Retie - English 2008-Final

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Resolution No.

181294 August 6, 2008

General Appendix

Technical Regulation for Electric Installations (RETIE)






2.1 Installations

2.2 Persons

2.3 Products

2.4 Exceptions




5.1 Hazard level evaluation

5.2 Most common electrical hazard factors

5.3 Measures which should be taken in highly hazardous situations or imminent danger

5.4 Accident report






8.1 Electrical installations design

8.2 Products used in electrical installations

8.3 Electrical installations construction

8.4 Other people responsible for electrical installations

8.5 Conformity with this Regulation

8.6 Electrical installation operation and maintenance

8.7 Energy technical losses accepted in electrical installations




11.1 Electrical symbol

11.2 Security signals

11.3 Specific features of the electrical hazard symbol

11.4 Color code for conductors




13.1 Minimum safety distances in zones with buildings

13.2 Minimum safety distances for different places and situations

13.3 Minimum distances between conductors within the same structure

13.4 Minimum distances to prevent hazards due to electric arc


14.1 Electric field

14.2 Magnetic field

14.3 Electromagnetic field

14.4 Limit exposure values to electromagnetic fields for human beings

14.5 Electromagnetic field measurement


15.1 Grounding system design

15.2 Grounding general requirements

15.3 Grounding systems materials

15.4 Grounding resistance values

15.5 Measurements

15.6 Temporary grounding


16.1 Lighting design

16.2 Installation, operation and maintenance of lighting systems









17.7.1 Manual low tension switches

17.7.2 Buttons

17.7.3 Low tension automatic switches

17.7.4 Middle tension switches, reconnectors, breakers

17.7.5 Circuit breakers



17.9.1 Low tension electric panels

17.9.2 Middle tension cells









17.18 FUSES







18.1 Lightning hazard level evaluation

18.2 Design and implementation of a protection system against lightning

18.3 Components of the protection system against lightning


19.1 Maneuvers

19.2 Job site verification

19.3 Job site signposting

19.4 Escalating of poles and structures and protection against falls

19.5 Safety golden rules

19.6 Working near energized aerial circuits

19.7 Verification checklist for work in highly hazardous conditions

19.8 Opening current transformers


20.1 Work organization

20.2 Performance procedures





22.1 Safety distances

22.2 Grounding

22.3 Electromagnetic field values

22.4 Substations associated to generation centers









28.1 Conductors

28.2 Aeronautic signs





29.1 Substations classification

29.2 General requirements for substations

29.3 Operation, command and control rooms

29.4 Safety distances in outdoor substations

29.5 Safety distances in indoor substations


30.1 High and extra high tension substations

30.2 Middle tension indoor - type or within buildings substations

30.3 Post - type substations

30.4 Pedestal - type or garden - type substations

30.5 Substation certification for final use installations




31.1 Scope of the distribution system

31.2 Basic requirements for distribution systems

31.3 Grounding of distribution systems


32.1 Support structures

32.2 Fittings








37.1 Generalities

37.2 Protection against direct or indirect contact

37.3 Protection against over current


38.1 Product certification for special installations

38.2 Installations in densely populated places

38.3 Installations for fire systems

38.4 Installations for pools



40.1 General requirements

40.2 Grounding requirements

40.3 Equipment requirements

40.4 Specific requirements for underground mines




41.1 Persistent compounds

41.2 Radioactive lightning rods

41.3 Use of ground as sole return conductor

41.4 Re - used materials in final use installations



42.1 Conformity certificate for some products

42.2 Conformity certificate for some electrical installations





44.1 Products conformity certification

44.2 Certification of products exclusively and directly used by the importer

44.3 Accreditation

44.4 Certification entities

44.5 Electrical installation inspection entity

44.6 Electrical installation conformity certificate

44.6.1 Compliance declaration

44.6.2 Inspection with certification purposes

44.6.3 Exceptions to the inspection report

44.6.4 Components of the inspection entity’s report

44.6.5 Forms for the inspection report

44.6.6 Installations’ inspection

44.6.7 Validity of certifications and reports issued under other resolutions








Figure 1. Time / current zones of the effects of alternating currents from 15 Hz to 100 Hz

Figure 2. Hazard analysis matrix

Figure 3. CEM’s structure

Figure 4. Electrical hazard symbol

Figure 5. Security distances in zones with buildings

Figure 6. Distances “d” and “d1” in intersections and routes coverage

Figure 7. Distance “e” in non - electrified railway intersections

Figure 8. Distance “f” and “g” for intersections with railways and rivers

Figure 9. Approximation limits

Figure 10. Systems with dedicated groundings and inter - connected.

Figure 11. Only one grounding for all needs

Figure 12. Separated or independent groundings

Figure 13. Apparent resistivity measurement diagram

Figure 14. Grounding resistance measurement diagram

Figure 15. Typical assembly of temporary groundings

Figure 16. Position of the threaded cover of the lamp socket

Figure 17. Dimensions of the bulb holder in millimeters

Figure 18. DPS assembly

Figure 19. Width of the easement zone

Figure 20. Safety zone for personnel traffic

Figure 21. Safety zones

Figure 22. Safety distances to prevent direct contacts in outdoor substations


Chart 1. Products subject to RETIE

Chart 2. Custom entries

Chart 3. Standardization entities

Chart 4. Acronyms and abbreviations of common use

Chart 5. Percentage of people being protected according to the current of the trigger

Chart 6. Relation between specific energy and physiological effects

Chart 7. Most common electrical hazard factors

Chart 8. Symbols of magnitudes and units used in electro techniques

Chart 9. Main graphic symbols

Chart 10. Classification and colors for safety signals

Chart 11. Main safety signals

Chart 12. Dimensions of the electrical hazard symbol in mm

Chart 13. Color code for conductors

Chart 14. Q Code

Chart 15. Minimum safety distances in zones with buildings

Chart 16. Minimum safety distances for different situations

Chart 17. Minimum vertical distances in vanes with different tension lines

Chart 18. Horizontal distance between conductors supported in the same support structure

Chart 19. Minimum vertical distance in meters between conductors on the same structure

Chart 20. Approximation limits to equipment energized parts

Chart 21. Limit exposure values to electromagnetic fields

Chart 22. Maximum contact tension for a human being

Chart 23. Requirements for grounding electrodes

Chart 24. Material constants

Chart 25. Reference values for grounding resistance

Chart 26. Accepted lighting levels for different areas and activities

Chart 27. Requirements for soft copper wire

Chart 28. Requirements for soft copper cables

Chart 29. Requirements for aluminum and aluminum - coated cables - AAC

Chart 30. Requirements for aluminum steel - reinforced cables – ACSR

Chart 31. Requirements for aluminum alloys cables class A and AA – AAAC

Chart 32. Requirements for insulated wires and cables

Chart 33. Requirements for class 1: wires

Chart 34. Requirements for class 2: cables

Chart 35. Parameters for compact fluorescent lamps with incorporated foundation

Chart 36. Minimum safety distances of electric fences to distribution circuits

Chart 37. Minimum thickness of non - metallic piping

Chart 38. Collection and downspout terminals’ characteristics

Chart 39. Minimum safety distances for work with energized lines

Chart 40. Minimum safety distances for non - specialized personnel or personnel that does not know the
hazards associated to electricity

Chart 41. Checklist, work in high - hazard conditions

Chart 42. Width of the easement zone

Chart 43. Minimum diameter of the markers according to the tension level

Chart 44. Overhead safety distances, for Figures 20 and 21

Chart 45. Safety distances for Figure 22

Chart 46. Temperature limits – electrical equipment

Chart 47. PBC’s commercial names


Form 1. Constructor declaration

Form 2. Inspection and verification report for transmission lines

Form 3. Inspection and verification report for transformation installations

Form 4. Inspection and verification report for distribution installations

Form 5. Inspection and verification report for final use installations



There is a new order in global trade and, as a direct consequence, a new frame in regulation issues; terms
such as standardization and Mandatory Official Colombian Technical Regulations (NTCOO) are no
longer in force, the new outline is based on mandatory Technical Regulations, voluntary Technical
Regulations and in the autonomy of each country to defend its legitimate purposes.

The dependency on and the progressive increase in consumption of electricity in current life, makes it
necessary to establish requirements and specifications that guarantee the safety of the people based on the
correct operation of the installations, the reliability and quality of the products, the compatibility of the
equipment and their adequate use and maintenance.

In compliance of Article 2 of the National Constitution, it is incumbent to the Republic authorities to

protect all people resident in Colombia in their lives, honor and properties. In that sense, the Ministry of
Mines and Energy as supreme authority in energetic matters, shall adopt the technical rules and
regulations oriented to guarantee the protection of the people’s life against hazards arising from the goods
and services related to the sector under his charge.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy, aimed at facilitating the adaptation of technical rules, to the
technological progress, includes in the present Technical Regulation the general provisions, whereby the
minimum requirements to guarantee the legitimate purposes are established.

To that end, the essential rules have been reunited in this Regulation, which, being a safety guarantee
against electrical hazards, define the scope of application and the basic characteristics of electrical
installations and some requirements which may have incidence in the relationship between public utilities
providers and users, with special focus in the safety problems of the users and the aspects which refer to
the Government’s intervention in case of infringement and to the procedure in each case. It is expected
that said precepts are ethically applied by all professionals dedicated to electro technique in Colombia, as
basic or minimum parameters. Those which practice in a professional manner know that they may
continue applying the technical regulations, because it will achieve optimum levels of safety and quality.

For the purposes of this Regulation, the words “shall” and “have to”, as verbs and conjugations, shall be
understood as “being obliged to”

The main purpose of this Regulation is to establish measures that guarantee the safety of people, animal
and vegetal life and preservation of the environment; preventing, minimizing or eliminating the electrical
- originated hazards. These rules start from compliance of equipment civil, mechanical and manufacturing
requirements. Likewise, this Regulation favors the rational and efficient use of energy as a way of
protecting the environment and guaranteeing the energetic supply required by the country.

The technical rules that are referenced shall serve to settle and expand the scope of the Technical
Regulation for Electric Installations.



The main purpose of this Regulation is to establish the measures aimed to guarantee the safety of people,
animal and vegetal life, and the preservation of the environment; preventing, minimizing or eliminating
the electrical - originated hazards. These rules start from compliance of equipment civil, mechanical and
manufacturing requirements.

In addition, it points out the requirements and specifications that guarantee the safety of electrical
installations based on its correct operation, the reliability, quality and adequate use of the products, that is,
it sets the minimum safety parameters for electrical installations.

Likewise, it is a technical - legal instrument for Colombia, which, without creating unnecessary obstacles
to trade or free enterprise, allows guaranteeing that installations, equipments and products used in the
generation, transmission, transformation, distribution and use of electricity, comply with the following
legitimate purposes:

• Protection of human life and health.

• Protection of Animal and vegetal life.
• Environment preservation.
• Prevention of practices that may lead the user to error.

To achieve these legitimate purposes, the present Technical Regulation was based on the following
specific purposes:

a) Establish the conditions to avoid accidents due to direct or indirect electrical contacts.

b) Establish the conditions to prevent fires and explosions caused by electricity.

c) Establish the conditions to avoid tree - burning caused by closeness to energy lines.

d) Establish the conditions to avoid animal deaths caused by electrified fences.

e) Establish the conditions to avoid damages due to over currents and over - tensions.

f) Adopt the verbal and graphic symbols which shall be used by professionals practicing electro

g) Minimize the deficiencies in electrical installations.

h) Clearly establish the responsibilities that shall be complied with by designers, builders,
interventors, operators, inspectors, owners and users of electrical installations, as well as by
manufacturers, distributors or importers of materials or equipment and the companies related to the
generation, transport, distribution and commercialization of electricity.

i) Unify the essential safety characteristics for mostly used electric products, aimed at assuring the
utmost reliability in their operation.

j) Prevent those acts which may lead the users to error, such as the use or circulation of incorrect or
erroneous indications or the omission of true information which do not comply with this Regulation’s

k) Demand the reliability and compatibility of products and electrical equipment.

l) Demand requirements to contribute to the rational and efficient use of energy and, through it,
protecting the environment and assuring the supply of electricity.


This Regulation applies to electrical installations, to the products used therewith, and to the people which
intervene with them, in the following terms:

2.1 Installations

For the purposes of this Regulation, the electrical circuits and their components such as conductors,
equipments, machines and apparatus conforming an electrical system and which are used for the
generation, transmission, transformation, distribution or final use of electricity, within the tension and
frequency limits established in this Regulation, are considered as electrical installations.

The technical requirements and rules of this Regulation shall be of mandatory compliance in Colombia, in
all new installations, remodeling or expansions, public or private, with nominal tension value equal or
exceeding 25 V and not exceeding500 kV of alternating current (c.a.), with nominal service frequency
lower than 1000 Hz and superior or equal to 48 V in continuous current (c.c.).

The technical rules in this Regulation shall be enforceable in normal or nominal conditions of the
installations. They will not be enforceable in force majeure cases or public order conditions which modify
them; in such cases, the owner of the installation shall endeavor to reinstate the safety conditions in the
shortest time possible.

All installations which are the object of this Regulation shall demonstrate their compliance through a
conformity certificate. In those cases in which the full certification is required, it will be understood as the
compliance declaration signed by the builder of the electrical installation, together with the report of the
inspection entity that validates said declaration.

The present Technical Regulation will be enforceable as of its execution date, to all new installations, and
to all remodeling or expansions of electrical installations, performed in the electricity generation,
transmission, transformation, distribution or final use processes, including the installations of electrical
power that feed the equipment for telecommunication signals, electrical appliances, vehicles, equipment,
machines and tools, as follows:

2.1.1 New electrical installations

It is considered a new electrical installation that which started to operate after May 1, 2005, date in which
Resolution 180398, by the means of which the Technical Regulation for Electric Installations (RETIE)
was adopted, became enforceable.

2.1.2 Electrical installations expansion

The expansion of electrical installations will be understood as that which entails a petition to increase
the installed capacity or the additional assembly of devices, equipment, conductors and other components.

The expanded part shall always demonstrate conformity with the present Regulation. When conditions
are met, it will be done through full certification:

a) In residential installations when the expansion exceeds 10 kVA.

b) In commercial installations when the expansion exceed 20 kVA.

c) In industrial installations when the expansion exceed 30% of the installed capacity.
d) In the circuit of a general - use distribution main when the expansion exceeds 30% of the
installed capacity or the length of the circuit. In case the distribution main is for the exclusive use of one
user it shall be treated as final use installation.

e) In a generation plant when the expansion exceeds 30% of the installed capacity and is due to the
assembly of new electrical equipment in the same machinery house.

f) In a substation when the expansion exceeds 30% of the cost recognized by CREG for each
constructive unit or 30% of the installed capacity.

g) In transmission lines when the expansion exceeds its operation nominal tension or its installed

2.1.3 Electrical installation remodeling

The remodeling of electrical installations will be understood as the replacement of devices, equipment,
conductors and other components of the electrical installation. The remodeled part shall demonstrate
conformity to the present Regulation and in case the remodeling exceeds 80%, the whole installation shall
be equipped to the present regulation and will be treated as a new installation.

The percentage will be determined considering the following criteria:

a) For final use installations the number of outlets or connection points in each tension level will be
taken into account.

b) For distribution installations owned by main’s operators, the percentage shall be referred to the
inventory of all constructive units of the same type, existing in the circuit or to the components of the
constructive unit where the remodeling is performed. In low tension mains the percentage will be referred
to the total length of the main associated to the transformer.

c) For transmission lines with nominal tension of 57.5 kV or higher, the measure to determine the
percentage will be the whole line, that is, from the exit porch in the substation to the entrance porch in the
other substation that allows the sectioning of the line.

d) In the transformation substations that are not associated to the final use installation, the
percentage shall be referred to the number of elements of the constructive units or group of constructive
units where the remodeling is being performed. The full certification will apply to the constructive unit or
units being remodeled.

e) In generation plants the percentages will be referred to the component where the remodeling jobs
are performed, assimilating them to a process as follows: machinery house to final use and substations to

In all new installations, expansions or remodeling, the qualified person responsible for the building, shall
declare the compliance of the regulation in the forms defined in the present General Appendix.

2.2 Persons

This Regulation shall be observed and complied with by all natural or judicial, domestic and foreign,
contractors or operators and, in general, by whom generate, transform, transport, distribute, use electricity
and perform activities related to electrical installations. As well as by the manufacturers, importers and
commercializers of the products which are the purpose of the RETIE.

2.2 Products

The products set forth in Chart 1, due to being the most used in the electrical installations and being
directly related with the purpose and scope of the Technical Regulation for Electric Installations (RETIE),
shall comply with the requirements established in this regulation and demonstrate it through a product
conformity certificate.
Glass, ceramic, and other material electrical insulations, for use in lines, substations and electrical barrages , with
tension exceeding 100 V.
Copper wire with or without insulation, for electrical use.
Aluminum wire with or without insulation, for electrical use.
Plastic markers used as aero navigation signals, in transmission lines.
Aluminum markers used as aero navigation signals, in transmission lines
Cable trays.
Incandescent bulbs or lamps having a power handling capacity higher than 25 W and lower than 200 W and compact
fluorescent lamps for domestic or similar use.
Aluminum cables insulated or not.
Aluminum cables with steel soul, for electrical use.
Copper cables insulated or not for electrical use.
Connection boxes for tensions lower than 1000 V.
Metallic and non - metallic ducts and wireways.
Cells for use in middle tension substations.
Electrical insulating tape.
Electrical plugs for low tension.
Controllers and propellers for electrified fences.
Electrical contactors
Condensers and condenser banks with nominal capacity exceeding 3 kVAR.
Electrode connector for grounding.
Devices for protection against transitory over - tensions lower than 1000 V.
Devices for protection against transitory over - tensions higher than 1000 V and lower than 66 KV (tension limiters).
Devices for protection against transitory over - tensions higher than 1000 V and lower than 66 kV (wave absorbers)
Bar ducts (Reinforcement bars)
Grounding electrodes in copper, stainless steel, copper - coated steel, galvanized - coated steel or any type of
material used as a grounding electrode.
Transmission lines structure and distribution mains, including towers and metallic profiles exclusively for this use.
Electrical extensions for tension lower than 600 V.
Alternating or continuous current generators, having a power handling capacity equal or exceeding 1 kVA, including
electrogen groups and small generation plants.
Fittings, for transmission lines and electrical distribution mains.
Automatic switches or disjunctors for tension lower than 1000 V.
Manual switches or low tension switches, for domestic or similar uses.
Middle tension switches.
Electrical engines for nominal tensions higher than 25 V and power equal or exceeding 375 W of alternating or
continuous current, monophasic or poliphasic.
Electrical multioutlets for tension lower than 600 V.
Lamp holders for incandescent bulbs, for domestic or similar use.
Concrete poles, metallic, wood or other material poles, for use in electrical mains.
Temporary groundings.
Firebreak doors for use in electrical substation vaults.
Boards, panels, cabinets for tensions inferior or equal to 1000 V
Boards or cells for middle tension
Sockets for general use or applications in special installations.
Transformers with a capacity superior or equal to 3 kVA.
Steel or steel - alloy tubes, for electrical installations.
Non - metallic tubes for electrical installations.
Products for installations classified as dangerous.
Products for highly populated installations.
Middle and low tension breakers
Uninterrupted power units – UPS
Regulated tension units (tension regulators)
Products used in special installations and special environments (Classified areas)
Chart 1. Products subject to RETIE.

Note: The present Regulation applies to the products with commercial names defined in Chart 1 and not
to the customs entries, since they may classify products which are not subject to RETIE or, if included in
this Regulation, the customs entry may be modified by the competent authority.

For the purposes of the control and inspection of the products subject of RETIE, Chart 2 shows some
customs entries and the marginal notes that specify the conditions in which a product, that being subject
to the RETIE may be excluded from its compliance, because of to being destined to different applications
than those within the scope of this Regulation and, due to that fact, are not required to demonstrate
compliance with the RETIE. When these exclusions are used, they shall be proved before the control
entity, using the mechanisms foreseen in the laws in force.

Customs entry Description according to customs Marginal note to apply to or exclude a product from
RETIE compliance
3917210000 Rigid tubes of ethylene polymers Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
3917220000 Rigid tubes of polypropylene polymers Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
3917230000 Rigid tubes of vinyl chloride polymers Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
3917291000 Rigid tubes, of other plastics, of Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
vulcanized fiber tubes)
3917299000 Rigid tubes of all the other plastics Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
3925900000 Non - metallic ducts Applies only to electrical installations ducts
3919100000 Plates, sheets, paper, tapes, strips, and Applies only and exclusively to insulating tape for
the other flat forms, self - adhesive, electrical use.
plastic, including reels of a width inferior
or equal to 20 cm.
3926909090 The other plastic manufactures and Applies only and exclusively to markers used in
manufactures of the materials of entries transmission lines as aero navigation signals.
39, 01 to 39, 14.
7222119000 Bars and profiles of stainless steel Applies only to grounding electrodes
7304310000 The other hollow tubes and profiles, Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
without welding (seamless), made of iron tubes)
or non - alloyed steel, of circular section,
cold stretched or laminated.
7304390000 The other hollow tubes and profiles, Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
without welding (seamless), made of iron tubes)
or non - alloyed steel, of circular section.
7304510000 The other hollow tubes and profiles, Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
without welding (seamless), of circular tubes).
section, of the other alloyed steels, cold
stretched or laminated.
7304590000 The other hollow tubes and profiles, Applies only to piping for electrical installations (conduit
without welding (seamless), of circular tubes)
section, of the other alloyed steels.
7306610000 The other hollow tubes and profiles of Applies only to metallic ducts and wireways for electrical
square or triangular section. installations.
7308200000 Towers and castles, of smelting, iron or Applies only to towers, poles and other structures for
steel, except pre - built constructions of transporting or distributing electricity.
entry 94.06.
7314390000 The other mains and welded grilles in Applies only to cable - carrying trays.
cross points.
7326190000 The other manufactures made of iron or Applies only to galvanized fittings in electrical lines and
forged steel or printed, but not worked in mains and galvanized profiles for transmission lines
any other way. towers or distribution mains.
732690010 Variable section bars, of iron or steel Applies only to grounding electrodes, coated with copper
or zinc, stainless steel or other material, for protection
against corrosion.
7407100000 Bars and profiles of refined copper. Applies only to grounding electrodes.
7407210000 Bars and profiles made of copper - zinc Applies only to grounding electrodes, coated with copper
(brass) or other copper - zinc alloys.
7408110000 Copper wire refined with the transversal Applies only to non - insulated wire for electrical use, not
section widest dimension exceeding 6 including non - wired rods.
7408190000 The other refined copper wires. Applies only to non - insulated wires for use in electrical
conductors, but does not apply to non - wired copper
wires, or when manufactured or imported to incorporate
them as components of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other machines and tools.
7413000000 Cables, braids and similar copper Applies only to cables and braids used in electrical
articles, non - insulated for electricity. installations conductors, but does not apply when
imported or manufactured to incorporate them as part of
auto motors, ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro
medicine equipment, elements for telecommunication
signals, radio systems and the other apparatus, machines
and tools.
7614100000 Aluminum cables, braids and similar, Applies only to cables and braids used as conductors in
with steel soul, without insulating for electrical installations, but does not apply when imported
electricity. or manufactured to incorporate them as part of auto
motors, ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro
medicine equipment, elements for telecommunication
signals, radio systems and the other apparatus, machines
and tools.
7614900000 The other aluminum cables, braids and Applies only to cables and braids used as conductors in
similar, non - insulated for electricity. electrical installations, but does not apply when imported
or manufactured to incorporate them as part of auto
motors, ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro
medicine equipment, elements for telecommunication
signals, radio systems and the other apparatus, machines
and tools.
7616999000 The other aluminum manufactures. Applies only and exclusively to “Markers used as aero
navigation signals” in transmission lines.
8501 Electrical engines and generators Excludes electrical engines and generators having a
excepting the electrogen group. power handling capacity lower than 375 volts and
electrical engines and generators imported or
manufactured to incorporate them as part of auto motors,
ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro medicine
equipment, elements for telecommunication signals, radio
systems and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as
long as such machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8502 Electrogen groups and electrical rotary Excludes electrogen groups and electrical rotary
converters converters having a power handling capacity not
exceeding 1 kVA and those manufactured or imported to
incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050..
8504211000 Liquid dielectric transformers, having a Only applies to distribution transformers and having a
power handling capacity inferior or equal power handling capacity exceeding 5 kVA. But does not
to 10 kVA. apply when manufactured or imported to incorporate
them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes, electrical
appliances, electro medicine equipment, elements for
telecommunication signals, radio systems and the other
apparatus, machines and tools, as long as said machines
or tools are not considered special electrical installations
in NTC 2050.
8504219000 The other liquid dielectric transformers, Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
having a power handling capacity incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
exceeding 10 kVA but inferior or equal electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
to 650 kVA. elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8504221000 Liquid dielectric transformers, having a Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
power handling capacity exceeding 650 incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
kVA but equal or non exceeding 1.000 electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
kVA. elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8504229000 The other liquid dielectric transformers
having a power handling capacity
exceeding 1000 kVA but not exceeding
10000 kVA.
8504321000 The other electrical transformers, having Does not apply to transformers having a power handling
a power handling capacity exceeding 1 capacity not exceeding 5 kVA.
kVA but not exceeding 10 kVA. Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8504329000 The other electrical transformers, having Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
a power handling capacity exceeding 10 incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
kVA but equal or not - exceeding 16 electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
kVA. elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8504330000 The other electrical transformers, having Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
a power handling capacity exceeding 16 incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
kVA but not exceeding 500 kVA. electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8504341000 The other electrical transformers, having Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
a power handling capacity exceeding 500 incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
kVA but not exceeding 1600 kVA. electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8504342000 The other electrical transformers, having Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
a power handling capacity exceeding incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
1.600 kVA. electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8535401000 Lightning rods and tension limiters, for a Does not apply for collection terminals, bayonets or arc
tension exceeding 1000 volts. horns, which shall demonstrate compliance of the
dimensional, material and installation requirements,
established in Article 42 of this Regulation, in the
installation inspection.
8535402000 Transitory over tension suppressors Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
(wave absorbers) for a tension exceeding incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
1000 V. electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
85362000 Disjunctors for a tension not exceeding Applies only to: Manual switches, with tension not
260 V and intensity not exceeding 100 A exceeding 260 V and intensity not exceeding 100 A” for
domestic or similar use; automatic switches with a tension
not exceeding 1000 V and switches or disjunctors for
tension not exceeding 1000 V, but does not apply when
manufactured or imported to incorporate them as part of
auto motors, ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro
medicine equipment, elements for telecommunication
signals, radio systems and the other apparatus, machines
and tools, as long as said machines or tools are not
considered special electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8536301900 The other transitory over tension Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
suppressors (wave absorbers) for a incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
tension not exceeding 1000 V. electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8536309000 The other apparatus for the protection of Applies only to temporary groundings, protective devices
electrical circuits, for a tension not against over currents, automatic switches, switches or
exceeding 1000 V. disjunctors. But does not apply when manufactured or
imported to incorporate them as part of auto motors,
ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro medicine
equipment, elements for telecommunication signals, radio
systems and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as
long as said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8536501900 The other switches, breakers and Applies only to manual switches, with tension not
commuters for a tension not exceeding exceeding 260 V and intensity not exceeding 63 A” for
260 V and intensity not exceeding 30 A. domestic and similar use; automatic switches of tension
not exceeding 1000 V and switches or disjunctors for
tension not exceeding 1000 V, but does not apply when
manufactured or imported to incorporate them as part of
auto motors, ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro
medicine equipment, elements for telecommunication
signals, radio systems and the other apparatus, machines
and tools, as long as said machines or tools are not
considered special electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8536509000 The other switches, breakers and Applies only to manual switches, for tension not
commuters, for a tension not exceeding exceeding 260 V and intensity not exceeding 63 A, for
1000 V. domestic or similar use; automatic switches for tension
not exceeding 1000 V; switches or disjunctors for tension
not exceeding 1000 V. But does not apply when
manufactured or imported to incorporate them as part of
auto motors, ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro
medicine equipment, elements for telecommunication
signals, radio systems and the other apparatus, machines
and tools, as long as said machines or tools are not
considered special electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8536610000 Lamp holders, for a tension not Applies only to lamp holders for connecting incandescent
exceeding1000 V. bulbs, with potencies between 25 W and 250 W. But does
not apply when manufactured or imported to incorporate
them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes, electrical
appliances, electro medicine equipment, elements for
telecommunication signals, radio systems and the other
apparatus, machines and tools, as long as said machines
or tools are not considered special electrical installations
in NTC 2050.
8536690000 Plugs and sockets for a tension not Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
exceeding 1000 V. incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8536901000 Splicing or connecting apparatus, for a Applies only to electrical extensions and multioutlets.
tension not exceeding 260 V and
intensity not exceeding 30 A.
8536909000 The other apparatus for cutting, dividing, Applies only to extensions, electrical multioutlets, cutting
receiving, splicing or connecting blades.
electrical circuits, for a tension not
exceeding V.
8537101000 Programmable logic controllers (PLC) Applies only to boards or cabinets incorporating PLC.
for a tension not exceeding 1000 V. Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8537109000 The other dashboards, panels, consoles, Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
cabinets and the other supports equipped incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
with several apparatus of entries 85.35 or electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
85.36m for electricity control or elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
distribution, including those which and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
incorporate devices or apparatus from said machines or tools are not considered special
Chapter 90, as well as commuter electrical installations in NTC 2050.
apparatus from entry 85.17, for a tension
not exceeding 1000 V.
8538100000 Dashboards, panels, consoles, cabinets Applies only to main boards and cabinets and of circuit
and the other supports, without including distribution, for tension not exceeding 100 V, without
apparatus. including apparatus. Does not apply when manufactured
or imported to incorporate them as part of auto motors,
ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro medicine
equipment, elements for telecommunication signals, radio
systems and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as
long as said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8538900000 The other parts destined to apparatus Applies only to connection boxes, meter boxes and, in
support, without including apparatus. general, to boxes used as electrical enclosures. Does not
apply when manufactured or imported to incorporate
them as part of auto motors, elements for
telecommunication signals, radio systems and the other
apparatus, machines and tools, as long as said machines
or tools are not considered special electrical installations
in NTC 2050.
8539229000 The other lamps and electrical Applies only to bulbs or incandescent lamps from 25 W to
incandescent tubes having a power 200 W of 100 V to 250 V.
handling capacity not exceeding 200 W,
for a tension exceeding 100 V.
8539313010 Integrated fluorescent lamp Applies to all compact fluorescent lamps.
8543400000 Fence electrifiers. Applies only to pulse generators or electric fences
8544511000 The other electrical conductors for a Applies only to electrical extensions and multioutlets for
tension exceeding 80 V but not tension not exceeding 600 V. But does not apply when
exceeding 1000 V, having copper manufactured or imported to incorporate them as part of
connecting pieces. auto motors, ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro
medicine equipment, elements for telecommunication
signals, radio systems and the other apparatus, machines
and tools, as long as said machines or tools are not
considered special electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8544519000 The other electrical conductors for a Applies only to electrical extensions and multioutlets for
tension exceeding 80 V, but not tension not exceeding 600 V. Does not apply when
exceeding 1000 V, having connecting manufactured or imported to incorporate them as part of
pieces. auto motors, ships, airplanes, electrical appliances, electro
medicine equipment, elements for telecommunication
signals, radio systems and the other apparatus, machines
and tools, as long as said machines or tools are not
considered special electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8544491000 The other copper electrical conductors Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
for a tension exceeding 80 V, but not incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
exceeding 1000 V. electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8544599000 The other electrical conductors for a Applies to electrical conductors including the raceways or
tension exceeding 80 V but not bar ducts (reinforcement bars).
exceeding 1000 V. Does not apply when manufactured or imported to
incorporate them as part of auto motors, ships, airplanes,
electrical appliances, electro medicine equipment,
elements for telecommunication signals, radio systems
and the other apparatus, machines and tools, as long as
said machines or tools are not considered special
electrical installations in NTC 2050.
8545909000 The other electrodes for electrical use. Applies only to grounding electrodes.
8546100000 Glass electrical insulators. Applies only to electrical insulators used in barrages,
transmission lines, substations or electrical distribution
8546200000 Ceramic electrical insulators. Applies only to electrical insulators used in barrages,
transmission lines, substations or distribution mains.
8546901000 Silicone electrical insulators Applies only to electrical insulators used in barrages,
transmission lines, substations or distribution mains.
8546909000 Electrical insulators of the other Applies only to electrical insulators used in barrages,
materials. transmission lines, substations or distribution mains.

To allow the use of products in the installations subject to this regulation, compliance of the requirements
shall be demonstrated through a product certificate, issued by a certification entity accredited by the SIC
(or whomever replaces it) or through the mechanisms to demonstrate conformity, established by the
competent authority.

Compliance of the requirements shall be demonstrated through the pertinent tests in accredited or
recognized laboratories according to the laws in force.

The product requirements that shall be demonstrated are:

a. Those established in this General Appendix and particularly those in Article 17.

b. The requirements established in international technical rules, internationally recognized or NTC,

referred to in the present Appendix, for the installation of special appliances, such as classified
areas, densely populated areas, fire systems installations, medical care installations, mines
installations; those of products for those products to which the present General Appendix
requires compliance of a technical rule.


2.4.1 In installations: The following are exceptions from compliance with the present Technical

a) Installations pertaining to vehicles (auto motors, trains, ships, airplanes).

b) Installations pertaining to the following equipment: electro medicine, radio signals, TV signals,
telecommunication signals, sound signals and control systems signals.
c) Installations that use less than 24 volts or denominated as of “very low tension”.
d) Installations pertaining to electrical appliances, machines and tools, as long as the equipment,
machine or system is not classified as special installation in NTC 2050 First Update.

2.4.2 In products: The following products, even when classified in Chart 1, are exceptions from the
scope of this Technical Regulation when destined exclusively to:

a) Installations listed in literals a. And b. C and d. Of number 2.4.1.

b) Raw materials or components for the manufacture of machines, apparatus, equipment or

other products different from the electrical installation subject to this regulation, unless
another regulation requires compliance with RETIE or the machine or equipment are an
installation classified as special, which requires product certification according NTC 2050.

As a consequence, these products that are imported to or manufactured in the country exclusively
destined to these installations, machines or equipments do not require demonstrating conformity with the


For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, the general definitions which follow shall be taken into
consideration. When a term does not appear, consulting rules IEX series 50 or IEEE 100 is recommended.

ACCESIBLE: That may be reached by a person, without making use of any means and with no physical

ACCIDENT: Non - desired event, including oversights and equipment fault, which results in death,
personal injury, damage to property or environmental damage.

CONNECTION: Derivate from the local main of the respective service, that goes to the property’s
electrical cut box. In horizontal property buildings or condos, the connection goes to the general electrical
cut box.

ACCREDITATION: Procedure through which the technical competence and qualifications of

certification and inspection entities is recognized, as well as those of test laboratories and metrology.

UNSAFE ACT: Violation of a defined safety rule.

FUNCTIONAL INSULATION: The necessary for the normal operation of an apparatus and the
protection against direct contacts.

INSULATOR: Element of minimum electrical conductivity, designed in such a way that it allows rigid or
flexible support to electrical conductors or equipment and electrically insulates them from other
conductors or the ground.

ELECTRICAL INSULATOR: Material of low electrical conductivity that may be taken as non -
conductor or insulating.

BASIC ELECTRICAL INSULATION: Insulating applied to live parts to prevent electric shock.

REINFORCED INSULATION: Sole insulating system which is applied to dangerous live parts and
supplies a degree of protection against electric shock and is equivalent to double insulation.

SUPPLEMENTARY INSULATION: Independent insulation applied in addition to the basic insulation,

with the purpose of offering protection against electric shock in the event of fault of the basic insulation.

WIRE: Metallic thread or filament, wired or laminated, to conduct electrical current.

HARD WIRE: That which has been cold - wired to its final size, in such a way that it approaches the
maximum resistance to the obtainable traction.

SOFT WIRE: That which has been wired or laminated to its final size and that then is re - boiled to
increase its elongation.

DENSELY POPULATED: When 100 or more persons may concentrate in each floor or level or more
than 500 persons may concentrate in the whole building.

ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT: The whole electromagnetic phenomena existing in a given


HAZARD ANALYSIS: Set of techniques to identify, classify and evaluate the hazard factors. It is the
study of noxious or harmful consequences, linked to real or potential exposures.

HAZARD ADMINISTRATION: The systematic application of administrative policies, work procedures

and practices, to minimize or control hazard.

SUPPORT: Generic name given to the device that supports conductors and insulators of the lines or aerial
mains. They may be poles, towers or other types of structures.

ELECTRIC ARC: Beam produced by the electrical current flow through an insulating medium, which
produces radiation and hot gases.

SECURITY NOTICE: Warning of prevention or act, easily seen, used with the purpose of informing,
requiring, restricting or prohibiting.

MARKER: Fixed aero navigation signal that allows the daytime or nighttime vision of a phase conductor
or the guard cable.

ACCUMULATOR BATTERY: Equipment that contains one or more rechargeable electrochemical cells.

BIL: Basic insulating level against ray - type impulses.

BULB: Electrical device that supplies light flow, through transformation into electricity. It may be
incandescent if it delivers light by warming or luminescent if there is current flow through a gas.

VAULT: Enclosure within a building with access only to qualified persons, reinforced to resist fire, above
or below floor level, which houses power transformers for internal use insulated in mineral oil, dry with
more than 112, 5 kVA or with nominal tension exceeding 35 kV. It has controlled openings (for access
and ventilation) and sealed (for entrance and exit of raceways and conductors).

CABLE: Set of wires without insulation among them and twisted through concentric layers.

SCREENED CABLE: Cable with a conductor cover around the insulation which serves as electro
mechanic protection. It is the same as armored cable.

PORTABLE POWER CABLE: Extra flexible cable, used to connect mobile or stationary equipment in
mines, to an electricity source.

QUALITY: The total characteristics of a being which confer the ability to satisfy explicit or implicit
needs. It is the group of qualities or attributes, such as availability, price, reliability, durability, safety,
continuity, consistency, support and perception.

CALIBRATION: Diagnosis regarding the operative conditions of measurement equipment and its
adjustments, if necessary, to guarantee precision and accuracy of the measures which are there from

LOAD: The electrical power required for the operation of one or several electrical equipments or the
power being transported by a circuit.
NORMALIZED LOAD: Refers to electrified fences. It is the load that comprises a non - inductive
resistance of 500 ohmios + - 2,5 ohmios and a variable resistance, which is adjusted to maximize the
power impulse in the resistance.

LOADABILITY: Thermal limit given in current capacity, for electricity transporting lines, transformers,

CURRENT CAPACITY: Maximum current that may be continually transported by a conductor in the use
conditions, without exceeding the service nominal temperature.

INSTALLED CAPACITY OR POWER: The summation of loads in kVA, continuous and non -
continuous, diversified, foreseen for a final use installation. Likewise, it is the nominal power of a
generation central, substation, transmission line or circuit of the distribution main.

INSTALLABLE CAPACITY OR POWER: It is considered as installable capacity the capacity in kVA

that may be withstood by the connection at nominal tension of the main, without causing a temperature
rise above 60° C in any point or the maximum load withstood by the over current protection of the
connection, when it exists.

NOMINAL CAPACITY: The group of electrical and mechanical characteristics assigned to an electrical
equipment or system by the designer, to define its operation under specific conditions.

GENERATION CENTRAL OR PLANT: Set of electro mechanic equipment, duly installed and energetic
resources destined to producing electricity, whichever is the procedure or the primary energy source used.

ELECTRIFIED FENCE: Barrier to hinder the traffic of people or animals, that forms a circuit of one or
several conductors sustained with insulators, at such a height that neither the animals nor the people
receive dangerous discharges.

CERTIFICATION: Procedure through which an entity issues in writing or through a conformity seal, that
a product, process or service complies with a technical rule or with a manufacturing rule(s).

CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE: Document issued in accordance with a certification system, in which it

may be reasonably trusted that a product, process or service complies with a rule, technical specification
or other specific regulation document.

FULL CERTIFICATION: Certification process to an electrical installation regarding the compliance of

the requirements established by the RETIE, consisting of the compliance declaration signed by the
qualified person responsible for the building of the installation, together with a compliance endorsement
through an inspection report, previous performance of a verification inspection performed by inspector(s)
from an inspection entity, duly accredited.

ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT: Closed tie formed by a set of electrical elements, devices and equipment, fed
by the same source of energy and with the same protection against over - tensions and over currents.
Internal wirings are not taken as circuits.

PLUG: Device which, trough being inserted into a socket, establishes an electrical connection between
the conductors of a flexible cord and the conductors permanently connected to the socket.

STANDARDIZATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Group of people with different interests in a

subject, which meet regular and voluntarily with the purpose of identifying necessities, analyzing
documents and preparing technical rules.

ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY: Capacity of an equipment or system to operate satisfactorily

in its electromagnetic environment, without being affected or affecting other equipment through
electromagnetic energy radiated or conducted.

TO CONDEMN: Blocking a cutting apparatus through a lock or card.

UNSAFE CONDITION: Potentially hazardous situation which is present in a working environment.

ACTIVE CONDUCTOR: The part destined, in normal operation conditions, to transmitting electricity
and that are, therefore, subject to a tension in normal service.

ENERGIZED CONDUCTOR: All conductors which are not grounded.

NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR: Active conductor purposely connected to the neutral point of a transformer
or installation and which contributes to close a current circuit.

EQUIPOTENTIAL CONNECTION: Electrical connection between two or more points, in such a way
that any current that goes trough does not generate a difference in the sensible potential between both

GROUNDING CONDUCTOR: Also called grounding electrode conductor, it is that which purposefully
connects an electrical system or circuit to grounding.

RELIABILITY: Capacity of a device, equipment or system to fulfill its required function, in given
conditions and time. It equals trustworthiness.

CONFORMITY: Compliance of a product, process or service regarding one or several requirements or


CONSENSUS: General consent characterized because there is no sustained opposition to essential

matters by any part involved in the process, and which takes into consideration the opinions of all the
parties and reconciles the diverging positions, within the sphere of the common good or the general

CONSIGNMENT: Group of operations destined to open, block and formalize the intervention on a

DIRECT CONTACT: The contact of people or animals with the active conductors of an electrical

ELECTRICAL CONTACT: Action of joining two elements aimed at closing a circuit. It may be by
rubbing, by rolling, liquid or by pressure.

INDIRECT CONTACT: The contact of people or animals with conductive elements or parts that are not
usually energized. But that may be energized in fault of the insulation conditions.

POLLUTION: Artificial release of substances or electricity to the environment and which may cause
adverse effects to the human being, other live organisms, equipment or the environment.

CONTRACTOR: Natural or judicial person who is responsible to the owner of a site of performing
advising, intervention, design, supervision, building, operation, maintenance or other activities related to
the electrical lines and associated equipment, covered by this Technical Regulation.

QUALITY CONTROL: Regulation process through which the real quality of a product or service is
measured and controlled.

ELECTRIFIED FENCE CONTROLLER: Device designed to periodically provide high tension impulses
to a fence connected to it,

ELECTRICAL CURRENT: Movement of electrical loads between two points that are not at the same
potential, due to the fact that one of them has an excess of electrodes respect to the other.

CONTACT CURRENT: Current that circulates through the human body, when subjected to a contact
CORROSION: Attack to a matter and progressive destruction of the same through a chemical,
electrochemical or bacterial action.

SHORTCIRCUIT: Very low resistance joining between two or more points with different potential
pertaining to the same circuit.

DAMAGE: Material consequence of an accident.

DISASTER: Catastrophic sudden situation that affects a great number of people.

DISRUPTIVE DISCHARGE: Fault of insulation under an electrical effort, due to exceeding a determined
tension level that causes a current to circulate. It applies to the breakage of the dielectric in solids, liquids
or gases and to a combination of them.

transitory over - tensions and conduct the currents of the impulse. Contains at least one non - lineal

OVERSIGHT: Slip or inattention of any working rule.


AVAILABILITY: Certainty that an equipment or system is operative at a given time. Quality to operate

DEAD MAN CONTROL DEVICE: Device designed to stop an equipment when a worker releases it with
his hand or foot,


- TENSIONS: A DPS with a high impedance when a transitory is not present, but that suddenly changes
its impedance to a low value in response to a transitory tension. Examples of these devices are: the spark
way, gas tubes, tiristors and triacs.


TENSIONS: A DPS with a high impedance when a transitory is not present, but which is gradually
reduced with the increase of the current and transitory tension. Examples of these devices are the varistors
and the suppression diodes.

DISTANCE TO MASS: Minimum distance, under specified conditions, between a part under tension and
all structures that have the same ground potential.

DISTANCE TO FLOOR: Minimum distance, under conditions already specified, between the conductor
under tension and the terrain.

SECURITY DISTANCE: Minimum distance around electrical equipment or an equipment of energized

conductors, necessary to guarantee that there will be no accident by closeness of people, animals,
structures, buildings or other equipment.

ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION: Transfer of electricity to the consumers, within a specific area.

DOUBLE INSULATION: Insulation composed of a basic insulation and a supplementary insulation.

ECOLOGY: Science that addresses the relationships of the organisms among themselves and with the
environment that surrounds them

BUILDING: Building or group of buildings for human habitation or for other uses.

HIGH BUILDING: Building that exceeds 23 meters high, measured from the place where a firemen
vehicle can accede, according to Life Safety Code or NFPA 101.
STATIC ELECTRICITY: A form of electricity or the study of electrical loads in rest.

ELECTRICITY: Group of disciplines that study the electrical phenomena or a form of energy obtained
from the product of the electrical power consumed by the service time. The supply of electricity to the
user shall be understood as an electricity transportation service, with a technical component and a
commercial component.

ELECTRIC: That which has or operates with electricity.

ELECTRIFY: Produce in or communicate electricity to a body.

ELECTROCUTION: Passing of electrical current through the human body, causing death as a

GROUNDING ELECTRODE: Buried conductor or set of conductors which serve to establish a

connection with the ground.

ELECTRONICS: Part of the electricity which manages the fundamental techniques in the uses of electron
beams in vacuum, in gases or in semiconductors.

ELECTRO TECHNIQUE: Study of the technical applications of electricity.

EMERGENCY: Situation that happens due to an accidental occurrence and which requires the suspension
of all work in order to attend to it.

SPLICE: Electrical connection destined to join two conductor parts, to guarantee electrical and
mechanical continuity.

BUSINESS: Economic unity represented as an integral system with human, information, financial and
technical resources which produces goods or services and which generates profit.

ESSAY: Set of tests and controls to which a good is subjected to assure that it complies with regulations
and is able to perform the required function.

EQUIPMENT: Group of people or elements specialized to achieve an end or perform a job.

MOBILE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: Equipment designed to be energized while moving.

MOVABLE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: Equipment fed by a cable for pulling and which is designed
to be moved only when it is de - energized.

LIFE SUPPORT ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: Electrical equipment that needs to function continuously
in order to maintain life in a patient.

EQUIPOTENTIAL: Process, practice or action of connecting conductive parts of installations, equipment

or systems among themselves or to a grounding system, through low impedance, so that the potential
difference among the interconnected points is minimum.

ERROR: Unwise or mistaken action or state, capable of producing breakdown or accident.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: Document that establishes minimum technical characteristics for a

product or service.

CONFORMITY EVALUATION: Procedure directly or indirectly used to determine if the pertinent

requirements or prescriptions from the technical rules or regulations are complied with.

EVENT: Sign or situation, produced by natural, technical or social phenomena, which may cause an
EXPLOSION: Quick and violent expansion of a gaseous mass that generates a pressure wave which may
affect its surroundings.

OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE: All exposure of the workers to a hazard or pollutant occurred during the
working time.

FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Autonomous apparatus that contains an agent to put out the fire, eliminating

EXTENSION: Set comprising socket, cables and plug; without exposed conductors and splicer, used with
a temporary character.

HAZARD FACTOR: Environmental or human condition whose presence or change may produce an
accident or an occupational illness.

FAULT: Component degradation. Purposeful or fortuitous alteration in a system, component or person’s

capacity to perform a required function.

PHASE: Designation of a conductor, a group of conductors, a terminal, a coilure or any other element of
a polyphasic system which is going to be energized during normal service.

VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION: Spontaneous and uncontrolled contraction of the cardiac muscle


ARROW: Maximum vertical distance in a vane, between the conductor and the horizontal straight line
that joins the two holding points.

FREQUENCY: Number of periods per second in a wave. It is measured in hertz or cycles - per - second.

DEAD FRONT: Part of an equipment accessible to people and without exposed active parts.

FIRE: Combination of combustible, oxygen and heat. Combustion developed in controlled conditions.

CLASS C FIRE: The one originated in energized electrical equipment.

ENERGY SOURCE: Every equipment or system that supplies electricity.

BACK - UP SOURCE: One or more systems of electricity supply (electrogen groups, battery banks, UPS,
supply circuit), whose purpose is to supply electricity during the interruption of the normal electricity

FUSE: Component whose function is to open, through the fusion of one or several of its components, the
circuit into which it is inserted.

ELECTRICITY GENERATION: Process through which electricity is obtained from another form of

GENERATOR: Natural or judicial person who produces electricity, that has at least one generating
central or unit. It also means generating equipment including the electrogen groups.

IGNITION: Action of originating combustion.

ILLUMINANCY: Density of the luminous flow which has incidence on a surface. Its unit, the lux, equals
the luminous flow of one lumen that has incidence homogeneously over a square meter surface.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Action or activity that produces an alteration, favorable or unfavorable,

on the environment or on any of its components.

LACK OF SKILL: Lack of ability to perform the job.

FIRE: All uncontrolled fire.

INDUCTION: Phenomenon in which the body is energized, transmits energy to another body through its
electrical or magnetic field, even though they are separated by a dielectric.

FLAMMABLE: Material that may be inflamed and will burn quickly.

IMMUNITY: Capacity of an equipment or system to operate adequately without degrading in the

presence of an electromagnetic perturbation.

INSPECTION: Group of activities such as measuring, examining, testing or comparing with established
requirements, one or more characteristics of a product or electrical installation, to determine its

ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION: Set of electrical apparatus, conductors and associated circuits,

foreseen for a particular purpose: transmission, conversion, distribution or final use of electricity.

ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE: Group of phenomena associated to electromagnetic

perturbations which may produce degradation in the conditions and characteristics of an equipment or

AUTOMATIC SWITCH: Device designed to automatically open the circuit when a predetermined over
current is produced.

GROUND LEAKAGE SWITCH: Differential device powered by current leakages to ground, whose
function is to interrupt the current to the load when a determined value is exceeded by the people’s
capacity to withstand.

GENERAL USE SWITCH: Device to open and close and to commute the connections of a circuit,
designed to be operated manually, fulfills control functions, not protection functions.

METROLOGY LABORATORY: Laboratory that meets the necessary competence and capability to
determine the aptitude and operation of measurement equipment.

TEST AND TRIAL LABORATORY: Domestic, foreign or international laboratory that has the necessary
competence and capability to determine in a general manner the characteristics, aptitude and operation of
materials or products.

INJURY: Physiological damage suffered by a person.

SAFE APPROACH LIMIT: The minimum distance, from the energized point that is most accessible to
the equipment, at which the non - qualified personnel may situate themselves without hazard of exposure
to the electric arc.

RESTRICTED APPROACH LIMIT: Minimum distance at which the qualified personnel may situate
themselves without using personal protection elements certified against hazard by electrical arc.

TECHNICAL APPROACH LIMIT: Minimum distance at which only qualified personnel using personal
protection elements certified against hazard by electrical arc, performs work in the zone of direct
influence by the energized parts of the equipment.

TRANSMISSION LINE: A system of conductors and their accessories, for transporting electricity from a
generation plant or substation to another substation. A theoretical equivalent circuit that represents an
energy or communication line.

ELECTRIC LINE: Set conformed by conductors, insulators, structures and accessories destined to
transporting electricity.

DEAD LINE: Word applied to a line without tension or de - energized.

LIVE LINE: Word applied to a line with tension or energized line.

DAMP PLACE: Partially protected inside or outside site, submitted to a moderate degree of humidity,
whose environmental conditions manifest themselves momentarily or permanently.

WET PLACE: Installation exposed to saturation by water or other liquids, even it is temporarily or for
long periods of time. The electrical installations outdoors shall be considered as wet places, as well as the
patient care areas which are normally subjected to exposure to liquids while they are present. Routine
cleaning procedures or accidental spill of liquids are not included.

HAZARDOUS (CLASSIFIED) PLACE: Place where flammable gases or vapors, combustible dust or
volatile particles easily inflamed, are or may be present.

LUMINANCY: Flow reflected by the bodies, or flow cast if an object is considered a light source. It is
also called photometric shine. Its unit is candela by square meter.

LUMINARY: Mechanical and optical component of a lightning system which projects, filters and
distributes the luminous rays, in addition to hold and protect the elements required for lightning.

MANEOUVER: Group of procedures aimed to operating an electrical main in a safe manner.

MAINTENANCE: Group of actions or procedures aimed at preserving or reestablishing a good to a state

that permits guaranteeing the utmost reliability.

MACHINE: Group of mechanisms powered by a form of energy to transform it in another one, more
appropriate to a given effect.

MASS: Set of metallic parts of an equipment, which under normal conditions are insulated from active
parts and are taken as reference for an electronic circuit’s signals and tensions. Masses may be or may not
be connected to ground.

MATERIAL: Any substance, input, part or spare part which is transformed with its first use and which is
incorporated to a good as its part thereof.

INSULATING MATERIAL: Material with hinders the propagation of a physical phenomenon (Electrical
insulation, dielectric material used to impede the passing of electrical loads. Thermal insulation, material
which impedes the passing of heat).

METHOD: Manner of orderly saying or performing something. Procedure or technique for performing an
analysis, a study or an activity.

ELECTROGEOMETRIC METHOD: Procedure which allows establishing the protection coverage

volume against rays of a structure for a given current, according to position and height of the structure
considered as lightning rod.

METROLOGY: Science of Measurement. Includes theoretical and practical aspects.

MODEL: Mathematical procedure that allows simulation of the variables and properties of a system,
during the development of a physical or chemical phenomenon. Abstract representation of a system.

INSULATING MONITOR: Apparatus or group of apparatus that monitors the balanced or unbalanced
impedance of each phase of a ground - insulated circuit, and equipped with a testing circuit that activates
an alarm when the leakage current exceeds the reference value, without triggering the circuit.

GROUND CONDUCTOR INSPECTION: Action of verifying the continuity of the installations

grounding conductor.

APPARENT DEATH OR CLINICAL DEATH: State whereby a person stops breathing and / or his heart
does not pump blood.
DEAD PERSON: Being without life. It is also applied to a device buried on the ground, whose purpose is
to serve as fixed point of anchorage.

ELECTRIC NECROSIS: Type of burning with tissues death.

HAZARD OR RISK LEVEL: Equals to degree of hazard. It is the result of a joint evaluation of the
probability of occurrence of accidents, of the seriousness of their effects and of the vulnerability of the

NODE: Part of a circuit in which two or more elements have a common connection.

NOMINAL: Word applied to an operation characteristic, it indicates the design limits of that
characteristic for which it shows the best operating conditions. Limits will always be associated to a
technical rule.

TECHNICAL RULE: Document approved by a recognized institution which foresees, for a common and
continuous use, rules, directives or characteristics for the products, processes and manufacturing methods,
and which is not mandatory.

HARMONIZED TECHNICAL RULE: Document approved by standardization entities from different

countries that establishes, regarding the same object, the interchangeability of products, processes or
services, or the mutual agreement regarding trial results, or regarding the information supplied in
agreement with these rules.

SAFETY RULE: Any action aimed at preventing an accident.

INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL RULE: Document issued by an international standardization

organization, which is made accessible to the public.

FOREIGN TECHNICAL RULE: Rule that is used in a country as direct or indirect reference, but which
was issued by another country.

REGIONAL RULE: Document adopted by a regional standardization organization and which is made
accessible to the public.

COLOMBIAN TECHNICAL RULE (NTC): Technical rule approved or adopted as such by the national
standardization entity.

STANDARDIZING: To establish an order for a specific activity.

LEGITIMATE PURPOSES: Among others, guarantee and safety of human, animal and vegetal life and
health, of its environment and the prevention of practices that may induce the consumers to error,
including issues related to identifying goods or services, considering among other aspects, when it
corresponds to fundamental factors of climatic, geographic, technological type or of infrastructure or
scientific justification.

MAIN’S OPERATOR: Public Service Entity in charge of planning, expanding and investing, operating
and maintaining all or part of a Regional Transmission System or a Local Distribution System.

ACRREDITATION ENTITY: Governmental entity that accredits and supervises the certification entities,
the test and trial laboratories and the metrology entities which are part of a standardization, certification
and metrology national system.

CERTIFICATION ORGANIZATION: Impartial entity, public or private, domestic, foreign or

international, that has the necessary competence and reliability to administer a certification system,
consulting the general interests.

INSPECTION ORGANIZATION: Entity that performs measurement trial or comparison activities with a
reference pattern or document for a process, a product, an installation or an organization and confronts the
results with the specified requirements.
STANDARDIZATION NATIONAL ORGANIZATION: Entity recognized by the national government,
whose main function is to prepare, adopt and publish the national technical rules and the adoption as such
of the rules prepared by other entities.

LIGHTNING ROD: Metallic element resistant to corrosion, whose function is to intercept the lightning
that may directly impact on the installation to be protected. In a more technical way it is called collecting

PATTERN: Materialized measure, measurement apparatus or measurement system destined to define,

perform, keep or reproduce a unit or one or several of the known values of a magnitude to transmit them
by comparison to other measurement instruments.

PCB: Polychlorinated biphenyl, those biphenyl chlorates that have the molecular formula C12H10 - nCln
where n is higher than 1. Commonly known as Askarel.

DANGER: Uncontrolled condition that has the potential of causing injuries to people, damage to
installations or affecting the environment.

IMMINENT DANGER: For RETIE interpretation and application effects, high hazard will be equivalent
to imminent danger; understood as that environmental condition or irregular practice, whose expected
frequency and the severity of its effects may physiologically compromise the human body in a serious
manner (burnings, impacts, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, fibrillation, or loss of functions); or affect the
environment of the electrical installation (pollution, fire or explosion). In a general way, they may occur
due to:

• Deficiencies in the electrical installation.

• Undue practice of the electro technique.

PERSON: Free, autonomous, with own authority, specific - goal oriented rational being, that through the
most intimate dominium of his / her liberty is the owner of his own self and, as a consequence,
responsible of his / her own actions. The person is defined in the practical order as a free being that,
having some purposes to fulfill, is a responsible being. The destiny of the human being is, therefore,
entered into his / her own nature and is no other than take to utmost perfection the potencies which make
him a human being. His / her characteristic features are: individuality, rationality and dignity. The human
being, created to God’s image, is not something but someone, a unity of spirit and matter, soul and body,
capable of knowledge.

QUALIFIED PERSON: Person who demonstrates his professional formation in the knowledge of the
electro technique and of the hazards associated with electricity and, additionally, has a professional
license or a certificate of professional license which, according to the laws in force, authorizes him / her
to exercise his / her profession.

JUDICIAL PERSON: Subject capable of acquiring and exercising rights and of accepting and fulfill
obligations, either by itself or through a representative.

ELECTROMAGNETIC PERTURBANCE: Any electromagnetic phenomenon that may degrade de

performance characteristics of an equipment or system.

CONDUCTIVE FLOOR: Disposition of a place’s conductive material to serve as electrical connecting

medium between people and objects to prevent accumulation of electrostatic loads.

ELECTRICAL MAP: Graphic representation of the characteristics and specifications of a design to build
or assemble equipment and electrical constructions.

PRECAUTION: Caution attitude to avoid or prevent damages which may result from executing an action.

PREVENTION: Predictive evaluation of the hazards and their consequences. A prior knowledge to
control hazards. Actions to eliminate the probability of an accident.
FORESIGHT: Anticipation and adoption of measures against the possible occurrence of an event,
according to the observed indications and the experience.

FIRST AID: All immediate and adequate, but provisional, care given to a person who has suffered an
accident or to one with sudden illness, to preserve his / her life.

TRANSFORMATION PROCESS: Process in which the electrical power parameters are modified by the
equipment of a substation.

PRODUCT: Any good, either in its natural state or manufactured, including to those which have been
incorporated within another product.

PROFESSION: Job, faculty or trade which a person has and exercises with a right to compensation.

FIREBREAK DOOR: Door complying with the criteria of stability, watertight integrity, non - emission
of flammable gases and thermal insulation when subjected to fire during a determined period of time.

PORT: Communication interface point between an equipment and its environment.

GROUNDING: Group of equipotential conductor elements, in direct electrical contact with the ground or
with a metallic mass of common reference that distributes electrical currents of fault on the ground or in
the mass. It comprises electrodes, connections and buried cables.

HOT POINT: Connection point that is working at a higher than normal temperature, generating electricity
loss and, sometimes, risk of fire.

NEUTRAL POINT: The node or common point of a polyphasic electrical system connected to a star or
grounded middle point of a monophasic system.

BURNING: Tissue disturbances produced by prolonged contact with flames or high temperature bodies.

RAY: Atmospheric electrical discharge more commonly known as lightning, is a physical phenomenon
characterized by the transfer of an electrical load from a cloud to the ground, from the ground to the
cloud, between two clouds, inside a cloud or from the cloud to the ionosphere.

RECEPTOR: Any equipment or machine which uses electricity for a particular purpose.

EQUIPOTENTIAL MAIN: Set of conductors of a grounding system that are not in contact with the
ground or terrain and that connect electrical systems, equipment or installations with the grounding.

INTERNAL MAIN: Set of mains, piping, accessories and equipment that compose the supply public
service to the building starting from the meter. For buildings of horizontal property or condos, it is the
service supply system to the building starting from the general cut register when existing.

TECHNICAL REGULATION: Document which establishes the characteristics of a product, a service or

the manufacturing processes and methods, including the applicable administrative dispositions and which
is mandatory to comply with.

REQUIREMENT: Precept, condition or prescription that shall be complied with, that is, which is
mandatory to comply with.

SHELTER: Means of protection that impedes or difficults the access of people or their limbs to a danger

RETIE or Retie: Acronym for Technical Regulation for Electric Installations adopted by Colombia.

ELECTROCUTION HAZARD: Possibility of a fatal electricity current circulating through a living being.

GROUNDING RESISTANCE: Relation between the potential of the grounding system to be measured.
DIVIDER: Device destined to make a visible cut in an electrical circuit and which is designed to be
manipulated after the circuit has been opened by other means.

SAFETY: State of acceptable hazard or mental attitude of people.

SIGNPOSTING: Set of activities and means set out to reflect the safety warnings in an installation.

SERVICE: Provision performed professionally or in a public manner, for valuable consideration or not,
as long as it does not have as a direct objects the manufacture of goods.

PUBLIC SERVICE: Organized activity that satisfies a collective need in a regular and continuous way, in
accordance with a special judicial regime, either supplied directly by the State or by private entities.

HOUSE ELECTRICITY PUBLIC SERVICE: Transportation of electricity from the regional transmission
mains to the final user’s domicile, including its connection and measurement.

SYMBOL: Symbol or image that describes a determined unit, magnitude or situation and which is used
as a conventional way of collective understanding.

SYSTEM: Set of interrelated and interacting components to perform a common mission. Admits certain
entrance elements and produces certain exit elements within an organized process.

EMERGENCY SYSTEM: A power and control system destined to supplying back - up electricity to a
limited number of vital functions, aimed at guaranteeing the safety and protection of human life.

INSULATED POWER SYSTEM (IY): A system with the neutral point insulated from ground or
connected to it through impedance. It has a transformer and an insulating monitor. It is used specially in
medical care centers, mines, crafts, vehicles, trains and electrical plants.

GROUNDING SYSTEM (SPT): Set of continuous conductor elements of specific electrical system,
without interruptions, that connect the electrical equipment to the ground or to a metallic mass. It
comprises the grounding and the equipotential main of cables that do not usually conduct current.

PROTECTION GROUNDING SYSTEM: Set of connection, enclosure, raceways, cable and plug that
connect to an electrical equipment, to prevent electrocutions by contact with metallic parts accidentally

SERVICE GROUNDING SYSTEM: That which pertains to the current circuit; it serves either under
normal operation conditions or under fault.

TEMPORARY GROUNDING SYSTEM: Device of short - circuit and grounding, for the protection of
personnel involved in de - energized mains.

UNINTERRUPTED POWER SYSTEM (UPS): System designed to supply electricity in an automatic

way, when the normal source of power does not supply electricity.

OVERLOAD: Operation of an element exceeding its nominal capacity.

OVER - TENSION: Abnormal tension existing between two points of an electrical installation, exceeding
the normal operation maximum tension of a device, equipment or system.

SUBSTATION: Unique set of installations, electrical equipment and complementary work, destined to
transferring electricity through power transforming.

SUSCEPTIBILITY: Sensitivity of a device, equipment or system to operate without degrading in the

presence of an electromagnetic perturbation.

BOARD: Metallic or non - metallic enclosure which houses elements such as cutting, control and
measurement apparatus, protection devices, barrages, for the effects of this regulation it is equivalent to
panel, cabinet or instrument panel.
TECHNIQUE: Set of procedures and resources derived from practical applications of one or several

TENSION: The difference of electrical potential between two conductors, that causes the flow of
electrodes through a resistance. Tension is a magnitude, whose unit is the volt; a frequent mistake is to
refer to “voltage”.

TENSION TO GROUND: For grounded circuits, the tension between a given conductor and the
grounded circuit’s conductor or the grounding; for non - grounded circuits, the higher tension between a
given conductor and any other circuit’s conductor.

CONTACT TENSION: Potential difference during a fault between a grounded metallic structure and a
point in the surface of a terrain at a one - meter distance. This horizontal distance is equivalent to the
maximum reach of an extended arm.

PASS TENSION: Potential difference during a fault between two points in the surface of the terrain,
separated by a distance of one step (approximately one meter).

SERVICE TENSION: Value of tension, under normal conditions, on a given instant and in one node of
the system. It may be estimated, expected or measured.

MAXIMUM TENSION FOR EQUIPMENT: Maximum tension for which equipments is specified,
without exceeding the safety margin respect of its insulation or other of its characteristics.

MAXIMUM TENSION IN A SYSTEM: Value of maximum tension in a point of an electrical system,

during certain time, under normal operation conditions.

NOMINAL TENSION: Conventional value of the tension used to designate a system, installation or
equipment and for which its operation and insulation has been foreseen. For triphasic systems, the tension
between phases is considered as such.

TRANSFERRED TENSION: A special case of contact tension, where a potential is conducted to a

remote point respect of the substation or the grounding.

TETANIZATION: Muscular rigidity produced by the passing of an electrical current.

GROUND OR GROUND: For electrical systems, it is an expression that generalizes everything that
refers to grounding. In electrical terms, it is associated to floor, terrain, ground, mass, chassis, casing,
frame, structure or water piping. The term “mass” should only be used for those cases in which it is not
the ground, such as in airplanes, ships and cars.

REDUNDANT GROUND: Special grounding conductors’ connection, for sockets and fixed electrical
equipment in patient care areas, that interconnects both the metallic piping and the insulated ground
conductor, with the purpose of securing the protection of the patients against leakage currents.

SOCKET: Device with female contacts, designed for fixed installation within a structure or equipment’s
part, aimed to establish an electrical connection with a plug.

TOXICITY: Poisonous effect produced by a period of exposure to gases, smoke or vapors and which may
cause a physiological damage or death.

EMPLOYEE: Person who performs the exercise of his / her abilities, for an economic compensation and
within an organization.

WORK: Vital human activity, social and rational, aimed to an end and the means of utmost fulfillment.

TENSION JOBS: Working methods in which a worker enters in contact with energized elements or
enters the direct influence zone of an electromagnetic field produced by it, either with his / her own body
or with the tools, equipments or devices that he / she manipulates.
ELECTRICITY TRANSFORMATION: Process through which the electricity is transformed into another
form of energy, such as heat, propelling force, illumination, light, sound, electromagnetic radiation.

ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION: Transfer of great blocks of electricity, from the generating centrals to
the consumer areas.

NATIONAL TRANSMISSOR: Person who operates and transports electricity within the national
transmission system or who has created a business with the objective of developing said activities.

THRESHOLD: Level of a signal or concentration of a pollutant, commonly accepted as non harmful to

human beings.

PERCEPTION THRESHOLD: Minimum value of current from which it is perceived by 99,5% of human
beings. It is estimated in 1,1 miliampers for men in an alternate current of 60 Hz.

REACTION THRESHOLD: Minimum value of current that causes an involuntary muscular contraction.

LETTING - GO THRESHOLD OR LIMIT CURRENT: Maximum value of the current that allows the
voluntary separation of 99,5% of the people, when holding an electrode under tension with bare hands
and keeping the possibility of letting it go using the same muscles that are being stimulated by the current.
It is considered as the maximum safe current and it is estimated in 10 mA for men, in alternate current.

URGENCY: Necessity of work outside the program and which may be performed when the work being
done is finished.

USER: Natural or judicial person who benefits from the provision of a public service, either an s owner of
a building where the services is provided, or as direct receiver of the service. The later is also called

VANE: Horizontal distance between two adjacent supports in a line or main.

PATIENT SURROUNDING: The space destined to the exam and treatment of patients, defined as the
horizontal distance of 1,8 meters from the bed, chair, table or other device that supports the patient and
extends to a vertical distance of 2,30 meters above the ground.

USEFUL LIFE: Time during which a good serves the function for which it was conceived.

EASEMENT ZONE: Strip of land that is left free of obstacles along an electricity transportation line, as
security margin for the construction, operation and maintenance of said line, as well as to have a safe
interrelation with the environment.


For the purposes of this Regulation and a greater information, a list of the most commonly used in the
electrical sector abbreviations and acronyms is presented; some correspond to the main standardization
organizations, others belong to institutions or associations and others are of common and repetitive use.


SPAIN AENOR Spanish Association of Standardization and Certification UNE
– Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación
FRANCE AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalisation NF
U. S. A. ANSI American National Standards Institute ANSI
ENGLAND BSI British Standards Institution BS
SOUTH AMERICA CAN Standardizing Andean Comittee - Comité Andino de
SOUTH AMERICA CANENA Harmonization Council of Electrotechnical Rules
American Nations – Consejo de Armonización de Normas
Electrotécnicas Naciones de América
EUROPE CENELEC Comité Europeen de Normalization Electro - technique EN
AMERICA COPANT Panamerican Comission of Technical Rules – Comisión COPANT
Panamericana de Normas Técnicas
COLOMBIA CONTEC Colombian Institute of Technical Rules and Certification NTC
– Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y
INTERNATIONAL IEC International Electrotechnical Comission IEC
INTERNATIONAL ISO International Organization for Standardization ISO
INTERNATIONAL UIT - ITU Union Internacional de Telecomunicaciones - UIT
International Telecommunications Union
GERMANY DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung VDE
Chart 3. Standardization Entities


AAC All Aluminum Conductor
AAAC All Aluminum Alloy Conductor
ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
AEIC Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AT High Tension
AWG American Wire Cage
BT Low Tension
CEI Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
CIGRE Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques
CREG Energy and Gas Regulation Comission
DPS Protection Device Against Transitory Over - Tensions
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
IACS International Annealed Copper Standard
ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association
ICNIRP International Comission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection
ICS International Classification for Standards
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IQNET International Classification Network
MT Middle Tension
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NTC Colombian Technical Rule
OMC World Trade Organization
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
SDL Local Distribution System
SI Units International System
SIC Superintendency of Industry and Trade
SPT Grounding System
SSPD Superintendency of Domicile Public Services
STN National Transmission System
STR Regional Transmission System
TBT Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement
TW Thermoplastic Wet
THW Thermoplastic Heat Wet
THHN Thermoplastic High Heat Nylon
UL Underwrites Laboratories Inc.
XLPE Cross Linked Polyethylene
c.a. Alternate current
c.c. Continuous current
cmil Circular mil
Rms Root mean square
t.c. Current transformer
t.t. Tension transformer
Chart 4. Acronyms and abbreviations of common use


In general, the use and dependence upon electricity, both industrial and domestic, has brought the
apparition of accidents by contact with energized elements or fires, which have increased due to the
increase in the number of installations, most of the accidents happening in the processes of distribution
and final use of electricity.
As use of electricity extends, it is necessary to be more demanding with respect to standardization and
regulation. The final result of the passing of an electrical current through the human body may be
predicted with a great deal of certainty, if the known hazard conditions are taken into consideration and if
the degree in which all the factors that are present in an electrical - type accident are evaluated.

Some studies, especially those of Professor C.F. Dalziel, have established levels of current cutting of the
protection devices that prevent death by electrocution from zero to one hundred percent. In the following
chart, those degrees are summarized:

Current of Trigger 6 mA (rms) 10 mA (rms) 20 mA (rms) 30 mA (rms)

Men 100 % 98,5 % 7,5 % 0%
Women 99,5 % 60 % 0% 0%
Children 92,5 % 7,5 % 0% 0%
Chart 5. Percentage of people being protected according to the current of the trigger

In recent studies, Dr. G. Biegelmeier established the relationship between the l2.t and the physiological
effects, as appears in the following chart:

Specific Electricity Perceptions and Physiological Reactions

L2.t (10 - 6)
4 to 8 Slight sensations in fingers and in feet tendons.
10 to 30 Soft muscular rigidity in fingers, wrists and elbows.
15 to 45 Muscular rigidity in fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders. Sensation in legs.
40 to 80 Muscular rigidity and pain in arms and legs.
70 to 120 Muscular rigidity, pain and burning in arms shoulders and legs.
Chart 6. Relation between specific energy and physiological effects

When muscular rigidity happens, two situations may appear: expulsion of the energized element or
holding to it without letting it go. In the second case, time becomes a critical factor and special care shall
be taken when trying to separate the person who had the accident from the energized element.

This section of the RETIE has as main purpose to create a conscience about the existing hazards in all the
places where electricity is being used. Qualified personnel are expected to apply it according to the
characteristics of an activity, a process or a situation where the hazard appears.


The qualified person responsible for the construction of the electrical installation shall evaluate the level
of hazard associated to said installation, taking into consideration the criteria established in the rules of
capacity to withstand electricity by human beings, as may be observed in the following figure taken from
NTC 4120, with reference to IEC 6049 - 2, that details the zones of effects of alternate current from 15
Hz to 100 Hz.

The ventricular fibrillation threshold depends upon physiological and electrical parameters, therefore the
curve C1 has been taken as limit for the design of protection equipment. The current threshold values of
less than 0,2 seconds apply only during the vulnerable period of the cardiac cycle.

As the capacity to withstand thresholds in human beings, such as the passing of current (1,1 mA) are very
low, exceeding said values may cause accidents such as death or the loss of a member or function of the
human body. Additionally, considering the massive use of electricity and its almost permanent use at a
residential, commercial, industrial and official level, the frequency of exposure to hazards could reach
high levels if adequate measures are not adopted.
(Figure that cannot be copied)
ZONE 1 Usually no reaction

ZONE 2 Usually no dangerous physic - pathological effect

ZONE 3 Usually no fibrillation risk

ZONE 4 Risk of fibrillation (up to approximately 5%)

ZONE 5 Risk of fibrillation / up to approximately 50%)

Cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest and severe

Risk of fibrillation (higher than 50%)

Figure 1. Time / current zones of the effects of alternating currents from 15 Hz to 100 Hz

In order to evaluate the degree or level of electrical - type hazard that the Regulation seeks to minimize or
eliminate, the following matrix may be applied:


(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 2.. Hazard analysis matrix

Frecuencia = Frequency
Gravedad = Gravity
Severa = Severe
Alta = High
Moderada = Moderate
Baja = Low
Frecuente = Frequent
Posible = Possible
Ocasional = Ocasional
Remoto = Remote
Improbable = Not probable
Niveles de riesgo = Levels of hazard
Riesgo alto: Necesita alta protección o toma obligatoria de acciones = High Risk: Requires high
protection or mandatory actions to be taken
Riesgo medio: Necesita protección básica, que se amplía según criterio del ingeniero = Medium risk:
Requires basic protection, which is extended according to the engineer´s criteria.
Riesgo bajo: Se puede tomar el riesgo o instalar protección = Low risk: The risk may be taken or
protection may be installed.

For preparing this Regulation, it was taken into consideration that the high costs in which the State or the
affected people frequently incur when an electrical - originated accident happens significantly exceeds the
investment which would have been required to minimize or eliminate the hazard.

For the purposes of this Regulation it will be understood that an electrical installation is considered as of
IMMINENT DANGER or HIGH HAZARD when it lacks the protection measures against conditions
such as: lack of electricity in medical care installations, electric arc, direct and indirect contact with
energized parts, short - circuit, pass and contact tensions, lightning or over - current.
To determine the level of risk of the installation or equipment and, particularly, the existence of high risk,
the situation shall be evaluated by a person qualified in electro technique and should be based in the
following criteria:

a) The existence of dangerous conditions, that can be completely identified specially lack of
specific preventive measures against factors of electrical hazard; defective equipment, products or
connections; insufficient capacity for the load of the electrical installation; less than secure distances;
flammable materials or explosives in places where electric arc may be present; presence of rain, electrical
storms and pollution.

b) That the danger is imminent, that is, that there are reasonable indications that the exposure to
risk may cause an accident. This means that death or a serious physical injury, a fire or an explosion may
happen before an in - depth study of the problem is undertaken, in order to take preventive measures.

c) That the seriousness is maximum, that is, that there is a high probability of death, serious
physical injury, fire or explosion in such a way that a part of the body or all of it may be injured in a
manner that causes non - usefulness or that may permanently limit its use or that important goods near the
installation are destroyed.

d) That comparative antecedents exist, the risk evaluator shall reference at least one antecedent
happened in similar conditions.

5.5 Most common electrical hazard factors

A hazard is an environmental or human condition whose presence or modification may produce an
accident or an occupational illness. As a general rule, all electrical installations have an implicit hazard
and, as it is impossible to control all of the tem permanently, some of the most common were selected,
since not considering them causes the greater number of accidents.

The preventive treatment of the electrical hazard problem makes mandatory to identify and evaluate the
irregular situations, before an accident happens. In order to do it, it is necessary to clearly know the
concept of risk of contact with an electrical current. From this knowledge, the analysis of the risk factors
that intervene and the particular circumstances, will provide objective criteria that allow determining the
hazard situation and evaluating its degree of danger. Once the hazard has been identified, the preventive
measures to be taken will be chosen.

The following chart illustrates some of the most common electrical hazard factors, their possible causes
and the protection measures.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Bad contacts, short - circuits, opening of load switches, opening or
closure of breakers.
(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Use of coating materials resistant to arcs, keep a safety
distance, use protective eyewear against ultraviolet rays.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Black - out or power cut, lack of an uninterrupted power system (UPS),
lack of emergency plants, lack of transference.
(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Have uninterrupted power systems and emergency plants with
automatic transference.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Negligence or lack of skill from non - technicians.

(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Safety distances, placement of obstacles, insulation and
coating of active parts, use of differential switches, personal protection elements, grounding,
test absence of tension.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Insulation faults, poor maintenance, lack of grounding conductor.

(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Circuit separation, use of very low tension, safety distances,
equipotential connections, grounding systems, differential switches, preventive and corrective


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Insulation faults, lack of skill in the technicians, external accidents,
(Figure that cannot be copied) strong winds, dampness.

PROTECTION MEASURES: Automatic interrupters with maximum current trigger devices

or short - circuit fuses.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Constant joining and separation of materials such as insulations,

conductors, solids or gases with the presence of insulation.
(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Grounding systems, equipotential connections, increase in
relative humidity, ionization of the environment, electrical and radioactive eliminators, and
conductive floors.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Poor maintenance, poor installation, poor use, time of use, non -
(Figure that cannot be copied) adequate transportation.

PROTECTION MEASURES: Predictive and preventive maintenance, construction of

installations following the technical rules, characterization of the electromagnetic environment.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Errors in design, building, operation, maintenance of the protection

(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Lightning rods, downspouts, groundings, equipotentializing,
shading, cable topology. Additionally, suspend the high risk activities when there is personnel


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Exceed the nominal limits of the equipment or of the conductors,
installations that do not comply with the technical rules, slack connections, harmonious.
(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Automatic switches with over - loads relees, automatic
switches associated to circuit breakers, circuit breakers, fuses, adequate dimensioning of
conductors and equipment.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Lightning, leakages to ground, insulation faults, and safety distances
(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Low resistance groundings, access restrictions, high resistivity
of the ground, equipotentialize.


POSSIBLE CAUSES: Lightning, leakages to the ground, insulation faults, violation of

restricted areas, delay in clearance of the fault.
(Figure that cannot be copied)
PROTECTION MEASURES: Low resistance grounding, access restrictions, high resistivity
of the ground, equipotentialize.

Chart 7. Most common electrical hazard factors

5.6 Measures which should be taken in highly hazardous situations or

imminent danger

In those cases or circumstances in which a high hazard or an imminent danger to people is evidenced, the
operation of the electrical installation shall be interrupted, except in airports, critical areas of medical care
centers or when the interruption entails a higher risk; in which case other safety measures should be
taken, aimed at minimizing the hazard.

In these situations, the qualified person who knows of the event, shall inform and request the competent
authority to take provisional measures to mitigate the risk, offering the technical support within his / her
reach; the authority informed of the event shall report, in the shortest possible time, to the responsible of
the operation of the electrical installation, in order to perform the required adjustments and, if he / she
does not do them, the control and inspection organization shall be informed and will define the times to
reestablish the regulatory conditions.

5.7 Accident report

In case of accidents of electrical origin, with or without interruption of the electricity supply, that causes
death, serious injuries to people or serious damage to buildings through fire or explosion, the person who
knows of the event shall notify it in the shortest possible time to the competent authority and to the
service supplier entity.

The entities responsible for the supply of the electricity public service, shall report any accident of
electrical origin occurred within their coverage and which causes death or serious physiological effects to
the human body with invalidity, as long as it has been reported to them. Said information shall be for the
exclusive use of the control entities and of the Mines and Energy Ministry, and shall be reported quarterly
to the Unique Information System (SUI), following the conditions established by the Superintendency of
Public Services in its capacity as administrator of the system; if possible, the report shall contain at least
the name of the person who suffered the accident, the type of injury, the cause of the accident, the place
and time of the accident and the measures taken.

For purposes of the report to the SUI, the entities shall additionally require from Forensic Medicine or
whoever takes its place, the information gathered about this type of accidents.


The electromagnetic compatibility techniques (CEM) shall be applied when the level of operation of the
devices, equipment or systems are more stringent than those required to comply with the safety of people.
The CEM is the harmony present in an electromagnetic environment , in which all receiver equipments
operate adequately. The adequate performance may be affected by the level of electromagnetic
perturbations existing in the environment, by the susceptibility of the devices and by the amount of
energy from the perturbation that may be coupled to the devices. When these three elements propitiate the
transfer of noxious energy, an electromagnetic interference is produced, and may manifest itself as a poor
operation, mistake, shut - off and restart of the equipment or their destruction.

The components of electromagnetic compatibility are: Emitter, coupling channel and receiver. In the
following figure the structure of electromagnetic compatibility is shown, where,

PE=Electromagnetic perturbation
C=Coupling channel
IE=Electromagnetic interference

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 3. CEM’s structure

Partes = Parts
Emisor o fuente = Emitter or source
Canal = Channel
Receptor o víctima = Receiver or victim
Expresión= Expression
Acciones = Actions
Eliminar PE = Eliminate PE
Atenuar energia = Reduce electricity
Insensibilizar = Make insensitive


For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, every business that performs activities related to the
construction, operation and maintenance of electricity installations, shall comply with the occupational
health requirements established by the Ministry of Social Protection, which are summarized in the
following requirements adopted from Resolution 001016 of March 31m 1989, issued in its time by the
Ministries of Work and Social Security:

a) All employers, contractors and sub - contractors, who contract the construction, operation or
maintenance of electricity installations shall organize and guarantee the operation of an
Occupational Health program. Their compliance will be monitored by the competent

b) The Occupational Health program consists of the planning, performance and evaluation of
Preventive Medicine, Work Medicine, Industrial Hygiene and Industrial Security activities.

Each business must have its own program and it is only allowed to share resources, but a
program may never include two businesses.

c) Prepare a risk outlook to obtain information about them in the business’ working sites, in
order to locate and evaluate them.

d) The preventive medicine and work subprograms are mainly aimed to the promotion,
prevention and control of the employees’ health, protecting him / her from the occupational
hazards factors.

e) Establish and perform the changes in the processes or operations, replacement of dangerous
raw materials, enclosure or insulation of processes, operations or other measures, with the
purpose of controlling the risk factors in their sources of origin and / or in the environment.
f) Delimit or demarcate the working areas, warehousing areas and circulation routes, and
signpost exists, shelters and dangerous zones in the machines and installations.

g) Organize and develop an emergency plan taking into consideration the following branches:

• Preventive Branch
• Passive or Structural Branch
• Active or Emergency Control Branch

In addition to these measures, programs for the preventive maintenance of machines, equipment, tools,
locations, lighting and electrical mains shall be studied and adopted. Likewise, electrical mains and
installations, machines, equipment and tools in use, as well as all other elements that generate risks of
electrical origin, shall be periodically inspected.



For the purposes of this Regulation, the requirements established in this chapter are mandatory for all
tension levels and in all processes and shall be complied with according to the particular situation in the
electrical installations subject to this Regulation.



Every electrical installation subject to this Regulation shall comply with the following requirements:

8.1 Electrical installations design

Every electrical installation subject to this Regulation that is built as of the entry in force of this General
Appendix shall have a design, done by the professional or professionals legally competent to perform this
activity. The design shall cover the applicable aspects, according to the type of installation and its

a) Load analysis
b) Transformers calculation
c) Required level of tension analysis
d) Safety distances
e) Regulation calculations
f) Loss of electricity calculations
g) Short - circuit and leakage to ground analysis
h) Protection calculations and coordination
i) Conductors economic calculation
j) Duct calculation (piping, raceways and blind bars)
k) Grounding system calculation
l) Protection against lightning analysis
m) Structure mechanical calculation
n) Insulation coordination analysis
o) Electrical risk analysis and measures to mitigate them
p) Electromagnetic fields calculations in areas or spaces close to elements with high tensions or
high currents, where people’s routine activities are performed
q) Illumination calculation
r) Building specifications complementary to the plans including those of a technical type of
equipment and materials
s) Technical justification of deviation from NTC 2050 when allowed, as long as the safety of
the people or installation is not compromised.
t) Unifiliar (graphic representation) diagrams.
u) Building electrical plans
v) All other studies that the type of installation requires for its adequate and safe operation.

8.1.1 Designer’s responsibility: Both the calculation spreadsheets, as well as the plans and diagrams,
shall contain, in a legible manner, the name and professional registration of the person or persons that
took part in the design, who shall sign the documents and will be responsible of the effects that arise
according to the competence given by their professional license.

8.1.2 Exceptions to the design’s requirement: The final use electricity installations destined to
single - family dwelling and small shops or industries with an installable capacity not exceeding 10 kVA,
are excepted from the design requirement, as long as they do not have special ambiences or equipment
and do not make part of multi - family dwellings or consecutive buildings which are subject to a common
license or building permit.

When the exception is being used, the qualified person responsible for the construction of the electrical
installation shall base on predefined specifications and shall hand to the installation’s owner a diagram or
plan of the construction scope, showing the location of the switches, sockets, conductor’s number and
caliber, piping diameter, capacity of the over - current protections (chart of load), grounding location,
circuit board, meter and unifilar diagram of the circuits. These documents shall be signed by the
constructor of the electrical installation, with his / her name, last name, ID number and number of his /
her professional license, according to the law that regulates the respective profession.

8.2 Products used in electrical installations

The selection of electrical materials and their installation shall consider their safety, use, purpose and the
environment’s influence, therefore the following criteria shall be taken into consideration:

a) Tension: The nominal tension of the installation.

b) Current: That works with the normal operation current.
c) Frequency: The frequency of service shall be considered when it influences the materials’
d) Power: That it does not exceed the service’s power.
f) Material compatibility: They should not cause deterioration to other materials, to the
environment or to the adjacent electrical installations.
g) Dielectric test tension: Assigned tension equal or exceeding the foreseen over - tensions.
h) Other characteristics: Other electrical or mechanical parameters that may influence the product’s
performance, such as the power factor, type of current, electrical and thermal conductivity, etc)
i) Materials’ characteristics according to external influences (environment, weather conditions,
corrosion, altitude, etc.)
j) Normal and extreme operation conditions.
k) Requirement of conformity certificates for the products for which it is required.

8.3 Electrical installation construction

The construction of any electrical subject to this Regulation, shall be directed o supervised by a qualified
person, with professional license, professional registration certificate or license certificate in force that,
according to the Law, entitles him / her for that type of construction and shall comply with the following
Regulation if applicable.

The constructor shall verify the design and if it is in accordance with RETIE, he / she shall apply it. If he /
she considers that it is not appropriate due to duly justified motives, he / she shall technically document
the reasons for the deviation.

The qualified person responsible for the construction shall issue the conformity with this Regulation
declaration, in the terms and forms herein established and will be responsible of the effects that derive
from the installation construction.
8.4 Other people responsible for electrical installations
It will be mandatory for any electrical installation covered by the present Regulation that activities such
as construction, auditing, reception, operation, maintenance and inspection be performed by qualified
persons with professional license, professional registration certificate or license certificate that, according
to the Law, entitles him / her for performing said activity. Said persons will be responsible for the effects
resulting from their participation in the installation.

The competence to perform said activities will belong to qualified persons, such as electrician, electro
mechanic, distribution and electrical mains engineers, or electronic engineers in aspects of power
electronics, electromagnetic control or compatibility, electricity technicians, electro mechanic technicians
or electricians, with professional license, professional registration certificate or license certificate in force,
according to the laws and regulations that regulate each one of these professions, especially in those
aspects related to their competences.

8.5 Conformity with this regulation

All electrical installations subject to this regulation shall demonstrate their compliance through a
conformity certificate, as established in number 44.6 of this General Appendix.

The inspection organizations shall not issued the conformity report according to the RETIE to electrical
installations designed, constructed or supervised by persons who, according to the laws in force, do not
have legal competence for the professional performance of said activities.

The Main’s operator or the person acting in his / her stead, shall not provide service to the installations
that lack the conformity certificate according to the RETIE. In the event that an installation lacking this
certificate is energized, the entity providing the service shall be responsible for the effects derived from
said decision.

The Superintendency of Domicile Public Services (SSPD) may, when deemed appropriate, request the
compliance declarations or the conformity reports of the SDL, STR or STN’s installations, in the forms
established in this Regulation. The OR or transmissors shall keep the information regarding their
installations’ certificates, in current and in force files. In case irregularities or inconsistencies of any of
these processes are found, the SSPD may, after the pertinent investigation, penalize in accordance with
Article 81 of Law 142 of 1994, for each expansion, remodeling or new installation that does not comply
with the requirement of the respective compliance declaration or conformity certificates.

Likewise, the SIC may request the conformity certificates to any final use installation and, in case the
installation lacks the certificate having been energized after the date in which this Regulation came into
force, it may penalize the user according to its competence and inform the SSPD of the matter to enable it
to take the pertinent measures regarding the OR supplying the service without compliance of this

Paragraph: The installations that have began their construction with a mechanism to demonstrate
conformity different from the one in force when the operation begins, may be finished and tested with the
manner in force at the date of beginning construction, for which purposes one of the following dates will
be considered: the date of approval by the competent entity, when the financing comes from official
budgets; the date of public competitive bidding, the contract’s execution date, the date of signature of the
beginning of construction minute, or by any other means accepted as evidence.

8.6 Electrical installations operation and maintenance

The persons in charge of the electrical installations operation and maintenance or, in their absence the
owner or holder thereof, shall be responsible of maintaining it in safe conditions, therefore, they shall
guarantee that the applicable dispositions of this Regulation are complied with and verify that the
installation does not present high risk to the health or life of people, animals or to the environment,
always with the support from qualified persons.
8.7 Energy technical losses accepted in electrical installations

Electrical installations shall comply with the technical losses’ requirements determined by the CREG or
the applicable technical regulation regarding efficient use of electricity.



For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, the levels of tension established in rule NTC 1340 are
determined as follows:

a. Extra high tension (EAT): Corresponds to tensions exceeding 230 kV.

b. High tension (AT): Tensions equal to or exceeding 57,5 kV and equal to or lower than 230 kV.

c. Middle tension (MT): Those with nominal tension exceeding 1000 V and lower than 57,5 kV.

d. Low tension (BT): Those with nominal tension equal to or exceeding 25 V and equal to or
lower than 1000 V.

e. Very low tension (MBT): Tensions lower than 25 V.

Any electrical installation subject to this Regulation shall be associated to one of the precedent levels. If
the installation comprises circuits or elements that use different tensions, the whole system shall be
classified, for practical purposes, in the group corresponding to the value of the higher nominal tension.


The International Units System (SI) approved by Resolution No. 1823 of 1991 of the Superintendency of
Industry and Trade shall be applied to the installations subject to this Regulation. Therefore, the following
symbols and names of magnitudes and units shall be used in electrical installations.

Name of the magnitude Symbol Name of the Unit Symbol

Admittance Siemens S
Capacitance C Faradio F
Electrical Load Q Culombio C
Conductancy G Siemens S
Conductivity • Siemens per meter S/m
Electrical Current I Ampere A
Current Density J Ampere per square meter A / m2
Electrical flow density D Culombio per meter C / m2
Magnetic flow density Tesla T
Active energy W Watt per hour W.h
Potency factor FP One 1
Frequency F Hertz Hz
Angular frequency w Radian per second rad / s
Electrical power E Volt V
Illuminance Ev Lux lx
Impedance Z Ohmio •
Inductance L Henrio H
Intensity of electrical field E Volt per meter V/m
Intensity of magnetic field H Ampere per meter A/m
Luminous intensity Iv Candela cd
Relative permeability •r One 1
Relative permittivity •r One 1
Active potency P Watt W
Apparent potency Ps Voltampere V.A
Reactive potency Po Reactive voltampere VAr
Reactance X Ohmio •
Resistance R Ohmio •
Resistivity o Ohmio per meter •.m
Tension or electrical potential V volt V

For the use of symbols and units the following rules shall be taken into consideration:

1. Magnitude should not be confused with unit

2. The unit symbol shall be the same for singular and plural.

3. When the plural of the unit’s name is to be said or written, the rules of Spanish grammar shall be used.

4. Each unit and each prefix has only one symbol and it shall not be changed. No abbreviations shall be

5. The units’ symbols are written in lower - case, excepting ohmio (•) capital letter omega of the Greek
alphabet. Those which come from people’s names are shall be written with capital letters.

6. The complete name of the units shall be written in lower - case, excepting only Celsius degree, except
when beginning a sentence or after a period.

7. Units shall only be designated by their complete names or by their internationally recognized
corresponding symbols.

8. No space shall be left between prefix and suffix.

9. The product of symbols is indicated by a period.

10. No punctuation marks shall be used after the units’ symbols, their multiple or submultiples, except for
the grammar punctuation marks rule, leaving a separation space between the symbol and the
punctuation mark.


11.1 Electrical symbols

As of May 1, 2010, the graphic symbols shown in Chart 9, taken from harmonized rules IEC 60617,
ANSI Y32, CSA Z99 and IEEE, shall be used, as they are more related to electrical safety. When other
symbols are required, they may be taken from the mentioned rules.

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Caja de empalme = Splice box

Corriente continua = Continuos current
Central hidráulica en servicio = Hydraulic central operating
Central térmica en servicio = Thermal central operating
Conductores de fase = Phase conductors
Conductor neutro = Neutral conductor
Conductor de puesta a tierra = Grounding conductor
Conmutador unipolar = Unipolar commuter
Contacto de corte = Contact breaker
Contacto con disparo automático = Automatic trigger contact
Contacto sin disparo automático = Non - automatic trigger contact
Contacto operado manualmente = Manually triggered contact
Descargador de sobretensiones = Over - tension relievers
Detector automático de incendio = Automatic fire detector
Dispositivo de protección contra sobretensiones = Protection against over - tension devices
DPS tipo varistor = DPS - type varistor
Doble aislamiento = Double insulation
Empalme = Splice
Equipotencialidad = Equipotentiality
Extintor para equipo eléctrico = Fire extinguisher
Fusible = Fuse
Generador = Generator
Interruptor, símbolo general = Swith, general symbol
Interruptor automático en aire = Automatic air switch
Interruptor bipolar = Bipolar switch
Interruptor con luz piloto = Pilot light switch
Interruptor unipolar con tiempo de cierre limitado = Unipolar switch with limited closure time
Interruptor diferencial = Differential switch
Interruptor unipolar de dos vías = Two - way unipolar switch
Interruptor seccionador para AT = Breaker switch for AT
Interruptor termomagnético = Thermomagnetic switch
Lámpara = Lamp
Masa = Mass
Parada de emergencia = Emergency stop
Seccionador = Breaker
Subestación = Substation
Tablero general = General board
Tablero de distribución = Distribution board
Tierra = Ground
Tierra de protección = Protection ground
Tierra aislada = Insulated ground
Tomacorriente, símbolo general = Socket, general symbol
Tomacorriente en el piso = Ground socket
Tomacorriente monofásico = Monophasic socket
Tomacorriente trifásico = Triphasic socket
Transformador, símbolo general = Transformer, general symbol
Transformador de aislamiento = Insulating transformer
Transformador de seguridad = Safety transformer

Chart 9. Main graphic symbols

When, due to technical reasons, the installations cannot adopt these symbols, this fact shall be justified
through a written document endorsed by an electrical engineer with in force professional license; said
document shall be annexed to the inspection report that is in the installation.

11.2 Security signals

11.2.1 Purpose

The purpose of the safety signals is to transmit prevention, prohibition or information messages in a clear,
precise and easily - understood - by - all manner, in a zone where electrical jobs are being performed or in
zones where machines, equipment or installations that entail a potential hazard are operating. The safety
signals do not by themselves remove the danger but they give warning or directives that allow the
application of adequate measures to prevent accidents.

For the purposes of this Regulation, the following signposting requirements, taken from rules IEC 60617,
NTC 1461 and ISO 3461, ANSIZ 535, ISO 3864 - 2, shall mandatorily be applied and the entity owner of
the installation will be responsible of their use. The signals shall be written in Spanish and shall be
located in visible places that allow the fulfillment of their purpose.

The use of the hazard signals adopted in this Regulation will be mandatory, unless a superior law
establishes something different; in such case, the entities will justify their non - use.

11.2.2 Classification of security signals

Security signals are classified in information, warning, and obligation or prohibition, and according to
their type and meaning shall apply the geometric forms and colors in Chart 10, in addition to contain
pictograms inside them.


SIGNAL Pictogram Background Edge Band

Warning or Triangular Black Yellow Black

Prohibition Round Black White Red Red

Obligation Round White Blue White or


Information Rectangular or White Red

against fires square

Rescue or Rectangular or White Green White or

help square

Chart 10. Classification and colors for safety signals

The dimensions of the signals shall be those that allow the signal to be seen and the message understood
at reasonable distances from the element or area subject to hazard. To compensate the area differences of
the four forms and ensure that all symbols appear relatively of the same size when seen from some
distance, the following proportions shall be applied:

Base of the equilateral triangle: 1

Diameter of the circle: 0,8
Height of the square or rectangle: 0,75
Wide of the rectangle: 1,2
The typical dimensions for the base of the triangle are 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 900 mm.

The main safety signals related to installations are:

Description Pictogram Signal

First aid equipment Geek cross (Figure that cannot be copied)
1. Black or green
2. White
3. 3. Green
Meaning: First aid station
Flammable materials or high Flame (Figure that cannot be copied)

Toxic materials Skull with crossed shinbones (Figure that cannot be copied)

Corrosive materials Eaten away hand (Figure that cannot be copied)

Radioactive materials A conventional clover (Figure that cannot be copied)

Electrical hazard A ray or arc (Figure that cannot be copied)

Mandatory feet protection symbol Boots with electrical hazard symbol (Figure that cannot be copied)
Do Not Pass symbol Person walking with a transversal line (Figure that cannot be copied)

Head protection must be used Person’s head with helmet (Figure that cannot be copied)

Eye protection must be used Person’s head with eyewear (Figure that cannot be copied)

Ear protection must be used Person’s head with earphones (Figure that cannot be copied)

Hand protection must be used Glove (Figure that cannot be copied)

Chart 11. Main safety signals

11.3 Specific features of the electrical hazard symbol

Where the electrical risk symbol is needed, the following dimension, taken from IEC 60417 - 1, shall be
kept; measures with tolerances of + 10% of the established values may be accepted.

h a b c d E
5 0,6 3,7 7,6 3 2,4
30 1,2 7,5 15,3 6 4,8
40 1,6 10 20 8 6,4
50 2 12 26 10 8
64 2,5 16 33 13 10
80 3 20 41 16 12,8
100 4 25 51 20 16
125 5 32 64 25 20
160 6 40 82 32 26
200 8 50 102 40 32
Chart 12. Dimensions of the electrical hazard
symbol in mm

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 4. Electrical hazard symbol

11.4 Color code for conductors

With the purpose of avoiding accidents by an erroneous interpretation of the tensions and types of
systems used, the color code for insulated conductors established in Chart 13 must be complied with. It
will be considered valid to determine this requirement the color of the conductor’s external finishing or,
in its absence, its mark shall be done in the visible part with paint, tape or adhesive labels of the
respective color. This requirement also applies to bare conductors that act as barrages in internal

The color code established in Chart 13 does not apply to conductors used in outdoor installations,
different from the connection, such as mains, lines and pole - type substations.

System 1• 1• 3•Y 3•• 3••- 3•Y 3•Y 3•• 3••

NOMINAL 120 240 / 120 208 / 120 240 240 / 208 380 / 220 480 / 440 480 / 440 More
TENSIONS (Volts) / 120 than 1000
ACTIVE 1 phase 2 phases 3 phases 3 phases 3 phases 3 phases 3 phases 3 phases 3 phases
CONDUCTORS 2 threads 3 threads 4 threads 4 threads 4 threads 4 threads 4 threads 3 threads
PHASES Triphasic Black Yellow Black Black Brown Brown Brown Violet
Black Red Blue Blue Orange Black Orange Orange Brown
Red Red Blue Yellow Yellow Yellow Red
NEUTRAL White White White Does not White White Gray Does not Does not
apply apply apply
PROTECTION Bare or Bare or Bare or Bare or Bare or Bare or Bare or Bare or Bare or
GROUND green green green green green green green green green
INSULATED Green or Green or Green or Does not Green or Green or Does not Does not Does not
GROUND green green green apply green green apply apply apply
/ yellow / yellow / yellow / yellow / yellow
Chart 13. Color code for conductors

In high or middle tension systems, in addition to the colors, a legend with the respective tension level
should be affixed.

In monophasic circuits derived from triphasic systems, the conductor of the phase shall be marked with
yellow, blue or red color, keeping the color assigned to the phase in the triphasic system.

In monophasic connections derived from triphasic systems, the phases may be identified with yellow,
blue, red or black. In any case, neutral will be white or marked with white and the protection ground will
be green or marked with green.


Each maneuvers or work being performed on a line, main or equipment that is energized or may be
energized, shall be coordinated with the person or persons who have control over its energizing or de -

Each worker who receives a verbal message regarding lines or equipment connection or disconnection
maneuvers, shall immediately repeat it to the deliverer and obtain his / her approbation. Each authorized
worker that sends said verbal message shall repeat it to the receiver and verify his / her identity.

Every public services entity shall have a communication system with proved protocols that guarantee the
utmost communication safety and reliability. In case the entity does not prove that the communication
system for maneuvers being used is safe, it shall adopt a Q Code for radio communications in the terms
herein established.

For the purposes of this Regulation and due to the massive use of radio communications for every kind of
maneuvers and work coordination, the following service abbreviations, taken from the telegraphic code or
Q Code used since 1912, are adopted.


QAB Request authorization QRU Do you have a message for me?
QAP Continue listening QRV Ready for
QAQ Is there danger? QRX When will you call again?
QAY Inform when you cross... QSA Signal’s intensity (1 to 5)
QBC Meteorological report QSG Messages to send
QCB Its causing delay QSI Inform to...
QCS My reception was interrupted QSL Confirm reception
QDB Send the message to... QSM Repeat last message
QEF Arrive at parking QSN Did you listen?
QEN Maintain position QSO I need to communicate with...
QGL May I come in...? QSR Repeat the call
QGM May I go out...? QSY Go to another frequency
QOD Permission to communicate QSR Repeat the call
QOE Safety signal QSX Listen to...
QOF Quality of my signals QSY Go to another frequency
QOT Waiting time for communication QTA Cancel the message
QRA Who is calling QTH Location or place
QRB Approximate distance between QTN Departure time
QRD Place of destination QTR Exact time
QRE Arrival time QTU Time when will be in air
QRF Come back to a place QTX Station ready to communicate
QRG Exact frequency QTZ Search continuance
QRI Transmission tone QUA Have you heard from...?
QRK How are you copying? QUB Requested data
QRL To be busy QUD Urgency signal
QRM Do you have interference? QUE May I use another language?
QRO Increase transmission’s potency QUN My situation is...
QRP Decrease transmission’s potency QUO Please look for...
QRQ Transmit quicker CQ General call
QRRR Emergency call MN Minutes
QRS Transmit slower RPT Please repeat
QRT Stop transmitting TKS Thank you
Chart 14. Q Code


For the purposes of this Regulation and taking into account that the most effective technique of
preventing electrical hazard is precaution, it will always be to keep a distance from the energized parts
because the air is an excellent insulator, this chapter establishes the minimum distances that must be kept
between electrical lines and physical elements existing along their path (roads, buildings, etcetera) in
order to avoid accidental contacts.

The vertical and horizontal distances shown in the following charts, were adopted from the National
Electrical Safety Code, ANSI C2, version 2002; all tensions given on these charts are between phases, for
circuits with solidly grounded neutral and other circuits that have a fault to ground clearance time in
agreement with this Regulation.

All security distances should be measured from center to center and all spaces shall be measure from
surface to surface. For measuring security distances, metallic accessories which are usually energized
shall be considered as part of the line conductors. The cable terminals’ metallic bases and similar devices
shall be taken as part of the support structure. The precision of the measurement elements may not have
error of more or less than 0,5%.

Conductors called covered or semi - insulated and without shield, that is, with a coating that is not
certified to offer insulation in middle tension, shall be considered bare conductors for purposes of security
distances, except in the space comprised between phases of the same or different circuit, which may be
decreased below the requirements for exposed conductors when the conductor cover provides dielectric
rigidity to limit the possibility of a short - circuit or a fault to ground. When the distances between phases
are reduced, separator to keep the space between them shall be used.

For a greater clarity, the explicative notes, figures and charts herein established shall be taken into


Note 1: The security distances established in the following charts apply to bare conductors.

Note 2: For tensions between phases that exceed 57,5 kV, the electrical insulation distances specified in
the charts shall be increased in 3% for each 300 m exceeding 900 meters over sea level.

Note 3: Vertical distances are always taken from the energized point that is closer to the place of possible

Note 4: Horizontal distances are taken from the nearest phase to the place of possible contact.
Note 5: If there is an installation with a tension different than those considered in this Regulation, the
requirement established for the immediately superior tension shall be complied with.

Note 6: When the buildings, chimneys, antennae or tanks or other elevated installations do not require
some type of maintenance, such as painting, cleaning, change of parts or people working near to the
conductors, the horizontal distance “b” may be reduced in 0,6 m.

Note 7: A roof, balcony or area is considered easily accessible for pedestrians if it may be reached in a
casual manner through a door, ramp, window, staircase or hand ladder usually used by a pedestrian,
someone who does not display an extraordinary physical effort, nor uses an instrument or device to gain
access to them. It is not considered a mean of access to a permanently used staircase if its inferior step
measures 2,45 or more from the ground level or from other accessible surface installed permanently.

Note 8: If there is an aerial lying with insulated cable and shield, these distances shall not apply. They do
not apply to insulated conductors for Low Tension.

Note 9: The assembly of conductors from a lower tension main over those of a main with higher tension,
is allowed in an experimental way, as long as the case is documented, it is done under the supervision of
an authorized person responsible for their control and visible signs with the legend “Danger, High
Tension” are posted. It does not apply to high and extra - high tension lines.

Note 10: In close metallic roofs and in cases of conduction mains which run parallel or which cross the
middle, high and extra - high tension lines, it shall be verified that the induced tensions do not constitute a
danger or affect their functioning.

Note 11: Where the available space does not allow to comply with the horizontal distances of Chart 16,
the separation may be reduced in 0,6 m as long as the conductors, splices and fittings have a cover that
provides enough dielectric rigidity to limit the probability of fault to ground in case of momentary contact
with a structure or building. Additionally, it shall have a compact configuration with spacers and
signposting that indicates that it is non - insulated cable.


The minimum safety distances that the energized parts shall maintain with respect to buildings, will be
those established in Chart 15 of this General Appendix and, for their interpretation, Figure 5 shall be
taken into consideration.

Likewise, in installations built under IEC 60364 criteria, for tensions exceeding 1 kV, the distances in
Rule IEC 61936 - 1 shall be taken into consideration and used.


Nominal tension Distance
Description between phases (kV) (m)

Vertical distance “a” over roofs and projections, applicable 44 / 34, 5 / 33 3,8
only to zones of very difficult access to people and as long 13,8 / 13, 2 / 11, 4 / 3,8
as the owner or holder of the electrical installation has 7,6
absolute control over the installation and the building. ‹1 0,45
(Figure 5).

Horizontal distance “b” to walls, projections, windows and 115 / 110 2,8
different areas regardless of the facility of access to 66 / 57,5 2,5
people. (Figure 5)
44 / 34, 5 / 33 2,3
13, 8 / 13, 2 / 11, 4 / 2,3
‹1 1,7
Vertical distance “c” over or under balconies or roofs 44 / 34, 5 / 33 4,1
easily acceded by people, and over roofs easily acceded by 13, 8 / 13, 2 / 11, 4 / 4,1
vehicles of maximum height of 2,45 m. (Figure 5) 7,6
‹1 3,5
Vertical “d” distances to roads, streets, alleys, pedestrian 500 8,6
ways, areas subject to vehicle traffic. (Figure 5) 230 / 220 6,8
115 / 110 6,1
66 / 57,5 5,8
44 / 34, 5 / 33 5,6
13, 8 / 13, 2 / 11, 4 / 5,6
‹1 5

Chart 15. Minimum safety distances in zones with buildings

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 5. Security distances in zones with buildings

The passing of conductors over buildings (vertical distance a) is allowed only when the holder of the
electrical installation has absolute control over both the electrical installation and the changes to the
plant’s building or structure. This understood as the administration, maintenance and control of the
building and the electrical installation. In no case will it be allowed for public service mains or lines if the
provider of the service does not have the control of the building.

13.2 Minimum safety distances for different places and situations

In transmission lines or distribution mains, the height of the conductors with respect to the floor or the
way’s bearing, as shown in Figures 6 and 7, may not be less than those shown in Chart 16.

(Figure that cannot be copied) (Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 6. Distances “d” and “d1” in intersections Figure 7. Distance “e” in non - electrified
and routes coverage railway intersections

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 8. Distance “f” and “g” for intersections with railways and rivers


Nominal tension Distance
Description between phases (kV) (m)

Minimum distance to floor “d” in crossings with roads, 500 11,5

streets, alleys, pedestrian ways, areas subject to vehicle 230 / 220 8,5
traffic. (Figure 6) 115 / 110 6,1
66 / 57,5 5,8
44 / 34,5 / 33 5,6
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 5,6
‹1 5

Crossing of low - tension overhead lines in big avenues ‹1 5,6

Minimum distance to floor “d1” from lines that travel 500 11,5
along avenues, roads and streets (Figure 6) 230 / 220 8,0
115 / 110 6,1
66 / 57,5 5,8
44 / 34,5 / 33 5,6
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 5,6
‹1 5
Minimum distance to floor “d” in shrub forests, cultivated 500 8,6
areas, pastures, orchards, etcetera. As long as the 230 / 220 6,8
requirements regarding maximum height for shrubs or 115 / 110
orchards pertaining to the easement zones are respected. 5,8
66 / 57,5
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 5,6
‹1 5
Minimum distance to floor “e” in intersections with non - 500 11,1
electrified railroads or funiculars. 230 / 220 9,3
115 / 110 8,6
66 / 57,5 8,3
44 / 34,5 / 33 8,1
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 8,1
‹1 7,5
Vertical distance “f” in intersections with electrified 500 4,8
railroads, cable cars, streetcars and trolley buses. (Figure 230 / 220 3,0
8) 115 / 110 2,3
66 / 57,5 2,0
44 / 34,5 / 33 1,8
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 1,8
‹1 1,2

Vertical distance “g” in intersections with rivers, navigable 500 12,9

wireways or floatings adequate for ships with height 230 / 220 11,3
exceeding 2 m and inferior to 7 m. (figure 8) 115 / 110 10,6
66 / 57,5 10,4
44 / 34,5 / 33 10,2
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 10,2
‹1 9,6

Vertical distance “g” in intersections with rivers, navigable 500 7,9

wireways or floatings with height exceeding 2 m. (Figure 230 / 220 6,3
8) 115 / 110 5,6
66 / 57,5 5,4
44 / 34,5 / 33 5,2
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 5,2
‹1 4,6

Vertical distance to floor in intersections through open 500 14,6

sport fields. 230 / 220 12,8
115 / 110 12
66 / 57,5 12
44 / 34,5 / 33 12
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 12
‹1 12

Horizontal distance in intersections through open sport 500 11,1

fields. 230 / 220 9,3
115 / 110 7
66 / 57,5 7
44 / 34,5 / 33 7
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 7,6 7
‹1 7

Chart 16. Minimum safety distances for different situations

Note 1: For public or general use mains the construction of buildings under the mains will not be
allowed; in case such situation arises the OR will request that the competent authorities take the pertinent
measures. The construction of mains for public use over buildings will not be allowed.

Note 2: For line - ground tensions exceeding 98 kV, the distances in Chart 16 may be increased or the
electrical field may be reduced considering that the biggest vehicle or equipment expected under the line
be connected to ground to limit to 5mA being de - energized and the arrow at 50°C plus the current in
stationary state due to electrostatic effects. In order to calculate this condition the conductors shall... 1

Minimum vertical distances in lines’ intersections:

Nominal 500 4,8 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,3 4,3 4,6 5,3 7,1
Tension (kV) 230 / 220 3 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,9 3,6
between phases 115 / 110 2,3 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,2
of the upper 66 2 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,5
main 57,5 1,9 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,4
44 / 34,5 / 33 1,8 1,2 1,3 1,3
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 / 1,8 1,2
‹1 1,2 0,6
Communications 0,6
Communication ‹1 13,8 44 / 57,5 66 115 230 500
/ 34,5 / /
13,2 / 110 220
/ 33
Nominal tension (kV) between phases of the inferior main

Chart 17. Minimum vertical distances in vanes with different tension lines

Note: The line with lower tension level should be at the lowest height.

Exception: The assembly of low - tension conductors in levels exceeding or equal to those of the middle
- tension conductors may be allowed, at a research level, only if the middle tension conductors are duly
identified and bear the sign DANGER HIGH TENSION, are periodically monitored by qualified persons
and the owner of the installation, or his / her designee, is responsible for the effects that the installation
may cause with this configuration.

13.3 Minimum distances between conductors within the same structure

The text in Spanish has no meaning and / or is incomplete. (Translator’s note)
The conductors on fixed supports shall keep between them horizontal and vertical distances that are no
less than the value required in Charts 18 and 19.

All values are valid up to 1000 meters over sea level; for greater altitudes, the correction factor per
altitude shall be applied.

When there are conductors from different circuits, the tension to be considered shall be that of the ground
- phase of the circuit with highest tension or the factorial difference between the considered conductors.

When suspension insulators are used and their movement is not limited, the safety horizontal distance
between conductors shall be increased in such a way that the insulators string may transversally move up
to their maximum design balancing angle, without reducing the values indicated in Chart 18. The
conductors’ movements shall include the deflection of flexible structures and accessories, when said
deflection may reduce the safety horizontal distance between the conductors.


Exposed communication conductors 15(1)
Railway feeders
0 to 750 V (4 / 0 AWG or higher caliber) 15
0 to 750 V (caliber inferior than 4 / 0 AWG) 30
Between 750 and 8,7 kV 30

Supply conductors within the same circuit

0 to 8,7 kV 30
Between 8,7 and 50 kV 30 plus 1 cm for each kV over 8,7 kV
More than 50 kV No value specified

Supply conductors from different circuits

0 to 8,7 kV 30
Between 8,7 kV and 50 kV 30 plus 1 cm for each kV over 8,7 kV
Between 50 kV and 814 kV No value specified

Chart 18. Horizontal distance between conductors supported in the same support structure


(1) It does not apply in the conductors’ transposition points.

(2) Allowed where space between pines has been regularly used, inferior to 15 cm. It does not
apply in the conductors’ transposition points.

(3) For tensions exceeding 57,5 kV, the safety distance shall be increased in 3% for each 300 m
exceeding 1000 meters over sea level. All safety distances for tensions exceeding 50 kV shall
be based in the maximum operating tension.


CONDUCTORS conductors and cables.
AND CABLES AT a. Located in the 0,4 0,4 plus 0.01 m for each kV exceeding 7,6 kV
SMALLEST communications entity
HEIGHT support. 0,4 0,4 plus 0,01 m for each kV exceeding 7,6 kV
b. Located in the energy
entity support.
Outdoor Up to 1 0,4 0,4 plus 0,01 m for each kV exceeding 7,6 kV
power kV
Between 1 Not allowed 0,4 plus 0,01 m for each kV exceeding 7,6 kV
kV and
7,6 kV
Between Not allowed 0,6 plus 0,01 m for each kV exceeding 7,6 kV
11,4 kV
and 34,5
Between Not allowed 0,6 plus 0,01 m for each kV exceeding 7,6 kV
44 kV and
66 kV
Chart 19. Minimum vertical distance in meters between conductors on the same structure

Note 1: the lowest tension level main shall be at lesser altitude, except when the conditions established in
Chart 17 note are met.

Note 2: When the circuits belong to different entities the safety distances shall be increased in 0,6 m.

Note 3: These distances are for circuits belonging to the same operating entity. For circuits belonging to
different entities, the distance shall be increased in 0,6 m.

The constructors and, in general, those who file projects before the curator’s office, the territorial order
planning offices and all other entities responsible for issuing building licenses or permits, shall declare in
writing that the respective projects completely comply with the minimum safety distances established by
the RETIE.

The designer of the electrical installation will be responsible of verifying that this requirement can be met
in the pre - construction stage.

Conformity according to this Regulation may not be given to installations that violate these distances. The
qualified person responsible for constructing the installation, or the inspector who violates this
disposition, shall be discipline - investigated by the competent professional council, and subject to the
applicable criminal and civil actions.

The owner of installations being modified that violate the minimum safety distances, shall be denounced
before the police or the judicial authorities because his / her actions are gravely endangering through
electrocution hazard not only the inhabitants of the building where the violation is committed, but also
third parties, and through fire or explosion hazard the adjoining buildings.

13.3 Minimum distances to prevent hazards due to electric arc

Taking into consideration that the electrical arc is a frequent happening in electrical jobs, and that it
causes thermal radiation up to 20000 °C, it presents a sudden increase in pressure up to 30 t / m2, with
noise levels over 120 dB and that it issues toxic metallic vapors by product disintegration, the following
requirements are established against this hazard:

Comply with the minimum approximation to equipment distances, as shown in Chart 20 and Figure 9,
which are adapted from NFPA 70 E. These distances are barriers that seek to prevent injuries to the
employees and to all personnel and are basic to electrical safety.

For non - qualified people, the approximation limit is safe. For tension work, the technical approximation
limit shall be complied with.

Use the personal protection elements according to the risk level and the degree of training to perform a
job implicating direct contact.

Affix labels where the level of hazard presented by determinate equipment is shown.

Use the personal protection elements that are adequate for the level of hazard and the degree of training to
perform a job implicating direct contact.

System’s nominal Safe approximation limit [m] Restricted Technical

tension ____________________________________________ approximation limit approximation
(phase – phase) (m). Includes Limit (m)
Exposed mobile part Exposed fixed part involuntary
51V – 300 V 3,00 1,10 Avoid contact Avoid contact
301 V – 750 V 3,00 1,10 0,30 0,025
751 V – 15 kV 3,00 1,50 0,66 0,18
15,1 kV – 36 kV 3,00 1,80 0,78 0,25
36,1 kV – 46 kV 3,00 2,44 0,84 0,43
46,1 kV – 72,5 kV 3,00 2,44 0,96 0,63
72,6 kV – 121 kV 3,25 2,44 1,00 0,81
138 kV – 145 kV 3,35 3,00 1,09 0,94
161 kV – 169 kV 3,56 3,56 1,22 1,07
230 kV – 242 kV 3,96 3,96 1,60 1,45
345 kV – 362 kV 4,70 4,70 2,60 2,44
500 kV – 550 kV 5,80 5,80 3,43 3,28
Chart 20. Approximation limits to equipment energized parts

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 9. Approximation limits

Personas no calificadas UNICAMENTE si están acompañadas por Personal CALIFICADO = Non - qualified persons ONLY if
accompanied by QUALIFIED Personnel

Sólo personal CALIFICADO = Only QUALIFIED personnel




Equipe Eléctrico = Electrical Equipment

Nivel de Tensión = Tension level

Corriente de Falla Trifásica (A) = Triphasic fault current (A)

Tiempo de la falla (segundos) = Time of fault (seconds)

Solo personal CALIFICADO = Only QUALIFIED Personnel

EPP para contacto directo con partes energizadas = EPP for direct contact with energized parts

Autorización requerida = Authorization required

To work in zones with high electrical arc risk, that is in activities such as changing switches or parts
thereof, interventions on current transformers, tension and current measurement, barrage maintenance,
installation and retrieval of meters, opening of condensers and macro measurements, the following
requirements, adapted from rule NFPA 70E, shall be complied with, previous analysis of the hazard for
each particular situation:

a) Perform a hazard analysis where the tension, power of the short - circuit and time of fault
clearance are considered.
b) Adequately signpost the work area and the adjoining zones.
c) Have the appropriate training to work with tension.
d) Have an updated plan approved by a competent professional.
e) Have a work order signed by the person who authorizes it.
f) Use the personal protection equipment certified against hazard by electrical arc to work with
tension. This equipment shall be certified for the tension levels and incident power involved.
Cotton clothing must be treated and have as a minimum 330 g / m2.

The restricted approximation limit shall be signposted with a visible fringe done with reflective paint or
other sign that provides a temporary enclosure and facilitates identification of the maximum
approximation allowed by non - authorized personnel.

This Regulation defines requirements for electrical fields intensity and magnetic flow density for zones
where public may remain, independently of the period of time, based on OMS criteria and the
international institution ICNIRP for the protection of population and environment against ionizing
radiation and, particularly, it provides guidelines and recommendations to avoid exposures to said

14.1 Electrical field.

It is an alteration of space that causes loaded particles to undergo a force due to their load, that is, if an
electrical load undergoes a force in a determined region, in that region there is an electrical field. The
electrical field is produced by the presence of static or mobile electrical loads. Its intensity at a given
point depends of the quantity of loads and the distance to them. This field is also known as electrostatic
field due to the fact that its intensity at a point is not dependent on time.

The natural electrical field originated in the ground’s surface is of approximately 100 V / m, while in the
formation of lightning electrical field values reach up to 500 kV / m.

The artificial electrical field is produced by all electrical installations and equipment built by men, such
as: transmission and distribution lines, transformers, electrical appliances and electrical machines.

In this case, the intensity of the electrical field at a given point depends upon the level of tension of the
installation and the distance to it, as follows: At a higher tension greater intensity of the electrical field,
and at a greater distance lower intensity of the electrical field.

The intensity of the electrical field is measured in (V / m) or (kV / m). This measure represents the
electrical effect on a load present at a certain point in space.

14.2 Magnetic field

It is an alteration of space that causes the generation of a force on moving electrical loads proportional to
their velocity and load. It is produced by magnets or electrical currents. Its intensity at a point depends on
the magnitude of the current and the distance to it, or on the magnet’s properties and the distance. This
field is also known as magneto static due to the fact that its intensity at a point is not dependent upon

On the ground’s surface the induction of the natural magnetic field is maximum at the magnetic poles
(near 70 µ T) and minimum at the magnetic equator (near 30 µ T).

The magnetic field is originated by the circulation of electrical current. Therefore, all installations and
equipment that operate with electricity produce around them a magnetic field that depends on the
magnitude of the current and the distance to it, as follows: At greater current, greater magnetic field and
at greater distance lower density of the magnetic field.

Theoretically, it should be spoken of magnetic field intensity, but in practice the density of the magnetic
flow is considered, represented with letter B and measured in teslas (gauss is no longer considered the
official unit), which have the following equivalence:

1 tesla = 1 N / (A.m) = 1 V.s / m2 = 1 Wb / m2 = 10.000 gauss

14.3 Electromagnetic field

It is a modification of the space due to the simultaneous interaction of electrical and magnetic forces,
caused by an electrical field and a magnetic field that vary over time, which is why it is known as variable
electromagnetic field.

The electromagnetic field is produced by moving electrical loads (alternate current) and has the same
frequency as the electrical current that produces it. Therefore, an electromagnetic field may be originated
at low frequencies (0 to 300 Hz) or at higher frequencies.

The low frequency electromagnetic fields are quasi - stationary and may be separately treated as if they
were static, both for their measurement and for modeling.

The installations of the electricity electrical system produce electromagnetic fields at 60 Hz. This
behavior allows measuring or calculating the electrical field and the magnetic field independently through
the quasi - static theory, that is, the magnetic field is not considered as coupled to the electrical field.

14.4 Limit exposure values to electromagnetic fields for human beings

For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, the time and type of people exposed to electromagnetic
fields generated by the electrical installation and the frequency of the electrical signal shall be taken into

For the installations subject to this Regulation, neither the persons that due to their activities are exposed
to electromagnetic fields, nor the general public, should be subjected to fields that exceed the values
established in Chart 21.

Type of exposure Electrical field intensity Magnetic flow density

(kV / m) (µT)
Occupational exposure on an 8 - hour 10 500
working day.
General public exposure up to 8 5 100
continuous hours
Chart 21. Limit exposure values to electromagnetic fields

In the installations subject to this Regulation, the values of the electrical field should be evaluated at the
highest tension of the installation and the density of the magnetic flow at the highest operation current and
if the values calculated in places where the public or a person may be exposed during several hours
exceed those established in Chart 21, the measures to correct said situation shall be taken.

For transmission lines the occupational exposition values shall not be exceeded at 1 m height within the
easement zone and the value of general public exposure in the external limit of the easement. For
distribution circuits, the value of public exposure shall be measured from the safety distances or where
there is a possibility of a lengthy stay (up to 8 hours) by people who cannot take measures to counteract
possible effects.

14.6 Electromagnetic fields measurement.

In transmission and distribution lines, it shall be measured un meter over floor level, in a transversal
direction to the axis of the line within the easement zone; for other cases, it shall be measured in the place
of frequent stay of the employee for occupational exposure and where a person from the general public
may circulate or stay. The equipment used for the measurements shall have a metrological assessment
through a calibration certificate and, additionally, it shall use a standardized measurement method.


Any electrical installation subject to this Regulation, excepting where otherwise expressly indicated, shall
have a Grounding System (SPT), in such a way that any internal or external point, normally accessible to
people who may pass or stay there, are not submitted to passing, contact or transferred tensions that
exceed the withstanding thresholds of a human being when a fault occurs.
The requirement of groundings for electrical installations covers the electrical system as such and the
supports or structures that, in the presence of a temporary over tension, may unleash a permanent fault at
industrial frequency, between the grounded structure and the main.

The purposes of a grounding system (SPT) are: The safety of people, the protection of the installations
and the electromagnetic compatibility.

The functions of a grounding system are:

a. Guarantee safety conditions to living beings.

b. Allow the protection equipment to quickly clear the faults.
c. Serve as common reference to the electrical system.
d. Conduct and dissipate with enough capacity the fault, electrostatic and ray currents.
e. Transmit RF signals in medium and long wave.
f. Make a low resistance connection with the ground and with reference points of the

It shall be considered that the fundamental criteria to guarantee the safety of human beings is the
maximum electricity that they may withstand, due to passing, contact or transferred tensions, and not the
value of grounding resistance taken by itself. However, a low value of grounding resistance is always
desirable to decrease the maximum rise of potential GPR (Ground Potential Rise).

The maximum contact tension applied to the human being (or to an equivalent resistance of 1000 •) is
given in function of the time of clearance of the fault to ground, the resistivity of the ground and the fault
current. For the purposes of this Regulation, the maximum tension contact shall not exceed the values
shown in Chart 22.

Column two applies to places accessible to the general public and was obtained from rule IEC 60479 and
taking curve C! From Figure ! of this Regulation (fibrillation probability of 5%). Column three applies to
middle, high and extra high tension installations, where there is presence of personnel who is aware of the
hazard and is supplied with personal protection elements. For the calculation, the criteria established in
IEEE 80 were taken into consideration, taking as a base the following equation for a 50 - kilos human

Maximum contact tension = •t [V, c.a.]

Fault clearance time Maximum allowable contact tension (rms c.a.) Maximum allowable contact
according to IEC for 95% of the population. tension (rms c.a.) according to
(General public) IEEE for 50 kg
More than two 50 volts 82 volts
One second 55 volts 116 volts
700 milliseconds 70 volts 138 volts
500 milliseconds 80 volts 164 volts
400 milliseconds 130 volts 183 volts
300 milliseconds 200 volts 211 volts
200 milliseconds 270 volts 259 volts
150 milliseconds 300 volts 299 volts
100 milliseconds 320 volts 366 volts
50 milliseconds 345 volts 518 volts
Chart 22. Maximum contact tension for a human being

The values shown in Chart 22 refer to the contact tension directly applied to a human being in case of a
fault to ground, they correspond to the maximum values of current circulation that may be withstood by a
human being and they consider the net average resistance or impedance of the human body between hand
and foot, without causing skin perforations and without the effect of the external resistances additionally
involved between the person and the grounded structure or between the person and the natural terrain.

15.1 Grounding system design

The designer of the grounding systems for generation centrals, high and extra high tension transmission
lines and substations, shall verify through using a calculation procedure recognized by the updated
engineering practice, that the maximum values of the pass and contact tensions to which human beings
may be submitted, do not exceed the withstanding thresholds.

For the purpose of designing the grounding of substations, the maximum allowable pass, contact and
transferred tensions shall be calculated, and they shall be based on a body resistance of 1000 •• and each
foot as a plate of 200 cm2 applying a force of 250 N.

The suggested basic procedure is the following:

a. Investigate the characteristics of the ground, especially resistivity.

b. Determine the maximum fault to ground current, which shall be provided by the Main’s
operator in middle and high tension for each particular case.
c. Determine the maximum clearance time of the fault for simulation purposes.
d. Investigate the type of load.
e. Preliminarily calculate the grounding resistance.
f. Calculate the pass, contact and transferred currents in the installation.
g. Evaluate the value of the pass, contact and transferred tensions calculated with respect to the
withstanding capability of the human being.
h. Investigate the possible currents transferred to the exterior, due to piping, meshes, neutral
conductors, cable reinforcement, signal circuits, in addition to studying the mitigation forms.
i. Adjust and correct the initial design until the safety requirements are met.
j. Submit a final design

In final use installations with pole - type substation the design of the grounding may be simplified, but the
ground resistivity parameters, fault currents that may occur and types of loads to be installed shall be
taken into consideration. In any case, the pass and contact tensions shall be controlled.

15.2 Grounding general requirements

Groundings shall comply with the following requirements:

a. The metallic elements that are not part of the electrical installations may not be included as
part of the grounding conductors. This requirement does not preclude the fact that in some
cases they should be grounded.

b. The main metallic elements which act as structural reinforcement of a building shall have a
permanent electrical connection with the general grounding system.

c. Connections that run under ground level in groundings shall be done with exothermic
welding or certified connector for direct burial and other use conditions according to the
guideline rule IEEE 837 or rule NTC 2206.

d. To verify that the characteristics of the grounding electrode and its union with the
equipotential main comply with this Regulation, connection and measurement points must
be left, accessible and verifiable at the moment of measurement. When inspection boxes are
built for this purpose, their dimensions shall be as a minimum 30 cm x 30 cm, or 30 cm
diameter if circular, and their lids shall be removable.

e. The use of aluminum in the grounding electrodes is not allowed.

f. In triphasic systems of final use installations with non - lineal loads, the neutral conductor
shall be dimensioned with at least 173% of the current capacity of the non - lineal loads of
the phase’s design, to avoid overloading it.

g. When due to building requirements, several groundings exist, all of them shall be
electrically interconnected according to the criteria adopted from IEC - 61000 - 5 - 2, as
shown in Figure 10.
(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 10. Systems with dedicated groundings and inter - connected.

Conexiones equipotenciales sugeridas para edificios altos = Equipotential connections suggested for high buildings

Conductores de protección = Protection conductors

Conductores aislados = Insulated conductors

Pararrayos o terminales de captación = Lightning rods or receiving terminals

Suelo = Ground

Bajantes = Downspouts

Conexiones = Connections

Puestas a tierra = Groundings

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 11. Only one grounding for all needs

Suelo = Ground

Tierra aislada = Insulated ground

Tierra de potencia = Power ground

Puesta a tierra = Grounding

Pararrayos o terminales de captación = Lightning rod or receiving terminals

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 12. Separated or independent groundings

Suelo = Ground

Tierra aislada = Insulated ground

Tierra de potencia = Power ground

Puesta a tierra = Grounding

Pararrayos o terminales de captación = Lightning rod or receiving terminals

The precedent figures clarify that all the groundings in a building shall be interconnected, that is, those
components of the grounding system that are under the terrain level and designed for each particular
appliance, such as low frequency faults to ground electrostatic evacuation, protection against lightning
and cathode protection.

15.3 Grounding systems materials

The grounding systems materials shall be certified and shall comply with the following requirements:
15.3.1 Grounding electrodes

For the purposes of this Regulation it will be mandatory that the grounding electrodes comply with the
following requirements, taken from rules IEC 60364 - 5 - 54, BS 7430, AS 1768, UL 467, UNESA 6501F
and NTC 2050:

Type of Minimum Dimensions

Electrode Materials ______________________________________________________________________
Diameter Area Thickness Coating
Mm mm2 mm •m
Rod Copper 12,7
Stainless steel 10
Hot galvanized steel 16 70
Steel with copper 14 100
Steel with complete 15 2000
copper coating
Pipe Copper 20 2
Stainless steel 25 2
Hot galvanized steel 25 2 55
Strip Copper 50 2
Stainless steel 90 3
Zinc galvanized copper 50 2 40
Cable Copper or tinned 1,8 for each thread 50
Hot galvanized steel 1,8 for each thread 70
Plate Copper 20000 1,5
Stainless steel 20000 6
Chart 23. Requirements for grounding electrodes

a. The grounding shall contain one or several of the following types of electrodes: Rods, pipes,
plates, strips or cables.

b. Steel galvanized cable electrodes may be used, as long as they guarantee the safety
conditions set forth in this Regulation.

c. The manufacturers of grounding electrodes shall guarantee that the electrodes’ resistance to
corrosion is at least for 15 years counted as of the date of installation. To certify this
requirement, the following methods may be used: immersion in a saline chamber during
1000 hours or immersing ground samples prepared in the laboratory using washed sand,
clean clay or other known uniform medium in electrolytes of weak acid solution in
concentration, in a way that allows to simulate the most corrosive grounds where the
installation of the electrodes is foreseen in agreement with rule ASTM G 162 or rule ASTM
G 1.

d. The rod - type or pipe - type electrode shall have at least 2,4 m in length; additionally, it
must be identified with the manufacturer’s name or registered trademark and its dimensions;
this shall be done within the first 30 cm from the upper part.

e. The effective thickness of the coatings set forth in Chart 23 shall at no point be inferior to
the indicated values.

f. For the installation of the electrodes the following requirements shall be considered:

• The manufacturer shall inform the user if there is any specific procedure for its
adequate installation and maintenance.

• The union between the electrode and the grounding conductor shall be done with
exothermic welding or with a certified connector for direct burial.
• Each electrode must be completely buried.

• The union point between the conductor of the grounding electrode and the grounding
must be accessible and the upper part of the buried electrode shall be as a minimum 15
cm from the surface. This item does not apply to electrodes buried at the bases of
structures of transmission lines or to electrodes installed horizontally.

• The electrode may be installed vertically, horizontally or with an adequate inclination,

as long as fulfillment of its purpose is guaranteed, according to number 3 of letter c of
section 250 - 93 of NTC 2050.

15.3.2 Conductor of the grounding electrode or grounding conductor

This conductor joins the grounding with the main grounding barrage, and for low tension it must be
selected in agreement with Chart 250 - 94 of NTC 2050 or with the equation from IEC 60364 - 5 - 54.

As a material for the conductor of the grounding electrode, in addition to copper, other conductor
materials or a combination of them may be used, as long as their protection against corrosion during the
useful life of the grounding is guaranteed and the resistance of the conductor does not compromise the
efficiency of the grounding.

The conductor to ground for middle, high and extra high tension shall be selected with the following
formula, which was adopted from rule ANSI / IEEE 80:

Amm2 = IKf•tc


Amm2 is the selection of the conductor in mm2

I is the fault to ground current provided by the OR (ms in kA)

Kf is the constant in Chart 25, for different materials and several values of Tm

Tm is the fusion temperature or the temperature limit of the conductor and a room temperature of 40 °C.

tc is the time of clearance of the fault to ground


Soft copper 100 1083 7
Hard copper when exothermic welding is used. 97 1084 7,06
Hard copper when mechanical connector is used. 97 250 11,78
Steel wire coated with copper 40 1084 10,45
Steel wire covered with copper 30 1084 14,64
Steel rod covered with copper 20 1084 14,64
Grade EC aluminum 61 657 12,12
Aluminum alloy 5005 53,5 652 12,41
Aluminum alloy 6201 52,5 654 12,47
Steel wire coated with aluminum 20,3 657 17,2
1020 Steel 10,8 1510 15,95
Steel rod coated with stainless steel 9,8 1400 14,72
Steel rod with zinc bath (galvanized) 8,5 419 28,96
Stainless steel 304 2,4 1400 30,05
Chart 24. Material constants

(1) According to the dispositions of this Procedure, buried aluminum shall not be used.

(2) The use of galvanized steel cables in grounding systems in transmission lines or distribution mains, and final use
installations is allowed as long as in conditions of a discharge the withstanding levels of a human being are not
exceeded; for its calculation the parameters of a steel rod coated with zinc may be used.

(3) The thickness of the copper coating of the steel rod shall not be less than 0,25 mm.
15.3.3 Protection conductor or equipment grounding conductor

The protection conductor, also called equipment grounding conductor, shall comply with the following

a. The conductor for low tension shall be selected in accordance with Chart 250 - 95 of NTC 2050.

b. The conductor for middle tension, high tension and extra high tension shall be selected in such a
way that the temperature of the conductor does not exceed the insulating temperature of the active
conductors placed in the same channel, as established in chapter 9 of IEEE 242.

c. The conductors of the grounding system shall be continuous, without switches or disconnecting
means, and when split, they shall be mechanically and electrically secured through welding or
connectors certified for said use.

d. The equipment grounding conductor shall accompany the active conductors along their entire path
and within the same channel.

e. The conductors of the grounding wirings that, due to the disposition of the installation, require to
be insulated, shall use green or green with yellow strips insulating or be identified with green
marks at the inspection points and at their ends.

15.4 Grounding resistance values

A good grounding design should guarantee the control of pass, contact and transferred tensions.
Considering that the resistance to grounding is an indication that directly limits the maximum rise
potential and controls the transferred tensions, the maximum values of resistance to grounding set forth
Chart 25, adopted from technical rules IEC 60364 - 4 - 442, ANSI / IEEE 80, NTC 4552, may be taken.

The compliance with these grounding resistance values does not free the designer and the builder from
guaranteeing that the pass, contact and transferred tensions applied to a human being in the event of a
fault to ground do not exceed the maximum allowed.


Transmission lines structures or metallic distribution towers with guard 20 •
High and extra high tension substations 1•
Middle tension substations 10 •
Lightning protection 10 •
Connection neutral in low tension 25 • •
Chart 25. Reference values for grounding resistance

When there are high ground resistivity values, high fault to ground currents or prolonged times of
clearance with respect thereto, the following measures, in order to avoid exposing people to tensions
exceeding the withstanding thresholds of a human being, shall be taken:

a. Make inaccessible those zones where exceeding the withstanding thresholds for human beings is
expected and signpost the critical zones.
b. Assembly floors or paving with great insulating.
c. Insulate all devices that may be handled by a person.
d. Establish equipotential connections in critical zones.
e. Insulate the conductor of the grounding electrode at its entrance to the ground.
f. Signpost the critical zones where qualified personnel may act, as long as they are given the
instructions regarding type of hazard and are supplied with the insulating personal protection
15.5 Measurements
15.5.1 Apparent resistivity measurement

There are several techniques to measure the apparent resistivity of the ground. For the purposes of this
Regulation, Wenner’s tetraelectrodic method, which is the most used for electrical appliances, may be
applied. In Figure 13, the disposition of the assembly for its measurement is shown. Likewise, other
methods, duly recognized and documented in the engineering rules and practices, may be used.

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 13. Apparent resistivity measurement diagram

The exact equation for the calculation is:

• = _________________________
2a a
1 + _________ - ________
•a2 + 4b2 •a2 + b2

p is the apparent resistivity of the ground in ohmios by meter

a is the distance between adjacent electrodes in meters
b is the burial depth of the electrodes in meters
R is the electrical resistance measured in ohmios, calculated as V / I

When b is too small compared to a, the following expression is the result:

p = 2•aR

15.5.2 Resistance to grounding measurement

The grounding resistance shall be measured before beginning the operation of an electrical system, as part
of the maintenance routine or exceptionally as part of the grounding system verification. For its
measurement the Fall of Potential technique, whose assembly’s technique is shown in Figure 14, may be

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 14. Grounding resistance measurement diagram


d is the distance of location of the current auxiliary electrode, which should be 6,5 times the greatest dimension of the grounding to
be measured, to obtain a precision of 95% (according to IEEE 81).
x is the distance of the tension auxiliary electrode.
RPT is the grounding resistance in ohmios, calculated as V / I.

The value of the grounding resistance that shall be taken to apply this method is when the disposition of
the tension auxiliary electrode is at 61,8 % of the distance from the current auxiliary electrode, as long as
the ground is uniform. Likewise, other methods, duly recognized and documented in engineering rules
and practices, may be applied.

In transmission lines with guard cables, the measurement must be made displacing the guard cable or
using a high frequency Telurometer (25 kHz).

15.5.3 Measurement of pass and contact tensions.

The calculated pass and contact tensions shall be verified before beginning operation of high and extra
high tension substations, as well as in the transmission structures located in urban zones or which are at
less than 20 m from schools or houses, to verify that they are within the allowed limits. For substations,
they shall be verified up to one meter outside the enclosure, and for towers or poles up to one meter from
the structure.

The measurement must follow the following criteria adopted from IEE - 81.2 or those from a technical
rule that applies, such as IEC 61936 - 1.

The measurements should preferably be performed in the periphery of the grounding installation.
Adequate power supply sources must be used to simulate the fault, in such a way the injected current is
sufficiently high, in order to avoid falsities in the measurements as a consequence of spurious currents or
parasite currents circulating on the ground.

Each of the measurement electrodes for simulating the feet shall have a 200 cm2 surface and exert on the
ground a force of 250 N.

Consequently, and unless a testing method that eliminates the effect of said currents is used, for example
a method of inverting polarity, the injected current should be 1% of the current for which the installation
has been dimensioned and, preferably, not inferior to 50 amperes for centrals and high tension substations
and 5 amperes for middle tension substations.

The calculations will be done assuming that there is proportionality to determine the maximum possible

Other measurement methods may be accepted, as long as they are endorsed by international, NTC,
regional or internationally recognized technical rules; in such cases, who uses said methods shall leave
written statement of the used method and the applied rule.

15.6 Temporary grounding.

The purpose of temporary grounding equipment is to limit the current that may pass through the human
body. The basic assembly of the temporary groundings shall be done in such a way that the feet of the
liner are to the ground potential, and that the conductors which are connected to the lines have the shortest
possible length and impedance, as shown in Figure 15, adopted from guideline IEEE 1048.

The assembly sequence shall be from ground to last phase and to demonstrate it, it shall be done from the
phases to the ground.

In the event the line is, or is susceptible of being, interrupted in the structure, it shall be connected to the
ground on both sides of the structure.

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 15. Typical assembly of temporary groundings

The temporary grounding equipment shall comply with the following minimum specifications, adapted
from rules IEC 61230 and ASTM F 855:

a. Electrode: Shot hole with a length of at least 1,5 m.

b. The manufacturer shall provide an installation, inspection and maintenance guide.

c. Staples or pliers: The type of staple shall be the adequate according to the geometry of the
element to be connected (it may be flat or with teeth).

d. Copper extra flexible cable, cylindrical, and with a transparent or translucid lid that allows its
visual inspection and with a caliber that withstands a minimum fault current of: In A.T. 40 kA;
in M.T. 8 kA; and in B.T. 3 kA, efficient in a second with final temperature of 700 °C. Subject to
the criteria of the OR or the transmission, grounding cables of lesser calibers may be used, as
long as the calculated fault current is lower than the mentioned values and the clearance time is
such that temperature in the conductor does not exceed 700 °C. If the fault current exceeds the
indicated values, a cable with enough capacity to withstand said current shall be used.


The lighting of spaces is highly related to electrical installations, as the majority of the modern lighting
sources are based on the incandescence and luminescence properties of the materials subjected to the
passing of an electrical current. A good lighting, in addition to being a safety, productivity and job
performance factor, improves the visual comfort and makes life nicer and cozier. If is considered that at
least one fifth part of men’s life takes place under artificial lighting, the interest existing in establishing
the minimum requirements for lighting projects is understood. Said minimum requirements are as

It has been demonstrated that the environment color produces in the observer psychical and emotional
reactions. There are no set rules to choose the appropriate color in order to obtain a determined effect,
since each case requires a particular treatment. Therefore, a good luminotechnic design is fundamental to
achieve the desired factors in each area.

16.1 Lighting design

The designer of a final use electrical installation shall take into consideration the lighting requirements in
accordance with the use and area or space to be lighted within the building subject to the electrical
installation. A lighting design shall meet the following essential conditions:

a. Supply enough amount of light for the type of activity being performed.

b. The method and design and calculation lighting criteria shall ensure the coefficient uniformity
values adequate for each application.

c. Control causes of dazzle.

d. Foresee the type and amount of sources and luminaries appropriate for each particular case taking
into consideration their luminal efficiencies and their useful life.

e. Use luminal sources with the temperature and the color reproduction adequate to the need.

f. Propitiate the rational and efficient use of electricity required for the lighting, using high luminal
efficiency sources and lighting the spaces that effectively require lighting.

g. Comply with the guidelines of the Technical Regulation of Public Illumination and Lighting.

h. The control systems for lamps shall be disposed in such a way that they allow the rational and
efficient use of electricity. In order to accomplish the foregoing, a high selectivity of the specific
areas to be lighted shall be guaranteed and combined with general lighting systems.

16.2 Installation, operation and maintenance of lighting systems.

The lighting systems shall comply with the following requirements:

a. There shall be uninterrupted supply for lighting in places and areas where the lack thereof may
cause hazards to people’s life, as well as in critical areas and exit means for evacuating the

b. It is not allowed to use discharge lamps with delayed ignition in emergency lighting circuits.
c. The emergency lightings equipped with sets of batteries shall guarantee their operation for at
least 60 minutes after the normal service interruption.

d. The lamp wastes shall be handled complying with the regulation on waste handling, due to the
toxic substances they may have.

e. In places accessible to people where rotary machines are operated, the installed lighting shall be
designed to control the risks associated to the stroboscopic effect.

f. The maintenance recommendations and timely substitution of the luminal sources when their
lighting levels no longer guarantee the minimum required levels shall be attended to.

g. For the purposes of this Regulation, in job sites the compliance with the following lighting
levels, adopted from rule ISO 8995, shall be ensured. The average value of luminance, shown in
Table 26 “Illumination levels accepted for different areas and activities” shall be considered as
the aim of the design, but the requirement is that the value, measured at the height of the working
place, is within the level of the minimum value and the maximum value.


Min. Medium Max.

General areas in buildings
Circulation areas, hallways 50 100 150
Staircases escalators 100 150 200
Dressing rooms, bathrooms 100 150 200
Shops, warehouses 100 150 200
Assembly shops
Heavy work, heavy machinery assembly 200 300 500
Intermediate work, assembly of engines, assembly of car bodywork 300 500 750
Fine work, assembly of electronic and office machinery 500 750 1000
Very fine work, assembly of instruments 1000 1500 2000
Chemical processes
Automatic processes 50 100 150
Manufacturing plants that require sporadic intervention 100 150 200
General areas within de production plants 200 300 500
Control rooms, laboratories 300 500 750
Pharmaceutical industry 300 500 750
Inspection 500 750 1000
Color balancing 750 1000 1500
Rubber tires manufacturing 300 500 750
Textile manufacturing
Dressmaking 500 750 1000
Inspection 750 1000 1500
Pressing 300 500 750
Electrical industry
Cable manufacturing 200 300 500
Telephone apparatus assembly 300 500 750
Coiling assembly 500 750 1000
Assembly of radio and TV receiver apparatus 750 1000 1500
Assembly of ultra precision elements for electronic components 1500 1500 2000
Food industry
General working areas 200 300 500
Automatic processes 150 200 300
Manual decoration, inspection 300 500 750
Smelting wells 150 200 300
Coarse modeling, manufacturing of coarse males 200 300 500
Fine modeling, manufacturing of males, inspection 300 500 750
Glasswork and ceramic
Ovens zones 100 150 200
Mixing, modeling, forming and stoves rooms 200 300 500
Finishing, enamel, glassing 00 500 750
Painting and decoration 500 750 1000
Sharpening, lenses and crystal, fine work 750 1000 1500
Steel and iron work
Manufacturing plants not requiring manual intervention 50 10 150
Manufacturing plants requiring sporadic intervention 100 150 250
Permanent work sites in manufacturing plants 200 300 500
Control and inspection platforms 300 500 750
Leather industry
General working areas 200 300 500
Pressing cutting stitching and shoe manufacturing 500 750 1000
Classifying, adapting and quality control 750 1000 1500
Mechanic and adjustment workshop
Occasional work 150 200 300
Coarse bench work and machinery, welding 200 300 500
Machinery and middle precision bench work, machines usually 300 500 750
Machinery and fine bench work, fine automatic machines, 500 750 1000
inspection and testing
Very fine work, calibration and inspection of very small and 1000 1500 2000
complex parts
Painting workshops and spraying huts
Immersion, coarse spraying 200 300 500
Ordinary painting, spraying and finishing 300 500 750
Fine painting spraying and finishing 500 750 1000
Finishing touches and color balancing 750 1000 1500
Paper manufacturing
Paper and cardboard manufacturing 200 300 500
Automatic processes 150 200 300
Inspection and classification 300 500 750
Book printing and binding work
Rooms with printing machines 300 500 750
Composition and proof - reading rooms 500 750 1000
Precision, finishing touches and engraving proofs 750 1000 1500
Color reproduction and printing 1000 1500 2000
Steel and copper engraving 1500 2000 3000
Binding 300 500 750
Decoration and patterning 500 750 1000
Textile industry
Plaque breaking, carding, spinning 200 300 500
Turning, coiling, combed rolling, dyeing 300 500 750
Balancing, rotation (fine counting), interweaving, weaving 500 750 1000
Stitching, dismounting or inspecting 750 1000 1500
Wood workshops and furniture manufacturing
Sawmills 150 200 300
Bench work and assembly 200 300 500
Wood machining 300 500 750
Finishing touches and final inspection 500 750 1000
General type offices, typing and computing 300 500 750
Open offices 500 750 1000
Drawing offices 500 750 1000
Conference rooms 300 500 750
Medical care centers
General lighting 50 100 150
Examining 200 300 500
Reading 150 200 300
Nighttime circulation 3 5 10
Examining rooms
General lighting 300 500 750
Local inspection 750 1000 1500
Intensive therapy
Bed headboard 30 50 100
Observation 200 300 500
Nurse station 200 300 500
Operating rooms
General lighting 500 750 1000
Local lighting 10000 30000 100000
Autopsy rooms
General lighting 500 750 1000
Local lighting 5000 10000 15000
Doctors offices
General lighting 300 500 750
Local lighting 500 750 1000
Pharmacy and laboratories
General lighting 300 400 750
Local lighting 500 750 1000
General lighting:
In big malls 500 750
Located anywhere 300 500
Supermarkets 500 750
General lighting 300 500 750
Chalkboards 300 500 750
Plan drawing 500 750 1000
Conference rooms:
General lighting 300 500 750
Boards 500 750 1000
Demonstration benches 500 750 1000
Laboratories 300 500 750
Art rooms 300 500 750
Workshops 300 500 750
Assembly rooms 150 200 750
Chart 26. Accepted lighting levels for different areas and activities


The main requirements for the most commonly used products in electrical installations are established as

The requirements established for the products subject to this Regulation are mandatory and shall be
demonstrated through a Product Conformity Certificate. The installation requirements are verified in the
process of certifying the installation, according to Chapter X, Article 44 of this General Appendix.

Any information concerning the product which has been established as a requirement by the RETIE,
including that related to marking, labeling, shall be verified within the product certification process and
the technical parameters therein established shall be verified through testing performed in accredited or
recognized under the current laws laboratories.

The additional information, catalogs and instructions manuals information, shall be true, technically
verifiable and shall not induce the user to error; deviations from this requirement will be penalized with
the legal or regulatory dispositions pertaining to consumer’s protection.

The referred to laws may indicate methods to demonstrate compliance with the requirements established
in the Regulation; but if said laws do not contemplate those methods, the laboratory that performs the
testing and the certification entity may resort to other international technical rules, internationally
recognized technical rules or NTC rules related to that product. If those rules do not include the methods
to demonstrate compliance with the requirement, other known referents recognized by good physics and
engineering practices may be used.

When a product subject to the RETIE is a part of an installation, apparatus, machine or tool excluded
from its purpose, it will not need to demonstrate compliance with the RETIE, notwithstanding other
requirements from applicable Technical Regulations that encompass them.

For the purposes of this Regulation, the Colombian Electrical Code NTC 2050 (First Updating), is a
technical rule applied to electrical installations; therefore, the product requirements established by said
rule will only be subject to the conformity certificate when this Appendix requires it.

When a product is manufactured for one or more functions pertaining to other products contemplated in
this Article, that product shall demonstrate compliance with the individual requirements that apply to
each function.

The product certificate shall clearly and precisely refer to the product to which it applies.


Considering their purpose in each electrical installation, independently from the tension level, this section
sets forth the parameters related to the most used conductors.
a. The requirements established in Chart 400 - 4 of NTC 2050, First Update, will apply to flexible
cables and cords used in electrical installations subject to this Regulation, as long as said
requirements refer to their safety.

b. Flexible type wires, cables or cords that are not included in Charts 28 to 35 of this Regulation, or
in Chart 400 - 4 of NTC 2050, that have similar applications to those included in said charts,
shall demonstrate that they comply with or exceed the requirements therein established.

c. For the purposes of this Regulation, the requirements considered essential and, therefore,
guarantee of safety for electrical conductors are the following:

• Electrical resistance to continuous current.

• Minimum area of the transversal section of the conductor material.
• Formal denomination of the conductor.
• Minimum breakage load for overhead lines cables.
• Insulating thickness.
• Minimum insulating resistance.
• Dielectric rigidity during five minutes at industrial frequency.

d. These parameters will be mandatory for all wires and cables used in the electrical installations
subject to this Regulation.

e. The conductors shall not work at a higher temperature than the design temperature of the element
that withstands the lesser temperature of the different elements associated to the electrical circuit.

f. Use of non - contemplated cables or wires. Wires and cables not included in the Charts of this
Appendix or in NTC 2050 are accepted, as long as they meet or exceed the specifications therein

g. Steel cables and wires coated with copper will be accepted, as long as the coating process
complies with rule ASTM B566 or its equivalent for this type of products. For calculation
purposes, the resistance and current capacity will be taken as for aluminum conductors.

h. Aluminum cables or wires in final use installations will only be accepted if they are made of
aluminum alloy of high ductibility, such as the class A required by NTC 2050.

i. The conductors shall not operate at a higher temperature that the design temperatures of the wire
ways, the accessories, the devices or the connected equipment.

j. When the installation characteristics require the insulation and / or jacket to have low halogen
content, rules such as the following shall be taken into consideration: IEC 60754 - 1 - 2, IEC
601034 - 2, IEC 331 and IEC 332 - 3.

17.1.1 General product requirement

a. The maximum resistance in continuous current referred to 20 °C will be 1,02 times the nominal
resistance in continuous current.


Where: Rmaxcc= Maximum resistance in continuous current

RNcc= Nominal resistance in continuous current

b. The minimum area of the transversal section shall not be inferior to 98% of the nominal area,
shown in Charts 27 to 34.

c. The ageing tests for insulation and jacket shall guarantee the compliance with their parameters
during their useful life.
d. The insulating materials shall guarantee that they are self - extinguishing to flame.

e. For aluminum, ACSR and aluminum alloy cables, the breakage load shall not be less than the
one shown in Charts 20, 30 and 31.

f. Aluminum, ACSR and aluminum alloy cables shall have the number of threads shown in Charts
29, 30 and 31.

g. The insulated conductors for low tension shall as a minimum comply with the values shown in
Chart 32.

h. Insulated cables for low, middle and high tension that do not include the requirements set forth in
this Appendix and that are used in the installations subject to this Regulation, shall demonstrate
that they are suitable for said uses, through a product certificate according to international,
internationally recognized or NTC technical rule that applies to them.

i. Conductors and multiconductors with covers in addition to insulation, shall comply with an
international, internationally recognized or NTC technical rule that applies to them.

j. The materials of insulating covers shall neither propitiate fire nor allow its propagation; said
requirements shall be demonstrated under standards such as: IEC 332 - 1, UL 83 and NTC 1332.

k. Labeling. The insulating cables and wires shall be labeled in permanent and legible way, which
should be repeated at intervals not greater than 100 cm. Labeling may be done in high relief or
permanently imprinted; it is also accepted in bass relief as long as the thickness of the insulation
is not decreased under the minimum established in this Regulation. The label shall contain the
following information:

• Caliber of the conductor in kcmil, AWG or mm2.

• Material of the conductor.
• Name or registered trademark of the manufacturer.
• Nominal tension.
• Type of insulation.
• Maximum operating temperature.

l. Information that must be supplied with bare wires or cables. Bare wires or cables should be
accompanied with a label that specifies:

• Caliber of the conductor in kcmil, AWG or mm2.

• Material of the conductor.
• Mechanical breakage tension for aerial cables.
• Name or registered trademark of the manufacturer.

m. Importers, manufacturers or commercializers of flexible wires, cables or cords, applicable to the

installations subject to this Regulation, will violate the RETIE if they do not comply with the
rules that apply to them.

n. Conformity is verified through inspection and testing in laboratories that guarantee compliance
with the parameters herein established.

17.1.2 Soft copper wires

Caliber Nominal Rncc 20 °C Caliber Nominal Rncc 20 °C

Area (mm2) (• / km) Area (mm2) (• / km)
Kcmil AWG kcmil AWG
11.6 4/0 107.22 0.161 16.51 8 8.37 2.06
167.8 3/0 85.03 0.203 13.09 8 6.63 2.60
133.1 2/0 67.44 0.256 10.38 10 5.26 3.28
105.6 1/0 53.51 0.322 6.53 12 3.31 5.21
83.69 1 42.41 0.407 4.11 14 2.08 8.29
66.36 2 33.63 0.513 2.58 16 1.31 13.2
52.62 3 26.70 0.646 1.62 18 0.82 21.0
41.74 4 21.15 0.817 1.02 20 0.52 33.3
33.09 5 16.80 1.03 0.64 22 0.32 53.2
26.24 6 13.30 1.30 0.404 24 0.20 84.1
20.82 7 10.50 1.64
Chart 27. Requirements for soft copper wire

17.1.3 Soft copper cables

Caliber Nominal Rncc 20 °C Caliber Nominal Rncc 20 °C

Area (mm2) (• / km) Area (mm2) (• / km)
Kcmil AWG kcmil AWG
1000 506.71 0.0348 66.36 2 33.63 0.522
900 456.04 0.0387 52.62 3 26.66 0.660
800 405.37 0.0433 41.74 4 21.15 0.830
750 380.03 0.0462 33.09 5 16.77 1.05
700 354.70 0.0495 26.24 6 13.30 1.32
600 304.03 0.0581 20.82 7 10.55 1.67
500 253.35 0.0695 16.51 8 8.37 2.10
400 202.68 0.0866 13.09 9 6.63 2.65
350 177.35 0.0991 10.38 10 5.26 3.35
300 152.01 0.116 6.53 12 3.31 5.35
250 126.68 0.139 4.11 14 2.08 8.46
211.6 4/0 107.22 0.164 2.58 16 1.31 13.4
167.8 3/0 85.03 0.207 1.62 18 0.82 21.4
133.1 2/0 67.44 0.261 1.02 20 0.52 33.8
105.6 1/0 53.51 0.328 0.64 22 0.32 53.8
83.69 1 42.41 0.417 0.404 24 0.20 85.6
Chart 28. Requirements for soft copper cables
Wiring type A, B, C and D

17.1.4 Aluminum or copper coated aluminum cables

Caliber Nominal RNCC Wiring Caliber Nominal RNCC Wiring

in Area 20 °C ________________________ in Area 20 °C _______________________
Kcmil (mm2) (• / Minimum Class No. Of Kcmil (mm2) (• / Minimum Class No. Of
or km) Breakage Threads or km) Threads
AWG Load AWG Breakage
(kN) Load

2000 1013 0.0284 153 A 91 600 304.0 0.0945 47.5 AA 37

1750 887.0 0.0324 132 AA 61 556.5 282.0 0.102 44.4 A 37
1590 805.7 0.0357 120 AA 61 556.5 282.0 0.102 43.3 AA 19
1510.5 765.4 0.0375 114 AA.A 61 500 253.4 0.113 40.5 A 37
1431 725.1 0.0396 108 AA.A 61 500 253.4 0.113 38.9 AA 19
1351 684.6 0.0420 104 AA.A 61 477 241.7 0.119 38.6 A 37
1272 644.5 0.0446 98.1 AA.A 61 477 241.7 0.119 37.0 AA 19
1192.5 604.2 0.0476 93.5 AA.A 61 450 228.0 0.126 35.0 AA 19
1113 564.0 0.0509 87.3 AA.A 61 397.5 201.4 0.143 31.6 AA.A 19
1033.5 523.7 0.0549 81.3 A 61 350 177.3 0.162 28.4 A 19
1033.5 523.7 0.0549 78.8 AA 37 336.4 170.5 0.169 27.3 A 19
1000 506.7 0.0567 78.3 A 61 300 152.0 0.189 24.3 A 19
1000 506.7 0.0567 76.2 AA 37 266.8 135.2 0.213 22.1 A 19
954 483.4 0.0594 75.0 A 61 266.8 135.2 0.213 21.4 AA 7
954 483.4 0.0594 72.6 AA 37 250 126.7 0.227 20.7 A 19
900 456.0 0.0630 70.8 A 61 250 126.7 0.227 20.1 AA 7
900 456.0 0.0630 68.4 AA 37 4/0 107.2 0.269 17.0 AA.A 7
795 402.8 0.0713 63.8 A 61 3/0 85.03 0.338 13.5 AA.A 7
795 402.8 0.0713 61.8 AA 37 2/0 67.44 0.426 11.1 AA.A 7
750 380.0 0.0756 60.3 A 61 1/0 53.51 0.537 8.84 AA.A 7
750 380.0 0.0756 58.6 AA 37 1 42.41 0.678 7.30 AA.A 7
715.5 362.5 0.0793 58.4 A 61 2 33.63 0.854 5.99 AA.A 7
715.5 362.5 0.0793 56.7 AA 37 3 26.66 1.08 - - -
700 354.7 0.0810 57.1 A 61 4 21.15 1.36 3.91 A 7
700 354.7 0.0810 55.4 AA 37 5 16.77 1.71 - - -
650 329.4 0.0872 51.7 AA 37 6 13.30 2.16 2.53 A 7
636 322.3 0.0892 50.4 AA.A 37
Chart 29. Requirements for aluminum and aluminum - coated cables - AAC

Note: The nominal resistance in continuous current and the nominal area also apply for wiring type AA, A, B, C and D.

For the purposes of these specifications, the wirings are classified as

1 Class AA: Used for bare conductors usually used in overhead lines.
2 Class A: Used for conductors to be coated with waterproof materials, heat retardants and for bare conductors
where a higher flexibility than the one supplied by class AA is required.
3 Class B: Used for conductors to be insulated with materials such as rubber, paper, varnished fabrics and for
conductors such as indicated in class A but which require greater flexibility than the one supplied by the wiring
class A.
4 Classes C and D: For conductors where a greater flexibility than the one supplied by class B is required .

17.1.5 Aluminum or copper coated aluminum cables, steel reinforced

Caliber Wiring Aluminum RNCC Minimum Caliber Wiring Aluminum RNCC Minimum
Nominal 20 °C breakage Nominal 20 °C breakage
Area (• / load1) Area (• / load1)
(mm2) km (kN) (mm2) km (kN)
kcmil AWG Kcmil AWG
2312 76 / 19 1171.51 0.0248 252 636 18 / 1 322.27 0.0892 67.6
2167 72 / 7 1098.04 0.0264 222 605 30 / 19 306.56 0.0944 133
2156 84 / 19 1092.46 0.0266 268 605 30 / 7 306.56 0.0944 128
1780 84 / 19 901.94 0.0322 227 605 26 / 7 306.56 0.0942 108
1590 54 / 19 805.67 0.0360 242 605 24 / 7 306.56 0.0942 96.1
1590 45 / 7 805.67 0.0358 188 556.5 30 / 7 281.98 0.103 124
1510 54 / 19 765.13 0.0379 230 556.5 26 / 7 281.98 0.103 100
1510 45 / 7 765.13 0.0377 178 556.5 24 / 7 281.98 0.103 88.1
1431 54 / 19 725.10 0.0400 218 556.5 18 / 1 281.98 0.102 60.9
1431 45 / 7 725.10 0.0398 170 477 30 / 7 241.70 0.120 106
1351 54 / 19 684.56 0.0424 206 477 26 / 7 241.70 0.120 86.7
1351 45 / 7 684.56 0.0422 161 477 24 / 7 241.70 0.120 76.5
1272 54 / 19 644.53 0.0450 194 477 18 / 1 241.70 0.119 52.5
1272 45 / 7 644.53 0.0448 152 397.5 30 / 7 201.42 0.144 90.3
1272 36 / 1 644.53 0.0446 117 397.5 26 / 7 201.42 0.143 72.5
1192.5 54 / 19 604.25 0.0480 186 397.5 24 / 7 201.42 0.143 64.9
1192.5 45 / 7 604.25 0.0478 142 397.5 18 / 1 201.42 0.143 44.0
1113 54 / 19 563.97 0.0514 174 336.4 30 / 7 170.46 0.170 77.0
1113 45 / 7 563.97 0.0512 133 336.4 26 / 7 170.46 0.169 62.7
1033.5 54 / 7 523.68 0.0551 163 336.4 18 / 1 170.46 0.168 38.7
1033.5 45 / 7 523.68 0.0551 123 300 26 / 7 152.01 0.190 56.5
1033.5 36 / 1 523.68 0.0549 95.2 266.8 26 / 7 135.19 0.214 50.3
954 54 / 7 483.40 0.0597 150 266.8 18 / 1 135.19 0.212 30.7
954 45 / 7 483.40 0.0597 115 211.6 4/0 6/1 107.22 0.267 37.1
954 36 / 1 483.40 0.0594 88.1 211.3 12 / 7 107.07 0.270 92.1
900 54 / 7 456.04 0.0633 142 203.2 16 / 19 102.96 0.280 126
900 45 / 7 456.04 0.0633 108 190.8 12 / 7 96.68 0.299 83.2
795 30 / 19 402.83 0.0719 171 176.9 12 / 7 89.64 0.322 76.9
795 54 / 7 402.83 0.0717 125 167.8 3/0 6/1 85.03 0.336 29.4
795 45 / 7 402.83 0.0717 98.3 159 12 / 7 80.57 0.358 71.2
795 26 / 7 402.83 0.0717 140 134.6 12 / 7 68.20 0.423 60.5
795 24 / 7 402.83 0.0717 124 133.1 2/0 6/1 67.44 0.424 23.6
795 36 / 1 402.83 0.0713 74.7 110.8 12 / 7 56.14 0.514 50.3
715.5 30 / 19 362.55 0.0798 154 105.6 1/0 6/1 53.51 0.534 19.5
715.5 26 / 7 362.55 0.0797 126 101.8 12 / 7 51.58 0.560 46.3
715.5 24 / 7 362.55 0.0797 113 83.69 1 6/1 42.41 0.674 15.8
666.6 26 / 7 337.77 0.0855 117 80 8/1 40.54 0.709 23.1
666.6 24 / 7 337.77 0.0855 105 66.36 2 7/1 33.63 0.850 16.2
636 30 / 19 322.27 0.0898 140 66.36 2 6/1 33.63 0.850 12.7
636 30 / 7 322.27 0.0898 135 41.74 4 7/1 21.15 1.35 10.5
636 26 / 7 322.27 0.0896 112 41.74 4 6/1 21.15 1.35 8.27
636 24 / 7 322.27 0.0896 100 33.09 5 6/1 16.77 1.70 6.63
636 36 / 1 322.27 0.0892 61.4 26.24 6 6/1 13.30 2.15 5.29
Chart 30. Requirements for aluminum steel - reinforced cables – ACSR

Note: 1) The minimum breakage load shown in this chart applies only for ACSR cables with steel cores with coating type GA and
17.1.6 Aluminum alloy cables

Caliber Nominal No. Of RNCC Minimum Caliber Nominal No. Of RNCC Minimum
Area threads 20 °C breakage Area threads 20 °C breakage
(mm2) (• / load1) (mm2) (• / load1)
km) (kN) km) (kN)
Kcmil AWG Kcmil AWG
1750 886.74 61 0.0378 253 450 228.02 19 0.147 67.3
1500 760.06 61 0.0441 217 400 202.68 19 0.165 59.8
1439.2 729.30 61 0.0459 208 394.5 199.90 19 0.168 59.0
1348.8 683.40 61 0.0490 195 350 177.35 19 0.189 52.3
1259.6 638.20 61 0.0525 182 312.8 158.50 19 0.211 46.7
150 633.39 61 0.0529 180 300 152.01 19 0.220 46.8
1165.1 590.40 61 0.0567 169 250 126.68 19 0.264 39.0
1077.4 545.90 61 0.0614 156 246.9 125.10 7 0.268 38.1
1000 506.71 37 0.0661 146 211.6 4/0 107.22 7 0.312 32.7
927.2 469.80 37 0.0713 136 195.7 99.20 7 0.338 30.2
900 456.04 37 0.0735 132 167.8 3/0 85.03 7 0.394 25.9
800 405.37 37 0.0826 117 155.4 78.70 7 0.426 24.0
750 380.03 37 0.0881 110 133.1 2/0 67.44 7 0.497 20.5
740.8 375.40 37 0.0892 108 123.3 62.50 7 0.536 19.0
700 354.70 37 0.0944 102 105.6 1/0 53.51 7 0.626 17.0
652.4 330.60 19 0.101 97.5 77.47 39.30 7 0.852 12.5
650 329.36 37 0.102 95.0 66.36 2 33.63 7 0.996 10.7
600 304.03 37 0.110 91.5 48.69 24.70 7 1.36 7.84
559.5 283.50 19 0.118 83.6 41.74 4 21.15 7 1.59 6.72
550 278.69 37 0.120 83.9 30.58 15.50 7 2.16 4.92
500 253.35 19 0.132 74.7 26.24 6 13.30 7 2.52 4.22
465.4 235.80 19 0.142 69.6
Chart 31. Requirements for aluminum alloys cables class A and AA – AAAC

17.1.7 Requirements for insulated wires and cables

Caliber Minimum insulation Minimum Minimum Minimum Dielectric test tension V

resistance in M• by km of thickness of thickness of PVC thickness in any (rms)
conductor insulation TW and insulation THHN point of the nylon
THW type type conductor conductors jacket
conductors (mm) (mm) type THHN (mm)
Kcmil TW THW TH Average At any Average At any Type TW Type THW
or HN point point conductors or THHN
AWG Conductors
2000 10 35 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1900 10 35 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1800 10 35 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1750 10 35 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1700 10 40 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1600 10 40 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1500 10 40 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1400 10 40 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1300 10 45 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1250 10 45 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1200 10 45 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1100 15 45 - 3.18 2.84 - - - 4000 4000
1000 15 50 60 2.79 2.51 1.78 1.60 0.23 3500 3500
900 15 50 65 2.79 2.51 1.78 1.60 0.23 3500 3500
800 15 55 70 2.79 2.51 1.78 1.60 0.23 3500 3500
750 15 55 70 2.79 2.51 1.78 1.60 0.23 3500 3500
700 15 55 70 2.79 2.51 1.78 1.60 0.23 3500 3500
650 15 60 75 2.79 2.51 1.78 1.60 0.23 3500 3500
600 15 60 80 2.79 2.51 1.78 1.60 0.23 3500 3500
550 15 65 80 2.79 2.51 1.78 1.60 0.23 3500 3500
500 15 55 75 2.41 2.18 1.52 1.37 0.20 3000 3000
450 15 60 80 2.41 2.18 1.52 1.37 0.20 3000 3000
400 15 65 80 2.41 2.18 1.52 1.37 0.20 3000 3000
350 20 65 90 2.41 2.18 1.52 1.37 0.20 3000 3000
300 20 70 95 2.41 2.18 1.52 1.37 0.20 3000 3000
250 20 80 105 2.41 2.18 1.52 1.37 0.20 3000 3000
4/0 20 70 95 2.03 1.83 1.27 1.14 0.18 2500 2500
3/0 20 80 05 2.03 1.83 1.27 1.14 0.18 2500 2500
2/0 25 85 115 2.03 1.83 1.27 1.14 0.18 2500 2500
1/0 25 95 130 2.03 1.83 1.27 1.14 0.18 2500 2500
1 30 105 140 2.03 1.83 1.27 1.14 0.18 2500 2500
2 25 95 130 1.52 1.37 1.02 0.91 0.15 2000 2000
3 25 110 145 1.52 1.37 1.02 0.91 0.15 2000 2000
4 30 115 155 1.52 1.37 1.02 0.91 0.15 2000 2000
5 30 125 135 1.52 1.37 0.76 0.69 0.13 2000 2000
6 35 135 155 1.52 1.37 0.76 0.69 0.13 2000 2000
7 40 145 170 1.52 1.37 0.76 0.69 0.13 2000 2000
8 35 130 185 1.14 1.02 0.76 0.69 0.13 2000 2000
9 40 155 225 1.14 1.02 0.76 0.69 0.13 1500 2000
10 35 125 180 0.76 0.69 0.51 0.46 0.10 1500 2000
11 35 135 195 0.76 0.69 0.51 0.46 0.10 1500 2000
12 40 150 175 0.76 0.69 0.38 0.33 0.10 1500 2000
13 45 165 190 0.76 0.69 0.38 0.33 0.10 1500 2000
14 45 175 205 0.76 0.69 0.38 0.33 0.10 1500 2000
Chart 32. Requirements for insulated wires and cables

Note: In low tension electrical installations subject to this Regulation, cables and wires insulated through other technologies will be
accepted, as long as the insulation resistance and test tension are not less than those shown in Chart 32.

17.1.8 Requirements for conductors specified in mm2:

When a cable or wire is specified in mm2, it shall comply with the requirements related in the following

Nominal Area Maximum conductor resistance in Nominal area Maximum Conductor Resistance in
(mm2) continuous current at 20 °C (mm2) continuous current at 20 °C
Soft copper Aluminum Soft copper Aluminum conductors,
circular conductors, circular circular or with any
conductors (• / circular or with conductors (• / other form (• / km)
km) any other form km)
(• / km)
0.5 36 - 35 0.524 0.868
0.75 24.5 - 50 0.387 0.641
1 18.1 - 70 0.268 0.443
1.5 12.1 18.11) 95 0.193 0.320
2.5 7.41 12.11) 120 0.153 0.253
4 4.61 7.411) 150 0.154 0.206
6 3.08 4.611) 185 - 0.164
10 1.83 3.081) 240 - 0.125
16 1.15 1.911) 300 - 0.100
25 0.7271) 1.20
Chart 33. Requirements for class 1: wires

Note 1) Only circular conductors are admitted

Nominal Minimum number of threads in the conductor Maximum conductor resistance in

Area continuous current at 20 °C
(mm2) _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Non - compacted Compacted circular Conductor in any other Soft copper Aluminum
Circular conductor conductor form Conductors (• / km) Conductors
(• / km)
Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
0.5 7 - - - - - 36.0 -
0.75 7 - - - - - 25.5 -
1 7 - - - - - 18.1 -
1.5 7 - 6 - - - 12.1 -
2.5 7 - 6 - - - 7.41 -
4 7 7 6 - - - 4.61 7.41
6 7 7 6 - - - 3.08 4.61
10 7 7 6 - - - 1.83 3.08
16 7 7 6 6 - - 1.15 1.91
25 7 7 6 6 6 6 0.727 1.20
35 7 7 6 6 6 6 0.524 0.868
50 19 19 6 6 6 6 0.387 0.641
70 19 19 12 12 12 12 0.268 0.443
95 19 19 15 15 15 15 0.193 0.320
120 37 37 18 15 18 15 0.153 0.253
150 37 37 18 15 18 15 0.124 0.206
185 37 37 30 30 30 30 0.0991 0.164
240 61 61 34 30 34 30 0.0754 0.125
300 61 61 34 30 34 30 0.0601 0.100
400 61 61 53 53 53 53 0.0470 0.0778
500 61 61 53 53 53 53 0.0366 0.0605
630 91 91 53 53 53 53 0.0283 0.0469
800 91 91 53 53 - - 0.0221 0.0367
1000 91 91 53 53 - - 0.0176 0.0291
1200 - - 0.0151 0.0247
1400 - - 0.0129 0.0212
1600 - - 0.0113 0.0186
1800 - - 0.0101 0.0165
2000 - - 0.0090 0.0149
Chart 34. Requirements for class 2: cables

Note: 1) Minimum number of threads not specified

Paragraph: Cables and wires for electrical use that comply with the requirements established in
rule IEC 60228 may be accepted, if they are verified through product certification.


Considering their massive use, the different accidents which may be caused, the poor efficiency of
incandescent bulbs and to prevent practices that may induce the consumer to error, this Section of the
Regulation applies only to electrical incandescent bulbs with tungsten filament for household use and
similar lighting uses, with glass bulb in any of its forms and finishing (white, clear and frosted glass),
with nominal power between 25 W and 200 W and nominal tension between 100 V and 250 V; to lamp
sockets for domicile o similar uses; and to compact fluorescent bulbs with integrated ballast for domicile
use or similar.

For the purposes of this Regulation, and while the Technical Regulation for Public Illumination and
Lighting comes into force, the incandescent bulbs or lamps, the threaded lamp sockets and the compact
fluorescent lamps with integrated ballast shall comply with the following requirements if applicable,
taken from rules IEC - 60064, IEC - 60432 - 1, IEC 60968, IEC 60969, UL 935.

17.2.1 Product requirements:

a. The fitting of the bulb or lamp and the corresponding lamp holder for domestic or similar
installations shall be type E 27 and shall have dimensions with the tolerances indicated in the
following figures:

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 16. Position of the threaded cover of the lamp socket

Posición del contacto del portalámpara cuando la bombilla está completamente insertada =
Position of the lampholder contact when the bulb is completely inserted

Tipo = Type

Mínimo = Minimum

Máximo = Maximum

Estas dimensiones deben verificarse con un calibrador de aproximación milimétricas= This

dimensions shall be verified with a milimetric approximation calibrator
The bulbs for uses different from domicile or similar lighting, may use fittings different from
E27, as long as said fitting does not induce the consumer to error by connecting the bulb in a
bulb holder for E27.

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 17. Dimensions of the bulb holder in millimeters

Casquillo sin montar = Non - assembled fitting

Lámpara terminada = Finished lamp

Roscado hacia la derecha = Threaded to the right

Casquillo = Fitting

Portalámpara = Lampholder

Where t1 shall have 22 mm; S1 shall have within 7,0 and 8,5 mm; H shall have within 4,8 and
11,5 mm and r shall have 1,025 mm.

Note: This value applies only for the fitting’s design. For the finished bulb, the distance d shall
be verified and it should not be less than 26,05 or exceed 26,45 mm.

Compact incandescent or fluorescent bulbs for special applications with other fittings than E27,
or non - threadable, shall comply with all other applicable requirements.

b. The lamp holder’s fitting and electrical contact and all other parts that conduct electricity, shall
be of a non - ferrous and resistant to corrosion material.

c. The fitting shall not be removable from the bulb when applying a torsion moment equal to or
lesser than 3 N.m. The foregoing shall be complied with at the beginning and end of the test of
its nominal life. It is performed placing the bulb on an adaptor affixed to a torsion measuring
machine or device, in such a way that the bulb may be held to make rotate slowly until reaching
at least the value of 3 N.m for the fitting E27.

d. The lamp holders shall have a mechanical resistance to withstand torsion of at least 2,26 N, due
to the insertion of the bulb and the conductor material should be self - extinguishing
demonstrated through the testing of the incandescent thread at 650 °C during 30 seconds, without
sustaining the flame when the hot thread is removed.

e. Luminal flow and luminal efficiency of incandescent bulbs: Each incandescent bulb according to
its power and tension shall certify the minimum luminal flow guaranteed in its average life.

f. Luminal efficiency, power factor, harmonic distortion and useful life in compact fluorescent
lamps: For compact fluorescent lamps with integrated ballast, the values of luminal efficiency,
power factor, harmonic distortion and useful life set forth in the following chart must be
complied with:

Power in W of the bulb or compact Minimum medium efficiency Minimum Maximum Minimum
fluorescent lamp with integrated ballast (Lumens by W) Power total useful life in
Factor distortion of hours
Without With cover

Equal to or less than 8 43 40 0,5 150% 3.000

Exceeding 8 W and inferior or equal to 15 50 40 0,5 150% 3.000
Exceeding 15 W and inferior or equal to 25 55 44 0,5 150% 3.000
Exceeding 25 W and inferior or equal to 45 57 45 0,5 150% 6.000
Exceeding 45 65 55 0,8 120% 8.000
Chart 35. Parameters for compact fluorescent lamps with incorporated foundation

To verify the luminal flow of an incandescent bulb, rule IEC 60969 or similar may be applied.
For that purpose, an integrator light meter, which should be calibrated with a standard bulb, is
used. This test must be performed at the nominal tension of the bulb with a tolerance of ± 1%.
The value of the initial luminal flow of each bulb, measured at its nominal tension, should not be
less than 93% of the value of the nominal luminal flow.

The parts of the cover that encloses the control elements of the fluorescent lamp shall be of an
self - extinguishing to the flame material and should withstand the test of the incandescent thread
at 650 °C during 30 seconds, without sustaining the flame when the hot thread is removed. Just
as defined by IEC rule 60968.

g. Marking and labeling. Over the bulb of the incandescent light bulb and on the body of the
compact fluorescent lamp, the minimum indications which should appear permanently and
completely legibly marked, are the following:

• Registered trademark, name of the registered manufacturer, importer or commercializer.

• Nominal tension in volts (V).
• Nominal power in watts (W)

The required certificate will be in accordance with said rule and additionally the compact
fluorescent lamp shall have engraved in its body:

• Luminal flow in Lumens

• Color temperature
• Useful life in hours

h. The packaging should indicate, in addition to the foregoing, the name of the importer or
commercializer; the mentioned values shall be demonstrated through laboratories’ tests.

Paragraph: The compact fluorescent light bulbs or lamps shall comply with letters a, b, c, f, g and h of
this number and shall be demonstrated through a product certificate.


The following requirements for electric fences, adapted from rule IEC - 60335 - 2 - 76, shall be complied
with by the domestic manufacturers, the importers, the distributors and the installers.

The pulse generators or controllers for electric fences are one of the few types of equipment that have
been designed and built to produce electrocution. Fortunately, up to now they have an excellent safety
register compared to other more conventional electrical products for household use.

17.3.1 Product requirements – pulse generator or Controller

The controllers shall comply with the following requirements:

a. The maximum tension of the feeder circuit shall not exceed 250 V.
b. The pulse frequency shall not exceed un cycle per second.
c. The duration of the pulse shall not exceed 10 m for normal load.
d. In limited power controllers, the power per pulse shall not exceed 5 J for a standard resistance of 500
e. The use of limited current controllers is allowed, as long as it is verified in the equipment that the
duration of the pulse is less than 0,1 ms and the maximum current is less than 15,7 A, for the
standard resistance of 500 •.
f. Marking and labeling:

The controllers shall be marked with:

• Nominal tension
• Warning to avoid connecting to electricity, for those which operate with batteries
• Duration of each pulse
• Maximum power
• Resistance taken as standard
• Time between pulses
• Manufacturer’s name or registered trademark

17.3.2 Installation Requirements

a. In normal operation conditions it should not generate hazards to people or animals.

b. Avoid warehousing or locating inflammable materials next to electric fences, to prevent fires.

c. Barb fences or cutting fences such as the concertina, shall not be energized by a controller.

d. Every controller must have a grounding system. If the resistivity of the terrain is too high, a
ground cable parallel to the fence is allowed.

e. The controllers shall have the withstanding specifications for transitory over tensions originated
in lightning, coming from the fence or electrical main.

f. The metallic parts shall be protected from corrosion.

g. The fence shall not be energized from two different controllers or from different circuits within
the same controller.

h. The wiring of every fence shall be assembled over insulators.

i. There must be a minimum of 2 m between two different fences, fed from independent sources.

j. The electric fence shall as a minimum be at 2 m of horizontal distance from the projection in the
ground of the external conductor of a line • 1 kV and as a minimum at 15 m from a line > 1 kV
(nominal tensions).

k. The height of electric fences near electricity overhead lines shall not exceed 2 m over the ground.

l. Every fence that is parallel to a public road shall be clearly identified with a 10 cm x 20 cm plate
with the legend “WARNING – ELECTRIC FENCE”, with permanent imprinting, written on
both sides, with letters of at least 2,5 cm, in black over yellow background.


(Kv) (m)
<1 3
> 1 and < 33 4
< 33 8
Chart 36. Minimum safety distances of electric fences to distribution circuits


For the purposes of this Regulation, thermoplastic tapes either made of PVC (polychloride vynil,
copolymer of polychloride vynil and vynil acetate) or polyethylene, used as electrical insulation over
splitting of wires and cables whose temperature does not exceed 80 °C, for use in electrical installations
up to a tension level of 600 V, shall comply with the following requirements adapted from rules IEC
60454 - 3, NTC 2208, NTC 3302, UL 510, ASTM – D 1000 and demonstrate it through a product

The insulating tapes used in outdoors electrical installations shall be black and the insulating tapes used in
indoors installations may be of any color.

17.4.1 Product requirements

a. Each of the insulating tape rolls shall be free of a telescopic and distortion effect; the edges
of the insulating tape must be straight and continuous.

b. When they are unrolled, the surface of the tape that does not have the additive must remain
smooth, uniform, it must be free of blobs and of places without adhesives.

c. The minimum dielectric rigidity must be 7 kV for tapes of 0,18 mm thickness and of 9 kV
for tapes of 0,25 mm thickness.

d. The width of the tape must be 12 mm, 18 mm, 24 mm, withstanding 1 mm above and 0,1
mm below.

e. The tape must guarantee adherence.

f. The material of the tape must be self - extinguishing (inflammability tests).

g. Labeling. Each of the insulating tape rolls or their packaging shall be labeled in a clear and
permanent way with the following information:

• Manufacturer’s name or registered trademark.

• Type of tape. PVC or PE and the legend “Electrical insulator”.
• Nominal length and width.
• The minimum service temperature (80 °C).
• Each roll must be imprinted with the identification of the production lot or date of


For the purposes of this Regulation, the general use plugs and sockets shall comply with the following
requirements adapted from rules NTC - 1650, IEC - 60884 - 1 – part 1 and part 2, demonstrated through
the comparative exam of the product against the mandatory requirements.

The plugs and sockets for special uses shall demonstrate that they are suitable for said uses, through a
product certificate according to the international, internationally recognized or NTC technical rule that is

The sockets used in extensions, multisockets, tension regulators and adaptors shall comply with the
following requirements:

17.5.1 Installation requirements

a. The sockets installed in damp places shall have an enclosure degree IP (or its equivalent NEMA),
suitable for the application and weather conditions that are expected and shall identify said purpose.

b. For outdoor use, the plugs and sockets shall have an enclosure degree IP (or its equivalent NEMA),
suitable for the application and weather conditions that are expected. The sockets installed in places
subject to rain or water splashes shall have a protective cover or weather - proof enclosure.

c. In nurseries or nursery schools where there is a permanent presence of children under 3 years, the
socket terminals shall be protected to avoid the children introducing objects into them and making
contact with energized parts. In nurseries or nursery schools the sockets must have overprotection
against contact with energized parts, such as increased protection, protection lids or be located at a
height that does not affect children’s safety.

d. The sockets shall be installed in such a way that the neutral terminal is above the horizontal

e. Plugs and sockets approved and certified for use in places classified as dangerous, must be used

f. The sockets shall be installed according to the tension level of the service, type of use and the
configuration for which they have been designed.

17.5.2 Product requirements

a. The male (plug) and female (socket) contacts shall be designed and manufactured in such a
way that they guarantee a correct electricity connection. The construction must be made in a
manner that in service conditions there are no exposed energized parts.

b. The sockets shall be built in such a way that they do not accept a plug with different tension
values or current capacity exceeding those for which they were designed, but that they may
accept plugs with inferior current capacities.

c. The sockets shall be constructed with materials that guarantee the continuance of mechanic,
dielectric, thermal and flammability characteristics of the product, its components and
accessories, in such a way that there is no possibility of their performance being altered or
their safety being affected as a consequence of natural ageing or normal use.

d. The sockets shall be supplied and installed with their respective plaque, lid or cover destined
to avoid direct contact with energized parts; these materials shall be highly resistant to

e. Polarized sockets with pole to ground shall clearly identify, through letters, colors or
symbols, the neutral and ground terminals, and if they are triphasic the terminals where the
phases connect shall also be marked with letters. In monophasic sockets the flat shortest
terminal shall be the one pertaining to the phase.

f. Sockets must perform an adequate number of cycles according to what is established in the
technical rule that applies to them, in such a way that they withstand without excessive wear
or other damaging effect, the mechanical dielectric, thermal and flammability tensions that
occur during normal use.

g. The sockets for general use shall be specified for nominal capacities of 10, 15, 20, 30. 50,
60, 63 and 125 A, at tensions of 125, 150, 220 or 250 V, with 2, 3 or 4 poles and grounding

h. The parts destined to conducting the current shall be manufactured in copper or its alloys,
but never in ferrous materials. Screws, rivets or similar, destined only to the mechanical
joining of components or cable tightening, are exceptions to this requirement.

i. The insulation requirement shall not be less than 5 M• for both the socket and the plug,
value measured between electrical points of different polarity and between these and any
point in the device’s body.

j. The connection between electrical conductors to the sockets and plugs’ terminals shall be
sufficiently safe to avoid overheating of the contacts.

k. The sockets with grounding protection shall have a visual inspection system that indicates
the functionality of the protection.
l. Labeling. The plugs and sockets shall be marked with the following characteristics:

• Manufacturer’s name or registered trademark.

• Nominal current in amperes (A).
• Nominal tension.
• Identification of the respective polarities if applicable.
• The sockets shall identify the use through the respective colors and markings in its

m. The sockets with insulated ground for connection to sensible equipment not connected to
patients, shall be identified with an orange triangle.

n. The “Hospital Grade” sockets shall have as identification a green dot in their exterior and
shall be certified for said use.

o. The devices designed to interrupt an electrical circuit or a part thereof, during an established
period of time, when a leakage to ground current exceeds a determined value, known as
ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI, RCCB or RCBO) shall comply with the following
requirements, adapted from rules UL 943, IEC 61008 - 1, 2 - 1, IEC 61008 – 2 - 2, IEC
61009 – 1 and IEC 61009 – 2:

• Be certified for said use.

• Have a signal that indicates its functioning and mechanism that verifies their adequate
• Prevention of false shots in case of being exposed to radio frequency conditions.
• The devices shall clearly indicate this function in their external finishing and that of
their controls.
• Indicate the nominal current of shot or leakage or its equivalent in class.



17.6.1 Installation requirements

The following requirements, adapted from rules IEC 61643 - 12, IEC 60664, IEC 60664 - 1, IEC 60071,
IEC 60099, IEC 60364 - 4 - 443, IEC 60364 - 5 - 534, IEC 61000 - 5 - 6, IEC 61312, IEEE 141, IEEE
142 and NTC 4552, are established:

a. Any substation (transformer) and any transition of aerial line to insulated cable of middle,
high or extra high tension, shall have a DPS. In the other equipment of middle, high or extra
high tension, or in low tension or final use mains, the need for a DPS will depend on the
result of an objective technical evaluation of the level of hazard due to transitory over
tensions to which it may be submitted said equipment or installation. Said technical
evaluation shall be done by the responsible for the design of the installation and the
following factors shall be taken into consideration:

• The use of the installation.

• The coordination of the insulation.

• The density of the rays to ground.

• The topographic conditions of the zone.

• The people who may be subjected to an over tension.

• The protection of the equipment.

b. The DPS shall be installed as indicated in Figure 18. The aim shall be that the residual
tension of the DPS is almost the same as that applied to the equipment.

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 18. DPS assembly

I de falla = Fault I

Equipo a proteger = Equipment to be protected

In distribution substations within buildings, the designer shall evaluate and justify the possibility
on installing only the DPS in the transition of the subterranean connection and not in the

For the installation of a DPS it shall be taken into consideration that the distance between its
electrical terminals and those of the equipment to be protected shall be as short as possible, in
such a way that the inductance is minimal.

c. For safety purposes the installation of the DPS shall be in a common way, that is, between
active conductors and earth.

d. When DPS are required, the installation in the origin of the internal main shall be preferred.
DPS may be installed indoors or outdoors, but they should be inaccessible to non - qualified
people. It is allowed for a block or set of DPS to protect several circuits. When several
stages of DPS are installed, a zoning methodology must be applied and they shall be
coordinated not only by current but also by power.

e. DPS constructed only with technology of tension commutation shall not be installed in
electrical power mains.

f. The short - circuit capacity of the DPS shall be coordinated with the fault capacity in the
node where it is going to be installed.

g. In low tension the conductors of connection to main and to ground shall not have a caliber
inferior to 14 AWG in copper. In middle, high and extra high tension the conductors of
connection to main and ground shall not have a caliber inferior to 6 AWG.

17.6.2 Product requirements

The following requirements for DPS, which shall be backed up with a certificate, were adapted from rules
IEC - 61643 - 1, IEC 60099, IEC60099 - 4, UL 1449, IEEE C62.41 - 1, IEEE C62.41 - 2 and IEEE

a. DPS used in middle, high and extra high tension with covering in porcelain material, shall
have some automatic overpresion relieve device that helps prevent the equipment’s

b. DPS used in middle tension with covering in polymeric material, shall have some external
disconnecting device in case it is short - circuited.

c. Under no condition the materials which form the covering of the DPS shall ignite.

d. In case of explosion of the DPS, the insulating material shall not throw fragments capable of
causing damage to people or adjacent equipment. In low tension, this requirement may be
replaced by an enclosure impact - proof.
e. Marking. The basic parameters that shall be complied with by a low tension DPS and shall
be at the users’ disposal are:

• Nominal discharge current, which in no case shall be less than 5 kA per nodule, for
DPS installed at the beginning of the internal main.

• Nominal tension, according to the electrical main where it will be installed.

• Maximum continuous operation tension, which shall exceed or be equal to 1,1 times the
maximum tension of the system in permanent regime.

• The tension protection level, which shall be inferior to the basic insulation level.

Paragraph 1: For DPS with nominal tension exceeding 66 kV, the product certificate issued by a product
certification entity, may be substituted by the manufacturer’s written declaration, establishing that the
requirements from the RETIE have been complied with, accompanied by the type tests performed in a
recognized laboratory.

Paragraph 2: The points or ray receiving terminals, the bayonets or arc horns, classified as over tension
protection devices, do not require demonstrating conformity through a product certificate; the constructor
and the installation inspector will verify that the dimensional and materials requirements established in
Article 18 of this Regulation are complied with.


17.7.1 Manual low tension switches

This section of the Regulation applies only to manually operated switches, destined to low tension
household fixed electrically installations and similar, both indoors and outdoors. It does not apply to
switches destined to be used in electronics, or used in installations different than those already mentioned.

For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, the switches shall comply with the following dispositions,
adapted from rules NTC 1337, IEC 60669 - 1 and IEC 60947 - 5, which may be proved by the
comparative exam of the product against the applicable requirements established in this Regulation. Installation requirements

a. Switches for apparatus control shall specify the nominal current and tensions of the

b. The switches shall be installed aligned with the phase conductors.

c. A general use switch shall not be connected in the grounding conductor.

d. In special environments (classified as dangerous) appropriate switches for the selected

protection technique shall be used.

e. The metallic box that houses the switch shall be solidly connected to the ground. Product requirements

a. The on and off positions shall be clearly indicated in the body of the switch. This
requirement is not mandatory for switches for exclusive household uses (household

b. The switches shall be designed in such a way that when installed and cabled in their normal
use, the energized parts are not accessible to people.
c. The metallic covers or lids shall be protected through additional insulation made with
insulating coatings or barriers.

d. For outdoor use, the switches shall be protected through weather proof enclosures.

e. The switches shall be designed and constructed in such a way that, in their normal use, their
operation is reliable and free of danger to the user and its environment.

f. The switches shall be constructed with materials that guarantee the continuance of
mechanic, dielectric, thermal and flammability characteristics of the product, its components
and accessories, in such a way that there is no possibility of their performance being altered
as a consequence of natural ageing or normal use.

g. The distances between parts under tension that are separated when the contacts are open,
between parts under tension with different polarity, between parts under tension and
accessible parts of insulating material, metallic grounded parts, metallic frames that support
the base of the embedded - type switches, screws or devices for adjusting bases, coating
covers or plaques, metallic parts of the mechanism (if it is required that they be insulated
from the parts under tension), shall not be less than 3 mm. The compliance with this
requirement shall additionally be guaranteed in time as a result of the normal use of the

h. The insulating parts of switches shall have a minimum insulating resistance of 5 M•

between the poles and the casing with the switch in the on position. They shall not be
susceptible of becoming inflamed and propagating fire, when the conductor parts in fault or
overload conditions reach high temperatures.

i. The switches shall perform an adequate number of cycles, at nominal current and tension, in
such a way that they resist without excessive wear or other damaging effect the mechanic,
dielectric and thermal efforts that occur during its use.

j. Marking and labeling. Each switch shall permanently contain the following information:

• Manufacturer’s name or registered trademark.

• Operating nominal tension
• Nominal current to be interrupted.

Paragraph 1: The current or tension regulators known as dimmers and used as manual interrupters for
household or similar uses shall comply with the requirements for switches and demonstrate compliance
through a product certificate.

Paragraph 2: Low tension manual switches called blade switches shall comply with the safety
requirements of an international, internationally recognized or NTC rule that is applicable to them and
shall demonstrate it through a product certificate. The use of these types of switches (blade switches) shall
conform to the restrictions set forth in the rule that applies to them.

17.7.2 Buttons

Low tension buttons used in special installations shall comply with the requirements established in an
international rule such as IEC 60947 - 1, IEC 60947 - 5 - 1, IEC 60947 - 5 - 4, or an internationally
recognized rule such as UL 508 or other equivalent technical rule and shall demonstrate it through a
product certificate.

17.7.3 Low tension automatic switches

For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, the low tension automatic switches shall comply with the
following prescriptions, adapted from rules NTC 2116, NTC - IEC 947 - 2, IEC 60898 and UL 489,
which may be proved by the comparative exam of the product against said rules or their equivalents. Installation requirements

a. An automatic switch shall be fixed in such a position that when connected to the feeder circuit it
reaches the line terminal and the exit is connected to the load terminals. In case of transferences, the
plant switch may be fed by the load terminals and be connected to the barrage by the line terminals,
as long as the switch manufacturer allows it and said condition is signposted.

b. An automatic switch shall have current and tension specifications that are not inferior to the nominal
values of the circuits it controls.

c. The current interruption devices for ground leakage for the protection of people against electrocution
and against fire, may be incorporated in the automatic switches or placed next to it forming a set
within the panel or board that contains them.

d. Protection against equipment fault to earth shall be installed in feeder circuits in solidly grounded
stars, with a tension to ground exceeding 150 V, but not exceeding 600 V between phases. For each
connection disconnecting device of 1000 A nominal or more.

e. Each branch circuit of a distribution panel shall be provided with protection against over current.

f. A device against over current shall not be permanently connected in the grounded conductor of any
circuit, unless the opening of the device simultaneously opens all the conductors of said circuit.

g. The pumps against fires shall have protection against short - circuits, but not against overload.

h. The protection devices against over current shall be easily accessible.

i. The differential switches against fire risk shall have a differential nominal current inferior or equal to
300 mA; they may be of immediate or retarded action.

j. In places classified as dangerous, switches approved and certified for use in such environments shall
be used. Product requirements

a. The distance between contacts shall exceed 3 mm when the switch is open and shall have some
signal that allows knowing the real state of the contacts.

b. The general switch of an installation shall have thermal protection with a bimetallic element or
equivalent electronic device for verifying the level of current, and magnetic protection through the
opening of a contact when a limit of current is exceeded.

c. The manufacturer shall provide the shot curves of the switch, for its adequate selection and protection
coordination with other back - up automatic equipment, placed upstream in the installation.

d. The leakage to ground current interruption devices for the protection of people against direct contact,
shall have a differential nominal current inferior or equal to 30 mA and its operation time shall be in
agreement with Figure 1 of this Regulation.

e. The mobile contacts of all poles of multipolar switches shall be mechanically assembled, in such a
way that they open or close jointly, either manually or automatically, even if the overload occurs only
in one protected pole.

f. The switches shall have a free shot mechanism.

g. The switches shall be constructed in such a way that the mobile parts may only rest in the closed
position or in the open position, even when the maneuver element is liberated in an intermediate
h. The switches shall be provided with elements that indicate the closed position and the open position;
said elements shall be easily seen from the front of the switch when it has its plaque or covering lid,
if it has it. For switches with maneuver element that liberates in an intermediate position, said
position shall be clearly marked to indicate that the switch has been shot.

i. The external parts of automatic switches, made from insulating material, shall not be susceptible of
becoming inflamed or propagating fire, when the conductor parts in fault or overload conditions
reach high temperatures.

j. Automatic switches shall perform a suitable number of cycles at nominal currents and tensions, in
such a way that they that they withstand without excessive wear or other damaging effect, the
mechanical, dielectric and thermal efforts that occur during normal use.

k. The automatic switches shall be constructed with materials that guarantee the continuance of
mechanic, dielectric, thermal and flammability characteristics of the product, its components and
accessories, in such a way that there is no possibility of their performance being altered or their
safety being affected as a consequence of natural ageing or normal use.

l. Marking and labeling: The automatic switch shall be marked over the device itself in a permanent
and legible manner with the following information:

• Manufacturer’s name or registered trademark

• Nominal current
• Indication of the open and closed position
• Nominal operating tension
• Short - circuit interruption capacity, for each nominal tension value
• Line and load terminals

m. Additional information that shall be at the user’s disposal in the catalog:

• Its use as breaker, if it applies

• Designation of the type or serial number
• Nominal frequency, if the switch has been designed for only one frequency
• Specify instructions for installation, operation and maintenance
• Reference temperature for non - compensated devices, if different from 30 °C
• Number of poles
• Nominal tension of the insulation
• Indicate the short circuit’s current. It is expressed as the maximum peak current

17.7.4 Middle tension switches, reconnectors, breakers

The switches, reconnectors and breakers used in middle tension, both manual and automatic, shall comply
with an international rule such as IEC 62265 - 1 (switches), IEC 62271 - 100 (switches), IEC 62271 - 102
(breakers), IEC 62271 - 105 (fuse –breaker), internationally recognized such as ANSI / IEEE C - 37.60
(Reconnectors) or NTC that applies and shall demonstrate compliance through a conformity certificate
with said rule.

To demonstrate conformity, at least the following tests shall be performed: Dielectric (BIL and industrial
frequency), rise in temperature test, mechanic operation, short duration resistible tensions and peak value.

The switches or reconnectors that use SF6 as insulating mean, shall not have higher leaks than those
established in the international rule that applies to them.

17.7.5 Short - circuits for distribution mains

They shall comply with an international technical rule, an internationally recognized or NTC rule, that
applies to them and they shall demonstrate it through a product certificate.


This section of the Regulation sets forth the requirements that shall be complied with by rotary machines,
new repaired or reconstructed, with power exceeding or equal to 375 W, with the purpose of avoiding the
accidents that may be caused and the practices which may lead to error. These criteria were adopted from
the NTC 2805 and IEC 61557 - 8. Engines that contain additional mechanical elements such as speed
reductors or amplifiers, pumps and clutches, as well as alternators and generators assembled to motor
machines, are included.

17.8.1 Installation conditions

a. In places classified as dangerous, approved engines, certified for use in said environments,
shall be used.

b. The working position of the machine (horizontal or vertical) indicated by the manufacturer,
shall be kept.

c. Generators shall have protection against over speed and against over currents.

d. Rotary electrical machines’ casings shall be solidly grounded. For mobile generators, it is
necessary to have insulation from ground system, which shall be monitored.

e. It is absolutely forbidden to use open engines in points accessible to people or animals.

f. The machine’s capacity shall be calculated taking into consideration the correction due to
height over sea level where it is going to operate.

g. The engine or generator shall be appropriate for the type of use and environmental
conditions of the place where it operates.

h. Systems driven by electrical engines that entail mechanical hazards to people, shall have an
emergency stop system. Likewise, these emergency stops shall be installed on conveyor
belts, mechanical games parks and all other machines which involve rollers and cutting

17.8.2 Product requirements Labeling and marking

Every electrical engine or generator shall be provided with a connection unfilar diagram and one or more
plaques of characteristics. The plaques shall be made from a durable, readable material, with permanent
letters, and shall be installed on a visible place in such a way that they cannot be removed; in addition,
they shall contain at a minimum the tension, current, power, speed, efficiency, number of phases technical
parameters, which shall be tested in an accredited or recognized for certification purposes laboratory, and
the following information:

a. Name or registered trademark of the manufacturer, commercializer or importer.

b. Nominal tension or nominal tension intervals.
c. Nominal current.
d. Nominal power.
e. Nominal frequency or specify that it is continuous current.
f. Nominal speed or nominal speed intervals.
g. Number of phases for machines with alternate current.
h. Degrees of IP protection.
i. Energetic efficiency at nominal operating conditions.
Paragraph 1: If the machine is incorporated to equipment that does not allow the free observation of the
characteristics’ plaque, the manufacturer shall supply a second plaque to be posted on a visible place.

Paragraph 2: If a person different from the manufacturer partially or completely repairs or modifies the
coiling of a machine or any other of its components, an additional plaque shall be supplied to indicate the
name of the repair person, the date of repair and the changes performed.

The product certificate of the repaired or modified machine may be replaced by a signed declaration from
the person responsible for the repair or modification, whereby the compliance with this Regulation is
stated, accompanied by the testing protocols of the ruled parameters performed. Additional information:

The manufacturer shall supply the user with the minimum recommendations and indications for the
assembly and maintenance of the machine. Additionally, he / she shall provide the user with the
applicable information from the following list:

a. Starting current.
b. Serial number of the machine or identification mark.
c. Information that allows identifying the manufacturing year.
d. Number reference of the applied rules and of the operating characteristics that apply.
e. Admissible over speed.
f. Maximum admissible room temperature.
g. Minimum admissible room temperature.
h. Height over sea level for which the machine is designed.
i. Total mass of the machine in kg.
j. Direction of rotation indicated with an arrow.
k. Operation torque and starting torque.
l. Working position (horizontal or vertical).
m. Thermal classification or admissible heating (nominal maximum external temperature)
n. Type of nominal regime of tension. If it is an interval between tension A and tension B, it shall
be marked A - B. If it is for double tension it shall be marked as A / B.
o. For hydrogen - cooled machines hydrogen pressure at the nominal power.
p. For machines with alternate current, the nominal frequency or nominal frequencies interval.
q. For machines with thriphasic alternate current with more than three connection points,
connection instructions through a drawing.
r. For machines with continuous current with independent excitation or with excitation in
derivation and for synchronic machines, the nominal excitation tension and the nominal
excitation current.
s. For machines with alternate current, the nominal power factor.
t. For induction machines with wound rotor, the tension between rings of open circuit and rotor
nominal current.
u. For engines with continuous current where it is foreseen for the induced to have a supply through
power static convertors, the identification code of the power static convertor.
v. For engines that do not exceed 5 kW, the nominal form factor and the nominate alternate tension
in the entrance bornes of the power static convertor, if it is higher than the nominal direct tension
of the engine’s induced circuit.

17.8.3 Exception in the type of product certificate.

The certificate of conformity with the RETIE issued by a certification entity for electrical engines or
generators with power exceeding 800 kVA, may be replaced by the manufacturer’s declaration whereby
the technical rules applied, and the results of the type tests performed by a duly accredited or recognized
laboratory, are specified. This self - certification shall strictly comply with the criteria of international rule
IEC 17050 for first part certification.


The boards, also called electrical pictures, cabinets, panels, consoles or placards of low and middle
tension, principals, for distribution, for protection or for control, that house elements or apparatus of
electrical power of 24 V or more, and that are for this exclusive purpose, used in the installations subject
to this Regulation, shall comply with the following requirements:

17.9.1 Low tension boards

For low tension they are adapted from rules UL 67, UL 508, NTC 3475, NTC 3278, NTC - IEC 60439 -
3, NTC 2050, and their compliance shall be demonstrated through a Conformity Certificate.

a. Both the coffer and the lid of a self - supported general connections board (placard - type), shall be
made from steel sheet, whose thickness and finishing shall withstand the mechanical, electrical and
thermal efforts, as well as the effects of dampness and corrosion, verified through testing under
scratching - in - saline - environment conditions, during at least 400 hours, without the progression
of the corrosion on the scratch being more than 2 mm.

The board may have current measuring instruments for each of the phases, of tension between
phases or between phase and neutral (with or without selector), as well as system operation
indication lamps (normal or emergency).

b. The distribution panel, that is, the built - in or over imposed cabinet or panel, accessible only from
the front, shall be made from steel sheet with a minimum thickness of 0,9 mm for boards with as
many as 12 circuits, and from steel sheet of minimum thickness of 1,2 mm for boards with 13 to 42

c. The enclosures of these boards shall withstand the effects of dampness and corrosion, verified
through testing under scratching - in - saline - environment conditions, during at least 400 hours,
without the progression of the corrosion on the scratch being more than 2 mm, according to NTC
1156 or ASTM 117.

d. The construction of plastic or metallic - plastic combination enclosures for distribution boards is
allowed, as long as they are self - extinguishing (withstand the thread test at 650 °C during 30
seconds) without sustaining the flame when the thread is removed.

e. The boards shall be impact resistant against mechanical crashes grade IK 05 as a minimum and
have a degree of protection against solids no bigger than 12,5 mm, liquids according to the
operation place and direct contact IP 2XC or its equivalent in NEMA minimum.

f. Connections on boards through a comb system are allowed, both for the power part as for the
control part, as long as the conductors and insulations comply with the requirements set forth in
number 17.9.2 of this Article.

g. The chemical compounds used in the preparation of the paint to be applied to the boards shall not
contain TGIC (Triglycidylisocyanurate).

h. Every board shall have its respective updated unifilar diagram. Current conductor parts of low tension boards

The conductor parts of the boards shall comply with the following requirements:

a.. Every current conductor part shall be rigid and made from silver, silver alloy, copper, copper alloy,
aluminum or another metal which has proved useful for this application. Iron or steel shall not be
used on a part that must conduct current.

b. To pressure - secure the connectors and the barrages, connection steel pegs, nuts and plugs shall be
used. Copper and brass are not acceptable to cover support pegs, nuts and terminals of connection
plugs, but a cadmium, zinc, tin or silver coating is accepted. Every terminal shall have steel support
pegs connected to a non - ferrous terminal plaque.
c. The current capacity of the phase barrages shall not be less than the one projected for the feeder
conductors of the board. All barrages, including neutral and ground shall be mounted on insulators.

d. The disposition of the barrage phases on triphasic boards shall be A, B, C, taken from the front to the
rear, from the top to the bottom, from left to right, seen from the front of the board.

e. All external parts of the panel shall be solidly grounded through protection conductors and their
terminals shall be identified with the grounding symbol.

f. All internal elements that support electrical equipment shall be able to withstand the
electrodynamics’ efforts produced by the system’s fault currents. The dimensions, enclosures and
barriers shall allow enough space to house the terminals and curvatures of the cables.

g. The parts manufactured with insulating materials shall be resistant to heat, fire and to the apparition
of leakage roads. The door or barrier that covers the automatic switches shall allow their dismantling
leaving reachable electrical points (direct contact) only through the use of a tool. Wiring terminals of low tension boards

The wiring terminals of the boards shall comply with the following requirements:

a. A terminal such as a pressure - wired connector or a fastening peg, shall take care of connecting each
conductor designed to be installed on the board in the field and shall be of the same type as the one
used during the short - circuit tests.

b. Each derivation circuit shall have an exit terminal for the connection of the required neutral or
ground conductors.

c. The manufacturer shall indicate the physical, electrical and mechanic characteristics corresponding to
the board according to the recommended use.

d. The working tension of the board shall be indicated, as well as the current capacity of the phase
barrages, the neutral and the ground.

e. An insulated barrage shall be provided for the neutral conductors of the feeding circuit and the
derived circuits.

f. It is not allowed to join several electrical terminals through cable or wire to simulate barrages in
power and control applications. However, for control circuits these equipotential connections may be
done through comb - type barrages.

g. The board shall have a barrage for the grounding of the feeder, with enough exit terminals for the
derived circuits.

h. The installation of the board shall consider the color code established in this Regulation and shall
identify each of the circuits.

17.9.2 Middle tension cells

Middle tension cells, also called pictures, panels, consoles or placards, shall comply with the
requirements of an international technical rule, such as IEC 62271 - 1, internationally recognized such as
UL 347, ANSI – IEEE C37 or NTC that is applicable and shall demonstrate it through a conformity
certificate of the product.

17.9.2 Board labeling and instructions

A low tension board or low tension cell shall have affixed, in a clear, permanent and visible manner, at
least the following information:

• Operating nominal tension(s).

• Operation nominal current.
• Number of phases.
• Number of threads (including grounds and neutrals).
• Name or registered trademark of the manufacturer, commercializer or importer.
• The electrical hazard symbol.
• Chart to identify the circuits.

17.9.3 Additional information

The boards and cells manufacturer shall provide the user with at least the following information:

a. Degree of protection or type of enclosure.

b. Unifilar diagram of the board.
c. The type of environment for which it was designed if it is special (corrosive, outdoors or explosive
d. Labeling for the identification of the individual circuits.
e. Installation, operating and maintenance instructions.
f. Every board shall visibly indicate the positions that must have the operating levers of the switches
when opening or closing the circuit.

17.9.4 BT boards and MT cells certification

For the certification purposes of BT boards and MT cells, they shall certify through tests at least the
following parameters:

- Declared IP protection degrees not inferior to 2XC (or its equivalent NEMA) and IK.
- Increase in temperature.
- Dielectric properties.
- Insulation and leakage distances.
- Short - circuit values.
- Protection circuit effectiveness.
- Testing of the mechanical operation of locking systems, doors, locks or other elements
destined to be operated during normal use of the board.
- Enclosure’s corrosion resistance.
- Insulating elements’ resistance to abnormal heat and fire.
- Protection measures against direct contact (barriers, warning signals, etc.)
- All other requirements established in this Regulation.

The manufacturer or commercializer of sole - manufacture boards, may replace the third part certificate
with the manufacturer’s declaration, taking into consideration the requirements of rule ISO - IEC - NTC
17050. To apply this condition, the manufacturer shall use products with duly certified quality according
to the requirements of this Regulation, and include within the testing protocols the information and tests
necessary to verify the parameters and requirements herein established:

The manufacturer’s declaration shall be validated and signed by an electricity engineer or electro
mechanic with updated professional license. This condition shall be reviewed by the inspector of the
installation, who shall leave statement thereto in the inspection report.


For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, electrical transformers with capacity equal to or exceeding
3 kVA, new, repaired or reconstructed, to be used in the installations subject to this Regulation, shall
comply with the following requirements:
17.10.1 Installation requirements:

a. When the transformer is not of the submergible type and is housed in subterranean chambers subject
to flooding, the chamber shall be duly impervious to avoid dampness and, if possible, it shall be
separated from the maneuvers chamber. When the subterranean chamber is not impervious,
submergible - type transformer and maneuvers chamber shall be installed.

b. Transformers refrigerated in oil shall not be installed in levels or floors that are over or next to living
dwellings, offices and, in general, places destined to permanent occupation by people, which may be
the object of fire or damage due to refrigerating oil leakage.

c. When a transformer insulated in oil requires the installation of a vault (according to section 450 of
NTC rule 2050), the vault shall be constructed with materials that offer withstanding fire for a
minimum of three hours. For dry transformers with power exceeding 112,5 kVA that require vault,
its resistance to fire shall be at least one hour. The fire doors shall be certified by a product certificate
entity accredited by the SIC.

d. The transformers and secondary barrages, when used in final use installations, shall be installed
according to Section 450 of NTC 2050.

e. Any transformer with nominal tension exceeding 600 V shall be protected at least in the primary with
over current protections; when fuses are used they shall be certified and selected in agreement with
an adequate coordination of protections.

f. The level of noise of the transformers shall not exceed the values established in the environmental
dispositions on the matter, according to people’s exposure.

17.10.2 Product requirements:

a. The transformers shall have a grounding device to solidly connect the tank, the cabinet, the neutral
and the core, according to the requirements of the applied technical rules and the characteristics
required by the transformer operation.

b. All transformers submerged in refrigerant liquids that have a derivate changer or commuter of
external operation without tension, shall have the legend: “maneuver without tension”, according to
the criteria adopted from the NTC 1490.

c. All transformers submerged in refrigerating liquid shall have an automatic overpresion relief device
easily replaceable, which shall operate at a pressure inferior to the maximum tension withstood by
the tank according to the criteria adopted from NTC 1490, NTC 3607, NTC 3997 and NTC 4907.

d. Distribution transformers shall have a device to lift or hoist them, which shall be designed to supply a
minimum safety factor of five; for dry transformers the safety factor may be reduced to three. The
work effort is the maximum developed in the lifting devices by the static load of the completely
assembled transformer, according to the criteria taken from NTC 3609.

e. The support devices to be hung on pole, shall be designed to supply a safety factor of five, when the
transformer is supported on a vertical plane only from the upper device, according to criteria adopted
from NTC 3609.

f. The manufacturer shall provide the user with the minimum transformer’s assembly and maintenance
indications and recommendations.

g. Labeling. According to criteria adopted from NTC 618, every transformer shall be provided with a
characteristics plaque, manufactured in materials resistant to corrosion and posted in a visible place,
that contains in permanent form the following information:

• Manufacturer’s trademark or name

• Serial number given by the manufacturer
• Year of manufacture
• Type of transformer
• Number of phases
• Phasorial diagram
• Nominal frequency
• Nominal powers, according to the type of refrigeration
• Nominal tension, number of deviations
• Nominal currents
• Short - circuit impedance
• Total weight in kilograms
• Connection group
• Connection diagram

h. Additional information: The following information shall be supplied to the user in a catalog for
transformers with power exceeding or equal to 5kVA:

• Transformer’s leakages at nominal conditions, this value shall be certified.

• Symmetric short - circuit current.
• Duration of the allowable maximum symmetric short - circuit.
• Refrigeration methods.
• Type of insulation.
• Insulation liquid.
• Insulation liquid’s volume.
• Basic insulation level for each winding, BIL.

Paragraph 1: If a person different from the manufacturer partially or totally repairs or modifies the
winding of a transformer or any other of its components, an additional plaque shall be supplied to indicate
the name of the repairman, the year of repair and the modifications performed according to the criteria
adopted from NTC 1954.

Paragraph 2: Exceptions in the certification procedure. The manufacturer or commercializer of only

manufacturing transformers, of transformers with power exceeding 2000 kVA, or who repairs or modifies
a transformer, may replace the third part certificate with the manufacturer or repairman’s declaration,
taking into consideration the requirements of rule ISO – IEC – NTC 17050. In order to apply this
condition, they shall use duly certified quality products with the requirements established in this
Regulation, and shall include within its testing protocols the information corresponding to the results of
the verification of the characteristics required by this Regulation, demonstrated through calculations, type
tests, routine tests, catalogues from components’ manufacturers, etc., as applicable.


The cable trays and the different ducts, as well as their accessories and in general any element used to
house the conductors of the installations subject to this regulation, shall comply with the following
requirements and demonstrate it through the product certificate.

17.11.1 Cable trays:

Cable trays used to support ducts or determined conductors certified and labeled for use in trays, shall
comply with the installation requirements established in section 318 of NTC 2050, or IEC 60364 - 5 - 52;
with the product requirements established in an international rule such as IEC 61357, rules NEMA VE1,
NEMA VE2, or equivalent rules, and with the following requirements:

a. The use of a simple conductor inferior than 1 / 0 AWG directly on a tray is allowed, as long as it is
certified and labeled for said use and the following conditions are met: cables with diameter
exceeding or equal to 8 AWG on cable trays with crossbeams separated no more than 15 cm; cables
with diameter exceeding or equal to 12 AWG on cable trays with crossbeams separated no more than
10 cm or which use mesh - type trays.

b. The cable tray manufacturer shall specify the allowed maximum mechanical efforts that they may

c. They shall comply with the requirements of protection against corrosion.

d. Electrical conductors with pipes for other uses shall not be installed on the same cable tray.

e. The cable trays manufacturer shall specify the allowed maximum mechanical efforts that they may
withstand; in no case will trays made from steel sheets with thickness inferior to caliber 22 or its
equivalent 0,75 mm will be allowed.

f. The connection accessories of cable trays shall be designed to comply with their purpose and shall
not have cutting elements which may cause a hazard to the conductor’s insulation.

g. Non - metallic cable trays shall be made of flame - retardant materials, that do not propagate fires and
with low emission of toxic gases or corrosive substances.

17.11.2 Raceways

Ducts are closed conducts, with circular, rectangular or square section, conformed by pipes or piping (set
of pipes), wire ways, bar buses or subterranean ducts, destined to house electrical conductors of
installations; they are also called cable system and they shall comply with the requirements corresponding
to Chapter 3 of NTC 2050 First Update, as follows:

• Cable bus. Section 365.

• Surface raceways. Section 352.
• Under floor raceways. Section 354.
• Cellular metal floor raceways. Section 356.
• Cellular concrete floor raceways. Section 358.
• Metal wireways and nonmetallic wireways. Section 362.
• Auxiliary gutters. Section 374.
• Nonmetallic collapsible electrical tube with slim wall (tubing - type). Section 341.
• Metallic electrical tube with slim wall (Tubing or EMT type). Section 348.
• Flexible metallic electrical tube with slim wall (Tubing type). Section 349.
• Rigid metallic conduit pipe (rigid type). Section 346.
• Intermediate metallic conduit pipe (IMC type). Section 345.
• Flexible metallic conduit pipe. Section 350.
• Nonmetallic rigid conduit pipe. Section 347.
• Flexible metallic and nonmetallic conduit tube, hermetic to liquids. Section 351.

For the purposes of this Regulation, the term piping addressed in sections 341, 348 and 349 of NTC 2050
first update, shall be understood as slim wall pipes. However, the natural and logical definition of the
word piping is a set of pipes and their accessories, and in such way it is treated in the present Appendix.

Conduit pipe will be understood as a metallic or nonmetallic pipe appropriate to house insulated electrical
conductors, with wall resistant to mechanic impacts.

The allowed uses and the prohibitions shall consider the type of element and the condition of the
materials used, as well as the properties of the environment where they will be installed.

In addition to what is established in the aforementioned sections, the following requirements, adapted
from rules such as ASTM for piping for the protection of electrical conductors, shall be taken into
a. In corrosive environments, with permanent dampness or underground, metallic elements to house
conductors which are not adequately protected against corrosion or that do not comply with the
required resistance to impact and crushing, are not accepted.

b. In buildings with three or more floors, collapsible nonmetallic electrical piping, corrugated with
circular section, shall be hidden within the suspended ceilings, false ceilings, floors, walls or roofs, as
long as the used constructive materials have a minimum fire resistance of 15 minutes, or less if there
is a system against fires with automatic showers in the whole building.

c. The spaces between elements that support nonmetallic piping may not exceed 1,2 m for piping with
diameter up to 19 mm; 1,5 for piping between 25 and 51 mm; 1,8 for piping between 63 and 76 mm;
and 2,1 m for piping between 89 and 102 mm.

d. Nonmetallic piping may not be used in spaces where due to the effect of the electrical load on the
conductors, there are temperatures exceeding those which may be withstood by the piping.

e. Nonmetallic electrical piping directly buried on the ground may not be used as support for apparatus,
nor for tensions exceeding 600 V, unless it is certified for said purpose.

f. Raceways shall not be installed in places exposed to physical damages or to direct sunlight, unless
they are certified to be used in such conditions and type of application.

g. The resistance to impact or transversal crushing of nonmetallic piping used in concrete walls or
floors, or buried, shall not be less than that specified in international rules or internationally
recognized rules for this product and applications. Special care shall be taken to avoid the
installations becoming deformed or being obstructed in the process of concrete casting or burying.

h. The use of nonmetallic wire ways is not allowed in: hidden installations (except when they cross
walls), where they are exposed to physical damage, in empty spaces of elevators, in environments
with temperatures exceeding those certified for the wire ways or where conductors with insulation
temperature limits exceeding those certified for the wire way are housed.

i. Raceways parts that are exposed within sight, shall be marked in orange stripes of at least 10 cm to
differentiate them from other uses.

j. The same raceway shall not contain electrical conductors with piping for other uses.

k. When the specific conditions of the installation requires it, the raceways and accessories shall comply
with the requirements established for said condition.

17.11.2 Product requirements

The raceways, tubes and piping shall comply with the requirements of rules such as: IEC601084, IEC
60439 - 1, IEC 60439 - 2, IEC 60529, IEC 61000 - 2 - 4, IEC 60423, IEC 60614 - 2 - 7, NEMA FG1, UL
85, UL 5 and UL 870, UNE - EN 50086 - 2 - 3, NTC 979 and NTC 1630. NTC 3363, NTC 171, NTC
169, NTC 105, which are applicable, and demonstrate it through a product certificate. Additionally, the
following requirements shall be complied with:

a. The pipe manufacturer shall inform about the allowed and non - allowed uses of his particular

b. The manufacturer shall specify the maximum mechanical efforts allowed that may be withstood by
the raceway; in no case will metallic wire ways or raceways in steel sheet with thickness inferior to
caliber 22 or its equivalent at 0,75 mm that guarantee minimum resistance to impact of 41,kg
force per meter will be allowed.

c. The connection accessories of cable trays, wire ways, raceways, pipes and piping shall be designed to
serve their purpose and shall not have cutting elements which may be hazardous to the conductors’
d. The certification shall verify aspects such as flammability, impact resistance, crushing under load,
water absorption, resistance to distortion by heat, tolerance in diameters and thickness, extrusion quality

e. The minimum thickness of nonmetallic pipes’ walls, accepted for the electrical installations subject
to this regulation, shall be those established in the following chart, with dimensions in mm.

Nominal Rigid SCH80 Rigid SCH40 Light Nominal Rigid SCH80 Rigid SCH40 Light
diameter (Heavy type) (Intermediate rigid diameter (Heavy type) (Intermediate Rigid
type) type)
21 3,73 2,77 1,52 73 7,01 5,16 2,80
26 3,91 2,87 1,52 88 7,62 5,49 3,18
33 4,55 3,38 1,52 101 8,08 5,74 3,68
42 4,85 3,56 1,78 114 8,56 6,02 3,80
48 5,08 6,68 2,03 141 9,52 6,55 6,55
60 5,54 3,91 2,54 168 10,97 7,11 7,11
Chart 37. Minimum thickness of non - metallic piping

17.11.4 Bar bus

The system known as blind barras, or bar bus or bus ways is considered as a raceway with bars
incorporated for distribution with derivates of the plug - in type and generally transporting currents
exceeding 100 A, shall comply with the following requirements:

For installation, those of Section 364 of NTC 2050.

For product the following (adopted from IEC 439 - 2, IEC60439 - 2, UL 857 or other equivalent).

• Dielectric properties, including insulation and leakage distances.

• Heating tests (temperature rises)
• Protection circuit effectiveness
• Structural resistance
• Crushing resistance
• Verification of resistance of insulating from heat and fire materials
• Short - circuit level (resistance to short - circuits)
• Degree of protection or type of enclosure
• Resistance to flame propagation
• Mechanical operation
• Labeling: The manufacturer shall provide at least the following information:
- Type of environment for which it was designed, if special (corrosive, outdoors or
explosive areas).
- Installation, operation and maintenance instructions.


The boxes, condulets and, in general, elements used as enclosures for electrical apparatus shall comply
with the following requirements, adapted from rules NTC 2958, UL 50, UL 746 C, IEC 60670 - 1, IEC
60670 - 24 and IEC 60998 - 2 - 5, and demonstrate compliance through a product certificate.

17.12.1 Installation requirements

a. Boxes and condulets shall be installed in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Chapter 3 of
NTC 2050 First Update.

b. Boxes used in exits for lighting artifacts (lamp holders), shall be designed for said purpose and the
installation of rectangular boxes is not allowed.
c. In concrete, brick or other non - combustible materials walls or suspended ceilings, the boxes shall be
installed in such a way that the front edge of the box is no further than 15 mm from the final finishing
surface; when this requirement cannot be complied with due to building reasons, box supplements,
approved for such use, shall be installed; in any case, the enclosure, the mechanical stability of the
apparatus or equipment to be installed and the safety distances shall be guaranteed. In walls or
suspended ceilings built in wood or other combustible material, the boxes shall be level with or
protrude from the finishing surface.

17.12.2 Product requirements

a. Be corrosion resistant. For boxes painted with enamel or anticorrosive coating, it shall be applied
inside and outside the box after the machining has been done and shall be verified through tests under
conditions of scratching in saline environment, during at least 400 hours, without the progression of
the corrosion being more than 2 mm. For galvanized boxes the corrosion tests shall be performed in
accordance to what is established in international rules for each type of galvanizing. Rule ATM A
633 is completely applicable to verify this protection against corrosion requirement.

b. Steel boxes with volume inferior to 1640 cm2 shall be manufactured in sheet with a thickness of at
least 0,9 mm or its equivalent caliber 20.

c. Metallic boxes with volume exceeding 1640 cm2 shall be manufactured in a way that makes them
rigid and resistant to mechanical efforts that are required. If they are made from steel sheet the
thickness of the sheet shall not be less than 0,9 mm.

d. The walls of boxes and condulets from malleable iron and from aluminum, bronze, or cast or
permanently printed zinc, shall not have thickness inferior to 2,4 mm.

e. Boxes or condulets from other metals shall have walls with thickness equal to or exceeding 3,2 mm.

f. Nonmetallic boxes shall be made from self - extinguishing materials (withstand a metallic thread at
650 °C during 30 seconds) and without flame generation, in the incandescent thread test.

g. In metallic boxes, the flaps used to secure apparatus such as switches, sockets, shall be drilled and
screwed in such a way that the screw has a depth equal to or exceeding 1,5 mm and the type of screw
shall be 6 - 32 or its equivalent (diameter 6 and 32 threads per inch). Boxes to imbed apparatus with
greater size and weight, shall be provided with elements to fasten the apparatus, in such a way that
they withhold the mechanic and electrical efforts during the box’s useful life. In nonmetallic boxes
the permanence of the screw where the apparatus are secured shall be guaranteed during the box’s
useful life.

h. The minimum internal dimensions of rectangular boxes for the installation of manual switches or
general use sockets shall be: for metallic boxes 53,9 mm wide, 101 mm long and 47,6 mm depth; in
any case, enough space to house the elements shall be guaranteed.

i. For boxes of other geometries (octagonal or square) the dimensions shall be such that the internal
volume established in NTC 2050 is guaranteed, and in no case it shall be less than 210 cm2.

17.13 Low tension extensions and multioutlets

Taking into consideration that the use of electrical extensions and multioutlets make them an integral part
of the installation, their use will be allowed as long as they comply with the following requirements:

17.13.1 Requirements to connect an extension or multioutlet

a. The extension or multioutlet may only be connected to a branch circuit whose conductors and outlets
have enough capacity to withstand the current of all connected loads.

b. The use of extensions and multioutlets with cables with section inferior to caliber 18 AWG will not
be allowed.
17.13.2 Product Requirements

The extension and multioutlet shall comply with the following requirements, demonstrable through the
Product Conformity Certificate:

a. The male contact (plug) and the female contact (socket) shall be designed and manufactured in such a
way that they guarantee a correct electrical connection; the construction shall be such that in normal
service conditions there are no parts exposed to contact with any part of the body.

b. The insulation resistance shall not be less than 5•, for both the socket and the plug, value measured
between electrical points of different polarity and between them and any other point in the device’s

c. The accessories (plug and socket) shall be damp resistant.

d. The conductor parts of the plug, the cable and the socket shall be capable of transporting the
specified current and shall be connected in such a way that there is no overheating in the plug that
exceeds 30 °C when the extension is continuously used at its maximum current capacity.

e. All sockets in a multioutlet shall have the same current rank and a grounding terminal. The current
capacity of each socket shall not be less than 15 A.

f. The polarized extensions shall indicate this characteristic, shall not be used in non - polarized sockets
and shall be connected in only one way (fitting the wide contact in the wide slot).

g. The breaker and protection devices of the multioutlet, if it has them, shall be dimensioned as those of
a branch circuit.

h. The type of conductor (flexible cable or cord) shall be adequate for said purpose, but in no case the
transversal section area may be inferior to caliber 18 AWG. The manufacturer shall indicate the
allowed uses.

i. The flexible cable or cord used in the extension or multioutlet shall be marked in high relief, bass
relief or permanent ink, at least with the following information: number of conductors, conductor
caliber and type of insulation.

j. The outlet marking shall be permanent, clear, readable and printed in the external part of the outlet’s
body. It shall contain at least the following information: manufacturer’s name or registered trademark
and nominal values in volts (V) and amperes (A).

k. Extension marking: In addition to the permanent marks on the cable, the extension shall have a
bracelet or label with the following information: Manufacturer’s name or registered trademark,
nominal values in volts (V), amperes (A) and watts (W).

l. The manufacturer or commercializer of the extension shall provide information that allows the user
to know the length, the allowed uses and the prohibitions or limitations.

Paragraph: The accessories that are sold separately and that include cable, plug and socket, used as
feeder cables for apparatus or equipment, shall be considered as electrical extensions and, therefore, shall
comply with the requirements for them.

17.13.3 Extensions for decoration lighting and Christmas lighting

The extensions for these applications containing plugs, cables, lamp holders and control elements shall
comply with an international, internationally recognized, or NTC technical rule that is applicable to them
and shall demonstrate compliance through a product certificate.


These requirements apply only to insulators used in transmission lines, distribution mains, substation and
connection barrages, with tension exceeding 100 V and they shall comply with the requirements of
international, internationally recognized or NTC rules such as: IEC 60826, IEC 60305, IEC 60060 - 2,
IEC 60383, IEC 60273, NTC 2685, NTC 60660. Additionally, they shall comply with the following

a. They may be made from porcelain, glass, epoxy resin, steatite and other equivalent insulating
materials that are resistant to weather’s action.

b. They shall offer enough resistance to the mechanical efforts to which they are submitted.

c. They shall be submitted to nominal tension and mechanical effort to determine the loss of their
insulating function in case of breakage, fissures or fire.

d. Marking. The insulator shall be marked with:

• Manufacturer’s name or registered trademark,

• Maximum breakage tension allowed,
• Insulating basic level to impulse.

e. The manufacturer shall demonstrate and provide the user with the following information:

• Dimensions (diameter and effective height)

• Leak distance
• Disruptive tension at 60 HZ in dry, and under rain (when applicable)
• Disruptive tension for ray type wave (1,2 x 50 microseconds)
• Resistance to electro mechanic effort (kgf)
• Net weight
• Dielectric rigidity

f. Protected against corrosion for the environment where it will be used.


The support structures of the distribution mains for tension inferior than 57,5 kV may be poles made of
wood, concrete, iron, steel, reinforced polymeric fibers or other materials; as well as metallic towers or
small towers, as long as they comply with the following requirements if applicable, adapted from rules
such as NTC 1329, NTC 776, NTC 1056, NTC 222, ASTM D 4923.

a. Poles of standardized dimension shall be used, of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20 or 22 meters,
with tolerances of more or less 50 mm, in such a way that they guarantee the minimum safety
distances established in Article 13 of this Regulation.

Poles made from materials other than wood shall be specified and tested for minimum breakage loads
of 5001 N, 7355 N, 10300 N, 13240 N, 17640 N or their equivalents 510, 750, 1050 or 1350, 1800 or
2000 kgf. If the specific conditions of the installation require bigger breakage loads or longitudes
than those established in this Regulation, the user shall justify their use and will precise the technical
specifications required.

b. The concrete poles of circular or polygonal section shall present a conicity between 2 and 1,5 cm / m
of length, according to NTC 1329.

c. The pole shall have on its upper part diametric perforations, over the same plane at uniform distances
with the dimensions and tolerances necessary for them to be crossed by pegs up to 19 mm in
diameter; they should not leave the metallic parts of the frame exposed; the number and distance of
the perforations will depend on the dimensions of the fittings used in the structure. Some of these
perforations shall have an angle that allows the passage of the grounding conductors to the interior of
the pole.

d. The poles with hollow core shall be supplied with two perforations of diameter no less than 2 cm,
placed at a distance between 20 and 50 cm under the burial marking, in order to allow the passing of
the grounding conductor inside the pole and facilitate its connection to the grounding electrode.

e. The concrete poles shall be constructed with the mixing techniques and materials recognized by the
Seismic Activity Resistance Code or the technical rules for these types of requirements; they shall
not present parts of their frame exposed to corrosion; the depth of the iron shall not be less than 25
mm for use in saline environments and 20 mm for use in normal environments; for vibrated armed
poles the depth for saline or corrosive environments will be increased in 5 mm or the value
determined in an international, internationally recognized or NTC technical rule applicable to
concrete poles. Likewise, they shall not present fissures or cracks that compromise the useful life and
mechanical safety. The manufacturer shall take into consideration the environmental conditions of
the place where the pole will be installed and will take the constrictive measures to counteract the

f. Pole’s safety factor, calculated as the reaction between the minimum breakage load and the
maximum applied tension (maximum work load), shall not be less than 2.

g. The pole, under the action of an applied load of 20 cm from the top, with intensity equal to 40% of
the minimum breakage load, shall not produce an arrow superior to 3% of the free length.

h. Embedding or burial length: the pole shall be embedded at a depth equal to 60 cm plus 10% of the
pole’s length, and in any case it must be verified that it presents no danger of overturning. The
manufacturer shall mark with permanent paint the transversal section where this distance is placed.

i. Gravity center of the pole: The manufacturer shall mark with permanent paint the transversal section
where the pole’s gravity center is located, in order to allow its manipulation and hoisting with the
least hazard to the operator.

j. Wood poles shall comply with the following requirements: be treated against fungus and other agents
which may reduce their useful life; the dimensions and flexion effort shall not be less than the values
established in the international or NTC technical rules, such as NTC 776, NTC 1056, NTC 2222,
NTC 1093, NTC 1057, NTC 2083, NTC 1966, NTC 5193 or NTC 172. Likewise, the maximum
humidity content shall be demonstrated.

k. Wood, concrete or other material poles shall not present fissures or other anomalies that over time
may compromise their mechanical conditions.

l. Metallic or other material poles or towers susceptible of corrosion shall be protected against it and
shall guarantee a useful life no inferior to 25 years. Rules such as ASTM – A 123, ASTM B 633,
ASTM A 653, ISO 9223 are completely applicable to verify this requirement of protection against

m. Metallic poles and structures shall be provided with a grounding, excepting those destined to low

n. Labeling: The poles and towers shall have, in bass relief or on a visible plaque, embedded on the
concrete if the pole or tower is made of concrete, placed two meters from the embedding signal, the
following information:

• Manufacturer’s name.
• Length of the pole or towers in meters.
• Minimum breakage load in N or kgf.
• Pole’s weight.
• Manufacturing date.
Paragraph 1. Concrete poles shall be accepted in any of their forms (such as trunk cone, pyramid trunk,
or I section) and manufacturing techniques (arming, pre - tensing, vibrating or centrifugation), as long as
they comply with the aforementioned requirements that apply.

Paragraph 2. When the pole is installed in places adjacent to roads of high vehicle speed, and are
susceptible of being impacted by vehicles, the users shall determine and use the building technology that
presents lesser risk to passengers and vehicles.


The requirements of firebreak doors, adopted in rules NFPA 251, NFPA 252, NFPA 257, NFPA 80,
ANSI A 156.3, UL 10 B, ASTM A 653 M, ASTM E152 and EN 1634 – 1, will be the following and shall
be demonstrated through a conformity certificate:

a. The door shall withstand fire minimum during three hours minimum when the vault houses
transformers refrigerated in oil or dry transformers with tension exceeding 35 kV.

b. It shall be constructed with materials that maintain their physical and mechanical integrity and
constructive dimensions to minimize or delay the pass of fire or hot gases through it, that are capable
of causing the ignition of the flammable materials that are at short distance, on the side not exposed
to the fire.

c. The doors shall not issue flammable or toxic gases.

d. The temperature measured on the wall that is not exposed to fire shall not exceed 200 °C in any
thermo pair situated at distances greater than 100 mm from the frames or joining and the average
temperature of these thermo pairs shall not exceed 150 °C; the temperature measured on the frames
shall not exceed 360 °C when the side exposed to the fire has reached temperatures not lower than
1000 °C on a three - hour test.

e. The firebreak door shall be provided with an anti - panic lock that guarantees that the lock of the door
does not affect its characteristics and adequate operation; the lock shall allow manually opening the
door from inside the vault with a simple pressure, even when it is externally locked with key. The
anti - panic mechanism shall have such dimensions that it at least covers 80% of the mobile sheet.

f. The door shall guarantee hermetical closing with the purpose of minimizing the pass of gases or
smoke during the time for which the door is specified.

g. The firebreak doors shall not have cutting or sharp elements that may be dangerous to operators.

h. The doors shall be tested in an appropriate oven, that allows increasing the temperature on a short
time to the following minimum temperature values: at 5 minutes 535 °C, at 10 minutes 700 °C, at 30
minutes 840 °C, at 60 minutes 925 °C, at 120 minutes 1000 °C, and at 180 minutes 1050 °C.

i. Labeling. The firebreak door shall have affixed, on a visible place (non - exposed side) a metallic
plaque with the following information:

• Manufacturer’s name
• Dimensions
• Weight of the door
• Manufacturing date

j. Additionally, the firebreak door shall have on a visible place a permanent plaque with the electrical
hazard symbol, in accordance with the characteristics established in this Regulation.

k. When installing the door, it shall be guaranteed that the walls of the vault withstand at least 3 hours
of fire, without allowing the side non exposed to fire that contains the door to exceed 150 °C, when
the temperature inside the vault is 1000 °C. Likewise, the joining of the door that impede the pass of
gases between the wall and the door’s frame shall be appropriately sealed.
l. The vaults to house transformers refrigerated with mineral oil or dry - type transformers with tension
exceeding 35 kV, installed within buildings, require the entrances from inside the building to be
supplied with firebreak doors capable of avoiding the transformer’s fire or explosion propagating to
other places of the building.

m. For dry transformers, with power exceeding or equal to 112,5 kVA, with RISE inferior to 80 °C and
tension inferior to 35 kV, transformer’s rooms and fire door resistant to fire for one hour will be
allowed. For dry transformers, with power exceeding or equal to 112,5 kVA, with RISE exceeding
80 °C and tension inferior to 35 kV, a resistant to fire door is not required, as long as they are
installed in a metallic cabin or cabinet (cell) with ventilation opening, as determined by NTC 2050.


All elements used to secure insulators to structures, to secure the conductor to the insulator, to secure the
cable to the structure’s guard, to secure the retained (templates), the insulators’ electrical protection
elements and the conductor’s accessories, such as connectors, splices, separators and shock absorbers, are
considered as included under this name. The requirements that shall be complied with are:

a. The fittings shall be of a design adequate to their mechanical and electrical purpose.

b. They shall be adequately protected against corrosion and polluting elements; for these
purposes, the environmental characteristics predominant on the zone where they will be
installed shall be taken into consideration. The manufacturer shall supply the information
regarding allowed and non - allowed uses.

c. The fittings for lines of 220 kV or more, shall be protected against the crown effect and shall
not propitiate said effect; for that purpose, they shall not present brusque changes of
curvature, or points of mechanical effort concentration or of electrical gradient; they shall
have smooth surfaces and be free of sharp edges.

d. They shall not have protuberances, burrs, slag or scales that difficult its coupling.

e. They shall be complete and installed with all their parts.

f. Fittings subject to mechanical tension by the conductors and guard cables or by the
insulators, shall have a mechanical safety coefficient that is no less than three with respect to
their nominal working load.

g. The retention staples of the conductors and splices shall withstand a mechanical tension on
the cable of at least 90% of its breakage load, without sliding.

17.17 FUSES

The fuses used in the installations subject to this Regulation shall comply with the requirements set forth
herein of international, internationally recognized or NTC rule that applies to them, such as Rule IEC
60269 - 1, IEC 60269 - 2, NTC 2133, IEC60282 - 1, IEC 60282 - 2, NTC 2132.

• Time - current characteristic curve.

• Type of fuse.
• Nominal current.
• Nominal tension.
• l2t (ampere2 second)
• Interruption capacity kA

Additionally, it shall be indicated if the fuse is slow, quick or ultra quick action.
a. These elements shall guarantee the commutation of the current’s pass; the construction and
materials shall have the characteristics that allow them to withstand electrical faults, short -
circuits, over tensions, over loads, and therefore they shall comply with the herein
referenced requirements from rules such as IEC 60947 - 4 - 2, IEC 60947 - 1, IEC 60947 - 5
- 1, IEC 60947.4.1, JISC 4520, UL 508, CSA C22.2 SPEC 14.

b. Construction requirements: Increase of temperature, dielectric properties, opening and

closing capacity, operative limits, operative results and IP degree of protection or its
equivalent NEMA.

c. Operating nominal tensions: Insulating nominal tension and impulse nominal tension.

d. Operating nominal currents, corresponding to use category.

e. Nominal frequency or frequencies.

f. Labeling and information provided by the manufacturer.


Applies only to individual condensers with capacity exceeding or equal to 3 kVAR, and condenser banks
with capacity exceeding or equal to 5 kVAR, which shall comply with the herein referred requirements
contemplated in international, internationally recognized or NTC rules, such as IEC 60831 - 1, IEC 60831
- 2, BS 1650, VDE 0560, CSA 22 - 2 - 190, UL 810, UL 945VA, JIS C 4901, NTC 3422, NTC 2834, NT

• Type of insulation
• Tension tests
• Maximum admissible over loads
• Operating temperature limit
• Tension fall rate


The specific requirements for UPS shall observe what is established in NTC 2050 for their installation
and shall comply with the product requirements of an international technical rule such as IEC 62040 - 3
or internationally recognized such as UL1778 and shall demonstrate it through product certificate.

The UPS shall have, among others, the following indications in their marking:

• Number of phases (unless it is a monophasic UPS).

• Exit nominal active power in W or kW.
• Exit nominal apparent power in VA or kVA.
• Exit nominal tension.
• Exit nominal current.
• Exit nominal frequency.

When units are installed in parallel, special attention shall be given to their synchronization, as well as to
the tension return from the load and the allowed over load.


Applies only to low tension regulators with power exceeding or equal to 1 KVA, which shall comply with
the requirements of an international technical rule, an internationally recognized technical rule that
applies or national rule such as NTC 2540, and demonstrate it through a product certificate.


The products applied in these types of installations (special environments or places with high population),
shall comply with an international, internationally recognized or NTC technical rule that applies to the
product for said special application and shall demonstrate compliance through a conformity certificate
with said rule.

To verify if the product used in the special installation is appropriate for the conditions where it is going
to be used, the inspector of the installation shall verify it, comparing the scope of the technical rule on
which the product certificate is supported, to the special conditions in which the installation will operate.


Lightning is a natural meteorological phenomenon, whose parameters vary spacial and temporarily. The
greater incidence of lightning occurs in the three zones of bigger deep convection: tropical America,
central Africa and north of Australia. Colombia, being located in the Intertropical Confluence Zone,
presents one of the highest lightning activity in the planet; therefore the importance of the protection
against said phenomenon, because even though the methods developed worldwide may be applied, some
lightning parameters are particular to this zone.

18.1 Lightning hazard level evaluation

As from the date on which this Technical Regulation becomes in force, the generation centrals,
transmission lines, distribution mains and substations shall have a lightning hazard level evaluation,
supported on an international, internationally recognized or NTC technical rule. Likewise, in final use
installations where there is a high concentration of people, such as multiple family houses, office
buildings, hotels, medical care centers, religious centers, education centers, malls, industries,
supermarkets, theme parks, jails, airports, military centers, a lightning hazard level evaluation shall be

For this purpose, the evaluation shall consider the possibility of human life losses, the loss of energy, the
loss or serious damage to property, as well as the parameters of the lightning for the tropical zone where
Colombia is located and the protection measures that may mitigate the hazard. Therefore, it shall be based
on procedures established in international technical rules such as IEC 62305 - 2, internationally
recognized technical rules or NTC 4552 - 2.

In case the level of hazard resulting from the evaluation requires taking measures to mitigate it, these
shall consider the requirements established in this Regulation, which are adapted from the aforementioned

18.2 Design and implementation of a protection system against lightning

The protection shall be based on the application of a Protection Integral System, aimed at mitigating the
hazards associated to direct and indirect exposure to lightning. In general, a completely effective
protection against lightning is neither technically nor economically viable.

The design shall be done applying a method recognized by international technical rules such as IEC
62305 - 3, internationally recognized or NTC 4552, which are based on the electromagnetic method. The
qualified person in charge of a project shall include good engineering practices against lightning, with the
purpose of mitigating its effects, which may be of electromagnetic, mechanical or thermal type.

18.3 Components of the protection system against lightning

The protection against lightning system shall have the following components:

18.3.1 Collection terminals or lightning rods

Chart 38, adapted from rules IEC 62305 and IEC 61024 - 1, sets forth the characteristics that shall be
complied with the lightning rods or collection terminals built specially for this purpose.


Copper Solid tape 50 2 mm thickness
Wire 50 8 mm diameter
Cable 50 1,7 mm of diameter per thread
Rod 200 16 mm diameter
Aluminum or Solid tape 70 3 mm thickness
copper coated Wire 50 8 mm diameter
aluminum Cable 50 1,7 mm of diameter per thread
Aluminum alloy Solid tape 50 2,5 mm thickness
6201 Wire 50 8 mm diameter
Cable 50 1,7 mm of diameter per thread
Rod 200 16 mm diameter
Hot galvanized Solid tape 50 2,5 mm thickness
aluminum or Wire 50 8 mm diameter
copper coated Cable 50 1,7 mm of diameter per thread
iron Rod 200 16 mm diameter
Layer thickness; 50 •m.
Stainless steel Solid tape 50 2,5 mm thickness
Wire 50 8 mm diameter
Cable 70 1,7 mm of diameter per thread
Rod 200 16 mm diameter
Bronze Wire 50 8 mm diameter
Pipe 50 4 mm thickness
Rod 200 16 mm diameter
If thermal and mechanical aspects are important, these dimensions may be increased to 60 mm2 for each solid tape and to 78 mm2
for wire.
In thickness, width and diameter dimensions a tolerance of ± 10% is admitted.
Receiving terminals or lightning rods with radioactive elements shall not be used.
Chart 38. Collection and downspout terminals’ characteristics

Note: Collection terminals do not require product certificate, the builder or inspector of the installation
will verify compliance with the dimensional requirements.

Any metallic element of the structure that is exposed to the lightning impact, such as TV. antennae,
chimneys, roofs, communication towers and any protruding piping, shall be treated as a collection
terminal as long as its conduction capacity and electrical continuity is guaranteed.

For the purposes of this Regulation, it shall be considered that the behavior of every collection terminal
shall be taken as that of a Franklin - type terminal.

18.3.2 Downspouts

With the purpose of reducing the probability of damage due to ray currents flowing through the external
protection system of a building, the conductors that act as downspouts shall be at least two and with the
minimum length for the current ways. Each of the downspouts shall end on a grounding electrode, be
separated minimum 10 mm and always aim at being located in the external parts of the building. The
downspouts of the lightning protection system shall comply with the requirements of Chart 38.
Additionally, if a conductor part that conforms the grounding system is less than 1,8 m from a lightning
rod downspout, it shall be joined to it. In case of high buildings, equipotential rings for lightning
protection are required.

18.3.3 Grounding for lightning protection

The lightning protection grounding shall comply with the applicable requirements from Article 15m
Chapter II of this Regulation, especially regarding materials and interconnection. The configuration shall
be done with horizontal electrodes (counterweights), vertical electrodes or a combination there from,
according to criteria IEC 62305.



The following work regulations or rules shall be complied with depending on the type of job:

a. A single worker shall not perform maintenance jobs on an energized system exceeding 1000 volts.
Operations of fuse changing in short - circuits, operation of splicing equipment and maneuver,
substation operation, may be done by a single worker as long as he / she uses the safe tools and

b. Before entering a subterranean chamber, the atmosphere shall be submitted to gas test using the
technique and instruments to detect the presence of toxic gases, combustibles or flammables with
limits exceeding those allowed.

c. Once the inspection box or underground substation is opened, the personnel shall remain outside at
least during 10 minutes, while the ventilation conditions are adequate to begin work.

d. For personnel working on tension, the following minimum approximation distances shall be
complied with. The following are considered minimum safety distances for work in tension to be
performed in the vicinity of installations not protected against AT and MT, measured between the
point nearest to the tension and any external part of the operator, tools or elements that may be
manipulated in voluntary or accidental movements:

Nominal kV tension between phases Minimum distance (m)

Up to 1 0,80
7,6 / 11,4 / 13,2 / 13,8 0,95
33 / 34,5 1,10
44 1,20
57,5 / 66 1,40
110 / 115 1,80
220 / 230 2,8
500 5,5
Chart 39. Minimum safety distances for work with energized lines

Note 1: The distances of the foregoing chart apply until 900 msnm; for works at greater heights and tensions exceeding 57,5 kV a
3% correction shall be done for each 300m.

Note 2: The distances for work in energized lines established in Standard 516 of IEEE may be accepted.

Non - qualified personnel or personnel that is unaware of electrical installations hazards, may not
approach energized elements at lesser distances than those established in the following chart:

Installation tension Minimum distance (m)

Insulated installations lesser than 1000 V 0,4
Between 1000 and 57500 V 3
Between 57500 and 11000 V 4
Between 11000 and 230000 V 5
Exceeding 230000 8
Chart 40. Minimum safety distances for non - specialized personnel or personnel that does not
know the hazards associated to electricity

Note 1: This chart indicates the maximum allowed approximation to a main without the person performing jobs on it or another
nearby energized main.

Note 2: Distances shall not be interpolated for intermediate tensions to those cited.

Note 3: The minimum safety distances set forth may be reduced if the electrical installations and the job site are adequately
protected with insulating or barriers.

19.1 Maneuvers
For the safety of the employees and the system, a logical, clear and precise procedure for the adequate
programming, performing, report and control of maneuvers shall exist, aimed at ensuring that the lines
and equipment are not energized or de - energized either by mistake or non avertedly, causing hazard
situations or accidents.

It is forbidden to open short - circuits with loads that may cause arcs which endanger the safety of the
operator or equipment, unless an equipment to extinguish the arc is used.

19.2 Job site verification

He group leader shall perform a detailed inspection of the following:

a. That the equipment is of the same type of tension as the main.

b. That the operators are wearing their protection equipment.
c. That the operators have removed all their metallic objects.
d. That the correct operation of the basket controls and the operating inferiors are adequately
e. That a detailed inspection o the gloves has been performed.
f. That the operators are in perfect technical, physical and psychic conditions to perform the
assigned job.

19.3 Job site signposting

The job site shall be delimited with fences, ropes or reflective bands. For nighttime jobs fluorescent cones
or fences and additionally luminous signals at both sides of the job site shall be used.

When working on roads that do not allow traffic interruption, the crew vehicle shall be parked behind the
work site.

19.4 Escalating of poles and structures and protection against falls

All poles and structures shall be carefully inspected before climbing them to ascertain that they are in safe
conditions to perform the job and that they may support additional weights and efforts. Adjacent poles
that will be submitted to efforts shall also be inspected.

Any worker that is located at a height equal to or exceeding 1,8 m, either on the supports, ladders, aerial
cables, helicopters, creel carriers, or in the truck’s basket shall be permanently secured to the equipment
or structure through a personal protection system against falls.

19.5 Safety golden rules

When working on elements capable of being energized, in de - energized circuits’ conditions, the
following requirements shall be complied with:

a. Test the absence of tension.

b. As a requirement prior to beginning work, it is necessary to ground and short - circuit.

c. As long as they are not effectively grounded, all conductors or circuit parts shall be considered
energized at their nominal tension.

d. The grounding equipment shall be operated with insulated poles, maintaining the safety distances
with respect to conductors as long as the installation has not been completed.
e. For its installation, the equipment is first connected to ground and afterwards to the conductors that
are going to be grounded; for its disconnection, proceed the other way around.

f. The connectors shall be firmly affixed, avoiding their coming loose during the performance of the

g. The grounding equipment shall be connected to all conductors, equipment or points that may
acquire potential during the job.

h. When the structure or support have their own grounding, they shall be connected to it. When a
conductor or circuit is to be “opened”, grounds shall be located at both sides.

i. When two or more workers or crews are working in different places of the same lines or
equipment, they will be responsible for the location and removal of the grounding equipment on
their respective job sites.

j. In general, whenever work is performed on de - energized lines or lines without tension, the
following “golden rules” shall be complied with.

k. Perform the visible cut of all tension sources, through switches or splices, in such a way that the
impossibility of a sudden closure is ensured. In those apparatus in which the cut cannot be visible,
a device that guarantees the effectiveness of the cut shall exist.

l. Block, if possible, the cutting apparatus. Signpost the apparatus’ control indicating “Do not
energize” or “Forbidden to maneuver”, and remove the fuse holder of the short circuits.

m. It is called to “block a maneuver apparatus” the set of operations aimed to impede the maneuver of
said apparatus, keeping it on a set position.

n. Verify the absence of tension in each of the phases, with the tension detector, which shall be
verified before and after each use.

o. Grounding and short - circuit of all possible sources of tension that has incidence on the work
zone. It is the operation of joining among themselves all the phases of an installation, through an
equipotential bridge of adequate splice that has previously been grounded.

p. Signpost and delimit the work site. It is the operation of indicating through signs or symbols the
message that shall be complied with to avoid risk of accident.

19.6 Working near energized aerial circuits

When poles are installed, moved or removed on or near energized lines, precautions shall be taken to
avoid direct contact of the poles with the energized conductors. The workers who are performing said job
shall avoid contacting non insulated parts of their bodies with the pole.

Workers located on the ground on who are in contact with grounded objects, shall avoid contact with
trucks or other equipment that is not effectively grounded, and that is being used to place, move or
remove poles on or near energized lines, unless they are using approved protection equipment.

19.7 Verification checklist for work in highly hazardous conditions

The following checklist is a requirement that shall be completed by an occupational health guardian, by
the leader of the work crew, by an occupational health officer or a delegate from the joint committee of
the business owner of the job and processed wherever work in highly hazardous conditions is to be

- Is there written or recorded authorization to perform the job? Yes No

- Has the engineer or supervisor been informed? Yes No
- Have the risk factors that cannot be avoided been identified and reported? Yes No
- Was an effort done to modify the job to avoid the risks? Yes No
- Was all personnel instructed about the special condition of the job? Yes No
- Was a responsible person designed to inform the occupational health area, the Joint Yes No
Committee or the chief of area?
- Are the golden rules strictly complied with? Yes No
- Is there a communication mean available? Yes No
- Are there personal protection elements and are they used? Yes No
Chart 41. Checklist, work in high - hazard conditions

NOTE: If a YES is missing, the work shall NOT be performed until the respective correction has been made.

19.8 Opening current transformers

A current transformer secondary shall not be opened as long as it is energized. In case the whole circuit
cannot be adequately de - energized, before beginning work on an instrument, relee or other section of the
secondary circuit of a current transformer, the worker shall connect the secondary circuit in bridge
derivation, in such a way that under no conditions will the secondary of the current transformer be


The most common work methods in middle and high tension, according to the means to protect the
worker and avoid short circuits, are:

a. Work at a distance: In this method, the worker performs the job with the help of tools mounted on
the end of insulating poles.

b. Work in contact: In this method, the worker insulates himself from the conductor in which is
working and from the elements taken as a mass through personal protection elements, devices and
insulating equipment.

In transmission lines, the work in potential method is applied: the worker stays at the potential of the line
on which he / she is working, through conductive clothing.

20.1 Work organization

The performance of any work in tension is subordinated to the application of its performance procedure,
previously studied. All performance procedure shall include:

a. A title that indicates:

• The nature of the intervened installation

• The precise description of the job
• The work method

b. Physical means (materials, personal and collective protection equipment) and human resources.

c. Orderly description of the different phases of the job, at a concrete operations level.

d. Necessary sketches, drawings or diagrams.

20.2 Performance procedures

a. Any person who participates on tension work shall have a certification that authorizes him / her to
perform said jobs; additionally, he / she shall be affiliated to social security and professional risks.
The possibility of having acting personnel whom have not received special training and is not
authorized for performing work in tension is not admitted.

b. The work leader, once confirmation of having taken all necessary measures and before beginning or
resuming the job has been received, shall gather the workers and explain the procedure to be
performed, ensuring that it has been perfectly understood, that each worker is aware of his / her role
and that each one is in charge of integrating himself to the joint operation.

c. The work leader shall direct and inspect the job, being responsible of any type of measures that affect
the safety; and when the job is finished, he / she will ensure of their proper performance and will
communicate to the control center the finalization of the work.

d. Every worker of live line that is, authorized for work in tension shall submit to examinations to grade
his / her bone structure, since some injuries may permanently disqualify him / her for this job;
likewise, lung, heart or psychological deficiencies shall be detected. Illnesses such as epilepsy, drug
consumption and alcoholism shall also be detected by the doctor.

e. No worker may participate on a work in tension if his / her personal protection elements are not
available at the job site. Said elements include:

• In all cases: Insulating protection helmet and protective gloves

• In each particular case, the equipment foreseen in the performance procedures will be,
among others: Dielectric boots or special footwear with conductive soles for work at
potential, two pairs of insulating gloves of the model appropriate to the work to be
performed, eyewear for protection against ultraviolet rays, insulating mittens, insulating

f. Each worker shall take care of his / her personal equipment, according to the technical cards. These
materials and tools shall be kept dry, protected from weather and be transported in cases, covers or
compartments for said use. They shall not be removed until the moment when they are to be used.

g. When work in contact method is used, the workers shall use insulating gloves covered with
mechanical protection gloves and cotton gloves inside.

h. Any person who may touch an operator, either directly or through tools or other objects, shall wear
insulating boots and gloves.

i. All equipment for work on tension shall be submitted to periodic tests in accordance with technical
rules or the manufacturer’s recommendations. A technical card shall be opened and kept for every
working element.

j. Insulating gloves shall be submitted to a porosity test by air injection before each shift and they shall
be submitted to a dielectric rigidity test at least twice a year.

k. Sleeves, covers, protectors, blankets, poles, tensors, ladders and other equipment shall be submitted
to an insulating test at least once a year.

l. Before beginning work on a conductor under tension, the operator shall electrically join himself /
herself to said conductor to ensure his / her equipotentiality with the conductor.

m. Vehicles shall be submitted to a general inspection and to insulating tests for non - conductor parts at
least once a year.

n. In case of rain or fog, work may be performed when the leakage current through the insulating
elements is controlled and is kept under 1µ A for each nominal kV of the installation.

o. In installations with tensions inferior or equal to 34,5 kV, in case of heavy rain or fog, work will not
begin, but if work is being performed it may be finished. In case of not performing control over the
leakage current and if the tension exceeds 36 kV, work shall be interrupted immediately .
p. In case of electrical storms, work shall not begin and if it is being performed it shall be interrupted.
When the atmospheric conditions entail the interruption of work, the personnel shall be moved away
and the insulating devices may be left in place until conditions return to normal.

q. Every operator working at potential shall wear a complete Faraday cage - type protection.

r. On distance work, when protection devices that prevent all contact or electric arc with a bare
conductor in tension, and for tensions inferior or equal to 220 kV, are not placed, the minimum
approach distance to the conductor is 0,8 when the insulators’ strings are less than 0,8, and the
minimum distance will be equal to the length of the string when it exceeds 0,8 m. This distance may
be reduced to 0,60 m for placing insulating devices near the mounting points of the insulators’ strings
and of the insulators on their supports. It is understood as minimum approach distance the distance
between a conductor and any part of the operator’s body when he / she is situated on the most
unfavorable work position.


Generation central or plant is the set of installations containing machines, generators, engines, control,
maneuver and measurement apparatus that are used to produce electricity, different than those considered
as emergency plants.

For the purposes of this Regulation, a generation central, due to implicating the transmission,
transforming, distribution and final use processes, shall comply with the requirements of each process that
apply to them; for such reason, the buildings of the generations centrals shall comply with the
requirements established in NTC 2050 first update or international rule IEC 60364.

The requirements set forth in this Chapter are mandatory and shall be taken as complement of those set
forth in the rest of the Chapters of the Technical Regulation. The dispositions set forth in this Regulation
are of mandatory application in all the Colombian territory and shall be complied with by al generating
entities which operate in the country.


The generation centrals’ buildings shall comply with the following requirements if applicable:

a. The building of the electricity generation central shall be independent from any other building not
related to the generation process. This will not apply to installations in industries that have
cogeneration processes.

b. It is absolutely forbidden to use flammable materials near raceways and machines or equipment
under tension. Their use is allowed as long as they are far from the part on tension or are duly
protected (for example in installation with diesel plants).

c. The control center of the plant shall have a mimic representing the central’s unfilar diagram that
covers the middle and high tension systems and their transmission lines associated to direct physical
connection to the central, and that shall be on panels or computer screens and near to the control

d. Bridge cranes for maneuvering the centrals’ elements shall have movement limiters, both in
translation direction and in elevation direction, and the available lift height and maximum weight
shall be signposted. Additionally, they shall have a sound indicator to alert the operation personnel
when the crane is in translation movement.

e. The receiving lock gates of the hydraulic central shall have an automatic control system and also a
mechanical manual control for opening or closing.

f. In thermal plants with chimneys higher than 25 m, they should be painted according to the
requirements of aeronautic signposting.

g. In the surroundings of parts under tension or moving machines, it is forbidden to use excessively
polished paving and mounting narrow ladders.

h. The construction of water deposits without confinement within the centrals in zones near to the high
tension installations, that may entail a risk to the safety of people or the installation, shall be avoided.

i. There shall not be alcohol, ammoniac, acetic acid, chloride or nitric vapors or volatile residues in the
batteries’ room and said rooms shall not have direct communication with the control center. These
rooms shall be dry, adequately aired and shall not be subject to dangerous vibrations that may cause
gas releases and premature wear; additionally, a device for washing eyes and hands in emergency
cases shall be available.
j. For buildings, dry - type transformers for auxiliary systems and, in general, for low
tension systems shall be used.

k. Lengthy hallways and, in general, where there is a possibility of electric arc, there shall be at least
two accesses. The cables and pass tops shall be made from flame retardant materials.

l. The fire protection systems shall minimum work at the temperature and smoke signals.

m. All low tension circuits located near machines, apparatus or other high tension circuits that are not
protected in such a way that a contact between them is nearly impossible, will be considered as
pertaining to high tension installations.

n. Electrical raceways shall not be installed near heating pipes, vapor conduction and, in general, places
with high temperature and poor ventilation. The cables shall be neatly arranged, tied and with their
circuits duly identified in all wire ways. The cables shall be insulated with a self - extinguishing or
flame retardant material.

o. The lighting within the central and in the substations shall be uniform, especially avoiding dazzle in
the board reading zones; the illuminancy values shall be taken from Chart 25, Article 16, Chapter II.
High pressure sodium lights shall not be used in zones where it is necessary to perform work
requiring identification of cable colors.

p. In central which require personnel working non - stop, there shall be emergency lighting coming
from a source different than the normal lighting. Each lamp in this system shall have a minimum
autonomy of 60 minutes.

q. All places where people circulate, such as accesses, rooms, hallways, etc., shall be free of objects
which may cause accidents or that visibly interrupt exit in emergency cases. Evacuation routes shall
be signposted with luminous exit signs, with photo luminescent paint and with lights connected to the
emergency circuit of the central.

r. The generation central shall have an automatic system to extinguish fires and an emergency plan.

s. To avoid dangers originating on a fire caused by the oil of a transformer exceeding 100 kVA or a
switch with high oil volume, a ditch or drain with several layers of gravel to serve as filters and to
drown the oil’s combustion shall be built.

t. Transformers with power equal to or exceeding 100 kVa, located within the machines house, shall be
installed in cells designed with anti - explosion walls and doors. Each cell shall have a fire
extinguishing automatic system and, additionally, an air renewal system through a managing unit.

u. Transformers with power equal to or exceeding 100 kVA, located within substations, shall be
installed on spaces protected by firebreak walls and doors.

v. Gas conductions shall always be far from electrical raceways. It is forbidden to place both
conductions within the same duct or duct bank. In areas that communicate with piping where
accumulation of methane gas occurs, it is mandatory to use explosion - proof equipment.

w. The generation centrals shall comply with the emission limits established by the environmental

Paragraph: Small electricity centrals or micro centrals may avoid some of these requirements, as long as
said avoidance does not compromise the safety of people, animals or the environment.


22.1 Safety distances

Generation centrals shall comply with the safety distances set forth in this General Appendix, Article 13.
22.2 Grounding
For the purposes of this Regulation and with the aim of guaranteeing the safety of the generation centrals’
personnel, the criteria established in Chapter II, Article 15, shall be complied with.

22.3 Electromagnetic field values

On work sites it should be verified that the levels of electromagnetic field do not exceed the values
established in this regulation.

22.4 Substations associated to generation centers

To unify responsibilities and criteria, when the generation central has an associated substation, for the
purposes of the conformity certification it shall be considered as a whole and it shall have only one
certificate that includes all the components.


For the safety effects sought by this Regulation, the transference (transport) of electricity in tensions
equal to or exceeding 57,5 kV is considered as transmission and shall not be related to commercial type or
service quality aspects.

The provisions set forth in the present Chapter refer to the technical prescriptions that shall be complied
with by high tension aerial electricity lines with triphasic alternate current of 6o Hz nominal frequency.

The transmission systems deliver electricity from the generation plants to the substations and to big
industrial installations from where the distribution systems provide the service to residential and
commercial zones. The transmission systems also serve to interconnect generation plants, allowing the
exchange of electricity when the generation plants are out of service due to having suffered a damage or
due to routine repairs.

The requirements set forth in this chapter are mandatory and shall be taken as complementary to the
contents of other chapters of this Technical Regulation.

The provisions set forth in this Regulation apply to all the Colombian territory and shall be complied with
by the entities that build and operate electricity transmission lines with tensions exceeding 57,5 kV in
alternate current.

Those lines in which the use of another electricity transmission system (continuous current or
subterranean cables or monophasic or poliphasic alternate current) is foreseen, must be the object of a
special justification before the Mines and Energy Ministry or its designed entity, and shall adapt to the
provisions and basic principles of this Regulation and to the particular provisions for each case.

The provisions set forth in the present Regulation refer to minimum technical rules that shall be complied
with by aerial electricity lines of high and extra high tension.


23.1 Designs
All transmission lines subject to this regulation shall have their electrical and civil engineering designs,
calculation memories and plans, with the name, professional license number and signature of the
professionals responsible for the designs.

23.2 Safety Distances

For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, overhead transmission lines shall comply with the safety
distances established in Article 13 of the present Appendix, taking into consideration the most critical
conditions of temperature, winds or electrical forces.

23.3 Grounding
For the purposes of this Technical Regulation and with the aim of guaranteeing the safety of the personnel
who works on the lines and of the users, the criteria established in Article 15 of this Appendix shall be
complied with and the pass and contact tensions shall be verified through measurements on the structures
of transmission lines with tension equal to or exceeding 220 kV located in urban zones and structures
located less than 20 m from schools, dwellings, industries, shops and, in general, places with high
concentration of people.
23.4 Foundations
The transmission lines support structures shall be supported on foundations appropriate for the type of
floor, weight and all other efforts to which the structure is subjected; they shall impede their overturning,
spinning or sinking that endangers the mechanical stability of the line.

23.5 Certificate of conformity with RETIE

Every transmission line covered by this Regulation shall have the certificate of conformity with RETIE,
issued under the procedure that is in force when the construction begins.


For the purposes of this Regulation, the following requirements shall be considered:

a. Every transmission line with nominal tension equal to or exceeding 57,5 kV, shall have an easement
zone, also known as safety zone or way right.

b. Planting trees or shrubs within the easement zone, which in time might reach the lines and entail a
danger to them, shall be prevented.

c. Buildings and structures shall not be built within the easement zone, due to the hazard they generate
to people, animals and the structure itself.

d. For the use of ground, the territorial ordering plans shall take into consideration the limitations
caused by the electricity infrastructure. The authorities in charge of their surveillance or the persons
who may be affected, shall denounce the violations to these provisions.

e. The main’s operator entity shall reject the connection to the local distribution main of an installation
that invades the easement zone, due to the hazard that said construction would signify to the life and
health of people.

f. Electromagnetic fields within the easement zone, one meter high from the floor, shall not exceed the
values established in Article 14 of this General Appendix for occupational exposure and out of the
easement zones they shall not exceed the exposure values of the public in general.

g. For the purposes of this Regulation and according to the standardized tensions in the country, Chart
42 sets forth the minimum values required for the width of the easement zone, whose center is the
axis of the line.


(kV) WIDTH (m)
Towers 500 60
Towers 220 / 230 (2 ctos) 32
220 / 230 (1 cto) 30
Poles 220 / 230 (2 ctos) 30
220 / 230 (1 cto) 28
Towers 110 / 115 (2 ctos) 20
110 / 115 (1 cto) 20
Poles 110 / 115 (2 ctos) 15
110 / 115 (1 cto) 15
Towers / poles 57,5 / 66) 15
Chart 42. Width of the easement zone

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 19. Width of the easement zone

For transmission lines with nominal tension inferior or equal to 230 kV, that cross urban zones or
industrial areas and for which it is not possible to leave easement zone, the construction of the line is
accepted as long as an insulating study for the particular case is performed, showing that there are no
damages to people or properties within the building due to electromagnetic fields or radio interference
effects, and the horizontal safety distances of at least 4 m for 115 kV and 6 m for 230 kV are complied
with, taking into consideration the maximum approach movements to the building that the conductor may
have. In no case may the line be constructed over buildings or sport fields.


25.1 General aspects

The entity owner of a structure or transmission line support shall ensure that the comply with the
following requirements:

a. The materials used in the building of the structures shall guarantee the appropriate mechanical
requirements for the application and shall present a high resistance to corrosion; in case they do not
present it by themselves, they shall receive the protective treatments for said purpose; the materials or
finished products shall comply with the requirements of an international, internationally recognized
or NTC technical rule that applies to them and shall demonstrate compliance through a product

b. When choosing materials, design and construction, the seismic conditions of the zone where the
structures or supports will be installed shall be considered.

c. The designer of the structure shall demonstrate through calculations that it complies with the
requirements for the foreseen application, based on technical characteristics of the component
elements, previously certified.

d. The constructive design shall always consider the accessibility to all its parts by qualified personnel,
in such a way that the inspection and maintenance of the structure may be easily done.

e. Resistance and stability conditions necessary for the use to which they are destined shall always be
complied with.

f. Transmission line structures shall comply the grounding requirements established in Article 15 of
this General Appendix.

g. When metallic structures are located on urban zones, 20 m or less from centers with high
concentration of people, schools or dwellings, it will be necessary to measure that pass contact
tensions do not exceed the withstanding levels established in this Appendix; if said values are
exceeded, measures to avoid any type of accident shall be taken.

25.2 Support structures

Structures may be of different types according to their purpose and the following criteria, adopted from
Resolutions CREG 025 / 95 and 098 / 2000, shall be taken into consideration to define normal and
abnormal conditions.

25.2.1 Suspension structures

Normal condition

All conductors and guard cable(s) are healthy. Maximum design wind and coincident temperature.

Abnormal condition
a. For lines with beam conductors, the following conditions are considered:

• 50% of the sub conductors are broken in any phase; the other sub conductors, phases and cables
are healthy. Average maximum wind and coincident temperature.

• A guard cable is broken and the phases and rest of the guard cable (if it exists) are healthy.
Average maximum wind and coincident temperature.

b. For lines with only one conductor per phase, two conditions are considered:

• A conductor is broken in any phase. The other phases and the guard cable(s) are healthy.
Average maximum wind and coincident temperature.

• One guard cable is broken and the phases and rest of the guard cable (if it exists) are healthy.
Average maximum wind and coincident temperature.

25.2.2 Retention structures

Normal condition

All conductors and guard cable(s) are healthy. Maximum design wind and coincident temperature.

Abnormal condition

For lines with beam conductors, the following conditions are considered:

All sub conductors in any phase and a guard cable are simultaneously broken. All other phases and the
rest of the guard cable (if it exists) are healthy. Average maximum wind and coincident temperature.

For lines with only one conductor per beam, the following conditions are considered:

a. Any phase and a guard cable are simultaneously broken. All other phases and the rest of the guard
cable (if it exists) are healthy. Average maximum wind and coincident temperature.

b. Two different phases are broken. The other phase and the guard cable(s) are healthy. Average
maximum wind and coincident temperature.

Terminal structures

Normal condition

All conductors and guard cable(s) are healthy. Maximum design wind and coincident temperature.

Abnormal condition

For lines with beam conductors, the following conditions are considered:

• All sub conductors in any phase and a guard cable are simultaneously broken. All other phases
and the rest of the guard cable (if it exists) are healthy. Average maximum wind and coincident

• All the sub conductors are broken in two different phases. The other phase and the guard cable(s)
are healthy. Average maximum wind and coincident temperature.

For lines with only one conductor per beam, the following conditions are considered:

c. Any phase and a guard cable are simultaneously broken. All other phases and the rest of the guard
cable (if it exists) are healthy. Average maximum wind and coincident temperature.
d. Two different phases are broken. The other phase and the guard cable(s) are healthy. Average
maximum wind and coincident temperature.


The fittings used in transmission lines shall be appropriate for the type of line, its electrical, mechanical
and environmental conditions, and shall demonstrate compliance with this regulation through a product


The insulation of transmission lines shall comply with the following requirements:

27.1 Safety distances

Transmission lines shall comply with the minimum safety distances set forth in Article 13 of this General
Appendix, in the worst temperature, winds and electrical conditions that are withstood by the conductors.

It shall be guaranteed that the growth of vegetation on easement zones is kept under control in such a way
that safety distances are not compromised.

The electrical dimensioning of structures shall be defined through a combination of the minimum
distances corresponding to over tensions due to atmospheric discharges, to maneuver over tensions and to
those of industrial frequency. Additionally, the levels of pollution, the altitude over sea level and the
minimum distances for maintenance in tension shall be taken into consideration.

27.2 Insulators
To determine the breakage load in insulators used in transmission lines, the suspension and retention
structures shall be differentiated on the basis of the mechanical loads under normal conditions, applying
the safety factors calculated according to number 7.3.6 “Insulator String Design Criteria” from rule IEC
60826 “Design Criteria of Overhead Transmission Lines”, as follows:

27.2.1 Insulators for suspended structures

The minimum breakage load equals the vectorial sum of the vertical and transversal loads (absolute
maximum of the string) multiplied by the safety factor.

27.2.2 Insulators for retention structures

The insulator’s minimum breakage load shall be equal to the maximum longitudinal load to which it is
exposed plus the safety factor.

The mechanical resistance corresponding to a multiple string may be taken as equal to the product of the
number of strings that form it by the resistance of each simple string, as long as in normal state or with a
string broken, the load is equally distributed among all the intact strings.

The insulators shall be submitted to maintenance to keep all their insulating characteristics. The criteria to
determine the loss of function of an insulator will be the breakage or loss if its insulating properties when
simultaneously submitted to electrical tension and mechanical effort.

28.3 Conductors
The conductors used in transmission lines shall be appropriate for the environmental conditions where
they are installed and shall comply with the requirements of this regulation and demonstrate compliance
through a product certificate.

The mechanical tension of the conductor’s laying shall not exceed 25% of the breakage tension.

The fittings used to connect or fasten the conductors shall be appropriate for the characteristics and types
of conductors and shall not allow sliding.

28.2 Aeronautic signs

In obstacle limitation surfaces and approach cones to airports regulated by Aerocivil, markers shall be
installed on the phases’ conductors or on the guard cables.

For the purposes of this Regulation, the daytime signaling markers to be installed shall comply with the
following minimum requirements:

a. They shall be made from an insulating material, weather resistant and that, in general, provides the
mechanical characteristics for lasting for a long time.

b. The minimum external diameters are those shown in the following chart.


Less than or equal to 66 kV 250
Exceeding 66 kV and less than or equal to 600
500 kV
Chart 43. Minimum diameter of the markers according to the tension level

c. For affixing markers, clamps in material that is galvanically compatible with the material of the cable
where they are installed and adjustable to the different calibers shall be used.

d. The color of the markers shall be “Red Aviation” or “International Aeronautic Orange”.

e. If nighttime markers are required, they may be stroboscopic lamps or lamps with line induction


As of the date when this general appendix comes into force, the transformation process will be understood
as the process applied to substations where some of the components of the power are transformed, such as
tension, current, frequency, power factor. Likewise, distinction shall be made between the different types
of substations by their use or level of tension and power that they manage.

An electricity substation is the set of equipments used to transfer the energy flow in a power system,
guarantee the safety of the system through automatic protection devices and to redistribute the energy
flow through alternate routes during contingencies. A substation may be associated to a generation
central, directly controlling the flow of power to the system, with power transformers converting the
supply tension to higher or lower degrees, or it may connect different routes of flow to the same level of

Every owner of a substation or constructive units that form the substation, shall be responsible for the
compliance of the regulation in whatever applies. The requirements set forth in this chapter are mandatory
and shall be taken as complementary to those set forth in other chapters of this Technical Regulation.

The provisions contained in this Regulation apply in all the Colombian territory and shall be complied
with by the entities that involve the energy transformation process and that operate in the country; they
apply to substations with nominal tensions exceeding 1 kV and not exceeding 500 kV.


29.1 Substations classification

For the purposes of this Regulation, substations shall be classified as follows:

• Yard substations of high and extra high tension (may include maneuvering, transformation or
• High and extra high tension substations interior - type (encapsulated, usually insulated in gas)
• Middle tension distribution yard substations
• Substations within middle tension distribution (control and operation of the main’s operator)
• Substations within buildings (owned and operated by the user)
• Pedestal - type substations, which may only be installed in zones with restricted circulation
• Submergible substations (both the transformer and the associated maneuver equipment shall be
of this type) IP X.
• Semi - submergible substations or flood - proof (the equipment shall be protected at a temporary
immersion IP X7 and the vault or chamber shall guarantee drainage within a time inferior to the
time withstood by the equipment)
• Pole - type distribution substations.

29.2 General requirements for substations

Substations, whatsoever their type, shall comply with the following requirements:

a. Every substation shall have an electrical design.

b. In the electrical systems of distributors, big consumers and transporters, the maximum clearance time
of the main protection fault, since the beginning of the fault until the extinction of the power
interrupter arc, shall not exceed 150 milliseconds.

c. On the spaces where the substations are installed, fences, screens, partition walls or walls shall be
installed, in order to form a closure to limit the access by non authorized personnel. This requirement
is not mandatory for pole - type substations, or for pedestal - type substations, when the increase of
the external temperature does not exceed 45 °C over the room temperature.

Each entrance of an electrical substation shall have a signal with the electrical hazard symbol. The
same measure must be taken in the perimeter that is accessible to people in substations with linked

d. The walls or metallic mesh used to enclose substations shall have a minimum height of 2,50 meters
and shall be adequately grounded.

e. With the purpose of guaranteeing the safety of the personnel working in the substations and of the
general public, the grounding requirements that apply, established in Article 15 of the present
General Appendix, shall be complied with.

f. In all substations, the pass, contact and transfer tensions shall be calculated, ensuring that people are
not subjected to hazards due to tensions exceeding the withstanding thresholds.

g. For the conformity evaluation, special attention shall be paid to the level of tension and power of the
substation. For each level of tension and power, the appropriate techniques and equipment for the
measurement tests and specialized personnel shall be used. The certification entity shall determine
the level of tension and maximum power to the substation that it may inspect, according to the
submitted and approved protocols of the corresponding inspection entity.

h. When this General Appendix comes into force, the substations’ inspection entity shall not inspect
high and extra high substations without an express authorization from the certification entity.

i. The enclosures used by the equipment that conform the substations, shall house within them the cut
and splice equipment; for said reason, they must be metallic and the limits of their enclosure shall not
include the walls of the room destined to housing the substation. The inspection windows shall
guarantee the same degree of protection of the enclosure (IP) and the same level of insulation.

j. The covers, doors or appropriate distances shall not allow the access of non qualified personnel to
barrages or energized elements.

k. In case the energized elements are removable, it shall be guaranteed that they cannot be removed as
long as the system is operating under normal conditions; for this purpose, locking or locating systems
shall be implemented; in case the energized elements are fixed, it shall be ensured that they cannot be
removed without the help of tools handled by qualified personnel who knows the functioning of the

l. The locations between the different cut and splice elements of a substation are indispensable for
people’s safety reasons and for the operating convenience of the installation, in order to prevent
undue actioning due to human mistakes.

m. For removable type equipment, the locations shall ensure that the following operations cannot be

• Removing the protection switch unless it is in open position

• Operating the switch, unless it is operating, disconnected, removed or grounded
• Closing the switch, unless it is connected to the auxiliary circuit or designed to open
automatically without using an auxiliary circuit.

n. For fixed equipment, they shall have the necessary locations to avoid erroneous maneuvers.
o. The continuity and integrity of the grounding system shall be ensured taking into consideration the
thermal and mechanical effort caused by the current that it will transport in case of fault.

p. The enclosure of each functional unit shall be connected to the protection grounding conductor.

q. All grounded metallic parts that do not belong to the main or auxiliary circuits, shall also be
connected to the grounding conductor, either directly or through the metallic structure.

r. For the purpose of performing maintenance in substations with complete safety for the personnel in
load, it is absolutely necessary for the system to allow grounding of live parts in order to perform a
completely reliable maneuver.

s. When performing maintenance work and with the purpose of the substation’s operator having
complete assurance of the maneuver being performed, the positions of the elements that are
grounding the cell shall be clearly identified through an element that visually indicates the equipment
grounding maneuver.

t. It is forbidden in substations to cross water, natural gas, compressed air, industrial or flammable
gases raceways, except fire - extinguishing piping and refrigerating piping for the substation

u. In substations subject to flooding, the IP degree of protection or equivalent NEMA of the equipment
shall be adequate for said condition.

29.3 Operation, command and control rooms

Substations that have an associated room or space where electrical operation, command or control
equipment has been installed, it shall comply with the following requirements:

a. The construction materials shall have a high point of ignition.

b. The installations shall be free of combustible materials, dust, smoke, and shall not be used for
repairing, manufacturing or warehousing, except for those minor parts that are essential to the
maintenance of the installed equipment.

c. They shall be adequately ventilated with the purpose of maintaining the operation temperatures
within the due levels, and they shall be regulated to minimize the accumulation of pollutants
transported by air, under any operation condition.

d. The installations shall be dry. In outdoor stations or in those located in wet tunnels, subterranean
passes or other damp places or places with a high degree of dampness, the electrical equipment shall
be appropriate to withstand the existing environmental conditions.

e. All electrical equipment shall be supported and fixed in a manner that is consistent with the service
conditions. The fact that some heavy equipment, such as transformers, may be fixed in place shall be
considered. However, equipment that generates dynamic forces during its operation may require
additional measures.

f. With the purpose of having complete conscience of the operation being performed, the control room
shall indicate the position of the contacts of cut and splice elements that show the real situation of the
operation that is being performed.

29.4 Safety distances in outdoor substations

High and extra high tension yard substations shall comply with the safety distances and guidelines
expressed in Figures 20 and 21 and on Chart 45, which have been adopted from rule IEC 60071 - 2,
which is related to the insulating coordination, and from Committee 23 of CIGRE.
(Figure that cannot be copied)
Figure 20. Safety zone for personnel traffic

Valor básico = Basic value

Distancia de seguridad = Safety distance

Zona de seguridad = Safety zone

Circulación de personal = Personnel’s circulation

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 21. Safety zones

Valor básico = Basic value

Plano de trabajo = Work plan

Distancia de seguridad = Safety distance

Zona de seguridad= Safety zone

Posición extrema inferior de los conductores = Extreme inferior position of the conductors

Circulación de personal = Personnel’s circulation

Dimensiones en m= Dimensions in m

(Chart that cannot be copied)

Chart 44. Overhead safety distances, for Figures 20 and 21

Distancias de seguridad = Safety distances

Valor básico = Basic value

Circulación de personal bajo conexiones= Circulation of personnel under connections

Zona de trabajo en ausencia de maquinaria pesada= Work zone in the absence of heavy machines

Circulación de vehículos = Vehicle circulation

Distancia a máquina según IEC (m) = Distance to machine according to IEC (m)

Cantidad que se adiciona = Amount that is additioned

Zona de seguridad = Safety zone

Valor total = Total value

Gálibo =

Tolerancia = Tolerance

(*) The minimum recommended value is 3 m, but it may be less according to local conditions and standardized working procedures.
(**) It is determined for each case

The mesh fences that are installed as barriers for non authorized personnel, shall be placed in such a way
that the exposed energized parts are out of the safety distance zone, as shown in Figure 22; the minimum
distances that shall be complied with are those set forth in Chart 45.

(Figure that cannot be copied)

Figure 22. Safety distances to prevent direct contacts in outdoor substations

Zona para equipos de sobretensión = Zone for over tension equipment

Zona de seguridad = Safety zone

Muro o malla perimetral = Perimeter wall or mesh

Nominal Tension Dimension “R”(m)

Between Phases (kV)
0,151 - 7.2 3
13,8 / 13,2 / 11,4 3,1
34,5 3,2
66 / 57,5 3,5
115 / 110 4
230 / 220 4,5
230 / 220 4,7
500 5,3
Chart 45. Safety distances for Figure 22

29.5Safety distances in indoor substations

For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, the safety distances that shall be kept within a room
destined to substation shall comply with the safety distances established in Chapter II, Article 13 of this
General Appendix and with those established in section 110 of NTC 2050 first update for work spaces.



30.1 High and extra high tension substations

a. They shall be constructed under standards that guarantee their safety and reliability.

b. The substation shall be provided with precise operation and maintenance manuals that do not give
room to mistakes.

c. The pass, contact and transferred currents shall be measured, ensuring that people is not exposed to
hazards with tensions exceeding the withstanding threshold. The measurement shall be done in the
enclosing meshes and up to one meter of the exterior side.

30.2 Middle tension indoor - type or within buildings substations

For the safety of people and animals, the following requirements, adapted from rule IEC 62271 - 200, are
established. Additionally, in these types of substations, owned by OR, Nor final users, section 450 of rule
NTC 2050 first update shall be taken into consideration.
a. In every building that requires substation, the required space shall be destined according to the type
of substation and the requirements of this regulation.

b. In substations within buildings, the space shall be located on an easily accessed from the exterior
place, located on common areas, with appropriate means to facilitate the entrance and exit of
equipment, to allow qualified personnel to perform maintenance, revision and inspection work.

c. The secondary distribution substations shall ensure that a person cannot accede to the live parts of the
system avoiding their over passing the safety distances pertaining to the tension levels of each
particular application. The person shall not be able to accede to the energized zone contact either
directly touching it or introducing objects that may place him / her in contact with the line.

d. To prevent accidents due to internal arcs, the following criteria shall be complied with:

• The cells shall allow controlling the effects of an arc (over pression, thermal and
mechanical efforts), evacuating gases upwards, to the sides, to the rear or two meters
over the front.
• Doors and lids shall have a lock to remain closed.
• Pieces which may come off, such as plates or insulating materials, shall be firmly
• When an arc occurs, it shall not perforate external accessible parts, and burning of the
indicators by hot gases shall not occur.
• Effective connections on the grounding system.

e. Every substation housed in rooms shall be provided with the adequate number and form of exists to
avoid an operator becoming trapped in case of an accident.

30.3 Post - type substations

Substations that have a transformer mounted on poles, shall comply with the following assembly

a. Substations with transformers on pole may be accepted, without any kind of enclosure, as long as it
does not exceed 250 kVA or 800 kgf of weight. Transformers inferior or equal to 112,5 kVa and
weighing less than 600 kgf, may be installed in only one pole as long as it has a breakage resistance
not inferior to 510 kgf; likewise, the installation of a transformer with power exceeding 112,5 and
inferior or equal to 150 kVa with weights inferior to 700 Kgf may be installed on poles with a
breakage load not inferior to 750 kgf. Transformers with capacities exceeding 150 kVa shall be
mounted on type H structures. In rural installations, transformers equal to or inferior than 25 kVa
may be installed on wood poles with breakage resistance inferior to 510 Kgf as long as an effort
analysis is performed and there is guarantee of the mechanical stability of the structure.

b. Every pole - type substation shall have at least on the primary side of the protection transformer
against over currents and against over tensions (DPS).

c. The maximum capacity of the fuses shall be the one established by a the protection coordination
study and it shall guarantee the adequate protection of the transformer and the de - energization of the
circuit in the event it is required. For this purpose, the main’s operator shall establish a chart with the
values for these purposes and shall demand their compliance.

d. The DPs shall be installed in the impulse current way and as close as possible to the transformer’s

e. The transformer shall have the neutral point and the casing solidly grounded.

f. It shall be guaranteed that the safety distances applicable to the installation, established in this Article
13 of this General Appendix, are complied with.
g. The transformer’s affixing elements shall withstand at least 2,5 times the transformer’s weight.

h. The middle tension connections shall have a form and rigidity that does not allow them to move with
the wind or vibrations in such a way that they make contact with parts that shall not be energized.

i. In order to guarantee the safety of both the OR personnel and the general public, the grounding
requirements that apply, established in Article 15 of this Appendix, shall be complied with.

j. The DPs that protects the transformer shall be installed in agreement with Figure 18

30.4 Pedestal type or garden type substations

In pedestal type or garden type substations, when normal operating conditions foresee that the external
temperatures of the cubicle will exceed room temperature in 45 °C, a protection barrier shall be installed
to avoid burnings and signs shall be posted to indicate a “hot surface”. If the transformer has a protection
that guarantees the cut or de - energizing when there is an over temperature, said barrier will not be

30.5 Substation certification for final use installations

Substations that are not for general use and that feed final use installations, shall demonstrate conformity
with this regulation, in conjunction with the installation that is being fed and the connection up to the
frontier where the general use main finishes.


For the purposes of this Regulation, it will qualify as a distribution electrical installation the set of
apparatus and associated circuits for the transportation and transforming of electricity, with nominal
tensions equal to or exceeding 110 V and inferior to 57,5 kV.

The requirements set forth in this Chapter are mandatory and shall be taken as complementary of those
established in the other Chapters of this Technical Regulation.

The provisions contained in this Regulation apply to all Colombian territory and shall be complied with
by the electricity distribution entities that operate in the country and by all other owners of electrical
mains included within this category.


31.4 Scope of the distribution system

For the purposes of this regulation, a typical distribution system comprises:

a. Distribution substations, which shall comply the requirements from Chapter V of this Regulation that
apply to them.

b. Primary or “feeder” circuits, which usually operate within the range of 7,6 kV and 44 kV and which
feed the load to a well defined geographical zone.

c. Distribution transformers, in nominal capacities exceeding 3 kVA, which may be installed on poles,
on above ground locations or in vaults, near to consumers and which carry middle tension to the

d. Maneuver, measurement and protection cells for the secondary distribution transformers in the case
of power substations.

e. Low tension circuits, which carry the electricity from the distribution transformer, along the ways,
public spaces or particulars’ terrains.

f. Connection branches that deliver electricity to the service entrance equipment of the user.

31.5 Basic requirements for distribution systems

In addition to what is established on Resolution CREG 070 of 1998 or those Resolutions which modify or
replace it, referring to the operation and maintenance of distribution mains, the main’s operator or the
owner of the electrical distribution installation, the following requirements shall be complied with:

a. Every distribution project shall have a design, with calculation memories and construction plans,
with the name, signature and professional license of the person responsible for the calculations.

b. The entity shall leave record of the technical and routine maintenance tests, of both the installation
and the equipment in a way that allows performing a record check of the maintenance.

c. The entity that operates the mains shall provide training to each of the professionals who work in the
energized installations or nearby. The training shall include information concerning the electrical
hazards and shall ensure that each of the professionals who work on the installations is qualified and
authorized to attend to the work routine.
d. Every qualified person who performs activities related to the distribution mains, shall be trained on
the procedures that shall be followed in case an electrical type emergency occurs, as well as on first
aid rules, including proved reanimation methods. Copies of said rules and procedures shall be kept in
visible places both in vehicles and in places where the number of workers or the nature of the job
justifies it.

e. The responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance shall supply the protection elements
in adequate quantity for the professionals to comply with the requirements of the job that will be
performed, and they should be available in easily accessed and visible places.

f. The qualified persons shall perfectly know the safety rules and may be evaluated at any moment, by
the authority or by the management, to demonstrate their knowledge. Likewise, if their duties require
performing their jobs near energized equipment or lines, they shall perform only those jobs for which
they have been trained, equipped and authorized. Those who do not have enough experience, shall
work under the direction of experienced and qualified personnel in the job site and shall perform only
directed jobs.

g. The installations subject to this regulation which make part of the distribution system, shall have the
certificate of conformity with the RETIE. Jobs that were begun with the valid certification
mechanism, may finish and certify them with the same mechanism.

31.6 Grounding of distribution systems

For the purposes of this Technical Regulation and in order to guarantee the safety of the personnel who
works in the distribution circuits and of the general public, the following requirements shall attend to:

a. Grounding systems shall comply with the criteria set forth in Chapter II, Article 15.

b. The main’s operator shall give the designers of a project the value of the maximum fault current
expected in the respective node.

c. The workers shall consider all non - grounded metallic parts as energized with the highest tension to
which they are exposed, unless it is verified through tests that said parts are without tension



32.3 Support structures

The distribution mains shall be supported on structures such as towers, little towers, concrete poles
whatever their building technique (armed or pretensed); iron poles, wood poles, acrylic or other materials,
as long as the following requirements and those established in Article 17.15 of this appendix, that are
applicable, are complied with:

a. The poles, towers or little towers used as support for distribution mains shall have a breakage tension
of at least 2,5 times the sum of mechanical tensions resulting from the interaction of the different
efforts to which the structure is submitted, for which the efforts of the cables from the electrical main
and the other cables and elements that act upon the structure shall be considered.

b. Poles or structures with standardized dimensions and breakage tension shall be used.

c. Wooden poles and all other wood elements used in the distribution mains shall be duly treated for
protection against fungus and other agents that accelerate their deterioration.

d. Metallic towers or poles shall be protected against corrosion, to withstand a useful life not inferior to
25 years and those that support middle tension mains shall be solidly grounded.
e. Poles that show fissures or other damages that compromise the mechanical conditions and the safety
of the structure, shall be changed.

f. The poles, towers and, in general, the support structures of distribution mains shall demonstrate
compliance with RETIE through a product certificate issued by a product certification entity
accredited by the SIC.

32.4 Fittings

This denomination includes all elements used for affixing the insulators to the structure, those for affixing
the conductor to the insulators, those for affixing the ground cable to the structure, the insulators’
electrical protection elements and the conductor’s accessories, such as connectors, splicer, separators and
shock absorbers. All the foregoing shall comply with the following requirements:

a. Fittings used in middle tension circuits will be of a design adequate for their mechanical and
electrical function and shall withstand the corrosive action during their useful life; for this purposes
the predominant characteristics of the environment in the zone where they are to be installed shall be
taken into consideration.

b. Fittings subjected to mechanical tension by the conductors and guard cables or by the insulators, shall
have a mechanical safety coefficient that is not inferior to three respect to their work load. When the
minimum breakage load is demonstrated through tests, the safety coefficient may be reduced to 2,5.

c. The conductor’s retention clamps shall withstand a mechanical effort on the cable of 80% of its
breakage load without sliding occurring.

d. Fittings used in distribution shall demonstrate conformity with this Regulation through a product
certificate, issued by an accredited certification entity.


The distribution mains shall comply with the insulation requirements for energized parts, to avoid
contacts either due to deficiencies in the safety distances when the insulator is the air or indirect contacts
due to deficiencies or insufficiencies of the insulators’ materials.

33.1 Safety distances in distribution mains

For the purposes of this Technical Regulation the conductors of the distribution circuits shall comply with
the safety distances established in Chapter !!, Article 13 and with those established for substations in
Chapter V that apply.

The construction or expansion of buildings that are submitted to municipal planning offices, curators or
other authorities who issue licenses or building permits shall strictly comply with RETIE regarding
minimum safety distances and easements.

The territorial ordering plans shall consider what is established in Law 388 of 1997 or in the laws that
modify, replace or regulate it, in aspects concerning limitations in the use of ground, in the sense of
appropriating and respecting the spaces for the public services’ mains.

33.2 Insulators

They shall comply with the following requirements:

a. Insulators used in distribution mains shall have as a minimum the following breakage loads:

• Those with disc type suspension, at least 80% of the breakage tension of the used
• Reel type equivalent minimum to 50% of the breakage load of the used conductor.

• Spike type (or those equivalent to Line Post) equivalent minimum to 10% of the
breakage load of the used conductor.

• Tensor type, it shall be verified that the breakage load exceeds the mechanical efforts to
which it will be subjected by the structure and by the template in the most unfavorable
weather conditions.

b. Insulators shall be maintained. The criteria to determine loss of their function will be the breakage or
loss of their insulating qualities, when simultaneously subjected to electrical tension and mechanical
effort of the type to which they will be submitted.

c. The insulators used in distribution shall demonstrate conformity with this Regulation through a
product certificate, issued by a certification entity accredited by the SIC.


Conductors used in distribution mains shall comply with the electrical and mechanical requirements for
the conditions where they are installed and shall have a product certification of compliance with this

34.1 Overhead conductors

a. At no moment shall the conductors be subjected to mechanical tensions above those specified as
breakage and the laying of overhead mains shall not exceed 25% of the breakage tension.

b. Fittings appropriate to the type and properties of the material and the caliber of the conductor shall be

c. The design shall consider the criteria of technical losses in the economic conductor selection.

d. In areas where the minimum safety distances cannot be guaranteed, insulated or semi insulated
conductors shall be used with the restrictions established in Article 13 “Safety Distances”.

e. The splices of overhead conductors shall guarantee operation of at least 90% of the breakage tension
without the conductor sliding.

f. The connectors or joining with other conductors shall be of appropriate materials that do not produce
galvanic par, which may constitute a breakage hazard to the conductor.

g. When damage of the conductor through loss of threads, affectations due to arcs or short - circuits that
decrease its breakage tension is observed, it shall be replaced or the corrective actions must be taken.

34.2 Subterranean conductors

The following requirements, which will apply to the laying of subterranean cables, were adapted from the
Regulation for the Construction of Electrical Installations in Buildings of the Argentinean Electro
technical Association:

a. The raceways or ducts shall be of synthetic, metallic or other material, which meets the following

• Non hygroscopic
• A degree of protection adequate to use
b. The use of corrugated PVC pipes with double wall (TDP type) or of high density polyethylene is
accepted for the mechanical thermal protection of cables in middle and low tension mains.

c. A minimum useful of 0,20 meters shall be maintained between the external edge of the conductor
and any other service (gas, water, heating, vapor, compressed air, among others). If this distance
cannot be maintained the installations shall be separated in an effective way through a closed layer of
bricks or other dielectric materials, fire resistant and resistant to electric arc and poor heat conductors
of at least 5 cm of thickness.

d. The disposition of the conductors within the duct shall maintain their position and adequation along
their way, ensuring that the separation of circuits is maintained.

e. The conductors’ splices and derivations shall be accessible.

f. The installation of cables over the level of the finished floor is not allowed; by finished floor it is
understood the one that is usually stepped on by people.

g. For direct burial cables, the bottom of the ditch will be a firm, smooth surface, free of discontinuities
and without obstacles - The cable shall be laid at a minimum depth of 0,7 m respect to the terrain’s
surface. As protection against the mechanical damage, bricks or covers shall be used, and
identification or signalizing tapes, non degradable during the life of the buried cable, shall be
installed at a distance between 20 and 30 cm over the cable.

h. The ducts shall be placed with a minimum slope of 0,1% towards the inspection chambers, in a ditch
with enough depth to allow a minimum cover of 0,7 m of filling over the duct.

i. The unions between conductors shall ensure that they are as hermetic as possible and shall not alter
their internal transversal section. When metallic ducts are used, they shall be heat galvanized and
shall be electrically grounded. Within them, complete lines, monophasic or polyphasic with their
protection grounding conductor, shall be installed. The laying of phase, neutral or ground conductors
separated from the rest of the circuit or forming incomplete groups of phases, phase and neutral or
phase and ground, through metallic ducts will not be allowed.

j. Subterranean cables installed under buildings shall be housed within a duct that protrudes at least 0,3
m from the perimeter of the building.

k. All transitions between types of cables, load connections or derivations, shall be done in chambers or
inspection boxes that allow maintaining the conditions and degree of protections applicable. The
internal useful dimensions of pass, derivation, connection or exit boxes or chambers shall be
adequate to the specific functions and will allow the laying in respect of the conductors’ section.

l. Subterranean raceways in ducts shall have inspection or pass chambers that comply with the
aforementioned requirements, and they shall be installed in straight stretches, at distances not
exceeding 80 meters, except when there are duly justified reasons in pulling tensions calculations that
require a different distance (for example, crossing of big avenues), in which case it shall be recorded
on the memory or technical specification of the project.


The responsible for the operation of electrical distribution systems shall keep the population informed
about the hazards associated to electricity; for said purpose they shall produce and annex to the users a
safety booklet and shall instruct the users through the bill or through leaflets about the safety
recommendations to be taken into consideration.

35.1 Safety booklet

The OR shall produce a booklet addressed to residential, commercial and industrial users, in which the
safety conditions and correct use of electricity will be spread, taking into account at least the following

a. It shall be written in a practical, simple and concise manner, if possible with illustrations as reference
for the text.

b. It shall be addressed to the final and potential user, be handled to every and each of them on the day
when an electrical installation is certified and service begins, and it may be consulted by any person
or entity who is interested in connecting to the electricity distribution main.

c. It shall indicate the procedures to be followed to acquire information and illustration regarding the
electricity service, including the procedures relating to the expansion of the service, identification
and communication with the service supply entity.

d. It shall inform in a highlighted manner how and when to report emergencies that occur inside or
outside the domicile.

e. It shall summarize the main actions of first aid in case of electrocution.

f. It shall include practical recommendations regarding the handling of electrical appliances.

35.2 Additional safety information

The main’s operators and commercializers shall periodically, at least once every six months, instruct their
users, with written information behind the bill or with additional leaflets, about safety practices in
electrical installations.


This chapter of the Technical Regulation applies to electrical installations destined to the connection of
equipment or apparatus for electricity’s final use and in all types of constructions, either public or private.
As in the other sections of the Regulation, the set forth requirements apply to normal and nominal
conditions of the installation.

In general, it includes the electrical systems that go from the service connection to inside the building or
to the connection point of the consume equipment or elements. For cases of installations not owned by
OR, that include substation, the connection and substation will be considered as a part of the final use
installation, without excluding compliance with the requirements for the transformation process that apply
to them.



Electricity final use installations, commonly called interior installations, or domicile installations or
receivers, are those which are fed by a distribution main or by their own energy source, and which have as
purpose to allow the provision of electricity for its final use. Within this concept, any receiving
installation shall be included, even if all of it or one of its parts is located outdoors.

If in a low tension electrical installation there are integrated circuits or elements in which the used
tensions exceed the limit established for low tension and for which this Chapter does not establish a
specific requirement, it shall comply with all technical and safety prescriptions of the middle and high

For the purposes of this Regulation, the requirements set forth in this Chapter shall be taken as
complementary to the requirements set forth in the other Chapters.

36.1 Application of technical rules

Since the contents of NTC 2050 First Update (Colombian Electrical Code), of November 25, 1998, based
on technical rule NFPA 70, fits within the focus that a technical regulation shall have and taking into
consideration that it is completely applicable to installations for the use of electricity, the introduction, in
aspects that do not contravene this Appendix, and the first seven chapters with their related charts
(published in the Official Diary No. 45.592 of June 27, 2004), which in a summarized way include:

Chapter 1. Definitions and general requirements for electrical installations.

Chapter 2. Lighting requirements and protections.
Chapter 3. Methods and materials in installations.
Chapter 4. Installation requirements for equipments and general use elements.
Chapter 5. Requirements for special environments.
Chapter 6. Requirements for special equipment.
Chapter 7. Special conditions of installations.

For the adequate application of these Chapters, the considerations set forth in Section 90 (Introduction)
shall be taken into consideration; qualified personnel who uses the rule shall consider all considerations
and exceptions applicable to each case.

In the event that there are differences between the General Appendix and NTC 2050 First Update, what is
established in the General Appendix of the RETIE shall prevail and the authority to resolve the
differences shall be the Mines and Energy Ministry.
Likewise, installations for final use of electricity that comply with international technical rules such as
those in series IEC 60364 will be accepted, as long as they do not cause combination of rules and the rule
applicable in all the installation is strictly complied with.

36.2 Classification of the installations

For the purposes of this Regulation, installations for final use of electricity shall be classified as follows:

• Basic installations
• Special installations
• Provisional installations

36.2.1 Basic electrical installations

Those installations that comply with the first four chapters of NTC First Update and low tension mains
for particular use or destined to providing electricity public service.

36.2.2 Special electrical installations

Those installations that, due to being located in environments classified as dangerous or due to feeding
complex equipment or systems, present higher risk than a basic installation and, therefore, require special
measures, to mitigate or eliminate such hazards. For the purposes of RETIE, the following are considered
special installations:

a. Medical care or medical assistance installations, referred to by Section 517 of the Colombian
Electrical code (NTC 2050 First Update).

b. Emergency systems and fire systems.

c. Installations in special environments, included in Chapter 5 of the Colombian Electrical Code (NTC
2050 First Update), classified as dangerous due to the high risk of explosion caused by the presence
of gases, vapors or flammable liquids; dust, fibers or combustible particles.

d. Electrical installations for transporting personnel, such as elevators, cranes, escalators, freight
elevators or cable railways.

e. Electrical installation in places with high concentration of people, such as meeting places, public
entities, theaters, audience areas, big supermarkets, fairs and shows referred to by Sections 518, 520
and 525 of the Colombian Electrical Code (NTC 2050 First Update).

f. Installations in mines and drilling wells.

g. In general, those which require building and maintaining in circumstances that are different to those
that may be considered as normal risk, such as those established in Sections 530, 540, 547, 555, 645,
660, 680 690 and 695 of the Colombian Electrical Code (NTC 2050 First Update).

36.2.3 Provisional Installations

For the purposes of the RETIE, it will be understood as provisional installation that which is made to
provide electricity to a construction project, or which will be used for no longer than six months (which
may be prorogued according to the criteria of the OR who provides the service), and it shall comply with
the specifications of Section 305 of the Colombian Electrical Code (NTC 2050 First Update).

These installations shall have a provisional board or distribution system with fault to earth protection.

The electricity service to provisional installations shall be conditioned to a qualified person establishing a
written control procedure for electrical hazards of this installation and assuming responsibility for its
compliance. The procedure, as well as the name and professional license number of the responsible
person, shall be available to the Main’s Operator and to any competent authority.
Due to its transitory character and the continuous modifications that these types of installations present,
certification is not required and it will be replaced by the procedure document established for the control
of the installation signed by the qualified person responsible for its compliance, during the time of
existence of this type of installation.



37.4 Generalities
The protection systems of electricity final use installations shall prevent the effects of over currents and
over tensions, protect the users from direct contact and annul the effects of indirect contacts.

In electricity final use installations, safety measures shall be adopted both for the protection of the users
and for the protection of the mains, which shall be specified in accordance with the characteristics and
power of the receiving apparatus and the annexed and connected goods.

The high number of fires caused by deficiencies in the installation of lighting systems, requires giving
special attention to the subject and attending the guidelines of the Lighting and Public Illumination
Regulation and the specific requirements of NTC 2050, particularly Section 410, for these appliances.

The owner or holder of an electrical installation where an electrically originated accident takes place,
generation serious injury or death of a person, shall report it to the competent authority and to the
provider of the service, informing the name of the person who had the accident, the type of accident, and
the time and place of the accident.

With the exceptions established in NTC 2050 First Update, in all other electrical installations the only low
tension grounding regimes that will be accepted will be those with solid connection (TN - C - S or TN -
S) or with limiting impedance. It is expressly forbidden the regime where the neutral and protection
functions are complied with by the same conductor (TN - C).

37.5 Protection against direct or indirect contact

a. To prevent and protect against direct and indirect contacts the following methods exist:

Against direct contact:

• Appropriate insulation according to the level of tension of the energized part.

• Distance of the parts under tension.
• Placing of obstacles to impede access to energized zones.
• Use of very low tension (< 50 V in dry locations, < 24 V in damp locations)
• Automatic feeding cut devices.
• Use of differential stitches of high sensitivity (GFCI or RCD).
• Insulating power systems.

Against indirect contact

• Differential protection equipment or against leak currents (GFCI, RCM or RCD).

• Use of very low tension.
• Use of galvanic insulated circuits, with safety transformers.
• Non simultaneous access between conductor elements and ground.
• Equipotential connections.
• Grounding systems.
• Use of adequate insulation for the level of tension of the equipment.
• Grounding regimes that protect people against leakage currents.
In order to offer a good protection, at least two of the previous methods shall be implemented for
each type of contact.

b. The circuits may be protected by a leakage differential switch with a sensitivity curve exceeding the
exigency of curve C1 Of Figure 1 of Chapter I of the RETIE.

c. In living units with installed capacity lesser than or equal to 3,5 kVA, it is allowed for the sockets
with circuit switch due to fault to ground, to be part of a circuit for small kitchen appliances and for
lighting and power in bathrooms, as long as the kitchen’s counter does not have more than two exists
of double sockets and the bathroom does not have more than one exit with double socket.

d. In bedrooms with area inferior or equal to 9 m2, two double sockets may be accepted, located on
opposite walls. In the rest of the dwelling, the regulations of Article 210.52 of NTC 2050 shall be
complied with, considering the mobility exceptions.

e. The installation of sockets with grounding protection shall be required in the spaces and conditions
determined by NTC 2050, taking into account the access and the frequent connection or
disconnection of the equipment.

In bathrooms containing bathtubs, showers or washbasins, and the circundant zones, the hazard of
shock increases due to reduction of electrical resistance of the human body and that of the contact of
the body with the ground potential; therefore, showers shall have adequate insulation to avoid contact
of the water with energized parts, that is, shower resistances and electrical contacts shall be insulated
against water or have a fault to ground protection switch.

Bathrooms of social areas in dwellings are exempt from installing sockets adjacent to the washbasins,
as long as in said rooms no electrical equipments are used at more than 25 volts and the dwelling has
other bathrooms that comply with NTC 2050.

f. In every final use installation, the neutral conductor and the grounding conductor of a circuit shall be
insulated among them, they shall only be joined by an equipotential bridge at the origin of the
installation and before the cut devices; said main equipotential bridge shall be located as near as
possible to the connection or the transformer.

37.6 Protection against over current

a. Electrical installations in dwellings inferior to 75 m2 shall be built to contain at least the following

• A circuit for small kitchen appliances, pantry and dining room, with capacity not
inferior to 20 A.

• A circuit for connecting the iron and the washing machine, with capacity not inferior to
20 A.

• A 20 A circuit for lighting and a general use socket.

The number and capacity of the circuits for bigger dwellings shall comply with the guidelines of
NTC 2050.

b. Each circuit shall be provided with an automatic switch to protect it against over currents.

c. The automatic switch shall not be changed for another with greater capacity when the loadability of
the conductors in the circuit to be protected is exceeded.

37.4 Maintenance and conservation of final use installations

The owner or holder of the final use electricity installation shall maintain and conserve it in good shape,
in such a way that it does not present high hazard or imminent danger to the health or life of people, the
environment or the installation itself or its environment.

The maintenance or conservation work shall be performed by qualified personnel, who will be jointly
responsible with the owner or holder of the installation for the effects caused by any deficiency.

In the event that an electrical installation for final use of electricity presents high risk to the health or life
of people, the owner or holder of the installation shall correct the deficiency in the shortest possible time
and if necessary shall communicate the situation to the main’s operator. In case the owner or holder does
not correct the anomaly, any person who has knowledge of it shall communicate it to the OR in order for
him / her to take the pertinent measures, in agreement with the uniform contract for the service provision.
Who informs shall identify himself and specify the address of the place where the high risk or imminent
danger is present.


Considering the higher risk caused by the faulty operation of a special, of special conditions or for special
equipment electrical installation and, in general, electrical installations comprised in Chapters 5, 6 and 7
of NTC 2050 First Update, in addition to complying with the provisions of this Regulation that are
applicable, they shall comply with the following measures and previsions, as long as they apply:

38.5 Product certification for special installations

Electrical products used in special installations, for which NTC 2050 First Update requires certification,
shall have a product certificate that demonstrates compliance with the international, internationally
recognized or NTC technical rule for said product and use.

38.6 Installations in densely populated places

In locations or buildings where a service is provided to the public, with high concentration of people
(such as shows, medical assistance places, recreation parks, museums, big shops), an emergency power
system shall be provided. These systems are designed to automatically supply electricity within the next
10 seconds to the cut of the lighting systems, as well as power to previously defined areas and equipment,
and in case of fault of the system destined to feeding essential circuits for human safety and life.

The emergency circuits shall supply electricity to exit signals, ventilation systems, detection and alarm
fire systems, fire pumps, elevators, communication systems, industrial processes, and all other systems in
which the interruption of electricity supply may cause serious dangers to the safety of human life. In those
places that require an energy support source, the system shall provide autonomy for at least 60 minutes at
full load, without the tension decreasing from 87,5% of its nominal value.

When the emergency system uses groups of accumulator batteries, they shall be provided with an
automatic charger; when electrogen group is used, the room shall have sockets for pre - heating, the
battery charger and any other necessary use.

Substations for service of places with high concentration of people shall not contain transformers with
insulation in oil, unless they are confined in a vault with fire resistance of three hours minimum.

38.7 Installations for fire systems

This is a special type of installation due to the importance of the pumps and, in general, of the fire
systems as an effective safety measure for life in buildings and they shall comply with the following
a. When they require external electrical feeding, this shall be supplied independently from the general
electrical connection, that is, from another connection exclusive for this purpose and independent
from the rest of the installation, or from an emergency electrogen group, avoiding a fire produced in
the connection or substation from affecting the installations of the fire pump. For this purpose, fire
cut barriers may be installed in the wiring.

b. The pump control shall be done through a certified controller for fire pumps.

c. The energy source shall be reliable and have adequate capacity to transport locked rotor currents
from the power pump and accessory equipment.

d. To avoid burnings and to attain a protection against fire, the materials connected in a stable way,
susceptible of producing arcs or sparks during normal service, shall comply with at least one of the
following conditions:

e. Be completely enclosed in materials resistant to arcs. The materials of the casings located around
electrical materials shall withstand the highest temperatures that may be produced by the electrical

f. Be separated from the construction elements by screens resistant to arcs.

g. Be installed at a sufficient distance from the construction elements on which the arcs or sparks may
have damaging effects, allowing the safe extinguishing of them.

h. The accessible parts of electrical equipment shall not reach temperatures that may cause burnings to
people and shall satisfy the limits set forth in the following chart:

Accessible parts Accessible parts’ materials Maximum temperature

Manual control elements Metallic 55
Non metallic 65
Foreseen to be touched but not destined to be held with Metallic 70
the hand Non metallic 80
Not destined to be touched during normal service Metallic 80
Non metallic 90
Chart 46. Temperature limits – electrical equipment

38.8 Installations for pools

The construction of electrical installations (conductors and equipment) that are located inside or near to
sport, recreational, therapeutic and decorative pools, fountains, thermal baths, permanent and movable
hydro massages bathtubs, as well as their auxiliary equipment such as pumps, filters and the like, shall
comply with the requirements established in section 680 of NTC 2050.

These special installations shall be fed from an insulating transformer of 12 V of exit, not grounded and
with an electrostatic screen between the coils, which shall be certified for this particular use and its
primary shall work at a tension inferior or equal to 150 V. Likewise, the pool’s electrical installation may
be directly fed from a branch protected by a differential branch of fault to ground for luminaries that
operate at more than 15 V but not exceeding 150 V.



Even though they are classified as special installations, the greater importance of these types of
installation lies on the fact that patients in critical areas may suffer electrocution with currents of the order
of microamperes, which may not be detected or measured, especially when an electrical conductor is
directly connected to the cardiac muscle of the patient. For said reason it is necessary to maximize the
safety measures.
The main purpose of this section is to protect patients and all other people who work or visit said places,
reducing to the minimum the electrical hazards that may cause electrocution or burnings to people and
fire and explosions in medical areas.

In addition to the general requirements for final use installations that apply to them, the buildings
exclusively dedicated to medical assistance of patients and the buildings destined to other purposes but
having within at least one area for the diagnostic and care of health, either in a permanent way or in an
ambulatory way, shall comply with the following dispositions.

Additionally, medical care installations, dentist clinics, veterinary clinics, health centers and, in general,
those places where the patient is subjected to invasive procedures with electro medical equipment, shall
comply with the following requirements:

a. For the purposes of this Regulation, medical care installations shall comply with the dispositions
established in rule NTC 2050 of November 25, 1998 and particularly with section 517. Likewise,
medical care installations that comply with rule IEC 60364 - 7 - 710 will be accepted. A combination
of rules that turns the installation into dangerous will not be accepted.

b. The adequate design, construction, service testing, functioning an maintenance shall be put in charge
of specialized professionals and the exclusive rules for said installations shall be followed.

c. There shall be enough ventilation in laboratories for the extraction of gases and gaseous mixes for
chemical analysis, flame production and other uses. Likewise, for sterilization systems by ethylene
oxide, which being flammable and toxic shall have a gas extraction system.

d. An adequate coordination of the electrical protection to guarantee the necessary selectivity shall be
performed, thus maintaining to the maximum the service continuity.

e. The clinics, hospitals and health centers which have middle tension electrical connection, shall
preferably have an automatic transfer in middle tension that is connected to two feeders.

f. In compliance with the dispositions of the Social Protection Ministry, the hospital attention centers
shall have an alternate source of electricity supply that begin operating within 10 seconds after the
normal electricity system is cut. Additionally, an automatic transference system with main commuter
switch (by pass) shall be provided to allow, in case of fault, the commutation of the electrical load to
the normal system.

g. In critical medical areas, where the continuity of the electricity service is essential for the safety of
life, an uninterrupted power system (UPS) on line shall be installed for the electrical equipment of
vital assistance, medical gases control and communications.

h. An insulated or non grounded power system (called IT) shall be provided in critical medical areas,
where a fault in the feeding causes a risk to the life of the patient; that is, in operating rooms,
operating theaters, newborn rooms, intensive care units, special care units, coronary care units, labor
rooms, cardiac catheterism laboratories or angiographic laboratories, intracardiac procedures rooms,
as well as in areas where flammable analgesics are handled (dangerous areas) or where the patient is
connected to equipment that may introduce leak currents to his / her body and in other critical areas
where it is deemed as convenient.

The insulated power system shall include an insulating transformer for hospital critical area, with
very low leak currents (microamperes), an insulating line monitor for 5 mA and the conductors of
non grounded circuits; all the parts shall be completely compatible and shall be certified according to
specific rules for the application of the insulated distribution systems in medical care centers, such as
IEC 60364 - 7 - 7 10 or UL 1047, NFPA No. 99. Said insulated power system shall be connected to
the derivate circuits exclusive of the critical area, which shall be constructed with electrical
conductors with very low leakage currents.

Each of the components of the insulated power system shall comply with the specific requirements
established in international or internationally recognized rule such as UL1047, IEC 60364 - 7 - 7M
NFPA No. 99 and compliance with the rule shall be certified.
i. The insulating transformer of the insulated power system shall not have a nominal power inferior to
0,5 kVa or exceeding 10 kVa for critical care areas, or 25 kVA for X - ray boards; the tension of the
secondary shall not exceed 250 V, with very low leakage currents (microamperes) internationally
recognized, such as UL 1047; the transformer shall be constructed with a type H or B insulation and
shall be capable of easily supplying power for loads exceeding 150% of its nominal capacity, to feed
great intermittent loads, guaranteeing that in case of initial fault of the grounding it may be
maintained at a low value such as 5 mA without interruption in the electricity supply. The insulating
monitor shall sound an alarm if the insulating resistance between phase and ground is less than 50•.
Bipolar switches of minimum 20 A shall be installed on the transformer’s secondary, and they shall
open in the phase and in the neutral of the circuit only in case that second technical fault that
generates short - circuit occurs.

j. In damp areas where the interruption of electrical current under fault conditions may be admitted,
such as pools, baths and therapeutic bathtubs, a differential fault to ground switch shall be installed
for the protection of people against electrocution, as well as next to washbasins, regardless of their
being or not inside a bathroom.

k. With the purpose of preventing static electricity from causing sparks that may cause explosion, in
medical areas where flammable anesthetics are used and in hyperbaric chambers, if applicable, a
conductive floor shall be installed. The electrical equipment shall not be affixed at less than 1,53 over
the finished floor (unless they are explosion - proof) and the medical personnel shall wear conductive

l. Likewise, conductive floor shall be installed in places where flammable anesthetics or disinfectants
are stored. In said places, any electrical equipment to be used at any height shall be explosion - proof.

m. To eliminate static electricity in medical care centers, the following shall be complied with:

• Maintain a constant electrical potential on the floors of operating rooms and adjacent through
conductive floors.
• Medical personnel who uses the operating rooms shall wear conductor shoes.
• The equipment to be installed in environments with flammable anesthetics shall have casings
and wheels of conductor material.
• Patients’ robes shall be made from antistatic material.

n. In all patient care areas, to give protection against electrocution, the sockets and fixed electrical
equipment shall be connected to a redundant grounding system conformed of:

• An insulating copper conductor duly calculated, installed together with the supply conductors of
the corresponding derivate circuit and connected both to the ground terminal of the socket and to
the ground point of the distribution panel.

• A metallic raceway housing in its interior the mentioned derivate circuit and connected on both
ends to the ground terminal.

o. The insulating boards for hospital use in operating rooms, intensive care, coronary care, shall be
boards certified for hospital use and shall comply with the requirements of international,
internationally recognized or NTC technical rule that applies to said kind of boards, such as UL1047.

p. In operating rooms and critical care areas, the length of the conductors and the quality of their
insulation shall be such that it does not generate leakage currents exceeding 10•A and tensions
capable of producing currents in the patient exceeding 10 mA, considering that the average resistance
of human body with open skin is 500 •.

q. The distribution boards or panels of the normal and emergency systems that feed the same patient’s
bed shall be equipotentially connected among themselves with an insulated copper conductor of
caliber not inferior to 10 AWG.
r. The sockets that feed general or critical patient areas shall be designed to feed the maximum number
of equipment which need to operate simultaneously and shall derivate from at least two different
energy sources or from the energy substitute source (emergency plant) through two automatic
transfers. Said sockets shall be double with hospital grade type grounding. In general patients areas at
least four sockets shall be installed and in critical patients areas at least six sockets shall be installed,
all grounded through an insulated copper conductor.

s. Under no circumstances will electrical extensions be used in operating rooms or in critical care areas.

t. In psychiatric areas there shall not be sockets. For protection against electrocution in pediatric areas,
sockets of 125 V and 15 or 20 A shall be of the abuse - proof type, or be protected by a cover of the
same type. (Other sockets or covers will not be accepted in these areas).

u. All the sockets of the emergency system shall be red and shall be completely identified with the
number of the derived circuit and the name of the corresponding distribution board. All the circuits of
the emergency main shall be mechanically protected through metallic non - flexible raceways.

v. Automatic switches shall not be used as on and off controls of the lighting in a hospital care center.

w. In areas where electric showers are used, these shall be fed through an exclusive circuit, protected by
circuit protection switches of fault to ground and their connection shall be water - proof.

x. Conductors of the normal, emergency and insulated not grounded systems shall not share the same

y. The necessary number of electrical lighting exits shall be provided to guarantee the safe access to
patients, equipments and supplies, as well as to the corresponding exits of each area. Emergency
lighting units through batteries shall be provided where convenient for the safety of people and where
their installation does not cause hazards.


For the purposes of this Regulation and aimed at guaranteeing the personnel’s safety in mines, the
following requirements, adopted from rules IEC 61557 - 8, DIN VDE 0118 - 1, NEMA WC - 58 and the
Peruvian technical rule regarding use of electricity in mines, shall be complied with.

40.1 General requirements

a) In all surface or underground mines where electricity is being used, there shall be plans or diagrams
that show updated information of the electrical system, with shall always be available to the
competent authority.

b) The repairs, expansions and changes in the electrical installations shall only be performed by
personnel qualified in electricity with professional license or license certificate, professional
inscription certificate, as determined by Law.

c) Switches shall be installed on the supply point of all temporary installation. Electrical installations
destined to the maintenance and repair of equipment or structures and the movement of equipment
are considered temporary electrical installations exclusively while the activity is taking place.

d) Every overhead main shall comply with the safety distances indicated in Article 13, increased with
the maximum heights reached by transportation and extraction equipment. The mains that are out of
service shall be disconnected from their feeding source, insulated and grounded.

e) A circuit disconnection means shall be blocked and labeled in the open position while work on a
machine or equipment is being performed.

f) Every area with electrical equipment shall have at least one extinguisher.
g) Portable cables with power not exceeding 750 V shall be certified for use in mining, such as type
SHC - GC or similar, insulated at least for 2000 V.

h) All cables installed within a mine or in its escape routes, shall not be flame propagants and shall have
low smoke emission. Portable power cables that operate at tensions exceeding 750 V shall be
conductors of power individually screened and grounded, such as SHD type or power conductors
individually screened, ground conductors and a grounding inspection conductor, such as SHD - GC
or similar, insulated for at least 25000 V. These cables shall include in their labeling that they are
flame proof.

i) When a mine is abandoned or ceases being operated, all circuits shall be de - energized to avoid risk
conditions to people.

j) Every electrical equipment installed in warehousing places for explosives or detonators, or, in
general, in places where explosive gases or vapors may be present, shall comply with the
requirements corresponding to classification Class II, Division 2, according to NTC 2050 or its
equivalent IEC.

k) Powder kegs on surface shall be located as a minimum at 60 m from overhead mains and as
minimum at 100 m from electrical substations.

l) All circuits operating at tensions that exceed 300 V shall have disconnection means of visible
opening type or other that indicate that the contacts are open, and they shall be located as near as
possible to the supply point. Using automatic switches with cast box without visible opening is
allowed, as long as measures to ensure that all phases remain open are taken.

m) When there is possibility of danger to the personnel due to a fault in the lighting system, there shall
be an emergency lighting system.

n) Every accessible section of a conveyor belt electrically operated shall have a safety chain running
along its length and disposed in such a manner that it stops the conveyor belt in case of emergency.
The switch action by the safety chain shall be of manual reposition. A conveyor belt used in a
subterranean mine or a conveyor belt with a length exceeding 15 m installed within a building or
another closed structure, shall have a detection device to stop the engine in case the belt is obstructed
or deviated.

o) When permanent splices in pulling cables are done, they shall be mechanically strong and they
should have an adequate electrical conductivity; they shall be insulated and sealed in an effective
way and their continuity and insulations shall be tested by qualified personnel before beginning to

p) Couplings used to join power portable cables that operate at tensions exceeding 300 V, shall have a
mechanical holding device to join the cable coupling with a greater resistance to traction than that of
the power portable cables, effort liberating devices for the portable power cable and means to prevent

40.5 Grounding requirements

a) For the purpose of a greater protection and reduction of the arc in case of fault to ground, supply
circuits shall be grounded through a limiting impedance (IT system), which requires a inspection or
watch system of the main’s insulation to allow permanent indication of the ground circuit’s
continuity and to protect the installation through disconnection, which shall be done in maximum 1,5
seconds, or that activates an alarm system. The inspection shall be installed on a fault proof circuit.

b) In mains with nominal tensions up to 1000 V, a lamp with intermittent light shall be installed in
zones where people remain, which shall be lighted if the insulating resistance of the main decreases
under 50 • for each volt of nominal tension phase - ground. When a visible alarm is used to indicate
a fault to ground, said alarm shall be continuous until the fault is eliminated. In case sound and
visible alarms are used, the sound alarm may be cancelled and replaced by the visible alarm until the
fault is eliminated.

c) The limiting impedance shall be dimensioned for continuous operation, except when a fault to
ground shot device is supplied. It shall be monitored in such a way that the source is de - energized if
the impedance opens and connected to the neutral as near as possible to the source.

d) In case there are non - grounded systems, a fault to ground indicating device shall be installed
coupled with the circuit’s protection. In these cases, a fault to ground shall be investigated and
eliminated as soon as possible.

40.6 Equipment requirements

Portable equipment that operates at tensions exceeding 300 V and that is connected to a tension source
with a power portable cable, shall:

a) Use portable cables of multiconductor power with ground conductors, ground check conductor and a
total screening for 2000 V or less, such as SHC - GC type or similar.

b) Have fault to ground protection and inspection of the ground conductor on the side of the source, or
connect the portable equipment to the equipotential main of the grounding system, using an
additional conductor, with capacity equal to the ground conductors of the power portable cables.

Substations consisting of a group of electrical equipment mounted on a portable self - carrying structure
shall comply with the following:

a) The self - carrying structure shall be adequate for movement across irregular terrain or be provided
with hoisting means to allow its hoisting over transportation means.

b) The power transformer and all other components of the substation shall be within a completely
closed cover or shall be enclosed with a linked mesh or its equivalent with a minimum height of two

Portable equipment with tensions exceeding 300 V, shall comply with the following requirements:

a) The transformer that feeds energy to a portable electrical equipment with more than 300 V c.a., shall
have a nominal power of at least 125% of the nominal power of the portable electrical equipment that
it feeds.

b) The connection of the limiting impedance shall be done as near as possible to the transformer’s
neutral point. If the cable that connects the transformer’s neutral and the grounding device exceeds
two meters in length, it shall be protected against physical damage.

c) The fault to ground protection of the grounding system’s resistance of the portable substation with
electrodes shall be measured and tested after each installation or change of location of the substation.
The necessary changes shall be made to ensure that the maximum increase of the ground potential is
less than or equal to 100 V.

d) The movable power cables used to feed the portable electrical equipment shall be type SHC - GC,
SHD - GC or similar, and certified for use in mining; they shall have cable entry connectors that
impede the entrance of water, dust and other environmental conditions to the coupling boxes and to
the switch boxes.

e) Every locomotive or electrical vehicle on rails shall be equipped with lamps that shall remain
energized if the switch is in the on position. All locomotives in movement shall issue a light in the
direction of the trip that supplies enough lighting to make people and objects visible at a minimum
distance of 30 meters.
f) Every locomotive or electrical vehicle on rails shall be equipped with some type of control of the
dead - man type, which shall automatically withdraw electricity when the operator abandons his / her

40.7 Specific requirements for underground mines

In addition to the general requirements that apply to them subterranean mines shall comply with the

a. The conductors, cables and power portable cables that feed fixed equipment with grounding tensions
exceeding 150 V, shall be protected by armors, rigid pipes or other similar mechanical means; or by
an adequate location.

b. When couplings are made on cables or conductors that exceed 750 V, they shall have mechanical and
electrical characteristics equal to those of the cable, they shall be performed under the direct
supervision of a competent person, have an insulation equal to or exceeding that of the original cable
and be sealed against dampness.

c. A transformer installed in a subterranean mine shall be protected against physical damage; sheltered
in such a way that it impedes access to non qualified and non authorized personnel, have spaces
around it to allow a safe access for inspection, maintenance and repairs; be mounted on a fire proof
base and in a location that minimizes the propagation of the fire; it shall not be used where there is
risk of flood and be supplied with a cover that complies with the requirements of NTC 2050.

d. When a dry type transformer or a transformer filled with nitrogen is installed in a subterranean mine,
it shall have insulating materials equal to or exceeding those of H class in agreement to IEC 85 and
shall be at a minimum distance of three meters from work places or places where people circulate.



41.5 Persistent compounds

It is forbidden to use, in electrical installations subject to this regulation, products containing persistent
organic compounds, including Polychloride and Polybromide Biphenyls and Triphenyls (PCB and PCT),
as well as Asbestos in all its forms, including amiant, in the concentrations or proportions regulated by the
environmental or health authority.

For greater clarity, the following chart shows the most common commercial names for the PCB mixes
(*Askarel is the most known word):

Aceclor Clophen Geksol P - 926

Arubren Chlorinol Hivar Phenoclor
ALC Clorphen Hydol Pydraul
Apirolio Cholophen Hyvol Pyralene
Arochlor Disconon Inclor Pyranol
Asbestol Diaclor Inerteen Pyroclor
ASK DK Kanechlor Polychlorinated
Askarel* Dykanol Kennechlor Santotherm
Adkarel EEC - 18 Magvar Saf - T - Kuhl
Capacitor 21 Dialor MCS 1489 Santovac 1 and 2
Bakola Delor Montar Sovtol
Biclor Eucarel Monter Solvol
Chlorinated Elemex Nepolin S - 42
Chlorobiphenyl Fenchlor Nitrosovol Sovol
Chorextol Geskol No - Flamol Therminol FR
Chlorinated Hivar Flamable liquid Thrichlorodiphenyl
Duconol P - 53 Turbinol
PCB Siclonyl
Chart 47. PBC’s commercial names

In case electrical insulation technologies are used, with products such as SF6, the percentage of leaks shall
be controlled, in compliance with international technical rules for this purpose.

41.6 Radioactive lightning rods

As of the date when this Technical Regulation comes into force, it is forbidden to install, manufacture and
import lightning rods or receiving terminals with radioactive material.

41.7 Use of ground as sole return conductor

As of May 1, 2005, the construction of electrical installations where ground is used as the only current
return conductor is forbidden; that is, monofilar systems are not accepted, excepting those that connect
the exit signal of electrical fences impulsers.
41.8 Re - used materials in final use installations
As of the date when this General Appendix comes into force, it is forbidden to use re - used or
remanufactured materials or artifacts in final use electricity installations.

In compliance with commercial agreements and the particular conditions of some requirements, the
following transitory periods are established:


42.3 Conformity certificate for some products

When demonstrating conformity with this Regulation, the following transitory conditions shall be taken
into consideration:

Demonstration of conformity with the present Regulation shall consider the following transitory

a. The product certificate of conformity with RETIE for fuses, pulsers, middle tension cells, middle
tension switches, middle tension splicer, middle tension reconnections, extensions for Christmas
lighting, contactors, low and middle tension condensers, uninterrupted power units (UPS), regulated
power units (regulators), will be mandatory six months after this General Appendix is published.

b. The luminal efficacy values, minimum power factor, maximum harmonic distortion and minimum
useful life for compact fluorescent lamps, referred to in Chart 35, as well as the marking and loss
verification in electrical engines and generators, and any other requirements of this General
Appendix not included in the General Appendix of Resolution 180466 of 2007, will be mandatory six
months after this Regulation is published.

c. Products that were manufactured or imported in compliance with the requirements of the General
Appendix adopted through Resolution 180466, shall be accepted.

d. For products subject to this Regulation that do not have Accredited Entities for their Certification, the
third part certificate may be replaced by the manufacturer’s declaration stating compliance with this
Regulation, as long as they comply with rule ISO / IEC 17050 for the first part conformity

42.4 Conformity certificate for some electrical installations

The installations which began their construction process under the General Appendix of Resolution
180466 of 2007, may be finished and demonstrate conformity with the requirements therein established.

Complete certification, that is, the declaration from the person responsible for the construction endorsed
by the inspection entity’s report, to demonstrate conformity in electrical installations for generation,
transmission, and high and extra high tension substations, will become mandatory when there are at least
five (5) Inspection Entities of electrical installations accredited before the Superintendency of Industry
and Trade for this process. Notwithstanding, during the transitory period the conformity with the
Regulation shall be demonstrated through the written and signed declaration of the qualified person
responsible for the construction and by the qualified person responsible for the intervention of the
electrical job, in which compliance with RETIE is stated.

Complete certification, that is, with the requirement of inspection report, will be required as of May 1,
2015, or before if during this transitory period the compliance self - declaration signed by the qualified
person responsible for the construction of the installation shows irregularities that evidence non
compliance of the regulation, to the following types of installations:
a) Basic installations for final use of electricity, with installed capacity lesser than 10 kVA, located in
non interconnected zones, rural areas, or urban areas with population inferior to 4000 habitants. For
the connection of these types of installations, it will be required for the Main’s Operator to comply
with Resolution CREG 070 of 1998 or the laws that clarify, modify or replace said Resolution,
regarding the connection’s placement into service and to leave written statement of the fact.

b) Basic installations with installed capacity inferior to 3,5 kVA, as long as they are not in multifamiliar
buildings or physically joined buildings subject to the same building license for five or more
potential users, or in buildings with five or more individual measurement systems, located in urban

c) For rural distribution mains for general use, with installed transforming power not exceeding 75 kVa
and the length of the primary main being inferior to 5 km, and which count with intervention, the
inspection entity’s report may be replaced by the signed declaration of the qualified person
responsible for the intervention.

d) For rural distribution mains for particular use, as long as they do not have installed power exceeding
15 kVA and a kilometer of primary main, when there is no intervention the OR shall apply the
dispositions of the Distribution Code CREG 070 of 1998 or those which modify or replace it, in
aspects related to the placing into service of the connection and shall leave written statement of the

e) Electricity projects financed with resources from the National Budget, which have received technical
and financial viability before the requirement of inspection report being mandatory, and that for said
reason did not include on the official budgets the resources to cover this cost, may replace the
inspection report with a declaration signed by the qualified person responsible for the intervention,
where it is declared that the installation complies with the requirements established by the RETIE.

Depending on the results of this transitory self - certification mechanism, the necessity of requiring the
inspection entity’s report in a mandatory way for these installations will be determined; in such case, the
requirement will be gradual.

The reports issued by inspection entities accredited by the SIC for these electrical installations will be
completely valid, even during the transition period.

When this General Appendix enters into force, the substations’ inspection entity may not inspect those of
high and extra high tension with installed power exceeding 50 MVA of the National Transmission main
without express authorization of the accrediting entity that allows it to inspect substations with this level
of tension and power.

The certificates or conformity reports issued by certification or inspection entities accredited under
Resolutions 180398 of 2004, 180498 of 2005, 180466 of 2007, will continue being valid until their
expiration, and may continue being issued until the expiration of the accreditation or before, if the
inspection or certification entity updates them. This condition does not apply to high and extra high
tension substations with powers exceeding 50 MVA of the National Transmission main, unless the
accreditation by the inspection entity expressly mentions inspection of substations in those levels of
tensions and powers.

In the event that there are no certification entities accredited by the SIC or the entity that replaces it, for a
product subject to the RETIE, the conformity certificate for that product may be replaced by the
supplier’s declaration in compliance with rules NTC / ISO / IEC 17050 - 1 and NTC / ISO / IEC 17050 -



Inspection and control of compliance with the present Technical Regulation corresponds to
Superintendencies of Domicile Public Services and Industry and Trade, according to the competences
given to each of these entities by the laws in force.

In agreement with Law 142 of 1994, it corresponds to the Superintendency of Public Services, among
other functions, to monitor and control the compliance with laws and administrative acts that apply to
subjects who supply public services, as long as said compliance affects, in a direct and immediate way,
determined users and to penalize its violations, if these function is not the competence of another

In agreement with Decrees 2153 of 1992 and 2269 of 1993 and all other applicable laws, it corresponds to
the Superintendency of Industry and Trade –SIC - - , among other functions, to watch for the compliance
with the dispositions on consumer protection, to perform the compliance verification of the Technical
Regulations under its control, to supervise the certification and inspection entities, the tests and trials
laboratories, the metrology laboratories, and to monitor compliance with the RETIE of both the products
included in its object, and the final use installations and in general the installations subject to this
Regulation that are not destined to the provision of the electricity public service.

The manufacturers or importers of goods and services subject to the compliance of technical regulations,
whose control corresponds to the Superintendency of Industry and Trade, shall be recorded in the
mandatory record of said entity, referred to by the first chapter of the fourth title of the Sole Circular of
the SIC.

Surveillance of the professional performance of the qualified persons who intervene in electrical
installations corresponds to the corresponding Professional Councils.


The schedule of conformity’s demonstration for products and installations shall be based on the National
System for Standardization, Certification and Metrology.

44.1 Product’s conformity certification

The products subject to this Regulation shall comply with the requirements herein established and
demonstrate, before being commercialized, through the conformity certificate referred to in this Chapter.

For products that, due to their particular condition, require conformity certificate with an international,
internationally recognized or NTC technical rule that applies to them, conformity with RETIE shall be
given with the certificate under said rule.

Only those products with requirements established in this Regulation destined to installations comprised
in its scope, require certificate of conformity with the RETIE. Products that have the same customs
entries but that are not subject to the RETIE or that are destined to installations excluded from this
regulation, do not require certificate of conformity with RETIE.

For engines and generators with power exceeding 800 kVA, transformers with power exceeding 800
kVA, protection devices against over tension and insulators for nominal tension exceeding 66 kV, and in
general those products for which the supplier’s declaration is allowed as a mechanism to demonstrate
compliance with RETIE, the supplier shall comply with rule NTC ISO IEC 17050 - 1 and NTC ISO IEC
17050 - 2. Likewise, the declaration shall state compliance of an international, internationally recognized
or NTC rule that applies to the product for the use for which it is intended.

Who certifies shall consider the type of application of the product to determine conformity.

Before commercializing, the manufacturers, importers or commercializers of the products subject to this
Technical Regulation, shall demonstrate compliance through a Conformity Certificate issued by a Product
Certification Entity accredited by the Superintendency of Industry and Trade, in agreement with the
procedures established in Articles 7 and 8 of Decree 2269 of November 16, 1993, or by the legally
authorized accreditation entity, or by the systems, methods and procedures established or that are
established by the competent authority to demonstrate conformity of products included in the scope of the
technical regulations.

Notwithstanding the transitory dispositions of this Regulation, the certificate of conformity with RETIE
shall be issued by product certification entities accredited by the Superintendency of Industry and Trade
or the entity that replaces it. The certifying entity shall, in the certification process, apply the guidelines
established in rule ISO IEC 17021.

In agreement with treaties regarding obstacles to Trade and other commercial treaties, equivalents of
foreign technical rules or technical regulations may be accepted. The equivalences of technical rules or
regulations with RETIE shall only be issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mines. For that purpose, the
interested party shall provide a matrix that contains each of the product requirements set forth in the
RETIE, comparing them to the corresponding section of the technical rule or regulation to which
equivalence is being established. Additionally, the interested party shall provide copy of the whole text of
the rule or regulation, in order to verify the truthfulness of its requirements and the context of its

The concept of equivalence is not a product certificate; the product certificate issued in the country of
origin shall completely identify the period of validity, the product being certificated and it shall be
validated by the SIC or the entity or mechanism established by the competent authority.

Notwithstanding what is established by the competent authorities, in order to accept the assembly of used
products or remanufactured products in the installations subject to this Regulation, a supplier’s
conformity declaration issued in agreement with rule ISO 17050 is required.

Product certificates issued in the country of origin may be accepted, as long as they have been
homologued by the Superintendency of Industry and Trade in agreement with the Sole Circular. In such
cases, the product certificate shall be in force and shall be accompanied with the rule equivalence concept
that supports the certification with RETIE, issued by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and the concept
issued by the Superintendency of Industry and Trade. The responsible for importing or commercializing
these products shall verify that the imported product corresponds to the product effectively certified; in
any case, the SIC may verify compliance with the certified requirements and penalize those which show

Commercialization or operation of the products that comply with the dispositions of this Technical
Regulation may not be prohibited, restricted or hindered.

44.2 Certification of products exclusively and directly used by the importer

Conformity certificates are issued in agreement with Resolution 6050 of 1999 and its modifications
described in the Sole Circular of the Superintendency of Industry and Trade, to natural or civil persons in
order to enable them to import products subject to technical regulations, whose control and inspection
corresponds to the Superintendency of Industry and Trade, and which will be only and exclusively for
direct use by the applicant.
The user applies in writing for the certification, giving exact information regarding the good to be
imported and its control will be in charge of the Superintendency of Industry and Trade. The entity
evaluates, verifies and issues the corresponding certificate.
44.2.1 Basic regulations for the application

For the purposes of this Regulation, the following legal dispositions, issued by the Colombian authorities,
shall be complied with in aspects related to the products’ conformity certificate:

a. Sole Circular of the Superintendency of Industry and Trade, published in the official diary 44511 of
August 6, 2001, that is a sole law body of the SIC.

b. Decree 2269 of 1993, through which the National System of Standardization, Certification and
Metrology is organized.

c. Decree 300 of 1995, which establishes the procedure to verify compliance with official mandatory
Colombian technical rules and the technical regulations in imported products.

d. Decision 506 of 2001, of the Andean Community of Nations, regarding product conformity

e. Decision 562 of 2003, of the Andean Community of Nations.

44.2.2 Tests and trials laboratories

Attending to Resolution 6050 of 1999 from the SIC and all other laws that clarify, compliment or modify
it, when the trials required for the issuance of the conformity certificates are performed in Colombia, they
shall be performed in laboratories accredited by the SIC. In case there is no accredited laboratory for
performing these trials, they may be performed in laboratories previously evaluated by the certification
entities; said laboratory shall begin its accreditation process within the year following the rendering of the
first service under this condition. If after two years counted as from the first service rendered in this case
the laboratory has not obtained its accreditation, The Certification Entity may not continue using its

“Resolution 15657 of 1999 from the SIC, Article 2. - For the purposes foreseen in Article 2 of Resolution
6050 of 1999 from the SIC, when there is no trial laboratory accredited for the performance of a specific
trial in Colombia, the conformity certificates, issued by certification entities accredited by entities with
respect to which it has been previously demonstrated to the Superintendency that they are part of
multilateral agreements of mutual recognition of accreditation, will be valid.”

44.2.3 Product labeling

The materials and elements subject to this Regulation, used in electrical installations, shall be labeled with
the information established in the product requirements of this Regulation. Said information shall be
demonstrated in the certification process.

44.3 Accreditation

The accredited certification and inspection entities, the accredited trial and test laboratories and the
calibration for products and electrical installations subject of this Regulation, shall comply with the rules
of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, the rules of the accreditation entity legally recognized
and all other laws that apply to the subject.

Accredited entities may only refer to said condition for the certifications, inspections, trials or
measurements for which they have been accredited, according to the administrative act that grants them
said condition.

The certification of conformity with this Regulation of electrical installations, shall be validated by a third
party accredited by the Superintendency of Industry and Trade or the entity that replaces it.
The accredited inspection Entities for electrical installations shall be Type A.

44.4 Certification entities

The Superintendency of Industry and Trade, in Title four of the Sole Circular, establishes the entities that
may issue certificates of conformity with technical regulations.

Recognition of product certificates issued abroad corresponds to the SIC or to the entity determined by
the competent authority, in agreement with the laws on the subject in force in the country, specially
Decrees 300 of 1995 and 2153 of 1992.

44.5 Electrical installation inspection entity

Electrical installations that are required to demonstrate conformity with this Regulation, through complete
certification, shall have the inspection report issued by an inspection entity accredited by the SIC or by
the accreditation entity legally recognized.

44.6 Electrical installation conformity certificate

Every new electrical installation, expansion or remodeling, in accordance with Article 2 “FIELD OF
APPLICATION”, shall have its certificate of conformity with the present Regulation, which according to
Decision 506 of 2001 of the Andean Community of Nations, shall be the manufacturer’s declaration. (For
the purposes of this regulation, the manufacturer will be assimilated to the qualified person responsible
for the construction of the electrical installation). Therefore, the first part certification will be the
compliance declaration signed by the qualified person responsible for the construction of the electrical

In order for the certification to be complete, it shall be endorsed by a third party, who guarantees
suitability, independence and impartiality, and it will be the report issued by an inspection entity
accredited before the SIC or the entity that takes its place. Under these conditions the complete
certification will be the declaration from the person responsible for the construction plus the conformity
report issued by the inspection entity that validates the self - declaration.

The certification is an individual requirement for each electricity public service account in final use
installations. Likewise, it is a requirement for all electrical installations required for providing electricity
service, which constitutes individual constructive units subject to recognition in the assignation of fees.

For electrical installations destined to constructions such as warehouses, shops, offices, doctor’s offices
and apartments, where the constructor only provides the electrical installation up to a general or
distribution board, he / she shall provide it certified up to that point and clarify the scope of his / her
installation, to allow the main’s operator to provide a provisional service and which will become
definitive when the owner or users finish the construction of the installation with the same measurement
system or with independent measurement installations and completely certifies them. During this period,
the initial owner will be responsible for partial installations complying with this Regulation. This
responsibility will be transferred to the responsible(s) for the partial installations when the property or use
of the whole installation is transferred.

44.6.1 Compliance declaration

For the purposes of certification of compliance with this regulation, in all cases the qualified person
responsible for the construction of the electrical installation shall declare compliance with the RETIE,
filling in the form “Declaration of Compliance with the Technical Regulation for Electrical Installations”.
This declaration will be considered a public document issued under oath, and it becomes a fundamental
document in the certification process and who signs it acquires the greatest responsibility for the effects
of the installation.

Ministry of Mines and Energy



I, ____________________________________ being of age and domiciled at ____________________,

identified with Identification Number _________________________, in my condition of ___________,
engineer •, technology operator •, technical operator •, bearing professional license , professional
inscription certificate or valid registration certificate (according to the case) No. ________________,
issued by the Professional Council ______________________, declare under the gravity of oath, that the
electrical installation whose construction was under my charge, which is owned by ________________,
C.C. or NIT ____________________, located at (detail location) ______________________________,
complies with each and every one of the requirements established in the Technical Regulation for
Electrical Installations RETIE that apply to it, including the products used therein, for which purpose I
attach copy of the respective certificates. Likewise, I declare that I attended to the design guidelines
(when required) done by the engineer(s) __________________________________, with professional
license(s) No(s). ____________________________________, and that the scope of the electrical
installation is that expressed in the attached electrical plan.

In witness thereof it is signed in ______________ at the _________ days of the month of ________ of

Signature _________________________________________________________________________

Domicile address ________________________________ Telephone ___________________________

Notes: Includes technical justification of deviation from a rule’s requirement or from the design, as long as the deviation does not
compromises safety.

List of attached documents:

Form 1. Constructor declaration

44.6.2 Inspection with certification purposes

As already mentioned, in order for certification to be complete, the report from an inspection entity is
required, as a third party’s mechanism to validate the first part declaration in the certification process.

The inspectors for special installations, generation centrals, high and extra high tension transmission lines
and high and extra high tension substations, shall demonstrate certified experience with at least five years
in design or construction of these types of installations; for other installations the demonstrated
experience may be reduced to three years. The experience may be replaced by a labor competence
certificate as inspector in these fields. In all cases, the competence recognized by the laws that regulate
the professional performance shall be considered.
In the inspection for certification purposes, the following aspects shall be taken into consideration:

a. The traceability of the different stages of the electrical installation shall be sought, and for this
purpose that which was acted and documented by the qualified persons who participated in the
design, if required, direction of construction and intervention shall be taken into consideration. In all
cases, the professional license of the responsible for each stage shall be included in the inspection

b. The certifications of conformity of the products used in the electrical installation shall be verified, if
according to RETIE they shall comply with said requirement.

c. To guarantee that the electrical installation is safe and adequate for the foreseen use, visual inspection
shall be performed, as well as performing the pertinent tests and measurements in accordance with
the forms established in the present Appendix and in agreement with rule ISO 17020. The respective
records of the measurements taken shall be left.

d. In all cases the report and declaration forms shall include the type of installation, the identity of the
owner, the location of the installation, the names and professional licenses of the qualified persons
who acted in the different stages of the installation (designer, if required, director of construction, and
intervention professional).

e. Likewise, the form shall include the name and professional license of the inspector, and the name,
address and telephone number of the accredited entity responsible for the inspection.

f. The inspector shall declare the scope and real state of the installation at the moment of inspection,
with mechanisms such as photographic records, unifilar diagram, and electrical plans or sketches.

g. The inspection entity may request in the accreditation process the possibility of inspecting the
previous stages of construction; in such case, it shall be guaranteed that the previous inspection does
not become advisory or intervention that may affect the independence principle.

h. The inspection result report and the testing of the electrical installation shall determine compliance
with the applicable requirements, related in the form called “Inspection Report to define conformity
of electrical installations with the Technical Regulation”

44.6.3 Exceptions to the inspection report

The requirement of the inspection entity’s report may not be applied to the following installations, but
they shall in any case have the declaration from the qualified person responsible for the construction.

a. Electrical installations of military or police garrisons, and in general those which require reserve due
to National Security aspects; however, a written declaration will be required from the commander or
director of the garrison or by the qualified person responsible for the intervention or for supervising
the construction of the electrical installation, stating that RETIE was complied with.

b. The movement of meters shall be considered as a remodeling that does not require complete

c. Provisional installations.

44.6.4 Components of the inspection entity’s report

The report from the inspection entity shall basically include the following:

a. Complete identification of the installation and of the people who participated.

b. The aspects to be evaluated with their results and observations.

c. The final result of conformity.

d. Complete identification of the inspection entity and of the inspector (s) who acted in the inspection
and report, as well as the documents that establish the scope of the inspection.

The inspection report shall be signed by both the technical director or his / her equivalent who is qualified
and experienced in the operation of the inspection entity and has the general responsibility for the report,
and by the inspector responsible for the inspection.

For installations where design is not required, the provisions set forth in Chapter !! Essential Technical
Requirements, number 8.1.2, shall be considered.

The owner or manager of an electrical installation in a building for commercial, industrial or official use
or multifamiliar dwellings, or that destined to provide electricity public service, shall keep a copy of the
inspection report of electrical installations available, to facilitate its being consulted when the responsible
for providing the service or the administrative, judicial, police or control and surveillance authorities
requires it.

44.6.5 Forms for the inspection report

The inspection report of the installations subject to this regulation, shall be recorded in the forms
established in this General Appendix and they shall have the category of documents for official use.
Therefore, each inspection entity shall apply the corresponding form to the process to which the
installation belongs and will ascertain that the document has the appropriate safety elements to avoid
adulteration or damage.

Each inspection entity shall assign continuous numbers to the forms, in order to facilitate their control.

The verification forms shall reflect and strictly comply with the procedures, methods and measurement
equipment presented to and approved by the SIC during the accreditation process and shall be duly signed
by the inspector who performed the inspection, and by the personal responsible for approving the report
results named by the inspection entity.

The name of the person responsible for the intervention will be recorded only if said intervention was
performed, taking into account that intervention is not mandatory for particulars’ constructions.

The values of the parameters which require measurement, shall be recorded in the report document and
may be verified by the control and surveillance entity, when it is considered pertinent.

In installations associated to two or more processes but that have as their only end the installation of final
use electricity, they shall be verified as a set, filling in each of the forms that apply. The certification shall
comprehend the integrity of the installation from the frontier of the main’s operator or transmissor, up to
the last exit in the final use installation.

Place and date Inspection entities Report No. •

Name of the owner of the line _________________________________________________________________________________
Name and complete identification of the line _____________________________________________________________________
Address of the installation ____________________________________________________________________________________
Type of associated process Generation • Transformation • Other • Final Use •
General service • Exclusive service •
Type of use of the installation Rural • Residential • Industrial • Insulated from SIN •
Installed capacity (kVA): __________ Tensions (V) ______________ Year when construction was finished _____________
Type of configuration: ____________ Length of line (km) _________ Type of conductors: ___________________________
Qualified persons responsible for the installation:
Professional License: __________________________
Design: _____________________________________________
Professional license: __________________________
Intervention (if applicable): ______________________________
Professional License: _________________________
Construction: ________________________________________


1 Insulators
2 Insulating
3 Safety signs and signals
4 Electromagnetic fields
5 Design conditions of structures and fittings
6 Conductors
7 Splice and control devices
8 Safety distances
9 Performance of connections
10 Functional tests
11 Structures according to mechanical requirements
12 Easement strip
13 Operation of automatic cut of the feeding
14 Materials according to environment
15 Calculation memories
16 Plans, sketches and diagrams
17 Protection against corrosion
18 Grounding resistance
19 Product certifications review
20 Selection of conductors
21 Selection of protection devices against over currents
22 Selection of protection devices against over tensions
23 Aero navigation signals
24 Pass and contact tensions
25 Verification of pass, contact and transferred tensions
26 Easement zones

OBSERVATIONS, MODIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL WARNINGS (if any) and identification of annexes


Responsible for report:
Name and signature of inspection entity ______________________________________ Accreditation resolution: ________________________
Domicile’s Address ______________________________________________________ Telephone number: ____________________________
Name and signature of inspector ____________________________________________ Professional license: ____________________________

Form 2. Monitoring and verification report for transmission lines


Place and date Inspection entities Report No. •

Name of the owner of the installation _________________________________________________________________________
Address of the installation ____________________________________________________________________________________
Type of associated process Generation • Transmission • Distribution • Final Use •
Type of use of the installation Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Official •
Installed capacity (kVA): ___________ Tensions (V) ______________
Type of substation: _______________ Capacity (kVA) ____________
Number of transformers: ___________
Qualified persons responsible for the installation:
Professional License: __________________________
Design: _____________________________________________
Professional license: __________________________
Intervention (if applicable): ______________________________
Professional License: _________________________
Construction: ________________________________________


1 Accessibility to all control and protection devices
2 Safety signs and signals
3 Access barriers
4 Electromagnetic fields in permanent work areas
5 Continuity of grounding conductors and equipotential connections
6 Current of the grounding system
7 Splice and control devices
8 Safety distances
9 Performance of connections
10 Enclosure of equipments (meshes, rooms, vaults)
11 Locations
12 Dielectric tests
13 Equipotentiality
14 Structures and fittings
15 Identification of circuits, neutrals and ground conductors
16 Materials according to environment
17 Calculation memories
18 Mimics
19 Assembly
20 Plans, sketches and diagrams
21 Protection against internal arcs
22 Protection against electrocution by direct contact
23 Protection against electrocution by indirect contact
24 Protection against lightning
25 Grounding resistance
26 Insulation resistance
27 Product certifications review
28 Selection of conductors
29 Selection of protection devices against over currents
30 Selection of protection devices against over tensions
31 Fire system
32 Materials’ fire withstanding
33 Contact and transferred tension
34 Pass tension
35 Protection answer time for fault clearance
36 Ventilation
37 Verification of pass, contact and transferred currents

OBSERVATIONS, MODIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL WARNINGS (if any) and identification of annexes


Responsible for report:
Name and signature of inspection entity ______________________________________ Accreditation resolution: ________________________
Domicile’s Address ______________________________________________________ Telephone number: ____________________________
Name and signature of inspector ____________________________________________ Professional license: ____________________________
Form 3. Monitoring and verification report for transformation installations

Place and date Inspection entities Report No. •

Name of the owner of the installation _________________________________________________________________________
Address of the installation ____________________________________________________________________________________
Use of the main General Use • Exclusive Use • Public Lighting • Final use •
Type of use of the installation Rural • Residential • Industrial • Insulated from Sim •
Installed capacity (kVA): ___________ Tensions (V) ______________ Year when construction was finished: __________
Type of configuration: Monophasic Length of line (m) __________ Type of conductors: ________________________
Triphasic Structures’ materials _________ Number of structures or supports ______________
Qualified persons responsible for the installation:
Professional License: __________________________
Design: _____________________________________________
Professional license: __________________________
Intervention (if applicable): ______________________________
Professional License: _________________________
Construction: ________________________________________


1 Accessibility to all control and protection devices
2 Supports or structures
3 Safety signs and signals
4 Adequate chambers and raceways
5 Splice and control devices
6 Safety distances
7 Connections performance
8 Operation of automatic cut of the feeding
9 Fittings
10 Circuit identification
11 Materials in accordance with environment
12 Calculation memories
13 Plans, sketches and diagrams
14 Protection against corrosion
15 Grounding resistance
16 Insulation resistance
17 Product certifications review
18 Selection of conductors
19 Selection of protection devices against over currents
20 Selection of protection devices against over tensions
21 Pass, contact and transferred tensions
22 Electromagnetic field values
OBSERVATIONS, MODIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL WARNINGS (if any) and identification of annexes


Responsible for report:
Name and signature of inspection entity ______________________________________ Accreditation resolution: ________________________
Domicile’s Address ______________________________________________________ Telephone number: ____________________________
Name and signature of inspector ____________________________________________ Professional license: ____________________________
Form 4. Monitoring and verification report for distribution installations

Place and date Inspection entities Report No. •

Name of the owner of the installation _________________________________________________________________________
Address of the installation ____________________________________________________________________________________
Type of installation Residential • Industrial • Commercial • Special Type •
Installed capacity (kVA): ___________ Tensions (V) ______________ Year when construction was finished: __________
Qualified persons responsible for the installation:
Professional License: __________________________
Design: _____________________________________________
Professional license: __________________________
Intervention (if applicable): ______________________________
Professional License: _________________________
Construction: ________________________________________


1 Accessibility to all protection devices
2 Pump against fires
3 Continuity of ground conductors and equipotential of connections
4 Currents in the grounding system
5 Safety distances
6 Connections performance
7 Operation tests
8 Existence of plans, sketches, signs and signals
9 Operation of the automatic cut of the feeding
10 Raceway identification
11 Circuit identification
12 Phase, neutral and ground conductors identification
13 Materials according to environmental conditions
14 Calculation memories
15 Lighting levels
16 Protection against internal arcs
17 Protection against electrocution by direct contact
18 Protection against electrocution by indirect contact
19 Insulation resistance
20 Grounding resistance (value)
21 Product certifications review
22 Selection of conductors
23 Selection of protection devices against over currents
24 Selection of protection devices against over tensions
25 Emergency system
26 Protection against lightning system
27 Values of electromagnetic fields
Note: In dwelling installations and small shops, the items to verify are: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26
OBSERVATIONS, MODIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL WARNINGS (if any) and identification of annexes


Responsible for report:
Name and signature of inspection entity ______________________________________ Accreditation resolution: ________________________
Domicile’s Address ______________________________________________________ Telephone number: ____________________________
Name and signature of inspector ____________________________________________ Professional license: ____________________________
Form 5. Monitoring and verification report for final use installations
44.6.6 Installations’ inspection

To ensure that installations maintain their safety during their useful life, the following requirements shall
be complied with:

a. The installations subject to this Regulation shall have their compliance verified, through technical
inspections performed by Inspection Entities accredited for this purpose. The periodicity of the final
use installations’ inspection shall be maximum ten years. This periodicity will be reduced to five
years for installations classified as special.

b. In case that due to deficiencies of the electrical installations there is a high risk to health or life,
immediate information shall be given to the Main’s Operator with the purpose of having the
compromised installation de - energized, unless this disconnection may produce a situation of higher
risk to people than that which is to be corrected or avoided. Before and during de - energization the
necessary measures to avoid an accident shall be taken. If the owner of an electrical installation does
not correct the high risk situation, those who consider themselves affected may take the judicial
actions that apply or notify the fact to the competent judicial and administrative authorities.

c. When modifications are performed to the electrical installations destined to electricity’s final use, the
owner or manager of said installations shall ensure that the work is performed by qualified persons.
Available record of said modifications shall be left to facilitate their consulting when necessary.

d. Modifications to mains directly performed by the Main’s Operator or by third parties’ qualified
personnel under supervision of the OR’s personnel, shall be adapted to the safety conditions
established in this Regulation. Shall modifications shall be documented and be available at the office
of the Main’s Operator in such a way that consulting them is easy in the event that it becomes
necessary to do so.

e. In installations existing when the RETIE comes into force, the owner or holder of the installation,
with the support of qualified personnel, will be responsible for verifying that there is no high hazard
or imminent danger.

44.6.7 Validity of certifications and reports issued under other resolutions

For the purposes of demonstrating conformity, this General Appendix shows no substantial changes in
requirements for products with respect to those set forth in the Regulation adopted through Resolutions
180498 and 181419 of 2005 and 180466 of 2007. Therefore, the certificates issued by those certification
entities presently accredited under those resolutions, will be valid and may continue being issued until the
expiration of the accreditation or until they are renewed for this Resolution.

Likewise, the reports issued by inspection entities shall make reference to the requirements in force under
the version of the regulation in force at the date of accreditation, and within a period of time not
exceeding six months counted as of the date of publication of the resolution that adopts this General
Appendix., they shall have processed the accreditation’s update according to the new Regulation. If this
period of time has elapsed and the Inspection entity has not updated its accreditation, it may not continue
issuing reports in accordance with prior resolutions.

New products certificates and reports done under the requirements of the new resolution will be
completely valid, even during the six months transition.



The contents of this Technical Regulation, issued by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, followed the
procedure and methodologies accepted by the agreement on Technical Obstacles to Commerce. The
review and update of the Regulation will be done by the Ministry of Mines and Energy; in this sense, the
competent organism to interpret and modify the Regulation will be the Ministry of Mines and Energy.
This will be done officiously or at third parties’ request.

In those cases related to certification procedures, related to products subject to the regulation, the
Superintendency of Industry and Trade may convene a Sector Technical Committee conformed by public
authorities and experts, to analyze, interpret and review subjects related to this Regulation, in agreement
with Resolution 8728 of 2001 from The Superintendency of Industry and Trade or the laws that modify or
replace it.

Attending to the technical development and in exceptional cases or objective situations duly justified, the
Ministry of Mines and Energy may authorize technical requirements different from those included in the
Technical Regulation for Electrical Installations. Due to their less permanent and in constant evolution
character, the Ministry of Mines and Energy may, in a discretionary manner, review them to ensure that
the requirements are perfectly adapted to the level of technological development in each circumstance.

Application of new techniques. When the designer of an installation foresees the use or application of
new techniques or circumstances not foreseen in the present Regulation occur, he / she may justify
introducing technical innovations showing the aims, as well as the international rules and prescriptions
that apply. The Ministry of Mines and Energy may accept or reject the project based on the innovations
that it includes being or not justified, in accordance with legitimate purposes.

The electrical sector entities, without departing from the efficiency and adaptability principles referred to
by Law 143 of 2004, may subject complementary proposals, indicating the concrete technical conditions
that are essential to obtain greater safety in electrical installations. These laws shall adjust to the
provisions of this Regulation and shall be submitted to the Direction of the Ministry of Mines and Energy
for their approval.



Notwithstanding the civil or criminal responsibility that applies, non compliance with the requirements
established in this Technical Regulation will be penalized according to what is established in Colombian
Law in force, as follows:

a. The Public Services Entities according to the Regime established in Law 142 of 1994, and the laws
that modify, clarify or replace it, and in all other applicable laws.

b. The qualified persons, by the laws that regulate the performance of professions related to electro
technique and all other applicable laws.

c. The users in agreement with the provisions of Decree 1842 of 1992 “National Statute of Users of
domicile public services”, Law 142 of 1994, CREG Resolution 108 of 1997 and all other applicable

d. Producers, commercializers, providers and importers, by Decree 3466 of 1982, Law 446 of 1998 and
all other applicable laws.

e. Accredited Entities according to the provisions of Decrees 2152 of 1992 and 2269 of 1993, and all
other applicable laws and the laws modify, clarify or replace it.


Given in Bogota, D.C.


In charge of the functions of the

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