or at least a
half-time basis over 2 consecutive years.
• Completion in settings relevant to the program objectives for candidates’ competencies and direct oversight
by the program to ensure appropriateness of the placement, activities, and field supervision.
• A culminating experience in the program’s course of study that is completed for academic credit or otherwise
documented by the institution.
• A primary emphasis on providing breadth and quality of experiences, attainment of comprehensive school
psychology competencies, and integration and application of the full range of domains of school psychology
6 Programs may allow up to half of the required 1,500 doctoral internship hours to be used from a prior, appropriately
supervised specialist-level internship or equivalent experience in school psychology if (a) the program determines that the
specialist-level internship or equivalent experience meets program objectives and NASP standards for the school
psychology internship (see Credentialing Standards 3.2 to 3.6), (b) candidates have met program objectives and criteria for
school psychology specialist-level internship competencies, and (c) any field experiences considered equivalent to a
formal specialist-level internship in school psychology are clearly articulated and systematically evaluated by the program.
graduate education and practice (see NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists Program
Standard 2).
• Completion of activities and attainment of school psychology competencies consistent with the goals and
objectives of the program, and delivery of professional school psychology services that result in direct,
measurable, and positive effects on children, families, schools, and/or other consumers.
• Both formative and summative performance-based evaluations of interns that are completed by both program
faculty and field-based supervisors, are systematic and comprehensive, and ensure that interns demonstrate
professional work characteristics and attain designated competencies needed for effective school psychology
• Provision of field supervision from a school psychologist holding the appropriate state school psychology
credential for practice in the internship setting (or, if a portion of the internship is conducted in another
setting, as noted in Credentialing Standard 3.4, provision of field supervision from a psychologist holding the
appropriate state psychology credential for practice in the internship setting).
• An average of at least 2 hours of field-based supervision per full-time week or the equivalent for part-time
• Preponderance of field-based supervision provided on at least a weekly, individual, face-to-face basis, with
structured mentoring and evaluation that focus on development of the intern’s competencies.
5.0 Guidelines for Using NASP Standards for Credentialing of School Psychologists
5.1 Eligibility for School Psychology Credentialing
The school psychology state credential should be granted to individuals who meet the requirements described in
Credentialing Standard 3.0, including completion of a specialist-level school psychology program or completion
of a nondegree graduate program (see Credentialing Standard 5.4) consistent with NASP Standards for Graduate
Preparation of School Psychologists, demonstration of professional work characteristics, completion of applied
professional practice, and demonstrated competency in the domains of school psychology practice.
c. Completion of School Psychology Programs Equivalent to NASP Standards: Applicants who are graduates
of non-NASP approved or accredited graduate education programs should demonstrate having met the
knowledge and skills within the NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists. For
applicants completing respecialization or professional retraining, the state should ensure that its
requirements for a school psychology credential are consistent with Credentialing Standard 5.4. NASP-
approved or accredited graduate education programs may be consulted to ensure that an applicant’s prior
courses, field experiences, and professional competencies are equivalent to NASP Graduate Preparation
Standard 1.6.
d. APA Accredited Doctoral-level School Psychology Program Completion: Applicants who are graduates of
school psychology programs that at the time of the applicant’s graduation were accredited by the American
Psychological Association, were approved by the U.S. Department of Education, and had met the internship
requirement specified in NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists Program Standard
1.4, are eligible for credentialing as school psychologists.
5.3 Provisional Credentialing in School Psychology
A provisional credential is appropriate for individuals who have substantially completed their graduate
preparation in school psychology or individuals whose credentials in school psychology are not recognized by the
state or are not current. School psychology interns can be considered for a provisional credential, provided that
those interns meet the requirements for internship as referenced in the NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation
of School Psychologists.
A provisional credential shall be time-limited to 2 years and may not be eligible for renewal. The credential must
clearly indicate that it is issued on a “temporary” or “provisional” basis within the title, duration of issuance, or
similar communication to the public. The following persons may be eligible for a provisional credential:
a. Persons currently enrolled in a NASP-approved and/or accredited school psychology graduate program of
study, having completed all core coursework and practicum experiences as a minimum. Persons employed on
a provisional credential under these circumstances should adhere to the supervision, competency outcomes,
evaluation processes, and assessment outcomes of the NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of School
Psychologists Program Standard 3: Supervised Field Experiences in School Psychology.
b. Persons who are currently enrolled in an approved respecialization or professional retraining plan of study, as
detailed in Credentialing Standard 5.4 and who have completed all core coursework and practicum experiences as
a minimum. Persons employed on a provisional credential under these circumstances should adhere to the
supervision, competency outcomes, evaluation processes, and assessment outcomes of the NASP Graduate
Preparation Program Standard 3.
c. Persons who are retired, have credentials that have expired within the past 2 years, or are certified in other
states. Persons employed on a provisional credential under these circumstances should adhere to the
Credentialing Standard 5.5: Recommendation for Professional Support, Continuing Professional
Development, Mentoring, and Supervision of School Psychologists.
d. Persons who hold the Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) credential should be considered as
possessing an appropriate credential for school psychologists. Persons who hold an NCSP should adhere to the
Credentialing Standard 5.5.
5.4 Alternative Credentialing in School Psychology
The NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists are the recognized entry level preparation
criteria for school psychologists. NASP also recognizes that persons who have completed graduate programs in
related fields/disciplines (e.g., school counseling, special education, social work) or who have degrees in other
specialty areas of psychology (e.g., clinical, counseling) may at some point in their career decide to seek
credentialing in school psychology. For these candidates, the school psychology program would support state
credentialing requirements through a respecialization or professional retraining plan of study and the institution
would not award a school psychology degree.
Alternative credentialing refers to a process in which candidates may achieve state credentialing as a school
psychologist through an individualized program of study that does not result in a degree in school psychology.
Graduate preparation in school psychology may include two nondegree options: respecialization and professional
retraining. These options would require approval by the state education agency through a collaborative
partnership with a NASP-approved or accredited school psychology program.
Respecialization in school psychology refers to candidates who hold a graduate degree in another area of applied
psychology (e.g., clinical or counseling psychology). Professional retraining refers to candidates who hold graduate
degrees in related fields (e.g., special education, school counseling, or school social work).
State education agencies are encouraged to form a collaborative partnership with a NASP-approved or accredited
school psychology graduate preparation program to develop a process for credentialing through respecialization or
professional retraining. NASP-approved or accredited school psychology preparation programs may also
independently develop a respecialization or professional retraining plan of study with the approval of SEAs. This
collaboration may also include the state school psychology professional association and LEAs to provide
information and feedback regarding school psychology workforce needs.
Use of the terms “school psychology” or “school psychologist” within a job role or title should be limited to those
who meet the required training and experiences as described in the NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of
School Psychologists. Any other alternative certificates or licenses that do not align with NASP Standards for
Credentialing of School Psychologists should not be permitted to use the title of “school psychologist” and should
not be eligible for credentialing as a school psychologist.
The following are recommended for respecialization and professional retraining candidates:
a. A review of candidates’ transcripts and syllabi, supervised field experiences, professional experiences, and
professional development should be conducted by the collaborative partnership described above and/or by an
approved or accredited school psychology graduate preparation program to determine competencies and
deficiencies as compared with NASP Graduate Preparation Standard 1.6.7 A unique plan of study consistent
with this content should be determined for each candidate.
b. Candidates must show evidence of a 1,200-hour supervised internship with a minimum of 600 hours specific
to school psychology in a school setting. Previous relevant, supervised internship experiences may be considered
as meeting a portion of this requirement. Additional internship experience must be supervised by a school
psychologist holding the appropriate state school psychology credential for practice in the internship setting.
c. Candidates participating in a respecialization or professional retraining plan of study must also meet all other
state requirements for credentialing in school psychology (e.g., passage of the required state or national exams,
background check).
d. Use of a systematic process to ensure that candidates demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for
effective school psychology service delivery; demonstrate the ability to integrate competencies across the
NASP domains of school psychology practice outlined in Credentialing Standard 3.2; and show direct,
measurable positive effects on children, families, schools, and other consumers.
e. Successful completion of a respecialization or professional retraining plan of study should result in a
candidate’s endorsement by an approved or accredited school psychology graduate preparation program as
having successfully met requirements for state certification/licensure in school psychology.
7 Alternative credentialing programs for respecialization and professional retraining should have (a) an individualized plan
of study and supervised field experiences, based on a candidate’s prior preparation and experiences, that foster the
development of professional competencies and work characteristics and a professional identity as a school psychologist;
(b) a 1,200-hour supervised internship with a minimum of 600 hours specific to school psychology in a school setting.
Previous relevant, supervised internship experiences may be considered as meeting a portion of this requirement.
5.5 Recommendation for Professional Support, Continuing Professional Development, Mentoring, and
Supervision of School Psychologists
The following experiences are recommended:
a. Adequate professional support and continuing professional development should be provided to all
credentialed school psychologists. Professional support and mentoring are provided through an ongoing,
positive, systematic, collaborative process between the school psychologist and other school psychology
colleagues. Supervision methods should match the developmental level of the school psychologist.
b. Credentialed school psychologists in their first postgraduate year of employment should participate in mentoring.
Such induction experiences should be for the purpose of establishing a foundation for lifelong learning and
professional growth. For initially credentialed school psychologists, participation in professional support and
mentoring, conducted either directly or indirectly, is recommended for a minimum average of 1 hour per week.
(See NASP Practice Model Organizational Principle 5: Supervision, Peer Consultation, and Mentoring.)
c. Professional support and mentoring involves guidance, coaching, or counseling provided by a more
experienced person to a less experienced person. Professional support and mentoring relationships do not
include a monitoring or evaluative component, and the mentor does not assume any responsibility or liability
for the work of the mentee.
d. Supervision, when provided, should be provided by a staff person holding a valid school psychologist
credential for the setting in which they are employed, and have a minimum of 3 years of experience as a
practicing school psychologist. Education and/or experience in the supervision of school personnel are
5.6 Criteria for Renewal of School Psychologist Credential
Renewal of the state school psychology credential should require evidence of continuing professional development
for a minimum of 75 clock hours during the previous 3-year period while the credential was in effect.
Renewal of the initial state school psychology credential should also require evidence of having successfully
completed a minimum of one academic year of professional support and mentorship, as described in
Credentialing Standard 5.5 above. For professional practice within a school setting, professional support and
mentoring should be provided by a credentialed school psychologist with a minimum of 3 years of experience.
6.3 Importance of the Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) Credential for States
The NCSP credential is suitable for adoption by state education agencies for credentialing of school psychologists.
The purpose of the Nationally Certified School Psychologist credential is as follows:
a. To readily identify to consumers the school psychologists who have met rigorous standards for preparation
per the NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists (2020).
b. To promote uniform credentialing standards across states, agencies, and graduate institutions.
c. To facilitate credentialing of school psychologists across states through the use of reciprocity and interstate
d. To ensure a consistent level of graduate preparation and experience among service providers who obtain the
e. To promote continuing professional development for school psychologists.
For initial renewal of the NCSP credential, there should be evidence of having successfully completed a minimum
of one academic year of professional support from a mentor or supervisor. For professional practice within a school
setting, supervision or mentoring shall be provided by a credentialed school psychologist with a minimum of
3 years of experience. For any portion of the experience that is accumulated in a nonschool setting, supervision or
mentoring shall be provided by a psychologist appropriately credentialed for practice in that setting. Supervision
and/or mentoring conducted either individually or within a group for a minimum average of 1 hour per week is
The formal principles that elucidate the proper conduct of a professional school psychologist are known as ethics.
In 1974, NASP adopted its first code of ethics, the Principles for Professional Ethics (Principles), and revisions were
made in 1984, 1992, 1997, 2000, and 2010. The purpose of the Principles is to protect the public and those who
receive school psychological services by sensitizing school psychologists to the ethical aspects of their work,
educating them about appropriate conduct, helping them monitor their own behavior, and providing standards to
be used in the resolution of complaints of unethical conduct. NASP members and school psychologists who are
certified by the National School Psychology Certification System (i.e., those who hold the Nationally Certified
School Psychologist credential, NCSP) are bound to abide by NASP’s code of ethics.
The NASP Principles for Professional Ethics were developed to address the unique circumstances associated with
providing school psychological services.1 The duty to educate children and youth and the legal authority to do so
rest with state governments. When school psychologists employed by school boards make decisions in their official
roles, such acts are seen as actions by state government. As state actors, school-based practitioners have special
obligations to all students. They must know and respect the rights of students under the U.S. Constitution and
federal and state statutory law. They must balance the authority of parents to make decisions about their children
with the needs and rights of those children, and with the purposes and authority of schools. Furthermore, as school
employees, school psychologists have a legal as well as an ethical obligation to take steps to protect all students from
reasonably foreseeable risk of harm. Finally, school-based practitioners work in a context that emphasizes
multidisciplinary problem solving and intervention. For these reasons, psychologists employed by the schools may
have less control over aspects of service delivery than practitioners in private practice. However, within this
framework, it is expected that school psychologists will make careful, reasoned, and principled ethical choices based
on knowledge of this code, recognizing that responsibility for ethical conduct rests with the individual practitioner.
School psychologists are committed to the application of their professional expertise for the purpose of promoting
improvement in the quality of life for students, families, and school communities. This objective is pursued in ways that
protect the dignity and rights of those involved. School psychologists consider the interests and rights of children and
youth to be their highest priority in decision making, and act as advocates for all students. These assumptions necessitate
that school psychologists speak up for the needs and rights of students even when it may be difficult to do so.
1The National Association of School Psychologists wishes to acknowledge prior work by the American Psychological
Association and the Canadian Psychological Association as sources for some of these themes, principles, and
The Principles for Professional Ethics, like all codes of ethics, provides only limited guidance in making ethical
choices. Individual judgment is necessary to apply the code to situations that arise in professional practice. Ethical
dilemmas may be created by situations involving competing ethical principles, conflicts between ethics and law,
the conflicting interests of multiple parties, the dual roles as employee and pupil advocate, or because it is difficult
to decide how statements in the ethics code apply to a particular situation. Such situations are often complicated
and may require a nuanced application of these Principles to affect a resolution that results in the greatest benefit
for the student and concerned others. When difficult situations arise, school psychologists are advised to use a
systematic problem-solving process to identify the best course of action. This process should include identifying
the ethical issues involved, consulting these Principles, consulting colleagues with greater expertise, evaluating the
rights and welfare of all affected parties, considering alternative solutions and their consequences, and accepting
responsibility for the decisions made.
The NASP Principles for Professional Ethics may require a more stringent standard of conduct than law, and in those
situations in which both apply, school psychologists are expected to adhere to the Principles. For example, federal
special education law generally requires parental notice of their legal rights in the school setting, a signed consent form
for an evaluation by a school psychologist, and an invitation to parents to participate in meetings when important
school decisions are being made about their child. In contrast, school psychologists have more comprehensive ethical
requirements when working with parents. School psychologists are ethically obligated to ensure that parents
understand their legal rights; understand what it is they are consenting, or refusing to consent, to; and understand the
implications of that decision. In addition, school psychologists are ethically required to ensure that parents are afforded
the opportunity to meaningfully participate in important decisions affecting their own child.
When conflicts between ethics and law occur, school psychologists are expected to take steps to resolve conflicts
in a problem-solving process with others and through positive, respected, and legal channels. If they are not able
to resolve the conflict in this manner, they may abide by the law, as long as the resulting actions do not violate
basic human rights. If law or district policy poses a barrier to ethical practice, school psychologists must advocate
for changes in those laws or policies and practices to better align them with ethical standards.
The Principles for Professional Ethics provides standards for professional conduct. School psychologists, in their
private lives, are free to pursue their personal interests, except to the degree that those interests compromise trust
in the profession or professional effectiveness. The boundary between professional and personal behaviors is not
clear-cut, however, particularly in venues such as social media. Furthermore, school professionals are held to a
higher standard of good character and conduct than others because they serve as role models for children. For
these reasons, school psychologists are encouraged to avoid actions that are disrespectful of the dignity of others
and that could negatively affect their credibility and diminish trust in the profession.
School psychologists practice in a variety of settings, including public and private schools, juvenile justice
institutions, colleges and universities, mental health clinics, hospitals, and private practice. In addition, school
psychologists may be employed as practitioners or in a variety of roles, including administration and supervision.
The principles in this code should be considered by school psychologists in their ethical decision making
regardless of their role and employment setting. However, this revision of the code, like its precursors, focuses on
the special challenges associated with providing school psychological services within schools and to students.
School psychologists who provide services directly to children, parents, and other clients as private practitioners,
and those who work in health and mental health settings, are encouraged to be knowledgeable of federal and state
laws regulating mental health providers, and to consult the American Psychological Association’s (2017) Ethical
Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct for guidance on issues not directly addressed in this code.
Four broad ethical themes provide the organizational framework for the 2020 Principles for Professional Ethics.
Each of the four broad themes are aspirational and identify fundamental principles that underlie the ethical
practice of school psychology. Each ethical theme subsumes guiding principles that help explain ways in which
broad ethical principles apply to professional practice. Guiding principles are to be considered in ethical
decision making. However, because their purpose is to identify ethical considerations associated with practice
situations, the guiding principles are aspirational rather than enforceable. The guiding principles are further
articulated by multiple specific enforceable standards of conduct. As much as feasible, the enforceable standards
identify actions (or failures to act) that the profession considers ethical or unethical conduct. NASP will seek to
enforce the ethical standards for specific professional conduct in accordance with NASP’s Ethics and
Professional Practices Board Procedures. Regardless of role, clientele, or setting, school psychologists should
reflect on the theme and intent of each ethical principle and standard to determine their application to
individual situations.
School psychologists are helping professionals. Their decisions, including to act or the failure to act, affect the
welfare of children and families. In their professional roles, school psychologists have a duty not only to avoid
ethics code violations but also to take affirmative steps to benefit clients, schools, families, and the community.
For this reason, school psychologists are encouraged to strive for excellence rather than simply meeting the
minimum obligations outlined in the Principles for Professional Ethics, and to engage in the lifelong learning that is
necessary to achieve and maintain expertise in applied professional ethics.
Child: In law, the term child generally refers to a minor, a person younger than the age of majority. Child is used
in this document to indicate minor status or the parent–child relationship. The term student refers to a child,
youth, or adult enrolled in an educational setting.
Informed consent: Informed consent means that the person giving consent has the legal authority to make a consent
decision and a clear understanding of what it is they are consenting to, and that their consent is freely given and
may be withdrawn without prejudice.
Assent: The term assent refers to a minor’s affirmative agreement to participate in psychological services or research.
Parent: The term parent may be defined in law or district policy, and can include the birth or adoptive parent, an
individual acting in the place of a natural or adoptive parent (a grandparent or other relative, stepparent, or
domestic partner), and/or an individual who is legally responsible for the child’s welfare.
Advocacy: School psychologists have a special obligation to speak up for the rights and welfare of students and
families, and to provide a voice to clients who cannot or do not wish to speak for themselves. Advocacy also
occurs when school psychologists use their expertise in psychology and education to promote changes in schools,
systems, and laws that will benefit schoolchildren, other students, and families. Nothing in this code of ethics,
however, should be construed as requiring school psychologists to engage in insubordination (defined as the
willful disregard of an employer’s lawful instructions) or to file a complaint about school district practices with a
federal or state regulatory agency as part of their advocacy efforts.
School-based versus private practice: For the purposes of this document, school-based practice refers to the provision
of school psychological services under the authority of a state, regional, or local educational agency. School-based
practice occurs if the school psychologist is an employee of the schools or is contracted by the schools on a case or
consultative basis. Private practice occurs when a school psychologist enters into an agreement with a client rather
than an educational agency to provide school psychological services and when the school psychologist’s fee for
services is the responsibility of the client or their representative.
School psychologists respect the right of persons to participate in decisions affecting their own welfare. (See
informed consent in the Definition of Terms.) They recognize that informed consent is an ongoing process, and they
reopen discussion of consent when appropriate, such as when there is a significant change in previously agreed upon
goals and services, or when decisions must be made regarding the sharing of sensitive information with others.
I.1.2a It is ethically permissible to provide psychological assistance without parental notice or consent in
emergency situations or if there is reason to believe a student may pose a danger to others; is at risk for self-harm;
or is in danger of injury, exploitation, or maltreatment.
I.1.2b When a student who is a minor self-refers for assistance, it is ethically permissible to provide psychological
assistance without parental notice or consent for one or several meetings to establish the nature and degree of the
need for services and to ensure that the child is safe and not in danger. It is ethically permissible to provide services
to mature minors without parental consent where allowed by state law and school district policy. However, if the
student is not old enough to receive school psychological assistance independent of parental consent, the school
psychologist obtains parental consent to provide continuing assistance to the student beyond the preliminary
meetings or refers the student to alternative sources of assistance that do not require parental notice or consent.
foreseeable risks, the cost of services to the parent or student (if any), and the benefits that reasonably can be
expected. The explanation includes discussion of the limits of confidentiality, who will receive information about
assessment or intervention outcomes, and the possible consequences of the assessment/intervention services being
offered. Available alternative services are identified, if appropriate. This explanation of informed consent takes into
account language and cultural differences, cognitive capabilities, developmental level, age, and other relevant
factors so that it may be understood by the individual providing consent. School psychologists appropriately
document written or oral consent. Any service provision by interns, practicum students, or other trainees is
explained and agreed to in advance, and the identity and responsibilities of the supervising school psychologist are
explained prior to the provision of services.
I.1.4a If a student’s assent for services is not solicited, school psychologists nevertheless honor the student’s right
to be informed about the services provided.
I.1.4b When a student is given a choice regarding whether to accept or refuse services, the school psychologist
ensures that the student understands what is being offered, honors the student’s stated choice, and guards against
overwhelming the student with choices that the student does not wish to make or is not able to make.
School psychologists respect the right of persons to choose for themselves whether to disclose their private
thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.
School psychologists recognize that it may be necessary to discuss confidentiality at multiple points in a professional
relationship to ensure the client’s understanding and agreement regarding how sensitive disclosures will be handled.
Standard I.2.5 Privacy Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression
School psychologists respect the right of privacy of students, parents, and colleagues with regard to sexual
orientation, gender identity, or transgender status. They do not share information about the sexual orientation,
gender identity, or transgender status of a student (including minors), parent, or school employee with anyone
without that individual’s permission.
In their words and actions, school psychologists promote fairness and social justice. They use their expertise to
cultivate school climates that are safe, welcoming, and equitable to all persons regardless of actual or perceived
characteristics, including race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, immigration status,
socioeconomic status, primary language, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability,
or any other distinguishing characteristics.
To benefit clients, school psychologists engage only in practices for which they are qualified and competent. To
maintain competence, they engage in continuing education. They understand that professional skill development
beyond that of the novice practitioner requires a well-planned program of continuing professional development
and professional supervision. In addition, within their work setting, they advocate for the resources and support
necessary to maintain professional effectiveness and personal wellness.
School psychologists accept responsibility for their professional work, monitor the effectiveness of their services,
and work to correct ineffective recommendations.
indicate that the desired outcomes are not being attained. School psychologists seek the assistance of others in
supervisory, consultative, or referral roles when progress monitoring indicates that their recommendations and
interventions are not effective in assisting a client.
School psychologists maintain the highest standard for responsible professional practices in educational and
psychological assessment and direct and indirect interventions. This guiding principle and its subsumed enforceable
standards apply to school psychology assessment and intervention practices, including those that use technology
such as computer-assisted and digital formats for assessment and interpretation, virtual reality assessment and
intervention, distance assessment and telehealth intervention, or any other assessment or intervention modality.
School psychologists safeguard the privacy of school psychological records, ensure parents’ access to the records of
their own child, and ensure the access rights of adult students or otherwise eligible students to their own records.
School psychologists respect the intellectual property rights of those who produce tests, intervention materials,
scholarly works, and other materials. They do not condone the use of restricted materials by unqualified persons.
School psychologists are forthright about their qualifications, competencies, and roles.
To best meet the needs of children, school psychologists cooperate with other professionals in relationships based
on mutual respect.
School psychologists avoid multiple relationships that diminish their professional effectiveness.
III.5.8a are obligated to inform parents or other potential clients of any psychological and educational services
that are available to them at no cost from the schools prior to offering such services for remuneration;
III.5.8b may not offer or provide private practice services to a student (or their parents or family members) of a
school or special school program where the practitioner is currently assigned unless these services are not available
in the school setting;
III.5.8c may not offer or provide an independent evaluation as defined in special education law for a student who
attends a local or cooperative school district where the practitioner is employed;
III.5.8d do not use tests, materials, equipment, facilities, secretarial assistance, or other services belonging to the
public sector employer for private practice purposes unless approved in advance by the employer;
III.5.8e conduct all private practice outside of the hours of contracted public employment;
III.5.8f hold appropriate credentials for practice in both the public and private sectors.
School psychologists use their expertise in psychology and education to promote school, family, and community
environments that are safe and healthy for children and youth.
School psychologists are knowledgeable of and respect laws pertinent to the practice of school psychology. In choosing
an appropriate course of action, they consider the relationship between law and the Principles for Professional Ethics.
School psychologists accept responsibility for monitoring their own conduct and the conduct of other school
psychologists to ensure that it conforms to ethical standards.
Standard IV.3.3 Cooperation With the Ethics and Professional Practices Board
NASP members and NCSP credential holders cooperate with formal investigations of their conduct by
NASP’s Ethics and Professional Practices Board (EPPB). Consistent with the ethical guiding principle of
accepting responsibility for their actions, school psychologists respond to ethical complaints personally (not
through legal counsel or another third party) during the investigation phase unless the EPPB chair waives
this requirement. School psychologists comply with the final disposition requirements imposed by the
EPPB, if any.
IV.5.2a Prior to initiating research, school psychologists and graduate students affiliated with a university,
hospital, or other agency subject to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulation of
research first obtain approval for their research from their Institutional Review Board for Research Involving
Human Subjects (IRB) as well as the school or other agency in which the research will be conducted. Research
proposals that have not been subject to IRB approval should be reviewed by individuals knowledgeable about
research methodology and ethics and approved by the school administration or other appropriate authority.
IV.5.2b In planning research, school psychologists are ethically obligated to consider carefully whether the
informed consent of research participants is needed for their study, recognizing that research involving more than
minimum risk requires informed consent, and that research with students involving activities that are not part of
ordinary, typical schooling requires informed consent. Consent and assent protocols provide the information
necessary for potential research participants to make an informed and voluntary choice about participation.
School psychologists evaluate the potential risks (including risks of physical or psychological harm, intrusions on
privacy, breach of confidentiality) and benefits of their research and only conduct studies in which the risks to
participants are minimized and acceptable.
of the same data. They do not duplicate significant portions of their own or others’ previous publications without
permission of copyright holders.
Advertising Competence
Standard III.5.1 Private Versus Professional Conduct Standard IV.5.6 Correction of Errors
Standard III.4.2 Multiple Relationships and Limited Standard IV.5.7 Integrity of Publications
Alternative Services Standard IV.5.8 Plagiarism
Standard III.5.2 Separation of Personal Beliefs Standard IV.5.9 Acknowledging Contributors
Standard III.5.3 Personal Beliefs and Experiences Standard IV.5.10 Review of Manuscripts and Proposals
Standard III.4.3 Harassment and Exploitation
Standard III.4.4 Sexual Relationships Qualifications
Standard IV.2.2 Intersection of Law and Ethics Standard II.5.2 Use of Restricted Materials
Standard IV.2.3 Conflicts between Law and Ethical Standard III.1.1 Accurate Presentation of Professional
Principles Qualifications
Standard IV.2.4 Participation in Public Discourse Standard III.1.2 Correcting Misperceptions
Standard IV.3.1 Application of Principles Standard III.1.5 Accuracy of Marketing Information
Standard III.2.1 Explanation of Services to Clients
Progress monitoring
Standard I.1.1 When Consent Is/Is Not Required Recommendations
Standard II.2.2 Progress Monitoring Standard II.2.3 Appropriateness of Recommendations
Standard II.3.8 Validity and Fairness
Standard II.3.10 Recommendations Based on Existing
Standard II.4.5 Test Protocols Records
Standard II.4.9 Retention of Records Standard II.3.12 Intervention Selection
Standard II.5.1 Test Security Standard II.3.13 Parental Involvement in Intervention
Standard II.5.3 Intellectual Property Planning
Standard III.5.8 Practice in Both Public School and Standard II.3.14 Student Assent for Assistance
Private Settings Standard III.5.2 Separation of Personal Beliefs
Collaboration Interventions
and Supports
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