Elatech HTD 3m Timing Belts
Elatech HTD 3m Timing Belts
Elatech HTD 3m Timing Belts
• Widely used in linear positioning, light power transmission
3 applications.
• Width tolerance: ±0,5 [mm]
• Length tolerance: ±0,5 [mm/m]
• Thickness tolerance: ±0,2 [mm]
Type M Type V Type M 4000
[mm] [N] [N] [N] [N] [kg/m] 100
10 320 160 1250 80000 0,02 2000 015
15 510 255 2000 127500 0,03 1500
25 900 450 3500 225000 0,05
The specific load FUspez is the maximum load which one single FU [N] = peripheral force
belt tooth 1 cm wide can withstand in all operating conditions. FUspez [N/cm] = specific load
This force is related to the drive rpm. ze = number of teeth in mesh in the small pulley
The total load F U transmissible by the belt in the drive is zemax = max. no of teeth in mesh to be considered
calculated by: for the calculation of the drive
zemax = 12 for ELATECH® M
zemax = 6 for ELATECH® V
FU [N] = FUspez • ze • b
b [cm] = belt width in cm
Minimum pulley number of teeth and minimum idler diameter
Drive without reverse bending Timing pulley zmin 16
Timing pulleys
z da dw z da dw z da dw z da dw
10 8,79 9,55 43 40,30 41,06 76 71,82 72,58 109 103,33 104,09
11 9,74 10,50 44 41,26 42,02 77 72,77 73,53 110 104,29 105,05
12 10,70 11,46 45 42,21 42,97 78 73,73 74,49 111 105,24 106,00
13 11,65 12,41 46 43,17 43,93 79 74,68 75,44 112 106,20 106,96
14 12,61 13,37 47 44,12 44,88 80 75,64 76,40 113 107,15 107,91
15 13,56 14,32 48 45,08 45,84 81 76,59 77,35 114 108,11 108,87
16 14,52 15,28 49 46,03 46,79 82 77,55 78,31 115 109,06 109,82
17 15,47 16,23 50 46,99 47,75 83 78,50 79,26 116 110,02 110,78
18 16,43 17,19 51 47,94 48,70 84 79,46 80,22 117 110,97 111,73
19 17,38 18,14 52 48,90 49,66 85 80,41 81,17 118 111,93 112,69
20 18,34 19,10 53 49,85 50,61 86 81,37 82,13 119 112,88 113,64
21 19,29 20,05 54 50,81 51,57 87 82,32 83,08 120 113,83 114,59
22 20,25 21,01 55 51,76 52,52 88 83,28 84,04 121 114,79 115,55
23 21,20 21,96 56 52,72 53,48 89 84,23 84,99 122 115,74 116,50
24 22,16 22,92 57 53,67 54,43 90 85,19 85,95 123 116,70 117,46
25 23,11 23,87 58 54,63 55,39 91 86,14 86,90 124 117,65 118,41
26 24,07 24,83 59 55,58 56,34 92 87,10 87,86 125 118,61 119,37
27 25,02 25,78 60 56,54 57,30 93 88,05 88,81 126 119,56 120,32
28 25,98 26,74 61 57,49 58,25 94 89,01 89,77 127 120,52 121,28
29 26,93 27,69 62 58,45 59,21 95 89,96 90,72 128 121,47 122,23
30 27,89 28,65 63 59,40 60,16 96 90,92 91,68 129 122,43 123,19
31 28,84 29,60 64 60,36 61,12 97 91,87 92,63 130 123,38 124,14
32 29,80 30,56 65 61,31 62,07 98 92,83 93,59 131 124,34 125,10
33 30,75 31,51 66 62,27 63,03 99 93,78 94,54 132 125,29 126,05
34 31,71 32,47 67 63,22 63,98 100 94,74 95,50 133 126,25 127,01
35 32,66 33,42 68 64,18 64,94 101 95,69 96,45 134 127,20 127,96
36 33,62 34,38 69 65,13 65,89 102 96,65 97,41 135 128,16 128,92
37 34,57 35,33 70 66,09 66,85 103 97,60 98,36 136 129,11 129,87
38 35,53 36,29 71 67,04 67,80 104 98,56 99,32 137 130,07 130,83
39 36,48 37,24 72 68,00 68,76 105 99,51 100,27 138 131,02 131,78
40 37,44 38,20 73 68,95 69,71 106 100,47 101,23 139 131,98 132,74
41 38,39 39,15 74 69,91 70,67 107 101,42 102,18 140 132,93 133,69
42 39,35 40,11 75 70,86 71,62 108 102,38 103,14