Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Submitted by:
Group 3
Name: Akihiro Leonel Juarez Age: 8 years old Sex: Male
Subjective data: Diarrhea r/t Short Term: Independent: Independent: Short Term:
“Apat na beses na siya -- After 2-3 hours of 1.) Auscultate the abdomen. 1.) For presence. Location -- After 2-3 hours of nursing
dumumi ngayong araw. nursing and characteristics of bowel interventions, the patient’s
Samantalang kahapon interventions, the sounds. mother gained knowledge
mga tatlong beses. patient’s mother will about diarrhea and
Madalas din kung sumuka gain knowledge 2.) Discuss to the mother the verbalized understanding of
siya.” As verbalized by the about diarrhea. 2.) For the education of the causative factors of diarrhea
different causative factors
mother patient’s mother. and rationale for treatment
and rationale for treatment
regimen. regimen.
Expected Outcome:
Long Term:
Objective data: understanding of 3.) Restrict solid food intake. 3.) To allow for bowel rest
causative factor. and reduce intestinal -- After 1-2 days of nursing
workload. interventions, the patient
-Loosed bowel movement has been free of diarrhea as
with yellowish watery Verbalize the evidenced by re-established
stool minimum of thrice a rationale for and maintained normal
day. treatment regimen. 4.) Provide for changes in 4.) To allow foods that bowel movement, reduced
dietary intake. precipitates diarrhea. in frequency of stools and
-Increase bowel sounds/
peristalsis stool returned to its normal
Long Term: consistency.
-Nausea and Vomiting 5.) Limit caffeine, high fiber 5.) To prevent gastric
-- After 1-2 days of foods and fatty foods. irritation.
-Abdominal cramping nursing
interventions, the
-Vital signs taken as
patient will be free of
BP: 110/60 mmHg Dependent: Dependent:
PR: 90 bpm 1.) Administer anti-diarrheal 1.) To decrease GI motility
RR: 22 cpm medications, as indicated. and minimize fluid losses.
Temperature: 35.7 ◦ Expected Outcome:
-- Re-establish and
2.) Administer medications, 2.) To treat infectious
maintain normal
as ordered. process, decrease motility
bowel movement.
and/or absorb water.
-- Reduction in
frequency of stools.
-Restrict foods as indicated - These foods can add more
like foods containing irritation to the stomach.
caffeine, too much oil, fiber,
milk, and fruits.
peristalsis -Urge to defecate may occur
-Provide bedside commode. without warning and
Frequent watery
uncontrollable, increasing
risk of incontinence or falls if
Abdominal pain.
facilities are not close at
Vital signs taken
as follows:
BP= 110/90mmHg
PR= 80bpm -Identify foods and fluids -Avoiding intestinal irritants
RR= 18cpm that precipitate the diarrhea promotes intestinal rest.
Temperature= 36.6⁰ of the patient.
-Restart oral fluid intake -Provides colon rest by
gradually. Offer clear liquids omitting or decreasing
hourly, and avoid cold fluids. stimulus of foods or fluids.
Gradual consumption of
liquids may prevent cramping
and recurrence of diarrhea.
Cold fluids can increase
intestinal motility.
- Administer anti-diarrheals -Decreases G.I motility or
as prescribed by the peristalsis and diminishes
physician. digestive secretions to relieve
cramping and diarrhea.
Name: Samantha Maureen Vera Age: 6 years old Sex: Female
Subjective: Risk for deficient After 8 hours of Independent: After 8 hours of nursing
fluid volume r/t nursing interventions, the patient
-Monitor intake and output, -Provides information about
excessive losses interventions, the was able to reduce the
character and the amount of overall fluid balance, renal
“Sumasakit po ang tiyan through frequent patient will reduce frequency of defecation
stools; estimate insensible function, and bowel disease
niya at anim na beses na diarrhea. the frequency of fluid losses. Measure urine control, as well as guidelines from 6 to 2 and maintain
po siyang dumudumi defecation and adequate fluid volume as
specific gravity and observe for fluid replacement.
ngayong araw” as maintain adequate evidenced by good skin
for oliguria.
verbalized by the sister of fluid volume as turgor and balance intake
the patient. evidenced by good and output..
skin turgor and -Assessing vital signs -Hypotension (including
balance intake and
Objective: postural), tachycardia, fever
can indicate response to or
effect of fluid loss.
Irritability. -Observe for excessively dry -Indicates excessive fluid loss
Facial Grimace skin and mucous or resultant of dehydration
Dry Skin membranes, decreased skin caused by diarrhea.
Vital signs taken turgor, slowed capillary
as follows: refill.
BP= 110/70 mmHg
PR= 79 bpm
RR= 19 cpm
Temperature= 37.4⁰ -Indicator of overall fluid and
-Weigh daily
nutritional status.
-Observe for overt bleeding -Inadequate diet and
and test stool daily for occult decreased absorption may
blood. lead to vitamin K deficiency
and defects in coagulation,
potentiating risk for
-Maintenance of bowel rest
-Administer parenteral
requires alternative fluid
fluids as indicated.
replacement to correct
Subjective: Fluid Volume At the end of 16hrs Independent: After 16hours of nurse-
deficit related to nurse-client client intervention, the
1. Assess vital signs; note -To evaluate degree of fluid
loose watery intervention, the client was able to:
strength of peripheral deficit.
“Namumutla po siya tapos stool (Diarrhea). client will be able to:
pulses. 1. Maintain the fluid
yung labi niya po dry na
volume at its
dry n” as verbalized by the
functional level.
mother of the patient. 1. Maintain fluid 2. Keep fluids within clients -to correct/ replace losses to
2. Verbalize
volume at a reach and encourage reverse pathophysiologic understanding of
functional level as frequent intake as mechanisms.
Objective: causative factors
evidenced by appropriate.
and purpose of
adequate urinary
Decreased urine therapeutic
output with 3. Control humidity and -To reduce high fever and
output interventions and
normal specific ambient air temperature as elevated metabolic rate.
Poor skin turgor medications.
gravity, stable appropriate. Reduce
Vital signs taken vital signs, moist beddings/clothes, provide
as follows: mucous tepid sponge bath.
BP= 100/80 mmHg membranes,
PR= 84 bpm good skin turgor
RR= 21 cpm and prompt 4. Change position -To promote comfort and
Temperature= 37.7⁰ capillary refill. frequently. safety.
2. Verbalize
understanding of
causative factors
and purpose of 5. Provide safety measures -To promote safety.
individual when client is confused.
interventions and Dependent:
1. Administer medications -To limit gastric/intestinal
as indicated.(antidiarrheals) losses.
Provided health
teachings on the -> Lifelong fluid replacement
need for lifelong to control polyuria and
hormonal polydipsia is necessary for
replacement. patients with Diabetes
Administered IV -> Aggressive fluid
fluids as ordered. replacement may be required
to correct fluid volume
Monitored -> Other imbalances that
laboratory studies require correction may be
such as urine specific present with fluid volume
gravity, electrolytes, deficit
and blood
coagulation studies
Name: Amora Elyse Ledezma Age: 3 years old Sex: Female
1. Monitor and record blood - Provides objective data for
pressure as indicated. monitoring. Elevated levels
may indicate non-adherence
to the treatment regimen.
Subjective: Skin Integrity due After 8hours of Independent: On the second day of duty,
to limited fluid nursing the patient has improved
• Monitor vital signs > Knowledge of vital signs
intake as interventions, the hydration manifested by
allows physicians to
“Nauuuhaw pa po ako” as resolution to patient’s discomfort lesser chapping of lips and
understand patient’s
verbalized by the patient. edema in will be decreased and lesser drying of the mouth.
physiologic status and is
Objective: treatment of will demonstrate use
helpful in determining The patient can cope with
Acute of relaxation skills
appropriate goals. the limited of fluid intake by
Glumerular and other methods
lessening activities which
Dry and chapped Nephritis. to promote comfort. • Monitor weight gain and >This could give further
could make her thirsty and
lips loss. information on the patient’s
water retention problem
Dry mucous
The patient is doing
membrane • Advise patient to wear >To promote comfort to
The patient to diversional activities to
(mouth), Fluid volume patient on a humid and hot
maintain fluid light clothing. redirect her attention from
Complaints of deficit related to day, to lessen sweating
volume at a being thirsty.
thirst inadequate
functional level as • Suggest sleep or do light > These are diversional
Decreased skin intake of fluids.
indicated by moist reading as diversional activities to redirect
mucous membranes, activity. attention from being thirsty
Slight irritability
good skin turgor,
due to thirst
adequate urinary • Bathing every other day, >To promote hygiene and
Increase BP output and no sponge bath only on prevents drying of skin
110/80 discomfort in intervals
Vital signs taken defecation and
as follows: regular bowel
BP= 110/80 mmHg movement. • Apply wet cotton balls on >To prevent further dryness
PR= 119 bpm dry and chapped lips and skin breakdown
RR= 24 cpm
Temperature= 37.3⁰
• Straighten wrinkled linens > To lessen friction on dry
to lessen friction on dry skin skin , to prevent skin
Administer diuretics > This is resolution for the
and antibiotics as complications of edema
ordered by Physician.
Name: Avrielle Haven Juarez Age: 4 years old Sex: Female
Subjective: Excess fluid volume After 8 hours of Independent: After 8 hours of nursing
related to nursing interventions, the patient
“Namamaga ang mukha • Monitor vital Signs • For base line data
compromised interventions, the was able to display a stable
niya” as verbalized by
regulatory patient will display a • Record accurate intake • Accurate Intake and output condition, vital signs within
the father of the patient. mechanism with stable condition, and output of the patient. is necessary for determining patient’s normal range, and
changes in vital signs within renal function and fluid nearly absence of edema.
hydrostatic or patient’s normal replacement needs and
oncotic vascular range, and nearly reducing risk of fluid
Facial puffiness pressure and absence of edema. overload.
Bipedal edema increased
activation of the • Monitor urine specific • Measures the kidney’s
Vital signs taken gravity. ability to concentrate urine.
as follows: renninangiotensin–
BP= 160/70 mmHg aldosterone
PR= 57 bpm system.
• Weigh daily at same time • Daily body weight is the
RR= 12 cpm of the day, on same scale, best monitor of fluid status.
Temperature= 36.1⁰ with same equipment and A weight gain of more than
clothing. 0.5 kg/day suggest fluid
• Edema occurs primarily in
• Assess skin, face,
dependent tissues of the
dependent areas of edema.
body. It will serve as
parameter the severity of
fluid excess.
• Provide assessment of the
• Monitor laboratory and
progression and
diagnostic studies.
management of the
• Administer diuretics as • To promote adequate
prescribed urine volume that aids in
prevention of further
Name: Haze Limuel Juarez Age: 9 years old Sex: Male
Assessment Nursing Goal Implementation Rationale Evaluation
Prepare Bananas, After 3 days of
Objective: Severe Acute After 1-3 - Bananas are
Malnutrition coconut water, excellent source of nursing
days of
caused by cucumber, potassium, since intervention, the
Dry Skin dehydration. watermelon and dehydration come patient was able to
Poor Skin Turgor celery for retain fluid and
the patient with the loss of
dehydration electrolyte balance,
Palor will be able potassium, bananas
management and regain weight by
Weak in to retain the can retain those lost
retention of potassium. giving adequate
appearance fluid and
nutrients. food and meal plan,
Weight Loss electrolyte - A glass of coconut
and maintain
Dizziness imbalances, water is abundantly
normal nutritional
Fainting regain the rich in sodium and
Decreased muscle weight potassium that can
mass supported by bring back the loss
giving nutrients
adequate considerably.
food and - Cucumber is one the
meal, and best hydrating foods.
maintain It is a good source of
normal fiber and rich in
nutritional Vitamin C.
status. - Watermelon is a
wonder fruit that
contains 95 % of
water. It is also rich in
lycopene, an
antioxidant, essential
for the regulation of
water balance in the
- Celery is rich in iron,
sodium, potassium
and zinc. It contains
the highest level of
water content
compared to other
vegetables. It is also a
good source of folate
and B-vitamins.
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Goal Implementation Rationale Evaluation
Give Calcium
Give medicines to
lower the blood
pressure level
Assessment Nursing Goal Implementation Rationale Evaluation
Prepare low protein - Since too much After 4 days of
Objective: Risk for After 1-4
and sodium diet. It protein is dangerous nursing
malnutrition days of
can include the because it can intervention, the
related to nursing
Fatigue following: damage nephrons or patient was able to
nephrotic intervention,
-Lean meats the functioning units retain nutrients
Loss of appetite syndrome. the patient
(Poultry, fish, of kidneys and can needed and re-
Weight gain due will be able
shellfish) cause renal established normal
to edema to retain
-Dried beans insufficiency, low- nutritional status.
Protein loss nutrients
-Fresh or frozen protein diet is
Hematuria needed and
fruits recommended.
Proteinuria re-establish
-Low-sodium - A low sodium diet
canned vegetables too is recommended
-Whole grains because too much
-Potatoes sodium can cause
-Milk further fluid
-Rice retention and salt
-Whole grains retention.