Software Defined Radio
Software Defined Radio
Software Defined Radio
INDEX NO. 074083
Dr. Tahani Abdalla Attia
University of Khartoum
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
B.Sc. (HONS) Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
September 2012
I declare that this report entitled “Software Defined Radio for Cubesat” is my own work except
as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted for any degree and is not being
submitted concurrently in candidature for any degree or other award.
Signature: _________________________
Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________________________
From the very beginning to the end, I thank Allah who provided me with health and strength and
through whom a number of relatives, friends and many others helped me throughout this project.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my supervisor Dr.Tahani Abdallah
for her support, help and guidance throughout this project.
I would like to thank also Dr. Nadir Omer, whose vision and constructive criticism over the last year
have been my privilege.
Special gratitude to my project partner Nibras Sirag, for her support, hard work, team spirit and
I am as ever, indebted to my family, especially my mother for supporting me throughout my life.
Software defined radio (SDR) has emerged from obscurity to be heralded in recent years as offering
a potential solution to our historical and continued inability to achieve common global
communication standards. Software defined radio offers a highly flexible system that can work with
different communication standards. Moreover, it allows new features to be added to the system
without requiring the underlying architecture to be changed.
This project aims to develop a simple software defined radio transceiver for University of Khartoum
educational ground station that provides users with basic capabilities of changing the filtering
parameters, tuning frequency and modulation/demodulation scheme. The system is based on
software in which most of the transceiver functions are implemented with as minimum hardware as
The system was developed and implemented successfully using a PC and an RF front end. The
software program was written using C++ to cope with real time processing requirement. The
software operation for baseband processing was tested. Transmission and reception of baseband
signals were performed successfully.
Although the results obtained from testing the system are satisfactory, a software improvement is
still required in order to increase the signal quality. System integration was not completed due to
time constraints.
. RF
. C++
TITLE.................................................................................................................................................. I
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY …....................................................................................... II
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................................................................. III
ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................... IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................. VI
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................................... IX
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................... XI
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................XII
1. Chapter One................................................................................................................................ 1
2.5 Software Defined Radio Projects Review ........................................................................... 13
4.2 Software Modules Testing ................................................................................................... 33 AM ............................................................................................................................... 37 FM ................................................................................................................................ 39 AM ............................................................................................................................... 41 FM ................................................................................................................................ 43
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 48
APPENDIX A…………………….…..…...………………………………………………….A-1
APPENDIX B……………………...…………………………………………………….........B-1
APPENDIX C………………………………………………………………………………....C-1
Figure Page
Figure 2.1 Ideal transceiver architecture .............................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.2 FPGA based software defined radio ................................................................................. 10
Figure 2.3 Xilinix SpartanIIE FPGA kit ............................................................................................ 10
Figure 2.4 DSP based software defined radio .................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.5 Altera-Cyclone II DSP kit................................................................................................. 11
Figure 2.6 PC Based Software Defined Radio ................................................................................... 12
Figure 3.1 Spiral model ...................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3.2 Typical transceiver system ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 3.3 Receiver Subsystem .......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 3.4 Transmitter Subsystem ..................................................................................................... 18
Figure 3.5 Receiver RF front end block diagram ............................................................................... 19
Figure 3.6 Pre-selector filter............................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3.7 Mixer ................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 3.8 Phase transformer.............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 3.9 Transmitter RF front end block diagram .......................................................................... 22
Figure 3.10 Typical computer architecture ........................................................................................ 24
Figure 3.11 Receiver RF front end circuit schematic......................................................................... 26
Figure 3.12 Transmitter RF front end circuit schematic .................................................................... 26
Figure 3.13 A photo of the system RF front end ................................................................................ 27
Figure 3.14 Audio stream flow .......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3.15 GUI window ................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.16 Modulation mode operations .......................................................................................... 31
Figure 3.17 Demodulation mode operations ...................................................................................... 32
Figure 4.1 Sound card output at input of constant amplitude ........................................................... 35
Figure 4.2 Sound card output at input of constant frequency ............................................................ 35
Figure 4.3 Lowpass filter at 10KHz cutoff frequency Bode plot ....................................................... 36
Figure 4.4 AM modulated signal ........................................................................................................ 37
Figure 4.5 DSB modulated signal ...................................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.6 ASK modulated signal ...................................................................................................... 39
Figure 4.7 FM modulated signal ........................................................................................................ 39
Figure 4.8 BFSK modulated signal .................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.9 BPSK modulated signal .................................................................................................... 41
Figure 4.10 AM demodulation ........................................................................................................... 42
Figure 4.11 DSB demodulation .......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 4.12 ASK demodulation ......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 4.13 FM demodulation ............................................................................................................ 43
Figure 4.14 BFSK demodulation ....................................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.15 BPSK demodulation ....................................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.16 Received signal using RF front end ................................................................................ 45
Table Page
Table 4.1 Sound card output at 0.3Vp-p input ................................................................................... 34
Table 4.2 Sound card output at input of 12KHz ................................................................................ 34
Table 4.3 Lowpass filter of 10KHz cutoff frequency behavior ......................................................... 36
1. Chapter One
1.1 Overview
2. The conventional hardware defined radios have little flexibility and mostly doesn't
support multiple wireless communication protocols because of the limitation of hardware.
Also, development of radio that involves new services is very difficult because it requires
hardware changes, which means more power consumption, long development time and
high production cost.
3. Performing the baseband signal processing in the software domain allows for much
greater re-configurability than traditional radios provide. In addition, the cost of a
software defined radio platforms are often lower than those of a more traditional
platforms because the software is reusable and often available at relatively low cost.
Introduction Chapter One
1.4 Objectives
The main objective of this project is to develop a software defined radio of high
flexibility and minimum cost for University of Khartoum KNSAT educational ground
Introduction Chapter One
station. This is done with the aim of making the system available for usage and/or
modification by students, graduates and researchers.
1.5 Methodology
In order to implement a software defined radio consists of software that used for different
type of modulation and RF front end receiver, a small set of requirements is considered
and goes through each development phase for those set of requirements, design,
implementing and testing is done at each phase, based on that, functionality for additional
requirements is added in ever-increasing until the application is ready for integration,
installation and maintenance phase.
The system is divided into modules, so that each module is independent from the others,
to be reused for other implementation where ever it needed. For the hardware part, the
components with low cost are selected. On the other hand, free and open source software
is implemented.
Introduction Chapter One
2. Chapter Two
2.1 Overview
This chapter aims to examine the possible architectures for a software defined radio. This
is done with the aim of providing guidance to certain design decisions that will be made
later throughout the project. This chapter begins a brief overview of ground stations
which is provided to show the importance of software defined radio. Following that, the
various tools and techniques that can be used for software-defined radio are introduced
and discussed. The chapter ends by presenting some of the software defined radio
existing implemented projects.
Literature Review Chapter Two
Literature Review Chapter Two
conversion. The other one magnifies the incoming signal from the antenna
before passing it to A/D. The amplifier must have linear characteristics to
prevent signal distortion.
Anti-Aliasing and Reconstruction Filter: anti-aliasing filter is included
before the A/D converter to prevent generation of image signals. Because
once an aliased image is created in the sampling process, no amount of
further processing can distinguish between a true signal and an aliased
The filter must be a lowpass filter tuned to a frequency that is less or equal
half the sampling frequency of the A/D converter. The filter must have
also linear characteristics in order to protect signal properties.
For the same reason, the output of a D/A converter requires a lowpass
analog filter, called a reconstruction filter, as the output signal must be
band limited, to prevent aliasing (here meaning Fourier coefficients being
reconstructed as low frequency waves, not as higher frequency aliases).
Ideally, both filters should be brick wall filters, constant phase delay in the
passband with constant flat frequency response, and zero response from
the Nyquist frequency.
Antenna: it is used to radiate and receive signals.
A/D converter: it is used to convert the incoming analog signal into
digital in order to perform digital signal processing techniques to it. The
converter must have a sampling rate that is twice maximum incoming
signal frequency according to sampling theorem. A/D converters of high
sampling rate for high frequency signals are quiet expensive and are not
usually available in the local markets. A potential solution is to down
convert the incoming signal frequency into a suitable frequency range
using a mixer stage before the converter.
D/A converter: it is used to convert digital signal into analog in order to
transmit it by the antenna. This component is chosen depending on the
required frequency band of the output signals. Its sampling rate must also
follow the sampling theorem.
Literature Review Chapter Two
RF-output DAC Amplifier Circulator
RF-input ADC
Literature Review Chapter Two
Literature Review Chapter Two
computationally intensive forms of signal processing, rather than very high-speed front-
end applications.
The DSP kit - like the FPGA kit- contains many features that can be utilized for the
transceiver, such as A/D and D/A converters, anti-aliasing and reconstruction filters, RF
inputs pins and the processor. Figure 2.4 DSP based software defined radio describes a
possible architecture for the transceiver.
The DSP based software-defined radio contains features that ease the DSP operations
more than the FPGA based architecture, but still not as much as the PC based one.
Literature Review Chapter Two
Moreover, DSP based architecture is built to perform DSP operations; any other
operation type is not applicable, therefore decreasing the system flexibility.
Different aspects must be considered for purchasing the DSP kit for software-defined
radio; most important are the memory, sampling rate and clock speed.
Literature Review Chapter Two
specific language or software. GPP has high processing capabilities therefore it can be
used in different application by simply programming it by any high level language such
as C and Java.
Today PCs can contain more than one processor and very large memory. Consequently,
implementing DSP operations on PC is simple, efficient and cost effective. Therefore
there is no need to buy an FPGA or DSP kit. Anyone with sufficient knowledge can
create his own transceiver using his PC. Figure 2.6 PC Based Software Defined Radio
illustrates the PC based software defined radio. The signal is input to the processor using
any one of the external ports. A/D and D/A converters are required in the system
preceding the ports as shown in the figure (the figure assumes that all input signals are of
frequency below half the sampling rate). To eliminate the need for an external A/D and
D/A converters, the PC sound card can be utilized. This is by passing the incoming signal
through the microphone jack and then taking the output signal after processing from the
speakers jack. This method limits the signal frequency band that can be received
depending on the sound card sampling rate.
Literature Review Chapter Two
Literature Review Chapter Two
and the base transceiver station. Nowadays there is no mobile that does not use software
defined radio.
Moreover, there are several companies that develop the hardware and/or the software
products to be used for different applications such as FlexRadio systems. Open source
hardware and software are also available for software-defined radio. GNU Radio is a free
and open source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to
implement software radios upon which several open source hardware can be used [11].
Universal software radio peripheral (USRP) is an open source hardware which is
designed and sold by Ettus Research, LLC and its parent company, National Instruments.
The USRP is commonly used with the GNU Radio software suite to create complex
software-defined radio systems. HPSDR (high performance software defined radio) is
open source hardware and software project intended for use by Radio Amateurs ("hams")
and Short Wave Listeners (SWLs) [12].
Another SDR hardware that has recently become available in small numbers and which
has been bought by amateur radio enthusiasts around the world is the Fun Cube Dongle
or „FCD‟ [13]. FCD can be used with any of the software defined radio programs
available such as Rocky developed by Alex VE3NRA and WINRAD developed by
Alberto IPHD [14].
3. Chapter Three
3.1 Introduction
The project is designed based on a straightforward methodology using PC components, to
help use and development of the project. The aim of this chapter is to describe the tools
and designs that were employed to implement the project and achieve its objectives. The
chapter begins by listing some considerations that were taken into account while
designing the system. Then the development methodology, project scope and system
requirements are discussed. The chapter continues by discussing system design in details
for both hardware and software and ends by discussing system implementation.
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Analysis Evaluation
Planning Development
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
A/D Digital
Analog converter
Input From Signal
Radio Front
Antenna (Sound Processing
Card) on GPP
Digital D/A
Signal Converter RF Front Output to
Processing (Sound End Antenna
on GPP Card)
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Pre-selector Phase
Filter Transformer
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
(Eqn. 3.1)
(Eqn. 3.4)
And after filtering:
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
(Eqn. 3.5)
The variable frequency oscillator used is the laboratory signal generator. The signal
generator can generate a signal from dc up to a frequency of 1GHz. It can also
generate a signal of different forms. That is square, triangular and sinusoidal wave.
The signal form used here is the sinusoidal.
v. Phase Transformer
(Eqn. 3.6)
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
i. Mixer
Here the mixer is used to up convert the signal from baseband to higher frequencies
suitable for transmission as described by (Eqn. 3.2)
(Eqn. 3.3)
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Classes: In OOP we say that objects are members of classes. A class is thus a
description of a number of similar objects. An object is often called an “instance”
of a class.
Reusability: Once a class has been written, created, and debugged, it can be
distributed to other programmers for use in their own programs.
3.7.1 Hardware
The receiver RF front end components described in section Receiver RF Front End3.6.2.1
were connected together. The complete circuit schematic is shown in Figure 3.11. Also,
the Transmitter RF front end components described in section were also
connected. The complete circuit schematic is shown in Figure 3.12. Since the two
circuits have components in common, the two circuits were combined into one circuit
that can operate as a transmitter or receiver, depending on the user requirements. The
created circuit is shown in Figure 3.13.
3.7.2 Software
The system software could was divided into five modules, each module represent a C++
class that consist of its own data and functions, the functions operate on these data to
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
perform a specific task. These classes are Audio class, Modulation class, Demodulation
class, Filter class and GUI class. See Appendix C for description about the classes found
in the header files.
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
The main part of initialization is to set the basic parameters for the audio, like input
channels, output channels, data type, sample rate, frames per buffer then the callback
function performs the audio manipulation. However, PortAudio delivers the audio data
always in blocks of sizes which must be chosen as minimum as possible.
The actual signal processing is done in the manipulation part. The task that has to be
performed by callback function is to call the sub-routines that will do the desired
processing by the user.
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
Design and Implementation Chapter Three
4. Chapter Four
4.1 Introduction
As a consequence of using the spiral model for the system development, the design
procedure is carried out for each module separately. Then the modules were
implemented, tested, debugged and improved by adding more features. Any PC running
windows 98 SE or better has Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express with PortAudio V 19
audio library installed in it can be used. Since the software has not been integrated yet, a
special test code for each module was written. The hardware was also tested separately
for performing its function.
Testing and Results Chapter Four
the limitation that maximum input voltage that can be applied to it is 0.3Vp-p and
maximum output voltage is 3Vp-p. It worth noting here that the results were taken at
speakers volume of 100%, that‟s why the output results are amplified by almost ten times
the input voltage.
Testing and Results Chapter Four
Output (Vp-p)
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Frequency (KHz)
Output (Vp-p)
0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 2.5 3 4
Input (Vp-p)
Testing and Results Chapter Four
Amplitude (Vp-p)
0.5 1 2 4 5 6 10 10.5 10.8 11 11.5 15 20
Frequency (KHz)
Testing and Results Chapter Four AM
Here the program modulates the incoming signal through the microphone jack and
outputs the result through the speakers jack. The message signal voltage used was 0.3Vp-
p. Then signal from the speakers jack was measured using an oscilloscope. The signal is
shown in Figure 4.4. DSB
For DSB modulation, the program modulates the incoming signal through the
microphone jack and outputs the result through the speakers jack. The program also asks
for the modulation index required. This option is limited by the maximum output voltage
that the sound card can deliver, for example if the speakers volume is 100% and the
maximum modulated signal amplitude is greater than 0.3 the output signal will suffer
Testing and Results Chapter Four
from clipping. Therefore it is important to carefully calculate the modulation index and to
put under consideration the speakers volume. By performing a DSB modulation on the
message signal, the output was displayed on the oscilloscope and it is shown in Figure
4.5. ASK
For ASK modulation, the ASK option must be chosen. The program modulates the
incoming signal through the microphone jack, which was 0.2Vp-p, and outputs the result
through the speakers jack. The signal from the Speakers jack was is displayed on an
oscilloscope. The signal is shown in Figure 4.6.
As shown in Figure 4.6, we realize that the ASK signal in not smooth. This is because the
sound card D/A converter cannot represent a smooth square signal, because the sound
card has a limited bandwidth, while a perfect square wave would require infinite (or at
least very large) bandwidth.
Testing and Results Chapter Four FM
Here the incoming signal is FM modulated. The results is then taken from the speakers
jack and displayed on the oscilloscope. The results are shown in Figure 4.7.
Testing and Results Chapter Four
From Figure 4.7, the FM modulated signal is perfect; having the frequency of the carrier
varies in accordance with the message signal amplitude. The results were taken with
input signal voltage of 0.2Vp-p. BFSK
Here then program will BFSK modulate the incoming signal. The results were pictured as
they were displayed on its screen. The results are shown in Figure 4.8. BPSK
For BPSK, the program performs the modulation. Figure 4.9 describes the BPSK
modulation. The signal is inverted at inversion points from positive to negative and from
positive to negative. The results were for a message signal of 0.2Vp-p and speakers
output volume of 100%.
Testing and Results Chapter Four AM
For AM demodulation option, any AM signal that is passed to the microphone jack is
demodulated and the message signal is extracted from it. Figure 4.10 shows the AM
demodulation performed on the AM modulated signal that was previously generated in
section DSB
As in section, the DSB demodulation will take the generated DSB modulated
signal and demodulate it. Figure 4.11 shows the results of the demodulation operation
that is performed on the DSB modulated signal generated previously.
Testing and Results Chapter Four ASK
Here the demodulation is also performed on the ASK signal that was generated
previously to have the output results are shown in Figure 4.6. We can realize that the
generated signal is not smooth. This is for the same reason mentioned in section
Testing and Results Chapter Four FM
FM demodulation was performed on the generated FM signal that was generated in
section; the generated output is shown in Figure 4.13.
Testing and Results Chapter Four BFSK
Here too the BFSK demodulation was tested on the BFSK signal generated previously in
section The generated output is shown in Figure 4.14. BPSK
As done previously, the BPSK demodulation is performed on the signal generated in
section is used to test the demodulator. The results are shown in Figure 4.15.
Testing and Results Chapter Four
5. Chapter Five
Conclusion Chapter Five
[1] “What is Software Defined Radio” The Wireless Innovation Forum and IEEE
p1900.1 Group [online]. Available:, accessed in Jan 14, 2012.
[2] “Software Defined Radio” Wikipedia [online].
Available:, accessed in Dec
21, 2011.
[3] RJ Lackey and DW Upmal, "Speakeasy: The Military Software Radio," IEEE
Communications Magazine, May 1995
[4] "Earth station" , Federal Standard 1037C, General Services Administration, 1996
[5] P. G. Cook,W. Bonser, “Architectural Overview of the SPEAKeasy System”,
IEEE Communications Magazine, April 1999
[6] Z. Salcic, C. F. Mecklenbrauker, “Software Radio - Architectural Requirements,
Research and Development Challenges”, The 8th International Conference on
Communication Systems, Volume 2, November 2002
[7] Peter B. Kenington, RF Baseband Techniques for Software Defined Radio.
London: Artech House, 2005.
[8] P. Johnson, "New Research Lab Leads to Unique Radio Receiver," by space
systems technology group, garland division May 1985, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp 6-7.
[9] P. Hoeher and H. Lang, "Coded-8PSK modem for fixed and mobile satellite
services based on DSP," in Proc. First Int. Workshop on Digital Signal Processing
Techniques Applied to Space Communications, ESA/ ESTEC, Noordwijk,
Netherlands, Nov. 1988; ESA WPP-006, Jan. 1990, pp. 117-123.
[10] “JTRS” [online] Available: Accessed in Apr
9, 2012
[11] “GNU Radio” [online]. Available: Accessed in Apr 9,2012
[12] “HPSDR” [online]. Available: Accessed in Apr 11, 2012.
[13] “Fun Cube Dongle” [online]. Available: in Mar 29,2012
[14] “SoftRock” [online]. Available:
Accessed in Mar 30, 2012.
PortAudio is free to use software where even the source code is free and users are
allowed to change the code. To ensure that it is used in the way the primary developer
wanted it, it is published under the “The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or
simply GPL) is a widely used free software license, originally written by Richard
Stallman for the GNU project. It is the license used by the Linux kernel. The GPL is the
most popular and well-known example of the type of strong copy left license that requires
derived works to be available under the same copy left. Under this philosophy, the GPL
is said to grant the recipients of a computer program the rights of the free software
definition and uses copy left to ensure the freedoms are preserved, even when the work is
changed or added to. This is in distinction to permissive free software licensees, of which
the BSD licenses are the standard examples.
The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) is a modified, more permissive, version
of the GPL, intended for some software libraries. There is also a GNU Free
Documentation License, which was originally intended for use with documentation for
GNU software, but has also been adopted for other uses, such as the Wikipedia project.”
B. APPENDIX B: Audio.cpp
C. APPENDIX C: Software Modules
C.1 Audio.h
C.2 Modulation.h
C.3 Demodulation.h
C.4 Filter.h