Composites Tutorial WIP
Composites Tutorial WIP
Composites Tutorial WIP
3 Composites Tutorial
Table of Contents
Defining a Laminate Material in Femap 9.3 …….…………………………………….. 3
Femap 9.3 Layup Editor ……………………………………….………………………. 4
Orthotropic Materials Overview ………………………………………… …………… 5
Defining an Orthotropic Material in Femap 9.3 ………………………… ……………. 6
Example 1: Creating a Submarine Laminate Model in Femap 9.3 …...…………….. …. 8
Creating the Laminate Material ……………………………………….. 10
Defining the Laminate Layup ………………………………………… 11
Defining the Laminate Property ………………………………………. 12
Specifying Material Angles …………………………………………… 13
Post Processing the Results …………………………………………… 15
Using Plate Elements to Model Honeycomb Core Composites ………………………. 17
Classical Plate Theory Applied to Honeycomb Composites .…………. 18
The Nastran PShell Property Card …………………………………….. 19
Using the PShell Property Card for Honeycomb Composites ………… 20
Using Femap to Setup a Honeycomb Panel …………………………… 21
Example 2: Comparing Different Laminate Modeling Methods ……….……………... 22
Material Properties used in the Example ……………………………… 23
Honeycomb Model using Solid Elements with Laminate Face Skins … 24
Honeycomb Model using Classical Plate Theory ……………………... 27
Honeycomb Model using Laminate Elements ………………………… 31
Results Summary ………………………………………………………. 34
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………….. 35
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
Orthotropic Materials
Often times Composites can be modeled as
Orthotropic materials. The Nastran Mat8 material
card can be used to simulate orthotropic behavior.
The above is an example of an orthotropic material.
The 1 direction could corresponds to the x direction
and the 2 to the y or vise-versa. When deciding
which direction is the x and which is the y, what is
important is that the chosen convention is adhered to.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
Jones, Robert M. Mechanics of Composite Materials. New York: Hemisphere, 1975. 70.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
It is here that the Failure theory is also specified. This example will use Hoffman’s theory.
These failure theories produce failure indexes. An index greater than 1 denotes failure. Each
ply in the laminate will have an associated failure index. The equation used to calculate the
Hoffman index is shown below.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
Going to Modify-Update
Elements-Material Angle
allows the user to specify the laminate direction. In the case above, a cylindrical coordinate system
was created, called Cylindrical 1. Using this coordinate system, the inner ring of elements were
specified as pointing in the theta direction.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
EI ' td 2
D= I'≈
1 −ν 2 4
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
The Nastran
Property Card
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
We will then compare the pros and cons of each methods, and evaluate the results.
The models are simply supported, with a body load of 10 G’s. Each configuration is modeled as
half symmetric.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
The material properties for the face sheets and the core are shown above.
The face sheets are graphite composite, while the core is modeled as an
isotropic material.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
Deflection results for the solid / laminate model are shown above. The peak
deflection is -0.0139 inches.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
In this model, plate elements will be used to simulate the behavior of the honeycomb panel. The
equations from classical plate theory given on pages 18-21 are used to modify the behavior of the
plate element.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
BendingStiffness 12.
BendingStiffness = 12.25
ρ .0000045
NSM D .ρ
NSM = 1.35 10
ts D
= 1.5
For the previously given material properties, the equations on pg. 20 yield the values that
have been entered into the plate property definition. Actual Calculations are given above.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
Deflection results for the classical plate theory model are shown above. The
peak deflection is -0.0142 inches.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
The above model uses only laminate elements to simulate the honeycomb composite. The face
sheets as well as the core material are all contained in one material property.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
What is so nice about the laminate element is its simplicity; in one property, everything can be
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
Deflection results for the laminate model are shown above. The peak
deflection is -0.0137 inches.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
Results Summary
Node Solution Deflection % Variance from
Count Time Laminate Model
Hex Model 3381 10 s -0.0139 in 1.43 %
Classical Model 677 5s -0.0142 in 3.5 %
Laminate Model 677 5s -0.0137 in 0%
The above table compares the results from the three models. The Hex and Laminate models correlate most
closely, while the classical model deviates by about 3.5 %. All of the results are fairly consistent, but there
are other considerations which contribute to deciding which is the ‘best’ method.
The Hex model is accurate, but has a significantly higher node count and therefore solution time. The
classical model has a small node count, but extraneous calculations are required to set up the model. The
laminate model has both a low node count and is easy to set up. In addition, the laminate element
formulation provides features not available with the other two methods. The laminate element can provide
stress on a ply by ply bases as well as ply specific failure indices. Ply bond failure indices are also
available with the laminate. The laminate element seems the clear winner, not only for ease of use and low
node count, but because of the many options exclusively available to it.
Predictive Engineering FEMAP 9.3 Composites Tutorial
Three methods for analyzing composites have been explored in this tutorial. Each method
has its good points, and some are more generally effective than others. Each has its own set
of assumptions and limitations.
Using classical plate theory to model honeycomb panels can be effective, but it certainly has
limitations and it should not be construed to be capable of handling all of the general cases
that the more expansive laminate theory can.
As is true with all areas of Finite Element Analysis, nothing can compensate for a lack of
theoretical understanding and good judgment. The forgoing explanations represent a very
small piece of the world of composite analysis and is meant only as a brief introduction. It is
hoped that what is contained in this tutorial can function as a good foundation from which to
Jared Ellefson
Phone: 541.760.2955